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forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
Sebastián Bernardo Galkin 06e6d7def2 xorg-server: enable DRI3 (close )
TEST needed. I tested on my NixOS Thinkpad with Optimus nvidia and intel
cards.  Testing in other architectures is needed.

This patch also improves the regular expressions that scan the build
configuration files to enable the building of a binary utility in
xf86-video-intel: intel-virtual-output. This utility is useful for some
Optimus laptops

DRI3 was added to xorg-server propagatedBuildInputs so now it's inherited
by several projects that can use it.
2014-12-18 18:17:42 +01:00

288 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Typical command to generate the list of tarballs:
# export i="mirror://xorg/X11R7.7/src/everything/"; cat $(PRINT_PATH=1 nix-prefetch-url $i | tail -n 1) | perl -e 'while (<>) { if (/(href|HREF)="([^"]*.bz2)"/) { print "$ENV{'i'}$2\n"; }; }' | sort > tarballs-7.7.list
# manually update extra.list
# then run: cat tarballs-7.7.list extra.list old.list | perl ./generate-expr-from-tarballs.pl
# tarballs-x.y.list is generated + changes for individual packages
# extra.list are packages not contained in the tarballs
# old.list are packages that used to be part of the tarballs
use strict;
my $tmpDir = "/tmp/xorg-unpack";
my %pkgURLs;
my %pkgHashes;
my %pkgNames;
my %pkgRequires;
my %pcMap;
my %extraAttrs;
my @missingPCs = ("fontconfig", "libdrm", "libXaw", "zlib", "perl", "python", "mesa", "mkfontscale", "mkfontdir", "bdftopcf", "libxslt", "openssl", "gperf", "m4");
$pcMap{$_} = $_ foreach @missingPCs;
$pcMap{"freetype2"} = "freetype";
$pcMap{"libpng12"} = "libpng";
$pcMap{"libpng"} = "libpng";
$pcMap{"dbus-1"} = "dbus";
$pcMap{"uuid"} = "libuuid";
$pcMap{"libudev"} = "udev";
$pcMap{"gl"} = "mesa";
$pcMap{"\$PIXMAN"} = "pixman";
$pcMap{"\$RENDERPROTO"} = "renderproto";
$pcMap{"\$DRI3PROTO"} = "dri3proto";
$pcMap{"\$DRI2PROTO"} = "dri2proto";
my $downloadCache = "./download-cache";
$ENV{'NIX_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'} = $downloadCache;
mkdir $downloadCache, 0755;
while (<>) {
my $tarball = "$_";
print "\nDOING TARBALL $tarball\n";
my $pkg;
if ($tarball =~ s/:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$//) {
$pkg = $1;
} else {
$tarball =~ /\/((?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9]|(?:-[^0-9])|(?:-[0-9]*[a-z]))+))[^\/]*$/;
die unless defined $1;
$pkg = $1;
$pkg =~ s/-//g;
#next unless $pkg eq "xcbutil";
$tarball =~ /\/([^\/]*)\.tar\.bz2$/;
my $pkgName = $1;
print " $pkg $pkgName\n";
if (defined $pkgNames{$pkg}) {
print " SKIPPING\n";
$pkgURLs{$pkg} = $tarball;
$pkgNames{$pkg} = $pkgName;
my ($hash, $path) = `PRINT_PATH=1 QUIET=1 nix-prefetch-url '$tarball'`;
chomp $hash;
chomp $path;
$pkgHashes{$pkg} = $hash;
print "\nunpacking $path\n";
system "rm -rf '$tmpDir'";
mkdir $tmpDir, 0700;
system "cd '$tmpDir' && tar xfj '$path'";
die "cannot unpack `$path'" if $? != 0;
print "\n";
my $pkgDir = `echo $tmpDir/*`;
chomp $pkgDir;
my $provides = `find $pkgDir -name "*.pc.in"`;
my @provides2 = split '\n', $provides;
my @requires = ();
foreach my $pcFile (@provides2) {
my $pc = $pcFile;
$pc =~ s/.*\///;
$pc =~ s/.pc.in//;
print "PROVIDES $pc\n";
die "collision with $pcMap{$pc}" if defined $pcMap{$pc};
$pcMap{$pc} = $pkg;
open FOO, "<$pcFile" or die;
while (<FOO>) {
if (/Requires:(.*)/) {
my @reqs = split ' ', $1;
foreach my $req (@reqs) {
next unless $req =~ /^[a-z]+$/;
print "REQUIRE (from $pc): $req\n";
push @requires, $req;
close FOO;
my $file;
local $/;
open FOO, "cd '$tmpDir'/* && grep -v '^ *#' configure.ac |";
$file = <FOO>;
close FOO;
if ($file =~ /XAW_CHECK_XPRINT_SUPPORT/) {
push @requires, "libXaw";
if ($file =~ /zlib is required/ || $file =~ /AC_CHECK_LIB\(z\,/) {
push @requires, "zlib";
if ($file =~ /Perl is required/) {
push @requires, "perl";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(BDFTOPCF/) {
push @requires, "bdftopcf";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(MKFONTSCALE/) {
push @requires, "mkfontscale";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(MKFONTDIR/) {
push @requires, "mkfontdir";
if ($file =~ /AM_PATH_PYTHON/) {
push @requires, "python";
if ($file =~ /AC_PATH_PROG\(FCCACHE/) {
# Don't run fc-cache.
die if defined $extraAttrs{$pkg};
$extraAttrs{$pkg} = " preInstall = \"installFlags=(FCCACHE=true)\"; ";
my $isFont;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_BDF_UTILS/) {
push @requires, "bdftopcf", "mkfontdir";
$isFont = 1;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_SCALED_UTILS/) {
push @requires, "mkfontscale", "mkfontdir";
$isFont = 1;
if ($file =~ /XORG_FONT_UCS2ANY/) {
push @requires, "fontutil", "mkfontscale";
$isFont = 1;
if ($isFont) {
$extraAttrs{$pkg} = " configureFlags = \"--with-fontrootdir=\$(out)/lib/X11/fonts\"; ";
sub process {
my $requires = shift;
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/\[/\ /g;
$s =~ s/\]/\ /g;
$s =~ s/\,/\ /g;
foreach my $req (split / /, $s) {
next if $req eq ">=";
#next if $req =~ /^\$/;
next if $req =~ /^[0-9]/;
next if $req =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $req eq '$REQUIRED_MODULES';
next if $req eq '$REQUIRED_LIBS';
next if $req eq '$XDMCP_MODULES';
next if $req eq '$XORG_MODULES';
print "REQUIRE: $req\n";
push @{$requires}, $req;
#process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /PKG_CHECK_MODULES\([^,]*,\s*[\[]?([^\)\[]*)/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /PKG_CHECK_MODULES\([^,]*,([^\)\,]*)/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRED_LIBS=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRED_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /REQUIRES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /X11_REQUIRES=\'(.*)\'/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XDMCP_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XORG_MODULES=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /NEEDED=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /ivo_requires=\"(.*)\"/g;
process \@requires, $1 while $file =~ /XORG_DRIVER_CHECK_EXT\([^,]*,([^\)]*)\)/g;
push @requires, "libxslt" if $pkg =~ /libxcb/;
push @requires, "gperf", "m4", "xproto" if $pkg =~ /xcbutil/;
print "REQUIRES $pkg => @requires\n";
$pkgRequires{$pkg} = \@requires;
print "done\n";
print "\nWRITE OUT\n";
open OUT, ">default.nix";
print OUT "";
print OUT <<EOF;
args: with args;
mkDerivation = name: attrs:
let newAttrs = (overrides."\${name}" or (x: x)) attrs;
stdenv = newAttrs.stdenv or args.stdenv;
in stdenv.mkDerivation (removeAttrs newAttrs [ "stdenv" ]);
overrides = import ./overrides.nix {inherit args xorg;};
xorg = rec {
inherit pixman;
foreach my $pkg (sort (keys %pkgURLs)) {
print "$pkg\n";
my %requires = ();
my $inputs = "";
foreach my $req (sort @{$pkgRequires{$pkg}}) {
if (defined $pcMap{$req}) {
# Some packages have .pc that depends on itself.
next if $pcMap{$req} eq $pkg;
if (!defined $requires{$pcMap{$req}}) {
$inputs .= "$pcMap{$req} ";
$requires{$pcMap{$req}} = 1;
} else {
print " NOT FOUND: $req\n";
my $extraAttrs = $extraAttrs{"$pkg"};
$extraAttrs = "" unless defined $extraAttrs;
print OUT <<EOF
$pkg = (mkDerivation "$pkg" {
name = "$pkgNames{$pkg}";
builder = ./builder.sh;
src = fetchurl {
url = $pkgURLs{$pkg};
sha256 = "$pkgHashes{$pkg}";
buildInputs = [pkgconfig $inputs];$extraAttrs
}) // {inherit $inputs;};
print OUT "}; in xorg\n";
close OUT;