#!@runtimeShell@ set -euo pipefail export PATH="@binPath@" if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "Usage: $0 [path to file with a list of excluded packages] > deps.nix" exit 1 fi pkgs=$1 exclusions="${2:-/dev/null}" tmpfile=$(mktemp /tmp/nuget-to-nix.XXXXXX) trap "rm -f ${tmpfile}" EXIT declare -A nuget_sources_cache echo "{ fetchNuGet }: [" while read pkg_spec; do { read pkg_name; read pkg_version; } < <( # Build version part should be ignored: `3.0.0-beta2.20059.3+77df2220` -> `3.0.0-beta2.20059.3` sed -nE 's/.*([^<]*).*/\1/p; s/.*([^<+]*).*/\1/p' "$pkg_spec") if grep "$pkg_name" "$exclusions" > /dev/null; then continue fi pkg_sha256="$(nix-hash --type sha256 --flat --base32 "$(dirname "$pkg_spec")"/*.nupkg)" pkg_src="$(jq --raw-output '.source' "$(dirname "$pkg_spec")/.nupkg.metadata")" if [[ -d $pkg_src ]]; then continue elif [[ $pkg_src != https://api.nuget.org/* ]]; then pkg_source_url="${nuget_sources_cache[$pkg_src]:=$(curl -n --fail "$pkg_src" | jq --raw-output '.resources[] | select(."@type" == "PackageBaseAddress/3.0.0")."@id"')}" pkg_url="$pkg_source_url${pkg_name,,}/${pkg_version,,}/${pkg_name,,}.${pkg_version,,}.nupkg" echo " (fetchNuGet { pname = \"$pkg_name\"; version = \"$pkg_version\"; sha256 = \"$pkg_sha256\"; url = \"$pkg_url\"; })" >> ${tmpfile} else echo " (fetchNuGet { pname = \"$pkg_name\"; version = \"$pkg_version\"; sha256 = \"$pkg_sha256\"; })" >> ${tmpfile} fi done < <(find $1 -name '*.nuspec') LC_ALL=C sort --ignore-case ${tmpfile} echo "]"