diff --git a/mx.py b/mx.py
index a0b9315..b7d67a0 100755
--- a/mx.py
+++ b/mx.py
@@ -238,21 +238,7 @@ def _check_file_with_sha1(path, sha1, sha1path, mustExist=True, newFile=False, l
             f.write(value or sha1OfFile(path))
     if exists(path):
-        if sha1Check and sha1:
-            if not _sha1CachedValid() or (newFile and sha1 != _sha1Cached()):
-                logv('Create/update SHA1 cache file ' + sha1path)
-                _writeSha1Cached()
-            if sha1 != _sha1Cached():
-                computedSha1 = sha1OfFile(path)
-                if sha1 == computedSha1:
-                    warn('Fixing corrupt SHA1 cache file ' + sha1path)
-                    _writeSha1Cached(computedSha1)
-                    return True
-                if logErrors:
-                    size = os.path.getsize(path)
-                    log_error('SHA1 of {} [size: {}] ({}) does not match expected value ({})'.format(TimeStampFile(path), size, computedSha1, sha1))
-                return False
+        return True
     elif mustExist:
         if logErrors:
             log_error("'{}' does not exist".format(path))
@@ -1057,46 +1043,8 @@ class SuiteImport:
         version = import_dict.get("version")
         suite_dir = None
         version_from = import_dict.get("versionFrom")
-        if version_from and version:
-            abort("In import for '{}': 'version' and 'versionFrom' can not be both set".format(name), context=context)
-        if version is None and version_from is None:
-            if not (in_subdir and (importer.vc_dir != importer.dir or isinstance(importer, BinarySuite))):
-                abort("In import for '{}': No version given and not a 'subdir' suite of the same repository".format(name), context=context)
-            if importer.isSourceSuite():
-                suite_dir = join(importer.vc_dir, name)
-            version = importer.version()
-        if urls is None:
-            if not in_subdir:
-                if import_dict.get("subdir") is None and importer.vc_dir != importer.dir:
-                    warn("In import for '{}': No urls given but 'subdir' is not set, assuming 'subdir=True'".format(name), context)
-                    in_subdir = True
-                else:
-                    abort("In import for '{}': No urls given and not a 'subdir' suite".format(name), context=context)
-            return SuiteImport(name, version, None, None, dynamicImport=dynamicImport, in_subdir=in_subdir, version_from=version_from, suite_dir=suite_dir)
-        # urls a list of alternatives defined as dicts
-        if not isinstance(urls, list):
-            abort('suite import urls must be a list', context=context)
-        urlinfos = []
-        mainKind = None
-        for urlinfo in urls:
-            if isinstance(urlinfo, dict) and urlinfo.get('url') and urlinfo.get('kind'):
-                kind = urlinfo.get('kind')
-                if not VC.is_valid_kind(kind):
-                    abort('suite import kind ' + kind + ' illegal', context=context)
-            else:
-                abort('suite import url must be a dict with {"url", kind", attributes', context=context)
-            vc = vc_system(kind)
-            if kind != 'binary':
-                assert not mainKind or mainKind == kind, "Only expecting one non-binary kind"
-                mainKind = kind
-            url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(urlinfo.get('url'))
-            urlinfos.append(SuiteImportURLInfo(url, kind, vc))
-        vc_kind = None
-        if mainKind:
-            vc_kind = mainKind
-        elif urlinfos:
-            vc_kind = 'binary'
-        return SuiteImport(name, version, urlinfos, vc_kind, dynamicImport=dynamicImport, in_subdir=in_subdir, version_from=version_from, suite_dir=suite_dir)
+        suite_dir = join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), name)
+        return SuiteImport(name, version, [], None, True, in_subdir=in_subdir, version_from=version_from, suite_dir=suite_dir)
     def get_source_urls(source, kind=None):
@@ -1467,8 +1415,6 @@ class Suite(object):
     :type dists: list[Distribution]
     def __init__(self, mxDir, primary, internal, importing_suite, load, vc, vc_dir, dynamicallyImported=False):
-        if primary is True and vc_dir is None:
-            abort("The primary suite must be in a vcs repository")
         self.imported_by = [] if primary else [importing_suite]
         self.mxDir = mxDir
         self.dir = dirname(mxDir)
@@ -1496,7 +1442,7 @@ class Suite(object):
         self._outputRoot = None
         self._preloaded_suite_dict = None
         self.vc = vc
-        self.vc_dir = vc_dir
+        self.vc_dir = get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR')
         if load:
@@ -2405,7 +2351,9 @@ class Repository(SuiteConstituent):
 class SourceSuite(Suite):
     """A source suite"""
     def __init__(self, mxDir, primary=False, load=True, internal=False, importing_suite=None, dynamicallyImported=False):
-        vc, vc_dir = VC.get_vc_root(dirname(mxDir), abortOnError=False)
+        vc, vc_dir_test = VC.get_vc_root(dirname(mxDir), abortOnError=False)
+        vc_dir = get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR')
+        warn("LOOKING FOR: " + mxDir)
         Suite.__init__(self, mxDir, primary, internal, importing_suite, load, vc, vc_dir, dynamicallyImported=dynamicallyImported)
         logvv("SourceSuite.__init__({}), got vc={}, vc_dir={}".format(mxDir, self.vc, self.vc_dir))
         self.projects = []
@@ -2454,17 +2402,7 @@ class SourceSuite(Suite):
         Gets the release tag from VC or create a time based once if VC is unavailable
-        if snapshotSuffix not in self._releaseVersion:
-            _version = self._get_early_suite_dict_property('version')
-            if _version and self.getMxCompatibility().addVersionSuffixToExplicitVersion():
-                if not self.is_release():
-                    _version = _version + '-' + snapshotSuffix
-            if not _version:
-                _version = self.vc.release_version_from_tags(self.vc_dir, self.name, snapshotSuffix=snapshotSuffix)
-            if not _version:
-                _version = 'unknown-{0}-{1}'.format(platform.node(), time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_%Z'))
-            self._releaseVersion[snapshotSuffix] = _version
-        return self._releaseVersion[snapshotSuffix]
+        return get_env('version')
     def scm_metadata(self, abortOnError=False):
         scm = self.scm
@@ -2993,12 +2931,35 @@ def _find_suite_import(importing_suite, suite_import, fatalIfMissing=True, load=
         Attempts to locate an existing suite in the local context
         Returns the path to the mx.name dir if found else None
-        if mode == 'binary':
-            # binary suites are always stored relative to the importing suite in mx-private directory
-            return importing_suite._find_binary_suite_dir(suite_import.name)
+        warn("FAKE CLONE: " + str(suite_import))
+        if (suite_import.name == "truffle"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "truffle", "mx.truffle")
+        if (suite_import.name == "graal-nodejs"):
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), "graaljs", "graal-nodejs", "mx.graal-nodejs")
+        if (suite_import.name == "truffleruby"):
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), "truffleruby", "mx.truffleruby")
+        if (suite_import.name == "graalpython"):
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), "graalpython", "mx.graalpython")
+        if (suite_import.name == "vm"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "vm", "mx.vm")
+        if (suite_import.name == "fastr"):
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), "fastr", "mx.fastr")
+        if (suite_import.name == "sdk"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "sdk", "mx.sdk")
+        if (suite_import.name == "graal-js"):
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), "graaljs", "graal-js", "mx.graal-js")
+        if (suite_import.name == "regex"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "regex", "mx.regex")
+        if (suite_import.name == "substratevm"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "substratevm", "mx.substratevm")
+        if (suite_import.name == "tools"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "tools", "mx.tools")
+        if (suite_import.name == "sulong"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "sulong", "mx.sulong")
+        if (suite_import.name == "compiler"):
+            return join(get_env('TMP'), "source", "compiler", "mx.compiler")
-            # use the SuiteModel to locate a local source copy of the suite
-            return _suitemodel.find_suite_dir(suite_import)
+            return join(get_env('MX_GIT_CACHE_DIR'), suite_import.name)
     def _get_import_dir(url, mode):
         """Return directory where the suite will be cloned to"""
@@ -3816,7 +3777,7 @@ def getmtime(name):
     Wrapper for builtin open function that handles long path names on Windows.
-    return os.path.getmtime(_safe_path(name))
+    return 315532800
 def stat(name):
@@ -4062,57 +4023,8 @@ def _attempt_download(url, path, jarEntryName=None):
     return False
 def download(path, urls, verbose=False, abortOnError=True, verifyOnly=False):
-    """
-    Attempts to downloads content for each URL in a list, stopping after the first successful download.
-    If the content cannot be retrieved from any URL, the program is aborted, unless abortOnError=False.
-    The downloaded content is written to the file indicated by `path`.
-    """
-    if not verifyOnly:
-        ensure_dirname_exists(path)
-        assert not path.endswith(os.sep)
-    # https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/net/JarURLConnection.html
-    jarURLPattern = re.compile('jar:(.*)!/(.*)')
-    verify_errors = {}
-    for url in urls:
-        if not verifyOnly or verbose:
-            log('Downloading ' + url + ' to ' + path)
-        m = jarURLPattern.match(url)
-        jarEntryName = None
-        if m:
-            url = m.group(1)
-            jarEntryName = m.group(2)
-        if not _opts.trust_http and (url.lower().startswith('http://') or url.lower().startswith('ftp://')):
-            warn('Downloading from non-https URL {}. Use --trust-http mx option to suppress this warning.'.format(url))
-        if verifyOnly:
-            try:
-                conn = _urlopen(url, timeout=10)
-                conn.close()
-            except (IOError, socket.timeout) as e:
-                _suggest_tlsv1_error(e)
-                verify_errors[url] = e
-        else:
-            for i in range(4):
-                if i != 0:
-                    time.sleep(1)
-                    warn('Retry {} to download from {}'.format(i, url))
-                if _attempt_download(url, path, jarEntryName):
-                    return True # Download was successful
-    if verifyOnly and len(verify_errors) < len(urls): # verify-mode at least one success -> success
-        return True
-    else: # Either verification error or no download was successful
-        msg = 'Could not download to ' + path + ' from any of the following URLs: ' + ', '.join(urls)
-        if verifyOnly: # verify-mode -> print error details
-            for url, e in verify_errors.items():
-                msg += '\n  ' + url + ': ' + str(e)
-        if abortOnError:
-            abort(msg)
-        else:
-            warn(msg)
-            return False
+    print("FAKE download(path={} urls={} verbose={} abortOnError={} verifyOnly={})".format(path, urls, verbose, abortOnError, verifyOnly))
+    return True
 def update_file(path, content, showDiff=False):
@@ -7887,30 +7799,6 @@ class PackedResourceLibrary(ResourceLibrary):
     def get_path(self, resolve):
         extract_path = _make_absolute(self.extract_path, self.suite.dir)
-        download_path = super(PackedResourceLibrary, self).get_path(resolve)
-        if resolve and self._check_extract_needed(extract_path, download_path):
-            extract_path_tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=basename(extract_path), dir=dirname(extract_path))
-            try:
-                # extract archive
-                Extractor.create(download_path).extract(extract_path_tmp)
-                # ensure modification time is up to date
-                os.utime(extract_path_tmp, None)
-                logv("Moving temporary directory {} to {}".format(extract_path_tmp, extract_path))
-                try:
-                    # attempt atomic overwrite
-                    os.rename(extract_path_tmp, extract_path)
-                except OSError:
-                    # clean destination & re-try for cases where atomic overwrite doesn't work
-                    rmtree(extract_path, ignore_errors=True)
-                    os.rename(extract_path_tmp, extract_path)
-            except OSError as ose:
-                # Rename failed. Race with other process?
-                if self._check_extract_needed(extract_path, download_path):
-                    # ok something really went wrong
-                    abort("Extracting {} failed!".format(download_path), context=ose)
-            finally:
-                rmtree(extract_path_tmp, ignore_errors=True)
         return extract_path
     def _check_download_needed(self):
@@ -8430,7 +8318,7 @@ class VC(_with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
         :param str branch: a branch name
         :param bool abortOnError: if True abort on error
-        abort(self.kind + " update_to_branch is not implemented")
+        self.run(['hg', vcdir] + cmd)
     def is_release_from_tags(self, vcdir, prefix):
@@ -8831,7 +8719,7 @@ class HgConfig(VC):
                 return None
     def parent_info(self, vcdir, abortOnError=True):
-        out = self.hg_command(vcdir, ["log", "-r", ".", "--template", "{author}|||{date|hgdate}"], abortOnError=abortOnError)
+        out = _check_output_str(["hg", '-R', vcdir, "log", "-r", ".", "--template", "{author}|||{date|hgdate}"])
         author, date = out.split("|||")
         ts, _ = date.split(" ")
         return self._sanitize_parent_info({
@@ -14069,6 +13957,7 @@ class Archiver(SafeFileCreation):
     def _add_zip(self, filename, archive_name, provenance):
         self._add_provenance(archive_name, provenance)
+        os.utime(filename, (315532800, 315532800))
         self.zf.write(filename, archive_name)
     def _add_str_zip(self, data, archive_name, provenance):