forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
The xhtml library is only built as part of the GHC build process if GHC is disabled. This means that no GHC cross compiler has xhtml bundled, since haddock can't be built if GHC is a cross compiler (see relevant notes in the GHC nix expressions). This means that all packages depending on xhtml would currently fail to build when cross-compiled, as haskellPackages would assume it'd be provided by GHC. This is fixed by this commit. pkgsStatic hits this case, so we test compilation of xhtml for these package sets which will remind us to update the attribute name whenever its version changes.
134 lines
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134 lines
4.8 KiB
{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
inherit (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform) isDarwin;
self: super: {
llvmPackages = pkgs.lib.dontRecurseIntoAttrs self.ghc.llvmPackages;
# Disable GHC 9.0.x core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-bignum = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
template-haskell = null;
terminfo = null;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
# GHC only bundles the xhtml library if haddock is enabled, check if this is
# still the case when updating:
xhtml = if self.ghc.hasHaddock or true then null else self.xhtml_3000_2_2_1;
# cabal-install needs more recent versions of Cabal and base16-bytestring.
cabal-install = (doJailbreak super.cabal-install).overrideScope (self: super: {
Cabal = self.Cabal_3_6_3_0;
# Jailbreaks & Version Updates
# This `doJailbreak` can be removed once the following PR is released to Hackage:
aeson-diff = doJailbreak super.aeson-diff;
async = doJailbreak super.async;
data-fix = doJailbreak;
dec = doJailbreak super.dec;
ed25519 = doJailbreak super.ed25519;
hackage-security = doJailbreak super.hackage-security;
hashable = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,integer-gmp .*<1.1,integer-gmp < 2,' hashable.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak (dontCheck super.hashable));
hashable-time = doJailbreak super.hashable-time;
HTTP = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,! Socket,!Socket,' Network/TCP.hs"; }) (doJailbreak super.HTTP);
integer-logarithms = overrideCabal (drv: { postPatch = "sed -i -e 's,integer-gmp <1.1,integer-gmp < 2,' integer-logarithms.cabal"; }) (doJailbreak super.integer-logarithms);
lukko = doJailbreak super.lukko;
parallel = doJailbreak super.parallel;
primitive = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.primitive);
regex-posix = doJailbreak super.regex-posix;
resolv = doJailbreak super.resolv;
singleton-bool = doJailbreak super.singleton-bool;
split = doJailbreak super.split;
tar = doJailbreak super.tar;
time-compat = doJailbreak super.time-compat;
vector = doJailbreak (dontCheck super.vector);
vector-binary-instances = doJailbreak super.vector-binary-instances;
vector-th-unbox = doJailbreak super.vector-th-unbox;
zlib = doJailbreak super.zlib;
# 2021-11-08: Fixed in autoapply-0.4.2
autoapply = doJailbreak super.autoapply;
doctest = dontCheck super.doctest;
# Apply patches from head.hackage.
language-haskell-extract = appendPatch (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "0rgzrq0513nlc1vw7nw4km4bcwn4ivxcgi33jly4a7n3c1r32v1f";
}) (doJailbreak super.language-haskell-extract);
# The test suite depends on ChasingBottoms, which is broken with ghc-9.0.x.
unordered-containers = dontCheck super.unordered-containers;
# The test suite seems pretty broken.
base64-bytestring = dontCheck super.base64-bytestring;
# GHC 9.0.x doesn't like `import Spec (main)` in Main.hs
mono-traversable = dontCheck super.mono-traversable;
# Test suite sometimes segfaults with GHC 9.0.1 and 9.0.2
reflection = dontCheck super.reflection;
# Disable tests pending resolution of
retry = dontCheck super.retry;
# 2021-09-18: cabal2nix does not detect the need for ghc-api-compat.
hiedb = overrideCabal (old: {
libraryHaskellDepends = old.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [self.ghc-api-compat];
}) super.hiedb;
# 2021-09-18:
# Restrictive upper bound on ormolu
hls-ormolu-plugin = doJailbreak super.hls-ormolu-plugin;
# Too strict bounds on base
multistate = doJailbreak super.multistate;
butcher = doJailbreak super.butcher;
# We use a GHC patch to support the fix for
# which means that the upstream cabal file isn't allowed to add the flag.
inline-c-cpp =
(if isDarwin then appendConfigureFlags ["--ghc-option=-fcompact-unwind"] else x: x)