#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p bash coreutils jq nix gitAndTools.hub # vim: ft=sh sw=2 et # shellcheck shell=bash # # This scripts scans the github terraform-providers repo for new releases, # generates the corresponding nix code and finally generates an index of # all the providers given in ./providers.txt. set -euo pipefail # the maximum number of attempts before giving up inside of GET and prefetch_github readonly maxAttempts=30 get_tf_providers_org() { # returns all terraform providers in a given organization, and their the # latest tags, in the format # $org/$repo $rev local org=$1 hub api --paginate graphql -f query=" query(\$endCursor: String) { repositoryOwner(login: \"${org}\") { repositories(first: 100, after: \$endCursor) { nodes { nameWithOwner name refs(first: 1, refPrefix: \"refs/tags/\", orderBy: {field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: DESC}) { nodes { name } } } pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } } }" | \ jq -r '.data.repositoryOwner.repositories.nodes[] | select(.name | startswith("terraform-provider-")) | select((.refs.nodes | length) > 0) | .nameWithOwner + " " + .refs.nodes[0].name' # filter the result with jq: # - repos need to start with `teraform-provider-` # - they need to have at least one tag # for each of the remaining repos, assemble a string $org/$repo $rev } get_latest_repo_tag() { # of a given repo and owner, retrieve the latest tag local owner=$1 local repo=$2 hub api --paginate "https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repo/git/refs/tags" | \ jq -r '.[].ref' | \ grep -v 'v\.' | \ cut -d '/' -f 3- | \ sort --version-sort | \ tail -1 } prefetch_github() { # of a given owner, repo and rev, fetch the tarball and return the output of # `nix-prefetch-url` local owner=$1 local repo=$2 local rev=$3 local retry=1 while ! nix-prefetch-url --unpack "https://github.com/$owner/$repo/archive/$rev.tar.gz"; do echo "The nix-prefetch-url command has failed. Attempt $retry/${maxAttempts}" >&2 if [[ "${retry}" -eq "${maxAttempts}" ]]; then exit 1 fi retry=$(( retry + 1 )) sleep 5 done } echo_entry() { local owner=$1 local repo=$2 local rev=$3 local version=${rev#v} local sha256=$4 cat <> data.nix } ## Main ## cd "$(dirname "$0")" # individual repos to fetch slugs=( IBM-Cloud/terraform-provider-ibm ajbosco/terraform-provider-segment camptocamp/terraform-provider-pass poseidon/terraform-provider-matchbox spaceapegames/terraform-provider-wavefront tweag/terraform-provider-nixos tweag/terraform-provider-secret ) # a list of providers to ignore blacklist=( terraform-providers/terraform-provider-azure-classic terraform-providers/terraform-provider-cidr terraform-providers/terraform-provider-circonus terraform-providers/terraform-provider-cloudinit terraform-providers/terraform-provider-quorum hashicorp/terraform-provider-time terraform-providers/terraform-provider-vmc ) cat <
data.nix # Generated with ./update-all { HEADER # assemble list of terraform providers providers=$(get_tf_providers_org "terraform-providers") providers=$(echo "$providers";get_tf_providers_org "hashicorp") # add terraform-providers from slugs for slug in "${slugs[@]}"; do # retrieve latest tag org=${slug%/*} repo=${slug#*/} rev=$(get_latest_repo_tag "$org" "$repo") # add to list providers=$(echo "$providers";echo "$org/$repo $rev") done # filter out all providers on the blacklist for repo in "${blacklist[@]}"; do providers=$(echo "$providers" | grep -v "^${repo} ") done # sort results alphabetically by repo name providers=$(echo "$providers" | sort -t "/" --key=2) # render list IFS=$'\n' for provider in $providers; do org=$(echo "$provider" | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d "/" -f1) repo=$(echo "$provider" | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d "/" -f2) rev=$(echo "$provider" | cut -d " " -f 2) add_provider "${org}" "${repo}" "${rev}" done cat <