forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
369 lines
16 KiB
369 lines
16 KiB
{ lib, stdenv
, fetchurl, perl, gcc
, ncurses5
, ncurses6, gmp, libiconv, numactl
, llvmPackages
# minimal = true; will remove files that aren't strictly necessary for
# regular builds and GHC bootstrapping.
# This is "useful" for staying within hydra's output limits for at least the
# aarch64-linux architecture.
, minimal ? false
# Prebuilt only does native
assert stdenv.targetPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform;
downloadsUrl = "";
version = "8.10.2";
# Information about available bindists that we use in the build.
# # Bindist library checking
# The field `archSpecificLibraries` also provides a way for us get notified
# early when the upstream bindist changes its dependencies (e.g. because a
# newer Debian version is used that uses a new `ncurses` version).
# Usage:
# * You can find the `fileToCheckFor` of libraries by running `readelf -d`
# on the compiler binary (`exePathForLibraryCheck`).
# * To skip library checking for an architecture,
# set `exePathForLibraryCheck = null`.
# * To skip file checking for a specific arch specfic library,
# set `fileToCheckFor = null`.
ghcBinDists = {
i686-linux = {
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-i386-deb9-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0bvwisl4w0z5z8z0da10m9sv0mhm9na2qm43qxr8zl23mn32mblx";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
# The i686-linux bindist provided by GHC HQ is currently built on Debian 9,
# which link it against `` (ncurses 5).
# Other bindists are linked `` (ncurses 6).
{ nixPackage = ncurses5; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
x86_64-linux =
if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl
{ # musl-bindist (referred to below)
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-alpine3.10-linux-integer-simple.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0xpcbyaxqyhbl6f0i3s4rp2jm67nqpkfh2qlbj3i2fiaix89ml0l";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "bin/ghc";
archSpecificLibraries = [
# In contrast to glibc builds, the musl-bindist uses `*`
# instead of `*.`
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
{ # normal glibc based bindist
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0chnzy9j23b2wa8clx5arwz8wnjfxyjmz9qkj548z14cqf13slcl";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
armv7l-linux = {
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-armv7-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1j41cq5d3rmlgz7hzw8f908fs79gc5mn3q5wz277lk8zdf19g75v";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
aarch64-linux = {
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-aarch64-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "14smwl3741ixnbgi0l51a7kh7xjkiannfqx15b72svky0y4l3wjw";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
{ nixPackage = numactl; fileToCheckFor = null; }
x86_64-darwin = {
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz";
sha256 = "1hngyq14l4f950hzhh2d204ca2gfc98pc9xdasxihzqd1jq75dzd";
exePathForLibraryCheck = null; # we don't have a library check for darwin yet
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = libiconv; fileToCheckFor = null; }
binDistUsed = ghcBinDists.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}
or (throw "cannot bootstrap GHC on this platform");
useLLVM = !stdenv.targetPlatform.isx86;
libPath =
lib.makeLibraryPath (
# Add arch-specific libraries.
++ map ({ nixPackage, ... }: nixPackage) binDistUsed.archSpecificLibraries
libEnvVar = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin "DY"
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit version;
name = "ghc-${version}-binary";
src = fetchurl binDistUsed.src;
nativeBuildInputs = [ perl ];
propagatedBuildInputs =
lib.optionals useLLVM [ llvmPackages.llvm ]
# Because musl bindists currently provide no way to tell where
# libgmp is (see not [musl bindists have no .buildinfo]), we need
# to propagate `gmp`, otherwise programs built by this ghc will
# fail linking with `cannot find -lgmp` errors.
# Also, as of writing, the release pages of musl bindists claim
# that they use `integer-simple` and do not require `gmp`; however
# that is incorrect, so `gmp` is required until a release has been
# made that includes
# (Note that for packaging the `-binary` compiler, nixpkgs does not care
# about whether or not `gmp` is used; this comment is just here to explain
# why the `gmp` dependency exists despite what the release page says.)
++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl [ gmp ]; # musl bindist needs this
# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent so that the programs running as part
# of the bindist installer can find the libraries they expect.
# Cannot patchelf beforehand due to relative RPATHs that anticipate
# the final install location.
${libEnvVar} = libPath;
postUnpack =
# Verify our assumptions of which `` (ncurses) version is used,
# so that we know when ghc bindists upgrade that and we need to update the
# version used in `libPath`.
(binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck != null)
# Note the `*` glob because some GHCs have a suffix when unpacked, e.g.
# the musl bindist has dir `ghc-VERSION-x86_64-unknown-linux/`.
# As a result, don't shell-quote this glob when splicing the string.
(let buildExeGlob = ''ghc-${version}*/"${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck}"''; in
lib.concatStringsSep "\n" [
echo "Checking that ghc binary exists in bindist at ${buildExeGlob}"
if ! test -e ${buildExeGlob}; then
echo >&2 "GHC binary ${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck} could not be found in the bindist build directory (at ${buildExeGlob}) for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
({ fileToCheckFor, nixPackage }:
lib.optionalString (fileToCheckFor != null) ''
echo "Checking bindist for ${fileToCheckFor} to ensure that is still used"
if ! readelf -d ${buildExeGlob} | grep "${fileToCheckFor}"; then
echo >&2 "File ${fileToCheckFor} could not be found in ${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck} for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
echo "Checking that the nix package ${nixPackage} contains ${fileToCheckFor}"
if ! test -e "${lib.getLib nixPackage}/lib/${fileToCheckFor}"; then
echo >&2 "Nix package ${nixPackage} did not contain ${fileToCheckFor} for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
# GHC has dtrace probes, which causes ld to try to open /usr/lib/libdtrace.dylib
# during linking
+ lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
export NIX_LDFLAGS+=" -no_dtrace_dof"
# not enough room in the object files for the full path to libiconv :(
for exe in $(find . -type f -executable); do
isScript $exe && continue
ln -fs ${libiconv}/lib/libiconv.dylib $(dirname $exe)/libiconv.dylib
install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/libiconv.dylib -change /usr/local/lib/gcc/6/libgcc_s.1.dylib ${}/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib $exe
'' +
# Some scripts used during the build need to have their shebangs patched
patchShebangs ghc-${version}/utils/
patchShebangs ghc-${version}/configure
'' +
# We have to patch the GMP paths for the integer-gmp package.
# Note [musl bindists have no .buildinfo]
# Note that musl bindists do not contain them; unclear if that's intended;
# see:
find . -name integer-gmp.buildinfo \
-exec sed -i "s@extra-lib-dirs: @extra-lib-dirs: ${gmp.out}/lib@" {} \;
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
find . -name base.buildinfo \
-exec sed -i "s@extra-lib-dirs: @extra-lib-dirs: ${libiconv}/lib@" {} \;
'' +
# aarch64 does HAVE_NUMA so -lnuma requires it in library-dirs in rts/
# FFI_LIB_DIR is a good indication of places it must be needed.
lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 ''
find . -name \
-exec sed -i "s@FFI_LIB_DIR@FFI_LIB_DIR ${numactl.out}/lib@g" {} \;
'' +
# Rename needed libraries and binaries, fix interpreter
lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
find . -type f -executable -exec patchelf \
--interpreter ${} {} \;
# fix for `configure: error: Your linker is affected by binutils #16177`
preConfigure = lib.optionalString
configurePlatforms = [ ];
configureFlags = [
# Note that musl-based bindists seem to do nothing with the
# `--with-gmp-libraries` flag, see:
"--with-gmp-libraries=${lib.getLib gmp}/lib"
"--with-gmp-includes=${lib.getDev gmp}/include"
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin "--with-gcc=${./}"
# From:
++ lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl "--disable-ld-override";
# No building is necessary, but calling make without flags ironically
# calls install-strip ...
dontBuild = true;
# Apparently necessary for the ghc Alpine (musl) bindist:
# When we strip, and then run the
# patchelf --set-rpath "${libPath}:$(patchelf --print-rpath $p)" $p
# below, running ghc (e.g. during `installCheckPhase)` gives some apparently
# corrupted rpath or whatever makes the loader work on nonsensical strings:
# running install tests
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: : symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: ir6zf6c9f86pfx8sr30n2vjy-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: y/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: 8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: <20>: symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: <20>?: symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: 64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# This is extremely bogus and should be investigated.
dontStrip = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then true else false; # `if` for explicitness
# On Linux, use patchelf to modify the executables so that they can
# find editline/gmp.
postFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux
(if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then
# Keep rpath as small as possible on aarch64 for patchelf#244. All Elfs
# are 2 directories deep from $out/lib, so pooling symlinks there makes
# a short rpath.
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${ncurses6.out}/lib/
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${gmp.out}/lib/
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${numactl.out}/lib/
for p in $(find "$out/lib" -type f -name "*\.so*"); do
(cd $out/lib; ln -s $p)
for p in $(find "$out/lib" -type f -executable); do
if isELF "$p"; then
echo "Patchelfing $p"
patchelf --set-rpath "\$ORIGIN:\$ORIGIN/../.." $p
for p in $(find "$out" -type f -executable); do
if isELF "$p"; then
echo "Patchelfing $p"
patchelf --set-rpath "${libPath}:$(patchelf --print-rpath $p)" $p
'') + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
# not enough room in the object files for the full path to libiconv :(
for exe in $(find "$out" -type f -executable); do
isScript $exe && continue
ln -fs ${libiconv}/lib/libiconv.dylib $(dirname $exe)/libiconv.dylib
install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/libiconv.dylib -change /usr/local/lib/gcc/6/libgcc_s.1.dylib ${}/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib $exe
for file in $(find "$out" -name setup-config); do
substituteInPlace $file --replace /usr/bin/ranlib "$(type -P ranlib)"
'' +
lib.optionalString minimal ''
# Remove profiling files
find $out -type f -name '*.p_o' -delete
find $out -type f -name '*.p_hi' -delete
find $out -type f -name '*_p.a' -delete
# `-f` because e.g. musl bindist does not have this file.
rm -f $out/lib/ghc-*/bin/ghc-iserv-prof
# Hydra will redistribute this derivation, so we have to keep the docs for
# legal reasons (retaining the legal notices etc)
# As a last resort we could unpack the docs separately and symlink them in.
# They're in $out/share/{doc,man}.
# In nixpkgs, musl based builds currently enable `pie` hardening by default
# (see `defaultHardeningFlags` in `make-derivation.nix`).
# But GHC cannot currently produce outputs that are ready for `-pie` linking.
# Thus, disable `pie` hardening, otherwise `recompile with -fPIE` errors appear.
# See:
# *
# *
hardeningDisable = lib.optional stdenv.targetPlatform.isMusl "pie";
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
unset ${libEnvVar}
# Sanity check, can ghc create executables?
cd $TMP
mkdir test-ghc; cd test-ghc
cat > main.hs << EOF
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
main = putStrLn \$([|"yes"|])
$out/bin/ghc --make main.hs || exit 1
echo compilation ok
[ $(./main) == "yes" ]
passthru = {
targetPrefix = "";
enableShared = true;
# Our Cabal compiler name
haskellCompilerName = "ghc-${version}";
meta = rec {
homepage = "";
description = "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler";
license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
platforms = ["x86_64-linux" "armv7l-linux" "aarch64-linux" "i686-linux" "x86_64-darwin"];
hydraPlatforms = builtins.filter (p: minimal || p != "aarch64-linux") platforms;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ lostnet ];