{ stdenv
, pkgs
, buildDotnetPackage
, fetchurl
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchNuGet
, pkgconfig
, mono
, monodevelop
, fsharp
, unzip
, overrides ? {}

let self = dotnetPackages // overrides; dotnetPackages = with self; {


  Autofac = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "Autofac";
    version = "3.5.2";
    sha256 = "194cs8ybn5xjqnzy643w5i62m0d5s34d3nshwxp2v4fcb94wa4ri";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/portable-net4+sl5+netcore45+wpa81+wp8+MonoAndroid1+MonoTouch1/*" ];

  Fake = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FAKE";
    version = "3.33.0";
    sha256 = "04gllx9d1w8zn9gq9p5k76b79ix07rilk3apdi72dmz6h3yylcdm";
    outputFiles = [ "tools/*" ];
    dllFiles = [ "Fake*.dll" ];

  Fantomas = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "Fantomas";
    version = "1.6.0";
    sha256 = "1b9rd3i76b5xzv0j62dvfr1ksdwvb59vxw6jhzpi018axjn6757q";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/*" ];
    dllFiles = [ "Fantomas*.dll" ];

  FSharpCompilerCodeDom = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FSharp.Compiler.CodeDom";
    version = "0.9.2";
    sha256 = "0cy9gbvmfx2g74m7bgp6x9mr4avb6s560yjii7cyyxb7jlwabfcj";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net40/*" ];

  FSharpDataSQLProvider = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "SQLProvider";
    version = "0.0.9-alpha";
    sha256 = "1wmgr5ca9hh6a7f0s8yc87n6arn7bq6nwc8n4crbbdil4r0bw46w";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net40/*" ];

  FsCheck = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FsCheck";
    version = "1.0.4";
    sha256 = "1q2wk4d4d1q94qzcccgmxb2lh0b8qkmpyz0p7lfphkw2gx6cy5ad";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net45/*" ];

  FsCheckNunit = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FsCheck.Nunit";
    version = "1.0.4";
    sha256 = "1s62jrsa5hxqy1ginl8r29rjdc8vbkwmz7mb0hglhwccdqfyr5xy";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net45/*" ];

  FsPickler = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FsPickler";
    version = "1.2.9";
    sha256 = "12fgcj7pvffsj1s1kaz15j22i1n98dy5mf4z84555xdf7mw7dpm4";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net45/*" ];

  FsUnit = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FsUnit";
    version = "";
    sha256 = "1k7w8pc81aplsfn7n46617khmzingd2v7hcgdhh7vgsssibwms64";
    outputFiles = [ "Lib/Net40/*" ];

  FSharpFormatting = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "FSharp.Formatting";
    version = "2.9.8";
    sha256 = "1bswcpa68i2lqds4kkl2qxgkfrppbpxa4jkyja48azljajh0df3m";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net40/*" ];

  NUnit = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "NUnit";
    version = "2.6.4";
    sha256 = "1acwsm7p93b1hzfb83ia33145x0w6fvdsfjm9xflsisljxpdx35y";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/*" ];

  NUnitRunners = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "NUnit.Runners";
    version = "2.6.4";
    sha256 = "11nmi7vikn9idz8qcad9z7f73arsh5rw18fc1sri9ywz77mpm1s4";
    outputFiles = [ "tools/*" ];
    preInstall = "mv -v tools/lib/* tools && rmdir -v tools/lib";

  SystemCollectionsImmutable = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "System.Collections.Immutable";
    version = "1.1.36";
    sha256 = "0760kzf5s771pnvnxsgas446kqdh1b71w6g3k75jpzldfmsd3vyq";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81/*" ];

  Suave = fetchNuGet {
    baseName = "Suave";
    version = "0.29.0";
    propagatedBuildInputs = [ FsPickler ];
    sha256 = "0rgqy0afwm50gq5ca94w16s565yx5wf961683ghfld6ir0k3dhln";
    outputFiles = [ "lib/net40/*" ];


  Deedle = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Deedle";
    version = "1.2.0";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "BlueMountainCapital";
      repo = baseName;
      rev = "v${version}";
      sha256 = "115zzh3q57w8wr02cl2v8wijnj1rg01j1mk9zbzixbb4aird72n5";

    # Enough files from this repo are needed that it will be quicker to just get the entire repo
    fsharpDataSrc = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "fsharp";
      repo = "FSharp.Data";
      rev = "2.2.3";
      sha256 = "1h3v9rc8k0khp61cv5n01larqbxd3xcx3q52sw5zf9l0661vw7qr";

    buildInputs = [

    preConfigure = ''
      mkdir -vp paket-files/fsharp
      ln -sv ${fsharpDataSrc} paket-files/fsharp/FSharp.Data

    xBuildFiles = [ "Deedle.Core.sln" ];  # Come back later to get RProvider as well
    outputFiles = [ "bin/*" "LICENSE.md" ];

    meta = {
      description = "Deedle is an easy to use library for data and time series manipulation and for scientific programming";
      homepage = "http://bluemountaincapital.github.io/Deedle/";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.free;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  ExcelDna = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Excel-DNA";
    version = "0.32.0";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "Excel-DNA";
      repo = "ExcelDna";
      rev = "10a163843bcc2fb5517f6f3d499e18a8b64df511";
      sha256 = "1w2ag9na20ly0m2sic3nkgdc4qqyb4x4c9iv588ynpkgd1pjndrk";

    buildInputs = [ ];

    preConfigure = ''
      rm -vf Distribution/*.dll Distribution/*.exe # Make sure we don't use those
      substituteInPlace Source/ExcelDna.Integration/ExcelDna.Integration.csproj --replace LogDisplay.designer.cs LogDisplay.Designer.cs

    xBuildFiles = [ "Source/ExcelDna.sln" ];
    outputFiles = [ "Source/ExcelDnaPack/bin/Release/*" "Distribution/ExcelDna.xll" "Distribution/ExcelDna64.xll" ];

    meta = {
      description = "Excel-DNA is an independent project to integrate .NET into Excel";
      homepage = "http://excel-dna.net/";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  ExcelDnaRegistration = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Excel-DNA.Registration";
    version = "git-" + (builtins.substring 0 10 rev);
    rev = "69abb1b3528f40dbcf425e13690aaeab5f707bb6";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      inherit rev;
      owner = "Excel-DNA";
      repo = "Registration";
      sha256 = "094932h6r2f4x9r5mnw8rm4jzz8vkfv90d95qi3h0i89ws2dnn07";

    buildInputs = [

    xBuildFiles = [ "Source/ExcelDna.Registration/ExcelDna.Registration.csproj" "Source/ExcelDna.Registration.FSharp/ExcelDna.Registration.FSharp.fsproj" ];
    outputFiles = [ "Source/ExcelDna.Registration/bin/Release/*" "Source/ExcelDna.Registration.FSharp/bin/Release/*FSharp*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "This library implements helper functions to assist and modify the Excel-DNA function registration";
      homepage = "https://github.com/Excel-DNA/Registration";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  ExtCore = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "ExtCore";
    version = "0.8.46";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "jack-pappas";
      repo = "ExtCore";
      rev = "0269b6d3c479f45abd7aa983aaeca08d07473943";
      sha256 = "1kxkiszpvqisffhd6wciha8j3dhkq06w9c540bmq8zixa4xaj83p";

    buildInputs = [

    postConfigure = ''
      # Fix case
      sed -i -e s,nuget.targets,NuGet.targets, ExtCore.Tests/ExtCore.Tests.fsproj

    xBuildFlags = [ "/p:Configuration=Release (net45)" ];
    outputFiles = [ "ExtCore/bin/net45/Release/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "ExtCore is an extended core library for F#";
      homepage = "https://github.com/jack-pappas/ExtCore";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  FSharpAutoComplete = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "FSharp.AutoComplete";
    version = "0.18.2";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "fsharp";
      repo = "FSharp.AutoComplete";
      rev = version;
      sha256 = "1ikl72003xzqq2dc8i6h404hnq3q5g1p1q4rmzz9bdm7282q2jgs";

    buildInputs = [

    outputFiles = [ "FSharp.AutoComplete/bin/Release/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "An interface to the FSharp.Compiler.Service project";
      longDescription = ''
        This project provides a command-line interface to the
        FSharp.Compiler.Service project. It is intended to be used as a backend
        service for rich editing or 'intellisense' features for editors.
      homepage = https://github.com/fsharp/FSharp.AutoComplete;
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  FSharpCompilerService = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "FSharp.Compiler.Service";
    version = "0.0.90";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "fsharp";
      repo = "FSharp.Compiler.Service";
      rev = "a87939ab3f3c571cad79bc3b5f298aa3e180e6b3";
      sha256 = "0axr38q8m0h11hhbxg5myd1wwfgysadriln8c7bqsv5sf9djihvd";

    buildInputs = [

    outputFiles = [ "bin/v4.5/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "The F# compiler services package is a component derived from the F# compiler source code that exposes additional functionality for implementing F# language bindings";
      homepage = "http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Compiler.Service/";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  FSharpData = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "FSharp.Data";
    version = "2.2.3";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "fsharp";
      repo = baseName;
      rev = version;
      sha256 = "1h3v9rc8k0khp61cv5n01larqbxd3xcx3q52sw5zf9l0661vw7qr";

    buildInputs = [ fsharp ];

    fileProvidedTypes = fetchurl {
      name = "ProvidedTypes.fs";
      url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack/877014bfa6244ac382642e113d7cd6c9bc27bc6d/src/ProvidedTypes.fs;
      sha256 = "1lb056v1xld1rfx6a8p8i2jz8i6qa2r2823n5izsf1qg1qgf2980";

    fileDebugProvidedTypes = fetchurl {
      name = "DebugProvidedTypes.fs";
      url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack/877014bfa6244ac382642e113d7cd6c9bc27bc6d/src/DebugProvidedTypes.fs;
      sha256 = "1whyrf2jv6fs7kgysn2086v15ggjsd54g1xfs398mp46m0nxp91f";

    preConfigure = ''
       # Copy single-files-in-git-repos
       mkdir -p "paket-files/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack/src"
       cp -v "${fileProvidedTypes}" "paket-files/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack/src/ProvidedTypes.fs"
       cp -v "${fileDebugProvidedTypes}" "paket-files/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack/src/DebugProvidedTypes.fs"

    xBuildFiles = [ "src/FSharp.Data.fsproj" "src/FSharp.Data.DesignTime.fsproj" ];
    outputFiles = [ "bin/*.dll" "bin/*.xml" ];

    meta = {
      description = "F# Data: Library for Data Access";
      homepage = "http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  # FSharpxExtras = buildDotnetPackage rec {
  #   baseName = "FSharpx.Extras";
  #   version = "1.8.41";
  #   src = fetchurl {
  #     name = "${baseName}-${version}.tar.gz";
  #     url = "https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharpx.Extras/archive/${version}.tar.gz";
  #     sha256 = "102z5bvk3ffi1crgyp51488vamv41fsf61n8x8pdiznq155zydhl";
  #   };
  #   buildInputs = [
  #     fsharp
  #     dotnetPackages.NUnit
  #     dotnetPackages.FsCheck
  #     dotnetPackages.FsCheckNunit
  #     dotnetPackages.FsUnit
  #   ];
  #   patches = [ ./disable_excel.patch ];
  #   xBuildFiles = [ "FSharpx.WithTypeProviders.sln" ];
  #   outputFiles = [ "build/*" ];
  #   meta = {
  #     description = "FSharpx.Extras is a collection of libraries and tools for use with F#.";
  #     homepage = "http://fsprojects.github.io/FSharpx.Extras/";
  #     license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
  #     maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
  #     platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;
  #   };
  # };

  MathNetNumerics = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "MathNet.Numerics";
    version = "3.7.0";

    src = fetchurl {
      name = "${baseName}-${version}.tar.gz";
      url = "https://github.com/mathnet/mathnet-numerics/archive/v${version}.tar.gz";
      sha256 = "1yq6aqmc2gwh96z544qn83kby01lv1lsxm158hq0bimv2i9yywc7";

    buildInputs = [ fsharp ];

    xBuildFiles = [ "MathNet.Numerics.sln" ];
    outputFiles = [ "out/lib/Net40/*" "src/FSharp/MathNet.Numerics.fsx" "src/FSharp/MathNet.Numerics.IfSharp.fsx" ];

    meta = {
      description = "Math.NET Numerics is an opensource numerical library for .Net, Silverlight and Mono.";
      homepage = http://numerics.mathdotnet.com/;
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  MonoAddins = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Mono.Addins";
    version = "1.2";

    xBuildFiles = [
    outputFiles = [ "bin/*" ];

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "mono";
      repo = "mono-addins";
      rev = "mono-addins-${version}";
      sha256 = "1hnn0a2qsjcjprsxas424bzvhsdwy0yc2jj5xbp698c0m9kfk24y";

    buildInputs = [ pkgs.gtk-sharp ];

    meta = {
      description = "A generic framework for creating extensible applications";
      homepage = http://www.mono-project.com/Mono.Addins;
      longDescription = ''
        A generic framework for creating extensible applications,
        and for creating libraries which extend those applications.
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;

  # MonoDevelopFSharpBinding = buildDotnetPackage rec {
  #   baseName = "MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding";
  #   version = "git-a09c8185eb";

  #   broken = true;

  #   src = fetchFromGitHub {
  #     owner = "fsharp";
  #     repo = "fsharpbinding";
  #     rev = "a09c8185ebf23fe2f7d22b14b4af2e3268d4f011";
  #     sha256 = "1zp5gig42s1h681kch0rw5ykbbj0mcsmdvpyz1319wy9s7n2ng91";
  #   };

  #   buildInputs = [
  #     fsharp
  #     monodevelop
  #     pkgs.gtk-sharp
  #     pkgs.gnome-sharp
  #     dotnetPackages.ExtCore
  #     dotnetPackages.FSharpCompilerService
  #     dotnetPackages.FSharpCompilerCodeDom
  #     dotnetPackages.FSharpAutoComplete
  #     dotnetPackages.Fantomas
  #   ];

  #   patches = [
  #     ../development/dotnet-modules/patches/monodevelop-fsharpbinding.references.patch
  #     ../development/dotnet-modules/patches/monodevelop-fsharpbinding.addin-xml.patch
  #   ];

  #   preConfigure = ''
  #     substituteInPlace monodevelop/configure.fsx --replace /usr/lib/monodevelop ${monodevelop}/lib/monodevelop
  #     substituteInPlace monodevelop/configure.fsx --replace bin/MonoDevelop.exe ../../bin/monodevelop
  #     (cd monodevelop; fsharpi ./configure.fsx)
  #   '';

  #   # This will not work as monodevelop probably looks in absolute nix store path rather than path
  #   # relative to its executable. Need to ln -s /run/current-system/sw/lib/dotnet/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding
  #   # ~/.local/share/MonoDevelop-5.0/LocalInstall/Addins/ to install until we have a better way

  #   # postInstall = ''
  #   #   mkdir -p "$out/lib/monodevelop/AddIns"
  #   #   ln -sv "$out/lib/dotnet/${baseName}" "$out/lib/monodevelop/AddIns"
  #   # '';

  #   xBuildFiles = [ "monodevelop/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/MonoDevelop.FSharp.mac-linux.fsproj" ];
  #   outputFiles = [ "monodevelop/bin/mac-linux/Release/*" ];

  #   meta = {
  #     description = "F# addin for MonoDevelop 5.9";
  #     homepage = "https://github.com/fsharp/fsharpbinding/tree/5.9";
  #     license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20;
  #     maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
  #     platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;
  #   };
  # };

  NDeskOptions = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
    baseName = "NDesk.Options";
    version = "0.2.1";
    name = "${baseName}-${version}";

    src = fetchurl {
      name = "${baseName}-${version}.tar.gz";
      url = "http://www.ndesk.org/archive/ndesk-options/ndesk-options-0.2.1.tar.gz";
      sha256 = "1y25bfapafwmifakjzyb9c70qqpvza8g5j2jpf08j8wwzkrb6r28";

    buildInputs = [

    preConfigure = ''
      substituteInPlace configure --replace gmcs mcs

    postInstall = ''
      # Otherwise pkg-config won't find it and the DLL will get duplicated
      ln -sv $out/lib/pkgconfig/ndesk-options.pc $out/lib/pkgconfig/NDesk.Options.pc

    dontStrip = true;

    meta = {
      description = "A callback-based program option parser for C#";
      homepage = http://www.ndesk.org/Options;
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  NewtonsoftJson = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Newtonsoft.Json";
    version = "6.0.8";

    src = fetchurl {
      name = "${baseName}-${version}.tar.gz";
      url = "https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/archive/${version}.tar.gz";
      sha256 = "14znf5mycka578bxjnlnz6a3f9nfkc682hgmgg42gdzksnarvhlm";

    buildInputs = [

    patches = [ ../development/dotnet-modules/patches/newtonsoft-json.references.patch ];

    postConfigure = ''
       # Just to make sure there's no attempt to call these executables
       rm -rvf Tools

    xBuildFiles = [ "Src/Newtonsoft.Json.sln" ];
    outputFiles = [ "Src/Newtonsoft.Json/bin/Release/Net45/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "Popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET";
      homepage = "http://www.newtonsoft.com/json";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  Nuget = buildDotnetPackage {
    baseName = "Nuget";
    version = "2.8.5";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "mono";
      repo = "nuget-binary";
      rev = "da1f2102f8172df6f7a1370a4998e3f88b91c047";
      sha256 = "1hbnckc4gvqkknf8gh1k7iwqb4vdzifdjd19i60fnczly5v8m1c3";

    buildInputs = [ unzip ];

    phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" ];

    outputFiles = [ "*" ];
    dllFiles = [ "NuGet*.dll" ];
    exeFiles = [ "NuGet.exe" ];

  Paket = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "Paket";
    version = "1.18.2";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "fsprojects";
      repo = "Paket";
      rev = version;
      sha256 = "04iwy3mggz7xn36lhzyrwqzlw451a16jblwx131qjm6fnac6rq1m";

    buildInputs = [

    fileFsUnit = fetchurl {
      name = "FsUnit.fs";
      url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/forki/FsUnit/81d27fd09575a32c4ed52eadb2eeac5f365b8348/FsUnit.fs;
      sha256 = "1zxigqgb2s2v755622jbbzibvf91990x2dijhbdgg646vsybkpdp";

    fileGlobbing = fetchurl {
      name = "Globbing.fs";
      url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsharp/FAKE/8e65e2fc1406f326b44f3f87ec9ca9b3127a6e78/src/app/FakeLib/Globbing/Globbing.fs;
      sha256 = "1v7d7666a61j6f8ksh0q40hfsc5b03448viq17xa91xgb7skhyx7";

    fileErrorHandling = fetchurl {
      name = "ErrorHandling.fs";
      url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fsprojects/Chessie/3017092260b4a59a3b4b25bf8fca6be6eb7487eb/src/Chessie/ErrorHandling.fs;
      sha256 = "0ka9ilfbl4izxc1wqd5vlfjnp7n2xcckfhp13gzhqbdx7464van9";

    postConfigure = ''
       # Copy said single-files-in-git-repos
       mkdir -p "paket-files/forki/FsUnit"
       cp -v "${fileFsUnit}" "paket-files/forki/FsUnit/FsUnit.fs"

       mkdir -p "paket-files/fsharp/FAKE/src/app/FakeLib/Globbing"
       cp -v "${fileGlobbing}" "paket-files/fsharp/FAKE/src/app/FakeLib/Globbing/Globbing.fs"

       mkdir -p "paket-files/fsprojects/Chessie/src/Chessie"
       cp -v "${fileErrorHandling}" "paket-files/fsprojects/Chessie/src/Chessie/ErrorHandling.fs"

    xBuildFiles = [ "Paket.sln" ];

    outputFiles = [ "bin/*" ];
    exeFiles = [ "paket.exe" ];

    meta = {
      description = "A dependency manager for .NET and Mono projects";
      homepage = "http://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  Projekt = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "projekt";
    version = "git-" + (builtins.substring 0 10 rev);
    rev = "715a21e5cd3c86310387562618b04e979d0ec9c4";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      inherit rev;
      owner = "kjnilsson";
      repo = "projekt";
      sha256 = "1ph3af07wmia6qkiq1qlywaj2xh6zn5drdx19dwb1g3237h5fnz0";

    buildInputs = [

    preConfigure = ''
      sed -i -e "s/FSharp.Core, Version=\$(TargetFSharpCoreVersion), Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a/FSharp.Core/" src/Projekt/Projekt.fsproj

    outputFiles = [ "src/Projekt/bin/Release/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "A command-line tool for manipulating F# project files";
      homepage = "https://github.com/kjnilsson/projekt";
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

  UnionArgParser = buildDotnetPackage rec {
    baseName = "UnionArgParser";
    version = "0.8.7";

    src = fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "nessos";
      repo = "UnionArgParser";
      rev = "acaeb946e53cbb0bd9768977c656b3242146070a";
      sha256 = "1yrs7ycf2hg7h8z6vm9lr7i3gr9s30k74fr2maigdydnnls93als";

    buildInputs = [

    outputFiles = [ "bin/net40/*" ];

    meta = {
      description = "A declarative CLI argument/XML configuration parser for F# applications";
      homepage = http://nessos.github.io/UnionArgParser/;
      license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mit;
      maintainers = with stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ obadz ];
      platforms = with stdenv.lib.platforms; linux;

}; in self