From ab80d81e5497266f2a9422cea2bd576a9c16b649 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eelco Dolstra <>
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2009 15:57:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] * Use normal, dynamically linked binaries for e2fsck, lvm
 etc. in the   initrd instead of a mix of dietlibc, klibc and static-glibc
 based   binaries.  This works by copying what we need from Glibc into the  
 initrd and using patchelf to set the ELF interpreter and RPATH   correctly. 
 The resulting initrd is about 500 KB smaller, but more   importantly, it's
 much easier to maintain - all those   dietlibc/klibc/static-glibc builds
 frequently cause build problems.

svn path=/nixos/trunk/; revision=13984
 boot/ |  15 ++---
 boot/boot-stage-1.nix     | 123 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 80 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/boot/ b/boot/
index c9930c30bbcc..b3b2292beaac 100644
--- a/boot/
+++ b/boot/
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-#! @staticShell@
+#! @shell@
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=@extraUtils@/lib
 errorDialog() {
@@ -14,13 +16,13 @@ errorDialog() {
     read -t $timeout reply
     case $reply in
-            exec @staticShell@;;
+            exec @shell@;;
             echo "Quit interactive shell with exit status of"
             echo "  0        : to continue"
             echo "  non-zero : to get this dialog again"
-            @staticShell@ || fail
+            @shell@ || fail
             echo continuing ignoring error;;
@@ -299,7 +301,6 @@ umount /proc
 exec run-init "$targetRoot" "$stage2Init"
-echo $1 failed running "$stage2Init"
-echo "It's your last chance to fix things manually without rebooting"
-echo "finally switching to interactive shell pid 1"
-export $stage2Init; exec @staticShell@
+echo "$1: failed running $stage2Init"
+echo "Dropping into a root shell..."
+export $stage2Init; exec @shell@
diff --git a/boot/boot-stage-1.nix b/boot/boot-stage-1.nix
index ff9522e89252..ed53a3abdb9e 100644
--- a/boot/boot-stage-1.nix
+++ b/boot/boot-stage-1.nix
@@ -8,26 +8,6 @@
 rec {
-  pkgsDiet = import "${nixpkgsPath}/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix" {
-    system = pkgs.stdenv.system;
-    bootStdenv = pkgs.useDietLibC pkgs.stdenv;
-  };
-  pkgsKlibc = import "${nixpkgsPath}/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix" {
-    system = pkgs.stdenv.system;
-    bootStdenv = pkgs.useKlibc pkgs.stdenv pkgs.klibc;
-  };
-  pkgsStatic = import "${nixpkgsPath}/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix" {
-    system = pkgs.stdenv.system;
-    bootStdenv = pkgs.makeStaticBinaries pkgs.stdenv;
-  };
-  stdenvLinuxStuff = import "${nixpkgsPath}/pkgs/stdenv/linux" {
-    system = pkgs.stdenv.system;
-    allPackages = import "${nixpkgsPath}/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix";
-  };
   # Determine the set of modules that we need to mount the root FS.
   modulesClosure = pkgs.makeModulesClosure {
@@ -39,41 +19,82 @@ rec {
-  udev = pkgsKlibc.udev;
-  # Some additional utilities needed in stage 1, notably mount.  We
-  # don't want to bring in all of util-linux, so we just copy what we
-  # need.
+  # Some additional utilities needed in stage 1, like mount, lvm, fsck
+  # etc.  We don't want to bring in all of those packages, so we just
+  # copy what we need.  Instead of using statically linked binaries,
+  # we just copy what we need from Glibc and use patchelf to make it
+  # work.
   extraUtils = pkgs.runCommand "extra-utils"
     { buildInputs = [pkgs.nukeReferences];
-      inherit (pkgsStatic) utillinux;
-      inherit udev;
-      e2fsprogs = pkgsDiet.e2fsprogs;
-      devicemapper =
-        if config.boot.initrd.lvm
-        then assert pkgs.devicemapper.enableStatic; pkgs.devicemapper
-        else null;
-      lvm2 =
-        if config.boot.initrd.lvm
-        then assert pkgs.lvm2.enableStatic; pkgs.lvm2
-        else null;
-      allowedReferences = []; # prevent accidents like glibc being included in the initrd
+      devicemapper = if config.boot.initrd.lvm then pkgs.devicemapper else null;
+      lvm2 = if config.boot.initrd.lvm then pkgs.lvm2 else null;
+      allowedReferences = ["out"]; # prevent accidents like glibc being included in the initrd
       ensureDir $out/bin
-      if test -n "$devicemapper"; then
-        cp $devicemapper/sbin/dmsetup.static $out/bin/dmsetup
-        cp $lvm2/sbin/lvm.static $out/bin/lvm
-      fi
-      cp $utillinux/bin/mount $utillinux/bin/umount $utillinux/sbin/pivot_root $out/bin
-      cp -pd $e2fsprogs/sbin/fsck $e2fsprogs/sbin/e2fsck $e2fsprogs/sbin/tune2fs $out/bin
+      ensureDir $out/lib
+      # Copy what we need from Glibc.
+      cp -p ${pkgs.glibc}/lib/ld-linux*.so.2 $out/lib
+      cp -p ${pkgs.glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
+      cp -p ${pkgs.glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
+      cp -p ${pkgs.glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
+      cp -p ${pkgs.glibc}/lib/* $out/lib
+      # Copy some utillinux stuff.
+      cp ${pkgs.utillinux}/bin/mount ${pkgs.utillinux}/bin/umount ${pkgs.utillinux}/sbin/pivot_root $out/bin
+      # Copy e2fsck and friends.      
+      cp ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/sbin/e2fsck $out/bin
+      cp ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/sbin/tune2fs $out/bin
+      cp ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/sbin/fsck $out/bin
       ln -s e2fsck $out/bin/fsck.ext2
       ln -s e2fsck $out/bin/fsck.ext3
       ln -s e2fsck $out/bin/fsck.ext4
-      cp $udev/sbin/udevd $udev/sbin/udevadm $out/bin
-      cp $udev/lib/udev/*_id $out/bin
-      for i in $out/bin/*; do if ! test -L $i; then nuke-refs $i; fi; done
+      cp -pd ${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/lib/lib*.so.* $out/lib
+      # Copy devicemapper and lvm, if we need it.
+      if test -n "$devicemapper"; then
+        cp $devicemapper/sbin/dmsetup $out/bin/dmsetup
+        cp $devicemapper/lib/*.* $out/lib
+        cp $lvm2/sbin/lvm $out/bin/lvm
+      fi
+      # Copy udev.
+      cp ${pkgs.udev}/sbin/udevd ${pkgs.udev}/sbin/udevadm $out/bin
+      cp ${pkgs.udev}/lib/udev/*_id $out/bin
+      cp ${pkgs.udev}/lib/* $out/lib
+      # Copy bash.
+      cp ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash $out/bin
+      ln -s bash $out/bin/sh
+      # Run patchelf to make the programs refer to the copied libraries.
+      for i in $out/bin/* $out/lib/*; do if ! test -L $i; then nuke-refs $i; fi; done
+      for i in $out/bin/*; do
+          if ! test -L $i; then
+              echo "patching $i..."
+              patchelf --set-interpreter $out/lib/ld-linux*.so.2 --set-rpath $out/lib $i || true
+          fi
+      done
+      # Make sure that the patchelf'ed binaries still work.
+      echo "testing patched programs..."
+      $out/bin/bash --version
+      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$out/lib
+      $out/bin/mount --version
+      $out/bin/umount --version
+      $out/bin/e2fsck -V
+      $out/bin/tune2fs 2> /dev/null | grep "tune2fs "
+      $out/bin/fsck -N
+      $out/bin/udevadm --version
+      $out/bin/vol_id 2>&1 | grep "no device"
+      if test -n "$devicemapper"; then
+          $out/bin/dmsetup --version | grep "version:"
+          LVM_SYSTEM_DIR=$out $out/bin/lvm 2>&1 | grep "LVM"
+      fi
     ''; # */
@@ -89,7 +110,7 @@ rec {
     name = "udev-rules";
     buildCommand = ''
       ensureDir $out
-      cp ${udev}/*/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules $out/
+      cp ${pkgs.udev}/*/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules $out/
       substituteInPlace $out/60-persistent-storage.rules \
         --replace ata_id ${extraUtils}/bin/ata_id \
         --replace usb_id ${extraUtils}/bin/usb_id \
@@ -112,11 +133,11 @@ rec {
   bootStage1 = pkgs.substituteAll {
     src = ./;
+    shell = "${extraUtils}/bin/bash";
     isExecutable = true;
-    staticShell = stdenvLinuxStuff.bootstrapTools.bash;
-    inherit modulesClosure udevConf;
+    inherit modulesClosure udevConf extraUtils;
     inherit (config.boot) isLiveCD resumeDevice;