forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
Previously we used nodePackages only to fetch Iosevka's build dependencies and then fetched the source code ourselves. Updates involved changing the version and hashes in the `iosevka` derivation and then running node-packages/ to update the build dependencies, which in turns updates *all* of node-packages.nix. A new proposed policy for handling node-packages.nix updates involves batching those updates. Previously, that would mean `iosevka` and its build dependencies could end up out of sync until the batched update was run. To work with the new policy, we now fetch Iosevka's source code (and not only its dependencies) through nodePackages. Updates are done by changing the source URL in node-packages.json, which eventually becomes part of an update of node-packages.nix, which is then propagated to `iosevka` itself. One con of this strategy is that errors can not be caught directly after the update, but only after node-packages.nix is regenerated.
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, "@antora/cli"
, "@antora/site-generator-default"
, "@bitwarden/cli"
, "@nestjs/cli"
, "@vue/cli"
, "@webassemblyjs/cli"
, "@webassemblyjs/repl"
, "@webassemblyjs/wasm-strip"
, "@webassemblyjs/wasm-text-gen"
, "@webassemblyjs/wast-refmt"
, "alloy"
, "asar"
, "bash-language-server"
, "bower"
, "bower2nix"
, "browserify"
, "castnow"
, "clean-css-cli"
, "clubhouse-cli"
, "coc-css"
, "coc-diagnostic"
, "coc-emmet"
, "coc-eslint"
, "coc-git"
, "coc-go"
, "coc-highlight"
, "coc-html"
, "coc-imselect"
, "coc-java"
, "coc-jest"
, "coc-json"
, "coc-lists"
, "coc-metals"
, "coc-pairs"
, "coc-prettier"
, "coc-python"
, "coc-r-lsp"
, "coc-rls"
, "coc-rust-analyzer"
, "coc-smartf"
, "coc-snippets"
, "coc-solargraph"
, "coc-stylelint"
, "coc-tabnine"
, "coc-tslint"
, "coc-tslint-plugin"
, "coc-tsserver"
, "coc-vetur"
, "coc-vimtex"
, "coc-wxml"
, "coc-yaml"
, "coc-yank"
, "coffee-script"
, "coinmon"
, "configurable-http-proxy"
, "cordova"
, "cpy-cli"
, "create-cycle-app"
, "create-react-app"
, "create-react-native-app"
, "csslint"
, "dat"
, "dhcp"
, "diagnostic-languageserver"
, "dockerfile-language-server-nodejs"
, "elasticdump"
, "elm-oracle"
, "emoj"
, "emojione"
, {"epgstation": "../../applications/video/epgstation"}
, "escape-string-regexp"
, "eslint"
, "eslint_d"
, "expo-cli"
, {"fast-cli": "1.x"}
, "fauna-shell"
, "fkill-cli"
, "forever"
, "fx"
, "get-graphql-schema"
, "git-run"
, "git-ssb"
, "git-standup"
, "gitmoji-cli"
, "graphql-cli"
, "grunt-cli"
, "makam"
, "gtop"
, "gulp"
, "gulp-cli"
, "he"
, "html-minifier"
, "htmlhint"
, "http-server"
, "hueadm"
, "inliner"
, "imapnotify"
, "indium"
, "insect"
, "ionic"
, {"iosevka": ""}
, "jake"
, "javascript-typescript-langserver"
, "joplin"
, "js-beautify"
, "js-yaml"
, "jsdoc"
, "jshint"
, "json"
, "json-diff"
, "json-refs"
, "json-server"
, "jsonlint"
, "karma"
, "lcov-result-merger"
, "leetcode-cli"
, "lerna"
, "less"
, "less-plugin-clean-css"
, "live-server"
, "livedown"
, {"lumo-build-deps": "../interpreters/clojurescript/lumo" }
, "madoko"
, "markdown-link-check"
, "mastodon-bot"
, "mathjax"
, "meat"
, "@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli"
, "mirakurun"
, "mocha"
, "multi-file-swagger"
, "neovim"
, "netlify-cli"
, "nijs"
, "node-gyp"
, "node-gyp-build"
, "node-inspector"
, "node-pre-gyp"
, "node-red"
, "node2nix"
, "nodemon"
, "npm"
, "npm-check-updates"
, {"npm2nix": "git://"}
, "ocaml-language-server"
, "parcel-bundler"
, "parsoid"
, "patch-package"
, "peerflix"
, "peerflix-server"
, "pm2"
, "pnpm"
, "postcss-cli"
, "prettier"
, "pscid"
, "pulp"
, "purescript-language-server"
, "purescript-psa"
, "purty"
, "pyright"
, "react-native-cli"
, "react-tools"
, "readability-cli"
, "redoc-cli"
, "reveal.js"
, "rollup"
, { "rust-analyzer-build-deps": "../../misc/vscode-extensions/rust-analyzer/build-deps" }
, "s3http"
, "sass"
, "semver"
, "serve"
, "serverless"
, "shout"
, "sloc"
, "smartdc"
, "snyk"
, ""
, "speed-test"
, "ssb-server"
, "stackdriver-statsd-backend"
, "stf"
, "svgo"
, "swagger"
, {"tedicross": "git+"}
, "tern"
, "textlint"
, "textlint-plugin-latex"
, "textlint-rule-abbr-within-parentheses"
, "textlint-rule-alex"
, "textlint-rule-common-misspellings"
, "textlint-rule-diacritics"
, "textlint-rule-en-max-word-count"
, "textlint-rule-max-comma"
, "textlint-rule-no-start-duplicated-conjunction"
, "textlint-rule-period-in-list-item"
, "textlint-rule-stop-words"
, "textlint-rule-terminology"
, "textlint-rule-unexpanded-acronym"
, "textlint-rule-write-good"
, "thelounge"
, "three"
, "tiddlywiki"
, "titanium"
, "triton"
, "tsun"
, "ttf2eot"
, "typescript"
, "typescript-language-server"
, "uglify-js"
, "undollar"
, "ungit"
, "vega-cli"
, "vega-lite"
, "vim-language-server"
, "vscode-css-languageserver-bin"
, "vscode-html-languageserver-bin"
, "vscode-json-languageserver-bin"
, { "vscode-lldb-build-deps": "../../misc/vscode-extensions/vscode-lldb/build-deps" }
, "vue-cli"
, "vue-language-server"
, "web-ext"
, "webpack"
, "webpack-cli"
, "webpack-dev-server"
, "copy-webpack-plugin"
, "webtorrent-cli"
, "wring"
, "write-good"
, "yaml-language-server"
, "yarn"
, "yo"