forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
GitLab Shell now has the go.mod and go.sum files in the root of the repo; the go subdirectory has been removed and all the code in it has been moved up to the root.
239 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
239 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i python3 -p bundix common-updater-scripts nix nix-prefetch-git python3 python3Packages.requests python3Packages.lxml vgo2nix yarn2nix
import click
import click_log
import os
import re
import logging
import subprocess
import json
import pathlib
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from typing import Iterable
import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GitLabRepo:
version_regex = re.compile(r"^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\-rc\d+)?(\-ee)?")
def __init__(self, owner: str = 'gitlab-org', repo: str = 'gitlab'):
self.owner = owner
self.repo = repo
def url(self):
return f"{self.owner}/{self.repo}"
def tags(self) -> Iterable[str]:
r = requests.get(self.url + "/tags?format=atom", stream=True)
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(r.content)
versions = [e.text for e in tree.findall('{}entry/{}title')]
# filter out versions not matching version_regex
versions = list(filter(self.version_regex.match, versions))
# sort, but ignore v and -ee for sorting comparisons
versions.sort(key=lambda x: LooseVersion(x.replace("v", "").replace("-ee", "")), reverse=True)
return versions
def get_git_hash(self, rev: str):
out = subprocess.check_output(['nix-prefetch-git', self.url, rev])
j = json.loads(out)
return j['sha256']
def rev2version(tag: str) -> str:
normalize a tag to a version number.
This obviously isn't very smart if we don't pass something that looks like a tag
:param tag: the tag to normalize
:return: a normalized version number
# strip v prefix
version = re.sub(r"^v", '', tag)
# strip -ee suffix
return re.sub(r"-ee$", '', version)
def get_file(self, filepath, rev):
returns file contents at a given rev
:param filepath: the path to the file, relative to the repo root
:param rev: the rev to fetch at
return requests.get(self.url + f"/raw/{rev}/{filepath}").text
def get_data(self, rev):
version = self.rev2version(rev)
passthru = {v: self.get_file(v, rev).strip() for v in ['GITALY_SERVER_VERSION', 'GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION',
return dict(version=self.rev2version(rev),
def _get_data_json():
data_file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'data.json'
with open(data_file_path, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
def _call_update_source_version(pkg, version):
"""calls update-source-version from nixpkgs root dir"""
nixpkgs_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / '../../../../'
return subprocess.check_output(['update-source-version', pkg, version], cwd=nixpkgs_path)
def cli():
@click.option('--rev', default='latest', help='The rev to use, \'latest\' points to the latest (stable) tag')
def update_data(rev: str):
"""Update data.nix"""
repo = GitLabRepo()
if rev == 'latest':
# filter out pre and re releases
rev = next(filter(lambda x: not ('rc' in x or x.endswith('pre')), repo.tags))
logger.debug(f"Using rev {rev}")
version = repo.rev2version(rev)
logger.debug(f"Using version {version}")
data_file_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'data.json'
data = repo.get_data(rev)
with open(data_file_path.as_posix(), 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
def update_rubyenv():
"""Update rubyEnv"""
repo = GitLabRepo()
rubyenv_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / f"rubyEnv"
# load rev from data.json
data = _get_data_json()
rev = data['rev']
for fn in ['Gemfile.lock', 'Gemfile']:
with open(rubyenv_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file(fn, rev))
subprocess.check_output(['bundix'], cwd=rubyenv_dir)
def update_yarnpkgs():
"""Update yarnPkgs"""
repo = GitLabRepo()
yarnpkgs_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
# load rev from data.json
data = _get_data_json()
rev = data['rev']
with open(yarnpkgs_dir / 'yarn.lock', 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file('yarn.lock', rev))
with open(yarnpkgs_dir / 'yarnPkgs.nix', 'w') as f:
|['yarn2nix'], cwd=yarnpkgs_dir, check=True, stdout=f)
os.unlink(yarnpkgs_dir / 'yarn.lock')
def update_gitaly():
"""Update gitaly"""
data = _get_data_json()
gitaly_server_version = data['passthru']['GITALY_SERVER_VERSION']
repo = GitLabRepo(repo='gitaly')
gitaly_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'gitaly'
for fn in ['Gemfile.lock', 'Gemfile']:
with open(gitaly_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file(f"ruby/{fn}", f"v{gitaly_server_version}"))
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
with open(gitaly_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file(fn, f"v{gitaly_server_version}"))
subprocess.check_output(['bundix'], cwd=gitaly_dir)
subprocess.check_output(['vgo2nix'], cwd=gitaly_dir)
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
os.unlink(gitaly_dir / fn)
_call_update_source_version('gitaly', gitaly_server_version)
def update_gitlab_shell():
"""Update gitlab-shell"""
data = _get_data_json()
gitlab_shell_version = data['passthru']['GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION']
_call_update_source_version('gitlab-shell', gitlab_shell_version)
repo = GitLabRepo(repo='gitlab-shell')
gitlab_shell_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'gitlab-shell'
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
with open(gitlab_shell_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file(fn, f"v{gitlab_shell_version}"))
subprocess.check_output(['vgo2nix'], cwd=gitlab_shell_dir)
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
os.unlink(gitlab_shell_dir / fn)
def update_gitlab_workhorse():
"""Update gitlab-workhorse"""
data = _get_data_json()
gitlab_workhorse_version = data['passthru']['GITLAB_WORKHORSE_VERSION']
_call_update_source_version('gitlab-workhorse', gitlab_workhorse_version)
repo = GitLabRepo('gitlab-org', 'gitlab-workhorse')
gitlab_workhorse_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'gitlab-workhorse'
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
with open(gitlab_workhorse_dir / fn, 'w') as f:
f.write(repo.get_file(fn, f"v{gitlab_workhorse_version}"))
subprocess.check_output(['vgo2nix'], cwd=gitlab_workhorse_dir)
for fn in ['go.mod', 'go.sum']:
os.unlink(gitlab_workhorse_dir / fn)
def update_all(ctx):
"""Update all gitlab components to the latest stable release"""
ctx.invoke(update_data, rev='latest')
if __name__ == '__main__':