forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
Otherwise you end up with a derivation that refers to the original path (which is not in the Nix store and not accessible to builders). This caused the derivation paths for the docbookrx package (removed on master) to depend on the location of the nixpkgs source tree.
94 lines
2.6 KiB
94 lines
2.6 KiB
{ lib, gemConfig, ... }:
inherit (lib) attrValues concatMap converge filterAttrs getAttrs
in rec {
bundlerFiles = {
gemfile ? null
, lockfile ? null
, gemset ? null
, gemdir ? null
, ...
}: {
inherit gemdir;
gemfile =
if gemfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile"
else gemfile;
lockfile =
if lockfile == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/Gemfile.lock"
else lockfile;
gemset =
if gemset == null then assert gemdir != null; gemdir + "/gemset.nix"
else gemset;
filterGemset = { ruby, groups, ... }: gemset:
platformGems = filterAttrs (_: platformMatches ruby) gemset;
directlyMatchingGems = filterAttrs (_: groupMatches groups) platformGems;
expandDependencies = gems:
depNames = concatMap (gem: gem.dependencies or []) (attrValues gems);
deps = getAttrs depNames platformGems;
gems // deps;
converge expandDependencies directlyMatchingGems;
platformMatches = {rubyEngine, version, ...}: attrs: (
!(attrs ? platforms) ||
builtins.length attrs.platforms == 0 ||
builtins.any (platform:
platform.engine == rubyEngine &&
(!(platform ? version) || platform.version == version.majMin)
) attrs.platforms
groupMatches = groups: attrs:
groups == null || !(attrs ? groups) ||
(intersectLists (groups ++ [ "default" ]) attrs.groups) != [];
applyGemConfigs = attrs:
(if gemConfig ? ${attrs.gemName}
then attrs // gemConfig.${attrs.gemName} attrs
else attrs);
genStubsScript = { lib, ruby, confFiles, bundler, groups, binPaths, ... }: ''
${ruby}/bin/ruby ${./gen-bin-stubs.rb} \
"${ruby}/bin/ruby" \
"${confFiles}/Gemfile" \
"$out/${ruby.gemPath}" \
"${bundler}/${ruby.gemPath}/gems/bundler-${bundler.version}" \
${lib.escapeShellArg binPaths} \
${lib.escapeShellArg groups}
pathDerivation = { gemName, version, path, ... }:
res = {
type = "derivation";
bundledByPath = true;
name = gemName;
version = version;
outPath = "${path}";
outputs = [ "out" ];
out = res;
outputName = "out";
in res;
composeGemAttrs = ruby: gems: name: attrs: ((removeAttrs attrs ["platforms"]) // {
inherit ruby;
inherit (attrs.source) type;
source = removeAttrs attrs.source ["type"];
gemName = name;
gemPath = map (gemName: gems.${gemName}) (attrs.dependencies or []);