forked from mirrors/nixpkgs
home-assistant: 2021.8.8 -> 2021.9.6
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Do not edit!
version = "2021.8.8";
version = "2021.9.6";
components = {
"abode" = ps: with ps; [ abodepy ];
"accuweather" = ps: with ps; [ accuweather ];
@ -19,12 +19,13 @@
"air_quality" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"airly" = ps: with ps; [ airly ];
"airnow" = ps: with ps; [ pyairnow ];
"airtouch4" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: airtouch4pyapi
"airvisual" = ps: with ps; [ pyairvisual ];
"aladdin_connect" = ps: with ps; [ aladdin-connect ];
"alarm_control_panel" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"alarmdecoder" = ps: with ps; [ adext ];
"alert" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"alexa" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"alexa" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"almond" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors pyalmond ];
"alpha_vantage" = ps: with ps; [ alpha-vantage ];
"amazon_polly" = ps: with ps; [ boto3 ];
@ -111,9 +112,9 @@
"buienradar" = ps: with ps; [ buienradar ];
"caldav" = ps: with ps; [ caldav ];
"calendar" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"camera" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"camera" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"canary" = ps: with ps; [ ha-ffmpeg py-canary ];
"cast" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa ifaddr mutagen plexapi plexauth plexwebsocket PyChromecast zeroconf ];
"cast" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa ifaddr mutagen plexapi plexauth plexwebsocket PyChromecast zeroconf ];
"cert_expiry" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"channels" = ps: with ps; [ pychannels ];
"circuit" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: circuit-webhook
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
"clicksend_tts" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"climacell" = ps: with ps; [ pyclimacell ];
"climate" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"cloud" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa ];
"cloud" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa ];
"cloudflare" = ps: with ps; [ pycfdns ];
"cmus" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pycmus
"co2signal" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: co2signal
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@
"deconz" = ps: with ps; [ pydeconz ];
"decora" = ps: with ps; [ bluepy ]; # missing inputs: decora
"decora_wifi" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: decora_wifi
"default_config" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl aiodiscover aiohttp-cors async-upnp-client defusedxml distro emoji hass-nabucasa home-assistant-frontend ifaddr pillow scapy sqlalchemy zeroconf ];
"default_config" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl pyturbojpeg aiodiscover aiohttp-cors async-upnp-client defusedxml emoji hass-nabucasa home-assistant-frontend ifaddr pillow pyserial pyudev scapy sqlalchemy zeroconf ];
"delijn" = ps: with ps; [ pydelijn ];
"deluge" = ps: with ps; [ deluge-client ];
"demo" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
@ -266,8 +267,9 @@
"firmata" = ps: with ps; [ pymata-express ];
"fitbit" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors fitbit ];
"fixer" = ps: with ps; [ fixerio ];
"fjaraskupan" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: fjaraskupan
"fleetgo" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: ritassist
"flexit" = ps: with ps; [ pymodbus ]; # missing inputs: pyflexit
"flexit" = ps: with ps; [ pymodbus ];
"flic" = ps: with ps; [ pyflic ];
"flick_electric" = ps: with ps; [ pyflick ];
"flipr" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: flipr-api
@ -311,7 +313,7 @@
"geonetnz_quakes" = ps: with ps; [ aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes ];
"geonetnz_volcano" = ps: with ps; [ aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano ];
"gios" = ps: with ps; [ gios ];
"github" = ps: with ps; [ PyGithub ];
"github" = ps: with ps; [ aiogithubapi ];
"gitlab_ci" = ps: with ps; [ python-gitlab ];
"gitter" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: gitterpy
"glances" = ps: with ps; [ glances-api ];
@ -320,7 +322,7 @@
"goalzero" = ps: with ps; [ goalzero ];
"gogogate2" = ps: with ps; [ ismartgate ];
"google" = ps: with ps; [ google-api-python-client httplib2 oauth2client ];
"google_assistant" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"google_assistant" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"google_cloud" = ps: with ps; [ google-cloud-texttospeech ];
"google_domains" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"google_maps" = ps: with ps; [ locationsharinglib ];
@ -392,7 +394,7 @@
"ign_sismologia" = ps: with ps; [ georss-ign-sismologia-client ];
"ihc" = ps: with ps; [ defusedxml ]; # missing inputs: ihcsdk
"image" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors pillow ];
"image_processing" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"image_processing" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"imap" = ps: with ps; [ aioimaplib ];
"imap_email_content" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"incomfort" = ps: with ps; [ incomfort-client ];
@ -409,6 +411,7 @@
"intesishome" = ps: with ps; [ pyintesishome ];
"ios" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ifaddr zeroconf ];
"iota" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyota
"iotawatt" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: iotawattpy
"iperf3" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: iperf3
"ipma" = ps: with ps; [ pyipma ];
"ipp" = ps: with ps; [ pyipp ];
@ -510,9 +513,9 @@
"mfi" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: mficlient
"mhz19" = ps: with ps; [ pmsensor ];
"microsoft" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pycsspeechtts
"microsoft_face" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"microsoft_face_detect" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"microsoft_face_identify" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"microsoft_face" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"microsoft_face_detect" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"microsoft_face_identify" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors ];
"miflora" = ps: with ps; [ bluepy ]; # missing inputs: miflora
"mikrotik" = ps: with ps; [ librouteros ];
"mill" = ps: with ps; [ millheater ];
@ -521,7 +524,7 @@
"minio" = ps: with ps; [ minio ];
"mitemp_bt" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: mitemp_bt
"mjpeg" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"mobile_app" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl aiohttp-cors emoji hass-nabucasa pillow ];
"mobile_app" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors emoji hass-nabucasa pillow ];
"mochad" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pymochad
"modbus" = ps: with ps; [ pymodbus ];
"modem_callerid" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: basicmodem
@ -558,7 +561,7 @@
"nello" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pynello
"ness_alarm" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: nessclient
"nest" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ha-ffmpeg python-nest ]; # missing inputs: google-nest-sdm
"netatmo" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pyatmo ];
"netatmo" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pyatmo ];
"netdata" = ps: with ps; [ netdata ];
"netgear" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pynetgear
"netgear_lte" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: eternalegypt
@ -573,7 +576,7 @@
"niko_home_control" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: niko-home-control
"nilu" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: niluclient
"nissan_leaf" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pycarwings2
"nmap_tracker" = ps: with ps; [ getmac python-nmap ];
"nmap_tracker" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors getmac ifaddr netmap ]; # missing inputs: mac-vendor-lookup
"nmbs" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyrail
"no_ip" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"noaa_tides" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: noaa-coops
@ -602,7 +605,7 @@
"ondilo_ico" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ondilo ];
"onewire" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pi1wire pyownet
"onkyo" = ps: with ps; [ onkyo-eiscp ];
"onvif" = ps: with ps; [ ha-ffmpeg zeep ]; # missing inputs: WSDiscovery onvif-zeep-async
"onvif" = ps: with ps; [ ha-ffmpeg ]; # missing inputs: WSDiscovery onvif-zeep-async
"openalpr_cloud" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"openalpr_local" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"opencv" = ps: with ps; [ numpy ]; # missing inputs: opencv-python-headless
@ -625,8 +628,9 @@
"osramlightify" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: lightify
"otp" = ps: with ps; [ pyotp ];
"ovo_energy" = ps: with ps; [ ovoenergy ];
"owntracks" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa paho-mqtt ];
"owntracks" = ps: with ps; [ pynacl pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa paho-mqtt ];
"ozw" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors paho-mqtt python-openzwave-mqtt ];
"p1_monitor" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: p1monitor
"panasonic_bluray" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: panacotta
"panasonic_viera" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: panasonic_viera
"pandora" = ps: with ps; [ pexpect ];
@ -646,7 +650,7 @@
"ping" = ps: with ps; [ icmplib ];
"pioneer" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"pjlink" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pypjlink2
"plaato" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pyplaato ];
"plaato" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pyplaato ];
"plant" = ps: with ps; [ sqlalchemy ];
"plex" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors plexapi plexauth plexwebsocket ];
"plugwise" = ps: with ps; [ plugwise ];
@ -681,12 +685,12 @@
"quantum_gateway" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: quantum-gateway
"qvr_pro" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyqvrpro
"qwikswitch" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyqwikswitch
"rachio" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa rachiopy ];
"rachio" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa rachiopy ];
"radarr" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"radiotherm" = ps: with ps; [ radiotherm ];
"rainbird" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyrainbird
"raincloud" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: raincloudy
"rainforest_eagle" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: eagle200_reader uEagle
"rainforest_eagle" = ps: with ps; [ aioeagle ueagle ];
"rainmachine" = ps: with ps; [ regenmaschine ];
"random" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"raspihats" = ps: with ps; [ smbus-cffi ]; # missing inputs: raspihats
@ -728,7 +732,7 @@
"russound_rio" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: russound_rio
"russound_rnet" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: russound
"sabnzbd" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ifaddr netdisco zeroconf ]; # missing inputs: pysabnzbd
"safe_mode" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa home-assistant-frontend pillow sqlalchemy ];
"safe_mode" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa home-assistant-frontend pillow sqlalchemy ];
"saj" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pysaj
"samsungtv" = ps: with ps; [ getmac samsungctl samsungtvws wakeonlan ];
"satel_integra" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: satel_integra
@ -779,7 +783,7 @@
"smappee" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors pysmappee ];
"smart_meter_texas" = ps: with ps; [ smart-meter-texas ];
"smarthab" = ps: with ps; [ smarthab ];
"smartthings" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pysmartapp pysmartthings ];
"smartthings" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa pysmartapp pysmartthings ];
"smarttub" = ps: with ps; [ python-smarttub ];
"smarty" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pysmarty
"smhi" = ps: with ps; [ smhi-pkg ];
@ -881,7 +885,7 @@
"todoist" = ps: with ps; [ todoist ];
"tof" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: RPi.GPIO VL53L1X2
"tomato" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"toon" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa toonapi ];
"toon" = ps: with ps; [ pyturbojpeg aiohttp-cors hass-nabucasa toonapi ];
"torque" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ];
"totalconnect" = ps: with ps; [ total-connect-client ];
"touchline" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pytouchline
@ -890,6 +894,7 @@
"traccar" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors stringcase ]; # missing inputs: pytraccar
"trace" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"trackr" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pytrackr
"tractive" = ps: with ps; [ aiotractive ];
"tradfri" = ps: with ps; [ pytradfri ];
"trafikverket_train" = ps: with ps; [ pytrafikverket ];
"trafikverket_weatherstation" = ps: with ps; [ pytrafikverket ];
@ -916,13 +921,14 @@
"upb" = ps: with ps; [ upb-lib ];
"upc_connect" = ps: with ps; [ connect-box ];
"upcloud" = ps: with ps; [ upcloud-api ];
"updater" = ps: with ps; [ distro ];
"updater" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"upnp" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors async-upnp-client defusedxml ifaddr zeroconf ];
"uptime" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"uptimerobot" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: pyuptimerobot
"usb" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors pyserial pyudev ];
"uscis" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: uscisstatus
"usgs_earthquakes_feed" = ps: with ps; [ geojson-client ];
"utility_meter" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"utility_meter" = ps: with ps; [ croniter ];
"uvc" = ps: with ps; [ uvcclient ];
"vacuum" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"vallox" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: vallox-websocket-api
@ -987,10 +993,10 @@
"xs1" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: xs1-api-client
"yale_smart_alarm" = ps: with ps; [ yalesmartalarmclient ];
"yamaha" = ps: with ps; [ rxv ];
"yamaha_musiccast" = ps: with ps; [ aiomusiccast ];
"yamaha_musiccast" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors aiomusiccast async-upnp-client defusedxml ifaddr zeroconf ];
"yandex_transport" = ps: with ps; [ aioymaps ];
"yandextts" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"yeelight" = ps: with ps; [ yeelight ];
"yeelight" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors async-upnp-client ifaddr yeelight ];
"yeelightsunflower" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: yeelightsunflower
"yi" = ps: with ps; [ aioftp ha-ffmpeg ];
"youless" = ps: with ps; [ youless-api ];
@ -1000,13 +1006,13 @@
"zeroconf" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors ifaddr zeroconf ];
"zerproc" = ps: with ps; [ pyzerproc ];
"zestimate" = ps: with ps; [ xmltodict ];
"zha" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors bellows ifaddr pyserial-asyncio pyserial zeroconf zha-quirks zigpy-cc zigpy-deconz zigpy-xbee zigpy-zigate zigpy-znp zigpy ];
"zha" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors bellows ifaddr pyserial-asyncio pyserial pyudev zeroconf zha-quirks zigpy-cc zigpy-deconz zigpy-xbee zigpy-zigate zigpy-znp zigpy ];
"zhong_hong" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: zhong_hong_hvac
"ziggo_mediabox_xl" = ps: with ps; [ ]; # missing inputs: ziggo-mediabox-xl
"zodiac" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"zone" = ps: with ps; [ ];
"zoneminder" = ps: with ps; [ zm-py ];
"zwave" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors homeassistant-pyozw paho-mqtt pydispatcher python-openzwave-mqtt ];
"zwave_js" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors zwave-js-server-python ];
"zwave_js" = ps: with ps; [ aiohttp-cors pyserial pyudev zwave-js-server-python ];
@ -21,21 +21,22 @@
defaultOverrides = [
# Override the version of some packages pinned in Home Assistant's and requirements_all.txt
(mkOverride "python-slugify" "4.0.1" "69a517766e00c1268e5bbfc0d010a0a8508de0b18d30ad5a1ff357f8ae724270")
# Pinned due to API changes in async-upnp-client>=0.20.0, remove after
(self: super: {
async-upnp-client = super.async-upnp-client.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "0.19.2";
version = "0.20.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "StevenLooman";
repo = "async_upnp_client";
rev = version;
sha256 = "1v8d2lvxihqasn7866zssys16s0lgxkk6ri2dp4rr7wr8g9ixvdr";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-jxYGOljV7tcsiAgpOhbXj7g7AwyP1kDDC83PiHG6ZFg=";
# Override the version of some packages pinned in Home Assistant's and requirements_all.txt
(mkOverride "python-slugify" "4.0.1" "69a517766e00c1268e5bbfc0d010a0a8508de0b18d30ad5a1ff357f8ae724270")
# Pinned due to API changes in iaqualink>=2.0, remove after
# was merged
(self: super: {
@ -95,6 +96,9 @@ let
# Pinned due to API changes in 0.1.0
(mkOverride "poolsense" "0.0.8" "09y4fq0gdvgkfsykpxnvmfv92dpbknnq5v82spz43ak6hjnhgcyp")
# Pinned due to changes in total-connect-client>0.58 which made the tests fails at the moment
(self: super: {
total-connect-client = (oldAttrs: rec {
@ -112,19 +116,6 @@ let
(self: super: {
home-assistant-frontend = self.callPackage ./frontend.nix { };
# Pinned due to incompability with aioesphomeapi 8.0.0
(self: super: {
aioesphomeapi = super.aioesphomeapi.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
version = "7.0.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "esphome";
repo = oldAttrs.pname;
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-ho/1fpq4yAgmYNERPqs51oqr08ncaN9+GRTUUuGU7ps=";
mkOverride = attrname: version: sha256:
@ -154,7 +145,7 @@ let
extraBuildInputs = extraPackages py.pkgs;
# Don't forget to run after updating
hassVersion = "2021.8.8";
hassVersion = "2021.9.6";
in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "homeassistant";
@ -171,7 +162,7 @@ in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
owner = "home-assistant";
repo = "core";
rev = version;
sha256 = "1fj16qva04d9qhpnfxxacsp82vqqfha5c2zg4f850kld4qhwrgky";
sha256 = "1ac56gdnhzkf19h29g0f54camw6v1cg5wx0crhm23r45qlfsjacs";
# leave this in, so users don't have to constantly update their downstream patch handling
@ -181,7 +172,6 @@ in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace \
--replace "attrs==21.2.0" "attrs" \
--replace "awesomeversion==21.4.0" "awesomeversion" \
--replace "bcrypt==3.1.7" "bcrypt" \
--replace "cryptography==3.3.2" "cryptography" \
@ -234,6 +224,7 @@ in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
# required by tests/auth/mfa_modules
@ -796,6 +787,9 @@ in with py.pkgs; buildPythonApplication rec {
"--deselect tests/components/local_ip/"
# netatmo/ NoneType object has no attribute state
"--deselect tests/components/netatmo/"
# wemo/ KeyError for various power attributes
"--deselect tests/components/wemo/"
"--deselect tests/components/wemo/"
# helpers/ AssertionError: assert 'Unknown' == 'Home Assistant Container'
"--deselect tests/helpers/"
# tests are located in tests/
@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
# the frontend version corresponding to a specific home-assistant version can be found here
pname = "home-assistant-frontend";
version = "20210809.0";
version = "20210830.0";
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "sha256-5NWNDhQ7XKK9/tC+SbpwOm2MSA2VGHLcE1ggyl6vPkc=";
sha256 = "sha256-4sNCnYFQ4IjmMPj7axgienZUMDo+GwTJ38cEf0iZzJI=";
# there is nothing to strip in this package
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ sed -i -e "s/hassVersion =.*/hassVersion = \"${TARGET_VERSION}\";/" \
cd ../../..
nix-update --version "$TARGET_VERSION" --build home-assistant
Reference in a new issue