forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
the conversion procedure is simple: - find all things that look like options, ie calls to either `mkOption` or `lib.mkOption` that take an attrset. remember the attrset as the option - for all options, find a `description` attribute who's value is not a call to `mdDoc` or `lib.mdDoc` - textually convert the entire value of the attribute to MD with a few simple regexes (the set from - if the change produced a change in the manual output, discard - if the change kept the manual unchanged, add some text to the description to make sure we've actually found an option. if the manual changes this time, keep the converted description this procedure converts 80% of nixos options to markdown. around 2000 options remain to be inspected, but most of those fail the "does not change the manual output check": currently the MD conversion process does not faithfully convert docbook tags like <code> and <package>, so any option using such tags will not be converted at all.
287 lines
8.5 KiB
287 lines
8.5 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
dataDir = "/var/lib/dnscrypt-wrapper";
mkPath = path: default:
if path != null
then toString path
else default;
publicKey = mkPath cfg.providerKey.public "${dataDir}/public.key";
secretKey = mkPath cfg.providerKey.secret "${dataDir}/secret.key";
daemonArgs = with cfg; [
"--listen-address=${address}:${toString port}"
"--resolver-address=${upstream.address}:${toString upstream.port}"
genKeys = ''
# generates time-limited keypairs
keyGen() {
dnscrypt-wrapper --gen-crypt-keypair \
dnscrypt-wrapper --gen-cert-file \
--crypt-secretkey-file=${cfg.providerName}.key \
--provider-cert-file=${cfg.providerName}.crt \
--provider-publickey-file=${publicKey} \
--provider-secretkey-file=${secretKey} \
--cert-file-expire-days=${toString cfg.keys.expiration}
cd ${dataDir}
# generate provider keypair (first run only)
${optionalString (cfg.providerKey.public == null || cfg.providerKey.secret == null) ''
if [ ! -f ${publicKey} ] || [ ! -f ${secretKey} ]; then
dnscrypt-wrapper --gen-provider-keypair
# generate new keys for rotation
if [ ! -f ${cfg.providerName}.key ] || [ ! -f ${cfg.providerName}.crt ]; then
rotateKeys = ''
# check if keys are not expired
keyValid() {
fingerprint=$(dnscrypt-wrapper \
--show-provider-publickey \
--provider-publickey-file=${publicKey} \
| awk '{print $(NF)}')
dnscrypt-proxy --test=${toString (cfg.keys.checkInterval + 1)} \
--resolver-address=${toString cfg.port} \
--provider-name=${cfg.providerName} \
cd ${dataDir}
# archive old keys and restart the service
if ! keyValid; then
echo "certificate soon to become invalid; backing up old cert"
mkdir -p oldkeys
mv -v ${cfg.providerName}.key oldkeys/${cfg.providerName}-$(date +%F-%T).key
mv -v ${cfg.providerName}.crt oldkeys/${cfg.providerName}-$(date +%F-%T).crt
systemctl restart dnscrypt-wrapper
# This is the fork of the original dnscrypt-proxy maintained by
# dnscrypt-proxy2 doesn't provide the `--test` feature that is needed to
# correctly implement key rotation of dnscrypt-wrapper ephemeral keys.
dnscrypt-proxy1 = pkgs.callPackage
({ stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, autoreconfHook
, pkg-config, libsodium, ldns, openssl, systemd }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "dnscrypt-proxy";
version = "2019-08-20";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "dyne";
repo = "dnscrypt-proxy";
rev = "07ac3825b5069adc28e2547c16b1d983a8ed8d80";
sha256 = "0c4mq741q4rpmdn09agwmxap32kf0vgfz7pkhcdc5h54chc3g3xy";
configureFlags = optional stdenv.isLinux "--with-systemd";
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkg-config ];
# <ldns/ldns.h> depends on <openssl/ssl.h>
buildInputs = [ libsodium ldns ] ++ optional stdenv.isLinux systemd;
postInstall = ''
# Previous versions required libtool files to load plugins; they are
# now strictly optional.
rm $out/lib/dnscrypt-proxy/*.la
meta = {
description = "A tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.isc;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ rnhmjoj ];
platforms = platforms.linux;
}) { };
in {
###### interface
| = {
enable = mkEnableOption "DNSCrypt wrapper";
address = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The DNSCrypt wrapper will bind to this IP address.
port = mkOption {
type =;
default = 5353;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The DNSCrypt wrapper will listen for DNS queries on this port.
providerName = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "2.dnscrypt-cert.${config.networking.hostName}";
defaultText = literalExpression ''"2.dnscrypt-cert.''${config.networking.hostName}"'';
example = "2.dnscrypt-cert.myresolver";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The name that will be given to this DNSCrypt resolver.
Note: the resolver name must start with `2.dnscrypt-cert.`.
providerKey.public = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = null;
example = "/etc/secrets/public.key";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The filepath to the provider public key. If not given a new
provider key pair will be generated on the first run.
providerKey.secret = mkOption {
type = types.nullOr types.path;
default = null;
example = "/etc/secrets/secret.key";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The filepath to the provider secret key. If not given a new
provider key pair will be generated on the first run.
upstream.address = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The IP address of the upstream DNS server DNSCrypt will "wrap".
upstream.port = mkOption {
type =;
default = 53;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The port of the upstream DNS server DNSCrypt will "wrap".
keys.expiration = mkOption {
type =;
default = 30;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The duration (in days) of the time-limited secret key.
This will be automatically rotated before expiration.
keys.checkInterval = mkOption {
type =;
default = 1440;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
The time interval (in minutes) between key expiration checks.
###### implementation
config = mkIf cfg.enable {
users.users.dnscrypt-wrapper = {
description = "dnscrypt-wrapper daemon user";
home = "${dataDir}";
createHome = true;
isSystemUser = true;
group = "dnscrypt-wrapper";
users.groups.dnscrypt-wrapper = { };
security.polkit.extraConfig = ''
// Allow dnscrypt-wrapper user to restart dnscrypt-wrapper.service
polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
if ( == "org.freedesktop.systemd1.manage-units" &&
action.lookup("unit") == "dnscrypt-wrapper.service" &&
subject.user == "dnscrypt-wrapper") {
return polkit.Result.YES;
| = {
description = "dnscrypt-wrapper daemon";
after = [ "" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = [ pkgs.dnscrypt-wrapper ];
serviceConfig = {
User = "dnscrypt-wrapper";
WorkingDirectory = dataDir;
Restart = "on-failure";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.dnscrypt-wrapper}/bin/dnscrypt-wrapper ${toString daemonArgs}";
preStart = genKeys;
| = {
after = [ "" ];
requires = [ "dnscrypt-wrapper.service" ];
description = "Rotates DNSCrypt wrapper keys if soon to expire";
path = with pkgs; [ dnscrypt-wrapper dnscrypt-proxy1 gawk ];
script = rotateKeys;
serviceConfig.User = "dnscrypt-wrapper";
systemd.timers.dnscrypt-wrapper-rotate = {
description = "Periodically check DNSCrypt wrapper keys for expiration";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
timerConfig = {
Unit = "dnscrypt-wrapper-rotate.service";
OnBootSec = "1min";
OnUnitActiveSec = cfg.keys.checkInterval * 60;
assertions = with cfg; [
{ assertion = (providerKey.public == null && providerKey.secret == null) ||
(providerKey.secret != null && providerKey.public != null);
message = "The secret and public provider key must be set together.";
meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ rnhmjoj ];