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Frederik Rietdijk b209617ff0 plasma5Packages: alias to the libsForQt5 used to build the plasma5 desktop
For in NixOS it is beneficial if both plasma5 and pam use the same Qt5
version. Because the plasma5 desktop may use a different version as the
default Qt5 version, we introduce plasma5Packages.
2021-01-10 15:59:45 +01:00

174 lines
5.4 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
inherit (pkgs) plymouth;
inherit (pkgs) nixos-icons;
cfg = config.boot.plymouth;
nixosBreezePlymouth = pkgs.plasma5Packages.breeze-plymouth.override {
logoFile = cfg.logo;
logoName = "nixos";
osName = "NixOS";
osVersion = config.system.nixos.release;
themesEnv = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "plymouth-themes";
paths = [ plymouth ] ++ cfg.themePackages;
configFile = pkgs.writeText "plymouthd.conf" ''
options = {
boot.plymouth = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Plymouth boot splash screen";
themePackages = mkOption {
default = [ nixosBreezePlymouth ];
type = types.listOf types.package;
description = ''
Extra theme packages for plymouth.
theme = mkOption {
default = "breeze";
type = types.str;
description = ''
Splash screen theme.
logo = mkOption {
type = types.path;
default = "${nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/nix-snowflake.png";
defaultText = ''pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "https://nixos.org/logo/nixos-hires.png";
sha256 = "1ivzgd7iz0i06y36p8m5w48fd8pjqwxhdaavc0pxs7w1g7mcy5si";
description = ''
Logo which is displayed on the splash screen.
extraConfig = mkOption {
type = types.lines;
default = "";
description = ''
Literal string to append to <literal>configFile</literal>
and the config file generated by the plymouth module.
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
boot.kernelParams = [ "splash" ];
# To be discoverable by systemd.
environment.systemPackages = [ plymouth ];
environment.etc."plymouth/plymouthd.conf".source = configFile;
environment.etc."plymouth/plymouthd.defaults".source = "${plymouth}/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults";
environment.etc."plymouth/logo.png".source = cfg.logo;
environment.etc."plymouth/themes".source = "${themesEnv}/share/plymouth/themes";
# XXX: Needed because we supply a different set of plugins in initrd.
environment.etc."plymouth/plugins".source = "${plymouth}/lib/plymouth";
systemd.packages = [ plymouth ];
systemd.services.plymouth-kexec.wantedBy = [ "kexec.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-halt.wantedBy = [ "halt.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-quit-wait.wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-quit.wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-poweroff.wantedBy = [ "poweroff.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-reboot.wantedBy = [ "reboot.target" ];
systemd.services.plymouth-read-write.wantedBy = [ "sysinit.target" ];
systemd.services.systemd-ask-password-plymouth.wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"];
systemd.paths.systemd-ask-password-plymouth.wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"];
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = ''
copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.plymouth}/bin/plymouthd
copy_bin_and_libs ${pkgs.plymouth}/bin/plymouth
moduleName="$(sed -n 's,ModuleName *= *,,p' ${themesEnv}/share/plymouth/themes/${cfg.theme}/${cfg.theme}.plymouth)"
mkdir -p $out/lib/plymouth/renderers
# module might come from a theme
cp ${themesEnv}/lib/plymouth/{text,details,$moduleName}.so $out/lib/plymouth
cp ${plymouth}/lib/plymouth/renderers/{drm,frame-buffer}.so $out/lib/plymouth/renderers
mkdir -p $out/share/plymouth/themes
cp ${plymouth}/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults $out/share/plymouth
# copy themes into working directory for patching
mkdir themes
# use -L to copy the directories proper, not the symlinks to them
cp -r -L ${themesEnv}/share/plymouth/themes/{text,details,${cfg.theme}} themes
# patch out any attempted references to the theme or plymouth's themes directory
chmod -R +w themes
find themes -type f | while read file
sed -i "s,/nix/.*/share/plymouth/themes,$out/share/plymouth/themes,g" $file
cp -r themes/* $out/share/plymouth/themes
cp ${cfg.logo} $out/share/plymouth/logo.png
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommandsTest = ''
$out/bin/plymouthd --help >/dev/null
$out/bin/plymouth --help >/dev/null
boot.initrd.extraUdevRulesCommands = ''
cp ${config.systemd.package}/lib/udev/rules.d/{70-uaccess,71-seat}.rules $out
sed -i '/loginctl/d' $out/71-seat.rules
# We use `mkAfter` to ensure that LUKS password prompt would be shown earlier than the splash screen.
boot.initrd.preLVMCommands = mkAfter ''
mkdir -p /etc/plymouth
mkdir -p /run/plymouth
ln -s ${configFile} /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf
ln -s $extraUtils/share/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.defaults
ln -s $extraUtils/share/plymouth/logo.png /etc/plymouth/logo.png
ln -s $extraUtils/share/plymouth/themes /etc/plymouth/themes
ln -s $extraUtils/lib/plymouth /etc/plymouth/plugins
plymouthd --mode=boot --pid-file=/run/plymouth/pid --attach-to-session
plymouth show-splash
boot.initrd.postMountCommands = ''
plymouth update-root-fs --new-root-dir="$targetRoot"
# `mkBefore` to ensure that any custom prompts would be visible.
boot.initrd.preFailCommands = mkBefore ''
plymouth quit --wait