This attribute is a generalized version of cryptHomeLuks for creating an
entry in /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml. It lets the configuration
control all the attributes of the <volume> entry, instead of just the
path. The default path remains the value of cryptHomeLuks, for
This reverts commit 3cd2b59b8c.
It created infinite recursion when using LXQt, since lxqt module
uses `config.system.path` in `services.xserver.desktopManager.session`.
`config.system.path` is a `buildEnv` that depends on `environment.systemPackages`.
This one occurrence wasn't updated:
$ git grep "nix-build nixos/release.nix -A manual"
nixos/doc/manual/README: nix-build nixos/release.nix -A manual.x86_64-linux
nixos/doc/manual/development/meta-attributes.xml:<screen><prompt>$ </prompt>nix-build nixos/release.nix -A manual</screen>
nixos/doc/manual/development/writing-documentation.xml:<screen>nix-build nixos/release.nix -A manual.x86_64-linux</screen>
serviceConfig.ProtectSystem is usually a string so if set, the assert
itself would error out leaving no useable trace:
# nixos-rebuild switch --show-trace
building Nix...
building the system configuration...
error: while evaluating the attribute '' at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/system/activation/top-level.nix:293:5:
while evaluating 'foldr' at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/lib/lists.nix:52:20, called from /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/system/activation/top-level.nix:128:12:
while evaluating 'fold'' at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/lib/lists.nix:55:15, called from /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/lib/lists.nix:59:8:
while evaluating anonymous function at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/system/activation/top-level.nix:121:50, called from undefined position:
while evaluating the attribute 'assertion' at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixos/modules/security/systemd-confinement.nix:163:7:
value is a string while a Boolean was expected
Fix the check to give a sensible assert message instead; the attribute
should either be not set or false bool to pass.
Closes: #99000
The old (slightly broken) behavior of the xmonad module was to put the vanilla xmonad binary into PATH. This was changed to put the users xmonad into PATH instead.
But since the config for the xmonad test uses `launch` (to avoid xmonads self-recompilation logic), it now can't handle the `--restart` flag anymore. So instead use a key binding for restarting, and let xmonad spawn a new xterm on restart.
The key binding has to be explicitly added because the default binding
will shell out to `xmonad --restart` and therefore not work with the `launch` entrypoint.
xserver uses the wrong version of xkbvalidate, the one from
buildPackages should be used or else the resulting xkbvalidate binary is
compiled for the target architecture.
Note that it made into 2 entries, one about new options in the first section.
Another in the breaking compatibility section due to the openFirewall option
which changes the behavior.
This changes the default behavior which opened by default the firewall rules.
The users now need to declare explicitely they want to open the firewall.
This exposes 2 scenario running the mediatomb service:
- one running with the unmaintained mediatomb package
- one running with the new maintained gerbera package
This also fixes some various small limitations:
- Drop unnecessary quoting
- Drop duplicated gerbera interface definition
- Fix configuration indentation
In the sense that the pkgs dependency will be pulled if the service is
transcoding enabled. Otherwise, the transcoding part is completely dropped from
the generated configuration.
Secrets are injected from the environment into the rendered
configuration before each startup using envsubst.
The test now makes use of this feature for the server password.
When using the ACME DNS-01 challenge, there is a possibility of a
failure to resolve the challenge if the record is not propagated
fast enough. To circumvent this generic DNS problem, this adds
a setting to explicitly tell the ACME provider to use a certain DNS
resolver to lookup the challenge.
Signed-off-by: Jeroen Simonetti <>
This reverts commit fb6d63f3fd.
I really hope this finally fixes#99236: evaluation on Hydra.
This time I really did check basically the same commit on Hydra:
Right now I don't have energy to find what exactly is wrong in the
commit, and it doesn't seem important in comparison to nixos-unstable
channel being stuck on a commit over one week old.
Please note that this is only for 21.03 since `nextcloud19` is intended
to be the default for the already feature-frozen 20.09 (the bump itself
is supposed to get backported however).
This should hopefully solve races with DNS servers (such as unbound)
during the activation of a new generation. Previously unbound could
still be unavailable and thus the acme script would fail.
The only nix version available in the installer should be the version
configure in the module system. If someone needs `nixUnstable` in their
`nixos-install` they should probably set the module option and not just
add it to the closure.
9544c6078e / #96672 removed the samba option
Need to remove this option from the pam module, otherwise it will cause build errors
- Fix wrong order in which font indexes are created
mkfontdir requires the file fonts.scale to consider scalable fonts,
thus, mkfontscale should be run before
- Search more font formats, in particular, bit-mapped formats
This option is not documented anywhere and while it may be set
in configuration.nix to enable integration, having it on by
default when using both plasma and firefox is a great convenience;
just like all other desktop environments do it already.
services.networking.firewall might have existed during import of this
module in 2016, but it is unknown as of today.
Point to the proper boolean knob to avoid confusion.
Conform to RFC 1123 [0], specifically to "2.1 Host Names and Numbers",
which allow starting host name with alphanumerical instead of alphabetical characters.
RFC 1123 updates RFC 952 [1], which is referenced in "man 5 hosts".
The `package`-option is always useful if modifying a package in an
overlay would mean that a lot of other packages need to be rebuilt as
In case of `sudo` this is actually the case: when having an override for
it (e.g. for `withInsults = true;`), you'd have to rebuild e.g. `zfs`
and `grub` although that's not strictly needed.
systemd.exec(5) on DynamicUser:
> If a statically allocated user or group of the configured name
> already exists, it is used and no dynamic user/group is allocated.
Using DynamicUser while still setting a group name can be
useful for granting access to resources that can otherwise only be
accessed with entirely static IDs.
The /run/wrapper directory is a tmpfs. Unfortunately, it's mounted with
its root directory has the standard (for tmpfs) mode: 1777 (world writeable,
sticky -- the standard mode of shared temporary directories). This means that
every user can create new files and subdirectories there, but can't
move/delete/rename files that belong to other users.
* programs.neovim: init
Allows to build a proper runtime folder with after/ ftplugin/ parser/ subfolders etc.
(neo)vim expects a few different folders, for instance to load
treesitter parsers.
This PR reuses the builder from the etc module, notwithstanding the
different modes/uid/gid.
This allows to get rid of some autocmd in customRC (via proper use of
the folder hierarchy) which is a win in my opinion.
Both packages will get EOLed within the lifetime of 20.09. `nextcloud17`
can be removed entirely (the attribute-path is kept however to provide
meaningful errors), however `nextcloud18` must be kept as `insecure` to
make sure that users from `nextcloud17` can properly upgrade to
`nextcloud19` on NixOS 20.09.
Turns out, `dd_url` should only be used in proxy scenarios, not to point
datadog to their EU endpoint - `site` should be used for that.
The `dd_url` setting doesn't affect APM, Logs or Live Process intake
which have their own "*_dd_url" settings.
The postfix exporter needs to access postfix's `queue/public/` directory
to read the `showq` socket inside. Instead of making the public
directory world accessible, this sets the postfix exporter's group to
`postdrop` by default, when the postfix service is enabled.
- This is fetched from a different URL, so allow passing that explicitly.
- There also isn't an nvidia-persistenced or nvidia-settings release for
this version, so use 450.57 instead. Also implement passing
persistenced and settings version explicitly.
Co-authored-by: Dmitry Kalinkin <>
Secrets are injected from the environment into the rendered
configuration before each startup using envsubst.
The test now makes use of this feature for the db password.
Otherwise, will complain about not having access to
/dev/fd/62 as of systemd v246.
On IRC, flokli said:
15:14 <flokli> cole-h: hmmm... I could imagine some of the setup inside /dev has been moved into other parts of systemd
15:14 <flokli> And given we run systemd much later (outside initramfs only) it doesn't work properly here
15:17 <flokli> We probably don't invoke udev correctly