Why the f*** would anyone ever add generated stuff to a git repository,
where the sources for the generated stuff AND the scripts to generate
them are in the repository?
Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <mail@beyermatthias.de>
- love_0_9: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2
- love_11: 11.3 -> 11.4
- Updated the src of each package to fetch from GitHub rather than
Bitbucket as the repository moved
- Changed name to pname + version (#103997)
- Moved 11.1.nix to 11.nix to fit the others and because the version is
no longer 11.1
- Changed all the homepage links from http to https just because
- love_0_9 is still broken unfortunately
- Moved build dependencies to native.
- Most of those added in 4.2.1 update are only transitive.
- Switched to GTK 3.
- The GNOME 2 dependencies can me removed as they are not used.
- Except for GTKHtml since WebKit2-based editor is not implemented.
- Python is not needed either.
- D-Bus functionality requires a patch to build
- gsf was replaced by minizip – https://github.com/crosswire/xiphos/pull/1003
This is supposedly not used since 4.1.0 according to its release notes
but I do not see a commit removing it and lucene is still mentioned
throughout the interface.
But there is no closure change.
Blightmud is a terminal client for connecting to Multi User Dungeon
(MUD) games. It is written in Rust and supports TLS, GMCP, MSDP, MCCP2,
tab completion, text searching and a split view for scrolling. Blightmud
can be customized with Lua scripting for aliases, triggers, timers,
customized status bars, and more. Blightmud supports several
accessibility features including an optional built-in text-to-speech
engine and a screen reader friendly mode.
For nixpkgs it is largely a standard derivation for a rust project using
`rustPlatform.buildRustPackage`. There is some customization required
for the optional text-to-speech (TTS) engine support. In this case the
derivation must also set the `LIBCLANG_PATH` and customize
`BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS` in order for a required crate to be able to
`rust-bindgen` the `libspeechd` dependency it wraps. Lastly the
derivation has to skip some integration-style tests that don't play
nicely with the nixpkgs build environment - the majority of unit tests
work so they are left running in the check phase.
Since the TTS support brings in heavy dependencies, but is a useful
accessibility feature, the Blightmud derivation is added to
`all-packages.nix` twice:
1. the `blightmud` attribute builds a configuration without TTS support.
2. the `blightmud-tts` attribute builds a configuration _with_ TTS
The new Blightmud derivation is placed in `pkgs/games/blightmud/`
following the precedent set by another packaged GUI-based MUD client,
`mudlet` with `pkgs/games/mudlet/`.