forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
This test is technically broken since reloading caddy does not seem to load new certs. This needs to be fixed in caddy.
598 lines
23 KiB
598 lines
23 KiB
import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: let
commonConfig = ./common/acme/client;
dnsServerIP = nodes: nodes.dnsserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress;
dnsScript = nodes: let
dnsAddress = dnsServerIP nodes;
in pkgs.writeShellScript "" ''
set -euo pipefail
echo '[INFO]' "[$2]" '' $*
if [ "$1" = "present" ]; then
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'", "value": "'"$3"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/set-txt
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl --data '{"host": "'"$2"'"}' http://${dnsAddress}:8055/clear-txt
dnsConfig = nodes: {
dnsProvider = "exec";
dnsPropagationCheck = false;
credentialsFile = pkgs.writeText "wildcard.env" ''
EXEC_PATH=${dnsScript nodes}
documentRoot = pkgs.runCommand "docroot" {} ''
mkdir -p "$out"
echo hello world > "$out/index.html"
vhostBase = {
forceSSL = true;
locations."/".root = documentRoot;
vhostBaseHttpd = {
forceSSL = true;
inherit documentRoot;
# Base specialisation config for testing general ACME features
webserverBasicConfig = {
services.nginx.enable = true;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."a.example.test" = vhostBase // {
enableACME = true;
# Generate specialisations for testing a web server
mkServerConfigs = { server, group, vhostBaseData, extraConfig ? {} }: let
baseConfig = { nodes, config, specialConfig ? {} }: lib.mkMerge [
security.acme = {
defaults = (dnsConfig nodes) // {
inherit group;
# One manual wildcard cert
certs."example.test" = {
domain = "*.example.test";
services."${server}" = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts = {
# Run-of-the-mill vhost using HTTP-01 validation
"${server}-http.example.test" = vhostBaseData // {
serverAliases = [ "${server}-http-alias.example.test" ];
enableACME = true;
# Another which inherits the DNS-01 config
"${server}-dns.example.test" = vhostBaseData // {
serverAliases = [ "${server}-dns-alias.example.test" ];
enableACME = true;
# Set acmeRoot to null instead of using the default of "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge"
# webroot + dnsProvider are mutually exclusive.
acmeRoot = null;
# One using the wildcard certificate
"${server}-wildcard.example.test" = vhostBaseData // {
serverAliases = [ "${server}-wildcard-alias.example.test" ];
useACMEHost = "example.test";
# Used to determine if service reload was triggered
systemd.targets."test-renew-${server}" = {
wants = [ "acme-${server}-http.example.test.service" ];
after = [ "acme-${server}-http.example.test.service" "${server}-config-reload.service" ];
in {
"${server}".configuration = { nodes, config, ... }: baseConfig {
inherit nodes config;
# Test that server reloads when an alias is removed (and subsequently test removal works in acme)
"${server}-remove-alias".configuration = { nodes, config, ... }: baseConfig {
inherit nodes config;
specialConfig = {
# Remove an alias, but create a standalone vhost in its place for testing.
# This configuration results in certificate errors as useACMEHost does not imply
# append extraDomains, and thus we can validate the SAN is removed.
services."${server}" = {
virtualHosts."${server}-http.example.test".serverAliases = lib.mkForce [];
virtualHosts."${server}-http-alias.example.test" = vhostBaseData // {
useACMEHost = "${server}-http.example.test";
# Test that the server reloads when only the acme configuration is changed.
"${server}-change-acme-conf".configuration = { nodes, config, ... }: baseConfig {
inherit nodes config;
specialConfig = {
security.acme.certs."${server}-http.example.test" = {
keyType = "ec384";
# Also test that postRun is exec'd as root
postRun = "id | grep root";
in {
name = "acme";
meta.maintainers = lib.teams.acme.members;
nodes = {
# The fake ACME server which will respond to client requests
acme = { nodes, ... }: {
imports = [ ./common/acme/server ];
networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
# A fake DNS server which can be configured with records as desired
# Used to test DNS-01 challenge
dnsserver = { nodes, ... }: {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8055 53 ];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 ];
| = {
enable = true;
description = "Pebble ACME challenge test server";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = "${pkgs.pebble}/bin/pebble-challtestsrv -dns01 ':53' -defaultIPv6 '' -defaultIPv4 '${nodes.webserver.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}'";
# Required to bind on privileged ports.
AmbientCapabilities = [ "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE" ];
# A web server which will be the node requesting certs
webserver = { nodes, config, ... }: {
imports = [ commonConfig ];
networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
# OpenSSL will be used for more thorough certificate validation
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openssl ];
# Set log level to info so that we can see when the service is reloaded
services.nginx.logError = "stderr info";
specialisation = {
# First derivation used to test general ACME features
general.configuration = { ... }: let
caDomain = nodes.acme.config.test-support.acme.caDomain;
email =;
# Exit 99 to make it easier to track if this is the reason a renew failed
accountCreateTester = ''
test -e accounts/${caDomain}/${email}/account.json || exit 99
in lib.mkMerge [
# Used to test that account creation is collated into one service.
# These should not run until after
|"b.example.test".preStart = accountCreateTester;
|"c.example.test".preStart = accountCreateTester;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."b.example.test" = vhostBase // {
enableACME = true;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."c.example.test" = vhostBase // {
enableACME = true;
# Test OCSP Stapling
ocsp-stapling.configuration = { ... }: lib.mkMerge [
security.acme.certs."a.example.test".ocspMustStaple = true;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."a.example.test" = {
extraConfig = ''
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
# Validate service relationships by adding a slow start service to nginx' wants.
# Reproducer for
slow-startup.configuration = { ... }: lib.mkMerge [
| = {
wantedBy = [ "" "nginx.service" ];
before = [ "nginx.service" ];
preStart = "sleep 5";
script = "${pkgs.python3}/bin/python -m http.server";
services.nginx.virtualHosts."slow.example.test" = {
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;
locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:8000";
# Test lego internal server (listenHTTP option)
# Also tests useRoot option
lego-server.configuration = { ... }: {
security.acme.useRoot = true;
security.acme.certs."lego.example.test" = {
listenHTTP = ":80";
group = "nginx";
services.nginx.enable = true;
services.nginx.virtualHosts."lego.example.test" = {
useACMEHost = "lego.example.test";
onlySSL = true;
# Test compatiblity with Caddy
# It only supports useACMEHost, hence not using mkServerConfigs
} // (let
baseCaddyConfig = { nodes, config, ... }: {
security.acme = {
defaults = (dnsConfig nodes) // {
group =;
# One manual wildcard cert
certs."example.test" = {
domain = "*.example.test";
services.caddy = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts."a.exmaple.test" = {
useACMEHost = "example.test";
extraConfig = ''
root * ${documentRoot}
in {
caddy.configuration = baseCaddyConfig;
# Test that the server reloads when only the acme configuration is changed.
"caddy-change-acme-conf".configuration = { nodes, config, ... }: lib.mkMerge [
(baseCaddyConfig {
inherit nodes config;
security.acme.certs."example.test" = {
keyType = "ec384";
# Test compatibility with Nginx
}) // (mkServerConfigs {
server = "nginx";
group = "nginx";
vhostBaseData = vhostBase;
# Test compatibility with Apache HTTPD
// (mkServerConfigs {
server = "httpd";
group = "wwwrun";
vhostBaseData = vhostBaseHttpd;
extraConfig = {
services.httpd.adminAddr =;
# The client will be used to curl the webserver to validate configuration
client = { nodes, ... }: {
imports = [ commonConfig ];
networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ (dnsServerIP nodes) ];
# OpenSSL will be used for more thorough certificate validation
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.openssl ];
testScript = { nodes, ... }:
caDomain = nodes.acme.config.test-support.acme.caDomain;
newServerSystem =;
switchToNewServer = "${newServerSystem}/bin/switch-to-configuration test";
# Note, wait_for_unit does not work for oneshot services that do not have RemainAfterExit=true,
# this is because a oneshot goes from inactive => activating => inactive, and never
# reaches the active state. Targets do not have this issue.
import time
def switch_to(node, name):
# On first switch, this will create a symlink to the current system so that we can
# quickly switch between derivations
root_specs = "/tmp/specialisation"
f"test -e {root_specs}"
f" || ln -s $(readlink /run/current-system)/specialisation {root_specs}"
switcher_path = f"/run/current-system/specialisation/{name}/bin/switch-to-configuration"
rc, _ = node.execute(f"test -e '{switcher_path}'")
if rc > 0:
switcher_path = f"/tmp/specialisation/{name}/bin/switch-to-configuration"
f"{switcher_path} test"
# Ensures the issuer of our cert matches the chain
# and matches the issuer we expect it to be.
# It's a good validation to ensure the cert.pem and fullchain.pem
# are not still selfsigned afer verification
def check_issuer(node, cert_name, issuer):
for fname in ("cert.pem", "fullchain.pem"):
actual_issuer = node.succeed(
f"openssl x509 -noout -issuer -in /var/lib/acme/{cert_name}/{fname}"
print(f"{fname} issuer: {actual_issuer}")
assert issuer.lower() in actual_issuer.lower()
# Ensure cert comes before chain in fullchain.pem
def check_fullchain(node, cert_name):
subject_data = node.succeed(
f"openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile /var/lib/acme/{cert_name}/fullchain.pem"
" | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -noout"
for line in subject_data.lower().split("\n"):
if "subject" in line:
print(f"First subject in fullchain.pem: {line}")
assert cert_name.lower() in line
assert False
def check_connection(node, domain, retries=3):
assert retries >= 0, f"Failed to connect to https://{domain}"
result = node.succeed(
"openssl s_client -brief -verify 2 -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt"
f" -servername {domain} -connect {domain}:443 < /dev/null 2>&1"
for line in result.lower().split("\n"):
if "verification" in line and "error" in line:
return check_connection(node, domain, retries - 1)
def check_connection_key_bits(node, domain, bits, retries=3):
assert retries >= 0, f"Did not find expected number of bits ({bits}) in key"
result = node.succeed(
"openssl s_client -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt"
f" -servername {domain} -connect {domain}:443 < /dev/null"
" | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -i Public-Key"
print("Key type:", result)
if bits not in result:
return check_connection_key_bits(node, domain, bits, retries - 1)
def check_stapling(node, domain, retries=3):
assert retries >= 0, "OCSP Stapling check failed"
# Pebble doesn't provide a full OCSP responder, so just check the URL
result = node.succeed(
"openssl s_client -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt"
f" -servername {domain} -connect {domain}:443 < /dev/null"
" | openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri"
print("OCSP Responder URL:", result)
if "${caDomain}:4002" not in result.lower():
return check_stapling(node, domain, retries - 1)
def download_ca_certs(node, retries=5):
assert retries >= 0, "Failed to connect to pebble to download root CA certs"
exit_code, _ = node.execute("curl https://${caDomain}:15000/roots/0 > /tmp/ca.crt")
exit_code_2, _ = node.execute(
"curl https://${caDomain}:15000/intermediate-keys/0 >> /tmp/ca.crt"
if exit_code + exit_code_2 > 0:
return download_ca_certs(node, retries - 1)
'curl --data \'{"host": "${caDomain}", "addresses": ["${nodes.acme.config.networking.primaryIPAddress}"]}\' http://${dnsServerIP nodes}:8055/add-a'
# Perform general tests first
switch_to(webserver, "general")
with subtest("Can request certificate with HTTP-01 challenge"):
check_fullchain(webserver, "a.example.test")
check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "pebble")
check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
with subtest("Runs 1 cert for account creation before others"):
check_connection(client, "b.example.test")
check_connection(client, "c.example.test")
with subtest("Certificates and accounts have safe + valid permissions"):
# Nginx will set the group appropriately when enableACME is used
group = "nginx"
f"test $(stat -L -c '%a %U %G' /var/lib/acme/a.example.test/*.pem | tee /dev/stderr | grep '640 acme {group}' | wc -l) -eq 5"
f"test $(stat -L -c '%a %U %G' /var/lib/acme/.lego/a.example.test/**/a.example.test* | tee /dev/stderr | grep '600 acme {group}' | wc -l) -eq 4"
f"test $(stat -L -c '%a %U %G' /var/lib/acme/a.example.test | tee /dev/stderr | grep '750 acme {group}' | wc -l) -eq 1"
f"test $(find /var/lib/acme/accounts -type f -exec stat -L -c '%a %U %G' {{}} \\; | tee /dev/stderr | grep -v '600 acme {group}' | wc -l) -eq 0"
# Selfsigned certs tests happen late so we aren't fighting the system init triggering cert renewal
with subtest("Can generate valid selfsigned certs"):
webserver.succeed("systemctl clean acme-a.example.test.service --what=state")
webserver.succeed("systemctl start acme-selfsigned-a.example.test.service")
check_fullchain(webserver, "a.example.test")
check_issuer(webserver, "a.example.test", "minica")
# Check selfsigned permissions
f"test $(stat -L -c '%a %U %G' /var/lib/acme/a.example.test/*.pem | tee /dev/stderr | grep '640 acme {group}' | wc -l) -eq 5"
# Will succeed if nginx can load the certs
webserver.succeed("systemctl start nginx-config-reload.service")
with subtest("Correctly implements OCSP stapling"):
switch_to(webserver, "ocsp-stapling")
check_stapling(client, "a.example.test")
with subtest("Can request certificate with HTTP-01 using lego's internal web server"):
switch_to(webserver, "lego-server")
webserver.succeed("echo HENLO && systemctl cat nginx.service")
webserver.succeed("test \"$(stat -c '%U' /var/lib/acme/* | uniq)\" = \"root\"")
check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
check_connection(client, "lego.example.test")
with subtest("Can request certificate with HTTP-01 when nginx startup is delayed"):
webserver.execute("systemctl stop nginx")
switch_to(webserver, "slow-startup")
check_issuer(webserver, "slow.example.test", "pebble")
check_connection(client, "slow.example.test")
with subtest("Works with caddy"):
switch_to(webserver, "caddy")
# FIXME reloading caddy is not sufficient to load new certs.
# Restart it manually until this is fixed.
webserver.succeed("systemctl restart caddy.service")
check_connection(client, "a.example.test")
with subtest("security.acme changes reflect on caddy"):
switch_to(webserver, "caddy-change-acme-conf")
# FIXME reloading caddy is not sufficient to load new certs.
# Restart it manually until this is fixed.
webserver.succeed("systemctl restart caddy.service")
check_connection_key_bits(client, "a.example.test", "384")
domains = ["http", "dns", "wildcard"]
for server, logsrc in [
("nginx", "journalctl -n 30 -u nginx.service"),
("httpd", "tail -n 30 /var/log/httpd/*.log"),
wait_for_server = lambda: webserver.wait_for_unit(f"{server}.service")
with subtest(f"Works with {server}"):
switch_to(webserver, server)
# Skip wildcard domain for this check ([:-1])
for domain in domains[:-1]:
except Exception as err:
_, output = webserver.execute(
f"{logsrc} && ls -al /var/lib/acme/acme-challenge"
raise err
for domain in domains[:-1]:
check_issuer(webserver, f"{server}-{domain}.example.test", "pebble")
for domain in domains:
check_connection(client, f"{server}-{domain}.example.test")
check_connection(client, f"{server}-{domain}-alias.example.test")
test_domain = f"{server}-{domains[0]}.example.test"
with subtest(f"Can reload {server} when timer triggers renewal"):
# Switch to selfsigned first
webserver.succeed(f"systemctl clean acme-{test_domain}.service --what=state")
webserver.succeed(f"systemctl start acme-selfsigned-{test_domain}.service")
check_issuer(webserver, test_domain, "minica")
webserver.succeed(f"systemctl start {server}-config-reload.service")
webserver.succeed(f"systemctl start test-renew-{server}.target")
check_issuer(webserver, test_domain, "pebble")
check_connection(client, test_domain)
with subtest("Can remove an alias from a domain + cert is updated"):
test_alias = f"{server}-{domains[0]}-alias.example.test"
switch_to(webserver, f"{server}-remove-alias")
check_connection(client, test_domain)
rc, _ = client.execute(
f"openssl s_client -CAfile /tmp/ca.crt -connect {test_alias}:443"
" </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text"
f" | grep DNS: | grep {test_alias}"
assert rc > 0, "Removed extraDomainName was not removed from the cert"
with subtest("security.acme changes reflect on web server"):
# Switch back to normal server config first, reset everything.
switch_to(webserver, server)
switch_to(webserver, f"{server}-change-acme-conf")
check_connection_key_bits(client, test_domain, "384")