{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;

  cfg = config.services.errbot;
  pluginEnv = plugins: pkgs.buildEnv {
    name = "errbot-plugins";
    paths = plugins;
  mkConfigDir = instanceCfg: dataDir: pkgs.writeTextDir "config.py" ''
    import logging
    BACKEND = '${instanceCfg.backend}'
    BOT_DATA_DIR = '${dataDir}'
    BOT_EXTRA_PLUGIN_DIR = '${pluginEnv instanceCfg.plugins}'

    BOT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.${instanceCfg.logLevel}
    BOT_LOG_FILE = False

    BOT_ADMINS = (${concatMapStringsSep "," (name: "'${name}'") instanceCfg.admins})

    BOT_IDENTITY = ${builtins.toJSON instanceCfg.identity}

in {
  options = {
    services.errbot.instances = mkOption {
      default = {};
      description = "Errbot instance configs";
      type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule {
        options = {
          dataDir = mkOption {
            type = types.nullOr types.path;
            default = null;
            description = "Data directory for errbot instance.";

          plugins = mkOption {
            type = types.listOf types.package;
            default = [];
            description = "List of errbot plugin derivations.";

          logLevel = mkOption {
            type = types.str;
            default = "INFO";
            description = "Errbot log level";

          admins = mkOption {
            type = types.listOf types.str;
            default = [];
            description = "List of identifiers of errbot admins.";

          backend = mkOption {
            type = types.str;
            default = "XMPP";
            description = "Errbot backend name.";

          identity = mkOption {
            type = types.attrs;
            description = "Errbot identity configuration";

          extraConfig = mkOption {
            type = types.lines;
            default = "";
            description = "String to be appended to the config verbatim";

  config = mkIf (cfg.instances != {}) {
    users.extraUsers.errbot.group = "errbot";
    users.extraGroups.errbot = {};

    systemd.services = mapAttrs' (name: instanceCfg: nameValuePair "errbot-${name}" (
      dataDir = if !isNull instanceCfg.dataDir then instanceCfg.dataDir else
    in {
      after = [ "network-online.target" ];
      wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
      preStart = ''
        mkdir -p ${dataDir}
        chown -R errbot:errbot ${dataDir}
      serviceConfig = {
        User = "errbot";
        Restart = "on-failure";
        ExecStart = "${pkgs.errbot}/bin/errbot -c ${mkConfigDir instanceCfg dataDir}/config.py";
        PermissionsStartOnly = true;
    })) cfg.instances;