forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
The code under Compress/Rar* is licensed under a specific unRAR license Also Compress/LzfseDecoder.cpp is covered by BSD3 The unRAR code is removed from the source drv since the license posits you agree or remove the code from your hard drive This adds some complexity to updating p7zip so there is also an update script Meta has been updated and tweaked
48 lines
2 KiB
Executable file
48 lines
2 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p coreutils gnused curl jq
set -euo pipefail
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
OLD_VERSION="$(sed -nE 's/\s*version = "(.*)".*/\1/p' ./default.nix)"
NEW_VERSION="$(curl | jq .tag_name -r | tr -d 'v')"
echo "comparing versions $OLD_VERSION => $NEW_VERSION"
if [[ "$OLD_VERSION" == "$NEW_VERSION" ]]; then
echo "Already up to date! Doing nothing"
exit 0
NIXPKGS_ROOT="$(realpath "$DRV_DIR/../../../..")"
echo "getting free source hash"
OLD_FREE_HASH="$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict -E "with import $NIXPKGS_ROOT {}; p7zip.src.drvAttrs.outputHash" | tr -d '"')"
echo "getting unfree source hash"
OLD_UNFREE_HASH="$(nix-instantiate --eval --strict -E "with import $NIXPKGS_ROOT {}; (p7zip.override { enableUnfree = true; }).src.drvAttrs.outputHash" | tr -d '"')"
NEW_FREE_HASH=$(nix-prefetch -f "$NIXPKGS_ROOT" -E "p7zip.src" --rev "v$NEW_VERSION")
NEW_UNFREE_OUT=$(nix-prefetch -f "$NIXPKGS_ROOT" -E "(p7zip.override { enableUnfree = true; }).src" --rev "v$NEW_VERSION" --output raw --print-path)
# first line of raw output is the hash
NEW_UNFREE_HASH="$(echo "$NEW_UNFREE_OUT" | sed -n 1p)"
# second line of raw output is the src path
NEW_UNFREE_SRC="$(echo "$NEW_UNFREE_OUT" | sed -n 2p)"
# make sure to nuke the unfree src from the updater's machine
# > the license requires that you agree to these use restrictions, or you must remove the software (source and binary) from your hard disks
nix-store --delete "$NEW_UNFREE_SRC"
echo "updating version"
sed -i "s/version = \"$OLD_VERSION\";/version = \"$NEW_VERSION\";/" "$DRV_DIR/default.nix"
echo "updating free hash"
sed -i "s@free = \"$OLD_FREE_HASH\";@free = \"$NEW_FREE_HASH\";@" "$DRV_DIR/default.nix"
echo "updating unfree hash"
sed -i "s@unfree = \"$OLD_UNFREE_HASH\";@unfree = \"$NEW_UNFREE_HASH\";@" "$DRV_DIR/default.nix"
echo "done"