forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
The distinction between the inputs doesn't really make sense in the mkShell context. Technically speaking, we should be using the nativeBuildInputs most of the time. So in order to make this function more beginner-friendly, add "packages" as an attribute, that maps to nativeBuildInputs. This commit also updates all the uses in nixpkgs.
86 lines
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86 lines
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# Builder for Agda packages.
{ stdenv, lib, self, Agda, runCommandNoCC, makeWrapper, writeText, ghcWithPackages, nixosTests }:
with lib.strings;
withPackages' = {
ghc ? ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [ ieee754 ])
}: let
pkgs' = if builtins.isList pkgs then pkgs else pkgs self;
library-file = writeText "libraries" ''
${(concatMapStringsSep "\n" (p: "${p}/${p.libraryFile}") pkgs')}
pname = "agdaWithPackages";
version = Agda.version;
in runCommandNoCC "${pname}-${version}" {
inherit pname version;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
passthru = {
unwrapped = Agda;
tests = { inherit (nixosTests) agda; };
} ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${Agda}/bin/agda $out/bin/agda \
--add-flags "--with-compiler=${ghc}/bin/ghc" \
--add-flags "--library-file=${library-file}" \
--add-flags "--local-interfaces"
makeWrapper ${Agda}/bin/agda-mode $out/bin/agda-mode
''; # Local interfaces has been added for now: See
withPackages = arg: if builtins.isAttrs arg then withPackages' arg else withPackages' { pkgs = arg; };
extensions = [
defaults =
{ pname
, buildInputs ? []
, everythingFile ? "./Everything.agda"
, libraryName ? pname
, libraryFile ? "${libraryName}.agda-lib"
, buildPhase ? null
, installPhase ? null
, extraExtensions ? []
, ...
}: let
agdaWithArgs = withPackages (builtins.filter (p: p ? isAgdaDerivation) buildInputs);
inherit libraryName libraryFile;
isAgdaDerivation = true;
buildInputs = buildInputs ++ [ agdaWithArgs ];
buildPhase = if buildPhase != null then buildPhase else ''
runHook preBuild
agda -i ${dirOf everythingFile} ${everythingFile}
runHook postBuild
installPhase = if installPhase != null then installPhase else ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out
find -not \( -path ${everythingFile} -or -path ${lib.interfaceFile everythingFile} \) -and \( ${concatMapStringsSep " -or " (p: "-name '*.${p}'") (extensions ++ extraExtensions)} \) -exec cp -p --parents -t "$out" {} +
runHook postInstall
mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // defaults args);
inherit withPackages withPackages';