diff -rc perl-orig/Configure perl-5.8.6/Configure
*** perl-orig/Configure	2004-09-10 08:25:52.000000000 +0200
--- perl-5.8.6/Configure	2005-03-10 12:53:28.000000000 +0100
*** 86,100 ****
  : Proper PATH setting
! paths='/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/ucb /usr/local /usr/lbin'
! paths="$paths /opt/bin /opt/local/bin /opt/local /opt/lbin"
! paths="$paths /usr/5bin /etc /usr/gnu/bin /usr/new /usr/new/bin /usr/nbin"
! paths="$paths /opt/gnu/bin /opt/new /opt/new/bin /opt/nbin"
! paths="$paths /sys5.3/bin /sys5.3/usr/bin /bsd4.3/bin /bsd4.3/usr/ucb"
! paths="$paths /bsd4.3/usr/bin /usr/bsd /bsd43/bin /opt/ansic/bin /usr/ccs/bin"
! paths="$paths /etc /usr/lib /usr/ucblib /lib /usr/ccs/lib"
! paths="$paths /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/libexec"
! paths="$paths /system/gnu_library/bin"
  for p in $paths
--- 86,92 ----
  : Proper PATH setting
! paths=''
  for p in $paths
*** 1221,1228 ****
  : Possible local include directories to search.
  : Set locincpth to "" in a hint file to defeat local include searches.
! locincpth="/usr/local/include /opt/local/include /usr/gnu/include"
! locincpth="$locincpth /opt/gnu/include /usr/GNU/include /opt/GNU/include"
  : no include file wanted by default
--- 1213,1219 ----
  : Possible local include directories to search.
  : Set locincpth to "" in a hint file to defeat local include searches.
! locincpth=""
  : no include file wanted by default
*** 1230,1245 ****
  : change the next line if compiling for Xenix/286 on Xenix/386
! xlibpth='/usr/lib/386 /lib/386'
  : Possible local library directories to search.
! loclibpth="/usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib"
! loclibpth="$loclibpth /opt/gnu/lib /usr/GNU/lib /opt/GNU/lib"
  : general looking path for locating libraries
! glibpth="/lib /usr/lib $xlibpth"
! glibpth="$glibpth /usr/ccs/lib /usr/ucblib /usr/local/lib"
! test -f /usr/shlib/libc.so && glibpth="/usr/shlib $glibpth"
! test -f /shlib/libc.so     && glibpth="/shlib $glibpth"
  : Private path used by Configure to find libraries.  Its value
  : is prepended to libpth. This variable takes care of special
--- 1221,1232 ----
  : change the next line if compiling for Xenix/286 on Xenix/386
! xlibpth=''
  : Possible local library directories to search.
! loclibpth=""
  : general looking path for locating libraries
! glibpth="$xlibpth"
  : Private path used by Configure to find libraries.  Its value
  : is prepended to libpth. This variable takes care of special
*** 1270,1277 ****
  libswanted="$libswanted m crypt sec util c cposix posix ucb bsd BSD"
  : We probably want to search /usr/shlib before most other libraries.
  : This is only used by the lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm routine extliblist.
- glibpth=`echo " $glibpth " | sed -e 's! /usr/shlib ! !'`
- glibpth="/usr/shlib $glibpth"
  : Do not use vfork unless overridden by a hint file.
--- 1257,1262 ----
*** 2267,2273 ****
  pth=`echo $PATH | sed -e "s/$p_/ /g"`
- pth="$pth /lib /usr/lib"
  for file in $loclist; do
  	eval xxx=\$$file
  	case "$xxx" in
--- 2252,2257 ----
*** 7910,7922 ****
  echo " "
  case "$sysman" in
! 	syspath='/usr/share/man/man1 /usr/man/man1'
! 	syspath="$syspath /usr/man/mann /usr/man/manl /usr/man/local/man1"
! 	syspath="$syspath /usr/man/u_man/man1"
! 	syspath="$syspath /usr/catman/u_man/man1 /usr/man/l_man/man1"
! 	syspath="$syspath /usr/local/man/u_man/man1 /usr/local/man/l_man/man1"
! 	syspath="$syspath /usr/man/man.L /local/man/man1 /usr/local/man/man1"
! 	sysman=`./loc . /usr/man/man1 $syspath`
  if $test -d "$sysman"; then
--- 7894,7901 ----
  echo " "
  case "$sysman" in
! 	syspath=''
! 	sysman=''
  if $test -d "$sysman"; then
*** 17949,17957 ****
  case "$full_ar" in
  '') full_ar=$ar ;;
  : Store the full pathname to the sed program for use in the C program
! full_sed=$sed
  : see what type gids are declared as in the kernel
  echo " "
--- 17928,17937 ----
  case "$full_ar" in
  '') full_ar=$ar ;;
+ full_ar=ar
  : Store the full pathname to the sed program for use in the C program
! full_sed=sed
  : see what type gids are declared as in the kernel
  echo " "
diff -rc perl-orig/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL perl-5.8.6/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL
*** perl-orig/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL	2004-11-01 15:31:59.000000000 +0100
--- perl-5.8.6/ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL	2005-03-10 12:52:31.000000000 +0100
*** 105,111 ****
  	# Watch out for cross compiling for EPOC (usually done on linux)
  	$file{'/usr/local/epocemx/epocsdk/include/libc/sys/errno.h'} = 1;
      } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' &&
! 	     $Config{gccversion} ne '' # might be using, say, Intel's icc
  	     ) {
  	# Some Linuxes have weird errno.hs which generate
  	# no #file or #line directives
--- 105,111 ----
  	# Watch out for cross compiling for EPOC (usually done on linux)
  	$file{'/usr/local/epocemx/epocsdk/include/libc/sys/errno.h'} = 1;
      } elsif ($^O eq 'linux' &&
! 	     $Config{gccversion} eq '' # might be using, say, Intel's icc
  	     ) {
  	# Some Linuxes have weird errno.hs which generate
  	# no #file or #line directives