forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
The new option allows storing the secret access token outside the world readable Nix store.
206 lines
7 KiB
206 lines
7 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
jenkinsCfg =;
cfg =;
in {
options = {
services.jenkins.jobBuilder = {
enable = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether or not to enable the Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) service. It
allows defining jobs for Jenkins in a declarative manner.
Jobs managed through the Jenkins WebUI (or by other means) are left
Note that it really is declarative configuration; if you remove a
previously defined job, the corresponding job directory will be
Please see the Jenkins Job Builder documentation for more info:
<link xlink:href="">
accessUser = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = ''
User id in Jenkins used to reload config.
accessToken = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
description = ''
User token in Jenkins used to reload config.
WARNING: This token will be world readable in the Nix store. To keep
it secret, use the <option>accessTokenFile</option> option instead.
accessTokenFile = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.str;
example = "/run/keys/jenkins-job-builder-access-token";
description = ''
File containing the API token for the <option>accessUser</option>
yamlJobs = mkOption {
default = "";
type = types.lines;
example = ''
- job:
name: jenkins-job-test-1
- shell: echo 'Hello world!'
description = ''
Job descriptions for Jenkins Job Builder in YAML format.
jsonJobs = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.str;
example = literalExample ''
[ { "job":
{ "name": "jenkins-job-test-2",
"builders": [ "shell": "echo 'Hello world!'" ]
description = ''
Job descriptions for Jenkins Job Builder in JSON format.
nixJobs = mkOption {
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.attrs;
example = literalExample ''
[ { job =
{ name = "jenkins-job-test-3";
builders = [
{ shell = "echo 'Hello world!'"; }
description = ''
Job descriptions for Jenkins Job Builder in Nix format.
This is a trivial wrapper around jsonJobs, using builtins.toJSON
behind the scene.
config = mkIf (jenkinsCfg.enable && cfg.enable) {
assertions = [
{ assertion =
if cfg.accessUser != ""
then (cfg.accessToken != "" && cfg.accessTokenFile == "") ||
(cfg.accessToken == "" && cfg.accessTokenFile != "")
else true;
message = ''
One of accessToken and accessTokenFile options must be non-empty
strings, but not both. Current values:
services.jenkins.jobBuilder.accessToken = "${cfg.accessToken}"
services.jenkins.jobBuilder.accessTokenFile = "${cfg.accessTokenFile}"
| = {
description = "Jenkins Job Builder Service";
# JJB can run either before or after jenkins. We chose after, so we can
# always use curl to notify (running) jenkins to reload its config.
after = [ "jenkins.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "" ];
path = with pkgs; [ jenkins-job-builder curl ];
# Q: Why manipulate files directly instead of using "jenkins-jobs upload [...]"?
# A: Because this module is for administering a local jenkins install,
# and using local file copy allows us to not worry about
# authentication.
script =
yamlJobsFile = builtins.toFile "jobs.yaml" cfg.yamlJobs;
jsonJobsFiles =
map (x: (builtins.toFile "jobs.json" x))
(cfg.jsonJobs ++ [(builtins.toJSON cfg.nixJobs)]);
jobBuilderOutputDir = "/run/jenkins-job-builder/output";
# Stamp file is placed in $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/$JOB_NAME/ to indicate
# ownership. Enables tracking and removal of stale jobs.
ownerStamp = ".config-xml-managed-by-nixos-jenkins-job-builder";
reloadScript = ''
echo "Asking Jenkins to reload config"
curl_opts="--silent --fail --show-error"
access_token=${if cfg.accessTokenFile != ""
then "$(cat '${cfg.accessTokenFile}')"
else cfg.accessToken}
jenkins_url="http://${cfg.accessUser}:$access_token@${jenkinsCfg.listenAddress}:${toString jenkinsCfg.port}${jenkinsCfg.prefix}"
crumb=$(curl $curl_opts "$jenkins_url"'/crumbIssuer/api/xml?xpath=concat(//crumbRequestField,":",//crumb)')
curl $curl_opts -X POST -H "$crumb" "$jenkins_url"/reload
rm -rf ${jobBuilderOutputDir}
rm -f "$cur_decl_jobs"
# Create / update jobs
mkdir -p ${jobBuilderOutputDir}
for inputFile in ${yamlJobsFile} ${concatStringsSep " " jsonJobsFiles}; do
HOME="${jenkinsCfg.home}" "${pkgs.jenkins-job-builder}/bin/jenkins-jobs" --ignore-cache test -o "${jobBuilderOutputDir}" "$inputFile"
for file in "${jobBuilderOutputDir}/"*; do
test -f "$file" || continue
jobname="$(basename $file)"
echo "Creating / updating job \"$jobname\""
mkdir -p "$jobdir"
touch "$jobdir/${ownerStamp}"
cp "$file" "$jobdir/config.xml"
echo "$jobname" >> "$cur_decl_jobs"
# Remove stale jobs
for file in "${jenkinsCfg.home}"/jobs/*/${ownerStamp}; do
test -f "$file" || continue
jobdir="$(dirname $file)"
jobname="$(basename "$jobdir")"
grep --quiet --line-regexp "$jobname" "$cur_decl_jobs" 2>/dev/null && continue
echo "Deleting stale job \"$jobname\""
rm -rf "$jobdir"
'' + (if cfg.accessUser != "" then reloadScript else "");
serviceConfig = {
User = jenkinsCfg.user;
RuntimeDirectory = "jenkins-job-builder";