#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p coreutils findutils gnused nix wget set -efuo pipefail export LC_COLLATE=C # fix sort order # parse files and folders from https://download.kde.org/ and https://download.qt.io/ # you can override this function in fetch.sh function PARSE_INDEX() { cat "$1" | grep -o -E -e '\s+href="[^"]+\.tar\.xz"' -e '\s+href="[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+/"' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sort | uniq } if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "example use:" >&2 echo "cd nixpkgs/" >&2 echo "./maintainers/scripts/fetch-kde-qt.sh pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.12" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! echo "$1" | grep -q '^pkgs/'; then echo "error: path argument must start with pkgs/" >&2 exit 1 fi # need absolute path for the pushd-popd block if [ -f "$1" ]; then echo "ok: using fetchfile $1" fetchfilerel="$1" fetchfile="$(readlink -f "$fetchfilerel")" # resolve absolute path basedir="$(dirname "$fetchfile")" basedirrel="$(dirname "$fetchfilerel")" elif [ -d "$1" ]; then echo "ok: using basedir $1" basedirrel="$1" basedir="$(readlink -f "$basedirrel")" # resolve absolute path if ! [ -d "$basedir" ]; then basedir="$(dirname "$basedir")" fi fetchfile="$basedir/fetch.sh" else echo 'error: $1 must be file or dir' >&2 exit 1 fi pkgname=$(basename "$basedir") SRCS="$basedir/srcs.nix" srcsrel="$basedirrel/srcs.nix" source "$fetchfile" if [ -n "$WGET_ARGS" ]; then # old format BASE_URL="${WGET_ARGS[0]}" # convert to new format # validate if ! echo "$BASE_URL" | grep -q -E '^(http|https|ftp)://'; then printf 'error: from WGET_ARGS, converted invalid BASE_URL: %q\n' "$BASE_URL" >&2 exit 1 fi printf 'ok: from WGET_ARGS, converted BASE_URL: %q\n' "$BASE_URL" elif [ -n "$BASE_URL" ]; then # new format : else echo "error: fetch.sh must set either WGET_ARGS or BASE_URL" >&2 exit 1 fi tmptpl=tmp.fetch-kde-qt.$pkgname.XXXXXXXXXX tmp=$(mktemp -d $tmptpl) pushd $tmp >/dev/null echo "tempdir is $tmp" wgetargs='--quiet --show-progress' #wgetargs='' # debug dirlist="$BASE_URL" filelist="" base_url_len=${#BASE_URL} clean_urls() { # // -> / sed -E 's,//+,/,g' | sed -E 's,^(http|https|ftp):/,&/,' } while [ -n "$dirlist" ] do for dirurl in $dirlist do echo "fetching index.html from $dirurl" relpath=$(echo "./${dirurl:$base_url_len}" | clean_urls) mkdir -p "$relpath" indexfile=$(echo "$relpath/index.html" | clean_urls) wget $wgetargs -O "$indexfile" "$dirurl" echo "parsing $indexfile" filedirlist="$(PARSE_INDEX "$indexfile")" filelist_next="$(echo "$filedirlist" | grep '\.tar\.xz$' | while read file; do echo "$dirurl/$file"; done)" filelist_next="$(echo "$filelist_next" | clean_urls)" [ -n "$filelist" ] && filelist+=$'\n' filelist+="$filelist_next" dirlist="$(echo "$filedirlist" | grep -v '\.tar\.xz$' | while read dir; do echo "$dirurl/$dir"; done || true)" dirlist="$(echo "$dirlist" | clean_urls)" done done filecount=$(echo "$filelist" | wc -l) if [ -z "$filelist" ] then echo "error: no files parsed from $tmp/index.html" exit 1 fi echo "parsed $filecount tar.xz files:"; echo "$filelist" # most time is spent here echo "fetching $filecount sha256 files ..." urllist="$(echo "$filelist" | while read file; do echo "$file.sha256"; done)" # wget -r: keep directory structure echo "$urllist" | xargs wget $wgetargs -nH -r -c --no-parent && { actual=$(find . -type f -name '*.sha256' | wc -l) echo "fetching $filecount sha256 files done: got $actual files" } || { # workaround: in rare cases, the server does not provide the sha256 files # for example when the release is just a few hours old # and the servers are not yet fully synced actual=$(find . -type f -name '*.sha256' | wc -l) echo "fetching $filecount sha256 files failed: got only $actual files" # TODO fetch only missing tar.xz files echo "fetching $filecount tar.xz files ..." urllist="$(echo "$filelist" | while read file; do echo "$BASE_URL/$file"; done)" echo "$urllist" | xargs wget $wgetargs -nH -r -c --no-parent echo "generating sha256 files ..." find . -type f -name '*.tar.xz' | while read src; do name=$(basename "$src") sha256=$(sha256sum "$src" | cut -d' ' -f1) echo "$sha256 $name" >"$src.sha256" done } csv=$(mktemp $tmptpl.csv) echo "writing temporary file $csv ..." find . -type f -name '*.sha256' | while read sha256file; do src="${sha256file%.*}" # remove extension sha256=$(cat $sha256file | cut -d' ' -f1) # base16 sha256=$(nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 $sha256) # Sanitize file name filename=$(basename "$src" | tr '@' '_') nameVersion="${filename%.tar.*}" name=$(echo "$nameVersion" | sed -e 's,-[[:digit:]].*,,' | sed -e 's,-opensource-src$,,' | sed -e 's,-everywhere-src$,,') version=$(echo "$nameVersion" | sed -e 's,^\([[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]*-\)\+,,') echo "$name,$version,$src,$filename,$sha256" >>$csv done files_before=$(grep -c 'src = ' "$SRCS") echo "writing output file $SRCS ..." cat >"$SRCS" <<EOF # DO NOT EDIT! This file is generated automatically. # Command: $0 $@ { fetchurl, mirror }: { EOF gawk -F , "{ print \$1 }" $csv | sort | uniq | while read name; do versions=$(gawk -F , "/^$name,/ { print \$2 }" $csv) latestVersion=$(echo "$versions" | sort -rV | head -n 1) src=$(gawk -F , "/^$name,$latestVersion,/ { print \$3 }" $csv) filename=$(gawk -F , "/^$name,$latestVersion,/ { print \$4 }" $csv) sha256=$(gawk -F , "/^$name,$latestVersion,/ { print \$5 }" $csv) url="${src:2}" cat >>"$SRCS" <<EOF $name = { version = "$latestVersion"; src = fetchurl { url = "\${mirror}/$url"; sha256 = "$sha256"; name = "$filename"; }; }; EOF done echo "}" >>"$SRCS" files_after=$(grep -c 'src = ' "$SRCS") echo "files before: $files_before" echo "files after: $files_after" echo "compare:" echo "git diff $srcsrel" popd >/dev/null rm -fr $tmp >/dev/null rm -f $csv >/dev/null