2017-12-17 13:11:54 +00:00
{ stdenv, fetchurl, makeWrapper, getopt, jre, cpio, gawk, gnugrep, gnused,
procps, which, gtk2, atk, glib, pango, gdk_pixbuf, cairo, freetype,
fontconfig, dbus, gconf, nss, nspr, alsaLib, cups, expat, libudev,
libX11, libxcb, libXi, libXcursor, libXdamage, libXrandr, libXcomposite,
libXext, libXfixes, libXrender, libXtst, libXScrnSaver, nodePackages,
maxRam ? "1024m" }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = "6.6.0";
rev = "1506661200660_4347";
pname = "CrashPlanSmb";
name = "${pname}_${version}_${rev}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "https://web-eam-msp.crashplanpro.com/client/installers/${name}_Linux.tgz";
sha256 = "1zzx60fpmi2nlzpq80x4hfgspsrgd7ycfcvc6w391wxr0qzf2i9k";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper cpio nodePackages.asar ];
buildInputs = [ getopt which ];
vardir = "/var/lib/crashplan";
manifestdir = "${vardir}/manifest";
postPatch = ''
# patch scripts/CrashPlanEngine
substituteInPlace scripts/CrashPlanEngine \
--replace /bin/ps ${procps}/bin/ps \
--replace awk ${gawk}/bin/awk \
--replace '`sed' '`${gnused}/bin/sed' \
--replace grep ${gnugrep}/bin/grep \
--replace TARGETDIR/log VARDIR/log \
--replace TARGETDIR/\''${NAME} VARDIR/\''${NAME} \
--replace \$TARGETDIR/bin/run.conf $out/bin/run.conf \
--replace \$VARDIR ${vardir}
# patch scripts/CrashPlanDesktop
substituteInPlace scripts/CrashPlanDesktop \
--replace awk ${gawk}/bin/awk \
--replace "\"\$SCRIPTDIR/..\"" "$out" \
--replace "\$(dirname \$SCRIPT)" "$out" \
--replace "\''${TARGETDIR}/log" ${vardir}/log \
--replace "\''${TARGETDIR}" "$out"
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
zcat -v ${pname}_${version}.cpi | (cd $out; cpio -i -d -v --no-preserve-owner)
install -D -m 755 scripts/CrashPlanDesktop $out/bin/CrashPlanDesktop
install -D -m 755 scripts/CrashPlanEngine $out/bin/CrashPlanEngine
install -D -m 644 scripts/run.conf $out/bin/run.conf
install -D -m 644 scripts/CrashPlan.desktop $out/share/applications/CrashPlan.desktop
# unpack, patch and repack app.asar to stop electron from creating /usr/local/crashplan/log to store the ui logs.
asar e $out/app.asar $out/app.asar-unpacked
rm -v $out/app.asar
substituteInPlace $out/app.asar-unpacked/shared_modules/shell/platform_paths.js \
--replace "getLogFileParentPath();" "\"$vardir/log\";"
asar p $out/app.asar-unpacked $out/app.asar
mv -v $out/*.asar $out/electron/resources
chmod 755 "$out/electron/crashplan"
rm -r $out/log
mv -v $out/conf $out/conf.template
ln -s $vardir/log $out/log
ln -s $vardir/cache $out/cache
ln -s $vardir/conf $out/conf
substituteInPlace $out/bin/run.conf \
--replace "-Xmx1024m" "-Xmx${maxRam}"
echo "JAVACOMMON=${jre}/bin/java" > $out/install.vars
echo "APP_BASENAME=CrashPlan" >> $out/install.vars
echo "TARGETDIR=$out" >> $out/install.vars
echo "BINSDIR=$out/bin" >> $out/install.vars
echo "MANIFESTDIR=${manifestdir}" >> $out/install.vars
echo "VARDIR=${vardir}" >> $out/install.vars
echo "INITDIR=" >> $out/install.vars
echo "RUNLVLDIR=" >> $out/install.vars
echo "INSTALLDATE=" >> $out/install.vars
postFixup = ''
patchelf --set-interpreter ${stdenv.glibc}/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 $out/electron/crashplan
wrapProgram $out/bin/CrashPlanDesktop --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH ":" "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [
stdenv.cc.cc.lib gtk2 atk glib pango gdk_pixbuf cairo freetype
fontconfig dbus gconf nss nspr alsaLib cups expat libudev
libX11 libxcb libXi libXcursor libXdamage libXrandr libXcomposite
libXext libXfixes libXrender libXtst libXScrnSaver]}"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "An online backup solution";
homepage = http://www.crashplan.com/business/;
license = licenses.unfree;
2018-02-20 19:42:28 +00:00
platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
2017-12-17 13:11:54 +00:00
maintainers = with maintainers; [ xvapx ];
2018-02-20 19:42:28 +00:00