This adds a simple test running GNU Hello cross-compiled for armv7l and
aarch64 inside a x86_64 VM with configured binfmt.
We already build the cross toolchains in other invocations, and building
hello itself is small.
Also, remove the dangling = [
"proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount" ]; in systemd.nix.
If boot.binfmt.registrations != {}, systemd will install
proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount, which will auto-mount
`/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc` as soon as systemd-binfmt tries to access it.
- Use the new Gambit support.
- Move files from $out to $out/gerbil.
- Use new Gerbil configuration and installation scripts.
- Move some fixups from preBuild to postPatch.
- Give up on previous failed attempts at using static libraries.
- Add support for compiling libraries written in Gerbil.
- Build using NIX_BUILD_CORES.
- Register all those things in all-packages.
Refactor the build rule:
- Put files in $out/gambit instead of $out.
- Make the optimization setting easy to override.
- Make use of gccStdenv more explicit at this level.
- Support new-style runtime options for forcing UTF-8 I/O.
- Override the PACKAGE_VERSION and PACKAGE_STRING with git version.
- Note that the license is lgpl21, not lpgl2 (Note: also dual asl20).
- Try and fail to meaningfully add missing runtimeDeps.
- Build using NIX_BUILD_CORES.
* `--with-timestamp` enables the usage of the `persist` setting in
`doas.conf`. It is possible some people might not want this, so the flag
`withTimestamp` was added to control this.
* `--pamdir` copies the PAM files to `$out/etc/pam.d`. This may or may
not have a use in the future, but it removes a some errors from the
build (when it tries to copy these files to /etc/pam.d).
This config value ensures that when booting through e.g. UEFI, the
existing framebuffer contents stay put until the first character is
printed. As the default NixOS stage-1 immediately outputs a welcome
message on init, this does not impact it, but it will allow for a cleaner boot when
configured as such.