{ stdenv , lib , fetchFromGitHub , python3 , nixosTests # Look up dependencies of specified components in component-packages.nix , extraComponents ? [ ] # Additional packages to add to propagatedBuildInputs , extraPackages ? ps: [] # Override Python packages using # self: super: { pkg = super.pkg.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { ... }); } # Applied after defaultOverrides , packageOverrides ? self: super: {} # Skip pip install of required packages on startup , skipPip ? true }: let defaultOverrides = [ # Override the version of some packages pinned in Home Assistant's setup.py # Pinned due to API changes in astral>=2.0, required by the sun/moon plugins # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/48573; Remove >= 2021.5 (mkOverride "astral" "1.10.1" "d2a67243c4503131c856cafb1b1276de52a86e5b8a1d507b7e08bee51cb67bf1") # Pinned due to API changes in brother>=1.0, remove >= 2021.5 (self: super: { brother = super.brother.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.2.2"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "bieniu"; repo = "brother"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-vIefcL3K3ZbAUxMFM7gbbTFdrnmufWZHcq4OA19SYXE="; }; }); }) # Pinned due to API changes in iaqualink>=2.0, remove after # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/48137 was merged (self: super: { iaqualink = super.iaqualink.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.3.4"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "flz"; repo = "iaqualink-py"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "16mn6nd9x3hm6j6da99qhwbqs95hh8wx21r1h1m9csl76z77n9lh"; }; checkInputs = oldAttrs.checkInputs ++ [ python3.pkgs.asynctest ]; }); }) # Pinned due to API changes in pyjwt>=2.0 (mkOverride "pyjwt" "1.7.1" "15hflax5qkw1v6nssk1r0wkj83jgghskcmn875m3wgvpzdvajncd") # Pinned due to API changes in pykmtronic>=0.2.0 (mkOverride "pykmtronic" "0.0.3" "sha256-8bxn27DU1XUQUxQFJklEge29DHx1DMu7pJG4hVE1jDU=") # Pinned due to API changes in pylilterbot>=2021.3.0 # https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/48300; Remove >= 2021.5 (self: super: { pylitterbot = super.pylitterbot.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "2021.2.8"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "natekspencer"; repo = "pylitterbot"; rev = version; sha256 = "142lhijm51v11cd0lhcfdnjdd143jxi2hjsrqdq0rrbbnmj6mymp"; }; # had no tests before 2021.3.0 doCheck = false; }); }) # Pinned due to bug in ring-doorbell 0.7.0 # https://github.com/tchellomello/python-ring-doorbell/issues/240 (mkOverride "ring-doorbell" "0.6.2" "fbd537722a27b3b854c26506d894b7399bb8dc57ff36083285971227a2d46560") # Pinned due to API changes in pyruckus>0.12 (self: super: { pyruckus = super.pyruckus.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "0.12"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "gabe565"; repo = "pyruckus"; rev = version; sha256 = "0ykv6r6blbj3fg9fplk9i7xclkv5d93rwvx0fm5s8ms9f2s9ih8z"; }; }); }) # hass-frontend does not exist in python3.pkgs (self: super: { hass-frontend = self.callPackage ./frontend.nix { }; }) ]; mkOverride = attrname: version: sha256: self: super: { ${attrname} = super.${attrname}.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: { inherit version; src = oldAttrs.src.override { inherit version sha256; }; }); }; py = python3.override { # Put packageOverrides at the start so they are applied after defaultOverrides packageOverrides = lib.foldr lib.composeExtensions (self: super: { }) ([ packageOverrides ] ++ defaultOverrides); }; componentPackages = import ./component-packages.nix; availableComponents = builtins.attrNames componentPackages.components; getPackages = component: builtins.getAttr component componentPackages.components; componentBuildInputs = lib.concatMap (component: getPackages component py.pkgs) extraComponents; # Ensure that we are using a consistent package set extraBuildInputs = extraPackages py.pkgs; # Don't forget to run parse-requirements.py after updating hassVersion = "2021.4.6"; in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "homeassistant"; version = assert (componentPackages.version == hassVersion); hassVersion; # check REQUIRED_PYTHON_VER in homeassistant/const.py disabled = pythonOlder "3.8"; # don't try and fail to strip 6600+ python files, it takes minutes! dontStrip = true; inherit availableComponents; # PyPI tarball is missing tests/ directory src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "home-assistant"; repo = "core"; rev = version; sha256 = "1s1slwcqls2prz9kgyhggs8xi3x7ghwdi33j983kvpg0gva7d2f0"; }; # leave this in, so users don't have to constantly update their downstream patch handling patches = [ ]; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace setup.py \ --replace "awesomeversion==21.2.3" "awesomeversion" \ --replace "bcrypt==3.1.7" "bcrypt" \ --replace "cryptography==3.3.2" "cryptography" \ --replace "pip>=8.0.3,<20.3" "pip" \ --replace "pytz>=2021.1" "pytz" \ --replace "pyyaml==5.4.1" "pyyaml" \ --replace "ruamel.yaml==0.15.100" "ruamel.yaml" substituteInPlace tests/test_config.py --replace '"/usr"' '"/build/media"' ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ # Only packages required in setup.py + hass-frontend aiohttp astral async-timeout attrs awesomeversion bcrypt certifi ciso8601 cryptography hass-frontend httpx jinja2 pip pyjwt python-slugify pytz pyyaml requests ruamel_yaml voluptuous voluptuous-serialize yarl ] ++ componentBuildInputs ++ extraBuildInputs; makeWrapperArgs = lib.optional skipPip "--add-flags --skip-pip"; # upstream only tests on Linux, so do we. doCheck = stdenv.isLinux; checkInputs = [ # test infrastructure asynctest pytest-aiohttp pytest-rerunfailures pytest-xdist pytestCheckHook requests-mock # component dependencies pyotp respx ] ++ lib.concatMap (component: getPackages component py.pkgs) componentTests; # We can reasonably test components that don't communicate with any network # services. Before adding new components to this list make sure we have all # its dependencies packaged and listed in ./component-packages.nix. componentTests = [ "accuweather" "airly" "analytics" "alert" "api" "auth" "automation" "axis" "bayesian" "binary_sensor" "brother" "caldav" "calendar" "camera" "cast" "climate" "cloud" "comfoconnect" "command_line" "config" "configurator" "conversation" "counter" "cover" "deconz" "default_config" "demo" "derivative" "device_automation" "device_sun_light_trigger" "device_tracker" "devolo_home_control" "dhcp" "discovery" "dsmr" "econet" "emulated_hue" "esphome" "fan" "faa_delays" "ffmpeg" "file" "filesize" "filter" "flux" "folder" "folder_watcher" "freebox" "fritzbox" "fritzbox_callmonitor" "frontend" "generic" "generic_thermostat" "geo_json_events" "geo_location" "group" "hddtemp" "history" "history_stats" "home_connect" "home_plus_control" "homekit" "homekit_controller" "homeassistant" "homematic" "homematicip_cloud" "html5" "http" "hue" "hyperion" "iaqualink" "ifttt" "image" "image_processing" "influxdb" "input_boolean" "input_datetime" "input_text" "input_number" "input_select" "intent" "intent_script" "ipp" "kmtronic" "knx" "kodi" "light" "litterrobot" "local_file" "local_ip" "lock" "logbook" "logentries" "logger" "lovelace" "lutron_caseta" "manual" "manual_mqtt" "mazda" "media_player" "media_source" "met" "minecraft_server" "mobile_app" "modbus" "moon" "mqtt" "mqtt_eventstream" "mqtt_json" "mqtt_room" "mqtt_statestream" "mullvad" "nexia" "notify" "notion" "number" "nx584" "omnilogic" "ondilo_ico" "openerz" "opentherm_gw" "ozw" "panel_custom" "panel_iframe" "persistent_notification" "person" "plaato" "prometheus" "proximity" "push" "python_script" "random" "recorder" "rest" "rest_command" "rituals_perfume_genie" "rmvtransport" "roku" "roomba" "rss_feed_template" "ruckus_unleashed" "safe_mode" "scene" "screenlogic" "script" "search" "shell_command" "shopping_list" "simplisafe" "simulated" "sleepiq" "sma" "smhi" "sensor" "slack" "smartthings" "smarttub" "smtp" "smappee" "solaredge" "sonos" "spotify" "sql" "ssdp" "stream" "subaru" "sun" "switch" "system_health" "system_log" "tag" "tasmota" "tcp" "template" "tesla" "threshold" "time_date" "timer" "tod" "trace" "tts" "universal" "updater" "upnp" "uptime" "vacuum" "verisure" "weather" "webhook" "websocket_api" "wemo" "wled" "workday" "worldclock" "yeelight" "zeroconf" "zha" "zone" "zwave" "zwave_js" ]; pytestFlagsArray = [ # limit amout of runners to reduce race conditions "-n auto" # retry racy tests that end in "RuntimeError: Event loop is closed" "--reruns 3" "--only-rerun RuntimeError" # assign tests grouped by file to workers "--dist loadfile" # tests are located in tests/ "tests" # screenlogic/test_config_flow.py: Tries to send out UDP broadcasts "--deselect tests/components/screenlogic/test_config_flow.py::test_form_cannot_connect" # dynamically add packages required for component tests ] ++ map (component: "tests/components/" + component) componentTests; disabledTestPaths = [ # don't bulk test all components "tests/components" # pyotp since v2.4.0 complains about the short mock keys, hass pins v2.3.0 "tests/auth/mfa_modules/test_notify.py" ]; disabledTests = [ # AssertionError: assert 1 == 0 "test_error_posted_as_event" "test_merge" # ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyqwikswitch' "test_merge_id_schema" # keyring.errors.NoKeyringError: No recommended backend was available. "test_secrets_from_unrelated_fails" "test_secrets_credstash" # generic/test_camera.py: AssertionError: 500 == 200 "test_fetching_without_verify_ssl" "test_fetching_url_with_verify_ssl" # util/test_package.py: AssertionError on package.is_installed('homeassistant>=999.999.999') "test_check_package_version_does_not_match" ]; preCheck = '' export HOME="$TEMPDIR" # the tests require the existance of a media dir mkdir /build/media # error out when component test directory is missing, otherwise hidden by xdist execution :( for component in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " (map lib.escapeShellArg componentTests)}; do test -d "tests/components/$component" || { >2& echo "ERROR: Tests for component '$component' were enabled, but they do not exist!" exit 1 } done ''; passthru = { inherit (py.pkgs) hass-frontend; tests = { inherit (nixosTests) home-assistant; }; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://home-assistant.io/"; description = "Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first"; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = teams.home-assistant.members; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }