forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
There are a number of derivations failing because we are lacking the required certs. fetchurl is already ignoring certs so I figured we'd do the same.
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lib: self:
fetcherGenerators = { repo ? null
, url ? null
, ... }:
{ sha256
, commit
, ...}: {
github = self.callPackage ({ fetchFromGitHub }:
fetchFromGitHub {
owner = lib.head (lib.splitString "/" repo);
repo = lib.head (lib.tail (lib.splitString "/" repo));
rev = commit;
inherit sha256;
) {};
gitlab = self.callPackage ({ fetchFromGitLab }:
fetchFromGitLab {
owner = lib.head (lib.splitString "/" repo);
repo = lib.head (lib.tail (lib.splitString "/" repo));
rev = commit;
inherit sha256;
) {};
git = self.callPackage ({ fetchgit }:
(fetchgit {
rev = commit;
inherit sha256 url;
}).overrideAttrs(_: {
) {};
bitbucket = self.callPackage ({ fetchhg }:
fetchhg {
rev = commit;
url = "${repo}";
inherit sha256;
) {};
hg = self.callPackage ({ fetchhg }:
fetchhg {
rev = commit;
inherit sha256 url;
) {};
in {
melpaDerivation = variant:
{ ename, fetcher
, commit ? null
, sha256 ? null
, ... }@args:
sourceArgs = args.${variant};
version = sourceArgs.version or null;
deps = sourceArgs.deps or null;
error = sourceArgs.error or args.error or null;
hasSource = lib.hasAttr variant args;
pname = builtins.replaceStrings [ "@" ] [ "at" ] ename;
broken = ! isNull error;
if hasSource then
lib.nameValuePair ename (
self.callPackage ({ melpaBuild, fetchurl, ... }@pkgargs:
melpaBuild {
inherit pname;
ename = ename;
version = if isNull version then "" else
lib.concatStringsSep "." (map toString version);
# TODO: Broken should not result in src being null (hack to avoid eval errors)
src = if (isNull sha256 || broken) then null else
lib.getAttr fetcher (fetcherGenerators args sourceArgs);
recipe = if isNull commit then null else
fetchurl {
name = pname + "-recipe";
url = "${commit}/recipes/${ename}";
inherit sha256;
packageRequires = lib.optionals (! isNull deps)
(map (dep: pkgargs.${dep} or self.${dep} or null)
meta = (sourceArgs.meta or {}) // {
inherit broken;
) {}