forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
Projects often require a specific major version of NodeJS, and sometimes a specific yarn version. Since yarn2nix utilities are accessed from nixpkgs now, there is no simple way to override versions of nodejs and yarn without complex solutions like an overlay. This adds `yarn` and `nodejs` as optional attribute arguments to `mkYarnModules`, `mkYarnPackage`, and `mkYarnWorkspace`. They default to the same versions that are currently being used, and the nodejs input to yarn is overridden so that it will match if only `nodejs` is overridden by the user. These arguments will also cascade from `mkYarnWorkspace` -> `mkYarnPackage` -> `mkYarnModules`, making per-package overrides very simple.
459 lines
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459 lines
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{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
, nodejs ? pkgs.nodejs
, yarn ? pkgs.yarn
, allowAliases ? pkgs.config.allowAliases
inherit (pkgs) stdenv lib fetchurl linkFarm callPackage git rsync makeWrapper runCommandLocal;
compose = f: g: x: f (g x);
id = x: x;
composeAll = builtins.foldl' compose id;
# TODO: support expression syntax (OR, AND, etc)
getLicenseFromSpdxId = licstr:
if licstr == "UNLICENSED" then
lib.getLicenseFromSpdxId licstr;
in rec {
# Export yarn again to make it easier to find out which yarn was used.
inherit yarn;
# Re-export pkgs
inherit pkgs;
unlessNull = item: alt:
if item == null then alt else item;
reformatPackageName = pname:
# regex adapted from `validate-npm-package-name`
# will produce 3 parts e.g.
# "@someorg/somepackage" -> [ "@someorg/" "someorg" "somepackage" ]
# "somepackage" -> [ null null "somepackage" ]
parts = builtins.tail (builtins.match "^(@([^/]+)/)?([^/]+)$" pname);
# if there is no organisation we need to filter out null values.
non-null = builtins.filter (x: x != null) parts;
in builtins.concatStringsSep "-" non-null;
inherit getLicenseFromSpdxId;
# Generates the yarn.nix from the yarn.lock file
mkYarnNix = { yarnLock, flags ? [] }:
pkgs.runCommand "yarn.nix" {}
"${yarn2nix}/bin/yarn2nix --lockfile ${yarnLock} --no-patch --builtin-fetchgit ${lib.escapeShellArgs flags} > $out";
# Loads the generated offline cache. This will be used by yarn as
# the package source.
importOfflineCache = yarnNix:
pkg = callPackage yarnNix { };
defaultYarnFlags = [
mkYarnModules = {
name ? "${pname}-${version}", # safe name and version, e.g. testcompany-one-modules-1.0.0
pname, # original name, e.g @testcompany/one
yarnNix ? mkYarnNix { inherit yarnLock; },
offlineCache ? importOfflineCache yarnNix,
yarnFlags ? [ ],
ignoreScripts ? true,
nodejs ? inputs.nodejs,
yarn ? inputs.yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs; },
pkgConfig ? {},
preBuild ? "",
postBuild ? "",
workspaceDependencies ? [], # List of yarn packages
packageResolutions ? {},
extraNativeBuildInputs =
(key: pkgConfig.${key}.nativeBuildInputs or [])
(builtins.attrNames pkgConfig);
extraBuildInputs =
(key: pkgConfig.${key}.buildInputs or [])
(builtins.attrNames pkgConfig);
postInstall = ( (key:
if (pkgConfig.${key} ? postInstall) then
for f in $(find -L -path '*/node_modules/${key}' -type d); do
(cd "$f" && (${pkgConfig.${key}.postInstall}))
) (builtins.attrNames pkgConfig));
workspaceJSON = pkgs.writeText
(builtins.toJSON { private = true; workspaces = ["deps/**"]; resolutions = packageResolutions; }); # scoped packages need second splat
workspaceDependencyLinks = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n"
(dep: ''
mkdir -p "deps/${dep.pname}"
ln -sf ${dep.packageJSON} "deps/${dep.pname}/package.json"
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit preBuild postBuild name;
dontUnpack = true;
dontInstall = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ yarn nodejs git ] ++ extraNativeBuildInputs;
buildInputs = extraBuildInputs;
configurePhase = lib.optionalString (offlineCache ? outputHash) ''
if ! cmp -s ${yarnLock} ${offlineCache}/yarn.lock; then
echo "yarn.lock changed, you need to update the fetchYarnDeps hash"
exit 1
'' + ''
# Yarn writes cache directories etc to $HOME.
export HOME=$PWD/yarn_home
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
mkdir -p "deps/${pname}"
cp ${packageJSON} "deps/${pname}/package.json"
cp ${workspaceJSON} ./package.json
cp ${yarnLock} ./yarn.lock
chmod +w ./yarn.lock
yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror ${offlineCache}
# Do not look up in the registry, but in the offline cache.
${fixup_yarn_lock}/bin/fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
yarn install ${lib.escapeShellArgs (defaultYarnFlags ++ lib.optional ignoreScripts "--ignore-scripts" ++ yarnFlags)}
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" postInstall}
mkdir $out
mv node_modules $out/
mv deps $out/
patchShebangs $out
runHook postBuild
# This can be used as a shellHook in mkYarnPackage. It brings the built node_modules into
# the shell-hook environment.
linkNodeModulesHook = ''
if [[ -d node_modules || -L node_modules ]]; then
echo "./node_modules is present. Replacing."
rm -rf node_modules
ln -s "$node_modules" node_modules
mkYarnWorkspace = {
packageJSON ? src + "/package.json",
yarnLock ? src + "/yarn.lock",
nodejs ? inputs.nodejs,
yarn ? inputs.yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs; },
packageOverrides ? {},
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
packageGlobs = if lib.isList package.workspaces then package.workspaces else package.workspaces.packages;
packageResolutions = package.resolutions or {};
globElemToRegex = lib.replaceStrings ["*"] [".*"];
# PathGlob -> [PathGlobElem]
splitGlob = lib.splitString "/";
# Path -> [PathGlobElem] -> [Path]
# Note: Only directories are included, everything else is filtered out
expandGlobList = base: globElems:
elemRegex = globElemToRegex (lib.head globElems);
rest = lib.tail globElems;
children = lib.attrNames (lib.filterAttrs (name: type: type == "directory") (builtins.readDir base));
matchingChildren = lib.filter (child: builtins.match elemRegex child != null) children;
in if globElems == []
then [ base ]
else lib.concatMap (child: expandGlobList (base+("/"+child)) rest) matchingChildren;
# Path -> PathGlob -> [Path]
expandGlob = base: glob: expandGlobList base (splitGlob glob);
packagePaths = lib.concatMap (expandGlob src) packageGlobs;
packages = lib.listToAttrs (map (src:
packageJSON = src + "/package.json";
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
allDependencies = lib.foldl (a: b: a // b) {} (map (field: lib.attrByPath [field] {} package) ["dependencies" "devDependencies"]);
# { [name: String] : { pname : String, packageJSON : String, ... } } -> { [pname: String] : version } -> [{ pname : String, packageJSON : String, ... }]
getWorkspaceDependencies = packages: allDependencies:
packageList = lib.attrValues packages;
composeAll [
(lib.filter (x: x != null))
(lib.mapAttrsToList (pname: _version: lib.findFirst (package: package.pname == pname) null packageList))
] allDependencies;
workspaceDependencies = getWorkspaceDependencies packages allDependencies;
name = reformatPackageName;
in {
inherit name;
value = mkYarnPackage (
builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["packageOverrides"]
// { inherit src packageJSON yarnLock nodejs yarn packageResolutions workspaceDependencies; }
// lib.attrByPath [name] {} packageOverrides
in packages;
mkYarnPackage = {
name ? null,
packageJSON ? src + "/package.json",
yarnLock ? src + "/yarn.lock",
yarnNix ? mkYarnNix { inherit yarnLock; },
offlineCache ? importOfflineCache yarnNix,
nodejs ? inputs.nodejs,
yarn ? inputs.yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs; },
yarnFlags ? [ ],
yarnPreBuild ? "",
yarnPostBuild ? "",
pkgConfig ? {},
extraBuildInputs ? [],
publishBinsFor ? null,
workspaceDependencies ? [], # List of yarnPackages
packageResolutions ? {},
package = lib.importJSON packageJSON;
pname =;
safeName = reformatPackageName pname;
version = attrs.version or package.version;
baseName = unlessNull name "${safeName}-${version}";
workspaceDependenciesTransitive = lib.unique (
(lib.flatten ( (dep: dep.workspaceDependencies) workspaceDependencies))
++ workspaceDependencies
deps = mkYarnModules {
name = "${safeName}-modules-${version}";
preBuild = yarnPreBuild;
postBuild = yarnPostBuild;
workspaceDependencies = workspaceDependenciesTransitive;
inherit packageJSON pname version yarnLock offlineCache nodejs yarn yarnFlags pkgConfig packageResolutions;
publishBinsFor_ = unlessNull publishBinsFor [pname];
linkDirFunction = ''
linkDirToDirLinks() {
if [ ! -f "$target" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target"
elif [ -L "$target" ]; then
local new=$(mktemp -d)
trueSource=$(realpath "$target")
if [ "$(ls $trueSource | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
ln -s $trueSource/* $new/
rm -r "$target"
mv "$new" "$target"
workspaceDependencyCopy = lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n"
(dep: ''
# ensure any existing scope directory is not a symlink
linkDirToDirLinks "$(dirname node_modules/${dep.pname})"
mkdir -p "deps/${dep.pname}"
tar -xf "${dep}/tarballs/${}.tgz" --directory "deps/${dep.pname}" --strip-components=1
if [ ! -e "deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules" ]; then
ln -s "${deps}/deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules" "deps/${dep.pname}/node_modules"
in stdenv.mkDerivation (builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["yarnNix" "pkgConfig" "workspaceDependencies" "packageResolutions"] // {
inherit src version pname;
name = baseName;
buildInputs = [ yarn nodejs rsync ] ++ extraBuildInputs;
node_modules = deps + "/node_modules";
configurePhase = attrs.configurePhase or ''
runHook preConfigure
for localDir in npm-packages-offline-cache node_modules; do
if [[ -d $localDir || -L $localDir ]]; then
echo "$localDir dir present. Removing."
rm -rf $localDir
# move convent of . to ./deps/${pname}
mkdir -p "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
rm -fd "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
mv $NIX_BUILD_TOP/temp "$PWD/deps/${pname}"
cd $PWD
ln -s ${deps}/deps/${pname}/node_modules "deps/${pname}/node_modules"
cp -r $node_modules node_modules
chmod -R +w node_modules
linkDirToDirLinks "$(dirname node_modules/${pname})"
ln -s "deps/${pname}" "node_modules/${pname}"
# Help yarn commands run in other phases find the package
echo "--cwd deps/${pname}" > .yarnrc
runHook postConfigure
# Replace this phase on frontend packages where only the generated
# files are an interesting output.
installPhase = attrs.installPhase or ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/{bin,libexec/${pname}}
mv node_modules $out/libexec/${pname}/node_modules
mv deps $out/libexec/${pname}/deps
node ${./internal/fixup_bin.js} $out/bin $out/libexec/${pname}/node_modules ${lib.concatStringsSep " " publishBinsFor_}
runHook postInstall
doDist = attrs.doDist or true;
distPhase = attrs.distPhase or ''
# pack command ignores cwd option
rm -f .yarnrc
cd $out/libexec/${pname}/deps/${pname}
mkdir -p $out/tarballs/
yarn pack --offline --ignore-scripts --filename $out/tarballs/${baseName}.tgz
passthru = {
inherit pname package packageJSON deps;
workspaceDependencies = workspaceDependenciesTransitive;
} // (attrs.passthru or {});
meta = {
inherit (nodejs.meta) platforms;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (package ? description) { inherit (package) description; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (package ? homepage) { inherit (package) homepage; }
// lib.optionalAttrs (package ? license) { license = getLicenseFromSpdxId package.license; }
// (attrs.meta or {});
yarn2nix = mkYarnPackage {
src =
src = ./.;
mkFilter = { dirsToInclude, filesToInclude, root }: path: type:
inherit (pkgs.lib) any flip elem hasSuffix hasPrefix elemAt splitString;
subpath = elemAt (splitString "${toString root}/" path) 1;
spdir = elemAt (splitString "/" subpath) 0;
in elem spdir dirsToInclude ||
(type == "regular" && elem subpath filesToInclude);
in builtins.filterSource
(mkFilter {
dirsToInclude = ["bin" "lib"];
filesToInclude = ["package.json" "yarn.lock"];
root = src;
# yarn2nix is the only package that requires the yarnNix option.
# All the other projects can auto-generate that file.
yarnNix = ./yarn.nix;
# Using the filter above and importing package.json from the filtered
# source results in an error in restricted mode. To circumvent this,
# we import package.json from the unfiltered source
packageJSON = ./package.json;
yarnFlags = defaultYarnFlags ++ [ "--ignore-scripts" "--production=true" ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
buildPhase = ''
source ${./nix/}
expectFilePresent ./node_modules/.yarn-integrity
# check dependencies are installed
expectFilePresent ./node_modules/@yarnpkg/lockfile/package.json
# check devDependencies are not installed
expectFileOrDirAbsent ./node_modules/.bin/eslint
expectFileOrDirAbsent ./node_modules/eslint/package.json
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/yarn2nix --prefix PATH : "${pkgs.nix-prefetch-git}/bin"
fixup_yarn_lock = runCommandLocal "fixup_yarn_lock"
buildInputs = [ nodejs ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp ${./lib/urlToName.js} $out/lib/urlToName.js
cp ${./internal/fixup_yarn_lock.js} $out/bin/fixup_yarn_lock
patchShebangs $out
} // lib.optionalAttrs allowAliases {
# Aliases
spdxLicense = getLicenseFromSpdxId; # added 2021-12-01