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8573 6b486cf947 vim_configurable: Add wrapGAppsHook for GTK 3 (#44645)
As suggested by @jtojnar in GitHub issue #44580, this patch adds the
package `wrapGAppsHook` to the dependencies (specifically, the
`nativeBuildInputs`) of `vim_configurable`, when `vim_configurable` is
built against GTK 3.

This change prevents GVim from crashing if one tries to use its
file-choosing dialog, and fixes a warning that otherwise might be
emitted if one tries to use its find/replace dialog.
2018-08-09 11:11:24 +02:00

165 lines
6.2 KiB

# TODO tidy up eg The patchelf code is patching gvim even if you don't build it..
# but I have gvim with python support now :) - Marc
args@{ source ? "default", callPackage, fetchurl, stdenv, ncurses, pkgconfig, gettext
, writeText, lib, config, glib, gtk2, gtk3, python, perl, tcl, ruby
, libX11, libXext, libSM, libXpm, libXt, libXaw, libXau, libXmu
, libICE
, vimPlugins
, makeWrapper
, wrapGAppsHook
# apple frameworks
, CoreServices, CoreData, Cocoa, Foundation, libobjc, cf-private
, features ? "huge" # One of tiny, small, normal, big or huge
, wrapPythonDrv ? false
, guiSupport ? config.vim.gui or "auto"
, luaSupport ? config.vim.lua or true
, perlSupport ? config.vim.perl or false # Perl interpreter
, pythonSupport ? config.vim.python or true # Python interpreter
, rubySupport ? config.vim.ruby or true # Ruby interpreter
, nlsSupport ? config.vim.nls or false # Enable NLS (gettext())
, tclSupport ? config.vim.tcl or false # Include Tcl interpreter
, multibyteSupport ? config.vim.multibyte or false # Enable multibyte editing support
, cscopeSupport ? config.vim.cscope or true # Enable cscope interface
, netbeansSupport ? config.netbeans or true # Enable NetBeans integration support.
, ximSupport ? config.vim.xim or true # less than 15KB, needed for deadkeys
# By default, compile with darwin support if we're compiling on darwin, but
# allow this to be disabled by setting config.vim.darwin to false
, darwinSupport ? stdenv.isDarwin && (config.vim.darwin or true) # Enable Darwin support
, ftNixSupport ? config.vim.ftNix or true # Add .nix filetype detection and minimal syntax highlighting support
, ... }: with args;
nixosRuntimepath = writeText "nixos-vimrc" ''
set nocompatible
syntax on
function! NixosPluginPath()
let seen = {}
for p in reverse(split($NIX_PROFILES))
for d in split(glob(p . '/share/vim-plugins/*'))
let pluginname = substitute(d, ".*/", "", "")
if !has_key(seen, pluginname)
exec 'set runtimepath^='.d
let after = d."/after"
if isdirectory(after)
exec 'set runtimepath^='.after
let seen[pluginname] = 1
execute NixosPluginPath()
if filereadable("/etc/vimrc")
source /etc/vimrc
elseif filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc")
source /etc/vim/vimrc
common = callPackage ./common.nix {};
isPython3 = python.isPy3 or false;
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "vim_configurable-${version}";
inherit (common) version postPatch hardeningDisable enableParallelBuilding meta;
src = builtins.getAttr source {
"default" = common.src; # latest release
patches = [ ./cflags-prune.diff ] ++ stdenv.lib.optional ftNixSupport ./ft-nix-support.patch;
configureFlags = [
"--disable-xsmp" # XSMP session management
"--disable-xsmp_interact" # XSMP interaction
"--disable-workshop" # Sun Visual Workshop support
"--disable-sniff" # Sniff interface
"--disable-hangulinput" # Hangul input support
"--disable-fontset" # X fontset output support
"--disable-acl" # ACL support
"--disable-gpm" # GPM (Linux mouse daemon)
++ stdenv.lib.optionals luaSupport [
++ stdenv.lib.optionals pythonSupport [
"--enable-python${if isPython3 then "3" else ""}interp=yes"
"--with-python${if isPython3 then "3" else ""}-config-dir=${python}/lib"
"--disable-python${if (!isPython3) then "3" else ""}interp"
++ stdenv.lib.optional nlsSupport "--enable-nls"
++ stdenv.lib.optional perlSupport "--enable-perlinterp"
++ stdenv.lib.optional rubySupport "--enable-rubyinterp"
++ stdenv.lib.optional tclSupport "--enable-tclinterp"
++ stdenv.lib.optional multibyteSupport "--enable-multibyte"
++ stdenv.lib.optional cscopeSupport "--enable-cscope"
++ stdenv.lib.optional netbeansSupport "--enable-netbeans"
++ stdenv.lib.optional ximSupport "--enable-xim";
nativeBuildInputs = [
++ stdenv.lib.optional wrapPythonDrv makeWrapper
++ stdenv.lib.optional nlsSupport gettext
++ stdenv.lib.optional perlSupport perl
++ stdenv.lib.optional (guiSupport == "gtk3") wrapGAppsHook
buildInputs = [ ncurses libX11 libXext libSM libXpm libXt libXaw libXau
libXmu glib libICE ]
++ (if guiSupport == "gtk3" then [gtk3] else [gtk2])
++ stdenv.lib.optionals darwinSupport [ CoreServices CoreData Cocoa Foundation libobjc cf-private ]
++ stdenv.lib.optional luaSupport lua
++ stdenv.lib.optional pythonSupport python
++ stdenv.lib.optional tclSupport tcl
++ stdenv.lib.optional rubySupport ruby;
preConfigure = ''
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString ftNixSupport ''
cp ${vimPlugins.vim-nix.src}/ftplugin/nix.vim runtime/ftplugin/nix.vim
cp ${vimPlugins.vim-nix.src}/indent/nix.vim runtime/indent/nix.vim
cp ${vimPlugins.vim-nix.src}/syntax/nix.vim runtime/syntax/nix.vim
NIX_LDFLAGS = stdenv.lib.optionalString (darwinSupport && stdenv.isDarwin)
postInstall = ''
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
patchelf --set-rpath \
"$(patchelf --print-rpath $out/bin/vim):${lib.makeLibraryPath buildInputs}" \
ln -sfn '${nixosRuntimepath}' "$out"/share/vim/vimrc
'' + stdenv.lib.optionalString wrapPythonDrv ''
wrapProgram "$out/bin/vim" --prefix PATH : "${python}/bin"
preInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/applications $out/share/icons/{hicolor,locolor}/{16x16,32x32,48x48}/apps
dontStrip = 1;