Prosody is an open-source, modern XMPP server.
Basic usage
A common struggle for most XMPP newcomers is to find the right set
of XMPP Extensions (XEPs) to setup. Forget to activate a few of
those and your XMPP experience might turn into a nightmare!
The XMPP community tackles this problem by creating a meta-XEP
listing a decent set of XEPs you should implement. This meta-XEP
is issued every year, the 2020 edition being
The NixOS Prosody module will implement most of these recommendend XEPs out of
the box. That being said, two components still require some
manual configuration: the
Multi User Chat (MUC)
and the HTTP File Upload ones.
You'll need to create a DNS subdomain for each of those. The current convention is to name your
MUC endpoint and your HTTP upload domain
A good configuration to start with, including a
Multi User Chat (MUC)
endpoint as well as a HTTP File Upload
endpoint will look like this:
services.prosody = {
enable = true;
admins = [ "" ];
ssl.cert = "/var/lib/acme/";
ssl.key = "/var/lib/acme/";
virtualHosts."" = {
enabled = true;
domain = "";
ssl.cert = "/var/lib/acme/";
ssl.key = "/var/lib/acme/";
muc = [ {
domain = "";
} ];
uploadHttp = {
domain = "";
};Let's Encrypt Configuration
As you can see in the code snippet from the
previous section,
you'll need a single TLS certificate covering your main endpoint,
the MUC one as well as the HTTP Upload one. We can generate such a
certificate by leveraging the ACME
extraDomains module option.
Provided the setup detailed in the previous section, you'll need the following acme configuration to generate
a TLS certificate for the three endponits:
security.acme = {
email = "";
acceptTerms = true;
certs = {
"" = {
webroot = "/var/www/";
email = "";
extraDomains."" = null;
extraDomains."" = null;