forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
Some PECLs depend on other PECLs and, like internal PHP extension dependencies, need to be loaded in the correct order. This makes this possible by adding the argument "peclDeps" to buildPecl, which adds the extension to buildInputs and is treated the same way as internalDeps when the extension config is generated.
297 lines
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297 lines
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# We have tests for PCRE and PHP-FPM in nixos/tests/php/ or
# both in the same attribute named nixosTests.php
{ callPackage, lib, stdenv, nixosTests }@_args:
generic =
{ callPackage, lib, stdenv, nixosTests, config, fetchurl, makeWrapper
, symlinkJoin, writeText, autoconf, automake, bison, flex, libtool
, pkgconfig, re2c, apacheHttpd, libargon2, libxml2, pcre, pcre2
, systemd, valgrind
, version
, sha256
, extraPatches ? []
# Sapi flags
, cgiSupport ? true
, cliSupport ? true
, fpmSupport ? true
, pearSupport ? true
, pharSupport ? true
, phpdbgSupport ? true
# Misc flags
, apxs2Support ? !stdenv.isDarwin
, argon2Support ? true
, cgotoSupport ? false
, embedSupport ? false
, ipv6Support ? true
, systemdSupport ? stdenv.isLinux
, valgrindSupport ? true
, ztsSupport ? apxs2Support
# buildEnv wraps php to provide additional extensions and
# configuration. Its usage is documented in
# doc/languages-frameworks/
# Create a buildEnv with earlier overridden values and
# extensions functions in its closure. This is necessary for
# consecutive calls to buildEnv and overrides to work as
# expected.
mkBuildEnv = prevArgs: prevExtensionFunctions: lib.makeOverridable (
{ extensions ? ({...}: []), extraConfig ? "", ... }@innerArgs:
allArgs = args // prevArgs // innerArgs;
filteredArgs = builtins.removeAttrs allArgs [ "extensions" "extraConfig" ];
php = generic filteredArgs;
php-packages = (callPackage ../../../top-level/php-packages.nix {
php = phpWithExtensions;
allExtensionFunctions = prevExtensionFunctions ++ [ extensions ];
enabledExtensions =
(state: f:
f { enabled = state; all = php-packages.extensions; })
getExtName = ext: lib.removePrefix "php-" (builtins.parseDrvName;
# Recursively get a list of all internal dependencies
# for a list of extensions.
getDepsRecursively = extensions:
deps = lib.concatMap
(ext: (ext.internalDeps or []) ++ (ext.peclDeps or []))
if ! (deps == []) then
deps ++ (getDepsRecursively deps)
# Generate extension load configuration snippets from the
# extension parameter. This is an attrset suitable for use
# with textClosureList, which is used to put the strings in
# the right order - if a plugin which is dependent on
# another plugin is placed before its dependency, it will
# fail to load.
extensionTexts =
(map (ext:
extName = getExtName ext;
phpDeps = (ext.internalDeps or []) ++ (ext.peclDeps or []);
type = "${lib.optionalString (ext.zendExtension or false) "zend_"}extension";
lib.nameValuePair extName {
text = "${type}=${ext}/lib/php/extensions/${extName}.so";
deps = map getExtName phpDeps;
(enabledExtensions ++ (getDepsRecursively enabledExtensions)));
extNames = map getExtName enabledExtensions;
extraInit = writeText "php.ini" ''
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
(lib.textClosureList extensionTexts extNames)}
phpWithExtensions = symlinkJoin rec {
name = "php-with-extensions-${version}";
inherit (php) version;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
passthru = {
buildEnv = mkBuildEnv allArgs allExtensionFunctions;
withExtensions = mkWithExtensions allArgs allExtensionFunctions;
phpIni = "${phpWithExtensions}/lib/php.ini";
unwrapped = php;
tests = nixosTests.php;
inherit (php-packages) packages extensions buildPecl;
meta = php.meta // {
outputsToInstall = [ "out" ];
paths = [ php ];
postBuild = ''
cp ${extraInit} $out/lib/php.ini
wrapProgram $out/bin/php --set PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR $out/lib
if test -e $out/bin/php-fpm; then
wrapProgram $out/bin/php-fpm --set PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR $out/lib
mkWithExtensions = prevArgs: prevExtensionFunctions: extensions:
mkBuildEnv prevArgs prevExtensionFunctions { inherit extensions; };
pcre' = if (lib.versionAtLeast version "7.3") then pcre2 else pcre;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "php";
inherit version;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf automake bison flex libtool pkgconfig re2c ];
buildInputs =
# PCRE extension
[ pcre' ]
# Enable sapis
++ lib.optional pearSupport [ ]
# Misc deps
++ lib.optional apxs2Support apacheHttpd
++ lib.optional argon2Support libargon2
++ lib.optional systemdSupport systemd
++ lib.optional valgrindSupport valgrind
CXXFLAGS = lib.optionalString "-std=c++11";
configureFlags =
# Disable all extensions
[ "--disable-all" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "7.4") [ "--with-external-pcre=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versions.majorMinor version == "7.3") [ "--with-pcre-regex=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versionOlder version "7.3") [ "--with-pcre-regex=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ [ "PCRE_LIBDIR=${pcre'}" ]
# Enable sapis
++ lib.optional (!cgiSupport) "--disable-cgi"
++ lib.optional (!cliSupport) "--disable-cli"
++ lib.optional fpmSupport "--enable-fpm"
++ lib.optional pearSupport [ "--with-pear=$(out)/lib/php/pear" "--enable-xml" "--with-libxml" ]
++ lib.optional (pearSupport && (lib.versionOlder version "7.4")) "--enable-libxml"
++ lib.optional pharSupport "--enable-phar"
++ lib.optional phpdbgSupport "--enable-phpdbg"
# Misc flags
++ lib.optional apxs2Support "--with-apxs2=${}/bin/apxs"
++ lib.optional argon2Support "--with-password-argon2=${libargon2}"
++ lib.optional cgotoSupport "--enable-re2c-cgoto"
++ lib.optional embedSupport "--enable-embed"
++ lib.optional (!ipv6Support) "--disable-ipv6"
++ lib.optional systemdSupport "--with-fpm-systemd"
++ lib.optional valgrindSupport "--with-valgrind=${}"
++ lib.optional ztsSupport "--enable-maintainer-zts"
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" ];
preConfigure = ''
# Don't record the configure flags since this causes unnecessary
# runtime dependencies
for i in main/ scripts/; do
substituteInPlace $i \
--replace '@CONFIGURE_COMMAND@' '(omitted)' \
--replace '@CONFIGURE_OPTIONS@' "" \
--replace '@PHP_LDFLAGS@' ""
export EXTENSION_DIR=$out/lib/php/extensions
./buildconf --copy --force
if test -f $src/genfiles; then
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
substituteInPlace configure --replace "-lstdc++" "-lc++"
postInstall = ''
test -d $out/etc || mkdir $out/etc
cp php.ini-production $out/etc/php.ini
postFixup = ''
mkdir -p $dev/bin $dev/share/man/man1
mv $out/bin/phpize $out/bin/php-config $dev/bin/
mv $out/share/man/man1/phpize.1.gz \
$out/share/man/man1/php-config.1.gz \
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.bz2";
inherit sha256;
patches = [ ./fix-paths-php7.patch ] ++ extraPatches;
separateDebugInfo = true;
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
passthru = {
buildEnv = mkBuildEnv {} [];
withExtensions = mkWithExtensions {} [];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "An HTML-embedded scripting language";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.php301;
maintainers = teams.php.members;
platforms = platforms.all;
outputsToInstall = [ "out" "dev" ];
php72base = callPackage generic (_args // {
version = "7.2.29";
sha256 = "08xry2fgqgg8s0ym1hh11wkbr36av3zq1bn4krbciw1b7x8gb8ga";
extraPatches = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./php72-darwin-isfinite.patch;
php73base = callPackage generic (_args // {
version = "7.3.16";
sha256 = "0bh499v9dfgh9k51w4rird1slb9rh9whp5h37fb84c98d992s1xq";
extraPatches = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./php73-darwin-isfinite.patch;
php74base = callPackage generic (_args // {
version = "7.4.4";
sha256 = "17w2m4phhpj76x5fx67vgjrlkcczqvky3f5in1kjg2pch90qz3ih";
defaultPhpExtensions = { all, ... }: with all; ([
bcmath calendar curl ctype dom exif fileinfo filter ftp gd
gettext gmp iconv intl json ldap mbstring mysqli mysqlnd opcache
openssl pcntl pdo pdo_mysql pdo_odbc pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql
posix readline session simplexml sockets soap sodium sqlite3
tokenizer xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib
] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ imap ]);
defaultPhpExtensionsWithHash = { all, ... }:
(defaultPhpExtensions { inherit all; }) ++ [ all.hash ];
php74 = php74base.withExtensions defaultPhpExtensions;
php73 = php73base.withExtensions defaultPhpExtensionsWithHash;
php72 = php72base.withExtensions defaultPhpExtensionsWithHash;
in {
inherit php72 php73 php74;