#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [p.aeson p.req])" #! nix-shell -p hydra-unstable #! nix-shell -i runhaskell {- The purpose of this script is 1) download the state of the nixpkgs/haskell-updates job from hydra (with get-report) 2) print a summary of the state suitable for pasting into a github comment (with ping-maintainers) 3) print a list of broken packages suitable for pasting into configuration-hackage2nix.yaml Because step 1) is quite expensive and takes roughly ~5 minutes the result is cached in a json file in XDG_CACHE. -} {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} import Control.Monad (forM_, (<=<)) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON, ToJSON, decodeFileStrict', eitherDecodeStrict', encodeFile, ) import Data.Foldable (Foldable (toList), foldl') import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Monoid (Sum (Sum, getSum)) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, getCurrentTime) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.HTTP.Req ( GET (GET), NoReqBody (NoReqBody), defaultHttpConfig, header, https, jsonResponse, req, responseBody, responseTimeout, runReq, (/:), ) import System.Directory (XdgDirectory (XdgCache), getXdgDirectory) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Process (readProcess) import Prelude hiding (id) newtype JobsetEvals = JobsetEvals { evals :: Seq Eval } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show) newtype Nixpkgs = Nixpkgs {revision :: Text} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show) newtype JobsetEvalInputs = JobsetEvalInputs {nixpkgs :: Nixpkgs} deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show) data Eval = Eval { id :: Int , jobsetevalinputs :: JobsetEvalInputs } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show) data Build = Build { job :: Text , buildstatus :: Maybe Int , finished :: Int , id :: Int , nixname :: Text , system :: Text , jobsetevals :: Seq Int } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show) main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of ["get-report"] -> getBuildReports ["ping-maintainers"] -> printMaintainerPing ["mark-broken-list"] -> printMarkBrokenList _ -> putStrLn "Usage: get-report | ping-maintainers | mark-broken-list" reportFileName :: IO FilePath reportFileName = getXdgDirectory XdgCache "haskell-updates-build-report.json" showT :: Show a => a -> Text showT = Text.pack . show getBuildReports :: IO () getBuildReports = runReq defaultHttpConfig do evalMay <- Seq.lookup 0 . evals <$> myReq (https "hydra.nixos.org" /: "jobset" /: "nixpkgs" /: "haskell-updates" /: "evals") mempty eval@Eval{id} <- maybe (liftIO $ fail "No Evalution found") pure evalMay liftIO . putStrLn $ "Fetching evaluation " <> show id <> " from Hydra. This might take a few minutes..." buildReports :: Seq Build <- myReq (https "hydra.nixos.org" /: "eval" /: showT id /: "builds") (responseTimeout 600000000) liftIO do fileName <- reportFileName putStrLn $ "Finished fetching all builds from Hydra, saving report as " <> fileName now <- getCurrentTime encodeFile fileName (eval, now, buildReports) where myReq query option = responseBody <$> req GET query NoReqBody jsonResponse (header "User-Agent" "hydra-report.hs/v1 (nixpkgs;maintainers/scripts/haskell)" <> option) hydraEvalCommand :: FilePath hydraEvalCommand = "hydra-eval-jobs" hydraEvalParams :: [String] hydraEvalParams = ["-I", ".", "pkgs/top-level/release-haskell.nix"] handlesCommand :: FilePath handlesCommand = "nix-instantiate" handlesParams :: [String] handlesParams = ["--eval", "--strict", "--json", "-"] handlesExpression :: String handlesExpression = "with import ./. {}; with lib; zipAttrsWith (_: builtins.head) (mapAttrsToList (_: v: if v ? github then { \"${v.email}\" = v.github; } else {}) (import maintainers/maintainer-list.nix))" -- | This newtype is used to parse a Hydra job output from @hydra-eval-jobs@. -- The only field we are interested in is @maintainers@, which is why this -- is just a newtype. -- -- Note that there are occassionally jobs that don't have a maintainers -- field, which is why this has to be @Maybe Text@. newtype Maintainers = Maintainers { maintainers :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Generic, Show) deriving anyclass (FromJSON, ToJSON) -- | This is a 'Map' from Hydra job name to maintainer email addresses. -- -- It has values similar to the following: -- -- @@ -- fromList -- [ ("arion.aarch64-linux", Maintainers (Just "robert@example.com")) -- , ("bench.x86_64-linux", Maintainers (Just "")) -- , ("conduit.x86_64-linux", Maintainers (Just "snoy@man.com, web@ber.com")) -- , ("lens.x86_64-darwin", Maintainers (Just "ek@category.com")) -- ] -- @@ -- -- Note that Hydra jobs without maintainers will have an empty string for the -- maintainer list. type HydraJobs = Map Text Maintainers -- | Map of email addresses to GitHub handles. -- This is built from the file @../../maintainer-list.nix@. -- -- It has values similar to the following: -- -- @@ -- fromList -- [ ("robert@example.com", "rob22") -- , ("ek@category.com", "edkm") -- ] -- @@ type EmailToGitHubHandles = Map Text Text -- | Map of Hydra jobs to maintainer GitHub handles. -- -- It has values similar to the following: -- -- @@ -- fromList -- [ ("arion.aarch64-linux", ["rob22"]) -- , ("conduit.x86_64-darwin", ["snoyb", "webber"]) -- ] -- @@ type MaintainerMap = Map Text (NonEmpty Text) -- | Generate a mapping of Hydra job names to maintainer GitHub handles. getMaintainerMap :: IO MaintainerMap getMaintainerMap = do hydraJobs :: HydraJobs <- readJSONProcess hydraEvalCommand hydraEvalParams "" "Failed to decode hydra-eval-jobs output: " handlesMap :: EmailToGitHubHandles <- readJSONProcess handlesCommand handlesParams handlesExpression "Failed to decode nix output for lookup of github handles: " pure $ Map.mapMaybe (splitMaintainersToGitHubHandles handlesMap) hydraJobs where -- Split a comma-spearated string of Maintainers into a NonEmpty list of -- GitHub handles. splitMaintainersToGitHubHandles :: EmailToGitHubHandles -> Maintainers -> Maybe (NonEmpty Text) splitMaintainersToGitHubHandles handlesMap (Maintainers maint) = nonEmpty . mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` handlesMap) . Text.splitOn ", " $ fromMaybe "" maint -- | Run a process that produces JSON on stdout and and decode the JSON to a -- data type. -- -- If the JSON-decoding fails, throw the JSON-decoding error. readJSONProcess :: FromJSON a => FilePath -- ^ Filename of executable. -> [String] -- ^ Arguments -> String -- ^ stdin to pass to the process -> String -- ^ String to prefix to JSON-decode error. -> IO a readJSONProcess exe args input err = do output <- readProcess exe args input let eitherDecodedOutput = eitherDecodeStrict' . encodeUtf8 . Text.pack $ output case eitherDecodedOutput of Left decodeErr -> error $ err <> decodeErr <> "\nRaw: '" <> take 1000 output <> "'" Right decodedOutput -> pure decodedOutput -- BuildStates are sorted by subjective importance/concerningness data BuildState = Failed | DependencyFailed | OutputLimitExceeded | Unknown (Maybe Int) | TimedOut | Canceled | HydraFailure | Unfinished | Success deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord) icon :: BuildState -> Text icon = \case Failed -> ":x:" DependencyFailed -> ":heavy_exclamation_mark:" OutputLimitExceeded -> ":warning:" Unknown x -> "unknown code " <> showT x TimedOut -> ":hourglass::no_entry_sign:" Canceled -> ":no_entry_sign:" Unfinished -> ":hourglass_flowing_sand:" HydraFailure -> ":construction:" Success -> ":heavy_check_mark:" platformIcon :: Platform -> Text platformIcon (Platform x) = case x of "x86_64-linux" -> ":penguin:" "aarch64-linux" -> ":iphone:" "x86_64-darwin" -> ":apple:" _ -> x data BuildResult = BuildResult {state :: BuildState, id :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype Platform = Platform {platform :: Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) newtype Table row col a = Table (Map (row, col) a) type StatusSummary = Map Text (Table Text Platform BuildResult, Set Text) instance (Ord row, Ord col, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Table row col a) where Table l <> Table r = Table (Map.unionWith (<>) l r) instance (Ord row, Ord col, Semigroup a) => Monoid (Table row col a) where mempty = Table Map.empty instance Functor (Table row col) where fmap f (Table a) = Table (fmap f a) instance Foldable (Table row col) where foldMap f (Table a) = foldMap f a buildSummary :: MaintainerMap -> Seq Build -> StatusSummary buildSummary maintainerMap = foldl (Map.unionWith unionSummary) Map.empty . fmap toSummary where unionSummary (Table l, l') (Table r, r') = (Table $ Map.union l r, l' <> r') toSummary Build{finished, buildstatus, job, id, system} = Map.singleton name (Table (Map.singleton (set, Platform system) (BuildResult state id)), maintainers) where state :: BuildState state = case (finished, buildstatus) of (0, _) -> Unfinished (_, Just 0) -> Success (_, Just 1) -> Failed (_, Just 2) -> DependencyFailed (_, Just 3) -> HydraFailure (_, Just 4) -> Canceled (_, Just 7) -> TimedOut (_, Just 11) -> OutputLimitExceeded (_, i) -> Unknown i packageName = fromMaybe job (Text.stripSuffix ("." <> system) job) splitted = nonEmpty $ Text.splitOn "." packageName name = maybe packageName NonEmpty.last splitted set = maybe "" (Text.intercalate "." . NonEmpty.init) splitted maintainers = maybe mempty (Set.fromList . toList) (Map.lookup job maintainerMap) readBuildReports :: IO (Eval, UTCTime, Seq Build) readBuildReports = do file <- reportFileName fromMaybe (error $ "Could not decode " <> file) <$> decodeFileStrict' file sep :: Text sep = " | " joinTable :: [Text] -> Text joinTable t = sep <> Text.intercalate sep t <> sep type NumSummary = Table Platform BuildState Int printTable :: (Ord rows, Ord cols) => Text -> (rows -> Text) -> (cols -> Text) -> (entries -> Text) -> Table rows cols entries -> [Text] printTable name showR showC showE (Table mapping) = joinTable <$> (name : map showC cols) : replicate (length cols + sepsInName + 1) "---" : map printRow rows where sepsInName = Text.count "|" name printRow row = showR row : map (\col -> maybe "" showE (Map.lookup (row, col) mapping)) cols rows = toList $ Set.fromList (fst <$> Map.keys mapping) cols = toList $ Set.fromList (snd <$> Map.keys mapping) printJob :: Int -> Text -> (Table Text Platform BuildResult, Text) -> [Text] printJob evalId name (Table mapping, maintainers) = if length sets <= 1 then map printSingleRow sets else ["- [ ] " <> makeJobSearchLink "" name <> " " <> maintainers] <> map printRow sets where printRow set = " - " <> printState set <> " " <> makeJobSearchLink set (if Text.null set then "toplevel" else set) printSingleRow set = "- [ ] " <> printState set <> " " <> makeJobSearchLink set (makePkgName set) <> " " <> maintainers makePkgName set = (if Text.null set then "" else set <> ".") <> name printState set = Text.intercalate " " $ map (\pf -> maybe "" (label pf) $ Map.lookup (set, pf) mapping) platforms makeJobSearchLink set linkLabel= makeSearchLink evalId linkLabel (makePkgName set <> ".") -- Append '.' to the search query to prevent e.g. "hspec." matching "hspec-golden.x86_64-linux" sets = toList $ Set.fromList (fst <$> Map.keys mapping) platforms = toList $ Set.fromList (snd <$> Map.keys mapping) label pf (BuildResult s i) = "[[" <> platformIcon pf <> icon s <> "]](https://hydra.nixos.org/build/" <> showT i <> ")" makeSearchLink :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Text makeSearchLink evalId linkLabel query = "[" <> linkLabel <> "](" <> "https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/" <> showT evalId <> "?filter=" <> query <> ")" statusToNumSummary :: StatusSummary -> NumSummary statusToNumSummary = fmap getSum . foldMap (fmap Sum . jobTotals) jobTotals :: (Table Text Platform BuildResult, a) -> Table Platform BuildState Int jobTotals (Table mapping, _) = getSum <$> Table (Map.foldMapWithKey (\(_, platform) (BuildResult buildstate _) -> Map.singleton (platform, buildstate) (Sum 1)) mapping) details :: Text -> [Text] -> [Text] details summary content = ["<details><summary>" <> summary <> " </summary>", ""] <> content <> ["</details>", ""] printBuildSummary :: Eval -> UTCTime -> StatusSummary -> Text printBuildSummary Eval{id, jobsetevalinputs = JobsetEvalInputs{nixpkgs = Nixpkgs{revision}}} fetchTime summary = Text.unlines $ headline <> totals <> optionalList "#### Maintained packages with build failure" (maintainedList fails) <> optionalList "#### Maintained packages with failed dependency" (maintainedList failedDeps) <> optionalList "#### Maintained packages with unknown error" (maintainedList unknownErr) <> optionalHideableList "#### Unmaintained packages with build failure" (unmaintainedList fails) <> optionalHideableList "#### Unmaintained packages with failed dependency" (unmaintainedList failedDeps) <> optionalHideableList "#### Unmaintained packages with unknown error" (unmaintainedList unknownErr) <> footer where footer = ["*Report generated with [maintainers/scripts/haskell/hydra-report.hs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/haskell-updates/maintainers/scripts/haskell/hydra-report.sh)*"] totals = [ "#### Build summary" , "" ] <> printTable "Platform" (\x -> makeSearchLink id (platform x <> " " <> platformIcon x) ("." <> platform x)) (\x -> showT x <> " " <> icon x) showT (statusToNumSummary summary) headline = [ "### [haskell-updates build report from hydra](https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates)" , "*evaluation [" <> showT id <> "](https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/" <> showT id <> ") of nixpkgs commit [" <> Text.take 7 revision <> "](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/" <> revision <> ") as of " <> Text.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC" fetchTime) <> "*" ] jobsByState predicate = Map.filter (predicate . foldl' min Success . fmap state . fst) summary fails = jobsByState (== Failed) failedDeps = jobsByState (== DependencyFailed) unknownErr = jobsByState (\x -> x > DependencyFailed && x < TimedOut) withMaintainer = Map.mapMaybe (\(x, m) -> (x,) <$> nonEmpty (Set.toList m)) withoutMaintainer = Map.mapMaybe (\(x, m) -> if Set.null m then Just x else Nothing) optionalList heading list = if null list then mempty else [heading] <> list optionalHideableList heading list = if null list then mempty else [heading] <> details (showT (length list) <> " job(s)") list maintainedList = showMaintainedBuild <=< Map.toList . withMaintainer unmaintainedList = showBuild <=< Map.toList . withoutMaintainer showBuild (name, table) = printJob id name (table, "") showMaintainedBuild (name, (table, maintainers)) = printJob id name (table, Text.intercalate " " (fmap ("@" <>) (toList maintainers))) printMaintainerPing :: IO () printMaintainerPing = do maintainerMap <- getMaintainerMap (eval, fetchTime, buildReport) <- readBuildReports putStrLn (Text.unpack (printBuildSummary eval fetchTime (buildSummary maintainerMap buildReport))) printMarkBrokenList :: IO () printMarkBrokenList = do (_, _, buildReport) <- readBuildReports forM_ buildReport \Build{buildstatus, job} -> case (buildstatus, Text.splitOn "." job) of (Just 1, ["haskellPackages", name, "x86_64-linux"]) -> putStrLn $ " - " <> Text.unpack name _ -> pure ()