forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
This builds Python without optional dependencies. We can't just use python3.override, as things like python3Minimal.withPackages would pass the wrong python derivation into these modules.
203 lines
5.1 KiB
203 lines
5.1 KiB
{ pkgs, lib }:
with pkgs;
# Common passthru for all Python interpreters.
passthruFun =
{ implementation
, libPrefix
, executable
, sourceVersion
, pythonVersion
, packageOverrides
, sitePackages
, hasDistutilsCxxPatch
, pythonForBuild
, self
}: let
pythonPackages = callPackage ../../../top-level/python-packages.nix {
python = self;
overrides = packageOverrides;
in rec {
isPy27 = pythonVersion == "2.7";
isPy33 = pythonVersion == "3.3"; # TODO: remove
isPy34 = pythonVersion == "3.4"; # TODO: remove
isPy35 = pythonVersion == "3.5";
isPy36 = pythonVersion == "3.6";
isPy37 = pythonVersion == "3.7";
isPy2 = lib.strings.substring 0 1 pythonVersion == "2";
isPy3 = lib.strings.substring 0 1 pythonVersion == "3";
isPy3k = isPy3;
isPyPy = lib.hasInfix "pypy" interpreter;
buildEnv = callPackage ./wrapper.nix { python = self; inherit (pythonPackages) requiredPythonModules; };
withPackages = import ./with-packages.nix { inherit buildEnv pythonPackages;};
pkgs = pythonPackages;
interpreter = "${self}/bin/${executable}";
inherit executable implementation libPrefix pythonVersion sitePackages;
inherit sourceVersion;
pythonAtLeast = lib.versionAtLeast pythonVersion;
pythonOlder = lib.versionOlder pythonVersion;
inherit hasDistutilsCxxPatch pythonForBuild;
in {
python27 = callPackage ./cpython/2.7 {
self = python27;
sourceVersion = {
major = "2";
minor = "7";
patch = "16";
suffix = "";
sha256 = "1mqfcqp5y8r0bfyr7ppl74n0lig45p9mc4b8adlcpvj74rhfy8pj";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
python35 = callPackage ./cpython {
self = python35;
sourceVersion = {
major = "3";
minor = "5";
patch = "7";
suffix = "";
sha256 = "1p67pnp2ca5przx2s45r8m55dcn6f5hsm0l4s1zp7mglkf4r4n18";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
python36 = callPackage ./cpython {
self = python36;
sourceVersion = {
major = "3";
minor = "6";
patch = "9";
suffix = "";
sha256 = "1nkh70azbv866aw5a9bbxsxarsf40233vrzpjq17z3rz9ramybsy";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
python37 = callPackage ./cpython {
self = python37;
sourceVersion = {
major = "3";
minor = "7";
patch = "4";
suffix = "";
sha256 = "0gxiv5617zd7dnqm5k9r4q2188lk327nf9jznwq9j6b8p0s92ygv";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
python38 = callPackage ./cpython {
self = python38;
sourceVersion = {
major = "3";
minor = "8";
patch = "0";
suffix = "b3";
sha256 = "03wq85pkpr9j56k3zg6whahc5park1pzshbakl7y50lzrkpq2ynd";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
# Minimal versions of Python (built without optional dependencies)
python3Minimal = (callPackage ./cpython {
self = python3Minimal;
sourceVersion = {
major = "3";
minor = "7";
patch = "4";
suffix = "";
sha256 = "0gxiv5617zd7dnqm5k9r4q2188lk327nf9jznwq9j6b8p0s92ygv";
inherit (darwin) CF configd;
inherit passthruFun;
# strip down that python version as much as possible
openssl = null;
readline = null;
ncurses = null;
gdbm = null;
sqlite = null;
stripConfig = true;
stripIdlelib = true;
stripTests = true;
stripTkinter = true;
rebuildBytecode = false;
stripBytecode = true;
}).overrideAttrs(old: {
pname = "python3-minimal";
meta = old.meta // {
maintainers = [];
pypy27 = callPackage ./pypy {
self = pypy27;
sourceVersion = {
major = "7";
minor = "1";
patch = "1";
sha256 = "0yq6ln1ic476sasp8zs4mg5i9524l1p96qwanp486rr1yza1grlg";
pythonVersion = "2.7";
db = db.override { dbmSupport = true; };
python = python27;
inherit passthruFun;
pypy36 = callPackage ./pypy {
self = pypy36;
sourceVersion = {
major = "7";
minor = "1";
patch = "1";
sha256 = "1hqvnran7d2dzj5555n7q680dyzhmbklz04pvkxgb5j604v7kkx1";
pythonVersion = "3.6";
db = db.override { dbmSupport = true; };
python = python27;
inherit passthruFun;
pypy27_prebuilt = callPackage ./pypy/prebuilt.nix {
# Not included at top-level
self = pythonInterpreters.pypy27_prebuilt;
sourceVersion = {
major = "7";
minor = "1";
patch = "1";
sha256 = "0rlx4x9xy9h989w6sy4h7lknm00956r30c5gjxwsvf8fhvq9xc3k"; # linux64
pythonVersion = "2.7";
inherit passthruFun;
ncurses = ncurses5;
pypy36_prebuilt = callPackage ./pypy/prebuilt.nix {
# Not included at top-level
self = pythonInterpreters.pypy36_prebuilt;
sourceVersion = {
major = "7";
minor = "1";
patch = "1";
sha256 = "1c1xx6dm1n4xvh1vd3rcvyyixm5jm9rvzisji1a5bc9l38xzc540"; # linux64
pythonVersion = "3.6";
inherit passthruFun;
ncurses = ncurses5;