# DARWIN-SPECIFIC OVERRIDES FOR THE HASKELL PACKAGE SET IN NIXPKGS { pkgs, haskellLib }: let inherit (pkgs) lib darwin; in with haskellLib; self: super: { # the tests for shell-conduit on Darwin illegitimatey assume non-GNU echo # see: https://github.com/psibi/shell-conduit/issues/12 shell-conduit = dontCheck super.shell-conduit; conduit-extra = super.conduit-extra.overrideAttrs (drv: { __darwinAllowLocalNetworking = true; }); halive = addBuildDepend super.halive darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit; # Hakyll's tests are broken on Darwin (3 failures); and they require util-linux hakyll = overrideCabal super.hakyll { testToolDepends = []; doCheck = false; }; barbly = addBuildDepend super.barbly darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit; double-conversion = addExtraLibrary super.double-conversion pkgs.libcxx; apecs-physics = addPkgconfigDepends super.apecs-physics [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.ApplicationServices ]; # "erf table" test fails on Darwin # https://github.com/bos/math-functions/issues/63 math-functions = dontCheck super.math-functions; # darwin doesn't have sub-second resolution # https://github.com/hspec/mockery/issues/11 mockery = overrideCabal super.mockery (drv: { preCheck = '' export TRAVIS=true '' + (drv.preCheck or ""); }); # https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues/206 shake = dontCheck super.shake; filecache = dontCheck super.filecache; # gtk/gtk3 needs to be told on Darwin to use the Quartz # rather than X11 backend (see eg https://github.com/gtk2hs/gtk2hs/issues/249). gtk3 = appendConfigureFlag super.gtk3 "-f have-quartz-gtk"; gtk = appendConfigureFlag super.gtk "-f have-quartz-gtk"; OpenAL = addExtraLibrary super.OpenAL darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenAL; al = overrideCabal super.al (drv: { libraryFrameworkDepends = [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenAL ] ++ (drv.libraryFrameworkDepends or []); }); proteaaudio = addExtraLibrary super.proteaaudio darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AudioToolbox; # the system-fileio tests use canonicalizePath, which fails in the sandbox system-fileio = dontCheck super.system-fileio; # Prevents needing to add `security_tool` as a run-time dependency for # everything using x509-system to give access to the `security` executable. # # darwin.security_tool is broken in Mojave (#45042) # # We will use the system provided security for now. # Beware this WILL break in sandboxes! # # TODO(matthewbauer): If someone really needs this to work in sandboxes, # I think we can add a propagatedImpureHost dep here, but I’m hoping to # get a proper fix available soonish. x509-system = overrideCabal super.x509-system (drv: lib.optionalAttrs (!pkgs.stdenv.cc.nativeLibc) { postPatch = '' substituteInPlace System/X509/MacOS.hs --replace security /usr/bin/security '' + (drv.postPatch or ""); }); # https://github.com/haskell-foundation/foundation/pull/412 foundation = dontCheck super.foundation; llvm-hs = overrideCabal super.llvm-hs (oldAttrs: { # One test fails on darwin. doCheck = false; # llvm-hs's Setup.hs file tries to add the lib/ directory from LLVM8 to # the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. This messes up clang # when called from GHC, probably because clang is version 7, but we are # using LLVM8. preCompileBuildDriver = '' substituteInPlace Setup.hs --replace "addToLdLibraryPath libDir" "pure ()" '' + (oldAttrs.preCompileBuildDriver or ""); }); yesod-bin = addBuildDepend super.yesod-bin darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa; hmatrix = addBuildDepend super.hmatrix darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Accelerate; blas-hs = overrideCabal super.blas-hs (drv: { libraryFrameworkDepends = [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Accelerate ] ++ (drv.libraryFrameworkDepends or []); }); # Ensure the necessary frameworks are propagatedBuildInputs on darwin OpenGLRaw = overrideCabal super.OpenGLRaw (drv: { librarySystemDepends = []; libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenGL ]; preConfigure = '' frameworkPaths=($(for i in $nativeBuildInputs; do if [ -d "$i"/Library/Frameworks ]; then echo "-F$i/Library/Frameworks"; fi done)) frameworkPaths=$(IFS=, ; echo "''${frameworkPaths[@]}") configureFlags+=$(if [ -n "$frameworkPaths" ]; then echo -n "--ghc-options=-optl=$frameworkPaths"; fi) '' + (drv.preConfigure or ""); }); GLURaw = overrideCabal super.GLURaw (drv: { librarySystemDepends = []; libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenGL ]; }); bindings-GLFW = overrideCabal super.bindings-GLFW (drv: { librarySystemDepends = []; libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AGL darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenGL darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.IOKit darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Kernel darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.CoreVideo darwin.CF ]; }); OpenCL = overrideCabal super.OpenCL (drv: { librarySystemDepends = []; libraryHaskellDepends = drv.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.OpenCL ]; }); # cabal2nix likes to generate dependencies on hinotify when hfsevents is # really required on darwin: https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/146. hinotify = self.hfsevents; # FSEvents API is very buggy and tests are unreliable. See # http://openradar.appspot.com/10207999 and similar issues. fsnotify = addBuildDepend (dontCheck super.fsnotify) darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa; FractalArt = overrideCabal super.FractalArt (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ darwin.libobjc darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.AppKit ] ++ (drv.librarySystemDepends or []); }); arbtt = overrideCabal super.arbtt (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Foundation darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Carbon darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.IOKit ] ++ (drv.librarySystemDepends or []); }); HTF = overrideCabal super.HTF (drv: { # GNU find is not prefixed in stdenv postPatch = '' substituteInPlace scripts/local-htfpp --replace "find=gfind" "find=find" '' + (drv.postPatch or ""); }); # conditional dependency via a cabal flag cas-store = overrideCabal super.cas-store (drv: { libraryHaskellDepends = [ self.kqueue ] ++ (drv.libraryHaskellDepends or []); }); # 2021-05-25: Tests fail and I have no way to debug them. hls-class-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-class-plugin; hls-brittany-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-brittany-plugin; hls-fourmolu-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-fourmolu-plugin; hls-module-name-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-module-name-plugin; hls-splice-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-splice-plugin; hls-ormolu-plugin = dontCheck super.hls-ormolu-plugin; # We are lacking pure pgrep at the moment for tests to work tmp-postgres = dontCheck super.tmp-postgres; # On darwin librt doesn't exist and will fail to link against, # however linking against it is also not necessary there GLHUI = overrideCabal super.GLHUI (drv: { postPatch = '' substituteInPlace GLHUI.cabal --replace " rt" "" '' + (drv.postPatch or ""); }); # Work around SDL_main.h redefining main to SDL_main SDL-ttf = appendPatch super.SDL-ttf ./patches/SDL-ttf-darwin-hsc.patch; }