
# Updates

Before a major version update, make a copy of this directory. (We like to
keep the old version around for a short time after major updates.) Add a
top-level attribute to `top-level/all-packages.nix`.

1. Update the URL in `pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/$VERSION/fetch.sh`.
2. From the top of the Nixpkgs tree, run
   `./maintainers/scripts/fetch-kde-qt.sh > pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/$VERSION/srcs.nix`.
3. Check that the new packages build correctly.
4. Commit the changes and open a pull request.


  stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, makeSetupHook, makeWrapper,
  bison, cups ? null, harfbuzz, libGL, perl,
  gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gtk3, dconf,

  # options
  developerBuild ? false,
  decryptSslTraffic ? false,
  debug ? false,

with stdenv.lib;


  qtCompatVersion = srcs.qtbase.version;

  mirror = "http://download.qt.io";
  srcs = import ./srcs.nix { inherit fetchurl; inherit mirror; };

  patches = {
    qtbase = [
    qtdeclarative = [ ./qtdeclarative.patch ];
    qtscript = [
      # needed due to changes in gcc 8.3, see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-74196
      # fixed in qtscript 5.12.2
      (fetchpatch {
        url = "https://github.com/qt/qtscript/commit/97ec1d1882a83c23c91f0f7daea48e05858d8c32.diff";
        sha256 = "0khrapq13xzvxckzc9l7gqyjwibyd98vyqy6gmyhvsbm2kq8n6wi";
    qtserialport = [ ./qtserialport.patch ];
    qttools = [ ./qttools.patch ];
    qtwebengine = [ ./qtwebengine-no-build-skip.patch ]
      ++ optional stdenv.cc.isClang ./qtwebengine-clang-fix.patch
      ++ optional stdenv.isDarwin ./qtwebengine-darwin-no-platform-check.patch;
    qtwebkit = [ ./qtwebkit.patch ];
    qtvirtualkeyboard = [
      (fetchpatch {
        name = "CVE-2018-19865-A.patch";
        url = "https://codereview.qt-project.org/gitweb?p=qt/qtvirtualkeyboard.git;a=patch;h=61780a113f02b3c62fb14516fe8ea47d91f9ed9a";
        sha256 = "0jd4nzaz9ndm9ryvrkav7kjs437l661288diklhbmgh249f8gki0";
      (fetchpatch {
        name = "CVE-2018-19865-B.patch";
        url = "https://codereview.qt-project.org/gitweb?p=qt/qtvirtualkeyboard.git;a=patch;h=c0ac7a4c684e2fed60a72ceee53da89eea3f95a7";
        sha256 = "0yvxrx5vx6845vgnq8ml3q93y61py5j0bvhqj7nqvpbmyj1wy1p3";

      (fetchpatch {
        name = "CVE-2018-19865-C.patch";
        url = "https://codereview.qt-project.org/gitweb?p=qt/qtvirtualkeyboard.git;a=patch;h=a2e7b8412f56841e12ed20a39f4a38e32d3c1e30";
        sha256 = "1yijysa9gy5xbxndx5ri0dkfrjqja0d1bsx52qz4mhzi4pkbib02";


  qtModule =
    import ../qtModule.nix
      inherit perl;
      inherit (stdenv) lib;
      # Use a variant of mkDerivation that does not include wrapQtApplications
      # to avoid cyclic dependencies between Qt modules.
      mkDerivation =
        import ../mkDerivation.nix
        { inherit (stdenv) lib; inherit debug; wrapQtAppsHook = null; }
    { inherit self srcs patches; };

  addPackages = self: with self;
      callPackage = self.newScope { inherit qtCompatVersion qtModule srcs; };
    in {

      mkDerivationWith =
        import ../mkDerivation.nix
        { inherit (stdenv) lib; inherit debug; inherit (self) wrapQtAppsHook; };

      mkDerivation = mkDerivationWith stdenv.mkDerivation;

      qtbase = callPackage ../modules/qtbase.nix {
        inherit (srcs.qtbase) src version;
        patches = patches.qtbase;
        inherit bison cups harfbuzz libGL;
        withGtk3 = true; inherit dconf gtk3;
        inherit developerBuild decryptSslTraffic;

      qtcharts = callPackage ../modules/qtcharts.nix {};
      qtconnectivity = callPackage ../modules/qtconnectivity.nix {};
      qtdeclarative = callPackage ../modules/qtdeclarative.nix {};
      qtdoc = callPackage ../modules/qtdoc.nix {};
      qtgraphicaleffects = callPackage ../modules/qtgraphicaleffects.nix {};
      qtimageformats = callPackage ../modules/qtimageformats.nix {};
      qtlocation = callPackage ../modules/qtlocation.nix {};
      qtmacextras = callPackage ../modules/qtmacextras.nix {};
      qtmultimedia = callPackage ../modules/qtmultimedia.nix {
        inherit gstreamer gst-plugins-base;
      qtnetworkauth = callPackage ../modules/qtnetworkauth.nix {};
      qtquick1 = null;
      qtquickcontrols = callPackage ../modules/qtquickcontrols.nix {};
      qtquickcontrols2 = callPackage ../modules/qtquickcontrols2.nix {};
      qtscript = callPackage ../modules/qtscript.nix {};
      qtsensors = callPackage ../modules/qtsensors.nix {};
      qtserialport = callPackage ../modules/qtserialport.nix {};
      qtsvg = callPackage ../modules/qtsvg.nix {};
      qttools = callPackage ../modules/qttools.nix {};
      qttranslations = callPackage ../modules/qttranslations.nix {};
      qtvirtualkeyboard = callPackage ../modules/qtvirtualkeyboard.nix {};
      qtwayland = callPackage ../modules/qtwayland.nix {};
      qtwebchannel = callPackage ../modules/qtwebchannel.nix {};
      qtwebengine = callPackage ../modules/qtwebengine.nix {};
      qtwebkit = callPackage ../modules/qtwebkit.nix {};
      qtwebsockets = callPackage ../modules/qtwebsockets.nix {};
      qtx11extras = callPackage ../modules/qtx11extras.nix {};
      qtxmlpatterns = callPackage ../modules/qtxmlpatterns.nix {};

      env = callPackage ../qt-env.nix {};
      full = env "qt-full-${qtbase.version}" ([
        qtcharts qtconnectivity qtdeclarative qtdoc qtgraphicaleffects
        qtimageformats qtlocation qtmultimedia qtquickcontrols qtquickcontrols2
        qtscript qtsensors qtserialport qtsvg qttools qttranslations
        qtvirtualkeyboard qtwebchannel qtwebengine qtwebkit qtwebsockets
        qtx11extras qtxmlpatterns
      ] ++ optional (!stdenv.isDarwin) qtwayland
        ++ optional (stdenv.isDarwin) qtmacextras);

      qmake = makeSetupHook {
        deps = [ self.qtbase.dev ];
        substitutions = {
          fix_qmake_libtool = ../hooks/fix-qmake-libtool.sh;
      } ../hooks/qmake-hook.sh;

      wrapQtAppsHook = makeSetupHook {
        deps =
          [ self.qtbase.dev makeWrapper ]
          ++ optional stdenv.isLinux self.qtwayland.dev;
      } ../hooks/wrap-qt-apps-hook.sh;

   self = makeScope newScope addPackages;

in self