{ fetchurl, stdenv, substituteAll, meson, ninja, pkgconfig, gnome3, glib, gtk3, gsettings-desktop-schemas , gnome-desktop, dbus, json-glib, libICE, xmlto, docbook_xsl, docbook_xml_dtd_412, python3 , libxslt, gettext, makeWrapper, systemd, xorg, epoxy, gnugrep, bash }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "gnome-session"; version = "3.34.2"; outputs = ["out" "sessions"]; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://gnome/sources/gnome-session/${stdenv.lib.versions.majorMinor version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "1qgqp97f8k2zi2ydvhds14zsjzfj7cv521r6wx5sw0qacn0p7dwb"; }; patches = [ (substituteAll { src = ./fix-paths.patch; gsettings = "${glib.bin}/bin/gsettings"; dbusLaunch = "${dbus.lib}/bin/dbus-launch"; grep = "${gnugrep}/bin/grep"; bash = "${bash}/bin/bash"; }) ]; mesonFlags = [ "-Dsystemd=true" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkgconfig gettext makeWrapper xmlto libxslt docbook_xsl docbook_xml_dtd_412 python3 dbus # for DTD ]; buildInputs = [ glib gtk3 libICE gnome-desktop json-glib xorg.xtrans gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme gnome3.gnome-settings-daemon gsettings-desktop-schemas systemd epoxy ]; postPatch = '' chmod +x meson_post_install.py # patchShebangs requires executable file patchShebangs meson_post_install.py ''; # `bin/gnome-session` will reset the environment when run in wayland, we # therefor wrap `libexec/gnome-session-binary` instead which is the actual # binary needing wrapping preFixup = '' wrapProgram "$out/libexec/gnome-session-binary" \ --prefix GI_TYPELIB_PATH : "$GI_TYPELIB_PATH" \ --suffix XDG_DATA_DIRS : "$out/share:$GSETTINGS_SCHEMAS_PATH" \ --suffix XDG_DATA_DIRS : "${gnome3.gnome-shell}/share"\ --suffix XDG_CONFIG_DIRS : "${gnome3.gnome-settings-daemon}/etc/xdg" ''; # We move the GNOME sessions to another output since gnome-session is a dependency of # GDM itself. If we do not hide them, it will show broken GNOME sessions when GDM is # enabled without proper GNOME installation. postInstall = '' mkdir $sessions moveToOutput share/wayland-sessions "$sessions" moveToOutput share/xsessions "$sessions" ''; passthru = { updateScript = gnome3.updateScript { packageName = "gnome-session"; attrPath = "gnome3.gnome-session"; }; providedSessions = [ "gnome" "gnome-xorg" ]; }; meta = with stdenv.lib; { description = "GNOME session manager"; homepage = https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/SessionManagement; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = gnome3.maintainers; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }