forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
43 lines
1.4 KiB
43 lines
1.4 KiB
args : with args;
rec {
src = fetchurl {
url =;
sha256 = "19h76fwsx5y30l5wda2930k10r385aipngfljz5bdi7b9y52lii7";
buildInputs = [texLive pkgconfig gtk imagemagick glib pidgin which];
configureFlags = [];
installFlags = [
preBuild = fullDepEntry (''
ensureDir $out/bin
ln -s $(which convert) $out/bin
ln -s $(which xelatex) $out/bin
ln -s $(which dvips) $out/bin
sed -e 's/-Wl,-soname//' -i Makefile
sed -e 's/\(PATH("\)latex/\1xelatex/' -i LaTeX.c
sed -e 's/|| execute(cmddvips, dvipsopts, 10) //' -i LaTeX.c
sed -e 's/ strcat([*]file_ps, "[.]ps");/ strcat(*file_ps, ".pdf");/' -i LaTeX.c
sed -e 's/\([*]convertopts\[5\]=[{]"\)\(\\"",\)/\1 -trim \2/' -i LaTeX.c
sed -e 's/\(#define HEADER ".*\)12pt\(.*\)"/\116pt\2\\\\usepackage{fontspec}\\\\usepackage{xunicode}"/' -i LaTeX.h
'') ["minInit" "addInputs" "defEnsureDir" "doUnpack"];
postInstall = fullDepEntry (''
ensureDir $out/lib
ensureDir $out/share/pidgin-latex
ln -s ../../lib/pidgin/ $out/share/pidgin-latex
'') ["minInit" "defEnsureDir" "doMakeInstall"];
/* doConfigure should be specified separately */
phaseNames = [ "preBuild" "doMakeInstall" "postInstall"];
name = "pidgin-latex-1.2.1";
meta = {
description = "LaTeX rendering plugin for Pidgin IM";
priority = "10";