forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
This brings the binary GHCs on parity with the source built ones in terms of the wrapper. The upshot of this is that compiling something using the binary GHCs no longer depends on PATH being populated with the tools included in stdenv at all. We can even test this by running the installCheck with an empty environment (via `env -i`).
428 lines
18 KiB
428 lines
18 KiB
{ lib, stdenv
, fetchurl, perl, gcc
, ncurses5
, ncurses6, gmp, libiconv, numactl
, llvmPackages
, coreutils
, targetPackages
# minimal = true; will remove files that aren't strictly necessary for
# regular builds and GHC bootstrapping.
# This is "useful" for staying within hydra's output limits for at least the
# aarch64-linux architecture.
, minimal ? false
# Prebuilt only does native
assert stdenv.targetPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform;
downloadsUrl = "";
# Copy sha256 from
version = "8.10.7";
# Information about available bindists that we use in the build.
# # Bindist library checking
# The field `archSpecificLibraries` also provides a way for us get notified
# early when the upstream bindist changes its dependencies (e.g. because a
# newer Debian version is used that uses a new `ncurses` version).
# Usage:
# * You can find the `fileToCheckFor` of libraries by running `readelf -d`
# on the compiler binary (`exePathForLibraryCheck`).
# * To skip library checking for an architecture,
# set `exePathForLibraryCheck = null`.
# * To skip file checking for a specific arch specfic library,
# set `fileToCheckFor = null`.
ghcBinDists = {
# Binary distributions for the default libc (e.g. glibc, or libSystem on Darwin)
# nixpkgs uses for the respective system.
defaultLibc = {
i686-linux = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-i386-deb9-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "fbfc1ef194f4e7a4c0da8c11cc69b17458a4b928b609b3622c97acc4acd5c5ab";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
# The i686-linux bindist provided by GHC HQ is currently built on Debian 9,
# which link it against `` (ncurses 5).
# Other bindists are linked `` (ncurses 6).
{ nixPackage = ncurses5; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
x86_64-linux = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "a13719bca87a0d3ac0c7d4157a4e60887009a7f1a8dbe95c4759ec413e086d30";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
armv7l-linux = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-armv7-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "3949c31bdf7d3b4afb765ea8246bca4ca9707c5d988d9961a244f0da100956a2";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
aarch64-linux = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-aarch64-deb10-linux.tar.xz";
sha256 = "fad2417f9b295233bf8ade79c0e6140896359e87be46cb61cd1d35863d9d0e55";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "ghc/stage2/build/tmp/ghc-stage2";
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
{ nixPackage = numactl; fileToCheckFor = null; }
x86_64-darwin = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz";
sha256 = "287db0f9c338c9f53123bfa8731b0996803ee50f6ee847fe388092e5e5132047";
exePathForLibraryCheck = null; # we don't have a library check for darwin yet
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = libiconv; fileToCheckFor = null; }
aarch64-darwin = {
variantSuffix = "";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz";
sha256 = "dc469fc3c35fd2a33a5a575ffce87f13de7b98c2d349a41002e200a56d9bba1c";
exePathForLibraryCheck = null; # we don't have a library check for darwin yet
archSpecificLibraries = [
{ nixPackage = gmp; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = null; }
{ nixPackage = libiconv; fileToCheckFor = null; }
# Binary distributions for the musl libc for the respective system.
musl = {
x86_64-linux = {
variantSuffix = "-musl-integer-simple";
src = {
url = "${downloadsUrl}/${version}/ghc-${version}-x86_64-alpine3.10-linux-integer-simple.tar.xz";
sha256 = "16903df850ef73d5246f2ff169cbf57ecab76c2ac5acfa9928934282cfad575c";
exePathForLibraryCheck = "bin/ghc";
archSpecificLibraries = [
# No `gmp` here, since this is an `integer-simple` bindist.
# In contrast to glibc builds, the musl-bindist uses `*`
# instead of `*.`
{ nixPackage = ncurses6; fileToCheckFor = ""; }
distSetName = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then "musl" else "defaultLibc";
binDistUsed = ghcBinDists.${distSetName}.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}
or (throw "cannot bootstrap GHC on this platform ('${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}' with libc '${distSetName}')");
useLLVM = !stdenv.targetPlatform.isx86;
libPath =
lib.makeLibraryPath (
# Add arch-specific libraries.
map ({ nixPackage, ... }: nixPackage) binDistUsed.archSpecificLibraries
libEnvVar = lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin "DY"
runtimeDeps = [
coreutils # for cat
++ lib.optionals useLLVM [
(lib.getBin llvmPackages.llvm)
# On darwin, we need unwrapped bintools as well (for otool)
++ lib.optionals (stdenv.targetPlatform.linker == "cctools") [
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit version;
pname = "ghc-binary${binDistUsed.variantSuffix}";
src = fetchurl binDistUsed.src;
# Note that for GHC 8.10 versions >= 8.10.6, the GHC HQ musl bindist
# uses `integer-simple` and has no `gmp` dependency:
# Related nixpkgs issues:
# *
# TODO: When this file is copied to `ghc-9.*-binary.nix`, determine whether
# the GHC 9 branch also switched from `gmp` to `integer-simple` via the
# currently-open issue:
# and update this comment accordingly.
nativeBuildInputs = [ perl ];
# Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent so that the programs running as part
# of the bindist installer can find the libraries they expect.
# Cannot patchelf beforehand due to relative RPATHs that anticipate
# the final install location.
${libEnvVar} = libPath;
postUnpack =
# Verify our assumptions of which `` (ncurses) version is used,
# so that we know when ghc bindists upgrade that and we need to update the
# version used in `libPath`.
(binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck != null)
# Note the `*` glob because some GHCs have a suffix when unpacked, e.g.
# the musl bindist has dir `ghc-VERSION-x86_64-unknown-linux/`.
# As a result, don't shell-quote this glob when splicing the string.
(let buildExeGlob = ''ghc-${version}*/"${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck}"''; in
lib.concatStringsSep "\n" [
echo "Checking that ghc binary exists in bindist at ${buildExeGlob}"
if ! test -e ${buildExeGlob}; then
echo >&2 "GHC binary ${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck} could not be found in the bindist build directory (at ${buildExeGlob}) for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
({ fileToCheckFor, nixPackage }:
lib.optionalString (fileToCheckFor != null) ''
echo "Checking bindist for ${fileToCheckFor} to ensure that is still used"
if ! readelf -d ${buildExeGlob} | grep "${fileToCheckFor}"; then
echo >&2 "File ${fileToCheckFor} could not be found in ${binDistUsed.exePathForLibraryCheck} for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
echo "Checking that the nix package ${nixPackage} contains ${fileToCheckFor}"
if ! test -e "${lib.getLib nixPackage}/lib/${fileToCheckFor}"; then
echo >&2 "Nix package ${nixPackage} did not contain ${fileToCheckFor} for arch ${stdenv.hostPlatform.system}, please check that ghcBinDists correctly reflect the bindist dependencies!"; exit 1;
# GHC has dtrace probes, which causes ld to try to open /usr/lib/libdtrace.dylib
# during linking
+ lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
export NIX_LDFLAGS+=" -no_dtrace_dof"
# not enough room in the object files for the full path to libiconv :(
for exe in $(find . -type f -executable); do
isScript $exe && continue
ln -fs ${libiconv}/lib/libiconv.dylib $(dirname $exe)/libiconv.dylib
install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/libiconv.dylib -change /usr/local/lib/gcc/6/libgcc_s.1.dylib ${}/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib $exe
'' +
# Some scripts used during the build need to have their shebangs patched
patchShebangs ghc-${version}/utils/
patchShebangs ghc-${version}/configure
'' +
# We have to patch the GMP paths for the integer-gmp package.
# Note that musl bindists do not contain them,
# see:
# However, musl bindists >= 8.10.6 use `integer-simple`, not `gmp`.
find . -name integer-gmp.buildinfo \
-exec sed -i "s@extra-lib-dirs: @extra-lib-dirs: ${gmp.out}/lib@" {} \;
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
find . -name base.buildinfo \
-exec sed -i "s@extra-lib-dirs: @extra-lib-dirs: ${libiconv}/lib@" {} \;
'' +
# aarch64 does HAVE_NUMA so -lnuma requires it in library-dirs in rts/
# FFI_LIB_DIR is a good indication of places it must be needed.
lib.optionalString (stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux && stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64) ''
find . -name \
-exec sed -i "s@FFI_LIB_DIR@FFI_LIB_DIR ${numactl.out}/lib@g" {} \;
'' +
# Rename needed libraries and binaries, fix interpreter
lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
find . -type f -executable -exec patchelf \
--interpreter ${} {} \;
# fix for `configure: error: Your linker is affected by binutils #16177`
preConfigure = lib.optionalString
configurePlatforms = [ ];
configureFlags = [
"--with-gmp-includes=${lib.getDev gmp}/include"
# Note `--with-gmp-libraries` does nothing for GHC bindists:
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin "--with-gcc=${./}"
# From:
++ lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl "--disable-ld-override";
# No building is necessary, but calling make without flags ironically
# calls install-strip ...
dontBuild = true;
# Patch scripts to include runtime dependencies in $PATH.
postInstall = ''
for i in "$out/bin/"*; do
test ! -h "$i" || continue
isScript "$i" || continue
sed -i -e '2i export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath runtimeDeps}:$PATH"' "$i"
# Apparently necessary for the ghc Alpine (musl) bindist:
# When we strip, and then run the
# patchelf --set-rpath "${libPath}:$(patchelf --print-rpath $p)" $p
# below, running ghc (e.g. during `installCheckPhase)` gives some apparently
# corrupted rpath or whatever makes the loader work on nonsensical strings:
# running install tests
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: : symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: ir6zf6c9f86pfx8sr30n2vjy-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: y/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/../lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: 8.10.5/ symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: <20>: symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: <20>?: symbol not found
# Error relocating /nix/store/...-ghc-8.10.2-binary/lib/ghc-8.10.5/bin/ghc: 64-linux-ghc-8.10.5/ symbol not found
# This is extremely bogus and should be investigated.
dontStrip = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isMusl then true else false; # `if` for explicitness
# On Linux, use patchelf to modify the executables so that they can
# find editline/gmp.
postFixup = lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux
(if stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64 then
# Keep rpath as small as possible on aarch64 for patchelf#244. All Elfs
# are 2 directories deep from $out/lib, so pooling symlinks there makes
# a short rpath.
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${ncurses6.out}/lib/
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${gmp.out}/lib/
(cd $out/lib; ln -s ${numactl.out}/lib/
for p in $(find "$out/lib" -type f -name "*\.so*"); do
(cd $out/lib; ln -s $p)
for p in $(find "$out/lib" -type f -executable); do
if isELF "$p"; then
echo "Patchelfing $p"
patchelf --set-rpath "\$ORIGIN:\$ORIGIN/../.." $p
for p in $(find "$out" -type f -executable); do
if isELF "$p"; then
echo "Patchelfing $p"
patchelf --set-rpath "${libPath}:$(patchelf --print-rpath $p)" $p
'') + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
# not enough room in the object files for the full path to libiconv :(
for exe in $(find "$out" -type f -executable); do
isScript $exe && continue
ln -fs ${libiconv}/lib/libiconv.dylib $(dirname $exe)/libiconv.dylib
install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib @executable_path/libiconv.dylib -change /usr/local/lib/gcc/6/libgcc_s.1.dylib ${}/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib $exe
for file in $(find "$out" -name setup-config); do
substituteInPlace $file --replace /usr/bin/ranlib "$(type -P ranlib)"
'' +
lib.optionalString minimal ''
# Remove profiling files
find $out -type f -name '*.p_o' -delete
find $out -type f -name '*.p_hi' -delete
find $out -type f -name '*_p.a' -delete
# `-f` because e.g. musl bindist does not have this file.
rm -f $out/lib/ghc-*/bin/ghc-iserv-prof
# Hydra will redistribute this derivation, so we have to keep the docs for
# legal reasons (retaining the legal notices etc)
# As a last resort we could unpack the docs separately and symlink them in.
# They're in $out/share/{doc,man}.
# In nixpkgs, musl based builds currently enable `pie` hardening by default
# (see `defaultHardeningFlags` in `make-derivation.nix`).
# But GHC cannot currently produce outputs that are ready for `-pie` linking.
# Thus, disable `pie` hardening, otherwise `recompile with -fPIE` errors appear.
# See:
# *
# *
hardeningDisable = lib.optional stdenv.targetPlatform.isMusl "pie";
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
# Sanity check, can ghc create executables?
cd $TMP
mkdir test-ghc; cd test-ghc
cat > main.hs << EOF
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
main = putStrLn \$([|"yes"|])
env -i $out/bin/ghc --make main.hs || exit 1
echo compilation ok
[ $(./main) == "yes" ]
passthru = {
targetPrefix = "";
enableShared = true;
inherit llvmPackages;
# Our Cabal compiler name
haskellCompilerName = "ghc-${version}";
meta = rec {
homepage = "";
description = "The Glasgow Haskell Compiler";
license = lib.licenses.bsd3;
# HACK: since we can't encode the libc / abi in platforms, we need
# to make the platform list dependent on the evaluation platform
# in order to avoid eval errors with musl which supports less
# platforms than the default libcs (i. e. glibc / libSystem).
# This is done for the benefit of Hydra, so `packagePlatforms`
# won't return any platforms that would cause an evaluation
# failure for `pkgsMusl.haskell.compiler.ghc8102Binary`, as
# long as the evaluator runs on a platform that supports
# `pkgsMusl`.
platforms = builtins.attrNames ghcBinDists.${distSetName};
hydraPlatforms = builtins.filter (p: minimal || p != "aarch64-linux") platforms;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [
] ++ lib.teams.haskell.members;