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John Ericson bbfa2f9701 lib: Split Darwin into macOS and iOS
I noticed LLVM accepts `ios` as its own OS in platform triples; a
recent change as far as I know. I see it also accepts `macos*` for macOS
(formerly OS X). If it's now customary to distinguish iOS like so
(rather than guessing from the aarch, lets add both so our OSes are
still disjoint, and make Darwin a family instead.

But changing the config everywhere would probably be a mass rebuild, and
I'm not sure how well other software supports OSes besides "darwin", so
I'm keeping that the default name for macOS for now.
2018-03-19 12:02:49 -04:00

285 lines
10 KiB

# Define the list of system with their properties.
# See https://clang.llvm.org/docs/CrossCompilation.html and
# http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/Triple_8cpp_source.html especially
# Triple::normalize. Parsing should essentially act as a more conservative
# version of that last function.
# Most of the types below come in "open" and "closed" pairs. The open ones
# specify what information we need to know about systems in general, and the
# closed ones are sub-types representing the whitelist of systems we support in
# practice.
# Code in the remainder of nixpkgs shouldn't rely on the closed ones in
# e.g. exhaustive cases. Its more a sanity check to make sure nobody defines
# systems that overlap with existing ones and won't notice something amiss.
{ lib }:
with lib.lists;
with lib.types;
with lib.attrsets;
with (import ./inspect.nix { inherit lib; }).predicates;
inherit (lib.options) mergeOneOption;
setTypes = type:
mapAttrs (name: value:
assert type.check value;
setType type.name ({ inherit name; } // value));
rec {
types.openSignifiantByte = mkOptionType {
name = "significant-byte";
description = "Endianness";
merge = mergeOneOption;
types.significantByte = enum (attrValues significantBytes);
significantBytes = setTypes types.openSignifiantByte {
bigEndian = {};
littleEndian = {};
# Reasonable power of 2
types.bitWidth = enum [ 8 16 32 64 128 ];
types.openCpuType = mkOptionType {
name = "cpu-type";
description = "instruction set architecture name and information";
merge = mergeOneOption;
check = x: types.bitWidth.check x.bits
&& (if 8 < x.bits
then types.significantByte.check x.significantByte
else !(x ? significantByte));
types.cpuType = enum (attrValues cpuTypes);
cpuTypes = with significantBytes; setTypes types.openCpuType {
arm = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv5tel = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv6l = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv7a = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
armv7l = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "arm"; };
aarch64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "aarch64"; };
i686 = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; };
x86_64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "x86"; };
mips = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "mips"; };
mipsel = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "mips"; };
mips64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "mips"; };
mips64el = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "mips"; };
powerpc = { bits = 32; significantByte = bigEndian; family = "power"; };
riscv32 = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "riscv"; };
riscv64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "riscv"; };
wasm32 = { bits = 32; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "wasm"; };
wasm64 = { bits = 64; significantByte = littleEndian; family = "wasm"; };
types.openVendor = mkOptionType {
name = "vendor";
description = "vendor for the platform";
merge = mergeOneOption;
types.vendor = enum (attrValues vendors);
vendors = setTypes types.openVendor {
apple = {};
pc = {};
unknown = {};
types.openExecFormat = mkOptionType {
name = "exec-format";
description = "executable container used by the kernel";
merge = mergeOneOption;
types.execFormat = enum (attrValues execFormats);
execFormats = setTypes types.openExecFormat {
aout = {}; # a.out
elf = {};
macho = {};
pe = {};
unknown = {};
types.openKernelFamily = mkOptionType {
name = "exec-format";
description = "executable container used by the kernel";
merge = mergeOneOption;
types.kernelFamily = enum (attrValues kernelFamilies);
kernelFamilies = setTypes types.openKernelFamily {
bsd = {};
darwin = {};
types.openKernel = mkOptionType {
name = "kernel";
description = "kernel name and information";
merge = mergeOneOption;
check = x: types.execFormat.check x.execFormat
&& all types.kernelFamily.check (attrValues x.families);
types.kernel = enum (attrValues kernels);
kernels = with execFormats; with kernelFamilies; setTypes types.openKernel {
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Don't want to mass-rebuild yet to keeping 'darwin' as
# the nnormalized name for macOS.
macos = { execFormat = macho; families = { inherit darwin; }; name = "darwin"; };
ios = { execFormat = macho; families = { inherit darwin; }; };
freebsd = { execFormat = elf; families = { inherit bsd; }; };
hurd = { execFormat = elf; families = { }; };
linux = { execFormat = elf; families = { }; };
netbsd = { execFormat = elf; families = { inherit bsd; }; };
none = { execFormat = unknown; families = { }; };
openbsd = { execFormat = elf; families = { inherit bsd; }; };
solaris = { execFormat = elf; families = { }; };
windows = { execFormat = pe; families = { }; };
} // { # aliases
# 'darwin' is the kernel for all of them. We choose macOS by default.
darwin = kernels.macos;
# TODO(@Ericson2314): Handle these Darwin version suffixes more generally.
darwin10 = kernels.macos;
darwin14 = kernels.macos;
watchos = kernels.ios;
tvos = kernels.ios;
win32 = kernels.windows;
types.openAbi = mkOptionType {
name = "abi";
description = "binary interface for compiled code and syscalls";
merge = mergeOneOption;
types.abi = enum (attrValues abis);
abis = setTypes types.openAbi {
android = {};
cygnus = {};
gnu = {};
msvc = {};
eabi = {};
androideabi = {};
gnueabi = {};
gnueabihf = {};
musleabi = {};
musleabihf = {};
musl = {};
unknown = {};
types.system = mkOptionType {
name = "system";
description = "fully parsed representation of llvm- or nix-style platform tuple";
merge = mergeOneOption;
check = { cpu, vendor, kernel, abi }:
types.cpuType.check cpu
&& types.vendor.check vendor
&& types.kernel.check kernel
&& types.abi.check abi;
isSystem = isType "system";
mkSystem = components:
assert types.system.check components;
setType "system" components;
mkSkeletonFromList = l: {
"2" = # We only do 2-part hacks for things Nix already supports
if elemAt l 1 == "cygwin"
then { cpu = elemAt l 0; kernel = "windows"; abi = "cygnus"; }
else if elemAt l 1 == "gnu"
then { cpu = elemAt l 0; kernel = "hurd"; abi = "gnu"; }
else { cpu = elemAt l 0; kernel = elemAt l 1; };
"3" = # Awkwards hacks, beware!
if elemAt l 1 == "apple"
then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = "apple"; kernel = elemAt l 2; }
else if (elemAt l 1 == "linux") || (elemAt l 2 == "gnu")
then { cpu = elemAt l 0; kernel = elemAt l 1; abi = elemAt l 2; }
else if (elemAt l 2 == "mingw32") # autotools breaks on -gnu for window
then { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = "windows"; abi = "gnu"; }
else throw "Target specification with 3 components is ambiguous";
"4" = { cpu = elemAt l 0; vendor = elemAt l 1; kernel = elemAt l 2; abi = elemAt l 3; };
}.${toString (length l)}
or (throw "system string has invalid number of hyphen-separated components");
# This should revert the job done by config.guess from the gcc compiler.
mkSystemFromSkeleton = { cpu
, # Optional, but fallback too complex for here.
# Inferred below instead.
vendor ? assert false; null
, kernel
, # Also inferred below
abi ? assert false; null
} @ args: let
getCpu = name: cpuTypes.${name} or (throw "Unknown CPU type: ${name}");
getVendor = name: vendors.${name} or (throw "Unknown vendor: ${name}");
getKernel = name: kernels.${name} or (throw "Unknown kernel: ${name}");
getAbi = name: abis.${name} or (throw "Unknown ABI: ${name}");
parsed = rec {
cpu = getCpu args.cpu;
vendor =
/**/ if args ? vendor then getVendor args.vendor
else if isDarwin parsed then vendors.apple
else if isWindows parsed then vendors.pc
else vendors.unknown;
kernel = getKernel args.kernel;
abi =
/**/ if args ? abi then getAbi args.abi
else if isLinux parsed then abis.gnu
else if isWindows parsed then abis.gnu
else abis.unknown;
in mkSystem parsed;
mkSystemFromString = s: mkSystemFromSkeleton (mkSkeletonFromList (lib.splitString "-" s));
doubleFromSystem = { cpu, vendor, kernel, abi, ... }:
/**/ if abi == abis.cygnus then "${cpu.name}-cygwin"
else if kernel.families ? darwin then "${cpu.name}-darwin"
else "${cpu.name}-${kernel.name}";
tripleFromSystem = { cpu, vendor, kernel, abi, ... } @ sys: assert isSystem sys; let
optAbi = lib.optionalString (abi != abis.unknown) "-${abi.name}";
in "${cpu.name}-${vendor.name}-${kernel.name}${optAbi}";