#!/bin/sh # Download patches from debian project # Usage $0 debian-patches.txt debian-patches.nix # An example input and output files can be found in applications/graphics/xara/ DEB_URL=http://patch-tracker.debian.org/patch/series/dl declare -a deb_patches mapfile -t deb_patches < $1 prefix="${DEB_URL}/${deb_patches[0]}" if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then exec 1> $2 fi cat <<EOF # Generated by $(basename $0) from $(basename $1) let prefix = "${prefix}"; in [ EOF for ((i=1;i < ${#deb_patches[@]}; ++i)); do url="${prefix}/${deb_patches[$i]}" sha256=$(nix-prefetch-url $url) echo " {" echo " url = \"\${prefix}/${deb_patches[$i]}\";" echo " sha256 = \"$sha256\";" echo " }" done echo "]"