Fork 0
forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
pennae 2d356a1969 nixos/kubernetes: move all k8s docs out of the sandbox
otherwise the manual won't build.

ideally they'll move back into the sandbox at some point, but we're
obviously not qualified to put them there.
2022-01-08 17:13:27 +10:00

369 lines
11 KiB

{ config, options, pkgs, lib, ... }:
with lib;
version = "1.7.1";
cfg = config.services.kubernetes.addons.dns;
ports = {
dns = 10053;
health = 10054;
metrics = 10055;
in {
options.services.kubernetes.addons.dns = {
enable = mkEnableOption "kubernetes dns addon";
clusterIp = mkOption {
description = "Dns addon clusterIP";
# this default is also what kubernetes users
default = (
concatStringsSep "." (
take 3 (splitString "." config.services.kubernetes.apiserver.serviceClusterIpRange
) + ".254";
defaultText = literalDocBook ''
The <literal>x.y.z.254</literal> IP of
type = types.str;
clusterDomain = mkOption {
description = "Dns cluster domain";
default = "cluster.local";
type = types.str;
replicas = mkOption {
description = "Number of DNS pod replicas to deploy in the cluster.";
default = 2;
type = types.int;
reconcileMode = mkOption {
description = ''
Controls the addon manager reconciliation mode for the DNS addon.
Setting reconcile mode to EnsureExists makes it possible to tailor DNS behavior by editing the coredns ConfigMap.
See: <link xlink:href="https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/cluster/addons/addon-manager/README.md"/>.
default = "Reconcile";
type = types.enum [ "Reconcile" "EnsureExists" ];
coredns = mkOption {
description = "Docker image to seed for the CoreDNS container.";
type = types.attrs;
default = {
imageName = "coredns/coredns";
imageDigest = "sha256:4a6e0769130686518325b21b0c1d0688b54e7c79244d48e1b15634e98e40c6ef";
finalImageTag = version;
sha256 = "02r440xcdsgi137k5lmmvp0z5w5fmk8g9mysq5pnysq1wl8sj6mw";
corefile = mkOption {
description = ''
Custom coredns corefile configuration.
See: <link xlink:href="https://coredns.io/manual/toc/#configuration"/>.
type = types.str;
default = ''
.:${toString ports.dns} {
health :${toString ports.health}
kubernetes ${cfg.clusterDomain} in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
pods insecure
fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
prometheus :${toString ports.metrics}
forward . /etc/resolv.conf
cache 30
defaultText = literalExpression ''
.:${toString ports.dns} {
health :${toString ports.health}
kubernetes ''${config.services.kubernetes.addons.dns.clusterDomain} in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa {
pods insecure
fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa
prometheus :${toString ports.metrics}
forward . /etc/resolv.conf
cache 30
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages =
singleton (pkgs.dockerTools.pullImage cfg.coredns);
services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = {
coredns-cr = {
apiVersion = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1";
kind = "ClusterRole";
metadata = {
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile";
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
"kubernetes.io/bootstrapping" = "rbac-defaults";
name = "system:coredns";
rules = [
apiGroups = [ "" ];
resources = [ "endpoints" "services" "pods" "namespaces" ];
verbs = [ "list" "watch" ];
apiGroups = [ "" ];
resources = [ "nodes" ];
verbs = [ "get" ];
coredns-crb = {
apiVersion = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1";
kind = "ClusterRoleBinding";
metadata = {
annotations = {
"rbac.authorization.kubernetes.io/autoupdate" = "true";
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile";
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
"kubernetes.io/bootstrapping" = "rbac-defaults";
name = "system:coredns";
roleRef = {
apiGroup = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io";
kind = "ClusterRole";
name = "system:coredns";
subjects = [
kind = "ServiceAccount";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
services.kubernetes.addonManager.addons = {
coredns-sa = {
apiVersion = "v1";
kind = "ServiceAccount";
metadata = {
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile";
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
coredns-cm = {
apiVersion = "v1";
kind = "ConfigMap";
metadata = {
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = cfg.reconcileMode;
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
data = {
Corefile = cfg.corefile;
coredns-deploy = {
apiVersion = "apps/v1";
kind = "Deployment";
metadata = {
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = cfg.reconcileMode;
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
"kubernetes.io/name" = "CoreDNS";
name = "coredns";
namespace = "kube-system";
spec = {
replicas = cfg.replicas;
selector = {
matchLabels = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; };
strategy = {
rollingUpdate = { maxUnavailable = 1; };
type = "RollingUpdate";
template = {
metadata = {
labels = {
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
spec = {
containers = [
args = [ "-conf" "/etc/coredns/Corefile" ];
image = with cfg.coredns; "${imageName}:${finalImageTag}";
imagePullPolicy = "Never";
livenessProbe = {
failureThreshold = 5;
httpGet = {
path = "/health";
port = ports.health;
scheme = "HTTP";
initialDelaySeconds = 60;
successThreshold = 1;
timeoutSeconds = 5;
name = "coredns";
ports = [
containerPort = ports.dns;
name = "dns";
protocol = "UDP";
containerPort = ports.dns;
name = "dns-tcp";
protocol = "TCP";
containerPort = ports.metrics;
name = "metrics";
protocol = "TCP";
resources = {
limits = {
memory = "170Mi";
requests = {
cpu = "100m";
memory = "70Mi";
securityContext = {
allowPrivilegeEscalation = false;
capabilities = {
drop = [ "all" ];
readOnlyRootFilesystem = true;
volumeMounts = [
mountPath = "/etc/coredns";
name = "config-volume";
readOnly = true;
dnsPolicy = "Default";
nodeSelector = {
"beta.kubernetes.io/os" = "linux";
serviceAccountName = "coredns";
tolerations = [
effect = "NoSchedule";
key = "node-role.kubernetes.io/master";
key = "CriticalAddonsOnly";
operator = "Exists";
volumes = [
configMap = {
items = [
key = "Corefile";
path = "Corefile";
name = "coredns";
name = "config-volume";
coredns-svc = {
apiVersion = "v1";
kind = "Service";
metadata = {
annotations = {
"prometheus.io/port" = toString ports.metrics;
"prometheus.io/scrape" = "true";
labels = {
"addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode" = "Reconcile";
k8s-app = "kube-dns";
"kubernetes.io/cluster-service" = "true";
"kubernetes.io/name" = "CoreDNS";
name = "kube-dns";
namespace = "kube-system";
spec = {
clusterIP = cfg.clusterIp;
ports = [
name = "dns";
port = 53;
targetPort = ports.dns;
protocol = "UDP";
name = "dns-tcp";
port = 53;
targetPort = ports.dns;
protocol = "TCP";
selector = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; };
services.kubernetes.kubelet.clusterDns = mkDefault cfg.clusterIp;
meta.buildDocsInSandbox = false;