forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
By upgrading the AdaCore libraries to their 22.*.* versions and GNAT to version 11 we can finally upgrade wisi beyond 3.1.5 and probably (hopefully) stay on latest for some time.
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2.7 KiB
108 lines
2.7 KiB
# Updating
To update the list of packages from MELPA,
1. Run `./update-elpa`.
2. Check for evaluation errors:
env NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1 nix-instantiate ../../../../../ -A emacs.pkgs.elpaPackages
3. Run `git commit -m "elpa-packages $(date -Idate)" -- elpa-generated.nix`
## Update from overlay
Alternatively, run the following command:
It will update both melpa and elpa packages using
| It's almost instantenous and
formats commits for you.
{ lib, stdenv, texinfo, writeText, gcc, pkgs, buildPackages }:
self: let
markBroken = pkg: pkg.override {
elpaBuild = args: self.elpaBuild (args // {
meta = (args.meta or {}) // { broken = true; };
elpaBuild = import ../../../../build-support/emacs/elpa.nix {
inherit lib stdenv texinfo writeText gcc;
inherit (self) emacs;
# Use custom elpa url fetcher with fallback/uncompress
fetchurl = buildPackages.callPackage ./fetchelpa.nix { };
generateElpa = lib.makeOverridable ({
generated ? ./elpa-generated.nix
}: let
imported = import generated {
callPackage = pkgs: args: self.callPackage pkgs (args // {
inherit fetchurl;
super = removeAttrs imported [ "dash" ];
overrides = {
rcirc-menu = markBroken super.rcirc-menu; # Missing file header
cl-lib = null; # builtin
tle = null; # builtin
advice = null; # builtin
seq = if lib.versionAtLeast self.emacs.version "27"
then null
else super.seq;
project = if lib.versionAtLeast self.emacs.version "28"
then null
else super.project;
# Compilation instructions for the Ada executables:
ada-mode = super.ada-mode.overrideAttrs (old: {
# actually unpack source of ada-mode and wisi
# which are both needed to compile the tools
# we need at runtime
dontUnpack = false;
srcs = [
sourceRoot = "ada-mode-${self.ada-mode.version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildInputs = [
preInstall = ''
postInstall = ''
./ --prefix=$out
meta = old.meta // {
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.sternenseemann ];
elpaPackages = super // overrides;
in elpaPackages // { inherit elpaBuild; });
in generateElpa { }