{ pkgs }: with import ./lib.nix { inherit pkgs; }; self: super: { # Some packages need a non-core version of Cabal. Cabal_1_18_1_6 = dontCheck super.Cabal_1_18_1_6; Cabal_1_20_0_3 = dontCheck super.Cabal_1_20_0_3; Cabal_1_22_4_0 = dontCheck super.Cabal_1_22_4_0; cabal-install = (dontCheck super.cabal-install).overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_22_4_0; zlib = self.zlib_0_5_4_2; }); cabal-install_1_18_1_0 = (dontCheck super.cabal-install_1_18_1_0).overrideScope (self: super: { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_18_1_6; zlib = self.zlib_0_5_4_2; }); # Link statically to avoid runtime dependency on GHC. jailbreak-cabal = disableSharedExecutables super.jailbreak-cabal; # Apply NixOS-specific patches. ghc-paths = appendPatch super.ghc-paths ./patches/ghc-paths-nix.patch; # Break infinite recursions. Dust-crypto = dontCheck super.Dust-crypto; hasql-postgres = dontCheck super.hasql-postgres; hspec = super.hspec.override { stringbuilder = dontCheck super.stringbuilder; }; HTTP = dontCheck super.HTTP; mwc-random = dontCheck super.mwc-random; nanospec = dontCheck super.nanospec; options = dontCheck super.options; statistics = dontCheck super.statistics; text = dontCheck super.text; # The package doesn't compile with ruby 1.9, which is our default at the moment. hruby = super.hruby.override { ruby = pkgs.ruby_2_1; }; # Doesn't compile with lua 5.2. hslua = super.hslua.override { lua = pkgs.lua5_1; }; # Use the default version of mysql to build this package (which is actually mariadb). mysql = super.mysql.override { mysql = pkgs.mysql.lib; }; # Link the proper version. zeromq4-haskell = super.zeromq4-haskell.override { zeromq = pkgs.zeromq4; }; # These changes are required to support Darwin. git-annex = (disableSharedExecutables super.git-annex).override { dbus = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.dbus else null; fdo-notify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.fdo-notify else null; hinotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then self.hinotify else self.fsnotify; }; # CUDA needs help finding the SDK headers and libraries. cuda = overrideCabal super.cuda (drv: { extraLibraries = (drv.extraLibraries or []) ++ [pkgs.linuxPackages.nvidia_x11]; configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ pkgs.lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.is64bit "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.cudatoolkit}/lib64" ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.cudatoolkit}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.cudatoolkit}/usr_include" ]; preConfigure = '' unset CC # unconfuse the haskell-cuda configure script sed -i -e 's|/usr/local/cuda|${pkgs.cudatoolkit}|g' configure ''; }); # The package doesn't know about the AL include hierarchy. # https://github.com/phaazon/al/issues/1 al = appendConfigureFlag super.al "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL"; # Depends on code distributed under a non-free license. accelerate-cublas = dontDistribute super.accelerate-cublas; accelerate-cuda = dontDistribute super.accelerate-cuda; accelerate-cufft = dontDistribute super.accelerate-cufft; accelerate-examples = dontDistribute super.accelerate-examples; accelerate-fft = dontDistribute super.accelerate-fft; accelerate-fourier-benchmark = dontDistribute super.accelerate-fourier-benchmark; AttoJson = markBroken super.AttoJson; bindings-yices = dontDistribute super.bindings-yices; cublas = dontDistribute super.cublas; cufft = dontDistribute super.cufft; gloss-accelerate = dontDistribute super.gloss-accelerate; gloss-raster-accelerate = dontDistribute super.gloss-raster-accelerate; GoogleTranslate = dontDistribute super.GoogleTranslate; GoogleDirections = dontDistribute super.GoogleDirections; libnvvm = dontDistribute super.libnvvm; manatee-all = dontDistribute super.manatee-all; manatee-ircclient = dontDistribute super.manatee-ircclient; Obsidian = dontDistribute super.Obsidian; patch-image = dontDistribute super.patch-image; yices = dontDistribute super.yices; yices-easy = dontDistribute super.yices-easy; yices-painless = dontDistribute super.yices-painless; # https://github.com/GaloisInc/RSA/issues/9 RSA = dontCheck super.RSA; # https://github.com/froozen/kademlia/issues/2 kademlia = dontCheck super.kademlia; # Won't find it's header files without help. sfml-audio = appendConfigureFlag super.sfml-audio "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL"; hzk = overrideCabal super.hzk (drv: { preConfigure = "sed -i -e /include-dirs/d hzk.cabal"; configureFlags = "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.zookeeper_mt}/include/zookeeper"; doCheck = false; }); haskakafka = overrideCabal super.haskakafka (drv: { preConfigure = "sed -i -e /extra-lib-dirs/d -e /include-dirs/d haskakafka.cabal"; configureFlags = "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.rdkafka}/include/librdkafka"; doCheck = false; }); # Foreign dependency name clashes with another Haskell package. libarchive-conduit = super.libarchive-conduit.override { archive = pkgs.libarchive; }; # https://github.com/haskell/time/issues/23 time_1_5_0_1 = dontCheck super.time_1_5_0_1; # Help libconfig find it's C language counterpart. libconfig = (dontCheck super.libconfig).override { config = pkgs.libconfig; }; hmatrix = overrideCabal super.hmatrix (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "-fopenblas" ]; extraLibraries = [ pkgs.openblasCompat ]; preConfigure = '' sed -i hmatrix.cabal -e 's@/usr/lib/openblas/lib@${pkgs.openblasCompat}/lib@' ''; }); bindings-levmar = overrideCabal super.bindings-levmar (drv: { preConfigure = '' sed -i bindings-levmar.cabal \ -e 's,extra-libraries: lapack blas,extra-libraries: openblas,' ''; extraLibraries = [ pkgs.openblasCompat ]; }); # The Haddock phase fails for one reason or another. acme-one = dontHaddock super.acme-one; attoparsec-conduit = dontHaddock super.attoparsec-conduit; base-noprelude = dontHaddock super.base-noprelude; blaze-builder-conduit = dontHaddock super.blaze-builder-conduit; BNFC-meta = dontHaddock super.BNFC-meta; bytestring-progress = dontHaddock super.bytestring-progress; comonads-fd = dontHaddock super.comonads-fd; comonad-transformers = dontHaddock super.comonad-transformers; deepseq-magic = dontHaddock super.deepseq-magic; diagrams = dontHaddock super.diagrams; either = dontHaddock super.either; feldspar-signal = dontHaddock super.feldspar-signal; # https://github.com/markus-git/feldspar-signal/issues/1 gl = dontHaddock super.gl; groupoids = dontHaddock super.groupoids; hamlet = dontHaddock super.hamlet; haste-compiler = dontHaddock super.haste-compiler; HaXml = dontHaddock super.HaXml; HDBC-odbc = dontHaddock super.HDBC-odbc; hoodle-core = dontHaddock super.hoodle-core; hsc3-db = dontHaddock super.hsc3-db; hspec-discover = dontHaddock super.hspec-discover; http-client-conduit = dontHaddock super.http-client-conduit; http-client-multipart = dontHaddock super.http-client-multipart; markdown-unlit = dontHaddock super.markdown-unlit; network-conduit = dontHaddock super.network-conduit; shakespeare-js = dontHaddock super.shakespeare-js; shakespeare-text = dontHaddock super.shakespeare-text; wai-test = dontHaddock super.wai-test; zlib-conduit = dontHaddock super.zlib-conduit; # Jailbreak doesn't get the job done because the Cabal file uses conditionals a lot. darcs = (overrideCabal super.darcs (drv: { doCheck = false; # The test suite won't even start. postPatch = "sed -i -e 's|attoparsec .*,|attoparsec,|' -e 's|vector .*,|vector,|' darcs.cabal"; })).overrideScope (self: super: { zlib = self.zlib_0_5_4_2; }); # https://github.com/massysett/rainbox/issues/1 rainbox = dontCheck super.rainbox; # https://github.com/techtangents/ablist/issues/1 ABList = dontCheck super.ABList; # These packages have broken dependencies. ASN1 = dontDistribute super.ASN1; # NewBinary frame-markdown = dontDistribute super.frame-markdown; # frame hails-bin = dontDistribute super.hails-bin; # Hails lss = markBrokenVersion "" super.lss; # https://github.com/dbp/lss/issues/2 snaplet-lss = markBrokenVersion "" super.snaplet-lss; # https://github.com/dbp/lss/issues/2 # https://github.com/haskell/vector/issues/47 vector = if pkgs.stdenv.isi686 then appendConfigureFlag super.vector "--ghc-options=-msse2" else super.vector; # cabal2nix likes to generate dependencies on hinotify when hfsevents is really required # on darwin: https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/146. hinotify = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then self.hfsevents else super.hinotify; # hfsevents needs CoreServices in scope hfsevents = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then addBuildTool super.hfsevents pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreServices else super.hfsevents; # FSEvents API is very buggy and tests are unreliable. See # http://openradar.appspot.com/10207999 and similar issues. # https://github.com/haskell-fswatch/hfsnotify/issues/62 fsnotify = dontCheck super.fsnotify; # if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then dontCheck super.fsnotify else super.fsnotify; # the system-fileio tests use canonicalizePath, which fails in the sandbox system-fileio = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then dontCheck super.system-fileio else super.system-fileio; # Prevents needing to add security_tool as a build tool to all of x509-system's # dependencies. x509-system = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin && !pkgs.stdenv.cc.nativeLibc then let inherit (pkgs.darwin) security_tool; in pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation (addBuildDepend super.x509-system security_tool) (drv: { postPatch = (drv.postPatch or "") + '' substituteInPlace System/X509/MacOS.hs --replace security ${security_tool}/bin/security ''; }) else super.x509-system; double-conversion = if !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then super.double-conversion else overrideCabal super.double-conversion (drv: { postPatch = '' substituteInPlace double-conversion.cabal --replace stdc++ c++ ''; }); # Does not compile: "fatal error: ieee-flpt.h: No such file or directory" base_4_8_1_0 = markBroken super.base_4_8_1_0; # Obsolete: https://github.com/massysett/prednote/issues/1. prednote-test = markBrokenVersion "" super.prednote-test; # Doesn't compile: "Setup: can't find include file ghc-gmp.h" integer-gmp_1_0_0_0 = markBroken super.integer-gmp_1_0_0_0; # Obsolete. lushtags = markBrokenVersion "0.0.1" super.lushtags; # https://github.com/haskell/bytestring/issues/41 bytestring_0_10_6_0 = dontCheck super.bytestring_0_10_6_0; # tests don't compile for some odd reason jwt = dontCheck super.jwt; # https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/136 glib = addBuildDepends super.glib [pkgs.pkgconfig pkgs.glib]; gtk3 = super.gtk3.override { inherit (pkgs) gtk3; }; gtk = addBuildDepends super.gtk [pkgs.pkgconfig pkgs.gtk]; gtksourceview3 = super.gtksourceview3.override { inherit (pkgs.gnome3) gtksourceview; }; # Need WebkitGTK, not just webkit. webkit = super.webkit.override { webkit = pkgs.webkitgtk2; }; webkitgtk3 = super.webkitgtk3.override { webkit = pkgs.webkitgtk24x; }; webkitgtk3-javascriptcore = super.webkitgtk3-javascriptcore.override { webkit = pkgs.webkitgtk24x; }; websnap = super.websnap.override { webkit = pkgs.webkitgtk24x; }; # While waiting for https://github.com/jwiegley/gitlib/pull/53 to be merged hlibgit2 = addBuildTool super.hlibgit2 pkgs.git; # https://github.com/mvoidex/hsdev/issues/11 hsdev = dontHaddock super.hsdev; hs-mesos = overrideCabal super.hs-mesos (drv: { # Pass _only_ mesos; the correct protobuf is propagated. extraLibraries = [ pkgs.mesos ]; preConfigure = "sed -i -e /extra-lib-dirs/d -e 's|, /usr/include, /usr/local/include/mesos||' hs-mesos.cabal"; }); # Upstream notified by e-mail. permutation = dontCheck super.permutation; # https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-tls/issues/102 tls = dontCheck super.tls; # https://github.com/jputcu/serialport/issues/25 serialport = dontCheck super.serialport; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/simple-sendfile/issues/17 simple-sendfile = dontCheck super.simple-sendfile; # Fails no apparent reason. Upstream has been notified by e-mail. assertions = dontCheck super.assertions; # https://github.com/vincenthz/tasty-kat/issues/1 tasty-kat = dontCheck super.tasty-kat; # These packages try to execute non-existent external programs. cmaes = dontCheck super.cmaes; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498725/log/raw dbmigrations = dontCheck super.dbmigrations; euler = dontCheck super.euler; # https://github.com/decomputed/euler/issues/1 filestore = dontCheck super.filestore; getopt-generics = dontCheck super.getopt-generics; graceful = dontCheck super.graceful; hakyll = dontCheck super.hakyll; Hclip = dontCheck super.Hclip; HList = dontCheck super.HList; marquise = dontCheck super.marquise; # https://github.com/anchor/marquise/issues/69 memcached-binary = dontCheck super.memcached-binary; persistent-zookeeper = dontCheck super.persistent-zookeeper; pocket-dns = dontCheck super.pocket-dns; postgresql-simple = dontCheck super.postgresql-simple; postgrest = dontCheck super.postgrest; snowball = dontCheck super.snowball; test-sandbox = dontCheck super.test-sandbox; users-postgresql-simple = dontCheck super.users-postgresql-simple; wai-middleware-hmac = dontCheck super.wai-middleware-hmac; wai-middleware-throttle = dontCheck super.wai-middleware-throttle; # https://github.com/creichert/wai-middleware-throttle/issues/1 xkbcommon = dontCheck super.xkbcommon; xmlgen = dontCheck super.xmlgen; ide-backend = dontCheck super.ide-backend; msgpack-rpc = dontCheck super.msgpack-rpc; # These packages try to access the network. amqp = dontCheck super.amqp; amqp-conduit = dontCheck super.amqp-conduit; bitcoin-api = dontCheck super.bitcoin-api; bitcoin-api-extra = dontCheck super.bitcoin-api-extra; bitx-bitcoin = dontCheck super.bitx-bitcoin; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/926187/log/raw concurrent-dns-cache = dontCheck super.concurrent-dns-cache; dbus = dontCheck super.dbus; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498404/log/raw digitalocean-kzs = dontCheck super.digitalocean-kzs; # https://github.com/KazumaSATO/digitalocean-kzs/issues/1 github-types = dontCheck super.github-types; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/1114046/nixlog/1/raw hadoop-rpc = dontCheck super.hadoop-rpc; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/527461/nixlog/2/raw hasql = dontCheck super.hasql; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/502489/nixlog/4/raw hjsonschema = overrideCabal super.hjsonschema (drv: { testTarget = "local"; }); holy-project = dontCheck super.holy-project; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/502002/nixlog/1/raw hoogle = overrideCabal super.hoogle (drv: { testTarget = "--test-option=--no-net"; }); http-client = dontCheck super.http-client; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501430/nixlog/1/raw http-conduit = dontCheck super.http-conduit; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501966/nixlog/1/raw js-jquery = dontCheck super.js-jquery; marmalade-upload = dontCheck super.marmalade-upload; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501904/nixlog/1/raw network-transport-tcp = dontCheck super.network-transport-tcp; network-transport-zeromq = dontCheck super.network-transport-zeromq; # https://github.com/tweag/network-transport-zeromq/issues/30 pipes-mongodb = dontCheck super.pipes-mongodb; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/926195/log/raw raven-haskell = dontCheck super.raven-haskell; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/502053/log/raw riak = dontCheck super.riak; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498763/log/raw scotty-binding-play = dontCheck super.scotty-binding-play; serversession-backend-redis = dontCheck super.serversession-backend-redis; slack-api = dontCheck super.slack-api; # https://github.com/mpickering/slack-api/issues/5 socket = dontCheck super.socket; stackage = dontCheck super.stackage; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501867/nixlog/1/raw textocat-api = dontCheck super.textocat-api; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/887011/log/raw warp = dontCheck super.warp; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501073/nixlog/5/raw wreq = dontCheck super.wreq; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/501895/nixlog/1/raw wreq-sb = dontCheck super.wreq-sb; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/783948/log/raw wuss = dontCheck super.wuss; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/875964/nixlog/2/raw # https://github.com/NICTA/digit/issues/3 digit = dontCheck super.digit; # Fails for non-obvious reasons while attempting to use doctest. search = dontCheck super.search; # https://github.com/ekmett/structures/issues/3 structures = dontCheck super.structures; # Tries to mess with extended POSIX attributes, but can't in our chroot environment. xattr = dontCheck super.xattr; # Disable test suites to fix the build. acme-year = dontCheck super.acme-year; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497858/log/raw aeson-lens = dontCheck super.aeson-lens; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496769/log/raw aeson-schema = dontCheck super.aeson-schema; # https://github.com/timjb/aeson-schema/issues/9 apache-md5 = dontCheck super.apache-md5; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498709/nixlog/1/raw app-settings = dontCheck super.app-settings; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497327/log/raw aws = dontCheck super.aws; # needs aws credentials aws-kinesis = dontCheck super.aws-kinesis; # needs aws credentials for testing binary-protocol = dontCheck super.binary-protocol; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499749/log/raw bindings-GLFW = dontCheck super.bindings-GLFW; # requires an active X11 display bits = dontCheck super.bits; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/500239/log/raw bloodhound = dontCheck super.bloodhound; buildwrapper = dontCheck super.buildwrapper; burst-detection = dontCheck super.burst-detection; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496948/log/raw cabal-bounds = dontCheck super.cabal-bounds; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496935/nixlog/1/raw cabal-meta = dontCheck super.cabal-meta; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497892/log/raw cautious-file = dontCheck super.cautious-file; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499730/log/raw CLI = dontCheck super.CLI; # Upstream has no issue tracker. cjk = dontCheck super.cjk; command-qq = dontCheck super.command-qq; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499042/log/raw conduit-connection = dontCheck super.conduit-connection; craftwerk = dontCheck super.craftwerk; damnpacket = dontCheck super.damnpacket; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496923/log data-hash = dontCheck super.data-hash; Deadpan-DDP = dontCheck super.Deadpan-DDP; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496418/log/raw DigitalOcean = dontCheck super.DigitalOcean; directory-layout = dontCheck super.directory-layout; docopt = dontCheck super.docopt; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499172/log/raw dom-selector = dontCheck super.dom-selector; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/497670/log/raw dotfs = dontCheck super.dotfs; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498599/log/raw DRBG = dontCheck super.DRBG; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498245/nixlog/1/raw either-unwrap = dontCheck super.either-unwrap; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498782/log/raw etcd = dontCheck super.etcd; fb = dontCheck super.fb; # needs credentials for Facebook fptest = dontCheck super.fptest; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499124/log/raw ghc-events = dontCheck super.ghc-events; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/498226/log/raw ghc-events-parallel = dontCheck super.ghc-events-parallel; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/496828/log/raw ghcid = dontCheck super.ghcid; ghc-imported-from = dontCheck super.ghc-imported-from; ghc-parmake = dontCheck super.ghc-parmake; gitlib-cmdline = dontCheck super.gitlib-cmdline; git-vogue = dontCheck super.git-vogue; GLFW-b = dontCheck super.GLFW-b; # https://github.com/bsl/GLFW-b/issues/50 hackport = dontCheck super.hackport; hadoop-formats = dontCheck super.hadoop-formats; haeredes = dontCheck super.haeredes; hashed-storage = dontCheck super.hashed-storage; hashring = dontCheck super.hashring; hath = dontCheck super.hath; haxl-facebook = dontCheck super.haxl-facebook; # needs facebook credentials for testing hdbi-postgresql = dontCheck super.hdbi-postgresql; hedis = dontCheck super.hedis; hedis-pile = dontCheck super.hedis-pile; hedis-tags = dontCheck super.hedis-tags; hedn = dontCheck super.hedn; hgdbmi = dontCheck super.hgdbmi; hi = dontCheck super.hi; hierarchical-clustering = dontCheck super.hierarchical-clustering; hmatrix-tests = dontCheck super.hmatrix-tests; hPDB-examples = dontCheck super.hPDB-examples; hquery = dontCheck super.hquery; hs2048 = dontCheck super.hs2048; hsbencher = dontCheck super.hsbencher; hsexif = dontCheck super.hsexif; hspec-server = dontCheck super.hspec-server; HTF = dontCheck super.HTF; htsn = dontCheck super.htsn; htsn-import = dontCheck super.htsn-import; http2 = dontCheck super.http2; http-client-openssl = dontCheck super.http-client-openssl; http-client-tls = dontCheck super.http-client-tls; ihaskell = dontCheck super.ihaskell; influxdb = dontCheck super.influxdb; itanium-abi = dontCheck super.itanium-abi; katt = dontCheck super.katt; language-slice = dontCheck super.language-slice; lensref = dontCheck super.lensref; liquidhaskell = dontCheck super.liquidhaskell; lucid = dontCheck super.lucid; #https://github.com/chrisdone/lucid/issues/25 lvmrun = dontCheck super.lvmrun; memcache = dontCheck super.memcache; milena = dontCheck super.milena; nats-queue = dontCheck super.nats-queue; netpbm = dontCheck super.netpbm; network-dbus = dontCheck super.network-dbus; notcpp = dontCheck super.notcpp; ntp-control = dontCheck super.ntp-control; numerals = dontCheck super.numerals; opaleye = dontCheck super.opaleye; openpgp = dontCheck super.openpgp; optional = dontCheck super.optional; os-release = dontCheck super.os-release; pandoc-citeproc = dontCheck super.pandoc-citeproc; persistent-redis = dontCheck super.persistent-redis; pipes-extra = dontCheck super.pipes-extra; pipes-websockets = dontCheck super.pipes-websockets; postgresql-binary = dontCheck super.postgresql-binary; # needs a running postgresql server postgresql-simple-migration = dontCheck super.postgresql-simple-migration; process-streaming = dontCheck super.process-streaming; punycode = dontCheck super.punycode; pwstore-cli = dontCheck super.pwstore-cli; quantities = dontCheck super.quantities; redis-io = dontCheck super.redis-io; rethinkdb = dontCheck super.rethinkdb; Rlang-QQ = dontCheck super.Rlang-QQ; sai-shape-syb = dontCheck super.sai-shape-syb; scp-streams = dontCheck super.scp-streams; sdl2-ttf = dontCheck super.sdl2-ttf; # as of version 0.2.1, the test suite requires user intervention separated = dontCheck super.separated; shadowsocks = dontCheck super.shadowsocks; shake-language-c = dontCheck super.shake-language-c; static-resources = dontCheck super.static-resources; strive = dontCheck super.strive; # fails its own hlint test with tons of warnings svndump = dontCheck super.svndump; tar = dontCheck super.tar; #http://hydra.nixos.org/build/25088435/nixlog/2 (fails only on 32-bit) thumbnail-plus = dontCheck super.thumbnail-plus; tickle = dontCheck super.tickle; tpdb = dontCheck super.tpdb; translatable-intset = dontCheck super.translatable-intset; ua-parser = dontCheck super.ua-parser; unagi-chan = dontCheck super.unagi-chan; wai-app-file-cgi = dontCheck super.wai-app-file-cgi; wai-logger = dontCheck super.wai-logger; WebBits = dontCheck super.WebBits; # http://hydra.cryp.to/build/499604/log/raw webdriver-angular = dontCheck super.webdriver-angular; webdriver = dontCheck super.webdriver; xsd = dontCheck super.xsd; # https://bitbucket.org/wuzzeb/webdriver-utils/issue/1/hspec-webdriver-101-cant-compile-its-test hspec-webdriver = markBroken super.hspec-webdriver; # Needs access to locale data, but looks for it in the wrong place. scholdoc-citeproc = dontCheck super.scholdoc-citeproc; # These test suites run for ages, even on a fast machine. This is nuts. Random123 = dontCheck super.Random123; systemd = dontCheck super.systemd; # https://github.com/eli-frey/cmdtheline/issues/28 cmdtheline = dontCheck super.cmdtheline; # https://github.com/bos/snappy/issues/1 snappy = dontCheck super.snappy; # Expect to find sendmail(1) in $PATH. mime-mail = appendConfigureFlag super.mime-mail "--ghc-option=-DMIME_MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH=\"sendmail\""; # Help the test suite find system timezone data. tz = overrideCabal super.tz (drv: { preConfigure = "export TZDIR=${pkgs.tzdata}/share/zoneinfo"; }); # Deprecated upstream and doesn't compile. BASIC = dontDistribute super.BASIC; bytestring-arbitrary = dontDistribute (addBuildTool super.bytestring-arbitrary self.llvm); llvm = dontDistribute super.llvm; llvm-base = markBroken super.llvm-base; llvm-base-util = dontDistribute super.llvm-base-util; llvm-extra = dontDistribute super.llvm-extra; llvm-tf = dontDistribute super.llvm-tf; objectid = dontDistribute super.objectid; saltine-quickcheck = dontDistribute super.saltine-quickcheck; stable-tree = dontDistribute super.stable-tree; synthesizer-llvm = dontDistribute super.synthesizer-llvm; optimal-blocks = dontDistribute super.optimal-blocks; hs-blake2 = dontDistribute super.hs-blake2; # https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9625 vty = dontCheck super.vty; # https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-crypto-pubkey/issues/20 crypto-pubkey = dontCheck super.crypto-pubkey; # https://github.com/zouppen/stratum-tool/issues/14 stratum-tool = markBrokenVersion "0.0.4" super.stratum-tool; # https://github.com/Gabriel439/Haskell-Turtle-Library/issues/1 turtle = dontCheck super.turtle; # https://github.com/Philonous/xml-picklers/issues/5 xml-picklers = dontCheck super.xml-picklers; # https://github.com/joeyadams/haskell-stm-delay/issues/3 stm-delay = dontCheck super.stm-delay; # https://github.com/cgaebel/stm-conduit/issues/33 stm-conduit = dontCheck super.stm-conduit; # The install target tries to run lots of commands as "root". WTF??? hannahci = markBroken super.hannahci; # https://github.com/jkarni/th-alpha/issues/1 th-alpha = markBrokenVersion "" super.th-alpha; # https://github.com/haskell-hub/hub-src/issues/24 hub = markBrokenVersion "1.4.0" super.hub; # https://github.com/pixbi/duplo/issues/25 duplo = dontCheck super.duplo; # Nix-specific workaround xmonad = appendPatch super.xmonad ./patches/xmonad-nix.patch; # https://github.com/evanrinehart/mikmod/issues/1 mikmod = addExtraLibrary super.mikmod pkgs.libmikmod; # https://github.com/basvandijk/threads/issues/10 threads = dontCheck super.threads; # https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquid-fixpoint/issues/44 liquid-fixpoint = overrideCabal super.liquid-fixpoint (drv: { preConfigure = "patchShebangs ."; }); # Missing module. rematch = dontCheck super.rematch; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/5 rematch-text = dontCheck super.rematch-text; # https://github.com/tcrayford/rematch/issues/6 # Upstream notified by e-mail. MonadCompose = markBrokenVersion "" super.MonadCompose; # no haddock since this is an umbrella package. cloud-haskell = dontHaddock super.cloud-haskell; # This packages compiles 4+ hours on a fast machine. That's just unreasonable. CHXHtml = dontDistribute super.CHXHtml; # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/6350 paypal-adaptive-hoops = overrideCabal super.paypal-adaptive-hoops (drv: { testTarget = "local"; }); # https://github.com/jwiegley/simple-conduit/issues/2 simple-conduit = markBroken super.simple-conduit; # https://code.google.com/p/linux-music-player/issues/detail?id=1 mp = markBroken super.mp; # https://github.com/afcowie/http-streams/issues/80 http-streams = dontCheck super.http-streams; # https://github.com/vincenthz/hs-asn1/issues/12 asn1-encoding = dontCheck super.asn1-encoding; # wxc supports wxGTX >= 3.0, but our current default version points to 2.8. wxc = super.wxc.override { wxGTK = pkgs.wxGTK30; }; wxcore = super.wxcore.override { wxGTK = pkgs.wxGTK30; }; # Depends on QuickCheck 1.x. HaVSA = super.HaVSA.override { QuickCheck = self.QuickCheck_1_2_0_1; }; test-framework-quickcheck = super.test-framework-quickcheck.override { QuickCheck = self.QuickCheck_1_2_0_1; }; # Doesn't support "this system". Linux? Needs investigation. lhc = markBroken (super.lhc.override { QuickCheck = self.QuickCheck_1_2_0_1; }); # Depends on broken test-framework-quickcheck. apiary = dontCheck super.apiary; apiary-authenticate = dontCheck super.apiary-authenticate; apiary-clientsession = dontCheck super.apiary-clientsession; apiary-cookie = dontCheck super.apiary-cookie; apiary-eventsource = dontCheck super.apiary-eventsource; apiary-logger = dontCheck super.apiary-logger; apiary-memcached = dontCheck super.apiary-memcached; apiary-mongoDB = dontCheck super.apiary-mongoDB; apiary-persistent = dontCheck super.apiary-persistent; apiary-purescript = dontCheck super.apiary-purescript; apiary-session = dontCheck super.apiary-session; apiary-websockets = dontCheck super.apiary-websockets; # https://github.com/mikeizbicki/hmm/issues/12 hmm = markBroken super.hmm; # https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-configuration-tools/issues/40 configuration-tools = dontCheck super.configuration-tools; # https://github.com/fumieval/karakuri/issues/1 karakuri = markBroken super.karakuri; # Upstream notified by e-mail. gearbox = markBroken super.gearbox; # https://github.com/deech/fltkhs/issues/7 fltkhs = markBroken super.fltkhs; # Build fails, but there seems to be no issue tracker available. :-( hmidi = markBrokenVersion "" super.hmidi; padKONTROL = markBroken super.padKONTROL; Bang = dontDistribute super.Bang; launchpad-control = dontDistribute super.launchpad-control; # Upstream provides no issue tracker and no contact details. vivid = markBroken super.vivid; # Test suite wants to connect to $DISPLAY. hsqml = dontCheck (super.hsqml.override { qt5 = pkgs.qt53; }); # https://github.com/lookunder/RedmineHs/issues/4 Redmine = markBroken super.Redmine; # HsColour: Language/Unlambda.hs: hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence) unlambda = dontHyperlinkSource super.unlambda; # https://github.com/megantti/rtorrent-rpc/issues/2 rtorrent-rpc = markBroken super.rtorrent-rpc; # https://github.com/PaulJohnson/geodetics/issues/1 geodetics = dontCheck super.geodetics; # https://github.com/AndrewRademacher/aeson-casing/issues/1 aeson-casing = dontCheck super.aeson-casing; # https://github.com/junjihashimoto/test-sandbox-compose/issues/2 test-sandbox-compose = dontCheck super.test-sandbox-compose; # https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/2190 pandoc = overrideCabal super.pandoc (drv: { enableSharedExecutables = false; postInstall = '' # install man pages mv man $out/ find $out/man -type f ! -name "*.[0-9]" -exec rm {} + ''; }); # Tests attempt to use NPM to install from the network into # /homeless-shelter. Disabled. purescript = dontCheck super.purescript; # Broken by GLUT update. Monadius = markBroken super.Monadius; # We don't have the groonga package these libraries bind to. haroonga = markBroken super.haroonga; haroonga-httpd = markBroken super.haroonga-httpd; # Build is broken and no contact info available. hopenpgp-tools = markBroken super.hopenpgp-tools; # https://github.com/hunt-framework/hunt/issues/99 hunt-server = markBrokenVersion "" super.hunt-server; # https://github.com/bjpop/blip/issues/16 blip = markBroken super.blip; # https://github.com/tych0/xcffib/issues/37 xcffib = dontCheck super.xcffib; # https://github.com/afcowie/locators/issues/1 locators = dontCheck super.locators; # https://github.com/scravy/hydrogen-syntax/issues/1 hydrogen-syntax = markBroken super.hydrogen-syntax; hydrogen-cli = dontDistribute super.hydrogen-cli; # https://github.com/meteficha/Hipmunk/issues/8 Hipmunk = markBroken super.Hipmunk; HipmunkPlayground = dontDistribute super.HipmunkPlayground; click-clack = dontDistribute super.click-clack; # https://github.com/fumieval/audiovisual/issues/1 audiovisual = markBroken super.audiovisual; call = dontDistribute super.call; rhythm-game-tutorial = dontDistribute super.rhythm-game-tutorial; # https://github.com/haskell/haddock/issues/378 haddock-library = dontCheck super.haddock-library; # Already fixed in upstream darcs repo. xmonad-contrib = overrideCabal super.xmonad-contrib (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i -e '24iimport Control.Applicative' XMonad/Util/Invisible.hs sed -i -e '22iimport Control.Applicative' XMonad/Hooks/DebugEvents.hs ''; }); # https://github.com/anton-k/csound-expression-dynamic/issues/1 csound-expression-dynamic = dontHaddock super.csound-expression-dynamic; # Hardcoded include path poppler = overrideCabal super.poppler (drv: { postPatch = '' sed -i -e 's,glib/poppler.h,poppler.h,' poppler.cabal sed -i -e 's,glib/poppler.h,poppler.h,' Graphics/UI/Gtk/Poppler/Structs.hsc ''; }); # Uses OpenGL in testing caramia = dontCheck super.caramia; # Needs help finding LLVM. llvm-general = super.llvm-general.override { llvm-config = self.llvmPackages.llvm; }; spaceprobe = addBuildTool super.spaceprobe self.llvmPackages.llvm; # Tries to run GUI in tests leksah = dontCheck super.leksah; # Patch to consider NIX_GHC just like xmonad does dyre = appendPatch super.dyre ./patches/dyre-nix.patch; # Test suite won't compile against tasty-hunit 0.9.x. zlib = dontCheck super.zlib; # Override the obsolete version from Hackage with our more up-to-date copy. cabal2nix = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/cabal2nix/cabal2nix.nix {}; hackage2nix = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/cabal2nix/hackage2nix.nix {}; lens-construction-helper = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/cabal2nix/lens-construction-helper.nix {}; language-nix = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/cabal2nix/language-nix.nix {}; distribution-nixpkgs = self.callPackage ../tools/haskell/cabal2nix/distribution-nixpkgs.nix {}; # https://github.com/urs-of-the-backwoods/HGamer3D/issues/7 HGamer3D-Bullet-Binding = dontDistribute super.HGamer3D-Bullet-Binding; HGamer3D-Common = dontDistribute super.HGamer3D-Common; HGamer3D-Data = markBroken super.HGamer3D-Data; # https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/206 # https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/267 shake = overrideCabal super.shake (drv: { doCheck = !pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin && false; }); # https://github.com/nushio3/doctest-prop/issues/1 doctest-prop = dontCheck super.doctest-prop; # https://github.com/goldfirere/singletons/issues/117 clash-lib = dontDistribute super.clash-lib; clash-verilog = dontDistribute super.clash-verilog; Frames = dontDistribute super.Frames; hgeometry = dontDistribute super.hgeometry; hipe = dontDistribute super.hipe; hsqml-datamodel-vinyl = dontDistribute super.hsqml-datamodel-vinyl; singleton-nats = dontDistribute super.singleton-nats; singletons = markBroken super.singletons; units-attoparsec = dontDistribute super.units-attoparsec; ihaskell-widgets = dontDistribute super.ihaskell-widgets; exinst-bytes = dontDistribute super.exinst-bytes; exinst-deepseq = dontDistribute super.exinst-deepseq; exinst-aeson = dontDistribute super.exinst-aeson; exinst = dontDistribute super.exinst; exinst-hashable = dontDistribute super.exinst-hashable; # https://github.com/anton-k/temporal-music-notation/issues/1 temporal-music-notation = markBroken super.temporal-music-notation; temporal-music-notation-demo = dontDistribute super.temporal-music-notation-demo; temporal-music-notation-western = dontDistribute super.temporal-music-notation-western; # https://github.com/adamwalker/sdr/issues/1 sdr = dontCheck super.sdr; # https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/253 aeson = dontCheck super.aeson; # Won't compile with recent versions of QuickCheck. testpack = markBroken super.testpack; inilist = dontCheck super.inilist; MissingH = dontCheck super.MissingH; # Obsolete for GHC versions after GHC 6.10.x. utf8-prelude = markBroken super.utf8-prelude; # https://github.com/yaccz/saturnin/issues/3 Saturnin = dontCheck super.Saturnin; # https://github.com/kkardzis/curlhs/issues/6 curlhs = dontCheck super.curlhs; # https://github.com/hvr/token-bucket/issues/3 token-bucket = dontCheck super.token-bucket; # https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-enumerator/issues/3 lzma-enumerator = dontCheck super.lzma-enumerator; # https://github.com/BNFC/bnfc/issues/140 BNFC = dontCheck super.BNFC; # FPCO's fork of Cabal won't succeed its test suite. Cabal-ide-backend = dontCheck super.Cabal-ide-backend; # https://github.com/jaspervdj/websockets/issues/104 websockets = dontCheck super.websockets; # Avoid spurious test suite failures. fft = dontCheck super.fft; # This package can't be built on non-Windows systems. Win32 = overrideCabal super.Win32 (drv: { broken = !pkgs.stdenv.isCygwin; }); inline-c-win32 = dontDistribute super.inline-c-win32; Southpaw = dontDistribute super.Southpaw; # Doesn't work with recent versions of mtl. cron-compat = markBroken super.cron-compat; # https://github.com/yesodweb/serversession/issues/1 serversession = dontCheck super.serversession; yesod-bin = if pkgs.stdenv.isDarwin then addBuildDepend super.yesod-bin pkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa else super.yesod-bin; # https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/408 # https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/409 stack = overrideCabal super.stack (drv: { preCheck = "export HOME=$TMPDIR"; doCheck = false; }); # Missing dependency on some hid-usb library. hid = markBroken super.hid; msi-kb-backlit = dontDistribute super.msi-kb-backlit; # Hydra no longer allows building texlive packages. lhs2tex = dontDistribute super.lhs2tex; # https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9825 vimus = overrideCabal super.vimus (drv: { broken = pkgs.stdenv.isLinux && pkgs.stdenv.isi686; }); # https://github.com/hspec/mockery/issues/6 mockery = overrideCabal super.mockery (drv: { preCheck = "export TRAVIS=true"; }); # https://github.com/alphaHeavy/lzma-conduit/issues/5 lzma-conduit = dontCheck super.lzma-conduit; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/logger/issues/42 logger = dontCheck super.logger; # https://github.com/edwinb/EpiVM/issues/13 # https://github.com/edwinb/EpiVM/issues/14 epic = addExtraLibraries (addBuildTool super.epic self.happy) [pkgs.boehmgc pkgs.gmp]; # Upstream has no issue tracker. dpkg = markBroken super.dpkg; # https://github.com/ekmett/wl-pprint-terminfo/issues/7 wl-pprint-terminfo = addExtraLibrary super.wl-pprint-terminfo pkgs.ncurses; # https://github.com/bos/pcap/issues/5 pcap = addExtraLibrary super.pcap pkgs.libpcap; # https://github.com/skogsbaer/hscurses/issues/24 hscurses = markBroken super.hscurses; # https://github.com/qnikst/imagemagick/issues/34 imagemagick = dontCheck super.imagemagick; # https://github.com/liyang/thyme/issues/36 thyme = dontCheck super.thyme; # https://github.com/k0ral/hbro-contrib/issues/1 hbro-contrib = dontDistribute super.hbro-contrib; # https://github.com/aka-bash0r/multi-cabal/issues/4 multi-cabal = markBroken super.multi-cabal; # Elm is no longer actively maintained on Hackage: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/9233. Elm = markBroken super.Elm; elm-build-lib = markBroken super.elm-build-lib; elm-compiler = markBroken super.elm-compiler; elm-get = markBroken super.elm-get; elm-make = markBroken super.elm-make; elm-package = markBroken super.elm-package; elm-reactor = markBroken super.elm-reactor; elm-repl = markBroken super.elm-repl; elm-server = markBroken super.elm-server; elm-yesod = markBroken super.elm-yesod; # https://github.com/GaloisInc/HaNS/pull/8 hans = appendPatch super.hans ./patches/hans-disable-webserver.patch; # https://github.com/athanclark/sets/issues/2 sets = dontCheck super.sets; # https://github.com/lens/lens-aeson/issues/18 lens-aeson = dontCheck super.lens-aeson; # Byte-compile elisp code for Emacs. ghc-mod = overrideCabal super.ghc-mod (drv: { preCheck = "export HOME=$TMPDIR"; testToolDepends = drv.testToolDepends or [] ++ [self.cabal-install]; doCheck = false; # https://github.com/kazu-yamamoto/ghc-mod/issues/335 executableToolDepends = drv.executableToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.emacs]; postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$out/share/"*"-${self.ghc.name}/${drv.pname}-${drv.version}/elisp" ) make -C $lispdir mkdir -p $out/share/emacs/site-lisp ln -s "$lispdir/"*.el{,c} $out/share/emacs/site-lisp/ ''; }); # Byte-compile elisp code for Emacs. structured-haskell-mode = overrideCabal super.structured-haskell-mode (drv: { executableToolDepends = drv.executableToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.emacs]; postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$out/share/"*"-${self.ghc.name}/${drv.pname}-${drv.version}/elisp" ) pushd >/dev/null $lispdir for i in *.el; do emacs -Q -L . -L ${pkgs.emacs24Packages.haskellMode}/share/emacs/site-lisp \ --batch --eval "(byte-compile-disable-warning 'cl-functions)" \ -f batch-byte-compile $i done popd >/dev/null mkdir -p $out/share/emacs ln -s $lispdir $out/share/emacs/site-lisp ''; }); # Byte-compile elisp code for Emacs. hindent = overrideCabal super.hindent (drv: { executableToolDepends = drv.executableToolDepends or [] ++ [pkgs.emacs]; postInstall = '' local lispdir=( "$out/share/"*"-${self.ghc.name}/${drv.pname}-${drv.version}/elisp" ) pushd >/dev/null $lispdir for i in *.el; do emacs -Q -L . -L ${pkgs.emacs24Packages.haskellMode}/share/emacs/site-lisp \ --batch --eval "(byte-compile-disable-warning 'cl-functions)" \ -f batch-byte-compile $i done popd >/dev/null mkdir -p $out/share/emacs ln -s $lispdir $out/share/emacs/site-lisp ''; }); # https://github.com/yesodweb/Shelly.hs/issues/106 # https://github.com/yesodweb/Shelly.hs/issues/108 shelly = dontCheck super.shelly; # https://github.com/bos/configurator/issues/22 configurator = dontCheck super.configurator; # https://github.com/thoughtpolice/hs-ed25519/issues/9 ed25519 = markBroken super.ed25519; hackage-repo-tool = dontDistribute super.hackage-repo-tool; hackage-security = dontDistribute super.hackage-security; hackage-security-HTTP = dontDistribute super.hackage-security-HTTP; # The cabal files for these libraries do not list the required system dependencies. SDL-image = overrideCabal super.SDL-image (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_image ] ++ drv.librarySystemDepends or []; }); SDL-ttf = overrideCabal super.SDL-ttf (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_ttf ]; }); SDL-mixer = overrideCabal super.SDL-mixer (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_mixer ]; }); SDL-gfx = overrideCabal super.SDL-gfx (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.SDL pkgs.SDL_gfx ]; }); SDL-mpeg = overrideCabal super.SDL-mpeg (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.smpeg}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.smpeg}/include/smpeg" ]; }); # https://github.com/chrisdone/freenect/pull/11 freenect = overrideCabal super.freenect (drv: { libraryPkgconfigDepends = [ pkgs.freenect ]; prePatch = '' echo " Pkgconfig-Depends: libfreenect" >> freenect.cabal ''; }); # https://github.com/ivanperez-keera/hcwiid/pull/4 hcwiid = overrideCabal super.hcwiid (drv: { configureFlags = (drv.configureFlags or []) ++ [ "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.bluez}/lib" "--extra-lib-dirs=${pkgs.cwiid}/lib" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.cwiid}/include" "--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.bluez}/include" ]; prePatch = '' sed -i -e "/Extra-Lib-Dirs/d" -e "/Include-Dirs/d" "hcwiid.cabal" ''; }); # https://github.com/basvandijk/concurrent-extra/issues/12 concurrent-extra = dontCheck super.concurrent-extra; # https://github.com/GaloisInc/DSA/issues/1 DSA = dontCheck super.DSA; # https://github.com/bos/bloomfilter/issues/7 bloomfilter = appendPatch super.bloomfilter ./patches/bloomfilter-fix-on-32bit.patch; }