forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
If you want to only run autoPatchelf on a specific path and leave everything else alone, we now have a $dontAutoPatchelf environment variable, which causes the postFixup hook to not run at all. The name "dontAutoPatchelf" probably is a bit weird in conjunction with putting "autoPatchelfHook" in nativeBuildInputs, but unless someone comes up with a better name I keep it that way because it's consistent with all the other dontStrip, dontPatchShebangs, dontPatchELF and whatnot. A specific example where this is needed is when building the Android SDK emulator, which contains a few ARM binaries in subdirectories that should not be patched. If we were to run autoPatchelf on all outputs unconditionally we'd run into errors because some ARM libraries couldn't be found. Signed-off-by: aszlig <>
191 lines
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191 lines
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declare -a autoPatchelfLibs
gatherLibraries() {
addEnvHooks "$targetOffset" gatherLibraries
isExecutable() {
# For dynamically linked ELF files it would be enough to check just for the
# INTERP section. However, we won't catch statically linked executables as
# they only have an ELF type of EXEC but no INTERP.
# So what we do here is just check whether *either* the ELF type is EXEC
# *or* there is an INTERP section. This also catches position-independent
# executables, as they typically have an INTERP section but their ELF type
# is DYN.
LANG=C readelf -h -l "$1" 2> /dev/null \
| grep -q '^ *Type: *EXEC\>\|^ *INTERP\>'
# We cache dependencies so that we don't need to search through all of them on
# every consecutive call to findDependency.
declare -a cachedDependencies
addToDepCache() {
local existing
for existing in "${cachedDependencies[@]}"; do
if [ "$existing" = "$1" ]; then return; fi
declare -gi depCacheInitialised=0
declare -gi doneRecursiveSearch=0
declare -g foundDependency
getDepsFromSo() {
ldd "$1" 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/[^=]*=> *\(.\+\) \+([^)]*)$/\1/p'
populateCacheWithRecursiveDeps() {
local so found foundso
for so in "${cachedDependencies[@]}"; do
for found in $(getDepsFromSo "$so"); do
local libdir="${found%/*}"
local base="${found##*/}"
local soname="${*}"
for foundso in "${found%/*}/$soname".so*; do
addToDepCache "$foundso"
getSoArch() {
objdump -f "$1" | sed -ne 's/^architecture: *\([^,]\+\).*/\1/p'
# NOTE: If you want to use this function outside of the autoPatchelf function,
# keep in mind that the dependency cache is only valid inside the subshell
# spawned by the autoPatchelf function, so invoking this directly will possibly
# rebuild the dependency cache. See the autoPatchelf function below for more
# information.
findDependency() {
local filename="$1"
local arch="$2"
local lib dep
if [ $depCacheInitialised -eq 0 ]; then
for lib in "${autoPatchelfLibs[@]}"; do
for so in "$lib/"*.so*; do addToDepCache "$so"; done
for dep in "${cachedDependencies[@]}"; do
if [ "$filename" = "${dep##*/}" ]; then
if [ "$(getSoArch "$dep")" = "$arch" ]; then
return 0
# Populate the dependency cache with recursive dependencies *only* if we
# didn't find the right dependency so far and afterwards run findDependency
# again, but this time with $doneRecursiveSearch set to 1 so that it won't
# recurse again (and thus infinitely).
if [ $doneRecursiveSearch -eq 0 ]; then
findDependency "$filename" "$arch" || return 1
return 0
return 1
autoPatchelfFile() {
local dep rpath="" toPatch="$1"
local interpreter="$(< "$NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker")"
if isExecutable "$toPatch"; then
patchelf --set-interpreter "$interpreter" "$toPatch"
if [ -n "$runtimeDependencies" ]; then
for dep in $runtimeDependencies; do
echo "searching for dependencies of $toPatch" >&2
# We're going to find all dependencies based on ldd output, so we need to
# clear the RPATH first.
patchelf --remove-rpath "$toPatch"
local missing="$(
ldd "$toPatch" 2> /dev/null | \
sed -n -e 's/^[\t ]*\([^ ]\+\) => not found.*/\1/p'
# This ensures that we get the output of all missing dependencies instead
# of failing at the first one, because it's more useful when working on a
# new package where you don't yet know its dependencies.
local -i depNotFound=0
for dep in $missing; do
echo -n " $dep -> " >&2
if findDependency "$dep" "$(getSoArch "$toPatch")"; then
echo "found: $foundDependency" >&2
echo "not found!" >&2
# This makes sure the builder fails if we didn't find a dependency, because
# the stdenv setup script is run with set -e. The actual error is emitted
# earlier in the previous loop.
[ $depNotFound -eq 0 ]
if [ -n "$rpath" ]; then
echo "setting RPATH to: $rpath" >&2
patchelf --set-rpath "$rpath" "$toPatch"
autoPatchelf() {
echo "automatically fixing dependencies for ELF files" >&2
# Add all shared objects of the current output path to the start of
# cachedDependencies so that it's choosen first in findDependency.
$(find "$@" \! -type d \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \))
local elffile
# Here we actually have a subshell, which also means that
# $cachedDependencies is final at this point, so whenever we want to run
# findDependency outside of this, the dependency cache needs to be rebuilt
# from scratch, so keep this in mind if you want to run findDependency
# outside of this function.
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do
isELF "$file" || continue
if isExecutable "$file"; then
# Skip if the executable is statically linked.
LANG=C readelf -l "$file" | grep -q "^ *INTERP\\>" || continue
autoPatchelfFile "$file"
done < <(find "$@" -type f -print0)
# XXX: This should ultimately use fixupOutputHooks but we currently don't have
# a way to enforce the order. If we have $runtimeDependencies set, the setup
# hook of patchelf is going to ruin everything and strip out those additional
# So what we do here is basically run in postFixup and emulate the same
# behaviour as fixupOutputHooks because the setup hook for patchelf is run in
# fixupOutput and the postFixup hook runs later.
if [ -z "$dontAutoPatchelf" ]; then
autoPatchelf $(for output in $outputs; do
[ -e "${!output}" ] || continue
echo "${!output}"