{ stdenv, fetchurl, cmake, x11, libX11, libXi, libXtst, libXrandr, xinput
, cryptopp ? null, unzip ? null }:

assert stdenv.isLinux -> cryptopp != null;
assert !stdenv.isLinux -> unzip != null;

with stdenv.lib;

stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  name = "synergy-1.4.15";

  src = fetchurl {
    url = "http://synergy.googlecode.com/files/${name}-Source.tar.gz";
    sha256 = "0l1mxxky9hacyva0npzkgkwg4wkmihzq3abdrds0w5f6is44adv4";

  patches = optional stdenv.isLinux ./cryptopp.patch;

  postPatch = if stdenv.isLinux then ''
    sed -i -e '/HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_XRANDR_H/c \
      set(HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_XRANDR_H true)' CMakeLists.txt
  '' else ''
    ${unzip}/bin/unzip -d tools/cryptopp562 tools/cryptopp562.zip

  buildInputs = [ cmake x11 libX11 libXi libXtst libXrandr xinput ]
             ++ optional stdenv.isLinux cryptopp;

  # At this moment make install doesn't work for synergy
  # http://synergy-foss.org/spit/issues/details/3317/

  installPhase = ''
    ensureDir $out/bin
    cp ../bin/synergyc $out/bin
    cp ../bin/synergys $out/bin
    cp ../bin/synergyd $out/bin

  doCheck = true;
  checkPhase = "../bin/unittests";

  meta = {
    description = "Tool to share the mouse keyboard and the clipboard between computers";
    homepage = http://synergy-foss.org;
    license = licenses.gpl2;
    maintainers = [ maintainers.aszlig ];
    platforms = platforms.all;