forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
the conversion procedure is simple: - find all things that look like options, ie calls to either `mkOption` or `lib.mkOption` that take an attrset. remember the attrset as the option - for all options, find a `description` attribute who's value is not a call to `mdDoc` or `lib.mdDoc` - textually convert the entire value of the attribute to MD with a few simple regexes (the set from - if the change produced a change in the manual output, discard - if the change kept the manual unchanged, add some text to the description to make sure we've actually found an option. if the manual changes this time, keep the converted description this procedure converts 80% of nixos options to markdown. around 2000 options remain to be inspected, but most of those fail the "does not change the manual output check": currently the MD conversion process does not faithfully convert docbook tags like <code> and <package>, so any option using such tags will not be converted at all.
263 lines
7.9 KiB
263 lines
7.9 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
cfg =;
zope2Opts = { name, ... }: {
options = {
name = mkOption {
default = "${name}";
type = types.str;
description = lib.mdDoc "The name of the zope2 instance. If undefined, the name of the attribute set will be used.";
threads = mkOption {
default = 2;
type =;
description = lib.mdDoc "Specify the number of threads that Zope's ZServer web server will use to service requests. ";
http_address = mkOption {
default = "localhost:8080";
type = types.str;
description = lib.mdDoc "Give a port and address for the HTTP server.";
user = mkOption {
default = "zope2";
type = types.str;
description = lib.mdDoc "The name of the effective user for the Zope process.";
clientHome = mkOption {
default = "/var/lib/zope2/${name}";
type = types.path;
description = lib.mdDoc "Home directory of zope2 instance.";
extra = mkOption {
default =
<zodb_db main>
mount-point /
cache-size 30000
blob-dir /var/lib/zope2/${name}/blobstorage
path /var/lib/zope2/${name}/filestorage/Data.fs
type = types.lines;
description = lib.mdDoc "Extra zope.conf";
packages = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.package;
description = lib.mdDoc "The list of packages you want to make available to the zope2 instance.";
###### interface
options = {
services.zope2.instances = mkOption {
default = {};
type = with types; attrsOf (submodule zope2Opts);
example = literalExpression ''
plone01 = {
http_address = "";
extra =
<zodb_db main>
mount-point /
cache-size 30000
blob-dir /var/lib/zope2/plone01/blobstorage
path /var/lib/zope2/plone01/filestorage/Data.fs
description = lib.mdDoc "zope2 instances to be created automaticaly by the system.";
###### implementation
config = mkIf (cfg.instances != {}) {
users.users.zope2 = {
isSystemUser = true;
group = "zope2";
users.groups.zope2 = {};
| =
createZope2Instance = opts: name:
interpreter = pkgs.writeScript "interpreter"
import sys
_interactive = True
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
_options, _args = __import__("getopt").getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'ic:m:')
_interactive = False
for (_opt, _val) in _options:
if _opt == '-i':
_interactive = True
elif _opt == '-c':
exec _val
elif _opt == '-m':
sys.argv[1:] = _args
_args = []
_val, {}, "__main__", alter_sys=True)
if _args:
sys.argv[:] = _args
__file__ = _args[0]
del _options, _args
if _interactive:
del _interactive
__import__("code").interact(banner="", local=globals())
env = pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "zope2-${name}-env";
paths = [
] ++ attrValues pkgs.python27.modules
++ opts.packages;
postBuild =
echo "#!$out/bin/python" > $out/bin/interpreter
cat ${interpreter} >> $out/bin/interpreter
conf = pkgs.writeText "zope2-${name}-conf"
%define INSTANCEHOME ${env}
instancehome $INSTANCEHOME
%define CLIENTHOME ${opts.clientHome}/${}
clienthome $CLIENTHOME
debug-mode off
security-policy-implementation C
verbose-security off
default-zpublisher-encoding utf-8
zserver-threads ${toString opts.threads}
effective-user ${opts.user}
pid-filename ${opts.clientHome}/${}/pid
lock-filename ${opts.clientHome}/${}/lock
python-check-interval 1000
enable-product-installation off
zope_i18n_compile_mo_files false
level INFO
path /var/log/zope2/${name}.log
level INFO
<logger access>
level WARN
path /var/log/zope2/${name}-Z2.log
format %(message)s
address ${opts.http_address}
<zodb_db temporary>
name temporary storage for sessioning
mount-point /temp_folder
container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer
ctlScript = pkgs.writeScript "zope2-${name}-ctl-script"
import sys
import plone.recipe.zope2instance.ctl
if __name__ == '__main__':
["-C", "${conf}"]
+ sys.argv[1:]))
ctl = pkgs.writeScript "zope2-${name}-ctl"
#!${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -e
export PYTHONHOME=${env}
exec ${ctlScript} "$@"
in {
#description = "${name} instance";
after = [ "" ]; # with RelStorage also add "postgresql.service"
wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = opts.packages;
preStart =
mkdir -p /var/log/zope2/
touch /var/log/zope2/${name}.log
touch /var/log/zope2/${name}-Z2.log
chown ${opts.user} /var/log/zope2/${name}.log
chown ${opts.user} /var/log/zope2/${name}-Z2.log
mkdir -p ${opts.clientHome}/filestorage ${opts.clientHome}/blobstorage
mkdir -p ${opts.clientHome}/${}
chown ${opts.user} ${opts.clientHome} -R
${ctl} adduser admin admin
serviceConfig.Type = "forking";
serviceConfig.ExecStart = "${ctl} start";
serviceConfig.ExecStop = "${ctl} stop";
serviceConfig.ExecReload = "${ctl} restart";
in listToAttrs (map (name: { name = "zope2-${name}"; value = createZope2Instance (builtins.getAttr name cfg.instances) name; }) (builtins.attrNames cfg.instances));