This was needed for my webcam to work with zoom-us. v4l2convert is a
wrapper for apps that only support simple bgr24 or yuv420. For these
apps to support webcams that don’t use those formats, we need to use
LD_PRELOAD to get those symbols. Taken from archlinux wiki:
otherwise, autopatchelfHook seems to ignore patchelfing the zoom binary
properly, causing it to fail to start:
result/bin/zoom-us: line 4: /nix/store/7jfk4jggclvbwqxm9x4b4d57rr1mjh9q-zoom-us-2.7.162522.0121/share/zoom-us/zoom: No such file or directory
Qt 5.11 was downgraded to 5.9 because of two issues:
- spawns errors like
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:20:9: QML BusyIndicator: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:26:9: QML Text: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:20:9: QML BusyIndicator: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:26:9: QML Text: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:20:9: QML BusyIndicator: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:26:9: QML Text: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:20:9: QML BusyIndicator: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:26:9: QML Text: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:20:9: QML BusyIndicator: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/SignInWaiting.qml:26:9: QML Text: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
- Google login doesn't work. It just doesn't start embedded webbrowser
Apart from version update:
- remove some packages from `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. I haven't found any
references for them. Most of them were copypasted from AUR expression
- found an implicit reference to `pidof`, in my case this caused warnings
about mismatched Glibc version. I've found implicit reference to `sh` too,
with Glibc warning too, but I don't know how to fix this, and looks like it's
only a warning
Since the program to be wrapped is already in a different path than
$out/bin, we don't need the complicated dance that wrapProgram uses to
put the wrapper in the same location as the original program. Just tell
makeWrapper to put the wrapper in the final desired output location
This package does not work on arbitrary Linux systems, only on platforms
for which upstream has provided prebuilt binaries. Fortunately, we have
a list of the platforms we know how to get binaries for: it's exactly
the ones in the `srcs` set.
Webcam Logitech C270 showed black screen in zoom, but LD_PRELOADing fixed this. I hope, this wouldn't break camera for people,
who were already able to see video, but I can't be 100% sure currently.
Turns out, zoom couldn't launch QtWebEngineProcess because of wrong interpreter
Also, there was a need for some extra deps, which I found when
running debug version of zoom.
* paxmark zoom to fix execution on PaX-enabled kernels[1]
* Requires moving from qt55 to qt56
* Put libs as buildInputs so that wrapQtProgram sees their paths!
* Don't use bundled Qt libs.
(if these should be used, we shouldn't put our own on rpath, etc.)
[1] Without this, program fails to start (but doesn't exit),
and the following exception is logged a few times:
Dec 07 12:24:26 hostname kernel: grsec: denied RWX mmap of <anonymous mapping> by /nix/store/v1i2bff9fs7w1vycv0y615phhs7hky87-zoom-us/share/.zoom-wrapped[.zoom-wrapped:23812] uid/euid:1000/1
zoom still won't run unless using a pax-fixed version of qtwebengine.
( see: )