forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
The LLVM headers it wants to copy are in llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped.lib, not llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped.
276 lines
10 KiB
276 lines
10 KiB
{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, callPackage, writeScript, fetchpatch, cmake
, wrapQtAppsHook, qt5, boost, llvmPackages, gcc, jdk, maven, pythonPackages
, coreutils, which, desktop-file-utils, shared-mime-info, imagemagick, libicns
# TODO: remove when version incompatibility issue with python3Packages.jedi is
# resolved
parso = pythonPackages.callPackage ./parso.nix { };
jedi = pythonPackages.callPackage ./jedi.nix { inherit parso; };
pythonIndexer =
pythonPackages.callPackage ./python.nix { inherit jedi parso; };
javaIndexer = callPackage ./java.nix { };
appPrefixDir = if stdenv.isDarwin then
appBinDir =
if stdenv.isDarwin then "${appPrefixDir}/MacOS" else "${appPrefixDir}/bin";
appResourceDir = if stdenv.isDarwin then
# Upstream script:
installJavaIndexer = writeScript "" ''
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
mkdir -p "$dst"
cp "${javaIndexer}/target/java-indexer-1.0.jar" "$dst/java-indexer.jar"
cp -r java_indexer/lib/*.jar "$dst"
# Upstream script:
installPythonIndexer = writeScript "" ''
mkdir -p ${appResourceDir}/data
ln -s "${pythonIndexer}/bin" "${appResourceDir}/data/python"
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "sourcetrail";
# NOTE: skip 2020.4.35
version = "2020.2.43";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "CoatiSoftware";
repo = "Sourcetrail";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0jp9y86xzkcxikc1cn4f6gqgg6zdssck08677ldagw25p1zadvzw";
patches = let
url = commit:
in [
./disable-failing-tests.patch # FIXME: 5 test cases failing due to sandbox
# TODO: remove on next release
(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-filecopy.patch";
url = url "d079d1787c9e5cadcf41a003666dc0746cc1cda0";
sha256 = "0mixy2a4s16kv2q89k7y4dv21wnv2zd86i4gdwn3xz977y8hf92b";
(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-broken-test.patch";
url = url "85329174bac8a301733100dc4540258f977e2c5a";
sha256 = "17l4417sbmkrgr6v3fbazlmkzl9774zrpjv2n9zwfrz52y30f7b9";
nativeBuildInputs = [
javaIndexer # the resulting jar file is copied by our install script
] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.isDarwin) libicns
++ lib.optionals doCheck testBinPath;
buildInputs = [ boost pythonIndexer shared-mime-info ]
++ (with qt5; [ qtbase qtsvg ]) ++ (with llvmPackages; [ libclang llvm ]);
binPath = [ gcc jdk.jre maven which ];
testBinPath = binPath ++ [ coreutils ];
cmakeFlags = [
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isLinux
++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin
postPatch = let
major = lib.versions.major version;
minor = lib.versions.minor version;
patch = lib.versions.patch version;
in ''
# Upstream script obtains it's version from git:
cat > cmake/version.cmake <<EOF
set(GIT_BRANCH "")
set(VERSION_YEAR "${major}")
set(VERSION_MINOR "${minor}")
set(VERSION_COMMIT "${patch}")
set(BUILD_TYPE "Release")
set(VERSION_STRING "${major}.${minor}.${patch}")
# Sourcetrail attempts to copy clang headers from the LLVM store path
substituteInPlace CMakeLists.txt \
--replace "\''${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}" '${lib.getLib llvmPackages.clang-unwrapped}'
patchShebangs script
ln -sf ${installJavaIndexer} script/
ln -sf ${installPythonIndexer} script/
# Directory layout for Linux:
# Sourcetrail doesn't use the usual cmake install() commands and instead uses
# its own bash script for packaging. Since we're not able to reuse the script,
# we'll have to roll our own in nixpkgs.
# Sourcetrail currently assumes one of the following two layouts for the
# placement of its files:
# AppImage Layout Traditional Layout
# ├── bin/ ├── sourcetrail*
# │ └── sourcetrail* └── data/
# └── share/
# └── data/ sourcetrail: application executable
# data: contains assets exlusive to Sourcetrail
# The AppImage layout is the one currently used by the upstream project for
# packaging its Linux port. We can't use this layout as-is for nixpkgs,
# because Sourcetrail treating $out/share/data as its own might lead to
# conflicts with other packages when linked into a Nix profile.
# On the other hand, the traditional layout isn't used by the upstream project
# anymore so there's a risk that it might become unusable at any time in the
# future. Since it's hard to detect these problems at build time, it's not a
# good idea to use this layout for packaging in nixpkgs.
# Considering the problems with the above layouts, we go with the third
# option, a slight variation of the AppImage layout:
# nixpkgs
# ├── bin/
# │ └── sourcetrail@ (symlink to opt/sourcetrail/bin/sourcetrail)
# └── opt/sourcetrail/
# ├── bin/
# │ └── sourcetrail*
# └── share/
# └── data/
# Upstream install script:
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p ${appResourceDir}
cp -R ../bin/app/data ${appResourceDir}
cp -R ../bin/app/user/projects ${appResourceDir}/data/fallback
rm -r ${appResourceDir}/data/install ${appResourceDir}/data/*_template.xml
mkdir -p "${appBinDir}"
cp app/Sourcetrail ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail
cp app/sourcetrail_indexer ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail_indexer
wrapQtApp ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail \
--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath binPath}
mkdir -p $out/bin
'' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.isLinux) ''
ln -sf ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail $out/bin/sourcetrail
desktop-file-install --dir=$out/share/applications \
--set-key Exec --set-value ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail \
mkdir -p $out/share/mime/packages
cp ../setup/Linux/data/sourcetrail-mime.xml $out/share/mime/packages/
for size in 48 64 128 256 512; do
mkdir -p $out/share/icons/hicolor/''${size}x''${size}/apps/
convert ${appResourceDir}/data/gui/icon/logo_1024_1024.png \
-resize ''${size}x''${size} \
'' + lib.optionalString (stdenv.isDarwin) ''
# change case (some people *might* choose a case sensitive Nix store)
mv ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail{,.tmp}
mv ${appBinDir}/{sourcetrail.tmp,Sourcetrail}
mv ${appBinDir}/sourcetrail_indexer ${appResourceDir}/Sourcetrail_indexer
ln -sf ${appBinDir}/Sourcetrail $out/bin/sourcetrail
cp app/bundle_info.plist ${appPrefixDir}/Info.plist
mkdir -p ${appResourceDir}/icon.iconset
for size in 16 32 128 256 512; do
convert ${appResourceDir}/data/gui/icon/logo_1024_1024.png \
-resize ''${size}x''${size} \
convert ${appResourceDir}/data/gui/icon/logo_1024_1024.png \
-resize $(( 2 * size ))x$(( 2 * size )) \
png2icns ${appResourceDir}/icon.icns \
mkdir -p ${appResourceDir}/project.iconset
for size in 16 32 64 128 256 512; do
convert ${appResourceDir}/data/gui/icon/project_256_256.png \
-resize ''${size}x''${size} \
convert ${appResourceDir}/data/gui/icon/project_256_256.png \
-resize $(( 2 * size ))x$(( 2 * size )) \
png2icns ${appResourceDir}/project.icns \
'' + ''
runHook postInstall
checkPhase = ''
runHook preCheck
rm -rf ../bin/app/data/{python,java/lib}
ln -s $out/opt/sourcetrail/share/data/python ../bin/app/data/python
ln -s $out/opt/sourcetrail/share/data/java/lib ../bin/app/data/java/lib
pushd test
# shorten PATH to prevent build failures
wrapQtApp ./Sourcetrail_test \
--set PATH "" \
--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath testBinPath} \
--set MAVEN_OPTS "-Dmaven.repo.local=$TMPDIR/m2repo"
rm ../bin/app/data/{python,java/lib}
runHook postCheck
# This has to be done manually in the installPhase because the actual binary
# lives in $out/opt/sourcetrail/bin, which isn't covered by wrapQtAppsHook
dontWrapQtApps = true;
# FIXME: Some test cases are disabled in the patch phase.
# FIXME: Tests are disabled on some platforms because of faulty detection
# logic for Should work with manual configuration.
doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin && stdenv.isx86_64;
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "A cross-platform source explorer for C/C++ and Java";
platforms = platforms.all;
license = licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ midchildan ];