From 54baa53df1e2e43f686a54b2ac1b8408d0b26742 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Peter Simons <> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2015 20:31:32 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Say hello to our brand-new Haskell infrastructure. --- .../haskell-modules/compat-layer.nix | 3846 + .../haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix | 375 + .../configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix | 39 + .../configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix | 51 + .../configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix | 41 + .../haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix | 49 + pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix | 51 + .../haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix | 203 + .../haskell-modules/ghc-paths-nix.patch | 43 + .../haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix | 119730 +++++++++++++++ pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix | 7 + .../haskell-modules/with-packages-wrapper.nix | 79 + pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix | 9 +- pkgs/top-level/haskell-ng.nix | 51 + 14 files changed, 124572 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/compat-layer.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/ghc-paths-nix.patch create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/development/haskell-modules/with-packages-wrapper.nix create mode 100644 pkgs/top-level/haskell-ng.nix diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/compat-layer.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/compat-layer.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..badbb354655a --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/compat-layer.nix @@ -0,0 +1,3846 @@ +/* compat-layer.nix maps new Haskell attribute names to the camel-case + versions we used to have before. */ + +self: super: { + + "3dGraphicsExamples" = self."3d-graphics-examples"; + "abcPuzzle" = self."abc-puzzle"; + "AbortTMonadstf" = self."AbortT-monadstf"; + "AbortTMtl" = self."AbortT-mtl"; + "AbortTTransformers" = self."AbortT-transformers"; + "abstractDeque" = self."abstract-deque"; + "abstractDequeTests" = self."abstract-deque-tests"; + "abstractParAccelerate" = self."abstract-par-accelerate"; + "abstractPar" = self."abstract-par"; + "ACAngle" = self."AC-Angle"; + "ACBoolean" = self."AC-Boolean"; + "ACBuildPlatform" = self."AC-BuildPlatform"; + "accelerateArithmetic" = self."accelerate-arithmetic"; + "accelerateCublas" = self."accelerate-cublas"; + "accelerateCuda" = self."accelerate-cuda"; + "accelerateCufft" = self."accelerate-cufft"; + "accelerateExamples" = self."accelerate-examples"; + "accelerateFft" = self."accelerate-fft"; + "accelerateFftw" = self."accelerate-fftw"; + "accelerateFourierBenchmark" = self."accelerate-fourier-benchmark"; + "accelerateFourier" = self."accelerate-fourier"; + "accelerateIo" = self."accelerate-io"; + "accelerateUtility" = self."accelerate-utility"; + "accessTime" = self."access-time"; + "ACColour" = self."AC-Colour"; + "ACEasyRasterGTK" = self."AC-EasyRaster-GTK"; + "ACHalfInteger" = self."AC-HalfInteger"; + "acidState" = self."acid-state"; + "acidStateTls" = self."acid-state-tls"; + "acMachineConduit" = self."ac-machine-conduit"; + "acMachine" = self."ac-machine"; + "acmeCadre" = self."acme-cadre"; + "acmeCofunctor" = self."acme-cofunctor"; + "acmeColosson" = self."acme-colosson"; + "acmeComonad" = self."acme-comonad"; + "acmeCutegirl" = self."acme-cutegirl"; + "acmeDont" = self."acme-dont"; + "acmeHq9plus" = self."acme-hq9plus"; + "acmeHttp" = self."acme-http"; + "acmeInator" = self."acme-inator"; + "acmeIo" = self."acme-io"; + "acmeLolcat" = self."acme-lolcat"; + "acmeLookofdisapproval" = self."acme-lookofdisapproval"; + "acmeMicrowave" = self."acme-microwave"; + "acmeMissiles" = self."acme-missiles"; + "acmeNow" = self."acme-now"; + "acmeNumbersystem" = self."acme-numbersystem"; + "acmeOmitted" = self."acme-omitted"; + "acmePhp" = self."acme-php"; + "acmePointfulNumbers" = self."acme-pointful-numbers"; + "acmeRealworld" = self."acme-realworld"; + "acmeSchoenfinkel" = self."acme-schoenfinkel"; + "acmeStrfry" = self."acme-strfry"; + "acmeStringlyTyped" = self."acme-stringly-typed"; + "acmeStrtok" = self."acme-strtok"; + "acmeYear" = self."acme-year"; + "ACMiniTest" = self."AC-MiniTest"; + "ACPPM" = self."AC-PPM"; + "ACRandom" = self."AC-Random"; + "ACTerminal" = self."AC-Terminal"; + "actionPermutations" = self."action-permutations"; + "activehsBase" = self."activehs-base"; + "activitystreamsAeson" = self."activitystreams-aeson"; + "ACVanillaArray" = self."AC-VanillaArray"; + "ACVectorFancy" = self."AC-Vector-Fancy"; + "ACVector" = self."AC-Vector"; + "AdaptiveBlaisorblade" = self."Adaptive-Blaisorblade"; + "adaptiveContainers" = self."adaptive-containers"; + "adaptiveTuple" = self."adaptive-tuple"; + "adhocNetwork" = self."adhoc-network"; + "adobeSwatchExchange" = self."adobe-swatch-exchange"; + "adpMultiMonadiccp" = self."adp-multi-monadiccp"; + "adpMulti" = self."adp-multi"; + "AERNBasics" = self."AERN-Basics"; + "AERNNet" = self."AERN-Net"; + "AERNRealDouble" = self."AERN-Real-Double"; + "AERNRealInterval" = self."AERN-Real-Interval"; + "AERNReal" = self."AERN-Real"; + "AERNRnToRmPlot" = self."AERN-RnToRm-Plot"; + "AERNRnToRm" = self."AERN-RnToRm"; + "aesonBson" = self."aeson-bson"; + "aesonLens" = self."aeson-lens"; + "aesonNative" = self."aeson-native"; + "aesonPretty" = self."aeson-pretty"; + "aesonQq" = self."aeson-qq"; + "aesonSchema" = self."aeson-schema"; + "aesonSerialize" = self."aeson-serialize"; + "aesonSmart" = self."aeson-smart"; + "aesonStreams" = self."aeson-streams"; + "aesonToolkit" = self."aeson-toolkit"; + "aesonT" = self."aeson-t"; + "aesonUtils" = self."aeson-utils"; + "affineInvariantEnsembleMcmc" = self."affine-invariant-ensemble-mcmc"; + "AgdaExecutable" = self."Agda-executable"; + "agdaServer" = self."agda-server"; + "airExtra" = self."air-extra"; + "airSpec" = self."air-spec"; + "airTh" = self."air-th"; + "aivikaExperimentCairo" = self."aivika-experiment-cairo"; + "aivikaExperimentChart" = self."aivika-experiment-chart"; + "aivikaExperimentDiagrams" = self."aivika-experiment-diagrams"; + "aivikaExperiment" = self."aivika-experiment"; + "aivikaTransformers" = self."aivika-transformers"; + "alexMeta" = self."alex-meta"; + "algebraicClasses" = self."algebraic-classes"; + "alignedForeignptr" = self."aligned-foreignptr"; + "allocatedProcessor" = self."allocated-processor"; + "alloyProxyFd" = self."alloy-proxy-fd"; + "alpinoTools" = self."alpino-tools"; + "alsaCore" = self."alsa-core"; + "alsaGui" = self."alsa-gui"; + "alsaMidi" = self."alsa-midi"; + "alsaMixer" = self."alsa-mixer"; + "alsaPcm" = self."alsa-pcm"; + "alsaPcmTests" = self."alsa-pcm-tests"; + "alsaSeq" = self."alsa-seq"; + "alsaSeqTests" = self."alsa-seq-tests"; + "alternativeIo" = self."alternative-io"; + "amazonEmailerClientSnap" = self."amazon-emailer-client-snap"; + "amazonEmailer" = self."amazon-emailer"; + "amazonkaAutoscaling" = self."amazonka-autoscaling"; + "amazonkaCloudformation" = self."amazonka-cloudformation"; + "amazonkaCloudfront" = self."amazonka-cloudfront"; + "amazonkaCloudsearchDomains" = self."amazonka-cloudsearch-domains"; + "amazonkaCloudsearch" = self."amazonka-cloudsearch"; + "amazonkaCloudtrail" = self."amazonka-cloudtrail"; + "amazonkaCloudwatchLogs" = self."amazonka-cloudwatch-logs"; + "amazonkaCloudwatch" = self."amazonka-cloudwatch"; + "amazonkaCodedeploy" = self."amazonka-codedeploy"; + "amazonkaCognitoIdentity" = self."amazonka-cognito-identity"; + "amazonkaCognitoSync" = self."amazonka-cognito-sync"; + "amazonkaConfig" = self."amazonka-config"; + "amazonkaCore" = self."amazonka-core"; + "amazonkaDatapipeline" = self."amazonka-datapipeline"; + "amazonkaDirectconnect" = self."amazonka-directconnect"; + "amazonkaDynamodb" = self."amazonka-dynamodb"; + "amazonkaEc2" = self."amazonka-ec2"; + "amazonkaElasticache" = self."amazonka-elasticache"; + "amazonkaElasticbeanstalk" = self."amazonka-elasticbeanstalk"; + "amazonkaElastictranscoder" = self."amazonka-elastictranscoder"; + "amazonkaElb" = self."amazonka-elb"; + "amazonkaEmr" = self."amazonka-emr"; + "amazonkaIam" = self."amazonka-iam"; + "amazonkaImportexport" = self."amazonka-importexport"; + "amazonkaKinesis" = self."amazonka-kinesis"; + "amazonkaKms" = self."amazonka-kms"; + "amazonkaLambda" = self."amazonka-lambda"; + "amazonkaOpsworks" = self."amazonka-opsworks"; + "amazonkaRds" = self."amazonka-rds"; + "amazonkaRedshift" = self."amazonka-redshift"; + "amazonkaRoute53Domains" = self."amazonka-route53-domains"; + "amazonkaRoute53" = self."amazonka-route53"; + "amazonkaS3" = self."amazonka-s3"; + "amazonkaSdb" = self."amazonka-sdb"; + "amazonkaSes" = self."amazonka-ses"; + "amazonkaSns" = self."amazonka-sns"; + "amazonkaSqs" = self."amazonka-sqs"; + "amazonkaStoragegateway" = self."amazonka-storagegateway"; + "amazonkaSts" = self."amazonka-sts"; + "amazonkaSupport" = self."amazonka-support"; + "amazonkaSwf" = self."amazonka-swf"; + "amazonProducts" = self."amazon-products"; + "analyzeClient" = self."analyze-client"; + "anansiHscolour" = self."anansi-hscolour"; + "anansiPandoc" = self."anansi-pandoc"; + "annotatedWlPprint" = self."annotated-wl-pprint"; + "anonymousSums" = self."anonymous-sums"; + "anonymousSumsTests" = self."anonymous-sums-tests"; + "ansiTerminal" = self."ansi-terminal"; + "ansiWlPprint" = self."ansi-wl-pprint"; + "apacheMd5" = self."apache-md5"; + "apiaryAuthenticate" = self."apiary-authenticate"; + "apiaryClientsession" = self."apiary-clientsession"; + "apiaryCookie" = self."apiary-cookie"; + "apiaryEventsource" = self."apiary-eventsource"; + "apiaryHelics" = self."apiary-helics"; + "apiaryLogger" = self."apiary-logger"; + "apiaryMemcached" = self."apiary-memcached"; + "apiaryMongoDB" = self."apiary-mongoDB"; + "apiaryPersistent" = self."apiary-persistent"; + "apiaryPurescript" = self."apiary-purescript"; + "apiarySession" = self."apiary-session"; + "apiaryWebsockets" = self."apiary-websockets"; + "apiBuilder" = self."api-builder"; + "apiTools" = self."api-tools"; + "applicativeExtras" = self."applicative-extras"; + "applicativeNumbers" = self."applicative-numbers"; + "applicativeQuoters" = self."applicative-quoters"; + "approximateEquality" = self."approximate-equality"; + "approxRandTest" = self."approx-rand-test"; + "appSettings" = self."app-settings"; + "apReflect" = self."ap-reflect"; + "arbbVm" = self."arbb-vm"; + "arbFft" = self."arb-fft"; + "archlinuxWeb" = self."archlinux-web"; + "arithEncode" = self."arith-encode"; + "arrayForth" = self."array-forth"; + "arrayMemoize" = self."array-memoize"; + "arrayUtils" = self."array-utils"; + "arrowapplyUtils" = self."arrowapply-utils"; + "arrowImprove" = self."arrow-improve"; + "arrowList" = self."arrow-list"; + "arTimestampWiper" = self."ar-timestamp-wiper"; + "ascii85Conduit" = self."ascii85-conduit"; + "asciiVectorAvc" = self."ascii-vector-avc"; + "asn1Data" = self."asn1-data"; + "asn1Encoding" = self."asn1-encoding"; + "asn1Parse" = self."asn1-parse"; + "asn1Types" = self."asn1-types"; + "assertFailure" = self."assert-failure"; + "astviewUtils" = self."astview-utils"; + "asyncExtras" = self."async-extras"; + "asynchronousExceptions" = self."asynchronous-exceptions"; + "asyncManager" = self."async-manager"; + "asyncPool" = self."async-pool"; + "atermUtils" = self."aterm-utils"; + "atlassianConnectCore" = self."atlassian-connect-core"; + "atlassianConnectDescriptor" = self."atlassian-connect-descriptor"; + "atmosDimensional" = self."atmos-dimensional"; + "atmosDimensionalTf" = self."atmos-dimensional-tf"; + "atomicPrimopsForeign" = self."atomic-primops-foreign"; + "atomicPrimops" = self."atomic-primops"; + "atomMsp430" = self."atom-msp430"; + "attoLisp" = self."atto-lisp"; + "attoparsecArff" = self."attoparsec-arff"; + "attoparsecBinary" = self."attoparsec-binary"; + "attoparsecConduit" = self."attoparsec-conduit"; + "attoparsecCsv" = self."attoparsec-csv"; + "attoparsecEnumerator" = self."attoparsec-enumerator"; + "attoparsecExpr" = self."attoparsec-expr"; + "attoparsecIteratee" = self."attoparsec-iteratee"; + "attoparsecParsec" = self."attoparsec-parsec"; + "attoparsecTextEnumerator" = self."attoparsec-text-enumerator"; + "attoparsecText" = self."attoparsec-text"; + "authenticateKerberos" = self."authenticate-kerberos"; + "authenticateLdap" = self."authenticate-ldap"; + "authenticateOauth" = self."authenticate-oauth"; + "authinfoHs" = self."authinfo-hs"; + "autonixDepsKf5" = self."autonix-deps-kf5"; + "autonixDeps" = self."autonix-deps"; + "autoUpdate" = self."auto-update"; + "avlStatic" = self."avl-static"; + "avrShake" = self."avr-shake"; + "awesomiumGlut" = self."awesomium-glut"; + "awesomiumRaw" = self."awesomium-raw"; + "awsCloudfrontSigner" = self."aws-cloudfront-signer"; + "awsDynamodbStreams" = self."aws-dynamodb-streams"; + "awsEc2" = self."aws-ec2"; + "awsElasticTranscoder" = self."aws-elastic-transcoder"; + "awsGeneral" = self."aws-general"; + "awsKinesisReshard" = self."aws-kinesis-reshard"; + "awsKinesis" = self."aws-kinesis"; + "awsPerformanceTests" = self."aws-performance-tests"; + "awsRoute53" = self."aws-route53"; + "awsSdk" = self."aws-sdk"; + "awsSdkTextConverter" = self."aws-sdk-text-converter"; + "awsSdkXmlUnordered" = self."aws-sdk-xml-unordered"; + "awsSign4" = self."aws-sign4"; + "awsSns" = self."aws-sns"; + "azureAcs" = self."azure-acs"; + "azureServiceApi" = self."azure-service-api"; + "azureServicebus" = self."azure-servicebus"; + "backtrackingExceptions" = self."backtracking-exceptions"; + "backwardState" = self."backward-state"; + "bambooLauncher" = self."bamboo-launcher"; + "bambooPluginHighlight" = self."bamboo-plugin-highlight"; + "bambooPluginPhoto" = self."bamboo-plugin-photo"; + "bambooThemeBlueprint" = self."bamboo-theme-blueprint"; + "bambooThemeMiniHtml5" = self."bamboo-theme-mini-html5"; + "barcodesCode128" = self."barcodes-code128"; + "barrierMonad" = self."barrier-monad"; + "base16Bytestring" = self."base16-bytestring"; + "base32Bytestring" = self."base32-bytestring"; + "base64Bytestring" = self."base64-bytestring"; + "base64Conduit" = self."base64-conduit"; + "base64String" = self."base64-string"; + "baseCompat" = self."base-compat"; + "baseIoAccess" = self."base-io-access"; + "basePrelude" = self."base-prelude"; + "baseUnicodeSymbols" = self."base-unicode-symbols"; + "basicPrelude" = self."basic-prelude"; + "basicSop" = self."basic-sop"; + "battlenetYesod" = self."battlenet-yesod"; + "bayesStack" = self."bayes-stack"; + "bedAndBreakfast" = self."bed-and-breakfast"; + "benchmarkFunction" = self."benchmark-function"; + "bfCata" = self."bf-cata"; + "bffMono" = self."bff-mono"; + "bidirectionalizationCombined" = self."bidirectionalization-combined"; + "bidispecExtras" = self."bidispec-extras"; + "billboardParser" = self."billboard-parser"; + "billeksahForms" = self."billeksah-forms"; + "billeksahMain" = self."billeksah-main"; + "billeksahMainStatic" = self."billeksah-main-static"; + "billeksahPane" = self."billeksah-pane"; + "billeksahServices" = self."billeksah-services"; + "binaryBits" = self."binary-bits"; + "binaryCommunicator" = self."binary-communicator"; + "binaryConduit" = self."binary-conduit"; + "binaryDerive" = self."binary-derive"; + "binaryFile" = self."binary-file"; + "binaryGeneric" = self."binary-generic"; + "binaryIndexedTree" = self."binary-indexed-tree"; + "binaryList" = self."binary-list"; + "binaryLiteralQq" = self."binary-literal-qq"; + "binaryProtocol" = self."binary-protocol"; + "binaryProtocolZmq" = self."binary-protocol-zmq"; + "binarySearch" = self."binary-search"; + "binaryShared" = self."binary-shared"; + "binaryState" = self."binary-state"; + "binaryStreams" = self."binary-streams"; + "binaryStrict" = self."binary-strict"; + "binaryTyped" = self."binary-typed"; + "bindingCore" = self."binding-core"; + "bindingGtk" = self."binding-gtk"; + "bindingsApr" = self."bindings-apr"; + "bindingsAprUtil" = self."bindings-apr-util"; + "bindingsAudiofile" = self."bindings-audiofile"; + "bindingsBfd" = self."bindings-bfd"; + "bindingsCctools" = self."bindings-cctools"; + "bindingsCodec2" = self."bindings-codec2"; + "bindingsCommon" = self."bindings-common"; + "bindingsDc1394" = self."bindings-dc1394"; + "bindingsDirectfb" = self."bindings-directfb"; + "bindingsDSL" = self."bindings-DSL"; + "bindingsEskit" = self."bindings-eskit"; + "bindingsEsounD" = self."bindings-EsounD"; + "bindingsFann" = self."bindings-fann"; + "bindingsFriso" = self."bindings-friso"; + "bindingsGLFW" = self."bindings-GLFW"; + "bindingsGlib" = self."bindings-glib"; + "bindingsGobject" = self."bindings-gobject"; + "bindingsGpgme" = self."bindings-gpgme"; + "bindingsGsl" = self."bindings-gsl"; + "bindingsGts" = self."bindings-gts"; + "bindingsHamlib" = self."bindings-hamlib"; + "bindingsHdf5" = self."bindings-hdf5"; + "bindingsK8055" = self."bindings-K8055"; + "bindingsLevmar" = self."bindings-levmar"; + "bindingsLibcddb" = self."bindings-libcddb"; + "bindingsLibffi" = self."bindings-libffi"; + "bindingsLibftdi" = self."bindings-libftdi"; + "bindingsLibrrd" = self."bindings-librrd"; + "bindingsLibstemmer" = self."bindings-libstemmer"; + "bindingsLibusb" = self."bindings-libusb"; + "bindingsLibv4l2" = self."bindings-libv4l2"; + "bindingsLibzip" = self."bindings-libzip"; + "bindingsLinuxVideodev2" = self."bindings-linux-videodev2"; + "bindingsLxc" = self."bindings-lxc"; + "bindingsMmap" = self."bindings-mmap"; + "bindingsMpdecimal" = self."bindings-mpdecimal"; + "bindingsNettle" = self."bindings-nettle"; + "bindingsParport" = self."bindings-parport"; + "bindingsPortaudio" = self."bindings-portaudio"; + "bindingsPosix" = self."bindings-posix"; + "bindingsPpdev" = self."bindings-ppdev"; + "bindingsSagaCmd" = self."bindings-saga-cmd"; + "bindingsSane" = self."bindings-sane"; + "bindingsSc3" = self."bindings-sc3"; + "bindingsSipc" = self."bindings-sipc"; + "bindingsSophia" = self."bindings-sophia"; + "bindingsSqlite3" = self."bindings-sqlite3"; + "bindingsSvm" = self."bindings-svm"; + "bindingsUname" = self."bindings-uname"; + "bindingsYices" = self."bindings-yices"; + "bindingWx" = self."binding-wx"; + "bindMarshal" = self."bind-marshal"; + "binembedExample" = self."binembed-example"; + "bitArray" = self."bit-array"; + "bitcoinRpc" = self."bitcoin-rpc"; + "bitlyCli" = self."bitly-cli"; + "bitmapOpengl" = self."bitmap-opengl"; + "bitsAtomic" = self."bits-atomic"; + "bitsConduit" = self."bits-conduit"; + "bitsExtras" = self."bits-extras"; + "bitVector" = self."bit-vector"; + "bkTree" = self."bk-tree"; + "blackJewel" = self."black-jewel"; + "blakesumDemo" = self."blakesum-demo"; + "blankCanvas" = self."blank-canvas"; + "blasHs" = self."blas-hs"; + "blazeBootstrap" = self."blaze-bootstrap"; + "blazeBuilderConduit" = self."blaze-builder-conduit"; + "blazeBuilderEnumerator" = self."blaze-builder-enumerator"; + "blazeBuilder" = self."blaze-builder"; + "blazeFromHtml" = self."blaze-from-html"; + "blazeHtmlContrib" = self."blaze-html-contrib"; + "blazeHtmlHexpat" = self."blaze-html-hexpat"; + "blazeHtml" = self."blaze-html"; + "blazeHtmlTruncate" = self."blaze-html-truncate"; + "blazeMarkup" = self."blaze-markup"; + "blazeSvg" = self."blaze-svg"; + "blazeTextualNative" = self."blaze-textual-native"; + "blazeTextual" = self."blaze-textual"; + "blockingTransactions" = self."blocking-transactions"; + "BlogLiteratelyDiagrams" = self."BlogLiterately-diagrams"; + "BNFCMeta" = self."BNFC-meta"; + "boardGames" = self."board-games"; + "bogreBanana" = self."bogre-banana"; + "booleanList" = self."boolean-list"; + "booleanNormalForms" = self."boolean-normal-forms"; + "boolExtras" = self."bool-extras"; + "boundedTchan" = self."bounded-tchan"; + "brainfuckMonad" = self."brainfuck-monad"; + "brainfuckTut" = self."brainfuck-tut"; + "briansBrain" = self."brians-brain"; + "broadcastChan" = self."broadcast-chan"; + "bsdSysctl" = self."bsd-sysctl"; + "bsonGeneric" = self."bson-generic"; + "bsonGenerics" = self."bson-generics"; + "bsonMapping" = self."bson-mapping"; + "btreeConcurrent" = self."btree-concurrent"; + "bTree" = self."b-tree"; + "buildboxTools" = self."buildbox-tools"; + "burstDetection" = self."burst-detection"; + "busPirate" = self."bus-pirate"; + "busterGtk" = self."buster-gtk"; + "busterNetwork" = self."buster-network"; + "bytestringArbitrary" = self."bytestring-arbitrary"; + "bytestringBuilder" = self."bytestring-builder"; + "bytestringClass" = self."bytestring-class"; + "bytestringConversion" = self."bytestring-conversion"; + "bytestringCsv" = self."bytestring-csv"; + "bytestringDelta" = self."bytestring-delta"; + "bytestringFrom" = self."bytestring-from"; + "bytestringHandle" = self."bytestring-handle"; + "bytestringLexing" = self."bytestring-lexing"; + "bytestringMmap" = self."bytestring-mmap"; + "bytestringNums" = self."bytestring-nums"; + "bytestringparserTemporary" = self."bytestringparser-temporary"; + "bytestringPlain" = self."bytestring-plain"; + "bytestringProgress" = self."bytestring-progress"; + "bytestringRematch" = self."bytestring-rematch"; + "bytestringShow" = self."bytestring-show"; + "bytestringTrie" = self."bytestring-trie"; + "bzlibConduit" = self."bzlib-conduit"; + "cabalAudit" = self."cabal-audit"; + "cabalBounds" = self."cabal-bounds"; + "cabalCargs" = self."cabal-cargs"; + "cabalConstraints" = self."cabal-constraints"; + "cabalDb" = self."cabal-db"; + "cabalDebian" = self."cabal-debian"; 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+ "controlMonadLoop" = self."control-monad-loop"; + "ControlMonadMultiPass" = self."Control-Monad-MultiPass"; + "controlMonadOmega" = self."control-monad-omega"; + "controlMonadQueue" = self."control-monad-queue"; + "ControlMonadST2" = self."Control-Monad-ST2"; + "controlTimeout" = self."control-timeout"; + "contstuffMonadsTf" = self."contstuff-monads-tf"; + "contstuffTransformers" = self."contstuff-transformers"; + "convertibleAscii" = self."convertible-ascii"; + "convertibleText" = self."convertible-text"; + "copilotC99" = self."copilot-c99"; + "copilotCbmc" = self."copilot-cbmc"; + "copilotCore" = self."copilot-core"; + "copilotLanguage" = self."copilot-language"; + "copilotLibraries" = self."copilot-libraries"; + "copilotSbv" = self."copilot-sbv"; + "corebotBliki" = self."corebot-bliki"; + "coreHaskell" = self."core-haskell"; + "coroutineEnumerator" = self."coroutine-enumerator"; + "coroutineIteratee" = self."coroutine-iteratee"; + "coroutineObject" = self."coroutine-object"; + "couchdbConduit" = self."couchdb-conduit"; 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+ "directedCubical" = self."directed-cubical"; + "directFastcgi" = self."direct-fastcgi"; + "directHttp" = self."direct-http"; + "directMurmurHash" = self."direct-murmur-hash"; + "directoryLayout" = self."directory-layout"; + "directoryTree" = self."directory-tree"; + "directPlugins" = self."direct-plugins"; + "directSqlite" = self."direct-sqlite"; + "discordianCalendar" = self."discordian-calendar"; + "discreteSpaceMap" = self."discrete-space-map"; + "disjointSet" = self."disjoint-set"; + "disjointSetsSt" = self."disjoint-sets-st"; + "diskFreeSpace" = self."disk-free-space"; + "distributedProcessAzure" = self."distributed-process-azure"; + "distributedProcessMonadControl" = self."distributed-process-monad-control"; + "distributedProcessP2p" = self."distributed-process-p2p"; + "distributedProcessPlatform" = self."distributed-process-platform"; + "distributedProcess" = self."distributed-process"; + "distributedProcessSimplelocalnet" = self."distributed-process-simplelocalnet"; + "distributedProcessTests" = self."distributed-process-tests"; + "distributedStatic" = self."distributed-static"; + "distributionPlot" = self."distribution-plot"; + "distUpload" = self."dist-upload"; + "djinnGhc" = self."djinn-ghc"; + "djinnLib" = self."djinn-lib"; + "djinnTh" = self."djinn-th"; + "dlistInstances" = self."dlist-instances"; + "docReview" = self."doc-review"; + "doctestDiscoverConfigurator" = self."doctest-discover-configurator"; + "doctestDiscover" = self."doctest-discover"; + "doctestProp" = self."doctest-prop"; + "domainAuth" = self."domain-auth"; + "domLt" = self."dom-lt"; + "domSelector" = self."dom-selector"; + "doubleConversion" = self."double-conversion"; + "downloadCurl" = self."download-curl"; + "downloadMediaContent" = self."download-media-content"; + "dphBase" = self."dph-base"; + "dphExamples" = self."dph-examples"; + "dphLiftedBase" = self."dph-lifted-base"; + "dphLiftedCopy" = self."dph-lifted-copy"; + "dphLiftedVseg" = self."dph-lifted-vseg"; + "dphPar" = self."dph-par"; + "dphPrimInterface" = self."dph-prim-interface"; + "dphPrimPar" = self."dph-prim-par"; + "dphPrimSeq" = self."dph-prim-seq"; + "dphSeq" = self."dph-seq"; + "DrIFTCabalized" = self."DrIFT-cabalized"; + "dropboxSdk" = self."dropbox-sdk"; + "dsKanren" = self."ds-kanren"; + "dsmcTools" = self."dsmc-tools"; + "dsonParsec" = self."dson-parsec"; + "dtdText" = self."dtd-text"; + "dtdTypes" = self."dtd-types"; + "dualTree" = self."dual-tree"; + "DustCrypto" = self."Dust-crypto"; + "DustToolsPcap" = self."Dust-tools-pcap"; + "DustTools" = self."Dust-tools"; + "dviProcessing" = self."dvi-processing"; + "dwarfEl" = self."dwarf-el"; + "dynamicCabal" = self."dynamic-cabal"; + "dynamicGraph" = self."dynamic-graph"; + "dynamicLinkerTemplate" = self."dynamic-linker-template"; + "dynamicLoader" = self."dynamic-loader"; + "dynamicMvector" = self."dynamic-mvector"; + "dynamicObject" = self."dynamic-object"; + "dynamicState" = self."dynamic-state"; + "DysFRPCairo" = self."DysFRP-Cairo"; + "DysFRPCraftwerk" = self."DysFRP-Craftwerk"; + "dzenUtils" = self."dzen-utils"; + "eagerSockets" = self."eager-sockets"; + "easyApi" = self."easy-api"; + "easyFile" = self."easy-file"; + "ec2Signature" = self."ec2-signature"; + "editDistance" = self."edit-distance"; + "editLensesDemo" = self."edit-lenses-demo"; + "editLenses" = self."edit-lenses"; + "effectiveAspectsMzv" = self."effective-aspects-mzv"; + "effectiveAspects" = self."effective-aspects"; + "effectMonad" = self."effect-monad"; + "effectsParser" = self."effects-parser"; + "egisonQuote" = self."egison-quote"; + "egisonTutorial" = self."egison-tutorial"; + "eibdClientSimple" = self."eibd-client-simple"; + "eitherUnwrap" = self."either-unwrap"; + "ekgBosun" = self."ekg-bosun"; + "ekgCarbon" = self."ekg-carbon"; + "ekgCore" = self."ekg-core"; + "ekgLog" = self."ekg-log"; + "ekgRrd" = self."ekg-rrd"; + "ekgStatsd" = self."ekg-statsd"; + "electrumMnemonic" = self."electrum-mnemonic"; + "elereaExamples" = self."elerea-examples"; + "elereaSdl" = self."elerea-sdl"; + "elmBuildLib" = self."elm-build-lib"; + "elmCompiler" = self."elm-compiler"; + "elmCoreSources" = self."elm-core-sources"; + "elmGet" = self."elm-get"; + "elmMake" = self."elm-make"; + "elmPackage" = self."elm-package"; + "elmReactor" = self."elm-reactor"; + "elmRepl" = self."elm-repl"; + "elmServer" = self."elm-server"; + "elmYesod" = self."elm-yesod"; + "emailHeader" = self."email-header"; + "emailPostmark" = self."email-postmark"; + "emailValidate" = self."email-validate"; + "emailValidator" = self."email-validator"; + "embeddockExample" = self."embeddock-example"; + "enclosedExceptions" = self."enclosed-exceptions"; + "engineeringUnits" = self."engineering-units"; + "engineIo" = self."engine-io"; + "engineIoSnap" = self."engine-io-snap"; + "engineIoYesod" = self."engine-io-yesod"; + "enumeratorFd" = self."enumerator-fd"; + "enumeratorTf" = self."enumerator-tf"; + "enummapsetTh" = self."enummapset-th"; + "envParser" = self."env-parser"; + "epanetHaskell" = self."epanet-haskell"; + "epubMetadata" = self."epub-metadata"; + "epubTools" = self."epub-tools"; + "equalFiles" = self."equal-files"; + "equationalReasoning" = self."equational-reasoning"; + "erfNative" = self."erf-native"; + "erosClient" = self."eros-client"; + "erosHttp" = self."eros-http"; + "errorcallEqInstance" = self."errorcall-eq-instance"; + "errorLocation" = self."error-location"; + "errorLoc" = self."error-loc"; + "errorMessage" = self."error-message"; + "EtageGraph" = self."Etage-Graph"; + "eventDriven" = self."event-driven"; + "eventHandlers" = self."event-handlers"; + "eventList" = self."event-list"; + "eventMonad" = self."event-monad"; + "everyBitCounts" = self."every-bit-counts"; + "exactCombinatorics" = self."exact-combinatorics"; + "exceptionMailer" = self."exception-mailer"; + "exceptionMonadsFd" = self."exception-monads-fd"; + "exceptionMonadsTf" = self."exception-monads-tf"; + "exceptionMtl" = self."exception-mtl"; + "exceptionTransformers" = self."exception-transformers"; + "executablePath" = self."executable-path"; + "expatEnumerator" = self."expat-enumerator"; + "expiringCacheMap" = self."expiring-cache-map"; + "expiringMvar" = self."expiring-mvar"; + "explicitDeterminant" = self."explicit-determinant"; + "explicitException" = self."explicit-exception"; + "explicitIomodesBytestring" = self."explicit-iomodes-bytestring"; + "explicitIomodes" = self."explicit-iomodes"; + "explicitIomodesText" = self."explicit-iomodes-text"; + "explicitSharing" = self."explicit-sharing"; + "exPool" = self."ex-pool"; + "exposedContainers" = self."exposed-containers"; + "expressionParser" = self."expression-parser"; + "extendedCategories" = self."extended-categories"; + "extendedReals" = self."extended-reals"; + "extensibleData" = self."extensible-data"; + "extensibleEffects" = self."extensible-effects"; + "extensibleExceptions" = self."extensible-exceptions"; + "externalSort" = self."external-sort"; + "ezCouch" = self."ez-couch"; + "factualApi" = self."factual-api"; + "failableList" = self."failable-list"; + "fairPredicates" = self."fair-predicates"; + "fallingTurnip" = self."falling-turnip"; + "familyTree" = self."family-tree"; + "fastLogger" = self."fast-logger"; + "fastMath" = self."fast-math"; + "fastTagsoup" = self."fast-tagsoup"; + "fastTagsoupUtf8Only" = self."fast-tagsoup-utf8-only"; + "fastTags" = self."fast-tags"; + "faultTree" = self."fault-tree"; + "fayBase" = self."fay-base"; + "fayBuilder" = self."fay-builder"; + "fayDom" = self."fay-dom"; + "fayHsx" = self."fay-hsx"; + "fayJquery" = self."fay-jquery"; + "fayRef" = self."fay-ref"; + "fayText" = self."fay-text"; + "fayUri" = self."fay-uri"; + "fbPersistent" = self."fb-persistent"; + "fclabelsMonadlib" = self."fclabels-monadlib"; + "fdoNotify" = self."fdo-notify"; + "fdoTrash" = self."fdo-trash"; + "featureFlags" = self."feature-flags"; + "fedoraPackages" = self."fedora-packages"; + "feedCli" = self."feed-cli"; + "feldsparCompiler" = self."feldspar-compiler"; + "feldsparLanguage" = self."feldspar-language"; + "fezConf" = self."fez-conf"; + "fficxxRuntime" = self."fficxx-runtime"; + "ffmpegLight" = self."ffmpeg-light"; + "ffmpegTutorials" = self."ffmpeg-tutorials"; + "fglExtrasDecompositions" = self."fgl-extras-decompositions"; + "fglVisualize" = self."fgl-visualize"; + "fieldsJson" = self."fields-json"; + "fileCommandQq" = self."file-command-qq"; + "fileEmbed" = self."file-embed"; + "fileLocation" = self."file-location"; + "filepathIoAccess" = self."filepath-io-access"; + "filesystemConduit" = self."filesystem-conduit"; + "filesystemEnumerator" = self."filesystem-enumerator"; + "filesystemTrees" = self."filesystem-trees"; + "FinanceQuoteYahoo" = self."Finance-Quote-Yahoo"; + "FinanceTreasury" = self."Finance-Treasury"; + "findConduit" = self."find-conduit"; + "fingertreePsqueue" = self."fingertree-psqueue"; + "fingertreeTf" = self."fingertree-tf"; + "finiteField" = self."finite-field"; + "firstClassPatterns" = self."first-class-patterns"; + "fixedList" = self."fixed-list"; + "fixedPoint" = self."fixed-point"; + "FixedPointSimple" = self."FixedPoint-simple"; + "fixedPointVector" = self."fixed-point-vector"; + "fixedPointVectorSpace" = self."fixed-point-vector-space"; + "fixedPrecision" = self."fixed-precision"; + "fixedStorableArray" = self."fixed-storable-array"; + "fixedVectorBinary" = self."fixed-vector-binary"; + "fixedVectorCereal" = self."fixed-vector-cereal"; + "fixedVectorHetero" = self."fixed-vector-hetero"; + "fixedVector" = self."fixed-vector"; + "fixImports" = self."fix-imports"; + "fixParserSimple" = self."fix-parser-simple"; + "fixSymbolsGitit" = self."fix-symbols-gitit"; + "fizzBuzz" = self."fizz-buzz"; + "flatMcmc" = self."flat-mcmc"; + "flexibleDefaults" = self."flexible-defaults"; + "flexibleUnlit" = self."flexible-unlit"; + "flexiwrapSmallcheck" = self."flexiwrap-smallcheck"; + "floatBinstring" = self."float-binstring"; + "flowdockApi" = self."flowdock-api"; + "fluentLoggerConduit" = self."fluent-logger-conduit"; + "fluentLogger" = self."fluent-logger"; + "FMSBLEX" = self."FM-SBLEX"; + "foldlIncremental" = self."foldl-incremental"; + "fontOpenglBasic4x6" = self."font-opengl-basic4x6"; + "forceLayout" = self."force-layout"; + "foreignStorableAsymmetric" = self."foreign-storable-asymmetric"; + "foreignStore" = self."foreign-store"; + "forFree" = self."for-free"; + "forkableMonad" = self."forkable-monad"; + "formatStatus" = self."format-status"; + "formletsHsp" = self."formlets-hsp"; + "forthHll" = self."forth-hll"; + "fpcoApi" = self."fpco-api"; + "fpnlaExamples" = self."fpnla-examples"; + "frameMarkdown" = self."frame-markdown"; + "freeFunctors" = self."free-functors"; + "freeGame" = self."free-game"; + "freeOperational" = self."free-operational"; + "freeTheoremsCounterexamples" = self."free-theorems-counterexamples"; + "freeTheorems" = self."free-theorems"; + "freeTheoremsSeq" = self."free-theorems-seq"; + "freeTheoremsSeqWebui" = self."free-theorems-seq-webui"; + "freeTheoremsWebui" = self."free-theorems-webui"; + "freetypeSimple" = self."freetype-simple"; + "friendlyTime" = self."friendly-time"; + "fsEvents" = self."fs-events"; + "FTGLBytestring" = self."FTGL-bytestring"; + "ftpConduit" = self."ftp-conduit"; + "fullSessions" = self."full-sessions"; + "fullTextSearch" = self."full-text-search"; + "functionalArrow" = self."functional-arrow"; + "functionCombine" = self."function-combine"; + "functionInstancesAlgebra" = self."function-instances-algebra"; + "functorApply" = self."functor-apply"; + "functorCombo" = self."functor-combo"; + "functorInfix" = self."functor-infix"; + "futureResource" = self."future-resource"; + "fuzzyTimings" = self."fuzzy-timings"; + "gameProbability" = self."game-probability"; + "gameTree" = self."game-tree"; + "gangOfThreads" = self."gang-of-threads"; + "garsiaWachs" = self."garsia-wachs"; + "gcMonitoringWai" = self."gc-monitoring-wai"; + "gdiffIg" = self."gdiff-ig"; + "gdiffTh" = self."gdiff-th"; + "geekServer" = self."geek-server"; + "generalPrelude" = self."general-prelude"; + "genericAeson" = self."generic-aeson"; + "genericBinary" = self."generic-binary"; + "genericChurch" = self."generic-church"; + "genericDeepseq" = self."generic-deepseq"; + "genericDeriving" = self."generic-deriving"; + "genericLucidScaffold" = self."generic-lucid-scaffold"; + "genericMaybe" = self."generic-maybe"; + "genericServer" = self."generic-server"; + "genericsSop" = self."generics-sop"; + "genericStorable" = self."generic-storable"; + "genericTree" = self."generic-tree"; + "genericXml" = self."generic-xml"; + "geniGui" = self."geni-gui"; + "geniUtil" = self."geni-util"; + "GeomPredicatesSSE" = self."GeomPredicates-SSE"; + "getoptSimple" = self."getopt-simple"; + "ghcCoreHtml" = self."ghc-core-html"; + "ghcCore" = self."ghc-core"; + "ghcDatasize" = self."ghc-datasize"; + "ghcDup" = self."ghc-dup"; + "ghcEventsAnalyze" = self."ghc-events-analyze"; + "ghcEventsParallel" = self."ghc-events-parallel"; + "ghcEvents" = self."ghc-events"; + "ghcGcTune" = self."ghc-gc-tune"; + "ghcHeapView" = self."ghc-heap-view"; + "ghciDiagrams" = self."ghci-diagrams"; + "ghciHaskeline" = self."ghci-haskeline"; + "ghciLib" = self."ghci-lib"; + "ghcImportedFrom" = self."ghc-imported-from"; + "ghciNg" = self."ghci-ng"; + "ghciPretty" = self."ghci-pretty"; + "ghcjsCodemirror" = self."ghcjs-codemirror"; 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+ "languageGcl" = self."language-gcl"; + "languageGlsl" = self."language-glsl"; + "languageGo" = self."language-go"; + "languageGuess" = self."language-guess"; + "languageHaskellExtract" = self."language-haskell-extract"; + "languageJavaClassfile" = self."language-java-classfile"; + "languageJavascript" = self."language-javascript"; + "languageJava" = self."language-java"; + "languageLua" = self."language-lua"; + "languageMixal" = self."language-mixal"; + "languageObjc" = self."language-objc"; + "languageOpenscad" = self."language-openscad"; + "languagePig" = self."language-pig"; + "languagePuppet" = self."language-puppet"; + "languagePythonColour" = self."language-python-colour"; + "languagePython" = self."language-python"; + "languageSh" = self."language-sh"; + "languageSlice" = self."language-slice"; + "languageSpelling" = self."language-spelling"; + "languageSqlite" = self."language-sqlite"; + "languageTypescript" = self."language-typescript"; + "latestNpmVersion" = self."latest-npm-version"; 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+ "mimeTypes" = self."mime-types"; + "minimalConfiguration" = self."minimal-configuration"; + "mirrorTweet" = self."mirror-tweet"; + "missingForeign" = self."missing-foreign"; + "missingPy2" = self."missing-py2"; + "mixArrows" = self."mix-arrows"; + "mixedStrategies" = self."mixed-strategies"; + "mlW" = self."ml-w"; + "mmtlBase" = self."mmtl-base"; + "modbusTcp" = self."modbus-tcp"; + "modularArithmetic" = self."modular-arithmetic"; + "modularPreludeClassy" = self."modular-prelude-classy"; + "modularPrelude" = self."modular-prelude"; + "moduleManagement" = self."module-management"; + "monadAbortFd" = self."monad-abort-fd"; + "monadAtom" = self."monad-atom"; + "monadAtomSimple" = self."monad-atom-simple"; + "monadBool" = self."monad-bool"; + "MonadCatchIOMtlForeign" = self."MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign"; + "MonadCatchIOMtl" = self."MonadCatchIO-mtl"; + "MonadCatchIOTransformersForeign" = self."MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign"; + "MonadCatchIOTransformers" = self."MonadCatchIO-transformers"; + "monadCodec" = self."monad-codec"; + "monadControl" = self."monad-control"; + "monadCoroutine" = self."monad-coroutine"; + "monadException" = self."monad-exception"; + "monadExtras" = self."monad-extras"; + "monadFork" = self."monad-fork"; + "monadGen" = self."monad-gen"; + "monadicArrays" = self."monadic-arrays"; + "monadiccpGecode" = self."monadiccp-gecode"; + "monadInterleave" = self."monad-interleave"; + "monadioUnwrappable" = self."monadio-unwrappable"; + "monadJournal" = self."monad-journal"; + "monadLibCompose" = self."monadLib-compose"; + "monadlocPp" = self."monadloc-pp"; + "monadLogger" = self."monad-logger"; + "monadLoggerSyslog" = self."monad-logger-syslog"; + "monadLoops" = self."monad-loops"; + "monadLoopsStm" = self."monad-loops-stm"; + "monadLrs" = self."monad-lrs"; + "monadMemo" = self."monad-memo"; + "monadMersenneRandom" = self."monad-mersenne-random"; + "monadOx" = self."monad-ox"; + "monadParallel" = self."monad-parallel"; + "monadParam" = self."monad-param"; + "monadParExtras" = self."monad-par-extras"; + "monadPar" = self."monad-par"; + "monadPeel" = self."monad-peel"; + "monadPrimitive" = self."monad-primitive"; + "monadProducts" = self."monad-products"; + "monadRan" = self."monad-ran"; + "monadResumption" = self."monad-resumption"; + "monadsFd" = self."monads-fd"; + "monadState" = self."monad-state"; + "monadStatevar" = self."monad-statevar"; + "monadsTf" = self."monads-tf"; + "monadStlikeIo" = self."monad-stlike-io"; + "monadStlikeStm" = self."monad-stlike-stm"; + "monadStm" = self."monad-stm"; + "monadSt" = self."monad-st"; + "monadSupply" = self."monad-supply"; + "monadTask" = self."monad-task"; + "monadTx" = self."monad-tx"; + "monadUnify" = self."monad-unify"; + "monadWrap" = self."monad-wrap"; + "MonatronIO" = self."Monatron-IO"; + "mongodbQueue" = self."mongodb-queue"; + "mongrel2Handler" = self."mongrel2-handler"; + "monoFoldable" = self."mono-foldable"; + "monoidExtras" = self."monoid-extras"; + "monoidOwns" = self."monoid-owns"; + "monoidRecord" = self."monoid-record"; + "monoidStatistics" = self."monoid-statistics"; + "monoidSubclasses" = self."monoid-subclasses"; + "monoidTransformer" = self."monoid-transformer"; + "monoTraversable" = self."mono-traversable"; + "montageClient" = self."montage-client"; + "monteCarlo" = self."monte-carlo"; + "mqttHs" = self."mqtt-hs"; + "msgpackIdl" = self."msgpack-idl"; + "msgpackRpc" = self."msgpack-rpc"; + "mtlEvilInstances" = self."mtl-evil-instances"; + "mtlPrelude" = self."mtl-prelude"; + "mtlTf" = self."mtl-tf"; + "multextEastMsd" = self."multext-east-msd"; + "multiplateSimplified" = self."multiplate-simplified"; + "multirecAltDeriver" = self."multirec-alt-deriver"; + "multirecBinary" = self."multirec-binary"; + "multisetComb" = self."multiset-comb"; + "MunkresSimple" = self."Munkres-simple"; + "murmurHash" = self."murmur-hash"; + "musicArticulation" = self."music-articulation"; + "musicbrainzEmail" = self."musicbrainz-email"; + "MusicBrainzLibdiscid" = self."MusicBrainz-libdiscid"; + "musicDiatonic" = self."music-diatonic"; + "musicDynamicsLiteral" = self."music-dynamics-literal"; + "musicDynamics" = self."music-dynamics"; + "musicGraphics" = self."music-graphics"; + "musicParts" = self."music-parts"; + "musicPitchLiteral" = self."music-pitch-literal"; + "musicPitch" = self."music-pitch"; + "musicPreludes" = self."music-preludes"; + "musicScore" = self."music-score"; + "musicSibelius" = self."music-sibelius"; + "musicSuite" = self."music-suite"; + "musicUtil" = self."music-util"; + "mustacheHaskell" = self."mustache-haskell"; + "mutableIter" = self."mutable-iter"; + "muteUnmute" = self."mute-unmute"; + "mvcUpdates" = self."mvc-updates"; + "mwcRandomMonad" = self."mwc-random-monad"; + "mwcRandom" = self."mwc-random"; + "mybitcoinSci" = self."mybitcoin-sci"; + "mysnapsessionExample" = self."mysnapsession-example"; + "mysqlEffect" = self."mysql-effect"; + "mysqlSimpleQuasi" = self."mysql-simple-quasi"; + "mysqlSimple" = self."mysql-simple"; + "nagiosCheck" = self."nagios-check"; + "nagiosPerfdata" = self."nagios-perfdata"; + "namedFormlet" = self."named-formlet"; + "namedLock" = self."named-lock"; + "namedRecords" = self."named-records"; + "namesTh" = self."names-th"; + "nanoCryptr" = self."nano-cryptr"; + "nanoHmac" = self."nano-hmac"; + "nanoMd5" = self."nano-md5"; + "nanomsgHaskell" = self."nanomsg-haskell"; + "natsQueue" = self."nats-queue"; + "naturalNumber" = self."natural-number"; + "naturalNumbers" = self."natural-numbers"; + "naturalSort" = self."natural-sort"; + "ncIndicators" = self."nc-indicators"; + "neatInterpolation" = self."neat-interpolation"; + "neheTuts" = self."nehe-tuts"; + "nemesisTitan" = self."nemesis-titan"; + "nestedSets" = self."nested-sets"; + "netConcurrent" = self."net-concurrent"; + "netlistToVhdl" = self."netlist-to-vhdl"; + "netstringEnumerator" = self."netstring-enumerator"; + "nettleFrp" = self."nettle-frp"; + "nettleNetkit" = self."nettle-netkit"; + "nettleOpenflow" = self."nettle-openflow"; + "netwireInputGlfw" = self."netwire-input-glfw"; + "netwireInput" = self."netwire-input"; + "networkAddress" = self."network-address"; + "networkApiSupport" = self."network-api-support"; + "networkBitcoin" = self."network-bitcoin"; + "networkBytestring" = self."network-bytestring"; + "networkCarbon" = self."network-carbon"; + "networkConduit" = self."network-conduit"; + "networkConduitTls" = self."network-conduit-tls"; + "networkConnection" = self."network-connection"; + "networkData" = self."network-data"; + "networkDbus" = self."network-dbus"; + "networkDns" = self."network-dns"; + "networkedGame" = self."networked-game"; + "networkEnumerator" = self."network-enumerator"; + "networkFancy" = self."network-fancy"; + "networkHouse" = self."network-house"; + "networkInfo" = self."network-info"; + "networkInterfacerequest" = self."network-interfacerequest"; + "networkIp" = self."network-ip"; + "networkMetrics" = self."network-metrics"; + "networkMinihttp" = self."network-minihttp"; + "networkMsg" = self."network-msg"; + "networkMulticast" = self."network-multicast"; + "networkNetpacket" = self."network-netpacket"; + "NetworkNineP" = self."Network-NineP"; + "networkPgi" = self."network-pgi"; + "networkProtocolXmpp" = self."network-protocol-xmpp"; + "networkRpca" = self."network-rpca"; + "networkServer" = self."network-server"; + "networkService" = self."network-service"; + "networkSimple" = self."network-simple"; + "networkSimpleSockaddr" = self."network-simple-sockaddr"; + "networkSimpleTls" = self."network-simple-tls"; + "networkSocketOptions" = self."network-socket-options"; + "networkStream" = self."network-stream"; + "networkTopicModels" = self."network-topic-models"; + "networkTransport" = self."network-transport"; + "networkTransportTcp" = self."network-transport-tcp"; + "networkTransportTests" = self."network-transport-tests"; + "networkTransportZeromq" = self."network-transport-zeromq"; + "networkUri" = self."network-uri"; + "networkWaiRouter" = self."network-wai-router"; + "networkWebsocket" = self."network-websocket"; + "newtypeGenerics" = self."newtype-generics"; + "newtypeTh" = self."newtype-th"; + "nextstepPlist" = self."nextstep-plist"; + "ngramsLoader" = self."ngrams-loader"; + "nixosTypes" = self."nixos-types"; + "nlpScoresScripts" = self."nlp-scores-scripts"; + "nlpScores" = self."nlp-scores"; + "nM" = self."n-m"; + "NomyxCore" = self."Nomyx-Core"; + "NomyxLanguage" = self."Nomyx-Language"; + "NomyxRules" = self."Nomyx-Rules"; + "NomyxWeb" = self."Nomyx-Web"; + "nonEmpty" = self."non-empty"; + "nonlinearOptimizationAd" = self."nonlinear-optimization-ad"; + "nonlinearOptimization" = self."nonlinear-optimization"; + "nonNegative" = self."non-negative"; + "noRoleAnnots" = self."no-role-annots"; + "notGlossExamples" = self."not-gloss-examples"; + "notGloss" = self."not-gloss"; + "notInBase" = self."not-in-base"; + "notmuchHaskell" = self."notmuch-haskell"; + "notmuchWeb" = self."notmuch-web"; + "npExtras" = self."np-extras"; + "npLinear" = self."np-linear"; + "ntpControl" = self."ntp-control"; + "nullCanvas" = self."null-canvas"; + "numeralsBase" = self."numerals-base"; + "numericExtras" = self."numeric-extras"; + "numericLimits" = self."numeric-limits"; + "numericPrelude" = self."numeric-prelude"; + "numericQq" = self."numeric-qq"; + "numericQuest" = self."numeric-quest"; + "numericTools" = self."numeric-tools"; + "numtypeTf" = self."numtype-tf"; + "offSimple" = self."off-simple"; + "ohlohHs" = self."ohloh-hs"; + "oisInputManager" = self."ois-input-manager"; + "oldLocale" = self."old-locale"; + "oldTime" = self."old-time"; + "onAHorse" = self."on-a-horse"; + "onDemandSshTunnel" = self."on-demand-ssh-tunnel"; + "oneLiner" = self."one-liner"; + "onuCourse" = self."onu-course"; + "ooPrototypes" = self."oo-prototypes"; + "OpenAFPUtils" = self."OpenAFP-Utils"; + "opencvRaw" = self."opencv-raw"; + "openPandoc" = self."open-pandoc"; + "openpgpAsciiarmor" = self."openpgp-asciiarmor"; + "openpgpCryptoApi" = self."openpgp-crypto-api"; + "openpgpCrypto" = self."openpgp-Crypto"; + "opensoundcontrolHt" = self."opensoundcontrol-ht"; + "opensslCreatekey" = self."openssl-createkey"; + "opensslStreams" = self."openssl-streams"; + "opentheoryChar" = self."opentheory-char"; + "opentheoryParser" = self."opentheory-parser"; + "opentheoryPrime" = self."opentheory-prime"; + "opentheoryPrimitive" = self."opentheory-primitive"; + "openTyperep" = self."open-typerep"; + "openUnion" = self."open-union"; + "openWitness" = self."open-witness"; + "optimalBlocks" = self."optimal-blocks"; + "optionsTime" = self."options-time"; + "optparseApplicative" = self."optparse-applicative"; + "orchidDemo" = self."orchid-demo"; + "ordAdhoc" = self."ord-adhoc"; + "orderStatistics" = self."order-statistics"; + "organizeImports" = self."organize-imports"; + "orgmodeParse" = self."orgmode-parse"; + "osmDownload" = self."osm-download"; + "osRelease" = self."os-release"; + "osxAr" = self."osx-ar"; + "ottparsePretty" = self."ottparse-pretty"; + "packageOTron" = self."package-o-tron"; + "packageVt" = self."package-vt"; + "packedDawg" = self."packed-dawg"; + "pacmanMemcache" = self."pacman-memcache"; + "pandocCiteproc" = self."pandoc-citeproc"; + "pandocLens" = self."pandoc-lens"; + "pandocTypes" = self."pandoc-types"; + "pandocUnlit" = self."pandoc-unlit"; + "parallelIo" = self."parallel-io"; + "parallelTasks" = self."parallel-tasks"; + "parallelTreeSearch" = self."parallel-tree-search"; + "parameterizedData" = self."parameterized-data"; + "parcoAttoparsec" = self."parco-attoparsec"; + "parcomLib" = self."parcom-lib"; + "parconcExamples" = self."parconc-examples"; + "parcoParsec" = self."parco-parsec"; + "parsec3Numbers" = self."parsec3-numbers"; + "parsecExtra" = self."parsec-extra"; + "parsecNumbers" = self."parsec-numbers"; + "parsecParsers" = self."parsec-parsers"; + "parsecPermutation" = self."parsec-permutation"; + "parsecTagsoup" = self."parsec-tagsoup"; + "parsecUtils" = self."parsec-utils"; + "parseDimacs" = self."parse-dimacs"; + "parseHelp" = self."parse-help"; + "parserHelper" = self."parser-helper"; + "partialHandler" = self."partial-handler"; + "partialIsomorphisms" = self."partial-isomorphisms"; + "partialLens" = self."partial-lens"; + "partialUri" = self."partial-uri"; + "patchCombinators" = self."patch-combinators"; + "patchImage" = self."patch-image"; + "pathPieces" = self."path-pieces"; + "patternArrows" = self."pattern-arrows"; + "paypalApi" = self."paypal-api"; + "pcapConduit" = self."pcap-conduit"; + "pcapEnumerator" = self."pcap-enumerator"; + "pcdLoader" = self."pcd-loader"; + "PCLTDB" = self."PCLT-DB"; + "pcreLess" = self."pcre-less"; + "pcreLightExtra" = self."pcre-light-extra"; + "pcreLight" = self."pcre-light"; + "pcreUtils" = self."pcre-utils"; + "pdfToolboxContent" = self."pdf-toolbox-content"; + "pdfToolboxCore" = self."pdf-toolbox-core"; + "pdfToolboxDocument" = self."pdf-toolbox-document"; + "pdfToolboxViewer" = self."pdf-toolbox-viewer"; + "peanoInf" = self."peano-inf"; + "pennTreebank" = self."penn-treebank"; + "pennyBin" = self."penny-bin"; + "pennyLib" = self."penny-lib"; + "persistableRecord" = self."persistable-record"; + "persistentCereal" = self."persistent-cereal"; + "persistentEquivalence" = self."persistent-equivalence"; + "persistentHssqlppp" = self."persistent-hssqlppp"; + "persistentMap" = self."persistent-map"; + "persistentMongoDB" = self."persistent-mongoDB"; + "persistentMysql" = self."persistent-mysql"; + "persistentOdbc" = self."persistent-odbc"; + "persistentPostgresql" = self."persistent-postgresql"; + "persistentProtobuf" = self."persistent-protobuf"; + "persistentRedis" = self."persistent-redis"; + "persistentRefs" = self."persistent-refs"; + "persistentSqlite" = self."persistent-sqlite"; + "persistentTemplate" = self."persistent-template"; + "persistentVector" = self."persistent-vector"; + "persistentZookeeper" = self."persistent-zookeeper"; + "pgHarness" = self."pg-harness"; + "pgsqlSimple" = self."pgsql-simple"; + "phantomState" = self."phantom-state"; + "phonePush" = self."phone-push"; + "phoneticCode" = self."phonetic-code"; + "piCalculus" = self."pi-calculus"; + "pipesAeson" = self."pipes-aeson"; + "pipesAttoparsec" = self."pipes-attoparsec"; + "pipesAttoparsecStreaming" = self."pipes-attoparsec-streaming"; + "pipesBinary" = self."pipes-binary"; + "pipesBytestring" = self."pipes-bytestring"; + "pipesCerealPlus" = self."pipes-cereal-plus"; + "pipesConcurrency" = self."pipes-concurrency"; + "pipesConduit" = self."pipes-conduit"; + "pipesCore" = self."pipes-core"; + "pipesCourier" = self."pipes-courier"; + "pipesCsv" = self."pipes-csv"; + "pipesErrors" = self."pipes-errors"; + "pipesExtra" = self."pipes-extra"; + "pipesExtras" = self."pipes-extras"; + "pipesGroup" = self."pipes-group"; + "pipesHttp" = self."pipes-http"; + "pipesInterleave" = self."pipes-interleave"; + "pipesNetwork" = self."pipes-network"; + "pipesNetworkTls" = self."pipes-network-tls"; + "pipesP2pExamples" = self."pipes-p2p-examples"; + "pipesP2p" = self."pipes-p2p"; + "pipesParse" = self."pipes-parse"; + "pipesPostgresqlSimple" = self."pipes-postgresql-simple"; + "pipesRt" = self."pipes-rt"; + "pipesSafe" = self."pipes-safe"; + "pipesShell" = self."pipes-shell"; + "pipesText" = self."pipes-text"; + "pipesVector" = self."pipes-vector"; + "pipesWai" = self."pipes-wai"; + "pipesWebsockets" = self."pipes-websockets"; + "pipesZlib" = self."pipes-zlib"; + "planarGraph" = self."planar-graph"; + "plotGtk3" = self."plot-gtk3"; + "plotGtk" = self."plot-gtk"; + "PlotHoMatic" = self."Plot-ho-matic"; + "plotLab" = self."plot-lab"; + "plotserverApi" = self."plotserver-api"; + "pluginsAuto" = self."plugins-auto"; + "pluginsMultistage" = self."plugins-multistage"; + "plyLoader" = self."ply-loader"; + "pngFile" = self."png-file"; + "pngloadFixed" = self."pngload-fixed"; + "pointlessFun" = self."pointless-fun"; + "pointlessHaskell" = self."pointless-haskell"; + "pointlessLenses" = self."pointless-lenses"; + "pointlessRewrite" = self."pointless-rewrite"; + "pokerEval" = self."poker-eval"; + "polhLexicon" = self."polh-lexicon"; + "polynomialsBernstein" = self."polynomials-bernstein"; + "polytypeableUtils" = self."polytypeable-utils"; + "pontariusMediaserver" = self."pontarius-mediaserver"; + "pontariusXmpp" = self."pontarius-xmpp"; + "pontariusXpmn" = self."pontarius-xpmn"; + "poolConduit" = self."pool-conduit"; + "pooledIo" = self."pooled-io"; + "pop3Client" = self."pop3-client"; + "populateSetupExeCache" = self."populate-setup-exe-cache"; + "portableLines" = self."portable-lines"; + "posixAcl" = self."posix-acl"; + "posixEscape" = self."posix-escape"; + "posixFilelock" = self."posix-filelock"; + "posixPaths" = self."posix-paths"; + "posixPty" = self."posix-pty"; + "posixRealtime" = self."posix-realtime"; + "posixTimer" = self."posix-timer"; + "posixWaitpid" = self."posix-waitpid"; + "postgresqlBinary" = self."postgresql-binary"; + "postgresqlCopyEscape" = self."postgresql-copy-escape"; + "postgresqlLibpq" = self."postgresql-libpq"; + "postgresqlOrm" = self."postgresql-orm"; + "postgresqlSimpleMigration" = self."postgresql-simple-migration"; + "postgresqlSimple" = self."postgresql-simple"; + "postgresqlSimpleSop" = self."postgresql-simple-sop"; + "postMessAge" = self."post-mess-age"; + "pqueueMtl" = self."pqueue-mtl"; + "practiceRoom" = self."practice-room"; + "prednoteTest" = self."prednote-test"; + "prefixUnits" = self."prefix-units"; + "preludeExtras" = self."prelude-extras"; + "preludeGeneralize" = self."prelude-generalize"; + "preludePlus" = self."prelude-plus"; + "preludePrime" = self."prelude-prime"; + "preludeSafeenum" = self."prelude-safeenum"; + "preprocessorTools" = self."preprocessor-tools"; + "prettyClass" = self."pretty-class"; + "prettyCompact" = self."pretty-compact"; + "prettyHex" = self."pretty-hex"; + "prettyNcols" = self."pretty-ncols"; + "prettyShow" = self."pretty-show"; + "prettySop" = self."pretty-sop"; + "prettyTree" = self."pretty-tree"; + "primulaBoard" = self."primula-board"; + "primulaBot" = self."primula-bot"; + "primUniq" = self."prim-uniq"; + "printfMauke" = self."printf-mauke"; + "PrintfTH" = self."Printf-TH"; + "priorityQueue" = self."priority-queue"; + "prioritySync" = self."priority-sync"; + "privilegedConcurrency" = self."privileged-concurrency"; + "processConduit" = self."process-conduit"; + "processExtras" = self."process-extras"; + "processIterio" = self."process-iterio"; + "processLeksah" = self."process-leksah"; + "processListlike" = self."process-listlike"; + "processProgress" = self."process-progress"; + "processQq" = self."process-qq"; + "processStreaming" = self."process-streaming"; + "procrastinatingStructure" = self."procrastinating-structure"; + "procrastinatingVariable" = self."procrastinating-variable"; + "productProfunctors" = self."product-profunctors"; + "profunctorExtras" = self."profunctor-extras"; + "proj4HsBindings" = self."proj4-hs-bindings"; + "projectTemplate" = self."project-template"; + "prologGraphLib" = self."prolog-graph-lib"; + "prologGraph" = self."prolog-graph"; + "propertyList" = self."property-list"; + "protobufNative" = self."protobuf-native"; + "protocolBuffersDescriptorFork" = self."protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork"; + "protocolBuffersDescriptor" = self."protocol-buffers-descriptor"; + "protocolBuffersFork" = self."protocol-buffers-fork"; + "protocolBuffers" = self."protocol-buffers"; + "proveEverywhereServer" = self."prove-everywhere-server"; + "proxyKindness" = self."proxy-kindness"; + "pugsCompat" = self."pugs-compat"; + "pugsDrIFT" = self."pugs-DrIFT"; + "pugsHsregex" = self."pugs-hsregex"; + "pugsHsSyck" = self."pugs-HsSyck"; + "pulseSimple" = self."pulse-simple"; + "PupEventsClient" = self."Pup-Events-Client"; + "PupEventsDemo" = self."Pup-Events-Demo"; + "PupEventsPQueue" = self."Pup-Events-PQueue"; + "PupEvents" = self."Pup-Events"; + "PupEventsServer" = self."Pup-Events-Server"; + "pureCdb" = self."pure-cdb"; + "pureFft" = self."pure-fft"; + "pureIo" = self."pure-io"; + "purePriorityQueue" = self."pure-priority-queue"; + "purePriorityQueueTests" = self."pure-priority-queue-tests"; + "pureZlib" = self."pure-zlib"; + "pushNotifyCcs" = self."push-notify-ccs"; + "pushNotifyGeneral" = self."push-notify-general"; + "pushNotify" = self."push-notify"; + "puzzleDrawCmdline" = self."puzzle-draw-cmdline"; + "puzzleDraw" = self."puzzle-draw"; + "pwstoreCli" = self."pwstore-cli"; + "pwstoreFast" = self."pwstore-fast"; + "pwstorePurehaskell" = self."pwstore-purehaskell"; + "pxslTools" = self."pxsl-tools"; + "pythonPickle" = self."python-pickle"; + "qcOiTestgenerator" = self."qc-oi-testgenerator"; + "qdVec" = self."qd-vec"; + "qhullSimple" = self."qhull-simple"; + "quadraticIrrational" = self."quadratic-irrational"; + "quandlApi" = self."quandl-api"; + "quantumArrow" = self."quantum-arrow"; + "querystringPickle" = self."querystring-pickle"; + "quickcheckAssertions" = self."quickcheck-assertions"; + "QuickCheckGenT" = self."QuickCheck-GenT"; + "quickcheckInstances" = self."quickcheck-instances"; + "quickcheckIo" = self."quickcheck-io"; + "quickcheckPoly" = self."quickcheck-poly"; + "quickcheckProperties" = self."quickcheck-properties"; + "quickcheckPropertyComb" = self."quickcheck-property-comb"; + "quickcheckPropertyMonad" = self."quickcheck-property-monad"; + "quickcheckRegex" = self."quickcheck-regex"; + "quickcheckRelaxng" = self."quickcheck-relaxng"; + "quickcheckRematch" = self."quickcheck-rematch"; + "quickcheckScript" = self."quickcheck-script"; + "quickcheckUnicode" = self."quickcheck-unicode"; + "quickcheckWebdriver" = self."quickcheck-webdriver"; + "quickGenerator" = self."quick-generator"; + "radiumFormulaParser" = self."radium-formula-parser"; + "radosHaskell" = self."rados-haskell"; + "railCompilerEditor" = self."rail-compiler-editor"; + "rainbowTests" = self."rainbow-tests"; + "randomAccessList" = self."random-access-list"; + "randomEffin" = self."random-effin"; + "randomEff" = self."random-eff"; + "randomExtras" = self."random-extras"; + "randomFu" = self."random-fu"; + "randomShuffle" = self."random-shuffle"; + "randomSource" = self."random-source"; + "randomStream" = self."random-stream"; + "randVars" = self."rand-vars"; + "RangedSets" = self."Ranged-sets"; + "rangeSetList" = self."range-set-list"; + "rangeSpace" = self."range-space"; + "rateLimit" = self."rate-limit"; + "ratioInt" = self."ratio-int"; + "ravenHaskellScotty" = self."raven-haskell-scotty"; + "ravenHaskell" = self."raven-haskell"; + "rawstringQm" = self."rawstring-qm"; + "rawStringsQq" = self."raw-strings-qq"; + "rdtscEnolan" = self."rdtsc-enolan"; + "reactHaskell" = self."react-haskell"; + "reactionLogic" = self."reaction-logic"; + "reactiveBacon" = self."reactive-bacon"; + "reactiveBalsa" = self."reactive-balsa"; + "reactiveBananaSdl" = self."reactive-banana-sdl"; + "reactiveBanana" = self."reactive-banana"; + "reactiveBananaThreepenny" = self."reactive-banana-threepenny"; + "reactiveBananaWx" = self."reactive-banana-wx"; + "reactiveFieldtrip" = self."reactive-fieldtrip"; + "reactiveGlut" = self."reactive-glut"; + "reactiveHaskell" = self."reactive-haskell"; + "reactiveIo" = self."reactive-io"; + "reactiveThread" = self."reactive-thread"; + "readBounded" = self."read-bounded"; + "readlineStatevar" = self."readline-statevar"; + "reallySimpleXmlParser" = self."really-simple-xml-parser"; + "reasonableLens" = self."reasonable-lens"; + "recordsTh" = self."records-th"; + "recursionSchemes" = self."recursion-schemes"; + "recursiveLineCount" = self."recursive-line-count"; + "redisHs" = self."redis-hs"; + "redisIo" = self."redis-io"; + "redisResp" = self."redis-resp"; + "redisSimple" = self."redis-simple"; + "refFd" = self."ref-fd"; + "reflectionExtras" = self."reflection-extras"; + "reflectionWithoutRemorse" = self."reflection-without-remorse"; + "refMtl" = self."ref-mtl"; + "reformBlaze" = self."reform-blaze"; + "reformHamlet" = self."reform-hamlet"; + "reformHappstack" = self."reform-happstack"; + "reformHsp" = self."reform-hsp"; + "refTf" = self."ref-tf"; + "regexApplicative" = self."regex-applicative"; + "regexBase" = self."regex-base"; + "regexCompat" = self."regex-compat"; + "regexCompatTdfa" = self."regex-compat-tdfa"; + "regexDeriv" = self."regex-deriv"; + "regexDfa" = self."regex-dfa"; + "regexEasy" = self."regex-easy"; + "regexGenex" = self."regex-genex"; + "regexParsec" = self."regex-parsec"; + "regexPcreBuiltin" = self."regex-pcre-builtin"; + "regexPcre" = self."regex-pcre"; + "regexPderiv" = self."regex-pderiv"; + "regexPosix" = self."regex-posix"; + "regexPosixUnittest" = self."regex-posix-unittest"; + "regexprSymbolic" = self."regexpr-symbolic"; + "regexpTries" = self."regexp-tries"; + "regexTdfaRc" = self."regex-tdfa-rc"; + "regexTdfa" = self."regex-tdfa"; + "regexTdfaText" = self."regex-tdfa-text"; + "regexTdfaUnittest" = self."regex-tdfa-unittest"; + "regexTdfaUtf8" = self."regex-tdfa-utf8"; + "regexTre" = self."regex-tre"; + "regexXmlschema" = self."regex-xmlschema"; + "regionalPointers" = self."regional-pointers"; + "regionsMonadsfd" = self."regions-monadsfd"; + "regionsMonadstf" = self."regions-monadstf"; + "regionsMtl" = self."regions-mtl"; + "regularExtras" = self."regular-extras"; + "regularWeb" = self."regular-web"; + "regularXmlpickler" = self."regular-xmlpickler"; + "reifiedRecords" = self."reified-records"; + "reinterpretCast" = self."reinterpret-cast"; + "relationalQueryHDBC" = self."relational-query-HDBC"; + "relationalQuery" = self."relational-query"; + "relationalRecordExamples" = self."relational-record-examples"; + "relationalRecord" = self."relational-record"; + "relationalSchemas" = self."relational-schemas"; + "relativeDate" = self."relative-date"; + "rematchText" = self."rematch-text"; + "remoteDebugger" = self."remote-debugger"; + "repaAlgorithms" = self."repa-algorithms"; + "repaBytestring" = self."repa-bytestring"; + "repaDevil" = self."repa-devil"; + "repaExamples" = self."repa-examples"; + "repaFftw" = self."repa-fftw"; + "repaIo" = self."repa-io"; + "repaPlugin" = self."repa-plugin"; + "repaSeries" = self."repa-series"; + "repaSndfile" = self."repa-sndfile"; + "repaV4l2" = self."repa-v4l2"; + "repoBasedBlog" = self."repo-based-blog"; + "representableFunctors" = self."representable-functors"; + "representableProfunctors" = self."representable-profunctors"; + "representableTries" = self."representable-tries"; + "reprTreeSyb" = self."repr-tree-syb"; + "requestMonad" = self."request-monad"; + "resourceEffect" = self."resource-effect"; + "resourcePoolCatchio" = self."resource-pool-catchio"; + "resourcePool" = self."resource-pool"; + "resourceSimple" = self."resource-simple"; + "restClient" = self."rest-client"; + "restCore" = self."rest-core"; + "restExample" = self."rest-example"; + "restfulSnap" = self."restful-snap"; + "restGen" = self."rest-gen"; + "restHappstack" = self."rest-happstack"; + "restrictedWorkers" = self."restricted-workers"; + "restSnap" = self."rest-snap"; + "restStringmap" = self."rest-stringmap"; + "restTypes" = self."rest-types"; + "restWai" = self."rest-wai"; + "resumableExceptions" = self."resumable-exceptions"; + "rethinkdbClientDriver" = self."rethinkdb-client-driver"; + "rethinkdbWereHamster" = self."rethinkdb-wereHamster"; + "reverseApply" = self."reverse-apply"; + "revState" = self."rev-state"; + "riakProtobuf" = self."riak-protobuf"; + "rippleFederation" = self."ripple-federation"; + "RlangQQ" = self."Rlang-QQ"; + "rngUtils" = self."rng-utils"; + "robotsTxt" = self."robots-txt"; + "rocksdbHaskell" = self."rocksdb-haskell"; + "roguestarEngine" = self."roguestar-engine"; + "roguestarGl" = self."roguestar-gl"; + "roguestarGlut" = self."roguestar-glut"; + "rollingQueue" = self."rolling-queue"; + "romanNumerals" = self."roman-numerals"; + "rotatingLog" = self."rotating-log"; + "roundtripString" = self."roundtrip-string"; + "roundtripXml" = self."roundtrip-xml"; + "routeGenerator" = self."route-generator"; + "routePlanning" = self."route-planning"; + "rpcFramework" = self."rpc-framework"; + "rsaglFrp" = self."rsagl-frp"; + "rsaglMath" = self."rsagl-math"; + "rtorrentRpc" = self."rtorrent-rpc"; + "rtorrentState" = self."rtorrent-state"; + "rubyQq" = self."ruby-qq"; + "rulerCore" = self."ruler-core"; + "s3Signer" = self."s3-signer"; + "safeAccess" = self."safe-access"; + "safeFailureCme" = self."safe-failure-cme"; + "safeFailure" = self."safe-failure"; + "safeFreeze" = self."safe-freeze"; + "safeGlobals" = self."safe-globals"; + "safeLazyIo" = self."safe-lazy-io"; + "safePlugins" = self."safe-plugins"; + "saferFileHandlesBytestring" = self."safer-file-handles-bytestring"; + "saferFileHandles" = self."safer-file-handles"; + "saferFileHandlesText" = self."safer-file-handles-text"; + "saiShapeSyb" = self."sai-shape-syb"; + "salviaDemo" = self."salvia-demo"; + "salviaExtras" = self."salvia-extras"; + "salviaProtocol" = self."salvia-protocol"; + "salviaSessions" = self."salvia-sessions"; + "salviaWebsocket" = self."salvia-websocket"; + "sampleFrameNp" = self."sample-frame-np"; + "sampleFrame" = self."sample-frame"; + "samtoolsConduit" = self."samtools-conduit"; + "samtoolsEnumerator" = self."samtools-enumerator"; + "samtoolsIteratee" = self."samtools-iteratee"; + "satchmoBackends" = self."satchmo-backends"; + "satchmoExamples" = self."satchmo-examples"; + "satchmoFunsat" = self."satchmo-funsat"; + "satchmoMinisat" = self."satchmo-minisat"; + "satMicroHs" = self."sat-micro-hs"; + "sc3Rdu" = self."sc3-rdu"; + "scalableServer" = self."scalable-server"; + "scanVectorMachine" = self."scan-vector-machine"; + "scholdocCiteproc" = self."scholdoc-citeproc"; + "scholdocTexmath" = self."scholdoc-texmath"; + "scholdocTypes" = self."scholdoc-types"; + "scienceConstantsDimensional" = self."science-constants-dimensional"; + "scienceConstants" = self."science-constants"; + "scionBrowser" = self."scion-browser"; + "sciRatio" = self."sci-ratio"; + "scopeCairo" = self."scope-cairo"; + "scottyBindingPlay" = self."scotty-binding-play"; + "scottyBlaze" = self."scotty-blaze"; + "scottyCookie" = self."scotty-cookie"; + "scottyFay" = self."scotty-fay"; + "scottyHastache" = self."scotty-hastache"; + "scottySession" = self."scotty-session"; + "scottyTls" = self."scotty-tls"; + "scpStreams" = self."scp-streams"; + "scrabbleBot" = self."scrabble-bot"; + "scytherProof" = self."scyther-proof"; + "sdeSolver" = self."sde-solver"; + "sdl2Image" = self."sdl2-image"; + "SDL2Ttf" = self."SDL2-ttf"; + "SDLGfx" = self."SDL-gfx"; + "SDLImage" = self."SDL-image"; + "SDLMixer" = self."SDL-mixer"; + "SDLMpeg" = self."SDL-mpeg"; + "SDLTtf" = self."SDL-ttf"; + "sealModule" = self."seal-module"; + "secretSanta" = self."secret-santa"; + "secretSharing" = self."secret-sharing"; + "secureSockets" = self."secure-sockets"; + "seleniumServer" = self."selenium-server"; + "semaphorePlus" = self."semaphore-plus"; + "semigroupoidExtras" = self."semigroupoid-extras"; + "semigroupoidsSyntax" = self."semigroupoids-syntax"; + "semigroupsActions" = self."semigroups-actions"; + "semiIso" = self."semi-iso"; + "semiringSimple" = self."semiring-simple"; + "seqlocDatafiles" = self."seqloc-datafiles"; + "sequentCore" = self."sequent-core"; + "sequentialIndex" = self."sequential-index"; + "serialTestGenerators" = self."serial-test-generators"; + "servantClient" = self."servant-client"; + "servantDocs" = self."servant-docs"; + "servantJquery" = self."servant-jquery"; + "servantPool" = self."servant-pool"; + "servantPostgresql" = self."servant-postgresql"; + "servantResponse" = self."servant-response"; + "servantScotty" = self."servant-scotty"; + "servantServer" = self."servant-server"; + "sesHtml" = self."ses-html"; + "sesHtmlSnaplet" = self."ses-html-snaplet"; + "setCover" = self."set-cover"; + "setExtra" = self."set-extra"; + "setMonad" = self."set-monad"; + "sexpShow" = self."sexp-show"; + "sfmlAudio" = self."sfml-audio"; + "SFMLControl" = self."SFML-control"; + "shadyGen" = self."shady-gen"; + "shadyGraphics" = self."shady-graphics"; + "shakeCabalBuild" = self."shake-cabal-build"; + "shakeExtras" = self."shake-extras"; + "shakeLanguageC" = self."shake-language-c"; + "shakespeareCss" = self."shakespeare-css"; + "shakespeareI18n" = self."shakespeare-i18n"; + "shakespeareJs" = self."shakespeare-js"; + "shakespeareText" = self."shakespeare-text"; + "shapelyData" = self."shapely-data"; + "sharedBuffer" = self."shared-buffer"; + "sharedMemory" = self."shared-memory"; + "shaStreams" = self."sha-streams"; + "ShellacCompatline" = self."Shellac-compatline"; + "ShellacEditline" = self."Shellac-editline"; + "ShellacHaskeline" = self."Shellac-haskeline"; + "ShellacReadline" = self."Shellac-readline"; + "shellConduit" = self."shell-conduit"; + "shellEscape" = self."shell-escape"; + "shellPipe" = self."shell-pipe"; + "shellyExtra" = self."shelly-extra"; + "shiversCfg" = self."shivers-cfg"; + "shortenStrings" = self."shorten-strings"; + "ShuThing" = self."Shu-thing"; + "siffletLib" = self."sifflet-lib"; + "signedMultiset" = self."signed-multiset"; + "simpleActors" = self."simple-actors"; + "simpleAtom" = self."simple-atom"; + "simpleBluetooth" = self."simple-bluetooth"; + "simpleConduit" = self."simple-conduit"; + "simpleConfig" = self."simple-config"; + "simpleCss" = self."simple-css"; + "simpleCValue" = self."simple-c-value"; + "simpleEval" = self."simple-eval"; + "simpleFirewire" = self."simple-firewire"; + "simpleForm" = self."simple-form"; + "simpleGeneticAlgorithm" = self."simple-genetic-algorithm"; + "simpleIndex" = self."simple-index"; + "simpleircLens" = self."simpleirc-lens"; + "simpleLog" = self."simple-log"; + "simpleLogSyslog" = self."simple-log-syslog"; + "simpleNeuralNetworks" = self."simple-neural-networks"; + "simpleObserver" = self."simple-observer"; + "simplePascal" = self."simple-pascal"; + "simplePipe" = self."simple-pipe"; + "simplePostgresqlOrm" = self."simple-postgresql-orm"; + "simpleReflect" = self."simple-reflect"; + "simpleRope" = self."simple-rope"; + "simpleSendfile" = self."simple-sendfile"; + "simpleServer" = self."simple-server"; + "simpleSession" = self."simple-session"; + "simpleSessions" = self."simple-sessions"; + "simpleSmt" = self."simple-smt"; + "simpleSqlParser" = self."simple-sql-parser"; + "simpleStackedVm" = self."simple-stacked-vm"; + "simpleTabular" = self."simple-tabular"; + "simpleTemplates" = self."simple-templates"; + "simpleVec3" = self."simple-vec3"; + "sizedTypes" = self."sized-types"; + "sizedVector" = self."sized-vector"; + "slaveThread" = self."slave-thread"; + "sliceCppGen" = self."slice-cpp-gen"; + "slotLambda" = self."slot-lambda"; + "smallptHs" = self."smallpt-hs"; + "smtLib" = self."smt-lib"; + "smtpMail" = self."smtp-mail"; + "smtpsGmail" = self."smtps-gmail"; + "snakeGame" = self."snake-game"; + "snapAccept" = self."snap-accept"; + "snapApp" = self."snap-app"; + "snapAuthCli" = self."snap-auth-cli"; + "snapBlazeClay" = self."snap-blaze-clay"; + "snapBlaze" = self."snap-blaze"; + "snapConfigurationUtilities" = self."snap-configuration-utilities"; + "snapCore" = self."snap-core"; + "snapCors" = self."snap-cors"; + "snapElm" = self."snap-elm"; + "snapErrorCollector" = self."snap-error-collector"; + "snapExtras" = self."snap-extras"; + "snapletAcidState" = self."snaplet-acid-state"; + "snapletActionlog" = self."snaplet-actionlog"; + "snapletAmqp" = self."snaplet-amqp"; + "snapletAuthAcid" = self."snaplet-auth-acid"; + "snapletCoffee" = self."snaplet-coffee"; + "snapletCssMin" = self."snaplet-css-min"; + "snapletEnvironments" = self."snaplet-environments"; + "snapletFay" = self."snaplet-fay"; + "snapletHaxl" = self."snaplet-haxl"; + "snapletHdbc" = self."snaplet-hdbc"; + "snapletHslogger" = self."snaplet-hslogger"; + "snapletI18n" = self."snaplet-i18n"; + "snapletInfluxdb" = self."snaplet-influxdb"; + "snapletLss" = self."snaplet-lss"; + "snapletMandrill" = self."snaplet-mandrill"; + "snapletMongodbMinimalistic" = self."snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic"; + "snapletMongoDB" = self."snaplet-mongoDB"; + "snapletMysqlSimple" = self."snaplet-mysql-simple"; + "snapletOauth" = self."snaplet-oauth"; + "snapletPersistent" = self."snaplet-persistent"; + "snapletPostgresqlSimple" = self."snaplet-postgresql-simple"; + "snapletPostmark" = self."snaplet-postmark"; + "snapletRecaptcha" = self."snaplet-recaptcha"; + "snapletRedis" = self."snaplet-redis"; + "snapletRedson" = self."snaplet-redson"; + "snapletRest" = self."snaplet-rest"; + "snapletRiak" = self."snaplet-riak"; + "snapletSass" = self."snaplet-sass"; + "snapletSedna" = self."snaplet-sedna"; + "snapletSesHtml" = self."snaplet-ses-html"; + "snapletSqliteSimple" = self."snaplet-sqlite-simple"; + "snapletStripe" = self."snaplet-stripe"; + "snapletTasks" = self."snaplet-tasks"; + "snapletTypedSessions" = self."snaplet-typed-sessions"; + "snapLoaderDynamic" = self."snap-loader-dynamic"; + "snapLoaderStatic" = self."snap-loader-static"; + "snapPredicates" = self."snap-predicates"; + "snappyFraming" = self."snappy-framing"; + "snappyIteratee" = self."snappy-iteratee"; + "snapServer" = self."snap-server"; + "snapTesting" = self."snap-testing"; + "snapUtils" = self."snap-utils"; + "snapWebRoutes" = self."snap-web-routes"; + "sndfileEnumerators" = self."sndfile-enumerators"; + "snippetExtractor" = self."snippet-extractor"; + "snowWhite" = self."snow-white"; + "soapOpenssl" = self."soap-openssl"; + "soapTls" = self."soap-tls"; + "socketActivation" = self."socket-activation"; + "socketIo" = self."socket-io"; + "sonicVisualiser" = self."sonic-visualiser"; + "sortByPinyin" = self."sort-by-pinyin"; + "sourceCodeServer" = self."source-code-server"; + "sparseLinAlg" = self."sparse-lin-alg"; + "spatialMath" = self."spatial-math"; + "specialFunctors" = self."special-functors"; + "specializeTh" = self."specialize-th"; + "specialKeys" = self."special-keys"; + "speculationTransformers" = self."speculation-transformers"; + "spellingSuggest" = self."spelling-suggest"; + "sphinxCli" = self."sphinx-cli"; + "splitChannel" = self."split-channel"; + "splitRecord" = self."split-record"; + "splitTchan" = self."split-tchan"; + "SpockAuth" = self."Spock-auth"; + "SpockWorker" = self."Spock-worker"; + "sqliteSimple" = self."sqlite-simple"; + "sqlSimpleMysql" = self."sql-simple-mysql"; + "sqlSimplePool" = self."sql-simple-pool"; + "sqlSimplePostgresql" = self."sql-simple-postgresql"; + "sqlSimple" = self."sql-simple"; + "sqlSimpleSqlite" = self."sql-simple-sqlite"; + "sqlvalueList" = self."sqlvalue-list"; + "sqlWords" = self."sql-words"; + "stableMaps" = self."stable-maps"; + "stableMemo" = self."stable-memo"; + "stableTree" = self."stable-tree"; + "stackPrism" = self."stack-prism"; + "standaloneHaddock" = self."standalone-haddock"; + "starToStarContra" = self."star-to-star-contra"; + "starToStar" = self."star-to-star"; + "statefulMtl" = self."stateful-mtl"; + "statePlus" = self."state-plus"; + "stateRecord" = self."state-record"; + "StateVarTransformer" = self."StateVar-transformer"; + "staticHash" = self."static-hash"; + "staticResources" = self."static-resources"; + "statisticsDirichlet" = self."statistics-dirichlet"; + "statisticsFusion" = self."statistics-fusion"; + "statisticsLinreg" = self."statistics-linreg"; + "stbImage" = self."stb-image"; + "stbTruetype" = self."stb-truetype"; + "stmChannelize" = self."stm-channelize"; + "stmChans" = self."stm-chans"; + "stmChunkedQueues" = self."stm-chunked-queues"; + "stmConduit" = self."stm-conduit"; + "stmContainers" = self."stm-containers"; + "stmDelay" = self."stm-delay"; + "stmFirehose" = self."stm-firehose"; + "stmIoHooks" = self."stm-io-hooks"; + "stmLifted" = self."stm-lifted"; + "stmLinkedlist" = self."stm-linkedlist"; + "stmOrelseIo" = self."stm-orelse-io"; + "stmPromise" = self."stm-promise"; + "stmQueueExtras" = self."stm-queue-extras"; + "stmSbchan" = self."stm-sbchan"; + "stmSplit" = self."stm-split"; + "stmStats" = self."stm-stats"; + "stmTlist" = self."stm-tlist"; + "stompConduit" = self."stomp-conduit"; + "stompPatterns" = self."stomp-patterns"; + "stompQueue" = self."stomp-queue"; + "storableComplex" = self."storable-complex"; + "storableEndian" = self."storable-endian"; + "storableRecord" = self."storable-record"; + "storableStaticArray" = self."storable-static-array"; + "storableTuple" = self."storable-tuple"; + "storablevectorCarray" = self."storablevector-carray"; + "storablevectorStreamfusion" = self."storablevector-streamfusion"; + "StrafunskiATermLib" = self."Strafunski-ATermLib"; + "StrafunskiSdf2Haskell" = self."Strafunski-Sdf2Haskell"; + "StrafunskiStrategyLib" = self."Strafunski-StrategyLib"; + "streamFusion" = self."stream-fusion"; + "streamingCommons" = self."streaming-commons"; + "streamMonad" = self."stream-monad"; + "strictBaseTypes" = self."strict-base-types"; + "strictConcurrency" = self."strict-concurrency"; + "strictGhcPlugin" = self."strict-ghc-plugin"; + "strictIdentity" = self."strict-identity"; + "strictIo" = self."strict-io"; + "stringClass" = self."string-class"; + "stringCombinators" = self."string-combinators"; + "stringConversions" = self."string-conversions"; + "stringConvert" = self."string-convert"; + "stringQq" = self."string-qq"; + "stringQuote" = self."string-quote"; + "stringSimilarity" = self."string-similarity"; + "stringtableAtom" = self."stringtable-atom"; + "stripeHaskell" = self."stripe-haskell"; + "structuralInduction" = self."structural-induction"; + "structuredHaskellMode" = self."structured-haskell-mode"; + "structuredMongoDB" = self."structured-mongoDB"; + "stylishHaskell" = self."stylish-haskell"; + "sunroofCompiler" = self."sunroof-compiler"; + "sunroofExamples" = self."sunroof-examples"; + "sunroofServer" = self."sunroof-server"; + "supercolliderHt" = self."supercollider-ht"; + "supercolliderMidi" = self."supercollider-midi"; + "svmLightUtils" = self."svm-light-utils"; + "svmSimple" = self."svm-simple"; + "swiftLda" = self."swift-lda"; + "sybExtras" = self."syb-extras"; + "sybWithClassInstancesText" = self."syb-with-class-instances-text"; + "sybWithClass" = self."syb-with-class"; + "symPlot" = self."sym-plot"; + "synchronousChannels" = self."synchronous-channels"; + "syntaxAttoparsec" = self."syntax-attoparsec"; + "syntaxExampleJson" = self."syntax-example-json"; + "syntaxExample" = self."syntax-example"; + "syntaxPretty" = self."syntax-pretty"; + "syntaxPrinter" = self."syntax-printer"; + "syntaxTreesForkBairyn" = self."syntax-trees-fork-bairyn"; + "syntaxTrees" = self."syntax-trees"; + "synthesizerAlsa" = self."synthesizer-alsa"; + "synthesizerCore" = self."synthesizer-core"; + "synthesizerDimensional" = self."synthesizer-dimensional"; + "synthesizerInference" = self."synthesizer-inference"; + "synthesizerLlvm" = self."synthesizer-llvm"; + "synthesizerMidi" = self."synthesizer-midi"; + "sysAuthSmbclient" = self."sys-auth-smbclient"; + "systemArgv0" = self."system-argv0"; + "systemCanonicalpath" = self."system-canonicalpath"; + "systemCommand" = self."system-command"; + "systemFileio" = self."system-fileio"; + "systemFilepath" = self."system-filepath"; + "systemGpio" = self."system-gpio"; + "systemInotify" = self."system-inotify"; + "systemLifted" = self."system-lifted"; + "systemPosixRedirect" = self."system-posix-redirect"; + "systemRandomEffect" = self."system-random-effect"; + "systemTimeMonotonic" = self."system-time-monotonic"; + "systemUtil" = self."system-util"; + "systemUuid" = self."system-uuid"; + "tagBits" = self."tag-bits"; + "taggedBinary" = self."tagged-binary"; + "taggedExceptionCore" = self."tagged-exception-core"; + "taggedList" = self."tagged-list"; + "taggedTh" = self."tagged-th"; + "taggedTransformer" = self."tagged-transformer"; + "taggyLens" = self."taggy-lens"; + "taglibApi" = self."taglib-api"; + "tagsetPositional" = self."tagset-positional"; + "tagsoupHt" = self."tagsoup-ht"; + "tagsoupParsec" = self."tagsoup-parsec"; + "tagstreamConduit" = self."tagstream-conduit"; + "tagStream" = self."tag-stream"; + "takusenOracle" = self."takusen-oracle"; + "tamarinProver" = self."tamarin-prover"; + "tamarinProverTerm" = self."tamarin-prover-term"; 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+ "temporalMusicNotationWestern" = self."temporal-music-notation-western"; + "temporaryRc" = self."temporary-rc"; + "terminalProgressBar" = self."terminal-progress-bar"; + "terminalSize" = self."terminal-size"; + "terminationCombinators" = self."termination-combinators"; + "terminfoHs" = self."terminfo-hs"; + "termRewriting" = self."term-rewriting"; + "testFrameworkDoctest" = self."test-framework-doctest"; + "testFrameworkGolden" = self."test-framework-golden"; + "testFrameworkHunit" = self."test-framework-hunit"; + "testFrameworkProgram" = self."test-framework-program"; + "testFrameworkQuickcheck2" = self."test-framework-quickcheck2"; + "testFrameworkQuickcheck" = self."test-framework-quickcheck"; + "testFrameworkSandbox" = self."test-framework-sandbox"; + "testFramework" = self."test-framework"; + "testFrameworkSkip" = self."test-framework-skip"; + "testFrameworkSmallcheck" = self."test-framework-smallcheck"; + "testFrameworkTestingFeat" = self."test-framework-testing-feat"; + "testFrameworkThPrime" = self."test-framework-th-prime"; + "testFrameworkTh" = self."test-framework-th"; + "testingFeat" = self."testing-feat"; + "testPkg" = self."test-pkg"; + "testSandboxHunit" = self."test-sandbox-hunit"; + "testSandboxQuickcheck" = self."test-sandbox-quickcheck"; + "testSandbox" = self."test-sandbox"; + "testShouldbe" = self."test-shouldbe"; + "testSimple" = self."test-simple"; + "textBinary" = self."text-binary"; + "textFormat" = self."text-format"; + "textFormatSimple" = self."text-format-simple"; + "textIcu" = self."text-icu"; + "textIcuTranslit" = self."text-icu-translit"; + "textJsonQq" = self."text-json-qq"; + "textLatin1" = self."text-latin1"; + "textLdap" = self."text-ldap"; + "textLocaleEncoding" = self."text-locale-encoding"; + "textManipulate" = self."text-manipulate"; + "textNormal" = self."text-normal"; + "textPrinter" = self."text-printer"; + "textRegisterMachine" = self."text-register-machine"; + "textShow" = self."text-show"; + "textStreamDecode" = self."text-stream-decode"; + "textUtf7" = self."text-utf7"; + "textXmlGeneric" = self."text-xml-generic"; + "textXmlQq" = self."text-xml-qq"; + "tfpTh" = self."tfp-th"; + "tfRandom" = self."tf-random"; + "thAlpha" = self."th-alpha"; + "thBuild" = self."th-build"; + "thDesugar" = self."th-desugar"; + "theoremquestClient" = self."theoremquest-client"; + "thetaFunctions" = self."theta-functions"; + "thExpandSyns" = self."th-expand-syns"; + "thExtras" = self."th-extras"; + "thFold" = self."th-fold"; + "thInstanceReification" = self."th-instance-reification"; + "thInstances" = self."th-instances"; + "thKinds" = self."th-kinds"; + "thLiftInstances" = self."th-lift-instances"; + "thLift" = self."th-lift"; + "thOrphans" = self."th-orphans"; + "thPrintf" = self."th-printf"; + "threadLocalStorage" = self."thread-local-storage"; + "threadsPool" = self."threads-pool"; + "threepennyGui" = self."threepenny-gui"; + "thReifyMany" = self."th-reify-many"; + "thSccs" = self."th-sccs"; + "thumbnailPlus" = self."thumbnail-plus"; + "ticTacToe" = self."tic-tac-toe"; + "tidalVis" = self."tidal-vis"; + "tieKnot" = self."tie-knot"; + "timeCompat" = self."time-compat"; + "timeExtras" = self."time-extras"; + "timeExts" = self."time-exts"; + "timeHttp" = self."time-http"; + "timeIoAccess" = self."time-io-access"; + "timeLens" = self."time-lens"; + "timeoutControl" = self."timeout-control"; + "timeoutWithResults" = self."timeout-with-results"; + "timePatterns" = self."time-patterns"; + "timeRecurrence" = self."time-recurrence"; + "timersUpdatable" = self."timers-updatable"; + "timeSeries" = self."time-series"; + "timestampSubprocessLines" = self."timestamp-subprocess-lines"; + "timeUnits" = self."time-units"; + "timeW3c" = self."time-w3c"; + "timezoneOlson" = self."timezone-olson"; + "timezoneSeries" = self."timezone-series"; + "timingConvenience" = self."timing-convenience"; + "tlsDebug" = self."tls-debug"; + "tlsExtra" = self."tls-extra"; + "toHaskell" = self."to-haskell"; + "tokenBucket" = self."token-bucket"; + "tokyocabinetHaskell" = self."tokyocabinet-haskell"; + "tokyotyrantHaskell" = self."tokyotyrant-haskell"; + "tomatoRubatoOpenal" = self."tomato-rubato-openal"; + "toStringClass" = self."to-string-class"; + "toStringInstances" = self."to-string-instances"; + "totalMap" = self."total-map"; + "traceCall" = self."trace-call"; + "traceFunctionCall" = self."trace-function-call"; + "transactionalEvents" = self."transactional-events"; + "transformersAbort" = self."transformers-abort"; + "transformersBase" = self."transformers-base"; + "transformersCompat" = self."transformers-compat"; + "transformersCompose" = self."transformers-compose"; + "transformersConvert" = self."transformers-convert"; + "transformersFree" = self."transformers-free"; + "transformersRunnable" = self."transformers-runnable"; + "transformersSupply" = self."transformers-supply"; + "translatableIntset" = self."translatable-intset"; + "traverseWithClass" = self."traverse-with-class"; + "treemapHtml" = self."treemap-html"; + "treemapHtmlTools" = self."treemap-html-tools"; + "treeMonad" = self."tree-monad"; + "treeView" = self."tree-view"; + "tremulousQuery" = self."tremulous-query"; + "trivialConstraint" = self."trivial-constraint"; + "trueName" = self."true-name"; + "tsessionHappstack" = self."tsession-happstack"; + "tspViz" = self."tsp-viz"; + "tupFunctor" = self."tup-functor"; + "tupleGen" = self."tuple-gen"; + "tupleHlist" = self."tuple-hlist"; + "tupleLenses" = self."tuple-lenses"; + "tupleMorph" = self."tuple-morph"; + "tuplesHomogenousH98" = self."tuples-homogenous-h98"; + "tupleTh" = self."tuple-th"; + "turingMusic" = self."turing-music"; + "twentefpEventloopGraphics" = self."twentefp-eventloop-graphics"; + "twentefpGraphs" = self."twentefp-graphs"; + "twentefpNumber" = self."twentefp-number"; + "twentefpRosetree" = self."twentefp-rosetree"; + "twentefpTrees" = self."twentefp-trees"; + "twentefpWebsockets" = self."twentefp-websockets"; + "twilightStm" = self."twilight-stm"; + "twitterConduit" = self."twitter-conduit"; + "twitterEnumerator" = self."twitter-enumerator"; + "twitterFeed" = self."twitter-feed"; + "twitterTypesLens" = self."twitter-types-lens"; + "twitterTypes" = self."twitter-types"; + "txtSushi" = self."txt-sushi"; + "typeableTh" = self."typeable-th"; + "typeAligned" = self."type-aligned"; + "typeBooleans" = self."type-booleans"; + "typeCereal" = self."type-cereal"; + "typeDigits" = self."type-digits"; + "typeEq" = self."type-eq"; + "typeEqualityCheck" = self."type-equality-check"; + "typeEquality" = self."type-equality"; + "typeFunctions" = self."type-functions"; + "typeHint" = self."type-hint"; + "typeInt" = self."type-int"; + "typeLevelBst" = self."type-level-bst"; + "typeLevelNaturalNumberInduction" = self."type-level-natural-number-induction"; + "typeLevelNaturalNumberOperations" = self."type-level-natural-number-operations"; + "typeLevelNaturalNumber" = self."type-level-natural-number"; + "typeLevelNumbers" = self."type-level-numbers"; + "typeLevel" = self."type-level"; + "typeLevelSets" = self."type-level-sets"; + "typelevelTensor" = self."typelevel-tensor"; + "typeLevelTf" = self."type-level-tf"; + "typeList" = self."type-list"; + "typeNatural" = self."type-natural"; + "typeOrd" = self."type-ord"; + "typeOrdSpineCereal" = self."type-ord-spine-cereal"; + "typePrelude" = self."type-prelude"; + "typesafeEndian" = self."typesafe-endian"; + "typescriptDocs" = self."typescript-docs"; + "typeSettheory" = self."type-settheory"; + "typeSpine" = self."type-spine"; + "typeStructure" = self."type-structure"; + "typeSubTh" = self."type-sub-th"; + "typeUnary" = self."type-unary"; + "typographyGeometry" = self."typography-geometry"; + "uaParser" = self."ua-parser"; + "udbusModel" = self."udbus-model"; + "uhcLight" = self."uhc-light"; + "uhcUtil" = self."uhc-util"; + "uiCommand" = self."ui-command"; + "unagiChan" = self."unagi-chan"; + "unagiStreams" = self."unagi-streams"; + "unambCustom" = self."unamb-custom"; + "unboundedDelays" = self."unbounded-delays"; + "unboundedDelaysUnits" = self."unbounded-delays-units"; + "unboundGenerics" = self."unbound-generics"; + "unboxedContainers" = self."unboxed-containers"; 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+ "webRoutesHsp" = self."web-routes-hsp"; + "webRoutesMtl" = self."web-routes-mtl"; + "webRoutesQuasi" = self."web-routes-quasi"; + "webRoutesRegular" = self."web-routes-regular"; + "webRoutes" = self."web-routes"; + "webRoutesTh" = self."web-routes-th"; + "webRoutesTransformers" = self."web-routes-transformers"; + "webRoutesWai" = self."web-routes-wai"; + "websocketsSnap" = self."websockets-snap"; + "weddingAnnouncement" = self."wedding-announcement"; + "weightedRegexp" = self."weighted-regexp"; + "weightedSearch" = self."weighted-search"; + "whebMongo" = self."wheb-mongo"; + "whebRedis" = self."wheb-redis"; + "whebStrapped" = self."wheb-strapped"; + "whileLangParser" = self."while-lang-parser"; + "Win32DhcpServer" = self."Win32-dhcp-server"; + "Win32Errors" = self."Win32-errors"; + "Win32Extras" = self."Win32-extras"; + "Win32JunctionPoint" = self."Win32-junction-point"; + "Win32Notify" = self."Win32-notify"; + "Win32Services" = self."Win32-services"; + "Win32ServicesWrapper" = self."Win32-services-wrapper"; + "winHpPath" = self."win-hp-path"; + "wlPprintExtras" = self."wl-pprint-extras"; + "wlPprint" = self."wl-pprint"; + "wlPprintTerminfo" = self."wl-pprint-terminfo"; + "wlPprintText" = self."wl-pprint-text"; + "WordNetGhc74" = self."WordNet-ghc74"; + "wordTrie" = self."word-trie"; + "wpArchivebot" = self."wp-archivebot"; + "wtkGtk" = self."wtk-gtk"; + "wumpusBasic" = self."wumpus-basic"; + "wumpusCore" = self."wumpus-core"; + "wumpusDrawing" = self."wumpus-drawing"; + "wumpusMicroprint" = self."wumpus-microprint"; + "wumpusTree" = self."wumpus-tree"; + "X11Extras" = self."X11-extras"; + "X11Rm" = self."X11-rm"; + "X11Xdamage" = self."X11-xdamage"; + "X11Xfixes" = self."X11-xfixes"; + "X11Xft" = self."X11-xft"; + "x11Xim" = self."x11-xim"; + "x11Xinput" = self."x11-xinput"; + "X11Xshape" = self."X11-xshape"; + "x509Store" = self."x509-store"; + "x509System" = self."x509-system"; + "x509Util" = self."x509-util"; + "x509Validation" = self."x509-validation"; + "xcbTypes" = self."xcb-types"; + "xchatPlugin" = self."xchat-plugin"; + "xdgBasedir" = self."xdg-basedir"; + "xdgUserdirs" = self."xdg-userdirs"; + "xDsp" = self."x-dsp"; + "xhaskellLibrary" = self."xhaskell-library"; + "xhtmlCombinators" = self."xhtml-combinators"; + "xilinxLava" = self."xilinx-lava"; + "xingApi" = self."xing-api"; + "xlsxTemplater" = self."xlsx-templater"; + "xmlBasic" = self."xml-basic"; + "xmlCatalog" = self."xml-catalog"; + "xmlConduit" = self."xml-conduit"; + "xmlConduitWriter" = self."xml-conduit-writer"; + "xmlEnumeratorCombinators" = self."xml-enumerator-combinators"; + "xmlEnumerator" = self."xml-enumerator"; + "xmlHamlet" = self."xml-hamlet"; + "xmlHelpers" = self."xml-helpers"; + "xmlHtmlConduitLens" = self."xml-html-conduit-lens"; + "xmlLens" = self."xml-lens"; + "xmlMonad" = self."xml-monad"; + "xmlParsec" = self."xml-parsec"; + "xmlPicklers" = self."xml-picklers"; + "xmlPipe" = self."xml-pipe"; + "xmlPrettify" = self."xml-prettify"; + "xmlPush" = self."xml-push"; + "xmlToJsonFast" = self."xml-to-json-fast"; + "xmlToJson" = self."xml-to-json"; + "xmlTypes" = self."xml-types"; + "xmms2ClientGlib" = self."xmms2-client-glib"; + "xmms2Client" = self."xmms2-client"; + "xmonadBluetilebranch" = self."xmonad-bluetilebranch"; + "xmonadContribBluetilebranch" = self."xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch"; + "xmonadContribGpl" = self."xmonad-contrib-gpl"; + "xmonadContrib" = self."xmonad-contrib"; + "xmonadEval" = self."xmonad-eval"; + "xmonadExtras" = self."xmonad-extras"; + "xmonadScreenshot" = self."xmonad-screenshot"; + "xmonadUtils" = self."xmonad-utils"; + "xournalBuilder" = self."xournal-builder"; + "xournalConvert" = self."xournal-convert"; + "xournalParser" = self."xournal-parser"; + "xournalRender" = self."xournal-render"; + "xournalTypes" = self."xournal-types"; + "xssSanitize" = self."xss-sanitize"; + "yahooFinanceConduit" = self."yahoo-finance-conduit"; + "yahooWebSearch" = self."yahoo-web-search"; + "yajlEnumerator" = self."yajl-enumerator"; + "yamlConfig" = self."yaml-config"; + "yamlLightLens" = self."yaml-light-lens"; + "yamlLight" = self."yaml-light"; + "yamlRpcScotty" = self."yaml-rpc-scotty"; + "yamlRpc" = self."yaml-rpc"; + "yamlRpcSnap" = self."yaml-rpc-snap"; + "yampaCanvas" = self."yampa-canvas"; + "yampaGlfw" = self."yampa-glfw"; + "yampaGlut" = self."yampa-glut"; + "yarrImageIo" = self."yarr-image-io"; + "yesodAngular" = self."yesod-angular"; + "yesodAuthAccount" = self."yesod-auth-account"; + "yesodAuthBcrypt" = self."yesod-auth-bcrypt"; + "yesodAuthDeskcom" = self."yesod-auth-deskcom"; + "yesodAuthFb" = self."yesod-auth-fb"; + "yesodAuthHashdb" = self."yesod-auth-hashdb"; + "yesodAuthKerberos" = self."yesod-auth-kerberos"; + "yesodAuthLdap" = self."yesod-auth-ldap"; + "yesodAuthOauth2" = self."yesod-auth-oauth2"; + "yesodAuthOauth" = self."yesod-auth-oauth"; + "yesodAuthPam" = self."yesod-auth-pam"; + "yesodAuth" = self."yesod-auth"; + "yesodAuthSmbclient" = self."yesod-auth-smbclient"; + "yesodAuthZendesk" = self."yesod-auth-zendesk"; + "yesodBin" = self."yesod-bin"; + "yesodComments" = self."yesod-comments"; + "yesodContinuations" = self."yesod-continuations"; + "yesodCore" = self."yesod-core"; + "yesodDatatables" = self."yesod-datatables"; + "yesodDefault" = self."yesod-default"; + "yesodDsl" = self."yesod-dsl"; + "yesodEventsource" = self."yesod-eventsource"; + "yesodExamples" = self."yesod-examples"; + "yesodFay" = self."yesod-fay"; + "yesodFb" = self."yesod-fb"; + "yesodFormJson" = self."yesod-form-json"; + "yesodForm" = self."yesod-form"; + "yesodGitrepo" = self."yesod-gitrepo"; + "yesodGoodies" = self."yesod-goodies"; + "yesodJson" = self."yesod-json"; + "yesodLinks" = self."yesod-links"; + "yesodMangopay" = self."yesod-mangopay"; + "yesodMarkdown" = self."yesod-markdown"; + "yesodNewsfeed" = self."yesod-newsfeed"; + "yesodPaginate" = self."yesod-paginate"; + "yesodPagination" = self."yesod-pagination"; + "yesodPaginator" = self."yesod-paginator"; + "yesodPersistent" = self."yesod-persistent"; + "yesodPlatform" = self."yesod-platform"; + "yesodPnotify" = self."yesod-pnotify"; + "yesodPure" = self."yesod-pure"; + "yesodRecaptcha" = self."yesod-recaptcha"; + "yesodRoutes" = self."yesod-routes"; + "yesodRoutesTypescript" = self."yesod-routes-typescript"; + "yesodRst" = self."yesod-rst"; + "yesodS3" = self."yesod-s3"; + "yesodSessionRedis" = self."yesod-session-redis"; + "yesodSitemap" = self."yesod-sitemap"; + "yesodStaticAngular" = self."yesod-static-angular"; + "yesodStatic" = self."yesod-static"; + "yesodTableview" = self."yesod-tableview"; + "yesodTestJson" = self."yesod-test-json"; + "yesodTest" = self."yesod-test"; + "yesodTextMarkdown" = self."yesod-text-markdown"; + "yesodTls" = self."yesod-tls"; + "yesodVend" = self."yesod-vend"; + "yesodWebsockets" = self."yesod-websockets"; + "yesodWorker" = self."yesod-worker"; + "yesPrecure5Command" = self."yes-precure5-command"; + "yicesEasy" = self."yices-easy"; + "yicesPainless" = self."yices-painless"; + "yiContrib" = self."yi-contrib"; + "yiEmacsColours" = self."yi-emacs-colours"; + "yiFuzzyOpen" = self."yi-fuzzy-open"; + "yiGtk" = self."yi-gtk"; + "yiLanguage" = self."yi-language"; + "yiMonokai" = self."yi-monokai"; + "yiRope" = self."yi-rope"; + "yiSnippet" = self."yi-snippet"; + "yiSpolsky" = self."yi-spolsky"; + "yiVty" = self."yi-vty"; + "yjftpLibs" = self."yjftp-libs"; + "YogurtStandalone" = self."Yogurt-Standalone"; + "yorkLava" = self."york-lava"; + "zasniGerna" = self."zasni-gerna"; + "zendeskApi" = self."zendesk-api"; + "zeromq3Conduit" = self."zeromq3-conduit"; + "zeromq3Haskell" = self."zeromq3-haskell"; + "zeromq4Haskell" = self."zeromq4-haskell"; + "zeromqHaskell" = self."zeromq-haskell"; + "zigbeeZnet25" = self."zigbee-znet25"; + "zipArchive" = self."zip-archive"; + "zipConduit" = self."zip-conduit"; + "zlibBindings" = self."zlib-bindings"; + "zlibConduit" = self."zlib-conduit"; + "zlibEnum" = self."zlib-enum"; + "zlibLens" = self."zlib-lens"; + "zmidiCore" = self."zmidi-core"; + "zmidiScore" = self."zmidi-score"; + "zoomCachePcm" = self."zoom-cache-pcm"; + "zoomCache" = self."zoom-cache"; + "zoomCacheSndfile" = self."zoom-cache-sndfile"; + "zshBattery" = self."zsh-battery"; + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a58ace7cca72 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +{ pkgs }: + +with import ./lib.nix; + +self: super: { + + # Some packages need a non-core version of Cabal. + Cabal_1_20_0_3 = overrideCabal super.Cabal_1_20_0_3 (drv: { doCheck = false;}); + Cabal_1_22_0_0 = overrideCabal super.Cabal_1_22_0_0 (drv: { doCheck = false;}); + cabal-install = overrideCabal (super.cabal-install.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_22_0_0; }) (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_20_0_3; }; + + # Break infinite recursions. + digest = super.digest.override { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + matlab = super.matlab.override { matlab = null; }; + + # Doesn't compile with lua 5.2. + hslua = super.hslua.override { lua = pkgs.lua5_1; }; + + # "curl" means pkgs.curl + git-annex = super.git-annex.override { inherit (pkgs) git rsync gnupg1 curl lsof openssh which bup perl wget; }; + + # Depends on code distributed under a non-free license. + yices-painless = overrideCabal super.yices-painless (drv: { hydraPlatforms = []; }); + + # This package overrides the one from pkgs.gnome. + gtkglext = super.gtkglext.override { inherit (pkgs.gnome) gtkglext; }; + + # The test suite refers to its own library with an invalid version constraint. + presburger = overrideCabal super.presburger (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + + # Won't find it's header files without help. + sfml-audio = overrideCabal super.sfml-audio (drv: { configureFlags = drv.configureFlags or [] ++ ["--extra-include-dirs=${pkgs.openal}/include/AL"]; }); + + # Hacks to make packages compile. + abstract-deque = overrideCabal super.abstract-deque (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + accelerate-cuda = overrideCabal super.accelerate-cuda (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + accelerate = overrideCabal super.accelerate (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + active = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + aeson-utils = overrideCabal super.aeson-utils (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Agda = overrideCabal super.Agda (drv: { jailbreak = true; noHaddock = true; }); + amqp = overrideCabal super.amqp (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + arbtt = overrideCabal super.arbtt (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + ariadne = overrideCabal super.ariadne (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + arithmoi = overrideCabal super.arithmoi (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + asn1-encoding = overrideCabal super.asn1-encoding (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + assert-failure = overrideCabal super.assert-failure (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + atto-lisp = overrideCabal super.atto-lisp (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + attoparsec-conduit = overrideCabal super.attoparsec-conduit (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + authenticate-oauth = overrideCabal super.authenticate-oauth (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + aws = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + base64-bytestring = overrideCabal super.base64-bytestring (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + benchpress = overrideCabal super.benchpress (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + binary-conduit = overrideCabal super.binary-conduit (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + bindings-GLFW = overrideCabal super.bindings-GLFW (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + bitset = overrideCabal super.bitset (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + blaze-builder-conduit = overrideCabal super.blaze-builder-conduit (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + blaze-builder-enumerator = overrideCabal super.blaze-builder-enumerator (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + blaze-svg = overrideCabal super.blaze-svg (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + boundingboxes = overrideCabal super.boundingboxes (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + bson = overrideCabal super.bson (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + bytestring-progress = overrideCabal super.bytestring-progress (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + cabal2ghci = overrideCabal super.cabal2ghci (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cabal-bounds = overrideCabal super.cabal-bounds (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + cabal-cargs = overrideCabal super.cabal-cargs (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cabal-lenses = overrideCabal super.cabal-lenses (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cabal-macosx = overrideCabal super.cabal-macosx (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cabal-meta = overrideCabal super.cabal-meta (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + cairo = overrideCabal super.cairo (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cautious-file = overrideCabal super.cautious-file (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + certificate = overrideCabal super.certificate (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Chart-cairo = overrideCabal super.Chart-cairo (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Chart-diagrams = overrideCabal super.Chart-diagrams (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Chart = overrideCabal super.Chart (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + ChasingBottoms = overrideCabal super.ChasingBottoms (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cheapskate = overrideCabal super.cheapskate (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + citeproc-hs = overrideCabal super.citeproc-hs (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + clay = overrideCabal super.clay (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + cmdtheline = overrideCabal super.cmdtheline (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + codex = overrideCabal super.codex (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + command-qq = overrideCabal super.command-qq (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + comonads-fd = overrideCabal super.comonads-fd (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + comonad-transformers = overrideCabal super.comonad-transformers (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + concrete-typerep = overrideCabal super.concrete-typerep (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + conduit-extra = overrideCabal super.conduit-extra (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + conduit = overrideCabal super.conduit (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + CouchDB = overrideCabal super.CouchDB (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + criterion = overrideCabal super.criterion (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + crypto-conduit = overrideCabal super.crypto-conduit (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + crypto-numbers = overrideCabal super.crypto-numbers (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + cuda = overrideCabal super.cuda (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + data-accessor = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + dataenc = overrideCabal super.dataenc (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + data-fin = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + data-lens = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + data-pprint = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + dbmigrations = overrideCabal super.dbmigrations (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + dbus = overrideCabal super.dbus (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + deepseq-th = overrideCabal super.deepseq-th (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-contrib = overrideCabal super.diagrams-contrib (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-core = overrideCabal super.diagrams-core (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-lib = overrideCabal super.diagrams-lib (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-postscript = overrideCabal super.diagrams-postscript (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-rasterific = overrideCabal super.diagrams-rasterific (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams = overrideCabal super.diagrams (drv: { noHaddock = true; jailbreak = true; }); + diagrams-svg = overrideCabal super.diagrams-svg (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + digestive-functors-heist = overrideCabal super.digestive-functors-heist (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + digestive-functors-snap = overrideCabal super.digestive-functors-snap (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + digestive-functors = overrideCabal super.digestive-functors (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + directory-layout = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + distributed-process-platform = overrideCabal super.distributed-process-platform (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + distributed-process = overrideCabal super.distributed-process (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + doctest = overrideCabal super.doctest (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + dom-selector = overrideCabal super.dom-selector (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + download-curl = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + dual-tree = overrideCabal super.dual-tree (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Dust-crypto = overrideCabal super.Dust-crypto (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + either = overrideCabal super.either (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + ekg = overrideCabal super.ekg (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + elm-get = overrideCabal super.elm-get (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + elm-server = overrideCabal super.elm-server (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + encoding = overrideCabal super.encoding (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + enummapset = overrideCabal super.enummapset (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + equational-reasoning = overrideCabal super.equational-reasoning (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + equivalence = overrideCabal super.equivalence (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + errors = overrideCabal super.errors (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + extensible-effects = overrideCabal super.extensible-effects (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + failure = overrideCabal super.failure (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + fay = overrideCabal super.fay (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + fb = overrideCabal super.fb (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + filestore = overrideCabal super.filestore (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + force-layout = overrideCabal super.force-layout (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + free-game = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + free = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + fsnotify = overrideCabal super.fsnotify (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + ghc-events = overrideCabal super.ghc-events (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + ghcid = overrideCabal super.ghcid (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + ghc-mod = overrideCabal super.ghc-mod (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + gitit = overrideCabal super.gitit (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + git-vogue = overrideCabal super.git-vogue (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + glade = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + GLFW-b = overrideCabal super.GLFW-b (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + gloss-raster = overrideCabal super.gloss-raster (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + gl = overrideCabal (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + gnuplot = overrideCabal super.gnuplot (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Graphalyze = overrideCabal super.Graphalyze (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + graphviz = overrideCabal super.graphviz (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + grid = overrideCabal super.grid (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + groupoids = overrideCabal super.groupoids (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + gtk-traymanager = overrideCabal super.gtk-traymanager (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hakyll = overrideCabal super.hakyll (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hamlet = overrideCabal super.hamlet (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + handa-gdata = overrideCabal super.handa-gdata (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + HandsomeSoup = overrideCabal super.HandsomeSoup (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + happstack-server = overrideCabal super.happstack-server (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + hashable = overrideCabal super.hashable (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + hashed-storage = overrideCabal super.hashed-storage (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + haskell-docs = overrideCabal super.haskell-docs (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + haskell-names = overrideCabal super.haskell-names (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + haskell-src-exts = overrideCabal super.haskell-src-exts (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + haskell-src-meta = overrideCabal super.haskell-src-meta (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + haskoin = overrideCabal super.haskoin (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + hasktags = overrideCabal super.hasktags (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hasql-postgres = overrideCabal super.hasql-postgres (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + haste-compiler = overrideCabal super.haste-compiler (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + haxl = overrideCabal super.haxl (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + HaXml = overrideCabal super.HaXml (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + haxr = overrideCabal super.haxr (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hcltest = overrideCabal super.hcltest (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + HDBC-odbc = overrideCabal super.HDBC-odbc (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + hedis = overrideCabal super.hedis (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + heist = overrideCabal super.heist (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hindent = overrideCabal super.hindent (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hi = overrideCabal super.hi (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hjsmin = overrideCabal super.hjsmin (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hledger-web = overrideCabal super.hledger-web (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + HList = overrideCabal super.HList (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hoauth2 = overrideCabal super.hoauth2 (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + holy-project = overrideCabal super.holy-project (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hoodle-core = overrideCabal super.hoodle-core (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + hsbencher-fusion = overrideCabal super.hsbencher-fusion (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hsbencher = overrideCabal super.hsbencher (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hsc3-db = overrideCabal super.hsc3-db (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + hsimport = overrideCabal super.hsimport (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hsini = overrideCabal super.hsini (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + hspec-discover = overrideCabal super.hspec-discover (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + hspec-expectations = overrideCabal super.hspec-expectations (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hspec-meta = overrideCabal super.hspec-meta (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hspec = overrideCabal super.hspec (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + hsyslog = overrideCabal super.hsyslog (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + HTF = overrideCabal super.HTF (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + http-attoparsec = overrideCabal super.http-attoparsec (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + http-client-conduit = overrideCabal super.http-client-conduit (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + http-client-multipart = overrideCabal super.http-client-multipart (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + http-client = overrideCabal super.http-client (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + http-client-tls = overrideCabal super.http-client-tls (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + http-conduit = overrideCabal super.http-conduit (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + httpd-shed = overrideCabal super.httpd-shed (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + http-reverse-proxy = overrideCabal super.http-reverse-proxy (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + http-streams = overrideCabal super.http-streams (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + HTTP = overrideCabal super.HTTP (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + http-types = overrideCabal super.http-types (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + idris = overrideCabal super.idris (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + ihaskell = overrideCabal super.ihaskell (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + js-jquery = overrideCabal super.js-jquery (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + json-assertions = overrideCabal super.json-assertions (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + json-rpc = overrideCabal super.json-rpc (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + json-schema = overrideCabal super.json-schema (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + kansas-lava = overrideCabal super.kansas-lava (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + keys = overrideCabal super.keys (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + language-c-quote = overrideCabal super.language-c-quote (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + language-ecmascript = overrideCabal super.language-ecmascript (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + language-java = overrideCabal super.language-java (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + largeword = overrideCabal super.largeword (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + libjenkins = overrideCabal super.libjenkins (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + libsystemd-journal = overrideCabal super.libsystemd-journal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + lifted-base = overrideCabal super.lifted-base (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + linear = overrideCabal super.linear (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + ListLike = overrideCabal super.ListLike (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + list-tries = overrideCabal super.list-tries (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + llvm-general-pure = overrideCabal super.llvm-general-pure (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + llvm-general = overrideCabal super.llvm-general (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + lzma-enumerator = overrideCabal super.lzma-enumerator (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + machines-directory = overrideCabal super.machines-directory (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + machines-io = overrideCabal super.machines-io (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + mainland-pretty = overrideCabal super.mainland-pretty (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + markdown-unlit = overrideCabal super.markdown-unlit (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + math-functions = overrideCabal super.math-functions (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + MissingH = overrideCabal super.MissingH (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + MonadCatchIO-mtl = overrideCabal super.MonadCatchIO-mtl (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + MonadCatchIO-transformers = overrideCabal super.MonadCatchIO-transformers (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + monadloc-pp = overrideCabal super.monadloc-pp (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + monad-par = overrideCabal super.monad-par (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + monoid-extras = overrideCabal super.monoid-extras (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + mpppc = overrideCabal super.mpppc (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + msgpack = overrideCabal super.msgpack (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + multiplate = overrideCabal super.multiplate (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + mwc-random = overrideCabal super.mwc-random (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + nanospec = overrideCabal super.nanospec (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + network-carbon = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + network-conduit = overrideCabal (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + network-simple = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + network-transport-tcp = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + network-transport-tests = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + network-uri = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + numeric-prelude = overrideCabal super.numeric-prelude (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + ofx = overrideCabal super.ofx (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + opaleye = overrideCabal super.opaleye (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + openssl-streams = overrideCabal super.openssl-streams (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + options = overrideCabal super.options (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + optparse-applicative = overrideCabal super.optparse-applicative (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + packunused = overrideCabal super.packunused (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pandoc-citeproc = overrideCabal super.pandoc-citeproc (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + pandoc = overrideCabal super.pandoc (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + parallel-io = overrideCabal super.parallel-io (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + parsec = overrideCabal super.parsec (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + permutation = overrideCabal super.permutation (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + persistent-postgresql = overrideCabal super.persistent-postgresql (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + persistent-template = overrideCabal super.persistent-template (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pipes-aeson = overrideCabal super.pipes-aeson (drv: { jailbreak = true; doCheck = false; }); + pipes-binary = overrideCabal super.pipes-binary (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pipes-http = overrideCabal super.pipes-http (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pipes-network = overrideCabal super.pipes-network (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pipes-shell = overrideCabal super.pipes-shell (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + pipes = overrideCabal super.pipes (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pipes-text = overrideCabal super.pipes-text (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pointed = overrideCabal super.pointed (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + pointfree = overrideCabal super.pointfree (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + postgresql-simple = overrideCabal super.postgresql-simple (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + process-conduit = overrideCabal super.process-conduit (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + product-profunctors = overrideCabal super.product-profunctors (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + prolog = overrideCabal super.prolog (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + punycode = overrideCabal super.punycode (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + quickcheck-instances = overrideCabal super.quickcheck-instances (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Rasterific = overrideCabal super.Rasterific (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + reactive-banana-wx = overrideCabal super.reactive-banana-wx (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + ReadArgs = overrideCabal super.ReadArgs (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + reducers = overrideCabal super.reducers (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rematch = overrideCabal super.rematch (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + repa-algorithms = overrideCabal super.repa-algorithms (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + repa-examples = overrideCabal super.repa-examples (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + repa-io = overrideCabal super.repa-io (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + RepLib = overrideCabal super.RepLib (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + rest-core = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rest-gen = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rest-stringmap = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rest-types = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rethinkdb = overrideCabal super.rethinkdb (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + retry = overrideCabal super.retry (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + rope = overrideCabal super.rope (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + RSA = overrideCabal super.RSA (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + scientific = overrideCabal super.scientific (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + scotty = overrideCabal super.scotty (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + sdl2 = overrideCabal super.sdl2 (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + serialport = overrideCabal super.serialport (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + setenv = overrideCabal super.setenv (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + setlocale = overrideCabal super.setlocale (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + shakespeare-css = overrideCabal super.shakespeare-css (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + shakespeare-i18n = overrideCabal super.shakespeare-i18n (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + shakespeare-js = overrideCabal super.shakespeare-js (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + shakespeare-text = overrideCabal super.shakespeare-text (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + simple-sendfile = overrideCabal super.simple-sendfile (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + singletons = overrideCabal super.singletons (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + skein = overrideCabal super.skein (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snap-core = overrideCabal super.snap-core (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snaplet-acid-state = overrideCabal super.snaplet-acid-state (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snaplet-redis = overrideCabal super.snaplet-redis (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snaplet-stripe = overrideCabal super.snaplet-stripe (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snap-web-routes = overrideCabal super.snap-web-routes (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + snowball = overrideCabal super.snowball (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + sparse = overrideCabal super.sparse (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + statistics = overrideCabal super.statistics (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + stm-containers = overrideCabal super.stm-containers (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + storable-record = overrideCabal super.storable-record (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + Strafunski-StrategyLib = overrideCabal super.Strafunski-StrategyLib (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + stripe = overrideCabal super.stripe (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + symbol = overrideCabal super.symbol (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + system-filepath = overrideCabal super.system-filepath (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + tabular = overrideCabal super.tabular (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + tar = overrideCabal super.tar (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + template-default = overrideCabal super.template-default (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + temporary = overrideCabal super.temporary (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + test-framework-quickcheck2 = overrideCabal super.test-framework-quickcheck2 (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + text = overrideCabal super.text (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + th-desugar = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + these = overrideCabal super.these (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + th-lift-instances = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + th-orphans = overrideCabal (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + thread-local-storage = overrideCabal super.thread-local-storage (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + threads = overrideCabal super.threads (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + threepenny-gui = overrideCabal super.threepenny-gui (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + thyme = overrideCabal super.thyme (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + timeparsers = overrideCabal super.timeparsers (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + tls = overrideCabal super.tls (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + twitter-types = overrideCabal super.twitter-types (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + unordered-containers = overrideCabal super.unordered-containers (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + uri-encode = overrideCabal super.uri-encode (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + usb = overrideCabal super.usb (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + utf8-string = overrideCabal super.utf8-string (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + uuid = overrideCabal super.uuid (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + vacuum-graphviz = overrideCabal super.vacuum-graphviz (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + vault = overrideCabal super.vault (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + vcswrapper = overrideCabal super.vcswrapper (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + vty = overrideCabal super.vty (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + vty-ui = overrideCabal super.vty-ui (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wai-extra = overrideCabal super.wai-extra (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wai-logger = overrideCabal super.wai-logger (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + wai-middleware-static = overrideCabal super.wai-middleware-static (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wai-test = overrideCabal super.wai-test (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + wai-websockets = overrideCabal super.wai-websockets (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + warp = overrideCabal super.warp (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + webdriver = overrideCabal super.webdriver (drv: { doCheck = false; jailbreak = true; }); + websockets-snap = overrideCabal super.websockets-snap (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + websockets = overrideCabal super.websockets (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wl-pprint-terminfo = overrideCabal super.wl-pprint-terminfo (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wl-pprint-text = overrideCabal super.wl-pprint-text (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + wreq = overrideCabal super.wreq (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + wxc = overrideCabal super.wxc (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + wxdirect = overrideCabal super.wxdirect (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xdot = overrideCabal super.xdot (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xml-conduit = overrideCabal super.xml-conduit (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xmlgen = overrideCabal super.xmlgen (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + xml-html-conduit-lens = overrideCabal super.xml-html-conduit-lens (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xml-lens = overrideCabal super.xml-lens (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xmonad-extras = overrideCabal super.xmonad-extras (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + xournal-types = overrideCabal super.xournal-types (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + yap = overrideCabal super.yap (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + yesod-core = overrideCabal super.yesod-core (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + yesod-static = overrideCabal super.yesod-static (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + yst = overrideCabal super.yst (drv: { jailbreak = true; }); + zeromq3-haskell = overrideCabal super.zeromq3-haskell (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + zip-archive = overrideCabal (drv: { doCheck = false; }); + zlib-conduit = overrideCabal super.zlib-conduit (drv: { noHaddock = true; }); + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d10f8ac03594 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +{ pkgs }: + +with import ./lib.nix; + +self: super: { + + # Disable GHC 7.6.x core libraries. + array = null; + base = null; + binary = null; + bin-package-db = null; + bytestring = null; + Cabal = null; + containers = null; + deepseq = null; + directory = null; + filepath = null; + ghc-prim = null; + haskell2010 = null; + haskell98 = null; + hoopl = null; + hpc = null; + integer-gmp = null; + old-locale = null; + old-time = null; + pretty = null; + process = null; + rts = null; + template-haskell = null; + time = null; + unix = null; + + terminfo = self.terminfo_0_4_0_0; + haskeline = self.haskeline_0_7_1_3; + transformers = self.transformers_0_4_2_0; + mtl = self.mtl_2_2_1; + + Cabal_1_22_0_0 = super.Cabal_1_22_0_0.override { binary = self.binary_0_7_2_3; }; +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a95dee113984 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ pkgs }: + +with import ./lib.nix; + +self: super: { + + # Disable GHC 7.8.x core libraries. + array = null; + base = null; + binary = null; + bin-package-db = null; + bytestring = null; + Cabal = null; + containers = null; + deepseq = null; + directory = null; + filepath = null; + ghc-prim = null; + haskeline = self.haskeline_0_7_1_3; # GHC's version is broken: + haskell2010 = null; + haskell98 = null; + hoopl = null; + hpc = null; + integer-gmp = null; + old-locale = null; + old-time = null; + pretty = null; + process = null; + rts = null; + template-haskell = null; + terminfo = self.terminfo_0_4_0_0; # GHC's version is broken: + time = null; + transformers = null; + unix = null; + xhtml = null; + + ghcjs-prim = self.mkDerivation { + pname = "ghcjs-prim"; + version = ""; + src = pkgs.fetchgit { + url = git://; + rev = "8e003e1a1df10233bc3f03d7bbd7d37de13d2a84"; + sha256 = "11k2r87s58wmpxykn61lihn4vm3x67cm1dygvdl26papifinj6pz"; + }; + buildDepends = with self; [ primitive ]; + license = "unknown"; + }; + + ghcjs = self.callPackage ../compilers/ghcjs { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_22_0_0; }; + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..671bd87ba078 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ pkgs }: + +with import ./lib.nix; + +self: super: { + + # Disable GHC 7.9.x core libraries. + array = null; + base = null; + binary = null; + bin-package-db = null; + bytestring = null; + Cabal = null; + containers = null; + deepseq = null; + directory = null; + filepath = null; + ghc-prim = null; + haskeline = null; + hoopl = null; + hpc = null; + integer-gmp = null; + pretty = null; + process = null; + rts = null; + template-haskell = null; + terminfo = null; + time = null; + transformers = null; + unix = null; + xhtml = null; + + # haddock: internal error: expectJust getPackageDetails + mkDerivation = drv: super.mkDerivation (drv // { noHaddock = true; }); + + # Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing: base <4.8 + hspec-expectations = overrideCabal super.hspec-expectations (drv: { + patchPhase = "sed -i -e 's|base < 4.8|base|' hspec-expectations.cabal"; + }); + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3af0fbf0eea1 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +{ pkgs }: + +with import ./lib.nix; + +self: super: { + + # This is the list of packages that are built into a booted ghcjs installation + # It can be generated with the command: + # nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A pkgs.haskellPackages_ghcjs.ghc --command "ghcjs-pkg list | sed -n 's/^ \(.*\)-\([0-9.]*\)$/\1_\2/ p' | sed 's/\./_/g' | sed 's/-\(.\)/\U\1/' | sed 's/^\([^_]*\)\(.*\)$/\1 = null;/'" + Cabal = null; + aeson = null; + array = null; + async = null; + attoparsec = null; + base = null; + binary = null; + rts = null; + bytestring = null; + caseInsensitive = null; + containers = null; + deepseq = null; + directory = null; + dlist = null; + extensibleExceptions = null; + filepath = null; + ghcPrim = null; + ghcjsBase = null; + ghcjsPrim = null; + hashable = null; + integerGmp = null; + mtl = null; + oldLocale = null; + oldTime = null; + parallel = null; + pretty = null; + primitive = null; + process = null; + scientific = null; + stm = null; + syb = null; + templateHaskell = null; + text = null; + time = null; + transformers = null; + unix = null; + unorderedContainers = null; + vector = null; + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..846f85da66ff --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/default.nix @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ pkgs, stdenv, ghc +, packageSetConfig ? (self: super: {}) +, overrides ? (self: super: {}) +, provideOldAttributeNames ? false +}: + +with ./lib.nix; + +let + + fix = f: let x = f x // { __unfix__ = f; }; in x; + + extend = rattrs: f: self: let super = rattrs self; in super // f self super; + + haskellPackages = self: + let + + mkDerivation = pkgs.callPackage ./generic-builder.nix { + inherit stdenv ghc; + inherit (pkgs) fetchurl pkgconfig glibcLocales coreutils gnugrep gnused; + inherit (self) jailbreak-cabal; + hscolour = overrideCabal self.hscolour (drv: { + isLibrary = false; + noHaddock = true; + hyperlinkSource = false; # Avoid depending on hscolour for this build. + postFixup = "rm -rf $out/lib $out/share $out/nix-support"; + }); + }; + + overrideCabal = drv: f: drv.override (args: args // { + mkDerivation = drv: args.mkDerivation (drv // f drv); + }); + + defaultScope = pkgs // pkgs.xlibs // pkgs.gnome // self; + callPackage = drv: args: stdenv.lib.callPackageWith defaultScope drv args; + + in + import ./hackage-packages.nix { inherit pkgs stdenv callPackage; } self // { + + inherit ghc mkDerivation callPackage; + + ghcWithPackages = pkgs: callPackage ./with-packages-wrapper.nix { packages = pkgs self; }; + + }; + + compatLayer = if provideOldAttributeNames then import ./compat-layer.nix else (self: super: {}); + commonConfiguration = import ./configuration-common.nix { inherit pkgs; }; + +in + + fix (extend (extend (extend (extend haskellPackages commonConfiguration) packageSetConfig) overrides) compatLayer) diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b835bd33bf09 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +{ stdenv, fetchurl, ghc, pkgconfig, glibcLocales, coreutils, gnugrep, gnused +, jailbreak-cabal, hscolour +}: + +{ pname, version, sha256 ? null +, src ? fetchurl { url = "mirror://hackage/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz"; inherit sha256; } +, buildDepends ? [] +, extraLibraries ? [] +, configureFlags ? [] +, configureFlagsArray ? [] +, pkgconfigDepends ? [] +, noHaddock ? false +, buildTools ? [] +, patches ? [], patchPhase ? "", prePatch ? "", postPatch ? "" +, preConfigure ? "", postConfigure ? "" +, preBuild ? "", postBuild ? "" +, installPhase ? "", preInstall ? "", postInstall ? "" +, checkPhase ? "", preCheck ? "", postCheck ? "" +, preFixup ? "", postFixup ? "" +, isExecutable ? false, isLibrary ? !isExecutable +, propagatedUserEnvPkgs ? [] +, testDepends ? [] +, doCheck ? stdenv.lib.versionOlder "7.4" ghc.version, testTarget ? "" +, jailbreak ? false +, hyperlinkSource ? true +, enableLibraryProfiling ? false +, enableSharedExecutables ? stdenv.lib.versionOlder "7.7" ghc.version +, enableSharedLibraries ? stdenv.lib.versionOlder "7.7" ghc.version +, enableSplitObjs ? !stdenv.isDarwin # +, enableStaticLibraries ? true +, homepage ? "${pname}" +, description ? "no description available" +, license +, editedCabalFile ? null +, platforms ? ghc.meta.platforms +, hydraPlatforms ? ghc.meta.hydraPlatforms or ghc.meta.platforms +, broken ? false +, maintainers ? [] +, passthru ? {} +}: + +assert pkgconfigDepends != [] -> pkgconfig != null; + +let + + inherit (stdenv.lib) optional optionals optionalString versionOlder + concatStringsSep enableFeature; + + defaultSetupHs = builtins.toFile "Setup.hs" '' + import Distribution.Simple + main = defaultMain + ''; + + defaultConfigureFlags = [ + (enableFeature enableSplitObjs "split-objs") + (enableFeature enableLibraryProfiling "library-profiling") + (enableFeature enableSharedLibraries "shared") + (optionalString (versionOlder "7" ghc.version) (enableFeature enableStaticLibraries "library-vanilla")) + (optionalString (versionOlder "7.4" ghc.version) (enableFeature enableSharedExecutables "executable-dynamic")) + (optionalString (versionOlder "7" ghc.version) (enableFeature doCheck "tests")) + ]; + + hasActiveLibrary = isLibrary && (enableStaticLibraries || enableSharedLibraries); + + newCabalFile = fetchurl { + url = "${pname}-${version}/${pname}.cabal"; + sha256 = editedCabalFile; + }; + +in +stdenv.mkDerivation { + name = "${optionalString hasActiveLibrary "haskell-"}${pname}-${version}"; + + inherit src; + + nativeBuildInputs = extraLibraries ++ buildTools ++ + optionals (pkgconfigDepends != []) ([pkgconfig] ++ pkgconfigDepends) ++ + optionals doCheck testDepends; + propagatedNativeBuildInputs = buildDepends; + + inherit propagatedUserEnvPkgs; + inherit patches patchPhase prePatch postPatch; + inherit preConfigure postConfigure configureFlags configureFlagsArray; + inherit preBuild postBuild; + inherit preInstall postInstall; + inherit doCheck preCheck postCheck; + inherit preFixup postFixup; + + # GHC needs the locale configured during the Haddock phase. + LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"; + LOCALE_ARCHIVE = optionalString stdenv.isLinux "${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive"; + + configurePhase = '' + runHook preConfigure + + echo "Building with ${ghc}." + export PATH="${ghc}/bin:$PATH" + ${optionalString (hasActiveLibrary && hyperlinkSource) "export PATH=${hscolour}/bin:$PATH"} + + configureFlags="--verbose --prefix=$out --libdir=\$prefix/lib/\$compiler --libsubdir=\$pkgid $configureFlags" + configureFlags+=' ${concatStringsSep " " defaultConfigureFlags}' + ${optionalString (enableSharedExecutables && stdenv.isLinux) '' + configureFlags+=" --ghc-option=-optl=-Wl,-rpath=$out/lib/${}/${pname}-${version}" + ''} + ${optionalString (enableSharedExecutables && stdenv.isDarwin) '' + configureFlags+=" --ghc-option=-optl=-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names" + ''} + ${optionalString (versionOlder "7.8" ghc.version && !isLibrary) '' + configureFlags+=" --ghc-option=-j$NIX_BUILD_CORES" + setupCompileFlags="-j$NIX_BUILD_CORES" + ''} + + local confDir=$out/nix-support/ghc-${ghc.version}-package.conf.d + mkdir -p $confDir + for p in $propagatedNativeBuildInputs $nativeBuildInputs; do + if [ -d "$p/nix-support/ghc-${ghc.version}-package.conf.d" ]; then + cp -f "$p/nix-support/ghc-${ghc.version}-package.conf.d/"*.conf $confDir/ + continue + fi + if [ -d "$p/include" ]; then + configureFlags+=" --extra-include-dirs=$p/include" + fi + for d in lib{,64}; do + if [ -d "$p/$d" ]; then + configureFlags+=" --extra-lib-dirs=$p/$d" + fi + done + done + ghc-pkg --package-db=$confDir recache + configureFlags+=" --package-db=$confDir" + + ${optionalString (editedCabalFile != null) '' + echo "Replacing Cabal file with edited version ${newCabalFile}." + cp ${newCabalFile} ${pname}.cabal + ''} + + ${optionalString jailbreak '' + echo "Running jailbreak-cabal to lift version restrictions on build inputs." + ${jailbreak-cabal}/bin/jailbreak-cabal ${pname}.cabal + ''} + + for i in Setup.hs Setup.lhs ${defaultSetupHs}; do + test -f $i && break + done + ghc -package-db=$confDir $setupCompileFlags --make -o Setup -odir $TMPDIR -hidir $TMPDIR $i + + echo configureFlags: $configureFlags + unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH # Cabal complains about this variable if it's set. + ./Setup configure $configureFlags 2>&1 | ${coreutils}/bin/tee "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/cabal-configure.log" + if ${gnugrep}/bin/egrep -q '^Warning:.*depends on multiple versions' "$NIX_BUILD_TOP/cabal-configure.log"; then + echo >&2 "*** abort because of serious configure-time warning from Cabal" + exit 1 + fi + + export GHC_PACKAGE_PATH="$confDir:" + + runHook postConfigure + ''; + + buildPhase = '' + runHook preBuild + ./Setup build + ${optionalString (!noHaddock && hasActiveLibrary) '' + ./Setup haddock --html --hoogle ${optionalString (hasActiveLibrary && hyperlinkSource) "--hyperlink-source"} + ''} + runHook postBuild + ''; + + checkPhase = if installPhase != "" then installPhase else '' + runHook preCheck + ./Setup test ${testTarget} + runHook postCheck + ''; + + installPhase = if installPhase != "" then installPhase else '' + runHook preInstall + + ${if !hasActiveLibrary then "./Setup install" else '' + ./Setup copy + local confDir=$out/nix-support/ghc-${ghc.version}-package.conf.d + local pkgConf=$confDir/${pname}-${version}.conf + mkdir -p $confDir + ./Setup register --gen-pkg-config=$pkgConf + local pkgId=$( ${gnused}/bin/sed -n -e 's|^id: ||p' $pkgConf ) + mv $pkgConf $confDir/$pkgId.conf + ghc-pkg --package-db=$confDir recache + ''} + + ${optionalString (enableSharedExecutables && isExecutable && stdenv.isDarwin) '' + for exe in "$out/bin/"* ; do + install_name_tool -add_rpath "$out/lib/ghc-${ghc.version}/${pname}-${version}" "$exe" + done + ''} + + runHook postInstall + ''; + + passthru = passthru // { inherit pname version; }; + + meta = { + inherit homepage license description platforms hydraPlatforms maintainers broken; + }; +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/ghc-paths-nix.patch b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/ghc-paths-nix.patch new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b3c75a26a035 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/ghc-paths-nix.patch @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +diff -Naur ghc-paths- ghc-paths- +--- ghc-paths- 2012-12-16 13:53:45.720148396 +0100 ++++ ghc-paths- 2012-12-16 17:22:12.765576568 +0100 +@@ -1,13 +1,35 @@ + {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} ++{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} + + module GHC.Paths ( + ghc, ghc_pkg, libdir, docdir + ) where + ++import Control.Exception as E ++import Data.Maybe ++import System.Environment ++import System.IO.Unsafe ++ ++-- Yes, there's lookupEnv now, but we want to be compatible ++-- with older GHCs. ++checkEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String) ++checkEnv var = E.catch (fmap Just (getEnv var)) ++ (\ (e :: IOException) -> return Nothing) ++ ++nixLibdir, nixDocdir, nixGhc, nixGhcPkg :: Maybe FilePath ++nixLibdir = unsafePerformIO (checkEnv "NIX_GHC_LIBDIR") ++nixDocdir = unsafePerformIO (checkEnv "NIX_GHC_DOCDIR") ++nixGhc = unsafePerformIO (checkEnv "NIX_GHC") ++nixGhcPkg = unsafePerformIO (checkEnv "NIX_GHCPKG") ++{-# NOINLINE nixLibdir #-} ++{-# NOINLINE nixDocdir #-} ++{-# NOINLINE nixGhc #-} ++{-# NOINLINE nixGhcPkg #-} ++ + libdir, docdir, ghc, ghc_pkg :: FilePath + +-libdir = GHC_PATHS_LIBDIR +-docdir = GHC_PATHS_DOCDIR ++libdir = fromMaybe GHC_PATHS_LIBDIR nixLibdir ++docdir = fromMaybe GHC_PATHS_DOCDIR nixDocdir + +-ghc = GHC_PATHS_GHC +-ghc_pkg = GHC_PATHS_GHC_PKG ++ghc = fromMaybe GHC_PATHS_GHC nixGhc ++ghc_pkg = fromMaybe GHC_PATHS_GHC_PKG nixGhcPkg diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a0793d3c5020 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix @@ -0,0 +1,119730 @@ +/* hackage-packages.nix is an auto-generated file -- DO NOT EDIT! */ + +{ pkgs, stdenv, callPackage }: + +self: { + + "3d-graphics-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "3d-graphics-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v2zv94npviggqfqabfzp7ab54nnw9wdb60y20f1lzw13an0a14q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples of 3D graphics programming with OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "3dmodels" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, linear, packer }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "3dmodels"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "00pp8g1b59950i5ik9ycimxd284vsv1hnfgxgg1mjvxwaj2pbyhr"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring linear packer ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "3D model parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "4Blocks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, gtk, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "4Blocks"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1lya7320jf2cvd69prvjfwdlci2j17m21qcqaqxaczlrv4aykg6w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo containers gtk haskell98 mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tetris-like game (works with GHC 6.8.3 and Gtk2hs 0.9.13)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ABList" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, linear, newtype, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ABList"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "06hj35k3lbcxh9yn70sa4bw0jafxmxyi2237d6r48dznk4a5fvq1"; + buildDepends = [ base linear newtype ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "An alternating list of two types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Angle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Angle"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0ra97a4im3w2cq3mf17j8skn6bajs7rw7d0mmvcwgb9jd04b0idm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Angles in degrees and radians"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Boolean" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Boolean"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0id19wgp2jg2pf1gdhfzkyknjj19jii3pz0lva29x3lcck38rw2b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Handle Boolean values generatically"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-BuildPlatform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-BuildPlatform"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0vlhakc6mc4zzyvb54rgmskkj8hp43zy35giimk0g7i5068r2czh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Detect which OS you're running on"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Colour" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Colour"; + version = "1.1.6"; + sha256 = "02v3b1pfhwnf3cl8kbxfkk0a7hdp0gqq5v4w9ka32zl1p007rz19"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Efficient RGB colour types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-EasyRaster-GTK" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-EasyRaster-GTK"; + version = "1.1.3"; + sha256 = "082il76032biyan170p4qp13154nmkzil4v2wv7fmjn9z7v8w49b"; + buildDepends = [ array base gtk ]; + description = "GTK+ pixel plotting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-HalfInteger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-HalfInteger"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0wwnb7a6dmzgh122qg322mi3vpyk93xw52cql6dx18sqdbxyxdbb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Efficient half-integer type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-MiniTest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-MiniTest"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ish59q50npljgmfrcffcyx6scf99xdncmy1kpwy1i5622r1kcps"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "A simple test framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-PPM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-PPM"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0y2wzwfnlx50rzkdigmjy3dg5f91pmkf4gmnzjhs3r916d296gkq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Trivial package for writing PPM images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Random"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1c00pcz0c4l2sdaj61zcmw68ckmqb7xlfykv489xms7ak4xl8nc1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A pure Haskell PRNG"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Terminal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Terminal"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0d0vdqf7i49d2hsdm7x9ad88l7kfc1wvkzppzhs8k9xf4gbrvl43"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ]; + description = "Trivial wrapper over ansi-terminal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-VanillaArray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-VanillaArray"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "044kiwc5g2irky0k3fg9l2qqnvcnh9vdx0yz8m1awnkab6mk0i3v"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + description = "Immutable arrays with plain integer indicies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Vector"; + version = "2.3.2"; + sha256 = "04ahf6ldfhvzbml9xd6yplygn8ih7b8zz7cw03hkr053g5kzylay"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Efficient geometric vectors and transformations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AC-Vector-Fancy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Angle, AC-Vector, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AC-Vector-Fancy"; + version = "2.4.0"; + sha256 = "0wcan2s75c89s1mxhcvvjgbpn8xqrhmwnfbsrszkzydw3x46465y"; + buildDepends = [ AC-Angle AC-Vector base ]; + description = "Fancy type-system stuff for AC-Vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ACME" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, list-extras, mtl, random, random-shuffle + , void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ACME"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "103mil8lixg0v2wjizy0pqyy9ywbmrk56mc0n37wwvz0qkjaqnds"; + buildDepends = [ base list-extras mtl random random-shuffle void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Essential features"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ADPfusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, primitive, PrimitiveArray + , QuickCheck, repa, strict, template-haskell, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ADPfusion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z6a6j57jn72pqzljsg1pwjm2vwzfnl6rjzz853vbi9djp28kcd9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq ghc-prim primitive PrimitiveArray QuickCheck repa + strict template-haskell transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient, high-level dynamic programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-Basics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, criterion, deepseq, directory + , QuickCheck, random, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-Basics"; + version = "2011.1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1zzm6974mfwzswhx9dfh4w1qrlk44w5k8pajqmrgs8hwnx3k8awa"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers criterion deepseq directory QuickCheck random + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "foundational type classes for approximating exact real numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-Net" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Real, AERN-RnToRm, base, binary, containers + , html, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-Net"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h7yw85zp8dlyjfi5mr3zvb8cn3xbfxw19nqkz6r7v6s5hfg50qg"; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Real AERN-RnToRm base binary containers html stm time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compositional lazy dataflow networks for exact real number computation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-Real" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Basics, base, criterion, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-Real"; + version = "2011.1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1m8fc3agvm5r5vgzsxhjdmmxl679n68isa5cwbbfrv38c20s2p6v"; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Basics base criterion QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-Real-Double" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Basics, AERN-Real, AERN-Real-Interval, base + , criterion, ieee-utils, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-Real-Double"; + version = "2011.1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0hwbw2nibgfddqfhbq8fcm1anibdfa9kgbbxnsbxvkkl6l52cbg2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Basics AERN-Real AERN-Real-Interval base criterion ieee-utils + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-Real-Interval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Basics, AERN-Real, base, deepseq, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-Real-Interval"; + version = "2011.1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1myh6r2cg4sg7k21y3p415pwm2vjfggi92631wzcjxk8ygcafbwv"; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Basics AERN-Real base deepseq QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-RnToRm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Real, base, binary, containers, directory + , filepath, html, QuickCheck, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-RnToRm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rx93h1h303r4gf9jq32gl08lg4jkfc12kzjnjxampwx75b4lgjv"; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Real base binary containers directory filepath html QuickCheck + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) approximating exact real functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AERN-RnToRm-Plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AERN-Real, AERN-RnToRm, base, binary, containers + , directory, filepath, glade, glib, gtk, gtkglext, mtl, OpenGL, stm + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AERN-RnToRm-Plot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zpp0s90q2jhpagf6iswbmm6hyi0x2hns8vqd5swwa8d258avrbq"; + buildDepends = [ + AERN-Real AERN-RnToRm base binary containers directory filepath + glade glib gtk gtkglext mtl OpenGL stm time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GL plotting of polynomial function enclosures (PFEs)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AES" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, monads-tf, random + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AES"; + version = "0.2.9"; + sha256 = "12n484dpjr08910ni1vvw030g9p37lz68l5lw0212rvklkva6wzc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal monads-tf random transformers + ]; + description = "Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AGI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, network, parsec, random, syb, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AGI"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "1h0hcdvdjs635inq96fpyh2g3d482ilpqn474vk1xkycww0xgsnv"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl network parsec random syb unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing AGI scripts for Asterisk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ALUT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alut, base, OpenAL, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ALUT"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0riylbbcnpc2lnjfj9ky1srs0svl2bny2scg6p3v8gmp27linlgr"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenAL OpenGL ]; + extraLibraries = [ alut ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusenativewindowslibraries" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for the OpenAL Utility Toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { alut = null; }; + + "AMI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + , pureMD5, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AMI"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "00w6kcikc5ac26786fwshwbh8ndj9aq1w7wz263j5rnhdf12irky"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl network pureMD5 stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level bindings for Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ANum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ANum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ilgz1akz66cwwvxd8dkz2fq9gyplc4m206jpmp380ys5n37b4q9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Num instance for Applicatives provided via the ANum newtype"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ASN1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, NewBinary, old-time + , pretty, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ASN1"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "188mf1k8p4h8ryngpcs6ldz9n2590h9wfxzxsj396is5r8rxscmh"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HUnit mtl NewBinary old-time pretty QuickCheck + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ASN.1 support for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AVar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AVar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jggzjyms1w4p1ynv8m5yvya64kbxkjdis7wvy3lildmp0w0x0c7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Mutable variables with Exception handling and concurrency support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AWin32Console" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-compat, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AWin32Console"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0il5bngj4919mmpm0rwmbx74ih3sfbqkaph6w12p49fs466sxkh1"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-compat Win32 ]; + description = "A binding to a part of the ANSI escape code for the console"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AbortT-monadstf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AbortT-transformers, base, monads-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AbortT-monadstf"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1ijv4bs299ijqbkspbg1kry627ra6p6qlkd74q4y2pvamrm4dn6f"; + buildDepends = [ AbortT-transformers base monads-tf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads-tf instances for the AbortT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AbortT-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AbortT-transformers, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AbortT-mtl"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "17rp4v5ibna9fplm526x31k8df8zwkm1imv71yqzpgcqcn48pps2"; + buildDepends = [ AbortT-transformers base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mtl instances for the AbortT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AbortT-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AbortT-transformers"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0mslnhnkc5ahwjlfhkbih3mbfzi19aaszy9hf2msbsg86mmvg3j6"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad and monadic transformer providing \"abort\" functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ActionKid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gloss, gloss-juicy, hspec, lens + , mtl, OpenGL, StateVar, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ActionKid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dsfgclgx4kqjnvn54vvxcbn8l8jyy9gb06qp13hfm5l7lxfjzxq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers gloss gloss-juicy lens mtl OpenGL StateVar + template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An easy-to-use video game framework for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Adaptive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Adaptive"; + version = "0.23"; + sha256 = "0n27d8dvk0qq68zp4l5bsj5y9xqmrk9d25psrrf29mmw1f43wp8c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Library for incremental computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Adaptive-Blaisorblade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Adaptive-Blaisorblade"; + version = "0.23"; + sha256 = "08iblifpyi569zh55ha5bi0nfibz0zlqiibwaimx2k1nd6n6yv5a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Library for incremental computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Advgame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Advgame"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "16grzya42pzn3zaahs77lw5n2ka138bs0g3vgi0qbxlvxwy5ikyy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 mtl ]; + description = "Lisperati's adventure game in Lisp translated to Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AesonBson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bson, hspec, HUnit, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AesonBson"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1p7636bjczcwwi2c0cdzvpj95vx2fr27qnmh8pcs8hqgmisagq8s"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bson unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base bson hspec HUnit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Agata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, tagged + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Agata"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v8gy2gdbn9133yki7s71a7ph50xzawdvciiahr463apbn6439hm"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl QuickCheck tagged template-haskell + ]; + description = "Generator-generator for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Agda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, boxes, bytestring + , containers, cpphs, data-hash, deepseq, directory, emacs + , equivalence, filepath, geniplate, happy, hashable, hashtables + , haskeline, haskell-src-exts, mtl, parallel, pretty, process + , QuickCheck, STMonadTrans, strict, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, xhtml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Agda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hxvapnvlkx6imifswc70ng869zll0zfsygivhc2mjyhaiv10i13"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary boxes bytestring containers data-hash deepseq + directory equivalence filepath geniplate hashable hashtables + haskeline haskell-src-exts mtl parallel pretty process QuickCheck + STMonadTrans strict template-haskell text time transformers + unordered-containers xhtml zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ alex cpphs emacs happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-epic" "-fcpphs" ]; + postInstall = '' + $out/bin/agda -c --no-main $(find $out/share -name Primitive.agda) + $out/bin/agda-mode compile + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Agda-executable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, Agda, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Agda-executable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "156nzvpmqi7yizjr4yym2ybc0iv4nqfp84qrpdxcha682k298ib1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ Agda base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line program for type-checking and compiling Agda programs"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "AhoCorasick" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, hashable, mtl, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AhoCorasick"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "171im3xhrgdzhpxmi1350323apy58pisap0dskcibd3g4jmzslza"; + buildDepends = [ array base hashable mtl unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AlgorithmW" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AlgorithmW"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qqdd8220h6h1j7i121h84wysjrmv633md3c7sk01i1p774d67k4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example implementation of Algorithm W for Hindley-Milner type inference"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Allure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, enummapset-th, filepath + , LambdaHack, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Allure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15rkj5xab23wqr2d44xbri7hggbb3zmmka41xfiscqq4ifagfj4m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers enummapset-th filepath LambdaHack template-haskell + text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers enummapset-th filepath LambdaHack template-haskell + text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-frelease" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad game"; + license = "AGPL"; + }) {}; + + "AndroidViewHierarchyImporter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdtheline, containers, mtl + , network, opml, pretty, process, QuickCheck, split, transformers + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AndroidViewHierarchyImporter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ksmxhriqy8z3fymnvhg7bwaj032nrsvq3gygfwkg3m8538v9xyc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdtheline containers mtl network opml pretty + process QuickCheck split transformers xml + ]; + description = "Android view hierarchy importer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Animas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Animas"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "01vpw9s93qq8c0zymp4qzv0ljn9jrnwi3x68qx9lcjr6spa0rkvm"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Updated version of Yampa: a library for programming hybrid systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Annotations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, multirec, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Annotations"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0i6qicmvz1jryv4zkdcpclfwxg20yvwgx6vhf46mxjzs3kw1a6z3"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl multirec parsec ]; + description = "Constructing, analyzing and destructing annotated trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ansi2Html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ansi2Html"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1dqq1rnx1w0cn4w11knmxvn7qy4lg4m39dgw4rs6r2pjqzgrwarh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec xhtml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert ANSI Terminal Sequences to nice HTML markup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ApplePush" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskell98, json, mtl + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ApplePush"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0dw52pj17fggi605zf4px852479yc6m6ksbidyw84lkys5dyll3r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskell98 json mtl network + ]; + description = "Library for Apple Push Notification Service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AppleScript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AppleScript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jmwixyv5msb3lmza7dljvm3l0x5mx8r93zr607sx9m5x9yhlsvr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Call AppleScript from Haskell, and then call back into Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ArrayRef" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ArrayRef"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yb209v3lab3knggplmwih1ww6qalf8v86j8ggv1gkhm5jkwz1yq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unboxed references, dynamic arrays and more"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AspectAG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HList, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AspectAG"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01pglvf38v5ii2w03kdlgngxbb3ih0j5bsilv5qwc9vrh2iwirhf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers HList mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Attribute Grammars in the form of an EDSL"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "AttoBencode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual + , bytestring, containers, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AttoBencode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rzzi4asfmkg8nqlxdyq3gwg0q10hqrnvlmq4fjcxvxgvz1ys9hb"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast Bencode encoding and parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AttoJson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, bytestring-show + , containers, mtl, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AttoJson"; + version = "0.5.10"; + sha256 = "0mavq6akhx7pjdz15ckgnmgf8z9zhi5fm97lvjpjdfiggfy191d2"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-show containers mtl + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple lightweight JSON parser, generator & manipulator based on ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Attrac" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Attrac"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0spvvgkf33km969l524580kwn7y43rjm2k0lqp9bl60nbvlsw760"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base colour GLUT OpenGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visualisation of Strange Attractors in 3-Dimensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Aurochs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Aurochs"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0n51j50qlpkgkq64n7w96qkv270lwxac1h7ariqq7w70zgdgiqf5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec pretty ]; + description = "Yet another parser generator for C/C++"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "AutoForms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskell98, mtl, syb-with-class + , template-haskell, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AutoForms"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "14dd6s3j9w738dvhyhxb9q8w9m0xhd6fm0d40b3gzl5sjb6g16zf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base haskell98 mtl syb-with-class template-haskell wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3)"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "AvlTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, COrdering }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "AvlTree"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "0bw6856h75wks0mfvvqqm5i31sici1hacyl5zfj225jf9gn5q7dx"; + buildDepends = [ base COrdering ]; + description = "Balanced binary trees using the AVL algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BASIC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, llvm, random, timeit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BASIC"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ypq7m09ki5wbwkvmqdl7ch40cbdfhb91kq8n17im184r5liyxlc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers llvm random timeit ]; + description = "Embedded BASIC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BNFC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, deepseq, directory + , doctest, filepath, happy, hspec, HUnit, mtl, pretty, process + , QuickCheck, temporary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BNFC"; + version = "2.7.1"; + sha256 = "1n9l64wzga3i7ifh2k5rwhxp60gb0av5fszygw5mvr31r64cf4fp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq directory filepath mtl pretty process + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq directory doctest filepath hspec + HUnit mtl pretty process QuickCheck temporary + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A compiler front-end generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "BNFC-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex-meta, array, base, happy-meta + , haskell-src-meta, syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BNFC-meta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d59kmbcwsdh34hagmhhcq0d0x49wmzl6kycm9p55i7cf0zw0a5l"; + buildDepends = [ + alex-meta array base happy-meta haskell-src-meta syb + template-haskell + ]; + description = "Deriving Parsers and Quasi-Quoters from BNF Grammars"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "Baggins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Baggins"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0mgxq8zqyfmwkvn91y91c2vjhrni3br0vgiih2ynlafnas1ji0bc"; + editedCabalFile = "654cbc7a4109bf3baaa2491f10a7f49d1831008129d4d5ef9e0e558a5a374098"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for self-assembly"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Bang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, hmidi, mtl, stm, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Bang"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y68k1xsx2fksz70z5b8wdf5brk3vqsc6sih2asp4f97nwlkm5fw"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors hmidi mtl stm time transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Drum Machine DSL for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Barracuda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adhoc-network, array, base, bytestring, containers + , Crypto, dataenc, directory, filepath, gtk, HaXml, heap, hsgnutls + , mtl, network, old-locale, parsec, pkcs1, random, regex-compat + , stm, time, unix, utf8-string, xml-parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Barracuda"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0i8b6g2jvwg5r5gi1q3fgckh675pc6viqdvncl4ycr4zf72r4jj3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + adhoc-network array base bytestring containers Crypto dataenc + directory filepath gtk HaXml heap hsgnutls mtl network old-locale + parsec pkcs1 random regex-compat stm time unix utf8-string + xml-parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An ad-hoc P2P chat program"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Befunge93" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Befunge93"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hs4p5s30ml97yrr91ahy7275jh4vyvh2l5p0p3jvpfysvg9sl6l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interpreter for the Befunge-93 Programming Language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BerkeleyDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, db, extensible-exceptions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BerkeleyDB"; + version = "0.8.7"; + sha256 = "0q1qc6rds05bkxl2m3anp7x75cwinp9nhy8j0g1vaj2scasvki62"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring extensible-exceptions ]; + extraLibraries = [ db ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Berkeley DB binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BerkeleyDBXML" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BerkeleyDB, bytestring, db, dbxml, xerces-c + , xqilla + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BerkeleyDBXML"; + version = "0.7.2"; + sha256 = "1ymdi5qi4hxaikqf8min830r1rs1z4bvy9bdybsq378v7mrgfihp"; + buildDepends = [ base BerkeleyDB bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ db dbxml xerces-c xqilla ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Berkeley DB XML binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { dbxml = null; xerces-c = null; xqilla = null; }; + + "BerlekampAlgorithm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, besout }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BerlekampAlgorithm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14wjpfr9d8fpgl1jkpm2123lprr3hf3a6smkaflzkgxqlgcrkmyr"; + buildDepends = [ base besout ]; + description = "Factorization of polynomials over finite field"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BigPixel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bmp, bytestring, gloss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BigPixel"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "19fxxbgj67rz2fpxd6f307xd6p7blwynq6gcakjnc7kdq8ghfrgz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bmp bytestring gloss ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Image editor for pixel art"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Binpack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Binpack"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0am0487l7njngp2k6h3qfbhjs61d9ir9rp8iw1r5448b20n4fxas"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Common bin-packing heuristics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Biobase" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, either-unwrap, file-embed, filemanip, filepath + , ghc-prim, HsTools, mtl, parsec, ParsecTools, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, split, tuple, utility-ht, vector + , vector-read-instances, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Biobase"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zrslhf3aiwc3y0b628j1w93z78v9apcjm2sxyw5qcq6r48zrmcc"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq directory either-unwrap + file-embed filemanip filepath ghc-prim HsTools mtl parsec + ParsecTools primitive PrimitiveArray split tuple utility-ht vector + vector-read-instances zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Base library for bioinformatics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseBlast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, BiobaseXNA, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseBlast"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p7f2azq92shmxvs3n683mr5965qkmijbj4ya6333cd7nilwgl0f"; + buildDepends = [ array base BiobaseXNA containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BLAST-related tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseDotP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, iteratee }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseDotP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m7n3c2ly6kly146xrxzx41g3pv0cylrmzpdgv5c54x9gvb1hg7w"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring iteratee ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Vienna / DotBracket / ExtSS parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseFR3D" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BiobaseXNA, bytestring, containers + , filemanip, iteratee, tuple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseFR3D"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y8aqxb8gq4k4l0i2wcrn2yi6f7lcmbhbvs4n063r4hgda6xfgch"; + buildDepends = [ + base BiobaseXNA bytestring containers filemanip iteratee tuple + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Importer for FR3D resources"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseFasta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring, cmdargs, conduit + , containers, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseFasta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "035pr31mrmfhmpja8llw81jyxy11aba62bfph34gf3rsi96iylnw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base biocore bytestring cmdargs conduit containers transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "conduit-based FASTA parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseInfernal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, BiobaseXNA + , biocore, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, conduit, containers + , either-unwrap, lens, primitive, PrimitiveArray, repa + , transformers, tuple, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseInfernal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ga8qaqfp3jkd3mn8p1qrxv0frp4f4qkzhn0p0n8as6dlsifd2s"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base BiobaseXNA biocore bytestring + bytestring-lexing conduit containers either-unwrap lens primitive + PrimitiveArray repa transformers tuple vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infernal data structures and tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseMAF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, iteratee }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseMAF"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mwyyb7n232wgjipn9jsbqpcbxqms07adi5a6v14qaiynsjz4n1r"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers iteratee ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multiple Alignment Format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseTrainingData" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BiobaseDotP, BiobaseFR3D, BiobaseXNA + , bytestring, cmdargs, either-unwrap, iteratee, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseTrainingData"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qqyj3y2ivxj4d1c4bl5mdi7xm649dvksl57ba0wl0awimi5xn2s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base BiobaseDotP BiobaseFR3D BiobaseXNA bytestring cmdargs + either-unwrap iteratee vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RNA folding training data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseTurner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BiobaseXNA, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , conduit, containers, filepath, lens, primitive, PrimitiveArray + , repa, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseTurner"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h6yn6nwl8ifbz8y1rq5xklhmnbbjibfi9qz4n79xmv7y9bgkbxf"; + buildDepends = [ + base BiobaseXNA bytestring bytestring-lexing conduit containers + filepath lens primitive PrimitiveArray repa split vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Import Turner RNA parameters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseTypes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseTypes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03h7a95njbsl67bbg7wfxjjlibsqhkm62f04hhv6s14cgrvh0b3g"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + description = "(deprecated) Ring class, with several instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseVienna" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BiobaseTurner, BiobaseXNA, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseVienna"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bv100rmr04w8wbzabihv43lxilr0b2rm97rx54bhln1sy0ih1wj"; + buildDepends = [ + base BiobaseTurner BiobaseXNA primitive PrimitiveArray vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Import Vienna energy parameters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BiobaseXNA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, csv + , file-embed, mtl, primitive, PrimitiveArray, repa, text, tuple + , vector, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BiobaseXNA"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z0qm7hlacxixwnd9xdvyk05ih3wvj23zwz6mc9dgflzjq75d6n9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers csv file-embed mtl primitive + PrimitiveArray repa text tuple vector vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient RNA/DNA representations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "BirdPP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BirdPP"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "14wbnxjyg75vc7zwg42cpk8a1cb7gm4881c52yaq1bq053g5dsz2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + description = "A preprocessor for Bird-style Literate Haskell comments with Haddock markup"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "BitSyntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell98, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BitSyntax"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1kz9s9g05b5qzw9p7vvyw8zmy9sx1wzn83ay6prdyv74x0wycjbl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskell98 QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A module to aid in the (de)serialisation of binary data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Bitly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Bitly"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1pmmgg6n6pc0qvp5r4qxan32887132si0cayd0xh1g5v98fa9ari"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to access URL shortener."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BlastHTTP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, blastxml, bytestring, conduit, HTTP + , http-conduit, hxt, mtl, network, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BlastHTTP"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1qxf2lqsbwmfqkzabx8qpavf3da4lq3j1v1rdsv42gl27lqhbayi"; + editedCabalFile = "e182e8cb8b1fdcff3f5cd8ba3e46f371f98ac55a3d2738061a6ab78aba52b308"; + buildDepends = [ + base biocore blastxml bytestring conduit HTTP http-conduit hxt mtl + network transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Libary to interface with the NCBI blast REST interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Blobs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, HaXml, polyparse + , pretty, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Blobs"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "09mpf3qwr38x0ljz4ziyhdcwl5j37i353wc2dkpc6hjki9p08rgl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory HaXml polyparse pretty wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diagram editor"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "BlogLiterately" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bool-extras, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, data-default, directory, filepath, HaXml, haxr + , highlighting-kate, hscolour, lens, mtl, pandoc, pandoc-citeproc + , pandoc-types, parsec, process, split, strict, temporary + , transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BlogLiterately"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05i0v5mrmnxbmrqrm473z6hs9j4c2jv1l81i4kdmm2wia6p93s90"; + editedCabalFile = "04eff5dba1e60fa191970db5aa7c08f4c95dbc5f425cdea79037c5ee5823074c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bool-extras bytestring cmdargs containers + data-default directory filepath HaXml haxr highlighting-kate + hscolour lens mtl pandoc pandoc-citeproc pandoc-types parsec + process split strict temporary transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for posting Haskelly articles to blogs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "BlogLiterately-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BlogLiterately, containers, diagrams-builder + , diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, directory, filepath, pandoc, safe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BlogLiterately-diagrams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p65nyslcvf4qzgrwsi59xil8i5sgh1xfyz431lf4f00nsqb0s2h"; + editedCabalFile = "a9b96a72609bba1d29f628c22171dfb4e49e4c2ed7a8b3f5c2caf1127dff403d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base BlogLiterately containers diagrams-builder diagrams-cairo + diagrams-lib directory filepath pandoc safe + ]; + description = "Include images in blog posts with inline diagrams code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BluePrintCSS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BluePrintCSS"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ryjgi70isgfv3nw3djzvb1saky40xqy536h6sr3mfpy2iqnim0c"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-blaze" "-f-hsx" ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Html document layout library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Blueprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Blueprint"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "16cfmy4ndc15p6jdmyy08nqgv143dvs9xf4qg4mxa6x5r326pi94"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Preview of a new build system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Bookshelf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, pandoc + , pandoc-citeproc, pandoc-types, parseargs, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Bookshelf"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1h23ncphq717xqvg3bhij0ypmi6whm0aibhmiwak71sjkzv604in"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath pandoc pandoc-citeproc + pandoc-types parseargs + ]; + testDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple document organizer with some wiki functionality"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Boolean" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Boolean"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1lsm06y7hgjp9qmlr6csf24x3wgna7sbf8dgh6sfl2rhs7fn8kgn"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generalized booleans and numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "BoundedChan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "BoundedChan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vf4mlw08n056g5256cf46m5xsijng5gvjx7ccm4r132gznyl72k"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Implementation of bounded channels"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Bravo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, mtl + , parsec, syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Bravo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16li42rl77jvhyp14fjic66c7d6qm2fjln93gyw4bqbykai291in"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta mtl parsec syb + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnewth" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Static text template generation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Buster" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, data-default, errors + , hinotify, hslogger, hspec, hspec-expectations, http-conduit + , http-types, string-qq, temporary, transformers, unbounded-delays + , unix, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Buster"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "12zchy3sqdcqdgbb7d29jrsqifz4hfdx94s514v2mmyzzr0m8xqd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit data-default errors hinotify hslogger + http-conduit http-types transformers unbounded-delays unix yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring errors hslogger hspec hspec-expectations + http-conduit http-types string-qq temporary unix yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hits a set of urls periodically to bust caches"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "CBOR" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, binary-bits, bytestring + , data-binary-ieee754, doctest, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CBOR"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03h8lp5sm8prbphq98c7ar93rl9yfy29pvwrkrskdjhx79pd1w6q"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary binary-bits bytestring data-binary-ieee754 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary binary-bits bytestring data-binary-ieee754 doctest + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encode/Decode values to/from CBOR"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0bl71vj1ypzplx92kz27hhbpnwnxkz5g2q86m4fcmjmp4fym8kc1"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Delimited continuations and dynamically scoped variables"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont-alt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, CC-delcont-cxe, CC-delcont-exc + , CC-delcont-ref, doctest, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont-alt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s6z5bcxmcx1vzgjc6r2i4898j6s3ngjjdqhggp893hmhpxlbgsv"; + buildDepends = [ + base CC-delcont-cxe CC-delcont-exc CC-delcont-ref mtl + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest mtl ]; + description = "Three new monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont-cxe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont-cxe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s6bql9r78yfzgarm3i4f2glhc5w8qq91adhs15cnqj6h7768a5c"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont-exc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont-exc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07v388bzs8x9k1p677310rbh8baj1fdq3bhbqyvxqzx93kv8g381"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont-ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont-ref"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fzjr73id8rlrcmf0j3y1qn4jnc8incqhhkp9wl35lig20kqy82m"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CC-delcont-ref-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ref-tf, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CC-delcont-ref-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zavw824xcr1jhmlpz9hmabhhi459y0s7z434lxalzha01j1wfih"; + buildDepends = [ base ref-tf transformers ]; + description = "A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CCA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-prim, haskell-src + , syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CCA"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "04wiyx9z73b3m6j2mck21hngw30jvic8zg9rqpp95kjqr1bl914s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ghc-prim haskell-src syb template-haskell + ]; + homepage = "not available"; + description = "preprocessor and library for Causal Commutative Arrows (CCA)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CHXHtml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hxt-regex-xmlschema, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CHXHtml"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pr2mvcnrz3240wnpd44g3pz9x8am6vhhfvl0lyl129kvc33v99q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hxt-regex-xmlschema utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A W3C compliant (X)HTML generating library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CLASE" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, mtl, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CLASE"; + version = "2009.2.11"; + sha256 = "10jab7jxlhppmqqw31g653l8jmz4vz8f9h9wr2i9fjf6bipvgfi3"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath mtl parsec template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cursor Library for A Structured Editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CMCompare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, BiobaseInfernal, BiobaseXNA, cmdargs + , containers, lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CMCompare"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ccjyn0cc8yx7fgnvsjap0swlxql3gdygb5mabzvkgk84zc3bh2b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base BiobaseInfernal BiobaseXNA cmdargs containers lens + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infernal covariance model comparison"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "CMQ" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, iproute, mtl + , network, PSQueue, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CMQ"; + version = "0.0.12"; + sha256 = "0zskbcjdd4s8bkll7jvb8qzyq8pa52li4db9r5wg16pd2l3m0fpb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers iproute mtl network PSQueue stm + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cwmwl udp message queue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "COrdering" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "COrdering"; + version = "2.3"; + sha256 = "1lkav4wkyrraq1f6kyqfyjrxasgkayg4hmyv8a1gkr4h484b1cx8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "An algebraic data type similar to Prelude Ordering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CPBrainfuck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CPBrainfuck"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "041bm02xar8g6ppz6g0fdgs4ywavlcn4pqkncydx0lw5wp9ygwwn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + description = "A simple Brainfuck interpretter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CPL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, parsec, readline }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CPL"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1hm2slnvcp1fqdrgx505wkj3w511x9896h2hj9riyky6vg2mzgr7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl parsec readline ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fhaskeline" "-freadline" ]; + description = "An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-CoreLanguage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-CoreLanguage"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vr6zpdz5lnpkyzwhig72pv8ncvqdjyp1nn76zpx3v6xlpzrs3q2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Definition of a FDR-compatible CSP core-language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-FiringRules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, CSPM-CoreLanguage, mtl + , parallel-tree-search, tree-monad + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-FiringRules"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rdggf00zq51j4af6rhk4ix8rbpd82piy2al4m6ymziwflv3b70m"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers CSPM-CoreLanguage mtl parallel-tree-search + tree-monad + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-quickcheck" ]; + description = "Firing rules semantic of CSPM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-Frontend" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, dlist, either + , ghc-prim, mtl, parsec2, prettyclass, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-Frontend"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wmfk9givv604ajzkg60586lz08xqcx60bnqgslpfzkh458mz9z3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers dlist either ghc-prim mtl parsec2 prettyclass + syb transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + description = "A CSP-M parser compatible with FDR-2.91"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-Interpreter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, CSPM-CoreLanguage + , CSPM-Frontend, mtl, prettyclass, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-Interpreter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0shf0bb4zqnxvclsavvxnsy697xbl5q1xjqww8makps6dirwk0qn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers CSPM-CoreLanguage CSPM-Frontend mtl + prettyclass syb + ]; + description = "An interpreter for CSPM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-ToProlog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, CSPM-Frontend, ghc-prim + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-ToProlog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qy2zdxgdm9vacm2ickf1lvyj6wrcnpifaxgh25apg9j9v6g0h12"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers CSPM-Frontend ghc-prim pretty + ]; + description = "some modules specific for the ProB tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CSPM-cspm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, CSPM-CoreLanguage + , CSPM-FiringRules, CSPM-Frontend, CSPM-Interpreter, CSPM-ToProlog + , hslua, parallel, pretty, prettyclass, syb, transformers, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CSPM-cspm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lhfq8gjls2g3xwskwa7vx1kj6n83b4msx4fc6769li4r2xn1bc9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers CSPM-CoreLanguage CSPM-FiringRules + CSPM-Frontend CSPM-Interpreter CSPM-ToProlog hslua parallel pretty + prettyclass syb transformers xml + ]; + description = "cspm command line tool for analyzing CSPM specifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CTRex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, mtl + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CTRex"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0cjinznkvdrswbqrsha49b6hch7sjv2qq9xllx780klf01kdahi6"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable mtl unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Open records using closed type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bindings-DSL, c2hs, carray + , containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, lazysmallcheck, mtl + , mwc-random, opencv_calib3d, opencv_contrib, opencv_core + , opencv_features2d, opencv_flann, opencv_gpu, opencv_highgui + , opencv_imgproc, opencv_legacy, opencv_ml, opencv_objdetect + , opencv_video, parallel, parallel-io, primitive, QuickCheck + , storable-complex, storable-tuple, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CV"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "0c200jn6q4y744k39jll7xw418js7y86vvihz49i8kk2316vakmr"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bindings-DSL carray containers deepseq directory + filepath lazysmallcheck mtl mwc-random parallel parallel-io + primitive QuickCheck storable-complex storable-tuple vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ + opencv_calib3d opencv_contrib opencv_core opencv_features2d + opencv_flann opencv_gpu opencv_highgui opencv_imgproc opencv_legacy + opencv_ml opencv_objdetect opencv_video + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-opencv24" "-fopencv23" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenCV based machine vision library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { opencv_calib3d = null; opencv_contrib = null; + opencv_core = null; opencv_features2d = null; opencv_flann = null; + opencv_gpu = null; opencv_highgui = null; opencv_imgproc = null; + opencv_legacy = null; opencv_ml = null; opencv_objdetect = null; + opencv_video = null; }; + + "Cabal_1_20_0_3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, HUnit, pretty + , process, QuickCheck, regex-posix, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Cabal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vq1xcwvvk74jkzp7386ldyrls8qszg3rj4l37fyq3fvjkqnx80v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath pretty + process time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory extensible-exceptions filepath HUnit + process QuickCheck regex-posix test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 unix + ]; + preCheck = "unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH; export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP"; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for packaging Haskell software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Cabal_1_22_0_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, HUnit + , pretty, process, QuickCheck, regex-posix, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Cabal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13984rli87vzhl5pvpny2cns8dq4k2s5bgmr8n93iw9hrx5w3j48"; + editedCabalFile = "ba2fe0628c1afb8f9127c8828264cb18967a8d08c4230a93a79ae322a4c2cef8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath + pretty process time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions + filepath HUnit process QuickCheck regex-posix test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 unix + ]; + preCheck = "unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH; export HOME=$NIX_BUILD_TOP"; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for packaging Haskell software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CabalSearch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HDBC + , HDBC-sqlite3, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CabalSearch"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "181k2rybbyhjmwf1fq69hiaf14a0rzcvnv4j9w03n2v7cal4k08b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Search cabal packages by name"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Capabilities" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, compdata, directory, free, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Capabilities"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nd5yvhbxmabs0890y9gjjiq37h8c3blpplv2m13k29zkijwad04"; + buildDepends = [ base compdata directory free unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Separate and contain effects of IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Cardinality" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Cardinality"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "01bp045vl08sixvi6h0i21vvmjirnyzlmwxx8yq5njbcxrgbq6dn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Measure container capacity. Use it to safely change container."; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "CarneadesDSL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CarneadesDSL"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "06ri47cfskvpm65zb63kjrwwhzlmcp2f0z99hqkfw216p85648a3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation and DSL for the Carneades argumentation model"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CarneadesIntoDung" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, CarneadesDSL, cmdargs, containers, Dung, fgl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CarneadesIntoDung"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0gmrc778zan5rrkb7rip61736rzx13abfzyjcj4bgdvc3fhih1rx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base CarneadesDSL cmdargs containers Dung fgl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's AFs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Cascade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, ghc-prim, mtl, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Cascade"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ih8ydc29axckgidc5xvsdac5558gprscw667msh8qh41j9sshng"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad ghc-prim mtl void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Playing with reified categorical composition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "Catana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Catana"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "10m7l701p3a2w0kxi2b93g2ii6s4s71zyjypqk3mi79siv8yilif"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad for complex manipulation of a stream"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, data-default-class, lens, mtl + , old-locale, operational, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chart"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "0y4xkqdmbyyaxf810dgz0zsfmywlx07c26s9wkk155iriz0yz4m9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base colour data-default-class lens mtl old-locale + operational time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chart-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, Chart, colour + , data-default-class, lens, mtl, old-locale, operational, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chart-cairo"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "19ghd5xav7pn3z5igbkbsa81vhlpvy55xscc42vbxx1v9f6shq7g"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo Chart colour data-default-class lens mtl + old-locale operational time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cairo backend for Charts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chart-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-svg, bytestring, Chart, colour + , containers, data-default-class, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + , diagrams-postscript, diagrams-svg, lens, mtl, old-locale + , operational, SVGFonts, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chart-diagrams"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "0q5qvzzl5wirlj26a6zpnyq95lpzzkwiqq0mkh25aa3qzzbg4y6g"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-svg bytestring Chart colour containers + data-default-class diagrams-core diagrams-lib diagrams-postscript + diagrams-svg lens mtl old-locale operational SVGFonts text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diagrams backend for Charts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chart-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, Chart, Chart-cairo, colour + , data-default-class, gtk, mtl, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chart-gtk"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "175bqh5pl4z0gx50z34afg149g94qw8sk87gbp9mavh5bnpj5a07"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo Chart Chart-cairo colour data-default-class gtk + mtl old-locale time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for using the chart library with GTK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chart-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, Chart, Chart-cairo, Chart-gtk + , colour, data-default-class, gtk, mtl, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chart-simple"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "0bbf63q2zzjmz0aa1lg70jqb7rhv78d4xkqklgzci8c8w7ki1s3q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo Chart Chart-cairo Chart-gtk colour + data-default-class gtk mtl old-locale time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper for the chart library to assist with basic plots (Deprecated - use the Easy module instead)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ChasingBottoms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ChasingBottoms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14nxahs53j2bnqdyl331k76kmmisv78g7c29w9vq9c7r8ygrpnqc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl QuickCheck random syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-tests" ]; + description = "For testing partial and infinite values"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "CheatSheet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CheatSheet"; + version = "2.9"; + sha256 = "1pw6sssdmxpsjclkhsaf1b06vlimi4w11rxy65ccyj8c9zgs2g23"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell cheat sheet in PDF and literate formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Checked" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Checked"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mr323rhh3lr6a5ni60n2kxz2k57763a3rrf7c6i18hxs9d4w2s4"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + description = "Inbuilt checking for ultra reliable computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Chitra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mtl, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Chitra"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0qf6a1xmpv29hpwcrn3acfvpcx0f95dq980mv5mijzfsznz4d43k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mtl network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A platform independent mechanism to render graphics using vnc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ChristmasTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, template-haskell, TTTAS + , uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ChristmasTree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xng99msiyck127zv12cbksgyprwr6i6nwwjplc9c0jdfiisa9n8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fgl template-haskell TTTAS uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative approach of 'read' that composes grammars instead of parsers"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "ClassLaws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ChasingBottoms, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ClassLaws"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1277vn384hpxd7xnzg0gpr7ilnw5cqhsi11c24g9zsfqa36llwgk"; + buildDepends = [ base ChasingBottoms mtl QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stating and checking laws for type class methods"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ClassyPrelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, strict }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ClassyPrelude"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1yvkrzd3l7ijh3fqvkbzqv5vp4nv5z26fbxy91sfwh3zqlscpim9"; + buildDepends = [ base strict ]; + description = "Prelude replacement using classes instead of concrete types where reasonable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Clean" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Clean"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0kr9i13ch2wbcnxchrnx562r8ar7kb84gmk3cqxc40x5w416205f"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "A light, clean and powerful utility library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Clipboard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Clipboard"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qpcfgpfgw426v4040ch63pc2zl7amd2ljapx4xv0j4hwc4rsqz3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "System clipboard interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ClustalParser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ClustalParser"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0rslkg7hr6j414qpsgmjbrw474bhhrv36ns19smysx7lpkn955w4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs parsec ]; + description = "Libary for parsing Clustal tools output"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Coadjute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-csv + , containers, directory, fgl, filepath, mtl, old-time, pretty + , pureMD5, safe, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Coadjute"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1crbs8dk93cff252c3nj2brdbjbfygpvlrm4lrp7vpnwfz2709b3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-csv containers directory fgl + filepath mtl old-time pretty pureMD5 safe utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic build tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Codec-Compression-LZF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Codec-Compression-LZF"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0jj2iaa632s60dckj8s46g4vrlqc8x9fndkq0kzk8rk4jzwlbwsn"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LZF compression bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Codec-Image-DevIL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, libdevil }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Codec-Image-DevIL"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1kv3hns9f0bhfb723nj9szyz3zfqpvy02azzsiymzjz4ajhqmrsz"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + extraLibraries = [ libdevil ]; + description = "An FFI interface to the DevIL library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Combinatorrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal + , containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, hopenssl, hslogger + , HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, network-bytestring, parsec, pretty + , PSQueue, QuickCheck, random, random-shuffle, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Combinatorrent"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0dx5pysxyk5c0fa33khjr86zgm43jz7nwhgl0w8jngyai8b1rbra"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring cereal containers deepseq + directory filepath hopenssl hslogger HTTP HUnit mtl network + network-bytestring parsec pretty PSQueue QuickCheck random + random-shuffle stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-threadscope" "-f-debug" ]; + description = "A concurrent bittorrent client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Command" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Command"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "043dwvjkc1m2cz0rgiib7gv19ds1vn4cmf27lyw68nmc0lcm2v3d"; + buildDepends = [ base directory process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A replacement for System.Exit and System.Process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Commando" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, fsnotify, optparse-applicative + , process, system-fileio, system-filepath, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Commando"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wfpxaj9j68knf1fp3zngxrc1acqvhzrzbblar4ckq9y5kxjwwsj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default fsnotify optparse-applicative process + system-fileio system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Watch some files; Rerun a command"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ComonadSheet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-numbers, base, comonad, containers + , distributive, IndexedList, NestedFunctor, PeanoWitnesses, Stream + , Tape, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ComonadSheet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jpxc5ymhjdk18nggw9fjr6dmqhlz0jwwailyw9i8yzs5dzbn67z"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-numbers base comonad containers distributive + IndexedList NestedFunctor PeanoWitnesses Stream Tape transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for expressing spreadsheet-like computations as the fixed-points of comonads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ConcurrentUtils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ConcurrentUtils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hm8krm0l1d1d31ar00hvz3pamj2znf2dhjdkfwk7m13n0yh4qx0"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concurrent utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "Condor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, glider-nlp, HUnit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Condor"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0vrflmjyc1h0mfvc07p3p3wqfscyza7pyxxp7bn1glprg6c9ph5p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers directory filepath glider-nlp text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary Cabal containers glider-nlp HUnit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Information retrieval library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ConfigFile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, MissingH, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ConfigFile"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "057mw146bip9wzs7j4b5xr1x24d8w0kr4i3inri5m57jkwspn25f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers MissingH mtl parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Configuration file reading & writing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ConfigFileTH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, parsec, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ConfigFileTH"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1349vkrnl2z0cfcvdalqf77jajhz0izmnlsbiv84vvj23n04rj9h"; + buildDepends = [ base ConfigFile parsec template-haskell ]; + description = "Template haskell for reading ConfigFiles"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Configger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Dangerous, MissingH, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Configger"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fk7165abh4rw4jk6wy4f6y0qpakxlrs4mwrs3r2q7lz03jsyig2"; + buildDepends = [ base Dangerous MissingH mtl parsec ]; + description = "Parse config files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Configurable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Configurable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1if0hff6fn7zjj1vh16gxf2kldibh1dkscm8n33d1admvpjpw9sb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declare types as Configurable then specialize them all in one place"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ConsStream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ConsStream"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ywhrj2wq24my4cji5fm5cwb3j4yjwzch9hxncr7k989smjdmjpz"; + buildDepends = [ base Stream ]; + homepage = "github"; + description = "Trivial re-export of Wouter Swierstra's Stream package, avoiding module name clash"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Conscript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Conscript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hiz3wjnvfp9n440kmwq7a88k7m7vq5s49nq85v520j7qnf4y82n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Restart a command on STDIN activity"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ConstraintKinds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dlist, ghc-prim, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ConstraintKinds"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0rhy5wq3v5hdryjn8pcsgqy4k772agj1rgq3021pjki7n3zm3dza"; + buildDepends = [ base dlist ghc-prim vector ]; + description = "Repackages standard type classes with the ConstraintKinds extension"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Consumer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Consumer"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "03ham35vh49h780h7dxb6zs85rkdlry0nwi8wp6p9iamw952xi6i"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad and monad transformer for consuming streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ContArrow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ContArrow"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1paj8wx2k86i5xb11scbyca4fb2fnxgln5d661mcwxvs0i91jj1b"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base ]; + description = "Control.Arrow.Transformer.Cont"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Contract" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Contract"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "027dv53jrfk46dmiidnnrrdvhyin60i862znp414213w72yjrbhh"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Practical typed lazy contracts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Control-Engine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BoundedChan, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Control-Engine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jyj42xrja8ic3lajgrfmign9n2bdfkaplnlhzcifd5wf30qj6fa"; + buildDepends = [ base BoundedChan stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parallel producer/consumer engine (thread pool)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Control-Monad-MultiPass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, Control-Monad-ST2, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Control-Monad-MultiPass"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pdayn1v9dw5600fgzlag2bqy1p68i4yzpxzqna9p7jk0iyvfy0i"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers Control-Monad-ST2 mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers Control-Monad-ST2 mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Library for Writing Multi-Pass Algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Control-Monad-ST2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, QuickCheck, SafeSemaphore + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Control-Monad-ST2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02nl4dbh7lk2gx5vacnn9mlcbs5j4b68jj0db94j51mqwj22y0zk"; + buildDepends = [ array base QuickCheck SafeSemaphore ]; + testDepends = [ + array base mtl QuickCheck SafeSemaphore test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A variation on the ST monad with two type parameters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CoreErlang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CoreErlang"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1wiwk4947h5x2swi9k6bh4zyhp849ibxhc5458kn5vipngrp4k78"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulating Core Erlang source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CoreFoundation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, containers, deepseq + , filepath, network, property-list, tagged, text, time + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CoreFoundation"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mra2aswl0gfic19l55i63a6il6i13caph56fdk8g7shcw3j605l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq filepath network property-list + tagged text time transformers vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Mac OSX's CoreFoundation framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Coroutine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Coroutine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cad9j7ivd6mfcff44773v8z3z2ilparxfikbnv0gab6csc9p1nw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Type-safe coroutines using lightweight session types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "CouchDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HTTP, HUnit, json + , mtl, network, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CouchDB"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0a9g0iblfyqppcy1ni3ac8f3yv5km95bfblhwqlsk6khydi5ka98"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HTTP json mtl network utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HTTP HUnit json mtl network utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CouchDB interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Craft3e" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Craft3e"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qrsjkwr1njdsyiryskdjmy6nhbbzin4r0ja7mib26injzmrx45p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit mtl old-locale QuickCheck time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Code for Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming, 3rd ed"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Crypto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HUnit, pretty, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Crypto"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rmgl0a4k6ys2lc6d607g28c2p443a46dla903rz5aha7m9y1mba"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base HUnit pretty QuickCheck random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Collects together existing Haskell cryptographic functions into a package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "CurryDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , binary, blaze-builder, blaze-textual, bytestring, conduit + , containers, data-default, directory, doctest, fast-logger + , filepath, hashable, hspec, lens, lifted-base, monad-control + , monad-logger, mtl, network, network-conduit, optparse-applicative + , stm, system-fileio, system-filepath, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "CurryDB"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mjgxbmwf37wqbdbhfbq3pj4mmgkf1w0lv49gagx1m5yny21q3l3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array async attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base binary blaze-builder + blaze-textual bytestring conduit containers data-default + fast-logger hashable lens lifted-base monad-control monad-logger + mtl network network-conduit optparse-applicative stm system-fileio + system-filepath template-haskell text time transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit directory doctest filepath hspec lifted-base mtl stm + ]; + description = "CurryDB: In-memory Key/Value Database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DAG-Tournament" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, filepath, gtk + , mtl, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DAG-Tournament"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1yyr63r6ziljvcxacs7zn66lnkzgmlvcr36ic60c3z1r2rd2nflk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory filepath gtk mtl time + ]; + description = "Real-Time Game Tournament Evaluator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "DAV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers + , data-default, either, errors, exceptions, http-client + , http-client-tls, http-types, lens, mtl, network, network-uri + , optparse-applicative, transformers, transformers-base + , utf8-string, xml-conduit, xml-hamlet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DAV"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1wrs3rdk4sarzi4w1pma8h751mjw5x1l8c6w30wv7fg0rmk2cayd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive containers data-default either + errors exceptions http-client http-client-tls http-types lens mtl + network network-uri optparse-applicative transformers + transformers-base utf8-string xml-conduit xml-hamlet + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RFC 4918 WebDAV support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "DBlimited" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DBlimited"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1lic2ml1q16idg9rk2ky2xi030kln4m8nz1vyvy7w37qxhddvl2f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line SQL interface for flat files (tdf,csv,etc.)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DBus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DBus"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "0l212yy40w8sjkv5m7rnd24fkihvnadv7szf10g9n5r34m4jb6lh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "D-Bus bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DMuCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, directory, distributed-process + , distributed-process-simplelocalnet, hint, MuCheck + , network-transport-tcp, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DMuCheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00dhky0hnda85lvrs155jgwxnpqfm36cqakj3wp0yrn2xlz383ad"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary directory distributed-process + distributed-process-simplelocalnet hint MuCheck + network-transport-tcp unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-hspec" "-f-hunit" "-f-smallcheck" "-f-quickcheck" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed Mutation Analysis framework for MuCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "DOM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, WebBits }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DOM"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "13zj4jg78y5s05gfi3j83izxw6d2csbvznd7mq900zlv4xwddw2b"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl WebBits ]; + description = "DOM Level 2 bindings for the WebBits package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, list-tries, mtl + , QuickCheck, safe, semiring + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DP"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "03gjwkzna2mf0a103g0kiwnbd9ra6hss6vm73i7vhl87zgrwsh8z"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers list-tries mtl QuickCheck safe semiring + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pragmatic framework for dynamic programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DPM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers + , convertible, darcs, directory, filepath, happy, HSH, HTF, HTTP + , mtl, network, old-locale, pretty, process, regex-posix, split + , syb, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DPM"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03rf2s9qinfahqsc870cxv5117g4hmqza2dbj7s5hi50sh32xkjc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers convertible darcs directory + filepath HSH HTF HTTP mtl network old-locale pretty process + regex-posix split syb time unix + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Darcs Patch Manager"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "DRBG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cipher-aes128 + , crypto-api, cryptohash-cryptoapi, entropy, mtl, parallel + , prettyclass, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DRBG"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "197kp2bchkj3zrl3f06glba9lbjf51mp710sx0qj8i4spvf3jfr8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cipher-aes128 crypto-api + cryptohash-cryptoapi entropy mtl parallel prettyclass tagged + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Deterministic random bit generator (aka RNG, PRNG) based HMACs, Hashes, and Ciphers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DSH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, algebra-dag, algebra-sql, ansi-wl-pprint + , base, bytestring, containers, dlist, either, HDBC + , HDBC-postgresql, HUnit, kure, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck, semigroups + , set-monad, template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DSH"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02a8gfn5ji2n606ak1gs4syk0c97zvyi4146w5zy6gn21g4d3fa7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson algebra-dag algebra-sql ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring + containers dlist either HDBC HDBC-postgresql kure mtl pretty + semigroups set-monad template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HDBC HDBC-postgresql HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debuggraph" "-f-debugcomp" ]; + description = "Database Supported Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DSTM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, network, process + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DSTM"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "084yscqbwypkb32avjm2b92a7s4qpvps3pjfgpy14sligww3hifb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 network process unix ]; + description = "A framework for using STM within distributed systems"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "DTC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DTC"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m3697zw0j2l9fxx8flr83n8x03pva1hn74rgilgxdrsrifhds5l"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data To Class transformation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Dangerous" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MaybeT, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dangerous"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0pnywhva7s5xp9xlxk6h56n3fjflna6zhk5qdb8wax7i1qbp85vs"; + buildDepends = [ base MaybeT mtl ]; + description = "Monads for operations that can exit early and produce warnings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Dao" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , Crypto, data-binary-ieee754, deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl + , process, random, time, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dao"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f7svqvlywj0jgzssdgrhvbbfm0yjnq0qr2c7xqc501y6wr3msym"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers Crypto data-binary-ieee754 + deepseq directory filepath mtl process random time transformers + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers Crypto data-binary-ieee754 + deepseq directory filepath mtl process random time transformers + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in interpreted language, designed with artificial intelligence applications in mind"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "DarcsHelpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml, mtl, parsec, safe, xml-parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DarcsHelpers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02nqaphxd3xlh191wxpx3rcixms70v8d6h4a3lxg24d7lcyf82n3"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml mtl parsec safe xml-parsec ]; + description = "Code used by Patch-Shack that seemed sensible to open for reusability"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Data-Hash-Consistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, digest, utf8-string, vector + , vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Data-Hash-Consistent"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vblfzndfzb458j6ygfcq0mfzzc5c87gwpmcx31v10fxpqnfmm65"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring digest utf8-string vector vector-algorithms + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a simple consistent hashing mechanism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Data-Rope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Data-Rope"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0zvp9h06f2ylkn325d35cap3y67zpfyc70nqad3426p64p1xmnrw"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + description = "Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "DataTreeView" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, glib, gtk + , lifted-base, ListLike, MissingH, monad-control, mtl, syb + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DataTreeView"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0z54kr79bjv8w1gnsrxq9vkwdhasdwzrsi48q7ndsg8x7k30gpdj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq glib gtk lifted-base ListLike + MissingH monad-control mtl syb transformers-base + ]; + description = "A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Deadpan-DDP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , containers, doctest, hashable, haskeline, lens, mtl, network + , network-uri, process, QuickCheck, random, safe, scientific, stm + , text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + , websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Deadpan-DDP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lj81144hsd5c7d0bf1az81l9j5z883p79378pinnkrnz33z8758"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring containers hashable + haskeline lens mtl network network-uri random safe scientific stm + text time transformers unordered-containers vector websockets + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest process QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write clients for Meteor's DDP Protocol"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "DebugTraceHelpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DebugTraceHelpers"; + version = "0.12"; + sha256 = "0yjv3awhp3jsfqqn36xc0jpisp4hfypx3hkibad3yqrrn61bkzy8"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Convenience functions and instances for Debug.Trace"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Decimal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Decimal"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0qa2z2lq1hrvakhyhj624mg8sd05ikhb66zwpa6x9vcyji93dxf5"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decimal numbers with variable precision"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DecisionTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DecisionTree"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "14yprfh2b5x7dswp6kyaym3z2f32nqvgrfhvwsiv7brxq80cfvbd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A very simple implementation of decision trees for discrete attributes"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "DeepArrow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src, mtl, TypeCompose }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DeepArrow"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1jbvb8yk291iimpqi8h302r8554k4j2p3k42znzppv1wqrbhvjyc"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src mtl TypeCompose ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrows for \"deep application\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DefendTheKing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, GLUT + , haskell98, HTTP, MaybeT, mtl, network, peakachu, random, time + , utility-ht, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DefendTheKing"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1qnf62c91q94galndi0f7pfyzvk0qwi3gzhwcazkwinildjy8zw6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers GLUT haskell98 HTTP MaybeT mtl + network peakachu random time utility-ht zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple RTS game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "DescriptiveKeys" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, xmonad, xmonad-contrib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DescriptiveKeys"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0ywipcmnr3ysmx8m61yrymyn10lnizjfkk2q2scdfkrkgh7ayj7v"; + buildDepends = [ base containers xmonad xmonad-contrib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for specifying xmonad key bindings with functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Dflow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, QuickCheck, stm + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dflow"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "00gzs5fdybfrvqidw4qzk6i69qzq4jaljzhb49ah2hsv3gqjr1iq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck stm time ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Processing Real-time event streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Diff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Diff"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0k7fj4icnh25x21cmrnbqq0sjgxrr2ffhn8bz89qmy5h9dznvy98"; + buildDepends = [ array base pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall-base" ]; + description = "O(ND) diff algorithm in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DifferenceLogic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, FirstOrderTheory, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DifferenceLogic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ylpn6bksf6alxzk45cg88ff8xgffh88x3csvjlhb6zn8ik0w99a"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl FirstOrderTheory HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A theory solver for conjunctions of literals in difference logic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DifferentialEvolution" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, fclabels, mtl, mwc-random, parallel + , primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DifferentialEvolution"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0z16g40n369d2wqljnrkmpd18149ny8nh2pd13hkkjnq5n6k209w"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq fclabels mtl mwc-random parallel primitive vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Global optimization using Differential Evolution"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Digit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Digit"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0cdsmy9km9wpywqprdymn9bd982ba859px2giswz41xh6pbjri8w"; + buildDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data-type representing digits 0-9"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DigitalOcean" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions + , hspec, lens, mtl, text, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DigitalOcean"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09sh0j1dk366nkq3pwgsxi8zcka9p3f38bsw6nfzr7q4chjjblz4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers exceptions lens mtl text + transformers unordered-containers vector wreq + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec lens mtl text ]; + description = "A client library for the DigitalOcean API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "DimensionalHash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DimensionalHash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bbg9w5n3b296g884y8qvgzsndqhzwh0mkn3dlp9nx4a7i321c97"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "An n-dimensional hash using Morton numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DirectSound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dsound, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DirectSound"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1x78y1na375nwgk4izsjprj3yrg0xbrhqv6nrzfbvbfdyqlf5kyz"; + buildDepends = [ base Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ dsound ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial binding to the Microsoft DirectSound API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { dsound = null; }; + + "DisTract" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, chunks, containers, directory + , filepath, hinstaller, old-locale, parsec, pretty, process + , template-haskell, time, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DisTract"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0pnlk09jsallyparwdfcy7jmqjjiprp2pqlg9agp6xbw5xmnkzwb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal chunks containers directory filepath hinstaller + old-locale parsec pretty process template-haskell time xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed Bug Tracking System"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DiscussionSupportSystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, doctest, html + , parsers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DiscussionSupportSystem"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iqcv3b06r9sqj1adxfq08vq5mlq4b7z88c2cw4qa7l9xw2p2js3"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html blaze-markup html parsers ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Discussion support system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Dish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dish"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xhz0yb8xrjdznvx5prpl7r8k73n78n6gmshqbraq5jdh3vcnisx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hash modules (currently Murmur3)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DistanceTransform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, primitive, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DistanceTransform"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0c77sbx6qls8wfhv0wbappbkgfab046ls8mqs32qj02k549s6fk5"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit vector + ]; + description = "Distance transform function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DistanceUnits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DistanceUnits"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ls6rq4nqn3z9h9lagl8sff9q94zfm6gssa2jj1zfyfxl5869bas"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A comprehensive distance library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DnaProteinAlignment" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ADPfusion, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base + , BiobaseBlast, BiobaseFasta, BiobaseXNA, biocore, bytestring + , cmdargs, conduit, dlist, parallel, PrimitiveArray, repa, split + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DnaProteinAlignment"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00c74anpm3varyf0man1i213dksxvh2p32xsp4rqijkbnxpkjbx3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ADPfusion ansi-wl-pprint array base BiobaseBlast BiobaseFasta + BiobaseXNA biocore bytestring cmdargs conduit dlist parallel + PrimitiveArray repa split vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Frameshift-aware alignment of protein sequences with DNA sequences"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "DocTest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, ghc-paths, haddock, HUnit + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DocTest"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1jp68chgg0n3wy4ryc0l71ynfv4pmnazxc2a8gfbw7fbbn8898ag"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc ghc-paths haddock HUnit process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test interactive Haskell examples"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Docs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, html }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Docs"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1hjdznp29kwj9cca0jxr3dds9cnfbss6sgn52wym2380az3jcvnz"; + buildDepends = [ base html ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Documentation types library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DrHylo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, mtl + , pointless-haskell, pretty, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DrHylo"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1cs7zqz0yzdyj3vn38cfh1lj90xnxm24q8lml457f2yia4z7l6h7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-exts mtl pointless-haskell pretty + syb + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for deriving hylomorphisms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DrIFT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, old-time, process, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DrIFT"; + version = "2.4.2"; + sha256 = "1w0wfmrjifidl2qz998ig07afd4p6yp890lwl8as57bay490nakl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath old-time process random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Program to derive type class instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DrIFT-cabalized" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, process, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DrIFT-cabalized"; + version = "2.3.0"; + sha256 = "0jk7qmlgjw69w38hm91bnyp8gyi1mjmrq4vyv7jv3y69rk0fi6wl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-time process random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Program to derive type class instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Dung" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dung"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12dlx4m3vqyc458bwjlh2i85b8k65wx5panibqc79p2ax5fvf2wz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs containers parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the Dung argumentation frameworks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Dust" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , crypto-api, directory, Dust-crypto, entropy, ghc-prim, HUnit + , network, QuickCheck, random, random-extras, random-fu + , random-source, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, threefish + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dust"; + version = "2.3.1"; + sha256 = "0j2pm2ram7idh46mi6jv0whk4rx0bicvsvayrn3arnq65zk2mavj"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers crypto-api directory + Dust-crypto entropy ghc-prim network random random-extras random-fu + random-source split threefish + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal Dust-crypto ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + test-framework-th threefish + ]; + description = "Polymorphic protocol engine"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Dust-crypto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , crypto-api, cryptohash, directory, Dust, entropy, ghc-prim, HUnit + , network, openssl, QuickCheck, random, random-extras, random-fu + , random-source, skein, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, threefish + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dust-crypto"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "112prydwsjd32aiv3kg8wsxwaj95p6x7jhxcf118fxgrrg202z9w"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers crypto-api cryptohash + directory entropy ghc-prim network random random-extras random-fu + random-source skein split threefish + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal Dust ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + threefish + ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + description = "Cryptographic operations"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Dust-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers, csv + , directory, Dust, Dust-crypto, entropy, ghc-prim, network, random + , random-extras, random-fu, random-source, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dust-tools"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "1g1l7h5400f9qckhj4yw2zwwjjkqz5w1fgnc9gxa7rdl37wgxwn4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers csv directory Dust + Dust-crypto entropy ghc-prim network random random-extras random-fu + random-source split + ]; + description = "Network filtering exploration tools"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Dust-tools-pcap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers, csv + , directory, Dust, Dust-crypto, Dust-tools, entropy, ghc-prim + , network, pcap, random, random-extras, random-fu, random-source + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Dust-tools-pcap"; + version = "1.3.1"; + sha256 = "1swykscl17qy17qy38y6zc47sbiyaszh9m4qwn7d9sckfa6azsdr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers csv directory Dust + Dust-crypto Dust-tools entropy ghc-prim network pcap random + random-extras random-fu random-source split + ]; + description = "Network filtering exploration tools that rely on pcap"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "DysFRP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, mtl, time, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DysFRP"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jw1s2imd2qhh9i0m7sm1zhy876bgp1pcrh4jcf5dilvqnhvv4j1"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant mtl time transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dysFunctional Reactive Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DysFRP-Cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, DysFRP, gtk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DysFRP-Cairo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1pg6gwyrlvp6z08ab1qp783z9gm0xhnh337shf443f1bwbcz9m7f"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo DysFRP gtk mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Cairo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "DysFRP-Craftwerk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, craftwerk, craftwerk-gtk + , DysFRP, DysFRP-Cairo, gtk + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "DysFRP-Craftwerk"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rhm7ya1h43dwa83fcvnc8nd9da7ji6qlwzsa9ngv7pqvs7aamy1"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers craftwerk craftwerk-gtk DysFRP DysFRP-Cairo + gtk + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Craftwerk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EEConfig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EEConfig"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1bkkzj1d0j4nisdl9jfmadjx32w35ipdw3k12krhzzlf5aiwnrf1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "ExtremlyEasyConfig - Extremly Simple parser for config files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ebnf2ps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, happy + , old-time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ebnf2ps"; + version = "1.0.12"; + sha256 = "1rd0pxj2bfx06z1p0sy8kdhyfg1y51gn1bhr71j33czls6m9ry8c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers directory old-time unix ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Peter's Syntax Diagram Drawing Tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EdisonAPI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EdisonAPI"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r8xfsqz58s6x7026yrjafcbjkwsjg6fpcj6gbcpidw5hymymqfp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (API)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "EdisonCore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, EdisonAPI, mtl + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EdisonCore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yj68glq50qkn2ckhhq7q5y5kbwb5lh08z1kgksc61wds22a87pz"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers EdisonAPI mtl QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of efficent, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "EditTimeReport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, csv, directory, editline + , filepath, haskell98, html, pretty, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EditTimeReport"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "11a922535h6jvg79cv03jz6sn93h7jhqfrf9wi9x8arak9l06j70"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers csv directory editline filepath haskell98 + html pretty xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Query language and report generator for edit logs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "EitherT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EitherT"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1vry479zdq1fw7bd4d373c7wf2gg0aibkyb03710w7z2x86chssw"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-control transformers transformers-base + ]; + description = "EitherT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Elm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, binary, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, cheapskate, cmdargs, containers + , directory, filemanip, filepath, highlighting-kate, HUnit, indents + , language-ecmascript, language-glsl, mtl, parsec, pretty, process + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, transformers, union-find + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Elm"; + version = "0.13"; + sha256 = "1l6p00h0717blwvia0gvqpsakq8jy44fxc6brr4qxs5g4yjcjnmh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + cheapskate cmdargs containers directory filepath highlighting-kate + indents language-ecmascript language-glsl mtl parsec pretty text + transformers union-find unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + cheapskate cmdargs containers directory filemanip filepath + highlighting-kate HUnit indents language-ecmascript language-glsl + mtl parsec pretty process QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + union-find unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Elm language module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Emping" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, fgl, gtk, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Emping"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "131h71fgn0zbsmbqmvbfl57is0dbm37xsi5g87gpjgq0k2cq0nkr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers fgl gtk mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "derives heuristic rules from nominal data"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Encode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Encode"; + version = "1.3.7"; + sha256 = "141iddlpvjp6hqjx5c5dm3ldf7yk64iqbhaiv51np27y6pazfgb5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encoding character data"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "EnumContainers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EnumContainers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14ckpgaviny3c0d1jn3blkkpri0cm8ac264y7kak965knjccq0k8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + description = "Simple Enum-class-based int containers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EnumMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EnumMap"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1v3jp1l95kybvdlpvp6bd0ryihxrvlnpkqz7fl1n4vazhkqk6zjz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "More general IntMap replacement"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Eq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath, HaXml, mtl + , parsec, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Eq"; + version = "1.1.3"; + sha256 = "0hcfjzlirw11jl752g2jncb71i8sk2w3nqjm4ykc64f5awj1hi23"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers filepath HaXml mtl parsec template-haskell + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimize" "-f-staticlinking" "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Render math formula in ASCII, and perform some simplifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EqualitySolver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, union-find-array }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EqualitySolver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ynzzl9mmn5hxkcndx60lnxn455nm065v7nk7rhpq1yigwz0cl1g"; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit mtl union-find-array ]; + description = "A theory solver for conjunctions of literals in the theory of uninterpreted functions with equality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EsounD" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bindings-EsounD + , monad-control, network, regions, safer-file-handles + , storablevector, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EsounD"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1d22k3836c92xd6qg5pvjhgrhbajd438z3pfjvi0bl2wdrkzddjr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bindings-EsounD monad-control network + regions safer-file-handles storablevector transformers unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe bindings to EsounD (ESD; Enlightened Sound Daemon)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "EtaMOO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, haskeline + , mtl, network, old-locale, parsec, pcre, pureMD5, random, stm + , text, time, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EtaMOO"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c693ljwhhcvfdy0jrzsviv4ahl526jgc1r0hff6c9kk0k0cl2rk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers haskeline mtl network old-locale + parsec pureMD5 random stm text time transformers unix + unordered-containers vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ pcre ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A new implementation of the LambdaMOO server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Etage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, mtl, operational, random + , SafeSemaphore, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Etage"; + version = "0.1.12"; + sha256 = "1ik8j7s1z64dpdg251m8dr7k7llkhxydlf6l6dhyv9ra55dg4n20"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc mtl operational random SafeSemaphore time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A general data-flow framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Etage-Graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, Etage, fgl, mtl + , parallel, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Etage-Graph"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "0xzsvah4nhxv5hw8p0sv1pjy4p30xa3f2afs8jncx20n918mk9l2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq Etage fgl mtl parallel random time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data-flow based graph algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Eternal10Seconds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, SDL, SDL-mixer }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Eternal10Seconds"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0kh1zjqr9cmx7xyfk2y3iwr3x3zvh3pb4ghfjz3xr2wwg2rmymxp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 SDL SDL-mixer ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A 2-D shooting game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Etherbunny" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskell98, libpcap + , network, pcap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Etherbunny"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0cm98x626cqwri9qsfhwi6s50kg433a1p78y9na70z868p6n27nj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring haskell98 network pcap ]; + extraLibraries = [ libpcap ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A network analysis toolkit for Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "EuroIT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EuroIT"; + version = "2010.2.5"; + sha256 = "1a6bvi0y1pnzpx0x3arrardgkbs0m8ssfwcyxf6fim87wcb0jcgv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Library for using euro currency, italian language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "EventSocket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskell98, mtl + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "EventSocket"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03wf8msjcpj8bpnjr7f1wcbag018kap544jwz9a7vnllamps92xd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskell98 mtl network + ]; + description = "Interfaces with FreeSwitch Event Socket"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bzlib, containers, directory + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, network-uri, old-locale, old-time, pretty + , process, pureMD5, QuickCheck, random, regex-compat, time, unix + , Unixutils, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Extra"; + version = "1.46.3"; + sha256 = "1xmwp9cp905nzx5x858wyacjpppn76mkfpkxksdhlq9zhmkp5yyh"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bzlib containers directory filepath HUnit mtl + network-uri old-locale old-time pretty process pureMD5 QuickCheck + random regex-compat time unix Unixutils zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A grab bag of modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FComp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, deepseq, ghc-prim + , HarmTrace-Base, haskore, instant-generics, ListLike, midi, mtl + , QuickCheck, random, template-haskell, time, uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FComp"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0hkmh3vjibbzkh004b4zig2rvvnh6l2cdqsmxbpyjbwqryzraxrn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary deepseq ghc-prim HarmTrace-Base haskore + instant-generics ListLike midi mtl QuickCheck random + template-haskell time uu-parsinglib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fquickcheck2" ]; + description = "Compose music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "FM-SBLEX" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FM-SBLEX"; + version = "3.0.1"; + sha256 = "1cb3qq8yqn19xpsjbczxs8rablkczaigs6hp2vypsjyw5s8sqza8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A set of computational morphology tools for Swedish diachronic lexicons"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "FModExRaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fmodex64 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FModExRaw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l2zhlxh88wy9y9gk1aa03yy65iw8zigr4pgp63mn2mqcrskfszl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ fmodex64 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell FModEx raw API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { fmodex64 = null; }; + + "FPretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FPretty"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1lc31mid1a9pqb9py9f6nvzvlixhngpficczvhpdxlws3fn9drga"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient simple pretty printing combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FTGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ftgl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FTGL"; + version = "2.1"; + sha256 = "0b76798bxxivjrjx92qiv8ghsg3j8rhvfms8sl19ji6fip2h3fw2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ ftgl ]; + description = "Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FTGL-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ftgl, StateVar-transformer + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FTGL-bytestring"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "11y8g2gi4g6x639c9wfj2224f9vgaf88hdd1f981al53kzf7y2y2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring StateVar-transformer transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ ftgl ]; + description = "Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FTPLine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, directory, ftphs + , haskeline, mtl, network, strict + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FTPLine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nnwfn4jxnxfr8q8gq16xn0ixjmw7dnxznsh8lbk41lwfsr9j4n5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring directory ftphs haskeline mtl network + strict + ]; + description = "A command-line FTP client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Facts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Angle, base, containers, digits, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Facts"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "018g9qj6nmabjbl4rakqjp32vwfyak1wk5cx3s0amm53wnf2mz75"; + buildDepends = [ + AC-Angle base containers digits QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + description = "A collection of facts about the real world"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FailureT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, mmtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FailureT"; + version = "15778.1"; + sha256 = "1qhjqswx4qyfan3rpvvl1hgmf369krqprlr6x20hp34r2qw9s135"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols mmtl ]; + description = "Failure Monad Transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "FenwickTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FenwickTree"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0kxlz0x4lzkn7xkilpcwpphp5hwr7nq56wh9vmh5zmsyr4adg3zy"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structure for fast query and update of cumulative sums"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FermatsLastMargin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HAppS-Data, HAppS-IxSet, HAppS-Server + , HAppS-State, HAppS-Util, haskell98, HaXml, mtl, old-time, random + , syb-with-class, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FermatsLastMargin"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "07sryfn26afisrsgnzrp0vjshspa40pvl4214mzb5mdm9h5c63f8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HAppS-Data HAppS-IxSet HAppS-Server HAppS-State HAppS-Util + haskell98 HaXml mtl old-time random syb-with-class template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Annotate ps and pdf documents"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "FerryCore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HaXml, mtl, parsec, pretty + , TableAlgebra, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FerryCore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dxhbrmcl36dg14lyihpy8fd8sdsmawh70fykllcjk3fh7a11wgp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HaXml mtl parsec pretty TableAlgebra + template-haskell + ]; + description = "Ferry Core Components"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FieldTrip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, graphicsFormats, MemoTrie, old-time + , OpenGL, TypeCompose, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FieldTrip"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1161mz8443j1jr8pnkh6gz6w99cd16hk94ypsh8vzmpbfp40i5rb"; + buildDepends = [ + base GLUT graphicsFormats MemoTrie old-time OpenGL TypeCompose + vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional 3D"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FileManip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, extensible-exceptions + , filepath, mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FileManip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dhl7zkyy4p0pgmraci82krph6hqrq1bwmx7wgm9agrnpdyg4dxi"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory extensible-exceptions filepath mtl unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FileManipCompat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, mtl + , unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FileManipCompat"; + version = "0.18"; + sha256 = "0c017r7bzgf1mdbk0iyr2amhm41q89mcq69fkszskjhy4z9wl6v0"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath mtl unix-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FilePather" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, comonad-transformers, data-lens + , directory, filepath, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FilePather"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1rwj8hqys01cn14d754wyl2vr19mvh4vsg2f3hrqjqiafkij90xd"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad comonad-transformers data-lens directory filepath mtl + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions on System.FilePath"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FileSystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, filepath, mtl + , old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FileSystem"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0qyzwpvajvqywbnfhj3vzb5xl4wjjywyqr4szywd8qwb7kly29w6"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring directory filepath mtl old-time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "File system data structure and monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Finance-Quote-Yahoo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-conduit, network + , old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Finance-Quote-Yahoo"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "1d786xkrj0h270mfwxxkfxysmk78xkz2jdj8w1iin3hgy3ramifz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-conduit network old-locale time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Obtain quote data from"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Finance-Treasury" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTTP, HTTP-Simple, hxt + , hxt-filter, network, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Finance-Treasury"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "17wxdwj8162c0yawz4anjs6d3fjbhs3b05wk319acblksjx60sal"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HTTP HTTP-Simple hxt hxt-filter network old-locale + time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Obtain Treasury yield curve data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FindBin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FindBin"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "197xvn05yysmibm1p5wzxfa256lvpbknr5d1l2ws6g40w1kpk717"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Locate directory of original program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FiniteMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FiniteMap"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kf638h5gsc8fklhaw2jiad1r0ssgj8zkfmzywp85lrx5z529gky"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + description = "A finite map implementation, derived from the paper: Efficient sets: a balancing act, S. Adams, Journal of functional programming 3(4) Oct 1993, pp553-562"; + license = "BSD4"; + }) {}; + + "FirstOrderTheory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, Proper }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FirstOrderTheory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1941ickx8aj3qbkry4gz8ni6snh26gkdrgabpx9z588518q4x27i"; + buildDepends = [ base containers Proper ]; + description = "Grammar and typeclass for first order theories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FixedPoint-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FixedPoint-simple"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0qfys17q3i56l20wzkpr8inq130j67kya022ynf0sgbc86avlrcn"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fixed point, large word, and large int numerical representations (types and common class instances)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Flippi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, directory, haskell98 + , old-time, parsec, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Flippi"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1w25h3n3cnsl9dvr5s94jzf5qxyx0dl0v8dmqv2rkwwm7s2hdbl9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cgi containers directory haskell98 old-time parsec xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wiki"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Focus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MissingH, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Focus"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1f1ch6mxgaam1i4ryd1av879y2f8wn3wmg47h23w2l0pvgmxgrj1"; + buildDepends = [ base MissingH split ]; + description = "Tools for focusing in on locations within numbers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Folly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Folly"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ygxgshgaddxfibl0paqm9sm4cq47247hr43awq8gib8zyg3amgi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A first order logic library in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FontyFruity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FontyFruity"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0nrlsiwav1mwbmp555vwnc24250yn166yr5fjazjg9g7a0ikkivf"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath text + vector + ]; + description = "A true type file format loader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ForSyDe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , old-time, parameterized-data, pretty, process, random + , regex-posix, template-haskell, type-level + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ForSyDe"; + version = "3.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ggwskyxpdrjny0rz61zdp20r5vzig8ggmqxf0qa8gljvvfp6bhp"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath mtl old-time + parameterized-data pretty process random regex-posix + template-haskell type-level + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ForkableT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, mtl, resourcet }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ForkableT"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qw4qyfpax8y3pmb0sx717a294aamjb2mgvqhrkbqx2yi5d8jl66"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-control mtl resourcet ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Forkable monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FormalGrammars" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ADPfusion, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, data-default, HaTeX, lens, mtl, parsers + , repa, template-haskell, text, transformers, trifecta + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FormalGrammars"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wdcwdr3chzmgs5y634jv0gsndm7vgfndr0sfxn0m6z56xcv65gj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ADPfusion ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring cmdargs containers + data-default HaTeX lens mtl parsers repa template-haskell text + transformers trifecta unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "(Context-free) grammars in formal language theory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "FpMLv53" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FpMLv53"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0h7vi940zrl2fqv8c2g0vj0gh9qfm2jf8c2drclx37zax5kb0r6p"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for the Financial Products Markup Language (v5.3)"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Frank" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, newtype, she, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Frank"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1p99ab5qgvyh13iy9wgv0a8lqx6s2mygx0s6z51m5mzi9nxf0qw1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl newtype she void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An experimental programming language with typed algebraic effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "FreeTypeGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, freetype2, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FreeTypeGL"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "10sivjxppn138805iwka54cfby59nc39ja30nx2w3762fybz71af"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base freetype2 OpenGL ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" "-f-use_font_config" ]; + description = "Loadable texture fonts for OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "FunGEn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "FunGEn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v9y9a82d2h34ai5hhwnalgfs5m2s909blr4f30dawgryn8gnbfp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A lightweight, cross-platform, OpenGL/GLUT-based game engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Fungi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell98, ListZipper, mtl, mwc-random, old-time, process, random + , tuple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Fungi"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0i2llh5pg5hf8897i1drz0r6zzbbxjjcqb0ic75hn6az1lvv9jbd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath haskell98 ListZipper + mtl mwc-random old-time process random tuple + ]; + description = "An interpreter for Funge-98 programming languages, including Befunge"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, random, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GA"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1nsmpph27yv0anrhhfqbpdqs2rrdbhm0jxzs3kk6ab32zb3ivhp2"; + buildDepends = [ base directory random transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Genetic algorithm library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GHood" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GHood"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0ab6dngl8gjkj8wvjvrjijgqb59aq88c1ra2z92iqky2d0plrfca"; + buildDepends = [ array base process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A graphical viewer for Hood"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLFW" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libX11, mesa, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLFW"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yqvfkg9p5h5bv3ak6b89am9kan9lbcq26kg1wk53xl6mz1aaijf"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGL ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dynamic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell binding for GLFW"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLFW-OGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libX11, libXrandr, mtl, OGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLFW-OGL"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "118hpgdp8rb0jlvlibxcaia4jjjdrn8xpzyvj109piw63g44n910"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl OGL ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 libXrandr ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for GLFW (OGL)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLFW-b" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-GLFW, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLFW-b"; + version = "1.4.6"; + sha256 = "1d9vacb9nsf5cqqwxhn49wsfbhmw1263kgimk5qxpqpg1jiy35hy"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-GLFW ]; + testDepends = [ + base bindings-GLFW HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "Bindings to GLFW OpenGL library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLFW-b-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW-b, mtl, OpenGL, pretty, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLFW-b-demo"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "01qf0bsv3q60m3as763q49hd3nm5lkady48nc214zjsx31x8by59"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW-b mtl OpenGL pretty stm transformers ]; + description = "GLFW-b demo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLFW-task" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW, monad-task, OpenGL, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLFW-task"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "110iwxp6xs3wj4bva8m6mgz7iq90zrcz2dnjlq3s2x3in2m4818p"; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW monad-task OpenGL transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GLFW utility functions to use together with monad-task"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLHUI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libX11, mesa, rt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLHUI"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "043xw36hrwzc6xdr5vlydbsv5m8675vnk8pfxycr7qixzwljn0aa"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa rt ]; + description = "Open OpenGL context windows in X11 with libX11"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { rt = null; }; + + "GLMatrix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenGLRaw }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLMatrix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13n80rplyl73ahk8cxgvs9gf655l063sd55spx0zvhw774vvxwv4"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGLRaw ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for working with OpenGL matrices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "GLURaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, freeglut, mesa, OpenGLRaw }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLURaw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k0f1vbbrsfc7jb4qbif4w4q87lsis5gvq7jd2n8zzslxd5n8mcn"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGLRaw ]; + extraLibraries = [ freeglut mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusenativewindowslibraries" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLUT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, freeglut, libICE, libSM + , libXi, libXmu, mesa, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLUT"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n9dkdjmpnbcjg0ll0ny7mw21xwwix0gxy0hq6yagmgaakhpg0aa"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers OpenGL OpenGLRaw ]; + extraLibraries = [ freeglut libICE libSM libXi libXmu mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusenativewindowslibraries" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GLUtil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, cpphs + , directory, filepath, JuicyPixels, linear, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GLUtil"; + version = "0.8.2"; + sha256 = "0z8fi4fd0jrywg595cc67w8pqcn7pgy651hxb4zkqb3400n4jak3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers cpphs directory filepath + JuicyPixels linear OpenGL OpenGLRaw transformers vector + ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + description = "Miscellaneous OpenGL utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GPX" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, comonad-transformers, containers + , data-lens, hxt, newtype, xsd + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GPX"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "08qvl4l81bgjx40nmlrmb0csxa3xjj4l0dbq9bzcq65p403xs1pk"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad comonad-transformers containers data-lens hxt newtype + xsd + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse GPX files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GPipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, containers, GLUT, list-tries + , OpenGL, transformers, Vec, Vec-Boolean + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GPipe"; + version = "1.4.1"; + sha256 = "0w1xgn7pmz9pgpimsmy3fx66dax37qkd5a5q0yk1fh396dxsybx3"; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean containers GLUT list-tries OpenGL transformers Vec + Vec-Boolean + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functional graphics API for programmable GPUs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GPipe-Collada" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, GPipe, HaXml, mtl, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GPipe-Collada"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0aqvyv50gx0qx7icp70pw73gr3p6y05dkn347nqx82jc9dyxjghw"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers GPipe HaXml mtl Vec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Load GPipe meshes from Collada files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GPipe-Examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, GPipe, GPipe-TextureLoad, haskell98 + , Vec, Vec-Transform + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GPipe-Examples"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ir32fx0mk5hmmqilv6z89453rqcsgbs13a6ln4cydlkw5lbgv1k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base GLUT GPipe GPipe-TextureLoad haskell98 Vec Vec-Transform + ]; + description = "Examples for the GPipes package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GPipe-TextureLoad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, GPipe, stb-image }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GPipe-TextureLoad"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1yf74k3yvpj42ynivlkacp5zwxwsx3yyfxb2436ljrv3339kjkb4"; + buildDepends = [ base bitmap GPipe stb-image ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Load GPipe textures from filesystem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GTALib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, HUnit, parallel + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GTALib"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "10l72wn8wdgcvpbcj10hmib6z0175ihsgvmwpp9akx4d6vpf2dz8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq parallel template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for GTA programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Gamgine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, composition, cpphs + , data-lens, directory, filepath, GLFW-b, ListZipper, mtl + , OpenGLRaw, parsec, pretty-show, StateVar, time + , unordered-containers, utility-ht, Vec, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Gamgine"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "180s8ly7i9lg8fyh6p7xkinxrac876938wkyzam9h6ildvik2qdd"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring composition cpphs data-lens directory + filepath GLFW-b ListZipper mtl OpenGLRaw parsec pretty-show + StateVar time unordered-containers utility-ht Vec zlib + ]; + description = "Some kind of game library or set of utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ganymede" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ganymede"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fmb6fpdfk21yxrvlgdg32qymzirfbygsq6p4jvm925kvpwqbcwk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Io interpreter in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GaussQuadIntegration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GaussQuadIntegration"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0v91q0m90338qpxg4hnvb7n6vm1jap3y1rvn9kyzmnxh03rarpx2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Non-adaptive Gaussian quadrature for numeric integraton"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GeBoP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, random, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GeBoP"; + version = "1.7.4"; + sha256 = "1nz0829jx2yf673r6haahzva3m5y80d9whxh79abxx9716874rw9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base directory random wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Several games"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GenI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cabal-macosx, containers + , deepseq, directory, errors, filepath, hslogger, HUnit, json, mtl + , old-locale, ordered, parsec, process, QuickCheck, smallcheck, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-smallcheck, text, time, transformers, yaml-light + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GenI"; + version = "0.24.3"; + sha256 = "0gmig362ayxxqgj4m6g1r1i6q5zfg6j8bmvsd7i9kmqn12nl3l0p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cabal-macosx containers deepseq directory + errors filepath hslogger json mtl old-locale ordered parsec process + syb text time transformers yaml-light + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers errors filepath HUnit json mtl parsec QuickCheck + smallcheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-smallcheck text + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GenSmsPdu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GenSmsPdu"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vs1m78lp87mccqs3i80zpl121yb063vqxx6a4sqzkfxzhvjvcbz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 QuickCheck random ]; + description = "Automatic SMS message generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Genbank" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, biofasta, bytestring, cmdargs + , parsec, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Genbank"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "14rbknlc1bxrld04i7dc5dklng5sp0b1rbiilndw5cair0d67brb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base biocore biofasta bytestring cmdargs parsec split + ]; + description = "Libary for processing the NCBI genbank format"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GenericPretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GenericPretty"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0bb70mic7srr7x8k83d1i0m0a32gm72zr78ccdf3ckchj9136php"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GeoIp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-mmap, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GeoIp"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1q3km52w7qcrawbgaxvglb3x6rgc8f22c8rw8705lgcxxn9pjxm1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring bytestring-mmap syb ]; + description = "Pure bindings for the MaxMind IP database"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Geodetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Geodetic"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1nb0q5hs9qqgygw35rbvanbjf9l6vjxrl6l4jp9dqwlnl1kdd88q"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Geodetic calculations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GeomPredicates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GeomPredicates"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "19scirh2hy9y9kv16pcp44v31cs3868ig28r8blj39gdv4wqxwcy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Geometric predicates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GeomPredicates-SSE" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GeomPredicates }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GeomPredicates-SSE"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "18mdaf2j1svklka5ms9ihj07d9l92ivqjk0y8jv0l9ni44hrhxcq"; + buildDepends = [ base GeomPredicates ]; + description = "Geometric predicates (Intel SSE)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GiST" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GiST"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ykvsjqpi7pd81857n2gqycgpnm0j8dxnpf345h7pgzrkz10qi9f"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + description = "A Haskell implementation of a Generalized Search Tree (GiST)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Glob" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, dlist, filepath + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Glob"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "0hdyi49zp2yr4h4wgngl8ajrss1p309c3pn0alj543yrh33bnqq0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory dlist filepath transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Globbing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GlomeTrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, GlomeVec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GlomeTrace"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0n1290ls68fsky3a80fvfdq6bycvmpn3i3kmflq6yn45qa959f0k"; + buildDepends = [ array base GlomeVec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ray Tracing Library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GlomeVec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, llvm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GlomeVec"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "08hyiadkbkmcsd1g51xvxqzp6l94hnqqbz4r6yk0zk29iawq8610"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + buildTools = [ llvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple 3D vector library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GlomeView" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, GlomeTrace, GlomeVec, monad-par + , random, SDL, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GlomeView"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0plglb289gadk8mqxgqj8n25xa6dql2jl0b8cm9v7q5rwykx0kbq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq GlomeTrace GlomeVec monad-par random SDL time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SDL Frontend for Glome ray tracer"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GoogleChart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GoogleChart"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0wfabsdn4agmg459srnknkwqb7ri5knj9npzgzhilybwrrqq46v9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Generate web-based charts using the Google Chart API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GoogleDirections" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AttoJson, base, bytestring, containers, dataenc + , download-curl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GoogleDirections"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x7k72iy8aa6r60p3hrqb8a4p5avyjh8czymrkarc3wpkc73bjb3"; + buildDepends = [ + AttoJson base bytestring containers dataenc download-curl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Interface to Google Directions API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GoogleSB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, Crypto, haskell98, HTTP, mtl + , network, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GoogleSB"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gfjpxcjr9xqinha3wzdk101avjzyvji2xs5abkj9pj8lsrbh2w8"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary Crypto haskell98 HTTP mtl network split + ]; + description = "Interface to Google Safe Browsing API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GoogleSuggest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dataenc, download-curl, utf8-string, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GoogleSuggest"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1jqfd9zi4yp0kr506v71dlg5zgmvzqbxdsfjr2574ajx5xp2fjrb"; + buildDepends = [ base dataenc download-curl utf8-string xml ]; + description = "Interface to Google Suggest API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "GoogleTranslate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AttoJson, base, bytestring, dataenc, download-curl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GoogleTranslate"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0hr0rjz7nx5rcy4h5pcbvh8sh9v4qvl9ffrqhnrcslh7ibvwbca6"; + buildDepends = [ AttoJson base bytestring dataenc download-curl ]; + description = "Interface to Google Translate API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "GotoT-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GotoT-transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w1w1p2cpndiilr002whm58bzqjh9cp9lw3jl7khdxh20c1dfzhy"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad and monadic transformer providing \"goto\" functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GrammarProducts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ADPfusion, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, data-default, FormalGrammars, HaTeX, lens + , newtype, parsers, PrimitiveArray, semigroups, transformers + , trifecta + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GrammarProducts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ni7rjp2cb7n47zkgl63ipr35q54m7f4lsrkcm2s6d0i5pwlv11f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ADPfusion ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring cmdargs containers + data-default FormalGrammars HaTeX lens newtype parsers + PrimitiveArray semigroups transformers trifecta + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Grammar products and higher-dimensional grammars"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Graph500" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mersenne-random-pure64 + , mtl, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Graph500"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0lhn2r54488949gh5m5fgwrj2z30r9pf34860sikb6zq07gjz759"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mersenne-random-pure64 mtl random + ]; + description = "Graph500 benchmark-related definitions and data set generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "GraphHammer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, Graph500, mtl, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GraphHammer"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0fga3g2y38ylvmkgi57h4j5brc7gjxh8d183qfa2vhx8i4sr3pzm"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers Graph500 mtl stm time ]; + description = "GraphHammer Haskell graph analyses framework inspired by STINGER"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "GraphHammer-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, Graph500, GraphHammer + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GraphHammer-examples"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "18p1dr08nq8dnvghkshihzra0p9ja0qa9bxbkm561jkrdpk3zndv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers Graph500 GraphHammer mtl ]; + description = "Test harness for TriangleCount analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "GraphSCC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GraphSCC"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1wbcx3wb02adb7l4nchxla3laliz0h5q074vfw4z0ic833k977bq"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use-maps" ]; + description = "Tarjan's algorithm for computing the strongly connected components of a graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Graphalyze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bktrees, containers, directory, fgl + , filepath, graphviz, old-locale, pandoc, process, random, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Graphalyze"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pyrhpl06lsppr8ch21crinkax7fh0k18wfvgjinc8phkk6j5hz3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bktrees containers directory fgl filepath graphviz + old-locale pandoc process random text time + ]; + description = "Graph-Theoretic Analysis library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Grempa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Grempa"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0w0apbk8hw555cbpprvxpnxviyzmbsxzlc6qpf6w0cfsybkkiv1f"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mtl QuickCheck template-haskell th-lift + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest" ]; + description = "Embedded grammar DSL and LALR parser generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GroteTrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GroteTrap"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1a43iig84bvmgpjmk6lqzhm3fq5p5hac36icwj4yfyrvzyfn0x7m"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser and selection library for expression languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Grow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, clock, containers + , deepseq, definitive-base, definitive-filesystem + , definitive-parser, definitive-reactive, directory, filepath + , old-locale, primitive, process, time, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Grow"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vc4ln5fzvcv68qlanyw8mc6qchnjn1kj9rpz661n8ia1x8gkb3l"; + editedCabalFile = "e599aab8eefc612bbf1dbae0b60308305a9d3009dda186b228e4e8aeeda1f36a"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring clock containers deepseq definitive-base + definitive-filesystem definitive-parser definitive-reactive + directory filepath old-locale primitive process time unix vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A declarative make-like interpreter"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "GrowlNotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, Crypto, haskell98 + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GrowlNotify"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "13m213d6l81k0iwjbbwg8n2xz960dhfnrs1il48xvlc8z25y6nh5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring Crypto haskell98 network ]; + description = "Notification utility for Growl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Gtk2hsGenerics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, containers, glib, gtk + , haskell98, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Gtk2hsGenerics"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gj775yny73qvi3inc38c6yy1av503m5ilbz7ch0xx4a3ywnw5l9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo containers glib gtk haskell98 mtl + ]; + description = "Convenience functions to extend Gtk2hs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "GtkGLTV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, bitmap-opengl, gtk, gtkglext, GtkTV + , OpenGL, stb-image, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GtkGLTV"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1xkc3ga65prffjzlymimwmfnmvf0lc42h2rm4b72rlmm8316kmp2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bitmap bitmap-opengl gtk gtkglext GtkTV OpenGL stb-image time + ]; + description = "OpenGL support for Gtk-based GUIs for Tangible Values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GtkTV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, time, TV, TypeCompose, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GtkTV"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0jxx8lgg533kjvq1sxr4jvqvxj9pcpabsy2mvbpsd2lwv2ffr618"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk time TV TypeCompose vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gtk-based GUIs for Tangible Values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GuiHaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, glade, gtk + , parsec, process, proplang + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GuiHaskell"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1rgyrbnlbvsqgd8m36fccq7qzxj2n682lz2rdq04j35zsgajyk11"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath glade gtk parsec process + proplang + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A graphical REPL and development environment for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "GuiTV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, DeepArrow, phooey, TV, TypeCompose }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "GuiTV"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "15mndbxm83q0d8ci3vj51zwrmzl0f5i5yqv0caw05vlzfsr4ib5i"; + buildDepends = [ base DeepArrow phooey TV TypeCompose ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUIs for Tangible Values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HARM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HARM"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0mld40jm0qnsr9flbip3s2lxwd43nhzs11v23bm5m2s83y6j33jn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple ARM emulator in haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HAppS-Data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, HAppS-Util + , HaXml, mtl, pretty, syb, syb-with-class, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppS-Data"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0df3bcvqpmjrg2c28jny20r52f3x7gf1wy7r8x71j9wrji56yg5j"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers HAppS-Util HaXml mtl pretty syb + syb-with-class template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "HAppS data manipulation libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HAppS-IxSet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HAppS-Data, HAppS-State + , HAppS-Util, hslogger, mtl, syb, syb-with-class, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppS-IxSet"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0wm3apqsqb2p9cqxikz9j6lzi66ya1sn1yplifqszg1v2lpdgb7b"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HAppS-Data HAppS-State HAppS-Util hslogger mtl syb + syb-with-class template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HAppS-Server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , HAppS-Data, HAppS-IxSet, HAppS-State, HAppS-Util, HaXml, hslogger + , html, HTTP, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, parsec, process + , random, syb, template-haskell, unix, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppS-Server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f10qp2aiv036izzdpfpgmja5kqx68kccazkn1cdap636brjjcdh"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory HAppS-Data HAppS-IxSet + HAppS-State HAppS-Util HaXml hslogger html HTTP mtl network + old-locale old-time parsec process random syb template-haskell unix + xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Web related tools and services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HAppS-State" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, HAppS-Data, HAppS-Util, HaXml, hslogger, hspread, mtl + , network, old-locale, old-time, random, stm, syb, template-haskell + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppS-State"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1r1ing4c8s91d9p41q7yv6v6xaqs9si438j7b5vnzxgwz0syd6ah"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath HAppS-Data + HAppS-Util HaXml hslogger hspread mtl network old-locale old-time + random stm syb template-haskell unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Event-based distributed state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HAppS-Util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory, hslogger, mtl + , old-time, process, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppS-Util"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0mg6p14xv6f9b1rb77mvadzchf6limcypi6z0di1n49pdqjhs4pr"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring directory hslogger mtl old-time process + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HAppSHelpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HAppSHelpers"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1hwxh60b26chcd466vlpxc7hx3smdnfl40mfxpyh8j1597v2aqa3"; + description = "OBSOLETE. Please use happstack-helpers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HCL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HCL"; + version = "1.4"; + sha256 = "0dzfnvdc1nm4f7q759xnq1lavi90axc7b6jd39sl898jbjg8wrrl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level library for building command line interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HCard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, random, random-shuffle }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HCard"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0bvj1vc8m69bsnjz8xb4nbbpbd4xbqp4kfab0bmk6a4ixgnqk14b"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck random random-shuffle ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for implementing a Deck of Cards"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HCodecs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HCodecs"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0mhp1alx0p9lzq3vm0k802f8ndm2386sshprn9zb8xq8bsd11gxi"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring QuickCheck random ]; + testDepends = [ array base bytestring QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to read, write and manipulate MIDI, WAVE, and SoundFont2 files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HDBC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, text, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zwkrr0pbgxi2y75n2sjr3xs8xa3pxbmnqg3phqkjqcz3j4gcq6y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible mtl old-locale old-time text + time utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Database Connectivity"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HDBC, time, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-mysql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q50xynasb2h65g14ycz4s38fyz185yz1sp9rl02h4p940pz7w9m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HDBC time utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MySQL driver for HDBC"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-odbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HDBC, mtl, time, unixODBC + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-odbc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zjq5j095jyh0axmgnr59fwhh1nhipj6flz77z46kygagygrg2qz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HDBC mtl time utf8-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ unixODBC ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildstresstest" "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ODBC driver for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, convertible, HDBC, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, postgresql, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-postgresql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x42lf429dxjkz22jn5fybimlixxs20zq01ap40344qlwh01hd90"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring convertible HDBC mtl old-locale old-time parsec + time utf8-string + ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PostgreSQL driver for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-postgresql-hstore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, HDBC, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-postgresql-hstore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0657a1qy51bihh9gvpwpqpm4gch68rw32plnjcfdbc37yjq5dj1d"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base containers HDBC text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulate data in PostgreSQL \"hstore\" columns"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-session"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fxx0q9hnxwsivsg2qinm0n3lvf89r9b72cnhipjlpf36nin5x5w"; + buildDepends = [ base HDBC ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed connection for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HDBC-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HDBC, mtl, sqlite, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDBC-sqlite3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11765nsncgyv9j6r5wpziqyhy0lxrmqbhgricbdx0c788ky75y92"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HDBC mtl utf8-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ sqlite ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "HDRUtils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, containers, mtl, pfstools + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HDRUtils"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0rkykxmqpqiclvxlvfd0v9rrvkkb25shyajdmajxisfqxl684y0g"; + buildDepends = [ array base colour containers mtl unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ pfstools ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for reading, manipulating, and writing HDR images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HERA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mpfr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HERA"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "08lry7w4zb7j81q9d7rjpz0chcbr9laxi4h9dz327pfcgmy083sy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ mpfr ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HFuse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fuse, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HFuse"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wsrf9y90dk27da9pm9m11hnrxwrqwvq6c9799b91a91mc2lxslc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ fuse ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + preConfigure = '' + sed -i -e "s@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: /usr/local/lib@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: ${fuse}/lib@" HFuse.cabal + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "HFuse is a binding for the Linux FUSE library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z8dfxg2x530lawx7gyv9d25wcfpwvbfmknq17d5wgkxz47j95wb"; + buildDepends = [ array base X11 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "A simple graphics library based on X11 or Win32"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-Audio, HGamer3D-Common + , HGamer3D-Data, HGamer3D-Graphics3D, HGamer3D-InputSystem + , HGamer3D-Network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "00mkjpmygz3h7rq1y4b8r8gpg4qk52dah1q0h14f50cr2lxvq3b7"; + buildDepends = [ + base HGamer3D-Audio HGamer3D-Common HGamer3D-Data + HGamer3D-Graphics3D HGamer3D-InputSystem HGamer3D-Network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-API" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding, HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-API"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "14wji303z3frjr4rc675pcispbpbpm1ilj6g3cb1fxm5wmi30q5l"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding + HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - API"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Audio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HGamer3D-Common, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Audio"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0zfzk0vjn2w127dxcsg64d8j6jw1an3i0a2v32sx05l6whrnhabd"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HGamer3D-Common HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Audio Functionality"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Bullet-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-Data }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Bullet-Binding"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1ilj8p1gm56dffics90qj6gspnam56s84wvaig9s0cwjbwxqi4hy"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Windows Game Engine for the Haskell Programmer - Bullet Bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-CAudio-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, HGamer3D-Data, HGamer3DCAudio015 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-CAudio-Binding"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1q69ffhnnh4iaghb1g8s6bqlsry7jy5sbp5vpg4lprnr4wna5ya1"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 HGamer3D-Data ]; + extraLibraries = [ HGamer3DCAudio015 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - cAudio Bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { HGamer3DCAudio015 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, CEGUIBase, CEGUIOgreRenderer, hg3dcegui050 + , HGamer3D-Data + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1lh7gajn69l8yh2lvv552spf31g4br05cvpb2cwrpkijcnq6x8d0"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data ]; + extraLibraries = [ CEGUIBase CEGUIOgreRenderer hg3dcegui050 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - CEGUI Bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { CEGUIBase = null; CEGUIOgreRenderer = null; + hg3dcegui050 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-Common" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clock, containers, directory, filepath + , FindBin, HGamer3D-Data, stm, vect + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Common"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1klb8974hlsbjg06jwg1akl3pvbp6wr17apmdn69x8zarmb84skh"; + buildDepends = [ + base clock containers directory filepath FindBin HGamer3D-Data stm + vect + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Game Engine and Utilities"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clock, containers, directory, filepath + , FindBin, stm, vect + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Data"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0361153939v63qy204fxpajkgij7f8kfcz93y38jikqcz6nh7bgz"; + buildDepends = [ + base clock containers directory filepath FindBin stm vect + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Data Definitions"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Enet-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enet, hg3denet050, HGamer3D-Data }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Enet-Binding"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0a5na073ysmcvr9nkbg7jgrkapzbd22wn7p09s2kpxzl9fr8axwd"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data ]; + extraLibraries = [ enet hg3denet050 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enet Binding for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { hg3denet050 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-GUI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-WinEvent, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-GUI"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "006j6g6w990il30kgpwvls77hsmlbg2haiwckrpq3mcywxrhrbsd"; + buildDepends = [ + base HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-WinEvent split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUI Functionality for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Graphics3D" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding, HGamer3D-Common, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding, HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding, mtl, split + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Graphics3D"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1a6fizaf0l6271407z8kzlzd8yhh9ky2l9n10xcns0a1asvdkj5y"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding + HGamer3D-Common HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding + HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding mtl split transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - 3D Graphics Functionality"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-InputSystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-Common, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding, HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-InputSystem"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1dpc5zncc9fayf3gqqpki7chimq5cjpvnpjswapllsmykginlyfh"; + buildDepends = [ + base HGamer3D-Common HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding + HGamer3D-SFML-Binding + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Joystick, Mouse and Keyboard Functionality for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-Common, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-Enet-Binding + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Network"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "105m6k112qs96cih9jp0s9l24s671a3hlnsv4jm893mdk28zvznl"; + buildDepends = [ + base HGamer3D-Common HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-Enet-Binding + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Networking Functionality for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-OIS-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, HGamer3D-Data + , HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding, HGamer3DOIS015 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-OIS-Binding"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1n00s6vpwyw8zcasqzg6ycgc98w6hh3sylxjh05w1pya9v853syf"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding + ]; + extraLibraries = [ HGamer3DOIS015 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - OIS Bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { HGamer3DOIS015 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hg3dogre050, HGamer3D-Data, mtl, OgreMain + , OgrePaging, OgreProperty, OgreRTShaderSystem, OgreTerrain + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1m2mgqky2bswwskgkmp7xmnm4df5i3rdkshlxkhihglgx3z1wy1w"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data mtl transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ + hg3dogre050 OgreMain OgrePaging OgreProperty OgreRTShaderSystem + OgreTerrain + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ogre Binding for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { OgreMain = null; OgrePaging = null; OgreProperty = null; + OgreRTShaderSystem = null; OgreTerrain = null; + hg3dogre050 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hg3dsdl2050, HGamer3D-Data + , libX11, SDL2, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "11j9gysd6sc8wvia7hgf3qvzbxmpqkj7hv65iza474yig2dcr5hh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HGamer3D-Data utf8-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ hg3dsdl2050 libX11 SDL2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SDL2 Binding for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { hg3dsdl2050 = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-SFML-Binding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hg3dsfml050, HGamer3D-Data, sfml-audio + , sfml-network, sfml-system, sfml-window + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-SFML-Binding"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1087g60dxg8pzxvx7bh72ws5slf4mfqmya8cnv11vxl6hk04vc4v"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data ]; + extraLibraries = [ + hg3dsfml050 sfml-audio sfml-network sfml-system sfml-window + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SFML Binding for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sfml-audio; + hg3dsfml050 = null; sfml-network = null; sfml-system = null; + sfml-window = null; }; + + "HGamer3D-WinEvent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGamer3D-Data, HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-WinEvent"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0d3vjlgpzzb473dmhllxvi05lnh010vgfdbizlj4yxywrp6aas9a"; + buildDepends = [ base HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Windowing and Event Functionality for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HGamer3D-Wire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HGamer3D, HGamer3D-Audio + , HGamer3D-Data, HGamer3D-GUI, HGamer3D-InputSystem + , HGamer3D-WinEvent, mtl, netwire, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HGamer3D-Wire"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0w5iafs9ldafc3kzq13alnk1ng766p9w97nak3aijpxfrc4m6z77"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HGamer3D HGamer3D-Audio HGamer3D-Data HGamer3D-GUI + HGamer3D-InputSystem HGamer3D-WinEvent mtl netwire transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wire Functionality for HGamer3D"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HHDL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HHDL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1215nz6l3bbkld2fqqsc494xw4qw4vqavznaqxgja2p60w9mwg0q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hardware Description Language embedded in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HJScript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HJavaScript, hsp, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HJScript"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "0xvhzmsl1z6im36svjhcl4zlbnmpknlfn0m426cj5l06a3c5mfa8"; + buildDepends = [ base HJavaScript hsp mtl text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HJScript is a Haskell EDSL for writing JavaScript programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HJVM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, HUnit, jvm, mtl, parsec, process + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HJVM"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ixzhgrb2jj7np8gmfwca724w5n26i5xalppm5idnhxw6k4jbklr"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath haskell-src-exts mtl parsec process + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal haskell-src-exts HUnit mtl parsec test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ jvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to create a Java Virtual Machine and manipulate Java objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { jvm = null; }; + + "HJavaScript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HJavaScript"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "0sb2wqbf6kml5d414xi6jk0gr31673djqxa5wg1mxl40vwn14pvh"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + description = "HJavaScript is an abstract syntax for a typed subset of JavaScript"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLearn-algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConstraintKinds, containers, deepseq + , hashable, MonadRandom, parallel, random, template-haskell, vector + , vector-heterogenous + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLearn-algebra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k0a01cqaay4wp6i603yvcjpmap7inyjxiblqkbpifk9mwjxf15a"; + buildDepends = [ + base ConstraintKinds containers deepseq hashable MonadRandom + parallel random template-haskell vector vector-heterogenous + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Algebraic foundation for homomorphic learning"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLearn-approximation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConstraintKinds, containers, heap + , HLearn-algebra, HLearn-datastructures, HLearn-distributions + , list-extras, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLearn-approximation"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "1gqrpnliy4jqjlhdhi7vygvq2lnfgwl2hr5hlkzgqmz2gjyib8vn"; + buildDepends = [ + base ConstraintKinds containers heap HLearn-algebra + HLearn-datastructures HLearn-distributions list-extras vector + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLearn-classification" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, ConstraintKinds + , containers, deepseq, dlist, hashable, HLearn-algebra + , HLearn-distributions, list-extras, logfloat, math-functions + , MonadRandom, normaldistribution, parsec, primitive, QuickCheck + , statistics, vector, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLearn-classification"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11c1016nhhckmdrzlazz5b7iabl0iz0g2245bwws3alnnn74svhd"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring ConstraintKinds containers deepseq dlist + hashable HLearn-algebra HLearn-distributions list-extras logfloat + math-functions MonadRandom normaldistribution parsec primitive + QuickCheck statistics vector vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLearn-datastructures" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConstraintKinds, containers, deepseq + , HLearn-algebra, list-extras, MonadRandom, QuickCheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLearn-datastructures"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "06kbscd7nbbb6dlsgyigyag851bbvhiz6p05gdawpb7y0fh8f3wb"; + buildDepends = [ + base ConstraintKinds containers deepseq HLearn-algebra list-extras + MonadRandom QuickCheck vector + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLearn-distributions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ConstraintKinds, containers, deepseq + , erf, gamma, graphviz, HLearn-algebra, HLearn-datastructures + , hmatrix, list-extras, math-functions, MonadRandom + , normaldistribution, process, QuickCheck, statistics + , template-haskell, vector, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLearn-distributions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19v9askkccbv405bchq5h72jahsbivj2s31ajwi316kksan2iwzf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base ConstraintKinds containers deepseq erf gamma graphviz + HLearn-algebra HLearn-datastructures hmatrix list-extras + math-functions MonadRandom normaldistribution process QuickCheck + statistics template-haskell vector vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributions for use with the HLearn library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HList" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, diffutils, directory, doctest + , filepath, ghc-prim, hspec, lens, mtl, process, syb, tagged + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HList"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02hw496qv2p0nnbz7lq7jfqnis19qqjsylyvdksqbwmjprk32rh2"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim mtl tagged template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory doctest filepath hspec lens mtl process syb + ]; + buildTools = [ diffutils ]; + description = "Heterogeneous lists"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "HListPP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-quoters, base, regex-applicative }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HListPP"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0jq2sdfg47dqf8gmmzm0049x4hsfh9prgfvxzplhrxsisknyhfr8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ applicative-quoters base regex-applicative ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A preprocessor for HList labelable labels"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HLogger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HLogger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0amxyg9j6fh58g2wh9k0231mxmvi6j96z7ykd3rm3jzs96fhlncp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, concurrent and easy-to-use logging library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HMM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HMM"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "01y8l76c56gysynbilp32yq0wfc129hl24siw8s9fmpn98qa71s6"; + homepage = ""; + description = "A hidden markov model library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, mtl, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HMap"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "12dbjjvq7qlr2clbzbhwcbvmwd9amlkwmf55cn46qvvakinv6x2i"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable mtl unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast heterogeneous maps and unconstrained typeable like functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HNM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, glib, gtk, haskell98 + , mtl, process, regex-posix, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HNM"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "04325gwmlrx4iy9609vzaw2dhs4kg3ydr4r6af6rllrf500f6w9j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory glib gtk haskell98 mtl process + regex-posix unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happy Network Manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HODE" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ode }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HODE"; + version = "2008.10.27"; + sha256 = "0fr3bivmlciicba1brhm86l8diadb765ff1s8g6ylygs8l7lingv"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + extraLibraries = [ ode ]; + description = "Binding to libODE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HOpenCV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, allocated-processor, base, opencv, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HOpenCV"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q32rcrzv79z125sbjlzhd4sl1pl8if01vrwd7y18s3acs3aqr4b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ allocated-processor base vector-space ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ opencv ]; + description = "A binding for the OpenCV computer vision library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HPDF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl + , random, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HPDF"; + version = "1.4.6"; + sha256 = "15v1mf58fqa25higf52jqlf3fw2fbggfm5v8a8v00zz6q0f3lzn9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers mtl random vector zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generation of PDF documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HPath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, mtl, parsec, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HPath"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "10hlqyhcpgnkiqwjwb3d10wrhzc82jcbz1qvxa0mzzif36rys1wk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts mtl + parsec utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extract Haskell declarations by name"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HPi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HPi"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0d0r89a92lavbaf6svkqwd7fvc1q4kwbdvr0jvxarx2xgrhl342a"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GPIO and I2C functions for the Raspberry Pi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HPlot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, glade, glib, gtk, plplotd-gnome2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HPlot"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "022642xp13fl34y854n4j7kxn0nyxhrz4gxgn3nfqs67m13bcsqy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glade glib gtk ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ plplotd-gnome2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimal monadic PLplot interface for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { plplotd-gnome2 = null; }; + + "HPong" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, data-accessor-template, GLFW + , OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HPong"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0dzzq4ksny537b151g6c1jgj2ns143klhdjfbq84srs026pvpvzi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-accessor data-accessor-template GLFW OpenGL + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple OpenGL Pong game based on GLFW"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HROOT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime, HROOT-core, HROOT-graf + , HROOT-hist, HROOT-io, HROOT-math + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0q6n5j1hzl8fk6a0ziqjzfi1515shqzqxx0argbvnhw85vjajvqf"; + editedCabalFile = "43058ba39e0517740c45b1087a39e4f84912c1a3c500504850395d4f2fda0917"; + buildDepends = [ + base fficxx-runtime HROOT-core HROOT-graf HROOT-hist HROOT-io + HROOT-math + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT RooFit modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HROOT-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT-core"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "1f40n224r640dp3g4x9kwnpcjpll3axs3pc71nqcch748bh0f60n"; + buildDepends = [ base fficxx-runtime ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT Core modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HROOT-graf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime, HROOT-core, HROOT-hist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT-graf"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "1jh2c6wrzajrzbkw77fsvjnj7nhrfx192hs9vlkd0aja2xy7z0bw"; + buildDepends = [ base fficxx-runtime HROOT-core HROOT-hist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT Graf modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HROOT-hist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime, HROOT-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT-hist"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0yzlqg2nzw26j1a2i8zaihwd22bl7y9cbxxps99vy7fxph81ikh1"; + buildDepends = [ base fficxx-runtime HROOT-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT Hist modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HROOT-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime, HROOT-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT-io"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0sbh6jz24xv2pvh0m2f26aqj3fzkmyiqp8p4g1vcnh8jlisdn6k2"; + buildDepends = [ base fficxx-runtime HROOT-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT IO modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HROOT-math" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fficxx-runtime, HROOT-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HROOT-math"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0qmsvrhxzdw2n0lw8x06l2sbx36xm77nv55kpps1h60l4l0nmzwm"; + buildDepends = [ base fficxx-runtime HROOT-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to ROOT Math modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "HRay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HRay"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "0bg0b8260cd2l8q7ccijwqg1yz49mkifv1r0a5q1hrbsagvac4nf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base directory haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell raytracer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HSFFIG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, parsec, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSFFIG"; + version = "1.1.3"; + sha256 = "10zkg2lhvzxi6csyrah8kw3xd1da60im0whpg884hpnf5h220086"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath parsec process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate FFI import declarations from C include files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HSGEP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csv, mersenne-random-pure64 + , monad-mersenne-random, mtl, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSGEP"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "16k853180smf2smw8ch3mzjv14imj9w2ssh61hcc23carhrsbg9p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base csv mersenne-random-pure64 monad-mersenne-random mtl split + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gene Expression Programming evolutionary algorithm in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HSH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, hslogger + , MissingH, mtl, process, regex-base, regex-compat, regex-posix + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSH"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "17ysn131xskx4s1g5kg08zy141q3q16bns4bsg3yjzvf6cjpz2kq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath hslogger MissingH mtl process + regex-base regex-compat regex-posix unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to mix shell scripting with Haskell programs"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "HSHHelpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, DebugTraceHelpers, directory + , filepath, HSH, HStringTemplateHelpers, MissingH, mtl, regex-pcre + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSHHelpers"; + version = "0.24"; + sha256 = "0mz25xak9fkircdxcpzrf3rym9l5ivhifk7dqm2xki3mv6fw214d"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring DebugTraceHelpers directory filepath HSH + HStringTemplateHelpers MissingH mtl regex-pcre unix + ]; + description = "Convenience functions that use HSH, instances for HSH"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HSlippyMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSlippyMap"; + version = "2.2"; + sha256 = "17n1kpva97lwhwg2vs7875bfqlwcq6xpl2agqc53qb7j4153p559"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenStreetMap Slippy Map"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HSmarty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-expr, base, HTF + , HTTP, mtl, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSmarty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b3mg99yhbv8drnqizndyvpy760na58fwzsnfhgbi0a77126wdlr"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-expr base HTF HTTP mtl text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-expr base HTF HTTP mtl text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of a subset of the PHP-Smarty template language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HSoundFile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, filepath, haskell98, mtl + , parallel + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSoundFile"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0qlz17dzlysj36zz3s8dzwvfdr9rdfp6gnabc262iraidqapshzb"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring filepath haskell98 mtl parallel + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio file reading/writing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HStringTemplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl, old-locale, old-time, parsec + , pretty, syb, template-haskell, text, time, utf8-string, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HStringTemplate"; + version = "0.7.3"; + sha256 = "1gw4v16nk0878qplcx6by2bl4280lwyn9a252p6ldaqlbk9vygw8"; + editedCabalFile = "ece4d19b1b67b3fe543c1db710d3322e67f46c041fcd072d5870d47f89afb027"; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder bytestring containers deepseq directory + filepath mtl old-locale old-time parsec pretty syb template-haskell + text time utf8-string void + ]; + description = "StringTemplate implementation in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HStringTemplateHelpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, FileManipCompat + , filepath, HSH, HStringTemplate, mtl, safe, strict + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HStringTemplateHelpers"; + version = "0.0.14"; + sha256 = "1dgr28hxm9zlxl13ms9mn63rbm5ya6bkyys6q0kbns2y2zwmkswh"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory FileManipCompat filepath HSH + HStringTemplate mtl safe strict + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HSvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HSvm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mb8kclb7631ihj356g5ddf758cnwz9y6r5ck72daa7vndz01aa9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Haskell Bindings for libsvm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HTF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, array, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, cpphs, Diff, directory + , filepath, haskell-lexer, haskell-src, HUnit, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, old-time, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random + , regex-compat, temporary, text, time, unix, unordered-containers + , vector, xmlgen + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HTF"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g5z2ypn6i7wpz1439c6qjmi8lw2b86zaljkgwchjn8r8gvw4mbm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base base64-bytestring bytestring containers cpphs Diff + directory haskell-lexer haskell-src HUnit lifted-base monad-control + mtl old-time pretty process QuickCheck random regex-compat text + time unix vector xmlgen + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring directory filepath HUnit mtl + process random regex-compat temporary text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell Test Framework"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "HTTP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit + , conduit-extra, deepseq, ghc, http-types, httpd-shed, HUnit, mtl + , network, network-uri, old-time, parsec, pureMD5, split + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HTTP"; + version = "4000.2.19"; + sha256 = "1yzm8gimh8g0wwbixcbxg60v4l3vgi63w9v55ms0x9qnm6vrgysz"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring mtl network network-uri old-time parsec + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra deepseq ghc + http-types httpd-shed HUnit mtl network network-uri pureMD5 split + test-framework test-framework-hunit wai warp + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnetwork-uri" "-fwarp-tests" "-f-conduit10" "-f-network23" + "-f-warn-as-error" "-f-mtl1" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for client-side HTTP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HTTP-Simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HTTP-Simple"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1294pn82fbskgfw2mh3ri31wab5l9y3j0g50dcx5sqbhz79pnj9w"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DEPRECATED Enable simple wrappers to Network.HTTP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HTab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, deepseq, hylolib, mtl + , strict + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HTab"; + version = "1.6.3"; + sha256 = "0c0igscng6gqhabmvvgappsbzbhkpybcx7vr8yd72pqh988ml4zv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers deepseq hylolib mtl strict + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tableau based theorem prover for hybrid logics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HTicTacToe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, random, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-ttf + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HTicTacToe"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0h3pr4lyx14zndwbas5ba8sg3s84sq19qhh6pcqpy4v2ajfyyfqc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl random SDL SDL-image SDL-ttf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An SDL tic-tac-toe game"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "HUnit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HUnit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hcs6qh8bqhip1kkjjnw7ccgcsmawdz5yvffjj5y8zd2vcsavx8a"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A unit testing framework for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HUnit-Diff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, Diff, groom, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HUnit-Diff"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0dlsx6qicnrqkhb52jbgh31f0y6lxh32yl5gr6bg3fnqr36vc6x6"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base Diff groom HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Assertions for HUnit with difference reporting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HUnit-Plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cmdargs, containers + , directory, hashable, hexpat, hostname, old-locale, parsec, time + , timeit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HUnit-Plus"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ph4560i8nb4ggbfc2yfam0mgfl21pnpgj0x0v9dh86lbfj9p4ki"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers hashable hexpat hostname + old-locale parsec time timeit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers directory hashable hexpat + hostname old-locale parsec time timeit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A test framework building on HUnit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HUnit-approx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HUnit-approx"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0svkjvcanjsi5bhn9b91jhig36np5imr3qyj6b1s5msm7wmlk3v1"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Approximate equality for floating point numbers with HUnit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HXMPP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, binary, bytestring + , crypto-api, enumerator, HLogger, network, pureMD5, random + , regex-posix, text, transformers, utf8-string, xml-enumerator + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HXMPP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "094j5bafrwr0d5sz3fidz7k328w6f4nqhja2c9gf89759nc470ss"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string binary bytestring crypto-api enumerator HLogger + network pureMD5 random regex-posix text transformers utf8-string + xml-enumerator xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A (prototyped) easy to use XMPP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HXQ" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskeline, haskell98, HTTP, mtl + , regex-base, regex-compat, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HXQ"; + version = "0.19.0"; + sha256 = "1k2lway8nfy6vwsxq7kmjh25q5diw8sy4hrqzn3irk6rlg7zh77l"; + buildDepends = [ + array base haskeline haskell98 HTTP mtl regex-base regex-compat + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" "-f-sqlite" "-f-mysql" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Compiler from XQuery to Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaLeX" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaLeX"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "029khjgyay3pzydq7bj6rvlglmm66wj728y4fadqvh6yxr7ddc0s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaLeX enables modelling, manipulation and animation of regular languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "HaMinitel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, serialport, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaMinitel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q7fq5z0wrk2qg9n715033yp25dpl73g6iqkbvxbg2ahp9caq458"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring serialport stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Haskell library to drive the french Minitel through a serial port"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "HaPy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, th-lift }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaPy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gxxhyidcn3lcvmbjby364cypk6xmmsv5qdd0m16d06688cl9mq7"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell th-lift ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for Python"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "HaRe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, Diff, directory + , dual-tree, filepath, ghc, ghc-mod, ghc-paths, ghc-prim + , ghc-syb-utils, haskell-token-utils, hslogger, hspec, HUnit + , monoid-extras, mtl, old-time, parsec, pretty, process, QuickCheck + , rosezipper, semigroups, silently, Strafunski-StrategyLib + , stringbuilder, syb, syz, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaRe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19vldhyl1636g05yc1kg9ih3z9rlcvcl596slc1hqwkd564nld36"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory dual-tree filepath ghc ghc-mod + ghc-paths ghc-prim ghc-syb-utils haskell-token-utils hslogger + monoid-extras mtl old-time parsec pretty rosezipper semigroups + Strafunski-StrategyLib syb syz time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq Diff directory dual-tree filepath ghc + ghc-mod ghc-paths ghc-prim ghc-syb-utils haskell-token-utils + hslogger hspec HUnit monoid-extras mtl old-time process QuickCheck + rosezipper semigroups silently Strafunski-StrategyLib stringbuilder + syb syz time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "the Haskell Refactorer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaTeX" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, matrix, parsec + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, transformers + , wl-pprint-extras + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaTeX"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16b3aaaahsy153dfii2lc1672kkm6i9mch5hmyf9229b17hhh5pa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers matrix parsec QuickCheck text + transformers wl-pprint-extras + ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell LaTeX library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaTeX-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, ghc + , haddock, haskell-src-exts, mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaTeX-meta"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1cfn823xfp4962x4ww3dawm017nkg00wxa20b8nbq3pmjjnpb2xl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc haddock + haskell-src-exts mtl parsec + ]; + description = "This package is deprecated. From version 3, HaTeX does not need this anymore."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaVSA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, logict, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaVSA"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hh324i7gvazlkm3vfmzah41h2hlxwb2k8g1z8dmfbif6pmp0apk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HUnit logict QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck + ]; + description = "An implementation of the Version Space Algebra learning framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaXml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , polyparse, pretty, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaXml"; + version = "1.25.2"; + sha256 = "0n434pwkxbsw6amj1mllaxdjhzwlc2nzd61js4i7if1h6cj73qph"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath polyparse pretty + random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestringinbase" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for manipulating XML documents"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Hach" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, network, old-locale, text, time + , vty, vty-ui + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hach"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1bp7ngsh655x0iamb8bhn2sqkpg3p6mhg0n0fgqz5k4pjskjyavy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers network old-locale text time vty vty-ui + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple chat"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "HackMail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Crypto, directory, hdaemonize, hint, mtl + , old-time, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HackMail"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1j8lw1c5asx40fag9gd6ni19c0z0q46f55yry5cj94v4s5m2gzbw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Crypto directory hdaemonize hint mtl old-time parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Procmail Replacement as Haskell EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Haggressive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cassava, containers + , directory, HUnit, PSQueue, text, tokenize, tuple, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Haggressive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08f8i8bmnjv255xzpasa7drd83fh82qjm49mscn6dmiw6yp47vz1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cassava containers directory HUnit PSQueue + text tokenize tuple vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers HUnit tuple vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Aggression analysis for Tweets on Twitter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "HandlerSocketClient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HandlerSocketClient"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1jp8cwlp6h1wvvkh71813i3lzxc7ckxzc7nvvcsjvcz0apxcl7vv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of a HandlerSocket client (API)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HandsomeSoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, HTTP, hxt, hxt-http + , MaybeT, mtl, network, network-uri, parsec, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HandsomeSoup"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "1d1zanlr1mdxjc69xvbxg5kn5bc08gd960j6lb1x3grhcgmj9krm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HTTP hxt hxt-http MaybeT mtl network network-uri + parsec transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hxt ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Work with HTML more easily in HXT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HarmTrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, cmdargs, deepseq, Diff + , directory, filepath, ghc-prim, HarmTrace-Base, HCodecs, hmatrix + , hmatrix-gsl-stats, instant-generics, ListLike, mtl, parallel + , parseargs, process, sox, template-haskell, uu-parsinglib, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HarmTrace"; + version = "2.2.0"; + sha256 = "1l2w53ispw7sg1daxnynfc94njzm6w838a8ij7rpzd3nxa2b596v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary cmdargs deepseq Diff directory filepath ghc-prim + HarmTrace-Base HCodecs hmatrix hmatrix-gsl-stats instant-generics + ListLike mtl parallel parseargs process sox template-haskell + uu-parsinglib vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Harmony Analysis and Retrieval of Music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "HarmTrace-Base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, ghc-prim, ListLike + , QuickCheck, uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HarmTrace-Base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "174a05473577vyyf6rz5bq3b9wrgmsbz23xdg945pfc78lb6n70j"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers ghc-prim ListLike uu-parsinglib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary containers ghc-prim ListLike QuickCheck uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and unambiguously representing musical chords"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "HasGP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, hmatrix, hmatrix-special, mtl + , parsec, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HasGP"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sw5l74p2md4whq0c1xifcnwbb525i84n1razjxs7cpf8gicgggx"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 hmatrix hmatrix-special mtl parsec random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Haschoo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, list-tries, monad-loops, mtl, numbers + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Haschoo"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0jh506p0clwyb5wwrhlgbc5xp7w6smz5vky3lc8vhnwvwk324qcj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base list-tries monad-loops mtl numbers parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimalist R5RS Scheme interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hashell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ghc, haskell98, parsec, process + , readline, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hashell"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0yn525sr7i2nwf4y44va00aswnphn89072zaqjr2i0f1n1jjaxpl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory ghc haskell98 parsec process readline regex-compat + unix + ]; + description = "Simple shell written in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HaskellForMaths" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellForMaths"; + version = "0.4.5"; + sha256 = "03j83gvxjjqjwl047j0acsf9j5vs3zpzbap036sw4slq31nza2p9"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinatorics, group theory, commutative algebra, non-commutative algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaskellLM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellLM"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0baqn15zdhlinf4v3c244005nb3wm63gpr0w6fy7g9gmn8a00scq"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix ]; + description = "Pure Haskell implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HaskellNN" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellNN"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0i5jqhkxna1kq361hh66830x4z5m782pp898g9ggfvdiwpp8phmr"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix random ]; + description = "High Performance Neural Network in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HaskellNet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base64-string, bytestring, cryptohash + , mime-mail, mtl, network, old-time, pretty, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellNet"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "152ayk35czl8fi2mar1g6c5mi3pikvnpcy967prg97a9vy0ld1yp"; + buildDepends = [ + array base base64-string bytestring cryptohash mime-mail mtl + network old-time pretty text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client support for POP3, SMTP, and IMAP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaskellNet-SSL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, connection, data-default + , HaskellNet, network, tls + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellNet-SSL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jhm43zd6jvhbahk4ki29ydg02qnjj4mw823rckqxk6f91q00qlp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring connection data-default HaskellNet network tls + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-noupperbounds" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helpers to connect to SSL/TLS mail servers with HaskellNet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaskellTorrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cml, containers + , directory, hopenssl, hslogger, HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, parsec + , pretty, QuickCheck, random, random-shuffle, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellTorrent"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0dy9irl085jw7wz6y50566rwsj05ymp8g2xp2444vg12ryd5dra1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cml containers directory hopenssl hslogger + HTTP HUnit mtl network parsec pretty QuickCheck random + random-shuffle test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-threadscope" "-f-debug" ]; + description = "A concurrent bittorrent client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HaskellTutorials" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HaskellTutorials"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gnf8x4dqz3bwyhrcn17qci2rzmms3r0cyr7cgf593jlkxiq287q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Tutorials by Evgeny Ukhanov"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Haskelloids" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HGL, hmatrix, MonadRandom + , random, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Haskelloids"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0v171rzpbh4w5kxzbc9h2x4kha1ykw4vk69scfpmdz5iqih2bqz8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HGL hmatrix MonadRandom random Yampa + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A reproduction of the Atari 1979 classic \"Asteroids\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hawk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie, cgi, containers + , convertible, data-default, dataenc, directory, filepath, hack + , HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, hslogger, hslogger-template, HTTP, hxt + , json-b, MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, network, regex-posix, SHA + , template-haskell, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hawk"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0g7dgj3asxwcjg43nzhjp7agvnzv882xhgbrr7jnpdckywkgacgq"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie cgi containers convertible + data-default dataenc directory filepath hack HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 + hslogger hslogger-template HTTP hxt json-b MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl + network regex-posix SHA template-haskell time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Haskell Web Application Kit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hayoo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bzlib, containers + , deepseq, enummapset, filepath, Holumbus-Searchengine, hxt + , hxt-cache, hxt-charproperties, hxt-curl, hxt-http + , hxt-regex-xmlschema, hxt-unicode, hxt-xpath, json + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, old-time, parsec + , process, snap, snap-core, snap-server, tar, text, transformers + , xhtml-combinators, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hayoo"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "0bpkkdwgwf7xagp4rda1g07mdglzvl4hzq2jif7c3s8j7f6zq48c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bzlib containers deepseq enummapset filepath + Holumbus-Searchengine hxt hxt-cache hxt-charproperties hxt-curl + hxt-http hxt-regex-xmlschema hxt-unicode hxt-xpath json + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network old-time parsec process snap + snap-core snap-server tar text transformers xhtml-combinators zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-hashedindex" "-fhayoosnap4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Hayoo! search engine for Haskell API search on hackage"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Hclip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, process, strict, tasty, tasty-hunit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hclip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h6q44yv4m325gdwpvkxz31syy6qwdsixfanzr3fx1v5nbhm22af"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process strict ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small cross-platform library for reading and modifying the system clipboard"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hedi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, editline, mtl, parsec, pretty, process + , QuickCheck, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hedi"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0z0sa658fngv68611k76ncf5j59v517xchhw2y84blj97fl6jkn9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base editline mtl parsec pretty process QuickCheck regex-posix + ]; + description = "Line oriented editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hermes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AES, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , hslogger, monads-tf, network, old-time, random, random-shuffle + , RSA, SHA2, stm, syb, time, transformers, unamb, yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hermes"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0j5vg3rvf4hbvg6jan4im7ijqffy6k9dvijfwxjcn164qjzh6xb3"; + buildDepends = [ + AES base bytestring cereal containers hslogger monads-tf network + old-time random random-shuffle RSA SHA2 stm syb time transformers + unamb yjtools + ]; + description = "Message-based middleware layer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hieroglyph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, buster, bytestring, cairo, colour + , containers, glib, GLUT, gtk, gtkglext, IfElse, mtl, OpenGL + , parallel, pretty, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hieroglyph"; + version = "3.89"; + sha256 = "0dkvvk3qwn72vn4kc0q2iv6raxslrxf0ypr0sn7i0fjds3cjxs6s"; + buildDepends = [ + array base buster bytestring cairo colour containers glib GLUT gtk + gtkglext IfElse mtl OpenGL parallel pretty random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Purely functional 2D graphics for visualization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HiggsSet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, mtl, text + , th-expand-syns, TrieMap, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HiggsSet"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1k0qlpm4akzx820b0j3g3f562ailxa56sa41268xyq3046xdpyl1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq mtl text th-expand-syns TrieMap + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A multi-index set with advanced query capabilites"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hipmunk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, StateVar, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hipmunk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jnidzky0004xh1yzkcg41df21vbvqhk075d183jv6iwjiljsh3s"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers StateVar transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-system-chipmunk" "-f-debug" "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell binding for Chipmunk"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "HipmunkPlayground" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLFW, Hipmunk, OpenGL, StateVar + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HipmunkPlayground"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "075am1d0hjbhnibk2x56fbh4ybw5pavfmqk2dz4yjw7yh264vcs7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLFW Hipmunk OpenGL StateVar transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A playground for testing Hipmunk"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Histogram" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gnuplot }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Histogram"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00f0a3lbpc7s70lzmnf9a7hjzc3yv8nfxcvz5nparr34x585zbxl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers gnuplot ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hmpf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, Crypto, HTTP, mtl, network, time + , unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hmpf"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0lw2d9yv3zxqv20v96czx0msahbyk0rc5d68gj567dxnyb377yx7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile Crypto HTTP mtl network time unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "An MPD client designed for a Home Theatre PC"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Hoed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hoed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1121m0ksh9ydn9vvvlz6jh0i9yx8jyxv4qwsnkmcnzajhh3b9w81"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base template-haskell ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Debug anything without recompiling everything!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HoleyMonoid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HoleyMonoid"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "01gyw3imcn18g005rradgxbsh6b7niqi46914pcvz5cbkhf7whsd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monoids with holes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Holumbus-Distribution" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, haskell98, hslogger, hxt, network, random, readline, stm + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Holumbus-Distribution"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1mhljxyfv02pfy2lyh10nlv5x05qvv37ij9i6c8c17f5b5qcgc78"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers deepseq haskell98 hslogger + hxt network random readline stm time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "intra- and inter-program communication"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Holumbus-MapReduce" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, extensible-exceptions, haskell98 + , Holumbus-Distribution, Holumbus-Storage, hslogger, hxt, network + , readline, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Holumbus-MapReduce"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0dqwj7xpw1lidv7ixfm1wzfx6psrzl2q08x3scyiskpm3a2l67q8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory + extensible-exceptions haskell98 Holumbus-Distribution + Holumbus-Storage hslogger hxt network readline time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a distributed MapReduce framework"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Holumbus-Searchengine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bzlib, containers + , deepseq, directory, enummapset, filepath, hslogger, hxt + , hxt-cache, hxt-curl, hxt-regex-xmlschema, hxt-unicode, mtl + , network, parallel, parsec, process, SHA, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Holumbus-Searchengine"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "1kx0j4f13fj6k3xlhh5cmlb7lz35vyqd0sp913yy8yc2h56ybbqq"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bzlib containers deepseq directory + enummapset filepath hslogger hxt hxt-cache hxt-curl + hxt-regex-xmlschema hxt-unicode mtl network parallel parsec process + SHA unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A search and indexing engine"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Holumbus-Storage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , haskell98, Holumbus-Distribution, hslogger, hxt, network, random + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Holumbus-Storage"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1zs6m3rsxh3886idcn0qm056bzv9yllgf3n2qsfa97cpbzhah54q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory haskell98 + Holumbus-Distribution hslogger hxt network random time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a distributed storage system"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Homology" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Homology"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "12cqfy2vpshly1rgjclzpnhb094s5wr038ahh5agsx03x6mnsr9n"; + buildDepends = [ base containers vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compute the homology of a chain complex"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "HongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-binary, base, blaze-builder + , bytestring, directory, enumerator, hashable, monad-control, mtl + , process, random, unix, unix-bytestring, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HongoDB"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "19dwxv7fjk2k55mxgsc2gjx5jp9vr77yg01292gdj1piwmxx459v"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-binary base blaze-builder bytestring + directory enumerator hashable monad-control mtl unix + unix-bytestring unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base process random ]; + description = "A Simple Key Value Store"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hricket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hricket"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0cmmhljlgb23kr6v8as2cma3cpgr6zpkb11qg6hmq1ilbi363282"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Cricket scoring application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hs2lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cereal, containers, cpphs, directory + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haddock, haskell-src-exts, mtl + , old-locale, process, QuickCheck, random, syb, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hs2lib"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1wy3jjxgzgqnf64dh6zg1z7qszy91v07381by3d2wmrn2sc6fj39"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cereal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths + haddock haskell-src-exts mtl old-locale process QuickCheck random + syb time + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Library and Preprocessor that makes it easier to create shared libs from Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsASA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsASA"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1kdf2yq3v8lr84h2pf1ydi6vrqfr685vbkxjz4ai5wd2mij8i361"; + buildDepends = [ array base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A haskell interface to Lester Ingber's adaptive simulating annealing code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsHaruPDF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsHaruPDF"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1yifhxk1m3z2i7gaxgwlmk6cv2spbpx8fny4sn59ybca8wd9z7ps"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell binding to libharu ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsHyperEstraier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring + , hyperestraier, network, qdbm, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsHyperEstraier"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0q7nngghplw97q5cmayqkkixa5lbprilvkcv0260yaz7wg5xpqk8"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bytestring network text + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ hyperestraier qdbm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HyperEstraier binding for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { hyperestraier = null; qdbm = null; }; + + "HsJudy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Judy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsJudy"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1ypdsjy7gn6b3ynn17fcpirgwq3017jahm3pj5fh4qr6zr1cljkh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + extraLibraries = [ Judy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Judy bindings, and some nice APIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Judy = null; }; + + "HsOpenSSL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, integer-gmp, network + , old-locale, openssl, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsOpenSSL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hf4xgc2488hm0y9isrl7mxlacf1iazb6h1l1wz8dab8x5sf0qaa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring integer-gmp network old-locale time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ffast-bignum" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial OpenSSL binding for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "HsParrot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HsSyck, pretty, pugs-DrIFT }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsParrot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19f95cyxcyhsk2x13l7csahgnn8rs029s3hdlxp5z0d3a9vb41gd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HsSyck pretty pugs-DrIFT ]; + description = "Haskell integration with Parrot virtual machine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsPerl5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsPerl5"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "0czhibr8lw4mjinwszjp4nh1ifi1xgkynwbjs6l3k97dqfd8bw4v"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell interface to embedded Perl 5 interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsSVN" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsSVN"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yx4dzcjmykk4nzrh888jhikb8x635dpx7g27rgnlaiy5nid3pc7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial Subversion (SVN) binding for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "HsSyck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hashtables, syb, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsSyck"; + version = "0.52"; + sha256 = "1hdckbm60pzmydaz4rsw3kz9byd205987jcddakyhmgfinzvqwvc"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hashtables syb utf8-string ]; + description = "Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HsTools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HsTools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0banfivx4xc0j3c1qmda31gvvrqqsg12fzizcpman2fvdlk7kn5l"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + description = "Haskell helper functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hsed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cmdargs, data-accessor + , data-accessor-template, data-accessor-transformers, directory + , filepath, Glob, GotoT-transformers, haskell98, mtl, parsec + , regex-base, regex-compat, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hsed"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "09v2gcazqlmw7j7sqzzzmsz1jr3mrnfy3p30w9hnp2g430w10r2a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cmdargs data-accessor data-accessor-template + data-accessor-transformers directory filepath Glob + GotoT-transformers haskell98 mtl parsec regex-base regex-compat + regex-posix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stream Editor in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hsmtlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, pretty, process, smtLib + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hsmtlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zb5s5rwcqc90c3zv332k44p7l13ngp9nqci8qalnlbxbypx3hab"; + editedCabalFile = "01f30561cce8648a656f075ba1e1f8c23144e7f10c6377a7949881dc513f8a89"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers parsec pretty process smtLib transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell library for easy interaction with SMT-LIB 2 compliant solvers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "HueAPI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, lens, lens-aeson, mtl + , transformers, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "HueAPI"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1c30i551f0lmcpima48dlpmbr4z7dly4d9s4iqn97qq3l9snb1k9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers lens lens-aeson mtl transformers wreq + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API for controlling Philips Hue lights"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Hungarian-Munkres" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Munkres, random, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Hungarian-Munkres"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0g2hgcrsfwqp4w3mzg6vwi7lypgqd0b6axaff81wbi27h9n8q4qd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ array base Munkres random tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "A Linear Sum Assignment Problem (LSAP) solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "IDynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IDynamic"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1p4h2hxwzp0bxkzh864vkqbwychi0j2c3rqck9vk5kfax5i1jfz8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory ]; + description = "Indexable, serializable form of Data.Dynamic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IFS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IFS"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1r2dbpsmmsgxb43ycsz54zxcyfwanp72r9ry645mjlshg4q360xr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iterated Function System generation for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "INblobs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, haskell98, HaXml + , polyparse, pretty, process, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "INblobs"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04il63xafq20jn3m4hahn93xxfrp6whrjvsz974zczxqm41ygb10"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory haskell98 HaXml polyparse pretty process + wx wxcore + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "IOR" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IOR"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0iinsva0pwparpg4lkgx8mw8l49rnl1h3zzblp89nkqk5i7qhq8a"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Region based resource management for the IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IORefCAS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bits-atomic, ghc-prim, HUnit, QuickCheck + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IORefCAS"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06vfck59x30mqa9h2ljd4r2cx1ks91b9gwcr928brp7filsq9fdb"; + buildDepends = [ base bits-atomic ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base bits-atomic ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Atomic compare and swap for IORefs and STRefs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IOSpec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IOSpec"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0r6vqg39h6vzwlb33cvk72k4mh6jd8rpdcnkqsfxdqmsk7h8x84j"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck Stream ]; + description = "A pure specification of the IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IPv6Addr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HUnit, iproute + , network, network-info, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IPv6Addr"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1ns3a7i46mp73liz57d439mrh3qk3lapjcxrw6z7km2y3g1a9kmi"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring iproute network network-info random text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit text + ]; + description = "Library to deal with IPv6 address text representations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IcoGrid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, GlomeVec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IcoGrid"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0ryb2q5xfddcx2qg019jajac7xvaw2ci5wi094gbrqhhflj7wc8n"; + buildDepends = [ array base GlomeVec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for generating grids of hexagons and pentagons mapped to a sphere"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "IfElse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IfElse"; + version = "0.85"; + sha256 = "1kfx1bwfjczj93a8yqz1n8snqiq5655qgzwv1lrycry8wb1vzlwa"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Imlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Imlib2, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Imlib"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "075x1vcrxdwknzbad05l08i5c79svf714yvv6990ffvsfykiilry"; + buildDepends = [ array base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ Imlib2 ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Imlib2 = null; }; + + "ImperativeHaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ImperativeHaskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06px87hc6gz7n372lvpbq0g2v2s0aghd3k5a1ajgn5hbxirhnpwb"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing Imperative style haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "IndentParser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IndentParser"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0l9k8md2n0vhjqlvxcaf43i4cv09lnbbbw8vfz7bkbzhbwirs32j"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for parsing indentation based syntatic structures"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "IndexedList" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, PeanoWitnesses }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IndexedList"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i7gv3iqjj4j026k0ywmksbpjyqxlgb0f6bq2v0p9pkrj5q3jxfm"; + buildDepends = [ base PeanoWitnesses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Length- and element-indexed lists sitting somewhere between homogeneous and fully heterogeneous"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "InfixApplicative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "InfixApplicative"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "03c0jlnlnqm6faiandfg0kzajffk03aazkrqwav3g4vc3cdqwfgp"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + description = "liftA2 for infix operators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Interpolation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Interpolation"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "046bx18mlgicp26391gvgzbi0wfwl9rddam3jdfz4lpxva4q9xhv"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta syb template-haskell ]; + description = "Multiline strings, interpolation and templating"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Interpolation-maxs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Interpolation-maxs"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0dh8d681h47jngan89vxnf8yhm31vjv8ysf21w6gclzfcl521vgn"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + description = "Multiline strings, interpolation and templating"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "IntervalMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, deepseq, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IntervalMap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cq0dmmawrss4jjkz3br0lhp37d4k7rd3cinbcyf0bf39dfk6mrf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers deepseq QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Maps from Intervals to values, with efficient search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "IrrHaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IrrHaskell"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1j0m4ib2r84kb7c0s3qpmv3cziq3a2mql4ga9rnqi5pqkqpz2xcc"; + buildDepends = [ base random time ]; + description = "Haskell FRP binding to the Irrlicht game engine"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "IsNull" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hspec, HUnit + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, system-filepath, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "IsNull"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06f03b9my7hix5fvcv9cc0saf9zfwgkvn3210vymlyc1rj450ykm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec HUnit QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances system-filepath text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A typeclass to determine if a given value is null"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JSON-Combinator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , bytestring-trie, containers, failure, hjson, json, JSONb, parsec + , text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JSON-Combinator"; + version = "0.2.8"; + sha256 = "0rdiva15wspaz33dh1g7x6llswsx1l4j51wqyvszzcjzifx2ly6q"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-trie containers failure + hjson json JSONb parsec text vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A combinator library on top of a generalised JSON type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JSON-Combinator-Examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, json, JSON-Combinator, JSONb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JSON-Combinator-Examples"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1s5grfgnklnwh55yn5mlg2ibdm7mx2i7hwqs7649gkapda054ywg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring json JSON-Combinator JSONb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Example uses of the JSON-Combinator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JSONb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, bytestring-nums + , bytestring-trie, containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JSONb"; + version = "1.0.8"; + sha256 = "16gjdlajqvwvq1znyq3vqxfa9vq4xs0ywxpm93v0y1rgmzcfqzj7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-nums bytestring-trie + containers utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cli" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON parser that uses byte strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JYU-Utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, lazysmallcheck, mtl, mwc-random + , parallel, process, QuickCheck, random, stm, template-haskell + , unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JYU-Utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c3cxdzbdvmvy1qvy4xvg10zijm8vw48pgh9c8a6mykgncwq6pw9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath + lazysmallcheck mtl mwc-random parallel process QuickCheck random + stm template-haskell unix zlib + ]; + description = "Some utility functions for JYU projects"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "JackMiniMix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hosc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JackMiniMix"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ivqfk1rac1hv5j6nlsbpcm5yjqwpic34mdq9gf2m63lygqkbwqp"; + buildDepends = [ base hosc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "control JackMiniMix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Javasf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, language-java-classfile + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Javasf"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "14v0skqf1s54jkscgdcxjh1yv5lcrc5ni44bizx0kw35vf07faah"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring language-java-classfile ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Javav" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Javav"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "06aiiq1bhl8gvhk2agk2rsmqrqf6ac5ym194bm5aq47hmdwi33h9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A utility to print the target version of Java class files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JsContracts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , pretty, syb, WebBits, WebBits-Html + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JsContracts"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "17l6kdpdc7lrpd9j4d2b6vklkpclshcjy6hzpi442b7pj96sn589"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec pretty syb WebBits + WebBits-Html + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Design-by-contract for JavaScript"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JsonGrammar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , hashable, HUnit, language-typescript, mtl, semigroups + , stack-prism, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JsonGrammar"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0pw2syqzv0z4l7rvghidp4l7zi006pm49rd9b0pk6hih7jbmar7c"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers hashable + language-typescript mtl semigroups stack-prism template-haskell + text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base HUnit language-typescript stack-prism test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for bidirectional JSON parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JuicyPixels" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq, mtl + , primitive, transformers, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JuicyPixels"; + version = "3.2.1"; + sha256 = "0aq0km5dbrbwgk9ps461b9222xigc4f89jgvrss1yjni5m36x5rh"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq mtl primitive + transformers vector zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mmap" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Picture loading/serialization (in png, jpeg, bitmap, gif, tga, tiff and radiance)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JuicyPixels-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, JuicyPixels }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JuicyPixels-canvas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y791kwg9gc3nlz5sbpszd7wiqr5b5bwmgvafyjzk9xnlxlc7xcm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers JuicyPixels ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for drawing lines, squares and so on pixel by pixel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JuicyPixels-repa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, JuicyPixels, repa, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JuicyPixels-repa"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0fn9i3w8s2ifyg0zsdryyw1nm0c5ybaq0c6jxcggs79x0ngi0mm5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring JuicyPixels repa vector ]; + description = "Convenience functions to obtain array representations of images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JuicyPixels-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, JuicyPixels, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JuicyPixels-util"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1b2rx5g8kd83hl50carr02mz21gvkasnsddw1f3pfvfsyfv3yyrc"; + buildDepends = [ base JuicyPixels vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert JuicyPixel images into RGBA format, flip, trim and so on"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JunkDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, conduit + , data-default, directory, filepath, mtl, network, resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JunkDB"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g68khpfiwknqwwa7hv7db0563hsnd3hczfd0p4nx777xqrkh2dx"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring conduit data-default directory + filepath mtl network resourcet + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JunkDB-driver-gdbm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, directory, filepath + , JunkDB, mtl, resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JunkDB-driver-gdbm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q8sa4w60pv7mgf17zg8yjpjvbzrg2xlpn30myp66vq2kdv293jj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit directory filepath JunkDB mtl resourcet + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JunkDB-driver-hashtables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, hashable, hashtables + , JunkDB, mtl, resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JunkDB-driver-hashtables"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0385f0vpp4dy9r9cqh2rr7gpx07fazzqjk9bwrbs4nka4wfnqbv0"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit hashable hashtables JunkDB mtl resourcet + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "JustParse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "JustParse"; + version = "2.1"; + sha256 = "16il25s1fb4b6ih6njsqxx7p7x0fc0kcwa5vqn7n7knqph6vvjaa"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple and comprehensive Haskell parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "KMP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KMP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14dpqfji00jq2rc09l8d1ivphpiwkryjk5sn6lrwxv8mcly3pvhn"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "KdTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KdTree"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1vj1kbhyqh0xzwyr9v6fdyakx508vbf6n494z81yndisp115qi61"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "KdTree, for efficient search in K-dimensional point clouds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ketchup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, directory + , mime-types, network, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ketchup"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0dm3dppiljy09dpifi10x7my1s2jag85qhgfwpbmqsjhlf9aldqs"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring directory mime-types network text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A super small web framework for those who don't like big and fancy codebases"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "KiCS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curry-base, curry-frontend + , directory, filepath, ghc-paths, kics, network, old-time, process + , random, readline, syb, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KiCS"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0z5ps5apr436dbm5wkfnpqksnqi3jsqmp2zkmy37crzzinlilzvn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curry-base curry-frontend directory filepath + ghc-paths network old-time process random readline syb unix + ]; + buildTools = [ kics ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A compiler from Curry to Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { kics = null; }; + + "KiCS-debugger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curry-base, directory, filepath + , haskell-src, haskell98, KiCS, KiCS-prophecy, mtl, readline, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KiCS-debugger"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1hvdqil8lfybcp2j04ig03270q5fy29cbmg8jmv38dpcgjsx6mk1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curry-base directory filepath haskell-src haskell98 + KiCS KiCS-prophecy mtl readline syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "debug features for kics"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "KiCS-prophecy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, KiCS }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KiCS-prophecy"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0l278x2gavm0ndbm4k0197cwyvamz37vzy7nz35lb7n5sc5b2gsr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath KiCS ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a transformation used by the kics debugger"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Kleislify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Kleislify"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0f7f6sxb774h9dx6xy6wbcrc5b2i27k9m5ay3hq9hqsjg86qmxyl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Variants of Control.Arrow functions, specialised to kleislis."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Konf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Konf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "113jxbaw8b17j91aakxli3r3zdvnx3gvf2m57sx5d7mfk2qx28r6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A configuration language and a parser"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "KyotoCabinet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-exceptions + , kyotocabinet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "KyotoCabinet"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1l7cpppjfz5nd8k67ss959g8sg5kbsfl4zy80a3yrlwbivyrg58n"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring extensible-exceptions ]; + extraLibraries = [ kyotocabinet ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kyoto Cabinet DB bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) kyotocabinet; }; + + "L-seed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, gtk, mtl, old-time + , parsec, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "L-seed"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1dj4320fpwmlqv5jzzi7x218mrsacdmmk3czb1szzq44pmfmpy32"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers gtk mtl old-time parsec random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-frenderercairo" "-f-webtools" "-f-database" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Plant growing programming game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LDAP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lber, ldap }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LDAP"; + version = "0.6.10"; + sha256 = "10lzag91slnkd1nnh0vs9nxwrsd1k5a05c2bw4fdfzqmyrfqfl20"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ lber ldap ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding for C LDAP API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { lber = null; ldap = null; }; + + "LRU" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LRU"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0yppxz78y5myh9f53yqz6naqj15vk2h7fl3h8h8dps72zw9c5aqn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implements an LRU data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LTree"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0liqz3n2ycidwmg8iz7mbm0d087fcfgphvbip8bsn0hpwlf10dvw"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Tree with only leaves carrying the data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "LambdaCalculator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskeline, mtl, parsec + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaCalculator"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0b4na8jsiwjnvyg1pl356ryffk2sj0l5f2dsivn71ii1qqblagcz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskeline mtl parsec pretty + ]; + description = "A basic lambda calculator with beta reduction and a REPL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LambdaHack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, assert-failure, async, base, binary + , bytestring, containers, data-default, deepseq, directory + , enummapset-th, filepath, ghc-prim, gtk, hashable, hsini, keys + , miniutter, mtl, old-time, pretty-show, random, stm + , template-haskell, text, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, vector-binary-instances, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaHack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15v3aagwsh180603an3wd7rfgbjzgamdw270ciw2m03v8pkg9d28"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array assert-failure async base binary bytestring containers + data-default deepseq directory enummapset-th filepath ghc-prim gtk + hashable hsini keys miniutter mtl old-time pretty-show random stm + template-haskell text transformers unordered-containers vector + vector-binary-instances zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + array assert-failure async base binary bytestring containers + data-default deepseq directory enummapset-th filepath ghc-prim + hashable hsini keys miniutter mtl old-time pretty-show random stm + template-haskell text transformers unordered-containers vector + vector-binary-instances zlib + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-frelease" "-f-expose_internal" "-f-curses" "-f-vty" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A game engine library for roguelike dungeon crawlers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "LambdaINet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLFW, GLFW-task, monad-task, mtl + , OpenGL, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaINet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hdl25dzv19gjr8dzpq1r267v3jj2c2yiskbg0kzdcrh4cj7jcwk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLFW GLFW-task monad-task mtl OpenGL transformers + vector + ]; + homepage = "not available"; + description = "Graphical Interaction Net Evaluator for Optimal Evaluation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LambdaNet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, hmatrix, random + , random-shuffle, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaNet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06sg360vbayz1314djlg6z885yrknd7gz15s355kna21xjqydmz4"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring hmatrix random random-shuffle split + ]; + description = "A configurable and extensible neural network library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "LambdaPrettyQuote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, DebugTraceHelpers, derive, HUnit + , lambda-ast, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, syb, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , th-instances, transformers, tuple, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaPrettyQuote"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rxh9gxsd0qh76nzib9pqgzh10gdc629ypnhbg8fjgdiaza7hyal"; + buildDepends = [ + base DebugTraceHelpers HUnit lambda-ast mtl parsec QuickCheck syb + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers tuple uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers DebugTraceHelpers derive HUnit lambda-ast mtl parsec + QuickCheck syb template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 th-instances transformers tuple uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasiquoter, and Arbitrary helpers for the lambda calculus"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LambdaShell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, Shellac + , Shellac-compatline + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LambdaShell"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1nqzlnw3fchgqn9bvlvbjma1m0wwssrip2mwb2kiv4rbhqdbfijv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec Shellac Shellac-compatline + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "LargeCardinalHierarchy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LargeCardinalHierarchy"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0agq2593h5yb9r3jqnycis9fdizwij3and61ljc4prnhhyxv48g2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A transfinite cardinal arithmetic library including all known large cardinals"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Lastik" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filemanip + , filepath, process, pureMD5, SHA, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Lastik"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1bq8az2lrdqszn1aicvxj0spmwpxphvcvgkl6p0mnz8878hyxsdm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filemanip filepath process + pureMD5 SHA zip-archive + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for compiling programs in a variety of languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Lattices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HaskellForMaths, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Lattices"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1x1rxl1pc64ifjrlmqqgs0p71bqymc17ls7wlj6skk1sy7kys2f5"; + buildDepends = [ array base HaskellForMaths ]; + testDepends = [ + array base HaskellForMaths HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "A library for lattices"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "LazyVault" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LazyVault"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1y80bzcjyk5gkzkgyn8h7sf0bg11qn4qr0qgvi640spppxqfqkjq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple sandboxing tool for Haskell packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Level0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, random, SDL, SDL-ttf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Level0"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1kpz8qpm2xj5nm0sav5439flyj3zdx6ha9lgg3c7ky4sjqvwwzxv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory random SDL SDL-ttf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Snake II clone written using SDL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "LibClang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, greencard, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LibClang"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "12bbmgd9xh6l9c9z3r82j2csksbplha1zzzzzb8338kj81wp1pjb"; + buildDepends = [ base greencard time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libclang (a C++ parsing library)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LibZip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-libzip, bytestring, directory + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LibZip"; + version = "0.11.1"; + sha256 = "04nzh9gqji20qhiiyy8i23cb4gy9qbdza5pkwicgghiqbyfrpk6f"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-libzip bytestring filepath mtl time utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bindings-libzip bytestring directory filepath HUnit mtl time + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to libzip, a library for manipulating zip archives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Limit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Limit"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1yd8c443ql17daicn3r9jiwxxjlpqnpnvkbxcszjha4i4ar94zq1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Wrapper for data that can be unbounded"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "LinearSplit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cmdargs, haskell98, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LinearSplit"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "05rdlxsl5zpnczahaw2fdycqyryd3y7bccizjbn5sap23spwd7di"; + buildDepends = [ array base cmdargs haskell98 QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partition the sequence of items to the subsequences in the order given"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LinkChecker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, HTTP, mtl, network + , tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LinkChecker"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "00wlyqclmzn03y86ba64pkc85kndnakgj8spv4vm7z0k8dsphnfq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell98 HTTP mtl network tagsoup + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Check a bunch of local html files for broken links"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "List" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "List"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1hgkal8jh035bs0z6z8i899dc0888fhdx8940y27aaxxbmlzfy1p"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List monad transformer and class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ListLike" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, dlist, fmlist + , HUnit, QuickCheck, random, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ListLike"; + version = "4.1.1"; + sha256 = "00xap58zfcwndjnmciff8d65pgb7j08pa9gmpk4cqi50vmphaf5i"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers dlist fmlist text vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers dlist fmlist HUnit QuickCheck + random text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic support for list-like structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ListTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, List, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ListTree"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1ril13w2n1sgl44qwm1ydg94cvkm2qk55hsfv5bxbb6r99xc645m"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath List transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Trees and monadic trees expressed as monadic lists where the underlying monad is a list"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ListZipper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ListZipper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z3izxpl21fxz43jpx7zqs965anb3gp5vidv3pwwznr88ss2j6a9"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Simple zipper for lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Logic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Logic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jplyy09i2rr5l8qzkyd41wwi7yj3sxlrz8f36ygdwxnwqfk2w01"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Logic"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "LogicGrowsOnTrees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AbortT-mtl, AbortT-transformers, base, bytestring + , cereal, cmdtheline, composition, containers, data-ivar, derive + , directory, hslogger, hslogger-template, HUnit, lens + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, monoid-statistics, mtl, multiset + , old-locale, operational, prefix-units, pretty, PSQueue + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, random, sequential-index + , smallcheck, split, stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-smallcheck, time + , transformers, uuid, void, yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LogicGrowsOnTrees"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yqnrzcmx8ch9xcpg07if9cs4z1sdpyjfpgzkqkhv9i263pfgxpk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + AbortT-mtl AbortT-transformers base bytestring cereal cmdtheline + composition containers data-ivar derive directory hslogger + hslogger-template lens MonadCatchIO-transformers monoid-statistics + mtl multiset old-locale operational prefix-units pretty PSQueue + sequential-index split stm time transformers void yjtools + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal composition containers data-ivar directory + hslogger hslogger-template HUnit lens MonadCatchIO-transformers + operational QuickCheck quickcheck-instances random smallcheck stm + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + test-framework-smallcheck time transformers uuid void + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-tutorial" "-f-examples" "-f-pattern-warnings" "-f-warnings" + ]; + description = "a parallel implementation of logic programming using distributed tree exploration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdtheline, containers + , data-ivar, derive, hslogger, hslogger-template, LogicGrowsOnTrees + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mpi, stm, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sqlx06i9f3wxzpk7mivbnn2k4z5n141vbkn1bj886bk5srbrx92"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cmdtheline containers data-ivar derive + hslogger hslogger-template LogicGrowsOnTrees + MonadCatchIO-transformers stm transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ mpi ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-f-examples" "-f-warnings" ]; + description = "an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses MPI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { mpi = null; }; + + "LogicGrowsOnTrees-network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, cmdtheline, composition, containers + , hslogger, hslogger-template, HUnit, lens, LogicGrowsOnTrees + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, pretty, random, stm + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LogicGrowsOnTrees-network"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r66pb35fpmgvkf41kxz289c9ylwv7jdf9bxbsrv7p4ylg83x2dn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cereal cmdtheline composition containers hslogger + hslogger-template lens LogicGrowsOnTrees MonadCatchIO-transformers + mtl network pretty transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hslogger hslogger-template HUnit LogicGrowsOnTrees network + random stm test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" "-f-warnings" ]; + description = "an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes running in a network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdtheline, containers + , filepath, FindBin, hslogger, hslogger-template, HUnit + , LogicGrowsOnTrees, MonadCatchIO-transformers, process, random + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d1kz5d83frn1591vgk33d0rw2s4z98lp993rnvhl3k5zqpr2svn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cmdtheline containers filepath FindBin + hslogger hslogger-template LogicGrowsOnTrees + MonadCatchIO-transformers process transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cereal hslogger hslogger-template HUnit LogicGrowsOnTrees + random test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-examples" "-f-pattern-warnings" "-f-warnings" + ]; + description = "an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes for parallelism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "LslPlus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, haskell98, HaXml, mtl, network, old-time, parsec + , pureMD5, random, syb, template-haskell, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "LslPlus"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0dwsx23fibgj36181rfwfj1kl6sgdkf8bk4dd9cwia0rbjrl4qyk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath haskell98 HaXml + mtl network old-time parsec pureMD5 random syb template-haskell + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = "http:/"; + description = "An execution and testing framework for the Linden Scripting Language (LSL)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Lucu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, containers, directory, filepath, haskell-src + , HsOpenSSL, hxt, mtl, network, stm, time, time-http, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Lucu"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09vhz5gc9nmlwlxn6vk5whq6lpqbidqifx4i4lvp4n21gib64v9b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols base64-bytestring bytestring containers + directory filepath haskell-src HsOpenSSL hxt mtl network stm time + time-http unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuild-lucu-implant-file" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP Daemonic Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "MC-Fold-DP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Biobase, cmdargs, PrimitiveArray, split + , tuple, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MC-Fold-DP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h76xsh4p4zbxnbk7hszwm1gj44p6349d4bkbixn7fyiyp4f0pvh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Biobase cmdargs PrimitiveArray split tuple vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-fastbuild" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Folding algorithm based on nucleotide cyclic motifs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "MFlow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , case-insensitive, clientsession, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, cpphs, directory, extensible-exceptions, http-types + , monadloc, mtl, old-time, parsec, pwstore-fast, random + , RefSerialize, resourcet, stm, TCache, text, time, transformers + , utf8-string, vector, wai, wai-extra, warp, warp-tls, Workflow + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MFlow"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mqsyx7wkfgvpppqgpjpvzwx79vj7lh4c8afzzj1hgh8z0ilb4ik"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring case-insensitive + clientsession conduit conduit-extra containers directory + extensible-exceptions http-types monadloc mtl old-time parsec + pwstore-fast random RefSerialize resourcet stm TCache text time + transformers utf8-string vector wai wai-extra warp warp-tls + Workflow + ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + description = "stateful, RESTful web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MHask" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MHask"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nlj914ahipyfqv1l7qr66pa0a8g4g6ks6mipc38z5f1jy0kjrva"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The category of monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MagicHaskeller" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , ghc, ghc-paths, haskell-src, html, mtl, network, old-time, pretty + , random, syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MagicHaskeller"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "1rr1gp808qwi0i84l6hmm03b8khnawz8qq606p5a351pd0mbxkak"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory ghc ghc-paths + haskell-src html mtl network old-time pretty random syb + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-freadfile" "-fghc7" "-fghcapi" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic inductive functional programmer by systematic search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MaybeT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MaybeT"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0cmnfs22ldai0z172rdsvryzsh33a70yax21v03nhr92a4b62plr"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "MaybeT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MaybeT-monads-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MaybeT-monads-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "034v9n6ldjn1hsv4rphvysbykm8x0jqa2prbw7k28fkp6m30j74x"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf transformers ]; + description = "MaybeT monad transformer compatible with monads-tf (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MaybeT-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-fd, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MaybeT-transformers"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "189w8dpxyq7gksca6k08hb4vpanpz06c99akgzpcpjy0i7k22ily"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-fd transformers ]; + description = "MaybeT monad transformer using transformers instead of mtl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MazesOfMonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , HUnit, mtl, old-locale, pretty, random, regex-posix, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MazesOfMonad"; + version = "1.0.9"; + sha256 = "041kqz5j8xaa2ciyrfnwz6p9gcx4il5s6f34kzv9kp0s07hmn1q2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath HUnit mtl old-locale + pretty random regex-posix time + ]; + description = "Console-based Role Playing Game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MeanShift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MeanShift"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rnbg7w3qc3xsbzpw5is7w7qdjl2kqbr1acc744aggwlibazl59w"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + description = "Mean shift algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Measure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Measure"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1vy8ykjy9cpv661byqv21775zbyciqx2hf77c1nl58nn34x0s2ds"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A library for units of measurement"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MemoTrie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MemoTrie"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "1g4b82s30bqkfids3iywf873nyn8h7l8rp8l3xl58smj5lbi3p4x"; + buildDepends = [ base void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Trie-based memo functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MetaHDBC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, hashtables, HDBC, HDBC-odbc + , mtl, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MetaHDBC"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0l47v2cpbngxrq1r6p95rfcs16jqwr8l1sy4bcg9liazz50i8lyr"; + buildDepends = [ + base convertible hashtables HDBC HDBC-odbc mtl template-haskell + ]; + description = "Statically checked database access"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "MetaObject" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stringtable-atom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MetaObject"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cgn13rpbqkywpiki6fcl76iwmc74d0f9ixki6dg7lrg49lhb67r"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stringtable-atom ]; + description = "A meta-object system for Haskell based on Perl 6"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Metrics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hstats }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Metrics"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1ks5h3vlla2d86wvf2a4z1qifsinya2skq8ygdk45ynnwk735y4x"; + buildDepends = [ base hstats ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluation metrics commonly used in supervised machine learning"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Mhailist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, filepath + , haskell98, mtl, old-locale, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Mhailist"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1vxsaw2kfrx6g5y57lchcs1xwj0jnanw9svg59mjnasw53z674ck"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring directory filepath haskell98 mtl old-locale + process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-warnings" "-f-test" ]; + description = "Haskell mailing list manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MiniAgda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy + , haskell-src-exts, mtl, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MiniAgda"; + version = "0.2014.9.12"; + sha256 = "14h7ksd95wiixfmvrkxw3l13qdxhrhgkhmz00mcw04bdyzfmgr0n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-exts mtl pretty + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A toy dependently typed programming language with type-based termination"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "MissingH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory + , errorcall-eq-instance, filepath, hslogger, HUnit, mtl, network + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random + , regex-compat, testpack, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MissingH"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cwdhgqqv2riqwhsgyrpmqyzvg19lx6zp1g7xdp4rikh7rkn03ds"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath hslogger HUnit mtl network + old-locale old-time parsec process random regex-compat time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers directory errorcall-eq-instance filepath + hslogger HUnit mtl network old-locale old-time parsec process + QuickCheck random regex-compat testpack time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Large utility library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MissingM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MissingM"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "19kijf02jq8w3n2fvisb8xrws524sa690lbp9di6499xakkzyqxs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + description = "findM and other missing 'M's"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MissingPy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, anydbm, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MissingPy"; + version = "0.10.6"; + sha256 = "0390ap25qj6a37jllsih39q5apgvwdjdw5m7jgfrllkp5bng6yj6"; + buildDepends = [ anydbm base MissingH ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell interface to Python"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Modulo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numeric-prelude }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Modulo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n90lfrvfr1ni7ninlxbs4wk0m7mibdpi9sy26ifih51nmk8nziq"; + buildDepends = [ base numeric-prelude ]; + description = "Modular arithmetic via Numeric-Prelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "Moe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Moe"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nk767nywssg5p50wd6czcbhi61v5gcncyy3d59a90slzic8n5b3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT random ]; + description = "A FRP library based on signal functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadCatchIO-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions + , MonadCatchIO-transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadCatchIO-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qarf73c8zq8dgvxdiwqybpjfy8gba9vf4k0skiwyk5iphilxhhq"; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions MonadCatchIO-transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, primitive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jfq5v1jigxl9mnnvpqph9ayq840s9nyb5srym04mbicri4gbjan"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl primitive ]; + description = "Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadCatchIO-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, monads-tf + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadCatchIO-transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g840h7whsvgyrh4v58mdmsb7hinq785irbz6x9y08r1q8r9r90h"; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions monads-tf transformers + ]; + description = "Monad-transformer compatible version of the Control.Exception module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadCatchIO-transformers, primitive + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "070ifw78z2si3l1hqqvx236spdf61p3bf1qspd54fzq2dm89i1yw"; + buildDepends = [ + base MonadCatchIO-transformers primitive transformers + ]; + description = "Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadLab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, parsec, process, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadLab"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1p8xhxxjhwr93as98pvp1z25ypgj7arka8bw75r0q46948h7nxf7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 parsec process template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically generate layered monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadPrompt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadPrompt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nmy7dfzrkd8yfv5i9vlmjq9khnyi76ayvkzgcf783v5hfzcn4mh"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "MonadPrompt, implementation & examples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MonadRandom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, random, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadRandom"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bbj6rkxskrvl14lngpggql4q41pw21cj4z8h592mizrxjfa3rj0"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl random transformers ]; + description = "Random-number generation monad"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "MonadRandomLazy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MonadRandomLazy"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nsnv47mwka4bsmv7hvsx96s6w6qrzvfsn47fvcfy4fi88b56p2j"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom mtl random ]; + description = "Lazy monad for psuedo random-number generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Monadius" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, GLUT, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Monadius"; + version = "0.99"; + sha256 = "0jq59nnnydllqpvg3h2d1ylz3g58hwi0m08lmw2bv0ajzgn5mc8x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base directory GLUT OpenGL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "2-D arcade scroller"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Monaris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, free + , free-game, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Monaris"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "0myghw0w122n1czpaaqmpiyv0nragjkwnja8kb4agrwhcjfk3icb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory free free-game mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple tetris clone"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Monatron" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Monatron"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0250xqc5fgl8mg9yb0ykbfmxnyxacqbvi692irgfw89gf9vkh886"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Monad transformer library with uniform liftings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Monatron-IO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Monatron, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Monatron-IO"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0svdyfzv4xlwjnc61wwik8a60a5667lhsys49sgry65a1v2csnv0"; + buildDepends = [ base Monatron transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MonadIO instances for the Monatron transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Monocle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Monocle"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1p8s2agsni56h7vlydbhy7qhi0qkwafpcrsfafrlg44gvpwff15y"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 mtl ]; + description = "Symbolic computations in strict monoidal categories with LaTeX output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MorseCode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MorseCode"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1dglyak17db7q9nd6s255w2zh8lh192vidyjvgvh53vbybymb20z"; + buildDepends = [ base containers split ]; + description = "Morse code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "MuCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hashable, haskell-src-exts, hint + , hspec, mtl, random, syb, temporary, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MuCheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "183p3fmzz5d67g8wmzgv8c8yyhs0cp7x3xig4cm9s98nhrsm1j0r"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory hashable haskell-src-exts hint mtl random syb + temporary time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory hashable haskell-src-exts hint hspec mtl random syb + temporary time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated Mutation Testing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "MuCheck-HUnit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, MuCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MuCheck-HUnit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05x5sfwlzzis29sps93ypsn53y2vs4cjmxifjqn7wd5lmhaxjbhj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit MuCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated Mutation Testing for HUnit tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "MuCheck-Hspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-core, MuCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MuCheck-Hspec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c8sd6ns8hnhc7577j0y7iqyhf7ld51zmrr3jgpckgpcghycw5mw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hspec hspec-core MuCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated Mutation Testing for Hspec tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "MuCheck-QuickCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MuCheck, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MuCheck-QuickCheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q242vw70jccfj19jn6wx1fm74mshd60lay9ql4379mgcl2lf6qk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base MuCheck QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated Mutation Testing for QuickCheck tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "MuCheck-SmallCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MuCheck, smallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MuCheck-SmallCheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19brgllnbsbbg57jgwgd745iial53ykn7c329x9lq6gd82siavii"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base MuCheck smallcheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated Mutation Testing for SmallCheck tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "Munkres" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Munkres"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "169mgcyls0dsifnbp615r4i3g64ga2vbczsiv4aq17d1nma8sw19"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Munkres' assignment algorithm (hungarian method)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Munkres-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bimap, containers, Munkres }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Munkres-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k5v37qrhb8i5hfx9jvkggjmry2jrzw967s17l2x561qmm59c2rb"; + buildDepends = [ array base bimap containers Munkres ]; + description = "Simple and typesafe layer over the Munkres package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "MusicBrainz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , HTTP, http-conduit, http-types, monad-control, old-locale + , resourcet, text, time, transformers, vector, xml-conduit + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MusicBrainz"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1byliyx6ykhd62n0zsvhaa94s77qj8lya5m7cq031zh5zkx6j7l3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit conduit-extra HTTP http-conduit + http-types monad-control old-locale resourcet text time + transformers vector xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "interface to MusicBrainz XML2 web service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "MusicBrainz-libdiscid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "MusicBrainz-libdiscid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15fwpbh8yxv41k73j9q4v5d5c5rh3q2xfp7pc7b5mc3rxipw4pa5"; + buildDepends = [ base containers vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to libdiscid by MusicBrainz"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "NGrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HCL, HTTP, network, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NGrams"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1niwh0ndkzgd38phx5527i14nb9swvybdjwjwbndkpb21x5j82nc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HCL HTTP network regex-compat ]; + description = "Simple application for calculating n-grams using Google"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NTRU" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, bytestring, containers, crypto-api + , polynomial, random, SHA, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NTRU"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n96hxzv5b1zs0xkq5ksh0hp075ca46l8xd7cs2hdnmkmi6rwvha"; + buildDepends = [ + arithmoi base bytestring containers crypto-api polynomial random + SHA split + ]; + description = "NTRU Cryptography"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NXT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bluetooth, bytestring, filepath, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, serialport, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NXT"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1ka1k9dww84rxx8c45dab6f92cb8mx3fy3sskw07p3f4ahv9whi3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath mtl serialport time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + extraLibraries = [ bluetooth ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell interface to Lego Mindstorms NXT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { bluetooth = null; }; + + "NXTDSL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hashable, mtl, resourcet, stm + , text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NXTDSL"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "117ngz15j5chnyrhj1da3r4z11vqx5g70wan7zblwr3s6n006485"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base hashable mtl resourcet stm text + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate NXC Code from DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NanoProlog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ListLike, uu-parsinglib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NanoProlog"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0wjjwzzc78sj7nsaq1hgxiwv0pc069mxns425lhmrlxcm0vf8fmn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ListLike uu-parsinglib ]; + description = "Very small interpreter for a Prolog-like language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NaturalLanguageAlphabets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hashable, intern + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NaturalLanguageAlphabets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zwp7hqgvkrz1d3wcsp79v29b1c6cyby8jzvndnsb3gxp7x7gpws"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hashable intern unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alphabet and word representations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NaturalSort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, strict }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NaturalSort"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1xjhmjxp7w0nxvphnfh2phfpg4aqhjyg2f8q99qqavf8cq2k3za9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring QuickCheck strict ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-coverage" "-f-test" "-f-no-lib" "-f-driver" "-f-base3" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Natural sorting for strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NestedFunctor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, distributive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NestedFunctor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kmv20haxkqn1cwy9g59nmjpn5x1rng2rrd8y3gwxfdwn8blc735"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad distributive ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nested composition of functors with a type index tracking nesting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NestedSampling" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NestedSampling"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1sdlnjnlbk5b04zyhr7574g2ghcivzvkxnm2aak4h9bik00gb1lv"; + buildDepends = [ base random vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of John Skilling's nested sampling C code to Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "NetSNMP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, netsnmp, process + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NetSNMP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17lmxwcc3z69dgxipi776m2wpwa1lz84w9v2wirw08wb9fba2gdr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit process utf8-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ netsnmp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for net-snmp's C API for clients"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { netsnmp = null; }; + + "Network-NineP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, convertible + , monad-loops, mstate, mtl, network, NineP, regex-posix, stateref + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Network-NineP"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pa0j9ljq32dikffwi3n1cifilb2586z3q004rqa0sq82zyah949"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers convertible monad-loops mstate + mtl network NineP regex-posix stateref transformers + ]; + description = "High-level abstraction over 9P protocol"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "NewBinary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, integer }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NewBinary"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0cp71hkx8cccx7jxf5qw1bxdylcc56v68mvjp0dn9hkh1idxplzq"; + buildDepends = [ array base integer ]; + description = "A binary I/O library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { integer = null; }; + + "NineP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NineP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k6qdp4zmqjl2f6cqy1zzzl6ncb2m9r0qgh4c24i2h5kkxmm3cab"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestring-in-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "9P2000 in pure Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ninjas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, filepath + , gloss, network, networked-game, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ninjas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wz80cv7m7m4q6y6rd07y422b97hyhnb9yl6bj68pi1nxmjzcjhm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers filepath gloss network + networked-game random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ninja game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NoSlow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, criterion, dph-base + , dph-prim-seq, statistics, storablevector, template-haskell + , uvector, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NoSlow"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1pr1v8xxnhd7yxbhjqhlkwlsfzbk425bmxn99d80w8p4biag104x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers criterion dph-base dph-prim-seq statistics + storablevector template-haskell uvector vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fstorablevector" "-fuvector" "-fvector" "-fdph-prim-seq" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Microbenchmarks for various array libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NoTrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NoTrace"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "053w0j90sf16by9pqllgjxy6r57vzlq33fgwz4ywjn6bypw6009d"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Remove all the functions come from Debug.Trace after debugging"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Noise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, data-default, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Noise"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "0sjyq8nilqhmlhbagi1ms2zh7fyhzci9w5hj3dyxpd2ccq1bbvyq"; + buildDepends = [ array base data-default vector ]; + description = "A Haskell coherent noise generator based on libnoise"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Nomyx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exceptions, filepath, hint-server + , mtl, network, Nomyx-Core, Nomyx-Language, Nomyx-Web, safe, stm + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nomyx"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "1vnq19yh1sr39zch76fxangslx12zsv5w7p6nq48cbz8jix0ypxp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exceptions filepath hint-server mtl network + Nomyx-Core Nomyx-Language Nomyx-Web safe stm time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Nomic game in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Nomyx-Core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , bytestring, data-lens, data-lens-fd, data-lens-template + , DebugTraceHelpers, deepseq, directory, either-unwrap, exceptions + , filepath, happstack-authenticate, hint, hint-server, hscolour + , ixset, mime-mail, MissingH, mtl, network, Nomyx-Language + , old-locale, random, safe, safecopy, stm, tar, template-haskell + , temporary, text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nomyx-Core"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "0kd8rl0i7d4kbhnsakiqk0zmz956f12hccmql8fgnnww4fmf36zs"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring data-lens + data-lens-fd data-lens-template DebugTraceHelpers deepseq directory + either-unwrap exceptions filepath happstack-authenticate hint + hint-server hscolour ixset mime-mail MissingH mtl network + Nomyx-Language old-locale random safe safecopy stm tar + template-haskell temporary text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Nomic game in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Nomyx-Language" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, containers, data-lens, data-lens-fd + , data-lens-template, DebugTraceHelpers, ghc, mtl, old-locale + , random, safe, time, time-recurrence + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nomyx-Language"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "11480ggfphwdyakhch1i8fr3cqhdmx32jg5nj5pc43sk3bpq2dwk"; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean containers data-lens data-lens-fd data-lens-template + DebugTraceHelpers ghc mtl old-locale random safe time + time-recurrence + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Language to express rules for Nomic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Nomyx-Rules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, hint-server, hslogger, mtl + , old-locale, safe, stm, time, time-recurrence + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nomyx-Rules"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "16kzpdvn57sdmpqkwswgixm6pnyi01vj44yvzczn9sy4azwd10q5"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc hint-server hslogger mtl old-locale safe stm + time time-recurrence + ]; + description = "Language to express rules for Nomic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Nomyx-Web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , data-lens, data-lens-fd, fb, filepath, happstack-authenticate + , happstack-server, hscolour, mtl, Nomyx-Core, Nomyx-Language + , old-locale, reform, reform-blaze, reform-happstack, safe, split + , stm, text, time, web-routes, web-routes-happstack + , web-routes-regular, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nomyx-Web"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "161b87ysa9fh40r1z9cp1mzyrs5ws3d97bsrnqwgcaz4rhnjzyvb"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring data-lens data-lens-fd fb + filepath happstack-authenticate happstack-server hscolour mtl + Nomyx-Core Nomyx-Language old-locale reform reform-blaze + reform-happstack safe split stm text time web-routes + web-routes-happstack web-routes-regular web-routes-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web gui for Nomyx"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NonEmpty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NonEmpty"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0nycv791c6b5bcaz5y9wm3wxn1p930p163qs1rpdiix04fnaxgxl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Library providing a non-empty list datatype, and total functions operating on it"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NonEmptyList" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, category-extras, QuickCheck, Semigroup + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NonEmptyList"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "09515y7ax4vndsj1828b6xxnnkml4vg9x29rn3lrw3rc65fi11x2"; + buildDepends = [ + base category-extras QuickCheck Semigroup test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A list with a length of at least one"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NumInstances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NumInstances"; + version = "1.4"; + sha256 = "0ycnwn09izajv330l7a31mc0alifqmxjsn9qmfswwnbg6i4jmnyb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances of numeric classes for functions and tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NumLazyByteString" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NumLazyByteString"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17ca34hxaz9xk3ykkzp14n7wb31aiza12859k3rmvwhnq4j89jqs"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Num, Enum, Eq, Integral, Ord, Real, and Show instances for Lazy ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "NumberSieves" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "NumberSieves"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1w8y46ivli37rlhkdrnw13qv6f0m13a88w0qkfw949b09vdp2nw2"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Number Theoretic Sieves: primes, factorization, and Euler's Totient"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Numbers"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1z1v396lar6b0lyis3k5gn5kn17ndggm8j7qxnhirlpgm831fgg7"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An assortment of number theoretic functions"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Nussinov78" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ADPfusion, base, ghc-prim, mtl, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nussinov78"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j9qmin7fqwfy69f7wi1is1nawhh46phda6na20am7r8cjzdnjsh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ADPfusion base ghc-prim mtl primitive PrimitiveArray vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nussinov78 using the ADPfusion library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Nutri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Nutri"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1m7qx5zydz5jpk6a55k7rzchlwmkd91gsiqmn26qqn50ab3di35j"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A little library to calculate nutrition values of food items"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "OGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OGL"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1w8lpi2r315b4ry234gi4rq09j92zvhr9ibxwsig6544cbb5g8qm"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A context aware binding for the OpenGL graphics system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OSM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad-transformers, containers, data-lens + , hxt, newtype + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OSM"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "1m606r0lc0hsniqn7krm2hpvhj7y6sq4qbjjj4g8n4hap6v4syr9"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad-transformers containers data-lens hxt newtype + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse OpenStreetMap files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OTP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Crypto, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OTP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vcxyfk1vx30cfngq5cv3lc34x0sxsirykhbi4ygw5pvd9ylzadb"; + buildDepends = [ base Crypto time ]; + testDepends = [ base Crypto time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Object" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Object"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "05lrqq4008vnfs2x8kxlyrgdvxmzk04rqvn0w65b691bp3vwnbf9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Object oriented programming for haskell using multiparameter typeclasses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "ObjectIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, comctl32, comdlg32, gdi32, kernel32, ole32 + , shell32, user32, winmm, winspool + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ObjectIO"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f8ac7dk1ls6xla3w0wy2qr164kv67k5ilj7niakfr9x74mpp6jy"; + extraLibraries = [ + comctl32 comdlg32 gdi32 kernel32 ole32 shell32 user32 winmm + winspool + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { comctl32 = null; comdlg32 = null; gdi32 = null; + kernel32 = null; ole32 = null; shell32 = null; user32 = null; + winmm = null; winspool = null; }; + + "ObjectName" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ObjectName"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aw221i1cisk7jpgchs16f3br0ddllh0n0idhw5v6n6ysv4vv155"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Explicitly handled object names"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Obsidian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, cuda, language-c-quote + , mainland-pretty, mtl, mwc-random, process, rdtsc, text + , value-supply, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Obsidian"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14dbaj54i4li4hbc2bhl19ma9vgs97mfz8xfwvlndldb2kac4x01"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers cuda language-c-quote mainland-pretty mtl + mwc-random process rdtsc text value-supply vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embedded language for GPU Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Octree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, markdown-unlit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Octree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q07jylv5ggvnp32h3b63pk1rcvvxh7bzi3dyx4ga2s0zwfaq1q2"; + buildDepends = [ AC-Vector base QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ AC-Vector base markdown-unlit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OddWord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OddWord"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c4xbfkikyn1jh3qz0ycxzmx0zqfg5gliafb764942dvd851hljv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Omega" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hsc2hs, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Omega"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "05dax2r7rrdbsvxszxn13xcf24zq87xq8scxzvl2ccr2y29n0f5j"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hsc2hs HUnit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-useinstalledomega" ]; + description = "Integer sets and relations using Presburger arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OneTuple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OneTuple"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1x52b68zh3k9lnps5s87kzan7dzvqp6mrwgayjq15w9dv6v78vsb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Singleton Tuple"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenAFP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, hashable, hashtables, mtl, process, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenAFP"; + version = "1.4.2"; + sha256 = "0x8yrxyfwgzgp7158nrk4y3wzpfm9bnww0nfbbi9hajiqfd8ymc0"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory hashable + hashtables mtl process regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IBM AFP document format parser and generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "OpenAFP-Utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, hashable, line2pdf, OpenAFP, regex-base, regex-posix + , text, text-locale-encoding, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenAFP-Utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "160qlcjh0pgslql9f4zv2asw8kb9kl7wd6dk5958dv0n9p96pay0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath hashable + line2pdf OpenAFP regex-base regex-posix text text-locale-encoding + xhtml + ]; + description = "Assorted utilities to work with AFP data streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "OpenAL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, openal, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenAL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bw20ykn8vi3g4im4nsrfz7p1qq9qwnx8da83zwdbr3wjm9934gd"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGL ]; + extraLibraries = [ openal ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusenativewindowslibraries" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the OpenAL cross-platform 3D audio API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenCL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, mtl, OpenCL, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenCL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04cqddhn4b5m0rj2f6i3gr62yhlfgffmkplb4599sd3qbgx0g27x"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ OpenCL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell high-level wrapper for OpenCL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) OpenCL; }; + + "OpenCLRaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenCLRaw"; + version = "1.0.1001"; + sha256 = "1a9nlrmxp3jwc3hbj79xm35aypfby04qy01fk4vyrp19diiinl07"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The OpenCL Standard for heterogenous data-parallel computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenCLWrappers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenCLWrappers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xlm26jksp4jf1dhkpg4708r1ak5mjdc5x5fjp4fhizmzlk3348s"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-link" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The OpenCL Standard for heterogenous data-parallel computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, GLURaw, libX11, mesa, OpenGLRaw + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenGL"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sa5jmhj0az6sik6swv2vgzhv9gj34dbq2px23ag1a4yrk5gcn0p"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring GLURaw OpenGLRaw text ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for the OpenGL graphics system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenGLCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, haskell98, OpenGL, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenGLCheck"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0zjgwd9h6jncvp7x4nn049878jagcajsc63ch5i1ynndnrr1cfar"; + buildDepends = [ base checkers haskell98 OpenGL QuickCheck ]; + description = "Quickcheck instances for various data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenGLRaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, mesa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenGLRaw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04lsidv82fl7yb2fnqpx7q0vgiwxbswh8g7dv9q9s9i2jwiaaal5"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + extraLibraries = [ mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fuseglxgetprocaddress" "-fusenativewindowslibraries" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenGLRaw21" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, OpenGLRaw }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenGLRaw21"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v848qhjksiwc8617fif4dbvw40xfnz39fpkcsv52mkh66flnv9j"; + buildDepends = [ OpenGLRaw ]; + description = "The intersection of OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 3.1 Core"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "OpenSCAD" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, colour, filepath, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenSCAD"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gg5x50631piay35jifh70nq88av71ar896q9vci65isz9a51yvb"; + buildDepends = [ base colour filepath ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal colour filepath HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ADT wrapper and renderer for OpenSCAD models"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenVG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, OpenVGRaw }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenVG"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "0ad96lbwcwl7vvk5vx1mmb0wj28c541jwd9nsm7l5na9qdxfhzvj"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGL OpenGLRaw OpenVGRaw ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1) binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OpenVGRaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenGLRaw }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OpenVGRaw"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1fdg5b8f2x36x6gmdkazkmhqgknagd0kzr70hydygsmqbf2im5x2"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGLRaw ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Raw binding to OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1 implementation)."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Operads" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Operads"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1b880lrzdxww3j19zspnj49ifsn89n0ac1h5xf7nn83847k8q2qk"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-useoldmap" "-f-mapoperad" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Groebner basis computation for Operads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OptDir" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OptDir"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1bb5s57d3wyr9rd275jl0sk85yisl1dpbz042yg7pksv5l0xal0q"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable syb ]; + description = "The OptDir type for representing optimization directions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "OrPatterns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, mtl, split, syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "OrPatterns"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fkg2bnk7gh8lzf8i0bffj6qbbpq15sf8yw88rqpzghsz7xrr111"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta mtl split syb + template-haskell + ]; + description = "A quasiquoter for or-patterns"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ordinals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ordinals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04xk74rl2d6vp1kn197hsbkkwdvwvqpjqg3kgkpkl2i0r90y8lsi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ordinal arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PArrows" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PArrows"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "08mkq72zv9ywp002vwjk7gl6pq6915zdd06sp4ap935aqdjrhn0p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-prim mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrow parser combinators similar to Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PBKDF2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, Crypto, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PBKDF2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ljacj31pmcwk4lk24p37761sb60ncwjnjbqhnfrgdjqnyj2bd62"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring Crypto random ]; + description = "Make password-based security schemes more secure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PCLT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PCLT"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0k5abpdz066dsszkj39fd03slb279ddj4i8clnq4gafpa90xbg9q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extension to Show: templating, catalogizing, languages, parameters, etc"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "PCLT-DB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible, HDBC + , HDBC-postgresql, mtl, PCLT + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PCLT-DB"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0nb5mijpkbllrs9034d3a24drd95lvrhlx60ahcd73kmagh9rfqf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible HDBC HDBC-postgresql mtl + PCLT + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An addon to PCLT package: enchance PCLT catalog with PostgreSQL powers"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "PDBtools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PDBtools"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1i5hixmywy63pnh15zl7npfiwc7dvlnz6izjxg08cnvn8jyi026q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for analysis of 3-D protein coordinates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "PSQueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PSQueue"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1k291bh8j5vpcrn6vycww2blwg7jxx9yrfmrqdanz48gs4d8gq58"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Priority Search Queue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PTQ" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, network, network-uri, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PTQ"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0pfd5y8plxicdchkbij0nqj6zwxw3fcy5cz1ji5bky9g3bmz9mhm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl network network-uri xml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-futf8cgi" "-f-utf8terminal" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of Montague's PTQ"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "PageIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, base64-string, bytestring + , containers, directory, iconv, network, old-time, regex-base + , regex-compat, regex-tdfa, sqlite, stringtable-atom, utf8-string + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PageIO"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0pnnhwmlhjvpb3g94p2asbhy9arvlvcbch11m0hmy7w9m3zj9wjk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base base64-string bytestring containers directory + iconv network old-time regex-base regex-compat regex-tdfa sqlite + stringtable-atom utf8-string uuid + ]; + description = "Page-oriented extraction and composition library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Paillier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, crypto-numbers, crypto-random, HUnit + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Paillier"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jcb72shia5p0lpnr3qz57jlzjvnwh4642zwys5d3rg0rwnxigz2"; + buildDepends = [ base crypto-numbers crypto-random ]; + testDepends = [ + base crypto-numbers crypto-random HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + description = "a simple Paillier cryptosystem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PandocAgda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, Agda, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , pandoc, pandoc-types, QuickCheck, text, time, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PandocAgda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g39mxrfii8vm40cbb7vdfrx2rx9gm4s1xhp3zjkiyi7f979cbk0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + Agda base containers directory filepath mtl pandoc pandoc-types + QuickCheck text time xhtml + ]; + description = "Pandoc support for literate Agda"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Paraiso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, control-monad-failure + , directory, fgl, filepath, HUnit, ListLike, listlike-instances + , mtl, numeric-prelude, QuickCheck, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , typelevel-tensor, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Paraiso"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "177sinj5il7azsajf9fl65lml7pq792lnvwb07vln5my250ibwi9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers control-monad-failure directory fgl filepath + mtl numeric-prelude random text typelevel-tensor vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers control-monad-failure directory fgl filepath + HUnit ListLike listlike-instances mtl numeric-prelude QuickCheck + random test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text typelevel-tensor vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a code generator for partial differential equations solvers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Parry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , ghc-prim, network, old-locale, process, random, RSA + , SafeSemaphore, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Parry"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jy0pya7ahy0nzw1yizi1ll7q5kv4jxgn3n56qgcwv25rh374n4s"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory ghc-prim network + old-locale process random RSA SafeSemaphore time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A proven synchronization server for high performance computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ParsecTools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ParsecTools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11vshnbxfl8p38aix4h2b0vms8j58agwxbmhd9pkxai764sl6j7g"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Parsec combinators for more complex objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ParserFunction" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ParserFunction"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0l0j1mdycqsb5d32l7h0giwrj5yj54523gdn0bvim2vz67qrbxrq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + description = "Parse and evaluate mathematical expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PartialTypeSignatures" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PartialTypeSignatures"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04c01bcfrb79av2j9bivlwanmycasn7gjnc9gb5jm6gkwyvgv0h3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers syb template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "emulate partial type signatures with template haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PasswordGenerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PasswordGenerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12lxylmpi2f1ahy6w1n7jmwn9kay4hajgr95xbnqqdzv4dw6whzw"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple library for generating passwords"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "PastePipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, HTTP, network, network-uri }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PastePipe"; + version = "1.7"; + sha256 = "0had11n44y7zjhhymdbvahwmxcxxrbxy7c9jxijhw3n7xqhdmva0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs HTTP network network-uri ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CLI for pasting to"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pathfinder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libxml2, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pathfinder"; + version = "0.5.10"; + sha256 = "1k38p73jnkfcmmz94iqpzg2g6apsxflidvy8p9lwqyzfmg70brqf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + extraLibraries = [ libxml2 ]; + description = "Relational optimiser and code generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Peano" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Peano"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0ss4p40gkqcw9bdh5iy0yar56gpsanrxld74q5dxvakrf8m6cqmz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "simple Peano numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PeanoWitnesses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PeanoWitnesses"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g83jws23grl84gnq89rnppw6q7vsbhi9hk6lp5dq2n4818kamgg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "GADT type witnesses for Peano-style natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PerfectHash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cmph, containers + , digest, haskell98, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PerfectHash"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "11bs99iprcikcjz7psirmvlhlvhkwghfrb1yz662gk9kq6mhdyq6"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers digest haskell98 time + ]; + extraLibraries = [ cmph ]; + description = "A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { cmph = null; }; + + "PermuteEffects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ReplicateEffects }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PermuteEffects"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0lmmsvqbnw0k321254xfqlzmddvymy0mj50ax7caqj2fnarfgy4l"; + buildDepends = [ base ReplicateEffects ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Permutations of effectful computations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Pipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pipe"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1453rjp5whl9vywiq8i86vjfa8ys1ppwabhvlibqwsbx804q9yhr"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath process unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process piping library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Piso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Piso"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "123hwav5bsadd2lmzgys4dwja1xrbn1c5w19063ak21y5415ci83"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial isomorphisms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PlayHangmanGame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, mtl, random + , regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PlayHangmanGame"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17avnaz6da80v5kgz0b3v0zq3y9p2d3mxxv5a09ggcmilbz4xwlg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory mtl random regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-prof" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Play Hangman Game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PlayingCards" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, MonadRandom, QuickCheck + , random-shuffle + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PlayingCards"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wq4y6dfn93c8pyxbz5dwbd1c2lq78fbw6s2pdk6nvi0zgf5hp6k"; + buildDepends = [ + base HUnit MonadRandom QuickCheck random-shuffle + ]; + description = "Playing cards api"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Plot-ho-matic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, Chart-cairo, containers + , data-default-class, glib, gtk, lens, linear, stm, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Plot-ho-matic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d6nrhk2wyyii6wwwk1mlxa46sdd6xjghyp3cn6qh1i6dwq7i604"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart Chart-cairo containers data-default-class glib gtk lens + linear stm text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + description = "Real-time line plotter for protobuf-like data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PlslTools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, filepath, haskell98 + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PlslTools"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1kly1jfki4n9fhgkh2m9j9xj8182s92i7rsq81vcm6i3hd4fac94"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory filepath haskell98 old-locale old-time parsec + process random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "So far just a lint like program for PL/SQL. Diff and refactoring tools are planned"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Plural" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, regex-tdfa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Plural"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "047aw1pka7xsqnshbmirkxd80m92w96xfb0kpi1a22bx0kpgg58w"; + buildDepends = [ base containers regex-tdfa ]; + description = "Pluralize English words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pollutocracy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, clock, GLUT, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pollutocracy"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "036b114f6fas2w3kmbcb1ria2ymdgi1sc5iqkskfgbc1iizhm2wh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base clock GLUT random ]; + description = "An imaginary world"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "PortFusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, splice }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PortFusion"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1n095a7ggkgvxdagn7wi1rnb3h766lah5avyrdxnv4g0kl143vvy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network splice ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" "-f-static" "-f-threaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "high-performance distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling for TCP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "PortMidi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsaLib, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PortMidi"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1sjs73jpdsb610l6b8i7pr019ijddz7zqv56f4yy843ix848yqzp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ alsaLib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding for PortMedia/PortMidi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PostgreSQL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PostgreSQL"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0p5q3yc8ymgzzlc600h4mb9w86ncrgjdbpqfi49b2jqvkcx5bwrr"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Thin wrapper over the C postgresql library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "PrimitiveArray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, primitive, QuickCheck, repa, vector + , vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PrimitiveArray"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m97c7zc8x6ml9ng120r4kzl7g73cz4c3qk41j1zihlrrfrcxrvq"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq primitive QuickCheck repa vector vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient multidimensional arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Printf-TH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, pretty, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Printf-TH"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0n1gva510p69vy25zvjkzwqqz2gilbns1wnrzz2p22rjkkbrinvx"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 pretty template-haskell ]; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "PriorityChansConverger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PriorityChansConverger"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0258ysarn6k5kxxwy4lz9ww2rdhg5mg7h6idfbfrszcgwkcp22a1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm ]; + description = "Read single output from an array of inputs - channels with priorities"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "ProbabilityMonads" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MaybeT, MonadRandom, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ProbabilityMonads"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0vmjg91yq4p0121ypjx4l1hh77j8xj6ha7awdvrjk5fjmz9xryh3"; + buildDepends = [ base MaybeT MonadRandom mtl ]; + description = "Probability distribution monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "PropLogic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "PropLogic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gr3xiwj5ggqlrvi2xi612sba0v7lwc3bz0w18knhh0gz60vslqy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-time random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Propositional Logic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Proper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, parsec, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Proper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y8jrvhnvb3nr8zi4hw8cm90nnz4lmcp3npvzsbz2wlkif5qf7k6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit parsec syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of propositional logic in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ProxN" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ProxN"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0mx3kgkcbhppz2p6g8vb9yx27219ca2w7k36j60vfhszni1c4gid"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Proximity sets in N dimensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Pugs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , control-timeout, directory, filepath, FindBin, haskeline + , HsParrot, HsSyck, MetaObject, mtl, network, parsec, pretty + , process, pugs-compat, pugs-DrIFT, random, stm, stringtable-atom + , time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pugs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13advi8qykjslpg6kqilzdabz5076z6d69b66sf1ikyhjpc1j55i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers control-timeout directory + filepath FindBin haskeline HsParrot HsSyck MetaObject mtl network + parsec pretty process pugs-compat pugs-DrIFT random stm + stringtable-atom time utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fperl5" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Perl 6 Implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Pup-Events" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Pup-Events-Client, Pup-Events-PQueue + , Pup-Events-Server + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pup-Events"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "13zjhxq8q1qd7sbc17d73g6mfsfls6rl3ndawbcfjgj73b7xajyj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Pup-Events-Client Pup-Events-PQueue Pup-Events-Server + ]; + description = "A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pup-Events-Client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, parsec, Pup-Events-PQueue, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pup-Events-Client"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "1b6vkjnk1yk7ra221njh1mm92jgzqh2hjbh67p2h4fz2jf202xvm"; + buildDepends = [ + base network parsec Pup-Events-PQueue stm transformers + ]; + description = "A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pup-Events-Demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, parsec, Pup-Events-Client + , Pup-Events-PQueue, Pup-Events-Server, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pup-Events-Demo"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "06cf18ccamaknkm2fcmj17ymdb2i3130q5bakbji4m8349bzhxxb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base GLUT OpenGL parsec Pup-Events-Client Pup-Events-PQueue + Pup-Events-Server stm + ]; + description = "A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pup-Events-PQueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pup-Events-PQueue"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0sngiqxzj5kif452s2hn3x1kv257815c5v19dp4wqazbyc373iwx"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Pup-Events-Server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, parsec, Pup-Events-PQueue, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Pup-Events-Server"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "18n4bzhwvx336dv4yb5pbicaxbzzhhd36951diwhgw4gf5ji80dn"; + buildDepends = [ + base network parsec Pup-Events-PQueue stm transformers + ]; + description = "A networked event handling framework for hooking into other programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "QIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, old-time, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QIO"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1wm0n5r5nfgbd35ry4fn25bzfj83gn3xbrd14clpw4wqqq45rhx6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl old-time random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "QuadEdge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuadEdge"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1f3wxc8ipb8ka02xq2snjs5wgl10mk528zjkpwdw5wf3fldhz037"; + buildDepends = [ base random vector ]; + description = "QuadEdge structure for representing triangulations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "QuadTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, composition, lens }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuadTree"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "0r4qv6xw03g79sn1889vv1rzpkcpjm9lmipvxdl0l1d8r8kvxdxw"; + buildDepends = [ base composition lens ]; + description = "QuadTree library for Haskell, with lens support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "QuasiText" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, haskell-src-meta + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuasiText"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10y2lirprxyh9m47qxq0plihc22xvmkhq6lfbx3i19vfvkbhnbwx"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base haskell-src-meta template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A QuasiQuoter for Text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "QuickAnnotate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuickAnnotate"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0xphlira6gxfs7md1b55vf9biqzw9v1kzmcs17x07xnzcy1y3dvb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Annotation Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "QuickCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, template-haskell, test-framework + , tf-random, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuickCheck"; + version = "2.7.6"; + sha256 = "09y5l0062l9i5jp9v6811kvkk4zpy0mizwaw44abgz0x1h59gn40"; + buildDepends = [ + base random template-haskell tf-random transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell test-framework ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftemplatehaskell" "-fbase4" "-fbase3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic testing of Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "QuickCheck-GenT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "QuickCheck-GenT"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "16zxmq0y8ayq9dgmgyfdm3fnjjhv452cymfam1zjmaabrayllkpp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A GenT monad transformer for QuickCheck library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Quickson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, either, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Quickson"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0v2h8446gb86z2yvhqrhbkyj8yj0s9d33gbig6752lfjn31zxrcy"; + buildDepends = [ aeson attoparsec base bytestring either text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quick JSON extractions with Aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RANSAC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, lens, linear, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RANSAC"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1frn3y0j4w337mfaakqw58d7p9pqhbi2fzk8blv6zilzvqmhbqqv"; + buildDepends = [ base random vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit lens linear test-framework test-framework-hunit vector + ]; + description = "The RANSAC algorithm for parameter estimation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RBTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RBTree"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0p46b105lixbxqjz8pwxf4asl4s7zdh2ss3nvgmp1rclqfg6cwrq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = "git://"; + description = "Pure haskell Red-Black-Tree implemetation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RESTng" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, mtl, old-time, parsec + , redHandlers, xhtml, yuiGrid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RESTng"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1fans0znb3i33n9cxd8w140n1sl8bdyl874cdrgc5wvlg6y3y4aj"; + buildDepends = [ + base HDBC HDBC-postgresql mtl old-time parsec redHandlers xhtml + yuiGrid + ]; + description = "A framework for writing RESTful applications"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "RFC1751" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RFC1751"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1347cl0z5zw7f4dn6bjyf19pnfq06dzwpcl68z14zgxw0p58crka"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RFC-1751 library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "RJson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, iconv, mtl + , parsec, syb-with-class + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RJson"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "04vlhcyikd4liy65xiy3xn4slkm5w4q3r8ir54s095zs9bq8jx1n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers iconv mtl parsec syb-with-class + ]; + description = "A reflective JSON serializer/parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RMP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, allocated-processor, base, canlib, cv-combinators + , ftd2xx, HOpenCV, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RMP"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0bcilw8z764p6idjj19kxk9if5l4pxyn7zszxjv0q3bfky1rd8ay"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + allocated-processor base cv-combinators HOpenCV vector-space + ]; + extraLibraries = [ canlib ftd2xx ]; + description = "Binding to code that controls a Segway RMP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { canlib = null; ftd2xx = null; }; + + "RNAFold" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ADPfusion, base, BiobaseTurner, BiobaseVienna + , BiobaseXNA, cmdargs, containers, deepseq, lens, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, repa, strict, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RNAFold"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r4y4rinrdr2xwfpnys5agm1awr3qr9im4cqczz1fzjz7r425m96"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ADPfusion base BiobaseTurner BiobaseVienna BiobaseXNA cmdargs + containers deepseq lens primitive PrimitiveArray repa strict vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RNA secondary structure prediction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RNAFoldProgs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Biobase, BiobaseTurner, BiobaseTypes + , BiobaseVienna, cmdargs, containers, HsTools, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, RNAFold, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RNAFoldProgs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bmybm80fhw7xqjzny2iricicbzqsl33snpsjamfcr16a939wlwp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Biobase BiobaseTurner BiobaseTypes BiobaseVienna cmdargs + containers HsTools primitive PrimitiveArray RNAFold split vector + ]; + description = "RNA secondary structure folding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RNAdesign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, BiobaseTurner, BiobaseVienna + , BiobaseXNA, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, fgl + , fgl-extras-decompositions, file-embed, lens, monad-primitive + , mwc-random-monad, parallel, parsec, ParsecTools, primitive + , PrimitiveArray, random, RNAFold, transformers, tuple, vector + , ViennaRNA-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RNAdesign"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qdfbwiydkh0974m7r4ashxhsbkss8k9d6kpc07vj4hspjf5v5ag"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base BiobaseTurner BiobaseVienna BiobaseXNA bytestring + cmdargs containers fgl fgl-extras-decompositions file-embed lens + monad-primitive mwc-random-monad parallel parsec ParsecTools + primitive PrimitiveArray random RNAFold transformers tuple vector + ViennaRNA-bindings + ]; + description = "Multi-target RNA sequence design"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RNAdraw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, BiobaseXNA, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, PrimitiveArray, QuasiText, repa, split, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RNAdraw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d85lps04b2sn23fzyn5hd8lj2lf7byqk7flj8p2b905hl3062dx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base BiobaseXNA bytestring cmdargs containers PrimitiveArray + QuasiText repa split text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Draw RNA secondary structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RNAwolf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BiobaseTrainingData, BiobaseXNA, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, deepseq, directory, parallel, PrimitiveArray + , random, split, StatisticalMethods, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RNAwolf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s7ilg8814gglg4n64nk94b51fdzh2fm1y4k1mw8d81qd66y60vn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base BiobaseTrainingData BiobaseXNA bytestring cmdargs containers + deepseq directory parallel PrimitiveArray random split + StatisticalMethods vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RNA folding with non-canonical basepairs and base-triplets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RSA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, crypto-api + , crypto-pubkey-types, DRBG, pureMD5, QuickCheck, SHA, tagged + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RSA"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "0bhnnz7vp1942ac2vg0y6vsag9bm0pslnm4ix6lmw28hy6d1jk2a"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types pureMD5 SHA + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types DRBG pureMD5 + QuickCheck SHA tagged test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS#1 v2.1."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Raincat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extensible-exceptions, GLUT, mtl + , OpenGL, random, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Raincat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aalh68h6799mv4vyg30zpskl5jkn6x2j1jza7p4lrflyifxzar8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers extensible-exceptions GLUT mtl OpenGL random SDL + SDL-image SDL-mixer time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A puzzle game written in Haskell with a cat in lead role"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Random123" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Random123"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1y58rj2c80fv1qv9v0dcrfp8n6n03njr5fkkm4wdb18rp92dydxi"; + buildDepends = [ array base random ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck random test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell port of Random123 library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "RandomDotOrg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP-Simple, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RandomDotOrg"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0rfarn424wsvvwvi7b1qzvzc63dxfqmlyrfd0hdcvmgkq5h2iy4c"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP-Simple network ]; + description = "Interface to"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "Randometer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random-fu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Randometer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1anj962cpgl06hipjfdygxlvq6adkdg3r0ghkwkzzf3dklmwzng6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random-fu ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Randomness intuition trainer"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Range" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Range"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0759508s75zba89jjr56sqpm7idgwsxynmf9zl9hwrz9q11fxrqh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Data structure for managing ranges"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ranged-sets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ranged-sets"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1am0lsd3yiyn7ayk9k4ff7zdj67m0pxjl10cxi5f9hgjj4y9380l"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ranged sets for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Ranka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json, network, utf8-string, XMPP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ranka"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1df010121jdjbagc3gg906kydmwwpa7np1c0mx7w2v64mr7i2q1r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json network utf8-string XMPP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP to XMPP omegle chats gate"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Rasenschach" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, convertible, directory + , filepath, ghc, monad-loops, SDL, SDL-gfx, SDL-image, SDL-mixer + , SDL-ttf, template-haskell, time, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Rasenschach"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1axjmid2kdyg9jzc9k8x1jyzlkxa1iws8608pyrgix8vswxxxr0w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers convertible directory filepath ghc + monad-loops SDL SDL-gfx SDL-image SDL-mixer SDL-ttf + template-haskell time Yampa + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Soccer simulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Rasterific" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, criterion, deepseq, directory, dlist + , filepath, FontyFruity, free, JuicyPixels, mtl, primitive + , QuickCheck, statistics, vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Rasterific"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1cw8lalxp9cs3w3kfr4ayp5h0kd71fdnyih99xpljy8zxw28hv3z"; + buildDepends = [ + base dlist FontyFruity free JuicyPixels mtl primitive vector + vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary criterion deepseq directory filepath FontyFruity + JuicyPixels QuickCheck statistics vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fembed_linear" ]; + description = "A pure haskell drawing engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ReadArgs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, system-filepath, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ReadArgs"; + version = "1.2.2"; + sha256 = "1v6yr5zzrrj31prfzxxh1n27sfnkqpkw34v3a47rcnm444ba58a7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base system-filepath text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec system-filepath text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple command line argument parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Redmine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, connection, containers + , HTTP, http-client-tls, http-conduit, HUnit, MissingH, network + , old-locale, old-time, resourcet, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Redmine"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ifs2gca5sgmaqrby3fc410n5k357102c8jh3fh77rhdc3m8l8bd"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring connection containers HTTP http-client-tls + http-conduit MissingH network old-locale old-time resourcet text + time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring connection containers http-client-tls + http-conduit HUnit MissingH network old-locale resourcet text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to access Redmine's REST services"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Ref"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15qikbjbydbabc26skhavshzrsaz17a71q8hfxqvi5ix2bhhz4hm"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RefSerialize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, hashtables + , stringsearch + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RefSerialize"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qrca0jismpvjy7i4xx19ljrj72gqcmwqg47a51ykncsvci0fjrm"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers hashtables stringsearch + ]; + description = "Write to and read from ByteStrings maintaining internal memory references"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Referees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, cmdargs, cond + , containers, directory, glpk-hs, matrix, MissingH, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Referees"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "076pa25455jd4b0dbs9gfksaa1ww66yvnknki4yivc0pm60pnh7r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cassava cmdargs cond containers directory glpk-hs + matrix MissingH vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-documentation" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A utility for computing distributions of material to review among reviewers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RepLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RepLib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1772r6rfajcn622dxwy9z1bvv53l5xj6acbcv8n9p7h01fs52mpr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic programming library with representation types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ReplicateEffects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ReplicateEffects"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "194nbnbrf5g3d2pch6z9zapzhi0i2z30vpgjj0h5x8bfwzpf1527"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Composable replication schemes of applicative functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ReviewBoard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HTTP, json, mtl, network, process + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ReviewBoard"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1grcs7mily2gpxdzq1pcz1f71z2d8pz6paqrb8yv38nkckvm4j75"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory HTTP json mtl network process random + ]; + description = "Haskell bindings to ReviewBoard"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Rlang-QQ" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, haskell-src-meta, HList, mtl + , process, repa, split, syb, template-haskell, temporary, text + , transformers, trifecta, utf8-string, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Rlang-QQ"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r46prwscjfgvvky08rd632pmwlmihgr3rx41xz0h00vv5dygyxn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath + haskell-src-meta HList mtl process repa split syb template-haskell + temporary text transformers trifecta utf8-string vector zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + configureFlags = [ "-frepa" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "quasiquoter for inline-R code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "RollingDirectory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hdaemonize-buildfix + , hinotify, hsyslog, HUnit, monad-parallel, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RollingDirectory"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mw4hd99v8pp75ng75cv3vym5ld93f07mpkcbi2b6v12k68bxx4v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hdaemonize-buildfix hinotify hsyslog + monad-parallel unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Limits the size of a directory's contents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "RxHaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "RxHaskell"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0pwxsvkpdr4vzr6cpgjmkr55ip6ns3gcv8pma7dwzg21myx9c3vl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reactive Extensions for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "SBench" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, criterion, deepseq + , directory, filepath, gnuplot, hp2any-core, parsec, process + , utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SBench"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0ym9qdwwn180365hgvwi6djzbqvfiyqrd2fhywpvxihwxnlnhiam"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cassava criterion deepseq directory filepath + gnuplot hp2any-core parsec process utf8-string vector + ]; + description = "A benchmark suite for runtime and heap measurements over a series of inputs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SConfig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SConfig"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "032s6szll58zavdnf6fsj2rhpdlizv3l46lh819bqjy1kbffv0yz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple config library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "SDL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL"; + version = "0.6.5"; + sha256 = "1vlf1bvp4cbgr31qk6aqikhgn9jbgj7lrvnjzv3ibykm1hhd6vdb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) SDL; }; + + "SDL-gfx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL-gfx"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "14d8fz576rwi6x0dxgc29cdmwn48afja3v5qx3x8q5y61fv8w9v1"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL_gfx"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SDL-image" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL, SDL_image }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL-image"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "18n6al40db7xalqqr4hp0l26qxxv1kmd8mva0n7vmhg05zypf6ni"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL_image ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL_image"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SDL-mixer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL, SDL_mixer }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL-mixer"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1fxp5sz0w6pr5047jjvh81wkljxsl7fca239364i50m44mpcsyn1"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL_mixer ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL_mixer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SDL-mpeg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL, smpeg }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL-mpeg"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0hx4977iynchnyd4b9ycbiw5qq07wk1a7dkisqx0a3x0ca4qirwj"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + extraLibraries = [ smpeg ]; + description = "Binding to the SMPEG library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SDL-ttf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL, SDL_ttf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL-ttf"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "0jajnbqnhdd4i8pj8j27m53zwgfs1v06kiwy0s0zml02fdkq8j4a"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL_ttf ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL_ttf"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SDL2-ttf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL2, SDL2_ttf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SDL2-ttf"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "03ng8kih285pvwj06jdwk4hkyyyb8j666pnvagnw5hsjhq60r8h6"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL2 ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL2 SDL2_ttf ]; + description = "Binding to libSDL-ttf"; + license =; + }) { SDL2 = null; SDL2_ttf = null; }; + + "SFML" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csfml-audio, csfml-graphics, csfml-network + , csfml-system, csfml-window + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SFML"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jz7wgrjc169slq7akf9sdgpfnl1cbiahig8hqck9p40ixn456k6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ + csfml-audio csfml-graphics csfml-network csfml-system csfml-window + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SFML bindings"; + license =; + }) { csfml-audio = null; csfml-graphics = null; + csfml-network = null; csfml-system = null; csfml-window = null; }; + + "SFML-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, SFML, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SFML-control"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "001h9y9395mz6fr58s1i8svn4pyy5iqbkzzsp19xdphh4w69za9g"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl SFML template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Higher level library on top of SFML"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "SFont" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, SDL, Sprig }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SFont"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "077yvys00kp8lmkvc4mbynmkk9nn2ib5rh38bqcw0wnwsvl7140i"; + buildDepends = [ array base SDL Sprig ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SFont SDL Bitmap Fonts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SG"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0aj15lp5wbldaa9ndfvni1iq7kcrjv1syln9yz77jg6p8ndk61jv"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SGdemo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, SG }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SGdemo"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0f7s8y5wq479i2yix2ik5ffsqkrb65pi31n6a03453kvk5jc7wv6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGL SG ]; + description = "An example of using the SG and OpenGL libraries"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "SHA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SHA"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03fwpl8hrl9q197w8v1glqi5g1d51c7hz4m8zi5s8x1yvpbwcfvl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fdecoderinterface" "-f-exe" "-f-test" ]; + description = "Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SHA2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AES, base, bytestring, monads-tf, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SHA2"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "1zs79a327x6myfam3p2vr8lmszcaqnkll2qz8n4sy835vz328j40"; + buildDepends = [ AES base bytestring monads-tf transformers ]; + description = "Fast, incremental SHA hashing for bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SMTPClient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extensible-exceptions, hsemail + , network, old-locale, old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SMTPClient"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "07njj24c43iz33c641d5ish62h13lhpvn2mx5pv5i6s3fm3bxsfk"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers extensible-exceptions hsemail network old-locale + old-time + ]; + description = "A simple SMTP client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SNet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, c2hsc, containers + , data-default, lens, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SNet"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "19ls2icg5vflznf9wn5b429x6blismcdxinh66vd8cr8hwgc8m99"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL containers data-default lens mtl transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hsc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative coördination language for streaming networks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "SQLDeps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, mtl + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SQLDeps"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1dx4vxrc7hjms3bx80bngwr5jxkb1v9hps09ayi0mqwhnfzq5vgp"; + buildDepends = [ + base hashable HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 mtl unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Calculate db-data dependencies of functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "STL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "STL"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "07zf0j9bly6b0q081jgxcpl0b5bl4kckharwwrdwng477gimqmwx"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring cereal text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "STL 3D geometry format parsing and pretty-printing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "STMonadTrans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "STMonadTrans"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1cl5bsc5mr3silcmbjylgw5qa04pf2np9mippxnsa4p3dk089gkh"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A monad transformer version of the ST monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SVG2Q" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, language-c, pretty, svgutils, syb + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SVG2Q"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "07cr20cdz4dk8c9j84j1wlzhg4qb4hmgyvh2nnlh4vc52bvvizmq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 language-c pretty svgutils syb xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Code generation tool for Quartz code from a SVG"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SVGFonts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-markup, blaze-svg + , containers, data-default-class, diagrams-lib, directory, parsec + , split, text, tuple, vector, vector-space, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SVGFonts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jkjcf27xqjzv9lny7j181kcma26wngrq3vzw2sp2hwkdcjryyin"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-markup blaze-svg containers + data-default-class diagrams-lib directory parsec split text tuple + vector vector-space xml + ]; + description = "Fonts from the SVG-Font format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SVGPath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SVGPath"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "1a4rmp1rn6jv8nkab688i146ywiv4w6fp5bpm0slwgda2x0h6lp4"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Parsing the path command of SVG"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SWMMoutGetMB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754 + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SWMMoutGetMB"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "069076ckklky3hw26ff82kqnambb7yfcwf76dwzp7cahp8fpvq6l"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for SWMM 5 binary .OUT files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "SableCC2Hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath, loch-th, pretty + , text, transformers, wl-pprint-text, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SableCC2Hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sngk170p5wyi3sgjkl74fr3k570fbfabhbg0dnp8z4iw53d8jfl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers filepath loch-th pretty text transformers + wl-pprint-text xml + ]; + description = "Generate a parser (in Haskell) with the SableCC parser generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Safe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Safe"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ybi5r4635yjx41ig54bm426fbdzrivc5kn8fwqxmzm62ai0v623"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for safe (pattern match free) functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SafeSemaphore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SafeSemaphore"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "0rpg9j6fy70i0b9dkrip9d6wim0nac0snp7qzbhykjkqlcvvgr91"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Salsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, file-embed, glib, mono }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Salsa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0915mwi1ksa85in03vzm5hqbvk6ih7l0zslg5cmy7j9fc0jhgwgd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring file-embed ]; + extraLibraries = [ glib mono ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use_mono" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A .NET Bridge for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "ScratchFs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HFuse + , hsyslog, process, regex-compat, sqlite-simple, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ScratchFs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c410hnby7g5qdx1kj3shwxl0m910vl3rj3ayx6f5qsz5by5rczh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HFuse hsyslog process + regex-compat sqlite-simple unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Size limited temp filesystem based on fuse"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Scurry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, network + , network-bytestring, parsec, random, stm, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Scurry"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0iwlai8zspz08l3v7qf505mgfxn5v177kqa1x4xfssq7wzxawq8j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers network network-bytestring parsec + random stm time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A cross platform P2P VPN application built using Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SegmentTree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SegmentTree"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1hagm0y9x2j1wcgk5ibxnlh2slnxfggn79cq20ws0zvd4yqw3231"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Data structure for querying the set (or count) of intervals covering given point"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Semantique" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, classify, containers, mongoDB + , mtl, network, process, split, tagsoup, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Semantique"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1l334lvm56xr7rw135l6nj7iz4h1yskl1fcrr5rdimlw7dyw2cr8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring classify containers mongoDB mtl network process + split tagsoup text + ]; + description = "Command-line tool for maintaining the Semantique database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "Semigroup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Semigroup"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1mdw1z50gr02j5hycki5rl95b1yk7xfrdk056ajw9ghw48s0jpx6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A semigroup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SessionLogger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hslogger, mtl + , old-locale, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SessionLogger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zgjslf9p64aa7dwww44jq2f6iic1192ic98gmjsjj5ww8anl8c3"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hslogger mtl old-locale random time + ]; + description = "Easy Loggingframework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ShellCheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, json, mtl, parsec + , QuickCheck, regex-compat, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ShellCheck"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "0x4rvhpzrjkn9a9fsmp9iwv9g21hkrd8fgq05iy4wgv8nfhgv2cj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory json mtl parsec QuickCheck regex-compat + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory json mtl parsec QuickCheck regex-compat + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shell script analysis tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "Shellac" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shellac"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1js9la0hziqsmb56q9kzfycda2sw3xm4kv2y5q2h3zlw5gzc5xli"; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for creating shell envinronments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Shellac-compatline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Shellac, Shellac-editline }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shellac-compatline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "134m0krbd3vlswjxdfvv9xy9x962g7ksg1mqmmgczss9ph2dx08i"; + buildDepends = [ base Shellac Shellac-editline ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-usereadline" "-fuseeditline" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"compatline\" backend module for Shellac"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Shellac-editline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, editline, Shellac }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shellac-editline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14x4w4msh99c8vzhlv88ixb8yx43k178qz7504na68820389l9ah"; + buildDepends = [ base editline Shellac ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Editline backend module for Shellac"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Shellac-haskeline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskeline, mtl, Shellac }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shellac-haskeline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q70d5arw1yg0f8b6p3k0g3i4jbh2d8rp1cchswd3ynhinzhrnqg"; + buildDepends = [ base haskeline mtl Shellac ]; + description = "Haskeline backend module for Shellac"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Shellac-readline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, readline, Shellac }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shellac-readline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0248zzp40gadcc4xkr5dmjc4phq0xz9j4sirdncnr62y3pi4zi0n"; + buildDepends = [ base readline Shellac ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Readline backend module for Shellac"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ShowF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ShowF"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1nq4i4h43nfh86f6wgwng1ps6mcdl1ba96x9wsjl3qzn3blavyfh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Show for * -> *"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Shu-thing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Shu-thing"; + version = "1.1.3"; + sha256 = "185vcxd3qvii9k0134j634x6znvk7v83sj24a4dnw7jjsax0kqiv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A vector shooter game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SimpleAES" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mwc-random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SimpleAES"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0s85xgwrhldyr2w3kcn9f72yjajmpz3d4dizq9p9z97rx4qva4vj"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mwc-random ]; + description = "Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SimpleEA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mersenne-random-pure64, MonadRandom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SimpleEA"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0qimm9y138jjnzy5i6s5b7899rkxahk7p2kcwfry0gdq2pcb68vr"; + buildDepends = [ base mersenne-random-pure64 MonadRandom ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple evolutionary algorithm framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SimpleGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW, JuicyPixels, OpenGL, SimpleH, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SimpleGL"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0c674q5jiqvscc53m0z5vkmljla29pcll15gbvxr86pqxwmqm5hr"; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW JuicyPixels OpenGL SimpleH vector ]; + description = "A Simple Graphics Library from the SimpleH framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SimpleH" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clock, containers, cpu + , directory, filepath, network, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SimpleH"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0g05yplsm65xmx7brdcqy5kc8qcmzj96vywicwqpmigcv8pi9zmc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clock containers cpu directory filepath network + time unix + ]; + description = "A light, clean and powerful Haskell utility library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "SimpleLog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , containers, directory, ForkableT, monad-control, mtl, old-locale + , resourcet, semigroups, stm, template-haskell, text, th-lift, time + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SimpleLog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ladrn5xrbysj36dz93yrnd182qyac0dcwhh71lc6205ys89j88a"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal attoparsec base bytestring containers directory + ForkableT monad-control mtl old-locale resourcet semigroups stm + template-haskell text th-lift time transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, configurable logging"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SizeCompare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SizeCompare"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0f53vggmc1ysi1rn8zd2kafi45w20d6j7iv1jgnrqy7izpah91a7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Fast size comparison for standard containers"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Smooth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, DifferenceLogic + , FirstOrderTheory, HUnit, Proper + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Smooth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rwl5dw1vpgszhs7pjk146kp8h8n3ggvpby9y18fr7zsqgsckzcd"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers DifferenceLogic FirstOrderTheory HUnit Proper + ]; + description = "A tiny, lazy SMT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Snusmumrik" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, convertible, cpphs, directory + , filepath, haskell98, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, HFuse, hslogger, iconv + , LibZip, regex-tdfa, stm, unix, utf8-string, xml, zip + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Snusmumrik"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1f4d493hnv7fag9c2p2hnm0kc6b705z7mgdk4z6s4g24536j4ksk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring convertible directory filepath haskell98 HDBC + HDBC-sqlite3 HFuse hslogger iconv LibZip regex-tdfa stm unix + utf8-string xml + ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + extraLibraries = [ zip ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "E-library directory based on FUSE virtual file system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SoOSiM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, concurrent-supply, containers + , monad-coroutine, mtl, stm, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SoOSiM"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ghblkhf942gcidsvah8z6wigymzfng1010mp17pvacizamakcmp"; + buildDepends = [ + base concurrent-supply containers monad-coroutine mtl stm + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract full system simulator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SoccerFun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, binary, derive + , directory, mtl, process, random, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SoccerFun"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0xwgj4k1gn84sb8jc2nyxnvfp8sdmy4x5428fpvmn6n6ca8h6f17"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols binary derive directory mtl process + random zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Football simulation framework for teaching functional programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SoccerFunGL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, binary, GLUT, OpenGL + , process, random, SoccerFun + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SoccerFunGL"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1rzqibia10pl4yy64g5pqiqidhn109z0hlf38z3s57hx2zqqi9if"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols binary GLUT OpenGL process random + SoccerFun + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL UI for the SoccerFun framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Sonnex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Sonnex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fqaw4wh7ml35kl75qsvqsq17g5pndf7x6clcmqxpwayjn2syzda"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sonnex is an alternative to Soundex for french language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "SourceGraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, fgl, filepath + , Graphalyze, graphviz, haskell-src-exts, mtl, multiset, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SourceGraph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03psglm6xyqvcgnbimidafy51kwpipk5q6s8ip5vhjm2d5makkhm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory fgl filepath Graphalyze graphviz + haskell-src-exts mtl multiset random + ]; + description = "Static code analysis using graph-theoretic techniques"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "SpaceInvaders" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HGL, random, Yampa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SpaceInvaders"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "1idy95ym336c19rcvvrm8j9lgf77bs10hhmrnw2jc55m1z93m683"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base HGL random Yampa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Video game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "SpacePrivateers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, enummapset-th, filepath + , LambdaHack, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SpacePrivateers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gj709knv4lvz34900jigb1hiq35acbbl86iwa5yszibm8f0drkh"; + editedCabalFile = "b59d607892ad860616cef196c83ff54388204102eae597acf88467a2f54764bf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers enummapset-th filepath LambdaHack template-haskell + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple space pirate roguelike"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Spock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, directory, hashable, hspec + , hspec-wai, http-types, monad-control, mtl, old-locale + , path-pieces, random, reroute, resource-pool, resourcet, stm, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , vault, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Spock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05x079fshksgm0p56jb0mqkl7wnz7fdmyjyn96h6x80wgw5b6a7q"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring case-insensitive containers + directory hashable http-types monad-control mtl old-locale + path-pieces random reroute resource-pool resourcet stm text time + transformers transformers-base unordered-containers vault wai + wai-extra warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-wai http-types text wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Another Haskell web framework for rapid development"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Spock-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-types, Spock, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Spock-auth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vcrl5dqjn0ri9ybza2yv80xvbv2iwrz5hj5rbhgy6i803ixlpx0"; + buildDepends = [ base http-types Spock text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides authentification helpers for Spock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Spock-digestive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, digestive-functors, http-types, mtl, Spock + , text, unordered-containers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Spock-digestive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "044cw2hfgwa21kjbmby5asfmdjahhadk8iyqk221pixddw7z6s67"; + buildDepends = [ + base digestive-functors http-types mtl Spock text + unordered-containers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Digestive functors support for Spock"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Spock-worker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTF, lifted-base, mtl, Spock + , stm, text, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Spock-worker"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pxh7ccqb6xpab0807vsfb65lk4bafa44fram1f4d84slggyn1a1"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers lifted-base mtl Spock stm text time transformers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HTF stm vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Background workers for Spock"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "SpreadsheetML" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SpreadsheetML"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14d3fk0cal0svb2clbhbbk48fygwvb0k01aawfm72576mrz9mb18"; + buildDepends = [ base xml ]; + description = "Write support for Excel's SpreadsheetML format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Sprig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Sprig"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06jxs1hc69viv38nvafhn8ilj3xn2j9k543abgd8p69gc95w1lbn"; + buildDepends = [ base SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to Sprig"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Stasis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Stasis"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1pycmc30hg7vzf3addl0kdd74hpamzg3c1z4fj6fzr4542afhcq8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple MVCC like library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StateVar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StateVar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02n2sxxkr0ydc77dc3amwp5jrw289d2s2z55rhrmhxxg1c7lp5js"; + editedCabalFile = "6273f114730b018634c3ad1387264be2fa05f538b3057209ede31172be0d766f"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "State variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StateVar-transformer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StateVar-transformer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dbpxwjz6yf4ap20wm5ngvd0i0knkjsdahmd90ymddqj82v8w3d0"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "State variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StatisticalMethods" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, statistics, tuple, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StatisticalMethods"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h90i6crknxv23zryqi7mfzg65g1ydv62mza1hiri66jlmdahir6"; + buildDepends = [ base statistics tuple vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collection of useful statistical methods"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Stomp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, network, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Stomp"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0fdibnhab5j03df70pfg9psk6ah80a91ds4nmlb0rdlldddbi3wn"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring network time utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for Stomp brokers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Strafunski-ATermLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Strafunski-ATermLib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cicz4d5kyl9j4y3p79m3fk56vcqk3220a6y536dw525x6180dzw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "An abstract data type designed for the exchange of tree-like data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Strafunski-Sdf2Haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell-src, mtl, pretty, process + , Strafunski-ATermLib, Strafunski-StrategyLib, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Strafunski-Sdf2Haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h73yj74pl0k3p7vamqhw1jz36pvh8kfpw58gkmskdmkh7j6wb30"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory haskell-src mtl pretty process Strafunski-ATermLib + Strafunski-StrategyLib template-haskell + ]; + description = "Converts SDF to Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Strafunski-StrategyLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Strafunski-StrategyLib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0miffjc8li5l1jarmz8l34z5mx3q68pyxghsi1lbda51bzz3wy1g"; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl syb ]; + description = "Library for strategic programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StrappedTemplates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , filemanip, filepath, hspec, mtl, parsec, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StrappedTemplates"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l2zdn3brrlsii9j14gfg7nfjvwswqgsnm7l4hcy51a6k0s3pnn7"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers filemanip filepath mtl + parsec text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base blaze-builder bytestring hspec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "General purpose templates in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StrategyLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StrategyLib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sskndywpm1gi4bs4i1gah73jk49inlscg4jzcqhq0phb8f886xk"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.unfree; + }) {}; + + "Stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lazysmallcheck, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Stream"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08h0h6pwvfcj92n7mk5za36x9agpqnax12cjlvd68zwghjf9qxy3"; + buildDepends = [ base lazysmallcheck QuickCheck ]; + description = "A library for manipulating infinite lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "StrictBench" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, benchpress, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "StrictBench"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1l4l77rjhl5g9089kjyarsrvbvm43bk370ld50qp17dqhvisl73m"; + buildDepends = [ base benchpress parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Benchmarking code through strict evaluation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "SybWidget" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, syb-with-class + , template-haskell, TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SybWidget"; + version = "0.5.6"; + sha256 = "0m3papl90fs3zmlqxsjn0cymk049352cl42bif2x7gij75cv2b68"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl syb-with-class template-haskell TypeCompose + ]; + description = "Library which aids constructing generic (SYB3-based) widgets"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "SyntaxMacros" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AspectAG, base, containers, HList, ListLike + , template-haskell, TTTAS, uu-parsinglib, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "SyntaxMacros"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "155vkv7kg026zc2crywdyna1df98mw41qm0sadqihaj49xk59vyc"; + buildDepends = [ + AspectAG base containers HList ListLike template-haskell TTTAS + uu-parsinglib uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Syntax Macros in the form of an EDSL"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Sysmon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, filepath, fingertree, Glob + , MissingH, mtl, old-locale, pretty, statistics, template-haskell + , time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Sysmon"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1zyp333vicjarcmip2q52nzfv948yl2q6qr3k3glp4v4m8f75ap3"; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile filepath fingertree Glob MissingH mtl old-locale + pretty statistics template-haskell time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sybase 15 sysmon reports processor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TBC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, deepseq, directory, filepath, process + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TBC"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1063ckv034mb6s41xy8pr387y1hnknkyk4r29vmzdrm3pdcyzdn3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal deepseq directory filepath process unix + ]; + description = "Testing By Convention"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TBit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, fgl, free, haskeline + , hmatrix, integration, list-extras, mtl, numeric-tools, parallel + , stream-fusion + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TBit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qccd23x1qcng207dl82h7wifh2cc7aaapf9qrg0m5jz3fa5cvkm"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq fgl free haskeline hmatrix integration + list-extras mtl numeric-tools parallel stream-fusion + ]; + description = "Utilities for condensed matter physics tight binding calculations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TCache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , hashtables, mtl, old-time, RefSerialize, stm, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TCache"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "0marslz5jg66r3i2d0yjjrj11bpywpadcxs5k4j6782iczxybd7s"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory hashtables mtl old-time + RefSerialize stm text + ]; + description = "A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TTTAS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TTTAS"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0wag5mnhn6h3gp92w0amngqfdwwbsmvdwmcpymxq6zjj6zmdzs7k"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typed Transformations of Typed Abstract Syntax"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "TV" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, DeepArrow, TypeCompose }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TV"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0vz9j5vjypnkbzld18f6kczfj54disf43x5052s4n7gqzsjxpxvb"; + buildDepends = [ base DeepArrow TypeCompose ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tangible Values -- composable interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TYB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TYB"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1rdwj6dg156i60i7s8xr310j0yza41jjqk6pmgx2giqjs122dz5n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mtl template-haskell transformers + ]; + description = "Template Your Boilerplate - a Template Haskell version of SYB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TableAlgebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HaXml, mtl, pretty + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TableAlgebra"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "1jqkjnyznklyiy2shm4c9gix267war1hmsjncdmailhca41fs4bz"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HaXml mtl pretty template-haskell + ]; + description = "Ferry Table Algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Tables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cookbook }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Tables"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02a6awbqwhmv7c74lgbp35ykqn31mgwp7ffd0j4rs42vv1a4ffkr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cookbook ]; + description = "A client for Quill databases"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Tablify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Tablify"; + version = "0.8.2"; + sha256 = "10w3idjhrgmkrkjblrmb2wb2s2fg657nw5rmg5k147wrgrkzbsz3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec xhtml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool to render CSV into tables of various formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Takusen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, old-time, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Takusen"; + version = "0.8.7"; + sha256 = "0mxck66rz6lplgcl3a3i0gaybc2ki0q7wfilhkp2f3h3m50fg7wy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-time time ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-buildtests" "-f-sqlite" "-f-postgres" "-f-oracle" "-f-odbc" + ]; + description = "Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Tape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, distributive, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Tape"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d66l67cicn3q4a6glfxfkhc9cjm7vqi0bnyjad0bzyyv409j6bp"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad distributive Stream ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bidirectionally infinite streams, akin to the tape of a Turing machine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TeaHS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, SDL, SDL-image + , SDL-mixer, SFont, Sprig + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TeaHS"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1326lrpkw2gyn7y9px38gyzi2cnx87ki65r6mwds746d1s1zmmcn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mtl SDL SDL-image SDL-mixer SFont Sprig + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TeaHS Game Creation Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Tensor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Tensor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vn409805p5b47v5mf7rk0gypqag5bn1pzlsmsp9blr3jyj6dgph"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tensor data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TernaryTrees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TernaryTrees"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06m4mi9cl16sfyn9wibb0ph32vhgf501adjq059s3hdlxr4acdwr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary ]; + description = "Efficient pure ternary tree Sets and Maps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Theora" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ogg, theora }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Theora"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1gw97mxwb6ywc4qvfggjzsryl0m4g6g30ljx4xcvy6snfmgv00ig"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ ogg theora ]; + license = "GPL"; + }) { ogg = null; theora = null; }; + + "Thingie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Thingie"; + version = "0.80"; + sha256 = "0fl6pk2vp765gyzc4afjdg0lgbnh5v08gfbp0kzny4ng25bmxqwa"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo gtk mtl ]; + description = "Purely functional 2D drawing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ThreadObjects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ThreadObjects"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0rpcv6kw351ykj36f83qdqygrhk4ylqlcgcswxl8gg1v33jaaqmz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Mutable objects that reside in their own threads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "Thrift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, ghc-prim, HTTP, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Thrift"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yk496zql0jpyj83ybdzffc03sylf5pwn093k831m99j54l2r5yv"; + editedCabalFile = "56a8ab041685777391702f1475e5c2a3462b36765bd53de2e21e1f55aa5999d9"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ghc-prim HTTP network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "TicTacToe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TicTacToe"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0542hripn5nlwdvnhkd9xzzh2b1x6alwnqxq877r92c7kqnlffw4"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A sub-project (exercise) for a functional programming course"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TigerHash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, dataenc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TigerHash"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "02plz1y7lmvp3jpl5srsnx2nkl6yhhfn6pqj00szs688cahk2dik"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring dataenc ]; + description = "TigerHash with C implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "TimePiece" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, old-locale, old-time, random + , SDL, SDL-gfx, SDL-image, SDL-ttf + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TimePiece"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1ylf4kzyf947szgib0ivkvygbinmy97nvy77d0crryzxdmccrzbj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers old-locale old-time random SDL SDL-gfx SDL-image + SDL-ttf + ]; + description = "A simple tile-based digital clock screen saver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "TinyLaunchbury" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TinyLaunchbury"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1xxadd8pqbgl0z8vrqn8fm6x0c9l2y3a7irjmjkh9750x6hdb4b9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Simple implementation of call-by-need using Launchbury's semantics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TinyURL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TinyURL"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0y8bl6w3ix2zjhm10wazgi70sr02ydc3hrwjbr6whk341n140wsh"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network ]; + description = "Use TinyURL to compress URLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Top" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Top"; + version = "1.7"; + sha256 = "0ykicqwayja14z30hn5cy3c96sikqhbyrh0bcqykk9izwhxs339x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint solving framework employed by the Helium Compiler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "Tournament" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Tournament"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1yzgcsp3g5sfyxavq1firna5z5m9bnk9ddrbxxmpy1yydmj1n5jk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tournament related algorithms"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "TraceUtils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TraceUtils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0la19yynd7bpswi9012hf0vl9c4fdnn8p6y0287xanmdcs9zqz16"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions that should have been in Debug.Trace"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TransformersStepByStep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TransformersStepByStep"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dxxgwcn4in3rpfn77c4g8h6l7326m8ikcsrl7pm6gifw667qpmv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tutorial to monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Transhare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Transhare"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "04n1ld6h3q71iqnvwyabzj69vdy2x98w0drriyx13ykywbd31036"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "A library to apply transformation to containers so as to maximize sharing of unchanged subcomponents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TreeStructures" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TreeStructures"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1lcj166i8f7850fqjv7xqxdn6zwpdynzxn3bf243wdnwmnn5pysx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of heaps and search trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TreeT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TreeT"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0d1k4nblcnksh2j6b4v14r2xd2kn6cmqmyqhmy6wyz3kr0lyzxqd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers ]; + description = "Transformer for Data.Tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "TrendGraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib + , mtl, optparse-applicative, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TrendGraph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rdlimlbdpa089knhnqzgxc8ngqag4m4w3r92jd95kwnmr8nizkp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib mtl + optparse-applicative time + ]; + description = "A simple trend Graph script"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "TrieMap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, primitive + , template-haskell, th-expand-syns, transformers, unpack-funcs + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TrieMap"; + version = "4.1.0"; + sha256 = "14wril1sa35cja66y7ah9qwr3bmsi985y7rlxyj12x2fv6dclpc4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers primitive template-haskell + th-expand-syns transformers unpack-funcs vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" ]; + description = "Automatic type inference of generalized tries with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Twofish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cereal + , crypto-api, HUnit, largeword, mtl, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Twofish"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1bv79582fxwgk255fhss6k8irb7mlbdvlvvx8jyzs16g3fyw1y5a"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cereal crypto-api largeword mtl tagged + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cereal crypto-api HUnit largeword + tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the Twofish Symmetric-key cipher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TypeClass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, random + , reactive-banana, reactive-banana-sdl, SDL, SDL-ttf, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TypeClass"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0crymgw91xx0hblbmz488x39i2qzf9c15kv5x950ljmpyrhy5jhv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath random reactive-banana reactive-banana-sdl + SDL SDL-ttf transformers + ]; + description = "Typing speed game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TypeCompose" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TypeCompose"; + version = "0.9.10"; + sha256 = "1wpldqdf6czl36fs4pvvj2z3kg1487sanqncp4rbmgrrhbfmqxxq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type composition classes & instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TypeIlluminator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TypeIlluminator"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "02ck7sik5wvh989k9ban1m2dlpfld0d0zs7sqb12m1f6wls7fghc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TypeIlluminator is a prototype tool exploring debugging of type errors/"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "TypingTester" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "TypingTester"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07qwvmdh5164v552qkk4fm66nlvb4dcv0wh5jircfgh7gsd60l6n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command Line Typing speed tester"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "UISF" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, containers, deepseq, GLFW, monadIO + , OpenGL, stm, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "UISF"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m8i09f7b066x0nzsgqq8wgnhbrwml913gagfmbk4sny1ysmjb3f"; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base containers deepseq GLFW monadIO OpenGL stm transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for Arrowized Graphical User Interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "UMM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, old-time, parsec, process + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "UMM"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0k9kvlkcznk6ydfcymzzh0a4j4zkl5iblvnx6fkmk8xah1qnkq5h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 old-time parsec process utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small command-line accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "URLT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, Consumer + , happstack-server, hsp, hsx, mtl, QuickCheck, regular + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "URLT"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "14qlyrc3ins3lwhd2c8lyhm1j3v6nj4qgs5g9xys4w6hnndz2g3s"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base Consumer happstack-server hsp hsx mtl + QuickCheck regular template-haskell + ]; + description = "Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "URLb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "URLb"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1l62z7798bby4fbrz62ic802g8zah3flb2pmsd3ky7y5903s3nxr"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DEPRECATED A simple, liberal URL parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Unique" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Unique"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0qylqb71gkvfwnnz4ij22x79y583y409fszqnyqd6dc90gycfm98"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "It provides the functionality like unix \"uniq\" utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Unixutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, process + , pureMD5, regex-tdfa, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Unixutils"; + version = "1.52"; + sha256 = "1gp04mc6irycwazykl9kpyhkkryn3hbnpn08ih6cjbsm3p8yi8b4"; + editedCabalFile = "b18a7877e54a659790eee0910d64d47f034e3ba1b4b2c1dcbabb494951317d31"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath process pureMD5 regex-tdfa unix + zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A crude interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Unixutils-shadow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Unixutils-shadow"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "11m8lgq2rjvh7j8si7sqixf4k4ns65jy0zp6apqp0xc23c1znyr7"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple interface to shadow passwords (aka, shadow.h)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "UrlDisp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, MaybeT, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "UrlDisp"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "1y21v5k7s9sj8z5r3czp5i80x40zvyqxzr1xl28ardwj5q5rrvzp"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi MaybeT mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Url dispatcher. Helps to retain friendly URLs in web applications."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Useful" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Useful"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "01xb68qh29q6b0pdxvadqw7q1p855k14jdz1qjlhg6785n0qp954"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random ]; + description = "Some useful functions and shorthands"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "UtilityTM" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "UtilityTM"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1mjy3w4sw32rbmm13yhmpidfsj91v3p58jvki16z0kzk3fswpa85"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions that are missing from the standard library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "VKHS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bimap, bytestring, containers, curl + , directory, failure, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec + , pretty-show, regexpr, safe, split, tagsoup, tagsoup-parsec + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "VKHS"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "118af4y7vgwxnblgrqza869f1xcqq1nh6006w9vs2mys4vddchcy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bimap bytestring containers directory failure filepath + mtl optparse-applicative parsec pretty-show regexpr safe split + tagsoup tagsoup-parsec template-haskell text time transformers + utf8-string vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ curl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides access to Vkontakte social network via public API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) curl; }; + + "Validation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, semigroupoids, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Validation"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "10smif8y5bgjiarag3ws131kwji32mlh6mqfnmmp20xf41fsm0z3"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors semigroupoids semigroups ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Vec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Vec"; + version = "1.0.5"; + sha256 = "0hyk553pdn72zc1i82njz3md8ycmzfiwi799y08qr3fg0i8r88zm"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fixed-length lists and low-dimensional linear algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Vec-Boolean" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Vec-Boolean"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "0zxxpychddmlrv7r190gn4dl282ak4qfk2d92l24qxi9fds1rshk"; + buildDepends = [ base Boolean Vec ]; + description = "Provides Boolean instances for the Vec package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Vec-OpenGLRaw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenGLRaw, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Vec-OpenGLRaw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qsi1s8qp3fkr5alh2m7y1a1lm5xypjvmk174ywf0aga2y20bblm"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGLRaw Vec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances and functions to interoperate Vec and OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Vec-Transform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Vec-Transform"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0jwi9kgij8xd0419nkksgffwcn94fz6ijdq8s29b771409a1pkfc"; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package is obsolete"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "VecN" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Peano }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "VecN"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hv8idxv9gniwwjs67q75bbcc5ry9r05cxjmsxk0q54l8zscdss2"; + buildDepends = [ base Peano ]; + description = "a simple peano-indexed vector type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ViennaRNA-bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, c2hs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ViennaRNA-bindings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06zz3svdsy6qzbj7s02sbifkprmm58r14ss46r6680c9ybw9w5l3"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ViennaRNA v2 bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "WAVE" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, parseargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WAVE"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1cgla9y1lwcsdad5qdspymd7s6skdw961fgzh02kvi7gjbrrcyi7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers parseargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAVE audio file IO library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WL500gPControl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, unix, WL500gPLib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WL500gPControl"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0gbjb432758wvd3p5brb4kjn037x6h30bzvn9f681pg0m1w52hgv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl unix WL500gPLib ]; + description = "A simple command line tools to control the Asus WL500gP router"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WL500gPLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, mtl, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WL500gPLib"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "15w065yg8hjhljgnmx88fnryhbh7dysmsqmpr9qnj96as7vrkwgs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base curl mtl tagsoup ]; + description = "A simple library to access to the WL 500gP router from the Haskell code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WMSigner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , cryptohash, directory, hspec, lens, mtl, random, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WMSigner"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0im8rfyfnhq2s445cjm4xvnqqs8pgpavhmyk98jqshpfm9d1cd6q"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring binary bytestring cryptohash directory lens + mtl random split vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cryptohash hspec lens random split vector + ]; + description = "WebMoney authentication module"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "WURFL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WURFL"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "13vfszyfyxwz4zi8zilifd0jad1gwlr75x931q8qbpi1kwr7mivk"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 parsec ]; + description = "Convert the WURFL file into a Parsec parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WXDiffCtrl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WXDiffCtrl"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0vv8s483g3dkxyk833cjczj0a5zxiy9xh56kij6n0jjyzxb9bz0k"; + buildDepends = [ base containers wx wxcore ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WXDiffCtrl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WashNGo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, ghc-paths, haskell98 + , parsec, process, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WashNGo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11d9cwqfpvf999a5fi3a3v5b4gdrszzgf4gbdhx63afy42ylbnfj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory ghc-paths haskell98 parsec process + regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WASH is a family of EDSLs for programming Web applications in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WebBits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, pretty, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WebBits"; + version = "2.2"; + sha256 = "1frmnjbpgm76dzs1p4766fb6isqc3pxv4dnj8sdhnfliv5j0xv2z"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec pretty syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JavaScript analysis tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WebBits-Html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, pretty, syb + , WebBits + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WebBits-Html"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "18dd52970cd27kra4l89vvrx2mrdbqd4w4f76xrq3142daxsagal"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec pretty syb WebBits ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JavaScript analysis tools"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "WebBits-multiplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, multiplate, multiplate-simplified + , transformers, WebBits + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WebBits-multiplate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j3difi3f1w6bgbnsvqw9cv88aikin22myli0lx29pqn7xhqsbv3"; + buildDepends = [ + base multiplate multiplate-simplified transformers WebBits + ]; + description = "A Multiplate instance for JavaScript"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "WebCont" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, concatenative + , containers, formlets, happstack-server, happstack-state + , happstack-util, mtl, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WebCont"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1lr5iz0kqhr8w0c7038mlbysw1c3lbzfjis085n68ib104ykyyi6"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base concatenative containers formlets + happstack-server happstack-state happstack-util mtl utf8-string + xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Continuation based web programming for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WeberLogic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WeberLogic"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0nl79q3y2qi0xnkppxj8d9h96hfwrgb3gksm2x1zp9lq7836562z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Logic interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Webrexp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, HaXml, HTTP, hxt, mtl, network, parsec + , process, regex-pcre-builtin, template-haskell, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Webrexp"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "1iv969gd4xmagw74i6fmw4d864zxlzi4yf0y9ns1nvijn7w7s5jb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base bytestring containers directory filepath HaXml + HTTP hxt mtl network parsec process regex-pcre-builtin + template-haskell text transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-optimize" ]; + description = "Regexp-like engine to scrap web data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Wheb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, cookie, http-types, HUnit, mtl, pwstore-fast + , QuickCheck, stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, transformers, unix, uuid + , wai, wai-extra, wai-websockets, warp, web-routes, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Wheb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13x204lz2azfrry38w791rni2d0g9xsg5lhajrkrgfhdn56yrzqs"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive containers cookie + http-types mtl pwstore-fast stm text time transformers unix uuid + wai wai-extra wai-websockets warp web-routes websockets + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The frictionless WAI Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WikimediaParser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WikimediaParser"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rzpf8z414qvkbks16zizsxsinvbdxbm1n0dbav11p286791xx1j"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "A parser for wikimedia style article markup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Win32" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, advapi32, base, bytestring, gdi32, shell32 + , shfolder, user32, winmm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s2hp50yb91cmj78shpp7s7v096y6lnipk4j7h3lxph3zgj06zsi"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ advapi32 gdi32 shell32 shfolder user32 winmm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to part of the Win32 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { advapi32 = null; gdi32 = null; shell32 = null; + shfolder = null; user32 = null; winmm = null; }; + + "Win32-dhcp-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, Win32, Win32-errors }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-dhcp-server"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1y2war9adqkwc3zy2g45nvg7ccp4axdbjkn54mnhf34q6n4dwwg8"; + buildDepends = [ base text Win32 Win32-errors ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Win32 DHCP Server Management API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Win32-errors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, text, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-errors"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "13rqqk06r3rc9j6j72qcna26lj0r2fbrzys9zgr91knik9msl5di"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell text Win32 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative error handling for Win32 foreign calls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Win32-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, imm32, msimg32, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00lrqvsa74mqv0k4yz00j2jdpmchkyhcicqv24z9a53iv1i0xp7h"; + buildDepends = [ base Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ imm32 msimg32 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides missing Win32 API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { imm32 = null; msimg32 = null; }; + + "Win32-junction-point" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, Win32, Win32-errors }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-junction-point"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1cbk6d47h83pp77522j55yy90vhi0d1jjb7rd1s98k6422fb316s"; + buildDepends = [ base text Win32 Win32-errors ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for manipulating NTFS junction points"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Win32-notify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-notify"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0mykxfasrl44fg7d7dzi0kabcsxhq3pa86pcy53ppgskn42g8x80"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory Win32 ]; + description = "A binding to part of the Win32 library for file notification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Win32-services" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, Advapi32, base, errors, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-services"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "006aiikccdgbv6m84z3wkkd3g5yn6zy85lb25b6c7r3rwxqm34d1"; + buildDepends = [ base errors Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ Advapi32 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Windows service applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Advapi32 = null; }; + + "Win32-services-wrapper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, Win32, Win32-services + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Win32-services-wrapper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01fvb9sraqw1ar5pvs8s23y8syix50wh6yifsm65fs4vy1nk3xfb"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath Win32 Win32-services ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-warn-as-error" ]; + description = "Wrapper code for making a Win32 service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Wired" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chalmers-lava2000, containers, mtl + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Wired"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "14zxf849r4k3mk5i5rakfjp2f216sz84ww4hfggq9cnr9w8j406j"; + buildDepends = [ + base chalmers-lava2000 containers mtl QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wire-aware hardware description"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WordNet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WordNet"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0b44xxkihafzsw25xx484xxw17zlzzqbj0bx8cs2nvf3p7jxd02k"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers filepath ]; + description = "Haskell interface to the WordNet database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WordNet-ghc74" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WordNet-ghc74"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1ab5wybawa3dfq89dn0g3zdhsqd03bcm3qky2d4z6irw7afdqrr8"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Haskell interface to the WordNet database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Wordlint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boxes, cmdargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Wordlint"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v3kl5cfwjigrhxw534h628qlzw52w6gd4n6ri8cqjmvkgklr5vp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base boxes cmdargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Plaintext prose redundancy linter"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "Workflow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , exceptions, extensible-exceptions, mtl, old-time, RefSerialize + , stm, TCache, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Workflow"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0z23g68gcbbn43i78cql4is9js3m4z16rm2x8s57f73n0hx7f00l"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory exceptions + extensible-exceptions mtl old-time RefSerialize stm TCache vector + ]; + description = "Workflow patterns over a monad for thread state logging & recovery"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "WxGeneric" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, SybWidget, wx, wxcore, xtc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "WxGeneric"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0lvbdmb1qwsz8bz0z715nzgbpshfckm4syk1ny52akkb4ddkrd60"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl SybWidget wx wxcore xtc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic (SYB3) construction of wxHaskell widgets"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "X11" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, libX11, libXext, libXinerama + , libXrandr, libXrender + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kzjcynm3rr83ihqx2y2d852jc49da4p18gv6jzm7g87z22x85jj"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default ]; + extraLibraries = [ + libX11 libXext libXinerama libXrandr libXrender + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the X11 graphics library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "X11-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libX11, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-extras"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1cpjr09gddcjd0wqwvaankv1zj7fyc6hbfdvar63f51g3vvw627a"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 ]; + description = "Missing bindings to the X11 graphics library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "X11-rm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-rm"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "11jxlaad9jgjddd5v8ygy2rdrajrbm9dlp6f0mslvxa2wzn4v4r3"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + description = "A binding to the resource management functions missing from X11"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "X11-xdamage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, X11, Xdamage }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-xdamage"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0r6dq9xx0v100162y7bvkj1l0lv5m697y35c659kgjj0mg8p9bjv"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ Xdamage ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the Xdamage X11 extension library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Xdamage = null; }; + + "X11-xfixes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, X11, Xfixes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-xfixes"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0wwhyqqybrjvy8mi5d5429wraky93xq348gr9ldhg2qj95hj13yk"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ Xfixes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the Xfixes X11 extension library"; + license =; + }) { Xfixes = null; }; + + "X11-xft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fontconfig, freetype, libXft, pkgconfig + , utf8-string, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-xft"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1lgqb0s2qfwwgbvwxhjbi23rbwamzdi0l0slfr20c3jpcbp3zfjf"; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ fontconfig freetype pkgconfig ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libXft ]; + description = "Bindings to the Xft, X Free Type interface library, and some Xrender parts"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "X11-xshape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "X11-xshape"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "19p71lc0hihfn0xzl29j01kd0zf9yalspwj7dava0ybc1rm3g62h"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the Xshape X11 extension library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "XAttr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XAttr"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16vap0rw026lgxfcqpdfsx7l26ik97rhkkv1mg2j61akydhijs67"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "Read, set, and list extended attributes"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "XInput" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Win32, xinput }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XInput"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kk0gccv83mw8463x29c7rpl5davmhk9vyf82i4rbksgrdzkhjh9"; + buildDepends = [ base Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ xinput ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the DirectX XInput library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "XMMS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, xmmsclient, xmmsclient-glib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XMMS"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "08l53b0wp6v9wjfn53xfa1vlh64bnqidajc4lzlk8p31km1c09qx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + extraLibraries = [ xmmsclient xmmsclient-glib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XMMS2 client library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { xmmsclient = null; xmmsclient-glib = null; }; + + "XMPP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, hsdns, mtl, network, parsec + , random, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XMPP"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "03gypa9kln2v3zqyxszn4k2x364g8wj0hppsy10ywmandghsvn7b"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 hsdns mtl network parsec random utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XMPP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "XSaiga" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, hsparql, pretty, rdf4h + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XSaiga"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0smf0ym26kv0fa34plnsndxp5hflc7w6g0wbkg6n4cy9bz4sgd4z"; + editedCabalFile = "a152097b5010d51d0192d2c1748dce912a050f3f705f5a4b86ffa7a2f726488f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cgi containers hsparql pretty rdf4h text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Xauth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xau }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Xauth"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1mvflp6y1nz9961gngbwk0b7wr8sx3p6296jfvvb6ln1kvm2scxs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ xau ]; + description = "A binding to the X11 authentication library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { xau = null; }; + + "Xec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cairo, containers + , directory, filepath, gtk, mtl, old-time, SHA, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Xec"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "1n3y232v9i5jzbshk2zw675g09snc45ni60acmi6kvfsk7nkmfw8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cairo containers directory filepath gtk mtl + old-time SHA unix + ]; + description = "Gtk command launcher with identicon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "XmlHtmlWriter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "XmlHtmlWriter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dv5nvvqy6w0ndjyab4bwhjpw1hlx8xi4bv2jw4rl8v6y68bilk1"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing XML and HTML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "YACPong" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor-transformers, fclabels + , monads-fd, random, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, SDL-ttf + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "YACPong"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1r2n1vbzq755p68fzb5f6fm1yjfq2c5jgx52ri9p5rlrwmfk3hw5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-accessor-transformers fclabels monads-fd random SDL + SDL-image SDL-mixer SDL-ttf transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet Another Pong Clone using SDL"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "YFrob" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HGL, Yampa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "YFrob"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "17pp79yr8jfmhx85vlr5kx7q5wha48p3ra7l4ligd583yxzvlnif"; + buildDepends = [ array base HGL Yampa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yampa-based library for programming robots"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Yablog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring + , case-insensitive, clientsession, conduit, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hamlet, hjsmin, http-conduit + , http-types, mime-mail, monad-control, mtl, network, old-locale + , pandoc, pandoc-types, persistent, persistent-mongoDB, resourcet + , shakespeare-css, shakespeare-js, shakespeare-text + , template-haskell, temporary, text, time, wai, wai-extra + , xml-conduit, xml-hamlet, yaml, yesod, yesod-auth, yesod-core + , yesod-default, yesod-form, yesod-newsfeed, yesod-platform + , yesod-recaptcha, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Yablog"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0qa7m9y3dclr2r2vpd2cmpc58nib158hnr49hrdjvk00ncd4lyvk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring case-insensitive + clientsession conduit containers data-default directory filepath + hamlet hjsmin http-conduit http-types mime-mail monad-control mtl + network old-locale pandoc pandoc-types persistent + persistent-mongoDB resourcet shakespeare-css shakespeare-js + shakespeare-text template-haskell temporary text time wai wai-extra + xml-conduit xml-hamlet yaml yesod yesod-auth yesod-core + yesod-default yesod-form yesod-newsfeed yesod-platform + yesod-recaptcha yesod-static + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-library-only" "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple blog engine powered by Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "YamlReference" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, dlist + , HUnit, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "YamlReference"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0nk7zw3ikv459hzrs0si06j4qf2yrgggsiv8vpm0r1lg5v5l3vng"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory dlist HUnit regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "YAML reference implementation"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "Yampa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Yampa"; + version = "0.9.6"; + sha256 = "0a1m0sb0i3kkxbp10vpqd6iw83ksm4alavrg04arzrv71p3skyg0"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for programming hybrid systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "YampaSynth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, HCodecs + , Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "YampaSynth"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "028a7lrfyikvky52s19kffssnry1grnip3sm7z55bs5fazma1im1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers HCodecs Yampa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-gtk" "-f-openal" "-fwav" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Software synthesizer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Yocto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Yocto"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1krp17rw25b7a280rf3idpfzkx39kpfcjqwznz96y0d2sdqbhg6p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "Yogurt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, network, old-locale + , process, readline, regex-posix, syb, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Yogurt"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "04fzixjgsn0azx2dp352kipxdijfafsm5dnrcvxpxdxms35npffq"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl network old-locale process readline regex-posix + syb time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-freadline" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A MUD client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Yogurt-Standalone" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hint, mtl, network, old-locale + , process, readline, regex-posix, syb, time, Yogurt + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Yogurt-Standalone"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "151kamqwdwnhinvsmzdq9ckryyvnrf9ihzw6qm4j851y375452hl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hint mtl network old-locale process regex-posix syb + time Yogurt + ]; + extraLibraries = [ readline ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functional MUD client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) readline; }; + + "ZFS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, CC-delcont, containers, mtl, network, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ZFS"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1mwpcgkw1cci2grhb8vl081wykkgsmfbanwapp10mrzzp0df1yzr"; + buildDepends = [ base CC-delcont containers mtl network unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Oleg's Zipper FS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "ZMachine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, gtk, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ZMachine"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1s005k892z9651mr2jj0jdwpm8aa0y72vi405xi4h6czg52i4rb3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base gtk mtl random ]; + description = "A Z-machine interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ZipFold" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, TypeCompose }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ZipFold"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "05cnpl9c6i0j8jqr4j43b32jgryv34gahimhp9g1m45idgnl2sn0"; + buildDepends = [ base TypeCompose ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Zipping folds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ZipperAG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syz }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ZipperAG"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "0nl08r7s3r5hr5jag499fillca16wsb8yqz1dlzydvacqcklcxr9"; + buildDepends = [ base syz ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementationg of Attribute Grammars using Functional Zippers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Zora" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, fgl + , graphviz, random, shelly, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Zora"; + version = "1.1.21"; + sha256 = "145mn0d9610hnc6p489s7b6ar63shbcm2rs83ij3ravdnp52ykjn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory fgl graphviz random shelly + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graphing library wrapper + assorted useful functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "Zwaluw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "Zwaluw"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1crvcvni5gzpc1c6cnaqqp0gng1l9gk9d8ac23967nvp82xav7s1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for bidirectional URL routing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "a50" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biofasta, biopsl, cmdargs, containers + , directory, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "a50"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0jfnf0rq3rfic196zjwbaiamyis98zrr8d4zn2myjlgqlzhljzs0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base biofasta biopsl cmdargs containers directory process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compare genome assemblies"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "abacate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abacate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lxsn3n77fk7jl8i76nffj1zngvi2s38y17s54ha29h8hrp3s3dg"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec text ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for a language similar to Cucumber's Gherkin"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "abc-puzzle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, minisat, random, random-shuffle, Safe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abc-puzzle"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0i162j9wlpcisqzf9klqvag9hrs9v7araw4l16cvw0yrifvqzswd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base minisat random random-shuffle Safe ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate instances of the ABC Logic Puzzle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abcBridge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abc, aig, base, c2hs, containers, directory + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-ant-xml, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abcBridge"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1wilwysn0rxlg5q971pa3njqmbmn8sdi4zsiqr8mc6aqlckws9b4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aig base containers directory vector ]; + testDepends = [ + aig base directory QuickCheck tasty tasty-ant-xml tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ abc ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fenable-pthreads" ]; + description = "Bindings for ABC, A System for Sequential Synthesis and Verification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abcnotation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, prettify, process, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abcnotation"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "18qb8qdlfi3r8vv8aagsz65iv2clyj9lzn0q29m4gpvzgncsn22n"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec prettify process semigroups ]; + description = "Haskell representation and parser for ABC notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bson, bytestring + , data-default-class, scientific, text, time, unordered-containers + , uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g258gfk7sk8hsd4nixah0vj69rwphvv6aywsvdldm8pbw51sy1c"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bson bytestring data-default-class + scientific text time unordered-containers uuid vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "interconversion between aeson and bson"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "abstract-deque" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abstract-deque"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "18jwswjxwzc9bjiy4ds6hw2a74ki797jmfcifxd2ga4kh7ri1ah9"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-usecas" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract, parameterized interface to mutable Deques"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abstract-deque-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, array, base, containers, HUnit + , random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abstract-deque-tests"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "19gb5x5z3nvazdra3skm24c2g2byj0i4cjbzfwfghnb5q96gn5sz"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque array base containers HUnit random test-framework + test-framework-hunit time + ]; + testDepends = [ + abstract-deque array base containers HUnit random test-framework + test-framework-hunit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A test-suite for any queue or double-ended queue satisfying an interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abstract-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abstract-par"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0q6qsniw4wks2pw6wzncb1p1j3k6al5njnvm2v5n494hplwqg2i4"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type classes generalizing the functionality of the 'monad-par' library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abstract-par-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-par, accelerate, array, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abstract-par-accelerate"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0k1730mg2vyf21837fc459m8si1ffnbj78cdkbgglp2vn51f3nz4"; + buildDepends = [ abstract-par accelerate array base vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnewaccelerate" "-f-io" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides the class ParAccelerate, nothing more"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "abt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, profunctors, transformers + , transformers-compat, vinyl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "abt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z6vfkhhf83ib3ns0kqlgzwl1zffmgx19dmq3qz9zkiqn0cspqdq"; + buildDepends = [ + base profunctors transformers transformers-compat vinyl + ]; + description = "Abstract binding trees for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ac-machine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, unordered-containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ac-machine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00s2nvd85l00kpl45ipaq4ypa1ymaxmvnaf5mdvdladg4icl50i4"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable unordered-containers vector ]; + description = "Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ac-machine-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ac-machine, base, conduit, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ac-machine-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nsnbvllwznbqycw33f09vfgqvqmqfkcbi367clm6k4v6rfswzl3"; + buildDepends = [ ac-machine base conduit text ]; + description = "Drive Aho-Corasick machines in Conduit pipelines"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, fclabels, ghc-prim + , hashable, hashtables, pretty, template-haskell + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hi3zm1swm9fank9w98009pwcgccw6w2j2ilb970sbxyb0xf8nps"; + editedCabalFile = "98cea47c7fdb595a54cb06751fe54eb800059e5a2b1f9699a65d4e845b55cd4c"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers fclabels ghc-prim hashable hashtables pretty + template-haskell unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-internal-checks" "-f-unsafe-checks" "-fbounds-checks" + "-f-more-pp" "-f-debug" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An embedded language for accelerated array processing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-arithmetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-utility, base, QuickCheck + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-arithmetic"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "093j1wdabhws695hfb4cmj05ys6i4hkh0yppkszmhn5z4imlv741"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-utility base QuickCheck utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ accelerate base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear algebra and interpolation using the Accelerate framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-cublas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-arithmetic, accelerate-cuda + , accelerate-io, accelerate-utility, base, cublas, cuda, random + , utility-ht, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-cublas"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1dcra6qpva8sg5bdh6ilrfdg44h7p6dfh7vkrhifiim4vkvgh9sc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-arithmetic accelerate-cuda accelerate-io + accelerate-utility base cublas cuda random utility-ht vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic Linear Algebra using native CUBLAS library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-cuda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, array, base, binary, bytestring + , cryptohash, cuda, directory, fclabels, filepath, hashable + , hashtables, language-c-quote, mainland-pretty, mtl, old-time + , pretty, process, SafeSemaphore, srcloc, template-haskell, text + , transformers, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-cuda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z8nfciwxm2f2vaddnhan5gi9i1l7qa9h9fsngmdh8d6wabxxidy"; + editedCabalFile = "5ed199c4c1d360ed3eaee24df7016462ed1fb1313ff47d6828be546eec8708fc"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate array base binary bytestring cryptohash cuda directory + fclabels filepath hashable hashtables language-c-quote + mainland-pretty mtl old-time pretty process SafeSemaphore srcloc + template-haskell text transformers unix unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-internal-checks" "-f-unsafe-checks" "-fbounds-checks" + "-f-debug" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-cufft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-cuda, accelerate-fourier + , accelerate-utility, base, cuda, cufft + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-cufft"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "12faz5z0k682381fgwav91wx5wny0n5jdzgnrajx3sxc8gpg5xd7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-cuda accelerate-fourier accelerate-utility + base cuda cufft + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accelerate frontend to the CUFFT library (Fourier transform)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate-cuda, ekg }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jfwb0ryb8idfjc1gccb1h67hl730qn455k5z5wna8aikfscy7rq"; + editedCabalFile = "2cf8a02096ae9902b9336ce9d0665b3233abb20381d0cb4585efc53357d795cc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ accelerate-cuda ekg ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-opencl" "-f-kmeans" "-f-ray" "-f-pagerank" "-f-fft" + "-f-hashcat" "-f-smoothlife" "-f-nbody" "-f-fluid" "-f-mandelbrot" + "-f-canny" "-f-crystal" "-f-smvm" "-f-nofib" "-fllvm-multi" + "-f-llvm-gpu" "-f-llvm-cpu" "-f-opencl" "-fcuda" "-fekg" "-fgui" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples using the Accelerate library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-fft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-cuda, base, cuda, cufft }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-fft"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nxlw8z7bnr29vp24qbbwwmq9rj2q6jqqkmm46pp8dp582y4yk6v"; + editedCabalFile = "c23b93ae20f528782aeb10b528fa2a7847cce5c1aa9db546f3b000d7f05f53ca"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate accelerate-cuda base cuda cufft ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcuda" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFT using the Accelerate library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-fftw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-io, base, carray, fft + , storable-complex + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-fftw"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "03ffsa6xshhrx8a4grld128g46x2nkkydwql8h7jw7b2igr7i1ks"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-io base carray fft storable-complex + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accelerate frontend to the FFTW library (Fourier transform)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-fourier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-arithmetic + , accelerate-utility, base, containers, QuickCheck, transformers + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-fourier"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0b7cm540im3z9ja7a68sbs5y0ayzbx5h4sbwr437f05qdwkg7b2q"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-arithmetic accelerate-utility base containers + QuickCheck transformers utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-arithmetic accelerate-utility base QuickCheck + utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast Fourier transform and convolution using the Accelerate framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-fourier-benchmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-cuda, accelerate-cufft + , accelerate-fftw, accelerate-fourier, base, criterion + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-fourier-benchmark"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1679sn9ajn6fmj9pdgjdr434vcgj05chvn2fld3sri16q3jbqrga"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-cuda accelerate-cufft accelerate-fftw + accelerate-fourier base criterion + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compare different implementations of the Fast Fourier Transform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, array, base, bmp, bytestring, repa + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00p8jmxsgywhx30nd44pl6hdcr076y2s6z2fsam6sgrmgr0qx936"; + editedCabalFile = "5c3f8f7ebc03117652646329743ea251d281f72d81454e55538c27e87e8c0ecc"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate array base bmp bytestring repa vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-internal-checks" "-f-unsafe-checks" "-fbounds-checks" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write Accelerate arrays in various formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accelerate-utility" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accelerate-utility"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1n5hyklil2x2x5bc5z7iq0yz4p8lab8xxdnlwzgjpn3lliq0vgpv"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate base utility-ht ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for the Accelerate framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "accentuateus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HTTP, json, network, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "accentuateus"; + version = "0.9.4"; + sha256 = "16hgs81cs3zgbvsprh9lzvyxbh58g7rijf1d4j0dkrpnqnrvg0hy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HTTP json network text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the API."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "access-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, old-time, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "access-time"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13kg8mjrnif88r0w7b041x4vmzdm9aqrx4fskc3qv3smpq2q2ngs"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath old-time time unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross-platform support for retrieving file access times"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bifunctors, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, data-default, hspec, HUnit, mtl, parsec, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ace"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0f07j2rj9ylvdrijwwlpx66mj503mhjfq1x2mylpxkr6kmjjniyk"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-html blaze-markup data-default parsec text + ]; + testDepends = [ base bifunctors hspec HUnit mtl parsec text ]; + description = "Attempto Controlled English parser and printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acid-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, mtl, network + , safecopy, stm, template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acid-state"; + version = "0.12.3"; + sha256 = "099n8a5qxrjzhw0jgmshcpkvynkj2v4a8a6lwy9fvg586nhcy9j1"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers directory + extensible-exceptions filepath mtl network safecopy stm + template-haskell unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add ACID guarantees to any serializable Haskell data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acid-state-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, base, directory, HsOpenSSL, network + , safecopy + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acid-state-tls"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "04w3r1x3msvsixmdlif99ly4k0py9bzb8pgi06j780zz5lpm1zpi"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state base directory HsOpenSSL network safecopy + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add TLS support for Data.Acid.Remote"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acl2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acl2"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0bwlsdxk3lbir90xhar7xd83cwarqcm0a86gvwaghknpil2ay4cg"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "Writing and calling ACL2 from Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-cadre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-cadre"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nclcq48r547rgmd4h0hf498z27d15lp4da9yb3a3sy7qk6m92bi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "car, cdr and more"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-cofunctor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-cofunctor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06ii13zfr5iqf0cxaw35mxjxx16q0n7mvbgnqv0gwyfmgm3vxv6m"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Cofunctor is a structure from category theory dual to Functor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-colosson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-colosson"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mfnav0wb0ks365n3kghaic6nasp3qaznhmsdccx35h164ixj9vc"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + description = "Determines whether it is numberwang"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-comonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-comonad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sc0alwdgfls18y4q4y0qkbzqm4fgzd9yv6dwwnzw3472vsz2x8s"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad ]; + description = "A more efficient dualization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-cutegirl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-cutegirl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vvhfncnrq4pbzrgq45kannqv1c029b96lvi1qzwvzf513rqfb3z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Maybe gives you a cute girl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "acme-dont" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-dont"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1kj3qjgn1rz093050z49w3js4is9p0g9pk5g7d7wvg28hpzk28n3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A don't construct"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-hq9plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-hq9plus"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0da4ysj74fmhcbbvxxfb6w97pr870518k90vwnc3z8kglj1ni187"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An embedded DSL for the HQ9+ programming language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-exceptions, mtl + , network, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-http"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1nmv8ilh783jrp6mxl308ybv032xi833awhsys7svma3l9v5i4gi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring extensible-exceptions mtl network pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "fastest Haskell PONG server in the world"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-inator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-inator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h1vdzqarrmb8sl6y6250h6fia4rxi9vz4i4sj7km7nyk3778zyk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Evil inventions in the Tri-State area"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "091czdcbydc75ndaw2ns8cncxa6ihlvclhrbcz9vp29kvhf483cb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = "N/A"; + description = "The only true way to do IO in Haskell!"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "acme-lolcat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, random, random-shuffle, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-lolcat"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1v071plkm1drjcpg9qpvavpkc4mb2d6sc60jw9dr3qjdyyp3gl18"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec random random-shuffle text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LOLSPEAK translator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-lookofdisapproval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-lookofdisapproval"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "194xvcab14bs3b3nrayxp4z3da60afxa9cmip58mkms5016kwhis"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Express your disapproval"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-microwave" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-microwave"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kd8qd9pcqk4zsdpkxak02js6wx3spk1k6jbd6zxv42n7szv74ph"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The eighth wonder of the world, kitchen math!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-missiles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-missiles"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0nvkgdj04i21gq5k541an8zjz0hzzy7dpi384yrhcyh14jsxhqz5"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "Cause serious international side effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-now" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-now"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lnrsndx7r00b7vgh9jmp5j635m4pb2bzx0lfhqidkzfc2llzwsm"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "An interface to the philosophical and metaphysical \"now\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-numbersystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-numbersystem"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p5rdssdmds6yqgv3yvlh835h180h9q9430j8i6qrhygqn8lmv87"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Define the less than and add and subtract for nats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-omitted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-omitted"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pj6jlm4i05m0nys8d66d0xfkhfz6gfa9122bsk64xcms5n0hxad"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A name for omitted definitions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-php" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-php"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "091ddg3441ac6hbzd84jzakll7nvz2r6mcfdwxy8d7rd8wx9jdyz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The flexibility of Haskell and the safety of PHP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-pointful-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-pointful-numbers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02gml2db5vigkwkx99lqzjkpfaqdc74x16bgdx62kf7r3nn37my9"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + description = "Make more than one point in numeric literals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-realworld" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-realworld"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ffhichjhhic7d5cjypmd2zmcq0dpqiz5ygsw0y67v83hry0vf8r"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Primitives for manipulating the state of the universe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-schoenfinkel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-schoenfinkel"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0jvbrivxpq8jb5rhz6j3pxx2g3d0ckviprp4iza31d6ik7cpk8ad"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + test-framework-th + ]; + description = "Proper names for curry and uncurry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-strfry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-strfry"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1r6xnkyx22khzq6hlb8bk0fnbb6hlwbf12wajhx8vcxa7bkhh8lb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the glibc strfry function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-stringly-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-stringly-typed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18wvsvdmbwh9dcawiy4f9pn4vg98kdq9zxc37sz7dpmaigimw16f"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Stringly Typed Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "acme-strtok" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-strtok"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1anj8yygzcqkl4nwqwbrmwsqda84qcl8yzq7pgx2b7p895xcfa68"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A Haskell port of the C/PHP strtok function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "acme-year" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "acme-year"; + version = "2014"; + sha256 = "0zml370s8zv9y60hggv0hlwb3rhmixhdp37cz496dbpffdkw70my"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Get the current year"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "action-permutations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "action-permutations"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rhlzpwshixpnqma7sk28f22dkwz39b6lcwnzmd31rcnz5cyw6d4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Execute a set of actions (e.g. parsers) in each possible order"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "active" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, newtype, QuickCheck, semigroupoids + , semigroups, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "active"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1asp0han2737vfk92gasij804z4jsw8v2bc0m4nrmn3v80vmh7qb"; + buildDepends = [ + array base newtype semigroupoids semigroups vector-space + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base newtype QuickCheck semigroupoids semigroups vector-space + ]; + description = "Abstractions for animation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "activehs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, activehs-base, array, base, blaze-html, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, data-pprint, deepseq, dia-base + , dia-functions, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts + , highlighting-kate, hint, hoogle, mtl, old-locale, old-time + , pandoc, process, pureMD5, QuickCheck, simple-reflect, snap-core + , snap-server, split, syb, text, time, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "activehs"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "03za0c24a22fy28mcm173r0cca6fk60jikp0pp817mrq6gpv62hc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + activehs-base array base blaze-html bytestring cmdargs containers + data-pprint deepseq dia-base dia-functions directory filepath + haskell-src-exts highlighting-kate hint hoogle mtl old-locale + old-time pandoc process pureMD5 QuickCheck simple-reflect snap-core + snap-server split syb text time utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Haskell code presentation tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "activehs-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "activehs-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wsrsxfaspv4xvw4wq3sllicc5v08rgpp1g76p24b9r9ghn7hrdv"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Basic definitions for activehs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "activitystreams-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, text, time, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "activitystreams-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bprj41552zr1aj0k73c3skdhg8jb60rhcm9p9hjcmy2al9izsag"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base text time unordered-containers ]; + description = "An interface to the ActivityStreams specification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "actor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "actor"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ic74yrfy6hk7217vh2ff6yacvf3dc5m1hjkcpfvxzdk5xhdv2b5"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 stm time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Actors with multi-headed receive clauses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, comonad, containers, data-reify + , directory, doctest, erf, filepath, free, nats, reflection + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zdpfh4k93ygrm91m7lw1la6n4yvaq3k2sqswgia04naf2wcmjka"; + buildDepends = [ + array base comonad containers data-reify erf free nats reflection + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic Differentiation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adaptive-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adaptive-containers"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "16h0zi55hf9g07xisbcmgkx72m9laiqykh2r9nh2siczx3sxi1qk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Self optimizing container types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adaptive-tuple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, type-level }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adaptive-tuple"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1kf4d3qf8nv61c7pajv234b2vil84c2cq40csnm456lg55qh53r1"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell type-level ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Self-optimizing tuple types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17dxvdzmg3i8n0gbgbj0jyhm90w0dq7j27id8n24frild2w4c0d0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal containers mtl network ]; + description = "Android Debug Bridge (ADB) protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adblock2privoxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , http-conduit, MissingH, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale + , parsec, parsec-permutation, strict, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adblock2privoxy"; + version = "1.3.1"; + sha256 = "13pyjr13gg7asi9gp0hbnfdw278x9l0vjib1wvizjvd55zj3x1wj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath http-conduit MissingH mtl + network network-uri old-locale parsec parsec-permutation strict + text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert adblock config files to privoxy format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "addLicenseInfo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "addLicenseInfo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "054kcm0ibh1qdkyci36w3yxwxln56hz1yvi7gskp636nzhw5sjrw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "Adds license info to the top of a file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adhoc-network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Crypto, dataenc + , HaXml, hsgnutls, network, old-locale, parsec, pkcs1, random, time + , utf8-string, xml-parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adhoc-network"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1whdrmxw13nr7bb95rhqaz3klgmcwx4ai51bz5yb38nldf4ac377"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Crypto dataenc HaXml hsgnutls network + old-locale parsec pkcs1 random time utf8-string xml-parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ad-hoc P2P network protocol"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "adict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, containers, dawg, PSQueue + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adict"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "07w3595cwlicvwg04w9i5sg1x9d3r8c64pq0yi5pmnza7jpd5vgq"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers dawg PSQueue vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers dawg QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Approximate dictionary searching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adjunctions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, comonad, containers, contravariant + , distributive, free, mtl, profunctors, semigroupoids, semigroups + , tagged, transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adjunctions"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "07r56r6kyd6wlcxxnsnnyv59pyc8s1gsy54kzwmk9yknks5rij9i"; + buildDepends = [ + array base comonad containers contravariant distributive free mtl + profunctors semigroupoids semigroups tagged transformers void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Adjunctions and representable functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adobe-swatch-exchange" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754 + , language-css, mtl, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adobe-swatch-exchange"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0jc6xwh1m2hmpfclsi27233775kp4yk0wrkr498qx7fs6p7xflpv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 language-css mtl pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "parse Adobe Swatch Exchange files and (optionally) output .css files with the colors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adp-multi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, htrace, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, random-shuffle, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adp-multi"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1lmmyxa22lm9a86w0gap8g676mnh5l1kxczbsv8ymb98fzcg6a27"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers htrace ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers htrace HUnit mtl QuickCheck random-shuffle + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-debug" "-f-buildbenchmark2" "-f-buildbenchmark" "-f-buildtests" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ADP for multiple context-free languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "adp-multi-monadiccp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adp-multi, base, containers, monadiccp, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "adp-multi-monadiccp"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "13zlmhgyf46pcnrjwcrk7l6nmrkgqvycrajq3v7z72kjixakis6s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ adp-multi base containers monadiccp ]; + testDepends = [ + adp-multi base containers monadiccp mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildbenchmark" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Subword construction in adp-multi using monadiccp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, deepseq, dlist, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl + , old-locale, QuickCheck, scientific, syb, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mc8cwmswx69r77wv7dfim525jqajnlxbcx5xf3ygpszzf6mh1q7"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers deepseq dlist + ghc-prim hashable mtl old-locale scientific syb template-haskell + text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fold-locale" "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast JSON parsing and encoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-bson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, attoparsec, base, bson, bytestring + , containers, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-bson"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0a4hrx56q1kfvf2ff9flsmrpgpvz3rshri9dpj4a9bf76ah04jn9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array attoparsec base bson bytestring containers text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "aeson-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, doctest, lens, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pr8cxkx41wi7095cp1gpqrwadwx6azcrdi1kr1ik0fs6606dkks"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring lens text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + description = "Lens of Aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-native" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder + , blaze-textual-native, bytestring, containers, deepseq, hashable + , mtl, old-locale, syb, text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-native"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s5i88r8sdd7ayrpjw6f18273k6r0igk0sswb503hzvjagzmzffh"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual-native bytestring + containers deepseq hashable mtl old-locale syb text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast JSON parsing and encoding (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdargs, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-pretty"; + version = "0.7.2"; + sha256 = "03ap81853qi8yd9kdgczllrrni23a6glsfxrwj8zab6ipjrbh234"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cmdargs text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-only" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, ghc-prim, haskell-src-meta, hspec + , parsec, template-haskell, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-qq"; + version = "0.7.4"; + sha256 = "0wnc9pdjvd15gfkdxzf084393vwmxv2xaxdchzgal1qhwa1mak4v"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell text vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base ghc-prim haskell-src-meta hspec parsec template-haskell + text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON quasiquoter for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aeson-schema" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, hashable, hint, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , regex-pcre, syb, template-haskell, temporary, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, th-lift + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-schema"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12xlrkb06as9s8ns64fqkh8b24r13fywzk0nxm3128ak0b4db4z0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers mtl QuickCheck + regex-pcre syb template-haskell text th-lift transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers directory filepath + hashable hint HUnit mtl QuickCheck template-haskell temporary + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell JSON schema validator and parser generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aeson-serialize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, cereal, hspec, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-serialize"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "010lbzm5ik2gdiqm8slnf9kwgbnz8ib03c901schrw5kildfxq51"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base cereal ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base cereal hspec HUnit ]; + description = "Simple serialization functions for aeson types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-smart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, data-default, template-haskell, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-smart"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r3262k6d7nskbnnam5rw5vq7i84347amz8lk6hrjn3c4bwacf35"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base data-default template-haskell text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Smart derivation of Aeson instances"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aeson-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HsOpenSSL + , http-streams, io-streams + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-streams"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1mmkilvjrffzbf7d024kpc4i6b72f7dbq5hrkvrzr0q7dg1mg825"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring HsOpenSSL http-streams io-streams + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An HTTP client library for JSON-based APIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aeson-t" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-qq, base, bytestring, hspec2, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-t"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0y4mbn1xb288amgy8j6p5x9ih873qwiwrialfchc8ryg0n8syp8r"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-qq base bytestring hspec2 text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transform JSON"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aeson-toolkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, failure, hspec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-toolkit"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "07cb4f4zwm64x0q5z63gsskl80s6qbwnk4nl6x2jiardcl3k8cl3"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring failure text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "A generalization of Aeson over Failure"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aeson-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, scientific + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aeson-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sj4kdcxcj2wnf3s109yxq8gghz976hkiqs19bjcp6qkzdf5w6sd"; + editedCabalFile = "f306a03acf8d68a087cdcf5fd1ddcf7672820cd303a494c892aa176f56d1332d"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring scientific text + ]; + description = "Utilities for working with Aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "affine-invariant-ensemble-mcmc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mwc-random, primitive, split + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "affine-invariant-ensemble-mcmc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "116ln9zf4n0xy95nyyb3kwhg7ds36m793ys5yd5ha74vqf48gvk5"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mwc-random primitive split vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "General-purpose sampling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "afis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-random + , cryptohash, HUnit, mtl, packer, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "afis"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0ppq3rbwszz3wczg0zgk8hjqplv2ck11bbq5xr8306s5n02ybcf9"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-random cryptohash packer + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-random cryptohash HUnit mtl + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Anti-forensic Information Splitter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "afv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, language-c, mtl + , process, yices + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "afv"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06p2xp5myipjhyzqak4zwr755kc1l4qljdf2bxn8rg0m7rhy01vk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory language-c mtl process yices + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infinite state model checking of iterative C programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "agda-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, Agda, base, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filepath, HJavaScript, mtl, pandoc, snap-core, snap-server + , transformers, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "agda-server"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "070xszykrazkisp1lsh2q1ri1i64lhd8psz8g4blv37zm899fpga"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + Agda base cmdargs containers directory filepath HJavaScript mtl + pandoc snap-core snap-server transformers utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Http server for Agda (prototype)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "agum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "agum"; + version = "2.5"; + sha256 = "0acirnqsm7mrz6pgy9nabn23bmljdcz08b3ahak4ma5lcm5bql9q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Unification and Matching in an Abelian Group"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "aig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aig"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0gv9s6x3jgkwmmq77risxfkk6nx2474zrwszk7gd3ygp6n01s3ry"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck vector ]; + description = "And-inverter graphs in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "air" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , dlist, filepath, mtl, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "air"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "1npn2pqc1ndk603as2nhvgq4bclzdfslk7w5y85kpsq77s5mahdh"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory dlist filepath mtl text + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "air"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "air-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, array, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, old-locale, old-time, parallel, parsec + , regexpr, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "air-extra"; + version = "2013.9.15"; + sha256 = "0mf3wpb7d46b58fb4n6hbqix5wxhh55k7g6z22q28ygrmk77himg"; + buildDepends = [ + air array base bytestring containers directory filepath old-locale + old-time parallel parsec regexpr text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "air-extra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "air-spec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "air-spec"; + version = "2013.7.1"; + sha256 = "0s4y2805nmfydzxgr5lnhmyzkb6rh9mx2kpvzqqgyh4jvccdnwfx"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "air spec helper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "air-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "air-th"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "0rhp56qvwiwlrs7pvpbslybvlp4xnllfjab6pap2chxgywas34pq"; + buildDepends = [ air base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "air"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "airbrake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, bytestring, directory + , exceptions, filepath, http-conduit, monad-control, network + , semigroups, template-haskell, text, transformers, utf8-string + , wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "airbrake"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03z5hjrdwv8kjsj1vhipqhfmc19mi5cnjkcvcm71b0gmnpd71shq"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-markup bytestring directory exceptions filepath + http-conduit monad-control network semigroups template-haskell text + transformers utf8-string wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Airbrake notifier for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "1qyya6bx0xhw09mshz6gysizdbbmpzcgx4b494lnmr9x6sb5fvz7"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl random vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-haste-inst" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A multi-paradigm simulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika-experiment" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aivika, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , network-uri, parallel-io, split, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika-experiment"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "0xay16jjcdf2hg3qbmhmx915b2psxg2vrir0dmzr98hv4p4fbc3v"; + buildDepends = [ + aivika base containers directory filepath mtl network-uri + parallel-io split utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simulation experiments for the Aivika library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika-experiment-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aivika-experiment, aivika-experiment-chart, base + , Chart, Chart-cairo + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika-experiment-cairo"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "0cjlvm2bbm9sjixsknw88ki2fwrfjgx126jd6qxgrrkjrflqk11z"; + buildDepends = [ + aivika-experiment aivika-experiment-chart base Chart Chart-cairo + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cairo backend for the Aivika simulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika-experiment-chart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aivika, aivika-experiment, array, base, Chart + , colour, containers, data-default-class, filepath, lens, mtl + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika-experiment-chart"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "0mn9raj0wxmm4f5n99nr3i1dmdfmi90y4fb9fywh76dwg00kjh7d"; + buildDepends = [ + aivika aivika-experiment array base Chart colour containers + data-default-class filepath lens mtl split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simulation experiments with charting for the Aivika library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika-experiment-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aivika-experiment, aivika-experiment-chart, base + , Chart, Chart-diagrams, containers, filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika-experiment-diagrams"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "1d56w3mpx8wm4fji72hbxzv3zb6h21ipw56y8ylbs8qr2l46f0cd"; + buildDepends = [ + aivika-experiment aivika-experiment-chart base Chart Chart-diagrams + containers filepath + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diagrams backend for the Aivika simulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aivika-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aivika, array, base, containers, mtl, random + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aivika-transformers"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "1b9hkza735g1gxr3l73fz48y29fyph89j8114wzld3ydma2f6d1z"; + buildDepends = [ aivika array base containers mtl random vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-haste-inst" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transformers for the Aivika simulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ajhc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers, cpphs + , directory, fgl, filepath, haskeline, HsSyck, HTTP, mtl, network + , old-time, pretty, process, random, regex-compat, syb, temporary + , unix, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ajhc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x2rc0gyyg7idc07hi64fvkv5h5a652kmcrczfxqyzbiyx2fjphs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers cpphs directory fgl + filepath haskeline HsSyck HTTP mtl network old-time pretty process + random regex-compat syb temporary unix utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell compiler that produce binary through C language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "alarmclock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, time, unbounded-delays }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alarmclock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j0g4xff6i69wx5m45xmx6dsdb5sdl85id967mflnrczgj36d1fd"; + buildDepends = [ base stm time unbounded-delays ]; + testDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wake up and perform an action at a certain time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alea" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, argparser, base, containers, threefish }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alea"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fag57z6j1n86wxj2f38qdhklpff8iwx7pr7s30zv267w3hsp9as"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ argparser base containers threefish ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a diceware passphrase generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "alex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, happy, perl + , process, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alex"; + version = "3.1.4"; + sha256 = "17x13nbbr79xgdlzywjqw19vcl6iygjnssjnxnajgijkv764wknn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers directory QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base process ]; + buildTools = [ happy perl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alex-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy + , haskell-src-meta, QuickCheck, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alex-meta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05a290b997kxm2rl0w98c3fzq33866pi69pmmahqvw631cp2c6ni"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-meta QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Quasi-quoter for Alex lexers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alfred" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hexpat, HTTP, network-uri + , text, xmlgen + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alfred"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1nsa3d9mza81rqdg2vbvf4x2318j96l5px6zx7hhc28ril62971a"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring hexpat HTTP network-uri text xmlgen + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "utility library for Alfred version 2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, array, base, containers, distributive + , mtl, nats, semigroupoids, semigroups, tagged, transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "algebra"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "1b74c55326qsnpyqzyhyq87j61wp3zrpsqhipgw8db8nm2lq9nhs"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions array base containers distributive mtl nats + semigroupoids semigroups tagged transformers void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constructive abstract algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "algebra-dag" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, fgl, mtl, parsec + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "algebra-dag"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sl3lsbjhnmnq49zf1irnijp7wfxixsv21vfknshi5hkl9757i89"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers fgl mtl parsec template-haskell transformers + ]; + description = "Infrastructure for DAG-shaped relational algebra plans"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "algebra-sql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, algebra-dag, ansi-wl-pprint, base + , bytestring, containers, dlist, errors, fgl, filepath, ghc-prim + , mtl, multiset, parsec, pretty, process, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "algebra-sql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0das62ykwgyvj8qhk44i93b0w66wshdrdaylhvks03232pgpf8yp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson algebra-dag ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring containers dlist + errors fgl filepath ghc-prim mtl multiset parsec pretty process + template-haskell transformers + ]; + description = "Relational Algebra and SQL Code Generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "algebraic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "algebraic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15gv6w9vz02960r6bd0k979vi6kj7pfxg705ajbrsd1pnwklfnwh"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "General linear algebra structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "algebraic-classes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "algebraic-classes"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0kk0wafqwqr466qiz3dwagpf03vln922dnrrj90ay7kqp3623jnd"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversions between algebraic classes and F-algebras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "align" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, uglymemo, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "align"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "038zc4c9s0fpga1rpacmv5qvarn43lkhmkpcx6waxxa6gqnpv8i5"; + buildDepends = [ base uglymemo vector ]; + description = "Sequence alignment algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aligned-foreignptr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aligned-foreignptr"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hmnp08k04c0ag9fyp5sajg54r4gi57vrd9krk4g8y8fri0fgc00"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An aligned ForeignPtr type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "allocated-processor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "allocated-processor"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0jhz3q0972snrgd9c7lr934ddkwllwgw6anj7ax8hj4zi0zc615m"; + buildDepends = [ base vector-space ]; + description = "Functional combinators for monadic actions that require allocation and de-allocation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alloy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, syb, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alloy"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "00bndi30yhd92vwij3dwhbj79dhv9n3l45bw01mfqak45gqbfwyv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl syb vector ]; + description = "Generic programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alloy-proxy-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alloy, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alloy-proxy-fd"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1fhk5ydnf0l0n579gqg5lfg2cc9z8xbgqsqzgkpcw0046kp53rjw"; + buildDepends = [ alloy base mtl ]; + description = "Some add-on instances for the Alloy library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, editline, fgl + , filepath, HUnit, incremental-sat-solver, mtl, network, parsec + , pretty, QuickCheck, random, stm, syb, template-haskell + , transformers, tuple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alms"; + version = "0.6.5"; + sha256 = "12hnhz1lz9wb4s95b9via1nkfgmgmr7p1wc9k4bcvsm778j920s8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory editline fgl filepath HUnit + incremental-sat-solver mtl network parsec pretty QuickCheck random + stm syb template-haskell transformers tuple + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-readline" "-fparsec3" "-feditline" "-funicode" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a practical affine language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alpha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, AvlTree, base, bimap, bindings-posix + , bytestring, cereal, containers, COrdering, cpphs, directory + , filepath, ghc-prim, mtl, parsec, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alpha"; + version = "1.0.15"; + sha256 = "1gc2kjyk75cxggy52w49j97q4gcn74q7f582q6kjb3gsp2pdrn09"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array AvlTree base bimap bindings-posix bytestring cereal + containers COrdering cpphs directory filepath ghc-prim mtl parsec + transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A compiler for the Alpha language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alpino-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, conduit + , containers, hexpat-pickle, MonadRandom, mtl, random-shuffle + , resourcet, rosezipper, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alpino-tools"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1sh0mrlpfak5i20wqmz23ihphim4di802h02kyxj795gq8q6v61r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing conduit containers hexpat-pickle + MonadRandom mtl random-shuffle resourcet rosezipper utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alpino data manipulation tools"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "alsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsaLib, array, base, extensible-exceptions + , sample-frame + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0zdnhi2wm7w6182k6mccm16x453g7kvbsqx2afnhfjpr3iaj69mg"; + buildDepends = [ array base extensible-exceptions sample-frame ]; + extraLibraries = [ alsaLib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the ALSA Library API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsaLib, base, extensible-exceptions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1avh4a419h9d2zsslg6j8hm87ppgsgqafz8ll037rk2yy1g4jl7b"; + buildDepends = [ base extensible-exceptions ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ alsaLib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fpkgconfig" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the ALSA Library API (Exceptions)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-gui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, midi, midi-alsa, wx + , wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-gui"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0zcyjckdjhsj614iib3dzj9dfp8xj847jfqf4q1sk9311gscbzns"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-seq base midi midi-alsa wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some simple interactive programs for sending MIDI control messages via ALSA"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-midi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsaLib, array, base, event-list, midi + , non-negative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-midi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dmc336irhw6wdny6f2za9n3gnd83i3pcfr7qfkm8fzq6kzkkjy3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base event-list midi non-negative ]; + extraLibraries = [ alsaLib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the ALSA sequencer API (MIDI stuff)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "alsa-mixer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsaLib, base, c2hs, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-mixer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11sc2n879a8rb9yz54cb8vg8rplgapbymzy785p7n7638xx877hk"; + buildDepends = [ alsa-core base unix ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ alsaLib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the ALSA simple mixer API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-pcm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsaLib, array, base + , extensible-exceptions, sample-frame, storable-record + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-pcm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rq0i17xhd0x7dnlhdf3i1fdvmyxrsbm0w0k9lrx20xpy4gw2zfs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core array base extensible-exceptions sample-frame + storable-record + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ alsaLib ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-debug" "-f-buildsynthesizer" "-f-buildexamples" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the ALSA Library API (PCM audio)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-pcm-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-pcm-tests"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1bhrjf731jqs5297zcid5b6mmdh2njqx2hxssd077a4iqvm0c21k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ alsa base ]; + description = "Tests for the ALSA audio signal library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-seq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsaLib, array, base, bytestring + , data-accessor, enumset, extensible-exceptions, poll, transformers + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-seq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ll42nlhjwgzan9h1vzyyyhilj9d41l3gavnbahhgbr8h9wb2f0j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core array base bytestring data-accessor enumset + extensible-exceptions poll transformers utility-ht + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ alsaLib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmodifyfilter" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the ALSA Library API (MIDI sequencer)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alsa-seq-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alsa-seq-tests"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0is11wdymarzm5zlilh572j1nw3akxma0czbswvgy391pj1a007s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ alsa base ]; + description = "Tests for the ALSA sequencer library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "altcomposition" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, composition }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "altcomposition"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j1kh4wylndyz0zs70v63x5gdhbwa9gpkn1vm108bhhjy79rgmnh"; + buildDepends = [ base composition ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative combinators for unorthodox function composition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "alternative-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, monad-control, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alternative-io"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "01hypbci3hw2czkmx78ls51ycx518ich4k753jgv0z8ilrq8isch"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control transformers transformers-base + ]; + description = "IO as Alternative instance (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "altfloat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, integer-gmp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "altfloat"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1n0mxgl1jzap74sglw85l0595lhaj493bz46b90cnsqr5as9mal8"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim integer-gmp ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fintegergmp" "-fsplitinteger" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative floating point support for GHC"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "alure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alure, base, OpenAL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "alure"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nrlw8qdbgv3l99mlcql35zknyj767fgh3f53y2mjksrh0p61v8n"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenAL ]; + extraLibraries = [ alure ]; + description = "A Haskell binding for ALURE"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) alure; }; + + "amazon-emailer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, http-conduit + , lifted-base, mime-mail, mime-mail-ses, postgresql-simple + , resourcet, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazon-emailer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s8m16qbcz6jgxx83sx1swg2217bvv3q3pm8b7f2jsn33nihrzxx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator http-conduit lifted-base mime-mail + mime-mail-ses postgresql-simple resourcet text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A queue daemon for Amazon's SES with a PostgreSQL table as a queue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "amazon-emailer-client-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, snap, snaplet-postgresql-simple, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazon-emailer-client-snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03am5nzacq2wd9jf46fnwmwq2ghfsh3yd9s0mzrrkskd26q1askb"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl snap snaplet-postgresql-simple text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for amazon-emailer daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "amazon-products" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, byteable, bytestring + , conduit, containers, cryptohash, http-conduit, http-types, mtl + , old-locale, resourcet, text, time, transformers + , transformers-base, xml-conduit, xml-picklers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazon-products"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10y86b3bzx6yk0478pixh3hh4nkkh0qlwwr0ac2fn6sh1hd6c7sl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring conduit containers + cryptohash http-conduit http-types mtl old-locale resourcet text + time transformers transformers-base xml-conduit xml-picklers + xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connector for Amazon Products API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "amazonka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base, bytestring, conduit + , exceptions, http-conduit, lens, mmorph, monad-control, mtl + , resourcet, retry, text, time, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0wq9lynl9kbjag6380ms2gasrgjpr0ak3rzji6fjifbkaavx5v3z"; + buildDepends = [ + amazonka-core base bytestring conduit exceptions http-conduit lens + mmorph monad-control mtl resourcet retry text time transformers + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-autoscaling" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-autoscaling"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "03cdjrc4c9xfxwd0x2pan5icpy672ly5s2mfk33q0b6v2ckgnvcd"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Auto Scaling SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudformation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudformation"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0np0pm056lxbhhkds1h23nsp4hj3yjr4yk90wmymqsibj7l6cw7q"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudFormation SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudfront" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudfront"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0xw4vkmdk4271vqsx9ni4c5i5q2v4pgc2r2nplhj1nqh2z6j6rrc"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudFront SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudsearch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudsearch"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "12948dzhvx5i3ffi07mghvzlhijwbrrfdjxrgy75avc6680dq5gj"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudSearch SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudsearch-domains" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudsearch-domains"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0dgszllalv35p0z718p5chd9vnyfzsazi8sg6mczwcb6d5bbvr90"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudSearch Domain SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudtrail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudtrail"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1a2k9dlfic886zjaqgm429xqc2g4rnv7lyhva0xj36zai0x1s8mg"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudTrail SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudwatch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudwatch"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0wcjmzijh0ci9jrnqqxmfnnlmhmxkhlbb7ikx6f25m57d0marxf0"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudWatch SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cloudwatch-logs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cloudwatch-logs"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "18cdm2avffiyj0c80a2kmqcxm0kmkwd30slrdakzrv1irk6cx6pp"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CloudWatch Logs SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-codedeploy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-codedeploy"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0brhg6graf54f6zw0bg3wpwgzm574cf45qjw5r0jmmigijxpbiwp"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon CodeDeploy SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cognito-identity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cognito-identity"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "00gdvaxyma9nfqnmpdrqz7jkgca9dkggrf5rbwwcd9byxnb6n238"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Cognito Identity SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-cognito-sync" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-cognito-sync"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1d27lvvfa9h9syxx555q2iqj5lngqnxzzk7apb9snvmf97f8z8s5"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Cognito Sync SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-config"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "114mjnvq083mgcssfhjycaplf55f3ai75pmj61ypis72hxv14m4c"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Config SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bifunctors, bytestring, case-insensitive + , conduit, conduit-extra, cryptohash, cryptohash-conduit + , data-default-class, hashable, http-client, http-types, lens + , mmorph, mtl, nats, resourcet, scientific, semigroups, tagged + , tasty, tasty-hunit, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-core"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1xqvch90l391ml4xvm252zmy4v5909m6mcgi01wb9bl1ygz26713"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bifunctors bytestring case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra + cryptohash cryptohash-conduit data-default-class hashable + http-client http-types lens mmorph mtl nats resourcet scientific + semigroups tagged text time transformers unordered-containers + vector xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base tasty tasty-hunit template-haskell text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Core functionality and data types for Amazonka libraries"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-datapipeline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-datapipeline"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "14nqif2j16430i2r3fnlw1rbbpir92nw4ykzpg316lc1qmshf7iz"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Data Pipeline SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-directconnect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-directconnect"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0sd9mgcvvib20mych9dbyrd14sqjqxcf9gw83013ksrix4lymx9s"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Direct Connect SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-dynamodb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-dynamodb"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1mcp69k53wlvnydgmbdsg57ciai8q5kywn03qgzdyq20avwczvc9"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon DynamoDB SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-ec2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-ec2"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0ng24jvp88i35s390zbzyk6psr61s9jw6dvj27ny4rws1xnaqijy"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-elasticache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-elasticache"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1i4ifazvl36sc675zjlssddkhldwb7631q3pchk1nx6ifzisccpx"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon ElastiCache SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-elasticbeanstalk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-elasticbeanstalk"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1frwwn6v19iq4p8cwajk1dk1lk96zsfqkk72l4a823kkdn3b58al"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Elastic Beanstalk SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-elastictranscoder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-elastictranscoder"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "14ibshfq1sg7dhfr55c6xkrl635jg4zjq5i49bxn22niksg0h11y"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Elastic Transcoder SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-elb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-elb"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0lxfxrz4yldhz7pwcs6f2k62vkvfb9avfjn3lmymn45nw8s1kphg"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-emr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-emr"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1f6g25adfasqn44ylnamk7vv7xphmk2qm4ncbb19w7n6wdb1il6m"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Elastic MapReduce SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-iam" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-iam"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1b5wq3p0qklz5bzka00wrjw7cnkvhppfabk5wk2d5c1pwq9d4bdf"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Identity and Access Management SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-importexport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-importexport"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0fx0iwbygf3bxw1rkxpkydi6r361h6n5iajj4hapx5jdk0f7dkb8"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Import/Export SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-kinesis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-kinesis"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0ja2jajmaay5sph85x0i1gvz2p2hy0zll2gk3j01x23wgz244nbg"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Kinesis SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-kms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-kms"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1xm5brx0glw6r8kw1xiqbw9ji5a7fybdd8r5645s0yp13a4innyp"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Key Management Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-lambda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-lambda"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "091lad5g5p0l04w7d65nw1ssrbxh2zsfxklh7dm0rld245qxax3q"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Lambda SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-opsworks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-opsworks"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "076zpwyjkhq5gd5h36lzwq83bmqr27g2kg5y4k271yvbwaajbzm0"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon OpsWorks SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-rds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-rds"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0bmipjkiqf274ja3lbhw0s6rklgvwzh7wj6lcb7nvbi94mqp2x19"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Relational Database Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-redshift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-redshift"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1ka5brxjm1x447dfxp6hlmy2z0f5zldb36q2pmbaadxkw38xqllk"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Redshift SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-route53" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-route53"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1jip1kyskfsm85f5jp135mhx0aprjx9kahzfk8v07gbfmnkiv4x5"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Route 53 SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-route53-domains" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-route53-domains"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "06s926v6jqpbwqq2wx85cqpik3svdg1rdv4za3d5d134qgrrg9wx"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-s3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-s3"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1gcs9afyf9vmpgxp9w9fbvrqzd502dq4i8z70bgd4z2r8ihvj974"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-sdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-sdb"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0awynyvxkvdb60v8ljahp444mal8n91hzdc7bh955v4gz8yhqiqm"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon SimpleDB SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-ses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-ses"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "144hp5xk0g5mk645kn2b881yq89p4nan9m90gz9az9m3xdn8s94i"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Simple Email Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-sns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-sns"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0k13gk3x1lv25n578z3rzvcw0kfr9hd0bc3z6xdb64yzjyyaq9mb"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Simple Notification Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-sqs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-sqs"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1r29w96ym6axmjvzykj04nn7hzv8009smmw5001hjk9av44cm645"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Simple Queue Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-storagegateway" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-storagegateway"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0hiz86zs64n5hdd3bbsi08g9in9k2m8bznpznyw4k1zdi7xjbv4f"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Storage Gateway SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-sts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-sts"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "03ham5h2h1yrvj4hcgs71j0j2l9wamsnsg87q3yyb86szav187kq"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Security Token Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-support" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-support"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "086pi817420yqwsp4ww06jfl82p26ajpckcrybamxrv5k1cjw7dk"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Support SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "amazonka-swf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amazonka-core, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amazonka-swf"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1nhdif41sglr1sk4cfvg3i0qwlbvgyb0l6az2aa69yyflbf722if"; + buildDepends = [ amazonka-core base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Simple Workflow Service SDK"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ampersand" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ConfigFile, containers + , directory, filepath, graphviz, hashable, mtl, old-locale, pandoc + , pandoc-types, process, split, SpreadsheetML, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ampersand"; + version = "3.0.2"; + sha256 = "1ipsh4nvyvdjgblzq6rpq44m1wsps0jvka7m762nh9418w697myc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring ConfigFile containers directory filepath graphviz + hashable mtl old-locale pandoc pandoc-types process split + SpreadsheetML time utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-flibrary" "-fexecutable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolsuite for automated design of business processes"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "amqp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, clock, connection + , containers, data-binary-ieee754, hspec, hspec-expectations + , monad-control, network, network-uri, split, text, vector, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amqp"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "1a2d17h1zhd2yv1zhd0vvr4g1v6nr188gwv12qwljs1v9y4jkbmc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring clock connection containers + data-binary-ieee754 monad-control network network-uri split text + vector xml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring clock connection containers + data-binary-ieee754 hspec hspec-expectations network split text + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for AMQP servers (currently only RabbitMQ)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "amrun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "amrun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y0azhsjarv26lkny1wckdz45bs87wbga29hbg6w59wc2gjkbxqz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq parsec ]; + description = "Interpreter for AM"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "analyze-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-conduit + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, snap, snap-core, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "analyze-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k2x6srrf2cwiihhi2aacjy3bxyz59nczr49rnsxa0kk7gnkjngm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-conduit MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl snap + snap-core time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client for analyze service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "anansi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, monads-tf, options + , parsec, system-argv0, system-fileio, system-filepath, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anansi"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "0am6c4chbysgs63n3wbd4lfxdzkg6fzj4xgp6i26z4vhj49qk890"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers monads-tf options parsec system-argv0 + system-fileio system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple literate programming preprocessor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "anansi-hscolour" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, anansi, base, bytestring, containers, hscolour + , monads-tf, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anansi-hscolour"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0ffk44lacm3al96cmnacyi6pnhlzhw34jgn87fsfjcl516ffmfxw"; + buildDepends = [ + anansi base bytestring containers hscolour monads-tf text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Colorized looms for Anansi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "anansi-pandoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, anansi, base, bytestring, containers, monads-tf + , pandoc, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anansi-pandoc"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "13s370b35wmwvbp6a9afsbl62hswj4mdhnvcgigwjz6bcwxxxpxi"; + buildDepends = [ + anansi base bytestring containers monads-tf pandoc text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Looms which use Pandoc to parse and produce a variety of formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "anatomy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atomo, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, hashable, haskeline, highlighter, mtl + , parsec, pretty, pretty-show, tagsoup, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anatomy"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0xza3xfzzbix9xf0vwwk4qz02h4iil3hglqspgdymhjbxfl68714"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + atomo base blaze-html bytestring containers directory filepath + hashable haskeline highlighter mtl parsec pretty pretty-show + tagsoup text time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Anatomy: Atomo documentation system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "angel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, containers, hspec, mtl + , old-locale, process, stm, text, time, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "angel"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "15871cxzi6m453fndv49zljansfpaggzriq32c1kdby72ivcf968"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator containers mtl old-locale process stm text time + unix unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base configurator containers hspec mtl old-locale process stm text + time unix unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process management and supervision daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "animalcase" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "animalcase"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0csbs9yrl8vhlgs7zax06shqlhcjs38q91wnkz5d3f6a4588lyqi"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert camelCase to snake_case and vice versa"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "annotated-wl-pprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "annotated-wl-pprint"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "0g8b4hmgh7jhiknfrlaqr9sxr7a6sikkpaws15dy8mg4r792bbis"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "anonymous-sums" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anonymous-sums"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jb7s6m7dblnydrzh5nsczr0kpqwy9gr346pcrxsaywz2gfjcrhi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-generator" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Anonymous sum types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "anonymous-sums-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, anonymous-sums, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anonymous-sums-tests"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a7f7d3xzn8nl9gyzr4wl7m83aszmw42nd0dj8b875khh7i01h0b"; + buildDepends = [ anonymous-sums base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck functions to accompany the anonymous-sums package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ansi-terminal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ansi-terminal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xmp8wpcyvqys777qpyfx99bhlnvmr7jil7r78j5n6fx3mkkhnln"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple ANSI terminal support, with Windows compatibility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ansi-wl-pprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ansi-wl-pprint"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1by11bg1bd7z18hqgayk0w76hy5n63kmdl14gainlvfgr9jw506r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "antagonist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, antisplice, base, chatty, chatty-utils, ironforge + , mtl, old-locale, shakespeare, text, time, yesod, yesod-auth + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antagonist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dw9sp5aan1i8hpzdflms8w2n113jbcrg6hn3qfhnih9bb45v7jy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + antisplice base chatty chatty-utils ironforge mtl old-locale + shakespeare text time yesod yesod-auth + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A web interface to Antisplice dungeons"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "antfarm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, minimorph, mtl, parsec + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antfarm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s2lfd7va0nq5z0q4f37ig2spjpxigfhkhi067fz4y0n1zjc1isd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers minimorph mtl parsec text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit minimorph test-framework test-framework-hunit text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Referring expressions for definitions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "anticiv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, antisplice, base, chatty, chatty-text + , chatty-utils, ctpl, directory, ironforge, mtl, network, plugins + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anticiv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sxxa2kylgagbnlf7msrgfq98jaf26lvlas6afypnr15aavvlfzh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + antisplice base chatty chatty-text chatty-utils ctpl directory + ironforge mtl network plugins time transformers + ]; + description = "This is an IRC bot for Mafia and Resistance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "antigate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, deepseq + , exceptions, failure, http-client, http-conduit, resourcet, safe + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antigate"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "0vd2f4kq2zkngyqpnw3lcvjkn8335gs9rdfr7kb8442p8dhps139"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default deepseq exceptions failure http-client + http-conduit resourcet safe text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface for captcha recognition API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "antimirov" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antimirov"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0aay5fhw2r502hvdlh6svj6k88zh5wjinn8mk2a3md7zdaiji9iq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck ]; + description = "Define the language containment (=subtyping) relation on regulare expressions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "antiquoter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antiquoter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qv5iid7az7bn1jf6r7ffg5qqbcs8ypf78j4vrs5ajwp39jnbiiy"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + description = "Combinator library for quasi- and anti-quoting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "antisplice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chatty, chatty-utils, haskeline, mtl + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antisplice"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i7zm0s8vfkc4gwrw9aphj8xgppja50m71wkbkcibnrwvbyxdcqm"; + buildDepends = [ + base chatty chatty-utils haskeline mtl template-haskell text time + transformers + ]; + description = "An engine for text-based dungeons"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "antlrc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, antlr3c, base, bytestring, c2hs, enumerator + , haskell98, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "antlrc"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hjk2cvn6j1ijvg3gnml46ysri672jnxmfyh09y1aqsrbimkw8gd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator haskell98 regex-posix + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ antlr3c ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to the ANTLR parser generator C runtime library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { antlr3c = null; }; + + "anydbm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, MissingH, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "anydbm"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "1rxk36r6i065m0qiq4g5xlrk2yjsds7j896cbddbsyddbzy10d6k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers MissingH mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface for DBM-like database systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "aosd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, cairo, colour + , language-haskell-extract, libaosd, monad-control, pango + , template-haskell, transformers, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aosd"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0zma3ypjnqn8c9pk4zfyzzwn27l3wb6l6xnjjydn90fxsmpa1vh6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL cairo colour monad-control pango transformers X11 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base colour language-haskell-extract pango template-haskell + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libaosd ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debugmemory" ]; + description = "Bindings to libaosd, a library for Cairo-based on-screen displays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { libaosd = null; }; + + "ap-reflect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ap-reflect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r7mfdi7vr2vh84xhhsd7si3mpfkppdpzh13rnnfww1cs0dpfdhz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial evaluation reflection a la simple-reflect"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "apache-md5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, MonadRandom, openssl + , process, random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apache-md5"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i5nrhd0xzpfqbm7f5w9d8kyw3n2ywxdb9yhwmbzfjmgdmzriagl"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit MonadRandom process random test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-deepseq" "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Apache specific MD5 digest algorighm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "apelsin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, glib, gtk, HTTP, mtl, network, process + , transformers, tremulous-query, xdg-basedir + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apelsin"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "08a747p0dyjvgn5pjfvrb1hnh7vk2km8hbbyvjmnsxl89r5m992l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath glib + gtk HTTP mtl network process transformers tremulous-query + xdg-basedir + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-relativepath" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Server and community browser for the game Tremulous"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "api-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, either, HTTP + , http-conduit, http-types, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "api-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iq4amj33rrp1vywrxjdh2yg3ry2q038n3z0pkisdjl9ga4bvv0f"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring either HTTP http-conduit + http-types text transformers + ]; + description = "Library for easily building REST API wrappers in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "api-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, alex, array, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, Cabal, case-insensitive + , containers, deepseq, happy, lens, old-locale, QuickCheck + , regex-compat-tdfa, safe, safecopy, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "api-tools"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0pd2kaii40isbnc1rgh0zkm2abrljipmq27nlgz3zbldbm1l5xw6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec base base64-bytestring + bytestring Cabal case-insensitive containers deepseq lens + old-locale QuickCheck regex-compat-tdfa safe safecopy + template-haskell text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec base base64-bytestring + bytestring Cabal case-insensitive containers lens old-locale + QuickCheck regex-compat-tdfa safe safecopy tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck template-haskell text time unordered-containers + vector + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "apiary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , bytestring, bytestring-lexing, case-insensitive + , data-default-class, exceptions, hashable, http-date, http-types + , HUnit, mime-types, monad-control, mtl, process, stringsearch + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, unix-compat + , unordered-containers, vault, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary"; + version = "1.2.2"; + sha256 = "046ji8h6x7zxz4vcl875kwdm611nfwpzy3nwr5yy7x7mj5qmpwj4"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + bytestring-lexing case-insensitive data-default-class exceptions + hashable http-date http-types mime-types monad-control mtl process + stringsearch template-haskell text time transformers + transformers-base unix-compat unordered-containers vault wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types HUnit mtl test-framework + test-framework-hunit wai wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and type safe web framework that generate web API documentation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-authenticate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, apiary-session, authenticate, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, cereal, data-default-class + , http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, monad-control + , resourcet, text, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-authenticate"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0nflplgpnynn4jf4nnwv9xn95wwrmcyx2sf5bgvny9fzbjhcp8v9"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary apiary-session authenticate base blaze-builder bytestring + cereal data-default-class http-client http-client-tls http-types + monad-control resourcet text wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "authenticate support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-clientsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, apiary-cookie, apiary-session, base + , bytestring, cereal, clientsession, data-default-class, time + , unix-compat, vault + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-clientsession"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0wzia2i15hc7v467mhj9aamvy44fc70axmsj7j54j84v03zl5m62"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary apiary-cookie apiary-session base bytestring cereal + clientsession data-default-class time unix-compat vault + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "clientsession support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-cookie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , bytestring, cookie, time, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-cookie"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "03684bijn6xmpyg3afd5a9jr5kp80brk5kvdrckn3bkdrwpvz40n"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring cookie time wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cookie support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-eventsource" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, blaze-builder, wai-extra }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-eventsource"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "1ng36kj802rvmwmwz9pahg18ry60zga7lp36bnf1n7gh7ypxp7j0"; + buildDepends = [ apiary base blaze-builder wai-extra ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "eventsource support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-helics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, bytestring, data-default-class + , helics, helics-wai, monad-control, text, transformers, vault, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-helics"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1wzmdgc0k6g1ah42ymw8dh4iyphjz42v698dn1dqb5gvbxh21ksm"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base bytestring data-default-class helics helics-wai + monad-control text transformers vault wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "helics support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-logger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, data-default-class, fast-logger + , lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-logger"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "18pa9mx3599szcw7lpmklc2xfzn9r6knkq0qad0ljkn4rdhd7hjp"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base data-default-class fast-logger lifted-base + monad-control monad-logger transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "fast-logger support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-memcached" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, bytestring, data-default-class + , memcached-binary, monad-control, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-memcached"; + version = "1.2.2"; + sha256 = "1blxvqdas55p56227f4cmfh02n2xvx43rcfkxqkh7jgchan6278m"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base bytestring data-default-class memcached-binary + monad-control text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "memcached client for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-mongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, bson, data-default-class + , lifted-base, monad-control, mongoDB, resource-pool, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-mongoDB"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1xx1qmpp9ndci2ypiarvlnkz4vzc7b9qrpsz0442nwvnlxh716lq"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base bson data-default-class lifted-base monad-control + mongoDB resource-pool text time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mongoDB support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-persistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, apiary-logger, base, monad-control + , monad-logger, persistent, persistent-sqlite, resource-pool + , resourcet, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-persistent"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "01hkrq1c2sji6w9fdk7riflshnkjk7sg059bw3q60vxpkk5zzkdq"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary apiary-logger base monad-control monad-logger persistent + persistent-sqlite resource-pool resourcet transformers + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "persistent support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-purescript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, bytestring, data-default-class + , filepath, Glob, parsec, purescript, template-haskell, text + , unordered-containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-purescript"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1qz51ncl68lvwx91xcqvcvj4nakpg309c85zhxk0z0d2rv8j45bf"; + buildDepends = [ + apiary base bytestring data-default-class filepath Glob parsec + purescript template-haskell text unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "purescript compiler for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-session"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0x02cvdsrjm70aivi8ya291s29s9h059xff01nq66dj1dd272a3h"; + buildDepends = [ apiary base wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "session support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apiary-websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apiary, base, wai-websockets, websockets }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apiary-websockets"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "1f76zb835aqvmqv1mxh06nfg4vidxnivp036l2gk8xzl4cq61s1c"; + buildDepends = [ apiary base wai-websockets websockets ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "websockets support for apiary web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "apis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, deepseq, directory + , ecma262, exceptions, filemanip, filepath, hslogger, hxt, mtl + , opendatatable, split, template-haskell, text, th-lift, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, utf8-string, yql + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apis"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "07jvx1bsfiqk9l4l9k9yrsmvqm7dc2lb6p7h8p2bzqc3dqcqp67q"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers deepseq directory ecma262 exceptions + filemanip filepath hslogger hxt mtl opendatatable split + template-haskell text th-lift time transformers + unordered-containers utf8-string yql + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Template Haskell library for generating type safe API calls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "apotiki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, crypto-api, cryptohash, directory, http-types + , old-time, openpgp, openpgp-asciiarmor, openpgp-crypto-api, scotty + , strict, tar, text, transformers, wai-extra, wai-middleware-static + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "apotiki"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1rih1lasky5sjdf3lz2qi2qya3iwbbxs658p77h1amqpsa7lsfp7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary bytestring containers crypto-api + cryptohash directory http-types old-time openpgp openpgp-asciiarmor + openpgp-crypto-api scotty strict tar text transformers wai-extra + wai-middleware-static zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a faster debian repository"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "app-settings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, hspec, HUnit, mtl + , parsec, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "app-settings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17918i7k1wagmqxvkhww69w8ffybshfm6y1dd9iyg9x45qdrvr6k"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory mtl parsec text ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory hspec HUnit mtl parsec text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to manage application settings (INI file-like)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "appar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "appar"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "09jb9ij78fdkz2qk66rw99q19qnm504dpv0yq0pjsl6xwjmndsjq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "A simple applicative parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "appc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, hspec + , hspec-smallcheck, optparse-applicative, semver, smallcheck, text + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "appc"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0xilcg5rbi6bnwbs3xkysnf3v5h07hxn764sxim0s0n75vvlvidy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers optparse-applicative semver text + uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base hspec hspec-smallcheck semver smallcheck text uuid + ]; + description = "app container types and tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "applicative-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "applicative-extras"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "1svsf8mvb816nksg1dh4dz3cms2zx2hjprz2z7h3zidpxmzs0pr8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances for Applicative"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "applicative-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "applicative-numbers"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0rnjl7yz6nga4qi0jdvhf911yf1qk6gy2fm5236bsgc50d5wbaw0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Applicative-based numeric instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "applicative-quoters" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "applicative-quoters"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10m29d0938khjdazsmsvvncr5xndnpzpm1b7ymzb3b4b81xmcpgl"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta template-haskell ]; + description = "Quasiquoters for idiom brackets and an applicative do-notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "approx-rand-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, Chart-diagrams, colour, conduit + , containers, data-default, data-default-class, filepath, HUnit + , ieee754, lens, mersenne-random-pure64, monad-mersenne-random, mtl + , statistics, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , transformers, vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "approx-rand-test"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "17aww5sffw07wk8hlyf0qv26v0jkr5qzv45wxk4zhhyb453b9m41"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart Chart-diagrams colour conduit containers data-default + data-default-class filepath lens mersenne-random-pure64 + monad-mersenne-random mtl statistics text transformers vector + vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit ieee754 mersenne-random-pure64 monad-mersenne-random mtl + test-framework test-framework-hunit vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-withcairo" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Approximate randomization test"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "approximate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytes, cereal, comonad, deepseq + , directory, distributive, doctest, filepath, generic-deriving + , ghc-prim, hashable, hashable-extras, lens, log-domain, pointed + , safecopy, semigroupoids, semigroups, simple-reflect, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "approximate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18ac2z1yqqksqmq9ch36ja3qjn9v6cgyzxs64lnnp98mgcwsmhwr"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytes cereal comonad deepseq distributive + generic-deriving ghc-prim hashable hashable-extras lens log-domain + pointed safecopy semigroupoids semigroups vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath generic-deriving semigroups + simple-reflect + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Approximate discrete values and numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "approximate-equality" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-level-natural-number }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "approximate-equality"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pxvyb5a6vh0isba81flv7wjlwfn091xrma7g6wzr08bvqmix883"; + buildDepends = [ base type-level-natural-number ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Newtype wrappers for approximate equality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ar-timestamp-wiper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ar-timestamp-wiper"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1gk1z0dw7i0c3wql1zh8iri6573falmiz31s0widfz7dav45vkrz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wipes time stamps from .a files (like ar -D)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "arb-fft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, criterion, directory, filepath + , primitive, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arb-fft"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yxhafzv71xx2gva4b9slr26iqs6p1lh578x1774bv07ifqys6dp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers criterion directory filepath primitive transformers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fllvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure Haskell arbitrary length FFT library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arbb-vm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arbb_dev, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, mtl, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arbb-vm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k31ardnlg925vcrrl4n9w09867dbr68sdnc3bhs9xz1r9cdlkv8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers directory mtl pretty + ]; + extraLibraries = [ arbb_dev ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI binding to the Intel Array Building Blocks (ArBB) virtual machine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { arbb_dev = null; }; + + "arbtt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, binary, bytestring + , bytestring-progress, containers, deepseq, directory, filepath + , HUnit, libXScrnSaver, old-locale, parsec, pcre-light + , process-extras, strict, tasty, tasty-golden, tasty-hunit + , terminal-progress-bar, time, transformers, unix, utf8-string, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arbtt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15ydb425nvqfzajx09q713wy5xa7awbzfjlsidk17vf7qbhfjn7z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base binary bytestring bytestring-progress containers + deepseq directory filepath old-locale parsec pcre-light strict + terminal-progress-bar time transformers unix utf8-string X11 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory HUnit + old-locale parsec pcre-light process-extras tasty tasty-golden + tasty-hunit time transformers unix utf8-string + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libXScrnSaver ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "archive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, debian, debian-mirror, directory + , Extra, filepath, help, HUnit, mtl, network, old-locale, pretty + , process, progress, regex-compat, regex-posix, time, unix + , Unixutils, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "archive"; + version = "1.2.12"; + sha256 = "0rdgrdmmsn4qijbbprw4dbppb5klgn9lw3fyizzcd79gsgz4s61r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring debian debian-mirror directory Extra filepath help + HUnit mtl network old-locale pretty process progress regex-compat + regex-posix time unix Unixutils xhtml + ]; + description = "A library and programs for creating hardlinked incremental archives or backups"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { debian-mirror = null; help = null; }; + + "archiver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl, HTTP, network + , process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "archiver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19gvja890lhn9zr2aqjshwq5qqb95nynxrsw5wk4z2a417xj70j2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers curl HTTP network process random + ]; + description = "Archive supplied URLs in WebCite & Internet Archive"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "archlinux" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "archlinux"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "051pgn39f8xq80qf8g04j162n6zysvcdbj8a8m05x6vi6mbr9jx2"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers directory filepath pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for working with Arch Linux packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "archlinux-web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, archlinux, base, Cabal, containers, csv, deepseq + , directory, filepath, HTTP, json, old-time, parallel, pretty + , prettyclass, process, strict-concurrency, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "archlinux-web"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1rzjkxxmf24hrmlc70s416akn6rbcly7152ly618dxgigvqnir48"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + archlinux base Cabal containers csv deepseq directory filepath HTTP + json old-time parallel pretty prettyclass process + strict-concurrency xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Website maintenance for Arch Linux packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "archnews" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, download-curl, feed, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "archnews"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1v7b6w2cqfy69kvsr09a1qv4zyz78khygmd9l9hqjlmj7w3x8gys"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers download-curl feed tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Arch Linux package updates in RSS to pretty markdown"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , bytestring-show, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arff"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1mwak4kl4ksg5vqya9abz02v0zgj6lbi6bzq2bd8jpnncazsxha5"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bytestring-lexing bytestring-show old-locale + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "argparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTF, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "argparser"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0ypdj4mcm4yk5pswzwi9jk2w25f6qhiari8gam72za6ihyjwfig6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HTF HUnit ]; + description = "Command line parsing framework for console applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arguedit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, containers, glib, gtk, HDBC, indents + , mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arguedit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17s6m9mjai439j8g0cd5pr2zb0224h1ckik9fg0rbd06zgxvfmq6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap containers glib gtk HDBC indents mtl parsec + ]; + description = "A computer assisted argumentation transcription and editing software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "ariadne" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bert, Cabal, containers, data-lens + , data-lens-fd, data-lens-template, directory, filepath + , haskell-names, haskell-packages, haskell-src-exts, hse-cpp + , hslogger, mtl, stm, tagged, tasty, tasty-hunit, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ariadne"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02hyn3y4h7w4l5k48kp73al67lp8vzlymblb7al72w14r01ww8p3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bert Cabal containers data-lens data-lens-fd + data-lens-template directory filepath haskell-names + haskell-packages haskell-src-exts hse-cpp hslogger mtl stm tagged + transformers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bert containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts tasty + tasty-hunit utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Go-to-definition for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "arith-encode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, array, base, binary, Cabal, containers + , fgl, hashable, HUnit-Plus, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arith-encode"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1wqm2jcc2dac31gvad6pmnq0wbajpj488h93xl93vfipsbak0cm8"; + buildDepends = [ + arithmoi array base binary Cabal containers fgl hashable + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + arithmoi array base binary Cabal containers fgl hashable HUnit-Plus + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A practical arithmetic encoding (aka Godel numbering) library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arithmatic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arithmatic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qa1yqi67l1cd3ggb67h9iji9ps3ma43fcddv0vmc1hin61xnzj8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Basic arithmatic in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "arithmoi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-prim, integer-gmp + , mtl, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arithmoi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02wrm24dpcsdsjaic30416axad5s4y822si1am4smb2qvrhps9ix"; + editedCabalFile = "d12980bee5be68b204594ee91c026599ec930613be6c05106ea27d93d96c0433"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ghc-prim integer-gmp mtl random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient basic number-theoretic functions. Primes, powers, integer logarithms."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "armada" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, mtl, OpenGL, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "armada"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "18ym9cs0mr4pr6pdgyk14rrwsxh1fa0xvqz3jg60lnxbgjlynvc1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT mtl OpenGL stm ]; + description = "Space-based real time strategy game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "array_0_5_0_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "array"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rknkp9c6cxf63adx7xam655d509aja9wim1r37j4905ywan0y8a"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Mutable and immutable arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "array-forth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, HUnit, mcmc-synthesis, MonadRandom + , OddWord, optparse-applicative, QuickCheck, split + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "array-forth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1234szy0ibbyyzglpz0rv5w4wk44rkq8wdl5s3kmnvlvjyxn95nf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart mcmc-synthesis MonadRandom OddWord optparse-applicative + split vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + description = "A simple interpreter for arrayForth, the language used on GreenArrays chips"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "array-memoize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "array-memoize"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "1p05vg8mdyad03aa7s1nrgw5xqgl80f6l7v0llhmi1q4xnrqrj3n"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Memoization combinators using arrays for finite sub-domains of functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "array-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "array-utils"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1gh7gmbm0djr78dqkf8q3ap9yk4gm3dq48k8jad9ssp3w19wpkan"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arrow-improve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, pointed, profunctors, semigroupoids + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arrow-improve"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ppl8v746lj41aqb0k2724vm4n32jxmz723qa0j860jvhkh2nww7"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base pointed profunctors semigroupoids ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Improved arrows"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "arrow-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arrow-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i0rwjrrvbi9fmwdzmz6vzkkr63pl2df653anjwcw3xr7ccb16xm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List arrows for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arrowapply-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arrowapply-utils"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "02zampc6cc5a9fvdvxkz2r6i5sxf5w0qilsvsx8jxiw4kprbghii"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Utilities for working with ArrowApply instances more naturally"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arrowp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell-src }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arrowp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a0ss5q8ximbd6hr0agy1106jfvdm8cx50q7a9yaiqfxs20fy6lx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell-src ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "preprocessor translating arrow notation into Haskell 98"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "arrows" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arrows"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qpbpwsc3frjdngwjv3r58nfa0ik88cqh24ls47svigsz3c4n42v"; + buildDepends = [ base Stream ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrow classes and transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "artery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, profunctors, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "artery"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1fs8jap2ndcj21qgpkzy9nbnabvp4ac0xm0vdwkjjdf7i4j5kaqr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers profunctors transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple, arrow-based reactive programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bytestring-nums, containers, file-embed, parsec, process + , shell-escape, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arx"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "04af1a8b3njhv4gbn799p1dwryjdq3z54cws796iskm9628ds3yq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring bytestring-nums containers + file-embed parsec process shell-escape template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-cli" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Archive execution tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "arxiv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, split, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "arxiv"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1has8v40h8w4v393pgd4qk4fzgdw02y12zk2hspkic1q5bx33dxh"; + editedCabalFile = "746311e6003440248df63acd19e428cbdbf5c95cdd3ee0993d2c89c7b2ceada7"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec split tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A client for the Arxiv API"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "ascetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ascetic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c5ip8q9b6xnvh3li03iilmqz33rrlis78zs0lh4jva67b37akqk"; + buildDepends = [ base MissingH ]; + description = "Generic markup builder"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ascii" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , hashable, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ascii"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xpw2n3gskndg74ilrq8zngawlvc3mbsji3nx2aprar96hdlpvpv"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive hashable text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe, bytestring-based ASCII values. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ascii-vector-avc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, deepseq + , deepseq-generics, HUnit, split, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ascii-vector-avc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09m7wcq207glaz3s824vakj42vdaxc334y5k9lsh095v2xp7pwz4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring deepseq deepseq-generics HUnit + split zlib + ]; + description = "Process Ascii Vectors for Advantest 93k"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "ascii85-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ascii85-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "191qw61y3jrbwzv7nabvxr6dxxigyxflbw49f0q637psqzdblsl5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring conduit hspec ]; + description = "Conduit for encoding ByteString into Ascii85"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "asic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asil, base, bytestring, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asic"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0w7pkfd0i46a6x2ivk659rx56v9nkjvlvnmiafy96y1cbfzkyffg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ asil base bytestring utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Action Script Instrumentation Compiler"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "asil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, mtl + , pretty, utf8-string, uuagc, zip-archive, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asil"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1zprddksk91wfyl1597cdgdy2r46d7vxjfxxi80rhxbfkshs4qwx"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 + directory filepath haskell-src-exts mtl pretty utf8-string uuagc + zip-archive zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Action Script Instrumentation Library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "asn1-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asn1-data"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "10s7mxygw6w8a8mx090msvbl8pji8m68lsxxyr5bp7p887naia7r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal mtl text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "asn1-encoding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-types, base, bytestring, hourglass, mtl + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asn1-encoding"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "02x3lzyl4gavl3lc2lrg8rknyvs6r2hf8kmm7xrmma5m857iks8p"; + buildDepends = [ asn1-types base bytestring hourglass mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + asn1-types base bytestring hourglass mtl tasty tasty-quickcheck + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "asn1-parse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring, mtl + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asn1-parse"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "0m093wwndyxvy72qlnb70bp8w5ahimrlv1dp972l9s9l5jc4pjg3"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring mtl text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "asn1-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hourglass }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asn1-types"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1am8nmfarv7ymy3rqm0js2i82v6n6qwz0lnzb1qdmy4ligcdm65r"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hourglass ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ASN.1 types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "asn1dump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring, pem + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asn1dump"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "05kdx00bkpp3f4x1i9j8kfbdnhsivx1njcfpcxxgw93jm5ng3lj7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring pem ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dump ASN1 structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "assembler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-binary, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "assembler"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1crwfndk7qci5id132s9f57i3kslxcdcqpymsykm1460x5nd42qs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-binary parsec ]; + description = "Haskell Assembler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ghc-binary = null; }; + + "assert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, filepath + , system-posix-redirect + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "assert"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pycrpa9m8kif31jsbmb2cb4rbvm6qinmzhkdam1b5mbmmmg5q96"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory filepath system-posix-redirect + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helpers for Control.Exception.assert"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "assert-failure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty-show, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "assert-failure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09djlhhyn9w822a5r41y7gk4cqk74a2fy7skzml2bah2an166gm1"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty-show text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Syntactic sugar improving 'assert' and 'error'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "assertions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, containers, interpolate + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "assertions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b2p6b6brk0b1hq264i20bpdhdaq4xdzcqp7gzvfy1s5q3zwjzj8"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base interpolate process ]; + description = "A simple testing framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "assimp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, assimp, base, c2hs, haskell98, vect }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "assimp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jhf76v08dh1bf65ln0az1b8bc8zi9gxb0bx273mi3jvprhns4zh"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 vect ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ assimp ]; + description = "The Assimp asset import library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) assimp; }; + + "astar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, PSQueue }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "astar"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0qgymyaawk0ml929d5lgfikmqbxyz4shs66wq9ch9d6r175cs5b8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers PSQueue ]; + description = "General A* search algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "astrds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, MonadRandom, mtl + , OpenGL, random, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-mixer, SDL-ttf, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "astrds"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1zb265z6m1py2jxhxzrq2kb3arw2riagajhh3vs0m54rkrak6szs"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory MonadRandom mtl OpenGL random SDL + SDL-image SDL-mixer SDL-ttf unix + ]; + description = "an incomplete 2d space game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "astview" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, astview-utils, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, glade, glib, Glob, gtk, gtksourceview2, hint + , mtl, process, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "astview"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0lv4wbblv4r0vwfynswsxzyrl6qp45byjdmg4cs760qq3jj749zl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + astview-utils base bytestring containers directory filepath glade + glib Glob gtk gtksourceview2 hint mtl process syb + ]; + description = "A GTK-based abstract syntax tree viewer for custom languages and parsers"; + license = "BSD4"; + }) {}; + + "astview-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "astview-utils"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1rqqlngmcdd7i1gww95lyim971w8xv0hjg20h0j8av4y29pjxfyn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers syb ]; + description = "Interfacing between hint and astview"; + license = "BSD4"; + }) {}; + + "async" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "async"; + version = "2.0.2"; + sha256 = "0azx4qk65a9a2gvqsfmz3w89m6shzr2iz0i5lly2zvly4n2d6m6v"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "async-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, lifted-async, lifted-base + , monad-control, SafeSemaphore, stm, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "async-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "137vpkc4xlbmghbjmgdjxaqcji19cj1vxm64df9gxb7356d0rzyh"; + buildDepends = [ + async base lifted-async lifted-base monad-control SafeSemaphore stm + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra Utilities for the Async Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "async-manager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, stm, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "async-manager"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "002w3n0ykn5ga7mwz9kjvr77izqnhklq5r3aczwjikvgkik9q6ck"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ async base stm unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A thread manager for async"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "async-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, fgl, hspec, monad-control + , stm, time, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "async-pool"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "13c3b8ggry476hp83bq0450j5y9990flq62jj6mjpjapyn1w283z"; + buildDepends = [ + async base containers fgl monad-control stm transformers + transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base containers fgl hspec monad-control stm time transformers + transformers-base + ]; + description = "A modified version of async that supports worker groups and many-to-many task dependencies"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "asynchronous-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "asynchronous-exceptions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vfx2ikw61sic35n4ayy7rng6izpafksz7lh4xgkcmbg627vkm8s"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous exceptions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aterm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aterm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02aajiirz68wqyrcigfb4cym7j43cf3p0dn4awcw8simnqhfaskh"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "serialisation for Haskell values with sharing support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "aterm-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aterm, base, mtl, transformers, wl-pprint }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aterm-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yyk2mdxrla0hwh1mn50x5mgqskkaw6i086gqqmprljr2668kkj0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aterm base mtl transformers wl-pprint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for working with aterms as generated by Minitermite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atl"; + version = "15409.2"; + sha256 = "1by20xr3s3f0rh1h9zfpcp1i8sn1qv6292mjvav108iws0dh4wq2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Arrow Transformer Library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "atlassian-connect-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, atlassian-connect-descriptor, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, case-insensitive, cipher-aes + , configurator, containers, cryptohash, hostname, http-client + , http-media, http-types, jwt, mtl, network, network-api-support + , network-uri, snap, snap-core, split, text, time, time-units + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atlassian-connect-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g802w7b31isjix2xypia26vqhy73cxrjk8izhxcnqyl4f6g5ym2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson atlassian-connect-descriptor base base64-bytestring + bytestring case-insensitive cipher-aes configurator containers + cryptohash hostname http-client http-media http-types jwt mtl + network network-api-support network-uri snap snap-core split text + time time-units transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Atlassian Connect snaplet for the Snap Framework and helper code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "atlassian-connect-descriptor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, Cabal, cases, HUnit, network + , network-uri, scientific, text, time-units, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atlassian-connect-descriptor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fk2kwf6yzy5r167rxy94lajwhglng0jsxccfkpdflmzbgdbr1q9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base cases network network-uri text time-units + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base Cabal cases HUnit network network-uri scientific text + time-units unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "Code that helps you create a valid Atlassian Connect Descriptor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "atmos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atmos"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qx5a6dzaxjw1flybpmbf3hf7xycg4x69283njszwijw23ak6sv6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + description = "1976 US Standard Atmosphere"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "atmos-dimensional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atmos, base, dimensional }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atmos-dimensional"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "19rlcp1zn3k838c5ixsn6i09nclfwvd9prbirxy5fmch0yjlp39d"; + buildDepends = [ atmos base dimensional ]; + description = "dimensional wrapper on atmos package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atmos-dimensional-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atmos, base, dimensional-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atmos-dimensional-tf"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "05g2v7ppbcvaw0dk9f0z0gb7k33c4lk2cm2ziyqahxmwsz928khm"; + buildDepends = [ atmos base dimensional-tf ]; + description = "dimensional-tf wrapper on atmos package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, containers, mtl, process, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atom"; + version = "1.0.12"; + sha256 = "0mavmgaw9wb7sjrmr49h2xw4xvzywgbflvvxym0l9wc91dd3zhrp"; + buildDepends = [ base bimap containers mtl process syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A DSL for embedded hard realtime applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atom-msp430" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atom, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atom-msp430"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "02h1g35f3bd3cjjhr28g63vk1mnghshq9586wa922rfl79jp6jcs"; + buildDepends = [ atom base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convenience functions for using Atom with the MSP430 microcontroller family"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "atomic-primops" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, primitive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atomic-primops"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1flnh7x0596hw834irfznd3vprl844bgml2phskg8sjwcmi1j74c"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim primitive ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atomic-primops-foreign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bits-atomic, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atomic-primops-foreign"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "1pfdbrxx4s6n53lfhxghcalm8dif2r9zj45bipibvyiczz5xkkpm"; + buildDepends = [ base bits-atomic ]; + testDepends = [ + base bits-atomic HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An atomic counter implemented using the FFI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atomo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, hashable, haskeline, hint, mtl, parsec, pretty + , regex-pcre, template-haskell, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atomo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hby64jd9zi518rnfk46ilipnp3x0ynkgqk2n0brf1873y88mwx8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath hashable + haskeline hint mtl parsec pretty regex-pcre template-haskell text + time vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-flib" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A highly dynamic, extremely simple, very fun programming language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attempt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attempt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gvq04ds62kk88r2210mxd1fggp6vf5p8j5hci9vqkkss1hy9rxh"; + buildDepends = [ base failure ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concrete data type for handling extensible exceptions as failures. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atto-lisp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual + , bytestring, containers, deepseq, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atto-lisp"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "13lhdalam4gn9faa58c3c7nssdwp2y0jsfl1lnnvr3dx6wzp0jhc"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers + deepseq text + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient parsing and serialisation of S-Expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , QuickCheck, scientific, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vazyr3fdahdg1q503sbj0zv4xj7sm7j32mjm856bm51j2s0rhlc"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq scientific text + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring deepseq QuickCheck scientific test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-arff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-arff"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1jf9065pqmdfshkd0cqiamhivs9an4slqx82n7yj0kkhdxw5lyq4"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + description = "An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-binary"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "02vswxsgayw50xli7mbacsjmk1diifzkfgnyfn9ck5mk41dl9rh5"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + description = "Binary processing extensions to Attoparsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-conduit"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "18xn3nzxfghcd88cana1jw85ijv0ysw3bp36fb6r5wsf6m79z01y"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-csv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zh1g9687nrdxksniq348jc04hbgf5kxbzqs0kggmz7qqw03iq0v"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for CSV files that uses Attoparsec"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, enumerator, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-enumerator"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0z57bbw97v92dkjp57zj9nfzsdas2n1qfw472k1aa84iqb6hbw9w"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring enumerator text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pass input from an enumerator to an Attoparsec parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-expr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-expr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09305lp9q3cgvpv4d878c34dk07g7p13hc07hrp2xlwl7rc3nac3"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base ]; + description = "Port of parsec's expression parser to attoparsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, iteratee + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-iteratee"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1j57xhk34ghi1b2gnzrfbswv2nab5h0z52h3wvx9w8d97bbvqp2s"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring iteratee transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An adapter to convert attoparsec Parsers into blazing-fast Iteratees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hspec, markdown-unlit, parsec + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-parsec"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0mi3f1kwcss8m1679ymiydp1sb1xdyv1f6a0qx9d683p86qxrwzq"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base parsec text ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base hspec markdown-unlit QuickCheck text + ]; + description = "An Attoparsec compatibility layer for Parsec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qq42lp1sah80a6lnnafi6pwl61b4w4q4jk1pbb7pg5p06mmk315"; + buildDepends = [ array attoparsec base containers text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "(deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "attoparsec-text-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec-text, base, enumerator, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attoparsec-text-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cffcwji141js09r7avb15b08xl4s8cgk5vxyrqaq7zw40hhb1gz"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec-text base enumerator text ]; + description = "(deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "attosplit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "attosplit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01sh8k9n9040xqx1lbn74rcf59j54n5861d9db1y5cdy7qssxyg4"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Split a lazy bytestring at boundaries defined by an attoparsec parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "atuin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, directory, epic, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "atuin"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1wmfnvl39amyfzkvpd3gysshyf10fjjb91zibalkqbq9pbsnfzjk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base Cabal directory epic haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embedded Turtle language compiler in Haskell, with Epic output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "augeas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, augeas, base, bytestring, directory, HUnit, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "augeas"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "08z6l97hi6clv3b34mz9zjc5rns02jx1zx9iqdsmjl2p7hcn7rs5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory HUnit unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ augeas ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ augeas ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell FFI wrapper for the Augeas API"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) augeas; }; + + "augur" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, classify, containers, directory + , filepath, HaXml, mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "augur"; + version = "2008.11.17"; + sha256 = "1jvbf3z9z6m40hprykxcc5xwbmwm6p5hwlyab0dimd8h2ar50xfr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring classify containers directory filepath HaXml mtl + process + ]; + description = "Renaming media collections in a breeze"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aur" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, filepath, lens + , lens-aeson, mtl, text, vector, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aur"; + version = "2.0.3"; + sha256 = "0gnvnqxkgyq9ydrx5divqd9g9ja6znj2zqn0ra8q3i3701cczzw2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base filepath lens lens-aeson mtl text vector + wreq + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Access metadata from the Arch Linux User Repository"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "authenticate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, containers, http-conduit, http-types + , monad-control, network-uri, resourcet, tagstream-conduit, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authenticate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xkzaw9a338yclbm10cfa9cnjdjpmzif2qj4hprig45z5szqi4q4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive + conduit containers http-conduit http-types monad-control + network-uri resourcet tagstream-conduit text transformers + unordered-containers xml-conduit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication methods for Haskell web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "authenticate-kerberos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authenticate-kerberos"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "06k8xi9n44xq63dpmcv4l0vg35y19dk5x1ibyay05w58k4kv4fdq"; + buildDepends = [ base process text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication methods for Haskell web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "authenticate-ldap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, LDAP, text, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authenticate-ldap"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1wsx43l7jl40jpzhiv2fjc1mnpsaaryrjpqaiyqsn3ahacsy4ly5"; + buildDepends = [ base LDAP text transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LDAP authentication for Haskell web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "authenticate-oauth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring, crypto-pubkey-types + , data-default, http-client, http-types, random, RSA, SHA, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authenticate-oauth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14ya9kz9iinbzszqgfxx4xdvf3vgjgr77wzwksndiaqpgz9xb240"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-builder-conduit + bytestring crypto-pubkey-types data-default http-client http-types + random RSA SHA time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to authenticate with OAuth for Haskell web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "authinfo-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, network, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authinfo-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jv0y4y2ig8dx95xw3zbxc1h9mv3wi3r8xqx00llmf2qs6wgdlp5"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base network text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Password querying for .authinfo"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "authoring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, citation-resolve, containers + , data-default, haskell-src-meta, HaTeX, lens, mtl, parsers, safe + , template-haskell, text, transformers, trifecta + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "authoring"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0jfxgrbkcqpfcvg1jk7ysd74bq7xjlvzqamnr3qg4ib9zg6yw0k4"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base citation-resolve containers data-default + haskell-src-meta HaTeX lens mtl parsers safe template-haskell text + transformers trifecta + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing papers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "auto-update" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "auto-update"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cj1pjf22x02h3d1ln1p69g90kz2dfsiq04ahfq29jj4ny525lwp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "autonix-deps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, errors + , filepath, lens, libarchive-conduit, mtl, optparse-applicative + , process, regex-tdfa, resourcet, transformers, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "autonix-deps"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kmyl117wjyrgxzng3avxq3rjqq6ifxd0b14x8nazpl4566qccfw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers errors filepath lens + libarchive-conduit mtl optparse-applicative process regex-tdfa + resourcet transformers xml + ]; + description = "Library for Nix expression dependency generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "autonix-deps-kf5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, autonix-deps, base, bytestring, conduit + , containers, filepath, lens, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "autonix-deps-kf5"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04lhp4gnzpa5r2wlbvm29ig87335b5ahnw19wkaychv54n0505xj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + autonix-deps base bytestring conduit containers filepath lens mtl + transformers + ]; + description = "Generate dependencies for KDE 5 Nix expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "autoproc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "autoproc"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0yrlaq2jr89ncla3cpj6ir8bamwdchxnr39vsvkm7qpan61f2x65"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl process unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "EDSL for Procmail scripts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "avahi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dbus-core, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "avahi"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0b2bw0rp33g8s1y6hyqji3ycv26a4ixgjmkph93isnjxglfl6ah0"; + buildDepends = [ base dbus-core text ]; + description = "Minimal DBus bindings for Avahi daemon ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "average" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "average"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0ag2jxhxap8wzdlb23zvly5y09k6kh134rwdxq6dqxlqwfwhsyc9"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroups vector-space ]; + description = "An average (arithmetic mean) monoid"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "avl-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "avl-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13rl5wrpmbb4c0zsaymivi4d9qg2wl4lfw4nvkd81naqm3vskc10"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "A compile-time balanced AVL tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "avr-shake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dependent-sum, mtl, process, shake }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "avr-shake"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08n9yk1dc0sisinapys4dvkyg4n96j9nmszrj7m9jrgjzks238fj"; + buildDepends = [ base dependent-sum mtl process shake ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AVR Crosspack actions for shake build systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "awesomium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, awesomium-raw, base, containers + , text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "awesomium"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qd89nlw4rqdl8iya49rldyn5a36d64slcnw5pfh5c5aajh27aq2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec awesomium-raw base containers text vector + ]; + description = "High-level Awesomium bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "awesomium-glut" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, awesomium, awesomium-raw, base, GLUT }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "awesomium-glut"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "175hgqix2j26579g0rrryl86w7qvla95nvf4lwfxsxxwqgcq3zpd"; + buildDepends = [ awesomium awesomium-raw base GLUT ]; + description = "Utilities for using Awesomium with GLUT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "awesomium-raw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, awesomium, base, c2hs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "awesomium-raw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0djilsrgb8y84ssslwawhw6lky7bqspz31qwjy9lkxywi5hwxnyb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ awesomium ]; + description = "Low-level Awesomium bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) awesomium; }; + + "aws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, byteable, bytestring + , case-insensitive, cereal, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , cryptohash, data-default, directory, errors, filepath + , http-client, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, monad-control + , mtl, network, old-locale, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , resourcet, safe, scientific, tagged, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , utf8-string, vector, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "19q7r74c5xw04vpwl2fwm675bvkp3vhlak63iqfl1927z2jsyva9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + blaze-builder byteable bytestring case-insensitive cereal conduit + conduit-extra containers cryptohash data-default directory filepath + http-conduit http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl network + old-locale resourcet safe scientific tagged text time transformers + unordered-containers utf8-string vector xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring errors http-client lifted-base monad-control + mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-instances resourcet tagged tasty + tasty-quickcheck text time transformers transformers-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-cloudfront-signer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, crypto-pubkey-types, old-locale, RSA, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-cloudfront-signer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cxh0b0g4lms2zpgw6q4k7bk2a7px8kafdr6qrbrcf7p3dkmzwd9"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base base64-bytestring bytestring + crypto-pubkey-types old-locale RSA time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "For signing AWS CloudFront HTTP URL requests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-dynamodb-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, aws, aws-general, base + , base-unicode-symbols, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring + , byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, cryptohash, http-conduit, http-types, mtl, old-locale + , parsers, profunctors, resourcet, scientific, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-dynamodb-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yqmijls71jyvic2saabj3kwnpaxmlj6mf4krcdli3626ra7w4r2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec aws aws-general base base-unicode-symbols + base16-bytestring base64-bytestring byteable bytestring + case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra containers cryptohash + http-conduit http-types mtl old-locale parsers profunctors + resourcet scientific text time + ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for Amazon DynamoDB Streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "aws-ec2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, byteable, bytestring + , conduit-extra, containers, cryptohash, http-conduit, http-types + , mtl, optparse-applicative, resourcet, scientific + , template-haskell, text, time, unordered-containers, vector + , xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-ec2"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1jlm6a4mb3mzzvql8llnvci4qd8imf58m681iqhcw1qq6hy56srl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring blaze-builder + byteable bytestring conduit-extra containers cryptohash + http-conduit http-types mtl optparse-applicative resourcet + scientific template-haskell text time unordered-containers vector + xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AWS EC2/VPC, ELB and CloudWatch client library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-elastic-transcoder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws, aws-sign4, base, bytestring, Cabal + , conduit, containers, http-conduit, http-types, QuickCheck + , regex-compat, safe, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-elastic-transcoder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02dygqqyal6s3ibjvgxng4vspld3c6mrgrwdhig8lfri2zdpqsw9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-sign4 base bytestring conduit containers http-conduit + http-types QuickCheck regex-compat safe text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base Cabal containers QuickCheck regex-compat safe text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell suite for the Elastic Transcoder service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-general" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, aws, base, base16-bytestring + , blaze-builder, byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive, charset + , cryptohash, directory, either, errors, hashable, http-types + , old-locale, parsers, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, tagged + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-general"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "002ly4n3qlffhhplvhqqa4cwdi2qgnl0vdm9mr2y2pzi9rdd4ijp"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring blaze-builder byteable + bytestring case-insensitive cryptohash hashable http-types + old-locale parsers QuickCheck quickcheck-instances text time + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec aws base bytestring case-insensitive charset directory + either errors http-types parsers QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + tagged tasty tasty-quickcheck text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnormalize-signature-v4-date" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for AWS General API Version 0.1"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aws-kinesis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws, aws-general, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, errors + , http-conduit, http-types, mtl, parsers, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, resourcet, tagged, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-kinesis"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "18ki1hdynq7i3wlp4xb8cyr3qvlgmrmk76fhqljkfrwk5681bcwv"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-general base base64-bytestring blaze-builder + bytestring conduit conduit-extra http-conduit http-types parsers + QuickCheck quickcheck-instances resourcet text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-general base bytestring errors mtl QuickCheck tagged + tasty tasty-quickcheck text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for Amazon Kinesis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "aws-kinesis-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws, aws-general, aws-kinesis, base + , base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, conduit, data-carousel, either + , errors, hourglass, http-conduit, kan-extensions, lens + , lens-action, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl + , optparse-applicative, random, resourcet, stm, stm-chans + , stm-conduit, stm-queue-extras, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-kinesis-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p7hvr8ybh57h1gdrascj0m246x3mz67m5mila9ijxnb10fh6ghf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-general aws-kinesis base base-unicode-symbols + bytestring conduit data-carousel either errors hourglass + http-conduit kan-extensions lens lens-action lifted-async + lifted-base monad-control mtl optparse-applicative random resourcet + stm stm-chans stm-conduit stm-queue-extras text time transformers + ]; + description = "A producer & consumer client library for AWS Kinesis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "aws-kinesis-reshard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws, aws-general, aws-kinesis, aws-sdk, base + , base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, conduit, either, hoist-error + , lens, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl + , optparse-applicative, resourcet, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-kinesis-reshard"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g8zbga3v6h8b6dk3hqvhmlmn6kq0cqxbvxhj94qgqzy7qja1pj9"; + editedCabalFile = "c64a7e40e0369963154c9d76f1b72f0577203a2a4b7e7c3e76e83d061fa2ec92"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aws aws-general aws-kinesis aws-sdk base base-unicode-symbols + bytestring conduit either hoist-error lens lifted-async lifted-base + monad-control mtl optparse-applicative resourcet text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reshard AWS Kinesis streams in response to Cloud Watch metrics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "aws-lambda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws-general, base, base-unicode-symbols + , bytestring, containers, exceptions, filepath, http-client + , http-types, lens, lens-action, lens-aeson, mtl, old-locale, text + , time, wreq, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-lambda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dy9q86yvrydw7h1l1n4ciai400w7czc26mizzfi4r369mqyan89"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws-general base base-unicode-symbols bytestring containers + exceptions filepath http-client http-types lens lens-action + lens-aeson mtl old-locale text time wreq zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for AWS Lambda"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "aws-performance-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, aws, base, bytestring + , configuration-tools, containers, dlist, errors, http-client, lens + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, optparse-applicative, resourcet + , statistics, text, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-performance-tests"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1m9najkh21ww4xmddad8ksnfa3if8q955q1vf3m48f52r2dl81hw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async aws base bytestring configuration-tools containers + dlist errors http-client lens lifted-base monad-control mtl + optparse-applicative resourcet statistics text time transformers + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-with-chart" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Performance Tests for the Haskell bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "aws-route53" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws, base, bytestring, containers, http-conduit + , http-types, old-locale, resourcet, text, time, xml-conduit + , xml-hamlet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-route53"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1nzxs6ff0nh6ncswfnx2gxxmx2by0xxzfpmlkk1cnd9xkz7c8n0k"; + buildDepends = [ + aws base bytestring containers http-conduit http-types old-locale + resourcet text time xml-conduit xml-hamlet + ]; + description = "Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-sdk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, containers, data-default, hspec, http-conduit + , http-types, HUnit, iproute, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl + , old-locale, parallel, parsec, QuickCheck, random, resourcet, safe + , SHA, simple-config, strptime, template-haskell, text, time, tls + , transformers, transformers-base, xml-conduit, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-sdk"; + version = "0.12.4"; + sha256 = "0zmwfkfddiyyn264kay6m295fh23gii8axln1fjykbsdgd6yy5rb"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers + data-default http-conduit http-types iproute lifted-base + monad-control mtl old-locale parallel parsec resourcet safe SHA + simple-config strptime template-haskell text time tls transformers + transformers-base xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit hspec http-conduit HUnit iproute lifted-base + monad-control QuickCheck random resourcet text time tls + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit-1-1" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AWS SDK for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-sdk-text-converter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, HUnit, iproute + , old-locale, QuickCheck, safe, strptime, template-haskell, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-sdk-text-converter"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "06a9sj9k1zpnzjcz8bd952fljwdn5r3vn5cg0vvc50bnidf99nfk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring iproute old-locale safe strptime template-haskell + text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit iproute old-locale QuickCheck safe + strptime template-haskell text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The text converter for aws-sdk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-sdk-xml-unordered" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws-sdk-text-converter, base, bytestring, conduit + , containers, hspec, lifted-base, mtl, resourcet, text + , unordered-containers, xml-conduit, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-sdk-xml-unordered"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0f90l61npi6x59i81k2cjfklpjl5m52zj7ww04k3y5x5c7nj26nd"; + buildDepends = [ + aws-sdk-text-converter base conduit containers lifted-base mtl + resourcet text unordered-containers xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit hspec mtl resourcet text xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The xml parser for aws-sdk package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-sign4" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attempt, aws, base, blaze-builder, byteable + , bytestring, bytestring-lexing, Cabal, case-insensitive + , cryptohash, directory, filepath, http-types, old-locale, safe + , text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-sign4"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jw4dp8gg4lzski55iw5m5xihyx1cp33c334nlkd2xydrkk8rjhh"; + buildDepends = [ + aws base blaze-builder byteable bytestring case-insensitive + cryptohash http-types old-locale safe time + ]; + testDepends = [ + attempt aws base blaze-builder byteable bytestring + bytestring-lexing Cabal case-insensitive cryptohash directory + filepath http-types old-locale safe text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature v4 HTTP request signer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "aws-sns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aws, aws-general, base, blaze-builder + , bytestring, conduit, containers, errors, http-conduit, http-types + , mtl, parsers, QuickCheck, resourcet, tagged, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, text, time, transformers, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "aws-sns"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1v1fjldn1bx65vv84zgx7np84pl4cr1wddngchkjxzci07ydrjpm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-general base blaze-builder bytestring conduit + containers http-conduit http-types parsers QuickCheck resourcet + text time transformers xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aws aws-general base bytestring errors mtl QuickCheck tagged + tasty tasty-quickcheck text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for AWS SNS Version 2013-03-31"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "azure-acs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, connection, http-conduit, http-types, network + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "azure-acs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09gv4ym6nxx5854m40p06pxvxrqfhmadxlb0d72pji6hk180yg5l"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring conduit conduit-extra connection + http-conduit http-types network time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Windows Azure ACS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "azure-service-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, case-insensitive + , certificate, crypto-pubkey-types, http-conduit, hxt, hxt-xpath + , pretty, resourcet, tls, tls-extra, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "azure-service-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09wb94k8f8wgcdx036x2fzixck7cbv739rrh299m7awbl4i3mfhg"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring case-insensitive certificate + crypto-pubkey-types http-conduit hxt hxt-xpath pretty resourcet tls + tls-extra transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for the Microsoft Azure Service Management API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "azure-servicebus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, azure-acs, base + , bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, connection, http-client + , http-conduit, http-types, network, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "azure-servicebus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ig8af14m11di9fis6s5hxmfqh7hc40c3bqyighnpi25xnv7mm13"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec azure-acs base bytestring case-insensitive + conduit connection http-client http-conduit http-types network text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell wrapper over Microsoft Azure ServiceBus REST API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "azurify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , case-insensitive, cmdargs, conduit, data-default, directory + , http-conduit, http-date, http-types, hxt, hxt-unicode, network + , old-locale, SHA, text, time, transformers, unix-compat + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "azurify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nqkpizqiwv7wfs1bgl8q13aaqnc9wjh8gs6fyiklplnjdcpqf9g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring case-insensitive cmdargs conduit + data-default directory http-conduit http-date http-types hxt + hxt-unicode network old-locale SHA text time transformers + unix-compat utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-library-only" "-f-no-hxt" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple library for accessing Azure blob storage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "b-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , errors, filepath, lens, mmap, mtl, pipes, pipes-interleave + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "b-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ckj5gh3p6rycqwydlapw5gl4sx00g4idjnqnh1m7piszhhr3bw0"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory errors filepath lens + mmap mtl pipes pipes-interleave transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Immutable disk-based B* trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "babylon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "babylon"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "12cyn149dgd9wvnc7smqsfy15mzgyfg8l17y6qz0k4dyapp8fvhf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random wx wxcore ]; + description = "An implementation of a simple 2-player board game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "backdropper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell98, hslogger, old-time + , process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "backdropper"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1z5v0p2yfgln9sv41myr10cjq60xcaav0hfzc18bmmssl8x2yljy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory haskell98 hslogger old-time process random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using Imagemagic"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "backtracking-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, free, kan-extensions, mtl + , semigroupoids, semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "backtracking-exceptions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m4z4m4ncyswvbr12dsvl0gz5398jxy99zkh22xjrdmfgl8rx6p2"; + buildDepends = [ + base either free kan-extensions mtl semigroupoids semigroups + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad transformer for backtracking exceptions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "backward-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "backward-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1akxm0v23gnph5jxwi20wq4lk07vd2kpiqns550k499yw95vqyam"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A state monad that runs the state in reverse through the computation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bacteria" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gd, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bacteria"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "19y7p53b80lqfrs1b945l4pc73c54zivk8l6lffzznd7gmbc0mv5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gd X11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "braindead utility to compose Xinerama backgrounds"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bag" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bag"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "18n7ggrfm39mn4rva661hkxj75gjx2p3jcm0hlzpcshxyk93iblr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A simple stable bag"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cmdargs, deepseq + , directory, extra, filepath, hashable, HTTP, http-types, process + , random, shake, text, time, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bake"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1j7m9q5vk35sqs6if9rzb72avi7xbjhbcv0hpg9qvn9nvs38dgiw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cmdargs deepseq directory extra filepath + hashable HTTP http-types process random shake text time wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Continuous integration system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bamboo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, gravatar, hack, hack-contrib, haskell98, mps + , mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, pandoc, parsec, parsedate + , process, time, unix, utf8-string, xhtml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo"; + version = "2010.2.25"; + sha256 = "0v96ync9vkq7xyc5jmm7k7vfxpy4m1l2370m99wa8qlrpcffhrmi"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath gravatar + hack hack-contrib haskell98 mps mtl network old-locale old-time + pandoc parsec parsedate process time unix utf8-string xhtml zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A blog engine on Hack"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bamboo-launcher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bamboo, bamboo-theme-blueprint, base, bytestring + , data-default, hack, hack-contrib, hack-handler-hyena, haskell98 + , mps, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo-launcher"; + version = "2010.2.25"; + sha256 = "1xp2k33jxbkf0maj3p3grv93c9vnjg6fzy6l8gg5dhil18834vdd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + bamboo bamboo-theme-blueprint base bytestring data-default hack + hack-contrib hack-handler-hyena haskell98 mps process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bamboo-launcher"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bamboo-plugin-highlight" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bamboo, base, bytestring, hack, hack-contrib + , highlighting-kate, hxt, mps, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo-plugin-highlight"; + version = "2009.7.5"; + sha256 = "0f8hpampawv0csqsb504hg97r7mimkcs9irm9i2m2b13w5fciaqc"; + buildDepends = [ + bamboo base bytestring hack hack-contrib highlighting-kate hxt mps + xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A highlight middleware"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bamboo-plugin-photo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, directory + , filepath, hack, hack-contrib, haskell98, hxt, mps, utf8-string + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo-plugin-photo"; + version = "2009.7.5"; + sha256 = "19ik80hcshmw8gpsb9gwngnwvriri10xx2v6xvrz0q25cxgwdjah"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default directory filepath hack hack-contrib + haskell98 hxt mps utf8-string xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A photo album middleware"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bamboo-theme-blueprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bamboo, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , gravatar, hack, hack-contrib, hcheat, mps, network, rss + , utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo-theme-blueprint"; + version = "2010.2.25.1"; + sha256 = "1wchvz2nm4klg11wjk3yb5yvqpa26c9lg6xc65k0dwxhy0cyd2zx"; + buildDepends = [ + bamboo base bytestring containers data-default gravatar hack + hack-contrib hcheat mps network rss utf8-string xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bamboo blueprint theme"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bamboo-theme-mini-html5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bamboo, base, base64-string, bytestring, cgi + , containers, data-default, directory, filepath, gravatar, hack + , hack-contrib, haskell98, hcheat, moe, mps, mtl, network + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, parsedate, process, rss, time, unix + , utf8-string, xhtml, yuuko, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamboo-theme-mini-html5"; + version = "2009.11.27"; + sha256 = "02zh9jqq46gg3hrsfjfq2skajr4jni3cisak4nd3shl6aqapw9d6"; + buildDepends = [ + bamboo base base64-string bytestring cgi containers data-default + directory filepath gravatar hack hack-contrib haskell98 hcheat moe + mps mtl network old-locale old-time parsec parsedate process rss + time unix utf8-string xhtml yuuko zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bamboo mini html5 theme"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bamse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, com, directory, filepath, HUnit, old-time + , pretty, process, QuickCheck, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamse"; + version = "0.9.5"; + sha256 = "1nykyywrqmf5nyszfg3acm0ydr9z8q78wc7bgabfmjwrnpq1dw68"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base com directory filepath HUnit old-time pretty process + QuickCheck regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fhsdotnet" "-f-bamsegen" "-f-build-tests" "-f-old-base" + ]; + description = "A Windows Installer (MSI) generator framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bamstats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, samtools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bamstats"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0z8k47h492818yvgxggqw4gcb6m91pw70kpibf9s384vxcbj6r24"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs samtools ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A program to extract various information from BAM alignmnet files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bank-holidays-england" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, QuickCheck, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bank-holidays-england"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kjn5f76w9ff73blg8apxkhfsk1clv2i52gr4frgqn7l6f32yp22"; + buildDepends = [ base containers time ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec QuickCheck time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Calculation of bank holidays in England and Wales"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "barchart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, csv, diagrams, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barchart"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "160ja5sdk0zdqc0ncsyldp4rmhc2g4zfa6xc7vbzf8gpqrcmzvgy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs csv diagrams filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Creating Bar Charts in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "barcodes-code128" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HPDF }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barcodes-code128"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "14blxjhapn9g7cp7374f5s2nln7wgyb7a6z50gp04lnqf1aw6kmg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HPDF ]; + description = "Generate Code 128 barcodes as PDFs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "barecheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barecheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0avz5pdnvd3kjgp9swpdfxddp60gqpamwd7j4xl8xdj3b2di5zk0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck text time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-oldquickcheck" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck implementations for common types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "barley" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , ghc, ghc-prim, html, plugins, snap-core, snap-server, text + , transformers, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barley"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0igz39bxlw4p0fna1wf6g791pk7r1m7hfyib5rgmsdahzkkp7v2h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath ghc ghc-prim html + plugins snap-core snap-server text transformers unix-compat + ]; + description = "A web based environment for learning and tinkering with Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "barrie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, glib, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barrie"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "10iraid6v333374mx9vinvaw6r1903ipa92xjxhl8qh4w7xmr9yv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers filepath glib gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative Gtk GUI library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "barrier-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "barrier-monad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "014nc21wnrklsvy5z7w4v9p9psn6bl210l7v97gj42cv6a8jk5nm"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad mtl transformers ]; + description = "Implementation of barrier monad, can use custom front/back type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "base_4_7_0_2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ghc-prim, integer-gmp, rts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09rp0syv5arj7wmyksmn07g7vps1kwh2k4z1ar1dp7jsav8gxsjp"; + buildDepends = [ ghc-prim integer-gmp rts ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-integer-simple" ]; + description = "Basic libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, errorcall-eq-instance, hspec, QuickCheck + , setenv + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base-compat"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1zlpfpfnaqf8rrha19arh882bc560dcw2zwi4j3qrn3lzyh8s1d1"; + buildDepends = [ base errorcall-eq-instance setenv ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "A compatibility layer for base"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "base-io-access" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base-io-access"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hgrxr5331lqk7n6vqpi8a05xwwdm3mbd0p52js0rjg9lqcy0akr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The IO functions included in base delimited into small, composable classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "base-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base-prelude"; + version = "0.1.11"; + sha256 = "0g6p1d3r6jbqcd8flxfbasb40ga7k90bc0q07drwhlaiadjnx1an"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The most complete prelude formed from only the \"base\" package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "base-unicode-symbols" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base-unicode-symbols"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1afc5pchd3vw33bmjbjygkd0l5zh7glbsx4bfyxfscpc1x1l3y52"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base16-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base16-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jf40m3yijqw6wd1rwwvviww46fasphaay9m9rgqyhf5aahnbzjs"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast base16 (hex) encoding and decoding for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base32-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bits-extras, bytestring, cpu, hspec + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base32-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z0q3fw3jzprgxmq9b2iz98kf4hwl3nydrzlaiwk81aplisfdgkl"; + buildDepends = [ base bits-extras bytestring cpu ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast base32 and base32hex codec for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base58address" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, cryptohash + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base58address"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0z15x9wx962ywkmh5lzfg4kq2jjmyzncbpayx2lkjnpdra4xgz7a"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers cryptohash ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers cryptohash QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and serialization for Base58 addresses (Bitcoin and Ripple)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "base64-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base64-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l1v4ddjdsgi9nqzyzcxxj76rwar3lzx8gmwf2r54bqan3san9db"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base64-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, conduit + , hspec, QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base64-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07zhvn3fy60q04a5g5mzhkl17rap9jlh00vb4f6565bjha2k16g9"; + buildDepends = [ base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit ]; + testDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit hspec QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "base64-string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "base64-string"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0pkhrimabacsjalzq0y3a197fqfbspsbv8xszzg4vbb1fb59dj1y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Base64 implementation for String's"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , hxt-regex-xmlschema, mtl, SHA, shell-escape + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bash"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "1wv7haxb4vvnh9i7y17m1d7qbpl92qjrnn022g6hyxbxzmpgsw60"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers hxt-regex-xmlschema mtl SHA + shell-escape + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bash generation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "basic-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hashable + , lifted-base, ReadArgs, safe, system-filepath, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "basic-prelude"; + version = "0.3.10"; + sha256 = "10013ni7kpqlc6s3ryfvmklw3ic5h48rm4wsrb31pcp5xja0qk59"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hashable lifted-base ReadArgs safe + system-filepath text transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "basic-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, generics-sop, QuickCheck, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "basic-sop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nigmdnfxbzfi2qyih6rz3q8xymk5rglm4772xrsphv6cszifcbd"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq generics-sop QuickCheck text ]; + description = "Basic examples and functions for generics-sop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "baskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, pretty, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "baskell"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vb74crz57i4qmjl8k3gxr2abz9rmpw7yl5sm1pggnlfy9wcm15l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec pretty unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interpreter for a small functional language"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "battlenet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, http-conduit, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "battlenet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16wqz62lzzl6a8nb33z677dj21l64mwliwvsy14pnwz2086hbig8"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base containers http-conduit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API client for Battle.Net"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "battlenet-yesod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, battlenet, http-conduit, yesod-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "battlenet-yesod"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14r7jjgn3migy2kg4jxs56nlw4dawm42dbx94f7xhq4pg8q27c3x"; + buildDepends = [ base battlenet http-conduit yesod-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yesod integration for the battlenet package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "battleships" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-svg, bytestring, cereal, colour, containers, cookie + , crypto-random, data-default, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg + , fast-logger, filepath, hamlet, hjsmin, MonadRandom, mtl + , shakespeare-js, shakespeare-text, SimpleAES, template-haskell + , text, transformers, wai-extra, wai-handler-fastcgi, wai-logger + , word8, yaml, yesod, yesod-core, yesod-routes, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "battleships"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1rg96qikd687wndwj0pgvzg2ln4vh7x304cnyiisci2ka9763cld"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-svg bytestring + cereal colour containers cookie crypto-random data-default + diagrams-lib diagrams-svg fast-logger filepath hamlet hjsmin + MonadRandom mtl shakespeare-js shakespeare-text SimpleAES + template-haskell text transformers wai-extra wai-handler-fastcgi + wai-logger word8 yaml yesod yesod-core yesod-routes yesod-static + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-library-only" "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A web-based implementation of battleships including an AI opponent"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bayes-stack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, containers, deepseq, digamma + , enummapset, gamma, ghc-prim, logfloat, mtl, mwc-random, pretty + , random-fu, random-source, rvar, statistics, stm, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bayes-stack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nz4lnnxdfgacnv6mjxsgq543zxmim4rxvxbpsfx8yypjp6lsx5l"; + buildDepends = [ + base cereal containers deepseq digamma enummapset gamma ghc-prim + logfloat mtl mwc-random pretty random-fu random-source rvar + statistics stm transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Framework for inferring generative probabilistic models with Gibbs sampling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bbdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bbdb"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "18f07dg0f7z7b8qwmyrcl1c48mgmprnj97va33dahvm0p0iw2039"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ability to read, write, and examine BBDB files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "bcrypt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, entropy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bcrypt"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1dcaq81anjj91jwl90dap6sy8b88igy8iyfd6226mdqlh5zyvafg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring entropy ]; + description = "Haskell bindings to the bcrypt password hash"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bdd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HUnit, mtl, process + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bdd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17hwqksqkrriqrm7sx70jzmi3r8184p485y9i7cqbakdjapb5a4q"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory HUnit mtl process test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Behavior-Driven Development DSL"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bdelta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bdelta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17zapldywid4xq0a6qdxh6hnk5igjjgplfydnr800xdpicicbrww"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, fast binary diff/patch"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bdo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, network, text, url }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bdo"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1mwc7l1n2gnw8yx5zphxlkgi6bkcw56qwifpy34wpa55x2lf6n82"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base network text url ]; + description = "Update CSS in the browser without reloading the page"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "beamable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, ghc-prim + , integer-gmp, murmur-hash, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "beamable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "068d70ylk5b6jlg6j1c1nayb4a3mmf7r92blcgmdbjrz3ipqwg27"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp murmur-hash + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp murmur-hash + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Generic serializer/deserializer with compact representation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "beautifHOL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "beautifHOL"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "15k41z1p8h0b677wba4mqkfszwggkrfcp3n5hbdvdjfiqyx2hbzi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base haskell98 mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pretty-printer for higher-order logic"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bed-and-breakfast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, deepseq, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bed-and-breakfast"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0183770vkb5r9srxqr3fa4s601g10bx07b05hjr3b3nvc0ab9f6z"; + buildDepends = [ array base binary deepseq template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient Matrix operations in 100% Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bein" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible, Crypto + , directory, filepath, happstack-server, happstack-util, hdaemonize + , HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, hsyslog, mtl, network, old-locale, parsec + , process, random, stm, time, unix, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bein"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1sq6z2a9bddqh0kys10g495bfj7pcyibsvhfxfl279z53va7d6ch"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible Crypto directory filepath + happstack-server happstack-util hdaemonize HDBC HDBC-postgresql + hsyslog mtl network old-locale parsec process random stm time unix + utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Bein is a provenance and workflow management system for bioinformatics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "benchmark-function" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "benchmark-function"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cdbaf001m79xbpfdf3gg2z8jgyf25xqwrkg6y7da2mvk3127c5b"; + buildDepends = [ base process random time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test the time it takes to run a haskell function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "benchpress" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "benchpress"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ygaf2g4yqkfbc6bw6fmf9jsymbj1iallzvl0zw3vjx860rchfg"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Micro-benchmarking with detailed statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bencode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bencode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zr2sa76s761qhrmh1aymjr6drp8vxads5xf42r63rfdrzm6l3yj"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers parsec ]; + description = "Parser and printer for bencoded data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bencoding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , ghc-prim, hspec, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bencoding"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f6d3g88y7i4s5wa53771n0fbkbs4na8vpy51wk21b563smdcpcc"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring deepseq ghc-prim mtl pretty text + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers ghc-prim hspec QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for encoding and decoding of BEncode data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "berkeleydb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, db }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "berkeleydb"; + version = "2008.10.31"; + sha256 = "1qqzxi011xmb4b09r1j5x1b7slgrazh19csfilk4a9f91zvq6l3p"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ db ]; + description = "Pretty BerkeleyDB v4 binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "berp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-prim + , haskeline, haskell-src-exts, language-python, monads-tf + , parseargs, process, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "berp"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "066m1nyfwi1nivjmcnykjdypqzkm2zqfzb07zf6f9hiz9m4g6x09"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath ghc + ghc-paths ghc-prim haskeline haskell-src-exts language-python + monads-tf parseargs process template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of Python 3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, binary, binary-conduit, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, mtl, network, parsec + , smallcheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-smallcheck, time, unix + , void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bert"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1waq40hd9wqavzhnvfk1i6wjqkmfb4pl17h4acfzzyz8bj76alkq"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary binary-conduit bytestring conduit conduit-extra + containers mtl network parsec time unix void + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base binary bytestring containers network smallcheck tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-smallcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BERT implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "besout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "besout"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bv68nn6ijf1wv57kwp4yj6s75g960pds0n9wihxwkr4hh5azls1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Extended GCD of polynomials over F_p[x]"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bifunctors, bytestring, containers + , exceptions, HsOpenSSL, http-client-openssl, lens, mtl, pipes + , pipes-http, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jpdy8p27nfwpinlbzbfy77nyf867qcjl96dzdw9q67b76v4gxc0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bifunctors bytestring containers exceptions HsOpenSSL + http-client-openssl lens mtl pipes pipes-http semigroupoids + semigroups text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base lens QuickCheck semigroups test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-toys" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Betfair API bindings. Bet on sports on betting exchanges."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "betacode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, errors, hashable, hspec + , QuickCheck, smallcheck, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "betacode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ry42sp40234c83iw7di37j3jfjfbszxcv4mzgqc54b1693mjq7b"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base errors hashable text text-icu ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck smallcheck ]; + description = "A codec for beta code ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "between" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "between"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n3nx077hv10rwv2kl3n1a3v40sr1qzfj9jwb6cvd1l0zx42igw8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Function combinator \"between\" and derived combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bf-cata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bf-cata"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0f8pyd2j24x574xs73zhadsd058ib217vd12snkqzg6vg9l7vgzw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "bff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, category-extras, containers, derive + , haskell98, mtl, template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i5y7pki3hyhq2vyshzi40n7yx354p7wiflfig8qxc4h31nbwi2x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap category-extras containers derive haskell98 mtl + template-haskell unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-render" "-f-stats" "-f-binaries" ]; + description = "Bidirectionalization for Free! (POPL'09)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bff-mono" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bff-mono"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1qswfjrij01g7g85iiyxpvk1k5hgnf6ll7jcf6b33k6dawi3a4qr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Bidirectionalization for Free\" for Monomorphic Transformations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bgmax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bgmax"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wg2dh3i50c4f1bc0csi3ppbz28scjfhcr0hqfd0cpfiaf79fs5s"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse BgMax-files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bibtex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, latex, parsec, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bibtex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y6jf52361d225a1jynq7ysnwihid3qivsjqv2hbf0f8sayi8ic0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base latex parsec utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fbase2" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse, format and processing BibTeX files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bidirectionalization-combined" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, containers, directory, hint + , mtl, parsec, pretty, template-haskell, unix, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bidirectionalization-combined"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bclazwhg3ra7zv19xfx5rw2z3p8h8scw5r4m281524qzrkm9j6m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi containers directory hint mtl parsec pretty + template-haskell unix utf8-string xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Prototype Implementation of Combining Syntactic and Semantic Bidirectionalization (ICFP'10)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bidispec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bidispec"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0y9hskhp1vcl92wrh3l7b1g6i7y9v4b06pl2qa9hhp9ladnvw7g4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + description = "Specification of generators and parsers"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "bidispec-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, dataenc, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bidispec-extras"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0insqi63q6gvz39l0k584w583cw9m85vdx5dhpyx9qbb5zxyb0rm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring dataenc mtl ]; + description = "Extra helper functions for bidirectional specifications"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "bifunctors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroupoids, semigroups, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bifunctors"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "0gxj22qv0avg2rhmfbbjrx35yr83r311vm8asc4q71lzkbyg8qf6"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroupoids semigroups tagged ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bifunctors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "billboard-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, HarmTrace-Base, HUnit + , ListLike, mtl, parseargs, uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billboard-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jhiq5w4z7axlqqm6pyl1d3g1vh7ykyy2z69d9ma8qzgm6v72l05"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath HarmTrace-Base HUnit ListLike mtl parseargs + uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for the Billboard chord dataset"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "billeksah-forms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, billeksah-pane, billeksah-services, Cabal + , containers, directory, filepath, glib, gtk, mtl, parsec, pretty + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billeksah-forms"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "094sq2kn0xfvy146i7r89vf1by90nqaj4ki1fk3i2rw9glrv25ms"; + buildDepends = [ + base billeksah-pane billeksah-services Cabal containers directory + filepath glib gtk mtl parsec pretty transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "billeksah-main" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, billeksah-services, containers, directory + , filepath, mtl, parsec, plugins, pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billeksah-main"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1dyg6qfvhzxh2d90gvb8j7djqa04c3aci7rfk3s1wdqz5rkxmnlx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base billeksah-services containers directory filepath mtl parsec + plugins pretty transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah plugin base"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "billeksah-main-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, billeksah-forms, billeksah-pane + , billeksah-services, containers, directory, filepath, leksah-dummy + , leksah-main, leksah-plugin-pane, mtl, parsec, pretty + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billeksah-main-static"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1g4zldnza6s2xvkqar4rgqirs4p8j2j4ssacg9x0zzc4njzklj7y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base billeksah-forms billeksah-pane billeksah-services containers + directory filepath leksah-dummy leksah-main leksah-plugin-pane mtl + parsec pretty transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah plugin base"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { leksah-dummy = null; leksah-main = null; + leksah-plugin-pane = null; }; + + "billeksah-pane" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, billeksah-services, containers, directory + , filepath, glib, gtk, mtl, parsec, pretty, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billeksah-pane"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1ckzjbdfi3y09qvq951xki3h7q3sah41j29mgpqk45rayzqmiavg"; + buildDepends = [ + base billeksah-services containers directory filepath glib gtk mtl + parsec pretty time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "billeksah-services" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "billeksah-services"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "00bsbrsnclwnayqzs24c5fdz9r6ankbhnnkbkzyd1fxsl7lrziwn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec pretty transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "bimap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bimap"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1ib54plfsxzmf9wbbdayfdsrcx4s5ffna3ca5ps928fy78wsx4fr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bidirectional mapping between two key types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary_0_7_2_3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , directory, filepath, HUnit, QuickCheck, random, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16f4lnl0kyx17z1iwr3p030lbyh3qkifdvr8vrl704xv5hq5jzzx"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath HUnit + QuickCheck random test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-bits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-bits"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0hddr2v2x8ha540vqi21k0vrvfa69qvlvgjs9rrl98qygzrqc7nc"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Bit parsing/writing on top of binary"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-communicator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-communicator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02w5ybp5fdqwz1ffvfs3pfrpx67bzh75njgzr6iai1vrdyjisfkl"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mtl ]; + description = "Flexible way to ease transmission of binary data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, conduit, hspec + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-assertions, resourcet, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-conduit"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "0ymhxyf754j1pki7ap2vay8f9j49rzsjzp5yr253sn5wpw3qg8fr"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring conduit resourcet vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring conduit hspec QuickCheck + quickcheck-assertions resourcet + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "data serialization/deserialization conduit library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "binary-derive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-derive"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1rb4fpx5hlq661md7nrpgpmi7jjdq3r1ky6q9vxl6f72h085acvl"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ghc-prim ]; + description = "Automatic deriving of Binary using GHC.Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "binary-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, monads-tf, peggy + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-file"; + version = "0.15.24"; + sha256 = "134iigqjwlkj85pdp95xl6ia6fxr9l516j9b0dpg3r0zqi1kzp7i"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring monads-tf peggy template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "read/write binary file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754, syb + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-generic"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0c6gfa1wvrcw4frrqzrfnc5ydqlbs56jq7hnxgzg89mr510mfsgz"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 syb text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic binary serialisation using binary and syb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-indexed-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-indexed-tree"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1csbmkwrcfcfydyl2ab6s5bz1fy4fgl14m63zdyi0vy3d17zbl4d"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Binary Indexed Trees (a.k.a. Fenwick Trees)."; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "binary-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, deepseq, phantom-state + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d83ka79nnq5pw4djs6x3ccgygkq89q9wakgykx4wvyf7l0xj7d9"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring deepseq phantom-state transformers + ]; + description = "Lists of length a power of two"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-literal-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-literal-qq"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0kbxd2ryls1zhmfg831ls219fn58xa7dq1bca48v7n7075nmh1jm"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Extends Haskell with binary literals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-protocol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-protocol"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1hn6jc4j20z8ni7rpcyamam898yl6jy7zinrhy2rdjvx0p5br13h"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-protocol-zmq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mtl, zeromq-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-protocol-zmq"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "14jap6kc1jbr3i010qg2z8d0li09d3a88fwzwrlb750pn67x7amy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mtl zeromq-haskell ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimize" "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol over ZeroMQ"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, doctest, filepath + , hspec, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-search"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02s81jpysgqnnk8c45y9xc2fhy59mm1k2wskrl4hzhdjlp4c65f3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "Binary and exponential searches"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-shared" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-shared"; + version = "0.8.3"; + sha256 = "1clqq0rqjw1v7y6glkjnfyga5gxh768flyw617g47z0qa181c0c3"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sharing for the binary package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "binary-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-state"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06v3qxyl2mvwi3y29rxxf91b2vxvlh5gfznwlnzb4mxzd00aakgl"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers mtl ]; + description = "Simple wrapper around Data.Binary, which adds StateT to Get/Put monads."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, Cabal + , cabal-test-quickcheck, io-streams, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xaqjcyrimggq7al6wr304gw61dacr7ch29dkm9b3sp2lmwvf74i"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring io-streams ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring Cabal cabal-test-quickcheck io-streams + QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "data serialization/deserialization io-streams library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-strict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-strict"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07mmh4x8qjpw7w35nxcq8wayy4bagjblbwkpvh3xd38rxpdnl6pi"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binary-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, murmur-hash, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binary-typed"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "12yzgcrj528pss4jk753xmcrzv2qm70dacqjnx7460bcdsmyd6zy"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring murmur-hash ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe binary serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "binarydefer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binarydefer"; + version = "1.2.2"; + sha256 = "06q255kip3j31bmj01fqkikvjxbklvcaa1kv3al8v04nkqx6rg3p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Binary serialization with deferred loading"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bind-marshal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, ghc-prim + , monads-tf, mtl, numeric-prelude, random, stm, strict + , transformers, type-level-tf, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bind-marshal"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "13riawcdzwr97vmixvg2wf8aysxblzik2mvkrp2gqf9ywda9ksr6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq ghc-prim monads-tf mtl + numeric-prelude random stm strict transformers type-level-tf unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data marshaling library that uses type level equations to optimize buffering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binding-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTF, HUnit, QuickCheck, random, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binding-core"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0qr7nr9cksy2cx2h8g2d485797hvv67197c654va0xwadkj5iviz"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + testDepends = [ base HTF HUnit QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binding-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binding-core, directory, gtk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binding-gtk"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0l68n13w1khfqkc791l9mcnk3cb0565a9ysfn7b3hh5cjx8zi7vr"; + buildDepends = [ base binding-core gtk mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base binding-core directory gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Binding in Gtk2Hs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binding-wx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binding-core, directory, stm, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binding-wx"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "07nbb6a0fmyhmx2dakkw4msxnv273hfcw3swdk3aczpfqlxd1r4i"; + buildDepends = [ base binding-core stm wx wxcore ]; + testDepends = [ base binding-core directory wx ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Binding in WxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0zczf1yfjnfzdzv33j33vcc71zsf88a5qxsdmswxrpzika3rs6i0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Deprecated package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-DSL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-DSL"; + version = "1.0.22"; + sha256 = "0xkr1x3klpfwbh1yimah1dqmqcilifyblnf3kr6ay4gsvw74zkwr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI domain specific language, on top of hsc2hs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-EsounD" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-audiofile, bindings-DSL, esound }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-EsounD"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fl7gdh60k7wj3bnn5hpgsi0kkji857xb47spii7mrip5p4m8pff"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-audiofile bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ esound ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to EsounD (ESD; Enlightened Sound Daemon)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { esound = null; }; + + "bindings-GLFW" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, HUnit, libX11, libXext + , libXfixes, libXi, libXrandr, libXxf86vm, mesa, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-GLFW"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w6vqshlk0c4k4q81xw7kg4j62h3wpccpy8qbiq5ks69w7z13fy4"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + extraLibraries = [ + libX11 libXext libXfixes libXi libXrandr libXxf86vm mesa + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmacosxusemenubar" "-fmacosxusechdir" ]; + description = "Low-level bindings to GLFW OpenGL library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-K8055" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, K8055D }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-K8055"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0daga3vh9x9gih25qgcsl0hafi4hw8h5x64ba6wbmywa9z3hrr20"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ K8055D ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Velleman K8055 dll"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { K8055D = null; }; + + "bindings-apr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apr-1, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-apr"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fw71z74pv8dxw301iss66kmarhlgwj2lpsy0skmlqfkg98zc96k"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ apr-1 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to Apache Portable Runtime (APR)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { apr-1 = null; }; + + "bindings-apr-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, apr-util-1, base, bindings-apr, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-apr-util"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0sr041vpakklpf2mmy78wl5wl8yzfbwvsy07wlplmlh5rgjdm4wx"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-apr bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ apr-util-1 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to Apache Portable Runtime Utility (APR Utility)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { apr-util-1 = null; }; + + "bindings-audiofile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, audiofile, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-audiofile"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ls0iy33i0b86fg7hx23s1d8ypa16bdiw3l8nmsni3zgnn67w6mj"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ audiofile ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to audiofile"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bindings-bfd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bfd, containers, happy, opcodes + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-bfd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c05zr3k0az2hfyfync8z2sgdxx6gskqdb1n548fjc986cx298q4"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers unix ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + extraLibraries = [ bfd opcodes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for libbfd, a library of the GNU `binutils'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { bfd = null; opcodes = null; }; + + "bindings-cctools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bindings-DSL, dttools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-cctools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k0p0m09ndk6c42h3yy230q86fnm0hzr1zjr3871f9hapvnvzqr8"; + buildDepends = [ bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ dttools ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the CCTools WorkQueue C library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { dttools = null; }; + + "bindings-codec2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bindings-DSL, bytestring, codec2 + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-codec2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mpb79djfqi0had6rx20jsgahdfv23bnp0i25lbxv8vg72m3wdnn"; + editedCabalFile = "48e69a5b497247c96ab7a6ed3ff818bef596c712249819e63a84c4667ef5d0b1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bindings-DSL bytestring split ]; + extraLibraries = [ codec2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Very low-level FFI bindings for Codec2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { codec2 = null; }; + + "bindings-common" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-common"; + version = "1.3.4"; + sha256 = "1zbm8v5xp4pay6h0y24ngf8nw96ab0zr754b9n2zczadiarccmcb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "This package is obsolete. Look for bindings-DSL instead."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-dc1394" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, c2hs, dc1394 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-dc1394"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "06xg2amlcqldb7h0xaw8dvzq65npirsibbgmbr5n8s59rwa6hfwq"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ dc1394 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for using firewire (iidc-1394) cameras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { dc1394 = null; }; + + "bindings-directfb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bindings-posix, directfb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-directfb"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mmba1h9in9xh590nmr1vb5ccqng3nwdc4q0b9d67v22cmc7fhpp"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL bindings-posix ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ directfb ]; + description = "Low level bindings to DirectFB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-eskit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bindings-DSL, eskit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-eskit"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0j0fi74ky1qdvkgbapyq8fag2linawz3ndgzgi8lcci8lsby0n72"; + buildDepends = [ array base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ eskit ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ eskit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to ESKit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { eskit = null; }; + + "bindings-fann" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, fann }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-fann"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hryjj9aabaxrcgmr3i6sklbyb58djzsrlssidgll3vb0wwcgbq7"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ fann ]; + description = "Low level bindings to FANN neural network library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { fann = null; }; + + "bindings-friso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, friso }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-friso"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wg120qrqqf2g38ifjkwj5cc42sdcdn2lrs93wrdq9dd7kldn79c"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ friso ]; + description = "Low level bindings for friso"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) { friso = null; }; + + "bindings-glib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, glib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-glib"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0jhifzbwbphlzz9ffv3pyjv27phvcvky1gczmi9kvfz761b9qgyx"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib ]; + description = "Low level bindings to GLib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "bindings-gobject" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bindings-glib, glib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-gobject"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1r2cg06r068nfyppjs2kwfmam7vk5x0l4f865arrrgrqam3bs1av"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL bindings-glib ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib ]; + description = "Low level bindings supporting GObject and derived libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "bindings-gpgme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, gpgme }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-gpgme"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0mwlb1fk852pk6an3ay9mgxmxqf6f6bzm965agm80yhr2ab3iqhq"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ gpgme ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Project bindings-* raw interface to gpgme"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-gsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, gsl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-gsl"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0yv0k6r2pd4bbq0qsf6wfx752qn0d2d0s3jfa633gy6sg97j2n3y"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gsl ]; + description = "Low level bindings to GNU GSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-gts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bindings-glib, gts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-gts"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1niqkxw7wxircwgvd9z4q9j3jxswifhl0h88v3j35lbxhiz6v7kh"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL bindings-glib ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gts ]; + description = "Low level bindings supporting GTS, the GNU Triangulated Surface Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-hamlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, hamlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-hamlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1na9v5s5lqdnnj031zmqg3xfpsvy80gzr7qg0f3gsyyniww72xlz"; + editedCabalFile = "1eea9735be1dd9f54d91406fbf56da41b8d68a3760ada5e4fc4caf0658c997c9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ hamlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hamlib bindings for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "bindings-hdf5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-hdf5"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0x6p1mwwnpcd5bd6iy4di11n7b45c4zp9d6l957mmhsyg24h2n79"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + description = "Project bindings-* raw interface to HDF5 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-levmar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, blas, lapack }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-levmar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1da9n88wwjpm3ph7q73niv3cslpa0h8r0lsyfl35arymxfqpb4c0"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ blas lapack ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-accelerate" "-f-mkl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to the C levmar (Levenberg-Marquardt) library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) blas; + lapack = null; }; + + "bindings-libcddb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, libcddb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libcddb"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1hygdr4w27igwc513vs7rc9i2xcmr1ndvbiwhkrdw2x0wsmz6yyy"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libcddb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level binding to libcddb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-libffi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, libffi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libffi"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1321hr92nsa7fljxxir8waj7i42m8dvz76h693vp4n3lqll9hcf9"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libffi ]; + description = "Low level bindings to libffi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) libffi; }; + + "bindings-libftdi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, libftdi, libusb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libftdi"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "07kabkvdjiskika9vddrf9vhknld1x9s4m3b89d9m6l4gb2ln76i"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libftdi libusb ]; + description = "Low level bindings to libftdi"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bindings-librrd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, librrd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-librrd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dyhq06rs91g77c67lfnscn7l9fgbzikiqnv2d494jd60y1q8n8y"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ librrd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to RRDtool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { librrd = null; }; + + "bindings-libstemmer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, resourcet, stemmer + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libstemmer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03plarpy0fpv9anqnaqwcji3vij2qrxd4qmli77jb5npmax20r92"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL resourcet transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ stemmer ]; + description = "Binding for libstemmer with low level binding"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) stemmer; }; + + "bindings-libusb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, libusb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libusb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xnx9p6wqbwiaqigdnf7x6vd0qq7w9wm0vxsh93adpb5wdpjza66"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libusb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to libusb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-libv4l2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, v4l2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libv4l2"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0s31dh5g26nldb6aq6q4i6ypgajincw7n3d3vm838x3w320qvg2g"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ v4l2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings to libv4l2 for Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) v4l2; }; + + "bindings-libzip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, libzip }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-libzip"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0hqkp4hvav67xqjfwbik3i06vq8f78jjzf37ncl6wwcw5w65hhrj"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libzip ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nopkgconfig" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to libzip"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-linux-videodev2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, ioctl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-linux-videodev2"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1pqi8ks441m1s1md6nhjr7zhal5fv6s71xq4881zijd539qhq9dq"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ioctl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings to Video For Linux Two (v4l2) kernel interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-lxc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, lxc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-lxc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w61xzx8krr1pfa9ys7akpra2r0njziysm3ri08fb98g75hp9942"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ lxc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Direct Haskell bindings to LXC (Linux containers) C API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) lxc; }; + + "bindings-mmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bindings-posix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-mmap"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "19qdf5z6mf8j8inlnax0nv1wiv4va27z4a303hpkbgda459093nd"; + buildDepends = [ bindings-posix ]; + description = "(deprecated) see bindings-posix instead"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-mpdecimal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-mpdecimal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18i68ivsrdndjpfnyq6dlmmkkx22v3rp619nm26af8ka3qai12j5"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings to mpdecimal library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-nettle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, hspec, HUnit + , nettle, QuickCheck, quickcheck-io + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-nettle"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1cd2yya6qhcx6vxsjdrlzkrj4k5nd15bz8fnkhhl2vm6r1w9jzq4"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit QuickCheck quickcheck-io + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ nettle ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings to nettle crypto library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) nettle; }; + + "bindings-parport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-parport"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1q404clpqzv0gik80ycipl94hvj27397z5cw1cs7b0yxlypllg3j"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + description = "parport bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-portaudio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, portaudio }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-portaudio"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0wcxq300ijfkf4zc7p4xwsd9wzhnlss0kxjf04fka01mf9bh3ai2"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ portaudio ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-bundle" "-f-wdmks" "-f-wmme" "-f-directsound" "-f-wasapi" + ]; + description = "Low-level bindings to portaudio library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) portaudio; }; + + "bindings-posix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-posix"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "1yza3qbf0f5gfpg79pb6xfpw37zg191nmxa4r6h9x4xb5na0rzff"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + description = "Low level bindings to posix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-ppdev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, ioctl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-ppdev"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "18px429hplpabfhapwasbdgw8ynfm3vr5rf81pp173j1z0bv4ygq"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ioctl ]; + description = "PPDev bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-saga-cmd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, filepath + , process, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-saga-cmd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14wcw62j6lmlx3dy3k0ssy7mc2q8y8p7r1gr6m9rszxb9r5h1b9r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory filepath process text unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapping saga_cmd"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-sane" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, saneBackends }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-sane"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0jxhc0x5hq6y7iznqlxbgnl37a7k8yki2ri475gyc158d47b0zm2"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ saneBackends ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to libsane"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-sc3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, scsynth }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-sc3"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "07vp6hzjjrbh3j152mq8f1i6xh9m2r20a555y03p9fzdfrb5kixd"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + extraLibraries = [ scsynth ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level bindings to the SuperCollider synthesis engine library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { scsynth = null; }; + + "bindings-sipc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, sipc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-sipc"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1r2akdkhw054k6vg9a7jpm9ck280lsfkizz7y6cqbn1hy463grkd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ sipc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to SIPC"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { sipc = null; }; + + "bindings-sophia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-sophia"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fiibm7nrsx9pzi2lvhhbw71bah6s22h3jvn417ng3lj6ghhzii6"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + description = "Low-level bindings to sophia library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, sqlite }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-sqlite3"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0f30a7xdx50gs7hdv16b3m2055f0ar5c2cani318iwympnrpgww1"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ sqlite ]; + description = "Low level bindings to sqlite3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "bindings-svm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-svm"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1nnmyxn28qdfy2sclnxv2mf2d426vrzgs7f0vvqri6fkjnvmk11b"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low level bindings to libsvm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bindings-uname" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-uname"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1lsw4dh5vgmfvrx62ns5kmngzlmjzbxkx43x5i2k5qlmzp1pa3hk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Low-level binding to POSIX uname(3)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bindings-yices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gmp, yices }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bindings-yices"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "13yfhx6krj59qij9yvcl4fr6znd28nbldbv0qfhf83h3h18araf9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ gmp yices ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fyices-dynamic" ]; + description = "Bindings to the Yices theorem prover"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { inherit (pkgs) yices; }; + + "binembed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , dlist, filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binembed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cabiww0iczgpk7rrf4iqy3vamq65w5m1r5y90117llr6w610rks"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory dlist filepath + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embed data into object files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "binembed-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binembed, bytestring, containers, filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "binembed-example"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "069caz3gzpnc9fm553yxj3jwn07svb0i34kfqw4vzlkkpzs5r5g4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binembed bytestring containers filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example project using binembed to embed data in object files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, mtl, old-time, parallel, parsec, process, QuickCheck + , random, tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bio"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1vby3nbqbwza65jg5d0bmzh22i5s20cjbqdgaq9zasza7ywgkj22"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory mtl old-time + parallel parsec process QuickCheck random tagsoup + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexamples" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A bioinformatics library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "bioace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bioalign, biocore, bytestring, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bioace"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "08k2w66gpysjk038pi50lc21gbn2dyp5z8ls0qhcmjqc59dn8hvg"; + buildDepends = [ base bioalign biocore bytestring parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading ace assembly files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bioalign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bioalign"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "006gg8ds6klrl9rc1csi247rf8gzlgn9mdi0jl4pjz5xmf0jw5dr"; + buildDepends = [ base biocore bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structures and helper functions for calculating alignments"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "biocore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, stringable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biocore"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "06ml9p144bv0c9hv6pkcvhdgc0vw0jxzbqb834ilr38kjmrpsar1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring stringable ]; + description = "A bioinformatics library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "biofasta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biofasta"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1l770sg2gcg7wl5yfrrk9nr7hgd5m0q158ad5nd8z7i5vsfah8b2"; + buildDepends = [ base biocore bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading fasta sequence files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "biofastq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biofastq"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0453cb2sw6x9hx3z7w3fvymwi0l0s86wlvi6vvsh0jcwas3iirbl"; + buildDepends = [ base biocore bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for reading FASTQ files"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "biophd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, biocore, bytestring, old-locale + , parsec, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biophd"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "1206pa9ah473rvpj6yr769fwmjc3axl036ny3yzf52lhy6bcggbb"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary biocore bytestring old-locale parsec text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading phd sequence files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "biopsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring, cmdargs + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biopsl"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1v9vg9gnrf606raqlzcd15irg60v3cf5m0yy5qsdyxm24102bgmj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base biocore bytestring cmdargs unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and executables for working with PSL files"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "biosff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, biocore, bytestring, cmdargs + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biosff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mxsqxcf5sh37gpfqil499i9n8wi3sk5sl2cx6x6agbc0n726bwq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary biocore bytestring cmdargs mtl + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ffclip" "-ffrecover" "-fflower" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and executables for working with SFF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "biostockholm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, biocore + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring, conduit + , containers, deepseq, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, transformers + , zlib-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "biostockholm"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "13rzlb2s3y8vp969s8z1gxmiccvpgrv4yxpim4bjbyc2yblbbnk7"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base biocore blaze-builder + blaze-builder-conduit bytestring conduit containers deepseq + ]; + testDepends = [ + base biocore bytestring conduit containers hspec HUnit QuickCheck + transformers zlib-conduit + ]; + description = "Parsing and rendering of Stockholm files (used by Pfam, Rfam and Infernal)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bird" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default, hack + , hack-handler-happstack, haskell98, MissingH, mtl, parsec, process + , rallod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bird"; + version = "0.0.19"; + sha256 = "0w380dcpk8gp5cx24nh6xlnibd6pw93wmxcajl26p4kd5cxbgfqz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default hack hack-handler-happstack + haskell98 MissingH mtl parsec process rallod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple, sinatra-inspired web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bit-array" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, loch-th + , numeric-qq, placeholders + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bit-array"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0v04drr3m3096shp70l4iwqzva45szjhfl1yzaqblvn49hky8kns"; + buildDepends = [ base loch-th numeric-qq placeholders ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A bit array (aka bitset, bitmap, bit vector) API for numeric types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bit-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bit-vector"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1z2gk5wbl865p893hz77jkg7lyl6698va5r33fi7w1vv8656s14n"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple bit vectors for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitarray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitarray"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00nqd62cbh42qqqvcl6iv1i9kbv0f0mkiygv4j70wfh5cl86yzxj"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mutable and immutable bit arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitcoin-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal + , containers, ghc-prim, HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, unix, unordered-containers, watchdog + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitcoin-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bx54033w0yjb2isd7cvnd46qz3nqs7z6flw0mb1nkd81sdxbhp2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cereal containers ghc-prim HTTP + mtl network text unix unordered-containers watchdog + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cereal containers ghc-prim HTTP + HUnit mtl network QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text unix unordered-containers watchdog + ]; + description = "Library to communicate with the Satoshi Bitcoin daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitly-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Bitly, directory, filepath, regexpr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitly-cli"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0g63lg3599clbn4xcg9kcak6hs4877dwj00607c5gyh5x4d2c21d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Bitly directory filepath regexpr ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command line tool to access URL shortener."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitmap"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1flrfbrsnlcal7qyvl1wb0p8c14w0mvvkmgs7d943jqnlh4gay5m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for handling and manipulating bitmaps (rectangular pixel arrays)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitmap-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitmap-opengl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wq1p0vvif750gpyh2kq3agzwga3hx0fq28irbw5dgrz462dd9pv"; + buildDepends = [ base bitmap OpenGL ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fopengl29" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL support for Data.Bitmap."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitmaps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bitmap, bytestring, cereal + , containers, monad-state, stb-image, string-class, tagged, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitmaps"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cbfbbyvmdlfwn6pjhxkd8f4ajkp9cm18apzmrqffrj58gmzr1p0"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bitmap bytestring cereal containers monad-state + stb-image string-class tagged zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bitmap library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytes, directory, doctest, filepath, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bits"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "12s5yk47y0zqzqiyaw9jchyl3crf1id9dk67m638b070d46k29p6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytes mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various bit twiddling and bitwise serialization primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bits-atomic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bits-atomic"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "13fbakkwcdk63dm7r0mcsanm5mijp73c7x1kxpay2f03rxb39b70"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Atomic bit operations on memory locations for low-level synchronization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bits-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, hspec, HUnit, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bits-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08hgl1pvwadnrgqcs1yl7lvqgh955swbscpay4chb097pqqggdrj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring conduit hspec HUnit mtl ]; + description = "Bitstream support for Conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bits-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bits-extras"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0sy9dksmdx0773bsn8yi5hw4qpgn16g8aqqj888w1x75cbsxr997"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Efficient high-level bit operations not found in Data.Bits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, gmp, integer-gmp + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitset"; + version = "1.4.8"; + sha256 = "0h912i3wb6v8sx0c4mlp0j65l3yhpdsk3my8zhif2jls2sxns988"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim integer-gmp ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + extraLibraries = [ gmp ]; + description = "A space-efficient set data structure"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bitspeak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bindings-glib + , bindings-gobject, gtk, pango + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitspeak"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "02dyi59lp6blrvsc10ahjnra1vaz3kzb8h0jpk74k7n6flia8z1k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL bindings-glib bindings-gobject + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk pango ]; + description = "Proof-of-concept tool for writing using binary choices"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk pango; }; + + "bitstream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, QuickCheck + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitstream"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vskdlaczkv4szrnhhllfvmhvil58ra1qwjzhjkchgmvhx4b6jzq"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols bytestring vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bytestring QuickCheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, packed, strict and lazy bit streams with stream fusion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bitstring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitstring"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1ix2x4v76wq5148k1aax69cf8sk14cd0z362dz1d2qmj9qxsnsw8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-withquickcheck" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lazy bit strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bittorrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base16-bytestring, base32-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bencoding, binary, binary-conduit, bits-extras + , BoundedChan, bytestring, cereal, cereal-conduit, conduit + , containers, cryptohash, data-default, deepseq, directory, entropy + , filepath, hashable, hspec, HTTP, IntervalMap, intset, krpc, lens + , mmap, mtl, network, network-conduit, old-locale, pretty + , pretty-class, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, resourcet + , SafeSemaphore, split, stm, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, urlencoded, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bittorrent"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "155bbqqn33mlavvcm6xfxs4dqij66jfhqxjmrjkyxvzd36yz0ann"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base16-bytestring base32-bytestring base64-bytestring + bencoding binary binary-conduit bits-extras BoundedChan bytestring + cereal cereal-conduit conduit containers cryptohash data-default + deepseq directory entropy filepath hashable HTTP IntervalMap intset + krpc lens mmap mtl network network-conduit old-locale pretty + pretty-class resourcet SafeSemaphore split stm text time + transformers unordered-containers urlencoded vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bencoding bytestring cereal directory filepath hspec + network QuickCheck quickcheck-instances text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bittorrent protocol implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bitvec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, primitive, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitvec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zgg72qpxgcgjrr2lr702abibnm79h6knb3jcwdjcxssgb6l70q4"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit primitive QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unboxed vectors of bits / dense IntSets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bitwise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bitwise"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k3xzw6lcrffbv8hqgg4kaanizql8r888ap4bw22sh3l3rq7zasn"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bk-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bk-tree"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0av4gkh2vr9righ26hbagh8j30i8k4sp3af98lmwm5gf81vs5az4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BK-tree implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bkr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HDBC + , HDBC-sqlite3, hslogger, http-conduit, MissingH, pureMD5, random + , strict, text, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bkr"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1zi429ny66qp3ywlqfg7y0xk472vxh4z572a4c8rbzpx5lgiypxs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aws base bytestring directory filepath HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 hslogger + http-conduit MissingH pureMD5 random strict text unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backup utility for backing up to cloud storage services (S3 only right now)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bktrees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bktrees"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1d2iz48n0ayn0hi9xa110pxy1mv5a4m21rmbpvs6ki1a7cv4ghn9"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A set data structure with approximate searching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bla" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bla"; + version = "2009.10.20"; + sha256 = "1zb076m4673jmvzazwjjmlw3nrnw0j22hiim6r90014sqcpb6xhp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a stupid cron"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "black-jewel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, directory + , download, haskeline, HTTP, hxt, network, process, QuickCheck + , safe, tagsoup, transformers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "black-jewel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ki6kdmc5ss0dp7jrhv9zx9a93f2p38q7i57n0y94awyv5772yla"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring directory download haskeline HTTP hxt + network process safe tagsoup transformers zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The pirate bay client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "blacktip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitwise, bytestring, deepseq + , deepseq-generics, hspec, locators, network-info, safe, split + , system-fileio, system-filepath, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blacktip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12s05l348q6xlhrwhh2i5v04i9bglvb00vpy25j5axdv5k8nwn62"; + buildDepends = [ + base bitwise bytestring deepseq deepseq-generics locators + network-info safe split system-fileio system-filepath time + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decentralized, k-ordered unique ID generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "blakesum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blakesum"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "15k3vf9jqcw1a9gyppkhn5ibj7ld8mb2irfhbwd3plj86xyxxa0g"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blakesum-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blakesum, bytestring, haskell98, text + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blakesum-demo"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1d07005fd670p74vkyi9gg3wawyi21s37ww69fsrrgarf3i5p4m9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base blakesum bytestring haskell98 text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blank-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, colour + , containers, data-default-class, http-types, kansas-comet, scotty + , stm, text, transformers, vector, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blank-canvas"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "05kfyjp9vncyzsvq018ilb8vh7fyzbc06nlx35jk3dzj6i6x5bgs"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring colour containers + data-default-class http-types kansas-comet scotty stm text + transformers vector wai wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ieee, QuickCheck, storable-complex }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blas"; + version = "0.7.6"; + sha256 = "1q6fkw2bsppymy5wi7mgkl09caij52xplw64786548z9i95r0bli"; + buildDepends = [ base ieee QuickCheck storable-complex ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the BLAS library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blas-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blas, storable-complex, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blas-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11mhjvqjnap4lj70f6lxjrjrdlkw8gnmd1lz4cfkjawq4w4npq40"; + buildDepends = [ base storable-complex ]; + testDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ blas ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-cblas" "-f-mkl" "-f-openblas" "-f-no-accelerate" "-f-no-netlib" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level Haskell bindings to Blas"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) blas; }; + + "blastxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biocore, bytestring, parallel, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blastxml"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0slqvv8729vlniwswwipw3yss9id6xvmd416kad1ij064g28j00c"; + buildDepends = [ base biocore bytestring parallel tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading Blast XML output"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "01n6cw3fjmlj5pmdy122ch4kbf6srvwlz356rr6nxfrm0ndcxp38"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-bootstrap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q1gwjg8xfp20lrlrlkdprny7j437fsnm5c9p5rv4549nyam7prw"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Blaze helper functions for bootstrap pages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "blaze-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12xgmi8bc3h3cfk31rrfaklmwvyxgdwzwmxzw22yxd0dd8g11hg5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient buffered output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-builder-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-builder-conduit"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0xxyn3lhcn1bkybhrl5dx68d0adf26ilf34gv0mxkwpfj7m7d3k3"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-builder-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, enumerator + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-builder-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pdw18drvikb465qh43b8wjyvpqj3wcilyczc21fri5ma4mxdkyp"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring enumerator transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumeratees for the incremental conversion of builders to bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-from-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-from-html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1li3zxrgwj5rgk894d9zwfxnx5dfjzkvjlcyck2g7s0awfp2kq4s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool to convert HTML to BlazeHtml code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jn3vvrxb3ifxb5yzs76pjlk8c366xg1sab7qlw9a4kwmigvl6vx"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-builder blaze-markup bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-markup bytestring containers HUnit + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-html-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, cgi, data-default, network, safe + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-html-contrib"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0a10vzbd5l32y716nmgc49rj2gpyavl8fl1z4qs5drx9adwj50cf"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html cgi data-default network safe text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some contributions to add handy things to blaze html"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-html-hexpat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, hexpat, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-html-hexpat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11bw5ywvi7dlz5inch3z0vlg936ch1rnp99bh4nmwskvszidd7kg"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html bytestring hexpat text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A hexpat backend for blaze-html"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-html-truncate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, bytestring, html-truncate + , tagsoup, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-html-truncate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1czjqxaik1c9ialdwh8inh5iajl87lrnfa9rxnidzvfhc7ks9zbl"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-markup bytestring html-truncate tagsoup text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A truncator for blaze-html"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-markup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers, HUnit + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-markup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "034aqkvxw0g6ry4d82bkvxky7w6yx4q6bp1wn4ydj9rqw8yh6m08"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-builder bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-svg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-svg"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "061011qrpqiyag9549hn0hfikvkrin5wb3cf0zfm9n80cgvzmqd3"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-markup mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SVG combinator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-textual" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, double-conversion + , ghc-prim, integer-gmp, old-locale, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-textual"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gwy1pjnc2ikxfxn9c751rnydry1hmlfk13k29xnns9vwglf81f0"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp old-locale text + time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring double-conversion QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnative" "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast rendering of common datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blaze-textual-native" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, ghc-prim + , integer-gmp, old-locale, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blaze-textual-native"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q3gdf4ljc5xhw8f72qkvi6insk2nwdfk28a00y1b58jmk8003sd"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp old-locale text + time vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnative" "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast rendering of common datatypes (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blazeMarker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blazeMarker"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03gx3ylxz7xa86ngi33dm347ni6a4mcq4fizlx3majpfdk5fs38c"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html blaze-markup ]; + description = "..."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "blink1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blink1"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0547wg4qk2xv5gzj1alaxk06j65dhmzhn6y48rjllyr4lc5bm2qj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-usb" ]; + description = "Control library for blink(1) LED from ThingM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bliplib, bytestring, containers, filepath + , language-python, mtl, old-time, parseargs, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blip"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0ilzdjfaq8dzfla0kxgkqbjsba0kbgkz8w5bzlhl0fw6rnaa0hn7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bliplib bytestring containers filepath language-python mtl + old-time parseargs pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Python to bytecode compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bliplib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl, pretty + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bliplib"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0i5lh78yyj82g08ypyfp01kgc56p6c3nrl9fk49bp2yqpghv65qz"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers mtl pretty utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support code for Blip"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blocking-transactions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blocking-transactions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00xlj503h6073f9sk7a1p2b66nw2lryyvxxbawwz030mjdb6hgps"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Composable, blocking transactions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "blogination" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, directory, feed, filepath + , haskell98, higherorder, highlighting-kate, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, pandoc, regex-compat, time, utf8-string, xhtml, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "blogination"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0bdhcjiz2b4zavmixvrl5la91s9z5pra05xk52118cjk4dcfdzfg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile directory feed filepath haskell98 higherorder + highlighting-kate mtl old-locale old-time pandoc regex-compat time + utf8-string xhtml xml + ]; + description = "Very simple static blog software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bloodhound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , directory, doctest, doctest-prop, filepath, hspec, http-client + , http-types, QuickCheck, semigroups, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bloodhound"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wvqj8fz3b6jvhmmi3calx6fsqjyvcpznks67bd0iiz9z0igh0ha"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit containers http-client http-types + semigroups text time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base containers directory doctest doctest-prop filepath hspec + http-client http-types QuickCheck semigroups text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ElasticSearch client library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bloomfilter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, deepseq, QuickCheck + , random, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bloomfilter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07fif8i5rinysli1mpi92k405kvw8va7w9v9w4wd5bylb87zy77f"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bloxorz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bloxorz"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0cryvs5ia52dkc232cl2crhf0qq7ncir5c3zvrgsbzcc2hnmyrww"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW OpenGL ]; + description = "OpenGL Logic Game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bluetile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, containers, directory, filepath + , glade, gtk, mtl, process, random, regex-compat, unix, utf8-string + , X11, X11-xft, xmonad, xmonad-contrib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bluetile"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "13xfnx08xgbfppr4cqmrqj82w192ll4m1x4kmv5jdpk02yb4zqa2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile containers directory filepath glade gtk mtl process + random regex-compat unix utf8-string X11 X11-xft xmonad + xmonad-contrib + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "full-featured tiling for the GNOME desktop environment"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "bluetileutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bluetileutils"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1qna8rr50mmd90xp7pwhcknx12dv2n7w5pdsw28kpbxykljrszgm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gtk ]; + description = "Utilities for Bluetile"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bmp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bmp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f88f2ynm1fpzbjijy5fa8blfrdv42h5h28hfjlpd4fp0h96in5x"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write uncompressed BMP image files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "board-games" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cgi, containers, html, httpd-shed + , network, QuickCheck, random, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "board-games"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12b5hzazqilwwj0535wrh6i9r6lxi7lbzl727470mvzlr8p8lkyz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cgi containers html httpd-shed network random + transformers utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers QuickCheck random transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fbuildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Three games for inclusion in a web server"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bogre-banana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hogre, hois, monad-control, random + , reactive-banana + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bogre-banana"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0zlrm911sbszxyffz18yf64935iv8s2yk3v8v6cwjij69haryvwi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hogre hois monad-control random reactive-banana + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bool-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bool-extras"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "008m43f04ncx2c24c241gzwjyyglw8rwpq2gsakqkw0nwz3czs61"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fold function for Bool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boolean-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boolean-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yr1szkaaz90nmawzrgfljv7hcd59xs7nr2fhc2rb4582crkykvp"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "convert numbers to binary coded lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "boolean-normal-forms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cond, containers, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boolean-normal-forms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11y26whzibxkcfck83lcrmxl34j7qp374wj6nzx2k3l65sdqm2ic"; + buildDepends = [ base cond containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base cond containers QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "Boolean normal form: NNF, DNF & CNF"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "boolexpr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boolexpr"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14v894clplpcc1visqn337p7vmacj5hgx41vr60pwvflmv98d8xn"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Boolean expressions with various representations and search queries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bools"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0057303m23p81v60jcsc3p7n2rs2rzrvbg5m18pc0fk95q2q2rim"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boolsimplifier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boolsimplifier"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "13w2i7b2g9w5kzqnbjjdzf3r2dm7a4xxags02khhwlj1f8vsjvq9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Simplification tools for simple propositional formulas"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boomange" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, descrilo, directory, filepath + , simtreelo + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boomange"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yjmnbldla5iha6vzslnd1sdaaknsgk4afrj5yjrib3w2v1rp2vx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers descrilo directory filepath simtreelo + ]; + description = "A Bookmarks manager with a HTML generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "boomerang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boomerang"; + version = "1.4.5"; + sha256 = "03iaasyg2idvq25wzzjk2yr9lyql7bcgmfkycy1cy4ms5dg91k6q"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell text ]; + description = "Library for invertible parsing and printing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boomslang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-template, font-opengl-basic4x6, GLFW-b, MonadRandom + , mtl, OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boomslang"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0yqqb4s5ld4fv7x17d5dp7z2dglrcmgb7fr4n8x4n2pysylxm9nh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-accessor data-accessor-template + font-opengl-basic4x6 GLFW-b MonadRandom mtl OpenGL + ]; + description = "Boomshine clone"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "bot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bot"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0crs1c6v298zqkjzkdgicigx22gvp9xv7bjlynbyckvx0lrvfmrc"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base Stream ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bots for functional reactive programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "botpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "botpp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ir6h4zkj05na1gyf7h97s832jkphh33c9qjk2i290d0q9y8s4fw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Build tool for Lambdabot"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "bound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, binary, bytes, cereal, comonad + , directory, doctest, filepath, hashable, hashable-extras + , prelude-extras, profunctors, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bound"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "17qnrjmqhx07cpzwd1z4lp2d42jx1lfxl6b86d65g4fd79miipky"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors binary bytes cereal comonad hashable + hashable-extras prelude-extras profunctors transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath prelude-extras transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Making de Bruijn Succ Less"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bounded-tchan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bounded-tchan"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "12c78dz3y1ly05hckd9pf0j4fpknk383qyb5yrhps4sc2m3i9k9w"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "Bounded Transactional channels (queues)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boundingboxes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, linear, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boundingboxes"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "09yj85ikpdgzbibpdk0mw9vcaklmqlbhwpm6knz595596wr25fcx"; + buildDepends = [ base lens ]; + testDepends = [ + base lens linear QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic boundingbox for an arbitrary vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "boxes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "boxes"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1sia3j0x7m68j6j9n7bi1l1yg56ivpkxd95l19xl5vpkg03qizkq"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + description = "2D text pretty-printing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bpann" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bpann"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "02c8xyzs4kz9cx7ql48kq5cxf686vvd5mqrprkikynif9r4dk7w8"; + buildDepends = [ base random split ]; + description = "backpropagation neuronal network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "brainfuck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "brainfuck"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0lsw62g4ir8idjjadsdf46p8mqd88mysn0b499bk3x5l5js858z3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl unix ]; + description = "Brainfuck interpreter"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "brainfuck-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "brainfuck-monad"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "14534i070l6w886sjp91yp9bfc2is5z6y7wzm8b6w4j9l78pfgmz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "BrainFuck monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "brainfuck-tut" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "brainfuck-tut"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19x8mg15mscfrj1ppm32rzk8hhm4a2v498aq7sl3kkihrhp19x6j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple BF interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "breakout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskgame, mtl, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "breakout"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "04qs2r944jbb2i11dqlvrav8iaanrgp15jri0mq6nf8ccjldh3wr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskgame mtl SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple Breakout game implementation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "brians-brain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, parallel, random, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "brians-brain"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0a9gzclnqb28mm5gf2iiiby30qa0pwlwz3c115sim4lxpq60qran"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base parallel random SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the Brian's Brain cellular automaton"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "brillig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filepath, ListZipper, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "brillig"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "18gm24fd5ad6dgbqiwcs750rvq2v6lmclysd6acj2y8iybwcsg8n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cmdargs containers directory filepath ListZipper text + ]; + description = "Simple part of speech tagger"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "broadcast-chan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "broadcast-chan"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1dympzv8gwh31hd0x6ap29rm83rf2klkj34as2xjrayfs9kbp87s"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Broadcast channel type that avoids 0 reader space leaks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bsd-sysctl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bsd-sysctl"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "18qs5s6sq6696w7y23fq6pd303j5bfh94lw86dz4z9hgdlmrx36y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Access to the BSD sysctl(3) interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cryptohash + , data-binary-ieee754, mtl, network, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bson"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1kihsjws8sqb44gvilh1zxrqn2bml8gxq2bbanxqb7nr4ymwfkiv"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cryptohash data-binary-ieee754 mtl network + text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cryptohash data-binary-ieee754 mtl network + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BSON documents are JSON-like objects with a standard binary encoding"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bson-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, ghc-prim, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bson-generic"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "0r1gd6jxwzqana2b3i3xm8mx66lq4zkcir11c3v78g9fjyyhy7dh"; + buildDepends = [ base bson ghc-prim text ]; + description = "Generic functionality for BSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bson-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bson-generics"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "03ifgmifk0dx6fzws1qlx3c1nslrkvwman5g3c4iag842bl03gxp"; + buildDepends = [ base bson ghc-prim ]; + description = "Generics functionality for BSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bson-mapping" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, compact-string-fix, template-haskell + , th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bson-mapping"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k91rkyh7lmq2iw2kmkl3lbzx4c46yzb2fp9pkag8yd05na2k9za"; + buildDepends = [ + base bson compact-string-fix template-haskell th-lift + ]; + description = "Mapping between BSON and algebraic data types"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bspack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, mtl, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bspack"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0nzw1cs3nxb55yj3sy5afr6kycbm7xk26xpl0gvysgrd6bs0p8pb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring mtl tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple and fast bytestring packer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bsparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bsparse"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "12wn8jlqkb9d9vpdbwc3m288cgnr15cq4wv5fxlp7f10p3y42l2a"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple unassuming parser for bytestring"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "btree-concurrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal + , containers, directory, filepath, hashable, mtl, QuickCheck + , random, snappy, stm, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "btree-concurrent"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1xgw3ki3vypyxxiyzfjajjx1vzavyn1v9445cgbqwrr0n0wpkqm6"; + buildDepends = [ + array base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal containers directory + filepath hashable mtl random snappy stm time + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal containers directory + filepath hashable mtl QuickCheck random snappy stm time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A backend agnostic, concurrent BTree"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "btrfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "btrfs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k1b8x0p0q43872c4x5dma2hs9dzkvr7n2dnb3w29ha7f24k8g8z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring time unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the btrfs API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bugzilla" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, connection + , containers, data-default, http-conduit, http-types, iso8601-time + , resourcet, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bugzilla"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ayjkaniksivm99lgl7bfjabig00y0gd3w9ssabksg7rfwajc5d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring connection containers + data-default http-conduit http-types iso8601-time resourcet text + time transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-builddemo" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell interface to the Bugzilla native REST API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buildable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, dlist, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buildable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p9xi5ms7rxgzn5jxv5nv8bynyfb9ll952k0j7di5s7zbga8v1pg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers dlist text ]; + description = "Typeclass for builders of linear data structures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "buildbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, mtl + , old-locale, pretty, process, random, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buildbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01zhhw9fqijzn63z63bgg1l2p3wjiarfrsnids18n4vam4yjyvn2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory mtl old-locale pretty process + random stm time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rehackable components for writing buildbots and test harnesses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buildbox-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, buildbox, parseargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buildbox-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j1fsdmaxnl1zxgvxilznw5jfaaphij6wnhllb64f59kvhpqmy4f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base buildbox parseargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for working with buildbox benchmark result files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buildwrapper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, Cabal + , cmdargs, containers, cpphs, deepseq, directory, dynamic-cabal + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-pkg-lib, haskell-src-exts, HTF + , HUnit, mtl, old-time, process, regex-tdfa, syb, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buildwrapper"; + version = "0.8.11"; + sha256 = "1jnjdqxhwclr3zs7vqd44gjbl208fb46a4sdwazmz6sr0f5fz8pr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers cpphs + deepseq directory dynamic-cabal filepath ghc ghc-paths ghc-pkg-lib + haskell-src-exts mtl old-time process regex-tdfa syb text time + transformers unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring Cabal containers directory + dynamic-cabal filepath ghc-pkg-lib HTF HUnit mtl old-time process + text time transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library and an executable that provide an easy API for a Haskell IDE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bullet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bullet, c2hs, vect }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bullet"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0fksxkp6xq0q88g21b917qrg6pzzr1a00w5jjh45f4f9b3smibgn"; + buildDepends = [ base vect ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ bullet ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper for the Bullet physics engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) bullet; }; + + "bumper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, fclabels, process + , regex-compat, split, strict + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bumper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a6sqkdzq05az6yj3zmlcbx6bmhw4zjx2aijxfi481z3ifiy7z3w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers fclabels process regex-compat split strict + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically bump package versions, also transitively"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "burst-detection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "burst-detection"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1pgrqjdc4n97s7jsb9ddmjkw3qa4c28p4fp1ajyx5bfxdll44dwm"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Burst detection algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "bus-pirate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, either, errors, serialport + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bus-pirate"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "179mmjc7admn6vqfdyqlnnj19vg4lf89ld3ma1i3zv730pl7dq6j"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring either errors serialport transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell interface to the Bus Pirate binary interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buster" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dataenc, mtl + , old-locale, parsec, pretty, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buster"; + version = "2.51"; + sha256 = "12h77sa7z5ba6n2hx5kag51lp7q7hdmsd1cb006l7i46cq5b5zzg"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dataenc mtl old-locale parsec + pretty time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buster-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, buster, bytestring, containers + , dataenc, gtk, mtl, old-locale, parsec, pretty, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buster-gtk"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "1ajmwdrx7cq5dh7zj0viipnhas0p910ax1yb37ina4nddrpx0gd1"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary buster bytestring containers dataenc gtk mtl old-locale + parsec pretty time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "buster-network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, buster, bytestring, containers + , dataenc, haxr, HTTP, mtl, network, old-locale, pretty, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "buster-network"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "17nzw5ycdrw3f1cgwcg1vh1jk80528nl7ksmbmxg2mgndc89kg3i"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary buster bytestring containers dataenc haxr HTTP mtl + network old-locale pretty time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bustle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, dbus + , directory, filepath, glib, gtk, hgettext, HUnit, mtl, pango + , parsec, pcap, process, QuickCheck, setlocale, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bustle"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "1fc8y2incvci9ib9gkbr03shjj8fwxsb5q34phwycmqiaq3j5c88"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo containers dbus directory filepath glib gtk + hgettext mtl pango parsec pcap process setlocale text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo containers dbus directory filepath gtk + hgettext HUnit mtl pango pcap QuickCheck setlocale test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" "-f-interactivetests" ]; + description = "Draw pretty sequence diagrams of D-Bus traffic"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "bv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bv"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0r2bp39ilwq3zx38spbx5qrpccwm255ax2skab3i7jxjmf7yj025"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bit-vector arithmetic library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, word24 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x4yh9li0pi2r9pjih000a143iw9kaz7r4z72510kv6kzkkcr9mn"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring word24 ]; + description = "data from/to ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "byteable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "byteable"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qizg0kxxjqnd3cbrjhhidk5pbbciz0pb3z5kzikjjxnnnhk8fr4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type class for sequence of bytes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytedump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytedump"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1pf01mna3isx3i7m50yz3pw5ygz5sg8i8pshjb3yw8q41w2ba5xf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Flexible byte dump helpers for human readers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "byteorder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "byteorder"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "06995paxbxk8lldvarqpb3ygcjbg4v8dk4scib1rjzwlhssvn85x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, mtl, text, time, transformers + , transformers-compat, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18pbn7qz93hwkdlbdld2mh91hki1smbcz0gsn6d816gr7whf1fhx"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers mtl text time transformers + transformers-compat void + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sharing code for serialization between binary and cereal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring_0_10_4_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteorder, deepseq, directory, dlist + , ghc-prim, HUnit, integer-gmp, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zldh1pifmyrn7m3di6xz9kw9jfm0syr2fpqh1lwfics9il4cjdg"; + editedCabalFile = "4f35a46a32774b82712c560de811bf76ef4e9a8302fe67f2e00129c4b5eface3"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim integer-gmp ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteorder deepseq directory dlist ghc-prim HUnit mtl + QuickCheck random test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-integer-simple" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-arbitrary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cryptohash, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-arbitrary"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1mxxgdak43wz7vzl2hbff9an7krqz4rhld9h173vvq6w2n8jnbi7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cryptohash QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring cryptohash QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arbitrary instances for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iqh6k6dvl75z1m0i1grkr4w5ynxrd6qd7ynjl0bkd39nbwfay90"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fbytestring_has_builder" "-fbytestring_has_itoa_c" + ]; + description = "The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-class"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z65br00rplhniaw9fg3phpxwf13acgycn5hnhyjfcyr962xp03x"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + description = "Classes for automatic conversion to and from strict and lazy bytestrings. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-conversion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , double-conversion, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-conversion"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0wc5k0cis3hkd5hq875sbj39bf9c0gayyjmg638pnbc8x6v44fqm"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive double-conversion text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-classes to convert values to and from ByteString"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, dlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-csv"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0x7qklb36jwxry1ih5x3jw7s861vlvd5g9h7yn7b2x64c0phyj0r"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring dlist ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse CSV formatted data efficiently"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-delta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-delta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iq59if3in08ssashk80wvh6yh1yr115387fi9kj952v6bzvzw1q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, fast binary diff/patch"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-from" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-from"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "030jrpri4qmv8lr8ahgkbl3gghv2c00lfigx2wbrrv9hz74gkpn4"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "A type-class to convert values from ByteString"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-handle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-handle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nnqqcl9zp14q49jwcxhbm85hxk48higpr63qs675802sz0fs01v"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ByteString-backed Handles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-lexing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-lexing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ymg1n21668wn4harxg0cqlz98fz990bangpy99w2z7d6cwbc05"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestringinbase" "-fsplitbase" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse and produce literals efficiently from strict or lazy bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-mmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-mmap"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1bv9xf4cpph1cbdwv6rbmq8ppi5wjpgd97lwln5l9ky5rvnaxg3v"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mmap support for strict ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-nums" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-nums"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1kg777gpqj05h5bj0637yky64bdx7x77hm7nq2rhpw4i1mh9gjmx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cli" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse numeric literals from ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-plain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, ghc-prim, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-plain"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "057f9kyvj7cf2a53f6wqah0bw9cp67s7y3b6l6y78m24ipx8c56a"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq ghc-prim hashable ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Plain byte strings ('ForeignPtr'-less 'ByteString's)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-progress" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, terminal-progress-bar, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-progress"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1v9cl7d4fcchbdrpbgjj4ilg79cj241vzijiifdsgkq30ikv2yxs"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring terminal-progress-bar time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuse-system-progressbar" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for tracking the consumption of a lazy ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-rematch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, HUnit, rematch }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-rematch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01yk1pmsp6c89z4lf6p37g4jqbqz1d93g61gn4i99p8dijbg0pbh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec HUnit rematch ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rematch support for ByteString"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-show" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , integer-gmp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-show"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04h81a0bh2fvnkby1qafnydb29gzk6d4d311i2lbn7lm2vyjw919"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers integer-gmp + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-integer-simple" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient conversion of values into readable byte strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestring-trie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestring-trie"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1fv3xh52hqhzdbq78c3lrgx5vd49cabwp9ww5ki1888zlq29pyck"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-bytestringinbase" "-fapplicativeinbase" "-f-usecinternal" + "-fbase4" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An efficient finite map from (byte)strings to values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestringparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestringparser"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1g99vbp14ki563lb41y1fxlgvdmrmq1y0xsk0ia1m438rdpnh2qd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fapplicative-in-base" "-f-split-base" ]; + description = "Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestringparser-temporary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestringparser-temporary"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "019axq65hmgmszkc1lyyyy8rpv5xkjbf1pmgz1bz0hnc8lgv58pd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fapplicative-in-base" "-f-split-base" ]; + description = "Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bytestringreadp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bytestringreadp"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "07hx3072zg9y3kj6h99yl8fd3n115x4z8z411c1cpx1hj292d57f"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A ReadP style parser library for ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bzlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bzip2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bzlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vf37y7wknrihf7hipd6lihkmn7sszbgfb325my52yzbjs3baccd"; + editedCabalFile = "96e2a6fa6a6a13bdf9d0fe95d7fa1ca3bae0d211b608b250548d90e89f1a1ce2"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ bzip2 ]; + description = "Compression and decompression in the bzip2 format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "bzlib-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, bzip2, conduit + , conduit-extra, data-default, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "bzlib-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jqg38zvxc0fpp74az0vm8klb88zwy076ncwzgq2zr0nrmr5cghm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL bytestring conduit conduit-extra data-default mtl + resourcet + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra hspec QuickCheck random + resourcet + ]; + extraLibraries = [ bzip2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming compression/decompression via conduits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "c-dsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, language-c }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c-dsl"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "04hj3d26rp7ibv15n48y4xkfld3nnh6dqn8shxvw1h546z1316pw"; + buildDepends = [ base language-c ]; + description = "A higher level DSL on top of language-c"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "c-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c-io"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1za4wcrjrxqk8yqy1bddzxw8xxx0vlxyy31dj1glb5azx6qh7qp2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "C IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "c-storable-deriving" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c-storable-deriving"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ym6wccjvdlnfl1i9fhy4rqd8sxbdwm8vx3z3y3ga8a2ackingwv"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate C-like storable instances from datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "c0check" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c0parser }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c0check"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0alzv8cdv5q6inhgp5zpms24460iqbgmwbc3l1fmf31p6jj802im"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base c0parser ]; + description = "Simple C0 Syntax Check"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "c0parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c0parser"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0i6bsi30dkz51044r92gcgqr07bzbjfzgbr1z7p078j4016zb7cw"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Simple C0 Parser"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "c10k" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c10k"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1i62ilk95p1vjyk7gl1fv7lwq6yk3ysfn3v1bbyfpabf97gzr0d9"; + buildDepends = [ base network unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C10k server library using prefork"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "c2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, dlist + , filepath, HUnit, language-c, pretty, process, shelly + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c2hs"; + version = "0.21.1"; + sha256 = "0p16r6hfkcbw0qkpa1dg3pllhsq5xw7hhr8m14cp2wkhizk8xv4n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory dlist filepath language-c pretty + process + ]; + testDepends = [ + base filepath HUnit shelly test-framework test-framework-hunit text + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-regression" "-fbase3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C->Haskell FFI tool that gives some cross-language type safety"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "c2hsc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, filepath + , HStringTemplate, language-c, mtl, pretty, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "c2hsc"; + version = "0.6.5"; + sha256 = "0c5hzi4nw9n3ir17swbwymkymnpiw958z8r2hw6656ijwqkxvzgd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory filepath HStringTemplate + language-c mtl pretty split transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert C API header files to .hsc and .hsc.helper.c files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, Cabal, conduit + , conduit-extra, containers, directory, filepath, process + , resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cab"; + version = "0.2.14"; + sha256 = "109rjlxsfwsqqa85a4yl5wk4bglpk0wfyp2ggnnz8ria3mhkkdpr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring Cabal conduit conduit-extra containers + directory filepath process resourcet + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A maintenance command of Haskell cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-audit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, HTTP + , optparse-applicative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-audit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02cfwka49fd399drv6rxb3hbxflpv6s1xfa7l759ihkp19d6ph9v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory filepath HTTP optparse-applicative + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Check how up-to-date your .cabal dependencies are."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cabal-bounds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cabal-install, cabal-lenses, cmdargs + , directory, either, filepath, Glob, lens, process, strict, tasty + , tasty-golden, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-bounds"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "0dr5j7g5v0i3b0v1vsfgfzfnq8290mncjhlfnjsbpparq8yvxgd1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cabal-lenses cmdargs either lens strict transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath Glob process tasty tasty-golden + ]; + buildTools = [ cabal-install ]; + description = "A command line program for managing the bounds/versions of the dependencies in a cabal file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-cargs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cabal-lenses, cmdargs, directory + , either, filepath, lens, strict, system-fileio, system-filepath + , tasty, tasty-golden, text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-cargs"; + version = "0.7.6"; + sha256 = "0f2ji0bvz6rdld1vgnpr5cfrkfjdg2nzk1adncyb0h8dmvzbki9c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cabal-lenses cmdargs directory either lens strict + system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base filepath tasty tasty-golden ]; + description = "A command line program for extracting compiler arguments from a cabal file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-constraints" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, optparse-applicative }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-constraints"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06k43il8yiwbj6x3fhw64xdwq8d8qsmvvd1ycgml7vsry6cz6pdh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal optparse-applicative ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Repeatable builds for cabalized Haskell projects"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cabal-db" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, Cabal + , containers, directory, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative + , pretty, process, tar, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-db"; + version = "0.1.11"; + sha256 = "0kxj7xf0r1waxxi25g46a2wj43dcd3b1lkdn20l4r7m3r44y1nd7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath + mtl optparse-applicative pretty process tar utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "query tools for the local cabal database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-debian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, data-lens + , data-lens-template, debian, deepseq, Diff, directory, filepath + , hsemail, HUnit, memoize, mtl, network-uri, parsec, pretty + , prettyclass, process, pureMD5, regex-tdfa, set-extra, syb, text + , unix, Unixutils, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-debian"; + version = "4.19.1"; + sha256 = "0qfqw240kvbmddw0d540s2x0gbpxszidas1kprrsmjqb5ysba77r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers data-lens data-lens-template debian deepseq + Diff directory filepath hsemail HUnit memoize mtl network-uri + parsec pretty prettyclass process pureMD5 regex-tdfa set-extra syb + text unix Unixutils utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-local-debian" "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create a Debianization for a Cabal package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-dependency-licenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-dependency-licenses"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zccbhv7ysx9v6k0m2i08mrrx0d16x00cpkq7k5r765g9yjmn80k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compose a list of a project's transitive dependencies with their licenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-dev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cabal-install, containers + , directory, filepath, HTTP, mtl, network, pretty, process, setenv + , tar, template-haskell, transformers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-dev"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1372bpn8s7d7nm01ggp3m98ldrynidbchk3p14yrjysvxwr3l6q8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath HTTP mtl + network pretty process setenv tar template-haskell transformers + zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ cabal-install ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-tests" "-f-no-cabal-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manage sandboxed Haskell build environments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-dir" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-dir"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kbq549bl18f1cd2q4w7nngsvnvgc3366xr7y37x5sw80rq5w5wg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath ]; + description = "show dist dir of 'cabal copy/install'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-file-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-file-th"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0kawvb5n56rkq4453l6pia3wrr6jvvdwkghi6i176n1gm2zf2ri8"; + editedCabalFile = "50bc6cf5a335a2608ab1e5e59b73f184d3f48d91f49fec189701416ff3e1e37e"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell expressions for reading fields from a project's cabal file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-ghci" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-ghci"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1x7fpvvmr2mq7l960wgsijhyrdaiq3lnnl3z6drklc5p73pms8w6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Set up ghci with options taken from a .cabal file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-graphdeps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, options, parsec + , process, split, temporary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-graphdeps"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "105q051bna299pf1ka0r9bmqsbpzcg9vmbi5ynmalancgjpnm29a"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory options parsec process split temporary + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate graphs of install-time Cabal dependencies"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cabal-install" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, HTTP, HUnit, mtl + , network, network-uri, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random + , regex-posix, stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-install"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17cf2bkrxawjldhkq4hzlzlf7b2xqgkrzl7fa31whnnpni68v6jz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath HTTP mtl + network network-uri pretty process random stm time unix zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers directory + extensible-exceptions filepath HTTP HUnit mtl network network-uri + pretty process QuickCheck regex-posix stm test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-old-directory" ]; + postInstall = '' + mkdir $out/etc + mv bash-completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-install-bundle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , directory, filepath, old-time, pretty, process, time, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-install-bundle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gsghmpn38idqivba8islfy5y1xhnhyjdyahdg7h7isc9kvq6isq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath old-time + pretty process time unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + description = "The (bundled) command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "cabal-install-ghc72" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, HTTP, network, old-time, pretty, process, random, time + , unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-install-ghc72"; + version = "0.10.4"; + sha256 = "1fgy79w5bzzhqpnwgfd9jis9w6ix5wwdbwr2g556rxvmqsgl7mmg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath HTTP network + old-time pretty process random time unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbytestring-in-base" "-f-old-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Temporary version of cabal-install for ghc-7.2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-install-ghc74" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, HTTP, network, old-time, pretty, process, random, time + , unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-install-ghc74"; + version = "0.10.4"; + sha256 = "1ssk5h0hlv3aivzsr0iv90g683qkqmppc7glivhwfm6q1vkv9gmd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath HTTP network + old-time pretty process random time unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbytestring-in-base" "-f-old-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Temporary version of cabal-install for ghc-7.4"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-lenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, lens, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-lenses"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "13gggbbzcq5allf2b76rgxmilrzkvvr3srshfpzh4xavdlm8wmch"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal lens unordered-containers ]; + description = "Lenses and traversals for the Cabal library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-macosx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, fgl, filepath, parsec + , process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-macosx"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0rvmb6lx2alr7f0v7nbv48xzg7wp4nrn03hdkjc4a4c97rai14i9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory fgl filepath parsec process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cabal support for creating Mac OSX application bundles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, shelly, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-meta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17ln9j0n9rb0kbnp37fi9yaf932dacrdmf3jrp301r886kh2a7kk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base shelly system-fileio system-filepath text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec shelly system-filepath text unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc7" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "build multiple packages at once"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-nirvana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, HTTP + , process, tar + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-nirvana"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1clwhlqm1k9km29i9b2c2ys59nfspsffrixr2sz824gnd415x3lk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory HTTP process tar + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-generate" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Avoid Cabal dependency hell by constraining to known good versions. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-progdeps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-progdeps"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0fz2hpm8fd49jhqdc9cwzvdq34b64zwn4ln8n77hxqx8rfw8zvif"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath ]; + description = "Show dependencies of program being built in current directory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-query" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, derive, ghc, MissingH + , mtl, tar, template-haskell, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-query"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0j4n48ngwins8bl7g3mazwmbwgyjpp17mi77c9j1klfgx7fam6wa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal derive ghc MissingH mtl tar template-haskell + uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helpers for quering .cabal files or hackageDB's 00-index.tar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-rpm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, old-locale + , process, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-rpm"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1i47vm27vp55dl0qybx5r152w6mfr94zzdr6h2kp49xc8ccvh469"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory filepath old-locale process time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RPM packaging tool for Haskell Cabal-based packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-scripts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-scripts"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "17wpmqkgr55wj5qzb7ph3fvifz4bzzhk98ypcmrx5q0caq1crdq8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Shell scripts for support of Cabal maintenance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-setup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-setup"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0k1lnixkmgdjn8d2akhj60133brs424y0cwwzwraq7awx03y72bm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The user interface for building and installing Cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-sign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, directory, filepath + , process, tar, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-sign"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b8yr4k0mapysgh96dxabpzxznd65v8yrcba0jk6wda3mwlm1nqk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal directory filepath process tar zlib + ]; + description = "Sign and verify Cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-sort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , explicit-exception, fgl, filepath, process, transformers + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-sort"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1991k6p8vvagnm8wpmzy84088whkqls1q4rdgir4f2m7r0wxl414"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory explicit-exception fgl + filepath process transformers utility-ht + ]; + description = "Topologically sort cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-src" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, classy-prelude-conduit + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, directory, filepath + , http-client, http-client-tls, http-conduit, http-types, network + , process, resourcet, shelly, system-fileio, system-filepath, tar + , temporary, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-src"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "07nxnr011i50lpmahvj6q113zd6jmmxv83y4rby2rjnimjvgj3z7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal classy-prelude-conduit conduit conduit-extra + containers directory filepath http-client http-client-tls + http-conduit http-types network process resourcet shelly + system-fileio system-filepath tar temporary text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative install procedure to avoid the diamond dependency issue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, filepath, ghc, pqc, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-test"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11883q7zjy3l5qla5rvbmflm19kalvzqx7n1hprmiizr1kczh6ax"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal filepath ghc pqc QuickCheck ]; + description = "Automated test tool for cabal projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-test-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-test-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15lxyrza1n9saac1awjx482gi7wq3sshqf4ich6k9xkfj464lrdq"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility interface of cabal test-suite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-test-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-test-quickcheck"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1fs5fciplzrlxykn3kbxdyij9vjzs1vq2n5f72vadg9c33961agv"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck for Cabal"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cabal-uninstall" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-uninstall"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0ys1c8z8042vc7dzmis47w0q3qapyllmsdkpb1by22qmcnaavii2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl process ]; + description = "Uninstall cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal-upload" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, HTTP, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal-upload"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "05k77hdx0sbgnn454vb6rc7mmrc3zby7s44x498i4ncrkivz90bz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath HTTP network ]; + description = "Command-line tool for uploading packages to Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2arch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, archlinux, base, bytestring, Cabal, cmdargs + , containers, directory, filepath, mtl, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2arch"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0sk10z9lj291rpidlaydp7nvgl7adbp7gyf2nvqqhrshxnlqpc8z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + archlinux base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers directory + filepath mtl pretty process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create Arch Linux packages from Cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2doap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hsemail, hxt, parsec, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2doap"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1nqchq9mzq8k99agvafwa4vll7d3ahpkaifnjj2bnljqdkxlh9al"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal hsemail hxt parsec process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cabal to Description-of-a-Project (DOAP)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2ebuild" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, curl, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2ebuild"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11fp52hmzkrgcmkxzclmq6bbzxsn0ph78ib6wzzkza5j2c48ya2l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal curl directory filepath ]; + homepage = "yet"; + description = "make gentoo's .ebuild file from .cabal file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2ghci" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cmdargs, stylish-haskell + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2ghci"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fg3pr25f78a6b8nqxvxki4z3fvgx4i6zkmpl992a0iarycqdrsg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cmdargs stylish-haskell system-fileio system-filepath + text unordered-containers yaml + ]; + description = "A tool to generate .ghci file from .cabal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2nix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, doctest + , filepath, hackage-db, mtl, pretty, process, regex-posix + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2nix"; + version = "1.72"; + sha256 = "0xa7v9nwhaymc40qlh7ndv6xvqmfxmc3rp860v0h4swfqsb9bsvr"; + editedCabalFile = "869b2eaa0fe6a8a217a40a6e685b2fd6e86d857e209829714992c9bbd649349b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath hackage-db mtl pretty + process regex-posix transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabal2spec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, filepath + , haskell98, old-locale, process, tar, time, unix, Unixutils, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabal2spec"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "08y8rwj86n7f3bqfv2ximlx8qas12zspiz6ix8gg01whsry43nsj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory filepath haskell98 old-locale + process tar time unix Unixutils zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generates RPM Spec files from cabal files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cabalg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabalg"; + version = "0.2.9"; + sha256 = "02brl9b1g3cyw5nmk0mih073kbszpc6g2nqgs0sh93h7y5naf5kp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath process ]; + description = "alias for cabal install from given git repo"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cabalgraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabalgraph"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kgw1n22zh1ap6dfzhmh18d0wkr6ppd9b20r77f7q6m371hhbkvy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath pretty process + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate pretty graphs of module trees from cabal files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabalmdvrpm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cabalrpmdeps, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabalmdvrpm"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0pgkav4ifwkqh9idj8rpbnq3rw51i94dj1zw0wf7mv72bb32a0c6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal cabalrpmdeps haskell98 ]; + homepage = ";a=shortlog;topi=0"; + description = "Create mandriva rpm from cabal package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cabalrpmdeps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, filepath, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabalrpmdeps"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "19kzbwpb9gv9knz1dfvck8yb1kda5dg9rig5xrsd118wgq6xpkr1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal filepath haskell98 ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Autogenerate rpm dependencies from cabal files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cabalvchk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabalvchk"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1ai2yz4whbjk9qfpyzjqkdypqknnzfdr1fdp5ii7h059na0q6iq2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + description = "Verify installed package version against user-specified constraints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cabin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, filepath + , optparse-applicative, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cabin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fdbqfvc4ys14synk5avriwdif88r6pb49v01fd00j1rfrl2jrsy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring directory filepath optparse-applicative + process unix + ]; + description = "Cabal binary sandboxes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cached-traversable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cached-traversable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05hlj6qdy0iqyi8z75h7fr9ijfhxngyr3v60q8y681acsgr54dv6"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath mtl + ]; + description = "Transparent, persistent caching of lazy, traversable structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "caf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "caf"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1yrl3ffkfwgs4kljx57m1ldam087s7iby2qs74c4crxkrcj0j7a8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of Concurrency Abstractions using Futures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cairo, gtk2hs-buildtools + , mtl, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cairo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wwwk43ri3dgvzwpdfj1mdls714kll81c2jad0p84q0w9mrkqdax"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring mtl text utf8-string ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ cairo ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcairo_svg" "-fcairo_ps" "-fcairo_pdf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Cairo library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cairo; }; + + "cairo-appbase" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, glib, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cairo-appbase"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1191j2587f1sy4d6z57df21xn00qdpv27clib7cyaqdy5jnv3zw2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo glib gtk ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A template for building new GUI applications using GTK and Cairo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, derive, directory, filepath, mtl, parsek, process + , pureMD5, regex-tdfa, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cake"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "168szg38gq0g0mppjszcsmsdygs8qy23w6xsz8gbg7dkh7izy1ba"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cmdargs containers derive directory + filepath mtl parsek process pureMD5 regex-tdfa split + ]; + description = "A build-system library and driver"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cake3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, haskell-src-meta, language-javascript + , mime-types, monadloc, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec, process + , syb, system-filepath, template-haskell, text, text-format + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cake3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wr797r7sg8f48r2pjl2nw70vcdkiamqghz2zpfr6awy9018fhgw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath + haskell-src-meta language-javascript mime-types monadloc mtl + optparse-applicative parsec process syb system-filepath + template-haskell text text-format + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third cake the Makefile EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cakyrespa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, gluturtle, lojbanParser, yjsvg + , yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cakyrespa"; + version = "0.0.29"; + sha256 = "1a2ypgkpzzp2hn14x35ava0p0k781s7mhldw29ppl1an7fs91fyx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT gluturtle lojbanParser yjsvg yjtools ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "run turtle like LOGO with lojban"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cal3d" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cal3d }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cal3d"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1b4pajzpf879vns2kffkqgyk5sbsfrr3q2kv5ryvls8rgwcjc3q6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ cal3d ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to the Cal3D animation library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cal3d; }; + + "cal3d-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cal3d, cal3d-opengl, OpenGL, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cal3d-examples"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1fj6v1dw1gyy6dx4ssiziahxf8j8vr4l35n3rm04g797wypswmw0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cal3d cal3d-opengl OpenGL SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for the Cal3d animation library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cal3d-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cal3d, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cal3d-opengl"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02na1ww5dw08n2y7v2vkgdvzw0zpiic5683jac7f2zvhcij68sf2"; + buildDepends = [ base cal3d OpenGL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL rendering for the Cal3D animation library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "calc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, harpy, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "calc"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1h3rqxj2df68knrb2rhp75rc92q9knsa7jp749j9h24258yr6qxw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base harpy haskell98 mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "A small compiler for arithmetic expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "caldims" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, haskell98, mtl + , parsec, readline + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "caldims"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0mlgxghah8mw0v17rywfj190kmc4jajpmjpgkpgfxdqzw8djyph0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory haskell98 mtl parsec readline + ]; + description = "Calculation tool and library supporting units"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "caledon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, cpphs, lens, mtl, parsec + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "caledon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mg3qn4zfsg5pvfp51zjvsy24mljkqh2f7bsjbz04zasx5852dz9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers cpphs lens mtl parsec transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a logic programming language based on the calculus of constructions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "call" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-portaudio, boundingboxes + , clean-unions, colors, containers, control-bool, deepseq + , directory, distributive, elevator, filepath, freetype2, GLFW-b + , hashable, JuicyPixels, JuicyPixels-util, lens, linear + , minioperational, mtl, objective, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, random + , reflection, template-haskell, text, transformers, vector, WAVE + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "call"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "11nm2h9z758c6j77a60aaln53p2izrcnaygklapv5l46dmgjiy8b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-portaudio boundingboxes clean-unions colors + containers control-bool deepseq directory distributive elevator + filepath freetype2 GLFW-b hashable JuicyPixels JuicyPixels-util + lens linear minioperational mtl objective OpenGL OpenGLRaw random + reflection template-haskell text transformers vector WAVE + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fglcoreprofile" "-fglforwardcompat" "-f-buildhelloworld" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The call game engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "camh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Imlib, terminfo }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "camh"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0xk1rxydncwfwj9cg4jwdgi8mlgwmk5nfk462pla26dqqg44aw2p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring Imlib terminfo ]; + homepage = "not yet available"; + description = "Image converter to 256-colored text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "campfire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , filepath, http-enumerator, http-types, mtl, old-locale, process + , text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "campfire"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "06m5d7b6dqmp3x09b1nib1rxjh1gvx84bhvfnydlb26093za71b4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers filepath + http-enumerator http-types mtl old-locale process text time + transformers unordered-containers url + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of the Campfire API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "canonical-filepath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "canonical-filepath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dg9d4v08gykbjmzafpakgwc51mq5d5m6ilmhp68czpl30sqjhwf"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract data type for canonical file paths"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cantor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, hspec, hxt, hxt-xpath, parsec, QuickCheck, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cantor"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "16dx8v29gfwrrfb2lwkjlwbbp8n6jdpdcmwh15rrfx97rz4k0qz3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath hxt hxt-xpath parsec + split + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath hspec hxt + hxt-xpath parsec QuickCheck split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Application for analysis of java source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cao" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, cmdargs, ConfigFile, containers + , directory, dlist, filepath, happy, language-c, mtl, pretty + , process, yices + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cao"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0rmq22fiaadpszckbj5k5gi4sr1jipinyrx9hwc21k5d185vsakd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cmdargs ConfigFile containers directory dlist filepath + language-c mtl pretty process yices + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CAO Compiler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cap"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1492x5hy5ljf0h40c045jd3w26f7jwqplgncka3dnw4mx9kq4g15"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell98 ]; + description = "Interprets and debug the cap language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "capped-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "capped-list"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0sik7svknaam6fhlvb4p1ijwaiwrgssrdl9gmq1wmfx66g069xi9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A list-like type for lazy sequences, with a user-defined termination value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "capri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "capri"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hsrznygvn1b2qpc75591kzmcpqh7p5fhi1mw3ws2c75igjqbni7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ]; + description = "A simple wrapper over cabal-install to operate in project-private mode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "caramia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions, gl + , HUnit, lens, linear, sdl2, semigroups, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, transformers, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "caramia"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0743zv2y110yf48xz914n137gllbbxgrrg4fzpwwpjdhw6drmlq5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers exceptions gl lens linear semigroups + text transformers unix vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit linear sdl2 test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-fix-opengl21" "-f-build-toys" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level OpenGL bindings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "carboncopy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, haskell98, IfElse + , MissingH + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "carboncopy"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1wi06n0cdqkvyqqr9ji7nyjn09qqckskrzi3djcnxgwhwwp8da3i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath haskell98 IfElse MissingH + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Drop emails from threads being watched into special CC folder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "carettah" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, directory, filepath, gtk, hcwiid + , highlighting-kate, mtl, pandoc, pango, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "carettah"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1vjrppsqmlxajj7dxr13ynipp0adi6xxpqic5mma04sjgi3afrj2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo directory filepath gtk hcwiid highlighting-kate mtl + pandoc pango process time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A presentation tool written with Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "carray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, ix-shapable, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "carray"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kjqxjnamhnpjjf2bgm1gnsy6jx1fjbn5mx394pyx1vq3lkfgfb0"; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring ix-shapable syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" "-f-bytestringinbase" "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A C-compatible array library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cartel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cartel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ry7hcy8j00bdakvjwa0s0kaa5n68k2pp82099q6s73085n2gz9b"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Specify your Cabal files in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "casadi-bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi-bindings-core + , casadi-bindings-internal, containers, linear, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rfakjbn02wbm0d6pi7mpwd47sv2mwf7vvaswx6s0vbh612xkwyn"; + buildDepends = [ + base casadi-bindings-core casadi-bindings-internal containers + linear vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mid-level bindings to CasADi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "casadi-bindings-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi-bindings-core + , casadi-bindings-internal, casadi_control, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings-control"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03lpg9vp47db8wc4waajfh1z96f3nc1v29wqc9a58vrhfdnhp52w"; + buildDepends = [ + base casadi-bindings-core casadi-bindings-internal vector + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ casadi_control ]; + description = "low level bindings to casadi-control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { casadi_control = null; }; + + "casadi-bindings-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi-bindings-internal, casadi_core + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fjqg9zlmjv0pd0hyyah2srv7wyxxffrgzpdl361ffbdwrmg4w2p"; + buildDepends = [ base casadi-bindings-internal vector ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ casadi_core ]; + description = "low level bindings to casadi-core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { casadi_core = null; }; + + "casadi-bindings-internal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi_core, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings-internal"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0jcfkq3dfspfz2jfnmhp0dznr2vj975rcyynl6wnvf54n233vaym"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ casadi_core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "low level bindings to CasADi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { casadi_core = null; }; + + "casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi-bindings-core + , casadi-bindings-internal, casadi_ipopt_interface, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h1qpl8ch8riz614fssirlp5j3vzi39jjajwjnfqvgw7h8sdam2a"; + buildDepends = [ + base casadi-bindings-core casadi-bindings-internal vector + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ casadi_ipopt_interface ]; + description = "low level bindings to casadi-ipopt_interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { casadi_ipopt_interface = null; }; + + "casadi-bindings-snopt-interface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, casadi-bindings-core + , casadi-bindings-internal, casadi_snopt_interface, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casadi-bindings-snopt-interface"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sygbbvdrd1za6k9yf0yqxfd48imlhghzf6sy0dh77jmdhlb8asw"; + buildDepends = [ + base casadi-bindings-core casadi-bindings-internal vector + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ casadi_snopt_interface ]; + description = "low level bindings to casadi-snopt_interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { casadi_snopt_interface = null; }; + + "cascading" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, colour + , containers, lens, mtl, text, utf8-string, web-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cascading"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0w9zhaf4a09nl3b1sffllgf0zc10lzy38a8k4f7sbc0hr45wzj5y"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring colour containers lens mtl text + utf8-string web-routes + ]; + description = "DSL for HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "case-conversion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "case-conversion"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1njnhbqj1c0zxr0vkb7qh51764f3hscjqjq2yzgyy1shfrc1y1i4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert between different cases"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "case-insensitive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, hashable, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "case-insensitive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jbn8ipil02badf1jziaqspdpqslbnydn6vp79rhj77q78dsl6hd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq hashable text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Case insensitive string comparison"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cases" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base-prelude, HTF, HUnit + , loch-th, placeholders, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cases"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "02m4dlp0l4jd53j1ziq9hkxsj61m74b886ch7vx74n6caz90qnph"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base-prelude loch-th text ]; + testDepends = [ + base HTF HUnit loch-th placeholders QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A converter for spinal, snake and camel cases"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, haskell98, HaXml, network, parallel + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pwn33dpv5bgs74i8x6q47hsbl0jg68xwhjjiwyjdyl6sb3rfih7"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq haskell98 HaXml network parallel pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "the Computer Algebra SHell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassandra-cql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, cryptohash + , Decimal, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, stm, text, time + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassandra-cql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0055vvnyqa8n5fma8kk0mxbyv6xnzqvdi6lpnk888c0xh2mqqv5m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers cryptohash Decimal + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network stm text time uuid + ]; + description = "Haskell client for Cassandra's CQL protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassandra-thrift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Thrift }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassandra-thrift"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hmmi0g32nfwcny56sb4jw463jp7hiwj2hhv42bf8h9az30vjxwc"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers Thrift ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "thrift bindings to the cassandra database"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cassava" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, deepseq, ghc-prim, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassava"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vza24ikj3ixryh2hf2xj28m1zjclqq9lsxp57pwzjx31djkb54s"; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers deepseq + ghc-prim text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A CSV parsing and encoding library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassava-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bifunctors, bytestring, cassava + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, mtl, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassava-conduit"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "09z7i147qs292xl3hqqi1x1kigrxdh5s8gzin12fgcpbyjggv30n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bifunctors bytestring cassava conduit conduit-extra + containers mtl + ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit interface for cassava package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassava-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, io-streams, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassava-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08b144jm9805wqj68cgmh5j0bq03i439cpbxvq5m2k72m9s81kl7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cassava io-streams vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cassava io-streams QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tutorial" "-f-maintainer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassette" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassette"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "04qnk1s4bdj3wbbxdwzzvpnhkcgma8c4qfkg454ybg7f8kyv6h7x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A combinator library for simultaneously defining parsers and pretty printers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cassy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring + , cassandra-thrift, cereal, conduit, containers, data-default + , derive, errors, exceptions, HUnit, mtl, network, QuickCheck + , resource-pool, retry, safecopy, stm, syb, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, Thrift + , time, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cassy"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "0nm1xn7rkxqdap0k3lcl29jp7ajn5fypaqx3ag1zbyp8llc7xy0f"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec base binary bytestring cassandra-thrift + cereal conduit containers data-default errors exceptions mtl + network resource-pool retry safecopy stm syb text Thrift time + transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cassandra-thrift containers derive HUnit network + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text Thrift time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A high level driver for the Cassandra datastore"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "castle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, containers, errors, hspec + , lens, optparse-applicative, QuickCheck, shelly, system-fileio + , system-filepath, tasty, tasty-golden, tasty-hspec + , tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "castle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xsimlz0s0x9hdqvs0mscwj756znhd9mxhq23l8ppm5lavplpycp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator containers errors lens optparse-applicative + shelly system-fileio system-filepath text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec QuickCheck tasty tasty-golden tasty-hspec + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool to manage shared cabal-install sandboxes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "casui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, haskell98, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "casui"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1vjhg9dxg23q0dqr07gbrg92h3m9r38d7jb3c4sxnw6gaj76f5gw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gtk haskell98 mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Equation Manipulator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "catch-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "catch-fd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05fvrkvqyj7xdn6vvdwhfbym7rg9fl7r7lzzcsr2cx59iqi23frx"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MonadThrow and MonadCatch, using functional dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "categorical-algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, newtype, pointless-haskell, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "categorical-algebra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kx6195mfnw4aqmcd1m4s8z5l1s8zh69in00p9a0mxm3xj3pfvpl"; + buildDepends = [ base newtype pointless-haskell void ]; + description = "Categorical Monoids and Semirings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "categories" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "categories"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "18ihv16g4w0s6n89c64j4998hbsgzhp5w9ph2gdkygq7f30cx7f2"; + buildDepends = [ base void ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-optimize" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Categories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "category-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, bifunctors, categories, comonad + , comonad-extras, comonad-transformers, comonads-fd, contravariant + , distributive, either, free, groupoids, indexed, indexed-extras + , invariant, kan-extensions, keys, monad-products, pointed + , profunctor-extras, profunctors, recursion-schemes, reducers + , representable-functors, representable-profunctors + , semigroupoid-extras, semigroupoids, semigroups, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "category-extras"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "168psp1qd80838b9945499qh99jidbl2gngcrjqk6hb0qsyhckcq"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions bifunctors categories comonad comonad-extras + comonad-transformers comonads-fd contravariant distributive either + free groupoids indexed indexed-extras invariant kan-extensions keys + monad-products pointed profunctor-extras profunctors + recursion-schemes reducers representable-functors + representable-profunctors semigroupoid-extras semigroupoids + semigroups void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A meta-package documenting various packages inspired by category theory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cautious-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cautious-file"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1sw5ngwrarq1lsd4c6v2wdmgbhkkq6kpybb62r8ccm11ddgn3yiq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory filepath unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fposix" ]; + description = "Ways to write a file cautiously, to reduce the chances of problems such as data loss due to crashes or power failures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cayley-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, exceptions + , http-client, http-conduit, lens, lens-aeson, mtl, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cayley-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mipvxhnxfphk02d2324qiycv99d9a007c2h32lq6ncnl87xb1kc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring exceptions http-client + http-conduit lens lens-aeson mtl text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Haskell client for Cayley graph database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cblrepo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, Cabal + , containers, directory, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative + , process, safe, tar, unix, Unixutils, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cblrepo"; + version = "0.14.0"; + sha256 = "0nki3pdpzykjcczrmikzi9c81yprq7y0hqqgd610dqp8p00pf754"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring Cabal containers directory + filepath mtl optparse-applicative process safe tar unix Unixutils + utf8-string zlib + ]; + description = "Tool to maintain a database of CABAL packages and their dependencies"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cci" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cci, cmdargs, containers + , filepath, mtl, pretty, process, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cci"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0pvap67fn9kmjvn2qqq3x99k3mzrrsnb6q6fhawvyxv8drihsfc7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cmdargs containers filepath mtl pretty + process random time + ]; + extraLibraries = [ cci ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + description = "Bindings for the CCI networking library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cci; }; + + "ccnx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ccnx"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "18gnm6skzdnh6cis7l7v3d5813zn6irw6nywg6shffrn8v2y6xh7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the CCNx network protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cctools-workqueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bindings-cctools, bytestring, dttools, lens + , monad-loops, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cctools-workqueue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nqczr2f4bv107sdhqnllqcaz413r4f69f9ypshig8jyxzpcdwn3"; + buildDepends = [ + bindings-cctools bytestring lens monad-loops unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ dttools ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-warn" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level interface to CCTools' WorkQueue library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { dttools = null; }; + + "cedict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, parsec + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cedict"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "13nhwd07ly2ppgbakffr2cc2idacz0q5bahz0819jjascspm32vy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl parsec utf8-string + ]; + description = "Convenient Chinese phrase & character lookup"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cellrenderer-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, cairo, glib, gtk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cellrenderer-cairo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05cdrq1mrrhfbsk1w1dg5qayan0h9m92r4gqgcpzfa9a073w78zw"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo glib gtk mtl ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + description = "Cairo-based CellRenderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m0iwjf9bds4nwk1rgr19rvjri4kncn37k51l1n9y869r104b8lb"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ghc-prim ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "A binary serialization library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cereal-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, conduit, HUnit, mtl + , resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s1s8jm25wxj44x44vjz4kz5qblkyjaz7f8rw5i81bzam32afj9s"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal conduit resourcet transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal conduit HUnit mtl resourcet transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Turn Data.Serialize Gets and Puts into Sources, Sinks, and Conduits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cereal-derive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-derive"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04mlg1r2qvrwdzcfbf1aqs4bf9n2gc7cwv73fbhld2ji5naa6fwb"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal ghc-prim ]; + description = "Automatic deriving of Serialize using GHC.Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "cereal-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, enumerator }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-enumerator"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0lpsj4f7v4sgrr6lf8jl07xwj8j3i3wj23as0imswk71f7xwfnnk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal enumerator ]; + description = "Deserialize things with cereal and enumerator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "cereal-ieee754" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cereal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-ieee754"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gr22ziz9bj4q3y8j1vg46m648zqvbajfdks8p64xc28ci25pw2s"; + buildDepends = [ array base cereal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Floating point support for the 'cereal' serialization library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cereal-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , errors, hashable, hashtables, HTF, HUnit, mmorph, mtl, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, stm, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-plus"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "109y4ydhbl68rsi95fwck3gq1wvn9bpv0r9g9b7fm8wsgd06gipc"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers errors hashable hashtables + mmorph mtl stm text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers errors hashable hashtables + HTF HUnit mmorph mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-instances stm text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An extended serialization library on top of \"cereal\""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cereal-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rpmhafyk49whs77paxa174904idnk8j242mpnlml2b9jjc4rc3d"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data.Text instances for the cereal serialization library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "cereal-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, QuickCheck, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cereal-vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0czrb4l1n73cfxxlzbcqfa34qa3gw0m5w5mlz0rawylyqfk8a1pz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal vector ]; + testDepends = [ base cereal QuickCheck vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize instances for Data.Vector types."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "certificate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-data, base, bytestring, containers + , crypto-pubkey-types, cryptohash, directory, filepath, mtl, pem + , process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "certificate"; + version = "1.3.9"; + sha256 = "18g5rq7lpxmvmlnz610537w6mix6z6kxjrfj2ylbhkc81r5pn9g6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-data base bytestring containers crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash + directory filepath mtl pem process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Certificates and Key Reader/Writer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cf"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0wwq78b6d6hxaivyxw8rc9dsb0kq4aw0mkp8w0xmnfmz8biymlmg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infinite precision arithmetic using continued fractions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cfipu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , dequeue, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cfipu"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lwgqibxrs8n3czhpyg1halizsmz5jd8r2z8ham4pwi58815fzij"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default dequeue mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cfipu processor for toy brainfuck-like language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cflp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, control-monad-omega, HUnit + , incremental-sat-solver, level-monad, logict, MonadRandom, mtl + , random, stream-monad, syb, value-supply + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cflp"; + version = "2009.2.1"; + sha256 = "01j4904fa8z2wmflqs3q1g3dg966dllbp2sbxxbghh0hhzwyg0vy"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers control-monad-omega HUnit incremental-sat-solver + level-monad logict MonadRandom mtl random stream-monad syb + value-supply + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint Functional-Logic Programming in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cfopu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , dequeue, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cfopu"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1vd1ilcdd1k081bg4nk1zazdsd9fbz7zzcz453ff0xxjp9xl1b3z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default dequeue mtl + ]; + description = "cfopu processor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cgen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , regex-posix, safe, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cgen"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "18k9na7gwmnmn5gdin1qi041cb7w49xcgdnjjpc3dhmfiqnq41q8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec regex-posix safe + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generates Haskell bindings and C wrappers for C++ libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions, mtl + , multipart, network, network-uri, old-locale, old-time, parsec + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cgi"; + version = "3001.2.2.0"; + sha256 = "0zl1ib0i0sh6ll3mrakaargjxyr3v2kxzzdfqpjnr57pg7isrjx9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers exceptions mtl multipart network + network-uri old-locale old-time parsec xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing CGI programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cgi-undecidable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cgi-undecidable"; + version = "3000.0.0"; + sha256 = "1xh3q0s7398gd3513ycxypnj0m9jn0kdbb7459dsb459kbvzdpab"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi mtl ]; + description = "Undecidable instances for the cgi package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cgi-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cgi-utils"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0msljq31bz40hsrhhq9qhxrgmdlqq32l3ykcy4wviv8kmc3dic7p"; + editedCabalFile = "df1cb1e658d9b79adde373fc31a1d7553a4803f8967c760abf233e75913ddd52"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi containers mtl random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple modular utilities for CGI/FastCGI (sessions, etc.)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cgrep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, array, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, directory, dlist, either, filepath, ghc-prim, mtl + , regex-posix, safe, split, stm, stringsearch, unix + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cgrep"; + version = "6.4.9"; + sha256 = "1g5np8r5h8hxgyxr3m7595xh7fiq1b8h9w6vm0ly81949lbwclga"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array base bytestring cmdargs containers directory + dlist either filepath ghc-prim mtl regex-posix safe split stm + stringsearch unix unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "chain-codes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, JuicyPixels }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chain-codes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vw6qwgcljxgrjrsgkpkdqqnpxvibnsc0c4h5kyg5p8h4avsk8k6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers JuicyPixels ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec JuicyPixels ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library decoding chain codes from images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "chalkboard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, Codec-Image-DevIL + , containers, data-reify, directory, GLUT, OpenGLRaw, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chalkboard"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0786fxylzz73kgbyyy6pz5fhk7rfh4fnrbq0br7ghg74qka66sb9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring Codec-Image-DevIL containers + data-reify directory GLUT OpenGLRaw process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-tutorial" "-f-example" "-f-cbbe1" "-f-simple" "-f-chalkmark" + "-f-test1" "-fserver" "-f-all" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for building and processing 2D images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chalkboard-viewer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, chalkboard, GLUT, OpenGL, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chalkboard-viewer"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gvnp176j8gd0s6wzq10zpiqkn3wma99pwn3f78wgxm9rh588gh2"; + buildDepends = [ array base chalkboard GLUT OpenGL time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL based viewer for chalkboard rendered images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chalmers-lava2000" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, process, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chalmers-lava2000"; + version = "1.4.1"; + sha256 = "19n7z5k6ycn6brnh1n8ykni3ix49d53p3rjggfaklw83knqnvxhy"; + buildDepends = [ array base process random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hardware description EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chan-split" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chan-split"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1mzvrxcf263gs61hj7gafra1cqvpfbzy7rza7ql0xvnmj2g2ybrc"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concurrent Chans as read/write pairs. Also provides generic Chan pair class."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "change-monger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "change-monger"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "071qc0nhg4431c32z4qh23fiw1bjd1jc4s0sgq5v8ymwz4rfy9a2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory process ]; + description = "Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "charade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, containers, filepath, heist + , lens, mtl, QuickCheck, random, snap, snap-core, snap-extras + , snap-server, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "charade"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vi82z2c3km5shyk3wwb07y3cqcnkvkgvbl1s36a50kbz65jrl64"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator containers filepath heist lens mtl QuickCheck + random snap snap-core snap-extras snap-server text xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rapid prototyping websites with Snap and Heist"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "charset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, semigroups + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "charset"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "1x912dx5650x8ql3ivhpiwmxd6kv7zghark3s8ljvl1g3qr1pxd6"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers semigroups unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "charsetdetect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "charsetdetect"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1w302v6pmi448k2rq2cc7wp1javsd9rgk7r7i43lxvbjhniydn7p"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "charsetdetect-ae" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "charsetdetect-ae"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0bvdnv608glim8yn4dvh3av7x0fxxp3z6719j0n005bygdfgjxna"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "chart-histogram" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, colour, data-default-class, lens + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chart-histogram"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "0wa3f8qnv7yw7wgg5js3y5k6msd4jfysdqic1vzf5sxd5bz0ycp0"; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart colour data-default-class lens vector + ]; + description = "Easily render histograms with Chart"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chaselev-deque" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, abstract-deque-tests, array + , atomic-primops, base, bits-atomic, containers, ghc-prim, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chaselev-deque"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qkrypqsbfnr6kcl6idqmq2z4nf6jmqmgzddzhh031nxd22p18y6"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque array atomic-primops base bits-atomic ghc-prim + transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-deque-tests array atomic-primops base + containers ghc-prim HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chase & Lev work-stealing lock-free double-ended queues (deques)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chatter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, fullstop, ghc-prim, HUnit, mbox + , MonadRandom, parsec, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , random-shuffle, regex-base, regex-tdfa, regex-tdfa-text, safe + , split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-skip, text, tokenize + , transformers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chatter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15nj3b7w5whkifnik4fmykh21znr2vli9mm8ypbpwwzx8577d08m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers deepseq directory filepath + fullstop ghc-prim mbox MonadRandom parsec QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances random-shuffle regex-base regex-tdfa + regex-tdfa-text safe split text tokenize transformers zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cereal containers filepath HUnit parsec QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-skip text tokenize + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of simple NLP algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chatty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, chatty-utils, directory, mtl + , process, random, setenv, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chatty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0504xxgzfrgqa6yk8c1xw6qilqq2bq1anmncm5863wg7sd0xknx9"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base chatty-utils directory mtl process random setenv + template-haskell text time transformers unix + ]; + description = "Some monad transformers and typeclasses for abstraction of global dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "chatty-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chatty, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chatty-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p88yn8c1ckckhxy8k0w50n3mjy8inrwh9zaas5wawaz286chxzh"; + buildDepends = [ base chatty transformers ]; + description = "Provides some classes and types for dealing with text, using the fundaments of Chatty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "chatty-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, text, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chatty-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17jilk0p6wvnpc064wjk6flilz78yx32f092wn0z8dbc9hpw32wf"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl text transformers ]; + description = "Some utilities every serious chatty-based application may need"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "cheapskate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , data-default, http-types, mtl, syb, text, uniplate, wai + , wai-extra, xss-sanitize + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cheapskate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bz3zi2w5vm128csg21swcz4cm7h8ybqylpknr4fnyxmg3gxdd7d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring containers data-default http-types + mtl syb text uniplate wai wai-extra xss-sanitize + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dingus" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Experimental markdown processor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "check-email" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, email-validate, resolv }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "check-email"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1drw8rspdc4a7jw2ql3fi1dcmw56ah5csf2bil6ii8ccq5vsbfyz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring email-validate ]; + extraLibraries = [ resolv ]; + description = "Confirm whether an email is valid and probably existant"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { resolv = null; }; + + "check-pvp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, explicit-exception + , filepath, haskell-src-exts, non-empty, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "check-pvp"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "18xhm11xwvy9cz149ddm3lj4gxb514jglwhdr50mkrdd4rw8w59f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers explicit-exception filepath haskell-src-exts + non-empty transformers utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Check whether module and package imports conform to the PVP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "checked" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "checked"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00l04qxdid2pi885ixnyh91bsigsmk5rxb0jw6dl6j1mlcq27smd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Bounds-checking integer types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "checkers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "checkers"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "19ndgbivd07vchsqs6z9iqjl2jldbq7h4skqc9acracd9xyq1vdr"; + buildDepends = [ array base QuickCheck random ]; + description = "Check properties on standard classes and data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, options, patience + , random, template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chell"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1hynr7n7wxgc3z6zrc3xrfpiqlh4zfb3kagwwfhqmcamv9d4x0ng"; + editedCabalFile = "14853f792d3fab75efc50a9bc4e1493bf5afc8eaee06137f37adad8855ada3be"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring options patience random + template-haskell text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcolor-output" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple and intuitive library for automated testing"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "chell-hunit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chell, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chell-hunit"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "006l2j98gmgjrapyp00vz93hxlx9gwkdnxwh5nx293zp7vm27x00"; + buildDepends = [ base chell HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit support for the Chell testing library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "chell-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chell, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chell-quickcheck"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0ys6aks97y5h0n8n8dmwx8jrai4bjlnr7n69s259664y694054wd"; + buildDepends = [ base chell QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck support for the Chell testing library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "chesshs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chesshs"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1v9qhnknqn8bsxzdcwskhssmmhbrr0d1rrxqm6ssf6j2jvv3diay"; + buildDepends = [ array attoparsec base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-pgn" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple library for validating chess moves and parsing PGN files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, extensible-exceptions + , pretty, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18z0836hxs4ix7mdjxvpb40i4s71dc1j3vpxfh0vj8mf5drpc942"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq extensible-exceptions pretty stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of concurrency ideas from Communicating Sequential Processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chp-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chp, chp-plus, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chp-mtl"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1x14xl9hm9n3zczj6xhffvpac09q5a13i94fhkq2kzj2s3rk1b4z"; + buildDepends = [ base chp chp-plus mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MTL class instances for the CHP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chp-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chp, containers, deepseq + , extensible-exceptions, HUnit, pretty, QuickCheck, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chp-plus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1875fqf24jwl5vf2cys7yc70k0c53pg74i041y1xbrczincaww0z"; + buildDepends = [ + base chp containers deepseq extensible-exceptions HUnit pretty + QuickCheck stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A set of high-level concurrency utilities built on Communicating Haskell Processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chp-spec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, mtl, pretty + , TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chp-spec"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0jil6p0cw8bbpzb0kf9lxljdnbbp0xyq7c6x7bfc7291kqkafgdi"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq mtl pretty TypeCompose ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A mirror implementation of chp that generates a specification of the program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chp-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chp, chp-plus, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chp-transformers"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0d4hcqpjxmns1fhq918s6z9f4bxlbjlkxzq5xkpqwjxpzy83wq23"; + buildDepends = [ base chp chp-plus transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transformers instances for the CHP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chronograph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, thyme, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chronograph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qy2ahnp324jh0ybqwsa4nc3r2x1hkbrg6sl6f8dg1xnr0gpaag2"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim thyme vector-space ]; + description = "measure timings of data evaluation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chu2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, hack2 + , hack2-handler-snap-server, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chu2"; + version = "2012.11.20"; + sha256 = "01q34kzhisb8ani3k5dfjaixa7j1vqg0nh8mbmnya52hr7p4sdiz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default hack2 hack2-handler-snap-server + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI for Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "chuchu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abacate, ansi-wl-pprint, base, cmdargs, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, parsec, text, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chuchu"; + version = "0.4.5"; + sha256 = "04xyylp5gliwpps753xqn8r72708ygxcp08j0fypc64ykhv5pnqc"; + buildDepends = [ + abacate ansi-wl-pprint base cmdargs lifted-base monad-control + parsec text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit text transformers unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Behaviour Driven Development like Cucumber for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "chunked-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , mono-traversable, semigroups, system-filepath, text, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chunked-data"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kdq79mxi9nhy3dqw283f5ffx4rxwfrdq9cfw46ql5wmqrg2qw7r"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers mono-traversable + semigroups system-filepath text transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "chunks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, parsec, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chunks"; + version = "2007.4.18"; + sha256 = "0qdwilzhbnx5zgga65lcwd6kzwvsbvi8ybfw9i4d8ziz89190fkz"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 parsec template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple template library with static safety"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "chunky" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, HUnit, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "chunky"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12g5hvb5qpbmfn1389wj7sfkc4qp19vg24gpn6j225yfyk8ccik7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ base binary bytestring HUnit text ]; + description = "Human-readable storage of text/binary objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "church-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "church-list"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0xidwcn79acpg691n0xqk3q7xlprp9gibqkafn262zq24sks31xw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Removed; please see fmlist"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, language-c }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cil"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0farjdyq6w33jm0qqdkfd6l7b8rr6k55dqfha643mj6nh1y904az"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring language-c ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interface to CIL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cinvoke" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cinvoke }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cinvoke"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0niz7banhrkcwdfp6w5gwy1brz1c26mylnlavi5zxgawfq4d3sl2"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ cinvoke ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to cinvoke"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cinvoke; }; + + "cio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-stm, mtl, parallel-io, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cio"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0518cbfyjh13ghihvnxvbhlw4060cqw5047bdrflphmigwbvpplb"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-stm mtl parallel-io stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad for concurrent IO on a thread pool"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cipher-aes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-tests + , crypto-cipher-types, QuickCheck, securemem, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-aes"; + version = "0.2.9"; + sha256 = "1nkrh8mrrh14zfhjz0lfidw0hw9c70hap9w24rvb14zgfnnasnlq"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types securemem + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsupport_aesni" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-aes128" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-aes128"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "093zpw86wimniwmd73g3nnbfy530q52kynccssqf7jxafbsw75aa"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal crypto-api tagged ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AES and common modes using AES-NI when available"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-blowfish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-tests + , crypto-cipher-types, QuickCheck, securemem, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-blowfish"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0hb67gmiyqrknynz5am8nada1b1v47rqla87dw5nvfhxhl51fhcg"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types securemem vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Blowfish cipher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-camellia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-tests + , crypto-cipher-types, QuickCheck, securemem, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-camellia"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "19z2mi1rvp8fsqjdbmrm1hdlxmx61yr55fyknmmn945qrlvx234d"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types securemem vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Camellia block cipher primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-des" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-tests + , crypto-cipher-types, QuickCheck, securemem, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-des"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "1isazxa2nr1y13y0danfk7wghy34rfpn3f43rw714nk2xk6vrwc5"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types securemem + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DES and 3DES primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-rc4" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-tests + , crypto-cipher-types, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-rc4"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0k9qf0cn5yxc4qlqikcm5yyrnkkvr6g3v7306cp8iwz7r4dp6zn6"; + buildDepends = [ base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast RC4 cipher implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cipher-rc5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cipher-rc5"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ld4kdn0bd7ka448bl6df30iw3kd3mw7117qlwxyfzwbisdcsrif"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure RC5 implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "circ" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "circ"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0n3m7kjyqic10dl06zic5qjb1yb1ff8jn9d1wchrarkprcw25knc"; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl ]; + description = "A Compiler IR Compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "circle-packing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "circle-packing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sysyzhkjb7z4mn9hgxqiq0nd7ap3rs7w22swjrpnf8l1sv09xgv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Simple heuristic for packing discs of varying radii in a circle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "citation-resolve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, citeproc-hs, containers + , curl, data-default, directory, doctest, download-curl, either + , filepath, hspec, lens, MissingH, mtl, process, QuickCheck, safe + , text, transformers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "citation-resolve"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1x561l7shkz1nh43xh2nj83pb183rah1swi0ql9n0wr9ykq1mh1l"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring citeproc-hs containers curl data-default + directory download-curl either lens mtl process safe text + transformers yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath hspec MissingH QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "convert document IDs such as DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID to bibliographic reference"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "citeproc-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , hexpat, hs-bibutils, HTTP, json, mtl, network, old-locale + , pandoc-types, parsec, syb, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "citeproc-hs"; + version = "0.3.9"; + sha256 = "0f3l33a3rcp8lm8nkbda42lijjpaqa7cxszswhjryy1inywpsssg"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath hexpat hs-bibutils + HTTP json mtl network old-locale pandoc-types parsec syb time + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-unicode_collation" "-f-embed_data_files" "-fhexpat" "-fnetwork" + "-fbibutils" "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cityhash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, largeword, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cityhash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nr0sqrvnsjkgyhlw55mnr69s5ddxk9f0bbpwkigqc7m457vkxi6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring largeword ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring largeword QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sse42" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to CityHash"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cjk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, text + , text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cjk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r0rw33vqkhck0mfqz19plw9a71f56gdcjldrxl23178fps349vl"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers text text-icu + ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data about Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters and languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clafer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, cmdargs, containers + , data-stringmap, directory, executable-path, filepath, ghc + , glpk-hs, HaXml, HUnit, json-builder, lens, MaybeT, mtl, parsec + , process, QuickCheck, split, string-conversions, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-th, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clafer"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "1fz4bndxwyfch3bagyqgzqw46fichczj5gnkhqpvghfnlydv94a7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base cmdargs containers data-stringmap directory + executable-path filepath glpk-hs HaXml json-builder lens MaybeT mtl + parsec process split string-conversions text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath ghc HaXml HUnit lens mtl + QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "clafer compiles Clafer models to other formats, such as Alloy, XML, HTML, Dot"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "claferIG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, clafer, cmdargs, containers + , data-stringmap, directory, executable-path, filepath, haskeline + , HaXml, HUnit, json-builder, mtl, parsec, process + , string-conversions, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-th, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "claferIG"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "1dnjg6w2v9ijm8rcgdsi5zm3zbj4cvyp165wgbxbmda9kl05w5am"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base clafer cmdargs containers data-stringmap directory + executable-path filepath haskeline HaXml json-builder mtl parsec + process string-conversions transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base clafer cmdargs directory filepath HUnit tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-th transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "claferIG is an interactive tool that generates instances of Clafer models"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "claferwiki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clafer, containers, directory, gitit + , MissingH, mtl, network, process, SHA, split, time, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "claferwiki"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "170lp987dw5cfyfhqk8ak7m2z5mc0lnwzn3xlxniys47qn8ji3yx"; + buildDepends = [ + base clafer containers directory gitit MissingH mtl network process + SHA split time transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wiki-based IDE for literate modeling with Clafer"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "clanki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, safe, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clanki"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "1np5df8cx7djjknp4c9yy3pzqjqh8ra9mgkc9smybqzidlri60jk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory safe time ]; + description = "Command-line spaced-repetition software"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "clash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-template, directory, filepath, ghc, haskell98 + , pretty, prettyclass, template-haskell, tfp, th-lift, time + , transformers, utility-ht, vhdl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "047dhg6y7yvp5vdarylry0q4l29a4x2dkjilk6j624lxcc17gyhx"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-accessor data-accessor-template directory + filepath ghc haskell98 pretty prettyclass template-haskell tfp + th-lift time transformers utility-ht vhdl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware (CLaSH)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clash-ghc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bifunctors, bytestring, clash-lib + , clash-prelude, containers, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths + , hashable, haskeline, lens, mtl, process, text, transformers + , unbound, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clash-ghc"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0pyv8snrmy7x9gv6xna5rd5chacrdvczcjs7854b80pifhag5c2g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bifunctors bytestring clash-lib clash-prelude containers + directory filepath ghc ghc-paths hashable haskeline lens mtl + process text transformers unbound unix unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-standalone" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "clash-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , concurrent-supply, containers, contravariant, deepseq, directory + , errors, fgl, filepath, hashable, lens, ListLike, mtl, pretty + , process, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unbound + , unordered-containers, uu-parsinglib, wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clash-lib"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1c3bxjm356cs7wf49zlazbv44bw06rs81akmsfzkfccrl7gjy7yc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring concurrent-supply containers + contravariant deepseq directory errors fgl filepath hashable lens + ListLike mtl pretty process template-haskell text time transformers + unbound unordered-containers uu-parsinglib wl-pprint-text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - As a Library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "clash-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, ghc-prim, integer-gmp + , template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clash-prelude"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d929g7js15aagd1pa2lfbhd1yiykd0ngp6fv522yhy1yyijn1l7"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default ghc-prim integer-gmp template-haskell th-lift + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Prelude library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "classify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "classify"; + version = "2013.11.6.1"; + sha256 = "03d4ygqhqbg4cvfjp8c5cyy0fkgf1fpzc1li45bqc555jrxwszwr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Library for classification of media files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "classy-parallel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, monad-control, parallel + , resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "classy-parallel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vfik37g2fwzc4p343hag5aidvi77396vfhfdx1207gahbzqf21v"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control parallel resourcet transformers + ]; + description = "Fork of the monad-parallel package using monad-control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "classy-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, bifunctors, bytestring + , chunked-data, containers, enclosed-exceptions, exceptions + , ghc-prim, hashable, hspec, lifted-base, mono-traversable, mtl + , old-locale, primitive, QuickCheck, semigroups, stm + , system-filepath, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, vector-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "classy-prelude"; + version = "0.10.2"; + sha256 = "0pq16rgksbv2ml4wg7jdxlb9y80h8la78hnrcci637s6kbdisd7k"; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude bifunctors bytestring chunked-data containers + enclosed-exceptions exceptions ghc-prim hashable lifted-base + mono-traversable mtl old-locale primitive semigroups stm + system-filepath text time transformers unordered-containers vector + vector-instances + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hspec QuickCheck transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A typeclass-based Prelude"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "classy-prelude-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, classy-prelude, conduit + , conduit-combinators, hspec, monad-control, QuickCheck, resourcet + , system-fileio, transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "classy-prelude-conduit"; + version = "0.10.2"; + sha256 = "0bgic61p05hpnsami199wzs2q4cbdm00nyp03vsxz2ddsz8dwc8l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring classy-prelude conduit conduit-combinators + monad-control resourcet system-fileio transformers void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit hspec QuickCheck transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "conduit instances for classy-prelude"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "classy-prelude-yesod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, classy-prelude + , classy-prelude-conduit, data-default, http-conduit, http-types + , persistent, yesod, yesod-newsfeed, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "classy-prelude-yesod"; + version = "0.10.2"; + sha256 = "1jzf26rj9m8mdhhag66h5zbh91c7ff3jn1q1ghmah12dj9y06137"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base classy-prelude classy-prelude-conduit data-default + http-conduit http-types persistent yesod yesod-newsfeed + yesod-static + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a classy prelude including common Yesod functionality"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "clay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, mtl, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clay"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "0xw7j9v2cfs4874l5n852b38m6v2mpkbr93dxxfkp2kwmqkjbl5v"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl text ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-html + , bytestring, cereal, containers, cryptopp, directory, filepath + , happstack-authenticate, happstack-hsp, happstack-server + , happstack-server-tls, hsp, hsx-jmacro, hsx2hs, ixset, jmacro, mtl + , network, network-uri, old-locale, openssl, process, random + , reform, reform-happstack, reform-hsp, safecopy, stm, tagsoup + , text, time, unordered-containers, utf8-string, uuid, vector + , web-plugins, web-routes, web-routes-happstack, web-routes-hsp + , web-routes-th, xss-sanitize + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks"; + version = "0.22.4"; + sha256 = "1srgvnsmd3lhhp797kwwq6a0sr31i0kdlgzmrqi0qs1wg54nwyw6"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring cereal + containers directory filepath happstack-authenticate happstack-hsp + happstack-server happstack-server-tls hsp hsx-jmacro ixset jmacro + mtl network network-uri old-locale process random reform + reform-happstack reform-hsp safecopy stm tagsoup text time + unordered-containers utf8-string uuid vector web-plugins web-routes + web-routes-happstack web-routes-hsp web-routes-th xss-sanitize + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ cryptopp openssl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A secure, reliable content management system (CMS) and blogging platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, base, clckwrks, haskeline, mtl + , network, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-cli"; + version = "0.2.13"; + sha256 = "09ygkr4wqcwc07pf0alf9dncsv4dl40v97qnilis3wsdc05gflip"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state base clckwrks haskeline mtl network parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a command-line interface for adminstrating some aspects of clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-dot-com" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clckwrks, clckwrks-plugin-bugs + , clckwrks-plugin-media, clckwrks-plugin-page + , clckwrks-theme-clckwrks, containers, happstack-server, hsp + , hsx2hs, mtl, network, text, web-plugins + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-dot-com"; + version = "0.3.9"; + sha256 = "0q1y6lh9215p0c45195k05m774bmxyzm6jsvyncw2qngl77gambh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base clckwrks clckwrks-plugin-bugs clckwrks-plugin-media + clckwrks-plugin-page clckwrks-theme-clckwrks containers + happstack-server hsp mtl network text web-plugins + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-backups" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-plugin-bugs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, attoparsec, base, cereal, clckwrks + , clckwrks-plugin-page, containers, directory, filepath + , happstack-authenticate, happstack-hsp, happstack-server, hsp + , hsx2hs, ixset, mtl, network, network-uri, reform + , reform-happstack, reform-hsp, safecopy, text, time, web-plugins + , web-routes, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-plugin-bugs"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "0la4ivk8sbh8wq1g2nhxx522ir2idffz5818bghjf8qffmqa47fv"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state attoparsec base cereal clckwrks clckwrks-plugin-page + containers directory filepath happstack-authenticate happstack-hsp + happstack-server hsp ixset mtl network network-uri reform + reform-happstack reform-hsp safecopy text time web-plugins + web-routes web-routes-th + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bug tracking plugin for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-plugin-ircbot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, attoparsec, base, blaze-html + , bytestring, clckwrks, containers, directory, filepath + , happstack-hsp, happstack-server, hsp, hsx2hs, ircbot, ixset, mtl + , network, reform, reform-happstack, reform-hsp, safecopy, text + , web-plugins, web-routes, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-plugin-ircbot"; + version = "0.6.12"; + sha256 = "1pi8qrm71zdszc1fkwyvdx0qnlj4gzsyajw70w4s6sgmn7mgny69"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring clckwrks + containers directory filepath happstack-hsp happstack-server hsp + ircbot ixset mtl network reform reform-happstack reform-hsp + safecopy text web-plugins web-routes web-routes-th + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ircbot plugin for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-plugin-media" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, attoparsec, base, blaze-html, cereal + , clckwrks, containers, directory, filepath, gd, happstack-server + , hsp, hsx2hs, ixset, magic, mtl, reform, reform-happstack + , reform-hsp, safecopy, text, web-plugins, web-routes + , web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-plugin-media"; + version = "0.6.9"; + sha256 = "0c72c7k1zpl6sqvb8fl5dr1in6nbr5ni3hj5mvfs54phw0b6qlqs"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state attoparsec base blaze-html cereal clckwrks containers + directory filepath gd happstack-server hsp ixset magic mtl reform + reform-happstack reform-hsp safecopy text web-plugins web-routes + web-routes-th + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "media plugin for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-plugin-page" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, attoparsec, base, clckwrks + , containers, directory, filepath, happstack-hsp, happstack-server + , hsp, hsx2hs, ixset, mtl, old-locale, random, reform + , reform-happstack, reform-hsp, safecopy, tagsoup, template-haskell + , text, time, utf8-string, uuid, web-plugins, web-routes + , web-routes-happstack, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-plugin-page"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1izz2mgznvwjy3689zw76rzyapq32kq0dvbs7147x6fx5rvsydz7"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson attoparsec base clckwrks containers directory + filepath happstack-hsp happstack-server hsp ixset mtl old-locale + random reform reform-happstack reform-hsp safecopy tagsoup + template-haskell text time utf8-string uuid web-plugins web-routes + web-routes-happstack web-routes-th + ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "support for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-theme-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clckwrks, hsp, hsx2hs, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-theme-bootstrap"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0bj1lxrzlhv4l37xb4jbb8h55l3mb2abyapsmlavcj0cld7ba7i2"; + buildDepends = [ base clckwrks hsp text ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-theme-clckwrks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clckwrks, containers, hsp, hsx2hs, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-theme-clckwrks"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0mxb48sirbhvm4vkwwgqxh7x3bahfk34x8i20zcirvh8y6xxp3pm"; + buildDepends = [ base clckwrks containers hsp text ]; + buildTools = [ hsx2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clckwrks-theme-geo-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clckwrks, hsp, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clckwrks-theme-geo-bootstrap"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qxik7hdz300n5lfb5xzh2md44b4xwwlr0c92y9x2na2xz41da7k"; + buildDepends = [ base clckwrks hsp text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "geo bootstrap based template for clckwrks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cld2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cld2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fsjp0y5f17gv3k43vbxgx7w6i2l4ralrc6g1wb0xi0gp1vrm3hd"; + editedCabalFile = "60506ceb359329f803a733a06f9a6060a31cab7e86dd4a8e3fd843953cb4cfbd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to Google's Compact Language Detector 2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "clean-home" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, HSH, IfElse + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clean-home"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0s894l3vjjkz94cvl5hv3vdpm934k7ila60kmr6acl7pvhppnc22"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs containers directory HSH IfElse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Keep your home dir clean by finding old conf files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clean-unions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clean-unions"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1y4cj15s6gjcazwk0iycyc2qs7chrqcvchf4g5h4xnf2x8ld4i21"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Open unions without need for Typeable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clevercss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clevercss"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0nnczd93j160747dc11z06ds81g938bw8lnqywg7mgylsfxalznl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-parsec2" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A CSS preprocessor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cli"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0iychwxbmnlywv7b7fpxym0ybcbk0aba9p0pvg8brs6llz2qrn9x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Command Line Interface Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "click-clack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLFW, Hipmunk, MonadRandom, mtl + , OpenGL, random, StateVar, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "click-clack"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ngvdq0i82qxwawqb5pqa3fscnyv1kxc3ifc3qijnn5v4py9ydd8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLFW Hipmunk MonadRandom mtl OpenGL random StateVar + transformers + ]; + description = "Toy game (tetris on billiard board). Hipmunk in action."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "clientsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal + , cipher-aes, containers, cprng-aes, crypto-api, crypto-random + , directory, entropy, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, setenv, skein + , tagged, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clientsession"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08h0461ydhfymw2pya472n81kx5rqp7awfgxlbz2r851rl5kqmn9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal cipher-aes cprng-aes + crypto-api crypto-random directory entropy setenv skein tagged + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers hspec HUnit QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Securely store session data in a client-side cookie"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clifford" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, Chart, Chart-cairo, colour, converge + , criterion, data-default-class, data-ordlist, deepseq, derive + , gnuplot, hspec, lens, MemoTrie, monoid-extras, nats + , numeric-prelude, permutation, QuickCheck, reflection + , semigroupoids, stream-fusion, tagged, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clifford"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00xxvwa60ihrd24267hzs5ssjm6nrli39qlh9gm4fkdnrzif9r4r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cereal Chart Chart-cairo colour converge criterion + data-default-class data-ordlist deepseq derive gnuplot hspec lens + MemoTrie monoid-extras nats numeric-prelude permutation QuickCheck + reflection semigroupoids stream-fusion tagged vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec nats numeric-prelude QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Clifford algebra library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clippard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clippard"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0qhi727irlkvi4ygx5qvd6h1zzz22588lymi39s0gcjir473a538"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple Haskell library for copying text to the clipboard in a cross-platform way"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "clipper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clipper"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0s4n8d07190yarkxpa2kjphkm6lw2ljgwcix3x6m3lxcxrvc3nr0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell API to clipper (2d polygon union/intersection/xor/clipping API)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clippings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, assertions, base, bifunctors, bytestring, cassava + , data-default, filepath, old-locale, parsec, safecopy, strptime + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clippings"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0dm0cpqcv8r66zlwq7myjv7klpp43lbcwdgxs2zkg6mbsb2f1qvr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring cassava data-default old-locale parsec + safecopy strptime time + ]; + testDepends = [ + assertions base data-default filepath old-locale parsec time + ]; + description = "A parser/generator for Kindle-format clipping files (`My Clippings.txt`),"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "clock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wqhg8gb10lby01f0v4fl4yp23l4ilizywp5xnsbja03svnb4f0d"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clocked" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clock, containers, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , QtCore, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clocked"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z9n4nisa73zlwch7arixg6633w3jmcqw5w97jf4p5559q874wi8"; + buildDepends = [ + base clock containers MonadCatchIO-transformers transformers + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ QtCore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "timer functionality to clock IO commands"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { QtCore = null; }; + + "clogparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, filepath, text, time + , timezone-olson, timezone-series + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clogparse"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17n5rwi64wjyv2xcxm86bawgmnpfrg7fjzwr9l3bj5jg0ggbyrbx"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring filepath text time timezone-olson + timezone-series + ]; + description = "Parse IRC logs such as the #haskell logs on"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clone-all" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, github + , optparse-applicative, process, system-fileio, system-filepath + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clone-all"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mif1cqwpgp1wis7lplqrvv5aikdl0iv5ddazwgm6zgrxz645p09"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory github optparse-applicative process + system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Clone all github repositories from a given user"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "closure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "closure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z9clkwjpj01g258h8bldlc759vwsgdlyppn29sr11kyani1zjwf"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Depth- and breadth-first set closures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cloud-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, distributed-process, distributed-process-async + , distributed-process-client-server, distributed-process-execution + , distributed-process-extras, distributed-process-supervisor + , distributed-process-task, distributed-static, network-transport + , rank1dynamic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cloud-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11i2r7zf3vvywsfnlcsgvnh2qf92wgc81sfmhkhfpdrpcd2zx606"; + buildDepends = [ + distributed-process distributed-process-async + distributed-process-client-server distributed-process-execution + distributed-process-extras distributed-process-supervisor + distributed-process-task distributed-static network-transport + rank1dynamic + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-p2p" "-f-simplelocalnet" "-f-tcp" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cloudfront-signer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, crypto-pubkey-types, old-locale, RSA, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cloudfront-signer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ikjrlb421rxsj4c7dl4dw8a3kls43gzn4mapg1y9b2bkd7q6ywz"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base base64-bytestring bytestring + crypto-pubkey-types old-locale RSA time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CloudFront URL signer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cloudyfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible + , datetime, filepath, HFuse, HTTP, regex-base, regex-tdfa, tagsoup + , timerep, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cloudyfs"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0jfv3830kg3yp1vqqs75bmiwflv4y8ya86q575bsw1l695dc5lwg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible datetime filepath HFuse HTTP + regex-base regex-tdfa tagsoup timerep unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A cloud in the file system"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cltw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, mtl, random, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cltw"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "08nishc8ngmvx0pdksn4z8a6l8vdgm3jiyz3w6d302pwp566z4q9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base curl mtl random tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line Twitter utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clua" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskell98 + , language-c, pretty, pretty-show + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clua"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0xzhpjsb9nf8xw7fa111n5gki46gz67aiyd2wr1k50pzyjrvl3vv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskell98 language-c pretty pretty-show + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C to Lua data wrapper generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cluss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cluss"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1q5km2f8zwnzcwnzj0khnszsgrb1x53zp0ryjwz2nfx9ajvh7zgg"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple alternative to type classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "clustertools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, containers, QuickCheck + , regex-compat, simpleargs + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clustertools"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0in6fqzr1aki2dhbkv3vlmw17vla5m39g6msaplk4vix5yjw7vkq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bio bytestring containers QuickCheck regex-compat simpleargs + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for manipulating sequence clusters"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "clutterhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, c2hs, cairo, clutter, glib, gtk + , haskell98, mtl, pango, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "clutterhs"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mcl6pc0qjyijyqqlf1wh3548gn71kv6xy0jaqgrjddf20qlc8xl"; + buildDepends = [ array base cairo glib gtk haskell98 mtl X11 ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ clutter glib pango ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Bindings to the Clutter animation library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib pango; }; + + "cmaes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, doctest-prop, mtl, process, random + , safe, strict, syb, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmaes"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "060bmnkhbwrxhalfy5zxwjzbb6mp5ffj4r0qgkv6wp7bac2nnrp8"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process safe strict syb ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest doctest-prop mtl process random syb vector + ]; + description = "CMA-ES wrapper in Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cmath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmath"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1hb92cgblmwp49lv0x0ib8g557mhjk6db7ihnim75ldii2f93dnm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the standard C math library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmathml3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, arrowapply-utils, base, Cabal, containers + , filepath, hxt, monads-tf, parsec, syb, transformers, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmathml3"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mh6qzdlbfc1lfx7353p2qfa2j77xjlnnnnw3csmv125zha4y96d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array arrowapply-utils base Cabal containers filepath hxt monads-tf + parsec syb transformers url + ]; + description = "Data model, parser, serialiser and transformations for Content MathML 3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmdargs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, process, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmdargs"; + version = "0.10.12"; + sha256 = "0axn3ycw4rijh1ka5f73gz9w330s851cpxbv39ia4xnb0l95hrjy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath process template-haskell transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fquotation" "-f-testprog" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line argument processing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmdargs-browser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , http-types, process, text, transformers, wai, wai-handler-launch + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmdargs-browser"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1k0g2vh7sqkblzjsfvyhfiy1fcwkw0i10kgl4n2r68w7v52mmzd0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory filepath http-types process text + transformers wai wai-handler-launch + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helper to enter cmdargs command lines using a web browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmdlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, split, syb, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmdlib"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "0218f4rl64wvvka95m969hg5y9vc29dqaawfcnk7d1qsv3hx9ydl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl split syb transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" "-fmtl2" ]; + description = "a library for command line parsing & online help"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmdtheline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, HUnit + , parsec, pretty, process, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmdtheline"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1jwbr34xgccjbz6nm58bdsg1vqyv87rh45yia5j36vlfbaclyb04"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath parsec pretty process + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath HUnit parsec pretty process + test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative command-line option parsing and documentation library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cml"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1hym074a8akzg3c96b1yczmdw5pgn4g0ahqxsxhg8d0kf8lzi5ph"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Events and Channels as in Concurrent ML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmonad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07adwhpsmg3q4nhifjpdjv2dy1m08n0qkvlssmbl3b6gklvb82sk"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "A library for C-like programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cmu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cmu"; + version = "1.9"; + sha256 = "1mn6l17x7zwhc8wlbfqiaxjsvmwh6j0sr4x3gss1z32n5g03syd0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + description = "Unification in a Commutative Monoid"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cnc-spec-compiler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, array, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, directory, fgl, filepath, HUnit, mtl, parsec, pretty + , prettyclass, process, split, stringtable-atom, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cnc-spec-compiler"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nfqglz6szbi3s8xf5i87rnac7hc8cqfyrx2rs5ydb5i439s22b0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array base binary bytestring containers directory fgl + filepath HUnit mtl parsec pretty prettyclass process split + stringtable-atom unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbasicbuild" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler/Translator for CnC Specification Files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cndict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cassava, containers + , file-embed, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cndict"; + version = "0.4.8"; + sha256 = "1h5lj0c1h870519dg2g24lfjw4j3124r7dx0cdjmp90942cw56rx"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cassava containers file-embed text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chinese/Mandarin <-> English dictionary, Chinese lexer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "code-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "code-builder"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1ax4c19xkszahcxvwc1wa1hrgk6ajck5sbprbplsi1gc9jj4g7jm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Simple system for generating code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codec-libevent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring + , containers, parsec, QuickCheck, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codec-libevent"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "17v7adxs65jq74ngid0iywg3p5pq5j2p9mznqwj7i53238l3p60l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary binary-strict bytestring containers parsec + QuickCheck regex-compat + ]; + description = "Cross-platform structure serialisation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codec-mbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codec-mbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kbn76g6ly1pjd9higi0k0f26hplm0jhz85b23inn0bjli14n2cl"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "A library to read and write mailboxes in mbox format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codecov-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, curl, hpc, HUnit, process, regex-posix, safe, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codecov-haskell"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0rvjplgrn5s4jg861gg2zx92lsb1p5qqwpnwzhz27ascvby978pf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring cmdargs containers curl hpc process + regex-posix safe split + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = " support for Haskell."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codemonitor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, filepath, gtk + , haskell98, hinotify, MissingH, process, regex-posix, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codemonitor"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "14jywd60mxbj5q1srxj4igs1ah0ddf8ww5k4n5d9g7cp1b1yv1mc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory filepath gtk haskell98 hinotify + MissingH process regex-posix time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool that automatically runs arbitrary commands when files change on disk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codepad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, mtl, network, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codepad"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03jvbbv4cgrmk0ihz34shd1ydv5jhl1h1xiwqrln60622jlh8mr1"; + editedCabalFile = "52fe2b461d77b36400724ddd77e6ec5a92cb9c1bbf5f97efb4cfe87adba3a07a"; + buildDepends = [ base curl mtl network tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Submit and retrieve paste output from"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "codex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , download-curl, either, filepath, hackage-db, machines + , machines-directory, MissingH, monad-loops, process, tar, text + , transformers, yaml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dp454xx6cb4fggm6y727arids57ssnxwpmxp6d650ggj37v97hk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory download-curl either + filepath hackage-db machines machines-directory MissingH + monad-loops process tar text transformers yaml zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A ctags file generator for cabal project dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "codo-notation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, haskell-src-meta, parsec + , template-haskell, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "codo-notation"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1bwfjg0bzph0vka1rx8m6f505l9dmj8nn6al9kmjkva18l05gsvq"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell uniplate + ]; + description = "A notation for comonads, analogous to the do-notation for monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cofunctor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cofunctor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xn4k1c7l9z3g0slbwvlfg9kpfq8jbk0qf9363qz7azv7ks1149p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "DEPRECATED: use the \"contravariant\" package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cognimeta-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, collections-api + , comonad-transformers, containers, data-lens, data-lens-fd + , data-lens-template, deepseq, ghc-prim, mtl, primitive, QuickCheck + , stm, tagged, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cognimeta-utils"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "00bq5qad7x8x0fac1gb8aq97zm4pylnk7n9bg4nkhyyvwnmjsy5l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring collections-api comonad-transformers + containers data-lens data-lens-fd data-lens-template deepseq + ghc-prim mtl primitive QuickCheck stm tagged template-haskell + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for Cognimeta products (such as perdure). API may change often."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "colada" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdargs, containers + , fclabels, ghc-prim, ListZipper, monad-atom, mtl, split, swift-lda + , text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colada"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09a1izl99w532ldfma2zxhn6f1lsbisf3p0hy0dqkyyip01pcd8n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cmdargs containers fclabels ghc-prim + ListZipper monad-atom mtl split swift-lda text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Colada implements incremental word class class induction using online LDA"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "colchis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, conceit, network, network-simple + , pipes, pipes-aeson, pipes-attoparsec, pipes-network, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colchis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fhamxm740r59q0sazs2np1b8hv74dhhbb4ah73m94im96729rbb"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base conceit network network-simple pipes pipes-aeson + pipes-attoparsec pipes-network text transformers + ]; + description = "Rudimentary JSON-RPC 2.0 client over raw TCP."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collada-output" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, collada-types, containers, SVGPath, time + , vector, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collada-output"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1k6k2ljz9x06j0nrpbbpcgd3axamf3cgr6jyslam0xkgxzsi7w7x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base collada-types containers SVGPath time vector xml + ]; + description = "Generate animated 3d objects in COLLADA"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collada-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, enumerable, OpenGL, tuple + , tuple-gen, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collada-types"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0aw1y3ylcnpj3wwh6w8168a4mmkiayav6swyh2fq3vfjlds91xc8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers enumerable OpenGL tuple tuple-gen vector + ]; + description = "Data exchange between graphic applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collapse-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collapse-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02r4cz92wjm3hcih8jf5jvimw3ijwbp4x7iw90rkj05360ajikj7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "utility for collapsing adjacent writes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collections" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collections"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a5km8k2jwjv4gfd2vf0jiq3f9cw47dgz8f3lspmpx2b0g2pac7g"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers QuickCheck ]; + description = "Useful standard collections types and related functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collections-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collections-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vgw1spiv6wnk11j3y45d95r3axgr1sgksb5lilnxdjj2pn4gp5l"; + buildDepends = [ array base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API for collection data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "collections-base-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, collections-api + , containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "collections-base-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nw6wpzqsj33pnffsflc6ipjcx6lknzdnxgn4rm3vhrl5y9rgpzk"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring collections-api containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful standard collections types and related functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "colock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colock"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0h3y5c3c3711k2glmnydc1rlz9ff73iibcc8vf0zjzvvw9rz0xb1"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "thread-friendly file locks that don't block the entire program"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "colorize-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, haskell-lexer }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colorize-haskell"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1v4spa6vw9igjpd1dr595z5raz5fr8f485q5w9imrv8spms46xh3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base haskell-lexer ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Highligt Haskell source"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "colors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, linear, profunctors }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colors"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "04kd3fpj4k4bfqgaabpq7hxqmhsg7ny0qipfx61im2rh663p8zjp"; + buildDepends = [ base lens linear profunctors ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type for colors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "colour" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "colour"; + version = "2.3.3"; + sha256 = "1qmn1778xzg07jg9nx4k1spdz2llivpblf6wwrps1qpqjhsac5cd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A model for human colour/color perception"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "coltrane" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HTTP, http-types, HUnit, mtl + , regex-compat, text, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "coltrane"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "131arfizyniapjvc9ds6l90z7gig98imhm17k1vza5wvgjqbb5fa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HTTP http-types HUnit mtl regex-compat text wai + wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A jazzy, minimal web framework for Haskell, inspired by Sinatra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "com" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "com"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y6zm63jyigf631f2b0bqw1yhmr6hifaspqivy7qy30brmr5a27m"; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + description = "Haskell COM support library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "combinat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combinat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rch5pk0sggmdr2wmqys5i5p1cjyqdymrngjf8a2721q6nycfjjz"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" "-f-withquickcheck" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generation of various combinatorial objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "combinat-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, combinat, containers + , diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, transformers, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combinat-diagrams"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1m7b0qf583jgi65vg6lxvypvjal74p83iir03ma7cfrgw5s5mw2q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base colour combinat containers diagrams-core diagrams-lib + transformers vector-space + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graphical representations for various combinatorial objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "combinator-interactive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, directory + , lens, mtl, template-haskell, th-lift, trifecta, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combinator-interactive"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0yxdy413pj6ah4d5qcpajbphfg02p0gxgs1x9salfa18fyflljc4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers directory lens mtl + template-haskell th-lift trifecta void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SKI Combinator interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "combinatorial-problems" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , containers, parsec, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combinatorial-problems"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1k3isi62i66xbisn48b018w7fcfhwwng1f64ca530qkk600fg850"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-lexing containers parsec random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A number of data structures to represent and allow the manipulation of standard combinatorial problems, used as test problems in computer science"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "combinatorics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combinatorics"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "101b3lycfav6wqdqjhs0v93vgy4g3pfn5xyimip0x3alq0q2ix9a"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient computation of common combinatoric functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "combobuffer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell, vector + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "combobuffer"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1zsdi9c9my6nrxpqqsy584swp4zg8lckrymfig1ywisbdfzb8rjh"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers template-haskell vector vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various buffer implementations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "command" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "command"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0qj6i5r1iz3d8visqpd74xwkribxzs4p66b1vgp0i3jiqgfrn2hw"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conveniently run shell commands"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "command-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, hspec, process, template-haskell + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "command-qq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bqfb4gc5ja9d9jygijqpf6014bmfcxnsvpv7c5n4f1z2aj07jy5"; + buildDepends = [ base process template-haskell text ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest hspec template-haskell text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasiquoters for external commands"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "commodities" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, directory, distributive + , doctest, filepath, hspec, hspec-expectations, keys, lens, linear + , mtl, numbers, PSQueue, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups + , text, thyme, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "commodities"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0xf2vp7wb3qkxkrcwhcqpqfzg9345ws890rkmibvcd21jnczhg89"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers distributive keys lens linear mtl numbers + PSQueue semigroupoids semigroups text thyme transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory doctest filepath hspec hspec-expectations + lens QuickCheck semigroups thyme transformers + ]; + description = "Library for working with commoditized amounts and price histories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "commsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cipher-aes128, crypto-api + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "commsec"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "1lshp876qm29370mpa3bh0gijcv317sf1y8vajixzz1083bkpngm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cipher-aes128 crypto-api network + ]; + description = "Provide communications security using symmetric ephemeral keys"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "commsec-keyexchange" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cipher-aes128, commsec + , crypto-api, crypto-pubkey-types, cryptohash-cryptoapi, DRBG + , monadcryptorandom, network, RSA + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "commsec-keyexchange"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1c207fv429frkyb742n0r1z0kkvlwnkcxblfkrjm1lwqfkdx0prn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cipher-aes128 commsec crypto-api + crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash-cryptoapi DRBG monadcryptorandom + network RSA + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Key agreement for commsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "comonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant, directory + , distributive, doctest, filepath, semigroups, tagged, transformers + , transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "comonad"; + version = "4.2.2"; + sha256 = "022fcy0ijwsdnjb1b1jrwy2ypzzbzvfgj9ns0c74hrsj08gjh8j8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers contravariant distributive semigroups tagged + transformers transformers-compat + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fdistributive" "-fcontravariant" "-fcontainers" "-ftest-doctests" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Comonads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "comonad-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, comonad, containers, distributive + , semigroupoids, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "comonad-extras"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "0irlx6rbp0cq5njxssm5a21mv7v5yccchfpn7h9hzr9fgyaxsr62"; + buildDepends = [ + array base comonad containers distributive semigroupoids + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exotic comonad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "comonad-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, category-extras, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "comonad-random"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "11jak28rpnnaswrlf2wgn91v096zkz1laq2cdhjfc7abgmkx9gay"; + buildDepends = [ base category-extras random ]; + description = "Comonadic interface for random values"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "comonad-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "comonad-transformers"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "13zzp6r6s6c80skniphwvzxhpazbyal5854m53139kgcw560rv6z"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been merged into comonad 4.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "comonads-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "comonads-fd"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "19xpv0dsz7w3a1sq1gdxwzglfal45vj2s22zb12g9mpk5rp3hw1s"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been merged into comonad 4.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compact-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compact-map"; + version = "2008.11.9"; + sha256 = "0rk2g5swblbbairwabv5azp6a7cjqywhv49prm1rz8mc361dd9by"; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring containers ]; + description = "Compact Data.Map implementation using Data.Binary"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compact-string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compact-string"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "02lqxl82jmw276mzxwsc0gmps1kb5i62im85bpjvzqwycbf3gnj8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, packed and strict strings with Unicode support, based on bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compact-string-fix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compact-string-fix"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "161z0lmrrqvy77ppdgz7m6nazcmlmy1azxa8rx0cgpqmyxzkf87n"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Same as compact-string except with a small fix so it builds on ghc-6.12"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, derive, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, th-expand-syns + , transformers, tree-view + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compdata"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1wk9vj834l3fc64fcsrgc9hz5f2z7461hs8lv1ldkfsixx4mxyqc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq derive mtl QuickCheck template-haskell + th-expand-syns transformers tree-view + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq derive HUnit mtl QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 th-expand-syns transformers + ]; + description = "Compositional Data Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compdata-automata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, compdata, containers, projection }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compdata-automata"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1hlv6a4ywlnr86pzrlffqbg55mfkrkkxn2yir6a28bdirgi69fkf"; + editedCabalFile = "f8bda15b8d1d1e56f64c37f39ac8ba1c7bf860c291adad3698041eee68146130"; + buildDepends = [ base compdata containers projection ]; + description = "Tree automata on Compositional Data Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compdata-dags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, compdata, containers, HUnit, mtl, projection + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compdata-dags"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ijr3lpl0g5l5xynnwwzj4rflgfgw1y2b4ldabbw5qlk4qa0gr5j"; + editedCabalFile = "556bbb62f4b8b6d738a20775066342b4d911fed945729da5aea072fd5df65044"; + buildDepends = [ + base compdata containers mtl projection unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base compdata containers HUnit mtl projection QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Compositional Data Types on DAGs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compdata-param" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, compdata, containers, HUnit, mtl + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compdata-param"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0496i1vnawl7m7ymvf5hl3kxy352rnhxy2gni4xkfz36psnnr7fs"; + buildDepends = [ base compdata mtl template-haskell transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base compdata containers HUnit mtl template-haskell test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + description = "Parametric Compositional Data Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compensated" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, binary, bytes, cereal, comonad + , deepseq, directory, distributive, doctest, filepath + , generic-deriving, hashable, lens, log-domain, safecopy + , semigroupoids, semigroups, simple-reflect, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compensated"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "026gq3ppk3id4bvkn3pdg6ljbl14gd8p4hg6i0rc13138b0mlxnh"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors binary bytes cereal comonad deepseq distributive + generic-deriving hashable lens log-domain safecopy semigroupoids + semigroups vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath generic-deriving semigroups + simple-reflect + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compensated floating-point arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "competition" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "competition"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07c6b6yai8x9i8qndimzmyp5bzhwckis8kg207n152gnskk7i3zn"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helpers and runners for code competitions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "compilation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compilation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a1pp1jafra1agsx2jizdb33afzg02w6jh4a4pyw5w71kzqfrril"; + buildDepends = [ base MissingH ]; + description = "Haskell functionality for quickly assembling simple compilers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "complex-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "complex-generic"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "15lqcwg3jp1whf086mlx9f5jv6sbkn53jrilhapalgcgs07nf8ll"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "complex numbers with non-mandatory RealFloat"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "complex-integrate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "complex-integrate"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0q0ffpqir4f2ch7d7p2fxgb73n7dg7xf19rg78an7i7zdl430cfj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple integration function to integrate a complex-valued complex functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "complexity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, colour, data-accessor, hstats + , parallel, pretty, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "complexity"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "16crk93qyh0arcgqq2bx0i61cah2yhm8wwdr6sasma8y5hlw76lj"; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart colour data-accessor hstats parallel pretty time + transformers + ]; + description = "Empirical algorithmic complexity"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compose-trans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compose-trans"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0p2fd0knfbfjk4s0aalzrsrzpxffrykmaprxyakbgs1lmp4jyq9z"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Composable monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "composition" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "composition"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gx27vz2djiiwygcjaygjmiwjnls084b5v9km3jpimlz312qh5hc"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for unorthodox function composition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compressed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, fingertree, hashable + , keys, pointed, reducers, semigroupoids, semigroups + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compressed"; + version = "3.10"; + sha256 = "1y290n421knfh8k8zbcabhw24hb13xj9pkxx4h4v15yji97p5mcw"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers fingertree hashable keys pointed reducers + semigroupoids semigroups unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compressed containers and reducers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "compression" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "compression"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0cy7851i7dvn5aphg649jr3wmw9x57s29adk7qv0mvwz99fb4cpr"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common compression algorithms"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "computational-algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, algebra, base, containers, equational-reasoning + , heaps, lens, monad-loops, monomorphic, peggy, singletons + , sized-vector, tagged, type-natural + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "computational-algebra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ljbspgwpg4g0fca8j10qmbc7194cjhv0l6svz2qr6zzhmb3l4x"; + buildDepends = [ + algebra base containers equational-reasoning heaps lens monad-loops + monomorphic peggy singletons sized-vector tagged type-natural + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Well-kinded computational algebra library, currently supporting Groebner basis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concatenative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concatenative"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "05xwqvcdnk8bsyj698ab9jxpa1nk23pf3m7wi9mwmw0q8n99fngd"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for postfix control flow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conceit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, exceptions, mtl, semigroupoids + , transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conceit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hilsig5c5gajjaacfhlhapgnddc8s5557zdx00jwaarxkk83yz3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors exceptions mtl semigroupoids transformers void + ]; + description = "Concurrent actions that may fail"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concorde" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, process, safe, temporary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concorde"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0903lrj6bzajjdr01hbld1jm6vf7assn84hqk4kgrrs1mr3ykc20"; + buildDepends = [ base containers process safe temporary ]; + description = "Simple interface to the Concorde solver for the Traveling Salesperson Problem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concraft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs + , comonad, containers, crf-chain1-constrained, crf-chain2-tiers + , data-lens, lazy-io, monad-codec, monad-ox, sgd, tagset-positional + , temporary, text, text-binary, transformers, vector, vector-binary + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concraft"; + version = "0.9.4"; + sha256 = "17q7mhf0n9pnxhvwk3yy61ljfifz8nhld1xhhnn13fldq34663q3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base binary bytestring cmdargs comonad containers + crf-chain1-constrained crf-chain2-tiers data-lens lazy-io + monad-codec monad-ox sgd tagset-positional temporary text + text-binary transformers vector vector-binary zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildanatool" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Morphological disambiguation based on constrained CRFs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concraft-hr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, concraft + , containers, double-conversion, lazy-io, moan, network, sgd, split + , tagset-positional, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concraft-hr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q2l2yqxk210ycw1alcps9x7l2f60g9sb0wan7d1d2fkbfhq3z41"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring cmdargs concraft containers + double-conversion lazy-io moan network sgd split tagset-positional + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Part-of-speech tagger for Croatian"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concraft-pl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, concraft + , containers, lazy-io, mtl, network, process, sgd, split + , tagset-positional, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concraft-pl"; + version = "0.7.4"; + sha256 = "0yhq3vdg7l0ibhv0pxj70jm5lrfjk3k0xd1p6ap6im4rh3xxvgw3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring cmdargs concraft containers lazy-io + mtl network process sgd split tagset-positional text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Morphological tagger for Polish"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concrete-relaxng-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, hxt, hxt-charproperties + , hxt-curl, hxt-relaxng, hxt-tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concrete-relaxng-parser"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1w4bg284fcnd15yg7097d8sh0rzxr76zlrr1bfj2dksw8ddy3jda"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers hxt hxt-charproperties hxt-curl hxt-relaxng + hxt-tagsoup + ]; + description = "A parser driven by a standard RELAX NG schema with concrete syntax extensions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "concrete-typerep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, ghc, hashable, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concrete-typerep"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07wy8drg4723zdy2172jrcvd5ir2c4ggcfz1n33jhm9iv3cl2app"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ghc hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary hashable QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnew-typerep" ]; + description = "Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-barrier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-barrier"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "13idx7w5k8rk3qqls3yn9xqwk116xsqb36ya3vxkb5x4q4vix3mv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple thread barriers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-dns-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, base, bytestring, containers, dns + , hashable, hspec, iproute, network, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-dns-cache"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0awba7ar4iky211psq5d44snd5j75ddvl6klalriic4i5w41dhv2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array async base bytestring containers dns hashable iproute network + stm time + ]; + testDepends = [ async base dns hspec ]; + description = "Concurrent DNS cache"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, HUnit, random, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, unbounded-delays + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19bqm0brnbhhmp5nypi995p27mna7kd33xzw0kf7yx2w2p2kb1aw"; + buildDepends = [ base stm unbounded-delays ]; + testDepends = [ + async base HUnit random stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + unbounded-delays + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra concurrency primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-sa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-sa"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1szvw0vih5jx2hvgb3h7mqh05im3pw687h7dshiy4ii5vs9pi6d6"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom ]; + description = "Concurrent simulated annealing system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-split" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-split"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1g186wm8na81hnrfhb40xq6yyhs544k8plxpj3gphm3a00fd1ayr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "MVars and Channels with distinguished input and output side"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, mtl, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0b9lndzqm451j9wv2694gjd9w9j2vmhp32j57fqnq43pq8a1h1z6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions mtl stm transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MTL-like library using TVars"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "concurrent-supply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrent-supply"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "0crg4rm5wibw9h6lmsi43d280xg1xr9xbgqr9s4inxq7x0yyn68c"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashable ]; + testDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-properties" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast concurrent unique identifier supply with a pure API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "concurrentoutput" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "concurrentoutput"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fd372awmxrngbcb2phyzy3az9j2327kdhjnm7c5mm808vix67a8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Ungarble output from several threads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cond" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cond"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12xcjxli1scd4asr4zc77i5q9qka2100gx97hv3vv12l7gj7d703"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "condor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, glider-nlp, HUnit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "condor"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0ahikfb6h2clkx3pi6a7gyp39jhv2am98vyyaknyd1nvfvxl96x7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers directory filepath glider-nlp text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary Cabal containers glider-nlp HUnit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Information retrieval library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "condorcet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "condorcet"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1raf8mrnfnn90ymcnyhqf1kzb9mpfsk83qlmajibjd8n94iq76nd"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for Condorcet voting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conductive-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conductive-base"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1jdslfnwyh7l10xhk9i0293p0qnw0xsd70d5xgpc6xlijhrsg8wp"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random stm time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a library for live coding and real-time musical applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "conductive-clock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conductive-clock"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1plml14h5d31jr3bvjjgaxcdqssxqfwwnbz9c5gvjlds6lla145p"; + homepage = ""; + description = "a library for displaying musical time in a terminal-based clock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "conductive-hsc3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conductive-base, conductive-song, containers + , directory, filepath, hosc, hsc3, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conductive-hsc3"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1z037753mxkfqbqqrlkpg5a6z9afpjj16bfplsmbbx3r3vrxbkpa"; + buildDepends = [ + base conductive-base conductive-song containers directory filepath + hosc hsc3 random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a library with examples of using Conductive with hsc3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "conductive-song" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conductive-base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conductive-song"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16bdsjv64fc3ydv230rja5q9rqzlr4vd9mh3jabiyahck44imrvi"; + buildDepends = [ base conductive-base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a library of functions which are useful for composing music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, hspec, lifted-base + , mmorph, mtl, QuickCheck, resourcet, safe, transformers + , transformers-base, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04n330f9iad6asmry81aqvb7wyh7b962d6pvcfnpm327z4llnvbq"; + buildDepends = [ + base exceptions lifted-base mmorph mtl resourcet transformers + transformers-base void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers exceptions hspec mtl QuickCheck resourcet safe + transformers void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming data processing library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "conduit-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, chunked-data, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , directory, hspec, monad-control, mono-traversable, mtl + , mwc-random, primitive, QuickCheck, resourcet, safe, silently + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers + , transformers-base, unix, unix-compat, vector, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-combinators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iq5067ga8z018fk346qarv7rmswxavm2r7lkv20mlp7kx3z57m3"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring bytestring chunked-data + conduit conduit-extra monad-control mono-traversable mwc-random + primitive resourcet system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + transformers-base unix unix-compat vector void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring bytestring chunked-data + conduit containers directory hspec mono-traversable mtl mwc-random + QuickCheck safe silently system-filepath text transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Commonly used conduit functions, for both chunked and unchunked data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "conduit-connection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, connection, HUnit + , network, resourcet, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-connection"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z3i2s8xl02qb4wfnmqd92kzmbp2jb09msywnzgawyxs5aghy0n4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit connection resourcet transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit connection HUnit network resourcet + test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit source and sink for Network.Connection."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conduit-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , conduit, directory, exceptions, filepath, hspec, monad-control + , network, primitive, process, resourcet, stm, streaming-commons + , text, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kk6pxmxd7vd97df98c42zssbahq42wh69v216mrqsslqqjgd1hc"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring conduit directory filepath + monad-control network primitive process resourcet stm + streaming-commons text transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring conduit exceptions + hspec process resourcet stm text transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "conduit-iconv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, mtl, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-iconv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bnak5dpqgdgybi62w1rbmr9brbcqv4i2v345x0m275gzsz0i84h"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit for character encoding conversion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conduit-network-stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, mtl, network-conduit + , resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-network-stream"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ch0b23z7k4kxnbkvfd3gaxc7xrnlbjz7hv0pshp4k6xqg2bymv4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit mtl network-conduit resourcet + ]; + description = "A base layer for network protocols using Conduits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conduit-resumablesink" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, hspec, transformers + , void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conduit-resumablesink"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1bqdpnhqjh4dhvppsa8nlgja0jpdw48kxywz2999sp5hi53qxdfg"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit void ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring conduit hspec transformers void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Allows conduit to resume sinks to feed multiple sources into it"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15zd72l2izdiw79hldf34pymxc4d9r06db91x6p2mfv2i31wy2n2"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src ]; + description = "Parser for Haskell-based configuration files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "config-select" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, unix, vty-menu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "config-select"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1b1fs42c5y5sixgag972m5hb6xwbwp1d64p0gadqg9mg1vknl34y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath unix vty-menu ]; + description = "A small program for swapping out dot files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "configuration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "configuration"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jqc5xpbxrlnpxk2yci861gpxl5c9vm9lffchrpp1hk8ag5wkxk1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Simple data type for application configuration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "configuration-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base-unicode-symbols + , bytestring, Cabal, case-insensitive, directory, dlist, errors + , mtl, network-uri, optparse-applicative, process, profunctors + , text, transformers, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "configuration-tools"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "0lx5cix1kf50kvsak75gwhbbrgp2d3ji0ja4x0jnrh5n1xv0n812"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base-unicode-symbols bytestring Cabal + case-insensitive directory dlist errors mtl network-uri + optparse-applicative process profunctors text transformers + unordered-containers yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols errors mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for specifying and parsing configurations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "configurator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , hashable, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , unix-compat, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "configurator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d1iq1knwiq6ia5g64rw5hqm6dakz912qj13r89737rfcxmrkfbf"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring directory hashable text unix-compat + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Configuration management"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "confsolve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cmdargs, process, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "confsolve"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "10x3ykg76imw8vgd9jh6zn8cdi8aamdqqwmsjc3qqmy30jqff2ls"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base cmdargs process system-fileio system-filepath text + time unordered-containers + ]; + description = "A command line tool for resolving conflicts of file synchronizers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "congruence-relation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "congruence-relation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pj4kby5pba1xfz2fvv2lij7h2i8crf3qkhgs3rp4ziay0jkg18v"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + description = "Decidable congruence relations for Haskell: up to you whether this is a joke"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "conjugateGradient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conjugateGradient"; + version = "2.2"; + sha256 = "1is3j61ra1whjpm8rq89yj9rscqj1ipgqlnh1nwvyzi2nggl06ya"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sparse matrix linear-equation solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "conjure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, filepath + , html, HTTP, mtl, network, old-time, parsec, pretty, random, stm + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "conjure"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02a33940rnwq5bzqx50fjy76q0z6nimsg2fk3q17ai4kvi0rw0p3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers filepath html HTTP mtl network + old-time parsec pretty random stm unix + ]; + description = "A BitTorrent client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "connection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, cprng-aes + , data-default-class, network, socks, tls, x509, x509-store + , x509-system, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "connection"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "02mqn19pssdak82jw38p3cbwjyfvmjc6fawgx5981hzbdgb64vsb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers cprng-aes data-default-class network + socks tls x509 x509-store x509-system x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and easy network connections API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "connection-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, between, data-default-class, monad-control + , network, resource-pool, streaming-commons, time + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "connection-pool"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08mfl5gwbxzkf6dvqvshmzpjy02f46avimw8ss66br2397bi0qj7"; + buildDepends = [ + base between data-default-class monad-control network resource-pool + streaming-commons time transformers-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connection pool built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "consistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control + , stm, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "consistent"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "003vnmh6mbjz08msnvnjfwwfsn8m15fa9apr5igkvscdqrr5hzd5"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-async lifted-base monad-control stm transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base lifted-async transformers ]; + description = "Eventually consistent STM transactions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "console-program" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, base, containers + , directory, fez-conf, haskeline, parsec, parsec-extra, split + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "console-program"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1517vwn9l10hihw7ysj812x7cypf5gca468sdzgdlcwvqa8wsr3m"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint base containers directory fez-conf + haskeline parsec parsec-extra split transformers utility-ht + ]; + description = "Interpret the command line and contents of a config file as commands and options"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "const-math-ghc-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, ghc, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "const-math-ghc-plugin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fcj3ssfyxnq4cmb3lr5cg7qkgnkhf1ra0469cbw61gr2fl3kzdl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc ]; + testDepends = [ base directory process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler plugin for constant math elimination"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "constrained-normal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "constrained-normal"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1mq0w2qndrjx9ap9dkyxvz91fbszsnwlhh4hnm9g2dx020fawgac"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Normalised Deep Embeddings for Constrained Type-Class Instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "constraints" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, newtype }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "constraints"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c195hpnpn4xgd7y3c4bl4xhkc82ka16bw0g0yx5apvijc4cy4b7"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim newtype ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint manipulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "constructible" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, binary-search, complex-generic }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "constructible"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d3x92h194y6q8qn11prj05gcnv01vmbvlcsvb1zxgp51qmv1aih"; + buildDepends = [ arithmoi base binary-search complex-generic ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exact computation with constructible real numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "constructive-algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, type-level }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "constructive-algebra"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "17ab0vkq5w3zwh76ws7b82wbc0871qdmvrxhxga78h3h0axjiz1x"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck type-level ]; + description = "A library of constructive algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "container-classes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "container-classes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18mx50mp9pv1a33kcwmckz6r4a0j6rlc1165ivn9cj8iiwpmd6pv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generic classes for interacting with different container types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "containers_0_5_6_2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ChasingBottoms, deepseq, ghc-prim + , HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "containers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r9dipm2bw1dvdjyb2s1j9qmqy8xzbldgiz7a885fz0p1ygy9bdi"; + buildDepends = [ array base deepseq ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + array base ChasingBottoms deepseq ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Assorted concrete container types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "containers-benchmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, criterion, deepseq + , ghc-prim, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "containers-benchmark"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11h88lgwgiyacv9b9k96aih95ydjq1i4ny03z0zw8iyd3c0yi7m0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers criterion deepseq ghc-prim random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensive benchmark suite for containers package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "containers-deepseq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "containers-deepseq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l9d7hj66fygpsbjw6wy4l11c9cw739lvkrypapwihav7jzva541"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + description = "Provide orphan NFData instances for containers as needed. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "containers-unicode-symbols" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "containers-unicode-symbols"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ccv7rqkykfk5wmr73mc0kwrnwyzakgp5x495dgwn5nila3g4ma6"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-containers-old" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "context-stack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, mtl, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "context-stack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y51xlva4364658bgbchcasbq5pka2ixlvhdf9g38xwlmhfg736x"; + buildDepends = [ base classy-prelude mtl unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An abstraction of a stack and stack-based monadic context"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "continue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, monad-control, mtl + , semigroupoids, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "continue"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0iyqwqbzmk8v4j6xdmfir8mdxjgzl1dh76c9ngwzyccpv7xbz59a"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors monad-control mtl semigroupoids transformers + transformers-base + ]; + description = "Monads with suspension and arbitrary-spot reentry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "continued-fractions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "continued-fractions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gqp1yazmmmdf04saa306jdsf8r5s98fll9rnm8ff6jzr87nvnnh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = "/dev/null"; + description = "Continued fractions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "continuum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default + , foldl, hyperleveldb, leveldb-haskell-fork, mtl, nanomsg-haskell + , parallel-io, resourcet, stm, suspend, time, timers, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "continuum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0viqn05l4xjwb3w2qbldxmwv0dj1bzwbvjcgczj1clhdx2zdgfx6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers data-default foldl + leveldb-haskell-fork mtl nanomsg-haskell parallel-io resourcet stm + suspend time timers transformers transformers-base + ]; + extraLibraries = [ hyperleveldb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-profiling" "-f-binaries" ]; + license =; + }) { hyperleveldb = null; }; + + "continuum-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, mtl + , nanomsg-haskell, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "continuum-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qv7dz2h3aay4ak5nz38wp3wrrk2zzg2g58xdlglvml08hpxsf7k"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers mtl nanomsg-haskell time + ]; + license =; + }) {}; + + "contravariant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups, transformers + , transformers-compat, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "contravariant"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06jyaxwv9dgpbrifdig9g6bgf6rmmjwhzhfb61rzkhmvm4dkm346"; + buildDepends = [ + base semigroups transformers transformers-compat void + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftagged" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Contravariant functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-bool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-bool"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "10amxm1ff7xhd8g66n65wkbb8d17n77v1nmwxkbzhrask398asp4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful combinators for boolean expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-event" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-event"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hwsidsxnzi4b3aphn3f7lsf1z508ql6cnhfq6zbqfsvcynm7565"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm time ]; + description = "Event scheduling system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-attempt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attempt, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-attempt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "140n27vdbyjz5qycrwlrmyd7s48fxcl6msl16g7czg40k5y23j5s"; + buildDepends = [ attempt base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad transformer for attempt. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-exception" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, lifted-base, monad-control + , monadloc, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-exception"; + version = "0.11.1"; + sha256 = "1lzv5xggc7nyw62jq9plc3lzg06yx3sbd9jzji0pc6xcbqn2m4qn"; + buildDepends = [ + base failure lifted-base monad-control monadloc transformers + transformers-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-extensibleexceptions" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Explicitly typed, checked exceptions with stack traces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-exception-monadsfd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, control-monad-exception, monads-fd + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-exception-monadsfd"; + version = "0.10.3"; + sha256 = "1izyxqry863jg9i88gcs7cib39q9c2mnm74mxdyl1d84kj1hrnim"; + buildDepends = [ + base control-monad-exception monads-fd transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads-fd instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-exception-monadstf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, control-monad-exception, monads-tf + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-exception-monadstf"; + version = "0.10.3"; + sha256 = "1qj4y71g5p6b4aa5wn5fp4i5c9iw0pdrqs9yvzr6f41v6knw16za"; + buildDepends = [ + base control-monad-exception monads-tf transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads-tf instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-exception-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, control-monad-exception, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-exception-mtl"; + version = "0.10.3"; + sha256 = "1wwqn3xcd2fspfd2cnf9cym0cbbgvlajr3pkx7f2v3b37mx6blni"; + buildDepends = [ base control-monad-exception mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MTL instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-failure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-failure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g304wb1fhx81iw2vv7nv6cp2qmy69frwiv3vax85lxw03s4nlkq"; + buildDepends = [ base failure transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class for monads which can fail with an error. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-failure-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-failure-mtl"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "0j9i85vq033789vx2589mfqwk954hqy1wla527ssbyf05k6vkn8j"; + buildDepends = [ base failure mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class for monads which can fail with an error for mtl 1 (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-free" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-free"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1igwawcdpg8irayjax1xdrlpa9587k1v4y28ib3xfb7yk0xv7vk1"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Free monads and monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-loop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, transformers-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-loop"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "003k4pp6wgn30m9ksbh8680f0klzsvd90wsl9jpqs9lpg14hi6zj"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers transformers-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple monad transformer for imperative-style loops"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-omega" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-omega"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "11hirysr76i01qj8rm22xjcrv2qwxgwjlrqqyd1dsnnvypn9hfrq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A breadth-first list monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "control-monad-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-monad-queue"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "15syy24v1a2h25j4ijddi9l0pmp84wq9hlryh18f1jvqm8apc8vs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Reusable corecursive queues, via continuations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "control-timeout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "control-timeout"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1g1x6c4dafckwcw48v83f3nm2sxv8kynwv8ib236ay913ycgayvg"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm time ]; + description = "Timeout handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "contstuff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "contstuff"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "0rw2bslajjch057fsxf881wi39bsd9y6196j0kb0lz47r0zn8003"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, easy to use CPS-based monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "contstuff-monads-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contstuff, monads-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "contstuff-monads-tf"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0j4y76ar0m642jxcyrvlrxagawrlq637cvx3fqprw5sl5cslgxh5"; + buildDepends = [ base contstuff monads-tf ]; + description = "ContStuff instances for monads-tf transformers (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "contstuff-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contstuff, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "contstuff-transformers"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0b5vskp1bxqpi4ffcxwjw6kr0jd6n8v8jlhf03p54ckfd5ym4ai6"; + buildDepends = [ base contstuff transformers ]; + description = "Deprecated interface between contstuff 0.7.0 and the transformers package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "converge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "converge"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y28m7kgphknra0w2kzf0g4m2bdj604nr3f22xng46nl7kljbpvj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = "/dev/null"; + description = "Limit operations for converging sequences"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "convertible" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "convertible"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pc3z4jfjna1rz5wlfimw9fyhpasmdnwvava883s401760y99i0k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl old-locale old-time text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typeclasses and instances for converting between types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "convertible-ascii" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ascii, base, base-unicode-symbols, blaze-builder + , bytestring, convertible-text, failure, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "convertible-ascii"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yzfq0r430ziclxn44k9x3jwl675gs3lafr5d1cb6y9j20fl1sjw"; + buildDepends = [ + ascii base base-unicode-symbols blaze-builder bytestring + convertible-text failure text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "convertible instances for ascii"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "convertible-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attempt, base, bytestring, containers, old-time + , template-haskell, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "convertible-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqpl9dms1rsd24d00f18l9sm601nm6kr7h4ig8y70jdzy8w73fz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attempt base bytestring containers old-time template-haskell text + time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nolib" "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typeclasses and instances for converting between types (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cookbook" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, strict }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cookbook"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mhj4g7bg6gi1wx8pshwl4n37vgqacnssh5hwskyaajy4gqz6hki"; + buildDepends = [ base directory strict ]; + description = "Tiered general-purpose libraries with domain-specific applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cookie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, data-default + , deepseq, HUnit, old-locale, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cookie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0axvljw34cjw47fxwxqql8rvjsyp9gxfbaijmysy5j10kx8s931d"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring data-default deepseq old-locale text + time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring HUnit QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP cookie parsing and rendering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "coordinate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, lens + , QuickCheck, radian, tagged, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "coordinate"; + version = "0.0.18"; + sha256 = "0avag247d74qwy6gikcmva5k41iriba42rkxik781dsnp2caxq1f"; + buildDepends = [ base lens radian tagged transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A representation of latitude and longitude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, copilot-c99, copilot-cbmc, copilot-core + , copilot-language, copilot-libraries, copilot-sbv, directory + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "0mslkyyl5shcxh05i1vprzacaxxg3jjdqcfin475zv5gm5cn26vz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base copilot-c99 copilot-cbmc copilot-core copilot-language + copilot-libraries copilot-sbv directory random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A stream DSL for writing embedded C programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-c99" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atom, base, bytestring, containers, copilot-core + , csv, directory, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-c99"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "0lvldfkksxxmf3mbchwxzj1a1yagdk7k3zbyid181gskvmkxnfzd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + atom base bytestring containers copilot-core csv directory pretty + process QuickCheck random text vector + ]; + description = "A compiler for Copilot targeting C99"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-cbmc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, copilot-c99, copilot-core + , copilot-sbv, directory, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-cbmc"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "02ng4iqsr5yp435fcqjjh9j5p93l4cixjdnqjx4fafhhfrv8g8a1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring copilot-c99 copilot-core copilot-sbv directory + pretty process + ]; + description = "Copilot interface to a C model-checker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dlist, mtl, pretty, pretty-ncols + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-core"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1gdq76c170sv58fb56ik8mam3f63dg0jk6myd5rv4sbh4z45xfs7"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dlist mtl pretty pretty-ncols random + ]; + description = "An intermediate representation for Copilot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-language" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, copilot-core, data-reify + , ghc-prim, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-language"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1099w6hk6v4rna02z4zsrwf1m883w6nxgycy5d8iamd4n2pk6bk3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers copilot-core data-reify ghc-prim mtl + ]; + description = "A Haskell-embedded DSL for monitoring hard real-time distributed systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-libraries" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, copilot-language, mtl + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-libraries"; + version = "2.1.1"; + sha256 = "0b69rfz4gvdvk9f9y7yns3hmh1m7akcrm3rcdi8rkhizykcnnsyj"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers copilot-language mtl parsec + ]; + description = "A Haskell-embedded DSL for monitoring hard real-time distributed systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copilot-sbv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, copilot-core, filepath, pretty + , sbv + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copilot-sbv"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1a4blmxrglp4fmrfnc7g3w0zhyl3fdx3lvaw2mi47wchqbqcgicr"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers copilot-core filepath pretty sbv + ]; + description = "A compiler for CoPilot targeting SBV"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "copr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, hlint + , HsOpenSSL, http-streams, io-streams, semigroups, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "copr"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0zgg60ri8yvz96gk08wdfn0445wqszigh2p0964nr2zdnffq5rnw"; + editedCabalFile = "ef9fb8be7d257feae9e4647de62d489860e2bd6510e34a35465cf5b763fa2425"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers HsOpenSSL http-streams io-streams + semigroups text + ]; + testDepends = [ base hlint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell interface to the Fedora Copr system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "core"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1fqgfbd3in8l84250kda67paakz4sr2ywf5qzsy403546w7q9ccz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring parsec pretty ]; + description = "External core parser and pretty printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "core-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskeline, haskell-src-exts, hint }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "core-haskell"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "1wjmj2p8j6xw7cga01jsjgpi4dswrxif3j6mml48fq8a4k19zqxr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskeline haskell-src-exts hint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A subset of Haskell using in UCC for teaching purpose"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "corebot-bliki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, filestore, http-types, monads-tf, pandoc + , template-haskell, text, time, yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "corebot-bliki"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10pfz4bw1wh55c2cizd8jiwh8bkaqw9p773976vl52f0jrhns1qg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring containers directory filepath + filestore http-types monads-tf pandoc template-haskell text time + yesod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A bliki written using yesod. Uses pandoc to process files stored in git."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "coroutine-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enumerator, monad-coroutine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "coroutine-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1rjbhpy5vw1maawi47jsrnagqm19say9w1i31pgcpxl45vhrshp7"; + buildDepends = [ base enumerator monad-coroutine ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bridge between the monad-coroutine and enumerator packages"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "coroutine-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, iteratee, monad-coroutine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "coroutine-iteratee"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ycir4kwpcz34yg64cdb9q0jxv3ma12vrrs28cr5jm64jmi8m0wd"; + buildDepends = [ base iteratee monad-coroutine ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bridge between the monad-coroutine and iteratee packages"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "coroutine-object" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, either, lens + , mtl, safecopy, transformers, transformers-free, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "coroutine-object"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0q0rvcc7ipxwmikaxh0ymq1d65f2q1a2jrd1i553pdf8hwmv0k1r"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers either lens mtl safecopy + transformers transformers-free uuid + ]; + description = "Object-oriented programming realization using coroutine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "couch-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, hint, random + , text, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "couch-hs"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0mrx0mjh9kzk6nx53gn5hvhjgmhlwphxkl5yn9a1x17l62v3x6q7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring hint random text transformers + vector + ]; + description = "A CouchDB view server for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "couchdb-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit, containers, data-default + , http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control + , resourcet, string-conversions, syb, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, transformers, transformers-base + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "couchdb-conduit"; + version = "0.10.6"; + sha256 = "0rp5pj56m9n20g5hjjw8gbx81lb2z0ckwpgpvyr2a5sgk6b7z2al"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder bytestring + conduit containers data-default http-conduit http-types lifted-base + monad-control resourcet string-conversions syb text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder bytestring + conduit containers data-default http-conduit http-types HUnit + lifted-base monad-control string-conversions syb test-framework + test-framework-hunit text transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Couch DB client library using http-conduit and aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "couchdb-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, enumerator, http-enumerator, http-types, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "couchdb-enumerator"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "02h0a61dbchyjp0shpj0shsdfcggx0cm5psxgw9g67vv3v8f98pn"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring enumerator + http-enumerator http-types lifted-base monad-control text + transformers unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring enumerator + http-enumerator http-types HUnit lifted-base monad-control + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers unordered-containers + utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Couch DB client library using http-enumerator and aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "count" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "count"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1az2vr1rjq4pfgzswwbwgfq4kcb8kq759vn5kl7ghzaqr7b6vkgx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Bijective mappings between values and possibly infinite prefixes of [0..]"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "countable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "countable"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qfgfsl9zvi7fkzdzh7n7v190w8jxvjb7dx1y3hxxg7cikflppz9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Countable, Searchable, Finite, Empty classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "counter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "counter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqbk40izzb6wfwk1qprnqgm5f9mhs2xm7pl1ks8ajv4hdpkrnik"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An object frequency counter"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "country-codes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, HTF, HUnit, shakespeare, tagsoup + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "country-codes"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1pv8sxq999437azc2w8qs9p27346sc1fpv9vwlny6rym19avknm5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base shakespeare tagsoup text ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base HTF HUnit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-generate" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ISO 3166 country codes and i18n names"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "courier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, hslogger, HUnit, network, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "courier"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aj9anrw7jfqx8s2xkdznqs212f54g6i2lcf79bgnkmxsbax252v"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring cereal containers hslogger network stm text + uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base cereal containers directory hslogger HUnit network stm + test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A message-passing library for simplifying network applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "court" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , old-locale, optparse-applicative, process, stm, text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "court"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cpvm6cjfz203hajl8fj5gxc5hc7516v0bzz4d7hyih2kh21k6dn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory filepath old-locale + optparse-applicative process stm text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and flexible CI system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cplusplus-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, process, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cplusplus-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gmsn35rd6ij4ax4j626hg9pdb40ilj22zg0nxrnl6n1828a9rqj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers process template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base process QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C++ Foreign Import Generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cpphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, old-locale, old-time, polyparse + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpphs"; + version = "1.18.6"; + sha256 = "0ds712zabigswf3cljzh7f2ys4rl1fj2cf76lbw856adm8514gxc"; + editedCabalFile = "4ae34ae875a14ddc717ecfc9afb2695b2c5052a7ac470fb562d0ba5eed7dc310"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory old-locale old-time polyparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "cprng-aes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, cipher-aes + , crypto-random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cprng-aes"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1wr15kbmk1g3l8a75n0iwbzqg24ixv78slwzwb2q6rlcvq0jlnb4"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring cipher-aes crypto-random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Crypto Pseudo Random Number Generator using AES in counter mode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cprng-aes-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cprng-aes, crypto-random + , crypto-random-effect, extensible-effects + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cprng-aes-effect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0443h7jfpjvc6vmp3kfx0h6j2aynvgfznssz7lin9fmsxghlvsfb"; + editedCabalFile = "b9752152bb1764da66976eaf18776b09dabf80eeb6f252bcee0da10fa0a1057e"; + buildDepends = [ + base cprng-aes crypto-random crypto-random-effect + extensible-effects + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run random effect using cprng-aes, a crypto pseudo number generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cpsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpsa"; + version = "2.4.0"; + sha256 = "1xhqqrfz6jdmmil1b3awz1j7hfkcpla7vzindqdxhf99y81wd187"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers parallel ]; + description = "Symbolic cryptographic protocol analyzer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cpu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpu"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0x19mlanmkg96h6h1i04w2i631z84y4rbk22ki4zhgsajysgw9sn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cpu information and properties helpers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cpuid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, enumset }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpuid"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "126xg98yaf3q61h85yrs1cm6wxlayf590l0a3h0gw6c282s8l6gq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor enumset ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding for the cpuid machine instruction on x86 compatible processors"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cpuperf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpuperf"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1xnmrm3agkxziflvanihckg6q97z5w9gh7yv7mbbc7gqax3sz6l0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modify the cpu frequency on OpenBSD systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cpython" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, python3, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cpython"; + version = "3.3.0"; + sha256 = "162m0dfgnicyv3jb9dqq6pmyymh1dim043kbmbg1hfhxjfrv17jj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ python3 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for libpython"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "cql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, Decimal, iproute + , network, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell + , text, time, transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cql"; + version = "3.0.1"; + sha256 = "02jgr0mm95hka82n2f3kg6ipyadz7gqgj2n4f7qxw27s5nszmz24"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal Decimal iproute network template-haskell + text time transformers uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal Decimal iproute network QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck text time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cassandra CQL binary protocol"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cql-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, auto-update, base, bytestring, containers + , cql, data-default-class, exceptions, hashable, iproute, lens + , monad-control, mtl, mwc-random, network, semigroups, stm, text + , time, tinylog, transformers, transformers-base, uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cql-io"; + version = "0.13.0"; + sha256 = "0194xdpv3q8gyczanhi4p819ms79n1x69n5q481ilw90i9hdh8kd"; + buildDepends = [ + async auto-update base bytestring containers cql data-default-class + exceptions hashable iproute lens monad-control mtl mwc-random + network semigroups stm text time tinylog transformers + transformers-base uuid vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cassandra CQL client"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cqrs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , cqrs-test, cqrs-types, deepseq, hspec, HUnit, pool-conduit + , random, SafeSemaphore, stm, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "1r3wl6fwkqccnfhazq7dk4c2zmlirxrh3y7a7fjhxm9273g59f1b"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers cqrs-types deepseq pool-conduit + random SafeSemaphore stm transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring conduit cqrs-test hspec HUnit pool-conduit + stm transformers + ]; + description = "Command-Query Responsibility Segregation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cqrs-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, cereal + , conduit, containers, cqrs, deepseq, derive, scotty, stm, text + , transformers, wai-eventsource, wai-middleware-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs-example"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "0yllvs64qaxpgqlwdv3hmi4gzl5qf2lbyy3r0whyi2kz53kwl03i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring cereal conduit containers cqrs + deepseq derive scotty stm text transformers wai-eventsource + wai-middleware-static + ]; + description = "Example for cqrs package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cqrs-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, conduit + , cqrs-test, cqrs-types, hspec, old-locale, pool-conduit + , postgresql-libpq, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs-postgresql"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "0zannh06gbc5vm5cpx9015i7ssg38k5lwwyajxhxa1nckwynqmzb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing conduit cqrs-types old-locale + pool-conduit postgresql-libpq text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit cqrs-test cqrs-types hspec pool-conduit + postgresql-libpq + ]; + description = "PostgreSQL backend for the cqrs package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cqrs-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, cqrs-test, cqrs-types + , direct-sqlite, hspec, pool-conduit, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs-sqlite3"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "086g5z7ajr2x2didd0q8qcvnxdsf2gfrn27436gbj8y81cbg0fsh"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit cqrs-types direct-sqlite pool-conduit text + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit cqrs-test direct-sqlite hspec pool-conduit + text transformers + ]; + description = "SQLite3 backend for the cqrs package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cqrs-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, cqrs-types, hspec + , HUnit, pool-conduit, stm, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs-test"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "1i47c2d7c64kp63spm12jkwg3g21i0z4n9z9gdwvmsr1s638k5gl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit cqrs-types hspec HUnit pool-conduit stm + transformers + ]; + description = "Command-Query Responsibility Segregation Test Support"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cqrs-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, conduit, deepseq, derive, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cqrs-types"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "1xxyy8zrx76x3vg54awhp9lz5qhg9x5cafhlqr45ilfz2rxjkzbg"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring bytestring conduit deepseq + derive random + ]; + description = "Command-Query Responsibility Segregation. Modules for the basic types."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, process, shelly, text + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cr"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "107chyp8br2ryjqdf7100109k0wg3jawzva76wf4r6fndjr3gin1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory process shelly text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Code review tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "crack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, crack }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crack"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rfwvvb3q0a7z8is95yjh3wfvz818xyblp1hrwh8fwddppncrzrk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ crack ]; + description = "A haskell binding to cracklib"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) crack; }; + + "craftwerk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, mtl, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "craftwerk"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0002n3fq3afmby843gfi0dnwm2saq29w6hnn6lzqhsalw33j97d3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base colour mtl vector-space ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "2D graphics library with integrated TikZ output"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "craftwerk-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, craftwerk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "craftwerk-cairo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "16in87l2v49k785fldm7fvprywg0v497kz29jr22y91q5j5gnm4z"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo craftwerk mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cairo backend for Craftwerk"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "craftwerk-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, craftwerk + , craftwerk-cairo, gtk, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "craftwerk-gtk"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "18b63yh4p5ry38c3p6plyhk5j0gmmnyjw25r2dxdaddpnn051nff"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers craftwerk craftwerk-cairo gtk mtl + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gtk UI for Craftwerk"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "crc16" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crc16"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "15x3xwq2vyg474m09jak1c2zx9w5acpfjgmy5jj4asxj33z9n7bz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Calculate the crc16-ccitt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crc16-table" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crc16-table"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0x943wmcbj679kj7q2a2ipjycq17ajm71m487vkb8b6gdrdy8f2z"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Compute CRC16 checksums using a lookup table"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "creatur" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, cond + , directory, filepath, gray-extended, hdaemonize, HUnit + , MonadRandom, mtl, old-locale, process, QuickCheck, random, split + , temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, transformers, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "creatur"; + version = "5.9.0"; + sha256 = "10iqpj52jgcmwxisbfc0xxglfh6m8fw26a0gx25nn9mr0vq43sda"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal cond directory filepath gray-extended + hdaemonize MonadRandom mtl old-locale process random split time + transformers unix zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary cereal directory filepath HUnit MonadRandom mtl + QuickCheck temporary test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Framework for artificial life experiments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crf-chain1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, containers, data-lens + , logfloat, monad-codec, parallel, random, sgd, vector + , vector-binary, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crf-chain1"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0v0mmpvn9qma3xz92s13ywk9p5czxzshh2rf06hb2zqqq5m6iwhq"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers data-lens logfloat monad-codec + parallel random sgd vector vector-binary vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "First-order, linear-chain conditional random fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crf-chain1-constrained" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, containers, data-lens + , logfloat, monad-codec, parallel, random, sgd, vector + , vector-binary, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crf-chain1-constrained"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "02ms8wjppyd23wzmyf8fcygy7gn13r431bz968nyrv8cdj2qiv3h"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers data-lens logfloat monad-codec + parallel random sgd vector vector-binary vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "First-order, constrained, linear-chain conditional random fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crf-chain2-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, comonad-transformers + , containers, data-lens, logfloat, monad-codec, parallel, sgd + , vector, vector-binary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crf-chain2-generic"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "104r52rf5q84bm6977bsfm4djcz8c08warfkk4xmympb0cmxkhxy"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary comonad-transformers containers data-lens + logfloat monad-codec parallel sgd vector vector-binary + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Second-order, generic, constrained, linear conditional random fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crf-chain2-tiers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, comonad, containers + , data-lens, logfloat, monad-codec, parallel, sgd, vector + , vector-binary, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crf-chain2-tiers"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0dbg82ydsj7gl5bbfzldmkbv8q89ycsijpdrw7r9xrpac6b1428n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary comonad containers data-lens logfloat monad-codec + parallel sgd vector vector-binary vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Second-order, tiered, constrained, linear conditional random fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "critbit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "critbit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xdgaj73ffvj1q1kyi62bifbazmzgamfwzdbdz0c339axw5dga82"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring deepseq text vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Crit-bit maps and sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "criterion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary, bytestring + , cassava, containers, deepseq, directory, either, filepath, Glob + , hastache, HUnit, mtl, mwc-random, optparse-applicative, parsec + , QuickCheck, statistics, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, transformers, vector + , vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "criterion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02mcb49hiv0gijj5343gffdd3r8hjf4d52llv2gradaijz4zdqhx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-wl-pprint base binary bytestring cassava containers + deepseq directory either filepath Glob hastache mtl mwc-random + optparse-applicative parsec statistics text time transformers + vector vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck statistics test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "criterion-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, criterion, deepseq, HTF, HUnit, loch-th + , monad-control, mtl, optparse-applicative, placeholders + , QuickCheck, statistics, string-conversions, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, th-printf, transformers, transformers-base + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "criterion-plus"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "127nqhp2gczbfqablvrrk92am4kpsnzhvyl4kcy98kdv313vcwdl"; + buildDepends = [ + base criterion deepseq loch-th monad-control mtl + optparse-applicative placeholders statistics string-conversions + system-fileio system-filepath text th-printf transformers + transformers-base vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base criterion deepseq HTF HUnit loch-th monad-control mtl + optparse-applicative placeholders QuickCheck statistics + string-conversions system-fileio system-filepath text th-printf + transformers transformers-base vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enhancement of the \"criterion\" benchmarking library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "criterion-to-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "criterion-to-html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "010x56czgipw3p1cfkx07mlcy4yj6advq3zzgrxpmjhrxzsa89xn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers filepath + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert criterion output to HTML reports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crockford" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, digits, QuickCheck, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crockford"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1fgsmf2k0v1j7b3gv06q9c65410qa2ivl59rwkm7j931wsymsg26"; + buildDepends = [ base digits QuickCheck safe ]; + description = "An implementation of Douglas Crockford's base32 encoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crocodile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, deepseq, ghc-prim, heap + , HUnit, mersenne-random-pure64, mtl, parallel + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crocodile"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1krvcn5yb9i6jxwn2wwnpc8ylivhn27315a2sifn19f1l2vvy038"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bmp bytestring deepseq ghc-prim heap HUnit + mersenne-random-pure64 mtl parallel + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An offline renderer supporting ray tracing and photon mapping"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "cron" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, derive, hspec + , hspec-expectations, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cron"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0cf2dp57gg0vssy4pk5skzx7nkl9ksfmksxlipjikf6ijgp7v187"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base mtl old-locale text time ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base derive hspec hspec-expectations QuickCheck text + time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cron datatypes and Attoparsec parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cruncher-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, hlint, lens, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cruncher-types"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0kp0vm8mvgn12kk5csyhzv6g6az43acl6iwjbhvfdfr2mqif2b9h"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base containers lens text ]; + testDepends = [ base hlint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Request and Response types for's API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crunghc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filelock, filepath + , process, SHA, text, time, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crunghc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08341mvdca70nlkdi2im344hhkv62s278a1gkp02hj0zrixzfkqm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filelock filepath process SHA text time + transformers unix + ]; + description = "A runghc replacement with transparent caching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "crypto-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, entropy, tagged + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-api"; + version = "0.13.2"; + sha256 = "1vc27qcgbg7hf50rkqhlrs58zn1888ilh4b6wrrm07bnm48xacak"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal entropy tagged transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-all_cpolys" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic interface for cryptographic operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-api-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, directory + , filepath, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-api-tests"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0w3j43jdrlj28jryp18hc6q84nkl2yf4vs1hhgrsk7gb9kfyqjpl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal crypto-api directory filepath HUnit + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A test framework and KATs for cryptographic operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-cipher-benchmarks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, criterion + , crypto-cipher-types, mtl, pretty, securemem + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-cipher-benchmarks"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1ddyz0fn3srvm37afbiw86lv0z7iwrmnhazgvk0gg5n3ic57anhq"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring criterion crypto-cipher-types mtl pretty + securemem + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic cryptography cipher benchmarks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-cipher-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-cipher-types + , HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, securemem, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-cipher-tests"; + version = "0.0.11"; + sha256 = "19wqignlq90qwpam01hnmmrxaxh5lkax9l1l6rlbi4a07nvp1dnz"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types HUnit mtl QuickCheck + securemem test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types HUnit mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic cryptography cipher tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-cipher-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, securemem }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-cipher-types"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "03qa1i1kj07pfrxsi7fiaqnnd0vi94jd4jfswbmnm4gp1nvzcwr0"; + buildDepends = [ base byteable bytestring securemem ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic cryptography cipher types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, conduit, conduit-extra + , crypto-api, cryptocipher, cryptohash-cryptoapi, hspec, resourcet + , skein, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-conduit"; + version = "0.5.5"; + sha256 = "0zd4smj3rk2x1msl8z8f5y01x4b87rhgm45g26g6c3dsdasn1lyf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal conduit conduit-extra crypto-api resourcet + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal conduit conduit-extra crypto-api + cryptocipher cryptohash-cryptoapi hspec skein transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit11" "-f-old-crypto-api" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-random + , ghc-prim, integer-gmp, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-numbers"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "19l9y5jzvqrqfam13xin9m9ca0s5ql86yv0cjn6dzkydx4byn2j2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-random ghc-prim integer-gmp vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-random tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-finteger-gmp" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cryptographic numbers: functions and algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-pubkey" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, crypto-numbers + , crypto-pubkey-types, crypto-random, cryptohash, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-pubkey"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "0y15nym98sfbfa34f28jalmbbz4fnmhl1ywv4apwyzyyh4x7djp0"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-numbers crypto-pubkey-types + crypto-random cryptohash + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-numbers crypto-pubkey-types + crypto-random cryptohash HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Public Key cryptography"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-pubkey-openssh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal, crypto-pubkey-types + , deepseq, filepath, pem, process, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, temporary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-pubkey-openssh"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "1q7gx8q0dpwv8xyjq5v2i1sdlbkh5xyf1gsw7q3xs1dj2bldqfpf"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types attoparsec base base64-bytestring + bytestring cereal crypto-pubkey-types pem + ]; + testDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types attoparsec base base64-bytestring + bytestring cereal crypto-pubkey-types deepseq filepath pem process + QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck temporary + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-openssh" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenSSH keys decoder/encoder"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "crypto-pubkey-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-types, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-pubkey-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1isfyr1ly9hv8idslpjbyc9hhgb1zqd9gfc1s4kvwy4gcdsvrx52"; + buildDepends = [ asn1-types base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic cryptography Public keys algorithm types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, securemem, unix, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-random"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "058ilm05ni5ribggx25cfrhsv1z0abvgxzf3wd3d6qqq58p5wbkv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring securemem unix vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple cryptographic random related types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-random-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, entropy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-random-api"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0z49kwgjj7rz235642q64hbkgp0zl6ipn29xd19yb75xc5q7gsan"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring entropy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple random generators API for cryptography related code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "crypto-random-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-random + , extensible-effects, securemem, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-random-effect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gj40r6i79jvsghyv4nqm3yrjlby9fkxxhzp0lkr5j1b9b3b2xwr"; + editedCabalFile = "f217573816b1efe3fcc9b1dcbd6325015bc9a87872200547f56a80ec2b959c31"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-random extensible-effects securemem + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A random effect using crypto-random"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "crypto-totp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, cryptohash + , tagged, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crypto-totp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vkjkyaxp0rb4n2p7gdbbswm32gvbsbqnb6xs9hh4rncfaghpqds"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers cryptohash tagged unix + ]; + description = "Provides generation and verification services for time-based one-time keys"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cryptocipher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cipher-aes, cipher-blowfish, cipher-camellia + , cipher-des, cipher-rc4, crypto-cipher-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cryptocipher"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "0ip3a2as0df6drl29sryayxx22sx55v6bs60s2fh3i1nxqnydf9l"; + buildDepends = [ + base cipher-aes cipher-blowfish cipher-camellia cipher-des + cipher-rc4 crypto-cipher-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Symmetrical block and stream ciphers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cryptohash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, ghc-prim, HUnit + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cryptohash"; + version = "0.11.6"; + sha256 = "0dyzcaxr8vhzqq9hj4240rxpi87h4ps87yz09klz723shls26f6s"; + buildDepends = [ base byteable bytestring ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring HUnit QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cryptohash-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , cryptohash, resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cryptohash-conduit"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1kmlskgb0jx8hkzdncr24aqir9k1kyfcb2rypvkdld1yin4nslga"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra cryptohash resourcet + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cryptohash conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cryptohash-cryptoapi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, cryptohash + , tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cryptohash-cryptoapi"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0wj53p32js8lfg0i8akrljpash0jdiyv2vcqpmjbd4dq2fx81w2n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal crypto-api cryptohash tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Crypto-api interfaces for cryptohash"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cryptsy-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, deepseq, either + , http-client, http-client-tls, old-locale, pipes-attoparsec + , pipes-http, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cryptsy-api"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "09sx9z6s1ii8p4hw84j4ahd81a6k4xz3fn1zi60r7grsmbx69pkw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring deepseq either http-client http-client-tls + old-locale pipes-attoparsec pipes-http text time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Bindings for Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange API"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "crystalfontz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, crc16-table, MaybeT, serialport }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "crystalfontz"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14mh098kgckncips17bdsbg08q78xk1114174zq860z4znmc1gxv"; + buildDepends = [ base crc16-table MaybeT serialport ]; + description = "Control Crystalfontz LCD displays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cse-ghc-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cse-ghc-plugin"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "123x10ircbj8lrsqapf6cb9b3ibjgp1q8l862a3i6i0ak7ash49f"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler plugin for common subexpression elimination"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-catalog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csound-expression, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-catalog"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1ci9iw24mnf0jixy1d7149s0a4477r5xnvfb41qr3614yidicgwi"; + buildDepends = [ base csound-expression transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a gallery of Csound instruments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-expression" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, colour, csound-expression-opcodes + , csound-expression-typed, data-default, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-expression"; + version = "4.2.0"; + sha256 = "1rb62pihb48nrvpabln28ypaq2hk2ykycgc6mpnwk6qdkgdqj905"; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean colour csound-expression-opcodes + csound-expression-typed data-default process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "library to make electronic music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-expression-dynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Boolean, containers, data-default + , data-fix, data-fix-cse, transformers, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-expression-dynamic"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0vbvah8icjnc2bjp8w21x8a48ijy598q09wgx68al4d4nya7fj4v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base Boolean containers data-default data-fix data-fix-cse + transformers wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dynamic core for csound-expression library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-expression-opcodes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csound-expression-dynamic + , csound-expression-typed, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-expression-opcodes"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0lm95cx66i8bysr9y9gd455pfmx9didgk78cfld8fcwjj6rv1qa0"; + buildDepends = [ + base csound-expression-dynamic csound-expression-typed transformers + ]; + description = "opcodes for the library csound-expression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-expression-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, colour, containers + , csound-expression-dynamic, data-default, deepseq, ghc-prim + , stable-maps, transformers, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-expression-typed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "176f4lp8vjad80a7pa93vkrx54kq6pp3hdwlchr4asm1w52jh05h"; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean colour containers csound-expression-dynamic + data-default deepseq ghc-prim stable-maps transformers wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "typed core for the library csound-expression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csound-sampler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csound-expression, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csound-sampler"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02qmmq5alfbs1j6wzyyiab7q02aa5fiphs5p4lzlh7a8vrv7kq1g"; + buildDepends = [ base csound-expression transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A musical sampler based on Csound"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, nondeterminism }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csp"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0skz2yx8armbr0x7vhixxkbm7qbspg38723x98k6kysz7n5nzw2c"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl nondeterminism ]; + description = "Discrete constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solvers"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "cspmchecker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, haskeline, libcspm, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cspmchecker"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1yz94yvggw6a7fh2p7fszyp02nnk7labbl6z079gqn3smayzfs31"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath haskeline libcspm mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command line type checker for CSPM files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "css"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "150gdsf059x658z6cbclrydzbynw06nhrpf4i1l9gwb6siarvjv9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl text ]; + description = "Minimal monadic CSS DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "css-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hspec, QuickCheck, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "css-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xi1n2f0g8y43p95lynhcg50wxbq7hqfzbfzm7fy8mn7gvd920nw"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + testDepends = [ attoparsec base hspec QuickCheck text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CSS parser and renderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csv"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "00767ai09wm7f0yzmpqck3cpgxncpr9djnmmz5l17ajz69139x4c"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath parsec ]; + description = "CSV loader and dumper"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "csv-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default, directory, ghc-prim, HUnit, mmorph, monad-control + , mtl, primitive, resourcet, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , text, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csv-conduit"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "1db1wlpl0ryyf8cmkrg1hgz4ggsvzy6z9ayzcc6n6rdywpfi29z4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder bytestring + conduit conduit-extra containers data-default directory ghc-prim + mmorph monad-control mtl primitive resourcet text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory HUnit mtl primitive + test-framework test-framework-hunit text transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bench" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csv-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, containers, directory, enumerator, safe, transformers + , unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csv-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n1zc9rwzj9w39nmjfn65qawj19b6zay3d62ss2crnxbgqnh07gh"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring containers + directory enumerator safe transformers unix-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A flexible, fast, enumerator-based CSV parser library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "csv-nptools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, csv, html, tabular, text + , txt-sushi, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csv-nptools"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0898553pikxjgmycdyiw92bbmzxgbl4dl8029qljyjzlzlasj7by"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring csv html tabular text txt-sushi vector + ]; + description = "A collection of CSV tools"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "csv-to-qif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, explicit-exception, hspec, regex-tdfa + , split, spreadsheet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "csv-to-qif"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1mfy19fvi92zzzqn70ga2p5csmc8qm0qnkn3vyl41ic6f69vm73x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base explicit-exception regex-tdfa split spreadsheet + ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal hspec regex-tdfa split ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-threaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small program that will read csv files and create qif files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ctemplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ctemplate }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ctemplate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02xsw0zpg728cq018w6zjgbzk6d7px62mapn40gir9c0hi6rqlx8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ ctemplate ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Google ctemplate library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ctemplate; }; + + "ctkl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ctkl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sqrg04zlwq62jggjvrd1dq7a2alwx2190w6b19d3jn51n0s907m"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "packaging of Manuel Chakravarty's CTK Light for Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ctpl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chatty-text, chatty-utils }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ctpl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mbqgbig5n8rrkxmrdbcl8qafa2r58c2pial2b67yr6cw08v0srv"; + buildDepends = [ base chatty-text chatty-utils ]; + description = "A programming language for text modification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ctrie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atomic-primops, base, containers, hashable + , primitive, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ctrie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11ylwjmp015ppisczggzj1x7mfg1bfg4g4qg0s91xrrgms78r014"; + buildDepends = [ atomic-primops base hashable primitive ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hashable QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Non-blocking concurrent map"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cubical" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, BNFC, directory, filepath + , happy, haskeline, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cubical"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1n44d39s3r5iakbhjf99w49gb1y8l1xl46lz40jkhx7k4knwb1fj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base BNFC directory filepath haskeline mtl transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cubicbezier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, integration }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cubicbezier"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1xrbg2pr41lnw7av38q2w70gi4cv1j8rx5pv3fgfr8qb9i0gd9w7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq integration ]; + description = "Efficient manipulating of 2D cubic bezier curves"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cubicspline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cubicspline"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0z6gwg8h760jviq2v8m9b5w84f9qrkz3hd1vp5y183i0c2wa97ak"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix safe ]; + description = "Natural cubic spline interpolation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cublas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, cublas, cuda, cusparse, filepath + , language-c, storable-complex, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cublas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02x8a9varkj770cl4nnb0mf4qh519gf9mv51awinlaikyz932q1w"; + buildDepends = [ + base cuda filepath language-c storable-complex template-haskell + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ cublas cusparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to the CUDA CUBLAS and CUSPARSE libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cublas; + cusparse = null; }; + + "cuboid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, Yampa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cuboid"; + version = "0.14.1"; + sha256 = "10h14qzvv46pmqcwwsvil93da2g8ddk5cpqxwmi884v2svjvz7qm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT Yampa ]; + description = "3D Yampa/GLUT Puzzle Game"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "cuda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cuda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04j57inw4wmd0l74ryxdgpjcbf3zkklgkqw9bv7yp4n96n40mp0y"; + editedCabalFile = "4a72db38c131b220e445e389755d48338769d9a08e826244dcfb7b1182c21c00"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring pretty ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI binding to the CUDA interface for programming NVIDIA GPUs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cudd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, c2hs, cudd, dddmp, epd, mtl, mtr, st + , transformers, util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cudd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dazyg752g2wbp6nkpcybjg3vph7nmrb1hxj9ai0jhb761mskci5"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl transformers ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ cudd dddmp epd mtr st util ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the CUDD binary decision diagrams library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cudd; + dddmp = null; epd = null; util = null; }; + + "cufft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, cuda }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cufft"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d13nf61698gzh0hcycx1z9bm2xpikkg27bjymsjhfwimvqn7z8h"; + buildDepends = [ base cuda ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for the CUFFT library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "curl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curl"; + version = "1.3.8"; + sha256 = "0vj4hpaa30jz7c702xpsfvqaqdxz28zslsqnsfx6bf6dpwvck1wh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + extraLibraries = [ curl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnew-base" ]; + description = "Haskell binding to libcurl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) curl; }; + + "curl-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, curl, text, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curl-aeson"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1fpi448f6bgf3rbw3zxf7r9nwyhv9q67zan5sixnad1y7lqxivrx"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base curl text utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Communicate with HTTP service using JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "curlhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, rtld, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curlhs"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0m8n19kyimxd9c7aazkw7gak7v1lik04m0y0izs3zanjlhqvnn3j"; + editedCabalFile = "1ae61743cd2150bfb25b279dbf7e4b9d0c9a2339e04cdb7fcf5a0358d7b712e0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring rtld time ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings to libcurl, the multiprotocol file transfer library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "currency" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, iso3166-country-codes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "currency"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yj1x7zmkmwr9az55i9gvf84m7i3b4qi80p8qk9hszzlv7rigmdw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hashable iso3166-country-codes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Types representing standard and non-standard currencies"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "current-locale" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "current-locale"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "185fgzh8nvf2gl5hzg3xmab4xlp2wm2nw485g5nikzx99y3zr1b6"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Get the current system locale in System.Locale format"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "curry-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , old-time, pretty, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curry-base"; + version = "0.2.9"; + sha256 = "0sdwygsbqmvcbzi7zsr0jd02s2r19pc7zsk4b6hjxv4vzjc9f120"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl old-time pretty syb + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-syb" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for manipulating Curry programs"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "curry-frontend" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curry-base, filepath, mtl + , old-time, pretty, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curry-frontend"; + version = "0.2.12"; + sha256 = "1igys4i7wwj1ildkf4is66gq22zsjg158kv3ald5xiilwkmvfc4h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curry-base filepath mtl old-time pretty syb + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-syb" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compile the functional logic language Curry to several intermediate formats"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "cursedcsv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, csv-enumerator, enumerator + , hscurses, mtl, natural-sort, parseargs, regex-tdfa, safe, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cursedcsv"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qcld5mg8vla6fb9biriyx3lldn69spq9halg46in6lg5qw45ycz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring csv-enumerator enumerator hscurses mtl natural-sort + parseargs regex-tdfa safe unix + ]; + description = "Terminal tool for viewing tabular data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "curves" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, filepath, HaXml + , JuicyPixels, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "curves"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zmy9an40wnxjhqjhlvsg0jy4bqqby6hl8ckjcm0406988ma8mi6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers filepath HaXml JuicyPixels QuickCheck + ]; + description = "Library for drawing curve based images"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "custom-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, monad-loops }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "custom-prelude"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00lkpkl79kznib0s6xm644f3k13dv59x5z06ccymvx6l6iqxyzn6"; + buildDepends = [ base basic-prelude monad-loops ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An enhanced prelude, serving as a foundation for my projects"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "cv-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, allocated-processor, base + , graphics-drawingcombinators, HOpenCV, SDL, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cv-combinators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bdhs4dy9yfgc9j281rxiiy9md3s27yy44scz86s29vbm7prccvp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + allocated-processor base graphics-drawingcombinators HOpenCV SDL + vector-space + ]; + description = "Functional Combinators for Computer Vision"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "cyclotomic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cyclotomic"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "14rfyxmqjrlirszk2mrqm030rya6cbcydbf7fl7if82y21qrfg0p"; + buildDepends = [ arithmoi base containers ]; + description = "A subfield of the complex numbers for exact calculation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "cypher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , classy-parallel, conduit, http-conduit, http-types, resourcet + , text, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "cypher"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0f79791j9nczm80cifpc4iq5pqkhca67s94c5wqm0kiprlxblc53"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring classy-parallel conduit + http-conduit http-types resourcet text transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for the neo4j \"cypher\" query language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "d-bus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, data-default, exceptions, free, hslogger + , mtl, network, QuickCheck, singletons, stm, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, template-haskell, text, transformers + , xml-conduit, xml-hamlet, xml-picklers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "d-bus"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "176brypscws03sswda215ywc6l5hj6l5iw4vkfrcppzycdyh3yd2"; + buildDepends = [ + async attoparsec base binary blaze-builder bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers data-binary-ieee754 data-default + exceptions free hslogger mtl network singletons stm + template-haskell text transformers xml-conduit xml-picklers + xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring mtl QuickCheck singletons tasty + tasty-quickcheck tasty-th text xml-hamlet + ]; + description = "Permissively licensed D-Bus client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "d3js" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, random, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "d3js"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wrxvfgss9fiv1pwsdi1md0plc4mf9sadkhgm46dsfq16dwrp3q2"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl random text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative visualization on a web browser with DSL approach"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "daemonize-doublefork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "daemonize-doublefork"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1g446qxff8ajv44341y0f9v39j8idmnn23lwi08gq3ps4qrz0py2"; + buildDepends = [ base directory unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Start background daemons by double-forking"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "daemons" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, ghc-prim, HUnit, network, pipes + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "daemons"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0zf9831vl1hz606nsp0yhjg46wxzvwkd3hn9shjw5akk26sddi8p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers data-default directory filepath + ghc-prim network pipes transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default directory ghc-prim HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Daemons in Haskell made fun and easy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "damnpacket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "damnpacket"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "137ckcsy2a9f8xfw83rapl2msb6z0pdlsksay5qkymxcpfwrabyb"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers deepseq text + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing dAmn packets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dao" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , Crypto, data-binary-ieee754, deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl + , process, random, time, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dao"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0caas3ql32925rzsghb7rdrm17bw3hn84cizkl9dqmz6nwlhclk9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers Crypto data-binary-ieee754 + deepseq directory filepath mtl process random time transformers + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers Crypto data-binary-ieee754 + deepseq directory filepath mtl process random time transformers + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in interpreted language, designed with artificial intelligence applications in mind"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dapi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, explicit-exception, multiarg + , old-locale, parsec, prednote, rainbow, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dapi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0idi472qqks286fbw718vddk5kc3vxicrb8m38sllw6x663xnljz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers explicit-exception multiarg old-locale parsec + prednote rainbow text time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Prints a series of dates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, curl + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, hashed-storage + , haskeline, html, HTTP, mmap, mtl, network, network-uri, old-time + , parsec, process, random, regex-compat, tar, terminfo, text, unix + , utf8-string, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs"; + version = "2.8.5"; + sha256 = "16g3ayw0wwhkjpprlkzi971ibs4dp152bmaa487512cwb3ni0hq6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions + filepath hashed-storage haskeline html HTTP mmap mtl network + network-uri old-time parsec process random regex-compat tar + terminfo text unix utf8-string vector zlib + ]; + extraLibraries = [ curl ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-libiconv" "-f-force-char8-encoding" "-f-warn-as-error" + "-foptimize" "-f-test" "-f-hpc" "-fmmap" "-fcolor" "-fexecutable" + "-flibrary" "-fthreaded" "-fterminfo" "-f-static" "-fnetwork-uri" + "-fhttp" "-fcurl" + ]; + postInstall = '' + mkdir -p $out/etc/bash_completion.d + mv contrib/darcs_completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d/darcs + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) curl; }; + + "darcs-benchmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, datetime + , directory, filepath, hs-gchart, html, HTTP, json, mtl, network + , old-locale, process, regex-posix, SHA, split, statistics, strict + , tabular, tar, time, utf8-string, uvector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-benchmark"; + version = "0.1.9"; + sha256 = "1qwh4yas6alp65lwimh8xlz3i572nxn4iwqsppx7qqlj8kjhbyvj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers datetime directory filepath + hs-gchart html HTTP json mtl network old-locale process regex-posix + SHA split statistics strict tabular tar time utf8-string uvector + zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Comparative benchmark suite for darcs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcs-beta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, curl + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, hashed-storage + , haskeline, html, HTTP, mmap, mtl, network, old-time, parsec + , process, random, regex-compat, tar, terminfo, text, unix, vector + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-beta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jkgy8k2i7hhcl7dzm4zvbm0q189hhp4cza9aslslzcq15jsa225"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions + filepath hashed-storage haskeline html HTTP mmap mtl network + old-time parsec process random regex-compat tar terminfo text unix + vector zlib + ]; + extraLibraries = [ curl ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-force-char8-encoding" "-f-warn-as-error" "-foptimize" "-f-test" + "-f-hpc" "-fmmap" "-fcolor" "-fexecutable" "-flibrary" "-fthreaded" + "-fterminfo" "-f-static" "-fhttp" "-fcurl" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) curl; }; + + "darcs-buildpackage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, directory, hslogger, MissingH + , network, parsec, process, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-buildpackage"; + version = "0.5.12"; + sha256 = "0c82r7bgz8wj172q1n4dfz9kfn4466v7k159vlkfdqv7as0qj8qf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile directory hslogger MissingH network parsec process + regex-compat unix + ]; + description = "Tools to help manage Debian packages with Darcs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "darcs-cabalized" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, curl, curses + , directory, html, HUnit, mtl, old-time, parsec, process + , QuickCheck, regex-compat, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-cabalized"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lc1v30zmlcrp6i22d3arghqhy9pjncddr34df6zd8s0r9wsi61d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory html HUnit mtl old-time + parsec process QuickCheck regex-compat unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ curl curses zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcurses" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "David's Advanced Version Control System"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) curl zlib; + curses = null; }; + + "darcs-fastconvert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdlib, containers + , darcs, datetime, directory, filepath, hashed-storage, mtl + , old-time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-fastconvert"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1a49v3l9n5cqlmdpjj8mzz5v6b47my84id62ag7004ynr11vih9s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cmdlib containers darcs datetime + directory filepath hashed-storage mtl old-time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Import/export git fast-import streams to/from darcs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcs-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , old-locale, old-time, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-graph"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "01404plnjrds57lf7widss2piwpal9khl0gq22xkswj68zzfjcv6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory old-locale old-time process + time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Generate graphs of darcs repository activity"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcs-monitor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, HaXml, mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-monitor"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0rp6flaizbaxzr28fr82vaacl4wajh6zdqnwcbgyhwz5dj7rdanq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory HaXml mtl process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Darcs repository monitor (sends email)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "darcs-scripts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs-scripts"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jyl04z76935kz71hmz2hdx9bw2ka2v8pai6lpy6iz63wamhkmps"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcs2dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, darcs, graph-wrapper + , string-conversions + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcs2dot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r6hri2kpfq7r0c25qrlrj5y9pi2j76njvwsgrpnpm6p4gg151wk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers darcs graph-wrapper string-conversions + ]; + description = "Outputs dependencies of darcs patches in dot format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "darcsden" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-string, blaze-builder + , blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, containers, CouchDB, darcs + , directory, filepath, harp, hashed-storage, highlighting-kate + , HsOpenSSL, hsp, http-conduit, HUnit, json, mime-mail, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, pandoc, pcre-light, process, pureMD5 + , random, redis, safe, SHA, snap-core, snap-server, split, ssh + , system-uuid, text, time, utf8-string, webdriver, xhtml, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcsden"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "105al8x28ml91nll0jwqfmkg7slipkd9b4rab8sb2mh4minspff2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-string blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup + bytestring containers CouchDB darcs directory filepath harp + hashed-storage highlighting-kate HsOpenSSL hsp http-conduit HUnit + json mime-mail mtl old-locale old-time pandoc pcre-light process + pureMD5 random redis safe SHA snap-core snap-server split ssh + system-uuid text time utf8-string webdriver xhtml xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fssh" "-fclosing" "-f-highlighter" "-fhighlightingkate" + "-fdarcs28" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Darcs repository UI and hosting/collaboration app ( branch)."; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "darcswatch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, concurrentoutput + , containers, Crypto, directory, filepath, HTTP, mime-string, mtl + , nano-md5, network, old-locale, old-time, parsec, process + , regex-compat, safe, time, unix, xhtml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "darcswatch"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "1gl0wplzlhb6ynacq7bv38ijhazpwr642zc0a2dixbpibchgxksf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi concurrentoutput containers Crypto directory + filepath HTTP mime-string mtl nano-md5 network old-locale old-time + parsec process regex-compat safe time unix xhtml zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Track application of Darcs patches"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dash-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, direct-sqlite + , directory, either, ghc, haddock-api, mtl, optparse-applicative + , parsec, pipes, process, sqlite-simple, system-fileio + , system-filepath, tagsoup, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dash-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z1nqfsfkkwcg4k7jhwyiwy7m1qwcmk9q0aqjqspikv8jg3zrqnz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers direct-sqlite directory either ghc + haddock-api mtl optparse-applicative parsec pipes process + sqlite-simple system-fileio system-filepath tagsoup text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line tool to generate Dash docsets (IDE docs) from package haddock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0668qgllmp2911ppsb0g9z95nq2x0h2cvzyyjlb6iwhnjzyyg7gf"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fcategory" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-monadLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, monadLib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-monadLib"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0l1ywmr4jry4cys7lq6k0w0nsdpqj1g5l3vsnxyf0ai1901zk18i"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor monadLib ]; + description = "Accessor functions for monadLib's monads"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-monads-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, monads-fd, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-monads-fd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yvfk55qra7f9ggcybw3j68xg9dzx2f07swj99v4f588gh32ixhz"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor monads-fd transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-monads-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, monads-tf, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-monads-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12skayn01s8svfdr4h5am2y2dw7ax6s83pb7vy3jxyddywpm04mk"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor monads-tf transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use Accessor to access state in monads-tf State monad type family"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i8lk0vy04giixng5addgj740cbvwlc7g62qgrmhfip0w9k93kqh"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use Accessor to access state in mtl State monad class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, template-haskell, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n2slv287zp6pabqb7xbfi296dbikw5a4ivqmnas0c4nxikqkayx"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor template-haskell utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-template_2_4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-accessor-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-accessor-transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iawhp1h68ynr2axj12jrn47nf08mss0ar8blagp59yi8j7170fa"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use Accessor to access state in transformers State monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-aviary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-aviary"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "03jhlb7w98bwx5xa23as9i6id0qxcl4f7k9rql2cgcy8nxf7c2xn"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinator birds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-binary-ieee754" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-binary-ieee754"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "02nzg1barhqhpf4x26mpzvk7jd29nali033qy01adjplv2z5m5sr"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser/Serialiser for IEEE-754 floating-point values"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-bword" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, tasty, tasty-quickcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-bword"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1s0fid1b8fjazii4j9rsjfmfhyacacknvy374y7nixsdgl4xp44d"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra operations on binary words of fixed length"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-carousel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lens }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-carousel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vp17428a2pw4g3y2ra22ll5vjnqwl2xwr2wfj8ppkxaj34a2nsh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers lens ]; + description = "A rotating sequence data structure"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-category" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-category"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1rkxwzigc4lw4hp593fwcxkhnd4jqwd7szwc2jgdz50bdc6k3jqc"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Category theory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-checked" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-checked"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0xjn7iqlsgi51h8gz4x40kc2qb5lwf6nw5kjwgkck1w5gjfd11yw"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-indexed runtime-checked properties"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-clist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-clist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kabcqyvsajf5drihp3f6da2vbw76f85cc4gh20n9czxy19g35rq"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple functional ring type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-concurrent-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-concurrent-queue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rmn4pq5pgvam78vxp4y7431jai8dklml322r4nw47jjc1m20kmv"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "A Library for directional queues"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-cycle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, collections-api, collections-base-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-cycle"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1k7a2k4vvbwilayh5827na7fifaww66fnmd7mr9vzwmsw9g6q80g"; + buildDepends = [ base collections-api collections-base-instances ]; + description = "a cyclic doubly linked list"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class + , data-default-instances-base, data-default-instances-containers + , data-default-instances-dlist, data-default-instances-old-locale + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "0d1hm0l9kim3kszshr4msmgzizrzha48gz2kb7b61p7n3gs70m7c"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class data-default-instances-base + data-default-instances-containers data-default-instances-dlist + data-default-instances-old-locale + ]; + description = "A class for types with a default value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-class"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ccgr3jllinchqhw3lsn73ic6axk4196if5274rr1rghls0fxj5d"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A class for types with a default value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, dlist, ghc-prim + , hspec, HUnit, old-locale, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-generics"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0asjirn324ixyzkf5vhanyf7q9aj9zh693m55qln7dx3vdayn1yv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers dlist ghc-prim old-locale text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers dlist ghc-prim hspec HUnit old-locale + text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "A class for types with a default value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-instances-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-instances-base"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1832nq6by91f1iw73ycvkbgn8kpra83pvf2q61hy47xffh0zy4pb"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class ]; + description = "Default instances for types in base"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-instances-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default-class }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-instances-containers"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "06h8xka031w752a7cjlzghvr8adqbl95xj9z5zc1b62w02phfpm5"; + buildDepends = [ base containers data-default-class ]; + description = "Default instances for types in containers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-instances-dlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, dlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-instances-dlist"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0narkdqiprhgayjiawrr4390h4rq4pl2pb6mvixbv2phrc8kfs3x"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class dlist ]; + description = "Default instances for types in dlist"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-default-instances-old-locale" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, old-locale }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-default-instances-old-locale"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "00h81i5phib741yj517p8mbnc48myvfj8axzsw44k34m48lv1lv0"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class old-locale ]; + description = "Default instances for types in old-locale"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-dispersal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AES, array, base, binary, bytestring, entropy + , finite-field, matrix, QuickCheck, secret-sharing, spool, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-dispersal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x6wd4xah19isysk2b9waws3fyvzx3w6l917zyw0cvdzf1lkpbw6"; + buildDepends = [ + AES array base binary bytestring entropy finite-field matrix + secret-sharing syb vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring QuickCheck spool syb test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Space-efficient and privacy-preserving data dispersal algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "data-dword" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-bword, ghc-prim, hashable, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-dword"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0m4jmmdi5j6h0pa4d8ll6pv2qvsf3y3bk6kss0hfglcwaa5vvy73"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-bword ghc-prim hashable template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stick two binary words together to get a bigger one"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-easy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, either, errors + , haskell-src-exts, hlint, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, safe, text + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-easy"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "07cpsix22gvx23si1s4xsx4359qj5sp3gfw6a8075zzs8f10ci0y"; + buildDepends = [ base containers either safe ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory either errors haskell-src-exts hlint + hspec HUnit QuickCheck safe text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Consistent set of utility functions for Maybe, Either, List, Monoids"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-endian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-endian"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ilvpd3xw1nljxvl7jdrzzyfkfl7gykidvbjvc7px3bca5mlmf1r"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Endian-sensitive data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-extra"; + version = "2.5.5"; + sha256 = "0py4a3mzqga25y6y1sirvc9369n3b7y5kpm5f9m613yjlypv6pc1"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-filepath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, split, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-filepath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nlbg3bkkbcbxs8yx81rizzvg4dm1i83ly4n8c182947zd6i44n1"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim split template-haskell ]; + description = "A type safe file path data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-fin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lazysmallcheck, prelude-safeenum, QuickCheck + , reflection, smallcheck, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-fin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02n3dr4gj73z549vwq5h7h1kvmx2j8vaxjcggpdlppps9wl6flry"; + buildDepends = [ + base lazysmallcheck prelude-safeenum QuickCheck reflection + smallcheck tagged + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finite totally ordered sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-fix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-fix"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "09r08lrv92ka6p35wkbfhq9ywg7y5pmgszwbz8a20h31vjz1ffpr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fixpoint data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-fix-cse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-fix, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-fix-cse"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1jrkphyw1npj4f2vy7n6xap1v2h6glw0gwzjg0iyjnflhjgnfl2m"; + buildDepends = [ base containers data-fix transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common subexpression elimination for the fixploint types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-flags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-flags"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s0djw1qarjn1fkyf21fd6pacfpfy4cvyw3wbd63ccaf9g0s1gs5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "A package for working with bit masks and flags in general"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-fresh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-fresh"; + version = "0.2013.251.0"; + sha256 = "1hz30myv78mw4sf19k1yg4qikrnxsa5ng0ff4naxyz1zyi2m87f1"; + buildDepends = [ base free transformers ]; + description = "Interface and functor transformers for fresh values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-hash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-hash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bfsbc4fkg3jqgbgka1mg6k1fizynvvxbhf2zb0x1apgr579mcrm"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Combinators for building fast hashing functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-interval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, extended-reals + , hashable, HUnit, lattices, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-interval"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "139v825r0r4k8b8cmndpx6gfkdn55ygiwmq8r3fcgljajk99y4km"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq extended-reals hashable lattices ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + description = "Interval arithmetic for both open and closed intervals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-inttrie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-inttrie"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "00kzf3cw0y0848cprmx3i7g70rmr92hhfzn60a2x98vb8f7y3814"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A lazy, infinite trie of integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-ivar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-ivar"; + version = "0.30"; + sha256 = "1vnbmvihkrcknys33sam9zlb5qk5qqkxz6w3wamsbdmpp0q6zfb2"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Write-once variables with concurrency support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-kiln" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-fix, IfElse, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-kiln"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13pkpmpjy787cjn1hcsl9r04w70nxrzdx8xrn9w6ifbzb2xj2iny"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-fix IfElse mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sculpt mutable recursive data with reference equality; bake it using a data kiln into an immutable lazy structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-layout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-layout"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w8r4vw731dmam8vcidz9a4wb2swqd5djsf9vkkxihxnphh0a1x5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read/write arbitrary binary layouts to a \"Data.Vector.Storable\"."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, semigroupoids + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-lens"; + version = "2.10.5"; + sha256 = "11na4wx0f0ihk87d00njwrfc430nb25dkkadv1n47yvcyfc60i90"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers semigroupoids transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fderivedatatypeable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-lens-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, data-lens, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-lens-fd"; + version = "2.0.5"; + sha256 = "0r8cfgn6wx304b5ihmwgsxxjwalb7086wii655mgmb6cn3nirpyk"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad data-lens mtl transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fderivedatatypeable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-lens-ixset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, ixset, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-lens-ixset"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0frzjfcp7w1ayfai1m07n0fpj3z1vbi971bc1kn1iarxhakny651"; + buildDepends = [ base data-lens ixset ]; + testDepends = [ QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Lens for IxSet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-lens-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-lens-light"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "038vfzb4vxk1qb0246l2kgv9br37wg59wnlhzyjpn97lypwlf68w"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple lenses, minimum dependencies"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-lens-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-lens-template"; + version = "2.1.8"; + sha256 = "0w8x5zn3d98z0q74bqfgkb9s0ca9hd1xc53gjl759s77wm4iwa0q"; + buildDepends = [ base data-lens template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for Data.Lens"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-list-sequences" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-list-sequences"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0r3y66lxgk0sdg500xnz0fvg4dvzvx47imnw0qkici22b9d92kv8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for working with sequences within lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "data-memocombinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, data-inttrie }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-memocombinators"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1mvfc1xri3kgkx5q7za01bqg1x3bfvbgcffw5vwl6jmq4hh1sd5l"; + buildDepends = [ array base data-inttrie ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for building memo tables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-named" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-named"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1mzwnbcb7ji4m6p4s68422gmpna06llbh2rhk6w048mgjxv4fhsx"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base binary containers text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data types for named entities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-nat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-nat"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1yzxkch0xzy76iyad0yshfnpvz38xklqdlyj8lgqnqsllw0vwh0m"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroups ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-object" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, failure, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-object"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z8m23kw8mj6hhy1r8y1vvlxxpwl273dhanszig2673a1sw0l98l"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring failure text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Represent hierachichal structures, called objects in JSON. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-object-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie + , convertible-text, data-object, failure, JSONb, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-object-json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06zkiqj4pkl5q4fmh816y4yj74rzwi2b91k542lxswjvfa3za3qk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie convertible-text data-object + failure JSONb text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize JSON data to/from Haskell using the data-object library. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-object-yaml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , convertible-text, data-object, failure, text, transformers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-object-yaml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18a9r4wfpb7icjb6nji9iy3abq6sxafmsnfwqpnm1nn2nn3fm1ap"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers convertible-text data-object + failure text transformers yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize data to and from Yaml files (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-or" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-or"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17plwr0ayll8na73vhdsfxk86dnds4rpj8v6nww7shb6vk5v3hf5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data type for non-exclusive disjunction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-ordlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-ordlist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03a9ix1fcx08viwv2jg5ndw1qbkydyyrmjvqr9wasmcik9x1wv3g"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Set and bag operations on ordered lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-partition" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-partition"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pgl8xr91kscqpx2bgvgy7qcdl17pkw9m1xdy9k075jvammlfxk7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pure disjoint set (union find) data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-pprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, mtl, parallel, pretty, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-pprint"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1ygbhn399d4hlrdjmg7gxbr5akydb78p6qa80rv7m6j0fsqzbf6y"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq mtl parallel pretty time ]; + description = "Prettyprint and compare Data values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-quotientref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-quotientref"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ylimakhw37klz2axg8qrdhwag34mfa1byb2z2mz2i8z0w4737j8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Reference cells that need two independent indices to be accessed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-r-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, deepseq, HUnit + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-r-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zgwm020zxfhb70llch4y075rd6klwwnv9yn8mpgh0rm0ib7jvyy"; + buildDepends = [ base binary deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test-strict" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "R-Tree is a spatial data structure similar to Quadtrees or B-Trees"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-ref"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0bcizcf6i1hfpk7ry64si40mfdndgd8k0h9mzh873xp1v2qali7n"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unify STRef and IORef in plain Haskell 98"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-reify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-reify"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0mif89mpj5zvw8czc51mfj27jw2ipxd2awnm9q13s46k6s5pv6a7"; + editedCabalFile = "60185d3fdb87fe62f297eb4473d58a7ccf93d1b6ee790a8b2faed79e1ac833c1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-reify-cse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-reify }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-reify-cse"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0vjfpbp0maqwirvi8j21z9qbs396l76dk5npn8zxac56j0i6l62r"; + buildDepends = [ base containers data-reify ]; + description = "Common Sub-Expression Elimination for graphs generated by Data.Reify."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-rev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-rev"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13bqp3vvsc6i6lcvw480i08fz2rm3f8varwyhvrp44dzv2q8zkl1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A typeclass for reversing order of contents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-rope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-mmap, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-rope"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "06sz6z0kd53av4acmgxh4668fsn588hx5k5qp752rrjf2nx9vww8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring bytestring-mmap unix ]; + description = "Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "data-size" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-size"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j1g39ha2fjgd960zd0gbhpznisw3qw07mbdacbx226bw50nwa7y"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers deepseq text ]; + description = "Profiling of data structures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-spacepart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-spacepart"; + version = "20090215.0"; + sha256 = "0h6z4yibjbnzck2fvh9mnppz9j0lzgx8nzmzm08q5yzmzjydy3rk"; + buildDepends = [ base vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deprecated. Now called \"spacepart\". Space partitioning data structures."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-store" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, containers, deepseq, lens + , QuickCheck, safecopy, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-store"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cv02d3fwyyyxjv3519k9wilaagxlcn8m2nfifrcq0q0qihxd1bd"; + buildDepends = [ + base cereal containers deepseq lens safecopy transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cereal containers deepseq lens QuickCheck safecopy + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type safe, in-memory dictionary with multidimensional keys"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-stringmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, deepseq, ghc-heap-view + , HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-stringmap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0djbky5m6hxr04jgxi2cq3fsivja32nzn16zs8ffqgadxw030pa1"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq ghc-heap-view HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test-strict" "-ftest-properties" "-f-with-sizeable" + ]; + description = "An efficient implementation of maps from strings to arbitrary values"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-structure-inferrer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, ansi-terminal, array, base, deepseq, derive + , directory, filepath, happy, language-c, mtl, random, safe + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-structure-inferrer"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0jkbysk1rmbkjvjizwx72h58amvnz4iyjbs0lcx6987m4fn456w9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array base deepseq derive directory filepath + language-c mtl random safe utility-ht + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Program that infers the fastest data structure available for your program"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "data-textual" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, parsers, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, text-latin1 + , text-printer, type-hint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-textual"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c4qs923dj4jnvvkjvbij0c1yg922iw66140cq6wb1m4h6q31ia4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring parsers text text-latin1 text-printer + ]; + testDepends = [ + base parsers QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + text-printer type-hint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Human-friendly textual representations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-timeout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-textual, parsers, tagged, text-printer + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-timeout"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1b6af2x19hb1kynsv7ypc2q6b71cazcg86gf1yhq0rr0fjj478ah"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-textual parsers tagged text-printer transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "64-bit timeouts of nanosecond precision"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-transform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-transform"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mhcbwh4s414hq4cwljxxadazxfi382spfgkw38fz2xi08lbfsji"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Functions to transform data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-treify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-treify"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "03xchr2h0f54rlcq285xaq5bakjq13mbjwz3xi3kfa6i71rr2rk9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-type" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-type"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1x3wsnilp9sxy061sfmyyg0f6b0k2lxvi0g4qf2gkldrz32c4qvj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Basic type wrangling types and classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-util"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1ywp3h2zccknc2sr0b5zbf9ms2zph5qh8znswxc7bi5wynyk9z98"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "utilities for handle data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "data-variant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "data-variant"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11ia37q28xz8a87xkc8yyvqqd3qzfvcbdnp2caxdbzvdnjbazhmk"; + buildDepends = [ base safe ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A variant data type, useful for modeling dynamically-typed programming languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "database-migrate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , either, filepath, lens, postgresql-simple, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "database-migrate"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1hhx3851yzgq7cf397sifdbnznk0sfqf3blflxfl50yq68rmwbzy"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers directory either filepath lens + postgresql-simple text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Database versioning and migration (experimental)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "database-study" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "database-study"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1aqp7a46p758f1q99cn700mgc1dic896gpsih3vj2fmffqj42gd7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Demonstrate how a database can be implemented the functional way"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dataenc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dataenc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wwgm7wakkz6v94lyxyd3yi21l3h28sss4xxdb3d770vmjhp1lzr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data encoding library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "datalog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, hashable, haskeline + , HUnit, parsec, pretty, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "datalog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nfjmgf6j8a8602rmk7fg3kbkafiyd7lsnhvnwc95ms90icg0r86"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers exceptions hashable haskeline parsec pretty text + transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hashable HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + text + ]; + description = "An implementation of datalog in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "datapacker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hslogger, MissingH, mtl + , process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "datapacker"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "10fj1z4wbr76wfnp9h1jzyd8afzn495r6xvbjiw55bimy0hasalg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hslogger MissingH mtl process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool to help pack files into the minimum number of CDs/DVDs/etc"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "date-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "date-cache"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0grhcbd0rhdn0cf1fz82x8pv8cmxfhndlcwyrax4mnnr3pql9kmb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Date cacher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, parsec, syb, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dates"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08d90fii0nmvmfxhhw4k5ja13jyxg79n527089lrc2r31l3wj40a"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols parsec syb time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Small library for parsing different dates formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "datetime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, old-time, QuickCheck, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "datetime"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1yfg3wvi13r725dhfsmcdw4ns3cgl2ayrb5jck0q8b4crk2dlrzg"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale old-time QuickCheck time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use."; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dawg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, mtl, transformers + , vector, vector-binary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dawg"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0xvkw5hp66r46v59ld0s7yi2jzvlcc4vc8ignadai9vqxayzm799"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers mtl transformers vector vector-binary + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Directed acyclic word graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dbf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, monad-loops, rwlock }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pay47bbmxvishmczs3kgn19nzkfmmip3m51h4zlwydm5kxfc5n2"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring monad-loops rwlock ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write XBase \".dbf\" files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "dbjava" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskell98, process + , uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbjava"; + version = "1.7"; + sha256 = "06xz0a38sjjr64sz19lg0wzb73yz1msdlbg5s02ldd8n4b9yjk5f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring haskell98 process uulib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decompiler Bytecode Java"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dbmigrations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, containers + , directory, fgl, filepath, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, HDBC-sqlite3 + , HUnit, mtl, process, random, template-haskell, text, time + , yaml-light + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbmigrations"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0m1zvc61y0n7p66iwsb8wzwgivxnc08cm1h3xvf1jnwrv294dwch"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator containers directory fgl filepath HDBC + HDBC-postgresql HDBC-sqlite3 HUnit mtl process random + template-haskell text time yaml-light + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + description = "An implementation of relational database \"migrations\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dbus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, chell, chell-quickcheck + , containers, directory, filepath, libxml-sax, network, parsec + , process, QuickCheck, random, text, transformers, unix, vector + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbus"; + version = "0.10.9"; + sha256 = "0sjnmxy0ikvg21sip7yadg4qr3lniy1wwpavkg48dc87gv98ymdb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers libxml-sax network parsec random + text transformers unix vector xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal chell chell-quickcheck containers directory + filepath libxml-sax network parsec process QuickCheck random text + transformers unix vector xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A client library for the D-Bus IPC system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dbus-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dbus-core, monads-tf, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbus-client"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0z7061kafjzd4jaws4xcp1xzh2kx559bgp7cmcjq55mbxr1rrsjq"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dbus-core monads-tf text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic and object-oriented interfaces to DBus"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dbus-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, libxml-sax, network, parsec, text, unix + , vector, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbus-core"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "110373yinimq0k7hl8wkk7g4hm3hj563dpa2y8ag2lpl9yydzgfa"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 libxml-sax + network parsec text unix vector xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level D-Bus protocol implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dbus-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dbus, parsec, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbus-qq"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0dg03nv7bsjydywhby0rv1a6jc90gf2885djxd8pb9aly2ncpjxx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers dbus parsec template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base containers dbus QuickCheck ]; + description = "Quasi-quoter for DBus functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dbus-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dbus, syb, template-haskell + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dbus-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rwxbv92x7c0psp2s88cn168zkxdghviym9zpaz13av7ix06zx7a"; + buildDepends = [ base containers dbus syb template-haskell text ]; + description = "TemplateHaskell generator of DBus bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dclabel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dclabel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bnbqbjpbx98wjgsz7kgr5znljbwhd6lsb8m9ky7dmzqygzybvir"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "This packge is deprecated. See the the \"LIO.DCLabel\" in the \"lio\" package."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dclabel-eci11" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dclabel-eci11"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1bfc9ip4fqzjzlzppkrnspnm6gc50f4rkf0wngnxyj7f79fvjr6k"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty QuickCheck ]; + description = "The Disjunction Category Label Format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ddc-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parsec, transformers + , wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v3qkvfcajr8ljnrkmdpkhp6069b54fg168ryknq4b7rkl4piqfm"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq parsec transformers wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler common utilities"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-build" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-eval, ddc-core-flow, ddc-core-llvm, ddc-core-salt + , ddc-core-simpl, ddc-core-tetra, ddc-source-tetra, deepseq + , directory, filepath, mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-build"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15bjdr9g48p1ahga9qc1cgfbpr89551yaqx9psa44da0vy468fjs"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-eval ddc-core-flow + ddc-core-llvm ddc-core-salt ddc-core-simpl ddc-core-tetra + ddc-source-tetra deepseq directory filepath mtl process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler build framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-code" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-code"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m904n1s2cszakjrlz81y1gplrgfv3np2ja0m6fapj9c2yyfmg6r"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler base libraries"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, deepseq + , directory, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15a51cgk3pqsbmy6hv0jrf8ldxmb0kvzd0pwkqa6141phk2g1dd5"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base deepseq directory mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler core language and type checker"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-eval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-eval"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s11wzl75fa4pnjclgqdvymddk8srpknvpf6p3vkm2b09y0fryxd"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler semantic evaluator for the core language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-flow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-salt, ddc-core-simpl, deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-flow"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1szy9x5pc2l5ib8sbkajj6i7nfb46ypgi655wy0jrcnp7m2q22fy"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-salt + ddc-core-simpl deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler data flow compiler"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-llvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-salt, ddc-core-simpl, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-llvm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f0cby09lqhvw5ajm6q25qg57qbb4h3qvqwv30bzl6kw0884lkb5"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-salt + ddc-core-simpl mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler LLVM code generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-salt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-salt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18cywxp3zp6aafpq8si1vvqy7lywwl31mdp58asyzcwi1g1v7y7q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler C code generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-simpl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-simpl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y3rxcl2h6dqmy367zfri1r21flcbygvrpa7sj8cr8gh128xwbbz"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler code transformations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-core-tetra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-salt, ddc-core-simpl, deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-core-tetra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01ax5dirrf8jk03316dw1cnrs9fl5qlm8k07nb0rzxwybm3wqdv2"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-salt + ddc-core-simpl deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler intermediate language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-driver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-build, ddc-core + , ddc-core-eval, ddc-core-flow, ddc-core-llvm, ddc-core-salt + , ddc-core-simpl, ddc-core-tetra, ddc-interface, ddc-source-tetra + , deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl, process, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-driver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iyvmifnj05v9r2sh867dm2vgm8hijsxf6bmzrksj1kcs36qwrrk"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ddc-base ddc-build ddc-core ddc-core-eval + ddc-core-flow ddc-core-llvm ddc-core-salt ddc-core-simpl + ddc-core-tetra ddc-interface ddc-source-tetra deepseq directory + filepath mtl process transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler top-level driver"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-interface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, directory }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-interface"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pbsnxzlbx9xblqf9199wrl80aard59l3193gm8gzxx7ispfhs3f"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ddc-base directory ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler user interface support"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-source-tetra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-salt, ddc-core-tetra, deepseq, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-source-tetra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "088lsavx4fhyxyxzxd4vj1880j19r4l4fvlb4dly42mbyfrg5jrs"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-salt + ddc-core-tetra deepseq mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler source language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-build, ddc-code + , ddc-core, ddc-core-eval, ddc-core-flow, ddc-core-llvm + , ddc-core-salt, ddc-core-simpl, ddc-core-tetra, ddc-driver + , ddc-interface, ddc-source-tetra, directory, filepath, haskeline + , mtl, process, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hg6hajqrb7sf8bvr27cabdxalwvkw8lm2igsx05p9wq4bpirz62"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ddc-base ddc-build ddc-code ddc-core ddc-core-eval + ddc-core-flow ddc-core-llvm ddc-core-salt ddc-core-simpl + ddc-core-tetra ddc-driver ddc-interface ddc-source-tetra directory + filepath haskeline mtl process transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler command line tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddc-war" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, buildbox, containers, directory, filepath + , process, random, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddc-war"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y9h4z1drgwgmw9wjf8ga2kiagmfgppdy29l9cz0j4rjz3mm302y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base buildbox containers directory filepath process random stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciplined Disciple Compiler test driver and buildbot"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ddci-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-eval, ddc-core-simpl, haskeline, haskell-src-exts + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ddci-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w4kcqivphc9gmj4xnkqx2hbzd3cmssww5hqgja1kh0b03q026w0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-eval ddc-core-simpl + haskeline haskell-src-exts + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Disciple Core language interactive interpreter"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dead-simple-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, template-haskell + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dead-simple-json"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "10wp97pxhkvlk3lhknvsnwkl9p7lm1v7y1wk0nn55q68jx1b5zpr"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers parsec template-haskell transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dead simple JSON parser, with some Template Haskell sugar"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "debian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, bzlib + , containers, directory, either, exceptions, filepath, HaXml, HUnit + , ListLike, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale, parsec, pretty + , prettyclass, process, process-listlike, pureMD5, regex-compat + , regex-tdfa, template-haskell, text, time, unix, Unixutils + , utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "debian"; + version = "3.85"; + sha256 = "1s9k0dpdja73s1icwma10cl6ix8k61d8xaj3divwqk5xvi9zw9gl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring bzlib containers directory either + exceptions filepath HaXml HUnit ListLike mtl network network-uri + old-locale parsec pretty prettyclass process process-listlike + pureMD5 regex-compat regex-tdfa template-haskell text time unix + Unixutils utf8-string zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-flistlike" "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modules for working with the Debian package system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "debian-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, HSH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "debian-binary"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0k6blaq1p2phydl4pqlqg6kdicrfjhm6h27svws7dq8di3y274fq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath HSH ]; + description = "Utilities to work with debian binary packages"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "debian-build" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "debian-build"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y7328gggwbh6gzbni3b473w2smvwd9ky8h3v0a3qj4v81bzvcfl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory filepath process transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Debian package build sequence tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "debug-diff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, groom, process, temporary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "debug-diff"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "19k9f92pjh52qnr31l0468hn2klkb8wszs7azwczvxzg8aq7krld"; + buildDepends = [ base groom process temporary ]; + description = "Display a colorized diff between two Haskell values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "decepticons" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad-transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "decepticons"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fnp2c2rdpihvxm5j22z1mrf8pnpcnasvfsrlg7lvg5m76md7k3v"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad-transformers ]; + description = "The categorical dual of transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "decoder-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "decoder-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z5krcl4xd385f7v2bsnfyr7zidqwfjvc6b432gbbn2vcrx966c7"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit for decoding ByteStrings using Data.Binary.Get"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dedukti" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-exts-qq, hmk, mtl, parsec, process + , Stream, stringtable-atom, time, unix, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dedukti"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "0b7328529m3xl8bj7sncv5rr13ld2aghgqkf55j4n15jagv6g72d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts + haskell-src-exts-qq hmk mtl parsec process Stream stringtable-atom + time unix wl-pprint + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type-checker for the λΠ-modulo calculus"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "deeplearning-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, mtl, QuickCheck, repa + , repa-algorithms, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deeplearning-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cw29xisgykb20qv3jkpcpaiijicyzkfsgglrsbx1admfzbqv98d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ accelerate base mtl repa repa-algorithms vector ]; + testDepends = [ + accelerate base mtl QuickCheck repa repa-algorithms test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deep Learning in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "deepseq_1_4_0_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deepseq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ns8njkigxa05z2mif9dz2r41j8c717q7f7lswvbp4wwfhr7vdk9"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + array base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "Deep evaluation of data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deepseq-bounded" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, deepseq, HUnit, parallel, random + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deepseq-bounded"; + version = "0.5.5"; + sha256 = "1qak7lzngb3pi39sri85dqr9vkvf2bjlxbxxp61n8f2j0kdr0g0r"; + buildDepends = [ array base deepseq parallel random ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq HUnit parallel random template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnfdata_instance_pattern" "-fuse_sop" + "-f-warn_pattern_match_failure" "-fuse_ww_deepseq" + "-fjust_alias_gseqable" "-fparallelism_experiment" + "-fhaskell98_fragment" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bounded deepseq, including support for generic deriving"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deepseq-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deepseq-generics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01pvigx8n9p8hwbzp2qiq6kzf7cxiam843jz2sjgliacmmp1v7l3"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq ghc-prim HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deepseq-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deepseq-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12wk8higrp12b22zzz1b4ar1q5h7flk22bp2rvswsqri2zkbi965"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base deepseq template-haskell ]; + description = "Template Haskell based deriver for optimised NFData instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deepzoom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hsmagick }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deepzoom"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hisk6yfq4182ak7d1mi1kmnwwlcl8w7gwc8wqkq4l8m3zfyij8k"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hsmagick ]; + description = "A DeepZoom image slicer. Only known to work on 32bit Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "defargs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cluss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "defargs"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1rz37w83awji034spyv4cnfbqb6r98r1bbvzh2i979qh5c5s6ckg"; + buildDepends = [ base cluss ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "default arguments in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "definitive-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , ghc-prim, GLURaw, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-base"; + version = "2.3"; + sha256 = "126ln7k6k188xjnig60ksc425fp3hql5znb98h5c1w157jgg0sw9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq ghc-prim GLURaw OpenGL + OpenGLRaw primitive vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The base modules of the Definitive framework"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "definitive-filesystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, clock, containers + , deepseq, definitive-base, definitive-reactive, directory + , filepath, old-locale, primitive, time, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-filesystem"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0bc098igiqzbm25bjaxdxm4jq17kc8bgz1ab0pgm0h5jvy1bf8id"; + editedCabalFile = "3a78d4d8aaa291ca95d889b62a979c4132bbe6f91073ab2bd9fdb0d55ed63121"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring clock containers deepseq definitive-base + definitive-reactive directory filepath old-locale primitive time + unix vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library that enable you to interact with the filesystem in a definitive way"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "definitive-graphics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, clock, containers + , cpu, deepseq, definitive-base, definitive-parser + , definitive-reactive, GLFW, JuicyPixels, mtl, primitive + , stb-truetype, transformers, utf8-string, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-graphics"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0ah19j2al9l6pbin821rsicidmg3rd4cc74r8qw095773sa98zyr"; + editedCabalFile = "a6d867ea8098390daff40c088c81f854ca054f9a0c8b097f9194be329416baed"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring clock containers cpu deepseq + definitive-base definitive-parser definitive-reactive GLFW + JuicyPixels mtl primitive stb-truetype transformers utf8-string + vector zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A definitive package allowing you to open windows, read image files and render text to be displayed or saved"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "definitive-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, cpu, deepseq + , definitive-base, ghc-prim, GLURaw, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, primitive + , utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-parser"; + version = "2.1"; + sha256 = "0sl77xgk7vjn69mx89k4f3yviz821mg01fga0klqplcccbkzknmh"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers cpu deepseq definitive-base + ghc-prim GLURaw OpenGL OpenGLRaw primitive utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser combinator library for the Definitive framework"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "definitive-reactive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, clock, containers + , deepseq, definitive-base, primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-reactive"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0gk39602k5yjxxgpd725dnvqhlcnaqgds7g0c8v1h509lc0d7xm3"; + editedCabalFile = "8c3c6afcc4ce7569ede32c8006d1d66fb10448321159f875d1dec03419bd7797"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring clock containers deepseq definitive-base + primitive vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple Reactive library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "definitive-sound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-pcm, array, base, bytestring + , clock, containers, deepseq, definitive-base, primitive + , sample-frame, storable-record, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "definitive-sound"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "01k4h7av4fhp4xchrcbnc1gnnbsh5ngasq55l16n3l438pr73vzj"; + editedCabalFile = "1491f0a01f47b84ea8f01a94492738a7f3b5fe7c68c805cca8701926cc443d71"; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-pcm array base bytestring clock containers deepseq + definitive-base primitive sample-frame storable-record vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A definitive package to handle sound and play it back"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "deiko-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, exceptions, mtl, parsec + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deiko-config"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zhi173mm905aqh52fsw1c9y3hxk07yc1g2s0rrjr75cdl7ssljy"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers exceptions mtl parsec text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Small and typesafe configuration library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mpdec, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deka"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l23b5v0wjg72vlnyxa87v3j2dxbld536ws8j03ddcwgqgws1fj4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring parsec transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ mpdec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decimal floating point arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { mpdec = null; }; + + "deka-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deka, parsec, pipes + , QuickCheck, quickpull, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deka-tests"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08226vca64v8brcgci8a3s5fnf4qy8g9drk3lzzd0dq6g8yvypy9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deka parsec pipes QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring deka QuickCheck quickpull ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests for deka, decimal floating point arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "delaunay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, hashable, HUnit, QuickCheck + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "delaunay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "145a220kv3fk2lk6jpvqmmhwmbgiqzkcbsi5hynsg196chydxgvd"; + buildDepends = [ AC-Vector base hashable unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ AC-Vector base HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Build a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "delicious" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, feed, json, nano-md5, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "delicious"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1dx2y2ggzcwcjs618jmg21342pcd0maqx8pj2hwv80zq6f5v0c50"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring curl feed json nano-md5 xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accessing the APIs from Haskell (v2)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "delimited-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring + , bytestring-show + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "delimited-text"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0mn6sv4nm3wbzq5cc9s9kb3xbm9jd5i059xr6qr9mqxa18j78c05"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring bytestring-show + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse character delimited textual data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "delta-h" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, monad-atom + , nlp-scores, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "delta-h"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0ya0hgvpa9w41gswngg84yxhvll3fyr6b3h56p80yc5bldw700wg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers monad-atom nlp-scores text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Online entropy-based model of lexical category acquisition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "demarcate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, hspec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "demarcate"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "130yk7461rwmjgzivsya10xzh0d0ca8pfkxh7fpll239r7xlbds3"; + buildDepends = [ base free transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Demarcating transformed monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "denominate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "denominate"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "06jdr1236wlsmapwn6hdmjl41qlig7ck541lynyds0qd6ymcb9k1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions supporting bulk file and directory name normalization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dependent-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dependent-sum }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dependent-map"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g8mq8189c6wr1rik70019gqrnk84c613x9cn5383p7hhfyc0rnn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers dependent-sum ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "dependent-sum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dependent-sum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h6wsrh206k6q3jcfdxvlsswbm47x30psp6x30l2z0j9jyf7jpl3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dependent sum type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "dependent-sum-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dependent-sum, template-haskell, th-extras + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dependent-sum-template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16p6ckl6ml8lgy42mvivnqphfd73cg8chms3fxid66gv4fif68zl"; + buildDepends = [ base dependent-sum template-haskell th-extras ]; + homepage = "/dev/null"; + description = "Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in dependent-sum package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "depends" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hspec + , process, QuickCheck, transformers, yaml-config + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "depends"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0y43bhxx5s4v72gc0y1cwfy2h4hyz9x5cab2fbkd7rvj5wn4w4gq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath process transformers yaml-config + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hspec process QuickCheck + transformers yaml-config + ]; + description = "A simple configuration management tool for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dephd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, process + , regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dephd"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0qgqlnj7wkmjba5f2rql51g9jhak0ksx3xdmr25j3p6qwb43k5ih"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bio bytestring cmdargs directory process regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dequeue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dequeue"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1z4c3hyk1lbjqm5is1d9qb6sxwv8i870ph7n2h51r631mhxbdnxl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck safe ]; + description = "A typeclass and an implementation for double-ended queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derangement" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fgl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derangement"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "13w257bndjpaz7fiz4g2w4v2bmlch07ay5pxxv5ifc4llh665ch0"; + buildDepends = [ base fgl ]; + description = "Find derangements of lists"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "derivation-trees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, labeled-tree, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derivation-trees"; + version = "0.7.3"; + sha256 = "05f77vkqzia91rywkg68ad24j98a7h9aqkd0568x2zmqcndzbisy"; + buildDepends = [ applicative-extras base labeled-tree mtl ]; + description = "Typeset Derivation Trees via MetaPost"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "derive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, pretty, process, syb, template-haskell + , transformers, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derive"; + version = "2.5.18"; + sha256 = "1jqng8v1d4rac8xmrpm7h1pkyr9pfwsbb0ap6pnwzpwz9fns9c3k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts + pretty process syb template-haskell transformers uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A program and library to derive instances for data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derive-IG" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, instant-generics, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derive-IG"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0bggj2jb3bbgxcz75v8q2yx29v88skiwjaj3fxkkynnv5zvrbgwr"; + buildDepends = [ base instant-generics template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Macro to derive instances for Instant-Generics using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derive-gadt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, pretty, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derive-gadt"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0s6vb3b3chf1gy44a6zsi2z19d6snk12qlk4v8q2smipmj42v7d6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta pretty + template-haskell + ]; + description = "Instance deriving for (a subset of) GADTs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derive-trie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derive-trie"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "11c378mh5razibd9ljffm5353v4plrgvkfb62p6029f04sf29jnc"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic derivation of Trie implementations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derp"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0g8y98qjjampbwnxhvjzrs2jczh2mcwsacjq95jxpidgsld00shk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Derivative Parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "derp-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, derp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "derp-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j883w01k9scz6cfxljkw9s2kgs9f7vdxyyxxhlvvkgzb0050v0x"; + buildDepends = [ base derp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "combinators based on parsing with derivatives (derp) package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "descrilo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "descrilo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wvq4gcda39k69hadz9kfxn5bsxqjag4chbbppiwmyp503y8f2k1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Loads a list of items with fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "despair" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "despair"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1dwhp1izikvj1qfz6shvnl4q519vgjpnfmkwkj8zp875dki87pnj"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + description = "Despair"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "detrospector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , hashable, mwc-random, text, unordered-containers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "detrospector"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0fsdbagj9zhbm6hh5rsjgz3iq1raxkljnr65ba506nwxmc052xcn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cmdargs containers hashable mwc-random text + unordered-containers zlib + ]; + description = "Markov chain text generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "deunicode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "deunicode"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08skd630jj9h3mlxm86s7qkdrpcwhknk21dmlj69126dn67v159f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + description = "Get rid of unicode (utf-8) symbols in Haskell sources"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "devil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , hinotify, process, split, text, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "devil"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n5rzm40srakb0jv8j9gin6m15x5l37knmdckc4xhwvliyvllrf4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory filepath hinotify process split + text unix unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small tool to make it easier to update program managed by Angel"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dewdrop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, elf, hdis86, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dewdrop"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1xi78d31hljbybpm3jzs4l3g35sdfhmmm7ksivjdi91gv9m88l0n"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers elf hdis86 syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find gadgets for return-oriented programming on x86"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dfrac" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, scientific }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dfrac"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ybq5bnh85dbr9lfx5d6qw87x9qc8fs0yvbi1a6860an13lvrzy7"; + buildDepends = [ base scientific ]; + description = "A package for precise decimal arithmatic using rationals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dfsbuild" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, directory, filepath, HSH + , hslogger, MissingH, network, old-time, parsec, random + , regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dfsbuild"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0nh5cvb8macw523iids072rs9kylkv8zrliraw1jrvmhsznkj05x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile directory filepath HSH hslogger MissingH network + old-time parsec random regex-compat unix + ]; + description = "Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dgs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, mtl, network, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dgs"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "100xlxqhy33kllyb4dy7q0bwwy5wn9w45qy1cb5f0yb0dqff1pnx"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP mtl network split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell front-end for DGS' bot interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dia-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dia-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08j65fgxrbp8mdhs887w6hj4wakxrkbk9nr5kk9jy0bahw7dw9c5"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + description = "An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams - data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dia-functions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-pprint, deepseq, dia-base + , mtl, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dia-functions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zay364hmrd1759i89g8bv8845hd9b3dnvicz3ybnqk5bcn6aq1l"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-pprint deepseq dia-base mtl xhtml + ]; + description = "An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams - functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, diagrams-contrib, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + , diagrams-svg + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "17j7hyd86h9msc8ni19agb0yhixga76q9kh4i109iyiyqizdnfhg"; + buildDepends = [ + diagrams-contrib diagrams-core diagrams-lib diagrams-svg + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-rasterific" "-f-ps" "-fsvg" "-f-gtk" "-f-cairo" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embedded domain-specific language for declarative vector graphics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-svg, bytestring, cmdargs + , diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, diagrams-postscript, diagrams-svg + , directory, exceptions, filepath, hashable, haskell-src-exts, hint + , lens, mtl, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18avlhwywhrxlf1cyp9fdiy0i3gy12k4i28cymllmmyx78fv59q5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-svg bytestring cmdargs diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib + diagrams-postscript diagrams-svg directory exceptions filepath + hashable haskell-src-exts hint lens mtl split transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fcairo" "-fsvg" "-fps" "-frasterific" "-fps" "-fsvg" "-fcairo" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hint-based build service for the diagrams graphics EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, colour, containers + , data-default-class, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, directory + , filepath, hashable, JuicyPixels, lens, mtl, old-time + , optparse-applicative, pango, process, split, statestack, time + , transformers, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-cairo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1624l5821qn6zrpd7zlskx4cpxbbssxgjyyb42450xac8rkr9kwc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo colour containers data-default-class + diagrams-core diagrams-lib directory filepath hashable JuicyPixels + lens mtl old-time optparse-applicative pango process split + statestack time transformers unix vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cairo backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blank-canvas, cmdargs, containers + , data-default-class, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, lens, mtl + , NumInstances, optparse-applicative, statestack, text + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-canvas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y1wm5ziy6wrz75dgs8wjvlzb3g7bgk21smm9d247bghpjnrwshv"; + buildDepends = [ + base blank-canvas cmdargs containers data-default-class + diagrams-core diagrams-lib lens mtl NumInstances + optparse-applicative statestack text vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTML5 canvas backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, circle-packing, colour, containers + , data-default, data-default-class, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + , force-layout, HUnit, lens, MonadRandom, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck + , semigroups, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, vector-space + , vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-contrib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iq5psy5wjm664hqsaprynba0b7x3ijxngh7mbk6hkh004vsna1w"; + buildDepends = [ + arithmoi base circle-packing colour containers data-default + data-default-class diagrams-core diagrams-lib force-layout lens + MonadRandom mtl parsec semigroups split text vector-space + vector-space-points + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers diagrams-lib HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collection of user contributions to diagrams EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dual-tree, lens, MemoTrie + , monoid-extras, newtype, semigroups, vector-space + , vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1axkgprqs4jvzh5vfr118nzr1h0m48axr5jfiqqrqvy5xyjcagkq"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dual-tree lens MemoTrie monoid-extras newtype + semigroups vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Core libraries for diagrams EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-gtk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bcgplmg01sp7iwhgx7ircbn9bj15m42w6vkh539sd65y01z3hc8"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for rendering diagrams directly to GTK windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-haddock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-svg + , bytestring, Cabal, cautious-file, cmdargs, containers, cpphs + , diagrams-builder, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, lens, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, split, strict + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, uniplate, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-haddock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yrbrq54ihxh7pnn3cax3r880mawpxmp044bdb581ah1ch3l8ch6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base base64-bytestring blaze-svg bytestring Cabal + cautious-file cmdargs containers cpphs diagrams-builder + diagrams-lib diagrams-svg directory filepath haskell-src-exts lens + mtl parsec split strict text uniplate vector-space + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-exts lens parsec QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Preprocessor for embedding diagrams in Haddock documentation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, active, array, base, colour, containers + , data-default-class, diagrams-core, dual-tree, filepath + , fingertree, hashable, intervals, JuicyPixels, lens, MemoTrie + , monoid-extras, optparse-applicative, semigroups, tagged + , vector-space, vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ddlipp47j2mifwhi0ilb2fjdh2whk24s4d5h6ais2znj3hh99a"; + buildDepends = [ + active array base colour containers data-default-class + diagrams-core dual-tree filepath fingertree hashable intervals + JuicyPixels lens MemoTrie monoid-extras optparse-applicative + semigroups tagged vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-pdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, colour, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + , filepath, HPDF, lens, monoid-extras, mtl, semigroups, split + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-pdf"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0wi38w0r1n1zm49r16vhmgg14v3pw7ca6wwb85y3zrbjmzfa37vy"; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs colour diagrams-core diagrams-lib filepath HPDF lens + monoid-extras mtl semigroups split vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PDF backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-postscript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default-class + , diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, dlist, filepath, hashable, lens + , monoid-extras, mtl, semigroups, split, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-postscript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "172r7q9jzhy2kv5bsbakakwv6gpvy308gvp8xpirbch9mrvnjxhz"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default-class diagrams-core diagrams-lib dlist + filepath hashable lens monoid-extras mtl semigroups split + vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Postscript backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-qrcode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-qrcode"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "15c1h0izxi475b1n8q3dmg0kpp7dk0s4nifnxcq3lbq71jmsg8ll"; + buildDepends = [ array base colour diagrams-core diagrams-lib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Draw QR codes to SVG, PNG, PDF or PS files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-rasterific" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default-class + , diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, directory, filepath, FontyFruity + , JuicyPixels, lens, mtl, old-time, optparse-applicative, process + , Rasterific, split, statestack, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-rasterific"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a95l8g55jsmqhbv9flk5kfkfa40z93axbjfz6xb74lyvl6xccwr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default-class diagrams-core + diagrams-lib directory filepath FontyFruity JuicyPixels lens mtl + old-time optparse-applicative process Rasterific split statestack + time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rasterific backend for diagrams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-svg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-markup, blaze-svg + , bytestring, colour, containers, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib + , directory, filepath, hashable, JuicyPixels, lens, monoid-extras + , mtl, old-time, process, split, time, unix, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-svg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0byqxwz9h1hi2yrq2vz32gv0az9q3l94qa2q3nl3j8sa64qmpdwq"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-markup blaze-svg bytestring colour + containers diagrams-core diagrams-lib directory filepath hashable + JuicyPixels lens monoid-extras mtl old-time process split time unix + vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SVG backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diagrams-tikz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, dlist, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diagrams-tikz"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1qs4m1xy62pv6gjgip9vx2pwlv2gzjq1h86yiiq15yg4gcbn5fav"; + buildDepends = [ base diagrams-core diagrams-lib dlist mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TikZ backend for diagrams drawing EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, random-fu, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dice"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1rfx3vh983f3gc6si661zimhjl47ip30l3pvf7dysjirr3gffgz1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec random-fu transformers ]; + description = "Simplistic D&D style dice-rolling system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "dice-entropy-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, entropy, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dice-entropy-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01xwxajwyvv6ac48j9if6xsv05aqg1p02i7d25ivk1k56ky41l1s"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit entropy transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cryptographically secure n-sided dice via rejection sampling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "dictparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, parsec, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dictparser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wjxcn53h9rp8jancspb9yq4h26215b63pghw802wgh073vp9h0i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec split ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsec parsers for the DICT format produced by dictfmt -t"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diet"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0qkyfmys5k6la10dvi8wsmw120xfarjblpkr33xiazll2m9845wh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Discrete Interval Encoding Tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diff-parse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hspec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diff-parse"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1pcddda822n5zsjzs4ld4prjj04v4cgpk3hvjn7ivmdnb06g85il"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + testDepends = [ attoparsec base hspec text ]; + description = "A parser for diff file formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "diff3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Diff, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diff3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zdfn1jhsq8pd23qpkhzr8wgiwbazfbq688bjnpc406i7gq88k78"; + buildDepends = [ base Diff ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Perform a 3-way difference of documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diffarray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diffarray"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0p95i1xzp0bdm0zrdil79rfxfyz372y2qjdxyvxdzxvfb1mvalcm"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "DiffArray"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diffcabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, Diff + , directory, filepath, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diffcabal"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ggla2i4jw24a3vdq2xyz70asp80s5jl5nkwms6ck4r69zm3mci6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers Diff directory filepath pretty + process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diff two .cabal files syntactically"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diffdump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , directory, filemanip, filepath, parallel-io, process + , process-extras, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diffdump"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "08z1h3xf3j5xzhf08i9w7hvg05wvqcf13k50chx6av70f0cs2rvh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cmdargs directory filemanip filepath + parallel-io process process-extras unix + ]; + description = "Tools for diffing stdout"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digamma" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, polynomial }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digamma"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qij2pn107dfb9rl9rrd77l69wmfp9fghv9ysql2d7g5qdr306pd"; + buildDepends = [ base polynomial ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A robust implementation of the digamma function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04gy2zp8yzvv7j9bdfvmfzcz3sqyqa6rwslqcn4vyair2vmif5v4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestring-in-base" ]; + description = "Various cryptographic hashes for bytestrings; CRC32 and Adler32 for now"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "digest-pure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, digest, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digest-pure"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0rb5jkzn1d4z90hd47qh98mf4n90wvj0cqf3qfpj7ndvw52yy95w"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ array base bytestring digest QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure hash functions for bytestrings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "digestive-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-bootstrap, blaze-html + , digestive-functors, digestive-functors-blaze, http-types, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-bootstrap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c1hd3l29sci624r4gwp3ndzmancwdy9dp3gz2fmd4jniani3kzz"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-bootstrap blaze-html digestive-functors + digestive-functors-blaze http-types text + ]; + description = "Speed up form designing using digestive functors and bootstrap"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit, mtl + , old-locale, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y8gl5dzksylvci5inrgx3qk6mv6cddw81kvi6ng9h0wl4scgkvl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl old-locale text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HUnit mtl old-locale QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A practical formlet library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , digestive-functors, HUnit, lens, lens-aeson, mtl, safe + , scientific, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jwrlmavwjq3bf8ylazi91mwl47n5pdh3lipv4p7v0gq45dm3hg9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers digestive-functors lens lens-aeson safe text + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring digestive-functors HUnit mtl scientific tasty + tasty-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run digestive-functors forms against JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, digestive-functors + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-blaze"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04ldrbwla8gcsan8hahjgf4mzm6wz7kxhwrikqgnyv0dm45ias7c"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup digestive-functors text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Blaze frontend for the digestive-functors library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, digestive-functors + , happstack-server, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-happstack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02akxqb8zmc4gbgs79g8k5ycp20c54zc025vl6l3b4mc45lp73r4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring digestive-functors happstack-server text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack backend for the digestive-functors library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-heist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, digestive-functors, heist + , mtl, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-heist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l8ppn2h1nxzn5wxnglc2fyi7r90177v75yf4n7cyvzrcxdaz4bb"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder digestive-functors heist mtl text xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Heist frontend for the digestive-functors library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, digestive-functors, hsp, hsx, text, trhsx }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-hsp"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "00n1cxkrkd3ayl7pp6pr7nyx6zcwqpsqzflnnnf0f8dabrz4wzdc"; + buildDepends = [ base digestive-functors hsp hsx text ]; + buildTools = [ trhsx ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HSP support for digestive-functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-scotty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, digestive-functors, http-types + , scotty, text, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-scotty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0flm1akhx3fj8pli3nz9s7asah7cfm9afz99jx3f4rv7352saclp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring digestive-functors http-types scotty text wai + wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scotty backend for the digestive-functors library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digestive-functors-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, digestive-functors + , directory, filepath, mtl, snap-core, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digestive-functors-snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07xb8jr70j03kggk55p3zzp07y7amzm7f8hdzry4vff7yx41rxhr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers digestive-functors directory filepath + mtl snap-core text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap backend for the digestive-functors library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, lens + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digit"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "18l6ca3kgp0g8zmai6jsq6pz7hjilcnyspvz95h9pqklhh2z32qk"; + buildDepends = [ base lens ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data-type representing digits 0-9 and other combinations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "digits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "digits"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "18s9k7kj0qvd4297msl0k6ziwfb5bl1gwnxlrl8b4rkqda4kf17l"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Converts integers to lists of digits and back"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dimensional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numtype, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dimensional"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cn7gyskp0ax5lm5k05p6qp461hirjyhj0k1qyd64fgdmmp81vi6"; + buildDepends = [ base numtype time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Statically checked physical dimensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dimensional-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numtype-tf, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dimensional-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gnaylxhjcyvsibq15bw9k4c846l2329yvvl79cdw2jqggfnzxw6"; + buildDepends = [ base numtype-tf time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Statically checked physical dimensions, implemented using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dingo-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-textual, bytestring, conduit + , containers, cookie, deepseq, fclabels, file-embed, hashable + , http-types, random, SHA, shakespeare-js, strict-concurrency + , template-haskell, text, transformers, unordered-containers, wai + , wai-eventsource, wai-extra, warp, web-css + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dingo-core"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1h0ir5h6nq2c8qk4irbcai87mxgiyahyi2lcxps959zja70pmqf5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-html + blaze-textual bytestring conduit containers cookie deepseq fclabels + file-embed hashable http-types random SHA shakespeare-js + strict-concurrency template-haskell text transformers + unordered-containers wai wai-eventsource wai-extra warp web-css + ]; + description = "Dingo is a Rich Internet Application platform based on the Warp web server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dingo-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, dingo-core + , dingo-widgets, fclabels, shakespeare-js, template-haskell, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dingo-example"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0mla83bijf077bx16r9rsvbyr8v684j1bfllfw7kswlgyz37rf4b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring dingo-core dingo-widgets fclabels + shakespeare-js template-haskell text transformers + ]; + description = "Dingo Example"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dingo-widgets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , dingo-core, fclabels, file-embed, shakespeare-js + , template-haskell, text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dingo-widgets"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1d61l2c6vwpngffr5ynm3zrvn7as9zgsm3zg18ldq958s0mvdn8p"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring containers dingo-core fclabels + file-embed shakespeare-js template-haskell text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Dingo Widgets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "diophantine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, happy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diophantine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "118r59mwvihzqsjd530x4pdnvqjk87b3jjdhx5avq31cfdbiyaj9"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A quadratic diophantine equation solving library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "direct-binary-files" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-binary-files"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0ci6av8sgrlsn12dbpvqf3imq9w1hm2ll5np2fz7gh9760vvdidr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialization and deserialization monads for streams and ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-daemonize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-daemonize"; + version = "3.1"; + sha256 = "0698l8zylkgafx8g91icysz6rq2lyrnd25blhday67s9vkdpbvxh"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to switch to daemon mode using built-in OS facilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-fastcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-fastcgi"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "049z23gkssk3h8sx9xr3baln3hz5cykf2zp9kzmvbk2n4ky8fs78"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl network utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Native implementation of the FastCGI protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, direct-daemonize + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network, old-locale + , SafeSemaphore, time, transformers-base, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-http"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0aghfhg0nx2bqi56cw5hnnqxnjbziihn36yqpq12gyhnahwdfvpg"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers direct-daemonize lifted-base + monad-control mtl network old-locale SafeSemaphore time + transformers-base unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Native webserver that acts as a library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-murmur-hash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-murmur-hash"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1br1xi3pcv52pn3a51nnaxn1kvg5fg0z1ys11gamzkjjk60qxnmk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the MurmurHash3 algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-plugins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-paths }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-plugins"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "03f7jrx0skqiirvpzzakk3wwwdjanjxpzv8j5nwpzvqpb4syshcr"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ghc-paths ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightweight replacement for Plugins, specific to GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "direct-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, directory + , HUnit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "direct-sqlite"; + version = "2.3.14"; + sha256 = "0xxvr2wln54snkvs2r46fkkn7yhm6i2afgww40vnfqamg8g81x5w"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring directory HUnit text + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-furifilenames" "-ffulltextsearch" "-f-systemlib" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level binding to SQLite3. Includes UTF8 and BLOB support."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "directed-cubical" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, hashable + , parallel, QuickCheck, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "directed-cubical"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wy6p5nymri7l1ldc6c34b9y4ncmzr2wpidbqjrmacxg07iypn3z"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq hashable parallel QuickCheck + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Finite directed cubical complexes and associated algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "directory_1_2_1_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "directory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "110ch0nd2hh5fsq3whrvj85s0h27ch1q6xg7z9s6mqbd6k6p9yzs"; + editedCabalFile = "05fdf6015e1368e0da696dcd55b7283336d95257075a32c4a2768dd0dd27742f"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath time unix ]; + description = "library for directory handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "directory-layout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, command-qq, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, free, hspec, lens, semigroups + , template-haskell, temporary, text, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "directory-layout"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hj7dfv5i2s1dk0rws2fg84crpxz1kgvrq68f373a6hwkbfhv89b"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring command-qq containers directory filepath free hspec + lens semigroups template-haskell text transformers unix + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring command-qq containers directory doctest filepath + free hspec lens semigroups template-haskell temporary text + transformers unix unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Directory layout DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "directory-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "directory-tree"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "1idknm7fwci91fkwvzl35g0qd0jk1vb00ds2x82zjf2hdbkcc2gz"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple directory-like tree datatype, with useful IO functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dirfiles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, hblock, safecopy, text + , time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dirfiles"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jqavj2s28ffaql3mcgasxa8fg0bv0v6irr2a5334jqydksj0b96"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers hblock safecopy text time + unordered-containers + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dirstream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, pipes, pipes-safe, system-fileio + , system-filepath, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dirstream"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1hxmcc62h21zsy5bgm9m4d4q7vcgps168j2mp365d2wva56r87vw"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory pipes pipes-safe system-fileio system-filepath unix + ]; + description = "Easily stream directory contents in constant memory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "disassembler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "disassembler"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "125191kzflzdj2wnghfc3dzpdxqc44iir5ypvhsz5xb773cdxwxv"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl parsec ]; + description = "Disassembler for X86 & AMD64 machine code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "discordian-calendar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "discordian-calendar"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ykbfisrb6k8vsqx5avv99j0z4j4615hmql263h12jzhjxfzd22d"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "library for handling Discordian calendar dates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "discount" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, markdown, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "discount"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1q1lz9dgxp5kq0ngh7pagijmlc616vwrfrb14pjx2vc9s7yvg779"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + extraLibraries = [ markdown ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the discount Markdown library"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) markdown; }; + + "discrete-space-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, comonad, distributive, keys + , semigroupoids + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "discrete-space-map"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1f3idrz60plnsp5hc6xad0pfx292m9m8aiax2rw2q8gj0smzqv3k"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base comonad distributive keys semigroupoids + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A discrete space map"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "disjoint-set" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "disjoint-set"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "05m7liind4fdw5lw8a8381hm6rjzsqz86qzir79y30pj0axayc3z"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit mtl QuickCheck transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent disjoint-sets, a.k.a union-find."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "disjoint-sets-st" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "disjoint-sets-st"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0yy4gp5jhfsj3gbk7gh3yplxkxxfsmrl84chp4wfr4v46ff9pc2m"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Imperative ST/IO based disjoint set data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "disk-free-space" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "disk-free-space"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07rqj8k1vh3cykq9yidpjxhgh1f7vgmjs6y1nv5kq2217ff4yypi"; + editedCabalFile = "60ab6de6ad0e36274c675338a37c8985972a5a64db69dee7b4f88b797c9b401b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Retrieve information about disk space usage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dist-upload" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dist-upload"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1i9g4jqmmjydcvi07878k6yb5kvxab6dlw3j6nkjdn4mcsc50s71"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ]; + description = "Generate/Upload cabal package to Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-static, ghc-prim, hashable + , mtl, network-transport, old-locale, random, rank1dynamic, stm + , syb, template-haskell, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1jp85dd7scizs03cslrbgmaly735l2rv9yl5hq573xj3mjwmv5nz"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers data-accessor deepseq + distributed-static ghc-prim hashable mtl network-transport + old-locale random rank1dynamic stm syb template-haskell time + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-prof" "-fth" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cloud Haskell: Erlang-style concurrency in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-async" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, containers + , data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-extras, distributed-process-tests, fingertree + , hashable, HUnit, mtl, network, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp, rematch, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, time, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-async"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0g28f2f5b28ra1gnm99yalah6rxqps4yvmi403nb0axw295pbmib"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-extras fingertree hashable mtl stm time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-extras distributed-process-tests HUnit network + network-transport network-transport-tcp rematch stm test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cloud Haskell Async API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-azure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, azure-service-api, base, binary, bytestring + , certificate, distributed-process, distributed-static + , executable-path, filepath, libssh2, mtl, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp, pureMD5, rank1dynamic, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-azure"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0dc0izlsxzcr5jyiad5yvgs5sp5b6dqwr6gxxkk99p7h1wpd4r2g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + azure-service-api base binary bytestring certificate + distributed-process distributed-static executable-path filepath + libssh2 mtl network-transport network-transport-tcp pureMD5 + rank1dynamic transformers unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-demos" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Microsoft Azure backend for Cloud Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-client-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, containers + , data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-async, distributed-process-extras + , distributed-process-tests, fingertree, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit + , mtl, network, network-transport, network-transport-tcp, rematch + , stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-client-server"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0wr0fxdg9114jd180p4lrjkashqcyxv69harj1ww5jc8dxdb3k2s"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-async distributed-process-extras fingertree + hashable mtl stm time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary containers deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-async distributed-process-extras + distributed-process-tests fingertree ghc-prim HUnit mtl network + network-transport network-transport-tcp rematch stm test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-execution" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-client-server, distributed-process-extras + , distributed-process-supervisor, distributed-static, fingertree + , ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl, network, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp, QuickCheck, rematch, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-execution"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1zm4mcicasf59s3zzca2m7hp4ialzmsmn6arjlz2mnrhcpbkg7ja"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-client-server distributed-process-extras + distributed-process-supervisor fingertree hashable mtl stm time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-process-extras + distributed-static fingertree ghc-prim hashable HUnit mtl network + network-transport network-transport-tcp QuickCheck rematch stm + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Execution Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-tests, distributed-static, fingertree + , ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl, network, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp, QuickCheck, rematch, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-extras"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0l8k1h0nx2pign82ydyzsjbkc8qw3vhhbrdggzfwvr3hamnjpqly"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + fingertree hashable mtl stm time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-process-tests + distributed-static fingertree ghc-prim hashable HUnit mtl network + network-transport network-transport-tcp QuickCheck rematch stm + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cloud Haskell Extras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-monad-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, distributed-process, monad-control + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-monad-control"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "01sdzmb8izsycxshhsg0pbx0mgn10y41df1dj1s66ish0qszw07m"; + buildDepends = [ + base distributed-process monad-control transformers + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Orphan instances for MonadBase and MonadBaseControl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-p2p" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , distributed-process, mtl, network, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-p2p"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00lvi2x1s8r7lwfvsjnvzc9iwdk4ip8svw85p2h3ra4iqbzj70l2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers distributed-process mtl network + network-transport network-transport-tcp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Peer-to-peer node discovery for Cloud Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-platform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-static, fingertree, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl + , network, network-transport, network-transport-tcp, QuickCheck + , rematch, stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-platform"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0bxfynvqkzvah7gbg74yzwpma8j32bamnyysj6dk39da0v880abm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + fingertree hashable mtl stm time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-static fingertree ghc-prim + hashable HUnit mtl network network-transport network-transport-tcp + QuickCheck rematch stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-registry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-client-server, distributed-process-extras + , distributed-process-supervisor, distributed-process-tests + , distributed-static, fingertree, hashable, HUnit, mtl, network + , network-transport, network-transport-tcp, rematch, stm + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-registry"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0c2a5x70sfii053b11xfj2x7199vmmn1k759zylbd5qs129q7hw2"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-client-server distributed-process-extras + distributed-process-supervisor fingertree hashable mtl stm time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-process-extras + distributed-process-tests distributed-static fingertree hashable + HUnit mtl network network-transport network-transport-tcp rematch + stm test-framework test-framework-hunit time transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cloud Haskell Extended Process Registry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-simplelocalnet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-accessor, distributed-process, network, network-multicast + , network-transport, network-transport-tcp, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-simplelocalnet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "024m5jycz257i34m2x97x3qyg76j1128ww61pql3fqy4mhvp3791"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers data-accessor distributed-process + network network-multicast network-transport network-transport-tcp + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple zero-configuration backend for Cloud Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-supervisor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-client-server, distributed-process-extras + , distributed-static, fingertree, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl + , network, network-transport, network-transport-tcp, rematch, stm + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-supervisor"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1b2rskzjimb2s8xrz4iv4q3c10njjnycxy5bcy159m6hawz1hzj1"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-client-server distributed-process-extras + fingertree hashable mtl stm time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-process-client-server + distributed-process-extras distributed-static fingertree ghc-prim + hashable HUnit mtl network network-transport network-transport-tcp + rematch stm test-framework test-framework-hunit time transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Supervisors for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-task" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-accessor, deepseq, distributed-process + , distributed-process-async, distributed-process-client-server + , distributed-process-extras, distributed-static, fingertree + , ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit, mtl, network, network-transport + , network-transport-tcp, QuickCheck, rematch, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-task"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04w1nhca59i6bzmwfi80mryf5pcsn0zmswq3s3ksqc6wy4mfzy1m"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-accessor deepseq distributed-process + distributed-process-async distributed-process-client-server + distributed-process-extras fingertree hashable mtl stm time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring containers data-accessor + deepseq distributed-process distributed-process-async + distributed-process-client-server distributed-process-extras + distributed-static fingertree ghc-prim hashable HUnit mtl network + network-transport network-transport-tcp QuickCheck rematch stm + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-perf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Task Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-process-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, binary, bytestring + , distributed-process, distributed-static, HUnit, network + , network-transport, network-transport-tcp, random, rematch + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-process-tests"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1jjj77pw39bbbf58j61hdcpr872ncd1k1z2ly75n96gklw9aikbb"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base binary bytestring distributed-process + distributed-static HUnit network network-transport random rematch + test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base network network-transport network-transport-tcp test-framework + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests for distributed-process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distributed-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, rank1dynamic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributed-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "190b6vjcipgrvnfl72c0ssw8crza02gfw9kwyvwg043jcznihj08"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers rank1dynamic ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compositional, type-safe, polymorphic static values and closures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "distribution" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, MonadRandom, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distribution"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zh9ap3hhylpk7bsp54hm9gj5x8f8zvm5sg7nydmxnigyq0b3l4y"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers MonadRandom random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finite discrete probability distributions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "distribution-plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, Chart-cairo, colour, containers + , data-default-class, distribution, lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distribution-plot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16k57dxg79x3i7j62ln063j4g4v4n5x80b12pajjrpxrmaffy79n"; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart Chart-cairo colour containers data-default-class + distribution lens + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easily plot distributions from the distribution package.."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "distributive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, ghc-prim + , tagged, transformers, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "distributive"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "0s2ln9jv7bh4ri2y31178pvjl8x6nik5d0klx7j2b77yjlsgblc2"; + buildDepends = [ + base ghc-prim tagged transformers transformers-compat + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "diversity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fasta, math-functions + , optparse-applicative, parsec, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "diversity"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10ij12bf1bc6iifglh2w88rkyby8jjaadrip4d2wfs4djdpppxra"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fasta math-functions optparse-applicative parsec + split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Return the diversity at each position for all sequences in a fasta file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "djinn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskeline, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "djinn"; + version = "2014.9.7"; + sha256 = "1p9dvzb83nlrq8h4brdq5l9dm2zf28rjhsmi7nwmac79p5pk9y2g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskeline mtl pretty ]; + description = "Generate Haskell code from a type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "djinn-ghc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, djinn-lib, ghc, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "djinn-ghc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dz5jg58si9fsc12212rxmzky09zric7b2sdj1ydmvnrjxkh9l70"; + buildDepends = [ + async base containers djinn-lib ghc mtl transformers + ]; + description = "Generate Haskell code from a type. Bridge from Djinn to GHC API."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "djinn-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "djinn-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "048hs27awl4j9lg04qbnpf8c51mzbgy2afckis19zcswmavi1zn0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate Haskell code from a type. Library extracted from djinn package."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "djinn-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, logict, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "djinn-th"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "089b6z8hcv6q9y77zy8m96lc00r1ckzmff0mybp9l1akj7gwdpix"; + buildDepends = [ base containers logict template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate executable Haskell code from a type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, deepseq, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dlist"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "13ka30bn742ldacfgj2lhxvhwf769d0ziy2358vmd5xaq6fn1xfr"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Difference lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dlist-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dlist, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dlist-instances"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0r1j7djywqd7c224wc9ixkplj3m2mbf9k3ra7n92ja2kfpksm615"; + buildDepends = [ base dlist semigroups ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Difference lists instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, doctest, hspec + , iproute, mtl, network, random, resourcet, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dns"; + version = "1.4.4"; + sha256 = "1g910rlahvrhjlg6jl7gpya1y3mqkkpmihfr2jnmmlzykll10dnd"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary blaze-builder bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers iproute mtl network random resourcet + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary blaze-builder bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers doctest hspec iproute mtl network random + resourcet word8 + ]; + testTarget = "spec"; + description = "DNS library in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dnscache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contstuff, dns + , iproute, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dnscache"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0bwpfw7fsis0sqnqrgw13ifla17mcm2xk9b9jagjjqmim66d6zxb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers contstuff dns iproute time + ]; + description = "Caching DNS resolver library and mass DNS resolver utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dnsrbl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hsdns, HUnit, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dnsrbl"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "07xq52aqqmzq1f68m8spr7fyax0cqnpv9mh5m4x3klxm0iznv9xm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hsdns HUnit network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Asynchronous DNS RBL lookup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dnssd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dns_sd, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dnssd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gfyyr1wcxni0r0r9df6lkmv6gvi0qvwclwi9majzg10pas6dk2n"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ dns_sd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DNS service discovery bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { dns_sd = null; }; + + "doc-review" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , containers, directory, feed, filepath, haskell98, heist, hexpat + , json, MonadCatchIO-transformers, MonadRandom, monads-fd, network + , old-locale, snap-core, snap-server, sqlite, tagchup, text, time + , transformers, unix, xhtml-combinators, xml, xml-basic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doc-review"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "0009gpm6hgjr78bsp0cd4skvhbms83j4j9axf6zns7pnfqvc6inf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring binary bytestring containers directory feed + filepath haskell98 heist hexpat json MonadCatchIO-transformers + MonadRandom monads-fd network old-locale snap-core snap-server + sqlite tagchup text time transformers unix xhtml-combinators xml + xml-basic + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Document review Web application, like"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "doccheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, directory, directory-tree + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doccheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "055jns09s50iyzgk9m9d7gbxvnmgd4wxfb5axsxra8qnlfq331lb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base directory directory-tree filepath ghc ghc-paths + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Checks Haddock comments for pitfalls and version changes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "docidx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, html + , MissingH, mtl, old-locale, tagsoup, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "docidx"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0020pi4m0n6cvb6hdzhai5f9jidwc8dy6qq3pjs6g4dwql9igsb8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath html MissingH mtl + old-locale tagsoup time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate an HTML index of installed Haskell packages and their documentation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "docker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , lens, network-uri, pipes, pipes-bytestring, pipes-http + , pipes-text, text, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "docker"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jp7jsacxxzfbz0sdmzwwl9nj8xyfg889zxsw4mg87jxasmll3g2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers data-default lens network-uri + pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-http pipes-text text wreq + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell wrapper for Docker Remote API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dockercook" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-combinators, conduit-extra, cryptohash + , directory, filepath, hashable, hslogger, HTF, monad-logger, mtl + , optparse-applicative, persistent-sqlite, persistent-template + , process, regex-compat, resourcet, retry, stm, streaming-commons + , system-filepath, temporary, text, time, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dockercook"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v74zcbk53daxlqgr5b8d900dvyj8kizmz7cwka18a2rz8zi0vbw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base16-bytestring bytestring conduit + conduit-combinators conduit-extra cryptohash directory filepath + hashable hslogger monad-logger mtl optparse-applicative + persistent-sqlite persistent-template process regex-compat + resourcet retry stm streaming-commons system-filepath temporary + text time transformers unix unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base HTF text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A build tool for multiple docker image layers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "docopt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, containers + , parsec, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "docopt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rdzyb48d5arrilsncp7zjn3gw0sdcda7fnpvc045n1npzpi53aj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal base bytestring containers parsec split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line interface parser that will make you smile"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "doctest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-compat, deepseq, directory, filepath + , ghc, ghc-paths, hspec, HUnit, process, QuickCheck, setenv + , silently, stringbuilder, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doctest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gzzzwr7f7281mlbfbk74nxr28l70lwfaws4xjfx2v06xazl99db"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq directory filepath ghc ghc-paths process syb + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-compat deepseq directory filepath ghc ghc-paths hspec + HUnit process QuickCheck setenv silently stringbuilder syb + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test interactive Haskell examples"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "doctest-discover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, doctest + , filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doctest-discover"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rgk831yf4gamb4m10bbcc2r4hhdh4ffjjr80smkfs95x3pi15d3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory doctest filepath + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy way to run doctests via cabal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "doctest-discover-configurator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, directory, doctest + , filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doctest-discover-configurator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n2x8rp67ddifyahxcny0k7r514qa82lbxg13z7yg2kvmrfip7r8"; + editedCabalFile = "79f62a00ff10acba4f850730ed2ffe99d5637bdfdb48f6fc4b92f03fbbb20a45"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator directory doctest filepath + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy way to run doctests via cabal (no aeson dependency, uses configurator instead)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "doctest-prop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, HUnit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "doctest-prop"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "09wxkhcmh297hqnx3g4x8ff0w5dcmls9y383417rc8wawf5q288n"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest HUnit QuickCheck ]; + description = "Allow QuickCheck-style property testing within doctest"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dom-lt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dom-lt"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0i51d8d49jpf7mhl6c2a4565d4vmh0x5f4kam46hn5ahb1v2nrga"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + description = "The Lengauer-Tarjan graph dominators algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dom-selector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, html-conduit, parsec + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, text, th-lift, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dom-selector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nm3r79k4is5lh5fna4v710vhb0n5hpp3d21r0w6hmqizhdrkb22"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers html-conduit parsec QuickCheck + template-haskell text th-lift xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers html-conduit parsec QuickCheck + template-haskell text th-lift xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DOM traversal by CSS selectors for xml-conduit package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "domain-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, appar, base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, crypto-pubkey-types, dns, iproute, network, RSA, SHA + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "domain-auth"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1b1kw4pkm1f5z5qwyfpppk5rjqzi4i7b2vx4zmb2cd9398dnkj4a"; + buildDepends = [ + appar base binary blaze-builder bytestring containers + crypto-pubkey-types dns iproute network RSA SHA + ]; + description = "Domain authentication library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dominion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hscolour, hspec, lens, mtl, random + , random-extras, random-fu, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dominion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13ypa09adkj7yilyxxf84rkpap5h4mmx4pwvc4x6121j77xz29dy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hscolour lens mtl random random-extras random-fu transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hscolour hspec lens mtl random random-extras random-fu + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simulator for the board game Dominion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "domplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, tagsoup, text + , unordered-containers, vector, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "domplate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "116ljs471cdb21sjglk53wa8270axw7zbsm6ah785q1vabczgs8p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers tagsoup text unordered-containers vector + yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple templating library using HTML5 as its template language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dot2graphml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, graphviz, hxt, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dot2graphml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fwfwp24fdgir0m721c801xi8gkhz2y8s1r1gxdp7m1vl5d0xqii"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers graphviz hxt text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Converter from GraphViz .dot format to yEd GraphML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dotfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src, HFuse, HUnit, parsec, process, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dotfs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hj21rvjbn8hmb3kf4225ir57j75d8jyzhw2rw8kmjxw3w62l49f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath haskell-src HFuse + HUnit parsec process QuickCheck template-haskell test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src HUnit parsec QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Filesystem to manage and parse dotfiles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dotgen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dotgen"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1g5ds0mqkz0lzhcp42hin08azschs3p083ikdk4d5jil8rzl7d8k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-devel" ]; + description = "A simple interface for building .dot graph files."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "double-conversion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, integer-gmp + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "double-conversion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "034ji9jgf3jl0n5pp1nki3lsg173c3b9vniwnwp1q21iasqbawh0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast conversion between double precision floating point and text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, elerea, GLFW + , mersenne-random, OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dow"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "15vlydfw0yw49jha90zcxynwajnyxhqn32x9w7n58k3j0rkcrp9l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory elerea GLFW mersenne-random OpenGL + ]; + description = "Dungeons of Wor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "download" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, feed, tagsoup, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "download"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0nhbfq8q9ckc5fnlg54l361p2jhkag9cz11v07kj9f1kwkm4d7w3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring feed tagsoup xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level file download based on URLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "download-curl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, feed, tagsoup, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "download-curl"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1wf3pf2k4i6jvpfsjlxdj6v53qd33jj1z1ipaf3p47glgx4xw3lm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring curl feed tagsoup xml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level file download based on URLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "download-media-content" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, http-enumerator + , tagsoup, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "download-media-content"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bj4310j3s26xd4ic6hm284dlk91npwilfbwvrk1zz8fas6yr6z6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath http-enumerator tagsoup text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tool to download images from RSS feeds (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim, pretty, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19rc0h94lgxyndaw41wgnc0prwffl780i6nqsn9b7byvgy97f15y"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim pretty random vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dtrace" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell common config and debugging functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dph-base, dph-lifted-vseg + , dph-prim-par, HUnit, old-time, parseargs, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qbj8hsgpmcx95qsqycb6cnfb5vfk9h3w1jyq4k02hf9g7gyvckz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dph-base dph-lifted-vseg dph-prim-par HUnit + old-time parseargs random vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell example programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-lifted-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, dph-base, dph-prim-par + , ghc, pretty, random, template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-lifted-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gp3l9bgpmly3h74hyfxi3yfm8v4r918800ca64q1b16019hk20k"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers dph-base dph-prim-par ghc pretty random + template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell common definitions used by other dph-lifted packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-lifted-copy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, dph-base, dph-prim-par, ghc, random + , template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-lifted-copy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11aaiarvrm5463b77r2jimw78pr39g8apjk7bim3d8rl3ija775q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base dph-base dph-prim-par ghc random template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators. (deprecated version)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-lifted-vseg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, dph-base, dph-lifted-base + , dph-prim-par, ghc, pretty, random, template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-lifted-vseg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vkq7kyd65znzqxh32ql2lrm30vg1wy85bnjg8g08s9q9j3j6a45"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers dph-base dph-lifted-base dph-prim-par ghc + pretty random template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-par"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0csgd8ghbxv1vwp95dn98qv1zp8229fffm9j274bmjg857588i97"; + homepage = ""; + description = "(deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-prim-interface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dph-base, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-prim-interface"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17m03gylc61d7mx26rz70kwmi014rv1g14683vraa1b77pci5h8j"; + buildDepends = [ base dph-base random vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (abstract interface)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-prim-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dph-base, dph-prim-interface, dph-prim-seq + , old-time, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-prim-par"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13x7ribvcm965pnzissj0cwk17r5f0ag1zs7w31za17kal3r91pp"; + buildDepends = [ + base dph-base dph-prim-interface dph-prim-seq old-time random + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (production version)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-prim-seq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dph-base, dph-prim-interface, ghc-prim + , primitive, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-prim-seq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fz95qzvk2f7zg8am73vdbk14ms420vfvapz79piip0s4bv8cnqr"; + buildDepends = [ + base dph-base dph-prim-interface ghc-prim primitive random vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (sequential implementation)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dph-seq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dph-seq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10s6qq4ayh85wvhnyl7dfdr72a76irvg83s71lww8ig988599ygp"; + homepage = ""; + description = "(deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dpkg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, HUnit, libdpkg + , monad-loops + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dpkg"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1bqrj1vqqjnv3qcs1s7lbwyzry95fzxrhi6340zqv0ibvyqnaz5k"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL bytestring monad-loops ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit libdpkg ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libdpkg ]; + description = "libdpkg bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { libdpkg = null; }; + + "drClickOn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "drClickOn"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10rcmqa2x5xlh5pqfsg9dagf2lmrwc2bby3zklzv3x4s3yqg2ar3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic FRP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "drawille" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "drawille"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08zmy1r1qj7adhsp4z0mr7h0qvc9gaziacjqfl0629n5x2i7zddr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" "-f-no-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of asciimoo's drawille to haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dropbox-sdk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , certificate, conduit, HTTP, http-conduit, http-types, json + , monad-control, network, old-locale, pem, resourcet + , template-haskell, time, tls, tls-extra, transformers, urlencoded + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dropbox-sdk"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1s0aki1ayjickkkwmn1mc38gnd257v24wy6yj9p05qm2g8gm7xy2"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive certificate conduit + HTTP http-conduit http-types json monad-control network old-locale + pem resourcet template-haskell time tls tls-extra transformers + urlencoded utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to access the Dropbox HTTP API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dropsolve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, haskell98 + , process, regex-posix, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dropsolve"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nrvrcf51jdy5vhqbnrllb3y5rgrhg1qwsd05z24s38ra40whbgp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath haskell98 process regex-posix + time + ]; + description = "A command line tool for resolving dropbox conflicts. Deprecated! Please use confsolve."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ds-kanren" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, logict, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ds-kanren"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14sgqd55jnqahp0mi4x46a5903bnj2f2crlfrkyg9qds73wjj7fk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers logict ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "A subset of the miniKanren language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dsmc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, entropy + , hslogger, mwc-random, parallel, primitive, repa, strict + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dsmc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0va22bx3fj80rl03mv3pnwvsdjkax41pp8qxyj3yiicbyi6zzaa5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers entropy hslogger mwc-random + parallel primitive repa strict transformers vector + ]; + description = "DSMC library for rarefied gas dynamics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dsmc-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, ConfigFile, dsmc, gloss + , gloss-raster, hslogger, mtl, repa, strict, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dsmc-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wry1dwcf3dwd780aic3v6jlrdjplrsciw1rr582a78c7anasjr0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs ConfigFile dsmc gloss gloss-raster hslogger + mtl repa strict transformers vector + ]; + description = "DSMC toolkit for rarefied gas dynamics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15pqja0q1lram7xi5xk8dlcfg5m1z0l4zscqw24wm50hmqpxi09d"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell DogeScript Object Notation Parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "dson-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dson-parsec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zflz9vhcz7psssn6hrizmwdmrvpagxhl0648k6f1n9xj50kp99y"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DSON parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dsp"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1h7y3b2gwbkq97lv6f9a4zssyqs422g5zj2bi9mq1a5fzy5i4v4v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuildexamples" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Digital Signal Processing"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dstring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, dlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dstring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15zy1dhfs87hxq1qm54ym0pdhvg7l76m7vy5y06dnksb1sblhaqm"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols dlist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Difference strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dtab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dtab"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1zx5kpljjxyzbsg0hg8ml8mig1s9hggm2nlqmbfbxmldxh3pq1j3"; + editedCabalFile = "2a7a20cc1b621e5a04b3ca28b3d03d11792731256fb39e94882e5e735d52ac15"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 pretty + transformers + ]; + description = "Harmonix (Guitar Hero, Rock Band) DTA/DTB metadata library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "dtd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, conduit, containers, lifted-base, monad-control + , network, resourcet, text, transformers, uri-conduit, xml-catalog + , xml-conduit, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dtd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11sqmsxw36rn2xkccr7zrmpzijpc3j0z1cxsjcfncnj3l5iaqryp"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder conduit containers + lifted-base monad-control network resourcet text transformers + uri-conduit xml-catalog xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse and render DTD files (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dtd-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, dtd-types, text + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dtd-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1czygz52aparm4qbkfsskm9qd5wirdpccjn66nh7d62d440j1as8"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers dtd-types text xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse and render XML DTDs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dtd-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, xml-types }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dtd-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w2ni9b8kn242grdqb4wxvgxqpkpp9qy66d57n33l5jghlg8b0s7"; + buildDepends = [ base text xml-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic types for representing XML DTDs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dtrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dtrace"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qszlhll0cx0clydypg0r0g00v8ig1aasqp1ga0jnbfr7q7rwfrr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Haskell interface to the DTrace system tracing utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dual-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monoid-extras, newtype, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dual-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "077njr9m6x9n2id0419rn6v4xwb9nvxshrmas9pkknp52va4ljg5"; + buildDepends = [ base monoid-extras newtype semigroups ]; + description = "Rose trees with cached and accumulating monoidal annotations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "duplo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, ansi-terminal, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, directory + , executable-path, filepath, filepather, fsnotify, hspec + , http-types, language-javascript, lens, mtl, process, regex-compat + , scotty, shake, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, text-format + , transformers, unordered-containers, utf8-string, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "duplo"; + version = "1.6.9"; + sha256 = "0953myrpsz5d68y0qj72q4s5hxx7ja3gzj6yc9lnn195c7b1mhyc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty ansi-terminal base base64-bytestring bytestring + containers directory executable-path filepath filepather fsnotify + http-types language-javascript lens mtl process regex-compat scotty + shake system-fileio system-filepath text text-format transformers + unordered-containers utf8-string wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "Frontend development build tool"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "dvda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, containers, directory, fgl + , file-location, graphviz, hashable, hashtables, mtl, process + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dvda"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1q8avdmzqxnr63ak0i1n6n4cvc23qkrmqlii628mis7vzfcw2yp8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable hashtables mtl unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + ad base containers directory fgl file-location graphviz hashable + hashtables mtl process QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" "-f-stresstest" ]; + description = "Efficient automatic differentiation and code generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dvdread" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, dvdread, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dvdread"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1lxqm9r4zcw364yzpqaaf4nrja5n88vlwa527ixifhc80x6ffx0m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ dvdread ]; + description = "A monadic interface to libdvdread"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) dvdread; }; + + "dvi-processing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dvi-processing"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0dp6acmrvlns85nzbbh65vd6fjam04h11kxd9bk6j6hqa2qaqa43"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring filepath transformers ]; + description = "Read/write DVI and TFM file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "dvorak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dvorak"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kxnzzm24kslsyy9fsjazfz14svbh9svh6f7rnf060as864vmj5g"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dvorak encoding for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dwarf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dwarf"; + version = "0.23"; + sha256 = "0h6bzh628cz0qnbk4aiz5859r9va99q307scbwzvs1wn3nm6dszl"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers ]; + description = "Parser for DWARF debug format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dwarf-el" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dwarf-el"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18ba03v1m7xbsgygjgfrzr9c7fah21lr3300mhvqipicdgrb691w"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers transformers utf8-string + ]; + description = "Parser for DWARF debug format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dwarfadt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-mmap, containers + , dwarf-el, elf, lens, pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dwarfadt"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "15mzv6sa2qf0g9skwq4ij35l3lqbc4x3fzwj5hkx93f8pz2bj1hi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-mmap containers dwarf-el elf lens pretty + transformers + ]; + description = "High-level wrapper around the dwarf library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dx9base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dx9base"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16gwlpxfgh78sx7cb2ryqklhz5smhwk51ma260d6rg082nhy5y3i"; + buildDepends = [ base Win32 ]; + description = "Backend for a binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dx9d3d" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, d3d9, dx9base, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dx9d3d"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y9g53jajgnlrzzg5vzgx329mii9k396xai4b04hs6gndkdrwprj"; + buildDepends = [ base dx9base Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ d3d9 ]; + description = "A binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { d3d9 = null; }; + + "dx9d3dx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, d3dx9, dx9base, dx9d3d, Win32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dx9d3dx"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1n5rbq7k1g5l9y5vkadypfksai9sfx2vimdsas1if9h3jnqvvf67"; + buildDepends = [ base dx9base dx9d3d Win32 ]; + extraLibraries = [ d3dx9 ]; + description = "A binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 D3DX API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { d3dx9 = null; }; + + "dynamic-cabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, directory, doctest + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haskell-generate, haskell-src-exts + , HUnit, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-th, time, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-cabal"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0fq6q0j2fx7ygarzgsvb7scssjnrxjrq188d0habfar6bdm0vqdg"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default directory filepath ghc ghc-paths + haskell-generate haskell-src-exts time void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory doctest filepath HUnit tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dynamic-cabal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, colour, deepseq, either + , GLFW-b, GLUtil, OpenGL, pango, pipes, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-graph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wlrhyxql5f0ply6maz9ygy0959gdz64h47ff78kx67n3faymrm5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo colour deepseq either GLFW-b GLUtil OpenGL + pango pipes transformers + ]; + description = "Draw and update graphs in real time with OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-linker-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-linker-template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "043d8kp4a5pskfyzihm7laa1h9jchdgzvc8v32ck0mxcrigicrgq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers template-haskell unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically derive dynamic linking methods from a data type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-loader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ghc-prim, hashable, hashtables + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-loader"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0cwmwf60gfcb1xzbx9yz870fxxpdwcd0kmj4pkz6zy8l53j3mqi0"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory ghc-prim hashable hashtables time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "lightweight loader of GHC-based modules or packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-mvector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-mvector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yqw4ay18c3wmaw1ayqbxb0q2frnidb95nc41qpq6cj7m4pg5him"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around MVector that enables pushing, popping and extending"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-object" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, doctest, ghc, hspec, lens, mtl + , QuickCheck, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-object"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1xzjwsdq4v08m66lph81h67sii7qkvni5pygmh3iblx7rybsvflb"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers lens mtl QuickCheck text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest ghc hspec lens QuickCheck transformers + ]; + description = "Object-oriented programming with duck typing and singleton classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dynamic-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, concrete-typerep + , hashable, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dynamic-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18dc6fbnyk3q7n7gvqrgy98qc2grq0algr2jnc1ai3vm9bqh2x8n"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring concrete-typerep hashable + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Optionally serializable dynamic state keyed by type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "dyre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, directory, executable-path, filepath + , ghc-paths, io-storage, process, time, unix, xdg-basedir + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dyre"; + version = "0.8.12"; + sha256 = "10hnlysy4bjvvznk8v902mlk4jx95qf972clyi1l32xkqrf30972"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary directory executable-path filepath ghc-paths io-storage + process time unix xdg-basedir + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dynamic reconfiguration in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "dzen-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "dzen-utils"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05s47s40amydwd6dc75rnaganx2qi2spx668p8x0xs0fdwnqvsf0"; + buildDepends = [ base colour process ]; + description = "Utilities for creating inputs for dzen"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "eager-sockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eager-sockets"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10g8w50hhw8ap6lvsv9apmmfaqvqjwzhnq4mx1npapb8cmsmzgdb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + description = "Socket operations with timeouts"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "easy-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, either, http-conduit, mtl + , resourcet, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "easy-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ch4vb7h499gfc2j60gfzj164f3s8rk9hw22g36ymiihsi3ipl1b"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring either http-conduit mtl resourcet text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility code for building HTTP API bindings more quickly"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "easy-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "easy-file"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0v8skixq15rvyiyky1dcrfl9jrzkbi75vai8np11xy2kg7a8ym2a"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath time unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross-platform File handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "easyjson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, text, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "easyjson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19464q0xc3pk1jbf3p94ym97i90600dzhyy4ddv9xf4ligvgbsg2"; + buildDepends = [ + base mtl parsec text unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell JSON library with an emphasis on simplicity, minimal dependencies, and ease of use"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "easyplot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "easyplot"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "18kndgvdj2apjpfga6fp7m16y1gx8zrwp3c5vfj03sx4v6jvciqk"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tiny plotting library, utilizes gnuplot for plotting"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "easyrender" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, superdoc, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "easyrender"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "147r2jw0vrld73637vw4k83v4xf8r1dl9cy6gcll9kkpkcck8lkn"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl superdoc zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "User-friendly creation of EPS, PostScript, and PDF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ebeats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ebeats"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0r3pl63fxrrfafwp3791xh0c47pb4jqqcm9lk52g0gaqg0s8x5qk"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "Time in ebeats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ec2-signature" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, doctest + , hspec, http-types, HUnit, QuickCheck, SHA + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ec2-signature"; + version = "3.1"; + sha256 = "1yzyz2a4fm2q6r3nlfjqjmm4fabhl31mq8dgg9shfd3p7cm646g0"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring http-types SHA + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring doctest hspec http-types HUnit + QuickCheck SHA + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Amazon EC2 style signature calculator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ecdsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-api, crypto-pubkey-types + , hecc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ecdsa"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1300m9rszfjmwqbqb7x9clg6y3qwgwa9s38w72r6plhzbiqmy28n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types hecc + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic ECDSA signing implementation"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ecma262" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, lens, parsec, safe + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ecma262"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1hvi5adgqjkxq1y10d7jr39h4i63khmgrgmlfk09114flllnh8gm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default lens parsec safe transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A ECMA-262 interpreter library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "ecu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, canlib, digest, directory + , process, vcd + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ecu"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "1afb507ywpy2y29zmvywj25qw4gn1h5sd0k051jiw03yvdasn0wj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring digest directory process vcd ]; + extraLibraries = [ canlib ]; + description = "Tools for automotive ECU development"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { canlib = null; }; + + "ed25519" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hlint, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ed25519"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x08p2941g7f3xsg8jgy5j73v0dihg47j2i1hb53c7h4jhvc1fmj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hlint QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-hlint" "-ftest-properties" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ed25519 cryptographic signatures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "eddie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, hint }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eddie"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "013fcf13pb771hkcfn0l1h57qczyn24s6d7hjszwgf9fazx713vd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs hint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line file filtering with haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ede" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bifunctors + , bytestring, comonad, directory, filepath, free, lens, mtl + , parsers, scientific, semigroups, tasty, tasty-golden, text + , text-format, text-manipulate, trifecta, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ede"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0aji7bnkql6k0b6qa9m7g7y6nvkz8hxwf8w5bk6yzxnzvfg3dxdb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-wl-pprint base bifunctors bytestring comonad directory + filepath free lens mtl parsers scientific semigroups text + text-format text-manipulate trifecta unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bifunctors bytestring directory tasty tasty-golden text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "edenmodules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edenmodules"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wbasb9lsw2rycl2ibd8r9p3d9dl8gd75390qsc83znqx802ylxj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semi-explicit parallel programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "edenskel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, edenmodules, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edenskel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fmr2chrpp990lyjfk13s4d8h1hdw853wk54233mpmxlh0sd32ki"; + editedCabalFile = "978022c24ce2326e9fabd18ce30d687b72034eae80cabc5ede83312d96a1d1df"; + buildDepends = [ base edenmodules parallel ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fpar" ]; + description = "Semi-explicit parallel programming skeleton library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "edentv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cairo, containers + , directory, filepath, ghc-events-parallel, gtk, mtl, text + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edentv"; + version = "4.9.2"; + sha256 = "19d103r1xgad4169yjgl7llmaixyvzx8i1rn5wq528km445071wv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cairo containers directory filepath + ghc-events-parallel gtk mtl text zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Tool to Visualize Parallel Functional Program Executions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "edge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ALUT, base, cmdtheline, containers, gloss, random + , wraparound + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edge"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rd95pw3b83zg50i29g6bvqh4dnz5ma9l3v5r1hhszmrkpyfvzkv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ALUT base cmdtheline containers gloss random wraparound + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Top view space combat arcade game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "edit-distance" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edit-distance"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08dxsp1ar8mr4xrjy37lzl0s1rjnqsdq30p09nclip5pyhcw7g44"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-f-benchmark" "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "edit-lenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, lattices, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edit-lenses"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1nrpbrq38q779s0fbzaxig2fdqgg9qg41vajx7lbhasal6aiclya"; + buildDepends = [ base containers data-default lattices mtl ]; + description = "Symmetric, stateful edit lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "edit-lenses-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "edit-lenses-demo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0dvxiwhbmknmg4w5dj202g8r0capvgy3rn6c757ci5nhcmr4lypc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-gtk" ]; + description = "Programs demoing the use of symmetric, stateful edit lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "editable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, vty, vty-ui }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "editable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15jz0b913xd8yd3nzk4vrlj0vzbhjarl05h9j0mdcfgxns5j0yxi"; + buildDepends = [ base text vty vty-ui ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interactive editors for Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "editline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libedit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "editline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "101zhzja14n8bhbrly7w2aywx3sxyzgyjdrmgpg4gn4alf4lzdlz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ libedit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the editline library (libedit)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "effect-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, type-level-sets }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effect-monad"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0kbjsdiv2x84spbw4qrgk76xwwgqrqhasim83h2jjwvn4qdpyjw8"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim type-level-sets ]; + description = "Embeds effect systems into Haskell using parameteric effect monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "effective-aspects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, ghc-prim, hashtables, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effective-aspects"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hcczdc98w8mqhap20dm0dmxbmqrxa8xxs8mjx4lga7y2n6wq22i"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashtables HUnit mtl QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal ghc-prim hashtables HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "effective-aspects-mzv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, ghc-prim, hashtables, HUnit, mzv + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effective-aspects-mzv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03mignf38inf10l19mcsjgjb0935lm53b29xy39pkcycrpmp0ckj"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashtables HUnit mzv QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal ghc-prim hashtables HUnit mzv QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using \"Monads, Zippers and Views\" instead of mtl"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "effects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, newtype, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effects"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0ysz02qvw9gg271dsign11hs7cfsz7xfc4kjmggf10j86lcpi034"; + buildDepends = [ base containers newtype void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Computational Effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "effects-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, effects }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effects-parser"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0vjjld95kg02a4nr2a0lwlcwaq3867qvbbjk8b1g6fd3d1qj456r"; + buildDepends = [ base effects ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser Effect for the Control.Effects Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "effin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "effin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zjblpsd837ngg1pb1rqb3wyszwx93hpn08qg0b6f68vks83z66s"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmtl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Typeable-free implementation of extensible effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "egison" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, Glob, haskeline, HUnit, mtl, parsec, random + , regex-posix, strict-io, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "egison"; + version = "3.5.3"; + sha256 = "02j7y8nj11xa2w2lwdwz8cm6jkhxfl3ah2q1qkysavkpysrjpazl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths haskeline + mtl parsec random regex-posix strict-io text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Glob HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against unfree data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "egison-quote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, egison, mtl, parsec, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "egison-quote"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1qmbivr4lp8m27ns5cz38fkkynfky9z73hqr173dhyvqccjamfgk"; + buildDepends = [ base egison mtl parsec template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A quasi quotes for using Egison expression in Haskell code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "egison-tutorial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , egison, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haskeline, mtl, parsec + , regex-posix, strict-io, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "egison-tutorial"; + version = "3.3.6"; + sha256 = "0v234hcmx7jr8xqdsmi0v4p0a80v09sdmgqpmvssr0vfj9gjk18x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory egison filepath ghc + ghc-paths haskeline mtl parsec regex-posix strict-io transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tutorial program for the Egison programming language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ehaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtlparse, process + , regexpr, utf8-string, yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ehaskell"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0d7j20lrxy5qy1ybgywfjk0d0f6iin37nfw9zdbmhi1z2l89mmnj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtlparse process regexpr utf8-string + yjtools + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ehs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dlist, haskell-src-meta, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ehs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g1mq956jd9fnh17zzgpyfc4b8pc10iqfgmm691hskx6wf6lc641"; + buildDepends = [ + base dlist haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "embedded Haskell by using quasiquotes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "eibd-client-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, eibclient, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eibd-client-simple"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "14nxahznqy6xfjgyi8d11b4hgrw431ywqc5hkz0lbpgxysgkc61d"; + editedCabalFile = "5154a0f9083521b4c60cee92f2614b253961fd1e2dd9e7c5b541630df8597d80"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ eibclient ]; + description = "EIBd Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { eibclient = null; }; + + "eigen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eigen"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1957jq0fv3migj9807ifa0iws8x8ysxz0a6mhrvblvz0dl175vr6"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskel binding for Eigen library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "either" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, exceptions, free, monad-control + , MonadRandom, mtl, profunctors, semigroupoids, semigroups + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "either"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09c1xal7d6azw0cc8mwi0ry8blysg29cmyfipdhg1b7vzyjavv22"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors exceptions free monad-control MonadRandom mtl + profunctors semigroupoids semigroups transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An either monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "either-unwrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "either-unwrap"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0g1f5m7bcpnyg2sdvwx8x34ml6dqfrn326s8pbfciaqqf7wddayc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for probing and unwrapping values inside of Either"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "eithers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eithers"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "069w3qbyghs1w8wqimj54dwblq5rx1ylgflzzc4cwnjn0aqzgs45"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, ekg-core, filepath + , network, snap-core, snap-server, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ak06yz88p79bhayy8byy3j9yw9bix7zhw8yxfcdnxjwgnx621h0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring ekg-core filepath network snap-core + snap-server text time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Remote monitoring of processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-bosun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, ekg-core, http-client, lens, network + , network-uri, old-locale, text, time, unordered-containers, vector + , wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-bosun"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0mlfsmw1aa24p6fhml8m2dj2v7hrp91a9d3cfl74rr8z8am61mqc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base ekg-core http-client lens network network-uri old-locale + text time unordered-containers vector wreq + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send ekg metrics to a Bosun instance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-carbon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ekg-core, network, network-carbon, text + , time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-carbon"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0m8cv2hsn1745f7pj552rp9sjsyfh7fbgjw6k2ippqcbxmhqmf4i"; + buildDepends = [ + base ekg-core network network-carbon text time unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An EKG backend to send statistics to Carbon (part of Graphite monitoring tools)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iipj2q4msawxlvzzikiy7jls22ncbx7v3ldi7y75d52cyl2lmpg"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tracking of system metrics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-log" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, ekg-core + , fast-logger, filepath, text, time, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-log"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rgjpd0cksxxr1934k9xpzhyzsl54d7yp1mh65m85z7665kcjshw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory ekg-core fast-logger filepath text + time unix unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Push metrics to a log file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-rrd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ekg-core, HUnit, mtl, process + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-rrd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07is6m992laicd334pxdj9lli0wgspk69k30ppi5irvlczyfaqki"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory ekg-core mtl process text time unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base ekg-core HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit text time + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Passes ekg statistics to rrdtool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ekg-statsd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ekg-core, network, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ekg-statsd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s01bkir41189ss72sshlbg4y4qk2wvkr234m2j1y0169l067687"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring ekg-core network text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Push metrics to statsd"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "electrum-mnemonic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tasty, tasty-quickcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "electrum-mnemonic"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1lswfw72imi326146dyvva3w9g4v5725kj817q9bjgrfmzn2k2k3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "easy to remember mnemonic for a high-entropy value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "elerea" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elerea"; + version = "2.8.0"; + sha256 = "1sc71775f787dh70ay9fm6x6npsn81yci9yr984ai87ddz023sab"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers transformers-base ]; + description = "A minimalistic FRP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elerea-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, elerea, GLFW, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elerea-examples"; + version = "2.2.3"; + sha256 = "17m52c6qa905wpfanllhnaizq6vv2hp0ldfmlv10b0hbzjs29bx1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base elerea GLFW OpenGL ]; + description = "Example applications for Elerea"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elerea-sdl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, elerea, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elerea-sdl"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1dfbgnwn0jj3lv2fskc2k3m4h0crars2d1p0gpj265r4k58qis36"; + buildDepends = [ base elerea SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Elerea FRP wrapper for SDL"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "elevator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clean-unions, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elevator"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0z7rj70ilv4y95prfdj3fjlw4icr64d66lqgyr6jp28zxrxw1535"; + buildDepends = [ base clean-unions transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Immediately lifts to a desired level"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elf"; + version = "0.27"; + sha256 = "19ylk13ny2clwfgqv6r55h80ghlgzbwydzrfy1msyxcxn4zmdpjs"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for ELF object format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-build-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, elm-compiler + , elm-core-sources, file-embed, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-build-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12hhyjr3bshbz66zxl5jfs4s3qx6laqqwcim3kf8rj2vh12h6wj5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers elm-compiler elm-core-sources file-embed + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compile Elm code to JS within Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-compiler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, binary, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filemanip, filepath, HUnit, indents, language-ecmascript + , language-glsl, mtl, parsec, pretty, process, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, transformers, union-find, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-compiler"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1vgbs3navs6dr36k408kc83gkn2ndhmc0b1015zk3jb0wkmvm73y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + cmdargs containers directory filepath indents language-ecmascript + language-glsl mtl parsec pretty process text transformers + union-find unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + cmdargs containers directory filemanip filepath HUnit indents + language-ecmascript language-glsl mtl parsec pretty process + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers union-find + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Values to help with elm-package, elm-make, and"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-core-sources" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, file-embed + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-core-sources"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1yr0csgz0hv25cz3jslap0adwvfcvv35bns32b9g0vyda1fm00x4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers file-embed template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Source files for the Elm runtime and standard libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-get" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary + , bytestring, containers, directory, Elm, filepath, HTTP + , http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, mtl, network + , optparse-applicative, process, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-get"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1did7vjd1h2kh5alndd2b63zi8b1m9hf6k1k75yxwvw6f6mz5i4q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty ansi-wl-pprint base binary bytestring containers + directory Elm filepath HTTP http-client http-client-tls http-types + mtl network optparse-applicative process vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool for sharing and using Elm libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-make" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, containers, directory, elm-compiler + , elm-package, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-make"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hrc8bzfqzrcmkzqcampxkn5m113blfp4095h6c2xnadiicbvwdy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + containers directory elm-compiler elm-package filepath mtl + optparse-applicative text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A build tool for Elm projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-package" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary + , bytestring, containers, directory, elm-compiler, filepath, HTTP + , http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, mtl, network + , optparse-applicative, pretty, process, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-package"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0hkcy1mix2rng2k2zhzgb16nd0asfj9rm9ya2by67vjysiz8cmnr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty ansi-wl-pprint base binary bytestring containers + directory elm-compiler filepath HTTP http-client http-client-tls + http-types mtl network optparse-applicative pretty process text + time unordered-containers vector zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Package manager for Elm libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-reactor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, directory, elm-compiler, filepath, fsnotify + , HTTP, mtl, process, snap-core, snap-server, system-filepath, text + , time, transformers, unordered-containers, websockets + , websockets-snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-reactor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qnrxr3wayhw92w6lghchz8avxbxg00w7p6d1vs7mq9q56876jgj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cmdargs containers + directory elm-compiler filepath fsnotify HTTP mtl process snap-core + snap-server system-filepath text time transformers + unordered-containers websockets websockets-snap + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interactive development tool for Elm programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-repl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bytestring-trie, cmdargs + , containers, directory, elm-compiler, elm-package, filepath + , haskeline, HUnit, mtl, parsec, process, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-repl"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1yy3vxp87bxps41x985sa0q7cqm9wx5d8sc04q0licx0in2phvyi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bytestring-trie cmdargs containers directory + elm-compiler elm-package filepath haskeline mtl parsec process + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie cmdargs directory elm-compiler + elm-package filepath haskeline HUnit mtl parsec process QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a REPL for Elm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , Elm, filepath, mtl, process, snap-core, snap-server + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nnkhmmm4cl6a314xxh5qwxkjsc3k3vcwdfar62578ykarxb53g1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers directory Elm filepath mtl + process snap-core snap-server unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Server for developing Elm projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "elm-yesod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, Elm, shakespeare-js, text + , yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "elm-yesod"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0hza3khwspwlqbyllh2w1083hh19hslc0lhdryq1bbs8bssird39"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-markup Elm shakespeare-js text yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Elm language Yesod compatibility module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "email" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, encoding, HaskellNet + , hsemail, old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "email"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "144a53an7laivcc6zxawsjz8yijknswnlbrd8id87d6x6lbq1cw3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring encoding HaskellNet hsemail old-locale + old-time parsec process time + ]; + description = "Sending eMail in Haskell made easy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "email-header" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , text, text-icu, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "email-header"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1kl7d1scxq6ygjdixl4xkhaa4d60zr8i92fkcw5qczk44la4wiyv"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring case-insensitive + containers text text-icu time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive containers QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and rendering of email and MIME headers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "email-postmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , HTTP, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "email-postmark"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17zby98j1glsslrndmxl6zwrc3q7ir9771yvfxijawp4wdx6nayy"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers HTTP network + ]; + description = "A simple wrapper to send emails via the api of the service postmark ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "email-validate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, HUnit + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "email-validate"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "1qxvcm8xiyz50ganzic8cm8nxswq361i80yi939y3n89dk067lzj"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Validating an email address string against RFC 5322"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "email-validator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, dns, doctest + , email-validate, HUnit, parallel-io, pcre-light, tasty + , tasty-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "email-validator"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0ai0fj7rpq9h0i0rznrsqwvqbkkry5dgq4hgg5jc8ma3j9gym87n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory dns email-validate HUnit + parallel-io pcre-light tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory dns doctest email-validate HUnit + parallel-io pcre-light tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + description = "Perform basic syntax and deliverability checks on email addresses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "embeddock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, her-lexer, MissingH, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "embeddock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01xyqwnyza1cpd7ky4kgr1z5m8w2ms395lj7xjwxh42jg65b1rfr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath her-lexer MissingH process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Embed the values in scope in the haddock documentation of the module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "embeddock-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, embeddock, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "embeddock-example"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "07xc7kdnlbfwr08zhgjphbcmn8ycilp6pna3nk4y0w2hw87g7db0"; + buildDepends = [ base embeddock time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example of using embeddock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "embroidery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, dlist, gloss, haskell98, HCodecs + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "embroidery"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vqksv7a12xzi6zp4b2qfnsb5gaarg5bhxanhbi4qkn1jmwy82yx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring dlist gloss haskell98 HCodecs mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "support for embroidery formats in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "emgm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "emgm"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0cpcwrb6wqwq371wqjmhzfhdwk3vfhjjgz4vgjsjvw6cdhbpw5p1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "empty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "empty"; + version = "9"; + sha256 = "0ap7qby3n5qiwf791z4li05h0l6p6xi899wkmg6x8z6bb8z9q2d9"; + description = "Ceci n'est pas une package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enclosed-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, deepseq, hspec, lifted-base + , monad-control, QuickCheck, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enclosed-exceptions"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1kid1hi392h88a1am0jkm7dhwl3v78lw5wfcyhmh0x454yr3b6zz"; + buildDepends = [ + async base deepseq lifted-base monad-control transformers + transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base deepseq hspec lifted-base monad-control QuickCheck + transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "encoding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , extensible-exceptions, ghc-prim, HaXml, mtl, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "encoding"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14l3dx7ayvp2dm37c3h7p63zfzmhwpx1hirbkm04idhi3906lxps"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers extensible-exceptions + ghc-prim HaXml mtl regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsystemencoding" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for various character encodings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "endo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, between, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "endo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "031608wws9bcgz1zywvkml68p4a6s8br7c0fhg5rdqyy7g4bympd"; + buildDepends = [ base between transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Endomorphism utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "engine-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, either, free, monad-loops, mwc-random, stm, stm-delay + , text, transformers, unordered-containers, vector, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "engine-io"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "05sc939x24f3na6nxywgbq0yx4wdamh6zk4spdclqgq65j7v0hxc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring either + free monad-loops mwc-random stm stm-delay text transformers + unordered-containers vector websockets + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of Engine.IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "engine-io-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec-enumerator, base, bytestring + , containers, engine-io, MonadCatchIO-transformers, snap-core + , unordered-containers, websockets, websockets-snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "engine-io-snap"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0x2sb3b825ds1g2g15yyqxdrw6bh968ivmyd1933l47649qbs0xr"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring containers engine-io + MonadCatchIO-transformers snap-core unordered-containers websockets + websockets-snap + ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "engine-io-yesod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , engine-io, http-types, text, unordered-containers, wai + , wai-websockets, websockets, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "engine-io-yesod"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0pczmiqrg046r367j071h2hr6p2amw93sqy7j1drd2gdiwaxzn02"; + editedCabalFile = "5963c385f145309049f67eb35f835abf2530a7b117730bd9fe0c4991837a52aa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra engine-io http-types text + unordered-containers wai wai-websockets websockets yesod-core + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "engineering-units" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "engineering-units"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1jpipav3znxbj7ld5m53wv6pmv1nrcxprqm0m1p3ny9cmpnw3r9x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A numeric type for managing and automating engineering units"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "entropy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "entropy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10myxs2a7838sywnlfggpsd7lmvzphl10zdh1vbbi18n3x79gyk0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-halvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A platform independent entropy source"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enumerable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, control-monad-omega, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumerable"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1v94y0a3rlkg3qlbv70d1zj2vjhssf1f89xlgb5cnsy9az07517q"; + buildDepends = [ base control-monad-omega tagged ]; + description = "A typeclass for enumerating all values a type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enumeration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arith-encode, arithmoi, base, binary, Cabal + , containers, heap, HUnit-Plus + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumeration"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "17d7vm2nkyhxw2f0wk6llrw9y5kqzgqlgswv98wrpnpsspwmx0bk"; + buildDepends = [ + arith-encode arithmoi base binary Cabal containers heap + ]; + testDepends = [ + arith-encode arithmoi base binary Cabal containers heap HUnit-Plus + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A practical API for building recursive enumeration procedures and enumerating datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumerator"; + version = "0.4.20"; + sha256 = "02a75dggj295zkhgjry5cb43s6y6ydpjb5w6vgl7kd9b6ma11qik"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "enumerator-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enumerator, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumerator-fd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xbrkv65m206qlvnjlbfb52kvjhw91rdnihwv3y31p2qj5zlz29p"; + buildDepends = [ base enumerator mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator instances for monads-fd classes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "enumerator-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enumerator, monads-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumerator-tf"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0s47j6pf05nwl105i2vwvsn18gis1v96gid85kj49ngb8ax0pjsp"; + buildDepends = [ base enumerator monads-tf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator instances for monads-tf classes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "enumfun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enummapset-th }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumfun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fq4zmhc825bmyslfm7kbsa29qq773cgrz4npj2bcfl0jkbl3ndc"; + buildDepends = [ base enummapset-th ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finitely represented /total/ EnumMaps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enummapmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, containers, contravariant + , data-default, deepseq, ghc-prim, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit + , lens, QuickCheck, safecopy, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enummapmap"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "17rlynm46i3y76ms8s5ajkz50cj5m1anw83dizj281887qg63iwr"; + buildDepends = [ + base contravariant data-default deepseq ghc-prim lens safecopy + semigroups + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cereal containers deepseq hspec hspec-expectations HUnit lens + QuickCheck safecopy semigroups + ]; + description = "Map of maps using Enum types as keys"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enummapset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enummapset"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "065gxljrjw59rdf7abq0v0c29wg1ymg984ckixnjrcs1yks0c2js"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IntMap and IntSet with Enum keys/elements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enummapset-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enummapset-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v12pfj6k8av58sh6siwzspf2dnbcapmrzfpg2p4yz3bdkc70hh8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TH-generated EnumSet/EnumMap wrappers around IntSet/IntMap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "enumset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, storable-record }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "enumset"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1dzwxi7i757zdf68v470n8dwn1g8kg51w3c1mwqyxwq85650805w"; + buildDepends = [ base data-accessor storable-record ]; + description = "Sets of enumeration values represented by machine words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "env-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers, http-types, mtl + , network, old-locale, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "env-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13d6yi5jbdi84nccn3ffiw96v5knbz4madjfg980izxfrnbsl1rr"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bytestring containers http-types mtl network old-locale text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pull configuration information from the ENV"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "envparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "envparse"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1rlqb5wcqws0rz66cd704swmcx93617ai25hsx4ah45r18qs3qsh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse environment variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "epanet-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epanet-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jpz58zlkhgf2fl4fzicpdkqqdbwy3sw56dga8yvjmgv5zcqqshx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding for EPANET"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "epass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epass"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0sg5pipzc4s9xq83ari7rigjbvhyh76kqnp57i98bs3k54ba53ym"; + buildDepends = [ base stm time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Baisc, Erlang-like message passing supporting sockets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, boehmgc, Cabal, directory, gmp, happy + , mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l73absns4ci20brkdjg1r1l9p4xxx88vax736diqik7rl7zrx9h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base Cabal directory mtl process ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + extraLibraries = [ boehmgc gmp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler for a simple functional language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epoll" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epoll"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0iz1x6lb5b71h4sgiacsnv5f8zj445v88a3rsra7vbza5g35nwnp"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "epoll bindings"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "eprocess" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eprocess"; + version = "1.7.0"; + sha256 = "1h4ajq1rraiz7qw7350128n26jnqhzk9iyjzqc3lnbyx87q8j73v"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions mtl ]; + description = "*Very* basic Erlang-like process support for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, old-time, utf8-string + , xml, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epub"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0h9j9qqdllkng13w978fpd44zxni5v0mpywh7yxz259hlihwmw22"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath old-time utf8-string xml zip-archive + ]; + description = "EPUB E-Book construction support library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epub-metadata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , HUnit, hxt, mtl, regex-compat, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epub-metadata"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "1pj0z6avdwvqrnjgwn7x5ajc7nagr575cilxmvzj22zlzhz4if3p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath hxt mtl regex-compat + zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HUnit hxt mtl regex-compat + zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for parsing epub document metadata"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epub-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, epub-metadata + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, parsec, process, regex-compat, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epub-tools"; + version = "2.5"; + sha256 = "0ksnzh2j1xa5jvql7b37dnld3pv1lqf62rfww6wv58hh3d1zmzwj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory epub-metadata filepath mtl parsec process + regex-compat zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory epub-metadata filepath HUnit mtl parsec regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line utilities for working with epub files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "epubname" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, epub-metadata, mtl, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "epubname"; + version = "2.3.2"; + sha256 = "1l3vi5z46x4m5h3x97hgr9g76i4s5scmpmpjzf97c1kddw31hlh3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory epub-metadata mtl regex-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rename epub ebook files based on meta information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "eq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroupoids }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eq"; + version = "4.0.3"; + sha256 = "1n2f20dh1rghv8c43dgdlpgamq61dy8dzh86v4p62a125pgawfn3"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroupoids ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leibnizian equality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "equal-files" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, explicit-exception, filemanip + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "equal-files"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rm0hk42xnzix1ba7bxfrc910v4nnhvqk3cbdrxy7avzhad31nbf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring explicit-exception filemanip transformers + utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shell command for finding equal files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "equational-reasoning" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, singletons, template-haskell, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "equational-reasoning"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f94y6h7qg7rck7rxf6j8sygkh1xmfk0z1lr71inx6s74agjyc9j"; + buildDepends = [ base singletons template-haskell void ]; + description = "Proof assistant for Haskell using DataKinds & PolyKinds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "equivalence" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, STMonadTrans + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "equivalence"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "014r9v81r7nj5pynfk3wa4lm4hk04123fgxkhb9a945wi6d9m5h3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl STMonadTrans ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers mtl QuickCheck STMonadTrans template-haskell + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Maintaining an equivalence relation implemented as union-find using STT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "erd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, graphviz, parsec + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "erd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00cf1q7472kkl12z48dwnhixvyk99451by577qmfj0vhlnl1dc09"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers graphviz parsec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An entity-relationship diagram generator from a plain text description"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "erf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "erf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dxk2r32ajmmc05vaxcp0yw6vgv4lkbmh8jcshncn98xgsfbgw14"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The error function, erf, and related functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "erf-native" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, polynomial }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "erf-native"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i031ws189rjl5gn44qpkfylx8kz7rdf3nzw9h0dmy2h86xbkckc"; + buildDepends = [ base polynomial ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Native Haskell implementation of the interface from the erf package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "erlang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, filepath + , nano-md5, network, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "erlang"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14jvl8mqdaxavzlkwdxr227m4igmcckhakmy45h7bgcxi5qbkla4"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring directory filepath nano-md5 network random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI interface to Erlang"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "eros" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eros"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nr0c2qq30ji50pyjrklrb6a73i6qkqws7ywbfpa4pcd176xwlrw"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring containers text ]; + description = "A text censorship library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "eros-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, containers + , eros, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eros-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15pi4khibvfpxni4v3kz6f92s8s34kmkx4q7kwq1rxk5gb6p8rcb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring containers eros text + ]; + description = "DEPRECATED in favor of eros-http"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "eros-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, eros + , http-types, markdown, text, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eros-http"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c7bwszjvbb3qnbvpjm0vin2x2z6dylplhs10hbhszkq2ypjjxyk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring eros http-types markdown text wai + warp + ]; + description = "JSON HTTP interface to Eros"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "errno" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "errno"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jix16b2c24pfbc3rig01nl68zdwpi28zzbciscalmq8lkpp10fa"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "a FFI utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "error-continuations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "error-continuations"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rv59fhlfr03qis957mjgl4gyk1i5axfyvr680z3ykbfd3k5gc1s"; + buildDepends = [ base either mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Error Continuations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "error-loc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "error-loc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ch7c537fp52yg3qmc1v9rs4y70cc0zyb3g3i0bmmhgdhxd90bm5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An error replacement with call-site metadata"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "error-location" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "error-location"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gfi3jvag662xbsiv75ndb8p9s3c7j6lny15a9gqk8wd4l71myid"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "error functions that show file location information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "error-message" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, containers, either-unwrap + , InfixApplicative, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "error-message"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0xnz5l3r9x81pmb6nddzrrws1yqzdqydqkr2g1ib4pwmdwazf7f9"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base containers either-unwrap InfixApplicative mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Composable error messages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "errorcall-eq-instance" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "errorcall-eq-instance"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1sr2wxbdqzpdawcivvd01nwpki0xbcxylz5qv95b96sq6b296gkk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "An orphan Eq instance for ErrorCall"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "errors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, safe, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "errors"; + version = "1.4.7"; + sha256 = "09g53dylwsw1phxq5zhkbq8pnpwqzipvqclmcrdypzkpwkmfncl7"; + buildDepends = [ base either safe transformers ]; + description = "Simplified error-handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ersatz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual + , bytestring, containers, data-default, data-reify, directory + , doctest, filepath, HUnit, lens, mtl, parsec, process, QuickCheck + , temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ersatz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hbn49ycc47f5zjf5zdgls23a8da389ma19g43bc379l8hm2xrjj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers + data-default lens mtl parsec process temporary transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers data-reify directory doctest filepath HUnit + mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad for expressing SAT or QSAT problems using observable sharing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-expr, base + , bytestring, regex-compat, text, unordered-containers, vector + , yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ert"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07pany4zv8crgbcilxsz5abmaq2bma5lhn9fkngra62w8mhkhzvz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-expr base bytestring regex-compat text + unordered-containers vector yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fregex" "-fyaml" "-futil" "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy Runtime Templates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "esotericbot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, fgl, mtl, network, stm, stream-fusion, tuple, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "esotericbot"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "0r77y94ff210nqjga0xm2hrraa01dgjfaxs3ijrg11z6hfz523s7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory fgl mtl network stm + stream-fusion tuple unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Esotericbot is a sophisticated, lightweight IRC bot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "esqueleto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, containers, hspec, HUnit + , monad-control, monad-logger, persistent, persistent-sqlite + , persistent-template, QuickCheck, resourcet, tagged, text + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "esqueleto"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lynhkbrxxrngvdj5d4xlmi92s4m3dzdpd7gs1k408slil2i7r7i"; + buildDepends = [ + base conduit monad-logger persistent resourcet tagged text + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit containers hspec HUnit monad-control monad-logger + persistent persistent-sqlite persistent-template QuickCheck + resourcet text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mysql" "-f-postgresql" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "estimator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, distributive, lens, linear, reflection + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "estimator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l1c2k4c5bpfr7h03fdcfnvm5nsv605sxnd8agi1v2qakwxhdjcp"; + buildDepends = [ ad base distributive lens linear reflection ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "State-space estimation algorithms such as Kalman Filters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "estimators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, deepseq, list-tries + , MonadRandom, mtl, pretty, prettyclass, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "estimators"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0n7j2ay68m73f1mkfsxrrcs1rq0fpavwf58r50y7wirpm5f6agcy"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers deepseq list-tries MonadRandom mtl pretty + prettyclass QuickCheck text + ]; + description = "Tool for managing probability estimation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "estreps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "estreps"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "100pqygnwclmpzjhzpz3j34y8v75d8ldxg76f9jys90gb41kggpi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio bytestring containers random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Repeats from ESTs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "etcd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hspec, http-conduit + , MonadRandom, mtl, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "etcd"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0575f7kh8kkyp849b0gh10ka0xip0q1014il2q05vds118mvqxg3"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring http-conduit text time ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec MonadRandom mtl text ]; + description = "Client for etcd, a highly-available key value store"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "eternal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , directory, filepath, http-conduit, http-types, network, process + , regex-compat, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eternal"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "0kp25p26fsyqn4877wqjhbwfy7m0fnh7lfw0p5njmlx6kqbwi79n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra directory filepath + http-conduit http-types network process regex-compat transformers + utf8-string + ]; + description = "everything breaking the Fairbairn threshold"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ethereum-client-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base, base16-bytestring + , binary, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, cryptohash, data-default + , directory, either, entropy, ethereum-merkle-patricia-db + , ethereum-rlp, filepath, haskoin, HUnit, leveldb-haskell, mtl + , network, network-simple, nibblestring, resourcet, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ethereum-client-haskell"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0dkvvs7bk4paqjmr1zihi14kp4cb28s33b18kd3a17lz1vd4qbfc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint array base base16-bytestring binary bytestring + cmdargs containers cryptohash data-default directory either entropy + ethereum-merkle-patricia-db ethereum-rlp filepath haskoin + leveldb-haskell mtl network network-simple nibblestring resourcet + time transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "A Haskell version of an Ethereum client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ethereum-merkle-patricia-db" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base16-bytestring, binary + , bytestring, containers, cryptohash, data-default, ethereum-rlp + , HUnit, leveldb-haskell, nibblestring, resourcet, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ethereum-merkle-patricia-db"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0pxncaam139nl99wm1i7fcnnsy683p6inasz10knfd2jsxcz8yr8"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base16-bytestring binary bytestring cryptohash + data-default ethereum-rlp leveldb-haskell nibblestring resourcet + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base16-bytestring binary bytestring containers + cryptohash data-default ethereum-rlp HUnit leveldb-haskell + nibblestring resourcet test-framework test-framework-hunit + transformers + ]; + description = "A modified Merkle Patricia DB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ethereum-rlp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base16-bytestring + , bytestring, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ethereum-rlp"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1hx5nhdy27kx67mwi8zjgqfxir0z7bp47xsw3a6hz40hj716n9r5"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base16-bytestring bytestring + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base16-bytestring bytestring HUnit + test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ety" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, random, text-icu + , utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ety"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "165vwca1q001pa9f09vfhf724kq5jnsip907c9dr6fncj9yjdp2p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring curl random text-icu utf8-string xml + ]; + description = "Random etymology online entry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "eurofxref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, failure + , hexpat, http-conduit, http-types, monad-control, mtl, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eurofxref"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0zjf3rky2ww2nq4ryyz0069cv3ps1h29nwrgr2sk127bsik868x9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers failure hexpat http-conduit + http-types monad-control mtl time + ]; + description = "Free foreign exchange/currency feed from the European Central Bank"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "event-driven" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf, yjtools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "event-driven"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1jkrc1k0ixjs95fvj36gr08igpx5vqff5zc6bi9f04ldxqz4wbap"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf yjtools ]; + description = "library for event driven programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "event-handlers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "event-handlers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1515v1khdkr145z5inrm2ardhpzfsbncpl5wmfd9nmilw97da9ld"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Event handlers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "event-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, non-negative, QuickCheck, random + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "event-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nvc473rv9m6vr9l9d5x9v6h89819s822gwzilx8d5fj5i50nqzb"; + buildDepends = [ + base non-negative QuickCheck transformers utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + base non-negative QuickCheck random transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "event-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, event-handlers, haskell98 + , monad-loops, mtl, pretty, prettyclass, priority-queue, stateref + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "event-monad"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1phs799i4da1nfgx530bp93n9xhzgnavilwlk8nz5vi3kd61gzf4"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers event-handlers haskell98 monad-loops mtl pretty + prettyclass priority-queue stateref + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Event-graph simulation monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "eventstore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , network, protobuf, random, sodium, text, time, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "eventstore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0npwpdlnwd5imprv77rv9wyi5ivfnzkb6gr4baj8z2fp6z28z6vd"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring cereal containers network protobuf + random sodium text time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "EventStore TCP Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "every-bit-counts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "every-bit-counts"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0r959iyd5nsw3sj7p0gwsccdgaald9lwisg0lvq9qynyz09kh4vj"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functional pearl on encoding and decoding using question-and-answer strategies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ewe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ewe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r9kcpb6j2x4cmg26rvzd2gp4bjjmlsd0rbk1y2dc7vyivd0m14l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl transformers ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An language using in Programming Languages teaching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ex-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, hashable, stm, time + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ex-pool"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0da5grl2fdca24zhlngq2n16smdb4f5vvxqzc29ipsc3j7wkbmva"; + buildDepends = [ + base exceptions hashable stm time transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Another fork of resource-pool, with a MonadIO and MonadCatch constraint"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exact-combinatorics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exact-combinatorics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05q31mh5x6i90n3ddxyqnhhjga7vbsbi947iywyqi53h2z2iw8f7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient exact computation of combinatoric functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exception-mailer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hslogger, mime-mail, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exception-mailer"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "068zhr90gldin0f6xafqp1pncf6rhhm3gagnvn6r3p0kx060ia23"; + buildDepends = [ base hslogger mime-mail text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Catch all runtime exceptions and send an email"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exception-monads-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exception-transformers, monads-fd + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exception-monads-fd"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1wrhi9h2k068f0q0aqvpmlyx3318znm137xnvx7icf5shlpsilvi"; + buildDepends = [ + base exception-transformers monads-fd transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exception monad transformer instances for monads-fd classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exception-monads-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exception-transformers, monads-tf + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exception-monads-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1smmbdiqp2qxa13sv2j7sqyakvsv1g7g9mh9z65b756ss672913x"; + buildDepends = [ + base exception-transformers monads-tf transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exception monad transformer instances for monads-tf classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exception-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exception-transformers, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exception-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rqrh1wbm67w9rbh1gg5zsavlsw9nfw0hnbs9q2djglh73pq3iqj"; + buildDepends = [ base exception-transformers mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exception monad transformer instances for mtl2 classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exception-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exception-transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m4mwgzynymdjvrrrvl90q468pgwik07yy2lsff9spxhcd43w2ra"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exceptions"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "09jv5jskv48fd5la1pdvafwc9j2jxj1ncf6yxzkwcjddynbkyszm"; + editedCabalFile = "e86a40308d3a603a445e0fc2989d83fbf4216e96e7d241e7703e4394442ac9d6"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible optionally-pure exceptions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "executable-path" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "executable-path"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1jg58qf19qz93c60ryglcavwdcysz4fd4qn8kpw5im9w9kniawlc"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finding out the full path of the executable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "exif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exif }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exif"; + version = "3000.0.0"; + sha256 = "0w0l4xk3qwfiw10880729mwfdkx4xpfn9ffdw7fi5swyhinjh6wi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ exif ]; + description = "A Haskell binding to a subset of libexif"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) exif; }; + + "exists" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exists"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1f7v2f7jmqx0nkl2wla88mnb21nava74b73rvsmfbj4kxmwchsgy"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Existential datatypes holding evidence of constraints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exp-pairs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, matrix, memoize, QuickCheck, smallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exp-pairs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n44vr6lan90z9vgcs25rgjkpz5b27sacr0g669igkb2c3prcbkf"; + buildDepends = [ base matrix memoize ]; + testDepends = [ base matrix memoize QuickCheck smallcheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear programming over exponent pairs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "expand" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AspectAG, base, HList, murder, uu-parsinglib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "expand"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0i8agr9np8pg40z58z8jz1fvq3vqjk2sx247dn33mvqyd03hnbss"; + buildDepends = [ AspectAG base HList murder uu-parsinglib ]; + description = "Extensible Pandoc"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "expat-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, hexpat, text + , transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "expat-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0alllaa9qj94jp99pyvbh4ckdvb43aba2l2jmigazqvbc9db03mx"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator hexpat text transformers xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator-based API for Expat"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "expiring-cache-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hashable, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "expiring-cache-map"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ihyfhkqdr29pmcb2pylrj6p2xmfgfz9qw6dabxxy8dbcg38ppvf"; + editedCabalFile = "e3990400b7a0fc202dd68fb9d4fea926af9fdaeb34d2e9cf7e04eb3c2a03da4c"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hashable unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hashable time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "General purpose simple caching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "expiring-mvar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "expiring-mvar"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mkc7d346vdsjg83a253986w4pps53r262w1if91q16kx6qci7yy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Create values which expire after a period of time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "explain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explain"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14n8ic5mg2819s9bk4czwfxrkyz96c2lvnksv1hq5vwr579rvjx2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-wl-pprint base haskell-src-exts ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Show how expressions are parsed"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "explicit-determinant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-determinant"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g20kblzvhx53mi82frpx29x0nsfjrzsanqq8f6yw22lh47pbm4y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "explicit computation of determinant of small matrices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "explicit-exception" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-exception"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f1p1llz6z4ag1wnf57mgm861cbw7va0g0m8klp6f6pnirdhlwz1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "explicit-iomodes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-iomodes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0irz1zy6iaipym73x343zvr6cqym6ci2vbjbyr564d29ymd6ldzd"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols tagged ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "File handles with explicit IOModes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "explicit-iomodes-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, explicit-iomodes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-iomodes-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h3dlgkd2gx8zr3sh949nhqgrdg943dgpp4v1n599jjjpqpw16hj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring explicit-iomodes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extends explicit-iomodes with ByteString operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "explicit-iomodes-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, explicit-iomodes, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-iomodes-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ny5wa1j1wp8fbg5k8zkv4a3axmssxcvfvhg3frsm4dych6hmyg"; + buildDepends = [ base explicit-iomodes text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extends explicit-iomodes with Text operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "explicit-sharing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, derive, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explicit-sharing"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "0jshv56i60mzlfddvfkcx0j7rzqdlhy6h09bmqci15wzisvpvjpq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers derive mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Explicit Sharing of Monadic Effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "explore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, pngload }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "explore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18x2gw9w2jzisyl2hsp2rlml6slnlbjpqbadqcbcm8pamnl7w1fc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base directory pngload ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Experimental Plot data Reconstructor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "exposed-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ChasingBottoms, deepseq, ghc-prim + , HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "exposed-containers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ck4hadxgdlqpgxr45jxr261mzkzihmwd5b02xi05z8034bhqk7"; + editedCabalFile = "25516f8a7288ce438b872a0d3054434c3ba48ce0ce8a57209ea6d78ce6e2665c"; + buildDepends = [ array base deepseq ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + array base ChasingBottoms deepseq ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "A distribution of the 'containers' package, with all modules exposed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "expression-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "expression-parser"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ldp1f2c823byx4ag8jpmq9bhw26lq98fz7ljqslffs37pc098qs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generalization of parsec's expression parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, mtl, parsec, pretty, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extcore"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1dpn4dbbn5d3zqrhxkg8nvb97vp9pf61gwa46yf218nvwgqvx437"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath mtl parsec + pretty syb + ]; + description = "Libraries for processing GHC Core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extemp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, feed, happstack-auth + , happstack-server, happstack-state, happstack-util, HTTP, MaybeT + , monad-parallel, mtl, network, old-locale, regex-tdfa, smartGroup + , stringsearch, time, xhtml, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extemp"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1vbazvs1ij4qfhzf38f7z75lx4mdxnkvcb79ngqc3h67844s90xy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers feed happstack-auth happstack-server + happstack-state happstack-util HTTP MaybeT monad-parallel mtl + network old-locale regex-tdfa smartGroup stringsearch time xhtml + xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "automated printing for extemp speakers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extended-categories" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, ghc-prim, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extended-categories"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1dg9zvqszlg5v3mygazzgm84qlkcmpryv3vv4x3zwrzi1g0idq72"; + buildDepends = [ base constraints ghc-prim tagged ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extended Categories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extended-reals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, hashable, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extended-reals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a3vp51l07kj85p578y5bryalqv1a8b5766w0hrr85yp67y7wfdp"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extension of real numbers with positive/negative infinities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extensible" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extensible"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0p2bl6jr5lqzsdhgcv5k20wlsqqndf7rvfxyi1i9izsgk23rcif6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Poly-kinded, extensible ADTs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extensible-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, hashable, template-haskell + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extensible-data"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "143cl3w129mkvs410lx63v3x1dq2az8sk0hlcymaavnqik5maa6g"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-lens hashable template-haskell unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Sums/products/lists/trees which can be extended in other modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "extensible-effects" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + , transformers-base, type-aligned, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extensible-effects"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17hl4x4052jfn7xs6xhnc6d3x75a8haw2zsbnjd6rr5gsd1hq5kx"; + buildDepends = [ + base transformers transformers-base type-aligned void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Alternative to Monad Transformers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "extensible-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extensible-exceptions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1273nqws9ij1rp1bsq5jc7k2jxpqa0svawdbim05lf302y0firbc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Extensible exceptions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "external-sort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, EdisonAPI, EdisonCore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "external-sort"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1i7q3wh2c4fyv6wn4smws8r382hnnppj39xys43h9pkqfis786r9"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring EdisonAPI EdisonCore ]; + description = "Sort large arrays on your hard drive. Kind of like the unix util sort."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, QuickCheck + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extra"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0ainwq8f2mp1wc30srl971xy4qnrcyrcyig1kmrxx951hgav1dkb"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process time unix ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath QuickCheck time unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra functions I use"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "extractelf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-mmap, directory, elf + , filepath, optparse-applicative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "extractelf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13wbzqw0iz7xkqdrwan9xxl8vwqvhvwzlypps964v1s1bgabmpqj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-mmap directory elf filepath + optparse-applicative + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extract an ELF's metadata and sections into files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ez-couch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, classy-prelude, classy-prelude-conduit + , containers, ghc-prim, hashable, hslogger, http-conduit + , http-types, mtl, neat-interpolation, old-locale, random + , resourcet, string-conversions, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ez-couch"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "023wrrk7slrg8p547saspfvp771zqwdh7mnvwg1sag4a2j20b660"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder bytestring + classy-prelude classy-prelude-conduit containers ghc-prim hashable + hslogger http-conduit http-types mtl neat-interpolation old-locale + random resourcet string-conversions text time unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A high level static library for working with CouchDB"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "faceted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "faceted"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0apgad2rqpgxypm10n98agmfrlxydcawvsvyafdwj8jhynfycx03"; + buildDepends = [ base free ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Faceted computation for dynamic information flow security"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "factory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, deepseq, parallel + , primes, QuickCheck, random, toolshed + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "factory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sxk8pv2r2a9d457ikxcz71z06sxajsjvw4647jw1s3y10fn6hvb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers deepseq parallel primes QuickCheck + random toolshed + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rational arithmetic in an irrational world"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "factual-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , curl, dataenc, hoauth, HTTP, MissingH, text, unordered-containers + , utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "factual-api"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1njijf5l277qndp5xmyqji0fcd84zxnn9vhz5v8nlqp3pfcilidp"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers curl dataenc hoauth + HTTP MissingH text unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A driver for the Factual API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00n5m3fa14y882rnzw7pwc154bgp46rhvvj2cghldvybxmj61zgm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Forward Automatic Differentiation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "failable-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "failable-list"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0bq0q9n4wnacjqs517i12kl56m16n5ff4gk8kamh87gqkd58w06x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A list-like type for lazy streams, which might terminate with an error"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "failure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "failure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jimc2x46zq7wnmzfbnqi67jl8yhbvr0fa65ljlc9p3fns9mca3p"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple type class for success/failure computations. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fair-predicates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fair-predicates"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1z0c83gfmvwhzsj2iz422mxcyxc8jnic25i1vz6yp4xzv41ibmj6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fair Predicates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "faker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gimlh, random, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "faker"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wl0jx3adibf7z8k3jadnr90jvkmf3zhkq34qpsifcl18zip8skq"; + buildDepends = [ base gimlh random split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure Haskell library for generating fake data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "falling-turnip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, gloss-raster, JuicyPixels-repa + , QuickCheck, random, repa, repa-algorithms, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "falling-turnip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "035rjjjvwbjw4z6nlmiyxia5y91yiiw7902f9q6n5jimi5xk2hgk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base gloss gloss-raster JuicyPixels-repa QuickCheck random repa + repa-algorithms vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Falling sand game/cellular automata simulation using regular parallel arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fallingblocks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, SDL, SDL-mixer + , SDL-ttf + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fallingblocks"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "18h5d33hd4cs6dc508mzl7c46pxwrk2q0daabvg8m4fiwk5wzlr0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 SDL SDL-mixer SDL-ttf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fun falling blocks game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "family-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, hashable, intervals + , lens, tables, text, time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "family-tree"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1bjg231g1rfzzqki3by85vs3ay4iy3mdg6v22kd8b4p9h4q1nmnj"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers hashable intervals lens tables text time + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A family tree library for the Haskell programming language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fast-logger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, auto-update, base, blaze-builder + , bytestring, directory, filepath, hspec, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fast-logger"; + version = "2.2.3"; + sha256 = "0zap61gz0snbq42h8nyjh637fr2cm1ny9f77sqd6v3yfqjq0ljh3"; + buildDepends = [ + array auto-update base blaze-builder bytestring directory filepath + text + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring directory hspec ]; + description = "A fast logging system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fast-math" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fast-math"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1a36mvrdr8gai4sn1s52fyc8alcl6ks6dlmr77df5dgvc2z74hhb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Non IEEE-754 compliant compile-time floating-point optimisations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fast-tags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fast-tags"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "0kjj01xpdz5yzdxxagwzv2w7vma43qs71ffxbbrh1wilk7k1ma32"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers text ]; + testDepends = [ base containers ghc text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast incremental vi tags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fast-tagsoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, tagsoup, text, text-icu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fast-tagsoup"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "0d1h57flg9iq4psfpwcqq91giljqcjz9lhd7nhdrk08pzdla09iq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring tagsoup text text-icu ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast parser for tagsoup package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fast-tagsoup-utf8-only" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, tagsoup, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fast-tagsoup-utf8-only"; + version = "1.0.5"; + sha256 = "10svhgjvp1802jawr1s5chkincl2xhh6k0grm60f216jpasbvff4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring tagsoup text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast parser for tagsoup package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fasta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, split, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fasta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p5a98riv7wjkd0mdinqfm3qmhx6q4dbibdhpp9a4r4zm4ccwpfb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec split text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple, mindless parser for fasta files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "fastbayes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fastbayes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nqrfrhw8gd3blfzrwbf7pm4wwqbxfaw640bzx62kwh7x2h6v3cm"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bayesian modeling algorithms accelerated for particular model structures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fastcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, fcgi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fastcgi"; + version = "3001.0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0lp17w098043xczwkah7h1x47wzrym7vv5adgla0aq9iybqay7xr"; + editedCabalFile = "74cd87692a90492171802f25c034ef047f0b68aaa1b53303d4e50ce3ec30e98a"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cgi ]; + extraLibraries = [ fcgi ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fastirc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, bytestring-show + , containers, monadLib, network-fancy + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fastirc"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0ddacpw19kh304j8js9ybwclkgyh8n5yy1r2xh48z9h3gas2zim4"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-show containers monadLib + network-fancy + ]; + description = "Fast Internet Relay Chat (IRC) library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fault-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, yices }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fault-tree"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "04m6hfj0sqhmq89fwfq4igz1rc0p3rzkhfg6fzsw5kyda2c8bbz0"; + buildDepends = [ base yices ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fault tree analysis library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, ghc-paths, haskell-names, haskell-packages + , haskell-src-exts, language-ecmascript, mtl, optparse-applicative + , process, safe, sourcemap, split, spoon, syb, text, time + , transformers, uniplate, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1001zwg0gsdvy7kvlkyc10ky04ci297vb3chvwlv13yby36mrmn8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath + ghc-paths haskell-names haskell-packages haskell-src-exts + language-ecmascript mtl optparse-applicative process safe sourcemap + split spoon syb text time transformers uniplate + unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fay }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rch4mwkvxccw8jcndhwvf5n0f9bnwpfg6qnbhbwls4y1cvlcihr"; + buildDepends = [ base fay ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The base package for Fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, data-default, directory, fay + , filepath, safe, split, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sbizici0465ih1jpgn768p8hf3s42qva72wldf9bbaps80dc8ya"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal data-default directory fay filepath safe split text + ]; + description = "Compile Fay code on cabal install, and ad-hoc recompile during development"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-dom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-dom"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1r8kl6wbrl516qc29zs93png922p7zzg2lagvkcf2cb506qg1mr1"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DOM FFI wrapper library for Fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-hsx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base, fay-jquery }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-hsx"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1mzjna8yc7jczgggpcgh9i6akiy72d60jczvmzxngh778z3g5zmi"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base fay-jquery ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Clientside HTML generation for fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-jquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base, fay-text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-jquery"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x6i8y6xbz4nyzw59j3cqkhmjvgx9l4vdyh7jr0l1vv396ssnghf"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base fay-text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "jQuery bindings for Fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-ref"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dcifraih13zqwmm4xn57wfg63rdkiac81avyymid308r6p1x9cn"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Like IORef but for Fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fay-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay, fay-base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qng6zlzd96m4zcanvz58qhz9pqj71ya59y6a12gp46mdn2hcqv1"; + buildDepends = [ fay fay-base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fay Text type represented as JavaScript strings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fay-uri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fay-uri"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vv4jgkz9cx8inbn6g6sn3a0nf1ak81qlj5li21sk2isj0yws1nr"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent FFI bindings for using jsUri in Fay"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, crypto-api, cryptohash, cryptohash-cryptoapi + , data-default, hspec, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lifted-base + , monad-control, monad-logger, old-locale, QuickCheck, resourcet + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fb"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "0ghyddxf4aqidqvbm93pjgaban0whfj4y1w11b7nxy89srhyjhh8"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bytestring cereal conduit conduit-extra crypto-api cryptohash + cryptohash-cryptoapi data-default http-conduit http-types + lifted-base monad-control monad-logger old-locale resourcet text + time transformers transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit containers data-default hspec + http-conduit HUnit lifted-base monad-control QuickCheck resourcet + text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit11" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Facebook's API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fb-persistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, fb, persistent, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fb-persistent"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "07hrifzwvv7fzqh70igfbxzn854yvyx7406s8byn0arhmp21ka3b"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal fb persistent text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides Persistent instances to Facebook types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fca" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, cryptohash, hashable + , text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fca"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c38524r3mhy4m7s1cvfcn539xvf50x0z8a9fzk4x4pz5yq9c1vp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers cryptohash hashable text + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Algo for Formal Concept Analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "fcd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, process, tasty + , tasty-hunit, text, unix, vty, vty-ui + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fcd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z3vphn3vgvsq0mshhvsks03v79wnj9g6r8mmrwkiax126aqzqn6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory process text unix vty vty-ui + ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A faster way to navigate directories using the command line"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fckeditor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, HaXml, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fckeditor"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1yvsnk9awik143jh2268w1l5x70kmky60gac10fy2y1450dcn65x"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi HaXml xhtml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Server-Side Integration for FCKeditor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fclabels" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fclabels"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y1qcv84xhqrf3kp33wqq94bfkq39nwnp1db19g6jjkxw4w59ms3"; + editedCabalFile = "2436f54eaac026ea82526d9c70a7940c67d98be3ff0767b01f7008b9b6b568ee"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "First class accessor labels implemented as lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fclabels-monadlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fclabels, monadLib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fclabels-monadlib"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1j15fxrpwnjnbjkswsy6jxn8f0bj2nhcdsf5976i7rka7gsjzr3d"; + buildDepends = [ base fclabels monadLib ]; + description = "MonadLib monadic interface for the \"fclabels\" package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fdo-notify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dbus }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fdo-notify"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1n4zk1i7g34w0wk5zy8n4r63xbglxf62h8j78kv5fc2yn95l30vh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers dbus ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Desktop Notifications client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fdo-trash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Diff, directory, filepath, old-locale + , parsec, time, unix, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fdo-trash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04y29wmndyvrlrixj57m7jgx3z8qld0nvlggmg0rvia4p2dv82bk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Diff directory filepath old-locale parsec time unix url + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities related to freedesktop Trash standard"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feature-flags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feature-flags"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xkmzpdc7920vjkz3v77ds1wf2c896rkxykdd36my6aw85qg9pa6"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple library for dynamically enabling and disabling functionality"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fec"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04ryd1c06l45af6627vjvprhs0rk1rwl0k9gq0byr95ghvc6mk6d"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Forward error correction of ByteStrings"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "fedora-packages" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, hlint + , HsOpenSSL, hspec, http-streams, io-streams, lens, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fedora-packages"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "14fpv76ndp755mysgbya2hgr35rg2hb6dsagmrq2j2mn06xmngqk"; + editedCabalFile = "b09d857e6d91527f8c9fbb8626e1610c5c7b994a6fcf30cd3328c668a6e8d33a"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers HsOpenSSL http-streams io-streams + lens text + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers hlint HsOpenSSL hspec http-streams + io-streams lens text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell interface to the Fedora Packages webapp API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, old-time, time, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05sg2ly1pvni3sfv03rbf60vdjkrfa0f9mmc1dm1hrmp638j67gg"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale old-time time utf8-string xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feed-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, feed, old-locale, old-time, time + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feed-cli"; + version = "2009.7.5"; + sha256 = "0gql641jmbldx6vhk37i2v41j2nq22lrihm48f97wirrxw7yjn61"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory feed old-locale old-time time xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple command line interface for creating and updating feeds like RSS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feed2lj" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, directory, feed, haskell98, HTTP + , old-locale, pureMD5, regex-posix, tagsoup, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feed2lj"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ym4f6d8fxl6j9kfqmp3ds36qj35nypxjmmqv6w96yz5y8ia3ynv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base curl directory feed haskell98 HTTP old-locale pureMD5 + regex-posix tagsoup time utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nano-md5" ]; + description = "(unsupported)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feed2twitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, download-curl, feed, hs-twitter + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feed2twitter"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1zhl7f5zlyv0l5h0zay66p532n1vywnirwxbc1c9fjaia7yv0rij"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring download-curl feed hs-twitter ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send posts from a feed to Twitter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "feldspar-compiler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, data-default + , directory, feldspar-language, filepath, gcc_s, ghc-paths, mtl + , plugins, plugins-multistage, pretty, process, QuickCheck + , storable-record, storable-tuple, syntactic, tasty, tasty-golden + , tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feldspar-compiler"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0kkxjnbx4yn3k2s1gdxg4jj06fhdd2jprq8s4zyaybs8xcddgvhh"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers data-default directory feldspar-language + filepath ghc-paths mtl plugins plugins-multistage pretty process + storable-record storable-tuple syntactic template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal feldspar-language mtl process QuickCheck + tasty tasty-golden tasty-quickcheck + ]; + extraLibraries = [ gcc_s ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler for the Feldspar language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { gcc_s = null; }; + + "feldspar-language" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , data-hash, data-lens, deepseq, monad-par, mtl, patch-combinators + , QuickCheck, random, syntactic, tagged, tasty, tasty-golden + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, tuple, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "feldspar-language"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0gzs2qdvpzcx4w89wpmwk2jnambvyl08afpk16989vcviq5ri51n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers data-default data-hash data-lens deepseq + monad-par mtl patch-combinators QuickCheck random syntactic tagged + tuple + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck random tasty tasty-golden + tasty-quickcheck tasty-th utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fences" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fences"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16qzqczr6nlbng16vby1c12a0apfjm4lmm0pgybi5xaziaq4c4db"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "To be written"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "fenfire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, harp, HaXml, mtl, raptor + , template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fenfire"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0sq4g0sdayk1lqzdhggwshl22gny5cjbv70cmr1p27q0wfwfbfff"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo gtk harp HaXml mtl template-haskell unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ raptor ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graph-based notetaking system"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { raptor = null; }; + + "fez-conf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fez-conf"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "180vflhr18kj5vgsy715wrrb0cx9l89xw2g6y2ga4gg6hc71khzl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers regex-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple functions for loading config files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ffeed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json, network, pretty, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ffeed"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1976v5m050lwp8v2vh1cm08pn6q9lbdkxhq10pql6fyzysn6qz62"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json network pretty utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + description = "Haskell binding to the FriendFeed API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fficxx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , either, errors, filepath, hashable, HStringTemplate, lens, mtl + , process, pureMD5, split, template-haskell, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fficxx"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0512v9xhli6qdz46gvn8lj15rp30919pf982fjcgklw22qmci69q"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory either errors filepath + hashable HStringTemplate lens mtl process pureMD5 split + template-haskell transformers unordered-containers + ]; + description = "automatic C++ binding generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fficxx-runtime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fficxx-runtime"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0czh7in30369c8c4ls3m3r61w6zb1p0p0jy2yi5j9521f61q588a"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Runtime for fficxx-generated library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ffmpeg-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, JuicyPixels, libavcodec, libavformat + , libavutil, libswscale, mtl, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ffmpeg-light"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "08hydkqpk72s5bnc7h133jdz0x5msbxf7r1149hb2pqaqffid569"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base JuicyPixels mtl transformers vector ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libavcodec libavformat libavutil libswscale ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildrasterdemo" "-f-builddemo" ]; + description = "Minimal bindings to the FFmpeg library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { libavcodec = null; libavformat = null; libavutil = null; + libswscale = null; }; + + "ffmpeg-tutorials" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell98, hs-ffmpeg, SDL, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ffmpeg-tutorials"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "134czpbzxw0mpnc5mz6j1l6vavdbhw5w3l4lg5zbc2gq1qg9ikqv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring haskell98 hs-ffmpeg SDL stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tutorials on ffmpeg usage to play video/audio"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, carray, fftw3, fftw3f, ix-shapable + , QuickCheck, storable-complex, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fft"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "073f0w3hm0zs0gi1s5adhd7z4xj3zq88s1d12mmby5ri3zr927k0"; + buildDepends = [ + array base carray ix-shapable storable-complex syb + ]; + testDepends = [ base carray QuickCheck storable-complex ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ fftw3 fftw3f ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Bindings to the FFTW library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { fftw3 = null; fftw3f = null; }; + + "fgl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fgl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qw70f5hfrxmrx49wx8vk2f5cam7jbpb20mp4i0ybcwdld5ncqda"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fgl-extras-decompositions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fgl-extras-decompositions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mx0axc88yb992zb9ymaipsrln42rj49558ir9753j19d38v2q8m"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graph decomposition algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fgl-visualize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dotgen, fgl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fgl-visualize"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vwafx0rggksg5i7cx4r2bs5wa6csb5p39vpix425zr3l6vggrxq"; + buildDepends = [ base dotgen fgl ]; + description = "Convert FGL graphs to dot (graphviz) files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fibon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , Cabal, cereal, containers, directory, filepath, hslogger, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, process, regex-compat, statistics, syb + , tabular, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fibon"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1jkawf65gdmyzmdw4xfk3jihahi3x7vsavjfy6rnl96bj15q4vzl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-lexing Cabal cereal + containers directory filepath hslogger mtl old-locale old-time + process regex-compat statistics syb tabular time vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fanalyse" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for running and analyzing Haskell benchmarks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fibonacci" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fibonacci"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18jqb4ynjsnpvydzpqzh7l5wyrjb3s3kxgc6a6ipwb6w2hygyf7k"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast computation of Fibonacci numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fields" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, fclabels, monads-fd + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fields"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0xxri0a3y75ppywcm6py9zbffaawcycrv8gabflbl1m1z8n6jq6v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers fclabels monads-fd transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "First-class record field combinators with infix record field syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fields-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, containers, json, mtl + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fields-json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wqci95ad339nd3lfbhc6v55c7zdkq714hw8igq5fwvbd8kq11d0"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring containers json mtl utf8-string + ]; + description = "Abusing monadic syntax JSON objects generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fieldwise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fieldwise"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mmlw5nk09w829gjp8lc0p280vdkh68rv05b1j55x99l7xywgvj7"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Provides Fieldwise typeclass for operations of fields of records treated as independent components"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "fig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fig"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "03bxiicvfwia5g0whg454ph2s34n8firjcqhn6d7qvbim338hkxq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulation of FIG files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "file-command-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, process, system-filepath + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "file-command-qq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yq1bc738nfhdrnd2ll1v1wji9gyma4nday2q2rz5lvh5jfdfaks"; + buildDepends = [ + base parsec process system-filepath template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasiquoter for system commands involving filepaths"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "file-embed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HUnit + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "file-embed"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0mj8f70f9k78wjzcx59w68szajafmm119rcrsspmxsygglh8ji2g"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base filepath HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "file-location" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lifted-base, process + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "file-location"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d1iqhdac1gcag1d7ch9ia4fm97jpp31m46b794z90bmm6nr29h9"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers lifted-base template-haskell transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers lifted-base process template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "common functions that show file location information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filecache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hashable, hinotify, lens, mtl + , stm, strict-base-types, temporary, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filecache"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0yx255yl8v8knhbnzahx2v606y23nmgh5hs65dqcxmhyh53wawda"; + buildDepends = [ + base hashable hinotify lens mtl stm strict-base-types + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory temporary unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Linux-only cache system associating values to files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filelock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filelock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qypjnbkfayqyaymx8qrq4abddlrlzanf6lqhfn9cqzcgzr6735d"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable interface to file locking (flock / LockFileEx)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "filemanip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, mtl + , unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filemanip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03l114rhb4f6nyzs9w14i79d7kyyq9ia542alsqpbmikm9gxm4rz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath mtl unix-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filepath_1_3_0_2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filepath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wvvz6cs5fh4f04a87b9s7xrnzypmnzzkn149p6xk8xi7gcvcpy2"; + editedCabalFile = "8a598ba1a37f56d30d41a0228b84692c6c0d1b97136a6e0818eacc782be4ed60"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for manipulating FilePaths in a cross platform way"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filepath-io-access" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-io-access, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filepath-io-access"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08rb2nafnh5vx7i6i3ddhq4h1s2ffgz8ailap5knr1xl7izgyywp"; + buildDepends = [ base base-io-access filepath ]; + description = "IO Access for filepath"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "filepather" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, comonad-transformers, data-lens + , directory, filepath, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filepather"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1gqnanmnhrpdw5iryf757qwj7j9izyzx1j4y74ydivxafz8w469v"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad comonad-transformers data-lens directory filepath mtl + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions on System.FilePath"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filestore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Diff, directory + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, old-locale, parsec, process, split, time + , utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filestore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b3ymdqwcn84m8kkybshx10bfylby49i0yhbassvlgf0n096lp12"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Diff directory filepath old-locale + parsec process split time utf8-string xml + ]; + testDepends = [ base Diff directory filepath HUnit mtl time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmaxcount" ]; + description = "Interface for versioning file stores"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "filesystem-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , containers, hspec, QuickCheck, system-fileio, system-filepath + , text, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filesystem-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05dsl3bgyjciq6sgmba0hki7imilrjq3ddp9ip5gxl9884j1f4a1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers system-fileio system-filepath + text transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring conduit hspec QuickCheck text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use system-filepath data types with conduits. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "filesystem-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enumerator, system-fileio, system-filepath + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filesystem-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04cs5kz390g5qanwqps5kx1pd70b9vzaykn4c0yc0kxi16xlxyrc"; + buildDepends = [ + base enumerator system-fileio system-filepath transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator-based API for manipulating the filesystem"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "filesystem-trees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cond, containers, data-lens, deepseq + , directory, dlist, filepath, mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "filesystem-trees"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ypdnzv00kgr785z1psqaz306rgkvkn53jnr7qvchx1pqdw2v5cg"; + buildDepends = [ + base cond containers data-lens deepseq directory dlist filepath mtl + unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Recursively manipulate and traverse filesystems as lazy rose trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "final" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "final"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "189vby5ym6hcjpz6y9chlgkyzl8wnndqkhzk7s7qy8mksr3g66f9"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "utility to add extra safety to monadic returns"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "find-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, conduit, conduit-combinators + , directory, doctest, either, exceptions, filepath, hspec, mmorph + , monad-control, mtl, regex-posix, semigroups, system-filepath + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "find-conduit"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "171y1bb3r6af41i2xsip2r4xm7grbzpvlwczrvaj8hzyknr3y7dx"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base conduit conduit-combinators either exceptions + mmorph monad-control mtl regex-posix semigroups system-filepath + text time transformers transformers-base unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base conduit conduit-combinators directory doctest + either exceptions filepath hspec mmorph monad-control mtl + regex-posix semigroups system-filepath text time transformers + transformers-base unix + ]; + description = "A file-finding conduit that allows user control over traversals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fingertree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fingertree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c35sryzsijwavvw9x1pk5p99rhmp4g8pjh2ds419mlfgxc039ms"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fingertree-psqueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fingertree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fingertree-psqueue"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "14kc0ijx44q7whniickjj3h9ag1pixn51dlxjs6n2ypaclcjz34z"; + buildDepends = [ base fingertree ]; + description = "Implementation of priority search queues as finger trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fingertree-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fingertree-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ja8cqxpqhvssbcywph3zna946g1li5hlzsqab9lhg6vw0baakdn"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generic finger-tree structure using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "finite-field" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hashable, HUnit, primes + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, type-level-numbers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "finite-field"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "0wlbq7dpb4545xdnqjqppp0cmjx9m8g1p6lydkvn7pj7dwar8lni"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq hashable template-haskell type-level-numbers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit primes QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + type-level-numbers + ]; + description = "Finite Fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "first-class-patterns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "first-class-patterns"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07ak85jkxli1yhj75mpvam0av8iz5qpbx6m5kzw04fqg3vcfrj8j"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "First class patterns and pattern matching, using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "firstify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , homeomorphic, mtl, Safe, yhccore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "firstify"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1g851dgsxq9gfbsx4qas9vm844ay3g5vhfd1493fgpay0j7i5fnd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath homeomorphic mtl Safe yhccore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Defunctionalisation for Yhc Core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fishfood" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, factory, mtl, QuickCheck + , toolshed, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fishfood"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13fwwvvr3jd856gc28kckmaqgy3mdy02af0i6fws9jqkchm0d2l6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers factory mtl QuickCheck toolshed unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Calculates file-size frequency-distribution"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "fitsio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cfitsio, filepath, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fitsio"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "07zsd05ncq8rnrswk4kzg97sam8czibw2nhlrqxg8q1a5canisag"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ cfitsio ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for reading and writing data files in the FITS data format"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "fix-imports" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, cpphs, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, process, split, text, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fix-imports"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0j8yqqf61f2m4zri844gp6k80vkfzk1rby2miv90niz3hbciknj6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers cpphs directory filepath haskell-src-exts process + split text uniplate + ]; + description = "Program to manage the imports of a haskell module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fix-parser-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fix-parser-simple"; + version = "15320.3"; + sha256 = "0ls5fxwq2lnb0rjqih4isfwiv0603ga12gxnf7w3rpqp5qhrhas8"; + buildDepends = [ base mmtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use_mtl" ]; + description = "Simple fix-expression parser"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "fix-symbols-gitit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gitit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fix-symbols-gitit"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "01fxzhd2wqzp0paba64q5psfc4qvc4b8i88rdkn6mxlkm21gkp6y"; + buildDepends = [ base containers gitit ]; + description = "Gitit plugin: Turn some Haskell symbols into pretty math symbols"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1ayfya62ngcyyhi736fl5cd39iw568lkl16j4mliw3mi1cs2cic0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-list"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "07b1kzysf96jckx7yghb2a93l884x8fvxxd0g2ja3hwb5y403911"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fixed length list type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-point" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-point"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "010gx32av4cn5bqq1zrrcah50ay528vw01fvv1xhfpkrx1ll9wka"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Binary fixed-point arithmetic"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fixed-point-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fixed-point, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-point-vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "029mn44d1i794b1pbpa0zmf6b20zl0cvsf77mbfdkqnyx8986883"; + buildDepends = [ base fixed-point vector ]; + description = "Unbox instances for the fixed-point package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fixed-point-vector-space" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fixed-point, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-point-vector-space"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10b29gqy3rpwd5wf2b65p0llm8ksyp1p7k43rm1n5g5z67wkd7dx"; + buildDepends = [ base fixed-point vector-space ]; + description = "vector-space instances for the fixed-point package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fixed-precision" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmpfr, integer-gmp, reflection, tagged + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-precision"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1akgiark8svzkqx764iic10qpfixm0js8vwga0134d81ppcp58f6"; + buildDepends = [ + base hmpfr integer-gmp reflection tagged template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fixed Precision Arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-storable-array" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-storable-array"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vb5h2v2qx19d7xibf7ksv2cha2pngh49mfpkh43f9vrwc6042ph"; + buildDepends = [ array base tagged ]; + description = "Fixed-size wrapper for StorableArray, providing a Storable instance. Deprecated - use storable-static-array instead."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, filemanip, primitive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "119302bbv2v3k77kr158bp8sd6zhqzsyslcyq1vncng1ay0vzf8g"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest filemanip primitive ]; + description = "Generic vectors with statically known size"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-vector-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, fixed-vector, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-vector-binary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yjyw9wc92laiwd9w8ng3456azicvf9a9wqk2v6liiksj3flw7hy"; + buildDepends = [ base binary fixed-vector ]; + testDepends = [ base binary fixed-vector tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "Binary instances for fixed-vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-vector-cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, fixed-vector, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-vector-cereal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kf3d0pfaif5fish1vc5z7d5ym23bwl80l8bg4bgpdw75cg2dnn6"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal fixed-vector ]; + testDepends = [ base cereal fixed-vector tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "Cereal instances for fixed-vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixed-vector-hetero" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, fixed-vector, ghc-prim, primitive + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixed-vector-hetero"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zmxwmksfzbl656c9iyz1nig19hnkfvv874a2gm5mc28yr6zwvqg"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq fixed-vector ghc-prim primitive transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic heterogeneous vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixedprec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixedprec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s921nhkmdglmcwzyr048r04dswc6hz7kvh9p4lvd8i2mxq0szgi"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + description = "A fixed-precision real number type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, containers, deepseq, dlist, enumerator, HaXml + , MissingH, network, old-time, parallel, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixhs"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0kxfx3k2d8xy75s7cln3l1hiia5vjcr6k5almbpys63dkr3svcz2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring containers deepseq + dlist enumerator HaXml MissingH network old-time parallel + QuickCheck text + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-with-fix44" "-f-with-fix43" "-fwith-fix42" "-fwith-fix41" + "-fwith-fix40" "-f-developer" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FIX (co)parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "fixplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixplate"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0mmkkydvdiw4nawgw3w7a9gpcxc3wzzlhz2083hqa6sxhx8x3b29"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" "-fwithutils" "-f-withquickcheck" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Uniplate-style generic traversals for optionally annotated fixed-point types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixpoint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixpoint"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05h1cw1gpnwk1qjlia4l27j375cva8pp75fzn99w2rxsv6khszpb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data types as fixpoints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fixtime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fixtime"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1walxcyi1wrv28vgy318c88z3mprz6mc8qfhbjgxb156iwfv80w5"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some fixes to the time package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "fizz-buzz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fizz-buzz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "169xaj7iczz0mnvd03pf95dcvy918jscpzap6z9y62kb0daskg4p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Functional Fizz/Buzz"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flaccuraterip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, deepseq, HTTP, optparse-applicative + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flaccuraterip"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0l6lh7ji8qp11jj4cc29b1f5lmr2cqb76krccc8p9jfizdxia8fl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary deepseq HTTP optparse-applicative process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Verify FLAC files ripped form CD using AccurateRip™"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "flamethrower" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flamethrower"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10kfy1cnp721hgz6lbc28y7hkjhbv6gpk2jff6nk2avrfbaqqd8x"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A template engine for HTML"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "flat-mcmc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-par, monad-par-extras, mtl, mwc-random + , primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flat-mcmc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fp5jga82kbkj77xhy4m4vsn7zqf6fr9fwram3a2ybqssicgs3z5"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-par monad-par-extras mtl mwc-random primitive vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Painless general-purpose sampling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flexible-defaults" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell, th-extras + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flexible-defaults"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cbp8hb7y29xz3hl780173cs6ca4df0r98fz7v3drqr46aq55ipl"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers template-haskell th-extras transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate default function implementations for complex type classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "flexible-unlit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flexible-unlit"; + version = "0.2013.314.0"; + sha256 = "0jwsa2qfzw4rdj55axy7cw1p82314i28c16f7p7pjp53cwnsp02a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + description = "A configurable reimplementation of unlit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flexiwrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-type, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flexiwrap"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0vvl9w3i374k720sscbcsbha89fcfk1hcvdr0nk4y7gkp13xwdba"; + buildDepends = [ base data-type mtl QuickCheck ]; + description = "Flexible wrappers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flexiwrap-smallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-type, flexiwrap, mtl, smallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flexiwrap-smallcheck"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1dara0az10fxx46jmplf2l6a6x8qqjk00fxjzb9n10ndd4lxcsm3"; + buildDepends = [ base data-type flexiwrap mtl smallcheck ]; + description = "SmallCheck (Serial) instances for flexiwrap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flickr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, HTTP, mime, network, random + , utf8-string, xhtml, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flickr"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "12fi34zl2ggbxf5gmfldplzi1pk9byf8rpn58ljw2fvz3qb8x6yl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath HTTP mime network random utf8-string xhtml xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + description = "Haskell binding to the Flickr API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flippers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flippers"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1swyj1f67giq7h9xcl6dzsw4ywk1jbl6avpihbv0q9g9hp6yzqp3"; + editedCabalFile = "e908ada5c891a6ac39cefb7e41648606d1a5f1b1048281f93bd496c5f22d73b4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Variations on flip for multiple arguments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell98, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flite"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0ck44icwg6gzi9x5h5iszk59qnr0fhsj95ghk0lxm8aygavwq44d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell98 parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pure" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "f-lite compiler, interpreter and libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, parsec, regex-compat, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hxzdgnsfxallmw7z07hs4ax8pfn57hk55kyjxg8vnrj7i07bp9l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl parsec regex-compat text ]; + description = "Generate flow charts from your code base"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "float-binstring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, split + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "float-binstring"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0dcxk1s13ppslqxd378yh92pzmxnmnhk1q07wl5ifcnfy5zamzdq"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base split text ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base hspec HUnit QuickCheck split text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C99 printf \"%a\" style formatting and parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "floatshow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, integer-gmp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "floatshow"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1zsxjwgm8nkphnmsbz03yvplc2r02qybb387n910j4j6vya98khc"; + buildDepends = [ array base integer-gmp ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgmp" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative faster String representations for Double and Float, String representations for more general numeric types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, monad-control, transformers + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g1gf7qnlqkl57h28nzxnbzj7v2h73czffp5y7s7jm9vbihcwd4n"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper for flock(2)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "flow2dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flow2dot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pf60wpwsvxxgqkz3zh2qlcyz9pyd8axi41y5y6pn77n9x8p2613"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec QuickCheck utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and binary to generate sequence/flow diagrams from plain text source"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "flowdock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , http-client, http-client-tls, lens, mtl, pipes, pipes-aeson + , pipes-http, pipes-parse, template-haskell, text + , unordered-containers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flowdock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lmjhy6cxdr86pia9v04h4q40w0401r3a2srsdhgwbgxzj3syi1r"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring http-client http-client-tls + lens mtl pipes pipes-aeson pipes-http pipes-parse template-haskell + text unordered-containers uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Flowdock client library for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "flowdock-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , bytestring, data-default, directory, filepath, heredoc, HsOpenSSL + , hspec, http-streams, http-types, io-streams, monad-logger + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, optparse-applicative, split + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flowdock-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p0b0pabyykvli9l0jrcbfgpyq7dna3zilb4z0s1hb6mamfdn7ng"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring data-default + directory filepath HsOpenSSL http-streams http-types io-streams + monad-logger MonadCatchIO-transformers optparse-applicative split + text time transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring data-default + heredoc HsOpenSSL hspec http-streams http-types io-streams + monad-logger MonadCatchIO-transformers template-haskell text time + transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API integration with Flowdock"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "flower" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bio, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, mtl, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flower"; + version = "0.7.2"; + sha256 = "0r9l3b91kyhf4ab8m2qv5jsfqf3k7x639bq1wjbf852imzl6138b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bio bytestring cmdargs containers mtl random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analyze 454 flowgrams (.SFF files)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "flowsim" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, biocore, biofasta, biosff, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, directory, MonadRandom, mtl, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "flowsim"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "0l3222a2r2khhrfhzvd0iikqq1rlcwhvf785bwnwqygq35i1w6j3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base biocore biofasta biosff bytestring cmdargs containers + directory MonadRandom mtl random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simulate 454 pyrosequencing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "fluent-logger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal + , cereal-conduit, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, exceptions + , hspec, messagepack, network, network-socket-options, random, stm + , text, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fluent-logger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02sh7q9l874rbjdwj66grz0y0cbnd2wc5413x4mrvg095i8g9zww"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers messagepack network + network-socket-options random stm text time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cereal cereal-conduit conduit + conduit-extra containers exceptions hspec messagepack network text + time transformers + ]; + description = "A structured logger for Fluentd (Haskell)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "fluent-logger-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, fluent-logger + , resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fluent-logger-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z21dg1y0rqfgvpvgci5kp3jh0kdx5v5paxdidwp8dd6v7y3ag9q"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit fluent-logger resourcet transformers + ]; + description = "Conduit interface for fluent-logger"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "fluidsynth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, containers, directory + , fluidsynth + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fluidsynth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18r7q7sh35sr71ays0c9ic6f7vmrblpw25mz1y5v9sbk5x2lh64s"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL containers directory ]; + extraLibraries = [ fluidsynth ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to FluidSynth"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) fluidsynth; }; + + "fmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, process, Unixutils + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fmark"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1bjkkd90mw1nbm5pyjh52dwhqa6xx3i3hhl2ys3qpk08mrw5r09l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl process Unixutils ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Friendly Markup language without syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fmlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fmlist"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1gzwmsrbxk22v7syf8zfvxphm23dmjzfpysz6qww3qvib8wm64aq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FoldMap lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "focus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "focus"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "11l6rlr22m0z41c9fynpisj0cnx70zzcxhsakz9b09ap8wj0raqy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "foldl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, primitive, text + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "foldl"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "0mqxibifrlfqnibzy9b2rncy4dyljdz35560ni3rwi8hkyix74a9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers primitive text transformers vector + ]; + description = "Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "foldl-incremental" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, foldl, tasty, tasty-golden + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "foldl-incremental"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqvd48ivs4nn0kw9g9r0p0029kigl8bbc3554m1g033l2b8k2pk"; + buildDepends = [ base foldl ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring foldl tasty tasty-golden tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "incremental folds"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "folds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, comonad, contravariant, deepseq + , directory, doctest, filepath, lens, mtl, pointed, profunctors + , reflection, semigroupoids, semigroups, tagged, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "folds"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "13zdmf7szdy9ka5dw0vgzbfmndm7w8fz7ryz5h2z5hsqg9am2qqa"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad contravariant lens pointed profunctors reflection + semigroupoids tagged transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring deepseq directory doctest filepath mtl semigroups + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test-hlint" "-foptimize" "-f-test-hlint" "-ftest-doctests" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Beautiful Folding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "folds-common" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, folds, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "folds-common"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dcyh798ijq4ms8xr0jwfp4fy5i5l4czl7m3yvk2z6rkha9w1zmc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers folds ]; + testDepends = [ base containers tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "A playground of common folds for folds"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "follower" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , hs-twitter, old-locale, strict, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "follower"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0iy8q06fpc03n4z6dcrl95vji67dia6bp30q42rrlqw6s9cwigsm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base cmdargs directory filepath hs-twitter + old-locale strict time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Follow Tweets anonymously"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "font-opengl-basic4x6" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW-b, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "font-opengl-basic4x6"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0myjb8g3mis887l0jmr88nb757x0zcvhnanx02hxjbfb5iqx3cx9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW-b OpenGL ]; + description = "Basic4x6 font for OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "foo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLUT, haskell98, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "foo"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1f1abijdfvnmkgbvw9q94k4p39pbqslmg9am1j1sjyxrag5y0vv8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers GLUT haskell98 OpenGL ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Paper soccer, an OpenGL game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "for-free" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, comonad-transformers, containers + , contravariant, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "for-free"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "048m95sg8jq7kpr55iq5h93c7zbaqp5v340phb13v9yw2hv50sql"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad comonad-transformers containers contravariant + transformers + ]; + description = "Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, etc for free"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "force-layout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default-class, lens + , vector-space, vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "force-layout"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00b831l94r3lx0b330ql3w551w0fwziayhsjydzbfqq335syaaxg"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default-class lens vector-space + vector-space-points + ]; + description = "Simple force-directed layout"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fordo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fordo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0vlh5rfn3n8vi3gbfmpbw20jgv5skvcw187walgv6dns39pagsar"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process transformers ]; + description = "Run a command on files with magic substituion support (sequencing and regexp)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "foreign-storable-asymmetric" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "foreign-storable-asymmetric"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1pj30p7z5nq8j95z9c4kjv6spandfch3r0dvx3n8wsbh3270dvxj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Types and instances for implementing a Storable with different peek and poke"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "foreign-store" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "foreign-store"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1p7hsr1kg1667wql9c18q7bwpnrldnb8r18ijhji5c7qqr8yml5g"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Store a stable pointer in a foreign context to be retrieved later. Persists through GHCi reloads."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "forkable-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "forkable-monad"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0nxcjx3cf8bkl0cwkpgz5c6byld13kw2601q4157fmfa370bi11h"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of forkIO for monad stacks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "formal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, file-embed, HTTP, indents, interpolatedstring-perl6 + , jmacro, MissingH, mtl, network, pandoc, parsec, process, text + , transformers, urlencoded, wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "formal"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0z8a5a9w7mg69c1x6h8825bhkll63gz6j85lbc0w59w1ag2x8865"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers directory file-embed HTTP + indents interpolatedstring-perl6 jmacro MissingH mtl network pandoc + parsec process text transformers urlencoded wl-pprint-text + ]; + description = "A statically typed, functional programming language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "format" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010, parsec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "format"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vv9b0hif5hi3jkd1n6j85b5mkfkjyixldblm2l4qfgrj95igmph"; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 parsec ]; + testDepends = [ haskell2010 parsec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rendering from and scanning to format strings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "format-status" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-concurrent-queue, old-locale, stm, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "format-status"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dfmjp307c8685cdw41nmjmisf3aplyf177r973wyqcrifabvs2q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-concurrent-queue old-locale stm text time + ]; + description = "A utility for writing the date to dzen2"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "formatting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clock, old-locale, scientific, text + , text-format, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "formatting"; + version = "6.1.0"; + sha256 = "1yb0lm2h1jbjfm6pkgf696bvi7hl9bcy5km1v9x2fnj41vziw0kn"; + buildDepends = [ + base clock old-locale scientific text text-format time + ]; + description = "Combinator-based type-safe formatting (like printf() or FORMAT)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "forml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cereal + , containers, directory, file-embed, ghc-prim, GraphSCC, hslogger + , HTTP, indents, interpolatedstring-perl6, jmacro, MissingH, mtl + , network, pandoc, parsec, process, text, urlencoded, utf8-string + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "forml"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1bqfw3h06mbznivg37840qnzjygflzp90wkyssnb1kjxi4bj1vbv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cereal containers directory + file-embed ghc-prim GraphSCC hslogger HTTP indents + interpolatedstring-perl6 jmacro MissingH mtl network pandoc parsec + process text urlencoded utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A statically typed, functional programming language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "formlets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, blaze-html, bytestring + , haskell98, syb, transformers, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "formlets"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0jx56vhrzcwca33rgp738plmssw95nv20rrzw5xrxcmdv26zp1w9"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base blaze-html bytestring haskell98 syb + transformers xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Formlets implemented in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "formlets-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, formlets, haskell98, hsp + , hsx, mtl, trhsx + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "formlets-hsp"; + version = "2.3.1"; + sha256 = "19m0nryrksh1cgsz7sx3gamjczw36hqfsbml05p6j7li3bk0fpw2"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base formlets haskell98 hsp hsx mtl + ]; + buildTools = [ trhsx ]; + description = "HSP support for Formlets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "forth-hll" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array-forth, base, free, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "forth-hll"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hmcicxnxcl99chidkbg1kspjzpxxcw8qh4lrwvmlpz2knzf11g3"; + buildDepends = [ array-forth base free mtl ]; + description = "A simple eDSL for generating arrayForth code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "fountain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fountain"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mxzrvrag2qwn22llklmdkcf4icd8n9ifg1awd9q7ffll8a1a67p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fountain codec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fpco-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-html, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default, deepseq + , deepseq-generics, directory, failure, fay, filepath, ghc-prim + , hashable, http-conduit, http-types, ini, lifted-async + , lifted-base, monad-control, monad-extras, monad-logger, mtl + , network, optparse-applicative, persistent, persistent-template + , pretty-show, process, random, resourcet, safe, semigroups + , shakespeare, shakespeare-i18n, stm, syb, template-haskell, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , vector, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fpco-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hyvnra01c7jqh3n0zpnff6m9z2xjiq6fp4484qb7km58mw1hm2v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-html bytestring + cereal containers data-default deepseq deepseq-generics directory + failure fay filepath ghc-prim hashable http-conduit http-types ini + lifted-async lifted-base monad-control monad-extras monad-logger + mtl network optparse-applicative persistent persistent-template + pretty-show process random resourcet safe semigroups shakespeare + shakespeare-i18n stm syb template-haskell text time transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers vector yesod-core + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dev" "-f-jenkins-build" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple interface to the FP Complete IDE API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fpipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fpipe"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1b6r19yy9wh5w8xb0ajjxsd2qyzjnkgyav1975qv92wwxslyxwr8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "F#-style composition and application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fpnla" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fpnla"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "15qpfi3b9vnpm17q3y64nsrhlj5vi9rgrgysjfk98aw1gkj9mvv4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library for NLA operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fpnla-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, array, base, data-default, deepseq + , fpnla, hmatrix, HUnit, linear-algebra-cblas, monad-par, parallel + , QuickCheck, random, repa, tagged, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fpnla-examples"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1p305r0jgcqrbny22ic1ziyav9yjy6v02wgna0sgh4p0c1wi7pb2"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate array base deepseq fpnla hmatrix linear-algebra-cblas + monad-par parallel repa vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + accelerate array base data-default deepseq fpnla hmatrix HUnit + linear-algebra-cblas monad-par parallel QuickCheck random repa + tagged test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 time vector + ]; + description = "Example implementations for FPNLA library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fptest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, Glob, hlint, HUnit, parsec + , parsec3-numbers, process, QuickCheck, regex-compat + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fptest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqca640h9qcrnwkqdw1pyl73c4nraglgwqgimkrgbkjlwpyn824"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HUnit parsec parsec3-numbers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest Glob hlint HUnit parsec parsec3-numbers process + QuickCheck regex-compat test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IEEE754r floating point conformance tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, extensible-exceptions, hashtables + , parsec, process, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fquery"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v1qrbr5kz17haawrh0ksmjw7j4ks0x4kqzss5z1fbldl6axw97i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory extensible-exceptions hashtables parsec process + regex-compat unix + ]; + description = "Installed package query tool for Gentoo Linux"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "fractal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fractal"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0iw5454mi0ms3w62m118rlqr6lr1j9mbxwfj26mlc5p38bq9k7ds"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Draw Newton, Julia and Mandelbrot fractals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fraction" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fraction"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kjpfqy528s11kfigp27kr5a4xw8kn11mpgjzb6fapdbip6y9579"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroups ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fractions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "frag" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "frag"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "1xgnp4cls8i61hyl4kcf3afri77jlcahwjvww498xl5d5frdiv90"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base GLUT OpenGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A 3-D First Person Shooter Game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "frame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , ghc-binary, happstack-fastcgi, happstack-server, haskell98 + , haskelldb, haskelldb-hdbc, haskelldb-hdbc-odbc, HDBC, HDBC-odbc + , HTTP, MissingH, mtl, old-time, pretty, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "frame"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ldncqifcnk4d50qivgw62hcdy4nc23zr64q787azid0vb9vsdja"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory ghc-binary happstack-fastcgi + happstack-server haskell98 haskelldb haskelldb-hdbc + haskelldb-hdbc-odbc HDBC HDBC-odbc HTTP MissingH mtl old-time + pretty utf8-string + ]; + description = "A simple web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ghc-binary = null; }; + + "frame-markdown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, frame, pandoc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "frame-markdown"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0wy1c9xgd6ykymqciga1sla83wfdwy17p88bygfp6pflbc0rw57g"; + buildDepends = [ base frame pandoc ]; + description = "A markdown to Frame GUI writer for Pandoc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "franchise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "franchise"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "144fywp5fcix5i06wvwvzwsr19bgxpajx7bi7jw43hnm3rlcj4vr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A package for configuring and building Haskell software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "free" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, comonad, distributive, mtl + , prelude-extras, profunctors, semigroupoids, semigroups + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vs080bbcbncjqa7z0l6zd10kpmilj8khxiqdn4bq24mifyryhvq"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors comonad distributive mtl prelude-extras profunctors + semigroupoids semigroups template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads for free"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "free-functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, algebraic-classes, base, comonad, constraints + , template-haskell, transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-functors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05q3b5ls6c63piywyxpa87gzn0c46xwgisq6skb05a38q24za3a0"; + buildDepends = [ + algebraic-classes base comonad constraints template-haskell + transformers void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides free functors that are adjoint to functors that forget class constraints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "free-game" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, boundingboxes, colors, containers + , control-bool, directory, filepath, free, freetype2, GLFW-b + , hashable, JuicyPixels, JuicyPixels-util, lens, linear, mtl + , OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, random, reflection, template-haskell + , transformers, vector, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-game"; + version = "1.1.80"; + sha256 = "1vpwrviwxib22mkaqmwndzfly8iicr85sh1y914gwp5n83lmkava"; + buildDepends = [ + array base boundingboxes colors containers control-bool directory + filepath free freetype2 GLFW-b hashable JuicyPixels + JuicyPixels-util lens linear mtl OpenGL OpenGLRaw random reflection + template-haskell transformers vector void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create games for free"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "free-operational" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad-transformers, free, kan-extensions + , mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-operational"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gim4m0l76sxxg6a8av1gl6qjpwxwdzyviij86d06v1150r08dmb"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad-transformers free kan-extensions mtl transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test-properties" ]; + description = "Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus from free types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "free-theorems" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src, haskell-src-exts + , mtl, pretty, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-theorems"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r0qz8h8fjb9akkhd3impr30gd0s5ky51dj667x0pf155b4lvx2w"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src haskell-src-exts mtl pretty syb + ]; + description = "Automatic generation of free theorems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "free-theorems-counterexamples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, free-theorems, haskell-src + , haskell-src-exts, HUnit, mtl, pretty, syb, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-theorems-counterexamples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wq5lvnylw92qzv1q93liz4i3q2j8sbgwgaw8nw79q0x0cdvbbb3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cgi containers free-theorems haskell-src haskell-src-exts + HUnit mtl pretty syb utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "free-theorems-seq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, free-theorems + , haskell-src, mtl, old-locale, old-time, parsec, pretty, syb + , utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-theorems-seq"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1scqjv6hc2y0w1x9f8v8bwrl1dnz64hf5jgrdam12dxbsk6qjs6g"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers free-theorems haskell-src mtl + old-locale old-time parsec pretty syb utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Taming Selective Strictness"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "free-theorems-seq-webui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, free-theorems-seq, mtl + , network, pretty, syb, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-theorems-seq-webui"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bx7fg1ddycl9pgrlh2qij5vb6fqx79gl6lbm248c95xyygi3iy5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cgi containers free-theorems-seq mtl network pretty syb + utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Taming Selective Strictness"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "free-theorems-webui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, csv, dataenc, directory + , filepath, free-theorems, process, time, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "free-theorems-webui"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qxdfbzr52dw0qww03l86vpgmylznifqzvjarmgpkfr129szl7ba"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi csv dataenc directory filepath free-theorems + process time xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-our_server" ]; + description = "CGI-based web interface for the free-theorems package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "freekick2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, EdisonCore, filepath, FTGL, haskell98, mtl, OpenGL + , pngload, random, SDL, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freekick2"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1ybmffs05hgzn81szcd8nrz4f94qc64d9y2d2hkyq57djb87503j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory EdisonCore + filepath FTGL haskell98 mtl OpenGL pngload random SDL + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A soccer game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "freenect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, freenect, freenect_sync, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freenect"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "11ggp90npdyfdmf8zhjk442zl0j0lni6hizhgc0409za9i6s1l5g"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ freenect freenect_sync ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to the Kinect device"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) freenect; + freenect_sync = null; }; + + "freesect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cpphs, directory, mtl, parallel + , pretty, random, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freesect"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "150ch1xmx3slmq7hb74z8sjrqhrsc9kl1zjn030fj6k6kphrwd88"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cpphs directory mtl parallel pretty random syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell syntax extension for generalised sections"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "freesound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, data-accessor + , data-accessor-template, directory, mtl, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freesound"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0a34qc62sjc355qfr3qz92nh27gmcyqk2jlhq77pjfdzv0ivigcy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring curl data-accessor data-accessor-template directory + mtl xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Access the Freesound Project database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "freetype-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boundingboxes, bytestring, freetype2, linear + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freetype-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qhiy896a10af9fnzcp4y0ra1c9l6fbcclrr3k74pn2qvvfybnss"; + buildDepends = [ base boundingboxes bytestring freetype2 linear ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Single line text rendering for OpenGL ES"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "freetype2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "freetype2"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16ayyqvbl278z68ssfbv2nvbyxs7585zmnk2w53vlxvj0k9zj66s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + description = "Haskell binding for FreeType 2 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fresh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fresh"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1441yv55bwmiwnr6jsccq91anq8vhc2a4ka0irn3i2i9cjzw0gkw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src-exts syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Introduce fresh variables into Haskell source code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "friday" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, convertible, libdevil, primitive + , QuickCheck, ratio-int, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "friday"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1wa8swh152nvp2ilw4hxcsydmgd0ifcikpfnxg5jwlnbs3b6fm8q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring convertible primitive ratio-int transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libdevil ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functionnal image processing library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "friendly-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, old-locale, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "friendly-time"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "10p78qbb1c87d0ag6cwc7blgwaw8r5sbs00gp5qg3sh9x7n9l3nj"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit old-locale test-framework test-framework-hunit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Print time information in friendly ways"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "frisby" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "frisby"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0isj9p7j33va1a4q78vnq32j9jdbjww596rxja235z4whicraf53"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear time composable parser for PEG grammars"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "frquotes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "frquotes"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0s5cb0m6xgf9zfch75nzk9b8lvghl4nc5dk35xkakq6ys3zizw6c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Lexical extension for Quasi-Quotations using French-Quotes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fs-events" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fs-events"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jw6cx9fzzs8r20acjq8nq8zjhwiwnvg1b0kc97c2sij1bhw6pw4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A haskell binding to the FSEvents API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fsharp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fsharp"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1scmvhbsn988x6j4a94ibg1c7adrxf8lzn06n9n1iv62bjd450m3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "some F# operators, high priority pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fsmActions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, filepath, graphviz + , MissingH, mtl, parsec, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fsmActions"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "05713wj1s1307brqkbnapqi42dva55kcjgb8n3x6yirpfp6lhdsc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fgl filepath graphviz MissingH mtl parsec pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finite state machines and FSM actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fsnotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, directory, hinotify + , system-fileio, system-filepath, tasty, tasty-hunit, temporary-rc + , text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fsnotify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m6jyg45azk377jklgwyqrx95q174cxd5znpyh9azznkh09wq58z"; + buildDepends = [ + async base containers hinotify system-fileio system-filepath text + time + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base directory system-fileio system-filepath tasty + tasty-hunit temporary-rc + ]; + description = "Cross platform library for file change notification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskeline, mtl, QuickCheck + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fst"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14135p69zjn0f0300q09g79dm9vgrmvgnjwdhy7f58z0blhahibs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base haskeline mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finite state transducers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fsutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fsutils"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "07lx4928d1fnjbpfmky4jhhk7sqj98b11vdbv4f67p3bwfn5lrp8"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "File system utilities for Haskell that are missing from built in libraries"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fswatcher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, fsnotify, process + , system-filepath, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fswatcher"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1b6pm3jfyi5lbrpjv8n6z970xs11h61hj1g5ph54fhsqd2wvmpc2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory fsnotify process system-filepath unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Watch a file/directory and run a command when it's modified"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ftdi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, safe + , transformers, usb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ftdi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gnfbngn3jwva6nvrcrzmi2n2vy4k55yh41zvg0kyb61w7kgm4m8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bytestring safe transformers usb + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nolib" "-f-hpc" "-f-test" ]; + description = "A thin layer over USB to communicate with FTDI chips"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ftp-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteorder, bytestring, conduit, MissingH + , network, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ftp-conduit"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0gb65g46nr9haysy3dbrylka08fsz81yn7aiwwingc6wlp7d76dg"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteorder bytestring conduit MissingH network transformers + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FTP client package with conduit interface based off http-conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ftphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hslogger, MissingH, mtl, network, parsec + , regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ftphs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1whvawaifhi5xgmiagdayjf7m6p6vs71mvc4a4csd4vzzjr0a2yf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hslogger MissingH mtl network parsec regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FTP Client and Server Library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "ftree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ShowF, type-unary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ftree"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1ma87jnwsgzlr7z6ac303i0qy9i2lywvjgb2zjv9qgnbkf18pg3m"; + buildDepends = [ base ShowF type-unary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Depth-typed functor-based trees, both top-down and bottom-up"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ftshell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, free-theorems, mtl, pretty + , Shellac, Shellac-readline + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ftshell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jrpb6dzq47xy6xvsisc7g1y53dc97s4l826f9sscxpdsrx3yp8r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers free-theorems mtl pretty Shellac Shellac-readline + ]; + description = "Shell interface to the FreeTheorems library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "fugue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fugue"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0g0qy0lcixbjm5srmfl1dnci4m09zwqcs5dpknpnsdc4b4l3925r"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A recapitulated prelude with minimal dependencies and profligate exports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "full-sessions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "full-sessions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0irm1zrggjl9zrapzxfl3kj32d81k30c8nbmr3bf9ramjg65xm90"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a monad for protocol-typed network programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "full-text-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "full-text-search"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rz4gimbk32677158321xs36pkc5ywjhm2sisw8hrwa3zlfjkrfc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers text vector ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck text vector + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-search-demo" ]; + description = "In-memory full text search engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fullstop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, split, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fullstop"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "10452kdl98igk2y48bb2ligj8nk7gpjcsf0nsiifvpjbfxv4gakc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple sentence segmenter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "funcmp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "funcmp"; + version = "1.7"; + sha256 = "1rna7x7lw36fv5pyq0zn4b472mh11r0bszzji13wm3byhhmzs04k"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional MetaPost"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "function-combine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-type }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "function-combine"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1m8bmqxb9kar3y8zv22qs2a6kzd636m5li1r2q4y6pps0nglv9i9"; + buildDepends = [ base data-type ]; + description = "Combining functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "function-instances-algebra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numeric-prelude }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "function-instances-algebra"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0dxym6xrylngw8r5spi246nmi8fvvxxx776qismcr04zqshv7ygw"; + buildDepends = [ base numeric-prelude ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances of the Algebra.* classes for functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "functional-arrow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HList }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functional-arrow"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1la9xqm5gs6a6cb18wyx9wr0nx6p5ryhczvb72d0zm6xrjrf0r5s"; + buildDepends = [ base HList ]; + description = "Combinators that allow for a more functional/monadic style of Arrow programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "functor-apply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functor-apply"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0jshf7and80p0gq26zz83xj4p3ff8lppa5252qg0646xsr06lfkr"; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been subsumed by semigroupoids"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "functor-combo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-inttrie, lub, type-unary + , TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functor-combo"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "1q93chk6bj43dym8v620sdcpwfzw4q1ws3jcry84h33ymlpwqnpp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-inttrie lub type-unary TypeCompose + ]; + description = "Functor combinators with tries & zippers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "functor-infix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functor-infix"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1f8m4nxlr2il9j0ilgw91fhp6mmz5xqlhylavncqwvbcq82362dc"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compositions of functors"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "functor-monadic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functor-monadic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0791pqg4b9nr4ggfhi6ijjxmnwyf2yyqxfk9iahf6jn0y09lr7pm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad-style combinators for functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "functorm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functorm"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1aa4f6yp4vrrrs3rswhjxw2gij3mwn8yf299kgv42wd03xazyxrs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Data.FunctorM (compatibility package)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "functors"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0nfnjxihn0nhj0rhi1wvqax1f95wskr3fwb7c2clz4lvsma6bfg6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "(.:) and friends, syntax for Functor and Applicative."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "funion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, haskell98 + , HFuse, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "funion"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0pgl4fg29xg7g2pdyjqmi7qlpzcs25ggwg6d9y4fzbc7fzh31wxv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath haskell98 HFuse unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A unioning file-system using HFuse"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "funpat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "funpat"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0zblrfg8mfbc1hzxb36hk2lb3c167xmpcvg8h595m9kjpdmj4ayw"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A generalization of pattern matching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "funsat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bimap, bitset, containers, fgl, mtl + , parse-dimacs, pretty, QuickCheck, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "funsat"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "1hyyx3ivrhw5svklyl36qzbcd0wwx4978znvn42lsl53273ds5n3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bimap bitset containers fgl mtl parse-dimacs pretty + QuickCheck random time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A modern DPLL-style SAT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "futun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "futun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vfi30mlr0lds975wgq3197sv1qdwy6lvm6xaqwk28h5flmk28k1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + description = "Simple IP-over-UDP tunnel using TUNTAP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "future" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "future"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "1gvv1m6sfxdc28h4rzp5dh6hrz6nfh031nhs192606v8wg78m3ri"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Supposed to mimics and enhance proposed C++ \"future\" features"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "future-resource" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "future-resource"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w1ifjzfpqlqf7dzlnca67xhc1m1ddaflq3xin5xf9s2qnmsahvx"; + editedCabalFile = "f9842af26e96134d6190b8ee4f8588c0352f192443330012e66105ac4e18b082"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "realtime resource handling with manual concurrency"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "fuzzcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, QuickCheck, random, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fuzzcheck"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0qfr4f0b50l368b45yzwhqd4g2y1kvfrfj4hr84cdxcwdrwn9mpc"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control QuickCheck random transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-expectations HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple checker for stress testing monadic code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "fuzzy-timings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, glpk-hs, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fuzzy-timings"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1sm4g04y9n8r61q2sqa91n87hh32kpcn2r5zjlvdy7qxc11lrmj7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers glpk-hs mtl random time ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit mtl QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Translates high-level definitions of \"fuzzily\" scheduled objects (e.g. play this commercial 10 times per hour between 9:00-13:00) to a list of accurately scheduled objects using glpk-hs."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "fuzzytime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, old-time, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fuzzytime"; + version = "0.7.7"; + sha256 = "16ybyzki390g2172d3f48vyr1gr27grkvs1jjb6cblws34n5g2pr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs directory old-time process ]; + description = "A 'ten past six' style clock"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "fwgl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghcjs-base, hashable, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "fwgl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g6yw3yh1m7862xa1fw260glfr8v1dy0dqk4mibv6g8nkma1fnm1"; + buildDepends = [ + base ghcjs-base hashable transformers unordered-containers vector + Yampa + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FRP 2D/3D game engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ghcjs-base = null; }; + + "g-npm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "g-npm"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1blr3xbqn8fa59av4kgfp2y3szky40v5qmw3k9gsr2barrvkjqz0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json ]; + description = "Generate Gentoo ebuilds from NodeJS/npm packages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gact" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, biopsl, bytestring, cmdargs, hashable + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gact"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0p1rb24yldkjnkrygjb43g63vfgzq2bix7rrmiqyrdwb37s65ixq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base biopsl bytestring cmdargs hashable unordered-containers + ]; + description = "General Alignment Clustering Tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "game-probability" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, probability, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "game-probability"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1wl29h702g79kwy4ca35x1q37aaj3rphf1i9vdm2hmd44bzrwvkk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers probability random ]; + description = "Simple probability library for dice rolls, card games and similar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "game-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "game-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g8gkp4g18dr6m0scilhgdwg0zh0f9a2q3b1sk0gh4m3jw6gj4m5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Searching game trees with alpha-beta pruning"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gameclock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, glib, gtk, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gameclock"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "192rn2d8bil8wqilnaqxba8nzq0fjlbf0innv6rdcjs1kxw1ga0l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo containers glib gtk time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Game clock that shows two analog clock faces"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gamma" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, continued-fractions, converge + , template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gamma"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09z4m0qsf1aa2al7x3gl7z3xy6r4m0xqhnz8b917dxa104zw6flq"; + buildDepends = [ + base continued-fractions converge template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gamma function and related functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "gang-of-threads" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gang-of-threads"; + version = "3.2.1"; + sha256 = "0gj7ln0xq1a7zzxhyl636z854xfq714kmh2ld30ll0dskr701l1p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl stm transformers ]; + description = "Non-deterministic parallelism with bags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "garepinoh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskeline, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "garepinoh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cylwaj62gmcjczw5g44k9x6g5bamgk88h2arbbripzphhaf7cm7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskeline transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "reverse prefix notation calculator and calculation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "garsia-wachs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "garsia-wachs"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0mks5nwc19i0wsc5hhxh0ji2bh0224y3r89b3p9dfzzn64n3za6v"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + description = "A Functional Implementation of the Garsia-Wachs Algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gbu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, Graphalyze, haskell98, mtl + , regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gbu"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0zqgq5hr3vmajijf1vmc1s1lwilnymwvv493rra4fl0zy28k5cz6"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fgl Graphalyze haskell98 mtl regex-posix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "planar graph embedding into a plane"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gc-monitoring-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, conduit, http-types + , text, transformers, unordered-containers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gc-monitoring-wai"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "04i86mngz0s6x5j36vs2nrxivqayqjfa2ppk016r4ffs4mi7i4va"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder conduit http-types text transformers + unordered-containers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a wai application to show GHC.GCStats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gconf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GConf, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gconf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13api4n1jagbminbz4k55x5ryyxgk01r77mwhr6542awc54brpy1"; + buildDepends = [ base glib text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ GConf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GNOME configuration database system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "gd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, expat, fontconfig, freetype, gd + , libjpeg, libpng, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gd"; + version = "3000.7.3"; + sha256 = "1dkzv6zs00qi0jmblkw05ywizc8y3baz7pnz0lcqn1cs1mhcpbhl"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ + expat fontconfig freetype gd libjpeg libpng zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbytestring-in-base" ]; + description = "A Haskell binding to a subset of the GD graphics library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gd zlib; }; + + "gdiff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gdiff"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1d0d8f8bfw7ld6a1d5y6syzdha5qsm909mqzd5gfqcbi2wnh8aqc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic diff and patch"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gdiff-ig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim, instant-generics + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gdiff-ig"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ma9w9ypk078vvqwlfgkwcw962xha1g1fx4abji1b7km09p58jm2"; + buildDepends = [ + array base ghc-prim instant-generics template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic diff for the instant-generics library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gdiff-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gdiff, mtl, template-haskell + , th-expand-syns, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gdiff-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ihbz95k01giqbpbp1hddx71pkhz63pz5q4b71gv6z2vvvh34s2w"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers gdiff mtl template-haskell th-expand-syns uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers gdiff mtl template-haskell th-expand-syns uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate gdiff GADTs and Instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gearbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGLRaw, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gearbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15ip1vb1b82ympfylm1m1hxw2nkcmhnqhj2bl4v8mw61zcvznky7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGLRaw Vec ]; + description = "zooming rotating fractal gears graphics demo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "geek" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, air, air-extra, air-th, base + , bytestring, containers, curl, data-default, directory, filepath + , fsnotify, Glob, hack2, hack2-contrib, miku, moe, mtl, old-locale + , process, random, safe, system-filepath, text, text-icu, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geek"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ajjb12ziknfrw2m4plm10r99crq1hhizymni441x58wprpcdm2"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty air air-extra air-th base bytestring containers + curl data-default directory filepath fsnotify Glob hack2 + hack2-contrib miku moe mtl old-locale process random safe + system-filepath text text-icu time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Geek blog engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geek-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, bytestring, data-default, geek, hack2 + , hack2-handler-snap-server, pandoc, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geek-server"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1951jw8la59c7qvjpx8x898l7hnwc51c4264mmw0h402ik233bp2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + air base bytestring data-default geek hack2 + hack2-handler-snap-server pandoc text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Geek blog engine server"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gemstone" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bitmap, bitmap-opengl, containers + , FTGL, lens, linear, OpenGL, random, SDL, SDL-image, stb-image + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gemstone"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y9ilxpkyb42iddks31k1f6vjkm78z6yaj2yd9ppis42r2advg40"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bitmap bitmap-opengl containers FTGL lens linear OpenGL + random SDL SDL-image stb-image transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple library of helpers for SDL+GL games"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gencheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, combinat, containers, ieee754, memoize + , random, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gencheck"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1fa1p13zmqqhlcakcy73ypasn4ircg1x5p3q1p5mklvfjifphfir"; + buildDepends = [ + base combinat containers ieee754 memoize random template-haskell + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A testing framework inspired by QuickCheck and SmallCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gender" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gender"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sfl3729v03s5ykd8ijv4yrf8lzja5hyaphsfgk96gcx3zvd1a0q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Identify a persons gender by their first name"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "general-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, pointless-fun, strict, system-filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "general-prelude"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0km8nrd7pili8s5fz68xpb6nw9mfk0phgwaxnflk6a78vz9ic76d"; + buildDepends = [ base lens pointless-fun strict system-filepath ]; + description = "Prelude replacement using generalized type classes where possible"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, List, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generator"; + version = "0.5.4"; + sha256 = "1yphw9ira01c0989gq1hrh53xcd3qvq8fib5k1bpsmb313j7x8b8"; + buildDepends = [ base List transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Python-generators notation for creation of monadic lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generators"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0i51xx2hhjqjdvyzy2jza921jcfhy37azyp1cfaakvrj9kxl2w2q"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Actually useful monadic random value generators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, generic-deriving, mtl + , tagged, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x58c7xgdc1asg4n61fpikn7jvspyqawykq4q49xhsp5dp11lzzh"; + editedCabalFile = "51683167451b51086821ec0cb41902f0471a2444aa81a5cf66cc68838f47f99d"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base generic-deriving mtl tagged text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Derivation of Aeson instances using GHC generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-binary"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1h6xs56c351137mjc3hdba7yfcw8jy9dvzj0vdrgwm0dprn0xh29"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ghc-prim ]; + description = "Generic Data.Binary derivation using GHC generics."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-church" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-church"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cw48dnw2nbnm3vr5xcsz7nma6g8dxvwvv7hwm63jikd9jgisnac"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + description = "Automatically convert Generic instances to and from church representations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "generic-deepseq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-deepseq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yajkzp79ri5i7n5ynv0i6spxyg6kyi6qvqj46brlgjag98526iv"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + description = "Generic deep evaluation of data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-deriving" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-deriving"; + version = "1.7.0"; + sha256 = "145bixg4jr0hhw32jznrvl4qjjk7bgjbxlfznqra1s1rnmcyr5v6"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim template-haskell ]; + description = "Generic programming library for generalised deriving"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-lucid-scaffold" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lucid, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-lucid-scaffold"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "13lry3hqqrqgk5z9dc6q6hr70iqky4ssra2l71y51gnrg1kprkrz"; + buildDepends = [ base lucid text ]; + description = "General-purpose web page scaffold for Lucid"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "generic-maybe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, directory + , doctest, filepath, generic-deriving, ghc-prim, hlint, mtl, nats + , parallel, semigroups, simple-reflect, split, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-maybe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gs89wzs3288l2p24pj5yi68xyy2kj3aczj31zk6v9xi3bwb73x1"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory doctest filepath + generic-deriving hlint mtl nats parallel semigroups simple-reflect + split text unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-hlint" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic version of Data.Maybe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-server"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bl3gfqdw6sdwcailzkzmpz433cpxf6np9w9qnkwwa05xhcpd2k6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + description = "Simple generic TCP/IP server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-storable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-storable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "016gg232r453i7grbjg2hb69ww8jqgafnq32f38lv7l81dgzwfxj"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base ghc-prim hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "Generic implementation of Storable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generic-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-tree"; + version = "15329.2"; + sha256 = "1frwwa45kahflnw2cgs8nb8jfxgrxw0n9i7h9cakpqzgbywy9b28"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generic Tree data type"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "generic-xml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml, mtl, syb-with-class, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generic-xml"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08fy9wc90wcnr74wbr7q3pfr0bigrzhchx158p1ji3gagb2n2njd"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml mtl syb-with-class template-haskell ]; + description = "Marshalling Haskell values to/from XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "generics-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "generics-sop"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1c87mhfpfx3mrd347g2hp9c1aivsky11jdj7ac1y66kar5s396yw"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim template-haskell ]; + description = "Generic Programming using True Sums of Products"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "genericserialize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "genericserialize"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0zpb5rq2zvfsb0wlp9q4cckjkz6sdrngpir49d0sr06pivh8s6cl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Serialization library using Data.Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "genetics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random-fu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "genetics"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0rq1m7psvs2r35mnz7gwmsvzyd3jv44bqp0zhq8l7mq2pq2x7dhv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random-fu ]; + description = "A Genetic Algorithm library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geni-gui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cabal-macosx, containers, directory + , filepath, GenI, graphviz, hslogger, json, mtl, process, text + , transformers, wx, wxcore, yaml-light + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geni-gui"; + version = "0.24.1"; + sha256 = "1kng7bv8amch6bswhica6xhmavc0r5phg402lg76xwz7ywrsc6y3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cabal-macosx containers directory filepath GenI graphviz + hslogger json mtl process text transformers wx wxcore yaml-light + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GenI graphical user interface"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "geni-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , cmdargs, directory, filepath, GenI, geniserver, HTTP + , http-streams, io-streams, json, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geni-util"; + version = "0.24.1"; + sha256 = "0djfckf2k7wvnzsl7yy6f33csa82c7ps1mah6bdnw31bqijxiyjd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cmdargs directory filepath + GenI geniserver HTTP http-streams io-streams json text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Companion tools for use with the GenI surface realiser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "geniconvert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, GenI, haskell98, HaXml + , HUnit, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geniconvert"; + version = "0.20"; + sha256 = "0brnh6f8zdpn37fjdmnpbdvb75vmaf6iq7i9vpv4a8g7asc425wd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers GenI haskell98 HaXml HUnit mtl parsec + QuickCheck utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion utility for the GenI generator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "genifunctors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "genifunctors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j0pxpb46iq5vqbr5x1cjng9dpjcbd3q2r53ds27b956pyi82m19"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate generalized fmap, foldMap and traverse"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geniplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geniplate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01cwyf5kql4hf76p1ssqpmhaxyl7rmnmqwv644wgd0j8km8b6szc"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + description = "Use Template Haskell to generate Uniplate-like functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geniserver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, GenI, http-types, json + , snap-core, snap-server, text, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geniserver"; + version = "0.24.1"; + sha256 = "0r12iz8zy3vbcjphprzydvf6rw94qdk2mcl4am9agmyw2g5gqcfd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs GenI http-types json snap-core snap-server + text transformers utf8-string + ]; + description = "Simple HTTP server for GenI results"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "genprog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom, syb, syz }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "genprog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a9b2h4swfwx5zwcyr2zdhxdxi9f68pwpglijxhxb5javjc4dppr"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom syb syz ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Genetic programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gentlemark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gentlemark"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1cb9si5axwqi1d893vp6n2mr68isdxc9qp6dfygy0v6hci2spnmm"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit parsec transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gentle markup language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geocalc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geocalc"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1bvbvrkxh8dvm796ilpp294qlacid6aap2ljdi9pmz1lkf20fxjg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Libary for calculating distances between two coordinates in WSG84"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geodetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, coordinate, directory, doctest, filepath + , lens, optional, QuickCheck, radian, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geodetic"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "07l6yha31l0ahd6jhlj09vclms8km4q82xq2mfx2a3lbv2kffcfz"; + buildDepends = [ base coordinate lens optional radian ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Geodetic calculations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geodetics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, dimensional, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geodetics"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "09abyh6xgfq6cgrkk16xq5djn9ikjx40vaz12hpi97xgkybk1nir"; + buildDepends = [ array base dimensional ]; + testDepends = [ + array base dimensional HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Terrestrial coordinate systems and associated calculations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geohash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geohash"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1pdx4pnq893kkjmgg0bgh9bfvfqdvzfq5fi02zfyhw3h8h4k05v4"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Geohash latitudes and longitudes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "geojson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, doctest + , filepath, hlint, lens, QuickCheck, semigroups, text, transformers + , validation, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "geojson"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "1i6fyqxqksq657nd3m19qk690l74j4frvsvwhbdyjs07rc0xvbli"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base lens semigroups text transformers validation vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory doctest filepath hlint QuickCheck + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A thin GeoJSON Layer above the aeson library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "getemx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, directory, filepath, haskell98, hxt + , mtl, old-locale, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "getemx"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1qgq465ck4z0mix3ari9n7a5qx5xc1zii4hmfsp093vx3qlc5nwm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base curl directory filepath haskell98 hxt mtl old-locale process + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fetch from emusic using .emx files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "getflag" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "getflag"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0jsr8cmbnllcswdvf1rp11sc6cpjhwr22x7kx9sk3dw8bv772jjc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Command-line parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "getopt-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "getopt-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pf40nc3jzprv4wn9h8mr0nhzxzilffgkapxg3k0qksfxydzv7pp"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A \"System.Console.GetOpt\" wrapper to make simple use case easy."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, cgi + , containers, directory, filepath, fst, happy, haskeline, HTF + , httpd-shed, HUnit, json, lifted-base, mtl, network, old-locale + , parallel, pretty, process, random, time, time-compat, unix + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gf"; + version = "3.6"; + sha256 = "10s8vgca36jz7b9sbd3n1in13xifwc7h42qwd58yq1lvk3j1fizx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cgi containers directory filepath fst + haskeline httpd-shed json lifted-base mtl network old-locale + parallel pretty process random time time-compat unix utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath HTF HUnit process ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-c-runtime" "-fcustom-binary" "-fserver" "-finterrupt" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Grammatical Framework"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ggtsTC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ggtsTC"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0k5in0r3lwjr5yn4ayw5ssdvinh7zwzsx6pfjdj246ngx1r7ydxj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type checker and runtime system of rCOS/g (impl. of ggts-FCS)."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colorize-haskell, directory, filepath + , pcre-light, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-core"; + version = "0.5.6"; + sha256 = "11byidxq2mcqams9a7df0hwwlzir639mr1s556sw5rrbi7jz6d7c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base colorize-haskell directory filepath pcre-light process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Display GHC's core and assembly output in a pager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-core-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers, mtl + , parsec, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-core-html"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0l0474kpzvzzwkbz9mcjl4fnasznb1crynjcsk3hmnjq8syhmm97"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring containers mtl parsec process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Core to HTML display"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-datasize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-heap-view }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-datasize"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0bjdcfrk3q0rsy9wmw0b01q0vmbi9jsw1bxl4l78azs7xpk9yl03"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-heap-view ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Determine the size of data structures in GHC's memory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-dup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-dup"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0aw4wnbzfw031xqmq0lpi4zz2md1f43nj921ni91mhdl5xgqcajm"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + description = "Explicitly prevent sharing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-events" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-events"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "128p651hp8v1i0iaccmfh3ap6lajcrzdihjb853s71pgnpal6izr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring containers mtl ]; + testDepends = [ array base binary bytestring containers mtl ]; + description = "Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-events-analyze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg + , filepath, ghc-events, lens, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec + , SVGFonts, template-haskell, th-lift, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-events-analyze"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0lf063p2wj2d1hxb5hx4bcid3a3ni3g9x8sglm5q5kfbmdk7awj4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers diagrams-lib diagrams-svg filepath ghc-events lens + mtl optparse-applicative parsec SVGFonts template-haskell th-lift + transformers + ]; + description = "Analyze and visualize event logs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-events-parallel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-events-parallel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "181qnh6mm3pmlalf17g2g87gj7hyzf5pxzvix1cmap2f31x4p6by"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers transformers + ]; + description = "Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from parallel GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-gc-tune" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-gc-tune"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0ghp3f86m91zi6kl8zq157717s2p73nwdgln4aiclq830m72ys9w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graph performance of Haskell programs with different GC flags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-heap-view" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq, ghc + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-heap-view"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1jcqi4gahxmhd61hl75wgb9dp99kxld68860jnd9x4hnp5cd33q0"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers ghc template-haskell transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc_7_7" "-f-prim-supports-any" ]; + postInstall = '' + ensureDir "$out/share/ghci" + ln -s "$out/share/$pname-$version/ghci" "$out/share/ghci/$pname" + ''; + description = "Extract the heap representation of Haskell values and thunks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-imported-from" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-mod, ghc-paths, ghc-syb-utils, hspec, mtl + , optparse-applicative, parsec, process, safe, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-imported-from"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y9gln7lbp8xqg5apfwfs95z3faawd236wqz69q8j7riwfra9bqm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-mod ghc-paths + ghc-syb-utils hspec mtl optparse-applicative parsec process safe + syb transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-mod ghc-paths + ghc-syb-utils hspec mtl optparse-applicative parsec process safe + syb transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find the Haddock documentation for a symbol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-make" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, shake, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-make"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0nbv6sdi68ifbm4kz9h78n1aybc8rllyinc2k63m7lzh0jfqkk4m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process shake unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accelerated version of ghc --make"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-man-completion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-man-completion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08qyn6mpmkq1vdfrqhckfqc096jv21scss76x9zcss4hfbljfa0p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec process ]; + description = "Generate a bash completion from the GHC manpage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-mod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, Cabal, containers, data-default + , deepseq, directory, djinn-ghc, doctest, emacs, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, ghc-syb-utils, haskell-src-exts, hlint, hspec + , io-choice, makeWrapper, monad-control, monad-journal, mtl + , old-time, pretty, process, split, syb, temporary, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-mod"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11wnrdb6blw169w6kd49ax9h1r9qkka5329lmdhimvki8amv8riv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base Cabal containers data-default deepseq directory + djinn-ghc filepath ghc ghc-paths ghc-syb-utils haskell-src-exts + hlint io-choice monad-control monad-journal mtl old-time pretty + process split syb temporary text time transformers + transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers deepseq directory djinn-ghc doctest filepath + ghc ghc-paths ghc-syb-utils haskell-src-exts hlint hspec io-choice + monad-control monad-journal mtl old-time pretty process split syb + temporary text time transformers transformers-base + ]; + buildTools = [ emacs makeWrapper ]; + configureFlags = "--datasubdir=ghc-mod-"; + postInstall = '' + cd $out/share/ghc-mod- + make + rm Makefile + cd .. + ensureDir "$out/share/emacs" + mv ghc-mod- emacs/site-lisp + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happy Haskell Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, extensible-exceptions, ghc, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h6r6gip9nsjlsq88wj105hhqliy7ac2dmmndsfzbjz07b03cklk"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions extensible-exceptions ghc mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monads and monad-transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-parmake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , HUnit, process, QuickCheck, temporary, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-parmake"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "089ma8mjyvz61hr2907aihz8bh7h1pdmjrpm9smqmz8j5x72bsfc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath process temporary + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath HUnit process QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parallel wrapper for 'ghc --make'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cpphs, ghc, happy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13p09mj92jh4y0v2r672d49fmlz3l5r2r1lqg0jjy6kj045wcfdn"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs happy ]; + patchPhase = '' + substituteInPlace --replace "/bin/bash" "$SHELL" + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell source parser from GHC"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghc-paths" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-paths"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ibrr1dxa35xx20cpp8jzgfak1rdmy344dfwq4vlq013c6w8z9mg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + patches = [ ./ghc-paths-nix.patch ]; + description = "Knowledge of GHC's installation directories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-pkg-autofix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cmdargs, filepath, parsec, process + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-pkg-autofix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rm7vksfzwkpby1b8k2v745d7bylxbgspjhhfvdxc40a3rix8sz7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cmdargs filepath parsec process split + ]; + description = "Simple utility to fix BROKEN package dependencies for cabal-install"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-pkg-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-pkg-lib"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1m2ny3f5i1ihvpq0vigpzj701gzrbzdz5h7f41qn37ikp9a6kd5a"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath ghc ghc-paths ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide library support for ghc-pkg information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-prim_0_3_1_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, rts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-prim"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1726hddr7lyklagni1f7m27yak35ailn1zy6401ripppj3m0f03b"; + buildDepends = [ rts ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-include-ghc-prim" ]; + description = "GHC primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-server"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1hg5iddlh87hir5vqjby2bihah4xcyarsfcgff3gd8l2h7mqi2dn"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-srcspan-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc, hpc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-srcspan-plugin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14p2c20xsng1h7129fadvhxs2yy2c865x19vybmzsj5ibjrzrqk2"; + editedCabalFile = "540c5844d127af020f38cde32f12c531f2c4953fca5e896faf2a25f33d2a3e94"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ghc hpc ]; + description = "Generic GHC Plugin for annotating Haskell code with source location data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-syb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-syb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rwx7l89r5yfi1187c0zgx1ph2rsagyvrizb1c0vnbyrwhpbslh0"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-syb-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-syb-utils"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "03r4x3a4hjivxladlw23jk8s2pgfh85lqf196ks1ngyg6ih1g6lk"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-time-alloc-prof" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-time-alloc-prof"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0a3800pngsbjc0fxpbqps9caa7gp5956wfyh18ybarlpi0ah7d7r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base containers text time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dump" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghc-vis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, deepseq, fgl + , ghc-heap-view, graphviz, gtk, mtl, svgcairo, text, transformers + , xdot + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghc-vis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kxkmbp71yx5mskzpcyjd8s2yq01q1q6dxmqzmwg6naalcpcbswv"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers deepseq fgl ghc-heap-view graphviz gtk mtl + svgcairo text transformers xdot + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ffull" "-fgraph" ]; + postInstall = '' + ensureDir "$out/share/ghci" + ln -s "$out/share/$pname-$version/ghci" "$out/share/ghci/$pname" + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "Live visualization of data structures in GHCi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghci-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, colour, diagrams, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghci-diagrams"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jlym5k2d43avkgw7ff3pdaad5j2q5yq803cy74bgy0z69x77v1w"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo colour diagrams gtk ]; + description = "Display simple diagrams from ghci"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghci-haskeline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, haskeline, mtl, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghci-haskeline"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "01j2ryxxmd5zzdv1ayvzibi3njl3nbn0ypxmafvglrvn2zwnmsqy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring directory filepath ghc ghc-paths haskeline + mtl process unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc-612" "-fnewer-ghc" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of ghci using the Haskeline line-input library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghci-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghci-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06lg1czsr6k5h18aks33p2kbahiidhv7xsrv7n1fcvqsgglzgk3z"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc MissingH ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for interactively evaluating Haskell code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghci-ng" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, haskeline, process, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghci-ng"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01ghvv0y1qif19v8dlbspxyb9m5zag832sx2k3qyhqh8iccnr14x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring directory filepath ghc ghc-paths haskeline + process transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extended GHCi fork"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghci-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hscolour, ipprint }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghci-pretty"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "01syl5c6ana4m8d3jc5pbi64zf3c4l2x0r7jwkizm7kymszmbns5"; + buildDepends = [ base hscolour ipprint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "colored pretty-printing within ghci"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghcid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, extra + , filepath, process, tasty, tasty-hunit, terminal-size, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghcid"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1xapx3rlx9fsvs5idqyarassqbg8ifsar923pi9vsn29ipjp2kjq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory extra filepath process + terminal-size time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory extra filepath process tasty + tasty-hunit terminal-size time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GHCi based bare bones IDE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghcjs-codemirror" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghcjs-codemirror"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04x5h0i4fgyc2c5ihrnk0w3l1f3avvcl115zlnich93nillgbnfw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Installs CodeMirror JavaScript files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghcjs-dom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk3, mtl, text, transformers + , webkitgtk3 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghcjs-dom"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pdxb2s7fflrh8sbqakv0qi13jkn3d0yc32xhg2944yfjg5fvlly"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 mtl text transformers webkitgtk3 ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fgtk3" "-f-jsc" "-f-webkit" "-fjsffi" "-f-ghcjs" + ]; + description = "DOM library that supports both GHCJS and WebKitGTK"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghcjs-dom-hello" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghcjs-dom, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghcjs-dom-hello"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jbn6nhaq7h01wh1limsb4xzgwp7i71922gql5mz916kv6wa2cgl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghcjs-dom mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GHCJS DOM Hello World, an example package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ghclive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, directory, file-embed + , ghc-prim, hint, mtl, text, time, unix, unordered-containers + , vector, wai, wai-websockets, warp, websockets, yesod + , yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghclive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rnmv09sl5pj9y8hr7s8hwh23zfm4j8nsn524hpj73diwmzf5fh8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers + diagrams-lib diagrams-svg directory file-embed ghc-prim hint mtl + text time unix unordered-containers vector wai wai-websockets warp + websockets yesod yesod-static + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ghczdecode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, zenc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ghczdecode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yn6blszccmgv0zrq5cxv6kww47j7pwgywgy7piz6is44ab5s5l9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base zenc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decode Z-encoded strings from GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ght" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-default, directory + , filepath, iteratee, iteratee-compress, mmap, mtl, old-locale, SHA + , storable-endian, time, ui-command, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ght"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03lrn3s79gxdn5fwh6cbp46k303662fnisjs7qp1yf8c66vxi8wc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-default directory filepath iteratee + iteratee-compress mmap mtl old-locale SHA storable-endian time + ui-command unix zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Trivial routines for inspecting git repositories"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gimlh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gimlh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06bqv6fnkgz4a78s2lr19qdc6m1dyvflbw7x8gbnp6gy7l1q8k9y"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell parser for GIML"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ginsu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, openssl, parsec + , pretty, process, random, regex-posix, syb, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ginsu"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0gnmdw430zfxhfhjimaminbdi13acwmb85a38hdyhfranra9yiif"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory mtl network + old-locale old-time parsec pretty process random regex-posix syb + unix utf8-string + ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ginsu Gale Client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, glib + , gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g2nwllgrckgg8kcgmripx8wqc664601kv4r7h4qq3v6hghvhdja"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers glib mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "gist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, http-conduit + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gist"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jgdhga0qjbc6kx1nr5yngcx560rlxiil3cnsmzh8mwazbs3yyl1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring conduit http-conduit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A reliable command-line client for"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "git-all" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, hslogger, parallel-io, regex-posix + , shelly, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-all"; + version = "1.5.0"; + sha256 = "0wfvfrmwn81myiaa5x4bw6ypyk0hljaaf3f7b9rnpxwk291dwc3z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs hslogger parallel-io regex-posix shelly system-fileio + system-filepath text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Determine which Git repositories need actions to be taken"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "git-annex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, aws, base, blaze-builder + , bloomfilter, bup, byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive + , clientsession, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, crypto-api + , cryptohash, curl, data-default, dataenc, DAV, dbus, directory + , dlist, dns, edit-distance, exceptions, fdo-notify, feed, filepath + , git, gnupg1, gnutls, hamlet, hinotify, hslogger, http-client + , http-conduit, http-types, IfElse, json, lsof, MissingH + , monad-control, mtl, network, network-info, network-multicast + , network-protocol-xmpp, network-uri, old-locale, openssh + , optparse-applicative, path-pieces, perl, process, QuickCheck + , random, regex-tdfa, resourcet, rsync, SafeSemaphore, securemem + , SHA, shakespeare, stm, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , tasty-rerun, template-haskell, text, time, torrent, transformers + , unix, unix-compat, utf8-string, uuid, wai, wai-extra, warp + , warp-tls, wget, which, xml-types, yesod, yesod-core + , yesod-default, yesod-form, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-annex"; + version = "5.20141231"; + sha256 = "0rrwaclc3mpn39087fs5pgn0axjp5mki0nhj9a3fjjchdwd8wzyf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async aws base blaze-builder bloomfilter byteable bytestring + case-insensitive clientsession conduit conduit-extra containers + crypto-api cryptohash data-default dataenc DAV dbus directory dlist + dns edit-distance exceptions fdo-notify feed filepath gnutls hamlet + hinotify hslogger http-client http-conduit http-types IfElse json + MissingH monad-control mtl network network-info network-multicast + network-protocol-xmpp network-uri old-locale optparse-applicative + path-pieces process QuickCheck random regex-tdfa resourcet + SafeSemaphore securemem SHA shakespeare stm tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck tasty-rerun template-haskell text time torrent + transformers unix unix-compat utf8-string uuid wai wai-extra warp + warp-tls xml-types yesod yesod-core yesod-default yesod-form + yesod-static + ]; + buildTools = [ + bup curl git gnupg1 lsof openssh perl rsync wget which + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fAssistant" "-fProduction" "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-ekg" + "-ftorrentparser" "-fdesktopnotify" "-fcryptohash" "-ftahoe" + "-fquvi" "-ffeed" "-ftdfa" "-ftestsuite" "-f-androidsplice" + "-f-android" "-fproduction" "-fdns" "-fxmpp" "-fpairing" + "-fwebapp-secure" "-fwebapp" "-fassistant" "-fdbus" "-finotify" + "-fwebdav" "-fs3" + ]; + preConfigure = "export HOME=$TEMPDIR"; + checkPhase = '' + cp dist/build/git-annex/git-annex git-annex + ./git-annex test + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "manage files with git, without checking their contents into git"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "git-checklist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, optparse-applicative + , parsec, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-checklist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q4fbvpdjca5k530dcm6yspsgzy60dx7nimar2fkm8s086qsf662"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath optparse-applicative parsec pretty process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Maintain per-branch checklists in Git"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "git-date" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, old-locale, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-date"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "17xiim439igg1gfcfwpzxjkgpmfqqh9v79jm4bg0f9h5dijij79l"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring time utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring old-locale QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the date parsing from Git"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "git-embed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-embed"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0yrx06ay25zsk90djr4mrqnn80xp3w6cmkciqavrmijf25fc5jvn"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath process template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use TH to embed Git repo information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "git-freq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hspec + , optparse-applicative, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-freq"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1vi87kdb58d7yg5bc97nkz2lcnfxsmn4w66m2m52rbfi8xnqkl6l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers optparse-applicative process text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec optparse-applicative process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Git subcommand to show total addition, deletion per file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "git-gpush" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , gitlib, gitlib-cmdline, hslogger, old-locale + , optparse-applicative, shelly, tagged, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-gpush"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13m95j227mvl7facqjlwcz11kd88ibhr7fwf5ph81wppyic8136g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath gitlib gitlib-cmdline + hslogger old-locale optparse-applicative shelly tagged text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "More intelligent push-to-GitHub utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "git-monitor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , gitlib, gitlib-libgit2, lifted-async, logging, monad-logger + , old-locale, optparse-applicative, shelly, tagged + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-monitor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08bjhvxa11syhk4ab7dk81ipj1x8xnvfgkyv05i2ay4npc1xmdgd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath gitlib gitlib-libgit2 + lifted-async logging monad-logger old-locale optparse-applicative + shelly tagged template-haskell text time transformers unix + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Passively snapshots working tree changes efficiently"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "git-object" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, directory, enumerator, filepath, zlib-enum + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-object"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hwsl5n6im6b13iy1whvgd3avax9xb81maaan2vf3r474r3321jm"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring directory + enumerator filepath zlib-enum + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Git object and its parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "git-repair" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , exceptions, filepath, hslogger, IfElse, MissingH, mtl, network + , network-uri, optparse-applicative, process, QuickCheck, text + , time, transformers, unix, unix-compat, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-repair"; + version = "1.20150106"; + sha256 = "19hgrp2kjqhcw53rf9payiajzfz6d7jqf2m2mnmbjv2zpr9y74dp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory exceptions filepath + hslogger IfElse MissingH mtl network network-uri + optparse-applicative process QuickCheck text time transformers unix + unix-compat utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "repairs a damanged git repisitory"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "git-sanity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, machines, machines-io + , machines-process, process, safe, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-sanity"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yywxganjl7rj4lf3pp1fh4adjhp3110l4az1w76r3rywql6v8w2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal machines machines-io machines-process process + safe transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A sanity checker for your git history"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "git-vogue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, Cabal, cpphs, Diff, directory + , filepath, formatting, ghc-mod, haskell-src-exts, hlint, hscolour + , hspec, MissingH, mtl, optparse-applicative, process, split + , strict, stylish-haskell, text, transformers, transformers-base + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "git-vogue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0na03y5fi0h8b82mfhl2x1aq3q6qp7fh7kvkx2lg24sj9k8l9dbr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors Cabal cpphs Diff directory filepath formatting + ghc-mod haskell-src-exts hlint hscolour MissingH mtl + optparse-applicative process split strict stylish-haskell text + transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath hspec process transformers + transformers-base unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgpl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for pre-commit checks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gitcache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cryptohash, directory, filepath, process + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitcache"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0vd580k1cxipycyyjpzhwvv6q70nf6fjfrsxp3gz3gy4iqzzssgy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cryptohash directory filepath process utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple git utility to use and manage clone cache"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "github" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , byteable, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, containers + , cryptohash, data-default, failure, hashable, HTTP, http-conduit + , http-types, network, old-locale, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "github"; + version = "0.13.1"; + sha256 = "0rz89lpswxxsdyfjb63v9md96bxr3abxzwqryh1a2jxhm7f1ia5l"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring byteable bytestring + case-insensitive conduit containers cryptohash data-default failure + hashable HTTP http-conduit http-types network old-locale text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Access to the Github API, v3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "github-backup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , exceptions, filepath, git, github, hslogger, IfElse, MissingH + , mtl, network, network-uri, optparse-applicative, pretty-show + , process, text, transformers, unix, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "github-backup"; + version = "1.20150106"; + sha256 = "0y68ml1pp7w6kpfvr0p0sl8q0qmlfyijmw6pd33m301b3ys3p62p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory exceptions filepath github + hslogger IfElse MissingH mtl network network-uri + optparse-applicative pretty-show process text transformers unix + unix-compat + ]; + buildTools = [ git ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "github-post-receive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , email-validate, http-types, text, wai, wai-logger, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "github-post-receive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14vd9rnr3x3wasnc6w6d3kcs5dnka902n9cbxblqdryc8l7p360q"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers email-validate http-types text wai + wai-logger warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GitHub webhooks library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "github-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "github-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lymbga0rwhni0rrjdla6fz5a1gz8zclf421rdiz5cnnh8lbd97i"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base text ]; + description = "Type definitions for objects used by the GitHub v3 API"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gitignore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , http-conduit, network, safe, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitignore"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "03sjhlsp7xswciypp7sw9x0b3h6m7fvc2dk5k0a3bibflns2zgql"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring http-conduit network safe + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Apply GitHub .gitignore templates to already existing repositories."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gitit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-html + , bytestring, ConfigFile, containers, directory, feed, filepath + , filestore, ghc, ghc-paths, happstack-server, highlighting-kate + , hoauth2, hslogger, HStringTemplate, HTTP, http-client-tls + , http-conduit, json, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale + , old-time, pandoc, pandoc-types, parsec, pretty, process, random + , recaptcha, safe, SHA, split, syb, tagsoup, text, time, uri, url + , utf8-string, uuid, xhtml, xml, xss-sanitize, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l6zra0yiwrmiycblp25b5yd1yrz94537l8zkspkf7z6wc8vdkn0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring blaze-html bytestring ConfigFile + containers directory feed filepath filestore ghc ghc-paths + happstack-server highlighting-kate hoauth2 hslogger HStringTemplate + HTTP http-client-tls http-conduit json mtl network network-uri + old-locale old-time pandoc pandoc-types parsec pretty process + random recaptcha safe SHA split syb tagsoup text time uri url + utf8-string uuid xhtml xml xss-sanitize zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fplugins" "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gitlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-combinators, containers, directory, exceptions, filepath + , hashable, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger + , mtl, resourcet, semigroups, system-filepath, tagged, text, time + , transformers, unix, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h6drwxb8nc3nsw9b5w6xaqpwnila0i546w4xykxb61lybjdmw2g"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring conduit conduit-combinators + containers directory exceptions filepath hashable lifted-async + lifted-base monad-control monad-logger mtl resourcet semigroups + system-filepath tagged text time transformers unix + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "API library for working with Git repositories"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-cmdline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-combinators + , containers, directory, exceptions, gitlib, gitlib-test, hspec + , hspec-expectations, monad-control, mtl, old-locale, parsec + , process-extras, shelly, system-filepath, tagged, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-cmdline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vsn7sz71vj79ghcn9wmzf0jnjnaiibvx0k4q8vm4q8aqnl7rvl4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-combinators containers directory + exceptions gitlib monad-control mtl old-locale parsec + process-extras shelly system-filepath tagged text time transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base gitlib gitlib-test hspec hspec-expectations system-filepath + tagged text transformers + ]; + description = "Gitlib repository backend that uses the git command-line tool"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-cross" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gitlib, gitlib-cmdline, gitlib-libgit2 + , gitlib-test, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-cross"; + version = "3.1.0"; + sha256 = "0iack7kafbfa45s9k7ypbafapahrifh2grjdzyrhvzjg767l3i1h"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base gitlib gitlib-cmdline gitlib-libgit2 gitlib-test hspec + hspec-expectations HUnit + ]; + description = "Run tests between repositories"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-libgit2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-combinators + , containers, directory, exceptions, fast-logger, filepath, gitlib + , gitlib-test, hlibgit2, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit + , lifted-async, lifted-base, missing-foreign, mmorph, monad-control + , monad-logger, monad-loops, mtl, resourcet, stm, stm-conduit + , tagged, template-haskell, text, text-icu, time, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-libgit2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15x0fgzmb483qiky3c3yg2sd4w96xqkaj04qvirh4g2ba5qvib73"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-combinators containers directory + exceptions fast-logger filepath gitlib hlibgit2 lifted-async + lifted-base missing-foreign mmorph monad-control monad-logger + monad-loops mtl resourcet stm stm-conduit tagged template-haskell + text text-icu time transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base exceptions gitlib gitlib-test hspec hspec-expectations HUnit + monad-logger transformers + ]; + description = "Libgit2 backend for gitlib"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-s3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attempt, aws, base, bifunctors, binary + , bytestring, conduit, conduit-combinators, data-default, directory + , exceptions, filepath, ghc-prim, gitlib, gitlib-libgit2 + , gitlib-test, hlibgit2, hspec, hspec-expectations, http-conduit + , HUnit, lens, lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger, resourcet + , retry, split, stm, template-haskell, temporary, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-s3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vcx26dny7pj4lqn1rli3vqad2xh7vkqj86c6i7hyskilgbs6n8m"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attempt aws base bifunctors binary bytestring conduit + conduit-combinators data-default directory exceptions filepath + ghc-prim gitlib gitlib-libgit2 hlibgit2 http-conduit lens + lifted-base monad-control monad-logger resourcet retry split stm + template-haskell text time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aws base data-default directory exceptions filepath gitlib + gitlib-libgit2 gitlib-test hlibgit2 hspec hspec-expectations HUnit + monad-logger resourcet temporary text transformers + ]; + description = "Gitlib repository backend for storing Git objects in Amazon S3"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-sample" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, gitlib, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-sample"; + version = "3.1.0"; + sha256 = "1px3yskxkr1kmgwfw1jdrbgjgkz8wxznz56g0gn3gqx63haxifmc"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions gitlib mtl transformers ]; + description = "Sample backend for gitlib showing the basic structure for any backend"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-combinators + , exceptions, gitlib, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit + , monad-control, tagged, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-test"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nny0fp1j3g5fsxskqnlwcqrrxn74yjxkg9avfqdgai8b585yka2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-combinators exceptions gitlib hspec + hspec-expectations HUnit monad-control tagged text time + transformers + ]; + description = "Test library for confirming gitlib backend compliance"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitlib-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, data-default, failure + , gitlib, hex, lifted-base, system-fileio, system-filepath, tagged + , text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitlib-utils"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "081vagmlf6lkh7qqr9y42nl8c1ds011s05a567dsw6ckf166wshn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit data-default failure gitlib hex lifted-base + system-fileio system-filepath tagged text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Generic utility functions for working with Git repositories"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gitson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, directory + , doctest, errors, filepath, flock, Glob, hspec, HUnit + , monad-control, process, QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gitson"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1sq339av6113v4rgzwpsf7k1bip632b8avl3r8nb0i4acqzb06m4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring directory errors filepath flock + monad-control process transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base directory doctest Glob hspec HUnit process QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A document store library for Git + JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "gl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, fixed, half + , hxt, mesa, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gl"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "0ys5808rzr04fcw7hlliqpx2sncyqpr4x89p4sa2vf5ywsgzmz04"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath fixed half hxt split + transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fuseglxgetprocaddress" "-fusenativewindowslibraries" + ]; + description = "Complete OpenGL raw bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gl-capture" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gl-capture"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pcan0fpb1mfwda69f8z8pdrdav79rdm31yvmrk98dca7al7k583"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring OpenGL ]; + description = "simple image capture from OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "glade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, libglade }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glade"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dbl7y5rdwzcham16iym9cikfyaphzr1rqcsni9ab6s2368a1vkr"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libglade ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the glade library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "gladexml-accessor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glade, HaXml, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gladexml-accessor"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "06kzakvssmldjgx0s8qm0a3cd9glmwrdnh690sv708jcvg8x45y3"; + buildDepends = [ base glade HaXml template-haskell ]; + description = "Automagically declares getters for widget handles in specified interface file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "glapp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLFW-b, lens, mtl, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glapp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "076v7h0p91dj8hx110vm0li2njsc8p5dgcf6zxk721mdx5xkymhz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers GLFW-b lens mtl OpenGL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An OpenGL micro framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "glib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, glib + , gtk2hs-buildtools, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16x6vqajixd6iws9ydn5a77phkckilxyvg48lcawk53nk8rvapzy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text utf8-string ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fclosure_signals" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; }; + + "glider-nlp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, HUnit, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glider-nlp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1i604gj3ssabr3dcas6gfh20d4psqwl1j4d7wk4p3gy0hvjvr8fb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers HUnit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Natural Language Processing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "glintcollider" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ppm, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glintcollider"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1xgx02cxvpc8sv99wl44lpzbv9cc87nnihbpalmddb71mwrmj4ji"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ppm split ]; + description = "A simple ray tracer in an early stage of development"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "global" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-exts-qq + , loch-th, SafeSemaphore, stm, syntax-trees-fork-bairyn, tagged + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "global"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00d9qsh0n9yxr411mdisk602qiizy9h4wgz4k04mfr5x5g6cp418"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts haskell-src-exts-qq loch-th SafeSemaphore stm + syntax-trees-fork-bairyn tagged template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library enabling unique top-level declarations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "global-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, global-variables + , HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "global-config"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1rp855j0rzx528x01q5wi2hah80bwqf5rrw7p8p8qzl39fhlpzqa"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default global-variables transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Global mutable configuration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "global-lock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "global-lock"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0b2sz9ag6wcr0amgrx08l7924brfansnh9rv64wg9s3nk4ni2sxp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A global lock implemented without unsafePerformIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "global-variables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "global-variables"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fvhh6q6z114qyi5rhwzxhrlqfhx6af97187b49lyvx2k9zkzvzp"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm ]; + description = "Namespaced, global, and top-level mutable variables without unsafePerformIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "glome-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, GlomeTrace, GlomeVec, GLUT, haskell98 + , OpenGL, parallel, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glome-hs"; + version = "0.61"; + sha256 = "069j4xvh5039xkg300h1cwa0lyvkycixasxr8zh4iqyl1g5bcvs8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base GlomeTrace GlomeVec GLUT haskell98 OpenGL parallel + random time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ray tracer"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gloss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim + , gloss-rendering, GLUT, OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fk7472lw4621gv64fv4mna8z1av15f7d0didpc9r22rdlkpa80l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bmp bytestring containers ghc-prim gloss-rendering GLUT OpenGL + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-explicitbackend" "-f-glfw" "-fglut" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gloss-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-cuda, base, gloss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-accelerate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nj2rnp2bg3xmi4xbaws9jc7qx3b4qqg9fyvfv13xdav28d7iqb0"; + editedCabalFile = "3c0195c2208cb3c6786b8d1f27a17f5249af3797f6a37af410e95f23d03fb8d6"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate accelerate-cuda base gloss ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcuda" ]; + description = "Extras to interface Gloss and Accelerate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-algorithms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, gloss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-algorithms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cmjzwajn1y01p68fb8wvx7ld5ildkjzdzbmymlifcvw9csy3n2r"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-prim gloss ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structures and algorithms for working with 2D graphics"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gloss-banana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, reactive-banana }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-banana"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zzpdryfcqvxpzv53ymsvkm2nza9ryvzqgf3n89pnvrni91avgj3"; + buildDepends = [ base gloss reactive-banana ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Interface for gloss in terms of a reactive-banana Behavior"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-devil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gloss, repa, repa-devil }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-devil"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17gwy13z4lymm9dpj26q4ihcl198gqn9kpcjdw8lcgfcg4gxszsm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring gloss repa repa-devil ]; + description = "Display images in Gloss using libdevil for decoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim + , GLFW-b, gloss, gloss-algorithms, gloss-raster, gloss-rendering + , random, repa, repa-algorithms, repa-io, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pl0p5g0vn5dw5f16dj2qyn39qln48a9kiaxznhy2hxjqp1in3jz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bmp bytestring containers ghc-prim GLFW-b gloss + gloss-algorithms gloss-raster gloss-rendering random repa + repa-algorithms repa-io vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples using the gloss library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gloss-game" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, gloss-juicy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-game"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01k9600f9lv65n9bi2v40gzcl14gg9cm27fxz8yk4kx1hk5hv980"; + buildDepends = [ base gloss gloss-juicy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gloss wrapper that simplifies writing games"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-juicy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, gloss, JuicyPixels, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-juicy"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1y525ck3cqqg9zggd88ilzxv1pfcz801s0sdgprw3amzyxn71kqq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bmp bytestring gloss JuicyPixels vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Load any image supported by Juicy.Pixels in your gloss application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-raster" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, gloss, gloss-rendering + , llvm, repa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-raster"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vz03hw9rck9vcbh1lvy7dncij9ykgh7mslb3hwsz8z570dbnacw"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim gloss gloss-rendering repa + ]; + extraLibraries = [ llvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel rendering of raster images"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) llvm; }; + + "gloss-raster-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-cuda, base, gloss + , gloss-accelerate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-raster-accelerate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fs3ybrzkykslac1zzh6g73lfdfysn6y2fr1pra9hd0a7x5a8j10"; + editedCabalFile = "7dc701f53445822b911329368601a2de82ef2457573d6ac8ae795c74d61a5635"; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-cuda base gloss gloss-accelerate + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcuda" ]; + description = "Parallel rendering of raster images using Accelerate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gloss-rendering" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, containers, GLUT, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-rendering"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05wdiadwjykz8x0fimznp3q1drm4v3vnv6cv6wjkj1xsclmhb99k"; + buildDepends = [ base bmp bytestring containers GLUT OpenGL ]; + description = "Gloss picture data types and rendering functions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gloss-sodium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, sodium }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gloss-sodium"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ygjqzb1pn092j0d0gcwhxdv940rdlvpaj1gxa347mdgvp4jb9za"; + buildDepends = [ base gloss sodium ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Sodium interface to the Gloss drawing package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "glpk-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, glpk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "glpk-hs"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0wyasd0dqi5nnh52lx980vnyhm0rwib0sd7qnpj4s9hq8rn994cm"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers deepseq mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ glpk ]; + description = "Comprehensive GLPK linear programming bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gluturtle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, GLUT, stm, yjsvg, yjtools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gluturtle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jwkppf9ipm61g052r9m65awq3nsigf3q4m9bj2hmb3n9z75i1hp"; + buildDepends = [ base convertible GLUT stm yjsvg yjtools ]; + description = "turtle like LOGO with glut"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, AvlTree, base, COrdering, QuickCheck + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gmap"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0kwx0zknxpda0pjf9hphniz33b9m0md54z8zx09vzkjq7lpljx7r"; + buildDepends = [ array AvlTree base COrdering QuickCheck random ]; + description = "Composable maps and generic tries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gmndl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, array, base, gtk, gtkglext, mtl, OpenGL + , OpenGLRaw, parsec, priority-queue, qd, reflection, Vec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gmndl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04r7n24jnqgggi19d4l1lj1ag5jrh3zk2pvxwm5xfb7imlg37zm8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ad array base gtk gtkglext mtl OpenGL OpenGLRaw parsec + priority-queue qd reflection Vec + ]; + description = "Mandelbrot Set explorer using GTK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "gnome-desktop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, gconf, glib, gtk, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnome-desktop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ipx8hka4ly3dc3dv6dnk2bq3hbiiahqqragdm1bqgy1plvwa5q6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory gconf glib gtk random ]; + description = "Randomly set a picture as the GNOME desktop background"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gnome-keyring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, gnome_keyring, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnome-keyring"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "08fayi4ixqyzin7lxyx2s3yap377y6nrdf4fmv7bi895j2k642l8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text time ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ gnome_keyring ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gnome_keyring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for libgnome-keyring"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gnomevfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gnome_vfs + , gnome_vfs_module, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, haskell98, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnomevfs"; + version = "0.11.0"; + sha256 = "0g4dic9k1c4221v4kacc46sj2vra1jlnb4pn657zfwbkni8z0kmp"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk haskell98 mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gnome_vfs gnome_vfs_module ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GNOME Virtual File System library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { gnome_vfs_module = null; }; + + "gnuidn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, libidn, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnuidn"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1jii635wc3j1jnwwx24j9gg9xd91g2iw5967acn74p7db62lqx37"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ libidn ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libidn ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for GNU IDN"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gnuplot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-transformers, deepseq, filepath, old-locale + , process, temporary, time, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnuplot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l5hi346bhs9w11i3z6yy4mcr3k50xcp3j31g6wza9grxlfqc5av"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers data-accessor data-accessor-transformers + deepseq filepath old-locale process temporary time transformers + utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-executeshell" "-f-executepipe" "-f-buildexamples" + "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "2D and 3D plots using gnuplot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gnutls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gnutls, monads-tf, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gnutls"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1sf6b4g0jwk1jrzjq4vwwak57lzm1zc43ggysp973q5icm6gs8wp"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring monads-tf transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ gnutls ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gnutls ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for GNU libgnutls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gnutls; }; + + "goa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "goa"; + version = "3.3"; + sha256 = "0z1mhi2y4qm1lj6vfsmxf2gs5shfwdac3p9gqj89hx28mpc3rmzk"; + editedCabalFile = "5ae2bd1f4c29e22070fa32e5c126066813467ffe71a912148304d6f30d200137"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + description = "GHCi bindings to lambdabot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "goatee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "goatee"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0lqvdxv500q19xfpp4vcvz0y3s9s2q1iz1n2c01k9kbph4hjd198"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HUnit mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monadic take on a 2,500-year-old board game - library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "goatee-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, filepath + , goatee, gtk, HUnit, mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "goatee-gtk"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "03klvlxzmm50n8b1bslqjqvrpisiv7rmhjzhssiyakg1qzjpnjzf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory filepath goatee gtk mtl parsec + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monadic take on a 2,500-year-old board game - GTK+ UI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "gofer-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gofer-prelude"; + version = "2.30.3"; + sha256 = "1whl3fvwxh26nsb4l6brljsmwl891w5yxlsv69mdfvfb1rl7p64f"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Gofer 2.30 standard prelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "google-dictionary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HTTP, lens, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-dictionary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ib4y8cjg0dvvizy8yxgjaqvyawdy7vxmh1ab12b4yg40wwsg6g"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring HTTP lens mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple interface to the API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "google-drive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , directory, filepath, google-oauth2, hspec + , hspec-expectations-lifted, http-conduit, http-types, load-env + , mtl, random, resourcet, text, time, timerep + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-drive"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0fzz9dgb2l5zcfjrzf4bqv0dgjhy12r9i1h66y1mji2z0f9qj37y"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit conduit-extra directory filepath + http-conduit http-types mtl random resourcet text time timerep + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra directory google-oauth2 hspec + hspec-expectations-lifted load-env text time + ]; + description = "Google Drive API access"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "google-html5-slide" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, cmdargs, data-default, hamlet + , pandoc, shakespeare-css, syb, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-html5-slide"; + version = "2011.0"; + sha256 = "0wkblf0i4lfw6s8adf2clcqj3161863vbsq1cip3rcn9djqbimzl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html cmdargs data-default hamlet pandoc shakespeare-css + syb text time + ]; + description = "Google HTML5 Slide generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "google-mail-filters" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, google-search, old-locale, text + , time, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-mail-filters"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cxslr062h536q4vgs16r2s1lm7x5m9lcy1hzif6mpnmvjzqsn11"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers google-search old-locale text time xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ base google-search text time xml-conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write GMail filters and output to importable XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "google-oauth2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hspec, HTTP, http-conduit + , http-types, load-env + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-oauth2"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0sn86raxvgzp4hjmg5b0gm5ibhiys5jimvxgds13qxbgrgcvvwh6"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring HTTP http-conduit ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec http-conduit http-types load-env + ]; + description = "Google OAuth2 token negotiation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "google-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, nats, old-locale, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "google-search"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nkpvp5zjf3mkhqv6z5xvrmr6b6d5zgmzlh67y7ssslp4620m5m7"; + buildDepends = [ base free nats old-locale text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "EDSL for Google and GMail search expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "googleplus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , enumerator, haskell98, http-enumerator, http-types, mtl, text + , time, timerep, transformers, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "googleplus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "046fvrr8cg00wagx4vdx35l2xk8qbs7fbs0v5hj45h4jk9dnk2jg"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers enumerator haskell98 + http-enumerator http-types mtl text time timerep transformers url + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of the Google+ API v1"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gopherbot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, MissingH, network + , parsec, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gopherbot"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0qa4xs07975spf4pwc2y0hichn4x8l7kn2949v0j19gbd099vjng"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HDBC HDBC-postgresql MissingH network parsec unix + ]; + description = "Spidering robot to download files from Gopherspace"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gpah" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cmdargs, containers, csv + , deepseq, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, hint, HTTP + , network, process, syb, tar, uniplate, uu-parsinglib, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gpah"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1zwz065fdg3k09nh976igr90p1qpb397fyi7jh941c512m70qbxr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers csv deepseq directory + filepath haskell-src-exts hint HTTP network process syb tar + uniplate uu-parsinglib zlib + ]; + description = "Generic Programming Use in Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gpcsets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gpcsets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fm0k6n6fb5a3wvmb2l6k4zq3sdfxv16cb2y2zmjgxgj5n3gy9s8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gpolyline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gpolyline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01bsl7s8r33jgvk9lyca02awj43acii8spa6sskz19ivhm2adcr8"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure module for encoding/decoding Google Polyline"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GPX, gpx-conduit, hxt, pretty, prettyclass + , QuickCheck, statistics, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, vector, xsd + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gps"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "14plvzspi7c1fsz91kn945vlpalbdx67b8wkfb05cpa3id7g6jp6"; + buildDepends = [ + base gpx-conduit pretty prettyclass statistics time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base GPX hxt QuickCheck statistics test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 time vector xsd + ]; + description = "For manipulating GPS coordinates and trails"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gps2htmlReport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, Chart, cmdargs, colour + , data-accessor, directory, filepath, gd, gps, GPX, hsmagick, html + , http-enumerator, process, random, tar, time, xsd + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gps2htmlReport"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1n6a1c6w3wmyaqan3ymlrk36h98yvy40wgwfdah4ayyxlsmvvxg8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo Chart cmdargs colour data-accessor directory + filepath gd gps GPX hsmagick html http-enumerator process random + tar time xsd + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GPS to HTML Summary Report"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gpx-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, conduit, filepath, monad-control + , old-locale, text, time, void, xml-conduit, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gpx-conduit"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ffb0npx0yb69qxdcdznxpw36zjp2za7vdpzy2r5l245y0xr7mj4"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base conduit filepath monad-control old-locale text time + void xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + description = "Read GPX files using conduits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graceful" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hspec, network, process + , stm, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graceful"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dj23pkvh013428247s6n6vsbv3klfa5gj9wrjs1qmaz1gkc216a"; + buildDepends = [ base directory network stm unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath hspec network process stm unix + ]; + description = "Library to write graceful shutdown / upgrade service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grammar-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, enumerable, fgl, graphviz + , MaybeT, mtl, multirec, parsec, template-haskell, text + , uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grammar-combinators"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1z7i1270g919g1756wgfap2mfhvln13bhgya2pw4b9lbr5fphkdd"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers enumerable fgl graphviz MaybeT mtl multirec parsec + template-haskell text uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parsing library of context-free grammar combinators"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "grapefruit-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, containers, fraction, grapefruit-frp + , grapefruit-records, grapefruit-ui + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grapefruit-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ad64jnp71gh7rj3rlfw7z67l5xnmc052g5q3slw3s6ga7spajlr"; + buildDepends = [ + base colour containers fraction grapefruit-frp grapefruit-records + grapefruit-ui + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples using the Grapefruit library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grapefruit-frp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, containers, fingertree, semigroups + , TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grapefruit-frp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "155hmjflmzm463b00r1jjwbpjq8ilwss5xqwi6nz6lm3xbc2ddhm"; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base containers fingertree semigroups TypeCompose + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional Reactive Programming core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grapefruit-records" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, grapefruit-frp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grapefruit-records"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02hyrbsz20fl9mnynval55xar175vgy77s23zaq66r3f8c6gf6h1"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base grapefruit-frp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A record system for Functional Reactive Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grapefruit-ui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, colour, containers, fraction + , grapefruit-frp, grapefruit-records + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grapefruit-ui"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11xxvg2847vyzpw8i11a6mnflyr639hdwj51r9pfyaq95034q9jq"; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base colour containers fraction grapefruit-frp + grapefruit-records + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative user interface programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grapefruit-ui-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, containers, fraction, glib + , grapefruit-frp, grapefruit-records, grapefruit-ui, gtk + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grapefruit-ui-gtk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "106svyjnv72f0ikcfxgq8zagqxcn52yc1f31kfgz9258mmdki49z"; + buildDepends = [ + base colour containers fraction glib grapefruit-frp + grapefruit-records grapefruit-ui gtk + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hashable, HTF, mtl + , QuickCheck, safe, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xx99p2i1ng79rph0hkb2dp5r9y77s0y4v8njsywxyq4kbl3ly7f"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hashable mtl QuickCheck safe + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hashable HTF mtl QuickCheck safe + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, memory efficient and persistent graph implementation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "graph-generators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, fgl, hspec + , hspec-expectations, multiset, mwc-random, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-generators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iw22rmlhryc0z6k92lzdyjkc1qs98lj2509rk7qc7z0ghbhir9s"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl multiset mwc-random ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers fgl hspec hspec-expectations multiset + mwc-random QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for generating structured or random FGL graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "graph-matchings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-matchings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dzkv13w06hkxg2vkbblpskvsq02c2ay06rw2j4vyjpw13hms5bv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl ]; + description = "An implementation of algorithms for matchings in graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting"; + version = "0.7.6"; + sha256 = "014zsw98ksylr4g1ax3xxlsh9jiybaz7xjapl2h88a8ma91da3jz"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic graph rewriting of hypergraphs with ports and multiedges"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-cl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, GLUT, graph-rewriting + , graph-rewriting-gl, graph-rewriting-layout, OpenGL, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-cl"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0rwycs3vnzy9awm081h836136s2wjyk9qyhsx9j6z7y3lgsb2cr0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols GLUT graph-rewriting graph-rewriting-gl + graph-rewriting-layout OpenGL parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interactive graph rewriting system implementing various well-known combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-gl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers + , GLUT, graph-rewriting, graph-rewriting-layout, OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-gl"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "0cynzhr226944w3sn13bdnl60z9fy87va5fjayd4g0as2168ikhy"; + buildDepends = [ + AC-Vector base base-unicode-symbols containers GLUT graph-rewriting + graph-rewriting-layout OpenGL + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL interface for interactive port graph rewriting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-lambdascope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, GLUT, graph-rewriting + , graph-rewriting-gl, graph-rewriting-layout + , graph-rewriting-strategies, IndentParser, OpenGL, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-lambdascope"; + version = "0.5.6"; + sha256 = "1qwy2mn22a5ppz3lrqz6czxrr3j26zxpp6lm3sf121k3a78c7vvp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols GLUT graph-rewriting graph-rewriting-gl + graph-rewriting-layout graph-rewriting-strategies IndentParser + OpenGL parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lambdascope, an optimal evaluator of the lambda calculus, as an interactive graph-rewriting system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-layout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, base-unicode-symbols + , graph-rewriting + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-layout"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "09fscyaknd3nhqn7d3wa4j8n2yagmmfk661m41cqx5hlay60x5f5"; + buildDepends = [ + AC-Vector base base-unicode-symbols graph-rewriting + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Force-directed node placement intended for incremental graph drawing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-ski" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, GLUT, graph-rewriting + , graph-rewriting-gl, graph-rewriting-layout, OpenGL, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-ski"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "0jdfwcz427lx3r0alba1rphc6hj43mqygkdqmwn37yll4r1c62a4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols GLUT graph-rewriting graph-rewriting-gl + graph-rewriting-layout OpenGL parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Two evalutors of the SKI combinator calculus as interactive graph rewrite systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-strategies" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers + , graph-rewriting + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-strategies"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0mimp7xbmnp9c2j8hr09qivc6kgfi4g63p071s560laddins39jr"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers graph-rewriting + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluation strategies for port-graph rewriting systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-trs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers, directory + , filepath, GLUT, graph-rewriting, graph-rewriting-gl + , graph-rewriting-layout, OpenGL, uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-trs"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "1v8imc3ym0jjyhpw10xh36l060nvd0klp9llnmdnv8qkmy7pn8yg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers directory filepath GLUT + graph-rewriting graph-rewriting-gl graph-rewriting-layout OpenGL + uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluate first-order applicative term rewrite systems interactively using graph reduction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-rewriting-ww" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, GLUT, graph-rewriting + , graph-rewriting-gl, graph-rewriting-layout, IndentParser, OpenGL + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-rewriting-ww"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "169s5iy15q9ll12fjxizrc0l2q34rvqmxfpbcanc602cj3inav2w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols GLUT graph-rewriting graph-rewriting-gl + graph-rewriting-layout IndentParser OpenGL parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluator of the lambda-calculus in an interactive graph rewriting system with explicit sharing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-serialize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-serialize"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1a9qq5gpyxg6j6ja3kjldnf11wywjvvxpwvgiahlsrmwfw2c8d74"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialization of data structures with references"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, mtl, parsec, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-utils"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "06wl6i8z0gfndr96g5ps11h877rbwvi1d9cbbr3d2whvbcsyclsf"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fgl mtl parsec syb template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple wrapper & quasi quoter for fgl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-visit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-lens, data-lens-template + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-visit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0afj0wqpk549n0xs4vqcblrxs1d6knmxcldfnmz5vy2da5zlfn0q"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-lens data-lens-template mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graph walk abstraction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graph-wrapper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graph-wrapper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wfazkczc9m1r0snzv5b4ax315g93qgrnqc2wnrqqnzhcfy1symg"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around the standard Data.Graph with a less awkward interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphbuilder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphbuilder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zhjzb53qaj6dy6ncqjaxdfrs2hwfy4g9czybpsgnbniqm07i22b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A declarative, monadic graph construction language for small graphs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "graphene" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, hashable + , lens-family, lens-family-core, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphene"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09q57hqf3s29y3b6wn79wa9ksm5r2p75ww3kpwqmigvngy4sz006"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers hashable lens-family lens-family-core + mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimal Graph Theory library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "graphics-drawingcombinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, FTGL, OpenGL, stb-image }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphics-drawingcombinators"; + version = "1.5"; + sha256 = "064g5zcdm0xpczyf8xwx0q0yr6jrd54461qpfxbvsh90lq0pa051"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bitmap FTGL OpenGL stb-image ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" "-fftgl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functional interface to 2D drawing in OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphics-formats-collada" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap-opengl, containers, hxt, OpenGL + , stb-image, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphics-formats-collada"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1kfx1c2x8v2i7ckhjiqv7ghhn44w7fscghxkn1iqkp3mj1p3xvbv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bitmap-opengl containers hxt OpenGL stb-image transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Load 3D geometry in the COLLADA format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphicsFormats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, OpenGL, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphicsFormats"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bcqj0n8qqaqfrn21qgkf8si5qgxl3qlsc8djy0rqhnfi2grb8nh"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 OpenGL QuickCheck ]; + description = "Classes for renderable objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphicstools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, containers, CV, directory + , ghc-prim, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphicstools"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0hcz8w6yf7dls4sv0i5kihs22ysv0dl63q5bs5y4hgv6d747psp8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL containers CV directory ghc-prim wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for creating graphical UIs, based on wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphmod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, dotgen, filepath + , haskell-lexer + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphmod"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "02p1x44ywv2mb4l2dsz9z3ybnvv4nns3882lqm3nc8sw2hkib8z3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory dotgen filepath haskell-lexer + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Present the module dependencies of a program as a \"dot\" graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, transformers, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qr5ihf66byq6wq3f6al1i2jrxfi107b5agwck265425mq0jaf9f"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers transformers void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple monadic graph library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphtype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dotgen, haskell-src-exts + , haskell98, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphtype"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "13nblgd4b3pwpw8idvbd54fq2lf233vj8gvsl0qr381lsvj69fbi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dotgen haskell-src-exts haskell98 uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple tool to illustrate dependencies between Haskell types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "graphviz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, colour, containers, directory + , dlist, fgl, filepath, polyparse, process, QuickCheck, temporary + , text, transformers, wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "graphviz"; + version = "2999.17.0.2"; + sha256 = "1zfndf5mpwx3nrgybxg5hy8n30zwsfx6jgp9468b0pp8c5h65j13"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring colour containers directory dlist fgl filepath + polyparse process temporary text transformers wl-pprint-text + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers fgl filepath QuickCheck text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test-parsing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Graphviz for graph visualisation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gravatar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, HTTP, pureMD5 + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gravatar"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "035qhrk0s4bpv9xvji4j7w2r98gppn2armz4wjdjy8f50anjpfw3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring data-default HTTP pureMD5 text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Look up gravatar image urls by email address"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gray-code" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gray-code"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0b0pm24mxjsxg95q6yisr9pa0jfklsfw66cicryib42czvv083av"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gray code encoder/decoder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gray-extended" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gray-extended"; + version = "1.5"; + sha256 = "19v7vazq1dxqj324m36ff88xp8w5jssbh8w50i2ba8c3h7s2x470"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gray encoding schemes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "greencard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "greencard"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vl9p6mqss5r4jfqnjir7m1q7fhh9f204c99qd5y5d0j7yc26r5y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GreenCard, a foreign function pre-processor for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "greencard-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, greencard, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "greencard-lib"; + version = "3.0.1"; + sha256 = "1a8h36kclb5db7kfy1pb4h2pwy6a6wwnjpm21xzvc9fjx9vj44kd"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers greencard pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A foreign function interface pre-processor library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "greg-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, clock, hostname, network + , stm, system-uuid, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "greg-client"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1p645qgn5i194mna20ariypxp0dci7lzyxhszmnyylpd0icyg4in"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring clock hostname network stm system-uuid time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A scalable distributed logger with a high-precision global time axis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, containers, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grid"; + version = "7.6.7"; + sha256 = "1sdm47y9hbqn40bfi4fssnbrhksca7gdkgpqvz1gd2lqs729i1nf"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for working with regular grids (graphs, lattices)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "grm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cmdargs, directory, filepath, happy + , parsec, process, syb, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "grm"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1za45931c6avyqxb6dwiafl739fmwdk68kxpk13zkv0jwxxpp9px"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cmdargs directory filepath parsec process syb wl-pprint + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + description = "grm grammar converter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groom"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "045hzpnf17rp1ib6q3gcznl9b7ivz5zmv0gh7qfg726kr8i030hf"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts ]; + description = "Pretty printing for well-behaved Show instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "groundhog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , monad-control, monad-logger, mtl, text, time, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g50qwwxp999g1r8486vqr12facmlxy6nz9vz412v6y469ww5b1x"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers monad-control monad-logger + mtl text time transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe datatype-database mapping library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groundhog-inspector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, groundhog, groundhog-sqlite, groundhog-th, mtl + , regex-compat, syb, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog-inspector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17bnzi1gkhl8ps9dihmrw3nb0mdlbgd83k67dplqzgj1q3z52lpy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson-pretty base bytestring cmdargs containers groundhog + groundhog-sqlite groundhog-th mtl regex-compat syb template-haskell + text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mysql" "-f-postgresql" "-fsqlite" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe datatype-database mapping library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groundhog-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, groundhog + , monad-control, monad-logger, mysql, mysql-simple, resource-pool + , text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog-mysql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01pnninva0va0pl9k7mjk2l7fm42978j9x82sj8z7cscshvl327f"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers groundhog monad-control monad-logger + mysql mysql-simple resource-pool text time transformers + ]; + description = "MySQL backend for the groundhog library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groundhog-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, groundhog, monad-control, monad-logger + , postgresql-libpq, postgresql-simple, resource-pool, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog-postgresql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xsiq7ma5bp6fhy4bigdxly1wi9h2kq8sbk5gxr43fvvm402h9k1"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers groundhog + monad-control monad-logger postgresql-libpq postgresql-simple + resource-pool text time transformers + ]; + description = "PostgreSQL backend for the groundhog library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groundhog-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, direct-sqlite + , groundhog, monad-control, monad-logger, resource-pool, text + , transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog-sqlite"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lsm9yfapdpy4nf5bxrbjkvw9nwc82qfmyw1h9l3mc4b8nfp12dy"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers direct-sqlite groundhog monad-control + monad-logger resource-pool text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Sqlite3 backend for the groundhog library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groundhog-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, groundhog + , template-haskell, text, time, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groundhog-th"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "14g4665wrr3226m2v63p4j8g9bcyi5la7nk2vh509xyz3z17aq67"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers groundhog template-haskell text + time unordered-containers yaml + ]; + description = "Type-safe datatype-database mapping library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "group-with" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, hspec, hspec-expectations + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "group-with"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c7p3bj3b68h2zp0lzldfjwq7x2a38v0gnxyflisawdg61jnx8h6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers hspec hspec-expectations QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Classify objects by key-generating function, like SQL GROUP BY"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "groupoid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groupoid"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0gpjlq9f2il4vp7ihh1sf5g2jr1rbi5big5c6dhjk961n8b1dq0z"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Groupoid class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groupoids" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroupoids }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groupoids"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "08la44c19pz2clws5mb939zc1d17cb6qy9qlh2n1634pl0zrawb6"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroupoids ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "groups" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "groups"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kp8h3617cimya8nnadljyy4vk66dzl5nzfm900k2gh3ci8kja6k"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell 98 groups"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "growler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, either, http-types, lens, monad-control, mtl + , pipes, pipes-aeson, pipes-wai, regex-compat, text + , transformers-base, unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra + , warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "growler"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0z05j8xxq4zs2n8v94mgl359kv6i8mi2q9avw40jc7pslm7qfr9v"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive either + http-types lens monad-control mtl pipes pipes-aeson pipes-wai + regex-compat text transformers-base unordered-containers vector wai + wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A revised version of the scotty library that attempts to be simpler and more performant"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gruff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , FTGL, gtk, gtkglext, mtl, old-locale, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, parallel + , qd, qd-vec, ruff, time, Vec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gruff"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0is9bpaalyr78g0hfp6bbmny4w6w8a3aj9a041f82499hhy0vv0h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath FTGL gtk gtkglext mtl + old-locale OpenGL OpenGLRaw parallel qd qd-vec ruff time Vec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mpfr" ]; + description = "fractal explorer GUI using the ruff library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "gruff-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-memocombinators, filepath + , gruff, qd, qd-vec, random, ruff, Vec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gruff-examples"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "02ygb88zxikf5ggw9ypyzganngk4dgfcszpkyzy6cwm47mksdzg7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-memocombinators filepath gruff qd qd-vec + random ruff Vec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mpfr" ]; + description = "Mandelbrot Set examples using ruff and gruff"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "gsasl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gsasl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gsasl"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "1797rs6syrgs82akbj7nkmj0nni4w83fhwrl1zy2l3jqkcacvbm3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring transformers ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gsasl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for GNU libgsasl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gsasl; }; + + "gsc-weighting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hierarchical-clustering }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gsc-weighting"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1mdm0n96gy00wf7lv6c0qxk9bi1ahf58vzrgnh3jfiwhzjivcvlj"; + buildDepends = [ base hierarchical-clustering ]; + description = "Generic implementation of Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia weighting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gsl-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gsl-random"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0bhwi2ianxazyxyp2siczk8rfdnj4dx3rfz5d82bag2xcbzcrbfj"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings the the GSL random number generation facilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gsl-random-fu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gsl-random, random-fu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gsl-random-fu"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qf5m3zksn16mlgavrwbq6yd1mbyafy27qf1ws4nmkxl8ci0k48i"; + buildDepends = [ base gsl-random random-fu ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances for using gsl-random with random-fu"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "gsmenu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, permute, sindre + , text, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gsmenu"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "15ddm69fmk0nkkrs5g80amdvld2mq59ah58nbnk83mwkffpi484f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec permute sindre text X11 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A visual generic menu"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gstreamer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory, glib + , gstreamer, gstreamer-audio, gstreamer-base, gstreamer-controller + , gstreamer-dataprotocol, gstreamer-net, gstreamer-plugins-base + , gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gstreamer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0grg20wsvdyfpm2y3ykw7d3j7s2hlbs8psjwfy0yfz3839yvccy6"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring directory glib mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ + gstreamer gstreamer-audio gstreamer-base gstreamer-controller + gstreamer-dataprotocol gstreamer-net gstreamer-plugins-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gstreamer; + gstreamer-audio = null; gstreamer-base = null; + gstreamer-controller = null; gstreamer-dataprotocol = null; + gstreamer-net = null; gstreamer-plugins-base = null; }; + + "gt-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extensible-exceptions, haskeline + , HTTP, json, mtl, unix, url, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gt-tools"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1mkccxgnvgjxkbsdl6bcn61yv0zi20i8h9z11hqcfd3ibfnsw7bh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers extensible-exceptions haskeline HTTP json mtl unix + url utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-gui" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Console and GUI interface for Google Translate service"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gtfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csv, directory, filepath, rowrecord, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtfs"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0m0i13xpj9wz6ykngwfqi2vnrliwf0y1d2cxg9254dm865l5gvsi"; + buildDepends = [ base csv directory filepath rowrecord split ]; + description = "The General Transit Feed Specification format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, gio + , glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl, pango, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk"; + version = "0.13.4"; + sha256 = "1xfcwj37jy3w9gkap1p7mw8ix9xsvpc1268nrpilp2wkch2gs7qp"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cairo containers gio glib mtl pango text + ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib gtk ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-ffmode-binary" "-f-have-quartz-gtk" "-fhave-gio" "-fdeprecated" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib gtk; }; + + "gtk-jsinput" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, json, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-jsinput"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0fjlk6z8j77l35k9cdzgbyf1w5wd0v0k1sry78vf7f6j4mvv8wb0"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk json transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows inputing of JSON values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gtk-largeTreeStore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, glib, gtk3, hspec, mtl + , nested-sets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-largeTreeStore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nzddvm17gqkdjpkls4rd5lxshx8fwvn35b9r3njqqpm2yi5qci0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers glib gtk3 mtl nested-sets ]; + testDepends = [ base containers gtk3 hspec ]; + description = "Large TreeStore support for gtk2hs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gtk-mac-integration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk + , gtk-mac-integration, gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-mac-integration"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05pihi7fc413j8iwwrdb7p1ckxsjzd8cvayk76hhwnqcyykvjlr5"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk-mac-integration ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk-mac-integration; }; + + "gtk-serialized-event" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk, haskell98, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-serialized-event"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "0gh8kwd9758ws941xbxhrm3144pmnqln0md5r6vjbq7s1x54bsrf"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk haskell98 mtl ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GTK+ Serialized event"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "gtk-simple-list-view" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-simple-list-view"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1qqfhaap2996015h3jkgg9j3hyxrh88wn6kba29ys0q1h35f8yws"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows single LOC creation/updating of list views"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gtk-toggle-button-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-toggle-button-list"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "14hb7nxf4l0q7hab8dzll8dh5ccb4hhc8arywijdgdrz4i2s2706"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows single LOC creation/updating of toggle button lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "gtk-toy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-toy"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0zf3k0c5h5wcgkqr8np5kvgz4c9nha86k5whsn4f1wk0ikj98dfq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers gtk ]; + description = "Convenient Gtk canvas with mouse and keyboard input"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gtk-traymanager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, x11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk-traymanager"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0hzl9pa5vx04vslb2visx35wwjagzzi1j5gyk5acy8pym8ly50hm"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk x11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around the eggtraymanager library for Linux system trays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "gtk2hs-buildtools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , happy, hashtables, pretty, process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-buildtools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ijcmcjp8mralpzl1gvh24bzq8njlzkvck1r07b010rrklv04arp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath hashtables pretty process + random + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fclosuresignals" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-glade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glade, gtk, gtk2hs-cast-glib, hint + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-glade"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0azyf3h53r5dqvz66bbvqk9qp418v0mq0yzd1ia6pc6d7ypknkx6"; + buildDepends = [ + base glade gtk gtk2hs-cast-glib hint template-haskell + ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glade package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-glib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-glib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bsz1zyz2hxf07q6xr232aciwxl3819jklj16hqqbfjwm4mzn2mp"; + buildDepends = [ base glib ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glib package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-gnomevfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gnomevfs, gtk2hs-cast-glib, gtk2hs-cast-th + , hint, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-gnomevfs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fkrrsvagsn51rn0b16y8ac3fg509wrxqdfwsij9nbprcd8iz75g"; + buildDepends = [ + base gnomevfs gtk2hs-cast-glib gtk2hs-cast-th hint template-haskell + ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gnomevfs package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, gtk2hs-cast-glib, gtk2hs-cast-th, hint + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-gtk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15d6c0mdd9nzpb310n19kyw0jqv019w17ncxxhg3wk90ckb43l3j"; + buildDepends = [ + base gtk gtk2hs-cast-glib gtk2hs-cast-th hint template-haskell + ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtk package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-gtkglext" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk2hs-cast-glib, gtk2hs-cast-th, gtkglext + , hint, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-gtkglext"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05m4h8wh820mwiarrysa4fkxj14l90ky89kv24irpa3vw27xnsm9"; + buildDepends = [ + base gtk2hs-cast-glib gtk2hs-cast-th gtkglext hint template-haskell + ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtkglext package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-gtksourceview2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk2hs-cast-glib, gtk2hs-cast-th + , gtksourceview2, hint, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-gtksourceview2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fyca2kwjc4hk9jqshn9hzq4m7415kapdln1nv0rgxsd1iabjk81"; + buildDepends = [ + base gtk2hs-cast-glib gtk2hs-cast-th gtksourceview2 hint + template-haskell + ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtksourceview2 package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-cast-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hint, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-cast-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19a7qb0dlfqw22fz7m94xyzbssvia106wlvy3brag5nhfza833px"; + buildDepends = [ base hint template-haskell ]; + description = "A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: TH package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-hello" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk3, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-hello"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0km86yd8wkn85x8xr326a8pzrfmbrf0cpf6zz3sggk3kn4jrmbj4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gtk2Hs Hello World, an example package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "gtk2hs-rpn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, glib, gtk, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk2hs-rpn"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "01wikd60b48qcz6vk31kwfkpkf2za5laxbhdyns45s90lvr98rvi"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo glib gtk mtl ]; + description = "Adds a module to gtk2hs allowing layouts to be defined using reverse polish notation"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "gtk3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, gio + , glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, gtk3, mtl, pango, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk3"; + version = "0.13.4"; + sha256 = "041yg1h7g7mm3iy6wz8mp74ximw63vc4x918gpha5lpj6l2fxaqh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cairo containers gio glib mtl pango text time + transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib gtk3 ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-ffmode-binary" "-f-build-demos" "-fhave-gio" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib gtk3; }; + + "gtk3-mac-integration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk-mac-integration + , gtk2hs-buildtools, gtk3, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtk3-mac-integration"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fsgcy5vwdcy7mf57w6axqa7804w0729mbzb7gvf4wh25k2i2xhp"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk3 mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk-mac-integration ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk-mac-integration; }; + + "gtkglext" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, gtkglext + , pango, pangox_compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtkglext"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xhalcb85cpswdpqxx64fxpmyqq7iakgaczjrbr25fp0h1glshhk"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk pango ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtkglext pangox_compat ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use-deprecated" "-f-have-quartz-gtk" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtkglext; }; + + "gtkimageview" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk + , gtk2hs-buildtools, gtkimageview, haskell98, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtkimageview"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "0sdfb7gmgqh4dkc0a39abx84x7j7zs5z1l62nfzz22wsx1h641j3"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk haskell98 mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtkimageview ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GtkImageView library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtkimageview; }; + + "gtkrsync" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gconf, glade, gtk, MissingH, process + , regex-posix, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtkrsync"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0z7mwgmjpbmj2949bfrragyjr6s38vv9sz8zpy63ss9h7b5xn4xw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base gconf glade gtk MissingH process regex-posix unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gnome rsync progress display"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "gtksourceview2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk + , gtk2hs-buildtools, gtksourceview, mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtksourceview2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s9ighkkqrc4f3w5ij5v3dwx7pp5cmd9arfk0rld0vpskx0x4vax"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk mtl text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtksourceview ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GtkSourceView library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "gtksourceview3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools + , gtk3, gtksourceview, mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gtksourceview3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jgvj1r7vibcf5gnx29b27q209l7dcn42zffyxbsy0507ka6394q"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk3 mtl text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtksourceview ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the GtkSourceView library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "guarded-rewriting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, instant-generics }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "guarded-rewriting"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "04396pd4c4yqpw6ai5ciigva9l3acdz7yn4d5hvyks52khv5fsf9"; + buildDepends = [ base instant-generics ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Datatype-generic rewriting with preconditions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "guess-combinator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HList }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "guess-combinator"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1xaj8zl6cbgks3r0asbnkz1ixq1hlglpjxdymj6ikyjq955sxmzj"; + buildDepends = [ base HList ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate simple combinators given their type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "gulcii" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, filepath, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gulcii"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r368b4gw32yxi7xx85ljaw72plbw1i659kwjqiigmd2s54ids5h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo containers filepath gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "graphical untyped lambda calculus interactive interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "gutenberg-fibonaccis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "gutenberg-fibonaccis"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0vvzlfnvh9r9jqf7v83d0piqpvl40sg0mswf9f41vncgzg0z79v2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The first 1001 Fibonacci numbers, retrieved from the Gutenberg Project"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "h-booru" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , http-conduit, hxt, mtl, stm, template-haskell, transformers + , utf8-string, vinyl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "h-booru"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v2mcf35j4dr32j9n6rx10h7mx9d9f14bh70yphj01laxg240746"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath http-conduit hxt mtl + stm template-haskell transformers utf8-string vinyl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell library for retrieving data from various booru image sites"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "h-gpgme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-gpgme, bytestring, either, HUnit + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, time + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "h-gpgme"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "172awh918zldbivnn8jy24r30mxppgjvn2bz52phjxln02kcpm3x"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-gpgme bytestring either time unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bindings-gpgme bytestring either HUnit QuickCheck tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck time transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "h2048" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, MonadRandom, mtl, text, transformers + , vty, vty-ui + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "h2048"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s8r476bhvmhpj914n4sjsa1z6dgf26m872rpzhlsyhw1rsxgcfr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base MonadRandom mtl text transformers vty vty-ui + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit MonadRandom mtl transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fvty" "-fexe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a haskell implementation of Game 2048"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hArduino" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, serialport + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hArduino"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "03wq0c9aqv3n27zcm74l2df75z3sr7kvyszgs0m2sn2680izl024"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl serialport time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Control your Arduino board from Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hBDD" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hBDD"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "15pq6r8kz7ki1siz9xihd85qck9gnkp17cdz331srgr5kzij3lgv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "An abstraction layer for BDD libraries"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hBDD-CUDD" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, cudd, deepseq, epd, hBDD + , mtr, st, unix, util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hBDD-CUDD"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0rjfycxnhwwylpdb5sm4kqzypfbigzmx6azrs44sixmkq0cv5yb4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq hBDD unix ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ cudd epd mtr st util ]; + description = "An FFI binding to the CUDD library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cudd; + epd = null; util = null; }; + + "hCsound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, csound64, libsndfile, monads-tf + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hCsound"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0z4zcf70jplm68k69kigj0kfx78r00y6fx6rjymzpvpbhppmyyd2"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf transformers vector ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ csound64 libsndfile ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuseframework" "-fusedouble" "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "interface to CSound API"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { csound64 = null; }; + + "hDFA" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hDFA"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1ays1qy2zsl3h49ryr2y9dymfv1ak1m1d0jvarmqwg3nb49armhm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory process ]; + description = "A simple library for representing and minimising DFAs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hF2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hF2"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1y0731fsay2dp9m4b94w15m054vqsnnafz4k8jjqjvvrmwyfgicz"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal vector ]; + description = "F(2^e) math for cryptography"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hGelf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cereal, network, old-time + , pureMD5, QuickCheck, text, time, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hGelf"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jkgf0sm8xv204hrzpkplccfq88y5xyrm8y2b5gjfp473872jqxw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cereal network old-time pureMD5 QuickCheck + text time zlib + ]; + description = "Haskell GELF library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hMollom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, Crypto + , dataenc, ghc-prim, HTTP, mtl, old-locale, old-time, pureMD5 + , random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hMollom"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1grhkvmcdyi7gmmcqfqi3n78p4gbimzxa4mylj1f0j8iy5iycmg5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring Crypto dataenc ghc-prim HTTP mtl + old-locale old-time pureMD5 random time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to interact with the @Mollom anti-spam service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hOpenPGP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, bzlib, cereal, cereal-conduit + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, crypto-cipher-types + , crypto-pubkey, crypto-random, cryptocipher, cryptohash + , data-default, errors, hashable, incremental-parser, ixset, lens + , monad-loops, mtl, nettle, openpgp-asciiarmor, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, resourcet, securemem, semigroups, split + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hOpenPGP"; + version = "1.11"; + sha256 = "1alcaqx2i4a4cbmh0brb9axfsm4nb8fs4mqglh609iy3bdl791b7"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring bzlib + cereal cereal-conduit conduit conduit-extra containers + crypto-cipher-types crypto-pubkey crypto-random cryptocipher + cryptohash data-default errors hashable incremental-parser ixset + lens monad-loops mtl nettle openpgp-asciiarmor resourcet securemem + semigroups split text time transformers unordered-containers zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint attoparsec base bytestring bzlib cereal + cereal-conduit conduit conduit-extra containers crypto-cipher-types + crypto-pubkey crypto-random cryptocipher cryptohash data-default + errors hashable incremental-parser ixset lens monad-loops mtl + nettle QuickCheck quickcheck-instances resourcet securemem + semigroups split tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text time + transformers unordered-containers zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hPDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, ghc-prim, iterable, mmap, mtl, Octree, parallel + , QuickCheck, tagged, template-haskell, text, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hPDB"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mymyvd9p63sf3801bn2pyihj47fymp8wwfbllhbvw2l92hy79vk"; + buildDepends = [ + AC-Vector base bytestring containers deepseq directory ghc-prim + iterable mmap mtl Octree parallel QuickCheck tagged + template-haskell text vector zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-have-text-format" "-fhave-sse2" "-fhave-mmap" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Protein Databank file format library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hPDB-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AC-Vector, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, ghc-prim, GLUT, hPDB, IfElse, iterable, mtl, Octree + , OpenGL, process, QuickCheck, template-haskell, text, text-format + , time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hPDB-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ppwbm0ag9dd5rzpvzk89c4ykwkgvwz9fg6d3lr9vwfid15a116s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + AC-Vector base bytestring containers deepseq directory ghc-prim + GLUT hPDB iterable mtl Octree OpenGL QuickCheck template-haskell + text text-format vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + AC-Vector base bytestring containers deepseq directory ghc-prim + hPDB IfElse iterable mtl process template-haskell text time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for hPDB library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hPushover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-conduit, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hPushover"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qz1hd05fhh9vfjxmmnl9qs29hjl2qdyvfi9h687dp1dvk36j7ns"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring http-conduit network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = " API functions."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hR" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hR"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1kc03mgsxijszdvxw4qwq4fnd0ln61v08rk9y1k6kx9vyqc7bilc"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers unix ]; + description = "R bindings and interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hRESP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hRESP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "188rs1g2yacka8c4wbqkhwjrin95f3ribm8007lqsxiapaj1d89y"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell implementation of RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hS3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Crypto, dataenc, HTTP, hxt + , MissingH, network, network-uri, old-locale, old-time, random + , regex-compat, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hS3"; + version = "0.5.9"; + sha256 = "0nf71jb15gkkcrb0x83mmql6j55c6dnz3bl3yq1grphwn0jbmq3y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Crypto dataenc HTTP hxt MissingH network + network-uri old-locale old-time random regex-compat utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hSimpleDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Crypto, dataenc, HTTP, hxt + , network, old-locale, old-time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hSimpleDB"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "045mgg2b7wmkcziil8njb2wsy8pgzqcc46dwdrabxgbw1nzsfkaa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Crypto dataenc HTTP hxt network old-locale old-time + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Interface to Amazon's SimpleDB service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hTalos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hTalos"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "05l9nlrwpb9gwgj8z48paxx46lkasa82naiq7armi98salk1a9ip"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser, print and manipulate structures in PDB file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hTensor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hmatrix, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hTensor"; + version = "0.8.2"; + sha256 = "1nwzh68v2b11lph64432bjdrpxrr62cv4hdh935wml13mac3l2ly"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hmatrix random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multidimensional arrays and simple tensor computations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hVOIDP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blas, hmatrix, lapack }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hVOIDP"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0r9a461k1rr0j9zgjfq1z37i6blv9rqf8pzb984h1nmlfqpnidnc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base hmatrix ]; + extraLibraries = [ blas lapack ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Optimal variable selection in chain graphical model"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) blas; + lapack = null; }; + + "haar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, split, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haar"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1xmz659lqr25c0xxkmly5w4fxgk9rqnms2sknd5ab8czqdgq6n1v"; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haar wavelet transforms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hacanon-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hacanon-light"; + version = "2008.10.28"; + sha256 = "0m0wfg74kmpz6ydldz5h9z5xd54957v1rprl9wal9sjr0pzl28a7"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + description = "Template Haskell framework for automatic FFI code generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack"; + version = "2012.2.6"; + sha256 = "0wrfa9fa6skl985fi2a6iv4m8kchg87w9x3k37nf3l8vaz95jmdr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring data-default ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a Haskell Webserver Interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, cgi, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hack, haskell98, mps, network + , old-locale, old-time, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-contrib"; + version = "2010.9.28"; + sha256 = "1r0g8fcwz6r4vrsadjyb5awjmfbqsskmc1c8xkfwv0knak1qq2p1"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring cgi containers data-default + directory filepath hack haskell98 mps network old-locale old-time + time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack contrib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-contrib-press" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-class, containers + , hack, json, mtl, parsec, press + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-contrib-press"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "12v7xw448cxl93bnbzqkinlij74flffpif0x5jd51sndvpgsh12r"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-class containers hack json mtl parsec + press + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack helper that renders Press templates"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hack-frontend-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hack + , happstack-server, network, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-frontend-happstack"; + version = "2009.6.24.1"; + sha256 = "1x4kaj4nk5lrgsm6pfxr6f8rvjyxhy0agqv9f810xh6s1r9pihw1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hack happstack-server network + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hack-frontend-happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-frontend-monadcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, containers, hack }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-frontend-monadcgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m0af44jv03djn5i2lgrnnvvcdqx44qppfx76m1bwr7gv1vzm432"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cgi containers hack ]; + description = "Allows programs written against MonadCGI to run with any hack handler. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-cgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hack }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-cgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pm8vs94dbaahqrdwfffwa1jb9ghyjnq48sirlw1dj2gcsa3np2x"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hack ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack handler using CGI protocol. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-epoll" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, epoll, failure + , hack, HTTP, network, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-epoll"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0q4cw789x8c93y53lwhr7g0hkli8x6qb9k0cg5pxln6cxxvi9p82"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default epoll failure hack HTTP network unix + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hack handler implementation using epoll"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-evhttp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-class, containers + , data-default, event, hack, hack-contrib, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-evhttp"; + version = "2009.8.4"; + sha256 = "1a09ls9jgakdx8ya6zd5z3ss2snb4pp0db1573hzmrhr37i2gklz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-class containers data-default hack + hack-contrib network + ]; + extraLibraries = [ event ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack EvHTTP (libevent) Handler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { event = null; }; + + "hack-handler-fastcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fcgi, hack, hack-handler-cgi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-fastcgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02slh33r9qy8q0vpi4s4vvf5lmb14ypk8bixdicvxakahjvxhanr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hack hack-handler-cgi ]; + extraLibraries = [ fcgi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack handler direct to fastcgi (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, containers, data-default + , hack, happstack-server, mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-happstack"; + version = "2009.12.20"; + sha256 = "10b3cp1gap59ialfl33dwhzw50nwrqg49zvv0v813q7rqk3nkhg4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi containers data-default hack happstack-server + mtl network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack Happstack server handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-hyena" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default, hack + , hyena, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-hyena"; + version = "2010.3.15"; + sha256 = "1p0zyki1iapz2xncq0l5bbas44pk5kb29kbb3bdxb4anb0m5jb2q"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default hack hyena network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hyena hack handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-kibro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, data-default, hack, kibro, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-kibro"; + version = "2009.5.27"; + sha256 = "0py30rp7r4hrazrfq3avpqcp1w8405pyfw1yxz7msb58yjppa792"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi data-default hack kibro network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack Kibro handler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hack-handler-simpleserver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, failure, hack, network + , web-encodings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-handler-simpleserver"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1p7igprgxkzkqhsy5n2qci75dbx2qxs1dcq8krghwj3isl6wds3y"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring failure hack network web-encodings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simplistic HTTP server handler for Hack. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-middleware-cleanpath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hack, split, web-encodings }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-middleware-cleanpath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0107ajkiwkn33h56dz576y4dxl0sr2lkkcmjy6f9s2nzqp9ibin4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hack split web-encodings ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Applies some basic redirect rules to get cleaner paths. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-middleware-clientsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clientsession, hack, old-locale, predicates + , time, web-encodings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-middleware-clientsession"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h4l2lvshf9cqg43az9alq4rybhr4k07mhrila4fx7yjxslw871f"; + buildDepends = [ + base clientsession hack old-locale predicates time web-encodings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Middleware for easily keeping session data in client cookies. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-middleware-gzip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hack, split, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-middleware-gzip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x7526939h7g44yyscyk324gdb40cryyiffh13iinf8aw1rach70"; + buildDepends = [ base hack split zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic gzip compression of responses. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack-middleware-jsonp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-class, hack + , web-encodings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack-middleware-jsonp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g7l441s0065f5dw2rj82m547nnc1i7cclx81kvgbpbi8q6hz0iw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-class hack web-encodings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic wrapping of JSON responses to convert into JSONP. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "1b6jzdisv58scyzb9pxhqrnz74sy0j96jkbbnf84wccwbwn4rf28"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring data-default ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a Haskell Webserver Interface (V2)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, hack2, network-uri, old-locale, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-contrib"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "1fjk86r1lh77r729qgaj664swq07fqz4pafm99xfzy3xwvbfx5lx"; + buildDepends = [ + air base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath + hack2 network-uri old-locale text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 contrib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-contrib-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-extra, base, bytestring, cgi, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hack2, hack2-contrib, network + , old-locale, old-time, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-contrib-extra"; + version = "2014.12.20"; + sha256 = "1mxgvlr593cw523mknr5bcwf55544q04cz0nlpzgm5bg3336b5wl"; + buildDepends = [ + air air-extra base bytestring cgi containers data-default directory + filepath hack2 hack2-contrib network old-locale old-time time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 contrib extra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-handler-happstack-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, containers, data-default + , enumerator, hack2, happstack-server, mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-handler-happstack-server"; + version = "2011.6.20"; + sha256 = "115nrzf0626pc716n01qjhxs44c1awdd4q1c8kbax025cwac7kpx"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi containers data-default enumerator hack2 + happstack-server mtl network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 Happstack server handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-handler-mongrel2-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, air, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder + , blaze-textual, bytestring, containers, data-default, directory + , enumerator, hack2, mtl, network, safe, stm, text, unix + , zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-handler-mongrel2-http"; + version = "2011.10.31"; + sha256 = "1pymar803n696yx3dwqpfwqlkg93ncff162p26mrs7iqn14v851w"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson air attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring + containers data-default directory enumerator hack2 mtl network safe + stm text unix zeromq-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 Mongrel2 HTTP handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-handler-snap-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, data-default, directory, enumerator + , hack2, mtl, network, snap-core, snap-server + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-handler-snap-server"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "0cfc2d6px0n33a3wl7s7k0l7nq9rfi1lxchlwjjb6wyp4f6mg4bb"; + buildDepends = [ + air base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive containers + data-default directory enumerator hack2 mtl network snap-core + snap-server + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 Snap server handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-handler-warp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, data-default, hack2 + , hack2-interface-wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-handler-warp"; + version = "2012.5.25"; + sha256 = "1p0lkhf95xkllfpcb9yibpa1rkam90bccmzj2aa60shd7v9qx9r5"; + buildDepends = [ + air base data-default hack2 hack2-interface-wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 warp handler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hack2-interface-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, data-default, hack2, http-types, mtl, network, safe + , wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hack2-interface-wai"; + version = "2012.5.25"; + sha256 = "18yyvb38axz18ac2q9z31qmqjd3d9yrzsgiv11wbf8ccdp2irm5w"; + buildDepends = [ + air base bytestring case-insensitive containers data-default hack2 + http-types mtl network safe wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hack2 interface of WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage-db" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, tar, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-db"; + version = "1.11"; + sha256 = "14jjy3i5pjdcw2cx3n5ipg72zahvy9vh87vlcgnz44slw8av6dcq"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath tar utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "access Hackage's package database via Data.Map"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage-diff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, attoparsec, base, Cabal + , cpphs, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, HTTP, mtl, process + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-diff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kdc7ah1mn6xcaan56li9k7ccrcsjz3ysi04fp334l57kd3i105z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async attoparsec base Cabal cpphs directory filepath + haskell-src-exts HTTP mtl process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compare the public API of different versions of a Hackage library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hackage-plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , download-curl, filepath, gnuplot, old-locale, old-time, parsedate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-plot"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "11vlnmadnjz1q4iw4ay8gh1yclba7550mnxwakdryakws5v75am1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory download-curl filepath gnuplot + old-locale old-time parsedate + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate cumulative graphs of hackage uploads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage-proxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, blaze-builder, bytestring + , Cabal, case-insensitive, conduit, containers, filepath + , http-client, http-client-conduit, http-conduit, http-types + , optparse-applicative, tar, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, wai, warp, zlib, zlib-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-proxy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vicmj070nb76zcxfmkj4sv0rxrrl13r31psnsgb8azbmvs1s0yp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude blaze-builder bytestring Cabal case-insensitive + conduit containers filepath http-client http-client-conduit + http-conduit http-types optparse-applicative tar text transformers + unordered-containers wai warp zlib zlib-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a proxy for Hackage which modifies responses in some way. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hackage-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, alex, array, async, attoparsec + , base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, Cabal, cereal, containers, crypto-api, csv, deepseq + , directory, filepath, happstack-server, happy, HaXml, hscolour + , hslogger, HStringTemplate, HTTP, lifted-base, mime-mail, mtl + , network, old-locale, parsec, pretty, process, pureMD5, QuickCheck + , random, rss, safecopy, snowball, split, stm, tar, text, time + , tokenize, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, vector, xhtml + , xml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-server"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1xsy2clsg53rhxgkb9vlan7dw7xqphm8gr1ajl8kq5ymfahnyd1i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson array async attoparsec base base16-bytestring + base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bytestring Cabal cereal + containers crypto-api csv deepseq directory filepath + happstack-server HaXml hscolour hslogger HStringTemplate HTTP + lifted-base mime-mail mtl network old-locale parsec pretty process + pureMD5 QuickCheck random rss safecopy snowball split stm tar text + time tokenize transformers unix unordered-containers vector xhtml + zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring Cabal directory filepath + HTTP network process random tar text unix unordered-containers + vector xml zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test-create-user" "-f-build-hackage-import" + "-fbuild-hackage-build" "-fbuild-hackage-mirror" + "-fbuild-hackage-server" "-f-debug" "-f-minimal" + ]; + description = "The Hackage web server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage-sparks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, download, filepath + , hsparklines, old-locale, old-time, parsedate, tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage-sparks"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "0b43vd1b18ksivxr7cfymzwcgs8rhwib2prn86wmwhghyx8a4qnw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory download filepath hsparklines old-locale + old-time parsedate tagsoup + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage2hwn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, download, feed, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage2hwn"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "0vbp7c1g7dx119xxsn0f0fhk14l35jxmg7zdaqr1vcjhprj3nh6q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base download feed tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Hackage RSS feeds to wiki format for publishing on"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackage2twitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, feed, feed2twitter }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackage2twitter"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "131hl59imxhql3hfp8m9363fgsgdywz1p8idrybncipyblwpsjgq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base feed feed2twitter ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send new Hackage releases to Twitter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackager"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "03vnqrvb1iby58gnd6hrx1c5q3zvfy3szp8qwp10c9s4cdddxyvy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath mtl process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hackage testing tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hackernews" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, either + , HsOpenSSL, hspec, http-streams, io-streams, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackernews"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j081s9gpgwggaljf7xpgskdm4qzcqzd9p2yd76kg9ih4hhfvmw9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring either HsOpenSSL http-streams + io-streams text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec transformers ]; + description = "API for Hacker News"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hackertyper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackertyper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17c77f687874bfwahmzcz2v6k8z9p4fv555r5r1f38snsdi825gf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Hack\" like a programmer in movies and games!"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hackport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, HTTP, HUnit, MissingH + , mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale, old-time, parsec, pretty + , process, regex-compat, tar, time, unix, xml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hackport"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "02mif1k12aq2incn8rjgn48c7rpjmxlgncyr5l7w1k1mav0p02hd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq directory + extensible-exceptions filepath HTTP MissingH mtl network + network-uri old-locale old-time parsec pretty process regex-compat + tar time unix xml zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory extensible-exceptions + filepath HUnit mtl pretty process time unix xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Hackage and Portage integration tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hactor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, monad-control, mtl, resourcet + , stm, stm-chans, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hactor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jgnifwgfxapi8l0ds56xr7h66jprn1ynpwmvhafbyk84ymznf8y"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers monad-control mtl resourcet stm stm-chans + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hactors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hactors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nxcl3v9gnnyjzdpk30m2pmrhwcva9rky2dxrj4nnkr67ajm2dj0"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Practical actors for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haddock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, haddock-api + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haddock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07mbdjjr0q7k6f86xdlx4a998ly4g8c44m54am1a5jl07cwv9fxx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haddock-api ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-in-ghc-tree" ]; + preCheck = "unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH"; + homepage = ""; + description = "A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haddock-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haddock-library + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haddock-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gdmwid3qg86ql0828bp8g121psvmz11s0xivrzhiv8knxbqj8l7"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers deepseq directory filepath + ghc ghc-paths haddock-library xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haddock-leksah" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haddock-leksah"; + version = "2.6.0"; + sha256 = "1a56nihkxybldk55g69v2aw6r4ipa9x86i0jr19fd23zxvancs8h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths pretty + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-in-ghc-tree" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haddock-library" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-compat, bytestring, deepseq, hspec + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haddock-library"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0sjnmbmq1pss9ikcqnhvpf57rv78lzi1r99ywpmmvj1gyva2s31m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-compat bytestring deepseq hspec QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library exposing some functionality of Haddock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haddocset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, conduit, conduit-extra, exceptions + , ghc, haddock-api, mtl, optparse-applicative, process, resourcet + , sqlite-simple, system-fileio, system-filepath, tagsoup, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haddocset"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1jlgscidw0h70243r3032cgqwz8dpsjjndaci5wm4kq9qy63mbwj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal conduit conduit-extra exceptions ghc haddock-api mtl + optparse-applicative process resourcet sqlite-simple system-fileio + system-filepath tagsoup text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate docset of Dash by Haddock haskell documentation tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hadoop-formats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, filepath, snappy + , text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hadoop-formats"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w3869jz3mxhzdik5fwaha7dn9rhjg5w8g0qnznd4x45cnzxv5ga"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring text vector ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring filepath text vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ snappy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read/write file formats commonly used by Hadoop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) { inherit (pkgs) snappy; }; + + "hadoop-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal, exceptions + , hashable, network, protobuf, socks, stm, text, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, vector, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hadoop-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a7m9xisdg79q2paxas7b2z4jp9npcx5nlbj3zz4wviy9hgi3j6y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cereal exceptions hashable network + protobuf socks stm text transformers unix unordered-containers + vector xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use the Hadoop RPC interface from Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "hadoop-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, boxes, bytestring, configurator + , exceptions, filepath, hadoop-rpc, old-locale + , optparse-applicative, protobuf, regex-pcre-builtin, split, stm + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, time, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hadoop-tools"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0pl6y3x8y91m53sjxwkbar7dfyflrg621f7da9iyrmvzaxq2rqc7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base boxes bytestring configurator exceptions filepath + hadoop-rpc old-locale optparse-applicative protobuf + regex-pcre-builtin split stm text time transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring hadoop-rpc tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast command line tools for working with Hadoop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "haeredes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, dns, doctest, filemanip + , iproute, MissingH, parallel-io + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haeredes"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0m6d75kgf40m3vnh148v2ysfhplspqbbqs8jha29ascap8xz7n47"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs dns iproute MissingH parallel-io + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest filemanip ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Confirm delegation of NS and MX records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haggis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , convertible, directory, filemanip, filepath, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3 + , hquery, MissingH, network, old-locale, optparse-applicative + , pandoc, pandoc-types, parsec, rss, split, text, time, unix + , xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haggis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09mqs4y26w7f4729gvrpv9mh431xpdngas14ad86bbjf2ncvggjg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers convertible directory + filemanip filepath HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 hquery MissingH network + old-locale optparse-applicative pandoc pandoc-types parsec rss + split text time unix xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A static site generator with blogging/comments support"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haha"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vfsy6ks9rnynwvavakj90662vxgvk7y0vwpdga2k2fc8nkqjf10"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers time ]; + description = "A simple library for creating animated ascii art on ANSI terminals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hailgun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, email-validate + , exceptions, filepath, http-client, http-client-tls, http-types + , tagsoup, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hailgun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f833chxrc3ac9f2sc1cwszz0pdhg7yz4ni5fq5x647vm5wifhcj"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring email-validate exceptions filepath + http-client http-client-tls http-types tagsoup text time + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnewtime" ]; + description = "Mailgun REST api interface for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hailgun-send" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, hailgun, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hailgun-send"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cxvzg5bfwsdly9k24izwnk5gf9vvzisaj3m6ng647bm1fc598c6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring configurator hailgun text ]; + description = "A program to send emails throught the Mailgun api"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hails" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate, base, base64-bytestring, binary + , blaze-builder, bson, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, cookie, directory, exceptions, failure, filepath + , ghc-paths, hint, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lio, mongoDB + , mtl, network, network-uri, parsec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, quickcheck-lio-instances, resourcet, SHA + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, time, transformers, unix, wai, wai-app-static, wai-extra + , wai-test, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hails"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s16hrkvbnpqdpykwwq0i0530lq4v2zpc2bx7b8ykf7isnwvjzhf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bson + bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers cookie directory + exceptions failure filepath ghc-paths hint http-conduit http-types + lio mongoDB mtl network network-uri parsec resourcet SHA text time + transformers unix wai wai-app-static wai-extra warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bson containers http-types HUnit lio mongoDB QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances quickcheck-lio-instances test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text time unix wai + wai-test + ]; + description = "Multi-app web platform framework"; + license =; + }) { quickcheck-lio-instances = null; }; + + "hails-bin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, bytestring, containers, ghc-paths + , hails, iterIO, iterio-server, mongoDB, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hails-bin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "006qy5mkhh8zqy9mrpwjiym7klqma49zglwpjmx2ikmkkq9qnfvr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bson bytestring containers ghc-paths hails iterIO + iterio-server mongoDB mtl + ]; + description = "Dynamic launcher of Hails applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "hairy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, data-default, heroku, hspec + , http-types, monad-logger, mtl, persistent, persistent-postgresql + , persistent-template, scotty, text, time, transformers, wai + , wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hairy"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "19kgygj9d3m56xcfc1zm0ki2ncgifrrsrf90bvp9bykyixycplap"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base data-default heroku http-types monad-logger mtl + persistent persistent-postgresql persistent-template scotty text + time transformers wai wai-extra warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec http-types mtl persistent scotty time wai wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A JSON REST API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hakaru" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, cassava + , containers, directory, hmatrix, HUnit, integration, logfloat + , math-functions, monad-loops, mwc-random, parallel, parsec, pretty + , primitive, QuickCheck, random, statistics, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , transformers, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakaru"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "033m28jckpqgc4izmyf4h60riy29mcvfhyw340z604miqg7ss2hf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base bytestring cassava containers directory hmatrix + integration logfloat math-functions monad-loops mwc-random parallel + parsec pretty primitive random statistics text transformers vector + zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers hmatrix HUnit logfloat math-functions + monad-loops mwc-random pretty primitive QuickCheck random + statistics test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A probabilistic programming embedded DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, process, regexpr + , time, yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hake"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h0y466b664xyxi1hr8c7il4cslrmb1hyhsjzhvs55l33zb7591b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl process regexpr time yjtools + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hakismet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakismet"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ddmnzan16vn0fbp1fgsidahayihhr0vw8saypdqq7lnhqw8j9d4"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Akismet spam protection library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hako" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, parsec, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hako"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1gcw15522yh0aa7xa793gda45qmq8my15id4ybivv3n16pcr7prm"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "A mako-like quasi-quoter template library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, cryptohash, data-default, deepseq, directory + , filepath, fsnotify, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lrucache + , mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale, old-time, pandoc + , pandoc-citeproc, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random, regex-base + , regex-tdfa, snap-core, snap-server, system-filepath, tagsoup + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mprx68qc9ig1b2wxzg2vk4nyc0bdcxibadrxl4ikhs7bn997sds"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cmdargs containers + cryptohash data-default deepseq directory filepath fsnotify + http-conduit http-types lrucache mtl network network-uri old-locale + old-time pandoc pandoc-citeproc parsec process random regex-base + regex-tdfa snap-core snap-server system-filepath tagsoup text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cmdargs containers + cryptohash data-default deepseq directory filepath fsnotify + http-conduit http-types HUnit lrucache mtl network network-uri + old-locale old-time pandoc pandoc-citeproc parsec process + QuickCheck random regex-base regex-tdfa snap-core snap-server + system-filepath tagsoup test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fcheckexternal" "-fwatchserver" "-fpreviewserver" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A static website compiler library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-agda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, Agda, base, containers, directory, filepath + , hakyll, mtl, pandoc, transformers, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-agda"; + version = "0.1.9"; + sha256 = "1fh0901r140p3lvw54q8d6x17zhbvpik5bsx2hifa8q2g5bnxnxd"; + buildDepends = [ + Agda base containers directory filepath hakyll mtl pandoc + transformers xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper to integrate literate Agda files with Hakyll"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-blaze-templates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, hakyll }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-blaze-templates"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11dl3rqls2yxkmycx63xr1cix4adk6b29sbwr4v5n48bqamr7p1j"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html blaze-markup hakyll ]; + description = "Blaze templates for Hakyll"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hakyll, pandoc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-contrib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w23laiw6a5hxfq5hjq8vn3k7fx5l4yb9p8qcbm62zlycza1ci14"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hakyll pandoc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra modules for the hakyll website compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-contrib-hyphenation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hakyll, hyphenation, split, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-contrib-hyphenation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mkbsivifggi64k97ssxb0dskzwf7h0sny4m8gmkdsvwqjhfdjam"; + buildDepends = [ base hakyll hyphenation split tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "automatic hyphenation for Hakyll"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-contrib-links" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, hakyll, pandoc + , pandoc-types, parsec, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-contrib-links"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gzg88pcqxwj4qwr2qj24csjljvxcz3v9iclhz5f9g8dx41rkiy5"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers hakyll pandoc pandoc-types parsec + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "A hakyll library that helps maintain a separate links database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-convert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, feed + , filepath, hakyll, old-locale, text, time, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-convert"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dvif26avp6fczhlg8pi591wp8d1z3kvjr745r5p17lzwpwy1rx3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cmdargs directory feed filepath hakyll + old-locale text time xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert from other blog engines to Hakyll"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hakyll-elm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, Elm, hakyll, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hakyll-elm"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0bgwcxarsa40aylvg4cc7ha5y87xklkc4ifwd17l69l4xbb4iqpk"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html blaze-markup Elm hakyll mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hakyll wrapper for the Elm compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "halberd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, haskell-names + , haskell-packages, haskell-src-exts, HUnit, mtl, safe, split, syb + , tagged, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "halberd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d8r1cz9q9mgw1abz8b8n6lnnc19g223hv3igznxfldbws7d6zrj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers haskell-names haskell-packages + haskell-src-exts mtl safe syb tagged + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers haskell-names haskell-packages + haskell-src-exts HUnit mtl split tagged test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool to generate missing import statements for Haskell modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "half" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "half"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lwh5bv8pnp9fzq64z1fg1i4fv8h2lcchs1298agq881hcay19qw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Half-precision floating-point"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "halfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, filepath, fingertree, HFuse, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "halfs"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "1k47q0vp0cmvmxz28hmv8dgniz9ks7h0wjjmdkjgvb77p8jj2akd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers directory filepath + fingertree HFuse mtl QuickCheck random time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuild-tests" ]; + description = "The HAskelL File System (\"halfs\" -- intended for use on the HaLVM)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "halipeto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HaXml, pandoc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "halipeto"; + version = "2.4.1"; + sha256 = "1anyf6mh13rmj5a0lsayrcxzvm3zk0a2943pzkgz06y3aqgmcbdb"; + buildDepends = [ base directory HaXml pandoc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Static Web Page Generator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haltavista" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hint, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haltavista"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l2qlibfxj8n7jqqqrbswx3fgislxz39075bhip07qx55193dx2f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hint process ]; + description = "looks for functions given a set of example input/outputs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "hamid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HCodecs, newtype }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hamid"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "19792k9pwpkqwqznxm00nbq22swnayz7fv60ly0wsw5zmf1g6wv8"; + buildDepends = [ base HCodecs newtype ]; + description = "Binding to the OS level Midi services (fork of system-midi)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hamlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hamlet"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0rla3ap3malk8j6mh07fr2aqvbscpy743wrfq3skgjv3j4jlpjfi"; + buildDepends = [ base shakespeare ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hampp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , Glob, preprocessor-tools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hampp"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0y7lsh16xrlgsgfsqw00ldcdcjwsy8cziw8p3g753k9m23can4wl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath Glob + preprocessor-tools + ]; + description = "Haskell macro preprocessor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hamtmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, deepseq, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hamtmap"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "04fr1wjlbmr0c9cp9ybdcirlgayw843klxi0lwl9b9pzwzn0glfl"; + buildDepends = [ array base deepseq hashable ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A purely functional and persistent hash map"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hamusic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, haskore + , HaXml, musicxml, non-negative, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hamusic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gfzydgnf8fffsl2f189gy81pb13dbf81i1a83laqsck6dhp60in"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath haskore HaXml musicxml + non-negative process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to handle abstract music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "handa-gdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , case-insensitive, cmdargs, data-default, directory, filepath + , GenericPretty, HTTP, http-conduit, json, network, old-locale + , pretty, process, pureMD5, random, regex-posix, resourcet, split + , time, unix-compat, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "handa-gdata"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h75qj05hpdyl9x54rcb3sqzzzyby57g2aihjgawif2zg7wif7a7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring binary bytestring case-insensitive cmdargs + data-default directory filepath GenericPretty HTTP http-conduit + json network old-locale pretty process pureMD5 random regex-posix + resourcet split time unix-compat utf8-string xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and command-line utility for accessing Google services and APIs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "handa-geodata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, scientific }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "handa-geodata"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x0ix66wcpv172rxk9daifirnrcbblkjlvlg762z4i7qhipjfi2n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring containers scientific ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Geographic and Geometric Data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "handle-like" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "handle-like"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cn7423962fg21m75ww5gpg2kwbn1fb7y76hgfq9n6hhbnz8nd4m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "HandleLike class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hangman" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, random, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hangman"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0k86z27qiaz967hsdnb3sac5ybmnyzd4d2gxzvdngw8rcvcq3biy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl random utility-ht ]; + description = "Hangman implementation in Haskell written in two hours"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, cereal + , containers, fingertree, HTTP, monadLib, old-locale, random, time + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hans"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sjvjx27hll04i0g0744zlvlq4vd7q0299czg9bnihvsds6rr84n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cereal containers + fingertree HTTP monadLib old-locale random time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-word32-in-random" "-fweb-server" "-f-example" "-f-enable-tests" + "-f-bounded-channels" + ]; + description = "IPv4 Network Stack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hans-pcap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hans, pcap }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hans-pcap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cbk3gipnh43k7lw6islxm51alk0d5ibl37xqcw8db6208jvcllh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hans pcap ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PCAP driver for HaNS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hapistrano" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, filepath, lens, old-locale, process + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hapistrano"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "172hdvs8rnxwv3dy56024f4yc9f9hbs03wz3hfpdcqfj0a9lix65"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base either filepath lens old-locale process time transformers + ]; + description = "A deployment library for Haskell applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "happindicator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, appindicator, array, base, bytestring, containers + , glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happindicator"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1d0ycpxmlz2ab8dzys7i6ihc3rbs43d0l5l2mxvshqbpj3j73643"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers glib gtk mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ appindicator ]; + description = "Binding to the appindicator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { appindicator = null; }; + + "happindicator3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, appindicator, base, glib, gtk3, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happindicator3"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "09h3077s61krg814aw2whgc869m6ff96rrxfk6rjpjy71lkmcl92"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 text ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ appindicator ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demo" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the appindicator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { appindicator = null; }; + + "happraise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happraise"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vcbfil9wxhk7vrmrmkn094rb281h4a3mrzpw5gl1842dpp5hp1g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + description = "A small program for counting the comments in haskell source"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happs-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HAppS-Server, hsp, mtl, plugins + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happs-hsp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0l1gb0qhhmld77qyz8qclbqxnv0hvyvjhav78690z50kvpjpqrxx"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HAppS-Server hsp mtl plugins ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happs-hsp-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , HAppS-Server, hinotify, hsp, mtl, network, plugins, RJson + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happs-hsp-template"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0591ipk9zzzznmhz5wpp3qk7fkirhcp801qnk399jsms66fc8378"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath HAppS-Server hinotify + hsp mtl network plugins RJson + ]; + description = "Utilities for using HSP templates in HAppS applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happs-tutorial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, DebugTraceHelpers + , directory, filepath, happstack, happstack-data, happstack-helpers + , happstack-ixset, happstack-server, happstack-state, hscolour + , HStringTemplate, HStringTemplateHelpers, HTTP, mtl, old-time + , parsec, pretty, pureMD5, safe, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happs-tutorial"; + version = "0.9.5"; + sha256 = "1pkk78npgrr6dar00n93j6fbbkjam6198lkxp3q4zpdqspz4qypn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers DebugTraceHelpers directory filepath + happstack happstack-data happstack-helpers happstack-ixset + happstack-server happstack-state hscolour HStringTemplate + HStringTemplateHelpers HTTP mtl old-time parsec pretty pureMD5 safe + syb + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "A Happstack Tutorial that is its own web 2.0-type demo."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack"; + version = "7.0.2"; + sha256 = "1dfmfyrynggf1ff6364kb9a53rm64zhirx6ispnhykwdf60zbm6r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base happstack-server ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The haskell application server stack + code generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible + , happstack, happstack-data, happstack-ixset, happstack-server + , happstack-state, mtl, old-time, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-auth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mfd2r88681dskn1l1gcbam8rvaqsry09zavywkm4kvmw8912vy4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible happstack happstack-data + happstack-ixset happstack-server happstack-state mtl old-time + random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Happstack Authentication Suite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-authenticate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, authenticate, base, blaze-html + , bytestring, containers, fb, happstack-server, http-conduit + , http-types, ixset, mtl, pwstore-purehaskell, QuickCheck, reform + , reform-blaze, reform-happstack, safecopy, text, time + , unordered-containers, web-routes, web-routes-happstack + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-authenticate"; + version = "0.10.15"; + sha256 = "0l52bw2cg33sz45bzinqlb98hi1lnby6r9i45wlf3w4rlk9vcasw"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson authenticate base blaze-html bytestring containers + fb happstack-server http-conduit http-types ixset mtl + pwstore-purehaskell QuickCheck reform reform-blaze reform-happstack + safecopy text time unordered-containers web-routes + web-routes-happstack + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack Authentication Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-clientsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, clientsession + , happstack-server, monad-control, mtl, safecopy, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-clientsession"; + version = "7.2.7"; + sha256 = "1zwdcnsdq9nb88wf0mc8vh4wkw5kl5r39mmhq098ny3wpvwnp7lx"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal clientsession happstack-server monad-control + mtl safecopy transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "client-side session data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, happstack-data + , happstack-ixset, happstack-server, happstack-state + , happstack-util, HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, old-time, syb, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-contrib"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0cqdfnjcmghw3wwny2brw51qbkvi8ps2crl8382sqwqq9gkw0l75"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory happstack-data happstack-ixset + happstack-server happstack-state happstack-util HTTP HUnit mtl + network old-time syb unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web related tools and services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl, pretty + , syb, syb-with-class, syb-with-class-instances-text + , template-haskell, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-data"; + version = "6.0.1"; + sha256 = "0v2ln4mdnild72p02mzjn8mn5srvjixsjqjgkdqzshvxjnnm95l8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers mtl pretty syb syb-with-class + syb-with-class-instances-text template-haskell text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-new-haxml" "-f-old-haxml" "-f-tests" "-fbase4" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack data manipulation libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-dlg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, bytestring, containers + , formlets, happstack-server, mtl, random, template-haskell, time + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-dlg"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1zm8f224r0nwpykvil8s05lcswrw31iigcw9arnf4j362y03n2qp"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base bytestring containers formlets + happstack-server mtl random template-haskell time xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross-request user interactions for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-facebook" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, bytestring, containers + , filepath, happstack, happstack-data, happstack-hsp + , happstack-ixset, happstack-server, happstack-state + , happstack-util, harp, hsp, hsx, html, HTTP, json, mtl, network + , old-time, random, RJson, syb, text, time, trhsx, utf8-string + , web-routes, web-routes-mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-facebook"; + version = "0.30"; + sha256 = "1rfd2rkizviq7pv6lmhkp0dmwwk2m25kz9vzczk3ycm57mk7ql8c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base bytestring containers filepath happstack + happstack-data happstack-hsp happstack-ixset happstack-server + happstack-state happstack-util harp hsp hsx html HTTP json mtl + network old-time random RJson syb text time utf8-string web-routes + web-routes-mtl + ]; + buildTools = [ trhsx ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-formlets" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A package for building Facebook applications using Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-fastcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, containers, fastcgi + , happstack-server, mtl, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-fastcgi"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0rvb041nx2f8azvfy1yysisjqrmsfbxnccn992v5q7zhlglcvj8h"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi containers fastcgi happstack-server mtl + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Happstack extension for use with FastCGI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-fay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, fay, happstack-fay-ajax + , happstack-server, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-fay"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1mwx7ki35s6x3ypxl8sv611a2h4zxwd77ij95bydf5azzz9l6ys5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base fay happstack-fay-ajax happstack-server mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using Fay with Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-fay-ajax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, fay-base, fay-jquery }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-fay-ajax"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0zdkvvmywnfvqg5jdvf29qczzxmprvspxj0r1vj46fd6vld53j4j"; + buildDepends = [ fay-base fay-jquery ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using Fay with Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-foundation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, base, happstack-hsp, happstack-server + , hsp, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, reform, reform-happstack + , reform-hsp, safecopy, text, web-routes, web-routes-happstack + , web-routes-hsp, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-foundation"; + version = "0.5.8"; + sha256 = "1sbqp78mgnc5rrnn35myd0izlh3w1nv5pgpg807w3cax2xakw3bh"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state base happstack-hsp happstack-server hsp lifted-base + monad-control mtl reform reform-happstack reform-hsp safecopy text + web-routes web-routes-happstack web-routes-hsp web-routes-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Glue code for using Happstack with acid-state, web-routes, reform, and HSP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-hamlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server, shakespeare, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-hamlet"; + version = "7.0.4"; + sha256 = "1l12gyyqzblb9psk6692r9xw640jxzyxqldfyg2yrzz8y0zi649a"; + buildDepends = [ base happstack-server shakespeare text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for Hamlet HTML templates in Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-heist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, either, filepath + , happstack-server, heist, mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-heist"; + version = "7.2.4"; + sha256 = "1ax1fyw9788iilmczqr6s1ryh2h9x2f6n9c8mqxjmq58zg1lc2d3"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring either filepath happstack-server + heist mtl text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using Heist templates in Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-helpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, DebugTraceHelpers + , directory, filepath, happstack-data, happstack-ixset + , happstack-server, happstack-state, haskell98, hscolour, HSH + , HStringTemplate, HStringTemplateHelpers, HTTP, MissingH, mtl + , network, old-time, parsec, PBKDF2, pureMD5, random, safe, syb + , text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-helpers"; + version = "0.56"; + sha256 = "0yrspdcgxj2izivwm7fy8msfbzlpdn3zv0j1z6b1smzydcbad202"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers DebugTraceHelpers directory filepath + happstack-data happstack-ixset happstack-server happstack-state + haskell98 hscolour HSH HStringTemplate HStringTemplateHelpers HTTP + MissingH mtl network old-time parsec PBKDF2 pureMD5 random safe syb + text utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convenience functions for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, harp, hsp + , hsx2hs, mtl, syb, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-hsp"; + version = "7.3.4"; + sha256 = "08msr1l0fan2xs1bmczv9cjbik984m2c7hpzqjkgh3mkwwgf1nqf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring happstack-server harp hsp hsx2hs mtl syb text + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using HSP templates in Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-hstringtemplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, hslogger + , HStringTemplate, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-hstringtemplate"; + version = "7.0.4"; + sha256 = "1pcj6vixzrbdmqi2yxcxhjnj5rdwlyg4nzcjkgks01ilgpg7fsf4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring happstack-server hslogger HStringTemplate mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using HStringTemplate in Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-ixset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, happstack-data, happstack-util + , mtl, syb, syb-with-class, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-ixset"; + version = "6.0.1"; + sha256 = "1hnhn0iyfw5rknz17p7m1p3rrngr77zv3lkni8d35q50bzzyw8ni"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers happstack-data happstack-util mtl syb + syb-with-class template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-jmacro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal + , digest, happstack-server, jmacro, text, utf8-string + , wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-jmacro"; + version = "7.0.9"; + sha256 = "005naz3zxl01vpz8w4n66dbd8sj94gazpj16rxf3li7zh0pixpsg"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal digest happstack-server + jmacro text utf8-string wl-pprint-text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for using JMacro with Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-lite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-lite"; + version = "7.3.6"; + sha256 = "1mvzpbmjgf5gv9ls5kmg0s6cr765jl701vy2kmbynjkg6jimjmp8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring happstack-server mtl text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack minus the useless stuff"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-monad-peel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server, monad-peel, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-monad-peel"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0v6lshy572pvzhgqphyrhw8w2wsgxp9mqz8p3lrxmcp3i7sgqbry"; + buildDepends = [ + base happstack-server monad-peel mtl transformers + ]; + description = "monad-peel instances for Happstack types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-plugins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server, mtl, plugins-auto + , template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-plugins"; + version = "7.0.2"; + sha256 = "07zh0gk77rbd1akzax29l7d6412sx5ghjhz640d6cbzxs39nlaif"; + buildDepends = [ + base happstack-server mtl plugins-auto template-haskell th-lift + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The haskell application server stack + reload"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-html, bytestring + , containers, directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, hslogger + , html, HUnit, monad-control, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale + , parsec, process, sendfile, syb, system-filepath, template-haskell + , text, threads, time, time-compat, transformers, transformers-base + , unix, utf8-string, xhtml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-server"; + version = "7.4.0"; + sha256 = "009y87g4wika9g0p58v8sdayh41rixkivhvi7j1dnxbm4qy89qpk"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-html bytestring containers directory + extensible-exceptions filepath hslogger html monad-control mtl + network network-uri old-locale parsec process sendfile syb + system-filepath template-haskell text threads time time-compat + transformers transformers-base unix utf8-string xhtml zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring containers HUnit parsec zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-ftemplate_haskell" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web related tools and services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-server-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-exceptions + , happstack-server, hslogger, HsOpenSSL, network, openssl, sendfile + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-server-tls"; + version = "7.1.5"; + sha256 = "148xryarw10i2smqd136yfa9snfvlxrx62974zvavcn2jfimmcny"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring extensible-exceptions happstack-server hslogger + HsOpenSSL network sendfile time unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "extend happstack-server with https:// support (TLS/SSL)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, happstack-data, happstack-util + , hslogger, mtl, old-time, random, stm, syb, template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-state"; + version = "6.1.4"; + sha256 = "1xfp0546z70sfda0z7w7ns4jhgcbx3vmnz4vsnckzhgflzmdixq9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions + filepath happstack-data happstack-util hslogger mtl old-time random + stm syb template-haskell unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-replication" "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Event-based distributed state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-static-routing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, happstack-server, list-tries + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-static-routing"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1dpi7nmax447ilagsjdpvnbj6xh27s7bcp69c8y39cs6bmjg42v1"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers happstack-server list-tries transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for static URL routing with overlap detection for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, hslogger, mtl, network + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, random, template-haskell + , time, unix, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-util"; + version = "6.0.3"; + sha256 = "0hqssd5wzir6rxn46q8r3hdp3nl7v5m7w322j39120xpg2bhiphh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring directory extensible-exceptions filepath + hslogger mtl network old-locale old-time parsec process random + template-haskell time unix unix-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happstack-yui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boomerang, bytestring, containers, directory + , happstack-jmacro, happstack-server, hsp, interpolatedstring-perl6 + , jmacro, mtl, pretty, template-haskell, text, web-routes + , web-routes-boomerang, web-routes-happstack, web-routes-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happstack-yui"; + version = "7373.5.3"; + sha256 = "178r3jqxmrdp0glp9p4baw8x7zk0w8j4m5l173rjnz9yxn53nyni"; + buildDepends = [ + base boomerang bytestring containers directory happstack-jmacro + happstack-server hsp interpolatedstring-perl6 jmacro mtl pretty + template-haskell text web-routes web-routes-boomerang + web-routes-happstack web-routes-th + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-embed" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for using YUI3 with Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, perl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happy"; + version = "1.19.5"; + sha256 = "1nj353q4z1g186fpjzf0dnsg71qhxqpamx8jy89rjjvv3p0kmw32"; + editedCabalFile = "d6a01f50aab2c480799b7d19643c5bb01891e01ac97aa892ffec3e6029a1446c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base process ]; + buildTools = [ perl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happy is a parser generator for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happy-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, happy, haskell-src-meta + , mtl, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happy-meta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12599233lh0ffmvlim0gs5jzg8lly1g11i1cg44lb37bz3l7psh9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-meta mtl template-haskell + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + description = "Quasi-quoter for Happy parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "happybara" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, filepath, http-types, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, text, time, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happybara"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1lp2awvj077d16gppir6nv9fx6d9g1k7w6j01bxkffy3q5x04xrv"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base filepath http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl text + time transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Acceptance test framework for web applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "happybara-webkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , data-default, directory, filepath, happybara, http-types + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network, process, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, vector, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happybara-webkit"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "17446wkyljwd7nq6mhsj2v411zb9wsz833sczm4nzcigywvhx4fw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring case-insensitive data-default directory + filepath happybara http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl network + process text time transformers transformers-base vector word8 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WebKit Happybara driver"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "happybara-webkit-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "happybara-webkit-server"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0vh9ig9mvg12qgysk7gbqwiib3m2ciwi10asb1i0x25xjp585shi"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WebKit Server binary for Happybara (taken from capybara-webkit)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "harchive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, network, openssl, parsec, sqlite + , unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "harchive"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "10485indn9sszq3514gs547phb0kpikm8m6ykq1ns2kp0pmkgz9m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary network parsec unix zlib ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl sqlite ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Networked content addressed backup and restore software"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "hark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, haskell98 + , mtl, old-locale, old-time, regex-pcre + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hark"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1wxwxx3l4zvb1jr19lckamb0gxywsq1f4n4ncb373vqdnwnrr8x4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath haskell98 mtl old-locale + old-time regex-pcre + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Gentoo package query tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haroonga" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, groonga, monad-control + , resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haroonga"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16xmhsngpknlc3g3z4mxb9c4rllnsap1fvcj9nf4yr4mafx96b11"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL monad-control resourcet transformers + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ groonga ]; + description = "Low level bindings for Groonga"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { groonga = null; }; + + "harp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "harp"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0fk3prqai1ynm5wdfsn9f700i9r499jc2z9fbsgy81k1rci2mrxh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaRP allows pattern-matching with regular expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "harpy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, disassembler, mtl, parsec + , pretty, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "harpy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11h235j9348i01qcmvc389khl8xp5azj3y31g75cs59kiblz1bk7"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers disassembler mtl parsec pretty + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runtime code generation for x86 machine code"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "has" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "has"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zydwhr2ac66knmrlf0b9vsys61w6370g9rid2gag2dvmy7xqp2s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Entity based records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "has-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, has, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "has-th"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0yyrfd8mgxwyfgwcg61q7yj2cq2zj6zlk1l340y4vzj71r53qgc4"; + buildDepends = [ base has template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell function for Has records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hascal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, numbers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hascal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nq383fg2cn82rbmnp6kgzyk42fgp9xnqj84ypz0kf42954n4h1l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base numbers ]; + testDepends = [ HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimalistic but extensible and precise calculator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hascat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hascat-lib, hascat-setup + , hascat-system, HaXml, haxr, html, HTTP, network, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hascat"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "04z9q3l2hwf7lii8d3cxbh7zh6cqbbmy07yv5bal4lvrnd1wqia7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hascat-lib hascat-setup hascat-system HaXml haxr + html HTTP network unix + ]; + description = "Hascat Web Server"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hascat-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, haskell98 + , HaXml, html, HTTP, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, parsec + , plugins, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hascat-lib"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0l2cixgnyv2xhbpvkzrrn1wxikx7gcmwpkwagkfzx27iy33xkrqj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory haskell98 HaXml html HTTP mtl + network old-locale old-time parsec plugins xhtml + ]; + description = "Hascat Package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hascat-setup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hascat-lib, hascat-system + , haskell98, plugins + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hascat-setup"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "058abyr70yr2130nbi64zhigglw207dh5anyxzw19c1qk4zmwsyi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory hascat-lib hascat-system haskell98 plugins + ]; + description = "Hascat Installation helper"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hascat-system" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hascat-lib, HaXml + , HTTP, mtl, network, old-time, parsec, plugins, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hascat-system"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1fabn71llrlxs5xlcpzkkvzjv7zibxlna0jvh6rkrz6pqyp1nd94"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hascat-lib HaXml HTTP mtl network + old-time parsec plugins unix + ]; + description = "Hascat System Package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, data-default + , directory, doctest, filepath, generic-deriving, hashable, lens + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ka6izpkz6gs4ag3xvnslxywi9344w3mh9rl968vq6ck203pv2rx"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring data-default generic-deriving hashable + lens transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hashing tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, HUnit, integer-gmp + , QuickCheck, random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ybsdzm5lzx8zwf9dcw1f6sf29xk4j9whcs578d6fmif2ggm7gym"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim integer-gmp text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sse41" "-fsse2" "-finteger-gmp" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class for types that can be converted to a hash value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashable-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, directory, doctest + , filepath, generic-deriving, hashable, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashable-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09y2m0wpim7sl7n9qnkr0miwfsbvb1q8lm6shpcq0jxzxknbag7s"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring generic-deriving hashable transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Higher-rank Hashable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashable-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, hashable, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashable-generics"; + version = "1.1.8"; + sha256 = "1l5i4lasz32hsjvm9fbf7p9fy7s6bjy868w7rmpxci40qkz7ffhq"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + base ghc-prim hashable QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically generates Hashable instances with GHC.Generics."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashed-storage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dataenc + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, mmap, mtl, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashed-storage"; + version = "0.5.11"; + sha256 = "0s8mnayxlvwrrii2l63b372yi5g08br6gpbgz2256d8y128mwjvk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dataenc directory + extensible-exceptions filepath mmap mtl zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-hpc" "-f-diff" "-f-test" ]; + description = "Hashed file storage support code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashmap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16scl1rbq0f18mggrj4lbhgkz7kzshsw9a523rjd8cjkdjz1ijwr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq hashable ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-oldcontainers" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent containers Map and Set based on hashing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashring"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "05q9iay0ygr79x8yikgbi99v74kagyrd68zvjx8qakfzqgs9a19j"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient consistent hashing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashtables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, hashable, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashtables"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z7hkd1lqb901i3wahg4ly8k0xrsv8292rkm3b7s463bf477179j"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashable primitive vector ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-portable" "-f-sse42" "-f-debug" "-f-bounds-checking" + "-funsafe-tricks" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mutable hash tables in the ST monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hashtables-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, hashtables, loch-th, placeholders + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hashtables-plus"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0g9jmc15g36iy0wmmsj74qwybh509j4lf8jzv3dws7c2j24kc7l7"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable hashtables loch-th placeholders ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensions for a \"hashtables\" library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hasim" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasim"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "03wn142r0sh7adfghjqwb2mgq4rgkqs8nq2rx2jq717dr2xp987n"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process-Based Discrete Event Simulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hask" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, ghc-prim, reflection, tagged + , transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hask"; + version = "0"; + sha256 = "1c87jxafxpnlyblhdif4br61wqvnad0s6hvfhmzhx9y1jri3rb39"; + editedCabalFile = "04abcba45a7fbaa11d7f3bd9834f1e70a30f356ae871e59ab472f20d4cd60026"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints ghc-prim reflection tagged transformers void + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-optimize" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Categories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hask-home" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, hmarkup, hsemail, network + , parsec, process, regex-compat, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hask-home"; + version = "2009.3.18"; + sha256 = "128hkd1yycjvbnvwjd2r2mxhjdnmfkghyf0fcslh9fxprqgrhk18"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory hmarkup hsemail network parsec process + regex-compat xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate homepages for cabal packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskades" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, errors, haskell-src + , text, text-format + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskades"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "19cglzgzxbg65qr7m68gnc6y45b7n0wl98pgd9jrk20sblrhc6p6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers errors haskell-src text text-format + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility to generate bindings for BlackBerry Cascades"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "haskakafka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, containers, either-unwrap + , hspec, rdkafka, regex-posix, temporary, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskakafka"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0j1vii11lp91gydw3h0hb2b3lb85n9cji9m9rvb1d7svs91nhhk7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers temporary unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers either-unwrap hspec regex-posix + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ rdkafka ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kafka bindings for Haskell"; + license =; + }) { rdkafka = null; }; + + "haskanoid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, freenect, hcwiid, IfElse, MissingH, mtl, SDL + , SDL-image, SDL-mixer, SDL-ttf, transformers, vector, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskanoid"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "11hwnjw01bra1xcp71kn2sdlk2a46vfv6sblymgf56mcqnj9pkra"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base freenect hcwiid IfElse MissingH mtl SDL SDL-image SDL-mixer + SDL-ttf transformers vector Yampa + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fkinect" "-fwiimote" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A breakout game written in Yampa using SDL"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "haskarrow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, cpphs, directory + , her-lexer, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskarrow"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "01l90qningjlb4wn02avjy9lmi4ry4yxzw0a9sd29qbzfpnf3viy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers cpphs directory her-lexer split + ]; + description = "A dialect of haskell with order of execution based on dependency resolution"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskbot-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, connection, containers + , hspec, http-conduit, http-types, monads-tf, stm, text, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskbot-core"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0alqjgg2gvb9610s2b4fil5frknn5j8d6r558bfp1n6a0d51pz74"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring connection containers http-conduit http-types + monads-tf stm text wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring connection containers hspec http-conduit + http-types monads-tf stm text wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easily-extensible chatbot for Slack messaging service"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskdeep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , base16-bytestring, bytestring, cereal, conduit, containers + , crypto-api, crypto-conduit, cryptohash, cryptohash-cryptoapi + , filesystem-conduit, old-locale, optparse-applicative, regex-tdfa + , regex-tdfa-text, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskdeep"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kfrnhcx4805aimb16ji5s9hpyfc113y8m3ajq2wws7phy401r5l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base base16-bytestring bytestring + cereal conduit containers crypto-api crypto-conduit cryptohash + cryptohash-cryptoapi filesystem-conduit old-locale + optparse-applicative regex-tdfa regex-tdfa-text system-fileio + system-filepath text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Computes and audits file hashes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskdogs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, filepath, HSH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskdogs"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0vl3c66ki9j9ncs2rapdn80kbfk0l3y97qwfraqlnjycdl10sm6r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal filepath HSH ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate ctags file for haskell project directory and it's deps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskeem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, haskeline, haskell98 + , mtl, network, old-time, parsec, process, random, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskeem"; + version = "0.7.16"; + sha256 = "0fmglaiq2axpb9f4yyk53fpppc1ysqglqgjxhy78yl3r8mik836n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory haskeline haskell98 mtl network old-time + parsec process random unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small scheme interpreter"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskeline_0_7_1_3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , terminfo, transformers, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskeline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bwyfn7y9mi18g7zxz8wxjkld51azlfbxypxbiqdinpm2fdl63mi"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath terminfo transformers + unix utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fterminfo" "-f-legacy-encoding" "-f-libiconv" "-fterminfo" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskeline-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskeline, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskeline-class"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "0xgdq2xgw2ccyfzkj5n36s5n6km5l947d2iy4y1qms8kbc05zmfl"; + buildDepends = [ base haskeline mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Class interface for working with Haskeline"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-aliyun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, basic-prelude + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, Crypto + , data-default, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base + , monad-control, old-locale, resourcet, safe, system-filepath, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, vector, xml2json + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-aliyun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1id1l7arf3yq9mym6ds58k5wins57k71v8fgzyhxsg81657vh74a"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring basic-prelude blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive conduit Crypto data-default http-conduit + http-types lifted-base monad-control old-locale resourcet safe + system-filepath text time transformers transformers-base vector + xml2json + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell client of aliyun service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-awk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, doctest + , easy-file, exceptions, filepath, haskell-src-exts, hint, hspec + , HUnit, MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, network, process, stringsearch + , temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-awk"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0ic21rfm35jp7476pm6ggkp4faqsn9rhvzb58b497ilgj9wzv1dp"; + editedCabalFile = "dda4e94c57a8fce2f7d269dc09363ee84b71b33863bf1601347fa5a4b1a55698"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory easy-file exceptions filepath + haskell-src-exts hint MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl network process + stringsearch time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory doctest easy-file exceptions + filepath haskell-src-exts hint hspec HUnit mtl network process + stringsearch temporary test-framework test-framework-hunit time + transformers + ]; + description = "Transform text from the command-line using Haskell expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "haskell-bcrypt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-bcrypt"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1w8crppmm02qw03n59s7dnqfhmqwmd44sj8qm38bf90fabl1wa7d"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A bcrypt implementation for haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-brainfuck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-brainfuck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12yhnlcif0jj9pmi3a098f1swvnww45rg2rpn6g82bkjzmd4sjr8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck tasty-th + ]; + description = "BrainFuck interpreter"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-cnc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, ghc-prim, HSH, HUnit, MissingH, mtl + , process, random, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-cnc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x1kjdxbayq6z85w9fw6c4mpixzl60332wxgx4nh0ih9235jfdhd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions + ghc-prim HSH HUnit MissingH mtl process random time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for parallel programming in the Intel Concurrent Collections paradigm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-coffee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-coffee"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g95vhqga7hq6w6x993d29wpphcqidmm0vzni93blqka7yfc7ybb"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "Simple CoffeeScript API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-compression" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, boolean-list, bytestring, containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-compression"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0d0rfkl6ladsl0s033ny390nk5qkiwddg84di0d8hgxblqsxj11m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bimap boolean-list bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-course-preludes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-course-preludes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r0vhaxcsszrcqnw70gz8xpfrqddmxf9kpka63gix1bjic4alzjn"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + description = "Small modules for a Haskell course in which Haskell is taught by implementing Prelude functionality"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-docs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haddock, monad-loops, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-docs"; + version = "4.2.2"; + sha256 = "0w52kzwjzd5jl8v55rjy5550cy2fcyj9j5b7b33vbwjyh06gfrk1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath ghc + ghc-paths haddock monad-loops text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A program to find and display the docs and type of a name"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-formatter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, directory-tree + , doctest, filemanip, filepath, haskell-src-exts, hlint + , optparse-applicative, scientific, tasty, tasty-hunit, text + , unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-formatter"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1qdn77k4pj3dyv2c1px7jv64x4rzgz4wqc1i94fsl9z63pb0xrv7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts + optparse-applicative scientific text unordered-containers yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory-tree doctest filemanip filepath hlint + tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell source code formatter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-ftp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, bytestring, case-insensitive + , conduit, directory, lifted-base, monad-control, network + , network-conduit, process-conduit, system-filepath, text + , transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-ftp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0736kh5q63qgvq23k5w06ds9538cwymk64i5wdycxh35lz64qaip"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude bytestring case-insensitive conduit directory + lifted-base monad-control network network-conduit process-conduit + system-filepath text transformers transformers-base unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell ftp server with configurable backend"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-generate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, doctest, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-generate"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1wdfs28p195szg6jxq0qbyj4jdbqnsp9frgjnp25mzf14y9i1yid"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-exts template-haskell transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell-generate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-in-space" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-in-space"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1rcz5s3xa0f9yalyqb540l47bzql8p18y2mmax1zr92m7sh7m274"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "'Asteroids' arcade games"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-lexer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-lexer"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "11jv30msg4rym73lk6j21ky2510c3av8qxk5p4z63j4m283w9l46"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-modbus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-modbus"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "08bcw7g84509rak9xqn2g4pr1mk3a2clikgfdiafrsr7lff16gyf"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring cereal ]; + testDepends = [ array base bytestring cereal hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A cereal-based parser for the Modbus protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-mpi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, c2hs, cereal + , extensible-exceptions, mpi + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-mpi"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1d3xlwz3sx1m7iyf67cfr1vsp3w4iz9mmqvmvdiblj4569hxblr5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal extensible-exceptions + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ mpi ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mpich14" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed parallel programming in Haskell using MPI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { mpi = null; }; + + "haskell-names" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , data-lens-light, filemanip, filepath, haskell-packages + , haskell-src-exts, hse-cpp, mtl, pretty-show, tagged, tasty + , tasty-golden, transformers, traverse-with-class, type-eq + , uniplate, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-names"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "07fwdnhiqz6w323iw4xspar8m6sc6mv85i5f2vzbb5y8mrv352zr"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal containers data-lens-light filepath + haskell-packages haskell-src-exts hse-cpp mtl tagged transformers + traverse-with-class type-eq uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal containers filemanip filepath + haskell-packages haskell-src-exts hse-cpp mtl pretty-show tagged + tasty tasty-golden traverse-with-class uniplate utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Name resolution library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-neo4j-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , data-default, hashable, HTTP, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, QuickCheck, resourcet + , scientific, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, transformers + , transformers-base, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-neo4j-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qi7azm0j4r310dhyh2xhchw78brkagkig1wdjz9l8wazw0niqzn"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers data-default hashable HTTP + http-conduit http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl resourcet + scientific text transformers transformers-base unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal data-default hashable HTTP http-conduit + http-types HUnit lifted-base monad-control mtl QuickCheck resourcet + scientific test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell neo4j client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-openflow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, network, network-info }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-openflow"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zrzkvw4i7jaz74g63k1yj1v2i9lsxgr8zj2b6p3srag1dwgnmkd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal network network-info ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenFlow protocol in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-packages" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, hse-cpp, mtl + , optparse-applicative, tagged, transformers, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-packages"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s1z5zzl53nmjnrlf1czri634h8fksbgkqvvz8hpwa60wsaf4dxn"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal containers deepseq directory filepath + haskell-src-exts hse-cpp mtl optparse-applicative tagged + transformers transformers-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell suite library for package management and integration with Cabal"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-pdf-presenter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, directory + , filepath, glib, gtk, old-locale, poppler, template-haskell, time + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-pdf-presenter"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "11y3n7ldnlx8vq2qb42kn8fg6ikq42x28bm46ivydx7h3z0zf5s3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo containers directory filepath glib gtk + old-locale poppler template-haskell time zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool for presenting PDF-based presentations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-platform-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, cgi + , containers, deepseq, directory, extensible-exceptions, fgl + , filepath, ghc, ghc-prim, GLUT, happy, haskell-src, haskell98, hpc + , html, HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, OpenGL + , parallel, parsec, pretty, process, QuickCheck, random, regex-base + , regex-compat, regex-posix, stm, syb, template-haskell, time, unix + , xhtml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-platform-test"; + version = "2010.2.0.0"; + sha256 = "0ki6mppxk9a6lm0miagr4mpsbjx66gizc3qxl5vfp7wvbc977bwk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal cgi containers deepseq directory + extensible-exceptions fgl filepath ghc ghc-prim GLUT haskell-src + haskell98 hpc html HTTP HUnit mtl network old-locale old-time + OpenGL parallel parsec pretty process QuickCheck random regex-base + regex-compat regex-posix stm syb template-haskell time unix xhtml + zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A test system for the Haskell Platform environment"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, Chart-cairo, Chart-gtk, colour + , data-default, lens, math-functions, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-plot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dwa2kz3sbnhc99kzhspf4hhid9q0c8irq8m9vr95l9kbq45avpi"; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart Chart-cairo Chart-gtk colour data-default lens + math-functions vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for generating 2D plots painlessly"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskell-qrencode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, qrencode }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-qrencode"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1cq6fpz4vsx1kfnxnxnqz0pi5nzfg86s76vd0hcqvyqxnqbcd8hj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ qrencode ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libqrencode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-reflect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hint, MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl + , parsec, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-reflect"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "116vs8p9j0py3rxh0m53nanwsa99ga0lg9z3avn5r0clmpak9zyn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hint MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl parsec template-haskell + transformers + ]; + description = "Reflect Haskell types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-spacegoo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, mtl + , network-conduit, pretty, pretty-show, text, vector, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-spacegoo"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1qa9nh0c38az7ssssziz0hdbdd8i78sp6yv00393v9mrycj4f2qi"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit mtl network-conduit pretty + pretty-show text vector vector-space + ]; + description = "Client API for Rocket Scissor Spacegoo"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskell-src" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, happy, pretty, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-src"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vscvbsly7k0zqb7fi6bm38dfacyl8qgmv0h25fqkn95c0v5dif7"; + buildDepends = [ array base pretty syb ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Support for manipulating Haskell source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-src-exts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, cpphs, directory + , filepath, ghc-prim, happy, mtl, pretty, smallcheck, syb, tasty + , tasty-golden, tasty-smallcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-src-exts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h8gjw5g92rvvzadqzpscg73x7ajvs1wlphrh27afim3scdd8frz"; + buildDepends = [ array base cpphs ghc-prim pretty ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl smallcheck syb tasty + tasty-golden tasty-smallcheck + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-src-exts-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-src-exts-qq"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0cblv8fk369236szwzwmyaxaa8fkwia5r50zz5ghfbglb2xvwsmn"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta syb template-haskell + ]; + description = "A quasiquoter for haskell-src-exts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-src-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, pretty, syb + , template-haskell, th-orphans, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-src-meta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fv228n9zbqa52aif7pkylrqgz2n63xhxly9f828i18xf02rmxnk"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts pretty syb template-haskell th-orphans + uniplate + ]; + description = "Parse source to template-haskell abstract syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-src-meta-mwotton" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, haskell-src-exts + , pretty, syb, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-src-meta-mwotton"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "04f0p3jxmvw1kqygvxihdr4dirapi6bdv2w213c2s771xbnx88nn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim haskell-src-exts pretty syb + template-haskell + ]; + description = "Parse source to template-haskell abstract syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-token-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, Diff, directory, dual-tree, ghc + , ghc-mod, ghc-paths, ghc-prim, ghc-syb-utils, haskell-src-exts + , hspec, HUnit, monoid-extras, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck, rosezipper + , semigroups, syb, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-token-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14nzlw9vqnp70xcwan6mjsr318p2sky5nsyqxw5iivggy7qspp9r"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dual-tree ghc ghc-paths ghc-syb-utils + haskell-src-exts monoid-extras mtl pretty rosezipper semigroups syb + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers Diff directory dual-tree ghc ghc-mod ghc-paths + ghc-prim ghc-syb-utils haskell-src-exts hspec HUnit monoid-extras + mtl pretty QuickCheck rosezipper semigroups syb uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities to tie up tokens to an AST"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskell-type-exts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-type-exts"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "051lsg9j3dgkr2akannfaddawdhybvsnm6x6xafmdmwn31v73z98"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src-exts pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type checker for Haskell/haskell-src-exts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-typescript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-typescript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fv533nac6dlawgffr1kvn4xpv63hdcb4wgyqbbg2s6dg9a2hw38"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "Simple TypeScript API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-tyrant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-tyrant"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1pqh1v0klpi8iq882l5gk0fsf87kabq6rw1wjwkiq6fvw8cc1l97"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant binary protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell-updater" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-updater"; + version = "1.2.8"; + sha256 = "0xkp413s13gg11xc7x2c9gjxla3hcnk97wxfdj5zqrdvv757vp7x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskell-xmpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HaXml, html, mtl, network, polyparse + , pretty, random, regex-compat, stm, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell-xmpp"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1z4x4mn0vry8mwq6ily668ignmf4s9m92fmga15dr83y7aq5wd59"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base HaXml html mtl network polyparse pretty random + regex-compat stm utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell XMPP (eXtensible Message Passing Protocol, a.k.a. Jabber) library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell2010_1_1_2_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell2010"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s0avb08b5iwaym42jz783mk1az9kmjf3zmhfag0kzdw10qcnz4m"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility with Haskell 2010"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell98_2_0_0_3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, old-locale, old-time + , process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell98"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1450bgkn7gasj6cmkxn4afs828fc9slrrp2lqsqs3jlryr94cpdx"; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory old-locale old-time process time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility with Haskell 98"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskell98libraries" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, old-locale, old-time + , process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskell98libraries"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dcjwkvggvwrs8lv2pcxcz2kcz179nbca9q16mbk90qnznysr8i8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory old-locale old-time process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-futctime-in-directory" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility with Haskell 98"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, pretty, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb"; + version = "2.2.4"; + sha256 = "0f8c9bz25wzsc65czv0chxk93w947824axl7p821fljlrykcm45y"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory mtl old-locale old-time pretty time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of combinators for generating and executing SQL statements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-connect-hdbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskelldb, HDBC }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-connect-hdbc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l9ifff33xbgdr6fahnzz00nb7va2r0i3pncjd1j8bbnyya1w2kl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskelldb HDBC ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed HDBC session for HaskellDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-connect-hdbc, HDBC + , MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ssg96r7cphakis5c494m5lc3m5ksn1w03k554p0qx2kl1g885xw"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-connect-hdbc HDBC MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-mtl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-connect-hdbc, HDBC + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16qab88ryli9jbinw9frhhzl0ph09dinzx40x9cr9a3db7wvphw4"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-connect-hdbc HDBC + MonadCatchIO-transformers transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-connect-hdbc, HDBC + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hbb6klc4azz6f5wi39l5736xq0b7wgja35fk9vmmn0lnf6iv5j7"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-connect-hdbc HDBC + MonadCatchIO-transformers transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-lifted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-connect-hdbc, HDBC + , lifted-base, monad-control, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-connect-hdbc-lifted"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ysnha7bmrd3accrnbswr17nv6j4pj1mbshcphjkhdffcvxb82wa"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-connect-hdbc HDBC lifted-base + monad-control transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using lifted-base"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-dynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, haskelldb, mtl, plugins }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-dynamic"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0wdiywxjara2fwb1d548f9s0vcjxm1c38v4s05xqm5bz141l7a6a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 haskelldb mtl plugins ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the dynamically loaded drivers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-flat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, haskelldb, mtl + , old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-flat"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0f75am17zfpbxhg951gnjqmdfgi1q7byhw1xv1rz4k36kcg623x1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory haskelldb mtl old-time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An experimental HaskellDB back-end in pure Haskell (no SQL)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hdbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, convertible, haskelldb, HDBC + , mtl, old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hdbc"; + version = "2.2.2"; + sha256 = "06vzzya6k1l74bm5ky7cbn6ch1wx5j5phnhi49bw17y3q632vd3f"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers convertible haskelldb HDBC mtl old-time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hdbc-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hdbc, HDBC, HDBC-mysql + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hdbc-mysql"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0nn8jjrsi62xqws00izh3qi2shlxa58l37q91x1xnd9fig7j0ai2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hdbc HDBC HDBC-mysql mtl + ]; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HDBC MySQL driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hdbc-odbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hdbc, HDBC, HDBC-odbc + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hdbc-odbc"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1y87iiil6k9ycsni70kvfcq50fiws8aqnhmk4018f6k6q1bx7q6p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hdbc HDBC HDBC-odbc mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HDBC ODBC driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hdbc, HDBC + , HDBC-postgresql, mtl, postgresql + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "08cv3y22zvf0pf1cs57vrma3vp3b5fzzs6nsnvcnfnzsvacanh7g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hdbc HDBC HDBC-postgresql mtl + ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HDBC PostgreSQL driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hdbc, HDBC + , HDBC-sqlite3, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "0qdp2lzhk8ywb9pmppvvmwqkaagvrnyjiglahy6mb7rdfq89bas6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hdbc HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HDBC SQLite driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hsql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, hsql, mtl, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0j1aqix21pqcsw7skl897pd1ir6hg836g4zb2h5338h4gih6blx0"; + buildDepends = [ base haskelldb hsql mtl old-time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for HSQL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hsql-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql, hsql-mysql + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-mysql"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "09rlrv9jb2hw7jypglfqhgfx3b0bcp68iq2wk4jfqw74m4d34xkm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-mysql mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL MySQL driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hsql-odbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql, hsql-odbc + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-odbc"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "18r7b4x43729c9l34gvbhgw2fwgq7llcb6cfwcp077f9ia0kgn6a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-odbc mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL ODBC driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hsql-oracle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql, hsql-oracle + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-oracle"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0j26gm9bibnj2jl5fs3sf2m8b5gl05brf55bzxnxa1cb78dgbpx9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-oracle mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL Oracle driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { hsql-oracle = null; }; + + "haskelldb-hsql-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql + , hsql-postgresql, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-postgresql"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1d1vgw9q95h864gfv0n2gmdvnvkxjg4pdjmfpfj899xx1s0a0vsv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-postgresql mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL PostgreSQL driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-hsql-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql, hsql-sqlite + , mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-sqlite"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0hs8ympicys4p6lpfcvny3c183v4s25lk990yb4fzrpv0hy3bhhw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-sqlite mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { hsql-sqlite = null; }; + + "haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, haskelldb-hsql, hsql + , hsql-sqlite3, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "11xlr2f7203wxg17696yjqgyzckavqjazc9brmdqpbrnplaqdrc5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskelldb haskelldb-hsql hsql hsql-sqlite3 mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite3 driver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskelldb, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-th"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "12whvz0qy9lqk1frfl5px9lhr1nwy519vj2z9c3g8nqjzscwzayb"; + buildDepends = [ base haskelldb mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell utilities for HaskellDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskelldb-wx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelldb-wx"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "01652m0bym80400navqlpdv5n0gfgnfzd1d0857f3kd13ksqk2hy"; + homepage = ""; + description = "HaskellDB support for WXHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskellscrabble" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, errors + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, random, safe + , semigroups, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskellscrabble"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f0vdkgjyqwk1lkbn86gbnzbv1r021l0808aw57plb9jmmpn0m4s"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers errors mtl parsec QuickCheck random safe + semigroups split transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath HUnit QuickCheck random + semigroups test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A scrabble library capturing the core game logic of scrabble"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "haskelm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, containers, directory, Elm + , haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, mtl, parsec, pretty + , shakespeare, split, template-haskell, temporary, text, th-desugar + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskelm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bzp79fcq6gxy8pvspw4q71iakzvrbdwr3vjahd698ymfbj5ji8y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary containers directory haskell-src-exts + haskell-src-meta mtl parsec pretty split template-haskell temporary + text th-desugar unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base binary containers directory Elm haskell-src-exts + haskell-src-meta mtl parsec pretty shakespeare split + template-haskell temporary text th-desugar unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Elm to Haskell translation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskgame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, SDL, SDL-ttf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskgame"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "061dhk7d9d8mnb1rs7077q383sqlby8s31ips8jjadkkhyxi5lvz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 SDL SDL-ttf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell game library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskheap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-conduit, http-types + , network, old-locale, text, time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskheap"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1c2fgqq2i3s2v0xi04y8y6li41ilvi50zlf2ba843my9s3i8njqr"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-conduit http-types network old-locale + text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to refheap"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskhol-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parsec, pretty + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskhol-core"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0akcs3jlf1bqxck9jb1vc654fi2kcn71ckqymsqwpl6bj7w057vc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq parsec pretty template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The core logical system of HaskHOL, an EDSL for HOL theorem proving"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskintex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, haskell-src-exts, HaTeX, hint, parsec, process, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskintex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qfqslr8pxks3qmfarmscgvc0q8zn72prqyk5xhmfvkf6q35pmfn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath + haskell-src-exts HaTeX hint parsec process text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Evaluation inside of LaTeX code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haskmon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, http-streams + , io-streams, old-locale, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskmon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xsp0jd7n5rbky4giy3dik2hcsnkzwlj2mdr8v3ahr17cqj3sm74"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers http-streams io-streams old-locale + time vector + ]; + description = "A haskell wrapper for ("; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haskoin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, binary, byteable, bytestring + , containers, cryptohash, deepseq, either, HUnit, json-rpc, mtl + , pbkdf, QuickCheck, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l3h2wvi56k0dcfjambqyjrd45hb7bj0brp8nzrrcfn7fbpyjg8c"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary byteable bytestring containers cryptohash deepseq + either json-rpc mtl pbkdf split text + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson async base binary byteable bytestring containers cryptohash + deepseq either HUnit json-rpc mtl pbkdf QuickCheck split + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testnet" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the Bitcoin protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoin-crypto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, byteable, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, haskoin-util, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin-crypto"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00argpj3qkaj8dcxbd46xsi1abjgr394li6ygyvna55508r1hd79"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary byteable bytestring containers cryptohash haskoin-util + mtl QuickCheck + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary byteable bytestring containers cryptohash haskoin-util + HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of Bitcoin cryptographic primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoin-protocol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskoin-crypto + , haskoin-util, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin-protocol"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r15csyylg5vd95z0spl5wkv6r8w7lpi983alsvlnkhv4dqnrg2v"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskoin-crypto haskoin-util QuickCheck + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskoin-crypto haskoin-util HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the Bitcoin network protocol messages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoin-script" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskoin-crypto + , haskoin-protocol, haskoin-util, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin-script"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "18lw5hxwvj4ichw1k4a35hjih7h0hd24khvl4m0yf2cq12m2gl11"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskoin-crypto haskoin-protocol haskoin-util + mtl QuickCheck + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskoin-crypto haskoin-protocol haskoin-util + HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of Bitcoin script parsing and evaluation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoin-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, either + , HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hh3vavqsp8pafw4nrv9py1kqcc1yx52zr80xsqzqjlsxq04fgfw"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring either mtl QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers either HUnit mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for the Network.Haskoin project"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoin-wallet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, binary, bytestring + , conduit, containers, directory, either, haskoin-crypto + , haskoin-protocol, haskoin-script, haskoin-util, HUnit, mtl + , persistent, persistent-sqlite, persistent-template, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, time, unordered-containers, vector, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoin-wallet"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "18q110q93qc00mqzprs5wprzrl0jfw5fjpli73n99knqb127aq5s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring conduit containers + directory either haskoin-crypto haskoin-protocol haskoin-script + haskoin-util mtl persistent persistent-sqlite persistent-template + QuickCheck text time unordered-containers vector yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base binary bytestring conduit containers either + haskoin-crypto haskoin-protocol haskoin-script haskoin-util HUnit + mtl persistent persistent-sqlite persistent-template QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + time unordered-containers vector yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of a Bitcoin hierarchical deterministric wallet (BIP32)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "haskoon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, directory, fastcgi + , filepath, hslogger, hsp, hsx, MaybeT, MissingH, mtl, network + , regex-posix, safe, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rf5w1mvpsiqim1h5hh6s2cxzh3c5gm1k3n6z4h2ryc1s7m2bl9l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi directory fastcgi filepath hslogger hsp hsx + MaybeT MissingH mtl network regex-posix safe utf8-string + ]; + description = "Web Application Abstraction"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskoon-httpspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bidispec, bytestring, haskoon, hslogger + , HTTP, httpspec, mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoon-httpspec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "059hywia5fa15j2dpbzvnvjzv55bzgivy3ddxcrdskd85zx7lx6z"; + buildDepends = [ + base bidispec bytestring haskoon hslogger HTTP httpspec mtl network + ]; + description = "Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskoon-salvia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, fclabels, haskoon, hslogger + , HTTP, monads-fd, mtl, network, salvia, salvia-protocol + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskoon-salvia"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d0s0zd9gr3xbssyk62l7w507prjnyak81czhnd6fgbfqx82d6hk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi fclabels haskoon hslogger HTTP monads-fd mtl + network salvia salvia-protocol transformers + ]; + description = "Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , event-list, haskell-src, markov-chain, midi, non-negative, parsec + , process, random, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zvr7hwxnv01g626617yv7f0vwpmyqvlwbyc6yhb2mrlfqwdgbd0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-accessor event-list + haskell-src markov-chain midi non-negative parsec process random + transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskore Computer Music System"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskore-realtime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-accessor, directory + , event-list, haskore, midi, non-negative, old-time, process + , transformers, unix, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskore-realtime"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0fhlfivp44py93gjlqrp370cjkvi0g79p156vayylds128hgpi5f"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-accessor directory event-list haskore midi + non-negative old-time process transformers unix utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Routines for realtime playback of Haskore songs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskore-supercollider" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , event-list, haskore, haskore-realtime, hosc, hsc3, non-negative + , opensoundcontrol-ht, process, random, supercollider-ht + , transformers, unix, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskore-supercollider"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "04rzbk1v8ay569npd8i1xv3aqx55jn8p6cvqpi6774afaxvb0qxy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-accessor event-list haskore + haskore-realtime hosc hsc3 non-negative opensoundcontrol-ht process + random supercollider-ht transformers unix utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskore back-end for SuperCollider"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskore-synthesizer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, event-list, haskore + , non-negative, numeric-prelude, random, synthesizer-core + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskore-synthesizer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bdfn8s7gj39i3rr3xvi9xchi8zczqimb5gnkg0225m2zcfgvmy8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-accessor event-list haskore non-negative numeric-prelude + random synthesizer-core utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Music rendering coded in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "haskore-vintage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haskore-vintage"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1dpqs7xv3hvhla94v60q0fxfzgr4l3l69s7xc45rh712r9iws66n"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The February 2000 version of Haskore"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hasktags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, json, unix + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasktags"; + version = "0.69.1"; + sha256 = "1rpi9nrxizvzs7cxmykxvkbwd78144gwglk5f0rc19qyb0n80gr4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath json unix utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Produces ctags \"tags\" and etags \"TAGS\" files for Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haslo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, old-time, QuickCheck, time, wtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haslo"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0iizdi98w4k9kdizg9xwm2aca6mnn30frp15f8kyak3i194sk3kl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-time QuickCheck time wtk ]; + description = "Loan calculator engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hasloGUI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, gtk, haslo, lenses, mtl + , old-time, QuickCheck, time, wtk, wtk-gtk + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasloGUI"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03avp9yn7ag1dc1wzk07sxkj3krqsrg3n44qcynxw9n1fmvk54lx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base convertible gtk haslo lenses mtl old-time QuickCheck time wtk + wtk-gtk + ]; + description = "Loan calculator Gtk GUI. Based on haslo (Haskell Loan) library."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hasparql-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, monads-fd, network, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasparql-client"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ln0kdm40y6l8sncrjl0mj9bpd30ffg3msaxyd6fq520ypyws9pm"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP monads-fd network xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package enables to write SPARQL queries to remote endpoints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haspell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aspell, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haspell"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "08ihdjgjvr8mgxxw62xwymj1lyl33r6w3mhy9chlw7ijcsy44y21"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ aspell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to aspell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hasql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base-prelude, either + , hasql-backend, hasql-postgres, hspec, list-t, mmorph + , monad-control, mtl, mtl-prelude, resource-pool, slave-thread + , template-haskell, text, transformers, transformers-base, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasql"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "0ib4pdag2ylcw33g24x41zpkk7wnpq0b0i1b6in0rzns5cjavds2"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base-prelude either hasql-backend list-t mmorph + monad-control mtl resource-pool template-haskell text transformers + transformers-base vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-prelude either hasql-backend hasql-postgres hspec + monad-control mtl-prelude slave-thread text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimalistic general high level API for relational databases"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hasql-backend" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-prelude, bytestring, either, free + , list-t, text, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasql-backend"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "15jzz01lmh4s6y70b01yc7ffzbicm7nxna30krra8vlp0w32lnys"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-prelude bytestring either free list-t text transformers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API for backends of \"hasql\""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hasql-postgres" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base-prelude, bytestring + , directory, doctest, either, filepath, free, hashable, hashtables + , hasql, hasql-backend, hspec, list-t, loch-th, mmorph, mtl-prelude + , old-locale, placeholders, postgresql-binary, postgresql-libpq + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, scientific, template-haskell + , text, time, transformers, uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasql-postgres"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "1n3gcdv0d1pw3jnwldhkj8p23mx18slp8fyjlygpgivgmb8921ah"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base-prelude bytestring either free hashable + hashtables hasql-backend list-t loch-th mmorph placeholders + postgresql-binary postgresql-libpq scientific template-haskell text + time transformers uuid vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-prelude bytestring directory doctest either filepath + hashable hasql hasql-backend hspec list-t mtl-prelude old-locale + postgresql-binary QuickCheck quickcheck-instances scientific text + time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A \"PostgreSQL\" backend for the \"hasql\" library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hasql-postgres-options" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-prelude, hasql-postgres + , optparse-applicative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hasql-postgres-options"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "05l38fm1s5n2vsqmxx8pywq0bpbwhc9hks381a70dqdas3jvv3cp"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-prelude hasql-postgres optparse-applicative + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An \"optparse-applicative\" parser for \"hasql-postgres\""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hastache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, HUnit, ieee754, mtl, process, syb, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hastache"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0r5l8k157pgvz1ck4lfid5x05f2s0nlmwf33f4fj09b1kmk8k3wc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers directory filepath ieee754 + mtl process syb text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring directory HUnit mtl syb text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of Mustache templates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hastache-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , hastache, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hastache-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0b69ppgs0s8zjkrycz5iyd1wa92wr9wln3dvgzf736pbfhsgv2qi"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers hastache text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "render hastache templates using aeson values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haste" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, filepath, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haste"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vz36i74l1nnm34nn1rj3v8kprqa2piz3j5f58cccg2gvxl0abnj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base curl filepath mtl ]; + description = "A universal pastebin tool, written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haste-compiler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bzlib, containers, data-binary-ieee754, data-default, directory + , either, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-prim, HTTP, monads-tf, mtl + , network, network-uri, process, random, shellmate, system-fileio + , tar, transformers, utf8-string, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haste-compiler"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1wkb6a1jwmpjr0jlz5fjq652jz6a6agg0a5pfazyfpdznvd4mm62"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary blaze-builder bytestring bzlib containers + data-binary-ieee754 data-default directory either filepath ghc + ghc-paths ghc-prim HTTP monads-tf mtl network network-uri process + random shellmate system-fileio tar transformers utf8-string + websockets + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fportable" "-fportable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell To ECMAScript compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haste-markup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, haste-lib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haste-markup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02rqm4qjaww2c622bqd1bb2mjb73w2s7d7pwvz94x03npxkf4hn1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath haste-lib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of blaze-markup and blaze-html to Haste"; + license =; + }) { haste-lib = null; }; + + "haste-perch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haste-compiler, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haste-perch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s4z2xsmmfsv2wyfpv7qqxn7wj57gi9dnzs1j7x9qn2g1gwn4jrn"; + buildDepends = [ base haste-compiler transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-haste-inst" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create, navigate and modify the DOM tree with composable syntax, with the haste compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , haskeline, haskell-src-exts, old-locale, old-time, process + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06qb34g2kxsldkgpw02xs7cknhj6igfwgjxi2fxyr2856y8laj0j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath haskeline + haskell-src-exts old-locale old-time process random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell tracer, generating and viewing Haskell execution traces"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hatex-guide" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, directory, filepath, HaTeX + , parsec, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hatex-guide"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11wi053g9kybw0qa3wdfccyy0ka3xnnghgamaaf220r8hz49g25y"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html directory filepath HaTeX parsec text time + transformers + ]; + description = "HaTeX User's Guide"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, dns, MissingH + , parallel-io, process, split, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hath"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "12f1mij7yv8zd3v3l4jhh51harddp4angvvz5bc96y7mm16543ys"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs dns MissingH parallel-io split tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs dns MissingH parallel-io process split + tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "Hath manipulates network blocks in CIDR notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hatt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, cmdargs, containers + , haskeline, parsec, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hatt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dgjia07v489wlk23hg84d1043rh71hl9yg7vdcih2jcj8pn00z4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base cmdargs containers haskeline parsec QuickCheck + ]; + testDepends = [ base test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A truth table generator for classical propositional logic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hawitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, bytestring, clock, containers + , gconf, glade, gtk, hoauth, HTTP, json, mtl, network, old-locale + , parsec, regex-base, regex-tdfa, SHA, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hawitter"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "10qg24qkh17l9zqn47g64cg6hp48x7bjbcwigj35zpqcq71s9dxc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string bytestring clock containers gconf glade gtk + hoauth HTTP json mtl network old-locale parsec regex-base + regex-tdfa SHA time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A twitter client for GTK+. Beta version."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haxl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, hashable, HUnit, pretty, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1spkcvsy0p3ksxapaz93db09y2jsswr5k6qs6cvxmwxxhbnswv36"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers directory filepath hashable HUnit + pretty text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers hashable HUnit text + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell library for efficient, concurrent, and concise data access"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haxl-facebook" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, conduit, data-default, fb + , hashable, haxl, http-client-tls, http-conduit, resourcet, text + , time, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxl-facebook"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m8dycsh51sfrxhmajsaydgima4r0nc60yklv9w26302i176j2aq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base conduit data-default fb hashable haxl + http-client-tls http-conduit resourcet text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson async base conduit data-default fb hashable haxl + http-client-tls http-conduit resourcet text time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An example Haxl data source for accessing the Facebook Graph API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haxparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, data-default, mtl, optparse-applicative + , parsec, split, template-haskell, transformers, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxparse"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ksmhmk1yns8znh9srqm53q4by8dibdvkd9qhbihiwdyz137y6j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 data-default + mtl optparse-applicative parsec split template-haskell transformers + utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Readable HaxBall replays"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "haxr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , bytestring, HaXml, HTTP, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale + , old-time, template-haskell, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxr"; + version = "3000.10.3.1"; + sha256 = "0alvrsk85f1l79hfa9shagjckp4sx835l9734ab2izfv50mxx7gm"; + editedCabalFile = "911a81d122ae60328ff513ed2de6e055c051b03a5f88280f602da23e36111918"; + buildDepends = [ + array base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring HaXml HTTP + mtl network network-uri old-locale old-time template-haskell time + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML-RPC client and server library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haxr-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haxr, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxr-th"; + version = "3000.5"; + sha256 = "1h1g4r7c5k3rja49ip4m21f2sscn06xjxharnlyazvvs6mzfysif"; + buildDepends = [ base haxr template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic deriving of XML-RPC structs for Haskell records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "haxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default-class, hostname + , HTTP, http-server, mtl, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "haxy"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1fzdxk0vl7pd3k1dgxli6f721lfvwpb2zl354fl0zy5gimiky7fs"; + editedCabalFile = "1e9eca705e28eed32d3fc2948dd5ca5402aec5bf13d256a6024939835e943585"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default-class hostname HTTP http-server mtl + url + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple HTTP proxy server library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hayland" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-flags, process, template-haskell, time + , wayland-client, wayland-cursor, wayland-egl, wayland-server, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hayland"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dpisbqfsay8lwpfihw5fmpzi2ajc8qshsawbr4r6x8indy4kdy0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-flags process template-haskell time xml + ]; + testDepends = [ base process xml ]; + extraLibraries = [ + wayland-client wayland-cursor wayland-egl wayland-server + ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for the C Wayland library"; + license =; + }) { wayland-client = null; wayland-cursor = null; + wayland-egl = null; wayland-server = null; }; + + "hayoo-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-conduit, http-types + , optparse-applicative, pandoc, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hayoo-cli"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05wfxpkpxma3ynla3wdgzq0raxqwg21fsa01qqpsh1ib7v462ls0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-conduit http-types optparse-applicative + pandoc url + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hayoo CLI"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hback" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, filepath, glade, gtk, haskell98 + , process, svgcairo, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hback"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "01wx4dls0ccl0q09hvydjhj0lfpqfd32z76rjgc89p5889czkm5j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo filepath glade gtk haskell98 process svgcairo time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "N-back memory game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hbayes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, boxes, containers, directory + , filepath, gamma, HUnit, mtl, mwc-random, parsec, pretty + , QuickCheck, random, split, statistics, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbayes"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1zhjhham5jyfwll8sp3kprp92l4whqfyys4jfl81gpb5igpgz039"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary boxes containers directory filepath gamma HUnit + mtl mwc-random parsec pretty QuickCheck random split statistics + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-profile" "-f-local" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bayesian Networks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hbb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ghc, ghc-mod, ghc-paths, libhbb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1whnsbv04b9hr3dc6a3xzv270q7ygk8x4i20mb092fr98klbk9wn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory ghc ghc-mod ghc-paths libhbb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Busy Bee, a backend for text editors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "hbcd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Decimal, digits, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbcd"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1glld44m6h8yfh5h63w9q5isy238j0j312ycx43va1xa80x5r4dq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring Decimal digits split ]; + description = "Packed binary-coded decimal (BCD) serialization"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hbeanstalk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbeanstalk"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "13xcia1nnayhr22zi1wzgn8qs403ib4n2zikpxd3xnzy33yrgbzy"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client for the beanstalkd workqueue service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hbeat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, old-time, OpenGL, SDL + , SDL-mixer, SDL_mixer + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbeat"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1lgsjwwpimvgczzgg2lvnf08hhcsnk5is52rm2lbmilky8ayhxjp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl old-time OpenGL SDL SDL-mixer + ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL SDL_mixer ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple step sequencer GUI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) SDL; }; + + "hblas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blas, HUnit, lapack, primitive + , storable-complex, tasty, tasty-hunit, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hblas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05c2mqhwjq0r8jyaj0cncaxn4n5x27dd8z6lv8g8cdc7r749q59y"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive storable-complex vector ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit tasty tasty-hunit vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ blas lapack ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cblas" "-f-openblas" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Human friendly BLAS and Lapack bindings for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) blas; + lapack = null; }; + + "hblock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-markup, bytestring, cereal + , containers, deepseq, hashable, path-pieces, safecopy, text + , unordered-containers, uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hblock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ng906bsx1nrn583h768pgghg6sysx560dxrpxbxc7xv7f6g8b1s"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-markup bytestring cereal containers deepseq + hashable path-pieces safecopy text unordered-containers uuid vector + ]; + description = "A mutable vector that provides indexation on the datatype fields it stores"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hbro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, classy-prelude, cond, containers + , data-default, dyre, errors, glib, gtk3, hslogger, integer-simple + , lens, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network-uri + , pango, parsec, process, safe, semigroups, stm, system-fileio + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unix, webkitgtk3 + , zeromq4-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbro"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cjg35rx9j7cg36ln2sbzdaiz4sqblgcc13k5giklrw4qfp0vccy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring classy-prelude cond containers data-default dyre + errors glib gtk3 hslogger integer-simple lens lifted-async + lifted-base monad-control mtl network-uri pango parsec process safe + semigroups stm system-fileio text time transformers + transformers-base unix webkitgtk3 zeromq4-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimal KISS-compliant browser"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { integer-simple = null; }; + + "hbro-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, containers, glib, gtk3, hbro + , monad-control, mtl, network-uri, pango, parsec, process, safe + , system-fileio, text, time, transformers-base, unix, webkitgtk3 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hbro-contrib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hall154r07jribdipp68mf71yrdw77bm7h48scm127950z4y0rz"; + buildDepends = [ + base classy-prelude containers glib gtk3 hbro monad-control mtl + network-uri pango parsec process safe system-fileio text time + transformers-base unix webkitgtk3 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third-party extensions to hbro"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hburg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath, haskell98, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hburg"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "03gd0hgms5hmjvd1j533357h0gh7mh16vmlbbgdhzad1igq1lcfv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers filepath haskell98 mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Bottom Up Rewrite Generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, language-c }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcc"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "04aczl9mh1gb25kggh2jj043az61gzzhxqfg9gb3lcjr5krrnh4p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring language-c ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A toy C compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcg-minus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcg-minus"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "04g0f4sr7904w3ynyl0gnbyi2sl0z7ziv5q15mfb6c7h0zl25d5r"; + buildDepends = [ base colour ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell cg (minus)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcg-minus-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, colour, filepath, hcg-minus + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcg-minus-cairo"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "002gh8adqzhcjfnqkbcnpzz8qiqbj9zkbk6jj11dnnxjigc4l2q9"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo colour filepath hcg-minus utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell cg (minus) (cairo rendering)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcheat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mps }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcheat"; + version = "2010.1.16"; + sha256 = "1fwgnp15kha9qb7iagd8n5ahjjhg194wbva5i436mb57fn86pya2"; + buildDepends = [ base mps ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of code cheatsheet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hchesslib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, containers, hlint, hspec + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hchesslib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10785d9n87ddln1rvr19wnvcj401x3b53psdcf8vrwfaq930kjrv"; + buildDepends = [ array attoparsec base containers text ]; + testDepends = [ + array attoparsec base containers hlint hspec QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chess library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "hcltest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, dlist, doctest + , either, filepath, free, lens, mmorph, monad-control, mtl + , optparse-applicative, process, random-shuffle, split, stm, tagged + , tasty, temporary, text, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcltest"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "145l3kfxi1slngcmh4dnn09hhpr5v6s5nppk0i5a5jzxpp2yx6sd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory dlist either filepath free lens mmorph + monad-control mtl optparse-applicative process random-shuffle split + stm tagged tasty temporary text transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A testing library for command line applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcron" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, mtl + , old-locale, pretty, process, random, stm, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcron"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ckq98aj6fgdgpwyy6ssydp4jazhhfshnalv71h2xx1z80m1ynq7"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory mtl old-locale pretty process + random stm time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple job scheduler, which just runs some IO action at a given time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcube" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HaskellForMaths, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcube"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1h1g05a8wnk2q65mm4mwywxhygr7fs0150q8ml33ik59mcc5v7fr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory HaskellForMaths QuickCheck text ]; + description = "Virtual Rubik's cube of arbitrary size"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hcwiid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bluetooth, cwiid, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hcwiid"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0dn19kkd1da9yk6yk8mmpz927d1gsjyip9v4dibsvc1w4v49n94x"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ bluetooth cwiid ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to interface with the wiimote"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { bluetooth = null; cwiid = null; }; + + "hdaemonize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, filepath, hsyslog + , mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdaemonize"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15dyaa9rbmsjp3sg9yxg1i90kfy9rvlzmwg5kl8kwal69ajzjjgv"; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions filepath hsyslog mtl unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to handle the details of writing daemons for UNIX"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdaemonize-buildfix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, filepath, hsyslog + , mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdaemonize-buildfix"; + version = "0.4.5"; + sha256 = "15k4z77caa5y1jix4llqdmqpx0j7iv9nx5lk3vc5hs8vl2ax86f6"; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions filepath hsyslog mtl unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to handle the details of writing daemons for UNIX"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdbc-postgresql-hstore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, HDBC, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbc-postgresql-hstore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "034zsmqgavh4ns69f6j4a1afyqbd1b7h35macmf20vzxj0j0bawj"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base containers HDBC text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulate data in PostgreSQL \"hstore\" columns"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hdbc-tuple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, HDBC, typical }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbc-tuple"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "155darl83c1b3gjkh7x8pwpj6v4nqfb389ix9vr39j7qw1pkjwdd"; + buildDepends = [ base convertible HDBC typical ]; + description = "Type save tuples for HDBC"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hdbi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, Decimal, deepseq, derive, hspec-expectations, HUnit + , old-locale, QuickCheck, quickcheck-assertions + , quickcheck-instances, stm, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbi"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0z8ivqs79lkqr2bji6nc5djd29ajag5r7d7caja482ksfq75wdc2"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers Decimal deepseq + old-locale stm template-haskell text time uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers Decimal deepseq + derive hspec-expectations HUnit old-locale QuickCheck + quickcheck-assertions quickcheck-instances stm template-haskell + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Database Independent interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdbi-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, hdbi, hdbi-sqlite, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-assertions, resourcet, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbi-conduit"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "1wrc38m8451vslvnmd4p128x9885dbjx5hzc566s06dw8wshfdgj"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit hdbi resourcet transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit hdbi hdbi-sqlite QuickCheck quickcheck-assertions + resourcet test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit glue for HDBI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdbi-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, Decimal, derive, hdbi, hdbi-tests, HUnit, ieee754 + , mtl, old-locale, postgresql-libpq, postgresql-simple, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-assertions, quickcheck-instances, safe, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbi-postgresql"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "1fjcp3ldc54bm8gj8l9ifjvdxx6h6lsswjspmwnzwfh1ahfrbg1x"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring hdbi mtl old-locale + postgresql-libpq postgresql-simple safe text time uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers Decimal derive + hdbi hdbi-tests HUnit ieee754 mtl old-locale postgresql-libpq + postgresql-simple QuickCheck quickcheck-assertions + quickcheck-instances safe test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PostgreSQL driver for hdbi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdbi-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, direct-sqlite + , hdbi, hdbi-tests, test-framework, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbi-sqlite"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "03vf5xv14hb6rwwaiv997a7j3s5rgp81cb60v0n013l20dqh1g04"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring direct-sqlite hdbi text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring direct-sqlite hdbi hdbi-tests + test-framework text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SQlite driver for HDBI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdbi-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Decimal, hdbi, HUnit + , ieee754, QuickCheck, quickcheck-assertions, quickcheck-instances + , stm, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdbi-tests"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0rvrjcv890flsmq8v6bpgh8kvg0ix3x2n149kdg7xviy26liyjg5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Decimal hdbi HUnit ieee754 QuickCheck + quickcheck-assertions quickcheck-instances stm test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "test suite for testing HDBI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdevtools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cmdargs, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, network, syb, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdevtools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1plpkdhjv2493zy7fdn3a6cwdava0yrqqkzyn3wddi9f70xd62ak"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal cmdargs directory filepath ghc ghc-paths network syb + time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell development tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, fgl, fgl-visualize, filepath + , hosc, hsc3, murmur-hash, process, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdf"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "11nf9wlymdhydf0bhh9gdl0cdn0i4mbvx3hfdcmnxfvag5jmfbkk"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory fgl fgl-visualize filepath hosc hsc3 murmur-hash + process split transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HDF: Uniform Rate Audio Signal Processing in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hdigest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, Crypto, network, parsec, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdigest"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1wm9j8ncjfb0gscdz4zmkymrzykc6rqbcx7988r207l5s9q3043f"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi Crypto network parsec random time ]; + description = "Server-side HTTP Digest (RFC2617) in the CGI monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdirect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, happy, haskell98, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdirect"; + version = "0.21.0"; + sha256 = "1v7yx9k0kib6527k49hf3s4jvdda7a0wgv09qhyjk6lyriyi3ny2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base haskell98 pretty ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An IDL compiler for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdis86" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdis86"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0qr8d4qbvkncv4im0iwwdr9khvkyy4ky8wnwxri1jqhylcq8vdks"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-external-udis86" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to the udis86 disassembler for x86 and x86-64 / AMD64"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdiscount" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, markdown }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdiscount"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z6kpsk57gjqwpvs5v6ikiirnyyg26mbrxx827bb1v27lhsy7py0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ markdown ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the Discount markdown library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) markdown; }; + + "hdm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, unix, vty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdm"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1qgq4bwq2ip315j43f0pyhxah033bjrj3wrmvnzmc62s8k2rfvgh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory process unix vty ]; + description = "a small display manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hdocs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, containers + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haddock-api, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , mtl, network, process, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdocs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k0608y3lr0z96cim5m1n0df7fz5qms1h5h9ff5ia3qrscic33pr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring containers filepath ghc + ghc-paths haddock-api MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network process + text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell docs tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, deepseq + , hdph-closure, mtl, network, network-info, network-multicast + , network-transport, network-transport-tcp, random + , template-haskell, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdph"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "116499cr0pcc1gg7aniprlcp9vp8s61b4vk7rcm673nw3lay496a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers deepseq hdph-closure mtl network + network-info network-multicast network-transport + network-transport-tcp random template-haskell time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell distributed parallel Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hdph-closure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , deepseq, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hdph-closure"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0rcmp5i7jvpghg8nql5wlidbyjs79cxxmdb6bq3xxk806gdj66d8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers deepseq template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Explicit closures in Haskell distributed parallel Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heap"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1fjnjbq88m32y80pwp3ly6nc21fnz0v54wvpkzdblrx92azlykz3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Heaps in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heaps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heaps"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1h0p097zc1wjinhdhy4ssav7jpicc85074d926nmnhdgz9vaajwj"; + editedCabalFile = "8e3b4bef28315c04ce0b34d8f8b4f38527765569d19c4a1802fe77186b26b55c"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Asymptotically optimal Brodal/Okasaki heaps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heapsort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heapsort"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0fzws9fjhqsygsbwj7nvj786j16264vqvqzc97dr73y72538k9qa"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Heapsort of MArrays as a demo of imperative programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hebrew-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hebrew-time"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ckridxf4rvhhp0k1mckbbbpzfs32l4mwg7n9mrmsggldpl7x6f7"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hebrew dates and prayer times"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hecc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, crypto-api, hF2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hecc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yh3zbqfcqh7mn04q0hqqqrimkdvbw36r38aii0rfz7k6rrdm17b"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal crypto-api hF2 ]; + description = "Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hedis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, BoundedChan, bytestring + , bytestring-lexing, HUnit, mtl, network, resource-pool + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hedis"; + version = "0.6.5"; + sha256 = "1kn8i49yxms1bpjwpy4m8vyycgi755zvy4zc66w068nmnd1kiykh"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base BoundedChan bytestring bytestring-lexing mtl + network resource-pool time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for the Redis datastore: supports full command set, pipelining"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hedis-pile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, hedis, hedis-tags, HUnit + , lifted-base, string-conversions, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hedis-pile"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "0awwga4hvmfkkkqy68g4ja51szjifs1z20rav0kmbn3gn978248n"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring hedis hedis-tags string-conversions + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring hedis HUnit lifted-base string-conversions + test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Caching mandatory data with Redis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hedis-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, either, hedis, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hedis-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dq7rpqg35caqj664q2ndqgd59mq7cfjahkaka5mlk1k5yjvz7av"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring either hedis mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simplified API for hedis"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hedis-tags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hedis, HUnit, lifted-base + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hedis-tags"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0d9jr26366xjjcc39ma36bs944d11xpw5izww9pw3lajsgdr0d1s"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hedis ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hedis HUnit lifted-base test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tags for hedis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hedn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , hspec, HUnit, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck, stringsearch + , template-haskell, text, time, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hedn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12r7ndjq59q9pdnhziq7af4jkp2mgpq7qhnnzgv6w1z8v893b9r1"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers deepseq mtl old-locale + stringsearch text time utf8-string vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec HUnit QuickCheck template-haskell + text time vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "EDN parsing and encoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , bytestring, containers, directory, directory-tree, dlist, errors + , filepath, hashable, map-syntax, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl + , process, random, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nhksdn95v35ymml3kgm70axjl4vkjfvj1wvlcm1a1frlnbk993w"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring + containers directory directory-tree dlist errors filepath hashable + map-syntax MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl process random text time + transformers unordered-containers vector xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heist-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , heist, monads-fd, text, vector, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heist-aeson"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1m0rwrb0gzsajnp5h0w7cf10jf6fram4mjkmny5hk0h5xwcn19dc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring containers heist monads-fd text + vector xmlhtml + ]; + description = "Use JSON directly from Heist templates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "heist-async" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, heist, template-haskell, text, xmlhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heist-async"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16ab3cfs6fj66ssf6ypmx2yddq5an115wlmwybk3va0a7kbp58ll"; + buildDepends = [ base heist template-haskell text xmlhtml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Adding support for asynchronous updates (\"AJAX\") with heist"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "helics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-show + , data-default-class, newrelic-collector-client, newrelic-common + , newrelic-transaction, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "helics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kqmqyf22fjcbsqlbyxmg6238im8kp6baip3v8f7hibkpgyfqip1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-show data-default-class time unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ + newrelic-collector-client newrelic-common newrelic-transaction + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fdummy" "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for Haskell"; + license =; + }) { newrelic-collector-client = null; newrelic-common = null; + newrelic-transaction = null; }; + + "helics-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default-class, helics + , vault, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "helics-wai"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1d1kaik2aj0vnln4nbj958d7ay7adb6l62fx606y7xlp7zyhysr4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default-class helics vault wai + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for wai"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "helisp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "helisp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1j495j3kc43d34aviln6jrab3ydzsp1hrnk079p53mcnx2rpjz81"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An incomplete Elisp compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "helium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, lvmlib, mtl + , network, parsec, process, Top, transformers, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "helium"; + version = "1.8"; + sha256 = "0nhpkilxhkp0q9flq6ap8lhync21v8bz5jvb6j79flcvb0vh74rq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath lvmlib mtl network parsec + process Top transformers wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Helium Compiler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , data-default, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haskeline + , monad-extras, mtl, pdfinfo, process, process-extras, resourcet + , shell-conduit, split, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hell"; + version = "2.1"; + sha256 = "1kdxkk994g38bl2kcxcs0p9wn1rankn0jw14nlvy9z9appgxalnl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra data-default directory + filepath ghc ghc-paths haskeline monad-extras mtl pdfinfo process + process-extras resourcet shell-conduit split template-haskell text + time transformers unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "A Haskell shell based on shell-conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hellage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, hellnet + , hjpath, hjson, HTTP, Lucu, mtl, network, regex-pcre, safe, stm + , tar, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hellage"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1gqz042qycwhka6fyma6fb104mi8wd22nsbywrini3m3nib5ci75"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory hellnet hjpath hjson HTTP Lucu + mtl network regex-pcre safe stm tar utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed hackage mirror"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hellnet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Crypto, directory + , filepath, haskell98, hjpath, hjson, HTTP, Lucu, mtl, network + , old-locale, parsec, pretty, process, random, regex-posix, RSA + , safe, time, unix, uri, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hellnet"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0fb4r9nb39l1qr7xczgkx5i93cv4rqrin0fl22qq4h12ajvrp6m6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Crypto directory filepath haskell98 + hjpath hjson HTTP Lucu mtl network old-locale parsec pretty process + random regex-posix RSA safe time unix uri utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, distributed, anonymous data sharing network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hello" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hello"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x6q7frbrc4jdfx1qhxrydmdp5k7mm3lx504d7rhg6z2m6ibbh57"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-threaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hello World, an example package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "helm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, cpu, elerea, filepath + , HUnit, mtl, pango, random, sdl2, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "helm"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "04smx6q2k4zj4gjvwy393s4abik9k108c5j31yy3dwksbbhhmygg"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers cpu elerea filepath mtl pango random sdl2 + text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cairo containers elerea HUnit sdl2 test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A functionally reactive game engine"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "help-esb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, MissingH + , network, network-uri, text, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "help-esb"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0fy0dygx3hdkbdip7gppk25akjar0p2px0s5q7sl1lmzgkcl1016"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers MissingH network network-uri text + uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell client for the team's ESB."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hemkay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, hemkay-core + , portaudio + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hemkay"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "16f1nzpi20j7fza1rs1b89mhyni4162q2x4l3ixrnd82yjmcmc1l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring hemkay-core portaudio + ]; + description = "A module music mixer and player"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hemkay-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hemkay-core"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0br41879jynw3dzb2hlb07m55zmzgyim6gi8i48bzimbi70c9z89"; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring ]; + description = "A device independent module music mixer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hemokit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cairo + , cipher-aes, conduit, deepseq, deepseq-generics, gtk, hidapi + , hspec, HUnit, mtl, network-simple, optparse-applicative + , pretty-show, robot, split, svgcairo, text, time, transformers + , vector, vector-fftw, websockets, xhb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hemokit"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "1ww013c0bb612yh2v968nvv7b3b1sv1r9ryrpsb670lwmds886g2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring cairo cipher-aes conduit + deepseq deepseq-generics gtk hidapi mtl network-simple + optparse-applicative pretty-show robot split svgcairo text time + transformers vector vector-fftw websockets xhb + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec HUnit vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmouse" "-fheadmap" "-ffft" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell port of the Emokit EEG project"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitset, exceptions, mtl, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, transformers, uuid, xenctrl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hen"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1ri6brxmc2m09jx2r9p47lgpfn8zkxy147hyyw3x2pw3g6cgsill"; + buildDepends = [ base bitset exceptions mtl transformers uuid ]; + testDepends = [ + base bitset exceptions mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + transformers uuid + ]; + extraLibraries = [ xenctrl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to Xen hypervisor interface"; + license =; + }) { xenctrl = null; }; + + "henet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitset, bytestring, network, typesafe-endian + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "henet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pm5lnn7rc647ic404c8bmki9wfrkc0mdmmkng50vv0bm2d7z5aq"; + buildDepends = [ base bitset bytestring network typesafe-endian ]; + description = "Bindings and high level interface for to ENet v1.3.9"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hepevt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bytestring, haskell2010, lha }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hepevt"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0b7syzfzbcznjb98hi4k8bp46ss08s9qg2763bnnm1b10i7km23z"; + buildDepends = [ bytestring haskell2010 lha ]; + description = "HEPEVT parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "her-lexer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "her-lexer"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1hbx48r8zdmyr5qjf0b3pagmamj8pibsp7ca7bxdgk4jz8pxv2my"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A lexer for Haskell source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "her-lexer-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, her-lexer, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "her-lexer-parsec"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1gkcd9ikaxjirxh8haq8b9a372n1dlaq63n9xzq9gsyazkxz7lgn"; + buildDepends = [ base her-lexer parsec transformers ]; + description = "Parsec frontend to \"her-lexer\" for Haskell source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "herbalizer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, indents, mtl, parsec + , regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "herbalizer"; + version = "0.4.9"; + sha256 = "1gm1ya1p1i734sxadbmj1zn6mbq1gssmzp897h5xjgb8vsa2fxs6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim indents mtl parsec regex-posix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HAML to ERB translator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "here" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, mtl, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "here"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "1c7b0a5a42ki8ndvc2k35jnsj433f1nv1j40vviasxksm7acbwif"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta mtl parsec template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Here docs & interpolated strings via quasiquotation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heredoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heredoc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h0g2f7yscwl1ba1yn3jnz2drvd6ns9m910hwlmq3kdq3k39y3f9"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "multi-line string / here document using QuasiQuotes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hermit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, ansi-terminal, array, base, containers + , data-default, directory, ghc, happy, haskeline, kure + , marked-pretty, mtl, operational, process, stm, temporary + , terminfo, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hermit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ry542k5ffr2vb075ylx2l35bn5sdclvz1byhj5bfdvz4rji09l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array base containers data-default directory ghc + haskeline kure marked-pretty mtl operational process stm temporary + terminfo transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Haskell Equational Reasoning Model-to-Implementation Tunnel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hermit-syb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, ghc-prim, hermit, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hermit-syb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1970n7q88q76dnp2h7h8r1d6psq0d9pdvrim556rqiv8smwi661x"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc ghc-prim hermit syb template-haskell + ]; + description = "HERMIT plugin for optimizing Scrap-Your-Boilerplate traversals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "heroku" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, network, network-uri, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heroku"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j6frr1m3934401qlp2kksd3nfr83y6wq5k02dxi9gs0qr9f7p5h"; + buildDepends = [ base network-uri text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec network text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "helpers for deploying to Heroku"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "herringbone" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , http-types, mtl, old-locale, process, process-listlike + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, time, transformers + , unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "herringbone"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1xpdz24dinm56z4gx51frw19j2169ms9jvasg8xixi944q34hwmk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory http-types mtl old-locale + process process-listlike system-fileio system-filepath text time + transformers unix-compat + ]; + description = "A library for compiling and serving static web assets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "herringbone-embed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, file-embed, herringbone + , system-fileio, system-filepath, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "herringbone-embed"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "02i0k29fg0nb4ax0yaw6bnrnb0v0rk2fy7lckd5f5bny557mk1h6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring file-embed herringbone system-fileio + system-filepath template-haskell text + ]; + description = "Embed preprocessed web assets in your executable with Template Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "herringbone-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, herringbone, http-types + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, time, wai, wai-app-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "herringbone-wai"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1kw0n89qqazyap9w315pa6k4smnw1pf8s82grbm8z9d9xyhk980f"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring herringbone http-types system-fileio + system-filepath text time wai wai-app-static + ]; + description = "Wai adapter for the Herringbone web asset preprocessor"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hesql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, haskell-src, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql + , hssqlppp, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hesql"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "1xxmm5b3n8wj548lmf7hp05g7qwy0sq7mkh0g98n7z1iqdmfamwa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath haskell-src HDBC HDBC-postgresql hssqlppp parsec + ]; + description = "Haskell's embedded SQL"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hetero-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hetero-map"; + version = "0.21"; + sha256 = "1fnzj37kya5gqjchm3yq0709ay50n0spb24x5rxkxfbl0yy2nzk7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure heterogeneous maps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hetris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, curses, hscurses, old-time, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hetris"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0sj0grykzb7xq7iz0nj27c4fzhcr9f0yshfcq81xq2wdmg09j8yx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base hscurses old-time random ]; + extraLibraries = [ curses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text Tetris"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { curses = null; }; + + "heukarya" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parallel, random, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "heukarya"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ycfy29crdj8ch07wm77lfpg656vm2vl34mdqvsxfxijdxb23cxg"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq parallel random text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A genetic programming based on tree structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hevolisa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, filepath, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hevolisa"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1ys7xqdrnvwn6z2vgmh49zhfxj73pdmscblqcjk6qrwmpb2xha2s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cairo filepath haskell98 ]; + description = "Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hevolisa-dph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, dph-seq, filepath + , haskell98 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hevolisa-dph"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0jsynxd33r7d5s5vn204z4wdgm4cq6qyjs7afa77p94ni5m2p3kb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo dph-seq filepath haskell98 + ]; + description = "Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell - using Data Parallel Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hex"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1v31xiaivrrn0q2jz8919wvkjplv1kxna5ajhsj701fqxm1i5vhj"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Convert strings into hexadecimal and back"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexdump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexdump"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "012hknn9qhwr3hn3dbyd9s7vvaz4i3bvimmxkb1jyfckw3wjcnhc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library for forming hexdumps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hexif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexif"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1asv5vs694mcifffvm5a4gsplpz7frk3p3zr9lqqv1f172ql9lql"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reading Exif data form a JPEG file with Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, List, text + , transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat"; + version = "0.20.7"; + sha256 = "03r5j54a250f01km6i8qja1h1k512ds2bp7r0yk2jpbbar2y7c08"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq List text transformers + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML parser/formatter based on expat"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpat-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers + , extensible-exceptions, hexpat, iteratee, List, parallel + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat-iteratee"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "10cqgrrqg518lhr9mk6gq48fgc0sjzwiakm2amhqgfflva3q0nqn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers extensible-exceptions hexpat iteratee + List parallel transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chunked XML parsing using iteratees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpat-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, hexpat, hexpat-tagsoup + , lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat-lens"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1k4ixqwpsa4mnywd1fcfrmy2dbcpkna0hg0sxjlfp0qbhy1ik7v7"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring deepseq hexpat hexpat-tagsoup lens + ]; + description = "Lenses for Hexpat"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hexpat-pickle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers + , extensible-exceptions, hexpat, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat-pickle"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1k01s49mz4xxfbw1b7ab0ian2m0d7w5awbwf4jyz5ykgxg11kz9m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers extensible-exceptions hexpat text + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML picklers based on hexpat, source-code-similar to those of the HXT package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpat-pickle-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hexpat, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat-pickle-generic"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "0l0h5n1afkg8zjq28h7aidsskdzf1i5lnz9jlq0hblwa9wamamis"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hexpat text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpat-tagsoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hexpat, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpat-tagsoup"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0481446ba5m0h8lxmp216gzll0wr77mhk6hvm087749fwjj597aj"; + buildDepends = [ base hexpat tagsoup ]; + description = "Parse (possibly malformed) HTML to hexpat tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexpr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-ref, either, mtl, parsec, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexpr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wpmbzxdl63r2p398101ywzfs7b4p4x8ds4zzqbhvhs2r0fsg5wv"; + buildDepends = [ base data-ref either mtl parsec transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for symbolic, homoiconic languages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hexquote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hexquote"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fr0sn2k12yvbbwmldqkmwgg0qk6bfd6811h2dgpq77821y62hq8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers parsec template-haskell + ]; + description = "Hexadecimal ByteString literals, with placeholders that bind variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfann" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doublefann, fann }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfann"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "09pr24riz63irvykn6csbnm28z35ikwzg52ksah1p7zrywmgq9as"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ doublefann ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ fann ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Haskell binding to the FANN library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { doublefann = null; fann = null; }; + + "hfd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskeline, iteratee, MissingH + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, network, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfd"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1n60h76hzkb4avnsl6lybq7ya4p4ghcdlplyml7fqwg7i20cak54"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskeline iteratee MissingH + MonadCatchIO-transformers network transformers + ]; + description = "Flash debugger"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfiar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, eprocess, mtl, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfiar"; + version = "2.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jsq33cdpdd52yriky989vd8wlafi9dq1bxzild7sjw1mql69d71"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base eprocess mtl wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Four in a Row in Haskell!!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hflags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hflags"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "17zzx273kmnwwazmmns78cllz3l7wad1gi7hizgcxi68j04blhd4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers template-haskell text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line flag parser, very similar to Google's gflags"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hfoil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, gloss, haskeline, hmatrix, HTTP + , MissingH, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfoil"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0q52xj7bajs8kn66cg7vfgbxp66nwnfl832csrz3bygi9vhv8kxw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory gloss haskeline hmatrix HTTP MissingH transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-frepl" ]; + description = "Hess-Smith panel code for inviscid 2-d airfoil analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfov" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfov"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "04qwmjxm06akvpakc5imcx0ls9zlsz74s4r9p7xzj0q5fv20z09l"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Field-of-view calculation for low-resolution 2D raster grids"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfractal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-template, gd, GLUT, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfractal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "060qx7wmqhlavamxxyzjyn2ar1cigvfw5ww7c0r70ns54xm0rw5z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base colour containers data-accessor data-accessor-template + gd GLUT OpenGL OpenGLRaw + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL fractal renderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfsevents" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, mtl, text, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfsevents"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0hp9jjj59smfcs51d9zjhyvgdbn46l0rl0jr98wbzg3qya0vwj5k"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal mtl text unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "File/folder watching for OS X"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hfusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src, mtl, pretty, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hfusion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05pisic8s6n2jqymyd2qjifr8kr824v3mflng1a0y4rp8pvbaj7r"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src mtl pretty syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for fusing a subset of Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hg-buildpackage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HSH, hslogger, MissingH, network + , parsec, regex-compat, regex-posix, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hg-buildpackage"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0csibld3wrxi4jp35qqhfm17sw9fd5sca5rs9yd7i7l4jvsmfqhq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory HSH hslogger MissingH network parsec regex-compat + regex-posix unix + ]; + description = "Tools to help manage Debian packages with Mercurial"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hgal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17qw8izy54042g56mp3hdbmqcyk95cdarg58xggniwd85q2l5dpi"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + description = "library for computation automorphism group and canonical labelling of a graph"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hgalib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgalib"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "08a8lmh1rg3d1rmpfhcc2fzyc0kybqhzahx4hrvfrqjw7czcnmrw"; + buildDepends = [ array base haskell98 mtl ]; + description = "Haskell Genetic Algorithm Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hgdbmi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HUnit, parsec, process, stm + , template-haskell, temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgdbmi"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1gfmpk9a909vc8khf40lr32l3srqqrfbcprp28dp6g02id1xmck4"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec process stm unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory HUnit process template-haskell temporary + test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GDB Machine Interface: program-driven control of GDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hgen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hylolib, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgen"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "190zm0lkr2ymq91ka84a3v2lhxjv9yl43abqcyxj6c3cjqym9ib5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hylolib mtl random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Random generation of modal and hybrid logic formulas"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hgeometric" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgeometric"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l460mmbla7354dldil0d7qzba7dp4jhhsna0s27gdd9aad4flsd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A geometric library with bindings to GPC"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hgeometry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgeometry"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04czprwf74cyghi5c0mj5iyxdxc0wln6wxvknfvb7ns739mg2019"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Geometry types in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hgettext" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, process, setlocale, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgettext"; + version = "0.1.30"; + sha256 = "1pgzyd1nqzl7g88pcw7sncija5sd2k4zif9d8qfw96cw6m6kli96"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts process + setlocale uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to libintl.h (gettext, bindtextdomain)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hgithub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, case-insensitive, cmdargs, directory, http-enumerator + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgithub"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "05dxbz9z457b5nl0wsv95pgah9b74agdfwziqf7x79j5q2qqjc2l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring case-insensitive + cmdargs directory http-enumerator text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the GitHub API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hgl-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HGL, HTam, random, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgl-example"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0bigji3i3311wlphxa0g8lkls0i4cn05d2m57fcrdfan8rayjwxr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base HGL HTam random utility-ht ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various animations generated using HGL"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { HTam = null; }; + + "hgom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgom"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0amdfdp1xmh506lgfbb4war2spfb4gqls864q18psmvshcwlpsmv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec wl-pprint + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An haskell port of the java version of gom"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hgopher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hgopher"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j6ybi8f5csa9rpbpy8dc9p6l6vf2qh2zk589a9nqj2phllz7mwf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + description = "Gopher server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hharp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, harp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hharp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n2pi90yr9dmxp5iirp6hm8inliwpl3pnhgx7xnn4zl0z21bjgb5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ harp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to libharp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) harp; }; + + "hi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bytestring, directory + , doctest, filepath, hspec, HUnit, optparse-applicative, parsec + , process, silently, split, template, temporary, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ra83p6jv2wsyqi66vznghj67r4jssvkz1l6cl78dp8w2zz0nz41"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring directory filepath + optparse-applicative parsec process split template temporary text + time + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bytestring directory doctest filepath hspec + HUnit optparse-applicative parsec process silently split template + temporary text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate scaffold for cabal project"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hiccup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskell98, HUnit + , mtl, parsec, random, readline, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hiccup"; + version = "0.40"; + sha256 = "1skzr5ipxz61zrndwifkngw70zdf2yh5f8qpbmfzaq0bscrzdxg5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskell98 HUnit mtl parsec random + readline time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Relatively efficient Tcl interpreter with support for basic operations"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hichi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, mtl, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hichi"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1f5cqqw9zn1nji0k2vp0ln1fdbzv9iwjqiaw9vd77kz9pz7p0kvq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring mtl network ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "haskell robot for IChat protocol"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hidapi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq-generics, udev }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hidapi"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0ql6avpwi2m89rrglj9zk3fyi8vl91xswagqv8h24b2xgm7pw5i0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq-generics ]; + extraLibraries = [ udev ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to HIDAPI"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) udev; }; + + "hieraclus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, multiset }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hieraclus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11fjfmdjzvid0352d346p5xf44bl7dn8bd8pms5pi34xysdyr7pg"; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit mtl multiset ]; + description = "Automated clustering of arbitrary elements in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hierarchical-clustering" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hierarchical-clustering"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "1hm47fccji8dn70477ww7s6846mxrmgr5n056c11dh9azz5jl5x2"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit QuickCheck ]; + description = "Fast algorithms for single, average/UPGMA and complete linkage clustering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hierarchical-clustering-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib + , hierarchical-clustering, hspec, HUnit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hierarchical-clustering-diagrams"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0yq3sh6xn3p1jzp3w33zv1sx7yhv9v2ddcqd27cl3rm6lhph81jc"; + buildDepends = [ base diagrams-lib hierarchical-clustering ]; + testDepends = [ + base diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib hierarchical-clustering hspec + HUnit + ]; + description = "Draw diagrams of dendrograms made by hierarchical-clustering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hierarchical-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hierarchical-exceptions"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1yzhw7kgz5iljm8ndh5kyr18367cl6l120m1gkn5x9hpsh9mlamm"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Template Haskell functions to easily create exception hierarchies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "hiernotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, old-time, stm + , timers-updatable + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hiernotify"; + version = "2011.4.12"; + sha256 = "1imgwi6b0cn9y4y7vgqsyfgsyxjvsl1wkmqmrf51jkfqasnqsqh5"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl old-time stm timers-updatable + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Notification library for a filesystem hierarchy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "highWaterMark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "highWaterMark"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1bwvhrzvrf004lypf0zrx6q6k6fn5qwvlk45vppmnv65v9vq519p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory usage statistics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "higher-leveldb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, data-default, hspec + , leveldb-haskell, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, process + , resourcet, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "higher-leveldb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13bwh9jg7smh8vwgrih79ivi073690l9nn478r5m0w64gbkvdm5p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal data-default leveldb-haskell lifted-base + monad-control mtl resourcet transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal hspec leveldb-haskell lifted-base + monad-control mtl process resourcet transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A rich monadic API for working with leveldb databases"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "higherorder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "higherorder"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "06cqhk9jalyps4v9w6wmpy9jdj3piwsp0wl3fvkzwa5iydlyvisz"; + editedCabalFile = "c587250ea9c4828876f3837e82e5b1543e0dc2cc59bb4ec59ce0d947bae3d459"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Some higher order functions for Bool and []"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "highlight-versions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, Cabal, containers, hackage-db + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "highlight-versions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gizqvn9a36hsvxvq9b76hbwpl3x0fgwba2l105d5ypzig9wss99"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base Cabal containers hackage-db ]; + description = "Highlight package versions which differ from the latest version on Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "highlighter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, filepath, mtl + , pcre-light, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "highlighter"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1x381ngd2gg2ff2rj7dyqmhy1achly2wbssjhsrcm0p6sxqab21x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring filepath mtl pcre-light text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + description = "source code highlighting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "highlighting-kate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, Diff, directory + , filepath, mtl, parsec, process, regex-pcre, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "highlighting-kate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z62wp1a1qlw1l3bkxwq7pd3mi64jl688ib23263bc46zc8z0nkv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers filepath mtl parsec regex-pcre + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers Diff directory filepath process + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pcre-light" "-f-executable" "-fsplitbase" ]; + prePatch = "sed -i -e 's|regex-pcre-builtin >= .*|regex-pcre|' highlighting-kate.cabal"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Syntax highlighting"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hills" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , optparse-applicative, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hills"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fankar6p0m6n1ffis4ww5x9dqdbjh9py63jirbimpdcrzcxcym5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring directory filepath optparse-applicative text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate STL models from SRTM elevation data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "himerge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, glib, gtk, haskell98, mozembed + , old-time, parallel, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "himerge"; + version = "0.20"; + sha256 = "0ivrl5wymqzwcn7vyr3anychlk35003ksxsvr463qz768vbcql00"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory glib gtk haskell98 mozembed old-time parallel + process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Graphical User Interface for Emerge"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { mozembed = null; }; + + "himg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, gtk, HTTP + , http-conduit, network, temporary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "himg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ya9966fn3ss7xxc1cd0izb5js35gwr2r1km881w4455sknl093"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory gtk HTTP http-conduit network temporary + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple gtk2hs image viewer. Point it at an image and fire away."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "himpy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring + , cereal, containers, MissingH, NetSNMP, network, old-time + , protobuf, regex-posix, stm, text, type-level + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "himpy"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0rpgvv9hq8ai6imhsbfw95igfyqnnzdgx9mw6cpd8ch5kb6wfqig"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary bytestring cereal containers MissingH + NetSNMP network old-time protobuf regex-posix stm text type-level + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "multithreaded snmp poller for riemann"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hindent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, directory, haskell-src-exts + , hspec, monad-loops, mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hindent"; + version = "4.1.0"; + sha256 = "0ly9xyc9cpdscwjfgy21l93klz6zk9b5qhv4qqbcscswkj1jx18b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default directory haskell-src-exts monad-loops mtl text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default directory haskell-src-exts hspec monad-loops mtl + text + ]; + description = "Extensible Haskell pretty printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinduce-associations-apriori" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hinduce-missingh + , parallel, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinduce-associations-apriori"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "002ca2mxrmyvg1w5rr1n7ksc89qxqznasq0cw5grfr5h22pxs57z"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hinduce-missingh parallel vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Apriori algorithm for association rule mining"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hinduce-classifier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hinduce-missingh, layout }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinduce-classifier"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cdx916xkpsy2ilsmmdkyqax2gb0cx6sgkydvjbiw7qibd76ylza"; + buildDepends = [ base hinduce-missingh layout ]; + description = "Interface and utilities for classifiers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinduce-classifier-decisiontree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, hinduce-classifier + , hinduce-missingh, layout + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinduce-classifier-decisiontree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hdz4lbbpy2yc5j7chkagjvslsakmv3hbz2s7lpz0isfq7ls9idl"; + buildDepends = [ + base convertible hinduce-classifier hinduce-missingh layout + ]; + description = "Decision Tree Classifiers for hInduce"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinduce-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, convertible, csv + , hinduce-associations-apriori, hinduce-classifier + , hinduce-classifier-decisiontree, hinduce-missingh, layout, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinduce-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17jnrc8iji5byqbd08llwk0mw9yi1dq3biaszqp9jyinf50hcb4w"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers convertible csv hinduce-associations-apriori + hinduce-classifier hinduce-classifier-decisiontree hinduce-missingh + layout vector + ]; + description = "Example data for hInduce"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinduce-missingh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinduce-missingh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1606fz8qhvwqidi798y3mxlmbmwn8yp3a4cl59j4i8s05vgbaj9z"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinotify"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "0i7mxg9ilzcgijda6j3ya5xnpbxa3wm9xswdfif95jim9w82sw0b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to inotify"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinquire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinquire"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1mm0qi1y2qkiknb5s2jbgc3zljda52mi4mmh0fh7z8ck5rnng1x1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bifunctors QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate armet style query strings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hinstaller" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, filepath + , process, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinstaller"; + version = "2008.2.16"; + sha256 = "1ldfqx98w7inpj76xyi0drh2lykfjfq9r34hlbcw7mv4bgxp4l8c"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory filepath process template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Installer wrapper for Haskell applications"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exceptions, extensible-exceptions + , filepath, ghc, ghc-mtl, ghc-paths, HUnit, mtl, random, unix + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hint"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nc545y1v3s1897f3ims7m37wnn288xyz1zb9sxqs6immdxyly0g"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exceptions extensible-exceptions filepath ghc + ghc-mtl ghc-paths mtl random unix utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory exceptions extensible-exceptions filepath HUnit mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hint-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, eprocess, exceptions, hint, monad-loops, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hint-server"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "0iirk76n9j4iwll44gs4spnssv2kkxrw4ypp228gap5h4pyimvx5"; + buildDepends = [ base eprocess exceptions hint monad-loops mtl ]; + description = "A server process that runs hint"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hinvaders" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinvaders"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "01v5szci7kbp3w2jsdcnzv9j3lbcl5bvn9ipcvp3v2xvfjik110h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Space Invaders"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hinze-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, Stream }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hinze-streams"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "137jjwcs3a9n2zybkqqfdy2m1a2ahpdcmficwfmn7ykdz487xcsq"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 Stream ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streams and Unique Fixed Points"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hgeometry, hxt, parsec, split + , text, text-format + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hipe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y8awzmvrvixlba1ndvw5rwm8i38lj1yf4mcfm6h7pmmvpdvr5ah"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hgeometry hxt parsec split text text-format + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for reading and writing ipe7 files ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hips" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, functors, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hips"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0m3ribabhpdkwavhywjpc8iqqa9bbdl19d7g3agm4f402gd3rmvr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory functors mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "an IPS patcher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hircules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, gtk, mtl, network + , old-locale, old-time, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hircules"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1i291m3i3c082nsgg7mx2xx2a0q97kdmyashz26i4varqkwhz7qx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory gtk mtl network old-locale old-time time + utf8-string + ]; + description = "IRC client"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hirt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cmdargs, containers, csv + , hlbfgsb, hmatrix, mwc-random, numeric-extras, random, statistics + , text, text-format, vector, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hirt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0scn4gljgx0ig2fr4rfavk6k3pcychpxlasffd6gp2k1v3sb850v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base cmdargs containers csv hlbfgsb hmatrix mwc-random + numeric-extras random statistics text text-format vector + vector-space + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pl3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Calculates IRT 2PL and 3PL models"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hissmetrics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, http-conduit + , http-types, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hissmetrics"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1rz0yxng4szhmjj1n6d36ljv3388ch8nih09yjrxk4l83zd6hc6d"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit http-conduit http-types text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unofficial API bindings to KISSmetrics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, hist-pl-dawg, hist-pl-fusion, hist-pl-lexicon + , hist-pl-lmf, hist-pl-transliter, morfeusz, pipes, polimorf, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "01c6k3f432yhcvcz7k4w29z7kbvhxlcnh57z1m47qbkymm5b4y7b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring cmdargs containers hist-pl-dawg + hist-pl-fusion hist-pl-lexicon hist-pl-lmf hist-pl-transliter + morfeusz pipes polimorf text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Umbrella package for the historical dictionary of Polish"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-dawg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dawg, text, text-binary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-dawg"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1ghhwabi46dimzfk79nkcnk8s4rlcyvqfcpr8ay7sfy7xns2ahjg"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers dawg text text-binary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic, DAWG-based dictionary"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-fusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dawg, hist-pl-dawg + , hist-pl-lexicon, polimorf, text, text-binary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-fusion"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "0ism9qw3g0x0r40qm6v0gj1b2fj5zdnfik7b4h0b0dqyi08m6sq3"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dawg hist-pl-dawg hist-pl-lexicon polimorf + text text-binary + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Merging historical dictionary with PoliMorf"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-lexicon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dawg, directory + , filepath, hist-pl-dawg, hist-pl-types, pipes, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-lexicon"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1baq1a5l44q56msp2y2m9hyd5v841jkxm0cdlgi816fmc0768cqk"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dawg directory filepath hist-pl-dawg + hist-pl-types pipes text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binary representation of the historical dictionary of Polish"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-lmf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hist-pl-types, polysoup, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-lmf"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "146vz15fig8k1wcvcw7fg64abxvg1nyarvhigz9jkzf5yngkzwvm"; + buildDepends = [ base hist-pl-types polysoup text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LMF parsing for the historical dictionary of Polish"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-transliter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-transliter"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "146ywyh67a0hasgcpfmffrj8w1kg6anksaa3mm9f80k83shqhvrb"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple EDSL for transliteration rules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hist-pl-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, text, text-binary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hist-pl-types"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0i13aj1xcwap0k3w48vyiiganbvj93zydawmw3gw7m0kr6nl5l9v"; + buildDepends = [ base binary text text-binary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Types in the historical dictionary of Polish"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "histogram-fill" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, monad-primitive, primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "histogram-fill"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k9qfrjf7zdxx8iw9yqy6lvn2p3c2mpzfbbx713rripf6y531m3g"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq monad-primitive primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for histograms creation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "histogram-fill-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, histogram-fill, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "histogram-fill-binary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bv70h1q8h50x3sr8ia6855vw0rrbvnzlnnh45k4i1dfadj6zsi2"; + buildDepends = [ base binary histogram-fill vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary instances for histogram-fill package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "histogram-fill-cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, histogram-fill, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "histogram-fill-cereal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17bnn6cb64333ak0qh841192jh2zwxg73rbc3zh5agp00wi23ism"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal histogram-fill vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for histograms creation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "historian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, process + , regex-compat, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "historian"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1lgajnq092jk4izy86qcw71ghxz6b8mprm4ha3ybrm5i2rlh12r6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath process regex-compat regex-posix + ]; + description = "Extract the interesting bits from shell history"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytedump, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, hourglass, HUnit, mtl, parsec, patience, QuickCheck + , random, system-fileio, system-filepath, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, unix-compat, vector, zlib + , zlib-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hit"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "07lfjbn48v8ykkyj15diy4a9kpgzc93gv0l1rdfcacl3f26a97hs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers cryptohash hourglass mtl + parsec patience random system-fileio system-filepath unix-compat + vector zlib zlib-bindings + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytedump bytestring hourglass HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Git operations in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hjpath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hjson, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hjpath"; + version = "3.0.1"; + sha256 = "0wmzxwi24q7r0yxnalzqnn3k0bzf7wc4ql26dv94pvzir156kahj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hjson parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XPath-like syntax for querying JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hjs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , mtl, parsec, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hjs"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0gk4misxbkc2x8hh7ynrj1ma91fs0h6q702w6r0kjq136fh48zhi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory mtl parsec regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JavaScript Parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hjsmin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , HUnit, language-javascript, optparse-applicative, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hjsmin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gw9is6piqrqxnrwp8v3vij90icmym58rxqnnklrcjfi3ai7y58f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers language-javascript + optparse-applicative text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring Cabal containers HUnit + language-javascript QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hjson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hjson"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "1r59g5ypqjsldflsddg7pzpa6j8jps5nwm4h9cwiw7qk734rjik8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + description = "JSON parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hjson-query" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hjson }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hjson-query"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0sj86rm5pz0q9079f5kjnpz51dxvvq72waaf8h64jzrrhkpz8mlx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hjson ]; + description = "library for querying from JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlatex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers, derive + , directory, filepath, frquotes, mtl, process, template-haskell + , transformers, uniplate, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlatex"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "03v8law4yfm63f44zyiqngjmpismk8clqisq4sl4gcp1yc1hn704"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers derive directory filepath + frquotes mtl process template-haskell transformers uniplate + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build_doc" ]; + description = "A library to build valid LaTeX files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlbfgsb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gfortran, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlbfgsb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nar59rbi5zr6gi2k0f49f09fnxcmshnq9bb2dh973a4y3gcw6dx"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit vector + ]; + buildTools = [ gfortran ]; + extraLibraries = [ gfortran ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to L-BFGS-B version 3.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlcm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-csv + , containers, haskell98, parallel + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlcm"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "14yqc02kfp2c9i22inma29cprqz9k8yx6c7m90kwimv4psv8766a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-csv containers haskell98 parallel + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast algorithm for mining closed frequent itemsets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hledger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, csv, directory + , filepath, haskeline, hledger-lib, HUnit, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, parsec, pretty-show, process, regex-tdfa, regexpr, safe + , shakespeare, shakespeare-text, split, tabular, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, time, transformers, utf8-string + , wizards + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger"; + version = "0.24"; + sha256 = "1f32lg12i9s075xfbl3f5vhanjg8ms5ilw0hgpbsfh8g9nvlvffc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers csv directory filepath haskeline + hledger-lib HUnit mtl old-locale old-time parsec pretty-show + process regex-tdfa regexpr safe shakespeare shakespeare-text split + tabular text time utf8-string wizards + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers csv directory filepath haskeline + hledger-lib HUnit mtl old-locale old-time parsec pretty-show + process regex-tdfa regexpr safe shakespeare shakespeare-text split + tabular test-framework test-framework-hunit text time transformers + wizards + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The main command-line interface for the hledger accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hledger-chart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, cmdargs, colour, containers, hledger + , hledger-lib, HUnit, safe, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-chart"; + version = "0.16.1"; + sha256 = "1yk563032ir98gqdvxazjjl1alg6q1pflzawh11pr3zrdnriracn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Chart cmdargs colour containers hledger hledger-lib HUnit safe + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pie chart image generator for the hledger accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hledger-diff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hledger-lib, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-diff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "170snnncr8wgl8z0j7z6lq4cm748v0sch2i516xx08i260ra0zpp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hledger-lib time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compares the transactions in two ledger files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hledger-interest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hledger-lib, mtl, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-interest"; + version = "1.4.3"; + sha256 = "1nj50zi4p6rs0nl4656rr0vkbh7kdi49z1l53nypfqs3rmjgicsn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal hledger-lib mtl time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "computes interest for a given account"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hledger-irr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hledger-lib, statistics, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-irr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nqd8br86d71dpwq7p8956q74pgqdimid42xikp9zvf632x2s8ax"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal hledger-lib statistics time ]; + description = "computes the internal rate of return of an investment"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hledger-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blaze-markup, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, csv, Decimal, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, pretty-show, regex-tdfa, regexpr + , safe, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + , transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-lib"; + version = "0.24"; + sha256 = "1r0qlah45z1p180d245fyji8xnxv9ipgg9m1dr56s4xaw910f6ns"; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-markup bytestring cmdargs containers csv Decimal + directory filepath HUnit mtl old-locale old-time parsec pretty-show + regex-tdfa regexpr safe split time transformers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base blaze-markup cmdargs containers csv Decimal directory + filepath HUnit mtl old-locale old-time parsec pretty-show + regex-tdfa regexpr safe split test-framework test-framework-hunit + time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-double" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Core data types, parsers and utilities for the hledger accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hledger-vty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, hledger, hledger-lib, HUnit, safe + , time, vty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-vty"; + version = "0.16.1"; + sha256 = "10aq9apxz6nrzvvynha0wkhy34dn8dybizr8assni6rns8ylh188"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs hledger hledger-lib HUnit safe time vty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A curses-style console interface for the hledger accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hledger-web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , clientsession, cmdargs, conduit-extra, data-default, directory + , filepath, hjsmin, hledger, hledger-lib, hspec, http-client + , http-conduit, HUnit, json, network-conduit, old-locale, parsec + , regexpr, safe, shakespeare, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, wai, wai-extra, wai-handler-launch, warp, yaml + , yesod, yesod-core, yesod-static, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hledger-web"; + version = "0.24"; + sha256 = "0dwqrq31yf0kw3rk06f1ny2670w2qw83bvvqwp87g4xky5v69xpi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring clientsession cmdargs + conduit-extra data-default directory filepath hjsmin hledger + hledger-lib http-client http-conduit HUnit json network-conduit + old-locale parsec regexpr safe shakespeare template-haskell text + time transformers wai wai-extra wai-handler-launch warp yaml yesod + yesod-core yesod-static + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec yesod yesod-test ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-library-only" "-f-dev" "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A web interface for the hledger accounting tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hlibev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ev, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlibev"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0416w0k5ahnj57gc6n15ihpsyznmm36s1sjkycl35l7s8bxdldyw"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + extraLibraries = [ ev ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI interface to libev"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ev = null; }; + + "hlibfam" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fam }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlibfam"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "10rxwfq2ppmqs3kjb8cq6l04g0qsxqy7w7ri7dj013kiz7rzk1yd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ fam ]; + description = "FFI interface to libFAM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlibgit2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, git, openssl, process, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlibgit2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bslg51kkhnwm48kxaad4izq3xmzv6dpqy10a5kh16vr5zy3w5hz"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL zlib ]; + testDepends = [ base git process ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + description = "Low-level bindings to libgit2"; + license =; + }) { git = null; }; + + "hlint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, cmdargs, containers, cpphs + , directory, extra, filepath, haskell-src-exts, hscolour, process + , transformers, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlint"; + version = "1.9.15"; + sha256 = "0fn01rhymj9hy7pglrjkgs4cz8xsllmc2zdnjrb6n6k27644irdw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base cmdargs containers cpphs directory extra + filepath haskell-src-exts hscolour process transformers uniplate + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgpl" "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Source code suggestions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlogger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlogger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q3jsnxy7x0lv7wqfv9hlqnr22661k4agbb8yjbhj32fxyjqrn4f"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, concurrent, extendable and easy-to-use logging library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hlongurl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, json, regex-base + , regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hlongurl"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1njj7cvj9zjy0gghkr33bzwsv6lj27xvf56kicsr0pyyn76wplv5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring curl json regex-base regex-posix + ]; + description = "Library and utility interfacing to"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hcg-minus, hps }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hls"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0h32fyvnqkxx8c9vfpdjvnqaxkvr8b15myjavxmnm6kwh7v2796l"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hcg-minus hps ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Lindenmayer Systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hmt, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hly"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "192szfq39g3fdcdsxj4bsi13bfha8gjbqbixav3iywmdsgxp1hj8"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hmt process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell LilyPond"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, random, safe + , tokyocabinet-haskell, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmark"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0wk69qy1zq5wdmiw7pjrglcypqfm79fzl9yay67s0mvl2k5l0ms4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring random safe tokyocabinet-haskell utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool and library for Markov chains based text generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmarkup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, network, parsec, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmarkup"; + version = "3000.0.1"; + sha256 = "0p6f1jd1b01dvzffiac17f8z0l403f54vrph8k9b3549lpjfh452"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl network parsec xhtml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Simple wikitext-like markup format implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, blas, bytestring, deepseq + , liblapack, random, split, storable-complex, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mv4ndz0ydrc6d1cngi03av59h1r8cvby3k1hp7hpyd6vjlwshz5"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring deepseq random split storable-complex + vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ blas liblapack ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-openblas" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Numeric Linear Algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) blas; }; + + "hmatrix-banded" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, lapack, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-banded"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "05jgm3hnlylnfhavcicjbhbxq929whm6mapggfwbxkzajhh0paaj"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ lapack ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HMatrix interface to LAPACK functions for banded matrices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { lapack = null; }; + + "hmatrix-csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, hmatrix, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-csv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07v9cwqfvvirsis0wmh9zbms6b5023khxf2jb561899cvqaw9f17"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cassava hmatrix vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CSV encoding and decoding for hmatrix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-glpk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glpk, hmatrix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-glpk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ixsybmhm3fiwb3kgxm0bgnbbxkgv0k42k8phd7k78mhhsd5jmng"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix ]; + extraLibraries = [ glpk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear Programming based on GLPK"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-gsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, gsl, hmatrix, process, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-gsl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l865v2vpjl7f5741z58m9gw1ksskgzfm5gzp9pxiqazsgb2h5ym"; + buildDepends = [ array base hmatrix process random vector ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gsl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Numerical computation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-gsl-stats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, hmatrix, storable-complex }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-gsl-stats"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1xwl2qgji2ib0gml9hqljzwd4wrqfjpvnzm3iq2g7kcwwfg1q0dm"; + buildDepends = [ base binary hmatrix storable-complex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mkl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GSL Statistics interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-mmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, mmap }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-mmap"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "03z1f1xqw4hqh41q6hh8p103cl7dg9hqcawqlinapfmkvw5mzy8d"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix mmap ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory map Vector from disk into memory efficiently"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-nipals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-nipals"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0afmpwfi4hqz5bpcsm579mcvz1dx7vxqmqj2rb6axnw9512xyarj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "NIPALS method for Principal Components Analysis on large data-sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-quadprogpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, QuadProgpp, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-quadprogpp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r03svlxzk4r4fw5brrixjf3dlfdvr2b7f80075ynm9ajzzpfirr"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ QuadProgpp ]; + description = "Bindings to the QuadProg++ quadratic programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { QuadProgpp = null; }; + + "hmatrix-repa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, repa, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-repa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xx02kll13c2zw5x13p9746av2yhgpybfxi508qgi84drfa8caa8"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix repa vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Adaptors for interoperability between hmatrix and repa"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-special" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gsl, hmatrix, hmatrix-gsl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-special"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ziqzbfrk7xyah5n0cys1ccnmj2z91wxdamanv3y5v717zhdrqix"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix hmatrix-gsl ]; + extraLibraries = [ gsl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-safe-cheap" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to GSL special functions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskell-src-meta, hmatrix, parsec + , template-haskell, tfp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qjxj8k4cracinyyjpk0nr3c5n119v39kpxig78c11cjhvhm3zgi"; + buildDepends = [ + array base haskell-src-meta hmatrix parsec template-haskell tfp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hmatrix with vector and matrix sizes encoded in types"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-svdlibc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-svdlibc"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0mi41n31i4bjnqjnsmqs4mbrprg3sx4vx4wqixgyp3qk0jm6lijm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SVDLIBC bindings for HMatrix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, hmatrix + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-syntax"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qy5dx480hf9i03d16kylg2l8dsj10lzwfbik5ijqa4x3h7h038b"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta hmatrix template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MATLAB-like syntax for hmatrix vectors and matrices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hmatrix-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, hmatrix-gsl, HUnit, QuickCheck + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmatrix-tests"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jrq9719japf9a7v14xbwqj4fs8y14wkji13jhyn00x1xpp4nkh3"; + buildDepends = [ + base hmatrix hmatrix-gsl HUnit QuickCheck random + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgsl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests for hmatrix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmeap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , delimited-text, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmeap"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "19hip2xzlsgj1fd8y4l4zhn4lcj8n8qyrayn6idzvlskx4vca0bh"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-lexing delimited-text parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Meapsoft Parser"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmeap-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , delimited-text, gnuplot, hmatrix, hmeap, hosc, hsc3, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmeap-utils"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1dnmvzy7vkx2rfbkkqapfpql8h0gm9sq0333r90hy5nsyl9hhbq8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-lexing delimited-text gnuplot + hmatrix hmeap hosc hsc3 parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Meapsoft Parser Utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmemdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, monad-stm, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmemdb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zdz9nkianzviy0rn7fvzs01ymnz89p25kiis64rfvj3zwxk535w"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers monad-stm stm transformers + ]; + description = "In-memory relational database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmidi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmidi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "143w042krxayn2xbn3ag3mkfd9j4075adrjqs651hh3mbr8s9725"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nonoteoff" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the OS level MIDI services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , mtl, parsec, pcre-light, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08cq1lk1nkhkcjjjvkzy4xrr0gx6j2lpsv2vmj25kg6j9j33ilxh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath mtl parsec pcre-light + process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A make alternative based on Plan9's mk"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, data-memocombinators, list-extras + , logfloat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08gdicnhls8y180il2k51zrcra1acw8m1qw0s2nz5w57mhfnxq31"; + buildDepends = [ + array base data-memocombinators list-extras logfloat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A hidden markov model library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmp3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , curses, directory, mersenne-random, old-time, pcre-light, process + , unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmp3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kfqzydilajcpaazpbhmpv3h18n3lx839wxmcbjlzvjc78ajblb3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory mersenne-random + old-time pcre-light process unix zlib + ]; + extraLibraries = [ curses ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An ncurses mp3 player written in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { curses = null; }; + + "hmpfr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, integer-gmp, mpfr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmpfr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00gqrmfwg7hk21iyfbma8h4ahpxgj21wi9fcxjdms506ahk7rwf4"; + buildDepends = [ base integer-gmp ]; + extraLibraries = [ mpfr ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use-integer-simple" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to the MPFR library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hmt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, colour, containers + , data-ordlist, directory, filepath, lazy-csv, logict + , multiset-comb, parsec, permutation, primes, safe, split + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmt"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "051kgsh9nl5f1nw8a24x7ds18g6ppzbhk3d9lf74nvvnccnzg3a9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring colour containers data-ordlist directory + filepath lazy-csv logict multiset-comb parsec permutation primes + safe split utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Music Theory"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmt-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, colour, filepath, hcg-minus + , hcg-minus-cairo, hmt, html-minimalist, process, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmt-diagrams"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1g64b31bz31x0kiivazn20s22y2w7dz9f2gw5cnfkcnjd20k7glm"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo colour filepath hcg-minus hcg-minus-cairo hmt + html-minimalist process xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Music Theory Diagrams"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hmumps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskeline, mtl, parsec + , QuickCheck, regex-compat, syb, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hmumps"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06bixsd7vzfj0gwv0b2880p4xx3f9j7y1snindlnlcfr1qdp9jn2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskeline mtl parsec QuickCheck regex-compat syb + text + ]; + description = "Interpreter for the MUMPS langugae"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hnetcdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, directory, either, errors + , filepath, hmatrix, HUnit, netcdf, QuickCheck, repa + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hnetcdf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v1z6xvzmnhsvmxvncrf6bb2bf2map0kqwjn1myqm3pf1zpiqrxj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers either errors filepath hmatrix repa transformers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory errors hmatrix HUnit netcdf QuickCheck + repa test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ netcdf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell NetCDF library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { netcdf = null; }; + + "hnn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, hmatrix, mwc-random + , random, vector, vector-binary-instances, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hnn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13i2rs1ab7kh2mzf34hckkihpbrxpxzwfcdd529zd7dynhd3psjw"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring hmatrix mwc-random random vector + vector-binary-instances zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A reasonably fast and simple neural network library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hnop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hnop"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0sfw9gmcn7qclgsgzqm9zalyxhz0mig91fabcfq3g0r98krgjnr2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.unfree; + }) {}; + + "hoauth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, crypto-pubkey-types + , curl, dataenc, entropy, mtl, old-locale, random, RSA, SHA, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoauth"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "06vk3dv2dby7wadxg4qq2bzy10hl8ix2x4vpxggwd13xy3kpzjqp"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring crypto-pubkey-types curl dataenc entropy mtl + old-locale random RSA SHA time utf8-string + ]; + description = "A Haskell implementation of OAuth 1.0a protocol."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoauth2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, bytestring-show + , http-conduit, http-types, monad-control, mtl, random, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoauth2"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1qmhk9h3rwp29dsjqbgsma4zgzdd6cw1jcryzd17rk32biiiylvg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring bytestring-show http-conduit http-types + monad-control mtl random text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hoauth2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hob" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , glib, gtk-largeTreeStore, gtk3, gtksourceview3, hspec, mtl, pango + , system-filepath, text, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hob"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m2sxbw5il818g50b0650cm5vrb7njclk09m0na6i3amx3q10xjc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath glib + gtk-largeTreeStore gtk3 gtksourceview3 mtl pango system-filepath + text transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers gtk3 gtksourceview3 hspec mtl text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A source code editor aiming for the convenience of use"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hobbes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filemanip, filepath, fsnotify + , system-filepath, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hobbes"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1pri63d59q918jv1hdp2ib06m6lzw9a2b6bjyn86b2qrrx2512xd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filemanip filepath fsnotify system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small file watcher for OSX"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hobbits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta + , mtl, syb, tagged, template-haskell, th-expand-syns, transformers + , type-equality + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hobbits"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0q668jvlpqs7y3l27fk9m96aa8rzhdkz8jf0whifdb2gahlhx9hs"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta mtl syb tagged + template-haskell th-expand-syns transformers type-equality + ]; + description = "A library for canonically representing terms with binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, hint, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoe"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "089iwvgz50mhdch1anag66g0wqya0sm5jhp2h32dfsi0hlrp34f7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs hint mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell One-liner Evaluator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hofix-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, star-to-star, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hofix-mtl"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1xlsddrdv56n7ww7a377jwz43xkkckl5zygghwxs9k88wxzskvvd"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl star-to-star template-haskell ]; + description = "defining @mtl@-ready monads as * -> * fixed-points"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, filepath, irc, network, old-locale + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hog"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0mmp7ymmzvhpwmwjjnin9493a81vijai7hcyqwv9wrfhdjnykb1d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs filepath irc network old-locale time unix + ]; + description = "Simple IRC logger bot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hogg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit, mtl + , old-locale, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hogg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0djgbgahhrfdpxknqfjqkqwzy7ra3d7mnxyv6n76kpldalhihklw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers HUnit mtl old-locale random time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-http" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and tools to manipulate the Ogg container format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hogre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgen, cgen-hs, grgen, OGRE, OgreMain }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hogre"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0ndgnflcj885ylxf8q8l71cykrpm4j6svzqxlpdynf054safq174"; + buildDepends = [ base cgen ]; + buildTools = [ cgen cgen-hs grgen ]; + extraLibraries = [ OgreMain ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ OGRE ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to a subset of OGRE"; + license =; + }) { OGRE = null; OgreMain = null; cgen-hs = null; grgen = null; }; + + "hogre-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hogre, OgreMain }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hogre-examples"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "10zq4qch5bs0aawvs0zg3yyz41lykg1jrna5jqxlrvbq0wfz2s5g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hogre ]; + extraLibraries = [ OgreMain ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for using Hogre"; + license =; + }) { OgreMain = null; }; + + "hois" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OIS, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hois"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0awb7dfa77y7n88ljkcdxs63g37qyc5xkr0j7lqwzx23q83a5c4k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ OIS ]; + description = "OIS bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { OIS = null; }; + + "hoist-error" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoist-error"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1485adrlm52jm5afcwa7qnfy4b1679nqjhhlsjp264wqmm0h9l0z"; + editedCabalFile = "900b08c7b95c9490dfc65334b32c1fdcb4a578e458f47dbfa58108c433fe7a8a"; + buildDepends = [ base either mtl ]; + description = "Some convenience facilities for hoisting errors into a monad"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hold-em" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hold-em"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j2ql6izsd85skd6l9j1qfg7pj5rf513096s9bkvqip9bb4ibr4r"; + buildDepends = [ base random safe ]; + description = "An engine for Texas hold'em Poker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hole" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hole"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05ba87wk9b5i5b4gsfvsj16rv91dqsmzyys6b5fkssrxh2ika36c"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Higher kinded type removal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "holey-format" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "holey-format"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "13f6f647ykssqgdqw4fp7gnr2ardxbcn41ksgs15v5dx1n1xvan1"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "holy-project" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, Cabal + , directory, filepath, hastache, http-conduit, HUnit, lens + , lens-aeson, process, QuickCheck, random, smallcheck, split, syb + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck, text + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "holy-project"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vb4mlz6gb01aadm2b8kgvgnrwwvl6q4ndx6xldi0xi3rm22xkwj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal base bytestring Cabal directory filepath + hastache http-conduit HUnit lens lens-aeson process QuickCheck + random smallcheck split syb tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + tasty-smallcheck text time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal HUnit QuickCheck smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Start your Haskell project with cabal, git and tests"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "homeomorphic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "homeomorphic"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1wm15bdz02sjgpz2n266xd50q3p6mncnv8mhimky6ps1kmzb5r6c"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Homeomorphic Embedding Test"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hommage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, haskell98, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hommage"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "053zv30ghm7c9idb6za44zasnn88g85z4bzbdpfpixlkvcm4sbck"; + buildDepends = [ array base directory haskell98 random time ]; + description = "Haskell Offline Music Manipulation And Generation EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hommage-ds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, DirectSound, haskell98, hommage }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hommage-ds"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0gnwpzs6kwhf2wm0nqcgwqa1pp7xwbnqh337pr62w40i76g252v4"; + buildDepends = [ array base DirectSound haskell98 hommage ]; + homepage = "substitut-fuer-feinmotorik/projects/haskellommage"; + description = "DirectSound extension (Windows) for the Hommage sound library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "honi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, freenect, hspec, HUnit, OpenNI2 + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "honi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g1w1i78a93d10zgdy9ixkflblx9xixa493hh2cc8jzznqsp5yfi"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ base freenect hspec HUnit OpenNI2 ]; + extraLibraries = [ freenect OpenNI2 ]; + description = "OpenNI 2 binding"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) freenect; + OpenNI2 = null; }; + + "honk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "honk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0aql3rqhx7jj1k0csx5rhb5kqsf1r28rvr7rl9axzkc9imz53wvx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross-platform interface to the PC speaker"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hoobuddy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory + , filepath, hoogle, monad-loops, process, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoobuddy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yqlcyydms9946qpl3db4nqdmh9h6f075bz71j0c148x2vkcwjga"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal directory filepath hoogle monad-loops + process yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tool for fetching and merging hoogle data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hood" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hood"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16p6jr9mkd1qv725655awcx623samrkcswlpml0kvhbm1i5kfmcn"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Debugging by observing in place"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hood-off" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hood-off"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "15rj6qfyhihzc5svl3dwkn387x7bbkl5am7h0kj5jjj8hv2q1pnc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Dummy package to disable Hood without having to remove all the calls to observe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoodie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, astar, base, containers, hfov, monad-loops + , mtl, ncurses, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q3wpsqz833vypqnd7ljiraiyn1klxid35mh5vyizldk3i0qqf6w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array astar base containers hfov monad-loops mtl ncurses random + ]; + description = "A small, toy roguelike"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, configurator, containers, directory + , dyre, filepath, hoodle-core, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "01wz7bwdr3i43ikaiaq8vpn6b0clxjnjyaw6nl6zaq489dhj6fv5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator containers directory dyre filepath + hoodle-core mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Executable for hoodle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, double-conversion + , hoodle-types, lens, strict, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-builder"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0mj58g7kfr5hpqv6idjb24d3gdh25z5x2ym62c6ckm5g3f4x3jm9"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring double-conversion hoodle-types lens + strict text + ]; + description = "text builder for hoodle file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, array, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring, cairo, cereal + , configurator, containers, coroutine-object, dbus, Diff, directory + , dyre, either, errors, filepath, fsnotify, gd, gtk, hoodle-builder + , hoodle-parser, hoodle-render, hoodle-types, lens, libX11, libXi + , monad-loops, mtl, network, network-info, network-simple + , old-locale, pango, poppler, process, pureMD5, stm, strict + , svgcairo, system-filepath, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, transformers-free, unordered-containers, uuid + , vector, xournal-parser + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-core"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1njkjxcbnwh9b7mg0xcqkc0clfz64n5h9jqf3323npyw8bhw34b8"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary + bytestring cairo cereal configurator containers coroutine-object + dbus Diff directory dyre either errors filepath fsnotify gd gtk + hoodle-builder hoodle-parser hoodle-render hoodle-types lens + monad-loops mtl network network-info network-simple old-locale + pango poppler process pureMD5 stm strict svgcairo system-filepath + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-free + unordered-containers uuid vector xournal-parser + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 libXi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Core library for hoodle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, conduit + , containers, directory, either, filepath, hoodle-parser + , hoodle-types, http-conduit, lens, monad-loops, mtl + , network-simple, process, pureMD5, resourcet, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, xournal-parser + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-extra"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1mqx4qia457n8v4pdyd8mc8h7ybzx5asxm2d4p9ws5g2q4ybmshy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary + bytestring cmdargs conduit containers directory either filepath + hoodle-parser hoodle-types http-conduit lens monad-loops mtl + network-simple process pureMD5 resourcet text time transformers + unordered-containers xournal-parser + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "extra hoodle tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, either + , hoodle-types, lens, mtl, strict, text, transformers + , xournal-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-parser"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1ihpmkhjzsf8w4ygljx2agx31xblc0ch4y8m9pwj7rnnjj1sw15i"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers either hoodle-types lens mtl + strict text transformers xournal-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hoodle file parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-publish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cairo, cmdargs + , containers, coroutine-object, directory, directory-tree, filepath + , gtk, hoodle-parser, hoodle-render, hoodle-types, HTTP, io-streams + , lens, mtl, network, pdf-toolbox-core, pdf-toolbox-document + , poppler, process, transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-publish"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "13753yhv9vlpbjjigciqingjxwm4vhv8lmam8qyqykrmd33ygj31"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cairo cmdargs containers + coroutine-object directory directory-tree filepath gtk + hoodle-parser hoodle-render hoodle-types HTTP io-streams lens mtl + network pdf-toolbox-core pdf-toolbox-document poppler process + transformers uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "publish hoodle files as a static web site"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-render" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cairo + , containers, directory, filepath, gd, gtk, hoodle-types, lens + , monad-loops, mtl, poppler, stm, strict, svgcairo, transformers + , unix, unordered-containers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-render"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "06ds0fzw11a10m927y2jvmgbsjy7cxdpppb6ifxkg173csp92a2d"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cairo containers directory + filepath gd gtk hoodle-types lens monad-loops mtl poppler stm + strict svgcairo transformers unix unordered-containers uuid + ]; + description = "Hoodle file renderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hoodle-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, lens, mtl + , strict, text, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoodle-types"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0n9plj6hhsc5482pl7sw4gw7py8r6cn0cl7hg35g2qxdxnzapifm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers lens mtl strict text uuid + ]; + description = "Data types for programs for hoodle file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoogle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, Cabal, case-insensitive, cmdargs, conduit, containers + , deepseq, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, http-types + , old-locale, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random, resourcet, safe + , shake, tagsoup, temporary, text, time, transformers, uniplate + , unix, vector, vector-algorithms, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoogle"; + version = "4.2.36"; + sha256 = "1h65pl0jfki2pcrywak9mh3hfi3wziffhb2q0xp6r4v01536zifv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base binary blaze-builder bytestring Cabal + case-insensitive cmdargs conduit containers deepseq directory + filepath haskell-src-exts http-types old-locale parsec process + QuickCheck random resourcet safe shake tagsoup text time + transformers uniplate unix vector vector-algorithms wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath process temporary ]; + testTarget = "--test-option=--no-net"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell API Search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoogle-index" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , errors, filepath, hoogle, optparse-applicative, process + , temporary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoogle-index"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1dl92i2hrgs47lvkc5kg0hww6h6s94z9ml8fil8g0rcg9jm1643c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory errors filepath hoogle + optparse-applicative process temporary transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easily generate Hoogle indices for installed packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hooks-dir" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hooks-dir"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gwdqpml8kn8xxxaq628d4way29k2f31f5av49fx7qj150h5qs5b"; + buildDepends = [ base directory process text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "run executables in a directory as hooks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoopl_3_10_0_2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoopl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11j7xd82zx7ja08lsnnkfq39yzqc2wbgdxgnwsviml58bkp495yj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hoovie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, configurator + , directory, enumerator, file-embed, filepath, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3 + , mtl, network, network-info, network-multicast, old-locale + , old-time, process, regex-compat, snap-core, snap-server, text + , time, transformers, unix, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoovie"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1g486kj7pwfvdr0a0mpfjxv9hifrkbp7120hxcfyrhx2zjmmc449"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring configurator directory enumerator + file-embed filepath HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 mtl network network-info + network-multicast old-locale old-time process regex-compat + snap-core snap-server text time transformers unix xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Media Server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hopencc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, opencc, QuickCheck + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopencc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ygldh3r09qzpws28mnmhm3ai7h162gsafdc7nwl2f10kjnpjhyw"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ opencc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to libopencc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { opencc = null; }; + + "hopencl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, HUnit, OpenCL, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopencl"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1kdrjr1y5wfq8bb31bkh360pvgb7ryhn9awnqszbq5d4wdwplqk8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ OpenCL ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for OpenCL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) OpenCL; }; + + "hopenpgp-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, alex, ansi-wl-pprint, array, attoparsec + , base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, cereal, cereal-conduit + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, crypto-pubkey, cryptohash + , directory, errors, fgl, graphviz, happy, hOpenPGP, ixset, lens + , monad-loops, old-locale, openpgp-asciiarmor, optparse-applicative + , resourcet, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopenpgp-tools"; + version = "0.13"; + sha256 = "07w46jcdx573p4jii6xvgz1y8xm4iab89jg8jh0645pja5zv8nsz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-wl-pprint array attoparsec base base16-bytestring + bytestring cereal cereal-conduit conduit conduit-extra containers + crypto-pubkey cryptohash directory errors fgl graphviz hOpenPGP + ixset lens monad-loops old-locale openpgp-asciiarmor + optparse-applicative resourcet text time transformers + unordered-containers yaml + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hOpenPGP-based command-line tools"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hopenssl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, openssl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopenssl"; + version = "1.7"; + sha256 = "1zs69kxwz5fnm62mdscbpfz78vwnda75gyx1vxmmlisfhfslprly"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to OpenSSL's EVP digest interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hopfield" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, deepseq, directory, erf + , exact-combinatorics, hmatrix, hspec, HUnit, JuicyPixels + , MagickCore, MagickWand, monad-loops, MonadRandom + , optparse-applicative, parallel, probability, QuickCheck, random + , random-fu, rvar, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopfield"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cpr3540fdrqr39p6xhb64iz2fz8mzryd19515c55522s7xjk1zw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base deepseq directory erf exact-combinatorics hmatrix + JuicyPixels monad-loops MonadRandom optparse-applicative parallel + probability QuickCheck random random-fu rvar split vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base erf exact-combinatorics hspec HUnit MonadRandom parallel + QuickCheck random vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ MagickCore MagickWand ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Machines and Clusters"; + license =; + }) { MagickCore = null; MagickWand = null; }; + + "hopfield-networks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, matrix, MonadRandom, QuickCheck, split + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopfield-networks"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d3jcjk6s7raack7rvm1jzyh2fvaha6xy7k97fmq4cx22fzb48sd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base matrix MonadRandom QuickCheck split vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base matrix MonadRandom QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hopfield Networks for unsupervised learning in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hopfli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, QuickCheck, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hopfli"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rx5kvacnzm3qmc0z8n9fhrcrac059akzh9ccq0qswl7w9m4iby3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring zlib ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "zlib compatible compression using Zopfli Compression Algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "hoq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bifunctors, bytestring + , filepath, happy, mtl, pretty, readline, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hoq"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0h9cq1qzai1kbzc77bjlm0dbkrasfj0d21ydrh86kv9jd6gr7gb7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bifunctors bytestring filepath mtl pretty readline void + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A language based on homotopy type theory with an interval type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "hosc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring + , data-binary-ieee754, network, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hosc"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1yp25n159p69r32y3x7iwc55l5q9qaamj2vyl1473x8ras5afdcf"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary blaze-builder bytestring data-binary-ieee754 network + time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Open Sound Control"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hosc-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bifunctors, bytestring + , hosc, json, text, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hosc-json"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0sask4nr5njf9grzigldflrbp7460z55fsam1pc3wcnsa575hxhi"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bifunctors bytestring hosc json text + unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Open Sound Control JSON Serialisation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hosc-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, haskeline, hosc, hosc-json + , hsc3, json, text, transformers, utf8-string, websockets + , www-minus + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hosc-utils"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0zk59ig52vqym4n47yl9jgv21gszcwwbc0qc9ff0080allp6ddml"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi haskeline hosc hosc-json hsc3 json text + transformers utf8-string websockets www-minus + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Open Sound Control Utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { www-minus = null; }; + + "hostname" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hostname"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0p6gm4328946qxc295zb6vhwhf07l1fma82vd0siylnsnsqxlhwv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hostname-validate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hostname-validate"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0my8g4kqf9mz7ii79ff53rwkx3yv9kkn4jbm60q4b7g1rzhb3bvz"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + description = "Validate hostnames e.g. localhost or"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hosts-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, data-default, dns + , iproute, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hosts-server"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1g5kga58c5iqm3svs2d0d2akkibxjnh0hc1jjhjf7dzxghg2paqy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring data-default dns iproute network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An dns server which is extremely easy to config"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hothasktags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, cpphs, filepath + , haskell-src-exts + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hothasktags"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "12gq3ni7w75wcvahx3yzpmgw8zl7bamswipfzr9a97j5hmi2h766"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers cpphs filepath haskell-src-exts + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generates ctags for Haskell, incorporating import lists and qualified imports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hotswap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, plugins }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hotswap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c614gvwypfqaj4gqsdimqq40i34w393vikq5hhy3d4qll2qp8hv"; + buildDepends = [ base plugins ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple code hotswapping"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hourglass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, mtl, old-locale, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hourglass"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "029fmx5r6krj7y7mn4b4m2lpaa3iw6vhyznrib5lhf469i1jp9m3"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq mtl old-locale tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple performant time related library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hp2any-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, network, old-locale, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hp2any-core"; + version = "0.11.2"; + sha256 = "1gmw9bggw8hsp6pi0xgrryf0sqjb1aaxbwh85q5h72h4ixskwn1y"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory filepath network + old-locale process time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Heap profiling helper library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hp2any-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , freeglut, GLUT, hp2any-core, mesa, network, OpenGL, parseargs + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hp2any-graph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yj1miqn265pxq2dfhx87s20vjnnxmsl3d9xdy88cbzglpx2v9il"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath GLUT hp2any-core + network OpenGL parseargs process + ]; + extraLibraries = [ freeglut mesa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-serveronly" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Real-time heap graphing utility and profile stream server with a reusable graphing module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hp2any-manager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cairo, containers + , directory, filepath, glade, glib, gtk, gtkglext, hp2any-core + , hp2any-graph, OpenGL, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hp2any-manager"; + version = "0.4.6"; + sha256 = "143j3ylvzyq1s2l357vzqrwdcgg6rqhnmv0awb3nvm66c9smaarv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cairo containers directory filepath glade + glib gtk gtkglext hp2any-core hp2any-graph OpenGL time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A utility to visualise and compare heap profiles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hp2html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hp2html"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "11v0w5406d9lql5jaj2kwrvdgai9y76kbdlwpjnn2wjn36b8hdwa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers filepath ]; + description = "A tool for converting GHC heap-profiles to HTML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hp2pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , filepath, floatshow, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hp2pretty"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1kjfvp29s8wwdwpkqx47qpqy5ybl1ynx42idraarngcv8i9bzfgm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring containers filepath floatshow mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate pretty graphs from heap profiles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpaco" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, cmdargs, filepath, hpaco-lib, strict + , utf8-string, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpaco"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03h634wwyj4d5ycvn7nmm94qcxwq9vayd7d9l44hqhka1ach4sx9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base cmdargs filepath hpaco-lib strict utf8-string yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modular template compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpaco-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, data-variant + , file-embed, filepath, mtl, parsec, safe, split, strict + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpaco-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n6lmkip1is6y4x5vivqv30if5di8cy35l6fs2kyg8wjxcqcsyqm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers data-variant file-embed filepath + mtl parsec safe split strict transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modular template compiler library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cabal-macosx, containers + , directory, eprocess, filepath, FindBin, haskell-src-exts, hint + , hint-server, monad-loops, mtl, process, time, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpage"; + version = "0.12.2"; + sha256 = "0sl2qh3l5vbijln2al7vmvxm4zhn3qsz8axvprs6jxjfbndmk78j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cabal-macosx containers directory eprocess + filepath FindBin haskell-src-exts hint hint-server monad-loops mtl + process time wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A scrapbook for Haskell developers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpapi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, papi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpapi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n07nr6mm9ssf632h30s6bqxsgvlfzpr39dhdl7vwrfyj2jvdg2s"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ papi ]; + description = "Binding for the PAPI library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { papi = null; }; + + "hpaste" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , bytestring, cgi, ConfigFile, containers, css, Diff, directory + , download-curl, feed, filepath, haskell-src-exts, HJScript, hlint + , hscolour, mime-mail, MissingH, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl + , named-formlet, network, old-locale, postgresql-simple, process + , safe, snap-app, snap-core, snap-server, text, time, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpaste"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "1p8dfqm93598zcnz1ksj8px6l8i7kfn9514d68gx7qxvd4xw0fnm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring cgi + ConfigFile containers css Diff directory download-curl feed + filepath haskell-src-exts HJScript hlint hscolour mime-mail + MissingH MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl named-formlet network + old-locale postgresql-simple process safe snap-app snap-core + snap-server text time transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell paste web site"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hpasteit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, network + , optparse-applicative, process, safe, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpasteit"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1jj5q1gpnajnafikwf9jmayvaimi5486fvi90fk8q4b3lg7z9awm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath http-conduit http-types + lifted-base network optparse-applicative process safe utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line client for"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpc_0_6_0_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00fn4kyghf6nqnn24nrjagkgjmwnq40s94jf47v9fbhllvqbq952"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory time ]; + description = "Code Coverage Library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpc-coveralls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, curl, hpc, HUnit, process, regex-posix, retry, safe + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpc-coveralls"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "050df5lp00k5yxqzn4adcslbikq0727lx4mh3z1f1ijnisjcbjs1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring cmdargs containers curl hpc process + regex-posix retry safe split + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = " support for Haskell."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpc-strobe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, hpc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpc-strobe"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1fgw4pf72684mi7s5pqvfj75s8y004rxf3ww377kyrlw1mb7405c"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath hpc ]; + description = "Hpc-generated strobes for a running Haskell program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hpc-tracer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell98, hpc, network + , parsec, pretty, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpc-tracer"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1mahyall1p96nc8z270002cdk8is9ahrd0zn0663w36ic158i3li"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell98 hpc network parsec pretty process + unix + ]; + description = "Tracer with AJAX interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hplayground" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, haste-compiler + , haste-perch, monads-tf, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hplayground"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11khylc73hsg8p64jz5ykdnpix7f5qv3zk2kf0n42yync290jc9w"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default haste-compiler haste-perch monads-tf + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-haste-inst" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "monadic, reactive Formlets running in the Web browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hplaylist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hplaylist"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "01xkpsb8fjlifdz6fckwfawj1s5c4rs4slizcdr1hpij6mcdcg6y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + description = "Application for managing playlist files on a music player"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hpodder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, directory, filepath, HaXml, HDBC + , HDBC-sqlite3, hslogger, MissingH, mtl, network, old-time, parsec + , process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpodder"; + version = "1.1.6"; + sha256 = "0gi94phkqxffxf3sq5al3cmn3zhc9vz6jql4hjsvz5nbhpdjhwda"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile directory filepath HaXml HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 hslogger + MissingH mtl network old-time parsec process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Podcast Aggregator (downloader)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hpqtypes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, postgresql, QuickCheck, random + , resource-pool, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpqtypes"; + version = "1.2.5"; + sha256 = "1qscg6ibckyf64grmcjbz5q3fmk2as8ms2ywzcrz444nd70sbwx9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers exceptions HUnit lifted-base + monad-control mtl QuickCheck random resource-pool test-framework + test-framework-hunit text time transformers transformers-base + vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + description = "Haskell bindings to libpqtypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hprotoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, mtl, parsec + , protocol-buffers, protocol-buffers-descriptor, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hprotoc"; + version = "2.0.17"; + sha256 = "1mfmbggjnpmdpv6a9yhwyplf4g1n45s089qjwhvy1p6drn4mk3hp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath + haskell-src-exts mtl parsec protocol-buffers + protocol-buffers-descriptor utf8-string + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hprotoc-fork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, mtl, parsec + , protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork, protocol-buffers-fork + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hprotoc-fork"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fbpdi4mcc66z3ina01dkqxhy8slcjs4irh03ll2msp6p5vdqw9r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath + haskell-src-exts mtl parsec protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork + protocol-buffers-fork utf8-string + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hcg-minus, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hps"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0kmmrjg93rr6cjmg5n821p00qr4m3q46nnyfhql2s2nf20p7kprh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hcg-minus random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-exec" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Postscript"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hps-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, hps, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hps-cairo"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1xyk0q6qiqcqd849km86jns4bcfmyrvikg0zw44929wlmlbf0hg7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo gtk hps random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cairo rendering for the haskell postscript library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hps-kmeans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hps-kmeans"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w1yyrv4k7fi016084j4k1lh6jgxg5502r83zszr9cjc6rraj8fc"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A nice implementation of the k-Means algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hpuz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, c2hs, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpuz"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "04k9hdbc3ipn9z0qzzpm6xsiv0bkr1v48sfs2haapawd49bw7rhk"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring parsec ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libpuz"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hpygments" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, process, process-extras + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpygments"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1hb9yslb94ynzlphsp0i4f547zqxblrj49hqy4d7zivdqp38lqla"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring process process-extras ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Highlight source code using Pygments"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hpylos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, EEConfig, GLUT, OpenGL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpylos"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1vdpy9x3bg43zj9rcrnkz0jfsd9mrp4k5y2hn6jb2ar2bvq0iwha"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers EEConfig GLUT OpenGL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AI of Pylos game with GLUT interface"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hpyrg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, optparse-applicative, parsec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hpyrg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00ddyiznx07qkh3s4qjls39x991fqxvdw2bj245ypbxpxsk9fvsw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base lens optparse-applicative parsec text ]; + description = "pyrg utility done right"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hquantlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hmatrix, hmatrix-special, HUnit + , mersenne-random, parallel, QuickCheck, statistics, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hquantlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jj4m74d07hkz8mbj732sqhwsprp0hn6rz75a01amf8h91c7aws5"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hmatrix hmatrix-special mersenne-random parallel + statistics time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimize" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HQuantLib is a port of essencial parts of QuantLib to Haskell"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, filepath, HUnit + , parsec, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hquery"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0phlbbvkifw65ndjb4nc8ar0xx6z4sqn8xj41bg8qgr31ffpcjf8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec text xmlhtml ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath HUnit parsec test-framework + test-framework-hunit text xmlhtml + ]; + description = "A query language for transforming HTML5"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hranker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HCL, NonEmpty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hranker"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0hg2qjjr5pcnx62382r3d3rqvb3z7h1926lpym68869n4s19wz7d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HCL NonEmpty ]; + description = "Basic utility for ranking a list of items"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hricket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hricket"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1zhp9w0rki3chb27jbzvwifsgcjxzczn3q7hh7g3d0akfbg1v47f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Cricket scoring application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hruby" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, QuickCheck + , scientific, stm, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hruby"; + version = "0.2.8"; + sha256 = "1gwz8fncwrga8qpin2799pfr5x34k01fvav8g3d9n6ibn24ah7f0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring scientific stm text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ aeson attoparsec base QuickCheck text vector ]; + description = "Embed Ruby in your Haskell program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-GeoIP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, GeoIP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-GeoIP"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "135bl4cjijq6mr485waz7aaxgkaji2fsdjhdy4v4756q6ahzcpwf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq ]; + extraLibraries = [ GeoIP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the MaxMind GeoIPCity database via the C library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { GeoIP = null; }; + + "hs-bibutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-bibutils"; + version = "5.5"; + sha256 = "0pf5lh179rw9jkmw16ss3kiwydlj6zgfk868mjl5s57kx55z7ycm"; + buildDepends = [ base syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to bibutils, the bibliography conversion utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hs-blake2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, b2, base, bytestring, bytestring-arbitrary + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-blake2"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0i0yqci0z5gqmpgb0gk76grcd8mn7xql6gjalm78z6cl84vzsgh4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + b2 base bytestring bytestring-arbitrary QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + extraLibraries = [ b2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A cryptohash-inspired library for blake2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { b2 = null; }; + + "hs-captcha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gd, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-captcha"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "02dd7kli8nm01jxs0p8imqvbdr4yzqizi6bwyyr228p3wscbdsn8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring gd random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate images suitable for use as CAPTCHAs in online web-form security"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-carbon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, HUnit, mtl, parallel, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-carbon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i6jzqqlayxi1aqkrsdlb9kbj6ysj2qxr0rbmdw66zr5hinm345v"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq mtl parallel random ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + description = "A Haskell framework for parallel monte carlo simulations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs-carbon-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, gloss, hs-carbon, monad-loops, mtl + , tf-random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-carbon-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hcg6z3slzry4lkxnv5bllmlfsr50hcyxmpz3qhsb487j9r76c2z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq gloss hs-carbon monad-loops mtl tf-random + ]; + description = "Example Monte Carlo simulations implemented with Carbon"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs-cdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bytestring-mmap + , directory, filepath, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-cdb"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "07pkz35mmk7qaa9ahfxmj4dddja23ksn7dm1fp8g9v8z8d9r9zl0"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bytestring-mmap directory filepath mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for reading CDB (Constant Database) files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-dotnet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, ole32, oleaut32 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-dotnet"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1l2h1zv63c25k80gljnan3vg2r25a4b7byf5yryj3cjwa9xcg457"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + extraLibraries = [ ole32 oleaut32 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + description = "Pragmatic .NET interop for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ole32 = null; oleaut32 = null; }; + + "hs-excelx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, text, time + , xml-conduit, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-excelx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12hpfad8wn4r811md6269w10inx6nbipryhn8vdhbbcj9mmda3l5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl text time xml-conduit zip-archive + ]; + description = "HS-Excelx provides basic read-only access to Excel 2007 and 2010 documents in XLSX format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-ffmpeg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-ffmpeg"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "0j52drd3pb6ssgngfqxdsvvjjnx11nsmxwjsin6cmbv0nifpyq51"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to FFMPEG library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-fltk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fltk, fltk_images }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-fltk"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0nbxfy219mz0k27d16r3ir7hk0j450gxba9wrvrz1j17mr3gvqzx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ fltk fltk_images ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to GUI library FLTK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { fltk = null; fltk_images = null; }; + + "hs-gchart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-gchart"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0nmykgdzkqidxv51bhlcn4zax4zfw26s4l65z3a3405si2s5x459"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell wrapper for the Google Chart API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-gen-iface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, filepath, haskell-names + , haskell-packages, haskell-src-exts, hse-cpp, mtl, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-gen-iface"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1mvzpn7zpk5ffyyqh214yd315dcis8zmm9p4m5099bqhfr735kws"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers filepath haskell-names haskell-packages + haskell-src-exts hse-cpp mtl tagged + ]; + description = "Utility to generate haskell-names interface files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs-gizapp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, parsec + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-gizapp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j7ws3jm52n910p08432k60w09971bpcz4j5w48a305nz1dbkscm"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath parsec process + ]; + description = "Haskell wrapper around the GIZA++ toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-java" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, binary-state, bytestring + , containers, control-monad-exception, data-binary-ieee754 + , data-default, directory, filepath, Glob, LibZip, MissingH, mtl + , parsec, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-java"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1qv6zwp9fws9s6502d9afwwbsh025xfpw4vsq8wgh2i0gvlskzq7"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary binary-state bytestring containers + control-monad-exception data-binary-ieee754 data-default directory + filepath Glob LibZip MissingH mtl parsec utf8-string + ]; + description = "Java .class files assembler/disassembler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-json-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HTTP, network, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-json-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qlzylkplcb0bvh7pd8mwmc0pg69jjh8229a1hg3rhaix08mmj3c"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring HTTP network text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON-RPC client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-logo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, colour, containers, diagrams-core + , diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, HUnit, mtl, parsec, parsec-numbers + , QuickCheck, random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-logo"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "0ypr4jpc12f771g3gsahbj0yjzd0ns8mmwjl90knwg267d712i13"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs colour containers diagrams-core diagrams-lib + diagrams-svg mtl parsec parsec-numbers random + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs colour containers diagrams-core diagrams-lib + diagrams-svg HUnit mtl parsec parsec-numbers QuickCheck random + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Logo interpreter written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-mesos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lens, managed, mesos, protobuf + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-mesos"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vnfmb5mnp3wsbd7s1ls6rz0ywlirykdx7dclkxcc3rh1y0mxp1n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring lens managed template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring lens managed QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + extraLibraries = [ mesos protobuf ]; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) protobuf; }; + + "hs-nombre-generator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HandsomeSoup, hxt, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-nombre-generator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bk278ni5bk8qcc8mbb7h26g9k5hcdl4h1ilrh8prc0kvngz8g4w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HandsomeSoup hxt random ]; + description = "Name generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs-pgms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, glib, gtk, MonadPrompt + , mtl, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-pgms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "064sk0g8mzkqm80hfxg03qn6g1awydlw15ylikk3rs4wf7fclw30"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory glib gtk MonadPrompt mtl random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Programmer's Mine Sweeper in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-php-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-php-session"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xwdikiqy2dxyzr6wx51wy51vifsvshblx7kkhfqd7izjf87ww8f"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PHP session and values serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-pkg-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-pkg-config"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09v2kp643asl3zpv8rbb8a7zv0h3bn5l4gxz44d71kly9qr3jkhh"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create pkg-config configuration files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-pkpass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, conduit + , directory, filesystem-conduit, old-locale, random + , shakespeare-text, shelly, system-filepath, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, uuid, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-pkpass"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "01jcl2ia8p29gg5yazpxm6cdxyskl6z895lmgh888qkf9jlzf5mf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring conduit directory + filesystem-conduit old-locale random shakespeare-text shelly + system-filepath text time transformers unordered-containers uuid + zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for Passbook pass creation & signing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-scrape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , exceptions, hspec, html-conduit, lens, retry, safe, tasty + , tasty-hunit, text, transformers, url, wreq, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-scrape"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w5zrd7xj3ccw4xkdsq20j1ki2j8sy3glzijsq5m2227szwv7y6v"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default exceptions hspec + html-conduit lens retry safe text transformers url wreq xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hspec tasty tasty-hunit xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and easy web scraping and automation in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs-twitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json, mime, network, old-locale + , old-time, random, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-twitter"; + version = "0.2.8"; + sha256 = "1r8bd5q7d5mxmd6012mpp1yx353wzib174xd9v0mvkbb009b4mph"; + buildDepends = [ + base HTTP json mime network old-locale old-time random utf8-string + ]; + description = "Haskell binding to the Twitter API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs-twitterarchiver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json, mtl, network, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-twitterarchiver"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "077mc8dn2f6x3s29pm80qi7mj6s2crdhky0vygzfqd8v23gmhqcg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json mtl network pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Commandline Twitter feed archiver"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hs-vcard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs-vcard"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qb7gsbki3ciqddxp9j46rnx64vv622n2p9vidv1b000wbmmrz15"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implements the RFC 2426 vCard 3.0 spec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs2048" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, Glob, hlint, hspec, HUnit, process + , QuickCheck, random, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs2048"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1hm9lwhq1b8i04gl3z2iw6g67slrjcrymp2fxxvykxgkff6dmkps"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest Glob hlint hspec HUnit process QuickCheck random + regex-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-documentation" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A 2048 clone in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hs2bf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs2bf"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "1lx0px0gicwry5i4rwgzz6jasjhp24f620w2iby9xpbvn6h3zflm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath haskell-src mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell to Brainfuck compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hs2dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell-src, haskell-src-exts + , haskell98, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hs2dot"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0pfbclqpndlnxnvs630q8x272q13z9dfp35gp9dj6m527x78fapx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory haskell-src haskell-src-exts haskell98 split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate graphviz-code from Haskell-code"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hsConfigure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsConfigure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "199sza2jh3d5046yyb141b0jwh1m1p68hv4x3b5xz6vw9dzfbw3c"; + editedCabalFile = "ab3264ebf799e07e40fd913b9061197b346a7d84145908566155231e62a45c02"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "By using this package, you can make application configurable"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsSqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-sqlite3, bytestring, mtl + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsSqlite3"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0wmsswccwcz2zd3zap0wsapzbya72cxdyzhlcch4akvwqcl9hz6a"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-sqlite3 bytestring mtl utf8-string + ]; + description = "Sqlite3 bindings"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsXenCtrl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, dlist, mtl, xenctrl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsXenCtrl"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0zxmlyckp9c0i5s8vi62d3qvnilh8kl093ckqr7dchgmki4az7rp"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring dlist mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ xenctrl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to the Xen Control library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { xenctrl = null; }; + + "hsay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Hclip, HTTP, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsay"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0qar7y4190dfv63jmzx8saxqxzh73spc2q3i6pqywdbv7zb6zvrl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Hclip HTTP process unix ]; + description = "(ab)Use Google Translate as a speech synthesiser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hsb2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , preprocessor-tools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsb2hs"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "013n3l80449wxmbfmcidg8mdjk4nkxv7s3jcbfy5g4jps6gsg1fx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath preprocessor-tools + ]; + description = "Preprocesses a file, adding blobs from files as string literals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsbackup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , hashed-storage, old-locale, strict, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsbackup"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1g1lb43f7cdm5fjmdd64n9vl2nxlm8jpng94hyyldwv8a6x7555z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory filepath hashed-storage + old-locale strict time + ]; + description = "simple utility for rolling filesystem backups"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsbencher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, GenericPretty, HUnit, io-streams, mtl + , process, random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, time + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsbencher"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qnj4zhq6j4cvnxcparm2xr9qc6l9q7j72h4dr5jz04lz8c2fkcl"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath + GenericPretty io-streams mtl process random time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-hydra" ]; + description = "Launch and gather data from Haskell and non-Haskell benchmarks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsbencher-codespeed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, hsbencher, HTTP, http-conduit, http-types + , json, mtl, network, resourcet, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsbencher-codespeed"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1mq2d5sl0r6maw3sajqs3mcwmc37kr6pkf6qplpl5hskv8i3i7ni"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath + hsbencher HTTP http-conduit http-types json mtl network resourcet + time + ]; + description = "Backend for uploading benchmark data to CodeSpeed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsbencher-fusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, criterion, csv + , data-default, directory, filepath, handa-gdata, hsbencher + , http-conduit, mtl, network, statistics, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsbencher-fusion"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0vp1biv5jwac3bhj7qxl8x3bw73436qn284fippmlr6f54c15yw8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers criterion csv data-default directory + filepath handa-gdata hsbencher http-conduit mtl network statistics + text time + ]; + description = "Backend for uploading benchmark data to Google Fusion Tables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsc2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc2hs"; + version = "0.67.20120610"; + sha256 = "0kfvpsapgslxywpmqba5vcx79xmbj87dwg8fjjjk517x28wisivz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory process ]; + description = "A preprocessor that helps with writing Haskell bindings to C code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsc3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, data-default + , data-ordlist, directory, filepath, hashable, hosc, network + , process, random, safe, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1rmxl1wcly74bjkw79zw9ydmiclk5716w75b4nz8xkqraijiafrg"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers data-default data-ordlist + directory filepath hashable hosc network process random safe split + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-auditor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, hmt, hosc, hsc3, hsc3-sf-hsndfile + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-auditor"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "02p4y06p08mizdrbvl52364szksrwnx28s992prw8b2ilav11563"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath hmt hosc hsc3 hsc3-sf-hsndfile ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Auditor"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, hosc, hsc3, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-cairo"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1f62mfjssky7igbp1nx2zf1azbih76m65xydnf5akp8pim7nzmis"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo gtk hosc hsc3 split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell supercollider cairo drawing"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, Glob, hcg-minus, hmt, hsc3-lang + , hsc3-plot, hsc3-sf-hsndfile, safe, split, SVGPath, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-data"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0321rnajfiwldwwpns78im842hypykc1js7flnasld7al6m7487d"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors Glob hcg-minus hmt hsc3-lang hsc3-plot + hsc3-sf-hsndfile safe split SVGPath xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell supercollider data"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-db" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsc3, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-db"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0sj3hq0d8dl4m6fn75lvyr78sg283p6y13lg8yi2yrgz74kn4zbl"; + buildDepends = [ base hsc3 safe ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Unit Generator Database"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hsc3, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-dot"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1ck2g15zw23smry1xvn9ida8ln57vnvkxvr3khhp5didwisgm90m"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath hsc3 process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell supercollider graph drawing"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-forth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hashable + , hosc, hsc3, hsc3-db, hsc3-dot, mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-forth"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0b3q6w1r12wv1fl05armkrprlkx2s7n08mimkxxndsd9kl6zl8lw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hashable hosc hsc3 hsc3-db + hsc3-dot mtl unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FORTH SUPERCOLLIDER"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-graphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cairo, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hashable, hls, hmt, hosc, hps + , hsc3, hsc3-cairo, hsc3-lang, hsc3-sf, hsc3-unsafe, hsc3-utils + , hsharc, MonadRandom, primes, process, random, random-shuffle + , sc3-rdu, she, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-graphs"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1d59gl0shwkwi9581j7x7yy1j63acns9ccpwin4y5lwk0k5x6s38"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cairo containers data-default + directory filepath hashable hls hmt hosc hps hsc3 hsc3-cairo + hsc3-lang hsc3-sf hsc3-unsafe hsc3-utils hsharc MonadRandom primes + process random random-shuffle sc3-rdu she split + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-exec" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Graphs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-lang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bifunctors, bytestring, containers + , data-default, data-ordlist, dlist, hashable, hmatrix-special + , hosc, hsc3, MonadRandom, random, random-shuffle, split + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-lang"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "09qn9kb8h40cwhnjf4pl70i2vi7cn4pa4wkdwjbn07hrdpvxgihf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bifunctors bytestring containers data-default + data-ordlist dlist hashable hmatrix-special hosc hsc3 MonadRandom + random random-shuffle split transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Language"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-lisp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hashable + , hosc, hsc3, hsc3-dot, husk-scheme, mtl, safe, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-lisp"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1k45ipivvlfymvh6rzxsv1kfvd11spsn3skmsswg2vd76bcgh20x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hashable hosc hsc3 hsc3-dot + husk-scheme mtl safe unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LISP SUPERCOLLIDER"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hosc, hsc3, hsc3-lang + , process, split, statistics, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-plot"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1v5n4k54qp8ifwka2bhrq9w1kfzd3ldzhqyhvkcgl0z46xcf7lk3"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hosc hsc3 hsc3-lang process split + statistics vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Plotting"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-process" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, hosc, hsc3, process, time, time-compat + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-process"; + version = "0.10.0"; + sha256 = "1h769akpd5gsmmlzmhya3dh56rhpf4fkj0vl6zngahc5hl4s7qxc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath hosc + hsc3 process time time-compat transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create and control scsynth processes"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-rec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsc3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-rec"; + version = "0.14.1"; + sha256 = "0m814vr41i0mm0c001vbih9i93048niljv3z8czaz32wysa8xpfl"; + buildDepends = [ base hsc3 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Record Variants"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-rw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell-src-exts, parsec + , polyparse, split, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-rw"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1jcnw0a1nf4wwf5bz61bkpwd3jfgccfxmcqq06vy43pc98223z8p"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory haskell-src-exts parsec polyparse split syb + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hsc3 re-writing"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitset, bytestring, containers, data-default + , failure, hashtables, hosc, hsc3, hsc3-process, lifted-base + , ListZipper, monad-control, QuickCheck, random, resourcet + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + , transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-server"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1lq4y57d555jb0yi10n4j69h4whwsm5h2k6j4r7f9avds5ahh6s2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bitset bytestring containers data-default failure hashtables + hosc hsc3 hsc3-process lifted-base ListZipper monad-control random + resourcet transformers transformers-base unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base failure QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SuperCollider server resource management and synchronization"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-sf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hosc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-sf"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1dg3gqhvi2rshfqnw7i89bd4bvqjvbk4f9g17x18swyrvgkz9wr7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hosc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-sf-hsndfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, hsc3-sf, hsndfile, hsndfile-vector + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-sf-hsndfile"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "11ksss2g8a7lqpjqvdwj4j9y3kdc8algc9mhlyjmj38mgg4raa2i"; + buildDepends = [ + array base hsc3-sf hsndfile hsndfile-vector vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-unsafe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsc3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-unsafe"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "0kywqx7x10hqzhq8by0f62aznrnq4y3013cxkccx1r0naajpz3yj"; + buildDepends = [ base hsc3 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unsafe Haskell SuperCollider"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsc3-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hashable, hosc, hsc3 + , hsc3-dot, hsc3-rw, hsc3-sf, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsc3-utils"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "1pvg2z6n2r7jhwgwx9rv4q94jdj2ql3kgjh4smjq4xafnzzlyrix"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hashable hosc hsc3 hsc3-dot hsc3-rw hsc3-sf + process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider Utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hscamwire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, camwire_1394, dc1394_control, raw1394 + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscamwire"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0alnwc170hd2dyq718nvfq5dsbnyp29j3z49w2w5k59pi9pnqybc"; + buildDepends = [ array base time unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ camwire_1394 dc1394_control raw1394 ]; + description = "Haskell bindings to IIDC1394 cameras, via Camwire"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { camwire_1394 = null; dc1394_control = null; raw1394 = null; }; + + "hscassandra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassandra-thrift, containers + , mtl, network, old-time, Thrift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscassandra"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "06jr17karspq3qpan9iqh0zk2w3b2d7ghdvl8wd4hjz73yacw6f4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cassandra-thrift containers mtl network old-time + Thrift + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cassandra database interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hscd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, HTTP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscd"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1wjf3gba1gfbd54d0r4xpkfq7lyvyamhfw21wnsnqsl4hvp335jr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring ghc-prim HTTP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line client and library for"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsclock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, glib, gtk, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsclock"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0g853fq9vv33nga05rhls6hk5h4gaby8mws0i8yq2iday6j576nf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo glib gtk old-time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An elegant analog clock using Haskell, GTK and Cairo"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hscolour" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscolour"; + version = "1.20.3"; + sha256 = "15ix93sw4p7g5ln2halcgqppdc0i0vmkzcjzxvqzkk9yp9pq3nrs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Colourise Haskell code"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hscope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cpphs, deepseq + , directory, haskell-src-exts, mtl, process, pure-cdb, test-simple + , uniplate, Unixutils, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscope"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1m5mp45pvf64pnpc3lsig382177vfc232bbm9g3a8q58jrwridy7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cpphs deepseq directory haskell-src-exts mtl + process pure-cdb uniplate vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory mtl process test-simple Unixutils ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cscope like browser for Haskell code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hscrtmpl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, old-locale, process, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscrtmpl"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1ipk44lc2bdh9yhn30b2hkkymyp2srgsqgfdsy8xbxa8frlabhhg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory old-locale process time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell shell script template"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hscurses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, old-locale, old-time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscurses"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r3njcwad8d4vn17s5g69iw3rhjz9hbhv49wkqqpndck5080fh7l"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-locale old-time unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "NCurses bindings for Haskell"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hscurses-fish-ex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hscurses, random, safe, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hscurses-fish-ex"; + version = "1.3.1"; + sha256 = "1s7b2v3cl0nl2b55agn5wkvxn30f2bgp6mznkn33148vlbya1mzs"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hscurses random safe unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hscurses swimming fish example"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsdev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, array, attoparsec, base + , bytestring, Cabal, containers, deepseq, directory, exceptions + , filepath, ghc, ghc-mod, ghc-paths, haddock-api, haskell-src-exts + , hdocs, HTTP, monad-loops, mtl, network, process + , regex-pcre-builtin, scientific, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, uniplate, unix, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsdev"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hlv7r3c6x4483618q9ahrl0v1dirxl4l20dbxp0ir948x8w7dyi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec base bytestring Cabal + containers deepseq directory exceptions filepath ghc ghc-mod + ghc-paths haddock-api haskell-src-exts hdocs HTTP monad-loops mtl + network process regex-pcre-builtin scientific template-haskell text + time transformers uniplate unix unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell development library and tool with support of autocompletion, symbol info, go to declaration, find references etc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsdif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hosc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsdif"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1wxms6z8mpyf4l1qqxi6gvscls3mwlj5aq6g3ldashzrmb7pcimm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hosc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SDIF"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsdip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, HUnit, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsdip"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hqwpcf2bcrj36wg02mxd2zdg07dqh4b5mv9yn295xp64snrdw84"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo containers HUnit parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hsdip - a Diplomacy parser/renderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsdns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adns, base, containers, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsdns"; + version = "1.6.1"; + sha256 = "0s63acjy1n75k7gjm4kam7v5d4a5kn0aw178mygkqwr5frflghb4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers network ]; + extraLibraries = [ adns ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Asynchronous DNS Resolver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hsdns-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsdns, network, SafeSemaphore, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsdns-cache"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1f0822kly602izwzxfi46w668k0jybn3khfacnxmc1744jpqr89i"; + buildDepends = [ + base hsdns network SafeSemaphore text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Caching asynchronous DNS resolver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hse-cpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cpphs, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hse-cpp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0f1bgi1hnpnry1pm7jhi626afdvymzy7k0a70n07n41js46pjxd0"; + buildDepends = [ base cpphs haskell-src-exts ]; + description = "Preprocess+parse haskell code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hsebaysdk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-client, http-types + , text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsebaysdk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bmkka53dxaizbiazici0i60qrqq2zbff95xqxlfp11v3cclcffg"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-client http-types text time transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell eBay SDK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsemail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, hspec, mtl, old-time, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsemail"; + version = "1.7.7"; + sha256 = "16wqrpzi5njv26za1rckn74jsqmyswndb6k38yz1567h1y4w7ai5"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-time parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest hspec old-time parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Internet Message Parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsemail-ns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, old-time, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsemail-ns"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "03d0pnsba7yj5x7zrg8b80kxsnqn5g40vd2i717s1dnn3bd3vz4s"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-time parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Internet Message Parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsenv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, file-embed + , filepath, http-streams, io-streams, mtl, process, safe, split + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsenv"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1kjj9p8x6369g9ah9h86xlyvcm4jkahvlz2pvj1m73javbgyyf03"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory file-embed filepath http-streams + io-streams mtl process safe split unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Virtual Haskell Environment builder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hserv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, wai-app-static, warp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hserv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dvnkd3nwgdz9hq8zafvmn75hczsiflbf05j10nmrj8imhyh70j3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs wai-app-static warp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple http server in haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hsexif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, hspec, HUnit + , iconv, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsexif"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17vxm7vh8l7bnf5kcw4igkrjwwfzn0byjamaim70095al0ndvrjy"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers iconv text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers hspec HUnit iconv text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "EXIF handling library in pure Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsfacter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, language-puppet, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsfacter"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1j7pny0yjpx5qw2d9br723dyic4v09k1qbvrham57p9qxn9m5b0q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers language-puppet text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small and ugly library that emulates the output of the puppet facter program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hsfcsh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hdaemonize, hslogger, network, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsfcsh"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1fc1fk33wslfkpb83c3ax251h60d5zn2qiqyw81v19wd5r2a6kqc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hdaemonize hslogger network process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Incremental builder for flash"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsfilt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsfilt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "063k5f64734wvrl45nrp1yvh3bf51w3dzzf3jj4fmj1gjp07zy48"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + description = "Z-decoder"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hsgnutls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gcrypt, gnutls, mtl, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsgnutls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nd3z8kb4qjaj0hic9b305c15a7g6sfx6dixz8pspvqg1x84cjnm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl old-time ]; + extraLibraries = [ gcrypt gnutls ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library wrapping the GnuTLS API"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gnutls; + gcrypt = null; }; + + "hsgnutls-yj" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gcrypt, gnutls, mtl, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsgnutls-yj"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05dn7kvjxk2pnzv040hyw71nvr83jvdvajq4a9v76kcyjhhwiv0w"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl old-time ]; + extraLibraries = [ gcrypt gnutls ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library wrapping the GnuTLS API"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gnutls; + gcrypt = null; }; + + "hsgsom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random, stm, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsgsom"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1043lavrimaxmscayg4knx7ly0yc0gsb729pg72g897hc455r2dn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random stm time ]; + description = "An implementation of the GSOM clustering algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsgtd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, containers, directory + , haskeline, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsgtd"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0rsi54zhznqdycjkbkdblbfcx7lbvwdwvw0zlxqspyiz2px6lqc6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base containers directory haskeline mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Console-based gettings-things-done application"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsharc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsharc"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1mzi074iiz48pcy6rvgqz6ckm0zx115kmvax60bx9bfcanw686vf"; + buildDepends = [ base xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SHARC bindings"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hsignal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, hmatrix + , hmatrix-gsl, hmatrix-gsl-stats, hstatistics, mtl + , storable-complex + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsignal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "013sswmhvww16kbfmm9mmb1iabzmd41jfq06ppl5fjs5amqlinsk"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring hmatrix hmatrix-gsl hmatrix-gsl-stats + hstatistics mtl storable-complex + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mkl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Signal processing and EEG data analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsimport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cmdargs, directory, dyre + , filepath, haskell-src-exts, lens, mtl, split, tasty, tasty-golden + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsimport"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "07v7sm98a0vzfk1xx8mf6l2ybf3rwx4ml2wxp1rlw5w1aapffsfw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base cmdargs directory dyre haskell-src-exts lens mtl + split text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base filepath haskell-src-exts tasty tasty-golden + ]; + description = "A command line program for extending the import list of a Haskell source file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsini" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit, mtl, parsec + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsini"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "06cys4i1nsic13dkp5jgammm3qykzizlnp6wdka2vl699rvnzaaf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HUnit mtl parsec QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + test-framework-th + ]; + description = "Package for user configuration files (INI)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hskeleton" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hskeleton"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0f06xir28rzpwphk14gkpww8l7gbws4habhm26915idpnd4bva2w"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + description = "Skeleton for new Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hslackbuilder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslackbuilder"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0j4wkw6hqajgwzik8flfzs2m5rlmy9blm98n5ym56svjypshl55q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HSlackBuilder automatically generates slackBuild scripts from a cabal package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hslibsvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, svm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslibsvm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00smw10j2ipw10133qc38famar5r6rkswj7bhvb9hdj2rrdyx6sf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + extraLibraries = [ svm ]; + description = "A FFI binding to libsvm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) svm; }; + + "hslinks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hint, MemoTrie, process, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslinks"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1dqicdvklkczn216qxb7gnjjgvgmr0s6iljyb33qhmmabrx5a7x1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal hint MemoTrie process regex-compat ]; + description = "Resolves links to Haskell identifiers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hslogger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, mtl, network + , old-locale, process, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslogger"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "0yqw7824bn8vb9iynx8lkgswxd0nz484k4bvcwd02wvakbbfawkk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory mtl network old-locale process time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Versatile logging framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hslogger-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hslogger, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslogger-template"; + version = "2.0.2"; + sha256 = "0qkyclj9fajvzbfcs0ik8ncy66x916r40jd85r4wi5nh482i7sp3"; + buildDepends = [ base hslogger mtl template-haskell ]; + description = "Automatic generation of hslogger functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hslogger4j" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, hslogger }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslogger4j"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0mypcdj8npygj9g8d276rhr2wagk96zc4rjimwx2ylw4qm0scv5n"; + buildDepends = [ hslogger ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DEPRECATED hslogger handlers for log4j's XMLLayout"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hslogstash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , conduit, containers, data-default, hedis, hspec, http-conduit + , http-types, iconv, lens, network, network-conduit, parallel-io + , QuickCheck, split, stm, stm-chans, stm-conduit, stm-firehose + , text, text-format, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslogstash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "040564f4wxmdhglziahava5cbyhvwbiw1ifi1g3cfb9zna2xl8p6"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring conduit containers + data-default hedis http-conduit http-types iconv lens network + network-conduit parallel-io stm stm-chans stm-conduit stm-firehose + text text-format time transformers unordered-containers vector wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit hspec QuickCheck split stm transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to work with, or as, a logstash server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hslua" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lua, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hslua"; + version = "0.3.13"; + sha256 = "02j3hrzq3dgcv4bvf4xz14qxvzlb0vlxrf7lk9wqwdy43b978mz9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ lua ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsystem-lua" "-f-apicheck" "-fsystem-lua" ]; + description = "A Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hsmagick" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bzip2, directory, filepath + , freetype2, GraphicsMagick, jasper, lcms, libjpeg, libpng, libxml2 + , pretty, process, tiff, wmflite, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsmagick"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1bfzbwddss0m0z4jf7i0b06pmxy9rvknpqnzhf0v5jggv5nr442p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath pretty process + ]; + extraLibraries = [ bzip2 jasper libjpeg libpng tiff wmflite zlib ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ freetype2 GraphicsMagick lcms libxml2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings for the GraphicsMagick library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) freetype2 zlib; + GraphicsMagick = null; tiff = null; wmflite = null; }; + + "hsmtpclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, network, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsmtpclient"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "08gbrwrc85in34nrgjm0zr5sjz2zbjc7hk2zlpvk1dq8x62a6wsg"; + buildDepends = [ array base directory network old-time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple SMTP Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsndfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, libsndfile }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsndfile"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "1254r811sspd7h8a4yr4ff3a6c39ywp1zjrkxbsczpxbyg9bdnv2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ libsndfile ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libsndfile"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "hsndfile-storablevector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsndfile, storablevector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsndfile-storablevector"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1n7jw14pnixiv1z50lb7yzwyyl3yd3gdfg5w0gx0m52pnmqiav9z"; + buildDepends = [ base hsndfile storablevector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.StorableVector interface)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2; + }) {}; + + "hsndfile-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsndfile, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsndfile-vector"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1598bf87llbiri1qh8zirhbsd94c9vhd41lf9vialqrykbmi3zig"; + buildDepends = [ base hsndfile vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.Vector interface)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl2; + }) {}; + + "hsnock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec, QuickCheck, readline + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsnock"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1hh4lyrd2ki79q6pfz62icp3igzyljwa5bz8ba9vk4kxxawrnbhw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec readline ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit parsec QuickCheck readline test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nock 5K interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hsnoise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsnoise"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0f8xpmzmg71l7qn1vjvzncsx8r7vfpzvlnlq0029ixf64gshbmzl"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A coherent 3d noise library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, pcap }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsns"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "0r3z9h5l4hxbjfcqsfk67jp2r964wgvrisk352lpx550vwd6chbf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network pcap ]; + description = "a miniature network sniffer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsnsq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, attoparsec-binary, base + , bytestring, containers, hostname, hslogger, mtl, network, pipes + , pipes-attoparsec, pipes-network, stm, stm-chans, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsnsq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0chmcyfar29rnsni47yx286a308rll098lxrr1zhyi7kxvh9j4fb"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec attoparsec-binary base bytestring containers + hostname hslogger mtl network pipes pipes-attoparsec pipes-network + stm stm-chans text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell NSQ client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "hsntp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, network, old-time, random, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsntp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0pw5l6z1yjjvcxgw71i00gfnjdqcvg09bsacazq9ahvnwsn4aayd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl network old-time random unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Libraries to use SNTP protocol and small client/server implementations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsoptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, HUnit, parsec + , QuickCheck, regex-compat, regex-posix, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsoptions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c4sigmagwbs3g5pj3as4f930mvba090p7cjq4cy8hbmv6cz0fn1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory parsec regex-compat regex-posix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory HUnit parsec QuickCheck regex-compat + regex-posix test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell library that supports command-line flag processing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsp"; + version = "0.10.0"; + sha256 = "1ayfywgrlmzivsq6lirmgvl65x1shf8041lzw2yh245rkmd91lsf"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Server Pages is a library for writing dynamic server-side web pages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsp-cgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, harp, hsp, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsp-cgi"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "0m1xylqzmi2c1c92zk5bq6232id9fmjlx4s88ic2fvf5a389n11n"; + buildDepends = [ base containers harp hsp network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Facilitates running Haskell Server Pages web pages as CGI programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsparklines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, dataenc, gd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsparklines"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "10za4f07a5agg3zgy32fdz02vg9fl344qswhzj5mnx8wpnxmr3y6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring dataenc gd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sparklines for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsparql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HTTP, http-types + , HUnit, MissingH, mtl, network, rdf4h, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, wai, warp, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsparql"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "1rhkl5l414w6pp3q3x0pkahghyagq3fwlny61vn0rpxlyihcin42"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HTTP MissingH mtl network rdf4h text xml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers http-types HUnit rdf4h test-framework + test-framework-hunit text wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A SPARQL query generator and DSL, and a client to query a SPARQL server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspear" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, split + , utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspear"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1h3av9mpgsqfdrd817fz0isqrxn3lxmjyanw33dk9jax136ivi1h"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing split utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Spear Parser"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hspec-core, hspec-discover + , hspec-expectations, hspec-meta, HUnit, QuickCheck, stringbuilder + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "04n34g7gbmbkyqzp9by4qdcf87m1gasmc2hnm8i0dqpcnssv05py"; + buildDepends = [ + base hspec-core hspec-discover hspec-expectations HUnit QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory hspec-core hspec-meta stringbuilder + ]; + doCheck = false; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Testing Framework for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, hspec + , hspec-expectations, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-attoparsec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12246p4k0axv6w5jxnid9hyl4cbl3vmd46b7xxli7nq2iw79nl8v"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring hspec-expectations text + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring hspec hspec-expectations text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for testing your attoparsec parsers with hspec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspec-checkers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-checkers"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "043qzgjp9ch9wqm269dd87jn8wk5c90q25098hnz8ilv5pnywk6d"; + buildDepends = [ base checkers hspec ]; + testDepends = [ base checkers hspec ]; + description = "Allows to use checkers properties from hspec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspec-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-core, HUnit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-contrib"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0p6jh3j84cq66gfp2pk957ha4ds7797vfbfri9lsg9gd4998dwkq"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec-core HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-core HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Contributed functionality for Hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, deepseq + , hspec-expectations, hspec-meta, HUnit, process, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-io, random, setenv, silently, tf-random, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-core"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "1mvsfr175g5dbk1xz48d0p4lv4gvv4z3ss3n2s7d2h83i25bmjvh"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base deepseq hspec-expectations HUnit + QuickCheck quickcheck-io random setenv tf-random time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base deepseq hspec-expectations hspec-meta + HUnit process QuickCheck quickcheck-io random setenv silently + tf-random time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Testing Framework for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-discover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hspec-meta }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-discover"; + version = "2.1.2"; + sha256 = "0zv215br94agvg8dbz0f5az5cahgnw8gdx0z84zlrpjxkzf3rb19"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath hspec-meta ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically discover and run Hspec tests"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-expectations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, markdown-unlit, silently }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-expectations"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f36b2cp2ipbqz9g6lp43nvx8dykkw196wg97kgb07mmnq6gakix"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit markdown-unlit silently ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Catchy combinators for HUnit"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-expectations-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit, lens + , silently + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-expectations-lens"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "17c9qn525bmg113mw30sc35gm207rl0d6h156c7c1npnkyp1pw0k"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec hspec-expectations HUnit lens ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec lens silently ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hspec expectations for the lens stuff"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "hspec-expectations-lifted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-expectations, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-expectations-lifted"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0c3fxgwxjwqgwpnlxlbp2amhk44m34iq2lxs1rxkp3vjwkqi2m8b"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec-expectations transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "A version of hspec-expectations generalized to MonadIO"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-expectations-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, hspec-expectations + , wl-pprint-extras, wl-pprint-terminfo + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-expectations-pretty"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1x8xpc9b2m33sqwf7j643wjzja956m4vcdvaqrwlpxwqn887sxn5"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq hspec-expectations wl-pprint-extras wl-pprint-terminfo + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hspec-expectations with pretty printing on failure"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-experimental" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-meta, HUnit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-experimental"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "197c9x25r41xmaq84xqhi0kizxi7as7jn7k9klj7pq9fmd9hcg7m"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec HUnit QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec-meta ]; + description = "An experimental DSL for testing on top of Hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-jenkins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-jenkins"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16aql0fyssc16z85isskccq93dj5i1pydblnf2q1np7z6pl1azy2"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-markup hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Jenkins-friendly XML formatter for Hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-laws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, markdown-unlit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-laws"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "15mcspn20znjxjsjqivrfvpndjd2i3kic5nyij13lfwyd3p2al0j"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec markdown-unlit QuickCheck ]; + description = "Document and test laws for standard type classes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-meta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, deepseq, directory + , filepath, hspec-expectations, HUnit, QuickCheck, quickcheck-io + , random, setenv, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-meta"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "0x1k2d4nycglzn9l4i32xrampr9fgzjpp4j1jyy7pj89cfl8jc8f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base deepseq directory filepath + hspec-expectations HUnit QuickCheck quickcheck-io random setenv + time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, hspec-contrib, hspec-core + , hspec-expectations, HUnit, process, regex-posix, temporary + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-server"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0xaslxk081i11av7jlz46ga10fd5wplyxpiccmni0smk8rgykgmy"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hspec hspec-core hspec-expectations HUnit process + regex-posix temporary transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-contrib transformers ]; + description = "Test Framework for Server's status"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspec-shouldbe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, hspec, test-shouldbe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-shouldbe"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "09fp3cl7mshn1812f1v7mvbcmgibbwy6ai7g1f0ndy5ipbam0yi5"; + buildDepends = [ hspec test-shouldbe ]; + description = "Convenience wrapper and utilities for hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-smallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, QuickCheck, smallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-smallcheck"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1yybyrbbj0fv62cf8nh851rgbb8phyhpsm57mzn7s5vqz7lf7dxw"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec smallcheck ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck smallcheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , digestive-functors, directory, HandsomeSoup, hspec, hspec-core + , hxt, lens, mtl, snap, snap-core, snap-extras, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w2zvzpa5294y8hbjjnpd9kyq42i8l5ca6dpf2zl8mwnmfqzc733"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers digestive-functors HandsomeSoup hspec + hspec-core hxt lens mtl snap snap-core text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers digestive-functors directory + HandsomeSoup hspec hspec-core hxt lens mtl snap snap-core + snap-extras text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for testing with Hspec and the Snap Web Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspec-test-framework" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-contrib, hspec-core, HUnit + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-test-framework"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "13rlyn4yibajj469hzvw6hmvm3lyra11fl73g49zc3nvcial5ldv"; + buildDepends = [ + base hspec hspec-contrib hspec-core HUnit QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run test-framework tests with Hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-test-framework-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec-test-framework, HUnit + , language-haskell-extract, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-test-framework-th"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1apzvrbyksz5jai0i6x5y8lz1rpi2px5x9rwirhm1flbzvpdypma"; + buildDepends = [ + base hspec-test-framework language-haskell-extract template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec-test-framework HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run test-framework tests with Hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-test-sandbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-core, test-sandbox }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-test-sandbox"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1kg7lpm1is5yxwcjhmdayxv8g52d2q215d9f8f8h33qvc7w0a8yp"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec hspec-core test-sandbox ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec test-sandbox ]; + description = "Hspec convenience functions for use with test-sandbox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspec-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, hspec + , hspec-core, hspec-expectations, http-types, QuickCheck, text + , transformers, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-wai"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "0nia4hz41g4264mn4s5j8dn9dh0xhdf1gym92wvjmy43rhj3qpzb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive hspec-core hspec-expectations + http-types text transformers wai wai-extra + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive hspec hspec-core + hspec-expectations http-types QuickCheck text transformers wai + wai-extra + ]; + description = "Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-wai-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-qq, base, bytestring, hspec + , hspec-wai, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-wai-json"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0r9p8v3cynyx5gnan86cc0l5hrmnm3mx7w2kkc1npv6zq0cj1bgq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-qq base bytestring hspec-wai template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-wai ]; + description = "Testing JSON APIs with hspec-wai"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec-webdriver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, hashable, hspec, hspec-core + , HUnit, lifted-base, stm, text, transformers, unordered-containers + , webdriver + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec-webdriver"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "14fdmlvdpkq2f05kjdwiz48m4mrlzgq3dr7k19ljpv2rvcjv6lr9"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default hashable hspec hspec-core HUnit lifted-base stm + text transformers unordered-containers webdriver + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write end2end web application tests using webdriver and hspec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspec2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-discover }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspec2"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0zlvm7r46q8yhgx2kx9mfrf6x2f5amdbi3a59fh69dsqs4lbgmf4"; + editedCabalFile = "d41ebaf2f80c6ae149a944cd77e31fce98c0eea45cf47a561c5c25d48e03107f"; + buildDepends = [ base hspec hspec-discover ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alpha version of Hspec 2.0"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hspr-sh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspr-sh"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1qnqg2gg93l5dp2nyvvaq7n58gsnljvbafbhfpvys48g5ry2dk7a"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Session handler for HSP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hspread" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , extensible-exceptions, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspread"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1z7v5awagmhxyz4cl020s4gk4yxp0i62z3hqm9kwf73b3b69x2kf"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers extensible-exceptions network + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "A client library for the spread toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hspresent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, vty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hspresent"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0x4f3y8l8vj1498bnw4fxw9nzf7q2y4vjys72j73h50c7hr83j07"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring vty ]; + description = "A terminal presentation tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsprocess" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, easy-file + , filepath, hint, hspec, HUnit, MonadCatchIO-mtl, process + , QuickCheck, stringsearch, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsprocess"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1g47g3i8fgknzyf7pp7g1mk2bfn7r7igm0c6j2v9fnahhrpj4a5z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory easy-file filepath hint + MonadCatchIO-mtl process stringsearch time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "The Haskell Stream Processor command line utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hsql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsql"; + version = "1.8.2"; + sha256 = "0i53n42ynq22fzlz4kpmri4q4abmi4dz8bz0izn307is1pmk4bby"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time ]; + description = "Database access from Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsql-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hsql, mysqlclient }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsql-mysql"; + version = "1.8.3"; + sha256 = "0834jr5jrr1m7ap93wvmb5ir0906f7f7xx52x21i1l1jfpan34j9"; + editedCabalFile = "e1bbb71ecb6e310acf23a93e4a5e0121c8bd332e7a81dfa5bfe27ae94cbf14ab"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal hsql ]; + extraLibraries = [ mysqlclient ]; + description = "MySQL driver for HSQL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { mysqlclient = null; }; + + "hsql-odbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsql, old-time, unixODBC }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsql-odbc"; + version = "1.8.2"; + sha256 = "0lz9zjy1xgjjbabbi2hcrvsnfid6c78y2cb2703qjwr93xy54f1f"; + buildDepends = [ base hsql old-time ]; + extraLibraries = [ unixODBC ]; + description = "A Haskell Interface to ODBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsql-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsql, old-time, postgresql }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsql-postgresql"; + version = "1.8.2"; + sha256 = "0yj0jalpapjvpxmc79yd6bn93ax13pp87dipbg2c9mxf3p38jc9z"; + buildDepends = [ base hsql old-time ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + description = "A Haskell Interface to PostgreSQL via the PQ library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsql-sqlite3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsql, sqlite }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsql-sqlite3"; + version = "1.8.2"; + sha256 = "15f7f4f4k1afrpmkw2k6lyx1b81hlwvwv660yh0vm2vz269mxycl"; + buildDepends = [ base hsql ]; + extraLibraries = [ sqlite ]; + description = "SQLite3 driver for HSQL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "hsqml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, directory, filepath + , Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5Qml, Qt5Quick, Qt5Widgets, QuickCheck, tagged + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsqml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hz9j592kj1jihsb7gahy3rj4zyma204hsikijwxqs6nr02vx3hr"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath tagged text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers directory QuickCheck tagged text ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ Qt5Core Qt5Gui Qt5Qml Qt5Quick Qt5Widgets ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fuseexithook" "-fforceghcilib" "-fthreadedtestsuite" + "-f-usepkgconfig" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding for Qt Quick"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Qt5Core = null; Qt5Gui = null; Qt5Qml = null; Qt5Quick = null; + Qt5Widgets = null; }; + + "hsqml-demo-morris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, directory, hsqml + , OddWord, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsqml-demo-morris"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zkjcll4hgsv1ji4rd48fx95hn90vl9vvdzxbirqfaf40xai58md"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq directory hsqml OddWord text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsqml-demo-notes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsqml, sqlite-simple, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsqml-demo-notes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d754caiip1hgzhw2lc09bqyk7g3zqlyr3y51fa76v4dl7d0maxj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hsqml sqlite-simple text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sticky notes example program implemented in HsQML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsqml-demo-samples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsqml, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsqml-demo-samples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "017yqpk5kivcm070lqlmb5ml19hrghc22h5h2svk4mwszscf65fc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hsqml OpenGL OpenGLRaw text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fopengl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HsQML sample programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsqml-morris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, directory, hsqml + , OddWord, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsqml-morris"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qisi1r8lljgkwc9v5p3nqq6b78vdn9wyydsp31dxqnbd1lyg5ax"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq directory hsqml OddWord tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsshellscript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, directory, parsec, random, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsshellscript"; + version = "3.3.2"; + sha256 = "0rc78yx82gy7a3dxl1mn9hrj1cqhq51zq6w4nf11rzgn6106zdln"; + buildDepends = [ base directory parsec random unix ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell for Unix shell scripting tasks"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hssourceinfo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, regexpr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hssourceinfo"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "07g1wsm4131ymp4ym33fx8yfs0bsqn9as65lkyg21ajc0dz2j1qa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath regexpr ]; + description = "get haskell source code info"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hssqlppp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, groom, HUnit, mtl, parsec + , pretty, syb, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hssqlppp"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "083mczqb5ca52ly88xhmd8244q8j1iyf0kkxmgp4w13w6sa5lwzl"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec pretty syb template-haskell transformers + uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers groom HUnit mtl parsec pretty syb template-haskell + test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SQL parser and type checker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstatistics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, hmatrix, hmatrix-gsl-stats, random + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstatistics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08bkffx3d87c3cb3zp0gdj10cw1cb2m55lbqkh6b6lvxjy26igvp"; + buildDepends = [ + array base hmatrix hmatrix-gsl-stats random vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstats"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "04v03gha4p0i9ymjladmzpw8mwk72s60aihk50k2ixqja976y9hj"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Statistical Computing in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstatsd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, network, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstatsd"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "092q52yyb1xdji1y72bdcgvp8by2w1z9j717sl1gmh2p89cpjrs4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl network text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quick and dirty statsd interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hstest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, HUnit + , mtl, QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstest"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0afvl5b82alnbdj0l26scg1qy7rln94qk9an252p83zlg5nd16gd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath ghc ghc-paths HUnit mtl QuickCheck random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runs tests via QuickCheck1 and HUnit; like quickCheck-script but uses GHC api"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstidy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstidy"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1hjsdxl0vn42n5kfiq42yvrr3j31sjy9g7iwjlnj2x72jff79vxs"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Takes haskell source on stdin, parses it, then prettyprints it to stdout"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstorchat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, hsqml, HUnit + , network, process, QuickCheck, random, safecopy, socks, tagged + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstorchat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d87s6f6qgq7sbqzdgidnn3gxz9panhdk2mfhd7263hb9mrq1k3c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers hsqml network process random safecopy + socks tagged text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Distributed instant messaging over Tor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hstradeking" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, configurator, containers, hoauth + , http-conduit, lifted-base, numbers, old-locale, resourcet, RSA + , safe, text, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstradeking"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "10wyvfha6vngrj8h8i9dx1skyz3c4g1pcx13cafix5cpim6dr64w"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive conduit + configurator containers hoauth http-conduit lifted-base numbers + old-locale resourcet RSA safe text time transformers vector + ]; + description = "Tradeking API bindings for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstyle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, syb, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstyle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a63i54zd9ls1lii4p2qzpds3q8xbcl8w8b6m53ix3n6ikpa4n35"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory filepath haskell-src-exts syb text vector + ]; + description = "Checks Haskell source code for style compliance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hstzaar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, filepath + , glade, gtk, parallel, QuickCheck, random, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hstzaar"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1hjf5n7m5d9bnj1rwnsf2pvs6vcfvv2hf53a6pbyb63c4rgqzk2m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory filepath glade gtk parallel + QuickCheck random xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A two player abstract strategy game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsubconvert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, general-prelude, gitlib + , hslogger, lens, mtl, parallel-io, regex-posix, stringable + , svndump, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, text-format, time + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsubconvert"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1sl7dxqi47x937wivdlx5yg6a4niczcz22xs3flvgsrxbx1ahy9w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs general-prelude gitlib hslogger lens mtl + parallel-io regex-posix stringable svndump system-fileio + system-filepath text text-format time transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "One-time, faithful conversion of Subversion repositories to Git"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hswip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, mtl, ncurses, readline, swipl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hswip"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "11nlpnfjnypz76m2padkz7ppjdir1vz3bp65s9wzphvnsmp3a681"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ ncurses readline swipl ]; + description = "embedding prolog in haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ncurses readline; + swipl = null; }; + + "hsx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, mtl, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsx"; + version = "0.10.5"; + sha256 = "046428y16h6za41lwqkp5pnqfd74zw8jiz8xw7j7sq0rhylg134v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts mtl utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsx-jmacro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-hsp, hsp, jmacro, mtl, text + , wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsx-jmacro"; + version = "7.3.6"; + sha256 = "1fr60b57z2ri2pfs890xvrzrh4n75p2j4nmb7b819cf4rhgshgnh"; + buildDepends = [ + base happstack-hsp hsp jmacro mtl text wl-pprint-text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hsp+jmacro support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsx-xhtml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsx, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsx-xhtml"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "1051fh4yjnsax60v4rfh5r87n660ygq033gmg710nm3gw57ihkl2"; + buildDepends = [ base hsx mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XHTML utilities to use together with HSX"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsx2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, mtl + , template-haskell, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsx2hs"; + version = "0.13.2"; + sha256 = "1xszshj94vwh9mxm1h4pvj7x0jivid065f1gqf1l4crd4d4488mc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta mtl template-haskell + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsyscall" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsyscall"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0ysi317vwgksaq78k31sb8s34rjjhl4w8ncvycfsmmdnv7cdg2ld"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI to syscalls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hsyslog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hsyslog"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "02v698grn43bvikqhqiz9ys8x2amngdmhvl3i0ar9203p2x8q3pq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI interface to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hszephyr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, com_err, mtl, time, zephyr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hszephyr"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0lgzricdq2vijmsqrwg93amxslmdwzj17c4ppmws3pcb54xj2fsr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl time ]; + extraLibraries = [ com_err zephyr ]; + description = "Simple libzephyr bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { com_err = null; zephyr = null; }; + + "htags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, haskell-src, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htags"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "064ddzligzqimdhprgpgl1j0gf4xv53anaisx3fc88as104q8zjk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath haskell-src mtl ]; + description = "A Haskell98 parsing tags program similar to ctags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bzlib, directory, filepath + , old-locale, old-time, tar, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htar"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1yxp3kql8viavx5vwxcm5gqilsq82bspx42c45n4ix13h0z2ww5m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bzlib directory filepath old-locale old-time tar + zlib + ]; + description = "Command-line tar archive utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htiled" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, containers + , filepath, hxt, split, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htiled"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g0fak4iwjii5zvn79hcdydrp4vs5c0nwwbf7v2m2gajw1r34fg9"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring containers filepath hxt split + zlib + ]; + description = "Import from the Tiled map editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htime"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0pqk91iycqvy3iq86i0b54bpp9cd720z463q6cwbvc9yzk5bf7zz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process time ]; + description = "Timing utility for the command line"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q9hmfii62kc82ijlg238fxrzxhsivn42x5wd6ffcr9xldg4jd8c"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "HTML combinator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "html-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, hspec, HUnit, resourcet, system-filepath + , tagstream-conduit, text, transformers, xml-conduit, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bsr0fsy7k606m477c4rxdh7j71nyrp86f1lg9wlwnbm31vrhw00"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers resourcet + system-filepath tagstream-conduit text transformers xml-conduit + xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec HUnit xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "html-kure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, kure }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html-kure"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "022m9lm642g7as0a5qkgmmamsh51kgx9nk6y01wgq24ln65injmr"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt kure ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTML rewrite engine, using KURE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "html-minimalist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html-minimalist"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "06qhjb8c1x9wab77g493bbqqm068alkc4vn7c6dj810gdgxwgw5j"; + buildDepends = [ base xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimalist haskell html library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "html-rules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, mtl, tagsoup, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html-rules"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k0jqx1mlcar6z8ggrz3fv1nzilkwdxvg3gvsb3pg7nvbkhz5lpw"; + buildDepends = [ base lens mtl tagsoup transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Perform traversals of HTML structures using sets of rules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "html-truncate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html-truncate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d66kdg81774b8isw1mfkl54sgmaz0n04n6shd5jjz18sjwyxp14"; + buildDepends = [ base tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A HTML truncator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "html2hamlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ascii, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, cmdargs + , hamlet, http-enumerator, network, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "html2hamlet"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1nh6whpc9xdlmkw4n3lfi8xgfbgvb0lz7dry25j5fgxgvpsa0g9d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ascii base blaze-builder bytestring cmdargs hamlet http-enumerator + network text xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTML to Hamlet converter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htodo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htodo"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0av34wypj47h4aifwqjjdwihb5b5jly5hcr32jq64ld94b7r4l2m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-safe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A todo application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htoml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , file-embed, old-locale, parsec, tasty, tasty-hspec, tasty-hunit + , text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htoml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lba441h5g7cj1cgsg48gw9z80ljczrjdsnyl5dyycqdvidlbr2z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal containers file-embed old-locale parsec + tasty tasty-hspec tasty-hunit text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers file-embed parsec tasty + tasty-hspec tasty-hunit text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for TOML files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htrace"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ar1w9p6ppag2vp8kw6byirhfdfs4r639pjh5icnyiiliz6jkvlx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Hierarchical tracing for debugging of lazy evaluation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmt, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hts"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0l09skjsds4p9kdwrwrxg8hdd1ja7m2zmggf23dfimzm1jsij6y2"; + buildDepends = [ base hmt xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Music Typesetting"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "htsn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, configurator, directory, filepath + , hdaemonize, hslogger, htsn-common, hxt, MissingH, network + , process, tasty, tasty-hunit, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htsn"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "123h3x22652xfnc1szvclnhfnr5wb5ndx8ahyvramvgjr1mmxpp5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator directory filepath hdaemonize hslogger + htsn-common hxt MissingH network tasty tasty-hunit unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator directory filepath hdaemonize hslogger + htsn-common hxt MissingH network process tasty tasty-hunit unix + ]; + description = "Parse XML files from The Sports Network feed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "htsn-common" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, hslogger, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htsn-common"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0ywp0683mna16znsqn6h6k5iihpzhj909hivgmlvfzkrn6plvc15"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base hslogger transformers ]; + description = "Display/logging facilities used by both htsn and htsn-import"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "htsn-import" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, configurator, directory, doctest + , filepath, groundhog, groundhog-postgresql, groundhog-sqlite + , groundhog-th, hslogger, htsn-common, hxt, MissingH, old-locale + , process, split, tasty, tasty-hunit, time, transformers, tuple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htsn-import"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1k8563jaqkdx3i8h0hslbw1vkdc3ff1ip5xg621fzsqs9fpxz29j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator directory filepath groundhog + groundhog-postgresql groundhog-sqlite groundhog-th hslogger + htsn-common hxt MissingH old-locale split tasty tasty-hunit time + transformers tuple + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator directory doctest filepath groundhog + groundhog-postgresql groundhog-sqlite groundhog-th hslogger + htsn-common hxt MissingH old-locale process split tasty tasty-hunit + time transformers tuple + ]; + description = "Import XML files from The Sports Network into an RDBMS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "http-accept" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-accept"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1ivwkwr9jgbf6m2dv4gaw5vxrz2vm5wzz65ncl5jpma6wimwh4ii"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for working with HTTP Accept headers"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "http-attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, http-types }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-attoparsec"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "12l892fix11mrvm10awwvv31y59q5rb6gb0sqjp6l4p4ym9ngqa3"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring http-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Attoparsec parsers for http-types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, cookie + , data-default-class, deepseq, exceptions, filepath, ghc-prim + , hspec, http-types, mime-types, monad-control, network + , network-uri, publicsuffixlist, random, streaming-commons, text + , time, transformers, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v8k9n23mcql3wpxjq9xy7ppmj8z1vga0ny681pqbdapyqnpfdjc"; + buildDepends = [ + array base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive containers cookie data-default-class deepseq + exceptions filepath ghc-prim http-types mime-types network + network-uri publicsuffixlist random streaming-commons text time + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive containers deepseq hspec http-types monad-control + network streaming-commons text time transformers zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An HTTP client engine, intended as a base layer for more user-friendly packages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-client-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, crypto-conduit, http-client + , http-conduit, pureMD5, resourcet, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-auth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07scawz138qffcgw5lyxbxmwdm0czhylqy1rzm0ff59n8amr46j4"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive + conduit crypto-conduit http-client http-conduit pureMD5 resourcet + transformers utf8-string + ]; + description = "HTTP authorization (both basic and digest) done right"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-client-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-client }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-conduit"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0k2vq9y7kfbkhcsszjr74ahq5nw5z7dbzjhw1ixbigcr56axsd19"; + buildDepends = [ base http-client ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Frontend support for using http-client with conduit (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-client-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-client, http-types, lens + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-lens"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1n5q3wprhp8kwwq2n1v06l1a9k9p3z96rxv3kr6bbwga9lsb3jip"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-client http-types lens network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Optics for http-client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-client-multipart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-client }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-multipart"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18za6s3658hgm95rrygghrz0b643c7nkzaimb14v2hv82w3k9crg"; + buildDepends = [ base http-client ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate multipart uploads for http-client. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-client-openssl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HsOpenSSL, hspec, http-client, http-types + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-openssl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mg2gn51ixb68wd8mm66kcj4627q6gj64810wsa1axy3jmk5qym3"; + buildDepends = [ base HsOpenSSL http-client network ]; + testDepends = [ base HsOpenSSL hspec http-client http-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "http-client backend using the OpenSSL library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-client-request-modifiers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, exceptions, http-client + , http-media, http-types, network, network-uri + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-request-modifiers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1bd6r24gh0nxfj040q3x39nqnpkdqkri1wdlg3jf2h61cb5gli5r"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring exceptions http-client http-media http-types + network network-uri + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convenient monadic HTTP request modifiers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-client-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HsOpenSSL, http-client + , http-client-openssl, io-streams, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rzvswz68w581dqdbwjy2ywadfbjx95306rgaphac617zzgp5xpd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HsOpenSSL http-client http-client-openssl + io-streams mtl transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tls" ]; + description = "http-client for io-streams supporting openssl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-client-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, connection, data-default-class + , hspec, http-client, http-types, network, tls + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-client-tls"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0a01r05h5fxswyn6k6cgqgak4scqjan72hyy5wbdqzzhl4rmh7j5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring connection data-default-class http-client network + tls + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec http-client http-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "http-client backend using the connection package and tls library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-common" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, directory, mtl, network, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-common"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w83qz35aaxc2k3qqpamh8anqxr7w3vym5qh40w1a8n4x00pm960"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive + directory mtl network text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common types for HTTP clients and servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , conduit, conduit-extra, connection, cookie, data-default-class + , hspec, http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network, resourcet + , streaming-commons, text, time, transformers, utf8-string, wai + , wai-conduit, warp, warp-tls + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-conduit"; + version = "2.1.5"; + sha256 = "0vk2an6h3h7a5klk9xrf3apfm6xdmqm418yrr7pb56b7w5sfq003"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit http-client http-client-tls http-types + lifted-base monad-control mtl resourcet transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive conduit + conduit-extra connection cookie data-default-class hspec + http-client http-types HUnit lifted-base network streaming-commons + text time transformers utf8-string wai wai-conduit warp warp-tls + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-conduit-browser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, certificate, conduit, containers, cookie + , data-default, failure, hspec, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit + , lifted-base, monad-control, network, network-conduit, resourcet + , socks, text, time, tls, transformers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-conduit-browser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05jbxqigld9bg26gfl37c3axcxjjhm0hwp63yy8rphqp0yr4z5lc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive certificate conduit containers + cookie data-default failure http-conduit http-types lifted-base + monad-control network resourcet socks time tls transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive + certificate conduit containers cookie data-default failure hspec + http-conduit http-types HUnit lifted-base monad-control network + network-conduit resourcet socks text time tls transformers wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Browser interface to the http-conduit package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-conduit-downloader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, connection + , data-default, HsOpenSSL, http-client, http-conduit, http-types + , lifted-base, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale, resourcet + , time, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-conduit-downloader"; + version = "1.0.22"; + sha256 = "0bvm8hbhs4vq9zy04wz6nawg0px398jv9by3cvj80lgyzwbaxgn3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit connection data-default HsOpenSSL + http-client http-conduit http-types lifted-base mtl network + network-uri old-locale resourcet time zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP downloader tailored for web-crawler needs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-date" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, doctest + , hspec, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-date"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1pbm066i1cpa3z2kfsqpva0qixnx87s76dpafz3wf6dkaqj8n8i5"; + buildDepends = [ array attoparsec base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring doctest hspec old-locale time ]; + description = "HTTP Date parser/formatter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-encodings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HTTP, iconv, mime, mtl, parsec + , text, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-encodings"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "0b29zqa2ybja73jip83qn1xhiinn1k64b6dmc39ccp48ip1xdnvn"; + editedCabalFile = "b9e6dd65c8dd4119887c084f1bd14570ab0540e723afb845212f041e871210d7"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HTTP iconv mime mtl parsec text utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for encoding and decoding bodies of HTTP messages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-data, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator + , bytestring, case-insensitive, certificate, containers, cprng-aes + , data-default, enumerator, failure, http-types, monad-control + , network, tls, tls-extra, transformers, utf8-string, zlib-enum + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10w2ppgb4kjl3h77iq7j9qh3gcl6a0fvbpidi2njd4pfhrq4lgs6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-data attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base base64-bytestring + blaze-builder blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring case-insensitive + certificate containers cprng-aes data-default enumerator failure + http-types monad-control network tls tls-extra transformers + utf8-string zlib-enum + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-network-bytestring" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP client package with enumerator interface and HTTPS support. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-kit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, hspec + , http-types, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-kit"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1swnvsbaabk946pys9q9kr0bgdvalnznd59dw981sg7cywqdcz28"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring case-insensitive http-types ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec http-types QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + ]; + description = "A low-level HTTP library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-link-header" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, errors, hspec, hspec-attoparsec + , network-uri, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-link-header"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1lcl0ylj8lq0i2b806k1yqvzbv9dg1m4ka9bmvmhz4z78kiahck1"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base errors network-uri text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-attoparsec QuickCheck text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser and writer for the HTTP Link header as specified in RFC 5988 \"Web Linking\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "http-media" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, cabal-test-quickcheck + , containers, QuickCheck, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-media"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "14nvdlcail0xpzfjalk22s8wcss4xqsj1gfvpc13zvlfgyc2qyvr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cabal-test-quickcheck containers QuickCheck + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Processing HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "http-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, explicit-exception + , HTTP, lazyio, network, parsec, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-monad"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "127fy54km9js02kp5ws9pyg2d1qc2ar1342g1w2p3h8086il6mp7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers explicit-exception HTTP lazyio network + parsec transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtestserver" "-f-splitbase" ]; + description = "Monad abstraction for HTTP allowing lazy transfer and non-I/O simulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-proxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , case-insensitive, conduit, ghc-prim, http-conduit, http-types + , lifted-base, network, resourcet, tls, transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-proxy"; + version = "0.0.12"; + sha256 = "0k6qmr3xrky1w90if2jvzc9bgifxifxkwbymw8zndgxs976zpdig"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-builder-conduit + bytestring bytestring-lexing case-insensitive conduit ghc-prim + http-conduit http-types lifted-base network resourcet tls + transformers wai + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-network-bytestring" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing HTTP and HTTPS proxies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-querystring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, doctest, hspec + , http-types, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-querystring"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0n21x8w9pggyp5lbgww70g7860k6n35csq669s9gvrmv1n22k7m6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers http-types ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers doctest hspec http-types QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The HTTP query builder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-reverse-proxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default-class, hspec, http-client, http-conduit, http-types + , lifted-base, monad-control, network, resourcet, streaming-commons + , text, transformers, wai, wai-logger, warp, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-reverse-proxy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gggn5l08g7mxbka0h7h8w687y3awbm19395fi6wvis76isyz8wy"; + buildDepends = [ + async base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive conduit + conduit-extra containers data-default-class http-client http-types + lifted-base monad-control network resourcet streaming-commons text + transformers wai wai-logger word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring conduit conduit-extra hspec + http-conduit http-types lifted-base network resourcet + streaming-commons transformers wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, mime, network, text, unix, url + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-server"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1sillnp37njlkgvg4r4lxcc9m91v8xhar0f1mz7vnj8a97490l4q"; + buildDepends = [ + base HTTP mime network text unix url utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing Haskell web servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-shed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-shed"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0asb499rkxr3jzyv5abiqcjx7jdsxkqndcaiqrlx7sfb6f3rccdv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + description = "A simple websever with an interact style API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base + , base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , directory, ghc-prim, HsOpenSSL, hspec, hspec-expectations + , http-common, HUnit, io-streams, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl + , network, network-uri, openssl-streams, snap-core, snap-server + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hs2d5qiq5vq6qjxxx061w1iigr05chkv28xvlvxfz0wc7nlipzz"; + editedCabalFile = "cd9bfce1014b9f9cb90918ac0187c07ac851e1d54149a453a32ffe7bd2bac522"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive directory HsOpenSSL http-common io-streams mtl + network network-uri openssl-streams text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder + bytestring case-insensitive directory ghc-prim HsOpenSSL hspec + hspec-expectations http-common HUnit io-streams + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network network-uri openssl-streams + snap-core snap-server system-fileio system-filepath text + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An HTTP client using io-streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-client, lens + , lens-aeson, mtl, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, time, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-test"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "06y7nikmyr9jrcrnsqy63p1zv1nv0z1h1bmbryr4dkh5pisfmr83"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-client lens lens-aeson mtl tasty + tasty-hunit text time wreq + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test framework for HTTP APIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, doctest, hspec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-types"; + version = "0.8.5"; + sha256 = "0d282sf3xyk5makhnwfm2k9mgw1fkh07kasmy85fiwjkc1447ciw"; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring doctest hspec QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http-wget" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, process, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http-wget"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sbg4gpx8ikaxb15wflm7fnjnkr32fj07bva62z54dsm630s37fx"; + buildDepends = [ base failure process transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a simple HTTP client interface by wrapping the wget command line tool. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "http2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, array, attoparsec + , attoparsec-binary, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, hex, hspec, PSQueue, text + , unordered-containers, vector, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "http2"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "1brsvq1v24p8ayfnmq2as47xx4lj5hyg1yqvdf9j6126ad31cacg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec attoparsec-binary base + blaze-builder bytestring containers directory filepath hex PSQueue + text unordered-containers vector word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty array attoparsec attoparsec-binary base + blaze-builder bytestring containers directory doctest filepath hex + hspec PSQueue text unordered-containers vector word8 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-devel" ]; + description = "HTTP/2.0 library including HPACK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "httpd-shed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, network-uri }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "httpd-shed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "064jy1mqhnf1hvq6s04wlhmp916rd522x58djb9qixv13vc8gzxh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network network-uri ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + description = "A simple web-server with an interact style API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "https-everywhere-rules" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, errors, functor-infix, hspec + , http-client, https-everywhere-rules-raw, lens, network, pipes + , string-conversions, taggy-lens, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "https-everywhere-rules"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "170ynbjv8dz221rs26i4d0kwkv3h4ljmx5azslc9jj9lzgb42knp"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base errors functor-infix http-client + https-everywhere-rules-raw lens network pipes string-conversions + taggy-lens text text-icu + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base errors functor-infix hspec http-client + https-everywhere-rules-raw lens network pipes string-conversions + taggy-lens text text-icu + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "https-everywhere-rules-raw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, functor-infix, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "https-everywhere-rules-raw"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "0zm3znn42nzh9dlpjjn38nsz8rsb0gzl5rv6ngii1vfq534sddy6"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath functor-infix text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level (i.e. XML) access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "httpspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bidispec, bytestring, cgi, containers + , encoding, filepath, HTTP, hxt, hxthelper, MissingH, mtl, network + , pretty, safe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "httpspec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vghkrs72cja9x2lqshh6nhsdp8f68s3wh7zljn86011h4widd5v"; + buildDepends = [ + base bidispec bytestring cgi containers encoding filepath HTTP hxt + hxthelper MissingH mtl network pretty safe + ]; + description = "Specification of HTTP request/response generators and parsers"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "htune" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-pcm, base, carray, fft, gloss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htune"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1il1d8b7xyv59f7xim337zyh88s1qchsrdhrgmv322hqf73n6rh2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ alsa-pcm base carray fft gloss ]; + description = "harmonic analyser and tuner for musical instruments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "htzaar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenGL, random, SDL }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "htzaar"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "12g41q821yh43nslb96jpqyb58k1lz6g0a6vmqw202m0hv94npdb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGL random SDL ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A two player abstract strategy game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , fgl, filepath, hexpat, process, regex-compat, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hub"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0bl78xssp35403r2knkwhbd6fi872p7w4zl6y8gyw219cmbj4j77"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory fgl filepath hexpat + process regex-compat unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "For multiplexing GHC installations and providing development sandboxes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hubigraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haxr, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hubigraph"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "19mxblqy3bchhrk725x4kmpa9hidjzj0d0sqhx34smqw7v36x814"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haxr mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A haskell wrap for Ubigraph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hubris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, ghc + , ghc-paths, haskell98, hint, mtl, old-time, process, ruby + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hubris"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "135q3nzchncbkx4bpx7p1glwnc9aw5j77f3xnr0d6llfba1bw79l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers ghc ghc-paths haskell98 hint + mtl old-time process + ]; + extraLibraries = [ ruby ]; + description = "Support library for Hubris, the Ruby <=> Haskell bridge"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "huffman" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fingertree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "huffman"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "191llv4s64jrh8cma43r5z740avd5picja5fr45l4mi2gwmkx4s3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fingertree ]; + description = "Pure Haskell implementation of the Huffman encoding algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hugs2yc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec + , uniplate, ycextra, yhccore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hugs2yc"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1bmcdjwh08q84ijx7hdfraz0wqq0wwgf5pj0jlmdq5rbpb9c547a"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl parsec uniplate ycextra + yhccore + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hugs Front-end to Yhc Core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hulk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, cmdargs + , ConfigFile, containers, Crypto, directory, fastirc, filepath + , ghc-prim, monad-extras, mtl, network, split, strict, text, time + , unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hulk"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0vq0sb11kiiry67bh5ish1cwj8sf6rgf70p1zrm462zsqgv9wkk2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring case-insensitive cmdargs ConfigFile + containers Crypto directory fastirc filepath ghc-prim monad-extras + mtl network split strict text time unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "IRC server written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hums" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , ConfigFile, containers, directory, filepath, HaXml, http-types + , hxt, MissingH, mtl, network, system-fileio, system-filepath + , system-uuid, text, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, wai + , warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hums"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1wb9bn83lrn6cpp0gkpc7v40m9wlx8i8zqijm4dmd23zzmrlrxhr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive ConfigFile + containers directory filepath HaXml http-types hxt MissingH mtl + network system-fileio system-filepath system-uuid text transformers + unix unordered-containers wai warp + ]; + description = "Haskell UPnP Media Server"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hunit-gui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, haskell98, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hunit-gui"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0wzy2gjxpqr0j2cfnl88ixccm8dv3z9cql1zpzr4ph6g37dc9w60"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo gtk haskell98 HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A GUI testrunner for HUnit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hunit-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hunit-parsec"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "089l8n1yjcf6sypr76r8p0djwpcqaa5xdk1d0m2k9piig9fnzr40"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit parsec ]; + description = "An HUnit Testable instance for Parsec parser unit tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hunit-rematch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, rematch }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hunit-rematch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xj5f6l8nfanbf0xdwl2j2na45w5h0spi9a8pxqgpxx2rak145gs"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit rematch ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit rematch ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit support for rematch"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hunp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, monads-fd + , parsec, pcre-light, process, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hunp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0k07dbqrlnhg3a4yk25gc665z43hcl57kblr20mzryw0cf9zdsci"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath monads-fd parsec pcre-light + process split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unpacker tool with DWIM"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hurdle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, kangaroo }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hurdle"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "13hg6v7vk72yiy0qhwm1f3ksm85vf56a3g5mm62kpbb0lcxvvqwf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers kangaroo ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extract function names from Windows DLLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "husk-scheme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc-paths, haskeline, knob, mtl, parsec, process, time + , transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "husk-scheme"; + version = "3.18"; + sha256 = "05m5ppcksy7yp5lx4k94y1khzg3vbfi8yjslpymbz6cj060mfpbp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath ghc-paths + haskeline knob mtl parsec process time transformers utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fuseptrs" "-fuselibraries" "-f-useffi" "-f-usedebug" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "R5RS Scheme interpreter, compiler, and library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "husk-scheme-libs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, husk-scheme, json, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "husk-scheme-libs"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "18c8ww2f7bgxbh33agcrpb36xgjn7zs509ji7q968hnwqnx9vgcj"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers husk-scheme json mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra libraries for the husk Scheme platform"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "husky" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, old-locale, parsec + , readline, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "husky"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "136sskjkb4nwsqdmgyly207zv4kv27bxf633p2wl869wcr6kkdbg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl old-locale parsec readline time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple command line calculator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "huzzy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, easyplot }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "huzzy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i8h380nszd7hk7x6l7qx0ri6k12551li2m77gspzakcf47l6ldp"; + buildDepends = [ base easyplot ]; + description = "Fuzzy logic library with support for T1, IT2, GT2"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hwall-auth-iitk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskeline, http-conduit + , http-types, mtl, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hwall-auth-iitk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ibxdyg9r5n3dc8szhb8fvdjsbgpbwdah2aahn0kagi1zxw24fl2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskeline http-conduit http-types mtl regex-compat + unix + ]; + description = "Initial version of firewall Authentication for IITK network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hweblib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit + , mtl, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hweblib"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "03dmx5irlsyb3b9zg2r6nz947sslizkn0nlk65ldb5n4m8my33hy"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers mtl text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers HUnit mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Web Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, haskell98 + , html, mtl, network, old-time, regex-compat, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hws"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d0f0bwbfcmbm1jx6m90qxxjad2adz5k0k51i4jh5ylrfa9xfs7r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory haskell98 html mtl network old-time + regex-compat text unix + ]; + description = "Simple Haskell Web Server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hx"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "04wkgql6gs9glmp9kj5awis5b15vmwgkyqzi814k9514k3c7c1rb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell extras (missing utility functions)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxmppc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fclabels, network, network-protocol-xmpp + , text, transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxmppc"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1fri1xcs95ynkf471hrkai0k8kvxhx77ra07yripycnlpa9fcwj9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base fclabels network network-protocol-xmpp text transformers + xml-types + ]; + description = "Haskell XMPP (Jabber Client) Command Line Interface (CLI)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hxournal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, cmdargs, configurator + , containers, Diff, directory, double-conversion, dyre, fclabels + , filepath, gtk, monad-coroutine, mtl, poppler, strict + , template-haskell, time, transformers, TypeCompose + , xournal-builder, xournal-parser, xournal-render, xournal-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxournal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fk4cgk4ncf5v7k8hankwb49ablfcxj1rcw64ka6pz3jrz4sablq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo cmdargs configurator containers Diff + directory double-conversion dyre fclabels filepath gtk + monad-coroutine mtl poppler strict template-haskell time + transformers TypeCompose xournal-builder xournal-parser + xournal-render xournal-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fpoppler" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pen notetaking program written in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hxt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, HUnit, hxt-charproperties + , hxt-regex-xmlschema, hxt-unicode, mtl, network-uri, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jmd13wh29i7rl8wvz2mrn4055r4pc8qaph5p0hkw8mbpkn93jcf"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath HUnit + hxt-charproperties hxt-regex-xmlschema hxt-unicode mtl network-uri + parsec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bzlib, deepseq + , haskell98, hxt + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-binary"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hbby0lcb9kis05zsf5rgyisa1qwryvv8zf91q9fi0j0d7s3rasw"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bzlib deepseq haskell98 hxt + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialisation and deserialisation of HXT XmlTrees"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, hxt, old-locale, SHA, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-cache"; + version = "9.1.0"; + sha256 = "16205mp6kilq3s6y08sz45nl23cpwnnbb83v561nais4clc99m7y"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath hxt + old-locale SHA time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cache for HXT XML Documents and other binary data"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-charproperties" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-charproperties"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01v3j0cg9pkp18iy4s8s582qqq98r4l9jzr84x5sa2rva4cg0gpi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, parsec, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-css"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z8qswykx0k965n2mfp87b6h8fixrydvjg98d8h37bclfsqzj15w"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hxt parsec split ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CSS selectors for HXT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hxt-curl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, hxt, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-curl"; + version = "9.1.1"; + sha256 = "0dbm71ja9g0asj221vlpdvlhz1ipv3z0x2g4zmv5f03dcs97c11b"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring curl hxt parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LibCurl interface for HXT"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-expat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hexpat, hxt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-expat"; + version = "9.1.1"; + sha256 = "1mi2f2i31nqjqzwl82iypm1qngrpxp7lz506pjgqfbn840yc9n8h"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hexpat hxt ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Expat parser for HXT"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-extras"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1bv8kcra2vgjbp7k0yczlrfbjh7ib2xixaqpnnd60hq84878nzb1"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra functions for HXT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hxt-filter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, haskell98 + , HTTP, HUnit, hxt, network, parsec, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-filter"; + version = "8.4.2"; + sha256 = "0jxiph7c59dc2fy5c2ygii1xlcmh8s5zb8c0hwvjkj0hzfjznra0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath haskell98 HTTP HUnit hxt network + parsec process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell (Filter variant)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HTTP, hxt, network, network-uri + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-http"; + version = "9.1.5"; + sha256 = "172y08zx9q4qvdi7k9hg9qahp6qjs24r663il6fmynaw7szsiib9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HTTP hxt network network-uri parsec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-pickle-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-pickle-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06v4935lljcyyx4a5v0z4id3fz4v28aghsrzr94k6diibpnwcdz2"; + editedCabalFile = "89173b402c57c3ee7ee0eb2814e58d81e46cce5742a4f01684980b841359d2fb"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for using HXT picklers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hxt-regex-xmlschema" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, hxt-charproperties + , parsec, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-regex-xmlschema"; + version = "9.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pcbyvc71173ad0zkgpdpyyljngrk4p1jjjaw5wbwcvm4ijh44g3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hxt-charproperties parsec text ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit parsec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-relaxng" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hxt, hxt-charproperties + , hxt-regex-xmlschema, network-uri, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-relaxng"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16jzsk9gkrqnq1d1n5nm0w6b4viq7938zlis26mm975x6s12i1w6"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hxt hxt-charproperties hxt-regex-xmlschema + network-uri parsec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The HXT RelaxNG validator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-tagsoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, hxt-charproperties, hxt-unicode + , tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-tagsoup"; + version = "9.1.3"; + sha256 = "1rp499j6w3h9xfxqyw2fn05ffq3z0wg1r9h2c205m37mb8visq77"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt hxt-charproperties hxt-unicode tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TagSoup parser for HXT"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-unicode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt-charproperties }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-unicode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iljbk7f7d4wkl592bp0vw807683sqdxfnigindkrvr9p1xvwg8r"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt-charproperties ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode en-/decoding functions for utf8, iso-latin-* and other encodings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hxt-xpath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hxt, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-xpath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r9xzxwdqaj0arz9pv6f272dz73m83agbln9q9bclmgqys6l0kr9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath hxt parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The XPath modules for HXT"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxt-xslt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hxt + , hxt-xpath, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxt-xslt"; + version = "9.1.1"; + sha256 = "0klyqxgq46dca8ia3xygd194hw8p51a4iz8746zz4kifjc1fyprs"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hxt hxt-xpath parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The XSLT modules for HXT"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "hxthelper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, encoding, hxt, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxthelper"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1il21mqmvvfdny5ksnyixj1wqhabvxqhccd6vj4dbzlvvf5yb6k1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring encoding hxt mtl ]; + description = "Helper functions for HXT"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "hxweb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, fastcgi, libxml, mtl, xslt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hxweb"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0faiyflyhmn2y0bs920qgm9xkj9i69lzxhsg4rxffal989gi32z8"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi fastcgi libxml mtl xslt ]; + description = "Minimal webframework using fastcgi, libxml2 and libxslt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hyahtzee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyahtzee"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0zv9ycgf9sii59q86s04m6krjyjgmrqaxz4lyvwa58b7a886wcmv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Yahtzee game implementation in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hyakko" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, cmdargs + , directory, filepath, highlighting-kate, mtl, pandoc + , regex-pcre-builtin, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyakko"; + version = "0.6.6"; + sha256 = "1y0b5rxgiaygy0y42s2rnnw87br4d73nbjii9gpbf80rlvhdjagw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring cmdargs directory filepath + highlighting-kate mtl pandoc regex-pcre-builtin text + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Literate-style Documentation Generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hybrid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hybrid"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "05v69csnz7g9ikymnrmzjqhdwlrfsb44pbv8mzddgk6my9ddlb9w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A implementation of a type-checker for Lambda-H"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hybrid-vectors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hybrid-vectors"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1scx1xr9rqdpxc1kj5zgf8w1ld1mj68hxr3nl1p352wspvpgd3qf"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hybrid vectors e.g. Mixed Boxed/Unboxed vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hydra-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, sixense_x64 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydra-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18sxqangnl3gbb77dsg036ymsjj6w7zws2v43qnp3cfi0ksjxx8s"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ sixense_x64 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-usepkgconfig" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to the Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { sixense_x64 = null; }; + + "hydra-print" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, HUnit, io-streams, mtl, ncurses, process, QuickCheck + , random, semigroups, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, time + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydra-print"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16cgp3a475pzy0zasvfv3cvkvgc84g6p960sykk7y4aki0n3769i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory filepath io-streams mtl + ncurses process random semigroups text time transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory HUnit io-streams mtl + ncurses process QuickCheck random semigroups test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + text time transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "NCurses interface to view multiple ByteString streams in parallel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, mtl, pretty + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03psq7m52bg3ks53ny7ra1g0hkwg62140q1fy0236b64jbk15yq1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl pretty text ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers mtl QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An alternate Prelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hydrogen-cli-args, hydrogen-parsing + , hydrogen-prelude, hydrogen-syntax + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-cli"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0mmmin54dcmyppk0ga61db7b06cbsy85v7xh726f9wad8yga9day"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hydrogen-cli-args hydrogen-parsing hydrogen-prelude + hydrogen-syntax + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Data"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-cli-args" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hydrogen-multimap + , hydrogen-prelude + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-cli-args"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "09xm75c5akamx38qqicpin5i7mz9klrbr7prqay5w3imp2wahma5"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hydrogen-multimap hydrogen-prelude + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Command Line Arguments Parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hydrogen-parsing + , hydrogen-prelude, hydrogen-syntax, nicify, parsec, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-data"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "0md9lzz17fhlclci3i4cfb61k3lbq9z77gncmslsbv4g20sj3j5s"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hydrogen-parsing hydrogen-prelude hydrogen-syntax + nicify parsec uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-multimap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-multimap"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "165lxvm0yvz0jq3l520ww0fp4zb7y4azz32bvrz00z4j1dqr5vaw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Multimap"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-parsing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hydrogen-prelude, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-parsing"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0r3rcwp1j32lpmr06kyif2dfps11zr3libz9sydy6yj3vcbdvlmw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hydrogen-prelude parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Parsing Utilities"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cereal, containers, directory + , filepath, hashable, hydrogen-multimap, hydrogen-version, network + , nicify, process, random, regex-base, regex-tdfa, strict, time + , transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-prelude"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0gbqqsk55283dbyxylzwhriq6490lfi9ja7nanr06rkn5skpn5gm"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cereal containers directory filepath hashable + hydrogen-multimap hydrogen-version network nicify process random + regex-base regex-tdfa strict time transformers uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Prelude"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hydrogen-parsing + , hydrogen-prelude, nicify, parsec, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-syntax"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1a3lhgbqpjyy1igax7mxgkqjamr1vmzc14yzmvjvfbz8g6mlpmwm"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hydrogen-parsing hydrogen-prelude nicify parsec + uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hydrogen-prelude, parsec, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-util"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "14z2nf2af0ydqr2sm4r4cn252qn0hbacdc4z1lhyjnin66djb1a8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hydrogen-prelude parsec time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hydrogen-version" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hydrogen-version"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "1211ynxr4l1kwkxj37gyyfjcd8mmdajrnmwg9lwlf85dn49r4xzv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hydrogen Version Type"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "hyena" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, mtl, network, network-bytestring + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyena"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0899lw0vyvcw03ph4w717rxach2ncb69xfn9387j7fl0s01ch0ji"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath + mtl network network-bytestring unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple web application server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hylolib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck + , random, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hylolib"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "160k8lp6r2rbgj7qz3msa5sd5yxkdb5rjlhwd5lqbcxw2sry0vj2"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mtl pretty QuickCheck random uniplate + ]; + description = "Tools for hybrid logics related programs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hylotab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hylolib, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hylotab"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0xynx72xpb84g19gnsgq00gwj3ycfgk5qgd9j949b6k3fqr3n71w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hylolib mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tableau based theorem prover for hybrid logics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hyloutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hylolib, mtl, uniplate }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyloutils"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1pn14f3hjcxa5bww0pg2irqmbvfs7f3vfwl8z87jmxfyydgffgnh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers hylolib mtl uniplate ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-static" ]; + description = "Very small programs for hybrid logics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "hyperdrive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , extensible-exceptions, mtl, network, pipes, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyperdrive"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hvgxsrq1aws5c97w1lrk87d74kn8796vmclkdxhajfammj6ccz9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing extensible-exceptions mtl network + pipes pretty + ]; + description = "a fast, trustworthy HTTP(s) server built"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hyperloglog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, approximate, base, binary, bits, bytes, cereal + , cereal-vector, comonad, deepseq, directory, distributive, doctest + , filepath, generic-deriving, hashable, hashable-extras, lens + , reflection, safecopy, semigroupoids, semigroups, simple-reflect + , siphash, tagged, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyperloglog"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1agywf7142d02m8pza84pzw908g1fjgc6799w7h93mwq63c0708m"; + buildDepends = [ + approximate base binary bits bytes cereal cereal-vector comonad + deepseq distributive generic-deriving hashable hashable-extras lens + reflection safecopy semigroupoids semigroups siphash tagged vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath generic-deriving semigroups + simple-reflect + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An approximate streaming (constant space) unique object counter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hyperpublic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , http-enumerator, http-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyperpublic"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "07jz89x0daps5rkmccjprrbkwn5mzdskp2yv8asfnmcyir36lmzd"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring http-enumerator http-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "hyphenate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyphenate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0pnp5d1a0hwn6jm8v6i7yygd831q2bvsz6qb9n8db8n17lfxikx4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text hyphenation algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hyphenation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, doctest, filepath + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hyphenation"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "06na4y568v3plsyvgcqmra1crv10fcfal419fjjv300vkaafbyxb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory doctest filepath unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Configurable Knuth-Liang hyphenation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "hzk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, resource-pool, tasty + , tasty-hunit, time, zookeeper_mt + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hzk"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "1jcvha3wzf6wka1zpmsvg1j48jl85v1s4p0mryfhjqz7l9h3wkac"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring resource-pool time ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring resource-pool tasty tasty-hunit time zookeeper_mt + ]; + extraLibraries = [ zookeeper_mt ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell client library for Apache Zookeeper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { zookeeper_mt = null; }; + + "hzulip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, conduit + , exceptions, hspec, http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, lens + , lens-aeson, mtl, raw-strings-qq, scotty, stm, stm-conduit, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "hzulip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gxywjng4mv0g13yap2a0i62l8wlbncj8ajj87ca6p8aikrd6cm1"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit exceptions http-client + http-client-tls http-types lens lens-aeson mtl stm stm-conduit text + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring conduit exceptions hspec http-client + http-client-tls http-types lens lens-aeson mtl raw-strings-qq + scotty stm stm-conduit text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A haskell wrapper for the Zulip API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "i18n" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "i18n"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0l1z9acg1nnxs66w70vyhlj3wx2xg7w0lja59yp5awmh98815q1p"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath mtl old-locale old-time + parsec utf8-string + ]; + description = "Internationalization for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iCalendar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, data-default, mime, mtl, network + , network-uri, old-locale, parsec, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iCalendar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a6kj6ih8dpzvld7hjvjp6gcf4f2y81x6bx17z6wgzwdj9fv7jry"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring case-insensitive containers + data-default mime mtl network network-uri old-locale parsec text + time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "iCalendar data types, parser, and printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iException" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, interleavableIO, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iException"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0g9hh7v5m194wyj9c5vzsjjc10fia60c9p8si778yky4chvfvj7p"; + buildDepends = [ base interleavableIO mtl ]; + description = "Version of Control.Exception using InterleavableIO."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "iban" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, iso3166-country-codes + , tasty, tasty-hunit, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iban"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rg4h2as5n324zf9y6jllz28s4wj687vdiqvrbnzlavl2kbx96vl"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers iso3166-country-codes text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit tasty tasty-hunit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Validate and generate IBANs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iconv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iconv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sd7by7idcnw368mdc1rs3j4xwbzdvgvkd5p1bwgw7wcd272c142"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "String encoding conversion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ideas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cgi, containers, directory, filepath + , parsec, QuickCheck, random, time, uniplate, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ideas"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "13mj1xa1bpr0bj9id00vcm6fnai7cf2289s6gs52rmkbnhkp998m"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cgi containers directory filepath parsec QuickCheck + random time uniplate wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Feedback services for intelligent tutoring systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ideas-math" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ideas, parsec, QuickCheck + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ideas-math"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1wvxkav9c7d2na9wkzkl4pxhwihlw6iqdjga7gbjy7pmqn8xja51"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ideas parsec QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interactive domain reasoner for logic and mathematics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "idempotent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "idempotent"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "18jwk65mm50lqnbx9px4c8aa2x7n5dkrazzpzvdwq7cy4q614bj0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Idempotent monoids"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "identifiers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cereal, containers, deepseq + , hashable, ListLike, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "identifiers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lk58c465a77mshz1b8rdgpidkgr73xbh9q0hij5dqw8d32h958f"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cereal containers deepseq hashable ListLike text + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Numeric identifiers for values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "idiii" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , directory, filepath, HUnit, MissingH, polyparse, process, text + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "idiii"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11595aj56sjwk28grh6ldsbk5c6kgrirsc2xglfixw82vj7viw8h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor MissingH polyparse text + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor directory filepath HUnit + MissingH polyparse process text utf8-string + ]; + description = "ID3v2 (tagging standard for MP3 files) library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "idna" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, punycode, stringprep, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "idna"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "04w2mp9wa4mzdz4njx47j081jia8y000b46cw8vmx44fx8gv1zwp"; + buildDepends = [ base punycode stringprep text ]; + description = "Implements IDNA (RFC 3490)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "idna2008" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, punycode, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "idna2008"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pd62pr1hyk565mxc15f5lxyms58bywcqll5ya6cnzw20lv4lzlz"; + buildDepends = [ base punycode split ]; + description = "Converts Unicode hostnames into ASCII"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "idris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, annotated-wl-pprint, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint + , base, base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , boehmgc, bytestring, cheapskate, containers, deepseq, directory + , filepath, fingertree, gmp, happy, haskeline, lens, libffi, mtl + , network, optparse-applicative, parsers, pretty, process, split + , text, time, transformers, trifecta, unix, unordered-containers + , utf8-string, vector, vector-binary-instances, xml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "idris"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r31jcqs9kgknm66v7bbcgj9md7z49sgvn0nhk1dwg8jj2rmfll8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + annotated-wl-pprint ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint base + base64-bytestring binary blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + cheapskate containers deepseq directory filepath fingertree + haskeline lens libffi mtl network optparse-applicative parsers + pretty process split text time transformers trifecta unix + unordered-containers utf8-string vector vector-binary-instances xml + zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + extraLibraries = [ boehmgc gmp ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fgmp" "-fffi" "-f-freestanding" "-frelease" "-f-curses" "-fgmp" + "-fffi" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ieee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ieee"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0ckhmy10l4kchr5bg1hlygrj86ij0wrj3r8in9g3c3jhh00dx3km"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-big_endian" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ieee-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ieee-utils"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0548m1xjvzf65kkklmqjr2f5h85zdfpvxmdbx5rcg33zi8aiqfgk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "ieee-utils"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ieee-utils-tempfix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ieee-utils-tempfix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x0mkvnf3q4yfh7bi7hv6364gy0l57syzy9xgzyax8z94zh465c3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "ieee-utils"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ieee754" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ieee754"; + version = "0.7.4"; + sha256 = "1pxbkfa21mvc869n18nn7r29hcinxdbsnk68nlldzld8f6m13g1h"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-big_endian" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ieee754-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ieee754-parser"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "06pyzjd9imcnrffc0h4dwq46llkb9cmfk1nygmjgfz0y0f9481iv"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "iff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iff"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1qy19d39zkf79z2j3mvimcnr48vpka5zj05g46fl4f9hz9xjiv16"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constructing and dissecting IFF files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ifscs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, failure, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ifscs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1675j66kmlfcwd8g0wanx4jfs3vnnvz8hpazskzng6ghvp4bam1q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers failure ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + description = "An inductive-form set constraint solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, crypto-api, cryptohash + , cryptohash-cryptoapi, data-default, http-conduit, http-types + , lifted-base, monad-control, resourcet, text, time, transformers + , transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ig"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0kl44fv3djcrr87gqpcdbsvqiliwxz2iw5fd07h8xrvmls3b1lgj"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring bytestring conduit + conduit-extra crypto-api cryptohash cryptohash-cryptoapi + data-default http-conduit http-types lifted-base monad-control + resourcet text time transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit11" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Instagram's API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ige-mac-integration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, glib, gtk + , gtk2hs-buildtools, haskell98, ige-mac-integration, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ige-mac-integration"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1949c5v3157xlwcmddawc79iagxlgy4l08skpkldi45amyy3jqn6"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers glib gtk haskell98 mtl ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ ige-mac-integration ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ige-mac-integration; }; + + "igraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, hashable, igraph + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "igraph"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "098b1y1iwmlpi3kspq4cd82cs0bbxvygghssjr986664lgv06hsd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hashable unordered-containers ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ igraph ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the igraph C library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) igraph; }; + + "igrf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, polynomial }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "igrf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04ipbhry1v3cpkflshqa9sp46px0k6g67n8apvdqykk5fsssdpm1"; + editedCabalFile = "7d616cb461fb1406310675937e1e761f2d09757824dce8a92d235b7ef6ce1e4f"; + buildDepends = [ ad base polynomial ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "International Geomagnetic Reference Field"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal + , classy-prelude, cmdargs, containers, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-parser, ghc-paths, haskeline, haskell-src-exts, here, hlint + , hspec, HTTP, HUnit, MissingH, mono-traversable, mtl, parsec + , process, random, setenv, shelly, split, stm, strict, system-argv0 + , system-filepath, tar, text, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, utf8-string, uuid, vector, zeromq4-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k6i56cdzv5ikci20brq7qj07nqdpzkfj7xr69lh1gvx7xb24ida"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal classy-prelude + cmdargs containers directory filepath ghc ghc-parser ghc-paths + haskeline haskell-src-exts here hlint hspec HTTP HUnit MissingH + mono-traversable mtl parsec process random shelly split stm strict + system-argv0 system-filepath tar text transformers unix + unordered-containers utf8-string uuid vector zeromq4-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal classy-prelude + cmdargs containers directory filepath ghc ghc-parser ghc-paths + haskeline haskell-src-exts here hlint hspec HTTP HUnit MissingH + mono-traversable mtl parsec process random setenv shelly split stm + strict system-argv0 system-filepath tar text transformers unix + unordered-containers utf8-string uuid vector zeromq4-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell backend kernel for the IPython project"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, classy-prelude, here + , ihaskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pficg9df5396caic44hc7kxlj0qrd7lq6knkck8sn9xhakpr1m1"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base classy-prelude here ihaskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for Aeson"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, classy-prelude + , ihaskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-blaze"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sxh3sg90sjj4fnirki9gym3dznrwk85jdh034qwg9fqyk4sxn82"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup classy-prelude ihaskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for blaze-html types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-charts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Chart, Chart-cairo + , classy-prelude, data-default-class, directory, ihaskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-charts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qh04p49ckmx7qrb7swa8bqr69sas1i4k1ki8iwmfaggxghp5pnj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Chart Chart-cairo classy-prelude data-default-class + directory ihaskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for charts types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, classy-prelude, diagrams + , diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, directory, ihaskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-diagrams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18k6abmq3xfkvc5mmbmam9qccr1kix530zil736xncpbyja2a5a8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring classy-prelude diagrams diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib + directory ihaskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for diagram types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-display" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, ihaskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-display"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cbfhv9kg33dj28mn6mhhi363pz9jr2kw4ph64ga1fiawlj563l0"; + buildDepends = [ base classy-prelude ihaskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for basic types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihaskell-magic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , classy-prelude, ihaskell, magic, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihaskell-magic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p4r5vkpvrznwhwwhhmhmgyw8n0qfm4b9pwy0mv3iwa805ffafnd"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring classy-prelude ihaskell magic + text utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IHaskell display instances for bytestrings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ihttp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , contstuff, enumerator, netlines, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ihttp"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1rcv92cdy3g9v3qgr3zvjjj0c4d7k99n7ya0mym0bjj79wj4r5zm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers contstuff enumerator netlines + network + ]; + description = "Incremental HTTP iteratee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "illuminate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, filemanip, filepath + , hscolour, html, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "illuminate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "16ijh2sadbayh3ldiagjq67xilhyv55qhqmmz8a73lbnlq3cphk5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers filemanip filepath hscolour html utf8-string + xhtml + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexecutable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast syntax highlighting library built with alex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "image-type" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "image-type"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xr55c5g4jn1y83qy7bqa5ww9r73vw9clgln9ld893vypmb91wks"; + editedCabalFile = "47033c893690f2cea85ba867343f277a8e2594f9010a5466a39dc7f3c4d682f2"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Determine the type of an image by reading the first bytes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imagefilters" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imagefilters"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1n7awx8wsm6z0sp54jri3sp403n14wzr08vjj4a422q1lf306l3y"; + buildDepends = [ base gd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Image Filters (contrast, brightness, gaussian blur, etc)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imagemagick" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, HUnit, ImageMagick + , lifted-base, MagickWand, MonadCatchIO-transformers, QuickCheck + , resourcet, system-filepath, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imagemagick"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vwmx86wpxr1f5jrwlqpvrb94dbrm0jjdqq6bppfnfyppd3s1mmq"; + editedCabalFile = "9666a02ba8aef32515f97734c86453b3b9759c46c6a9306be9f20dbdb6b98203"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring MonadCatchIO-transformers resourcet system-filepath + text transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory HUnit ImageMagick lifted-base MagickWand + QuickCheck resourcet system-filepath test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + vector + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ ImageMagick MagickWand ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + description = "bindings to imagemagick library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { ImageMagick = null; MagickWand = null; }; + + "imagepaste" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTTP, json, mtl, network + , regex-posix, tagsoup, template-haskell, transformers + , vcs-revision + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imagepaste"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k512mw4a2hm6nzz2sn00rmkf7fb7mj4a2lk1klr1wmlchwimvpv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HTTP json mtl network regex-posix tagsoup + template-haskell transformers vcs-revision + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line image paste utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imagesize-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, hspec + , resourcet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imagesize-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hhmjbdqdljfy3khzpg2xq6kgxa9x89jvpci7lf413pc1lpg4cw7"; + editedCabalFile = "9a9a6ea6572ae1cdf6f1df1bbd35c96ae2aac9f61f7eabbcc1a60ed792d14a3d"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit conduit-extra ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra hspec resourcet + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Determine the size of some common image formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imapget" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, HaskellNet, HsOpenSSL + , network, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imapget"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0h6kbh3z78xm1rjphyv7zkjc5knd7v9agss0b9rzarm1z4qd2q5v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory HaskellNet HsOpenSSL network text + ]; + description = "Downloads email from imap SSL servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imbib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bibtex, bytestring, ConfigFile, containers + , curl, directory, download-curl, filepath, glib, gnomevfs, gtk + , mtl, parsec, process, split, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imbib"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0x31wjd6maqixr3rbangaph0s5skp18fmb8xgm1a6jsky8k367vz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bibtex bytestring ConfigFile containers curl directory + download-curl filepath glib gnomevfs gtk mtl parsec process split + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Minimalistic reference manager"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "imgurder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, directory, haskell98, hxt, hxt-xpath + , url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imgurder"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "156a3fq274112j3a6lqiprwhgrcrjp3izix2z1s9bbx3c04pwrjx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base curl directory haskell98 hxt hxt-xpath url ]; + description = "Uploader for Imgur"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "imm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, cond + , data-default, directory, dyre, feed, filepath, hslogger + , http-conduit, http-types, lens, mime-mail, monad-control, mtl + , network, network-uri, old-locale, opml, random, resourcet, text + , text-icu, time, timerep, tls, transformers, transformers-base + , utf8-string, xdg-basedir, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fhqb36xj2xr1hhfrhk1npms9lnvbh6fmvki9mmm3gqs06hb925l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring case-insensitive cond data-default directory + dyre feed filepath hslogger http-conduit http-types lens mime-mail + monad-control mtl network network-uri old-locale opml random + resourcet text text-icu time timerep tls transformers + transformers-base utf8-string xdg-basedir xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "Retrieve RSS/Atom feeds and write one mail per new item in a maildir"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "immortal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, monad-control, stm, tasty + , tasty-hunit, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "immortal"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1si9zh309xh29qrxkhb0shwisjrsja2d9lpj17dwlzn0gv0i1672"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base lifted-base stm tasty tasty-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Spawn threads that never die (unless told to do so)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "imparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ascetic, base, compilation, containers, directory + , indents, MissingH, parsec, richreports, split, staticanalysis + , text, uxadt + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "imparse"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15bpz985d39az15jn8hd6wcil7ivsi3vcnxi5lcfs34i848rs9fg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ascetic base compilation containers directory indents MissingH + parsec richreports split staticanalysis text uxadt + ]; + description = "Multi-platform parser analyzer and generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "implicit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-markup, blaze-svg + , bytestring, containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, JuicyPixels + , mtl, optparse-applicative, parallel, parsec, storable-endian + , text, unordered-containers, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "implicit"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0zsd25gd0c4sp1ipjnsbn1gbdl6s0y2vy8n4nwn3dxgrv75cd1l9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-markup blaze-svg bytestring containers + deepseq directory filepath JuicyPixels mtl optparse-applicative + parallel parsec storable-endian text unordered-containers + vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Math-inspired programmatic 2&3D CAD: CSG, bevels, and shells; gcode export.."; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "implicit-params" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "implicit-params"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1da01fnwxf1350ywawvl58qf479q2rz81wi9s8lvw2n3d75qpn8i"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Named and unnamed implicit parameters with defaults"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "improve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, yices }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "improve"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0z8w7lgk263ickb4l3ajhvy1bjq38bbiiw6c048a3yn4h8kpg67a"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl yices ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An imperative, verifiable programming language for high assurance applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "inc-ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inc-ref"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hr25bdwq2a1mj74wb8dvb95jyfqx13rz0h4makyb5kqlhxz40xl"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A STM reference useful for incremental computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "inch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , IndentParser, mtl, parsec, presburger, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inch"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "05f25yza05ib0xnkpfimhrb3nqyp5km85r1j9n6yh9k0cwdagndi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath IndentParser mtl parsec presburger pretty + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath IndentParser mtl parsec + presburger pretty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type-checker for Haskell with integer constraints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "include-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, random, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "include-file"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18rzxhblr77vzhkjyyi85fkbrpy897jm04l97zf39v0bf3v5wskh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring random template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Inclusion of files in executables at compile-time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "incremental-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, monoid-subclasses, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "incremental-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n2318i4dzgcs9xcs80wcfbm9rc902w02nwqa30b3nrwl21cjag3"; + buildDepends = [ base monoid-subclasses ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers monoid-subclasses QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic parser library capable of providing partial results from partial input"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "incremental-sat-solver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "incremental-sat-solver"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "1kic3q19lli8yd28szrngpfsqi50wc47k6597ay24zmiikhx4c2v"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, Incremental SAT Solving as a Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "increments" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, beamable, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "increments"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v7jcgmbrkgdwmf3l5vhhfmsz1ylnhs0p18zyli0qk56xllj99s3"; + buildDepends = [ base beamable bytestring containers ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base beamable bytestring containers ghc-prim QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "type classes for incremental updates to data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indentation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, parsers, trifecta }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indentation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gn6v6l2d3a6nilkr4zg9ci9z9wh5027k2cdkd8hg5w964cccgs1"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec parsers trifecta ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftrifecta" "-fparsec" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indentparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indentparser"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "141bzmhdk5x2bzjx9g7hcf5p07h4q2vzzxlda8vf3dcgxgpdc7aw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for indentation based structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "indents" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, concatenative, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indents"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "16lz21bp9j14xilnq8yym22p3saxvc9fsgfcf5awn2a6i6n527xn"; + buildDepends = [ base concatenative mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "indentation sensitive parser-combinators for parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "index-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "index-core"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "01d7025js5a3373a8ixl3clvmd0blpkly6js3ggnp26p4h5ilhv4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Indexed Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indexed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indexed"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1dx5pyi5psjd2l26hc3wfsapnywdl0kqpw98b3jwc0xq4406ax12"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell98 indexed functors, monads, comonads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indexed-do-notation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, indexed, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indexed-do-notation"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10yvbhjjzg19lyw9ynn2j1cyms2k4hxly5hmw0ad416f8zxmisf9"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta indexed template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Do notation for indexed monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indexed-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, indexed, mtl, pointed }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indexed-extras"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0mhzk2smcli5mk6ghcxpbnq58adryf42s50qmqrj72sxsfd7a09r"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors indexed mtl pointed ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Indexed functors, monads and comonads that require extensions to Haskell98"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indexed-free" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, indexed }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indexed-free"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1172vxhyzyf061mnlb8dndnvycjk3shxhiqd8hdz42ipv223admx"; + buildDepends = [ base indexed ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "indexed monads for free"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indian-language-font-converter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indian-language-font-converter"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1dw0fy3v2hfvlaw371af2c288v4p0wyg43h88clswids3nh1lpn8"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 ]; + description = "Indian Language Font Converter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "indices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, tagged, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "indices"; + version = "1.7.1"; + sha256 = "1sy609gq9idk5x28wasd9i61jwhlpf9ls21jps1nw1dfymid41c5"; + buildDepends = [ base tagged template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Multi-dimensional statically bounded indices"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "infer-upstream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, github, optparse-applicative + , parsec, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "infer-upstream"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11v8njjinjqzqfa5hggj0r1gki3hz6y7cxj5qfnzxa77hdav10fa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base github optparse-applicative parsec process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find the repository from where a given repo was forked"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "infinite-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "infinite-search"; + version = "0.12"; + sha256 = "18sf9798nna155xix71lw68k19r7ayk9kmppjzd76yxa61r38g41"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exhaustively searchable infinite sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "infinity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, Cabal, filepath, ghc, irc, plugins + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "infinity"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1d2l6a4ngawm7zqgfwxd19rh3zwihivbgns39q44yjh1d5v0azab"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary Cabal filepath ghc irc plugins ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "infix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "infix"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "156lcw4bvav9w41vggfjk84z41ppam31880wpislxwcsvc9jrd6q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infix expression re-parsing (for HsParser library)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "inflections" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, parsec, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inflections"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hf0s23x5fp763lfq8a4q3jp4d9k886sz56lrav915sz13v8rddz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit parsec QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Inflections library for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "inflist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inflist"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0srw75ds7hic0sjs2fnj0hsqsygzvppgy17y8qmsjz9z14ryqncw"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An infinite list type and operations thereon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "influxdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default-class, dlist, exceptions, http-client, HUnit, mtl + , mwc-random, network-uri, retry, scientific, tagged, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, template-haskell, text + , time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "influxdb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "196cv6lidxmjhsj83maflsnxqivw6q60nrw5ib1ssl4iqqry4k02"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default-class + dlist exceptions http-client mtl mwc-random network-uri retry + scientific tagged template-haskell text time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base http-client HUnit mtl tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + tasty-th text vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnetwork-uri" "-fretry-050" "-faeson-070" "-f-examples" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell client library for InfluxDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "informative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csv, highlighting-kate, http-conduit + , monad-logger, old-locale, pandoc, persistent + , persistent-postgresql, shakespeare, text, time, yesod, yesod-auth + , yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "informative"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jc9hf90a22b7g58paqgwzxyjv89lmsqlpbjh39h79w6gm6a89xs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base csv highlighting-kate http-conduit monad-logger old-locale + pandoc persistent persistent-postgresql shakespeare text time yesod + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A yesod subsite serving a wiki"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "ini" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, text, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ini"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1lwd5ccihzxyfvi0k7g2kg9d7mickazd9zlj08l7kzf8z6zq5yd2"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text unordered-containers ]; + description = "Quick and easy configuration files in the INI format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "inject" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, hspec, hspec-expectations + , process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inject"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0rm81xkxfwbm98ywcwjnh1l9qkah3xma59l8z5l37b458hayxjqq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base process text ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base hspec hspec-expectations process text + ]; + description = "A minimalistic template engine"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "inject-function" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inject-function"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iw82rzw2w3y40zndz3mxpa7k5ds8zs87ccvp228s4zva0mp5ddl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic functions with injected parameters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "inquire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aether, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inquire"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "18qcjdwgn7a1lrdnqnh6sh1bzii0nvb5jv56qq5kri8m6qwc9wl8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aether base text ]; + description = "Console client for encyclopedias"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { aether = null; }; + + "inserts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, dlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inserts"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ncm75rhsxc4bd8swd2vwmb5pl872wpy01989lwdhdpypawhax6y"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring dlist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stupid simple bytestring templates"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "inspection-proxy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, cmdargs, pipes + , pipes-network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "inspection-proxy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09mk2wd4bs31zhz0x8z3ajlk734r0rp5k07g0mfdy4bsvi2hdqiy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring cmdargs pipes pipes-network + ]; + description = "A simple proxy for debugging plaintext protocols communication"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "instant-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "instant-generics"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1jcs6spa3g8mazgpivn61gz4c740ks19rkz9sh24ns6n4q53zdvq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers syb template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic programming library with a sum of products view"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "instant-zipper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, instant-generics, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "instant-zipper"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0gd5hzlm5rlmzba2dl37al711vp1nn2b30d36rvb2j8y90y8c44c"; + buildDepends = [ base instant-generics mtl ]; + description = "Heterogenous Zipper in Instant Generics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "instinct" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mersenne-random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "instinct"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0wh95zjdv9j1n3ccg2j08av43qnb9vmiyvqvyi70p47dr481npl8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mersenne-random vector ]; + description = "Fast artifical neural networks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "instrument-chord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, music-diatonic }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "instrument-chord"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gq79i1mqpbyvxm8cfpr2b8h0knbc6f2m3b3mnm0p3yvi2d642nb"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers music-diatonic ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Render Instrument Chords"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "int-cast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, nats, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "int-cast"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1snzggbb2z6rczym0xmbfmi59cdyf49qvjbfqchp8sr7b6dgn0vz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base nats QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Checked conversions between integral types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "integer-gmp_0_5_1_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "integer-gmp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04nklslbl336vd73lqfw7mvmlkd2wa19qwq3j14admzk3k5a0j3j"; + buildDepends = [ ghc-prim ]; + description = "Integer library based on GMP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "integer-pure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "integer-pure"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0lrhf6mw90bfph3hbyxv3n7g2n2xnjfq4qnhyhw4ml76k4yybmxa"; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pure-Haskell implementation of arbitrary-precision Integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "integration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "integration"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pwykd7jjy1d7inf747mpz2bh7ygakmlb90xi57dwm8h249knbmk"; + buildDepends = [ base parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast robust numeric integration via tanh-sinh quadrature"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "intel-aes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, DRBG + , intel_aes, largeword, process, random, rdtsc, split, tagged, time + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "intel-aes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11cy9dlynlz9mgbs4w4xfjb9dx05dklfjl3gg2130si8q2kk3cm9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal crypto-api DRBG largeword process random + rdtsc split tagged time unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ intel_aes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hardware accelerated AES encryption and Random Number Generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { intel_aes = null; }; + + "interleavableGen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell-src, hint, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interleavableGen"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "10clafccpg8xciqhj2hzbi4kixzprgp733396qf531nwakvnqpp2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory haskell-src hint mtl ]; + description = "Generates a version of a module using InterleavableIO"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "interleavableIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interleavableIO"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "19jdrfr6n6yzvj1i8r7hhr3k6zkkbrs6pizqcbzhb0nvzzshmqa8"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Use other Monads in functions that asks for an IO Monad"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "interleave" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interleave"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "062ixqbrrmamwv3fj6vpfcxy35p37i1wpmsxk1gl9n06n0lg9a8c"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Combinators for supporting interleaving of different behaviours"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "interlude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interlude"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1yiv24n0mfjzbpm9p6djllhwck3brjz9adzyp6k4fpk430304k7s"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces some Prelude functions for enhanced error reporting"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "intern" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, hashable, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "intern"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0snjar5mil9zsyy1ml13a8p1g2cvq62c5r8547i6z451w06j1zk0"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring hashable text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "internetmarke" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, explicit-exception, HPDF, parsec, process + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "internetmarke"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1gn6vvrnhck9f9hzs8igdg20gvrvjnba00bj191paw02kpzbgx7z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base explicit-exception HPDF parsec process transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shell command for constructing custom stamps for German Post"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "interpol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, HUnit, regex-posix, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpol"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "11awkl6rgy33yl4qcnf7ns464c87xjk9hqcf10z8shjjbaadbz43"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts regex-posix syb ]; + testDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts HUnit regex-posix syb test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GHC preprocessor and library to enable variable interpolation in strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "interpolate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell-src-meta, hspec + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpolate"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0wlc10qd1bq3xj64a3yq2gzds9kas9zyylkm9kxd46gy35fns6id"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring haskell-src-meta hspec QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances template-haskell text + ]; + description = "String interpolation done right"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "interpolatedstring-perl6" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell-src-meta + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpolatedstring-perl6"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "15hzmni3wfdgjl0vyk5mcld61ba99wdax87s7wkz2s8bsyxkbq9n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskell-src-meta template-haskell text + ]; + description = "QuasiQuoter for Perl6-style multi-line interpolated strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "interpolatedstring-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta-mwotton, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpolatedstring-qq"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1bqn9gqc43r158hyk35x8avsiqyd43vlpw2jkhpdfmr2wx29jprq"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta-mwotton template-haskell ]; + description = "QuasiQuoter for Ruby-style multi-line interpolated strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "interpolatedstring-qq-mwotton" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta-mwotton, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpolatedstring-qq-mwotton"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1cwhy4jwbl50nglfw0wfmdr3rrg33dqskw0wq06prx14x22yshbk"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta-mwotton template-haskell ]; + description = "DO NOT USE THIS. interpolatedstring-qq works now."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "interpolation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "interpolation"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0l6i6gz555sq2kzffmlidh14wjg2hzvd7qc7b4sv532qbmlrhixv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base utility-ht ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fhmatrix" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "piecewise linear and cubic Hermite interpolation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "intervals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, distributive, doctest + , filepath, ghc-prim + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "intervals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02qb44ga2yfsymkfixy3fdp943r2flwrsaqhb0pjddr3ixzm4ap9"; + buildDepends = [ array base distributive ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interval Arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "intricacy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, directory, filepath, hscurses, mtl, network-fancy + , SDL, SDL-gfx, SDL-ttf, stm, time, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "intricacy"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1yvw2snkcmkllzdhpsxrhcw6i9401xwhhgvxq1zjlnammn0j3rpz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers cryptohash directory + filepath hscurses mtl network-fancy SDL SDL-gfx SDL-ttf stm time + transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-server" "-fgame" "-fcurses" "-fsdl" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A game of competitive puzzle-design"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "intset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bits-extras, bytestring, deepseq, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "intset"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "044nw8z2ga46mal9pr64vsc714n4dibx0k2lwgnrkk49729c7lk0"; + buildDepends = [ base bits-extras bytestring deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure, mergeable, succinct Int sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "invariant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "invariant"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "077jhn2fspnjkr8p3sh6draidqpk6wpism73rz8172acd4jjg4fz"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant ]; + description = "Haskell 98 invariant functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "invertible-syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, partial-isomorphisms }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "invertible-syntax"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0kyi7gq0a792v4lwmpq8i56vzwk6g7cjc3lbpxch47jsqv8lfhbp"; + buildDepends = [ base partial-isomorphisms ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Invertible syntax descriptions for both parsing and pretty printing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-capture" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-capture"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "03kjjsz1i1viwngmq9mvkzd43490g93mbkcvgjvcway2z5prv06f"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "capture IO action's stdout and stderr"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-choice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, lifted-base, monad-control + , template-haskell, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-choice"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "19nr8kxcg98510cqgjn4c9sd8i9yz8fv4ryqg6lzzgpwqzkvx5ph"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control template-haskell transformers + transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec lifted-base monad-control transformers + ]; + description = "Choice for IO and lifted IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-manager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-manager"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f21h36z2ls0d6g31pcf4kcyfninaxws8w159zy33bwa19saf2mz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Skeleton library around the IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-memoize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-memoize"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ga85wdvz67jjx8qh6f687kfikcrfmp7winn13v6na7vlaqs2ly7"; + buildDepends = [ async base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memoize IO actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-reactive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-reactive"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "09iq8c86ql0hmzdf7i82lpdqa6nn6r0zy9lgryd6chkxd0kcpgvn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "An API for generating TIMBER style reactive objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-storage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-storage"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1ga9bd7iri6vlsxnjx765yy3bxc4lbz644wyw88yzvpjgz6ga3cs"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A key-value store in the IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , deepseq, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl, network, primitive + , process, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, transformers, vector + , zlib, zlib-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pvrscyw7wcv910p8d9j4a9jdm0vm7m74g5kgzpc5hnxdfibhqj1"; + editedCabalFile = "3492f92c21c89afd37162a81f51eb75d30574c3cf74dd94ed4d82342a308bf6c"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring network primitive process + text time transformers vector zlib-bindings + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring deepseq directory filepath + HUnit mtl network primitive process QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text time + transformers vector zlib zlib-bindings + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fNoInteractiveTests" "-f-nointeractivetests" + ]; + description = "Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-streams-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-client, http-client-tls + , io-streams, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-streams-http"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vzl61hkhgyi5vanfl2fmfxp95yici96kgg8iz6rxjhipxs0ff86"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-client http-client-tls io-streams mtl + transformers + ]; + description = "http-client for io-streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "io-throttle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SafeSemaphore, threads }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "io-throttle"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "043plb9n606hkbdjddgk9kg12fzzs7ry063ckiky4zymy2vprcj9"; + editedCabalFile = "c3903532515f76e374229ea572d11f7ab02a560062425f33649399c5ac61a16e"; + buildDepends = [ base SafeSemaphore threads ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Limit number of IO actions started per second"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ioctl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ioctl"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0rwh7mlwdd24ndzz4b4vd5b5daz9cga47m9nz6g75m03iyy237qs"; + buildDepends = [ base network unix ]; + description = "Type-safe I/O control package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "iotransaction" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iotransaction"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ylwrim2wfx3v03syd8v0iwf9kbw9154wlxsp8wc1d3n6sz7p1cc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Supports the automatic undoing of IO operations when an exception is thrown"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ip6addr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ip6addr"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1kpyqrxg55h02x7dysr02g8z4sn9f60w8l46sgvcrj045507wagw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line tools to deal with IPv6 Addresses text representation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ipatch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, darcs, directory, filepath + , hashed-storage, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipatch"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "19yf0b82ifplja05if38llfs38mzmxxald89jc2yzqzzkvws9ldq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring darcs directory filepath hashed-storage process + unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-darcs-beta" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "interactive patch editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "ipc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, dlist, mtl, network + , network-bytestring, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipc"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0d1w62181s21ks63548i3jdfk4k1rg0hssnhkm97ymkrlcz6w68d"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring dlist mtl network network-bytestring stm + ]; + description = "High level inter-process communication library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ipcvar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, hspec, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipcvar"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "085p03xk29wk03yfshpjvzkf2z79byhp9yy81vra1aci9nkgjr3n"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring directory unix ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec unix ]; + description = "Simple inter-process communication through IPCVars"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ipopt-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, ansi-wl-pprint, base, c2hs, containers + , criterion, ipopt, lens, linear, mtl, nlopt, random-shuffle + , Rlang-QQ, splines, template-haskell, uu-parsinglib, vector + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipopt-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lp0prql6f487zp08rj5hkdsf4al6qlzzfjpxildwmwsgajnw942"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ad ansi-wl-pprint base containers criterion lens linear mtl + random-shuffle Rlang-QQ splines template-haskell uu-parsinglib + vector vector-space + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ ipopt nlopt ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnlopt" "-f-build_examples" ]; + description = "haskell binding to ipopt and nlopt including automatic differentiation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ipprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Extra, haskell-src }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipprint"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0h75k21blbnzvp5l20qsima557dx6zfrww79y7qsqf04pbd81j7s"; + buildDepends = [ base Extra haskell-src ]; + description = "Tiny helper for pretty-printing values in ghci console"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iproute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, appar, base, byteorder, containers, doctest, hspec + , network, QuickCheck, safe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iproute"; + version = "1.3.1"; + sha256 = "1l3asv8q1jiwsvpq6kkigrzpm3pjbm03gpc4rbhn6kpi6z9h8cdp"; + buildDepends = [ appar base byteorder containers network ]; + testDepends = [ + appar base byteorder containers doctest hspec network QuickCheck + safe + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IP Routing Table"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iptables-helpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, safe + , syb, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iptables-helpers"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "13xv7g349ssgbz9c0g8q77hf52gp0v7nw9q665l697237jbvl57j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec QuickCheck safe syb utf8-string + ]; + description = "iptables rules parser/printer library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iptadmin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, augeas, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , ConfigFile, containers, file-embed, filepath, happstack-server + , happstack-server-tls, hdaemonize, hsyslog, iptables-helpers, mtl + , network, old-time, pam, parsec, process, random, safe + , template-haskell, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iptadmin"; + version = "1.3.4"; + sha256 = "1ksnypq95xaybsb3vvhmabrh8l3c2c3mcqz83a61md9c1vw3n94m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + augeas base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring ConfigFile + containers file-embed filepath happstack-server + happstack-server-tls hdaemonize hsyslog iptables-helpers mtl + network old-time pam parsec process random safe template-haskell + time unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "web-interface for iptables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ipython-kernel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, text + , unix, uuid, zeromq4-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ipython-kernel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "048zc62rci4784djsp9m607zy2z3ybh0zm7211j8j8j1z96nz2x5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cereal containers text unix uuid + zeromq4-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for creating kernels for IPython frontends"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "irc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "irc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q9p2qwfy9rsfyaja4x3gjr8ql2ka2ja5qv56b062bdkvzafl5iq"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "A small library for parsing IRC messages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "irc-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "irc-bytestring"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "09n4y93x74wblbz89s1hwzmanwwi72cj0baz72485svarg55kid7"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "serialization and parsing of IRC messages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "irc-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , connection, irc, irc-ctcp, network-conduit-tls, text, time, tls + , transformers, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "irc-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ib75a7dp9f6v7zl51a5z1pvv0vpll6czf5i8zad7ajn3q9d4z3p"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring conduit conduit-extra connection irc irc-ctcp + network-conduit-tls text time tls transformers x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming IRC message library using conduits"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "irc-ctcp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "irc-ctcp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bpn9i9mqmhiif6mhw6q9nzy5cwx1x1yh81216gkqc5gi43gsc5s"; + editedCabalFile = "23e92ff7cad332b34f89273fe543e9b8b87a19b30fb1a18fad61c9c3952d0dce"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A CTCP encoding and decoding library for IRC clients"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ircbot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , irc, mtl, network, old-locale, parsec, random, SafeSemaphore, stm + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ircbot"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0zmn2qplq08kg439afycrggd54szf6b6rajd6lhsgnvhwk356vhb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath irc mtl network + old-locale parsec random SafeSemaphore stm time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for writing irc bots"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ircbouncer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ircbouncer"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1bn0m9x89pqknz8gn8gk9is6w6px4hznp3fqqb5dxwssmmjm99zm"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ireal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ireal"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qphr5fr118549wr09aq6yf4v7f346pdv0w8ga7a1svq3ckkyp5d"; + editedCabalFile = "af37b981aa1951e703f72692dfc337c0a0048afaf2148307d5061b035ab62ef7"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Real numbers and intervals with not so inefficient exact arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iron-mq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, http-client, lens, text, wreq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iron-mq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yi1ia4ii6xg17ndp0v47cix0ds6bbrsbf0pghcmx3y4b55v0dlr"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base http-client lens text wreq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iron.IO message queueing client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ironforge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, antisplice, base, chatty, chatty-utils, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ironforge"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f5hhncn1svv7kh8jl1jcscm9686401b0cvln5lv6gf3yij15107"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + antisplice base chatty chatty-utils mtl transformers + ]; + description = "A technical demo for Antisplice"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "is" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "is"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1ihrrpypdjhsr42nd9chyq730kllx239igjpa12m14458lnrcb2h"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Pattern predicates using TH"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "isdicom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, QuickCheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "isdicom"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "05f99nv4ydals0x1y39mswm3437s6bisdk63bgfzb89sgh0p9w1p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An executable and library to determine if a file is a DICOM file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "isevaluated" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vacuum }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "isevaluated"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10f09br33xy5ldl924kfnnlc5ilwq44hd17s2qdf9jm75q4sa7d5"; + buildDepends = [ base vacuum ]; + description = "Check whether a value has been evaluated"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "isiz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "isiz"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0k0nyiicz87lvay95vligf563k1dgx93zds0f0kzqxn20miq480s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gtk3 ]; + description = "A program to show the size of image and whether suitable for wallpaper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "islink" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "islink"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mxfs8k0znc7v2iynjnhr4k5c9as4ip37ybvxnvjfqy4dld9rgyg"; + buildDepends = [ base unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Check if an HTML element is a link"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ismtp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contstuff, dnscache + , enumerator, lifted-base, monad-control, netlines, network, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ismtp"; + version = "4.0.2"; + sha256 = "0skyrp497p0gfh39j1ng7ahpbzfykfvykq720akafgnapgsfxkhm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers contstuff dnscache enumerator + lifted-base monad-control netlines network vector + ]; + description = "Advanced ESMTP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iso3166-country-codes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iso3166-country-codes"; + version = "0.20140203.6"; + sha256 = "1pmlrqfav9d7pij5kri9q18bhamdj3phl1jrfd3dxbm8ambp57bd"; + buildDepends = [ base http-conduit ]; + description = "A datatype for ISO 3166 country codes"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "iso639" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iso639"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "011k1k1g7ywk2y5b2sbaghw1mfainijbb3x6m7n5s040gy0kh9ar"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ISO-639-1 language codes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iso8583-bitmaps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, parsec, syb + , template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iso8583-bitmaps"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w6m8ygpy1g95zvmbzq9402rxh4dj48i5bhcdzc4s0kig239gzqd"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers parsec syb template-haskell + th-lift + ]; + description = "Parse and merge ISO 8583-style bitmaps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iso8601-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iso8601-time"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1cjq5rckhzqpi8iayx2xnqgdng3qldpd1rssv080paqlikiqx0c1"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert to/from the ISO 8601 time format"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "isohunt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, data-default, ghc-prim + , http-conduit, text, unordered-containers, uri, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "isohunt"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "189dmxczmr0kqh440ziyp6kxx6iza2yyq7cs05hic9w8lhpwa6pw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default ghc-prim http-conduit text + unordered-containers uri vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the isoHunt torrent search API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "itanium-abi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boomerang, HUnit, process, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "itanium-abi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ywiim8jjkpj2f7agvq98j4p7l1bw8lp2lmgimwq3bz17nrawwk"; + buildDepends = [ + base boomerang text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit process test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "An implementation of name mangling/demangling for the Itanium ABI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iter-stats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, heap, HUnit, iteratee, ListLike, mtl + , statistics, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iter-stats"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pfvxxps319ynfpaqgkiyk7gbpi4l2rfqzqyw27jhzlxx860yq71"; + buildDepends = [ base heap iteratee ListLike mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base heap HUnit iteratee ListLike mtl statistics test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "iteratees for statistical processing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iterIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , filepath, HsOpenSSL, ListLike, mtl, network, old-locale, process + , stringsearch, time, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iterIO"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0cq0awzl249m9kzgs0hzs49r2v29q4dhq3sbd818izvyqzfzz4zm"; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring containers filepath HsOpenSSL + ListLike mtl network old-locale process stringsearch time unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iteratee-based IO with pipe operators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "iterable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, tagged, template-haskell, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iterable"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "194718jpjwkv3ynlpgjlpvf0iqnj7dkd3zmci363gsa425i3vlbc"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl tagged template-haskell vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "API for hierarchical multilevel collections"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions, HUnit + , ListLike, monad-control, mtl, parallel, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iteratee"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yc5fqqb8warvgld3cymka7d2wmjydvfin5jy7zaazb7alf14q1p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers exceptions ListLike monad-control + parallel transformers transformers-base unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring exceptions HUnit ListLike monad-control mtl + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers transformers-base unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iteratee-based I/O"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iteratee-compress" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bzip2, iteratee, mtl, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iteratee-compress"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j5w3pfi8mx88wfg6fwrj5jccfp8spw0jwb4zh3yyzg1jacrpal4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring iteratee mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ bzip2 zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Enumeratees for compressing and decompressing streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "iteratee-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, ListLike + , MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iteratee-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a3f0m9lgc4ks18891a689bbb1c1kdrxswj42s5syvcq73y7v2h0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers ListLike MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iteratee-based I/O"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iteratee-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, iteratee, ListLike, parsec, reference + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iteratee-parsec"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "1saffq3pl20fph6jdss6yzdgfaqxwb2183gb3qxj6cwsrblzz628"; + buildDepends = [ + base iteratee ListLike parsec reference transformers + ]; + description = "Package allowing parsec parser initeratee"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "iteratee-stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, iteratee, stm, stm-chans, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iteratee-stm"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1916phr07ckvm571rspswqr93z22la0mkxghvzljr0vgd1zi4p0x"; + buildDepends = [ base iteratee stm stm-chans transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concurrent iteratees using STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iterio-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, iterIO, ListLike + , monadIO, mtl, network, split, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iterio-server"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1yz05y6i036irdbnsmhhr9lpcfk56ii6ls1fqdgh80h9giyi6c0n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath iterIO ListLike monadIO mtl network split + transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for building servers with IterIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivar-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivar-simple"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "13if0mqgnc6lsx1acw6395milygqq18sm5vazfkxdhmppsqb91ch"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Write once concurrency primitives"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ivor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, directory, haskell98 + , mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r9ykfkxpwsrhsvv691r361pf79a7y511hxy2mvd6ysz1441mych"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers directory haskell98 mtl parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Theorem proving library based on dependent type theory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, monadLib, parsec, pretty + , template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rn1akrsci0k5nbk4zipxznkdm0y3rvv9la5mnrr9mkj5zikj5sc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers monadLib parsec pretty template-haskell th-lift + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Safe embedded C programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-backend-c" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdlib, containers, directory + , filepath, ivory, ivory-opts, language-c-quote, mainland-pretty + , monadLib, process, srcloc, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-backend-c"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12rcaanxl86wna05x1gdkpfj90azn1z74cs3kfk9cp5g3g230ii4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdlib containers directory filepath ivory + ivory-opts language-c-quote mainland-pretty monadLib process srcloc + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory C backend"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-bitdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ivory, ivory-backend-c, monadLib, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-bitdata"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03qqax98qr2qyidc71i81f70lbma1s2q5jikl3m4ni4wyj3gg1m3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ivory ivory-backend-c monadLib parsec template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory bit-data support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ivory, ivory-backend-c, ivory-opts + , ivory-quickcheck, ivory-stdlib, mainland-pretty, monadLib, pretty + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jjcr72s616y8g4288fz506p1swrv06c2fmds28yd1rqc57g1mrm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ivory ivory-backend-c ivory-opts ivory-quickcheck ivory-stdlib + mainland-pretty monadLib pretty QuickCheck template-haskell + wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory examples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-hw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, ivory, ivory-backend-c + , ivory-bitdata + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-hw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sa0ayym7ng5q7i356n59p18qqpy9cr2xcsmgh96a7ni4srbrbsy"; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath ivory ivory-backend-c ivory-bitdata + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory hardware model (STM32F4)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-opts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dlist, fgl, filepath, ivory + , monadLib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-opts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08ywjwkd37dld6h355r6a36h72s94gai7hs2r4hj5nk5pm7k4s5z"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dlist fgl filepath ivory monadLib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory compiler optimizations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ivory, monadLib, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-quickcheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jbfpsmz8kq0h9gg5lm44pcdzhv8kv2rr554m4bic2bny94hnsjd"; + buildDepends = [ base ivory monadLib QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck driver for Ivory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivory-stdlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, ivory }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivory-stdlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a3d9916rgrznr5ci79ki918xg6xxd81krn8irv9wbp8h8ird2xq"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath ivory ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ivory standard library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ivy-web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, invertible-syntax, partial-isomorphisms + , snap, snap-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ivy-web"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0m2wd8lh22nqyjiijw9ldl6l17fbkj7b4n0j5ymgrs3yx2mnnv1q"; + buildDepends = [ + base invertible-syntax partial-isomorphisms snap snap-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A lightweight web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ix-shapable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ix-shapable"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "08ljlzywnw0h8ijwb6yh4r8l6z7bbknwxv9cjq7lkfx7m2vgy1sh"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Reshape multi-dimensional arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ixdopp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, preprocessor-tools, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ixdopp"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1vknwznk42b33q4pmh6z620g761yf3cmsmrmhilgq42i5qhll4d4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base preprocessor-tools syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A preprocessor for expanding \"ixdo\" notation for indexed monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ixmonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ixmonad"; + version = "0.57"; + sha256 = "1k8qfx9p6jw6gb4jsgq6y2bc6y6ah4h44gdgs0fxkrg371wyym7k"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + description = "Embeds effect systems into Haskell using parameteric effect monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ixset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, safecopy, syb, syb-with-class + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ixset"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "097f9fkm9a2n67bzagr9h2v7acdn8h1ayv9c83n7nv1dh157bpyv"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers safecopy syb syb-with-class template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ixset-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, HUnit, QuickCheck + , safecopy, syb, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ixset-typed"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0m6k5n755pfkx1grd5rbp1a9vlps6fdm25l91aa0wp5af1sakjmk"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq safecopy syb template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "iyql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, haskeline, haskell98, hoauth, mtl, old-locale, parsec + , time, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "iyql"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1jb97jzm9w8z8jyswbcr3kdraam95by6bc1gpjddwn817dijf0q4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath haskeline + haskell98 hoauth mtl old-locale parsec time utf8-string xml + ]; + description = "CLI (command line interface) to YQL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "j2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, containers, directory, filepath, hx + , java-bridge, java-bridge-extras, java-reflect, mtl, named-records + , split, strict, strings, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "j2hs"; + version = "0.99.1"; + sha256 = "0fls5krx9l0c7g755b4yyksiki45hbb6v7m0y6nsmpd217rggkb2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap containers directory filepath hx java-bridge + java-bridge-extras java-reflect mtl named-records split strict + strings syb transformers + ]; + description = "j2hs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, enumset, event-list + , explicit-exception, jack2, midi, non-negative, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ap7xcgzmp5zwmqkwsgxplh5li21m7xngijr4mhnn9y33xc1lrk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring enumset event-list explicit-exception midi + non-negative transformers unix + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ jack2 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fjackfree" "-fpkgconfig" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the JACK Audio Connection Kit"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "jack-bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, jack2, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jack-bindings"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1gmz2qiz7wzydj0rhswbfhwi0zbdcbps29l1lryzqxm8chfc9mbm"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ jack2 ]; + description = "DEPRECATED Bindings to the JACK Audio Connection Kit"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jackminimix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hosc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jackminimix"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03ysmgg5f3dsimskqw5vpnrv5jg4gf1gd0khmf0s1ilfm1jc1nfd"; + buildDepends = [ base hosc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "control JackMiniMix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "jacobi-roots" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, doctest, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jacobi-roots"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1skpw2jm5g0lylc79n5fk37d3lrvhwb3cmn50wcy4i5nnjvfdijc"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring vector ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Roots of two shifted Jacobi polynomials (Legendre and Radau) to double precision"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, monads-fd + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jail"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wxz3w5r1zc571ibyqskwk27ba1dafwwpr10psbsg44fj7ii3vvz"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory monads-fd transformers + ]; + description = "Jailed IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jailbreak-cabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jailbreak-cabal"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0x0dkzfjsgqpjmldgami46ki9k7pgy7ll4slms0kdc89qryzp7dg"; + editedCabalFile = "7fe251c9c0b2637b6e340eac33174fa3570218cbe2d92ec3df6ab4cf0a8387e7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strip version restrictions from build dependencies in Cabal files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jalaali" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jalaali"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "025ryrz87bii3401nq0bhyigzrs6lkippds6r4h0qzpq4pg8l7m0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Jalaali and Gregorian calendar systems to each other"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jalla" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, cblas, convertible, f77blas, HUnit + , lapack, lapacke, mtl, QuickCheck, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jalla"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18nxlfr59ka4z45a5nn47lyqsbzfjsfgg1wm5irmncj1jmasjpq5"; + buildDepends = [ base convertible mtl QuickCheck random ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck random test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ cblas f77blas lapack lapacke ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build_lapacke" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Higher level functions for linear algebra. Wraps BLAS and LAPACKE."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { cblas = null; f77blas = null; lapack = null; + lapacke = null; }; + + "jammittools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boxes, containers, directory, filepath + , process, property-list, temporary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jammittools"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0qwnqnz3s4bmgmhmy05x58znxz7vdr1bjbkd5lb6pzbi11grjipg"; + editedCabalFile = "b0420abe6a275a5a5c1feadde440a67fa2ebb7c03935837dbd27c4da14c013d0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base boxes containers directory filepath process property-list + temporary transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Export sheet music and audio from Windows/Mac app Jammit"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "jarfind" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, regex-tdfa + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jarfind"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cfxq8k0k8r3wf4siypb78rqx5c9m2cm899bpa0zz591hc0p6k0w"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring regex-tdfa zip-archive + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Tool for searching java classes, members and fields in classfiles and JAR archives"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "java-bridge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, containers, cpphs, directory + , filepath, hinduce-missingh, hint, mtl, multimap, named-records + , names, split, strings, syb, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "java-bridge"; + version = "0.20130606.3"; + sha256 = "16nm5jn5y3rs3g1m524gn8xqxw13973cmpllmylh6qdpqcz47457"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap containers cpphs directory filepath hinduce-missingh + hint mtl multimap named-records names split strings syb + transformers unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-examples" "-f-osx_framework" "-fosx_gui" "-f-debug" + "-f-no_tools" "-f-only_core" + ]; + description = "Bindings to the JNI and a high level interface generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "java-bridge-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, java-bridge, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "java-bridge-extras"; + version = "0.99"; + sha256 = "0wjxm0h5xlsab7iphcabb66c7gjxy7hyb502inlj5zxq1ic5ghzv"; + buildDepends = [ base java-bridge transformers ]; + description = "Utilities for working with the java-bridge package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "java-character" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, diet }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "java-character"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1ms8m95mara3pp7qdg8jn2ajbq3zj8pnbs1b9jhpxbdkl5220768"; + buildDepends = [ base diet ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions to simulate Java's Character class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "java-reflect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hx, java-bridge }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "java-reflect"; + version = "0.99"; + sha256 = "1vdfq3c8chqhss6jiy139yrm45mij4kjdwxf2wrsfm4064j0n3wc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hx java-bridge ]; + description = "Tools for reflecting on Java classes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "javasf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, directory, doctest + , filepath, language-java-classfile, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "javasf"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0k8si8rdhplfhfp5yq7rlkifj80401qyanfhv101h8amxg20m97w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring language-java-classfile ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "javav" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "javav"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1kzhp9gim9jl78jw8gm9vzxciiz6m04pjamgx1pqbhkji3lkw55d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A utility to print the target version of Java class files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jcdecaux-vls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-conduit, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jcdecaux-vls"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "11army6p19xmdils32nxf5zbjh4fcsp075x7h3v2hbc08n6fkj8s"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-conduit text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JCDecaux self-service bicycles API client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jdi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jdi"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1jznizbnyg37lir155sq84dbsqcaavz061hj2a703w9x28s6pcnb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers mtl network transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of Java Debug Interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "jespresso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , data-default-class, directory, filepath, HTTP, http-encodings + , hxt, hxt-tagsoup, language-ecmascript, network, random, tasty + , tasty-golden, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jespresso"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "048n15lranfmi51p2nkx8rw7h76yhqmlcdgd6v1fswgdaipv0hya"; + editedCabalFile = "639aa59d0cc412bb80458ad0fee5e25f77e85c3a230896e73982cacfe77324cb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base bytestring cmdargs data-default-class HTTP + http-encodings hxt hxt-tagsoup language-ecmascript network random + ]; + testDepends = [ + arrows base directory filepath hxt tasty tasty-golden transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extract all JavaScript from an HTML page and consolidate it in one script"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jmacro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , haskell-src-exts, haskell-src-meta, mtl, parseargs, parsec + , regex-posix, safe, syb, template-haskell, text + , unordered-containers, vector, wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jmacro"; + version = "0.6.9"; + sha256 = "1prplflikryw7scz75rbijn4dl1gdi6589yq5902n26xpaigqsp6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta + mtl parseargs parsec regex-posix safe syb template-haskell text + unordered-containers vector wl-pprint-text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-benchmarks" ]; + description = "QuasiQuotation library for programmatic generation of Javascript code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jmacro-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-html, bytestring + , containers, contravariant, jmacro, mtl, scientific, split, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jmacro-rpc"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1fkcky2f51764xcbbwnxpxyhk2mmnp364hf8njfcjsijanv938zw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-html bytestring containers + contravariant jmacro mtl scientific split text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON-RPC clients and servers using JMacro, and evented client-server Reactive Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jmacro-rpc-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , happstack-server, jmacro, jmacro-rpc, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jmacro-rpc-happstack"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0z24iqq0nmvm4x4fz4vl1rsccqnaynhmza502im967y7lials9wa"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html bytestring containers happstack-server jmacro + jmacro-rpc mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack backend for jmacro-rpc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jmacro-rpc-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, jmacro + , jmacro-rpc, mtl, snap-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jmacro-rpc-snap"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1syzx2lw4r8knsqhsvilp04wb8a718379cmn0nhjqlwhpaja9bj8"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers jmacro jmacro-rpc mtl snap-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap backend for jmacro-rpc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jobqueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, directory, fast-logger, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3 + , hslogger, hspec, hzk, lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger + , mtl, network, QuickCheck, regex-posix, split, stm + , template-haskell, text, text-format, time, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jobqueue"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "17l1hcpc65jb0w0fw238hmm7ziy6qx0khi32zm5214pj71l09ldj"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default fast-logger HDBC + HDBC-sqlite3 hslogger hzk lifted-base monad-control monad-logger + mtl network regex-posix split stm template-haskell text text-format + time transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring data-default directory hspec network + QuickCheck stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A job queue library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "join" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, multisetrewrite, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "join"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0bx9cvdhhw7z30qgxwpl0j23z18sx7xyin2y7bwxvg5ga737j8qx"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 multisetrewrite stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel Join Patterns with Guards and Propagation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "joinlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "joinlist"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0hjlyyylbh471696v9b1jckm7d4gfp1ka978sr1j0005d03gwv35"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Join list - symmetric list type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jonathanscard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HTTP, json, mtl + , network, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jonathanscard"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0zwd5mdwamyl6xlflhj0yvp9k5yfrxggvv49d3hriz9z15f5v5g8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HTTP json mtl network old-locale time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the Jonathan's Card API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jort"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1c1nr8pq4vyn4mvyqms2mq1sm42qgr2mrznn5rsv34rd1f75b2d3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base gtk ]; + description = "JP's own ray tracer"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "jose" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bifunctors, byteable, bytestring, certificate, crypto-pubkey + , crypto-pubkey-types, crypto-random, cryptohash + , data-default-class, ghc-prim, hspec, integer-gmp, lens + , network-uri, old-locale, safe, semigroups, template-haskell, text + , time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jose"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iwwq1gi5pmagxyrrlmirszdq0xnxj3n34kkw517yj465vlq0csj"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bifunctors byteable + bytestring certificate crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types + crypto-random cryptohash data-default-class ghc-prim integer-gmp + lens network-uri safe semigroups template-haskell text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bifunctors byteable + bytestring certificate crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types + crypto-random cryptohash data-default-class hspec lens network-uri + old-locale safe semigroups template-haskell text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Javascript Object Signing and Encryption and JSON Web Token library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "jose-jwt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, byteable + , bytestring, cereal, cipher-aes, containers, cprng-aes + , crypto-cipher-types, crypto-numbers, crypto-pubkey, crypto-random + , cryptohash, doctest, either, errors, hspec, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jose-jwt"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1143sbniyzcpgxhjrb5nmmxynb9l446r5dyiyl5hnqlim129qwil"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring cereal cipher-aes + containers crypto-cipher-types crypto-numbers crypto-pubkey + crypto-random cryptohash errors mtl text time unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring cipher-aes cprng-aes + crypto-cipher-types crypto-pubkey crypto-random cryptohash doctest + either hspec HUnit mtl QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jpeg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jpeg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hnfapr21zpfyiywa4zzmwa518jzg73dnmaakrbvvpcmr4fvh9qx"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A library for decoding JPEG files written in pure Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "js-flot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "js-flot"; + version = "0.8.3"; + sha256 = "0yjyzqh3qzhy5h3nql1fckw0gcfb0f4wj9pm85nafpfqp2kg58hv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base HTTP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Obtain minified flot code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "js-good-parts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, wl-pprint }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "js-good-parts"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0i3r3xl8hi2a3d6hrj77vbfi54bkq4pidrjcz13vz4az9dvz6k75"; + buildDepends = [ base wl-pprint ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Javascript: The Good Parts -- AST & Pretty Printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "js-jquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "js-jquery"; + version = "1.11.2"; + sha256 = "0sdzgz3gfic0i6636kd2szlqczhydi8m6vjr188n1bjc1y1xh112"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base HTTP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Obtain minified jQuery code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jsaddle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghcjs-base, hslogger, lens, template-haskell + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsaddle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14lxxcl45bzj6g44vr0iq8ndjkxbv4sismamyafymb8hbb24ida3"; + buildDepends = [ + base ghcjs-base lens template-haskell text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base ghcjs-base hslogger lens template-haskell text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-webkit" "-fjsffi" "-fgtk3" "-fghcjs" ]; + description = "High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore"; + license =; + }) { ghcjs-base = null; }; + + "jsaddle-hello" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghcjs-dom, jsaddle, lens }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsaddle-hello"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07kgjp35vbwljhyz9i49fbvbj4d05gn8swzynb0hd02bbsl5i0dp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghcjs-dom jsaddle lens ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSaddle Hello World, an example package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jsc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk3, hslogger, jmacro, lens + , template-haskell, text, transformers, webkitgtk3 + , webkitgtk3-javascriptcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18mvpncvsfv4gv7lx00g8aixjmhzp0yklxaajx45v2hsx0azn8zc"; + buildDepends = [ + base jmacro lens template-haskell text transformers webkitgtk3 + webkitgtk3-javascriptcore + ]; + testDepends = [ + base glib gtk3 hslogger jmacro lens template-haskell text + transformers webkitgtk3 webkitgtk3-javascriptcore + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fjmacro" "-f-webkit" "-fjsffi" "-fgtk3" ]; + description = "High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jsmw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, DOM, mtl, WebBits }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsmw"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1r36w2h5007qln56gnyyd7w6bcqiymn1jw287z0waf4fhpy02ygq"; + buildDepends = [ base DOM mtl WebBits ]; + description = "Javascript Monadic Writer base package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, parsec + , pretty, syb, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1r37hhhhc97sxqrcijss80c0380f36bh6f2y4navwih7r3a2ci8j"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers mtl parsec pretty syb text + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-mapdict" "-fgeneric" "-fpretty" "-fparsec" "-fsplit-base" + ]; + description = "Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-assertions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, indexed, indexed-free, lens + , lens-aeson, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-assertions"; + version = "1.0.5"; + sha256 = "1vf6y8xbl48giq1p6d62294rfvfdw62l1q4dspy990ii0v5gkyck"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base indexed indexed-free lens lens-aeson text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test that your (Aeson) JSON encoding matches your expectations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-autotype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, filepath + , GenericPretty, hashable, hflags, lens, mtl, pretty, process + , scientific, text, uniplate, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-autotype"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10054yvzc4fql2wwhwnv3pl33vjgf2k4dgg1sz26k8x59629n5f7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers filepath GenericPretty hashable + hflags lens mtl pretty process scientific text uniplate + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic type declaration for JSON input data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-b" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-nums, bytestring-trie + , bytestringparser-temporary, containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-b"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0wcvaswgffzvhfq7v5lqxp6xhxajaabbxkqpqxp5vwcv5slkiags"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-nums bytestring-trie + bytestringparser-temporary containers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON parser that uses byte strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual, bytestring + , containers, text, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-builder"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0k8b93bqi68c7nwq09cws8kfm84kd4k5lpy4z9ifks1jaiyj3vxm"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers text + unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structure agnostic JSON serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator + , bytestring, containers, enumerator, json-types, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08gwrm15pvvhhrkrncy6wr4fi5v55fdhc8byfrw5zd62hmx8xm9d"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring containers + enumerator json-types text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with JSON with the enumerator package. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, data-default + , template-haskell, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqn68brkjmix7xidcb7170ydpxwq1p48qqmm4w9ak0zkvm70fks"; + editedCabalFile = "76113c3d47cb5d8087ffe18e1b09eaa22cc8dcd07010537739c7f1e4dc6b0741"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default template-haskell + unordered-containers yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions to extend Aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "json-fu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , hashable, hspec, mtl, syb, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-fu"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "098ps56igr12wm9hai3agh2hdmvd00rzpdd5lw0ffjivjxxfh829"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers hashable mtl syb text + time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers hashable hspec mtl syb + text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Generic JSON serialization / deserialization"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "json-python" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, pureMD5 + , python, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-python"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ga3clvmq20xlyx47bril651xg8rhq77s7nj6r1v836m3xwcb0y9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers pureMD5 template-haskell + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ python ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Call python inline from haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "json-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, parsec, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-qq"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0rpfv0i4jhjkq39xcs3b89ms0w4il4l7f385msqj93qzj76is7m6"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Json Quasiquatation library for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "json-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, deepseq, hashable, mtl, QuickCheck, stm + , stm-conduit, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lwn9gmjads8hbn2yi9rsn8h1k57mba6z4p06vzwli95f8gdsy0h"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring conduit conduit-extra deepseq hashable + mtl stm stm-conduit text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring conduit conduit-extra deepseq hashable + mtl QuickCheck stm stm-conduit test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fully-featured JSON-RPC 2.0 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "json-rpc-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HUnit, json-rpc-server + , mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-rpc-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sfdlj5i7flb9kkmi4lmmx199ikw7gp17flr9yx104z5a9r5f51m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring json-rpc-server mtl text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring HUnit json-rpc-server mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demo" ]; + description = "JSON-RPC 2.0 on the client side."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "json-rpc-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-rpc-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k909cxp63qvbbl916m6bk7i26np4aba2v87imfik134ii4h9pry"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring mtl text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit + text unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demo" ]; + description = "JSON-RPC 2.0 on the server side."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "json-schema" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-utils, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , containers, generic-aeson, generic-deriving, mtl, scientific + , tagged, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-th, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-schema"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jdhmzg1is8dnyz46r6w616xq0w1lypc9xz1c2mcimr9xb9r70zw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers generic-aeson generic-deriving mtl scientific + tagged text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-utils attoparsec base bytestring generic-aeson tagged + tasty tasty-hunit tasty-th text vector + ]; + description = "Types and type classes for defining JSON schemas"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, generics-sop, lens-sop, tagged, text + , time, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-sop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i23k96ncy0qb6fc3wb851zqck4qcf18vm569i0qinbxd8w9bgaq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base generics-sop lens-sop tagged text time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Generics JSON (de)serialization using generics-sop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , process, tar, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-tools"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "13iyhsq4010ypgmlsdkdk93w8dhg6v0cllsf0avfaxkdva9lrqkf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers process tar text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "A collection of JSON tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json-types"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "088if9qv0didjyb6y1583viihjgc4nwr61qfjqdg9rzc2ya6vqdn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text ]; + description = "Basic types for representing JSON"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "json2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , json2-types, mtl, old-locale, parsec, pretty, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json2"; + version = "0.8.3"; + sha256 = "1w7x67cykbnr2h8jjjqd5whf7pq7vwk7r9g1q1i9g25b9b49i7r8"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers json2-types mtl old-locale + parsec pretty time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Library provides support for JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json2-hdbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HDBC, json2, json2-types, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json2-hdbc"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1flbh68ymm39ccw5h9fiwy35qarn8zkxljmnjgg6fd39j8zbc3dj"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers HDBC json2 json2-types time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Support JSON for SQL Database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json2-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json2-types"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0gr5mfi68hvk8wajw6wbimmwxd0rgjwqrg3mjyfppkr1nwkyfzpr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Defined JSON data types and function for renders JSON to string"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "json2yaml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, yaml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "json2yaml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ip9qgrzr59v3zxcj6l1dys0zbfj9s8fgdj4lv1grh7wbzdfz9dn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring yaml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility to convert a file from JSON to YAML format. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jsonresume" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, old-locale, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsonresume"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14kv1cbjh1m9ri0vjj015hx6bx6l7jv71gpfa6n0fg21hh5fl7a4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring old-locale text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser and datatypes for the JSON Resume format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jsonrpc-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, mtl, text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsonrpc-conduit"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "08mjwic7qbp241ydxiy5lm782igwd4ba27sii3csv4wdgdxgd3vy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring conduit conduit-extra mtl text + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demo" ]; + description = "JSON-RPC 2.0 server over a Conduit."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "jsonsql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , HUnit, optparse-applicative, scientific, string-qq, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsonsql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mr4xdwspza87kvaq4337k6hwzvrjxsr5bybdp1sv3x3fdg481ir"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers HUnit + optparse-applicative scientific string-qq text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interpolate JSON object values into SQL strings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jsontsv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , csv, optparse-applicative, scientific, string-qq, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jsontsv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07yls78gj5zfi0d1kkcsf22wcq2wip9nm6yp1r5m8li8rhzxcczi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers csv + optparse-applicative scientific string-qq text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON to TSV transformer"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "jspath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie, JSONb + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jspath"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "072q6mipfaqf33w806chf2226zpay124lgph0wlgfdbhfd5118n7"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie JSONb utf8-string + ]; + description = "Extract substructures from JSON by following a path"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "judy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, hspec, Judy + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "judy"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1acw072v0lj2jkc6lffcigl1miy1r4wv52qxk6qql0wdg5ydjcjh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + extraLibraries = [ Judy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-unsafe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, scalable, mutable dynamic arrays, maps and hashes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { Judy = null; }; + + "jukebox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, hashable, minisat, mtl, pretty, process + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jukebox"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "01gdb7wi65idws4q2bbxzna07s3y0wd4p7npawm7rdiyfp3pg92k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath hashable + minisat mtl pretty process unordered-containers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + description = "A first-order reasoning toolbox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jvm-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, fgl, fingertree, pretty, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jvm-parser"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0rhixf1syrnhql3aqlvl9hcylaiyhca1yvismdzalkhbz0qdgvir"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 fgl + fingertree pretty zlib + ]; + description = "A parser for JVM bytecode files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "jwt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , containers, cryptohash, data-default, http-types, HUnit, lens + , lens-aeson, network, network-uri, QuickCheck, scientific + , semigroups, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, text + , time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "jwt"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "010w57x16vwvmg6npwyylpbwg24bjdkjz8cjcn0573j56vn5j7vn"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring containers cryptohash + data-default http-types network network-uri scientific semigroups + text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring containers cryptohash + data-default http-types HUnit lens lens-aeson network network-uri + QuickCheck scientific semigroups tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + tasty-th text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JSON Web Token (JWT) decoding and encoding"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "kan-extensions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, array, base, comonad, containers + , contravariant, distributive, free, mtl, semigroupoids, tagged + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kan-extensions"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "1bfz9azg6s1micw8drl6hj305731dnginx422ilqzb8pi317a9hx"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions array base comonad containers contravariant + distributive free mtl semigroupoids tagged transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kan extensions, Kan lifts, various forms of the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kangaroo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kangaroo"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1l7b71dhrxd2g3nbqg3h0n5dvgxr23av1cy1f0mvw347y91rx36x"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary parsing with random access"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kansas-comet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, data-default, scotty, stm + , text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kansas-comet"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0xbapi4clmkighxh0jb12zpzgrz9sqyfpwdkvrj6cdq6i6a22qx1"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers data-default scotty stm text time + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A JavaScript push mechanism based on the comet idiom"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kansas-lava" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , data-default, data-reify, directory, dotgen, filepath, netlist + , netlist-to-vhdl, process, random, sized-types, strict + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kansas-lava"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0rsjlj558k57r1sfm12n9r9wn8r615bbrwgjhal07qhvy4qip4pg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers data-default data-reify + directory dotgen filepath netlist netlist-to-vhdl process random + sized-types strict template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tools" "-f-unit" "-f-all" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kansas Lava is a hardware simulator and VHDL generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kansas-lava-cores" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, data-default + , directory, kansas-lava, network, sized-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kansas-lava-cores"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0bgwm0w74l3p0w9xgs3qsmflk3hk923hqp46bh6j9czfjs7my389"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring data-default directory kansas-lava + network sized-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-spartan3e" "-f-unit" "-f-all" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FPGA Cores Written in Kansas Lava"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kansas-lava-papilio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, data-default + , directory, filepath, kansas-lava, kansas-lava-cores, netlist + , network, sized-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kansas-lava-papilio"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0ikc6yfcv2fjx0szfmp92nrdhdfdivlc14a7w214i0q3vrncjkzm"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring data-default directory filepath + kansas-lava kansas-lava-cores netlist network sized-types + ]; + description = "Kansas Lava support files for the Papilio FPGA board"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kansas-lava-shake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hastache + , kansas-lava, shake, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kansas-lava-shake"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0iqmz7kgnfpvmdjn29nnr1r0xwhb0j0pfmnclwlszhjsxcvsy627"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hastache kansas-lava shake text + ]; + description = "Shake rules for building Kansas Lava projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "karakuri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, minioperational, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "karakuri"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ys4kx4pq9xrb4gjg6syyim8mpfy3yzyyiw2mdc4vh9hmsny373c"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers minioperational mtl transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Good stateful automata"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "karver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, hspec, text + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "karver"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1n6q13i6j68siq36bli0hnf1ssny4ax71ai48da1x3z6996hbg06"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base hspec text unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "A simple template engine, inspired by jinja2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "katt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, ConfigFile, containers + , directory, errors, filepath, lens, mtl, parsec, text, url, wreq + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "katt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hvi23r9wgz77w6wl9nhpvkcbajm5m8kmy87pjmfgifj60d9cmhg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring ConfigFile containers directory errors + filepath lens mtl parsec text url wreq zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring directory mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client for the Kattis judge system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kbq-gu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kbq-gu"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1skz1yllkwbpx4wd8w8q4zmqd3f62baaj5pja6dpqr2xviiv0j6g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rpoku spoken word programming language"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "kd-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, linear, vector, vector-algorithms }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kd-tree"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0j9wlap9gx2szb5saa4pxm7mp2w132ki1p6mlcv0s0wy9rv6dnm7"; + buildDepends = [ base lens linear vector vector-algorithms ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple k-d tree implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kdesrc-build-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , directory, MissingH, parsec, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kdesrc-build-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n19jika26wgv7nhbbwnjjhmcbgqqag06k467r6q0s16ilp1p5nr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cmdargs directory MissingH parsec + process + ]; + description = "Build profiles for kdesrc-build"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "kdt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, deepseq-generics, pqueue + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kdt"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1kj914xya5msw9hb2lqa36jf68pna8dfq21jbylq2m68k0ydcivi"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq deepseq-generics pqueue ]; + testDepends = [ base deepseq deepseq-generics QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast and flexible k-d trees for various types of point queries"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "keiretsu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-extra, directory, filepath, hslogger, network + , optparse-applicative, process, text, unix, unordered-containers + , yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keiretsu"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "0bwwsxav04dnipg5xvb8j4ncxbd5mw6r5gisn5avqjm34wr8y2b9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal async base bytestring conduit conduit-extra + directory filepath hslogger network optparse-applicative process + text unix unordered-containers yaml + ]; + description = "Multi-process orchestration for development and integration testing"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "keter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, async, attoparsec, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit + , conduit-extra, containers, data-default, directory, filepath + , fsnotify, hspec, http-client, http-conduit, http-reverse-proxy + , http-types, lifted-base, mtl, network, network-conduit-tls + , process, random, regex-tdfa, stm, system-fileio, system-filepath + , tar, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix + , unix-compat, unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-app-static + , wai-extra, warp, warp-tls, yaml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gl4v5gblc114581xxfn2k7b42bilfcnmd01z5yl1kmqslky6g00"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array async attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra containers data-default + directory filepath fsnotify http-client http-conduit + http-reverse-proxy http-types lifted-base mtl network + network-conduit-tls process random regex-tdfa stm system-fileio + system-filepath tar template-haskell text time transformers unix + unix-compat unordered-containers vector wai wai-app-static + wai-extra warp warp-tls yaml zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring conduit hspec transformers unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web application deployment manager, focusing on Haskell web frameworks"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "kevin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , cprng-aes, damnpacket, data-default, exceptions, HTTP, lens, mtl + , network, regex-pcre-builtin, stm, text, time, tls, tls-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kevin"; + version = "0.11.0"; + sha256 = "00hghd44h8d87kbf0j8ns78syz79a9sdwl454sb5n6ynq62fgwr1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers cprng-aes damnpacket + data-default exceptions HTTP lens mtl network regex-pcre-builtin + stm text time tls tls-extra + ]; + description = "a dAmn ↔ IRC proxy"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "keyring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, udbus }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keyring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06sp308nwgk7cdpj0q7zinp05vy5fcgm7jrawhdmcvxka6l22yiy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base udbus ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" "-f-allbackends" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Keyring access"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "keys" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, comonad, containers, free + , semigroupoids, semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keys"; + version = "3.10.1"; + sha256 = "007lbpfan5n1cgswsrzc4xjv0kjmjr9vn4lpqm3gwk3lnfpg8i4n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base comonad containers free semigroupoids semigroups + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Keyed functors and containers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "keystore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, ansi-wl-pprint, api-tools + , asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, base64-bytestring, byteable + , bytestring, cipher-aes, containers, crypto-pubkey, crypto-random + , directory, filepath, lens, mtl, old-locale, optparse-applicative + , pbkdf, process, raw-strings-qq, regex-compat-tdfa, safe, setenv + , text, time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keystore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hswqspbb0lmr33bz1d5f12fhs66i2ynynxii6qwcsrzjn77ps8j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty ansi-wl-pprint api-tools asn1-encoding + asn1-types base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring cipher-aes + containers crypto-pubkey crypto-random directory filepath lens mtl + old-locale optparse-applicative pbkdf process raw-strings-qq + regex-compat-tdfa safe setenv text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-stacktrace" "-f-hpc" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Managing stores of secret things"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "keyvaluehash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, derive, directory + , filepath, hashable, mmap, storable-record + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "keyvaluehash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gph4cfx1xqjzhzx6nl2sfgqa6mk6a272a65gk5j43yjfh4s17gl"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring derive directory filepath hashable + mmap storable-record + ]; + description = "Pure Haskell key/value store implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kibro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kibro"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0yfyx4jyz0n3p2w6pca3nxc72s01240n3siy5sx883ldz706adls"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kicad-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ieee754, lens-family, parsec, parsec-numbers + , pretty-compact, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kicad-data"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02bgz21jw76kzn57z2a7njbwz366j5hpjimyn7dw05h3c64gf8h1"; + buildDepends = [ + base ieee754 lens-family parsec parsec-numbers pretty-compact + ]; + testDepends = [ + base ieee754 lens-family parsec parsec-numbers pretty-compact + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser and writer for KiCad files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "kickass-torrents-dump-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cassava, hspec + , hspec-expectations, string-qq, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kickass-torrents-dump-parser"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1bqv07v5sx0jaalnzyk703g08js6sb2snvpsk6ld5zr6iqm7k4wk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cassava text vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cassava hspec hspec-expectations string-qq text + vector + ]; + description = "Parses torrent dumps"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "kickchan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, primitive, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kickchan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gmp8d2gm275mc379rhyhyfk7r2z8d1mhaz0nikbg4wpczhqf0n7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit primitive QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kick Channels: bounded channels with non-blocking writes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kif-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, hostname, old-time + , parsec, twine + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kif-parser"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1d8abd4l8mcgcfqmm06zmd7yxvfls1kqkphx64bi6mmqzy8lcx3k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs hostname old-time parsec twine + ]; + description = "Process KIF iOS test logs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kinds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kinds"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "169f2b0nn7mkjws6c5sb3mih2p6snhfq42bkfds3zxz01y53v2g5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Emulation of subkinds and subkind polymorphism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, attoparsec, base, cabal-file-th + , cmdargs, containers, directory, errors, filepath, Glob, mtl + , process, text, unix, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kit"; + version = "0.7.12"; + sha256 = "0557v1js7bzd9a00lq078csr66pdrr4kr9qiign2zwz03rrcaviw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal attoparsec base cabal-file-th cmdargs containers + directory errors filepath Glob mtl process text unix + unordered-containers yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A dependency manager for Xcode (Objective-C) projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kmeans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kmeans"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1v9f6yzzb282x30wyk91f68dphxl5g2lnibmsqhvc9m4wznnxjzc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "K-means clustering algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kmeans-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, metric, normaldistribution, parallel + , QuickCheck, semigroups, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kmeans-par"; + version = "1.5.1"; + sha256 = "087z1r9fljvysgl940qpnrf7any80fy33shmn8hbmn2kwgczn69c"; + buildDepends = [ base metric parallel semigroups vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec metric normaldistribution parallel QuickCheck semigroups + vector + ]; + description = "Sequential and parallel implementations of Lloyd's algorithm"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "kmeans-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kmeans-vector"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0n957b7pcq3v8kf4507crbrd172mv9g14p5hmpalfjzlpb3b5ll1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the kmeans clustering algorithm based on the vector package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "knob" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "knob"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05qj7s04p5pbasivyxc06l0jbii250zjnvb3l1y2sfhglb7q8b4c"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory-backed handles"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "knots" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, data-default, deepseq + , mtl, parallel, vector, yap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "knots"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kqcfabbk308ph9i04d6sz9hrh2lcmqp7aml7av9h15hdhq77nf2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers data-default deepseq mtl parallel vector yap + ]; + description = "Khovanov homology computations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "koellner-phonetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "koellner-phonetic"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0r7gbgvs49y1nyq5z5f2sb4sjfr847l1vrbih2f5975i3hd9c9kg"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + description = "\"map German words to code representing pronunciation\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kontrakcja-templates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, hslogger + , HStringTemplate, html, HUnit, MissingH, mtl, old-time, parsec + , string-templates, syb, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kontrakcja-templates"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "020vcd04dxaxcd3bb9vwgw1qvxnz5gx590mjkbnnxrcjhl9yd9j8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory HStringTemplate html MissingH + mtl old-time parsec transformers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory hslogger HStringTemplate HUnit MissingH + mtl old-time string-templates syb test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + description = "Utilities for working with many HStringTemplate templates from files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { string-templates = null; }; + + "koofr-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, filepath, http-client + , http-client-tls, http-types, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "koofr-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "088wppnvnap57444l80l9n9957y0vqndc66fwf4ifn0jy44f79ng"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring filepath http-client http-client-tls + http-types mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client to Koofr API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "korfu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, haskell98, simpleargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "korfu"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1mwndf83yl57bawc6vk8983qca3yhcdiczj6q7n1rgv8qphnw0wz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio bytestring haskell98 simpleargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Korfu ORF Utility"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "kqueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, directory, filepath, mtl, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kqueue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q25ahsxsxrj8l99skymzssklj11d5prsa09b23dmbgc4qw28lg8"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl time unix ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the kqueue event library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "krpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bencoding, bytestring, containers + , data-default-class, hspec, lifted-base, monad-control + , monad-logger, mtl, network, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "krpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ldhg4ahhfp4jy3ijssfmcwfg68dggw3biqmc4my2qrcgd2mvx29"; + buildDepends = [ + base bencoding bytestring containers data-default-class lifted-base + monad-control monad-logger mtl network text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bencoding bytestring hspec monad-logger mtl network QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "KRPC protocol implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ks-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gamma, random-fu, roots, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ks-test"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1xj9bnwiws3rnax3rlf67p8dh487w07xl99h81a9j1wjkqysldym"; + buildDepends = [ base gamma random-fu roots vector ]; + description = "Kolmogorov distribution and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "kure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dlist, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kure"; + version = "2.16.4"; + sha256 = "07qd3qhdwsi4hxlijnhqsziprsl3zmhj9271ha6iy79zcapwvpax"; + buildDepends = [ base dlist transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for Strategic Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kure-your-boilerplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, kure, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kure-your-boilerplate"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0bfcmx1fz521vkc2lrbpyvaqcy4c29h5xp6wmyxvgrjjnq32ld1b"; + buildDepends = [ base kure template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generator for Boilerplate KURE Combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "kyotocabinet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, kyotocabinet }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "kyotocabinet"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1wzwmfmh2cx3c9blnhk7ibsimwsnnxz9jpcdfdkgy5rb28wvvkyz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal ]; + extraLibraries = [ kyotocabinet ]; + description = "Mid level bindings to Kyoto Cabinet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) kyotocabinet; }; + + "l-bfgs-b" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lbfgsb, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "l-bfgs-b"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ypzkq2rpbmdjfqba72pl3wf6d4wz0z5vmy84dq5m38ij5mlb4y7"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ lbfgsb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to L-BFGS-B, Fortran code for limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { lbfgsb = null; }; + + "labeled-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, labeled-tree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "labeled-graph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "060nvnlh1h8vxi6k2hsz79fn4xypangdj5v4q0kc6abyf9garf7r"; + buildDepends = [ base labeled-tree ]; + description = "Labeled graph structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "labeled-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "labeled-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cnnyic5z5y21hpxpmx66ph34mjyysckgiasmzg7yx202y2ih7s7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Labeled tree structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "laborantin-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, cmdlib, containers + , directory, hslogger, mtl, old-locale, parsec, random, split, text + , time, transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "laborantin-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18bgd9v4bh3wfh7p7xjzrsj130cppm6x55vzagcpn10cwqag41cs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring cmdlib containers directory hslogger + mtl old-locale parsec random split text time transformers uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "an experiment management framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "labyrinth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, derive, HTF, HUnit, lens + , monad-loops, MonadRandom, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, random + , safecopy, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "labyrinth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yi53vg248j8ww08z2a5v3agci84q3m2d37h9mdbprciryh3hfcl"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers derive lens monad-loops MonadRandom mtl parsec + random safecopy template-haskell transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers derive HTF HUnit lens monad-loops MonadRandom mtl + parsec QuickCheck random safecopy template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A complicated turn-based game"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "labyrinth-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , derive, directory, filepath, hamlet, HTF, http-types, HUnit + , labyrinth, lens, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, random, safecopy + , shakespeare-css, shakespeare-js, template-haskell, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector, wai + , wai-test, wai-websockets, warp, websockets, yesod, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "labyrinth-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00mx8zmwqawp2hh1a0v4r26w7wsji0iz7jwsh83742wimir316aw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson base bytestring containers derive filepath hamlet + labyrinth lens mtl parsec random safecopy shakespeare-css + shakespeare-js template-haskell text transformers + unordered-containers utf8-string vector wai-websockets warp + websockets yesod yesod-static + ]; + testDepends = [ + acid-state aeson base bytestring containers derive directory + filepath hamlet HTF http-types HUnit labyrinth lens mtl parsec + QuickCheck random safecopy shakespeare-css shakespeare-js + template-haskell text transformers unordered-containers utf8-string + vector wai wai-test wai-websockets warp websockets yesod + yesod-static + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A complicated turn-based game - Web server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lagrangian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, hmatrix, HUnit, nonlinear-optimization + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lagrangian"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07jlmfynnq42syim9k7hks6zmkzq2i62slvwwik8w2rg07ran72v"; + buildDepends = [ ad base hmatrix nonlinear-optimization vector ]; + testDepends = [ + ad base hmatrix HUnit nonlinear-optimization test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Solve Lagrange multiplier problems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda-ast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-ast"; + version = "0.0.12"; + sha256 = "07i0fw7hvkzky9rwrnh4b3i35crbv4mkj0w001dwkgsh1flzh95f"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Lambda Calculi Abstract Syntax Trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda-bridge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-bridge"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qiqw4av62fdf2b1qc64lvj84lkzcfpik7lvq81qk015pz58cbs3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexample" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A bridge from Haskell (on a CPU) to VHDL on a FPGA"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, mtl, OpenGL, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-canvas"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14wl1w1sc0j1yjfad5v00346ccxp0grfs1677hnjqwisashdac92"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT mtl OpenGL time ]; + description = "Educational drawing canvas for FP explorers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lambda-devs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dimensional + , distributed-process, HUnit, numtype, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-devs"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1j2j6clm35ffvdjlh7apydir06g7az40gsqvlcw8p4qbdk2z2vrh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dimensional distributed-process numtype + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary containers dimensional distributed-process HUnit + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a Paralell-DEVS implementaion based on distributed-process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda-placeholders" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-placeholders"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s3y55yqa5js1q3rfq8dgdip6rnjag4w5j5vdldghq9ax5yph3gd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library to emulate laceholders similar to Scala"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda-toolbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda-toolbox"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1m11gdwq4nma3231043h5szplmask5152y2r9ayyrpacczddcbim"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An application to work with the lambda calculus (for learning)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambda2js" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambda2js"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0490yswk7zsyc2lskyqkwa98xsaj5a2cgw4pyxbg5920lyjqb3n8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Untyped Lambda calculus to JavaScript compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "lambdaBase" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdaBase"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mmdkyadpnkm8d3jv6vb7ln762vkf744hcq6qiyhznxhvih0k28x"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lambdaFeed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, html }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdaFeed"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0gji0jix99qbldqkclymnwf5pnmiszy0qka9m2wq8kyi09f3y4h8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 html ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RSS 2.0 feed generator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lambdaLit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskeline, lambdaBase, mtl + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdaLit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xw1496q84wrzy1r3dwvwy04sb3184namnmdj5kspc5pmd8ipx0h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskeline lambdaBase mtl network + ]; + description = "..."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lambdabot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, arrows, base, binary, brainfuck, bytestring + , containers, data-memocombinators, dependent-map, dependent-sum + , dependent-sum-template, dice, directory, edit-distance, filepath + , haskeline, haskell-src-exts, hoogle, hslogger, hstatsd, HTTP + , IOSpec, lifted-base, logict, misfortune, monad-control + , MonadRandom, mtl, mueval, network, numbers, oeis, parsec, pretty + , process, QuickCheck, random, random-fu, random-source, regex-tdfa + , SafeSemaphore, show, split, syb, tagsoup, template-haskell, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unix, unlambda, utf8-string + , vector-space, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdabot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19pkm4m2xk9ziai3ka4scxjavi0as8dmivz9q6vg3npmv0kyhkhb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array arrows base binary brainfuck bytestring containers + data-memocombinators dependent-map dependent-sum + dependent-sum-template dice directory edit-distance filepath + haskeline haskell-src-exts hoogle hslogger hstatsd HTTP IOSpec + lifted-base logict misfortune monad-control MonadRandom mtl mueval + network numbers oeis parsec pretty process QuickCheck random + random-fu random-source regex-tdfa SafeSemaphore show split syb + tagsoup template-haskell time transformers transformers-base unix + unlambda utf8-string vector-space zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lambdabot-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, haskell-src + , mtl, network, old-time, process, random, regex-compat + , regex-posix, syb, tagsoup, unix, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdabot-utils"; + version = "4.2.2"; + sha256 = "0mmz9rn6vv8xnavmz66g164h1liir3rzg1n7lmbcsgwcyhm925d7"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers haskell-src mtl network old-time + process random regex-compat regex-posix syb tagsoup unix + utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility libraries for the advanced IRC bot, Lambdabot"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lambdacat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, dyre, glade, gtk, mtl + , network, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacat"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "18m7z0lmi26ib1n1wrql96wb5i229k8fk3iw4vavs9j59b4pz1br"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers dyre glade gtk mtl network webkit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Webkit Browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, editline, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube"; + version = "2008.12.25"; + sha256 = "1qwwcbs7slddpjlz3dlyjr32xk66clcbxbnb6j1d5v5dz9mvjh3b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base editline mtl pretty ]; + description = "A simple lambda cube type checker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-bullet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bullet, lambdacube-engine, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-bullet"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1wnv8vgp100fdnx4g80d3gshbba9jni7rbjhhj8rx1mi0wcc1bcv"; + buildDepends = [ base bullet lambdacube-engine mtl vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example for combining LambdaCube and Bullet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie, containers, mtl + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-core"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "001nw31h61dawh036yk4w9b35aha6c6xdmsl4vdipnr3kwykgk9l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie containers mtl vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LambdaCube 3D IR"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-edsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie, containers + , ghc-prim, lambdacube-core, mtl, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-edsl"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "18lbkshc9wh7scb2bbvl565w6yryz7n1iy14r81cahnj7m68fj8m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie containers ghc-prim lambdacube-core + mtl vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LambdaCube 3D EDSL definition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-engine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bitmap, bytestring + , bytestring-trie, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, OpenGLRaw + , stb-image, uulib, vect, vector, vector-algorithms, xml + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-engine"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1xdp10nylndmfw16dywqrxj30g99rf9qbcx5qiglvzm1c1kxid3f"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bitmap bytestring bytestring-trie containers + directory filepath mtl OpenGLRaw stb-image uulib vect vector + vector-algorithms xml zip-archive + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "3D rendering engine written entirely in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, elerea, GLFW-b, lambdacube-engine, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-examples"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "14l40ncbkblphmyn4prqiy2w70agcw830bpyawfdilf93bs340b9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base elerea GLFW-b lambdacube-engine mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for LambdaCube"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-gl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bitmap, bytestring, bytestring-trie + , containers, lambdacube-core, lambdacube-edsl, language-glsl, mtl + , OpenGLRaw, prettyclass, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-gl"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1r26gvpyfvk87wx1fpp6y5687q5y7pxzmjvm55r96m976200lz50"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bitmap bytestring bytestring-trie containers + lambdacube-core lambdacube-edsl language-glsl mtl OpenGLRaw + prettyclass vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL backend for LambdaCube graphics language (main package)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdacube-samples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-trie, elerea, GLFW-b + , lambdacube-core, lambdacube-edsl, lambdacube-gl, mtl, OpenGLRaw + , stb-image, time, vect, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdacube-samples"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0zl9d524a81vg3h7f9cbfi34b0hw452bd30xmgvg9ayfwxa842d1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-trie elerea GLFW-b lambdacube-core + lambdacube-edsl lambdacube-gl mtl OpenGLRaw stb-image time vect + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bulletinstalled" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Samples for LambdaCube 3D"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lambdatwit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, containers, data-default, exceptions + , hint, http-conduit, http-types, lens, MissingH, monad-control + , monad-logger, mtl, mueval, network-uri, resourcet, safecopy, text + , transformers, transformers-base, twitter-conduit, twitter-types + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdatwit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01mqmhnq70k3yg29z492x7d6mzpwlijdrrgf0zbz8c8mlgnm4ljx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state authenticate-oauth base bytestring case-insensitive + conduit containers data-default exceptions hint http-conduit + http-types lens MissingH monad-control monad-logger mtl mueval + network-uri resourcet safecopy text transformers transformers-base + twitter-conduit twitter-types utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lambdabot running as a twitter bot. Similar to the @fsibot f# bot."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lambdiff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, enumerator, gtk, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lambdiff"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0xlvz4r09vn1vdvs5wykry626hwcsg2zvdvl6jf6zrsq9331zcwy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring enumerator gtk mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diff Viewer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lame-tester" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, semigroups, tasty + , tasty-hunit, validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lame-tester"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1wa7h48a7hfb748i4chl2lpizrqmsdydg9vbwjf8gmy5cwlh816y"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers semigroups validation + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A strange and unnecessary selective test-running library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-asn1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-asn1"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "14aiqk1l1d3bh7dcml4a85xg81583h3r30h5splw0lvcxmbggzp3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing of ASN1 definitions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-bash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, pretty, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-bash"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "07hb9hg4grmf01zlvfm583q9km4dxfgm4pkb9glihl3v7iqz21vs"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec pretty transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and pretty-printing Bash shell scripts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-boogie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, cmdargs, containers, filepath + , HUnit, lens, mtl, parsec, pretty, random, stream-monad, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-boogie"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "166n9x3gil42w26r7p9d1jq6iy0yi9zacijkfmxj2gkkswyyb91x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base cmdargs containers filepath HUnit lens mtl + parsec pretty random stream-monad time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-fboogaloo" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interpreter and language infrastructure for Boogie"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-c" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, happy, pretty, process, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-c"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "1r0jlncv6d6ai8kblrdq9gz8abx57b24y6hfh30xx20zdgccjvaz"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath pretty process + syb + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fseparatesyb" "-fusebytestrings" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analysis and generation of C code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-c-comments" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, language-c }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-c-comments"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1rmciff72zpcq7pvbbxlsg2339dbk00k18vxp35sz8haql0jnrf2"; + buildDepends = [ array base language-c ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extracting comments from C code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-c-inline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath + , language-c-quote, mainland-pretty, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-c-inline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10wj8dlsjimgln14y7b50pnnn865ln46v3xcqwr7ahjcl3icavg6"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers filepath language-c-quote mainland-pretty + template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base language-c-quote ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-manualtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Inline C & Objective-C code in Haskell for language interoperability"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-c-quote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers + , exception-mtl, exception-transformers, filepath, happy + , haskell-src-meta, HUnit, mainland-pretty, mtl, srcloc, syb + , symbol, template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-c-quote"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kbnqrplwb5w9jfljsrjxisnrnxbc0221hpznvq4m1ldx2mkrh1k"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers exception-mtl + exception-transformers filepath haskell-src-meta mainland-pretty + mtl srcloc syb symbol template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit srcloc symbol test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "C/CUDA/OpenCL/Objective-C quasiquoting library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-cil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bool-extras }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-cil"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0b3yapn53bwaxia7b59kizzcxh1d3842as1cbkyzd096v8wsgwfa"; + buildDepends = [ base bool-extras ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulating Common Intermediate Language AST"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-css"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1g0mh08rz44533473isrqbfn6hp12np9dxm85cn5xpx68jl9ni9g"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + description = "CSS 2.1 syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-dot"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "0cjjfm7mcsl0x5by7gvbsdrr92x88i8sadb4pz6qh618sgrci7ax"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexecutable" ]; + description = "A library for the analysis and creation of Graphviz DOT files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-ecmascript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default-class, Diff + , directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, testing-feat, uniplate, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-ecmascript"; + version = "0.17"; + sha256 = "15v0nwp97058yjn0sp0hlsk7pvs6vaak3521p99f0z7a1dx4d876"; + editedCabalFile = "834526a1a67668bc7689b50d0ff28b674235724d5b3df5ce8cccbcd5fd4f5622"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default-class Diff mtl parsec QuickCheck + template-haskell testing-feat uniplate wl-pprint + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers data-default-class Diff directory filepath HUnit + mtl parsec QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 uniplate wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JavaScript parser and pretty-printer library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-ecmascript-analysis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, language-ecmascript, mtl + , parsec, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-ecmascript-analysis"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "073dh69mwz3x4v9xwa14pf9y04darzw1r5kfiv43646zs7axjd4p"; + editedCabalFile = "5fafd7ffe271f00fe33acdb4a18ef28a43a157836495144a0e113fd2bbf8f468"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers language-ecmascript parsec uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit language-ecmascript mtl test-framework + test-framework-hunit uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "JavaScript static analysis library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-eiffel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, derive, ghc-prim, hashable, lens, mtl, parsec, pretty + , text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-eiffel"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1v3m31ffx4pmgq92ahvlyzsh9hjvrdsmyzhd61qxzgpn3z9zzlcm"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers deepseq derive ghc-prim + hashable lens mtl parsec pretty text unordered-containers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser and pretty printer for the Eiffel language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-fortran" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, happy, haskell-src, parsec, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-fortran"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "0bj60vilvb13kw59nblhmi82kf103dxn3c94wz4hq2sdqyiwxrmx"; + buildDepends = [ array base haskell-src parsec syb ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Fortran lexer and parser, language support, and extensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-gcl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, parsers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-gcl"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "12yh49zh9wissms20rbvgzw5i5wlc8m1iqwkxg68f52g7mk6clrf"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors parsers ]; + description = "Something similar to Dijkstra's guarded command language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "language-glsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec, pretty, prettyclass + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-glsl"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06dc339a2cddzgjda3nzprgr0v2clbhlpl8j81m04i66bbj2l15y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec pretty prettyclass ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit parsec prettyclass test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "GLSL abstract syntax tree, parser, and pretty-printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-go" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, parsec, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-go"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "1p545115x73q4mzfja50f4lxal97ydvz9r3wq6pvcqls2xgvxzvc"; + buildDepends = [ array base parsec utf8-string ]; + description = "A library for analysis and synthesis of Go code"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "language-guess" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-guess"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0gdnkc1hb0mcn494vk9r7fw19hvaba807brwh6fna0sxyh2nx3p0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal containers ]; + description = "Guess at which language a text is written in using trigrams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-haskell-extract" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-posix, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-haskell-extract"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1nxcs7g8a1sp91bzpy4cj6s31k5pvc3gvig04cbrggv5cvjidnhl"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-posix template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Module to automatically extract functions from the local code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-java" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, cpphs, directory, filepath + , HUnit, mtl, parsec, pretty, QuickCheck, syb, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-java"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1519grsjw0f4skldxs563qz07mmj1cg72ma0plmvzpas7inkikyf"; + buildDepends = [ array base cpphs parsec pretty syb ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulating Java source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-java-classfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, data-flags, deepseq, language-java, LibZip + , mtl, parsec, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-java-classfile"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pzlvzx5rv006mn88b15zvvrhf7h681xpl166368b92dc0x85gcf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers data-binary-ieee754 + data-flags deepseq language-java LibZip mtl parsec utf8-string + ]; + description = "Parser for Java .class files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-javascript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , Cabal, containers, happy, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, utf8-light, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-javascript"; + version = "0.5.13"; + sha256 = "0h46wfh5xi3gbiaplx3ikmj7mfcwm1d37i5c9n3qfsmmkac29n2w"; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder bytestring containers mtl utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder bytestring Cabal containers HUnit mtl + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit utf8-light + utf8-string + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for JavaScript"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-lua" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, parsec, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-lua"; + version = "0.4.5"; + sha256 = "1i0msb2hnv3r8bp444laczvv5315vilbygshn3x8nq7p9p7rsmq5"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl parsec safe ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lua parser and pretty-printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-mixal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-mixal"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fgjkx003bn0bi4z6rgg8yvsl8k8almydh2lajkyp6zi5348vcv5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser, pretty-printer, and AST types for the MIXAL assembly language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-objc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, happy, newtype, pretty, process, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-objc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dqx8fzbh53kakbh62zmq3x4gx4p5zfwisi3z6n03mjyfv3wv6jv"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath newtype pretty + process syb + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fseparatesyb" "-fusebytestrings" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analysis and generation of Objective C code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-openscad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-openscad"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "157qc3p2rj80z25g6j5cwfyzs82b3iwmxibrm80r3zmcx0ns0ha6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple parser for OpenSCAD"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-pig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, HUnit, parsec + , pretty-tree, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-pig"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lv8zm352him9rby1k0n90bklx8wlvr1w8anzmr54fmbd9ibx0f2"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers parsec pretty-tree ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + description = "Pig parser in haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "language-puppet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-wl-pprint, attoparsec, base + , base16-bytestring, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers + , cryptohash, Diff, directory, filecache, Glob, hashable, hruby + , hslogger, hslua, hspec, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, iconv + , lens, lens-aeson, luautils, mtl, operational + , optparse-applicative, parallel-io, parsec, parsers, pcre-utils + , process, regex-pcre-builtin, scientific, split, stateWriter, stm + , strict-base-types, temporary, text, time, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, vector, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-puppet"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1bhhbr50xzb095nikfhc99sd5qmhzd81rg0z922x807r38kkdgnx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-wl-pprint attoparsec base base16-bytestring bytestring + case-insensitive containers cryptohash Diff directory filecache + Glob hashable hruby hslogger hslua hspec http-conduit http-types + iconv lens lens-aeson luautils mtl operational optparse-applicative + parallel-io parsec parsers pcre-utils process regex-pcre-builtin + scientific split stateWriter stm strict-base-types text time + transformers unix unordered-containers vector yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base Glob hspec HUnit lens parsec parsers + strict-base-types temporary text unix unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools to parse and evaluate the Puppet DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-python" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy, monads-tf + , pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-python"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "174rj38bc3q4ak08d11r476wswfgv936m5x980kar7jj8p26q163"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers monads-tf pretty transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and pretty printing of Python code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-python-colour" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, language-python, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-python-colour"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1cspr1v0dm4lbjrb654n8lax9nvmj94a89cp3vqir8xccaxhggpz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 language-python xhtml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate coloured XHTML for Python code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-sh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, pcre-light + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-sh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12yjynd1sib1mxx4jc28gs1k3r7kl1qv7xhanvn635dkcmswsd5k"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl parsec pcre-light ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A package for parsing shell scripts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-slice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, parsec, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-slice"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d9g41z1nw327z5n7hj8gj0yfvmkj7hz7cpwhi4r32xa7x98hdzy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring parsec transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit parsec QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "AST and parser for the ZeroC Slice language (Specification language for ICE)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-spelling" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bk-tree, bytestring, containers + , criterion, ListLike, listlike-instances, random-shuffle, text + , time, tst, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-spelling"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "05jgx1rcfb9aidrim2h9vr72c3m9hak2njkh04hkf4q3v1pv03ym"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bk-tree bytestring containers ListLike + listlike-instances text tst vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring criterion random-shuffle time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various tools to detect/correct mistakes in words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "language-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl + , template-haskell, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-sqlite"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1mpbp56xgqx6j4mfla00kvr9q6mysncjw57mphvrz86ificjw93m"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers mtl template-haskell utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Full parser and generator for SQL as implemented by SQLite3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "language-typescript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "language-typescript"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "07lm3d4m7c6j2b5gywqm05189iwkh2zjiv5xwwmcw1fm2a63r2zd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for working with TypeScript Definition files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "largeword" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "largeword"; + version = "1.2.3"; + sha256 = "1ldcsnnji6p84sn03j17pdcpg7vqn1xrhyn4wys0v5fyy0d383ln"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and a way of producing other large words if required"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , haskell98, haxr, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, hsini, HTTP, mtl, old-locale + , regex-compat, tagsoup, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lat"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0snzcck07v3w1qcgw2j6w7g4ydm59cprf3cqivl9qbgsjljl3zxn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base cmdargs directory filepath haskell98 haxr HDBC + HDBC-sqlite3 hsini HTTP mtl old-locale regex-compat tagsoup time + ]; + description = "Tool to track security alerts on LWN"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "latest-npm-version" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, cmdargs, hspec, http-client + , http-types, lens, network, pipes, pipes-attoparsec + , pipes-bytestring, pipes-http, text, text-format, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "latest-npm-version"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0z6jl0i9d9r4nifyn2h6pk8s3ni5zfmbc4gpaqim3hzzbh6kqrn0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base cmdargs http-client http-types lens network pipes + pipes-attoparsec pipes-bytestring pipes-http text text-format + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base hspec http-client http-types lens network pipes + pipes-attoparsec pipes-bytestring pipes-http text text-format + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find the latest version of a package on npm"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "latex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "latex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1linwqab6z2s91vdxr874vk7rg7gv1ckabsxwmlr80gnhdfgyhmp"; + buildDepends = [ base containers utility-ht ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse, format and process LaTeX files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lattices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lattices"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ppqvc3w7v56zya43b3fqwis50c8b57hlighzmk8jphv39y3ilp6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Fine-grained library for constructing and manipulating lattices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "launchpad-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, hmidi, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "launchpad-control"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lbrrm5wfi3vgmvba9rvbzq78idq6z98psjfh5scjp8hg0qbf8q2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers hmidi mtl transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High and low-level interface to the Novation Launchpad midi controller"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lax"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12f0k2545nk50cvs3gd41dhsfls19xkhvn3avhmgx69y57mhalcy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lax arrows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "layers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "layers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1yn8swgxb908wslcnh04919m9rzy47dxgawns89zw5v1gbq3wmdf"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modular type class machinery for monad transformer stacks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "layers-game" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, composition, data-lens, Gamgine + , GLFW-b, ListZipper, mtl, OpenGLRaw, pretty-show + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "layers-game"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1diisylvg78md3bcfx2jwh2w3sbp3ka76v93i5cjf54dv3fh97ax"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs composition data-lens Gamgine GLFW-b ListZipper mtl + OpenGLRaw pretty-show + ]; + description = "A prototypical 2d platform game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "layout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, hinduce-missingh }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "layout"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04075x2f646ifaw9pxi5s6avp1vis1j524w9a2m3apyrz583cj0g"; + buildDepends = [ base convertible hinduce-missingh ]; + description = "Turn values into pretty text or markup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "layout-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "layout-bootstrap"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0rm0w5l4g865ais4rg3vdfx6fyzp1dginlhlabvqclbjwwzkiyqi"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html containers text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text.Blaze.Html5"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lazy-csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazy-csv"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0xm5j3why2wfajcn7r8my63ranq2mm7jlj15dj153n2izgvd1dh0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient lazy parsers for CSV (comma-separated values)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lazy-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazy-io"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0fbvm8wwvp4xm4rq2mdfnrra7c88dps91j7ay2vn7iqmpdkcwly9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lazy IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lazyarray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazyarray"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0bc2n7x8fydmzc84yb5zbdaca1r4qwpk7zlvbgcycycr87fk7p7n"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Efficient implementation of lazy monolithic arrays (lazy in indexes)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lazyio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, unsafe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazyio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16cl1yifcmfywqc7kgz9kmp0x6s4300ccgmcrzr4j4jgwcgl38bc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base transformers unsafe ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run IO actions lazily while respecting their order"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lazysmallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazysmallcheck"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0lqggm75m1qd34lzqj3ibvnjwhjqvq16cab8zxm4yzn7j2sxzm4x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lazysplines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lazysplines"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08zpr5bsqgfk3f5v8133zgdprl22n09l60b31xzadcdy50zmnif1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Differential solving with lazy splines"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lbfgs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lbfgs"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1rsdaphlzjhgzvdsd3m90sk8yv32321ys3cqmahd2d0bycsaiskp"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "L-BFGS optimization"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "lca" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lca"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0dj7qz5wnrgqipmxim8y8jwgkwn8skkqxbd2w2kiy9s380pfdbsi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "O(log n) persistent on-line lowest common ancestor calculation without preprocessing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lcs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lcs"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1w8z80vqb86zl6ap4nd87kpl91qms8310k1d8r6qrxg2skm6gnxl"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find longest common sublist of two lists"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "lda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, mtl, random-fu + , random-source, rvar, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lda"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "125y7syfpwg6356h4rq34k45h115ywbz9yisvd741jf6aij23is2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim mtl random-fu random-source rvar vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ldif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filepath, HUnit, parsec, rosezipper + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ldif"; + version = "0.0.13"; + sha256 = "0mf0cvjzgimrqf80g6hg75azv18930g5mrvjjxw70116mdpp718a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers directory filepath parsec + rosezipper + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcmd" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "leaf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, directory, filepath, pandoc + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leaf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1czk4d2xa2g7djdz669h1q6ciflzwxm4n05m9jv3d3z7r6fcch6z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html directory filepath pandoc split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple portfolio generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "leaky" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq-bounded, deepseq-generics + , generics-sop, random, seqaid, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leaky"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13rmxqj7ca3lp3wmbh8x37gwnm4b66mi6xcz2fsq9cmhsr92lf1i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq-bounded deepseq-generics generics-sop random seqaid + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fuse_strict_blob" "-f-use_infinite_list" + "-fuse_growing_list_reduction" "-fuse_growing_list" "-fprofile" + "-fuse_second_module" "-f-using_sandbox" "-fstats" + "-ftest_seqaidpp" "-f-omnitypic" "-fturn_on_seqaid_plugin" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Robust space leak, and its strictification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "leankit-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, colour, curl, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leankit-api"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "14ax9w72cdmbsgy879mwwi2g0345xzfvivrq8b7ngkr8dyfp72r7"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring colour curl split ]; + description = "LeanKit API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "leapseconds-announced" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leapseconds-announced"; + version = "2012"; + sha256 = "1yfd53fqby42shmwzb2zzia4wwaaczhd9m789s2gs0bhv9ydmanh"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "Leap seconds announced at library release time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "learn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "learn"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1i2rn4pmgbqxj0xsjqp5rh50lv6zgnblbjgwmqh5cxb3dsillvpj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Learning Algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "learn-physics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, gnuplot, not-gloss, spatial-math + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "learn-physics"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0bh7p0pp4pspb5m4bfab5z3sfrywlw59yc7w11sa6ax29q9r9faq"; + buildDepends = [ + base gloss gnuplot not-gloss spatial-math vector-space + ]; + description = "Haskell code for learning physics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "learn-physics-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, gnuplot, learn-physics, not-gloss + , spatial-math + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "learn-physics-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fwmc7q59srasciijd7ws1bqay4cc7jhi1469my67kchg0n45q3k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base gloss gnuplot learn-physics not-gloss spatial-math + ]; + description = "examples for learn-physics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "learning-hmm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hmatrix, random-fu + , random-source, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "learning-hmm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cwiv96d655bz591gw7hgciwlh801k661llfbzp5ilf5rirzy0g1"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hmatrix random-fu random-source vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet another library for hidden Markov models"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "leetify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leetify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "106pr7rlma67dqqyfhknh9fb6r37lsj00qjx1dq3xx7yxp368nvr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leetify text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "leksah" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, binary-shared, blaze-html + , bytestring, Cabal, conduit, containers, deepseq, directory + , executable-path, filepath, ghc, ghcjs-codemirror, ghcjs-dom, gio + , glib, gtk3, gtksourceview3, hamlet, haskell-src-exts, hlint + , hslogger, jsaddle, leksah-server, lens, ltk, monad-loops, mtl + , network, network-uri, old-time, parsec, pretty, pretty-show + , QuickCheck, regex-base, regex-tdfa, regex-tdfa-text, shakespeare + , strict, text, time, transformers, unix, utf8-string, vado, vcsgui + , vcswrapper, webkitgtk3, webkitgtk3-javascriptcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leksah"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "066k2lnij26lamim3948hm2ck893pyg981zdiaqqn6y06n22imxq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary binary-shared blaze-html bytestring Cabal conduit + containers deepseq directory executable-path filepath ghc + ghcjs-codemirror ghcjs-dom gio glib gtk3 gtksourceview3 hamlet + haskell-src-exts hlint hslogger jsaddle leksah-server lens ltk mtl + network network-uri old-time parsec pretty pretty-show QuickCheck + regex-base regex-tdfa regex-tdfa-text shakespeare strict text time + transformers unix utf8-string vado vcsgui vcswrapper webkitgtk3 + webkitgtk3-javascriptcore + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal containers glib gtk3 gtksourceview3 hslogger + leksah-server ltk monad-loops QuickCheck text transformers + webkitgtk3 + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-loc" "-fgtk3" "-f-threaded" "-fdyre" "-f-yi" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell IDE written in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "leksah-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, binary + , binary-shared, bytestring, Cabal, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, deepseq, directory, executable-path, filepath, ghc + , haddock, hslogger, HTTP, HUnit, ltk, network, network-uri, parsec + , pretty, process, process-leksah, resourcet, strict, text, time + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leksah-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nw2cp5sff91grryizsm8ziv63075y0vfdmn29ksim2g5k81az0v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base binary binary-shared bytestring + Cabal conduit conduit-extra containers deepseq directory + executable-path filepath ghc haddock hslogger HTTP ltk network + network-uri parsec pretty process process-leksah resourcet strict + text time transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit conduit-extra hslogger HUnit process resourcet + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Metadata collection for leksah"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bifunctors, bytestring, comonad + , containers, contravariant, deepseq, directory, distributive + , doctest, exceptions, filepath, free, generic-deriving, ghc-prim + , hashable, hlint, HUnit, mtl, nats, parallel, primitive + , profunctors, QuickCheck, reflection, semigroupoids, semigroups + , simple-reflect, split, tagged, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, text, transformers, transformers-compat + , unordered-containers, vector, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens"; + version = "4.7"; + sha256 = "1z2ydc90m0cq76yamdaws4677lpi476f9z25xrz8r7y5kxh2aq4s"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bifunctors bytestring comonad containers contravariant + distributive exceptions filepath free ghc-prim hashable mtl + parallel primitive profunctors reflection semigroupoids semigroups + split tagged template-haskell text transformers transformers-compat + unordered-containers vector void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory doctest filepath + generic-deriving hlint HUnit mtl nats parallel QuickCheck + semigroups simple-reflect split test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-j" "-f-lib-werror" "-ftrustworthy" "-f-safe" + "-ftest-properties" "-ftest-hunit" "-ftest-doctests" "-ftest-hlint" + "-f-dump-splices" "-f-old-inline-pragmas" "-finlining" + "-f-benchmark-uniplate" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses, Folds and Traversals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-action" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, contravariant, directory, doctest + , filepath, lens, mtl, profunctors, semigroupoids, semigroups + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-action"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ycasfbwkqc3v3frjq8kfm1nzj7g1vr25ywzf0irk05gfhxfpvig"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad contravariant lens mtl profunctors semigroupoids + semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic Getters and Folds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory + , doctest, filepath, generic-deriving, lens, scientific, semigroups + , simple-reflect, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wfbnazarwcza5dn3icsdvsmkyf9ki5lr5d5yidmgijhs63ak7ac"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring lens scientific text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath generic-deriving semigroups + simple-reflect + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Law-abiding lenses for aeson"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-datetime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-datetime"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1wqks7ynw3njlizdd9hvgrc1xjxcgcfck9ppj1lgg8wr3l2myi72"; + buildDepends = [ base lens time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses for Data.Time.* types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-family" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lens-family-core, mtl + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-family"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pbyx43ajx96nhcw4brml1r5azs1041k7nv4m94ak6x77n5sr4mb"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers lens-family-core mtl transformers + ]; + description = "Lens Families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-family-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-family-core"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0hxrbbc4azfafnr4ab2zxgic093wwg6gx5h1ggp4xks55d8rhraz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers ]; + description = "Haskell 98 Lens Families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-family-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-family-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02fc3kppb7y2c6j22wi2mzcxffj4k3dl3x09vjllqchfpfcpwbm5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate lens-family style lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-properties" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, QuickCheck, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-properties"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "07hjkcy90m1zph2bq5a7nw2f7xg0ndnkqml9zwh7vy35sb7512c6"; + buildDepends = [ base lens QuickCheck transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck properties for lens"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fclabels, generics-sop, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-sop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b56q8qsg3w5gzra7bjf76mqinv8vpjrb6any7c3wdpjgvssly56"; + buildDepends = [ base fclabels generics-sop transformers ]; + description = "Computing lenses generically using generics-sop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lens-text-encoding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lens, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-text-encoding"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yxab87ci6gl0c5gsdd8pb780ai8lmxxa3fxkpl1shv1pw124fsv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring lens text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Isomorphisms and prisms for text <=> bytestring conversions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lens-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lens-time"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hrp9d6qja7yc3zj68w3hylgflyfsvh79m8daw9030yjdxm525za"; + buildDepends = [ base lens time ]; + description = "lens for Data.Time"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lenses"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0n2r7gjiq5vk6jjaxn7kr3g5gvn4y0gmdqpn9l0nfgqdnscmfbiv"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Functional Lenses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lensref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lensref"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0dj43hqrv198dgfnngq4l8kwnksqcm6nydcr1z1a5gqz5s99m4bn"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-control mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "References which can be joined and on which lenses can be applied"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "level-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fmlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "level-monad"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1l5jyhpvbcj4fmyggp8bjy4gx9igcydply3yb1s23fxdcz0b638a"; + buildDepends = [ base fmlist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Non-Determinism Monad for Level-Wise Search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "leveldb-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, data-default, directory + , exceptions, filepath, leveldb, mtl, QuickCheck, resourcet, snappy + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, temporary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leveldb-haskell"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1r76dvn8scnjfdw1i5cj3s5s1nqf2yib4jdydjnr8p6c8yvpp3z5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring data-default exceptions filepath resourcet + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default directory exceptions mtl QuickCheck + tasty tasty-quickcheck temporary transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ leveldb snappy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to LevelDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) snappy; }; + + "leveldb-haskell-fork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, data-default, filepath + , hspec, hspec-expectations, leveldb, mtl, process, QuickCheck + , resourcet, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "leveldb-haskell-fork"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "021ckykw5wwkm8gpbqq1znis4rakqmri8bz8ldmm8cmlb3v3b6aq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring data-default filepath resourcet transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default hspec hspec-expectations mtl process + QuickCheck transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ leveldb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to LevelDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "levmar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-levmar, hmatrix, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "levmar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ambniwcvrss8s3f9rvgrq204d9y7baxiw52r3pp693spmwazkj"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-levmar hmatrix vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "levmar-chart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Chart, colour, data-accessor, levmar, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "levmar-chart"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ws9d2ipk67ir4b31rd7vakyglhrr290k400zpb24ny3vvdgcwaj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Chart colour data-accessor levmar random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + description = "Plots the results of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in a chart"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lgtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, colour, containers + , diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, directory, filepath, fsnotify + , GLFW-b, groups, lens, lensref, monad-control, mtl, OpenGLRaw + , operational, random, random-shuffle, semigroups, system-filepath + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lgtk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bph09i8znzv3c8sqbg2xbrdlpvlnx52psgyybwn0imqip81lmv5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo colour containers diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib + directory filepath fsnotify GLFW-b groups lens lensref + monad-control mtl OpenGLRaw operational random random-shuffle + semigroups system-filepath transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pure" "-f-gtk" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lens GUI Toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lha"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0a5h1d0sdnpy209k4zkmcrrxl4b000226hif098bqs9pngpbgki1"; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structures for the Les Houches Accord"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lhae" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , hgettext, mtl, parsec, process, setlocale, utf8-string, wx + , wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhae"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "120g8x0wbd5va2gqvkr5mx643g8r4hrfyqa68nm3apvfc9z7f8g3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath hgettext mtl parsec + process setlocale utf8-string wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple spreadsheet program"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lhc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, binary, bytestring + , bytestring-trie, Cabal, containers, core, derive, digest + , directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath, haskell98, HUnit, mtl + , parallel, pretty, process, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck, time, unix + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhc"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "1x50k6lx9p36qxl0qn9zfyqlkgsq3wdzvcv7l6sn920hg5scvcr3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base binary bytestring bytestring-trie Cabal + containers core derive digest directory extensible-exceptions + filepath haskell98 HUnit mtl parallel pretty process QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck time + unix xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-with-libs" "-flhc-pkg" "-f-lhc-regress" "-f-threaded" "-f-hpc" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LHC Haskell Compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "lhe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, bytestring, haskell2010, HaXml, lha }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhe"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "08725r5i71ni9ip4qbc5fr111j256rsii936yvxbd7kbbw4ap2a9"; + buildDepends = [ bytestring haskell2010 HaXml lha ]; + description = "Parser and writer for Les-Houches event files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lhs2TeX-hl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, filepath, haskell-src-exts, syb + , uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhs2TeX-hl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mm6ikiv6zj025yh5abq3f8mqkw9302mfzd01xcihbh74bsdpi9l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs filepath haskell-src-exts syb uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Literate highlighter preprocessor for lhs2tex"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lhs2html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, Glob, nicify }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhs2html"; + version = "0.99999"; + sha256 = "1znqqgbg64r790c74ggzdffkgw9i8xg86wf9pk029q02fw67b7nb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath Glob nicify ]; + description = "Compile lhs in bird style to md, html, hs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "lhs2tex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, process + , regex-compat, texLive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhs2tex"; + version = "1.18.1"; + sha256 = "0j4n7vkabsggn94gbwixy1vmckdck2nggdiqvk6n9nx164if5jnw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl process regex-compat + ]; + extraLibraries = [ texLive ]; + postInstall = '' + mkdir -p "$out/share/doc/$name" + cp doc/Guide2.pdf $out/share/doc/$name + mkdir -p "$out/nix-support" + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lhslatex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, regex-posix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lhslatex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kgmx160i1rylgzh23qlg8ds0sq64yk1i3rah8kmgwabpnvds7f7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process regex-posix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool for using pdflatex with .lhs files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libGenI" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, HUnit, mtl, parsec + , process, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libGenI"; + version = "0.16.1"; + sha256 = "1n37pccmx0466425zcbdfpgivsrnqzwsm0nwcjv8lkg8jxjxrwmz"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers HUnit mtl parsec process QuickCheck + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "libarchive-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, archive, base, bytestring, conduit, resourcet + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libarchive-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "022fnxxwz44cjzcldk3yg1xs77xqnrvkr9bv6hi7kdy120dk4p04"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit resourcet transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ archive ]; + description = "Read many archive formats with libarchive and conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) archive; }; + + "libcspm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, graph-wrapper, hashable, hashtables, mtl + , pretty, test-framework, text, value-supply + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libcspm"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1v8w8i871a0fjyjqb8hr4yk9wli5v7djfpyjgg14rjb26v6yq79v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath + graph-wrapper hashable hashtables mtl pretty text value-supply + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl test-framework ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library providing a parser, type checker and evaluator for CSPM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libexpect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, expect, tcl, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libexpect"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0xpsc9a16biqg4z9b9wk9wqz6ypshw99xrksnxi8nlh3qn98lrsc"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ expect tcl ]; + description = "Library for interacting with console applications via pseudoterminals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libffi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libffi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libffi"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0g7jnhng3j7z5517aaqga0144aamibsbpgm3yynwyfzkq1kp0f28"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libffi ]; + description = "A binding to libffi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) libffi; }; + + "libgit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libgit"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0k2287d84s0p73md1mfcyg1qy1l5ncgrvmkaa7607d8zlk9b8ci6"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Git Wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libgraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, monads-tf, process + , union-find + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libgraph"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0lj7nm7wifdakm11qa7ff7apsk0r2i426vv5ykbwl36l64085jkf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers monads-tf process union-find + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Store and manipulate data in a graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libhbb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, hspec, mtl, process, syb, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libhbb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17wycfnp1f288fxq3vd9c206gcard3n59s0a0myy0hkl6xy281s8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory filepath ghc ghc-paths mtl process + syb text time unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring ghc ghc-paths hspec mtl syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for text editors to provide better Haskell editing support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "libjenkins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, free, hspec + , hspec-expectations-lens, http-client, http-client-tls, http-types + , lens, lifted-async, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network + , network-uri, profunctors, text, transformers, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libjenkins"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1m7v5c2g9gi99ld0vqv7qyzb3hrlv44i97qh138vspv2zxvd103y"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers free http-client + http-client-tls http-types lifted-async lifted-base monad-control + mtl network network-uri profunctors text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async attoparsec base bytestring containers directory doctest + filepath free hspec hspec-expectations-lens http-client + http-client-tls http-types lens lifted-async lifted-base + monad-control mtl network network-uri profunctors text transformers + xml-conduit + ]; + description = "Jenkins API interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "liblastfm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , crypto-api, hspec, hspec-expectations-lens, http-client + , http-client-tls, HUnit, lens, lens-aeson, network-uri + , profunctors, pureMD5, semigroups, text, xml-conduit + , xml-html-conduit-lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "liblastfm"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1bf508a1rqjb486wcwn0n36bm8lwnj3b4bg0826lp92zmaxiyxpy"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cereal containers crypto-api http-client + http-client-tls network-uri profunctors pureMD5 semigroups text + xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cereal containers crypto-api hspec + hspec-expectations-lens http-client http-client-tls HUnit lens + lens-aeson network-uri profunctors pureMD5 text xml-conduit + xml-html-conduit-lens + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test-api" ]; + description = "Lastfm API interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "liblinear-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, enumerator, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "liblinear-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "19x0y70fn2pr06qsz4z6s67sym7dw5x3qa3z6jf3nmwncsy64qi2"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL enumerator mtl vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "liblinear iteratee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libltdl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libltdl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05a4l841w20l4a0wmbp93bb1vc4kmnbcv7pmnym5hrrd7daj2vzr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI interface to libltdl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libmpd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, filepath, hspec, mtl, network, old-locale + , QuickCheck, text, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libmpd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11smm8ai7053hljlxi5l2fkqxrqr1xrh6sxg2r0dlsvmmln7smrd"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default filepath mtl + network old-locale text time utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default filepath hspec + mtl network old-locale QuickCheck text time unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An MPD client library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "libnotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, glib, gtk, libnotify }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libnotify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wc19v14agadj7dzi81lm3qzk2x33apaj5ylmg7x232k56xzfvr0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring glib gtk ]; + extraLibraries = [ libnotify ]; + description = "Bindings to libnotify library"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) libnotify; }; + + "libnvvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, Cabal, cuda, HUnit, nvvm + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libnvvm"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "00vblp869zyk8gr33b846rnvn9axlsbldhx1gkj14xgrlyambdmx"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cuda ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ nvvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI binding to libNVVM, a compiler SDK component from NVIDIA"; + license =; + }) { nvvm = null; }; + + "liboleg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, CC-delcont, containers, mtl + , template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "liboleg"; + version = "2010.1.10.0"; + sha256 = "1lv0il1psy8bfdxc76ivc5nlwga4m475gys1g0ia3wacdksgs7a6"; + buildDepends = [ + base CC-delcont containers mtl template-haskell unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An evolving collection of Oleg Kiselyov's Haskell modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libpq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, postgresql, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libpq"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "11s8zaxq7qwzqdgyfd3v7sk6vf5cq3wzv2j02g0gnri9w45wf2i7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "libpq binding for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "librandomorg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "librandomorg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07xg59f48jw78mjbx83bz1rc2fxvdnlb08cdfd7hwkj43a127kxn"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring curl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper to API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "librato" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, either + , http-client, http-conduit, http-types, mtl, resourcet, text + , unordered-containers, uri-templater, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "librato"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l0q8kx0v563glplz5blg5scnvwf1aak04w08abxkrbfdjq6a8z4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring either http-client http-conduit + http-types mtl resourcet text unordered-containers uri-templater + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the Librato API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "libssh2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, libssh2, network, ssh2 + , syb, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libssh2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xfdhszz4j98spmzwxwcjnm3kzjkg76bwszmky0lmx9zmqirzakw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network syb time ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ ssh2 ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libssh2 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example-client" "-f-gcrypt" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to libssh2 SSH2 client library ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) libssh2; + ssh2 = null; }; + + "libssh2-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, libssh2, monad-control, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libssh2-conduit"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1zpcj6qwc4kpdcgdqlzspzwz99a990f3r5wpl13l54j8c1g0kc8h"; + buildDepends = [ + base conduit libssh2 monad-control stm transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit wrappers for libssh2 FFI bindings (see libssh2 package)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libstackexchange" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, http-conduit, profunctors, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libstackexchange"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00v8hmk67dsb0j1bncc06fh46jkz4raf5a796l223mg6x0l3a828"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default + http-conduit profunctors text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "StackExchange API interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "libsystemd-daemon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, libsystemd-daemon + , network, systemd-daemon, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libsystemd-daemon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rmzyca7ry30d6wvhv3k30jaksa3iw8kzk1rwp6gwclxizsvwgf0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit network test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + extraLibraries = [ systemd-daemon ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libsystemd-daemon ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusepkgconfig" ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for libsystemd-daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) libsystemd-daemon; + systemd-daemon = null; }; + + "libsystemd-journal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hashable, hsyslog, libsystemd + , pipes, pipes-safe, text, transformers, uniplate, unix-bytestring + , unordered-containers, uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libsystemd-journal"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0cl5sjkk8a5hxhavjwdpbwx5pcylh3izm56z9sjndciczyrw0hjd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hashable hsyslog pipes pipes-safe text transformers + uniplate unix-bytestring unordered-containers uuid vector + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libsystemd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to libsystemd-journal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { libsystemd = null; }; + + "libtagc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, glib, tag_c, taglib_c }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libtagc"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "1f7r82cfrkxrqcrxk92y6zhk79qwpack2g67crww5q8hs7438vja"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring glib ]; + extraLibraries = [ tag_c ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ taglib_c ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to TagLib C library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { tag_c = null; taglib_c = null; }; + + "libvirt-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, syb, virt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libvirt-hs"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fgxvzzfw52s4hs838l0sr6lxln4bhqqhzzy6grww2fs27gjpb4c"; + buildDepends = [ base syb ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ virt ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to libvirt virtualization API ("; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { virt = null; }; + + "libvorbis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cpu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libvorbis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rl8hqbidxj34j3m8nwy32a9fnbzand726zvyljkgpjfkg1mfb2c"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cpu ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding for libvorbis, for decoding Ogg Vorbis audio files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libxml2, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libxml"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "01zvk86kg726lf2vnlr7dxiz7g3xwi5a4ak9gcfbwyhynkzjmsfi"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ libxml2 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Binding to libxml2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "libxml-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, libxml-sax, text + , transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libxml-enumerator"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0mqh454w1f3k75kcshdn848ynva938q6xm3a5yzcyf7nflzw75pg"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator libxml-sax text transformers xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator-based API for libXML's SAX interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "libxml-sax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libxml2, text, xml-types }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libxml-sax"; + version = "0.7.5"; + sha256 = "0lbdq6lmiyrnzk6gkx09vvp928wj8qnqnqfzy14mfv0drj21f54r"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text xml-types ]; + extraLibraries = [ libxml2 ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libxml2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "libxslt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libxml, xslt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "libxslt"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1szz8zkm1w8dbfgix3ii896sc4vljgivcgx8j7vpny4ci9sfmn5a"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring libxml ]; + extraLibraries = [ xslt ]; + description = "Binding to libxslt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) xslt; }; + + "life" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "life"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0drsv1d0318yr7a0aa2j6kvsiyl8jj8h4z6wpdnrcyxw6z4qlssq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base GLUT OpenGL random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conway's Life cellular automaton"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lifted-async" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control + , mtl, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-th, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lifted-async"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fs8fnznrbiy68s7q801587fdizign05jn1g9kqsdxjc6z6g96m8"; + buildDepends = [ + async base lifted-base monad-control transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base HUnit lifted-base monad-control mtl tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-th + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-monad-control-1" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lifted-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, monad-control, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lifted-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n015i21pyh1ksrdiy105c9sw3gm3yvmlwv1sajy7nvpxb2xdjc3"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-control transformers-base ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit monad-control test-framework test-framework-hunit + transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "lifted IO operations from the base library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lifter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bitmap, bytestring, directory + , filepath, gloss, mtl, stb-image + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lifter"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11c0j2mdrp4rvinl4iym9mfsqzh101yb5sf710vm8n7qih1fzcpc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bitmap bytestring directory filepath gloss mtl stb-image + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A boulderdash-like game and solution validator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ligature" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ligature"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03h30lbhppi9hmpsc8fhsrsad6w9sjs9n53lz76czz3iqaknkcrb"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + description = "Expand ligatures in unicode text"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ligd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ligd"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1hxfx514ar9hr9gqzzdgd7avfvlsvr7lv6hgza5k04b2xm73ysrp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lighttpd-conf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, happy, packedstring + , pretty, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lighttpd-conf"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "085msb62wpqyc1sp4zbwbyn70k48p9k9cky9rxn93xm0gjsaydf8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring packedstring pretty template-haskell + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Lighttpd configuration file tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lighttpd-conf-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, haskell-src-exts + , lighttpd-conf, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lighttpd-conf-qq"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1nd30inhh6wzq34rg76lq6m3wp0x3sc0l7jv37gw6dk3dnkwqh6q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring haskell-src-exts lighttpd-conf + template-haskell + ]; + description = "A QuasiQuoter for lighttpd configuration files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lilypond" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, music-dynamics-literal + , music-pitch-literal, prettify, process, semigroups, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lilypond"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "0y60i1rsl6rzdvbx2jj3y660bqlsz6dywwxq8nl4q1g6gr2k97fd"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default music-dynamics-literal music-pitch-literal + prettify process semigroups vector-space + ]; + description = "Bindings to Lilypond"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "limp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "limp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0shc69jlzmn8b2pxdfav9lk9cbhxpd1cmsr36rwgyvyn5shiijy1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck tasty-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "representation of Integer Linear Programs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "limp-cbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, limp, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "limp-cbc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10cm2vwbjyzqpq2ras8viza0vy0r0hgrm84landlcgkbhfj71l79"; + buildDepends = [ base containers limp vector ]; + testDepends = [ base limp ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fembedded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "bindings for integer linear programming solver Coin/CBC"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lin-alg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, NumInstances, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lin-alg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19123k967mql69my6c19mnvp4qwa4b3bgimmlbhipqdljykj7pqc"; + buildDepends = [ base NumInstances vector ]; + description = "Low-dimensional matrices and vectors for graphics and physics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linda"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0d58i69hvry9vzr4i7f1yhhm99808vqw238hfjc3sr51plc1is45"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix HUnit ]; + description = "LINear Discriminant Analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "line2pdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "line2pdf"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0x8kbjjd9i6gp0agdfsfgicj2z1g4jwj7axj4hq01c31wrzb6g95"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Simple command-line utility to convert text into PDF"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, distributive, doctest, filepath, ghc-prim, hashable + , HUnit, lens, reflection, semigroupoids, semigroups + , simple-reflect, tagged, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + , void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear"; + version = "1.16"; + sha256 = "0f2qr5pssdh2hq7vp3k7gnz3ylfcsraw48bjmmjycz6d3wjmpg4g"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base binary containers distributive ghc-prim hashable + lens reflection semigroupoids semigroups tagged template-haskell + transformers unordered-containers vector void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring directory doctest filepath HUnit lens + simple-reflect test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear Algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, lens, linear }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear-accelerate"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0433mzw2cswk86nmj3gnygn3d07yq0sbmv2ylxbw8ri35yddjap6"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate base lens linear ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances to use linear vector spaces on accelerate backends"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear-algebra-cblas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ieee754, QuickCheck, storable-complex + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear-algebra-cblas"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1wsan17zrlg4kr9dwk23ggfvylignnmg4sa62krri45s925kvh3i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ieee754 QuickCheck storable-complex test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A linear algebra library with bindings to BLAS and LAPACK"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear-maps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear-maps"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0671px94wvqg2yyc8qhjcwrv5k2ifwp5mrj7fkcwlwvg8w1bp19k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pure" "-f-check" ]; + description = "Finite maps for linear use"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, distributive, lens, linear, OpenGL + , OpenGLRaw, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear-opengl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11pdif2w730jqknajr2si77a0z4v4k5spm5zdks642i25ya135ba"; + buildDepends = [ + base distributive lens linear OpenGL OpenGLRaw tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Isomorphisms between linear and OpenGL types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linear-vect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linear-vect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i6z10pgqcykkygl6kq63phx5hvwi2d84j2f5vw4nrnic59sm9jy"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A low-dimensional linear algebra library, operating on the Num typeclass"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linearEqSolver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, sbv }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linearEqSolver"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0bszi1k27ag4yk31zxkn3jk3cqh1xzdcscm4nb6k4n0psf0qm2rp"; + buildDepends = [ base sbv ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use SMT solvers to solve linear systems over integers and rationals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linebreak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hyphenation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linebreak"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fds2mgsijfsc96dq95skn562iv2r341zr7v0qsz48y9fh97s3p7"; + buildDepends = [ base hyphenation ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "breaks strings to fit width"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linguistic-ordinals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linguistic-ordinals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0adcdxf0lxc372j12fk87klyrgr3b42sas6f1smiyza4wicjp9h3"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Express Integral types as linguistic ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linkchk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, haskell98, popenhs, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linkchk"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0fzszn8nb5kglg4s5hk9k51vdkarlc08bdp67rbrj0cwfxpkn6wd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gtk haskell98 popenhs regex-compat unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "linkchk is a network interface link ping monitor"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "linkcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extcore, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linkcore"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0m1jwqa3vbiyzcdrn1h63dm0709j5xijm00j2x7dpwgn8k92iq81"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers extcore filepath process ]; + description = "Combines multiple GHC Core modules into a single module"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linkedhashmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hashable, mtl, tasty + , tasty-hunit, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linkedhashmap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "151lfsqz5cp49jm2jcsiad1rd72hr84wbll1s3146b1s2lwwjky2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hashable unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq hashable mtl tasty tasty-hunit + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent LinkedHashMap data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linklater" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, hscolour + , http-types, lens, text, wai, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linklater"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rqlzji8wfc0dxixh2h2k1fa9m18swla2679d5gdq7fzq5344ccd"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers hscolour http-types lens text wai + wreq + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The fast and fun way to write bots"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-blkid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blkid, monad-control, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-blkid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06f7zwb40zgps6503cyp65c68181gj3s9q1s6vh43y6najiimzqx"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-control transformers transformers-base + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ blkid ]; + description = "Linux libblkid"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { blkid = null; }; + + "linux-cgroup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-cgroup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dd1ii1n6y9frilnkxikzahp9xrh3i334i7syvd8fyxp51dpzgy1"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath ]; + description = "Very basic interface to the Linux CGroup Virtual Filesystem"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "linux-evdev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-evdev"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1cyy9z56pmlzvs5n0sz22322agb4kzmi8pmbvwsb24fcdk68k7rp"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring time unix ]; + description = "Bindings to Linux evdev input device interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-file-extents" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-file-extents"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l4vznam1a8vf3nixhbmw38rpzkvmbka0cbdfdsgfrpn03kxjz3c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Retrieve file fragmentation information under Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-inotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hashable, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-inotify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1970v1zkbp45amylmg79bbdfhk8kg6vzxjznd76gfl5kff2cv12r"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hashable unix ]; + description = "Thinner binding to the Linux Kernel's inotify interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-kmod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, libkmod }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-kmod"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vqbibp93fw6r03v5q2cisya6m12xb12rad11myxrkbn29rjmhws"; + buildDepends = [ base directory ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libkmod ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linux kernel modules support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { libkmod = null; }; + + "linux-mount" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-mount"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12bwrniaxg6gm347jdgbf535pdz4z57pkyiwa98c903y9q9ssnyi"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mount and unmount filesystems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-namespaces" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-namespaces"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yznnp9rdz15drm79pvbqbrbk2nczbkmlf00pb7rki7w1l9njp2q"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create new or enter an existing linux namespaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-perf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc-events, mtl, pretty, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-perf"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "18akjagbqw2fswrnp4ifzivwdwsbny28kvnm0hfc1ysyy9id8511"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath ghc-events mtl + pretty process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read files generated by perf on Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linux-ptrace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mmap, posix-waitpid, process + , template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-ptrace"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0hzniy9vlycbsqkrr9xxdgnx070h5v6jz4gqx7rc60a3q0hqn43m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring mmap posix-waitpid process template-haskell unix + ]; + description = "Wrapping of Linux' ptrace(2)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "linux-xattr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linux-xattr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rpq5sm557gm227id2rfsffgr47lrj4d4kpzh194d74dx2qkg5g6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read, set and list extended attributes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "linx-gateway" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, network, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "linx-gateway"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0diacwvxpq2iyfzlcmdqrbfndhmlmgzq9hvxlyp12idlzwa9p1cq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring network time ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the Enea LINX gateway protocol"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10miy18x1898dcq58bnk0md3ymw9ckh9j26grsr6w3jqnvw69712"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers hashable ]; + description = "Labeled IO Information Flow Control Library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lio-eci11" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, dclabel-eci11 + , directory, filepath, mtl, old-time, SHA, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lio-eci11"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "11vl27kn0wdxndkwn3yvxd6kg9jv0lilxpvx2hkax37lq3x15rc8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers dclabel-eci11 directory filepath + mtl old-time SHA time unix + ]; + description = "Labeled IO library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lio-fs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , lio, SHA, unix, xattr + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lio-fs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zzxsr0kg3bxm2wzhsqw2irk5myzshgqhr3fxi062hzw2rh0nqn9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath lio SHA unix xattr + ]; + description = "Labeled File System interface for LIO"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lio-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, cmdargs, conduit, directory, filepath, http-types + , lio, simple, simple-templates, text, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lio-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nddiakk6b9biay6ijnc48dxcfgpi9vx4g6a8r9vz6cjh6mh0154"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring cmdargs conduit + directory filepath http-types lio simple simple-templates text wai + wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LIO support for the Simple web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "liquid-fixpoint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, array, attoparsec, base, bifunctors + , bytestring, cmdargs, containers, deepseq, directory, filemanip + , filepath, ghc-prim, hashable, intern, mtl, ocaml, parsec, pretty + , process, syb, text, text-format, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "liquid-fixpoint"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ppkknckhny6vmrcsg1x2na4b1v7pzh4cjrdjs99j70kcnax86lc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array attoparsec base bifunctors bytestring cmdargs + containers deepseq directory filemanip filepath ghc-prim hashable + intern mtl parsec pretty process syb text text-format transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + buildTools = [ ocaml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-external" "-f-z3mem" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Predicate Abstraction-based Horn-Clause/Implication Constraint Solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "liquidhaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, array, base, bifunctors + , bytestring, cmdargs, containers, cpphs, data-default, deepseq + , Diff, directory, filemanip, filepath, fingertree, ghc, ghc-paths + , hashable, hpc, hscolour, intern, liquid-fixpoint, mtl + , optparse-applicative, parsec, pretty, process, syb, tagged, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-rerun, template-haskell, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "liquidhaskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "172ki1pr096jc1azs6hq1p6czjr2gxb0zafmlg9bicn4nwp2h7vy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal array base bifunctors bytestring cmdargs + containers cpphs data-default deepseq Diff directory filemanip + filepath fingertree ghc ghc-paths hashable hpc hscolour intern + liquid-fixpoint mtl parsec pretty process syb template-haskell text + time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath optparse-applicative process tagged tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-rerun + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Liquid Types for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lispparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lispparser"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1hj5fwmzxp2gw2gx86wa1fy36jmmh3sf8kd4acc8x0rghpmlw0w8"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Simple parser for LISP S-expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "list-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16w10xgh2y76q8aj5pgw4zq5p2phjzf5g1bmkacrm8gbwkp4v71s"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common not-so-common functions for lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "list-fusion-probe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tasty, tasty-hunit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-fusion-probe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rvj4qnbqs7m8zrrqwak508z26fa6ssirly1jzwh9sy5ksiyd6df"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-hunit ]; + description = "testing list fusion for success"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "list-grouping" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-grouping"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0w9f68cr4k0p8zl81y8ax19i6ypzks0y27hdlz71wwmgn5v2y63l"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for grouping a list into sublists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "list-mux" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-mux"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "147zb156g79a5p1w0b9vcvjy5x7nsrhng5rgjqq3cy3xpbam4nys"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List Multiplexing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "list-remote-forwards" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, configurator + , containers, directory, dns, doctest, filemanip, filepath, HDBC + , HDBC-postgresql, HDBC-sqlite3, MissingH, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-remote-forwards"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1bq5244ys4xy3pfj72dq399x0g57q41lrllbd5hgvk9z0j92lxys"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs configurator containers directory dns + filepath HDBC HDBC-postgresql HDBC-sqlite3 MissingH tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs configurator containers directory dns + doctest filemanip filepath HDBC HDBC-postgresql HDBC-sqlite3 + MissingH tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "List all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a SQL database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "list-t" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base-prelude, HTF, mmorph, monad-control + , mtl-prelude, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-t"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0n6zc7n5znjas9mgh3a9bn44xv55910i6c3b2l83n4pl9fnad03v"; + buildDepends = [ + base-prelude mmorph monad-control transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ base-prelude HTF mmorph mtl-prelude ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ListT done right"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "list-tries" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "list-tries"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0lfl35i1k3nnv8q6bhwq4sr197fylin2hmxa4b96kfcc22xfzwy6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers dlist ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tries and Patricia tries: finite sets and maps for list keys"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "listlike-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ListLike, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "listlike-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mkhnqn7wxspzxvivhaksxmxp7d6x9bazhl28nl9gck56bpa90sm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ListLike text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra instances of the ListLike class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lists" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, list-extras, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lists"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0qjziksh6gl6v8rzvqajkcbakbby5j3i4z2jk6w6zs89b93rwnln"; + buildDepends = [ base list-extras split ]; + description = "Functions for dealing with lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "listsafe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "listsafe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mkyhanay0zr318cc01wgp4qxwpqj1wzydqlq7c12hbfrjb1ah4b"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Safe wrappers for partial list functions, supporting MonadThrow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "lit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, cheapskate + , directory, filepath, highlighting-kate, parsec, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xnbifi0g1kmxi88l9f77ypkgmdvhi69vy3fycbxwn926gc12v1r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup cheapskate directory filepath + highlighting-kate parsec text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple tool for literate programming"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "literals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "literals"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "06n4svp0qss78l8827qmppmd63877wq01d6w9xagd10vn3c4hs2j"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Non-overloaded functions for concrete literals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "live-sequencer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, bytestring, cgi + , concurrent-split, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-transformers, directory, event-list + , explicit-exception, filepath, html, httpd-shed, midi, midi-alsa + , network, non-empty, non-negative, parsec, pretty, process, stm + , stm-split, strict, transformers, unix, utility-ht, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "live-sequencer"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "04n8s2p772ylzfjpclbrq01im0j9rlp0xd37i8jshll7r51iz66l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-seq base bytestring cgi concurrent-split containers + data-accessor data-accessor-transformers directory event-list + explicit-exception filepath html httpd-shed midi midi-alsa network + non-empty non-negative parsec pretty process stm stm-split strict + transformers unix utility-ht wx wxcore + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fhttpserver" "-fmplayer" "-fgui" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Live coding of MIDI music"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ll-picosat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, picosat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ll-picosat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0393ccnlink30492aw1gyv4jzd7rsckd8ymkm1wgbpma13vkf67h"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ picosat ]; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) picosat; }; + + "llrbtree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llrbtree"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "057bp1f1mpzlgg408b02x1bdzsixrrkcl1536nyvhp43rvxmgj61"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Purely functional sets and heaps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llsd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , dataenc, ghc-prim, hexpat, mtl, network, old-locale, parsec + , pretty, random, template-haskell, text, time, utf8-string, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llsd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v1yaaj02qk6z58kiz3g7dr9cik8141vv409cyxlzqv1k79rpzrg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers dataenc ghc-prim hexpat + mtl network old-locale parsec pretty random template-haskell text + time utf8-string uuid + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the LLSD data system"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "llvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, llvm-base + , mtl, process, type-level + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11k1m80vg9x6fgiyh9gxzl1i2i0l0jw9hbn3gs1d1dd7avzl9mrr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory llvm-base mtl process + type-level + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-analysis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, boomerang, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, directory, failure, fgl, filemanip, filepath + , GenericPretty, graphviz, hashable, hoopl, HUnit, ifscs + , itanium-abi, lens, llvm-base-types, llvm-data-interop, monad-par + , process, temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , transformers, uniplate, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-analysis"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0jck1c9wy11wjss6aji64jw927mrncwd2nmnq65zq85r5hha3m8k"; + buildDepends = [ + array base boomerang bytestring containers deepseq directory + failure fgl filemanip filepath GenericPretty graphviz hashable + hoopl HUnit ifscs itanium-abi lens llvm-base-types monad-par + process temporary test-framework test-framework-hunit text + transformers uniplate unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers filepath HUnit itanium-abi + llvm-data-interop transformers uniplate unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-debugandersengraph" "-f-debugandersenconstraints" + ]; + description = "A Haskell library for analyzing LLVM bitcode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, llvm, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-base"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f76nb85hnidp06v6lbl4aasac4h7ff9r8i054m8cnby2vc59r4n"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ llvm ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) llvm; }; + + "llvm-base-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, deepseq, dwarf, failure + , GenericPretty, graphviz, hashable, pretty, regex-tdfa, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-base-types"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "142xc7w250y0nx60qnm4gc5hrqjm1bxk0nhgsp669g5kvxqcd3bn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq dwarf failure GenericPretty graphviz + hashable pretty regex-tdfa text transformers unordered-containers + vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + description = "The base types for a mostly pure Haskell LLVM analysis library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-base-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, llvm-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-base-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07q6dvwkg7h6qkwq0a7719g82anipj2pk0xid5p24pvzssa9z22w"; + buildDepends = [ base llvm-base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-data-interop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, c2hs, containers + , data-default, deepseq, dwarf, hashable, hashtables + , llvm-base-types, loch-th, mtl, text, transformers, unification-fd + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-data-interop"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "08kflxb0qannp6nb2sizz0bhl850dl1sszl1hk9l28m21r2akdy1"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-default deepseq dwarf + hashable hashtables llvm-base-types loch-th mtl text transformers + unification-fd unordered-containers vector + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + description = "A low-level data interoperability binding for LLVM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, cpuid, llvm-tf, tfp + , transformers, unsafe, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-extra"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0zbzc5y0wd5wkyf1nnvafm5r6g6asrnnkn66qqin9awvz0prkmy4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers cpuid llvm-tf tfp transformers unsafe utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcpuid" "-f-buildtools" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for the llvm interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-general" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, HUnit + , llvm-config, llvm-general-pure, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, setenv + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers, transformers-compat + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-general"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02z2rli610n54ig8fbrdn9r4w2lm97qsawi9y21rfs836s4ibq55"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers llvm-general-pure mtl parsec + setenv template-haskell transformers transformers-compat + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit llvm-general-pure mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + transformers transformers-compat + ]; + buildTools = [ llvm-config ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-f-shared-llvm" ]; + doCheck = false; + description = "General purpose LLVM bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { llvm-config = null; }; + + "llvm-general-pure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck + , setenv, template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-general-pure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "147s03km3gp4v5gk5fi179qrha962w3xm7rnaxia9xzvh1161j9g"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec setenv template-haskell transformers + transformers-compat + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + doCheck = false; + description = "Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-general-quote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers, happy + , haskell-src-meta, HUnit, llvm-general-pure, mainland-pretty, mtl + , split, srcloc, syb, symbol, tasty, tasty-hunit, template-haskell + , th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-general-quote"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02j3npamy5s6ircfd9njg0y25asbpxl6fpsxjpxy7k4v1y6c3b75"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers haskell-src-meta llvm-general-pure + mainland-pretty mtl split srcloc syb symbol template-haskell + th-lift + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit llvm-general-pure tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuasiQuoting llvm code for llvm-general"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-ht" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, mtl, process + , type-level + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-ht"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yn8wyp2jjjdggvf1jz7iras4f7fg2dq57ramr5prvcapc6r5yn6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory mtl process type-level + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit with some custom extensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-pkg-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, explicit-exception, process + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-pkg-config"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1sfw901bhnwiam8mm7h50fb6rpqv7vs8j7bxdx6azcf02cmivx6w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal explicit-exception process transformers utility-ht + ]; + description = "Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, monadLib, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-pretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m6sg2bng9ihak3hkbzqabdif0m8bblr8cvwgsdhq2ss059vmnws"; + buildDepends = [ base containers monadLib pretty ]; + description = "A pretty printing library inspired by the llvm binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-pretty-bc-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , directory, fgl, fgl-visualize, filepath, llvm-pretty, monadLib + , pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-pretty-bc-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15h66zdkisjg1mrrchkyzknj0mq5xybjn41mrnfs3pzalnffsfqs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers fgl fgl-visualize + llvm-pretty monadLib pretty + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath llvm-pretty process + ]; + description = "LLVM bitcode parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, llvm-base, process, tfp + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-tf"; + version = "3.0.2"; + sha256 = "1hm1yk5zmp9g8c6ddgpa4hyf9skj0ixra1d0wjnw2vylr48g0rj5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers llvm-base process tfp transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-f-developer" ]; + description = "Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "llvm-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, conduit, containers, directory + , filemanip, filepath, graphviz, llvm-analysis, llvm-data-interop + , optparse-applicative, parallel-io, process-conduit + , unordered-containers, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "llvm-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nyp0sgdqsaa2f2v7xgmm3s8mf2a170mzz2h3wwsi163ggvxwvhd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-html blaze-markup + bytestring conduit containers directory filemanip filepath graphviz + llvm-analysis llvm-data-interop optparse-applicative parallel-io + process-conduit unordered-containers xml + ]; + description = "Useful tools built on llvm-analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lmdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, lmdb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lmdb"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1fc466n8y5dqbp9v6a5av381gflj67rkbj7abs5kqb7h79fdaawa"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + extraLibraries = [ lmdb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightning MDB bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) { inherit (pkgs) lmdb; }; + + "load-env" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hspec, HUnit, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "load-env"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1yvnb42i1pzmvs2mjfjl8crxyr6ghw00dhrv548pmks1q5md8z75"; + buildDepends = [ base directory parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base directory hspec HUnit parsec ]; + description = "Load environment variables from a file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loadavg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loadavg"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "13q2yxqyzkh099jwz32plmdc71p4w2gkajx5bbi3fkvl2gylqlk6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Load average parsing from /proc/loadavg and bindings to getloadavg (3)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "local-address" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "local-address"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1846lhs0jc8finxcp1hfgifzs7hwzzxvmmv03laxzl63p5h2k8x9"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions to get local interface address"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "local-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, combinatorial-problems, containers, erf + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "local-search"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "0xrp34m2qfbz458g7bxdkp2lvsm0hskwxfcrm1d8n8g150ddn2xf"; + buildDepends = [ + base combinatorial-problems containers erf random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generalised local search within Haskell, for applications in combinatorial optimisation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "locators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, cryptohash + , hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "locators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "172fbxb51p09afsgp9g28zpbisxnf0wxdr3bwi6hwp40ac3363g4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal containers cryptohash ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers cryptohash hspec + hspec-expectations HUnit QuickCheck + ]; + description = "Human exchangable identifiers and locators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loch"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1dwv4v76i1fd60rrr0bla3wjz62x9dcgpd48p8z11lsjgpqarld3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Support for precise error locations in source files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loch-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loch-th"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1kfrjsgzq6wl749n2wm1fhwwigjxcd9lww7whiwjrbmhiz5ism3p"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for precise error locations in source files (Template Haskell version)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lock-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, directory, exceptions + , filepath, HUnit, QuickCheck, tagged-exception-core + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lock-file"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n5p1p34l3frzf7jmimkkfyki3pk7wj0fsppay6qd870r139xqff"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class directory exceptions tagged-exception-core + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default-class directory exceptions filepath HUnit + QuickCheck tagged-exception-core test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide exclusive access to a resource using lock file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lockfree-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, abstract-deque-tests + , atomic-primops, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lockfree-queue"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0y8ax6vcjnjm8g7ybn95wca74hm0g22fvgra06vj6l90pl93awyg"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque atomic-primops base bytestring ghc-prim + ]; + testDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-deque-tests atomic-primops base bytestring + ghc-prim HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Michael and Scott lock-free queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "log-domain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytes, cereal, comonad, deepseq + , directory, distributive, doctest, filepath, generic-deriving + , hashable, hashable-extras, safecopy, semigroupoids, semigroups + , simple-reflect, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "log-domain"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1l07pi7lnwyk3y747f7bgr1200p6apyfn7bch5v30kh7dy0wyi8m"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytes cereal comonad deepseq distributive + generic-deriving hashable hashable-extras safecopy semigroupoids + semigroups vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath generic-deriving semigroups + simple-reflect + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" "-ftest-doctests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Log-domain arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "log-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-effects, fast-logger + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "log-effect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05rx54bsypisw6k8xm87a4rssyb0lwx7xavwamb1ciiwmvg3j14m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring extensible-effects fast-logger time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An extensible log effect using extensible-effects"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "log2json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, json, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "log2json"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0cidi9zkvqvdqpibr0jpnlk33kprmxwh016w0f86zg9cm3dfb5zf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers json parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Turn log file records into JSON"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "logfloat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logfloat"; + version = "0.12.1"; + sha256 = "1k13jjqv4df341hcj9hzrlisfx9wrsmyqvzi6ricx341d9z4ch05"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuseffi" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Log-domain floating point numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "logging" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, fast-logger, hspec + , lifted-base, monad-control, monad-logger, old-locale, pcre-light + , text, time, transformers, unix, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logging"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "15ad4g7zkbklawd98m6x838fr5383vkvq92y75f56j1kj17g7rrh"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring fast-logger lifted-base monad-control + monad-logger old-locale pcre-light text time transformers + vector-space + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec monad-logger unix ]; + description = "Simplified logging in IO for application writers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "logging-facade" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, template-haskell, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logging-facade"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0i7m4dpj7b556bfiahisvxcvdb1lv352zggjyrcr69iqnrac30z8"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "Simple logging abstraction that allows multiple backends"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "logging-facade-journald" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, libsystemd-journal, logging-facade + , text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logging-facade-journald"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "151p7574v9mxiniwxa4lngm5g4viznw4kg9adnngc3pi5nnh1z7l"; + buildDepends = [ + base libsystemd-journal logging-facade text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec libsystemd-journal logging-facade text + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Journald back-end for logging-facade"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "logic-TPTP" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base, containers + , happy, mtl, pointed, QuickCheck, syb, transformers + , transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logic-TPTP"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pqs0hr05b4jsnf73fqfgqng3h63dlswlx18142fbkv1bhphg8al"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint array base containers mtl pointed QuickCheck syb + transformers transformers-compat + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Import, export etc. for TPTP, a syntax for first-order logic"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "logic-classes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, containers, fgl, HUnit + , mtl, pretty, PropLogic, safecopy, set-extra, syb, syb-with-class + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logic-classes"; + version = "1.5"; + sha256 = "12rdq38wga5d4d2mw21rmdmgjg7vqhap0zl2f5wzn79hl7814rwz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base containers fgl HUnit mtl pretty PropLogic + safecopy set-extra syb syb-with-class template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Framework for propositional and first order logic, theorem proving"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "logicst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, logict, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logicst"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "061x6g92334m2776xclh8mcbjind3l595pggc0g7yi4qzs31zbdc"; + buildDepends = [ base logict transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-applicative" "-fsafe-st" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backtracking mutable references in the ST and IO monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "logict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "logict"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07hnirv6snnym2r7iijlfz00b60jpy2856zvqxh989q0in7bd0hi"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A backtracking logic-programming monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lojban" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curl, directory, haskell98, HTTP + , markov-chain, mtl, parsec, process, random, regex-compat, strict + , tagsoup, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lojban"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0pd31g21db8yh1mrnmy7r60lr0dbpwlxpwc0hli3y1wcr4fisnx6"; + editedCabalFile = "9d30c9c8f1aa80aea24ca606d74ee1b3a9af0ecde15a0e65b1150d483d6b1cfc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curl directory haskell98 HTTP markov-chain mtl + parsec process random regex-compat strict tagsoup xml + ]; + description = "Useful utilities for the Lojban language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lojbanParser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lojbanParser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0axi63dvls9k87samaa0jihisfqyl92jbhmx1j9q73yjrn5wsk8j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "lojban parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lojbanXiragan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lojbanXiragan"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1h7jmhs38v6mfas4nj22shm2dwphx46247sv3mia28xlzim3xdsp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "lojban to xiragan"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lojysamban" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lojbanParser, yjtools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lojysamban"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c571fk7kz4szpba85d7bf5awak5bc25r59kyx3xvyvk011y9hhd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base lojbanParser yjtools ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Prolog with lojban"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default, hack + , hack-contrib, mps, mtl, template, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loli"; + version = "2011.6.24"; + sha256 = "1m23dkxh2vah7d47arpqx5zdpwczm8k4jixzslmqbdizm9h933ja"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default hack hack-contrib mps mtl + template utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimum web dev DSL in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loop"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "11ifqahlg9ky5klid1fhsyfvfb6w8yb0dsy43s0cxcmldbw3qv5x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast loops (for when GHC can't optimize forM_)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "loop-effin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, effin }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loop-effin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02x02m98ka1y8f1jjqwfwmsyx29g583gnr4jdm5syqxfr0dz6c52"; + buildDepends = [ base effin ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "control-monad-loop port for effin"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loop-while" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loop-while"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1yvw91gn1iyw72rbq455zzrbb3pq8ph9cv1c6800qzjyxx0694bd"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad transformer supporting various styles of while loop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loops" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loops"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1syx22gp2zra2dhwvmm2np6c1lvqk622a62k4xxjd8y1fs2ckks7"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive transformers vector ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "Fast imperative-style loops"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "loopy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, filepath + , GoogleChart, hmatrix, process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loopy"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0gyd7l4i3vzv7swyqfywzwhsdxq3j5869c2id6hz6nm7db47wyy6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory filepath GoogleChart hmatrix + process random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find all biological feedback loops within an ecosystem graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, attoparsec-conduit, base + , bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra, daemons + , data-default, directory, fast-logger, hspec, html-conduit, HTTP + , http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, libmpd, optparse-applicative + , process, resourcet, text, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, utf8-string, wai-logger, xml-conduit, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lord"; + version = "2.20140625"; + sha256 = "1yjz713kddrnwjm2i4xj2vsmx6ycamvas5h1k9vmdcnlnlmbi45a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal attoparsec-conduit base bytestring + case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra daemons data-default + directory fast-logger html-conduit HTTP http-conduit http-types + libmpd optparse-applicative process resourcet text transformers + unix unordered-containers utf8-string wai-logger xml-conduit yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal attoparsec-conduit base bytestring + case-insensitive conduit daemons data-default directory fast-logger + hspec html-conduit HTTP http-conduit http-types HUnit libmpd + optparse-applicative process text transformers unix + unordered-containers utf8-string wai-logger xml-conduit yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command line interface to online radios"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "loris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, loris, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loris"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "19w1c3gsmy03y4a238yp844wgqcv9s53cwrcapv2yvn9xpchm2gq"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ loris ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "interface to Loris API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { inherit (pkgs) loris; }; + + "loshadka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, cryptohash + , directory, hex, network, process, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "loshadka"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "01jjbcgzpkh3mp729xahy2437hrg6wc2l1qnwcm069zrs3c1bdny"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring cryptohash directory hex network + process split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minecraft 1.7 server proxy that answers to queries when the server is offline"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lostcities" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell98, mtl, wx + , wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lostcities"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1avlq28k0jcfbnd0pfww80ixz5lvpp4jkf20dybjl7pfqyhj3s9p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell98 mtl wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of an adictive two-player card game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lrucache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lrucache"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w3b338wsf7c0acjxxfdjxsljfpsix67aihkl2jwnp5x71awf8qh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a simple, pure LRU cache"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ls-usb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base-unicode-symbols + , cmdtheline, text, usb, usb-id-database, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ls-usb"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "08xaf27iirdxax7gjjjzvw4nv0qya6vz46826bzmp7f0i0rn88qk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base-unicode-symbols cmdtheline text usb + usb-id-database vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List USB devices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lscabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lscabal"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "14j19jcmx20nhvb9a7im81j3wwkkx6lkb6b1kfizv8qkgnp0jd5j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath pretty process + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List exported modules from a set of .cabal files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, directory, filepath + , hspec2, language-css, language-css-attoparsec, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lss"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r890sya0db0xvs9cm5ghhr6x55hkqplirv95km6y7py7hj69cjr"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers directory filepath language-css + language-css-attoparsec text xmlhtml + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers hspec2 language-css + language-css-attoparsec text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lexical Style Sheets - a language for writing styles that is focused around lexical (ie, static) scoping and re-use of large components"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { language-css-attoparsec = null; }; + + "lsystem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, uu-parsinglib, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lsystem"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1wk41hsr7pp9azac3449xp0xv8kd31bwif3yw6cfw9jfg3g498xg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 uu-parsinglib wx wxcore ]; + description = "Paint an L-System Grammar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ltk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, filepath, ghc, glib, gtk3 + , mtl, parsec, pretty, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ltk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f0xm5pg98yvccxlpqvhkwy8q9miyzr6n0aznqzc4qxf05dbi4s9"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers filepath ghc glib gtk3 mtl parsec pretty text + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgtk3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Leksah tool kit"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ltl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vcd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ltl"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0h3jxngsdmakcr35zapxjaykjsqs44lxxk86d5i4rg0gi0i9qw3g"; + buildDepends = [ base vcd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Using linear temporal logic (LTL) to verify embedded software and hardware"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lua-bytecode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , hashable, numeric-extras, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lua-bytecode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cwpixaxxkfd8n714c8w82z97h3h8bqqqnh2wsn22cll168rb6zl"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers hashable numeric-extras + vector + ]; + description = "Library for loading Lua bytecode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "luachunk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring + , custom-prelude, ghc-prim, pretty, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "luachunk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03a8adaz3m93wnfmrvsqbmc57h1d8h0a90spfj1cb7yrpz0pr3ck"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring custom-prelude ghc-prim pretty + text + ]; + description = "Library functions for reading and writing Lua chunks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "luautils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, custom-prelude, hslua + , monad-loops, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "luautils"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1y0a70sqykc003kazx6bddjp4l7pc6099iqg6w78k7wigzmkld7y"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers custom-prelude hslua monad-loops text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hslua QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text + ]; + description = "Helpers for Haskell integration with Lua"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "lub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unamb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lub"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "1dsm7cg0i930r5dn8591aabkl0p8b5l348pccdvi7p0g7asx451h"; + buildDepends = [ base unamb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "information operators: least upper bound (lub) and greatest lower bound (glb)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lucid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, hspec, HUnit, mtl, parsec, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lucid"; + version = "2.6.0"; + sha256 = "17cxi2mbphgxk1rn96p8vhr56fb0iap05vmygqp2cmm0q7am77di"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers mtl text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bifunctors hspec HUnit mtl parsec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lucienne" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-html, bson + , bytestring, compact-string-fix, feed, happstack, happstack-server + , HTTP, mongoDB, mtl, network, SHA, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lucienne"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1dcvax756cqpqg6rrrjrd4sfr3ggvqdiwp42rb8fdrsi3v2skwrj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-html bson bytestring + compact-string-fix feed happstack happstack-server HTTP mongoDB mtl + network SHA text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Server side feed aggregator/reader"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "luhn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, digits, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "luhn"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ix7x28kmd3iarydl709vqd041h0qx6kv582c8ca54z8ag7lzynz"; + buildDepends = [ base digits QuickCheck ]; + description = "An implementation of Luhn's check digit algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, haskgame, MaybeT, mtl + , SDL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lui"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "081451gpm20z8zl3y1mjy9015a461g7q99w7sjnr8alvd3pbhd6v"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell98 haskgame MaybeT mtl SDL + ]; + description = "Purely FunctionaL User Interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "luka" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, bytestring, libffi, objc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "luka"; + version = "2012.8.29"; + sha256 = "00g7a80nlw1bgw6x2pqg1qn4786ra3bwbwbfm9b7iyhb101b7s9s"; + buildDepends = [ air base bytestring libffi ]; + extraLibraries = [ objc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple ObjectiveC runtime binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { objc = null; }; + + "lushtags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lushtags"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0325c064nsczypapvwdchx7x5n69jxjbyjs90ah7q5ydxbjl6w9c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create ctags compatible tags files for Haskell programs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "luthor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "luthor"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "023kckpcdn6n5dyq0dip0132jp1w30hdx1qb5hbsd3js86j52a12"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for lexing and utilizing lexemes that integrate with Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lvish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, atomic-primops, base, bits-atomic + , containers, deepseq, ghc-prim, HUnit, lattices, missing-foreign + , QuickCheck, random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, time + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lvish"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "1s7i1jxb6m7ivk4nd60dy8hn4wgfhv1gcamvv6hgjvcw6rxn4k44"; + editedCabalFile = "38b0af7bd2ebc54b5a2b01a2c24a3832d80f76596c8a8fad621499996ce76e76"; + buildDepends = [ + async atomic-primops base bits-atomic containers deepseq ghc-prim + lattices missing-foreign random transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + async atomic-primops base bits-atomic containers deepseq ghc-prim + HUnit lattices missing-foreign QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + text time transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-generic" "-f-getonce" "-f-chaselev" "-f-debug" + ]; + description = "Parallel scheduler, LVar data structures, and infrastructure to build more"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lvmlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , parsec, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lvmlib"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1lr2qr817mb8qb7b3wvry9jpj3wjphj5s60rn3dyqibx8gny36bg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath parsec wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lvmrun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lvmrun"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0wcf9brcvf4b7qcs51mngca3qxilk0x50h3dml28zg6lg93wwbfa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM) Runtime System"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "lxc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-lxc, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lxc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mksram2nlb611b81yh5smvgr3dqxyabphrrpimspixwwl8173zr"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-lxc mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High level Haskell bindings to LXC (Linux containers)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lye" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, free, HCodecs, lens, parsers + , transformers, trifecta + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lye"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pmlxvnlwdsb51pjrkak1sakfh3nyk5lia5pqmr7larlm1n3dx9m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers free HCodecs lens parsers transformers trifecta + ]; + description = "A Lilypond-compiling music box"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "lz4" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lz4"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wck0sl7m873pqnpmn95vrp9jbr7awjdp9rrkqgj0nd3l6z65k4q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LZ4 compression for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lzma-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, conduit, HUnit + , lzma, QuickCheck, resourcet, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lzma-conduit"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1i1khkxpia5hp3f0p7h656yvbgwsxffpl2czxjbkiw6iz31rapwg"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL bytestring conduit resourcet transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit HUnit QuickCheck resourcet test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + extraLibraries = [ lzma ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit interface for lzma/xz compression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "lzma-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, enumerator, HUnit + , lzma, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "lzma-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0pzz8bf6310p23pmsa013i8vib0xsfvlkj7zp0w9xs2xsi4j7jk1"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL bytestring enumerator mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + extraLibraries = [ lzma ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator interface for lzma/xz compression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "maccatcher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, parsec, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maccatcher"; + version = "2.1.5"; + sha256 = "0z56rbfr8vijhjf3dcqd4kaxgx9bf3qgi9sm61yc3i6ra60w7byb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary parsec process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cli" "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Obtain the host MAC address on *NIX and Windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "machinecell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, free, hspec, mtl, profunctors + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "machinecell"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0c6dqwl8pd922afvbxirhipf5kcqksfmlb6rd8iycr8ix54962gb"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base free mtl profunctors ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec mtl profunctors QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrow based stream transducers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "machines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, directory, doctest + , filepath, free, mtl, pointed, profunctors, semigroups + , transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "machines"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1wripnvpzfdnf7i2aygjyh33cp7srkb5638snwyn700bjbi2j7gb"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers free mtl pointed profunctors semigroups + transformers void + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Networked stream transducers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "machines-directory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, machines, machines-io + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "machines-directory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b1jv23ijhm51nggxrncjhz24k4pl4nvj6s9h3jabr0gsnsb8y2v"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath machines machines-io transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Directory (system) utilities for the machines library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "machines-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, chunked-data, machines + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "machines-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qjbfwyhscjmjbfj709kb9xr5p3yz4v21aq2g4dv1abqwgf85x03"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring chunked-data machines transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IO utilities for the machines library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "machines-process" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chunked-data, machines, machines-io, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "machines-process"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "028l6hijabrgnn5klm1bv35h2z2qmm1r49bj1bvvaffhn5fdpz7y"; + buildDepends = [ base chunked-data machines machines-io process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process (system) utilities for the machines library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "macho" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "macho"; + version = "0.22"; + sha256 = "13i8bap38ha8j0259kw4gfx18jxc4860awp3s9rz16i4q2vik0v2"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for Mach-O object format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "maclight" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filemanip, filepath, HUnit + , optparse-applicative, parsec, strict, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maclight"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qf44jza8avq2yfsx2f0bdxbnda4lm3xq9qaivmslfbdfjy3mxv3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filemanip filepath optparse-applicative parsec strict + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Control screen and keyboard backlights on MACs under Linux"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "macosx-make-standalone" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-lens, data-lens-template + , deepseq, directory, filepath, graph-visit, mtl, process + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "macosx-make-standalone"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04j5fpj4758bl8ksaqn4zz6dl8pg24ih65k1b0pg8qrar4275r14"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-lens data-lens-template deepseq directory + filepath graph-visit mtl process transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Make a macosx app standalone deployable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, curses, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mage"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0fknvy48sanvq7vg5pxwbjsahpiby1hba5wf8w6rq2g3d0a1cjwz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl random ]; + extraLibraries = [ curses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rogue-like"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { curses = null; }; + + "magic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, magic }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "magic"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "10p0gjjjwr1dda7hahwrwn5njbfhl67arq3v3nf1jr3vymlkn75j"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ magic ]; + description = "Interface to C file/magic library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) magic; }; + + "magma" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, profunctors, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "magma"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bk4a9kw2jxvvz81ppj6qh3kk8cbknnqmg6vvkd0kpn70rcx0hnv"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq profunctors semigroups ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "magma is an algebraic structure consisting a set together with an binary operation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mahoro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, containers, curl, directory + , happstack-state, MissingH, mtl, network, old-time, regex-posix + , tagsoup, utf8-string, XMPP + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mahoro"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0fmhms0415wawd539ipdj47gf27h2jjq2gpzhb0s21r6z63ayp7f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile containers curl directory happstack-state MissingH + mtl network old-time regex-posix tagsoup utf8-string XMPP + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ImageBoards to XMPP gate"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "maid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-th, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hack2, hack2-contrib + , hack2-handler-snap-server, moe, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maid"; + version = "2014.10.14"; + sha256 = "1gss86263pzwvm14yx5lqzskrwc3z6521z9yp0mg8780qgr8h9sr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + air air-th base bytestring containers data-default directory + filepath hack2 hack2-contrib hack2-handler-snap-server moe process + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple static web server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mailbox-count" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, configurator, containers, directory + , doctest, filemanip, filepath, HDBC, HDBC-postgresql, HDBC-sqlite3 + , MissingH, tasty, tasty-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mailbox-count"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1zd3vd0sj4pq8nhjn768rpfyn9a06a9c3j2fnhxsb9d800ilpvvf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator containers directory filepath HDBC + HDBC-postgresql HDBC-sqlite3 MissingH tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs configurator containers directory doctest filemanip + filepath HDBC HDBC-postgresql HDBC-sqlite3 MissingH tasty + tasty-hunit + ]; + description = "Count mailboxes in a SQL database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mailchimp-subscribe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, http-client, http-client-tls + , http-types, reflection, scotty, text, transformers, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mailchimp-subscribe"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0c6sn7bpzw82iarpw40l88f58xrjl9gzdqx1xnbafzdyfhbrnzbi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base http-client http-client-tls http-types reflection scotty + text transformers wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MailChimp subscription request handler"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mailgun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, exceptions, failure + , http-client, http-client-multipart, http-conduit, monad-control + , network, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mailgun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01xcr0dwbkpryavk054y52fdk9qis4s6df8d0yxz05kdl8b5nczq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit exceptions failure http-client + http-client-multipart http-conduit monad-control network text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connector to Rackspace's Mailgun Service"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mainland-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, srcloc, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mainland-pretty"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1g4s2xscj6dpkcghs5lws658ki0rhriivpdr5ilcycvr28k3l35q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers srcloc text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pretty printing designed for printing source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "majordomo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, monad-loops, old-locale + , threads, time, unix, zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "majordomo"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "1rjarfwjqlrq9cdgjv93v6jwg58984c0dwjk506svsr29ll0p1b1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs monad-loops old-locale threads time unix + zeromq-haskell + ]; + description = "Majordomo protocol for ZeroMQ"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "majority" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "majority"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1442xw8i9jgk3hqavqikks98qs9l3i37lk63xyzpdgnlkfqapzka"; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "make-hard-links" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "make-hard-links"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0bynbrn7fnnw7s6wafaji5yf21zjsrdmdfyb7m97bk77ss0gprq2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath unix + ]; + description = "Change duplicated files into hard-links"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "make-package" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, configurator, containers + , directory, filepath, github, haskeline, lens, lens-datetime, mtl + , process, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "make-package"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "1502pggc0gcmsj6fhzkjcrbqydaxz4qivsmv57jm6cxpbypkyin3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring configurator containers directory filepath + github haskeline lens lens-datetime mtl process text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Make a cabalized package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "makedo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, HSH, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "makedo"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0sc2fa45a046lw5x5z839gb1zk0d5nj663ghxajiclm6iw65kl2n"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath HSH process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helper for writing redo scripts in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "managed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "managed"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "06nb71pd68m5l6a48sz5kkrdif74phbg3y6bn9ydd00y515b9gn5"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "A monad for managed values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "manatee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cairo, containers, dbus-client + , dbus-core, derive, directory, filepath, gtk, gtk-serialized-event + , manatee-core, mtl, stm, template-haskell, text, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1v44kml92i426hbinjmx00znyp7dwxa8qj0bmhb3hz0fwmgck1c3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cairo containers dbus-client dbus-core derive directory + filepath gtk gtk-serialized-event manatee-core mtl stm + template-haskell text unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-all" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, manatee, manatee-browser, manatee-core + , manatee-curl, manatee-editor, manatee-filemanager + , manatee-imageviewer, manatee-ircclient, manatee-mplayer + , manatee-pdfviewer, manatee-processmanager, manatee-reader + , manatee-terminal, manatee-welcome + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-all"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1l3s22svds27q8hyh9nsawpc11crcll3vrcbfy6dvk64s04mwr21"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base manatee manatee-browser manatee-core manatee-curl + manatee-editor manatee-filemanager manatee-imageviewer + manatee-ircclient manatee-mplayer manatee-pdfviewer + manatee-processmanager manatee-reader manatee-terminal + manatee-welcome + ]; + description = "Virtual package to install all Manatee packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-anything" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, dataenc, dbus-client + , dbus-core, filepath, gio, GoogleSuggest, gtk, manatee-core, mtl + , network, proc, regex-tdfa, split, stm, text, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-anything"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "1ag0272cv700yi7y539hz3r04hqfqq9mx3cacp4hix4wag25f0n8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers dataenc dbus-client dbus-core filepath + gio GoogleSuggest gtk manatee-core mtl network proc regex-tdfa + split stm text unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "Multithread interactive input/search framework for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-browser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dbus-client, derive + , filepath, gtk, manatee-core, mtl, stm, text, utf8-string, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-browser"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "01blfcfynfbshznrz4arn89j7s063s7xhlkqnzbv42wqk04i083h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dbus-client derive filepath gtk manatee-core + mtl stm text utf8-string webkit + ]; + description = "Browser extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, Cabal, cairo + , containers, dataenc, dbus-client, dbus-core, derive, directory + , filepath, gconf, ghc, ghc-paths, gio, glib, gtk + , gtk-serialized-event, gtksourceview2, haskell-src-exts, mtl + , network, old-locale, old-time, process, regex-tdfa, split, stm + , template-haskell, text, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-core"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05s5cd43a395jgyh4i01wzzzwha9rx9vrflwyr6lpz5nqnfp755v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring Cabal cairo containers dataenc + dbus-client dbus-core derive directory filepath gconf ghc ghc-paths + gio glib gtk gtk-serialized-event gtksourceview2 haskell-src-exts + mtl network old-locale old-time process regex-tdfa split stm + template-haskell text time unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "The core of Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-curl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, curl + , dbus-client, dbus-core, derive, directory, filepath, gio, glib + , gtk, manatee-core, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time, regex-tdfa + , stm, template-haskell, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-curl"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0v525dcg6cs8mfrcbaxk9vx86gnd37c2z8gp9q8fck11616vckvn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers curl dbus-client dbus-core derive + directory filepath gio glib gtk manatee-core mtl network old-locale + old-time regex-tdfa stm template-haskell text utf8-string + ]; + description = "Download Manager extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-editor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dbus-client + , dbus-core, derive, filepath, gtk, gtksourceview2, manatee-core + , regex-tdfa, stm, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-editor"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0rd6xjc1hmvfchwjh32ij4sa36z0v6b1k81gnx7278qqsscmgl9y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dbus-client dbus-core derive + filepath gtk gtksourceview2 manatee-core regex-tdfa stm text + ]; + description = "Editor extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-filemanager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dbus-client, derive + , filepath, gio, glib, gtk, manatee-core, mtl, old-locale, old-time + , stm, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-filemanager"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06zrhycpsnfi8r3a071p6qlrqidddv004h10zcglb9ryhw0sh2p1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dbus-client derive filepath gio glib gtk + manatee-core mtl old-locale old-time stm text utf8-string + ]; + description = "File manager extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-imageviewer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dbus-client, derive + , filepath, gio, glib, gtk, gtkimageview, manatee-core, regex-tdfa + , stm, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-imageviewer"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0yn32xsckvw96kxskfhgcqg98rffl07hkwfjzyd7cm221hwd9s0g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dbus-client derive filepath gio glib gtk + gtkimageview manatee-core regex-tdfa stm text utf8-string + ]; + description = "Image viewer extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-ircclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , curl, dbus-client, dbus-core, derive, fastirc, filepath, ghc + , GoogleTranslate, groom, gtk, gtksourceview2, manatee-core + , MorseCode, mtl, nano-md5, network, regex-posix, split, stm + , template-haskell, text, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-ircclient"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0l14r4mw5bwyjzs5m49sp3vdi2lzfgyjwhsb0q94l3937wb4abgy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring Cabal containers curl dbus-client + dbus-core derive fastirc filepath ghc GoogleTranslate groom gtk + gtksourceview2 manatee-core MorseCode mtl nano-md5 network + regex-posix split stm template-haskell text unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "IRC client extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-mplayer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dbus-client + , dbus-core, derive, filepath, gio, gtk, libtagc, manatee-core + , process, random, regex-tdfa, stm, text, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-mplayer"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jg9ikshscpjyq73g125acqndd049ry8zw7h0gglsi63xbqpldz4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dbus-client dbus-core derive + filepath gio gtk libtagc manatee-core process random regex-tdfa stm + text time unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "Mplayer client extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-pdfviewer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cairo, containers, dbus-client + , derive, filepath, gtk, manatee-core, mtl, poppler, stm, text + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-pdfviewer"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0k00drrk7mpbc8ak5cwzx245xf968186dkc12cxp7n2h2mccb456"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cairo containers dbus-client derive filepath gtk + manatee-core mtl poppler stm text utf8-string + ]; + description = "PDF viewer extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-processmanager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dbus-client, derive + , filepath, gtk, manatee-core, proc, stm, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-processmanager"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1zxkfil6anh2v692ky9l6gf40784y2czbx8853xmypnhnvgr95ll"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dbus-client derive filepath gtk manatee-core + proc stm text + ]; + description = "Process manager extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-reader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, curl, dbus-client + , derive, download-curl, feed, filepath, gtk, manatee-core, stm + , text, utf8-string, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-reader"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "07zkjg1q3gdqiw1pp0325pyvh84740mxvlf8k6sc6l1l258zpk90"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers curl dbus-client derive download-curl feed + filepath gtk manatee-core stm text utf8-string webkit + ]; + description = "Feed reader extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dbus-client + , dbus-core, derive, filepath, gtk, gtksourceview2, manatee-core + , regex-tdfa, stm, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-template"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0lcd3g7gp3fl4xpc51wgk0q9q1lijgnfdla521h7nqz84wcdfbcy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dbus-client dbus-core derive + filepath gtk gtksourceview2 manatee-core regex-tdfa stm text + ]; + description = "Template code to create Manatee application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-terminal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dbus-client, derive + , filepath, gtk, manatee-core, stm, text, unix, vte + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-terminal"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1aj1pghad0jdm3biy9f4caahvpyby0ia3clrl8lg2rmp2j703wkd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dbus-client derive filepath gtk manatee-core + stm text unix vte + ]; + description = "Terminal Emulator extension for Manatee"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "manatee-welcome" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dbus-client + , dbus-core, derive, filepath, gtk, manatee-core, regex-tdfa, stm + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "manatee-welcome"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vwj91i05rwgqmral4v2mmcmlrqy54h816j8vi6d0ivs1693p308"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dbus-client dbus-core derive + filepath gtk manatee-core regex-tdfa stm text + ]; + description = "Welcome module to help user play Manatee quickly"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mancala" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mancala"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vsrp69qhndagzlw5fg9chi0hhphfbjmlvarypqi3g9fgrdghn46"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple mancala game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mandrill" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-html + , bytestring, containers, email-validate, http-client + , http-client-tls, http-types, lens, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck + , raw-strings-qq, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mandrill"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12i7475r75n1azgpliyw8q1k6vhaksg7dasrn38x19czzg5mijq9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring blaze-html bytestring containers + email-validate http-client http-client-tls http-types lens mtl + old-locale QuickCheck text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring QuickCheck raw-strings-qq tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck text + ]; + description = "Library for interfacing with the Mandrill JSON API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mandulia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, GLUT, hslua, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mandulia"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "1wrpzai3482c9g7zfacmjszi6h073ip00fbq17nyc22z2zw4908s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath GLUT hslua time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sse4" "-f-fast" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A zooming visualisation of the Mandelbrot Set as many Julia Sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mangopay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , conduit, conduit-extra, connection, country-codes, data-default + , HTF, http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control + , monad-logger, resourcet, template-haskell, text, time, tls + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , utf8-string, vector, wai, warp, x509-system + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mangopay"; + version = "1.10.2"; + sha256 = "0lf5f47h4hiqsdr36z2hsq5lrx6xp0imwy6g7qq4zcs3fgz6fdsh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra + connection country-codes data-default http-conduit http-types HUnit + lifted-base monad-control monad-logger resourcet template-haskell + text time tls transformers transformers-base unordered-containers + utf8-string vector wai warp x509-system + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra + connection country-codes data-default HTF http-conduit http-types + HUnit lifted-base monad-control monad-logger resourcet + template-haskell text time tls transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers utf8-string vector wai warp x509-system + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit11" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the MangoPay API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "map-syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "map-syntax"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "02v1dvq86qzbfbwbza4myj3a6a6a5p059fi5m3g548hmqk3v2p1r"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers deepseq HUnit mtl QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + description = "Syntax sugar for defining maps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "marionetta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gloss, mtl, splines, vector + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "marionetta"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k25m5q8p592xrg2qa0mvm3749gllrj4cmmx2h1k5hssan68bk9g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers gloss mtl splines vector vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A study of marionetta movements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markdown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, data-default, hspec + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers, xss-sanitize + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markdown"; + version = "0.1.13"; + sha256 = "1r04h641d9y8p88h59isrz9g42gq7vdykx3n8bhk499ici800134"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-html blaze-markup conduit conduit-extra + containers data-default text transformers xss-sanitize + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-html conduit conduit-extra containers hspec + system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markdown-kate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, blaze-html + , conduit, containers, data-default, highlighting-kate, hspec + , markdown, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers + , xss-sanitize + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markdown-kate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zjqy163rxpjy0w3bn21j193qp04f7sdc8mfskaddqfks402h4i0"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-html conduit containers + data-default highlighting-kate text transformers xss-sanitize + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-html conduit containers hspec markdown system-fileio + system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markdown-pap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf, papillon }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markdown-pap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cq0s9yixkg98vhsgiv1xjia2cn0b4q6gjl1wv0q7yrm26anaqcq"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf papillon ]; + description = "markdown parser with papillon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markdown-unlit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hspec, QuickCheck, silently + , stringbuilder + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markdown-unlit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bc3vcifv2xcddh8liq380c6sxarrs5pf21pfs9i4dx9rfl3hvhq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory hspec QuickCheck silently stringbuilder + ]; + description = "Literate Haskell support for Markdown"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "markdown2svg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary-file, Cabal, directory, filepath + , markdown-pap, monads-tf, papillon, png-file, yjsvg + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markdown2svg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sman1849sfr0d56kifpyb0ba9pqghvmyhr3gchcd13qimp80395"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary-file Cabal directory filepath markdown-pap monads-tf + papillon png-file yjsvg + ]; + description = "markdown to svg converter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "marked-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "marked-pretty"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0xwymfwja9fh4wgqpqczi9zrn9bynxy069sfcg5d14zd5j54zy8w"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Pretty-printing library, with scoping, based on pretty-"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markov" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markov"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ka44rvrl9ppshbjmk95997cna670bqwjsharcr9qsalp6pchmdf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Simple interpreter for Markov's normal algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "markov-chain" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markov-chain"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y9fjsf6dg6a9ha75w2szq4gi5fhq89l1r7wqb20hmadkcjjplx8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Markov Chains for generating random sequences with a user definable behaviour"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "markov-processes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, assertions, base, bifunctors, memoize, MonadRandom + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markov-processes"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1pd09fdy05l3drmpdd3rbid6g2vdyalrpc704xmacbp186hmnf38"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors memoize MonadRandom random ]; + testDepends = [ assertions base bifunctors memoize random ]; + description = "Hidden Markov processes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "markup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, hspec, lucid, mtl + , text, transformers, urlpath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dhmimqzgr9dgfww714pjmf8zkmygr8ja2sbz0awmlcn5zad48bl"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup lucid mtl text transformers urlpath + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "Abstraction for markup languages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "markup-preview" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, glib, gtk, MissingH, mtl + , pandoc, temporary, transformers, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "markup-preview"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y4ha8wn2v7rw9v3sy0faxnmi0g623bnvyj05gha2nnxrzif9pdd"; + editedCabalFile = "30a8c286edef81656077ebeab2d8896d3a09db2b8304d68d80461172ab92e25b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory glib gtk MissingH mtl pandoc temporary + transformers webkit + ]; + description = "A simple markup document preview (markdown, textile, reStructuredText)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "marmalade-upload" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, Cabal, data-default + , directory, exceptions, filepath, http-client, http-client-tls + , http-types, keyring, mtl, network, optparse-applicative, process + , shake, split, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, transformers, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "marmalade-upload"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "0643l0xnm4rq6zfbbd01ps3z7qnw7crvpblg7n5rwigi0m1zl4n9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring Cabal data-default directory exceptions + filepath http-client http-client-tls http-types keyring mtl network + optparse-applicative process shake split text transformers + zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base exceptions tasty tasty-hunit text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-development" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Upload packages to Marmalade"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "marxup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, containers, cubicbezier + , directory, dlist, filepath, glpk-hs, graphviz, labeled-tree, lens + , mtl, parsek, polynomials-bernstein, pretty, process, text + , typography-geometry, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "marxup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01yz9ry25k6kq1r8z3dbqj2xqm95wssfh2jhwarv3w3z65wa6x8n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator containers cubicbezier directory dlist filepath + glpk-hs graphviz labeled-tree lens mtl parsek polynomials-bernstein + pretty process text typography-geometry vector + ]; + description = "Markup language preprocessor for Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "masakazu-bot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring, conduit + , datetime, lens, monad-logger, parsers, persistent + , persistent-sqlite, persistent-template, regex-posix, text + , transformers, twitter-conduit, twitter-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "masakazu-bot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p9d2vy3c7yh1w1aczh3f4886q0hldrpisnkk40w62cqvjg7sig7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate-oauth base bytestring conduit datetime lens + monad-logger parsers persistent persistent-sqlite + persistent-template regex-posix text transformers twitter-conduit + twitter-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "@minamiyama1994_bot on haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mastermind" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mastermind"; + version = "2010.7.25.1"; + sha256 = "0bxzjs19n2c7xd1v2hrzx6h1rrw6m8yax7kbcar0q766bv36qfmy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "console mastermind decypher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matchers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pcre, prednote, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matchers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1164a5ix7956vkn3ndsy5i1gczm8q7h0xz1n3ycwwlpmh92mymdv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring prednote text ]; + extraLibraries = [ pcre ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text matchers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "math-functions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, erf, HUnit, ieee754, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "math-functions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12cznf7gwia1ki7xhvlhk5p8d09zrdvfgn07pkp4sfrwsc4vijcy"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq erf vector vector-th-unbox ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit ieee754 QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Special functions and Chebyshev polynomials"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mathblog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ConfigFile, directory, filepath + , HStringTemplate, HUnit, old-locale, pandoc, pandoc-types, process + , SHA, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mathblog"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "01iyzrwscqirhcr4622d0n16mr4p54qbvg5m2a0ns36j59xfd79g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring ConfigFile directory filepath HStringTemplate HUnit + old-locale pandoc pandoc-types process SHA test-framework + test-framework-hunit time unix + ]; + description = "A program for creating and managing a static weblog with LaTeX math and function graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mathgenealogy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , directory, fgl, filepath, graphviz, HTTP, process, safe, tagsoup + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mathgenealogy"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "1gbk1bv5v7s4mbs3cr30zhfnm3zrhxhly3791mar5807bqw86q5v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cmdargs containers directory fgl filepath + graphviz HTTP process safe tagsoup text + ]; + description = "Discover your (academic) ancestors!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "mathlink" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, c2hs, containers, haskell98 + , ix-shapable, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mathlink"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1agqbhl6r40swsvsllyx9vf9hc9a709wvg546rh6fn315waifqqk"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers haskell98 ix-shapable mtl ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write Mathematica packages in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matlab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, eng, filepath, matlab, mx + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matlab"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rrpsf0xah8as9khm1jiyrcaqc1r4ykpab2ldyx4d0szgmfb93c1"; + buildDepends = [ array base Cabal filepath unix ]; + buildTools = [ matlab ]; + extraLibraries = [ eng mx ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mcr" "-fruntime" "-fengine" ]; + description = "Matlab bindings and interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { eng = null; mx = null; }; + + "matrices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matrices"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "07b56hddagqm9pq22wdw6rb61gykjq1840a5mazz857d5vbbpm2z"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + description = "native matrix based on vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matrix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, loop, primitive, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matrix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16a633llf7nh70s92cn8i8sdish9vryy4xh62rimvmn91ivvjay1"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq loop primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "A native implementation of matrix operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matrix-market" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matrix-market"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1hzpjkmwr24073mf9i13rx3n23ri0b5vmvwx8k9lxbrg1821hy28"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write NIST Matrix Market files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matrix-market-pure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matrix-market-pure"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "05jjf5wnxhbafrca1qfzlrxvysy5bff22mzk45pia5b9gwdhygn1"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure and composable reader and writer of the Matrix Market format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "matsuri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, containers, directory, MissingH + , mtl, network, old-locale, split, time, vty, vty-ui, XMPP + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "matsuri"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "15pjqyy9qs9bn2vfayl73h5maf01snv7rvq1acb3ly8pain36lh4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile containers directory MissingH mtl network + old-locale split time vty vty-ui XMPP + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ncurses XMPP client"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "maude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, process-extras + , temporary, text, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maude"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0qadqpj5vzg84mqh29p6vr2ffih7y69ds0jdpxmr17am5bh3mhql"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath process process-extras temporary text xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interface to the Maude rewriting system"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "maxent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, hmatrix, lagrangian + , nonlinear-optimization, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maxent"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0vxfxlvcrmqcxplw6f2r7nljcam9iv92jy2nxa7x67ldyj7yxk28"; + buildDepends = [ + ad base lagrangian nonlinear-optimization vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + ad base hmatrix lagrangian nonlinear-optimization QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compute Maximum Entropy Distributions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "maximal-cliques" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maximal-cliques"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kjmjsvxf35sapqq7vhiyd5fc73wj1c0l11hvc41x7pkw87qm83v"; + buildDepends = [ base containers vector ]; + description = "Enumerate all maximal cliques of a graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "maxsharing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, boxes, containers + , containers-unicode-symbols, HaLeX, IndentParser, mtl, parsec + , process, uuagc, uuagc-cabal + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maxsharing"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1a9z3bmdjl5mhn718bj8h95m4xlhiyimkz7z54d0dmcv6ryld4wx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols boxes containers + containers-unicode-symbols HaLeX IndentParser mtl parsec process + uuagc uuagc-cabal + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Maximal sharing of terms in the lambda calculus with letrec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "maybench" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, benchpress, Cabal, directory, filepath, mtl + , old-time, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "maybench"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iqfmvj9maa0f4gk66g0j1dv1prhac3vb0b225d9sw9bliwnb1br"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base benchpress Cabal directory filepath mtl old-time process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated benchmarking tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, safe, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mbox"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0n4f2jzbxqdyvd67zwp5wrdv6iym0n3yadm84rxriclkc3c6pzv0"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale safe text time ]; + description = "Read and write standard mailbox files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mbox-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, codec-mbox, containers, fclabels + , hsemail, mtl, parsec, process, pureMD5, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mbox-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j0dl97skgbxq2gcd3w6jzsdd2yv1mw6z4fz61akcimzyn8c2lvh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring codec-mbox containers fclabels hsemail mtl parsec + process pureMD5 random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-useless" "-f-use_hutt" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools to process mbox files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mcmaster-gloss-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mcmaster-gloss-examples"; + version = "2013"; + sha256 = "178f2n2r7m4jznkzhnqqslqf0czvz9h7cifhbdmvr1nihhgb532q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gloss ]; + homepage = ""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mcmc-samplers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hakaru, hmatrix, mwc-random + , primitive, statistics + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mcmc-samplers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pqc6i86b5vdhfw93x220k0x7dcfs77s7az6avaw7fn2q6xl1qli"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hakaru hmatrix mwc-random primitive statistics + ]; + description = "Combinators for MCMC sampling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mcmc-synthesis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mcmc-synthesis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14z1x9dqnjj391nrlngs9s887yqh3arc7kfgk0m3d89vrkc185vq"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom ]; + description = "MCMC applied to probabilistic program synthesis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mcpi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, pipes, split, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mcpi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15ab4fl49nq398q49wz5fgphfb7xzbrf4j51rnd80qb30rm6xfl6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network pipes split transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-debug" "-fbuild-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connect to MineCraft running on a Raspberry PI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "mdo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mdo"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "13i4lb74m69k6ij3rq0dqwghdazwmc60fs55prc1h3p7b0rz15mv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "Command-line tool to run a command on each of the items"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mecab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mecab, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mecab"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0z650y4fnxr4mk0i5s8axjbq14dcpgnrzkafbpg17vfhl2v5a3z3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + extraLibraries = [ mecab ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell binding to MeCab"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) mecab; }; + + "mecha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mecha"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0y3rzif667kjaxmnf9d382lcbxf27y4ik02kisij125kc7yi6d21"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A constructive solid geometry (CSG) modeling language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mediawiki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, mime, network, pretty, utf8-string + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mediawiki"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "1wfrhii7zqrw6rmskab40h9zliidi34kd4n07rdkvf8f8nypwg1r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP mime network pretty utf8-string xml ]; + description = "Interfacing with the MediaWiki API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mediawiki2latex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , directory, directory-tree, file-embed, filepath, happstack-server + , highlighting-kate, HTTP, http-conduit, hxt, hxt-http, mtl + , network, parsec, process, split, temporary, text, transformers + , url, utf8-string, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mediawiki2latex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q708hh5280k5hknf1mh3nza7qvpszplcis90y0i78a2jd0x2r3w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-html bytestring containers directory + directory-tree file-embed filepath happstack-server + highlighting-kate HTTP http-conduit hxt hxt-http mtl network parsec + process split temporary text transformers url utf8-string + utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert MediaWiki text to LaTeX"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "meep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, doctest, hspec + , hspec-expectations-lens, lens, QuickCheck, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "meep"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rk5mrvmk07m5zdayfvxirak58d1bxwb04sgg0gcx07w8q8k4yyq"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors lens semigroups ]; + testDepends = [ + base bifunctors doctest hspec hspec-expectations-lens lens + QuickCheck semigroups + ]; + description = "A silly container"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mega-sdist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, directory + , http-conduit, http-types, network, shelly, system-fileio + , system-filepath, tar, text, transformers, zlib-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mega-sdist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x85l77q9zzi1gmcl9h3rrjbgyfynxqcczl636iah88wvdg7lplg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers directory http-conduit + http-types network shelly system-fileio system-filepath tar text + transformers zlib-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Handles uploading to Hackage from mega repos (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "meldable-heap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "meldable-heap"; + version = "2.0.3"; + sha256 = "1p75zjlls38sd1lma7w95mpmb9kdff19s2as6pz1ki1g20nnxdk3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Asymptotically optimal, Coq-verified meldable heaps, AKA priority queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "melody" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, either, HUnit, lens, mtl, parsec + , ParsecTools, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "melody"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1sbwd1xmgh94ll3xm7ancjsaalk2mphnr1l331zix5s3kqvy6g6p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers either lens mtl parsec ParsecTools + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "A functional scripting language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "memcache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memcache"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0bwnr28wn5anc2bcg2fwci3rgn2ykxp1gg58qg97d7lw1djmikwr"; + buildDepends = [ base binary blaze-builder bytestring network ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A memcached client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "memcached" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, utf8-light }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memcached"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1a6wzznhpz06c0y3wrjf5bskdd8myild8v0p0x1h0swhmy6di2yd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network utf8-light ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "haskell bindings for memcached"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "memcached-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default-class, hspec, HUnit + , network, process, resource-pool, storable-endian, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memcached-binary"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "137vb065f744jq3avpraqryzspch78vc5krp0fw2zzcbk5cm92ad"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default-class network resource-pool + storable-endian time unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default-class hspec HUnit network process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "memcached client using binary protocol"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "memexml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memexml"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "07cmjx10wbpfcblnd23rzdkma04nyjcpd1g58gp0phajj6xj4i7a"; + editedCabalFile = "a1712ea7643a27f1fb40a771fdae76282818b5d317fe8da6a22e705b06bc3b3e"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading Meme XML output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "memo-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, direct-sqlite }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memo-sqlite"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gijza29wj79k8czfg4mghq7nqsbpyf1scnm9hmg2ykhnllpzvy3"; + buildDepends = [ base direct-sqlite ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "memoize functions using SQLite3 database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "memoize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memoize"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "15ya80la5azkpdnlnd7n6x1z9z2nixg0rakp1bj4xsk1ad1hn6x7"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "A memoization library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "memscript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, readline }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "memscript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vbmgvdjq4mxax39zr6anmb96pr2pgqlwmc4qbkrz2c7v8hg2mjb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base readline ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line utility for memorizing scriptures or any other text"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "mersenne-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mersenne-random"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "193qz3wn7lz18aywddr9qyn8v08ifv2yxwr68c67p5mn8vr8mvmw"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-big_endian64" "-f-use_altivec" "-f-use_sse2" "-f-small_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate high quality pseudorandom numbers using a SIMD Fast Mersenne Twister"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mersenne-random-pure64" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mersenne-random-pure64"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qh72ynfg1k4c70qxdzsa6f1x9wyxil2d9gi85c879wrc41k899h"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-small_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate high quality pseudorandom numbers purely using a Mersenne Twister"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "messagepack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "messagepack"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1icl40fh9glzr105aha3971gnbnzw528sgdia8kwlj751v3nnpa0"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cereal containers text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize instance for Message Pack Object"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "messagepack-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, messagepack + , network-simple, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "messagepack-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g9lj3fb81gng3z4kdikwa9vgz73hjdqygzhcqd8fphcynv8j6m1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers messagepack network-simple text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Message Pack RPC over TCP"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "meta-misc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, loch-th, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "meta-misc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pxsg67r2z0f9zxr8m98sndlii0bixyxwgjkc31z5743ciw9ch0c"; + buildDepends = [ base loch-th template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility library providing miscellaneous meta-programming utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "meta-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, abstract-par, base, bytestring + , containers, deepseq, mtl, mwc-random, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "meta-par"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "012blwbwxac2wikiydvjsa4b7f866wws3g33bczv8dzcx3123ljn"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-par base bytestring containers deepseq mtl + mwc-random transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-affinity" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides the monad-par interface, but based on modular scheduler \"mix-ins\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "meta-par-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, abstract-par + , abstract-par-accelerate, accelerate, array, base, meta-par + , QuickCheck, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "meta-par-accelerate"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "0gl6bh2jqf697vl4cg88z39g6180bbha01h67qz46f1vcyvi0lwq"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-par abstract-par-accelerate accelerate + array base meta-par QuickCheck transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-f-cuda" "-fnewaccelerate" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for integrated Accelerate computations within Meta-par"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "metadata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metadata"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "148c7vgh8zxgy5fb0xflk0lzm5d233d1ynjncpiwi1bb9jzbdm3r"; + buildDepends = [ base text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "metadata library for semantic web"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "metamorphic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metamorphic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pazw2kdsl8g4dax6bg0hfg7vp2nna6lrsnzdkixpins7ac95078"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "metamorphisms: ana . cata or understanding folds and unfolds"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "metaplug" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, filepath, ghc, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metaplug"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "086n9kqyi2jqki31jgylm0r63ahgvw3pf7mi5hln2m86a5x4ij4n"; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal filepath ghc haskell98 ]; + description = "a tiny ghc api wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "metric" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, edit-distance, hmatrix + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metric"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "172drfn8p5yqyvka2jphhi1lfj5msv2xssa271lfb3w757br452d"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default edit-distance hmatrix vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + description = "Metric spaces"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "metrics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring, containers + , lens, mtl, mwc-random, primitive, QuickCheck, text, time, unix + , unordered-containers, vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metrics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q3j4ssij3v688yhn0zzs1bvyp21p0vnp2760qbvha1a7g0m8gif"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers lens mtl mwc-random + primitive text time unix unordered-containers vector + vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base lens mwc-random primitive QuickCheck unix + ]; + description = "High-performance application metric tracking"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "metricsd-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metricsd-client"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1q807wvmj1q605257jj60h0j2wal6ypjiad9wkjmv836p3mis5q9"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + description = "Client for the metrics aggregator Metricsd"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "metronome" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, data-lens-template, hosc, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "metronome"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0gx0g8s5w99mhvip1v1kj03dhij3fhig1b8myha0zdssf2x6vjwc"; + buildDepends = [ base data-lens data-lens-template hosc stm ]; + description = "Time Synchronized execution"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, parsec, split + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mi"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "03virg707xxy330xq4g60fy1rvs1rq9w5p08yc5khzh64v1g3i2b"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta parsec split template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multiple Instance for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "microbench" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "microbench"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "05yphn77rxg7zqpn27292yvmah2634hqfx2mgfyp5yws5ickrvkg"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Microbenchmark Haskell code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "microformats2-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, either, pandoc-types, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "microformats2-types"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "07ssx3p9m7bz0bldads9a2a52qfbr8x58h1x07cpnpsg775kxv88"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base either pandoc-types text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Microformats 2 types for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "microtimer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "microtimer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09w8jn6g8fq3zsp2ahdrzv33mvayh8vladmc2wf8pbmpmdii0kap"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tiny library for benchmarking IO actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "midi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, event-list + , explicit-exception, monoid-transformer, non-negative, QuickCheck + , random, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "midi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mqf6q7686zdxljkz3bqa2zhkgirqz5c1fkbd3n4wyipzhjc773a"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring event-list explicit-exception + monoid-transformer non-negative QuickCheck random transformers + utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring event-list explicit-exception non-negative + QuickCheck transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Handling of MIDI messages and files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "midi-alsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-seq, base, data-accessor, midi, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "midi-alsa"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "13dc299d252nrll1vzp7pl1ncv0qw3xhz5b3kqnc8hb0g4mkkgpc"; + buildDepends = [ alsa-seq base data-accessor midi utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert between datatypes of the midi and the alsa packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "midimory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, containers, random + , transformers, wx, wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "midimory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13bfb2s6ybvspmmq427v55nb2csvcp4ijfgm9fvfh6cab2pm1dyz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-seq base containers random transformers wx wxcore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Memory-like (Concentration, Pairs, ...) game for tones"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "midisurface" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, containers, gtk, mtl + , stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "midisurface"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i1g1hqr1jjjnrrkfgp0i9zm5cm6aza1kzqy2z8hmbqjdvyv21fz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ alsa-core alsa-seq base containers gtk mtl stm ]; + description = "A control midi surface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mighttpd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c10k, directory, filepath + , haskell98, hdaemonize, hslogger, network, parsec, time, unix + , webserver + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mighttpd"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0xl6x4755x8sz2igqfp3mr5n29q7hb4v5b1mycah9vffk1bhi0yf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring c10k directory filepath haskell98 hdaemonize + hslogger network parsec time unix webserver + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Web Server in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mighttpd2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, auto-update, base, blaze-builder + , byteorder, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra + , directory, filepath, hspec, http-client, http-date, http-types + , io-choice, network, old-locale, parsec, resourcet + , streaming-commons, time, transformers, unix, unix-time + , unordered-containers, wai, wai-app-file-cgi, wai-logger, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mighttpd2"; + version = "3.2.4"; + sha256 = "0s150iwzvx1y1yfli9187lr23l3q0bxah48n27v2k0vvl0jsr69v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array async auto-update base blaze-builder byteorder bytestring + case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra directory filepath + http-client http-date http-types io-choice network old-locale + parsec resourcet streaming-commons time transformers unix unix-time + unordered-containers wai wai-app-file-cgi wai-logger warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec http-client ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tls" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High performance web server on WAI/warp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "miku" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-th, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, hack2, hack2-contrib, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "miku"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "1zfvi7v05cdp94cdrwxxhwkzqyliaakl16klk9zb0byvsg32ns3n"; + buildDepends = [ + air air-th base bytestring containers data-default hack2 + hack2-contrib mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimum web dev DSL in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "milena" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, digest + , either, hspec, lens, mtl, network, QuickCheck, random + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "milena"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ajd92pvzqkca9bg5labw40iafzc7fdjahf8jhhccgvayasdlk3r"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers digest either lens mtl network + random transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec network QuickCheck ]; + description = "A Kafka client for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m987sqnns54qbsg68332mnrjkh71z6s83cma2kwavf0y305mrp0"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Working with MIME types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mime-directory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, bytestring, containers + , old-locale, regex-pcre, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime-directory"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1f54rbznv52m4h72yazr397k1d9jyb1i524pfl3d494swvn9b05r"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string bytestring containers old-locale regex-pcre time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for parsing/printing the text/directory mime type"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "mime-mail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring + , filepath, hspec, process, random, sendmail ? "sendmail", text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime-mail"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17msl8d6rzqhswfsymd2c892ghf1wc9sys5mgvn7s3mf89qmkvfb"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring filepath process + random text + ]; + testDepends = [ base blaze-builder bytestring hspec text ]; + configureFlags = "--ghc-option=-DMIME_MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH=\"${sendmail}\""; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compose MIME email messages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mime-mail-ses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, byteable, bytestring + , conduit, cryptohash, http-client, http-conduit, http-types + , mime-mail, old-locale, text, time, transformers, xml-conduit + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime-mail-ses"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d36n3i9q4b6dsi3j8sjghgs797bgzrxlshq5d1kfpbvgmwhv43p"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring conduit cryptohash + http-client http-conduit http-types mime-mail old-locale text time + transformers xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send mime-mail messages via Amazon SES"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mime-string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, bytestring, iconv, mtl + , network, old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime-string"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0v028cgqll918zdaa95myazlg7dnvb2cvvvm1iyyqw81grza3r61"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string bytestring iconv mtl network old-time + ]; + description = "MIME implementation for String's"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "mime-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mime-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04ajhr0izfixhvz0c7m1zz3c7z2lnabyifn4flqv5d41gkkg0pr1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic mime-type handling types and functions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mines"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "16s98hwskycl2bqv1n2bnivh8w8q3xhhj687hk8flcg9s9ny4s8k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minesweeper simulation using neural networks"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "minesweeper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, binary-generic, bytestring, cairo + , containers, directory, filepath, glade, gtk, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minesweeper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cbw136wl9rdcl4vbbz9i5w1mw33qhr0gzbww0qf63zfz2lg4gs2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary binary-generic bytestring cairo containers directory + filepath glade gtk random time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + description = "Minesweeper game which is always solvable without guessing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "miniball" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "miniball"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16fdzbfspxqi0h7v6gn25n065anvk9zm28236qvfwbvr9l2ki172"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to Miniball, a smallest enclosing ball library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "minimal-configuration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, tconfig }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minimal-configuration"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06r710l30kf5aaz2k446z9fhc6zshdsssp1zwri0572r1jryzd43"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath tconfig ]; + description = "Minimal ini like configuration library with a few extras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "minimorph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minimorph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00dnvv0pap2xr74xwzldz89783iw320z7p1rdw0lwjjpbqa3v00g"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "English spelling functions with an emphasis on simplicity"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "minimung" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, haskell98, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minimung"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0i825bd751adfj22lkgc929jlgxjj16i81k8qqkhqh7ib131kqlf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT haskell98 unix ]; + description = "Shows how to run grabber on Mac OS X"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "minions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, MissingH, process, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r7c07pa9lr7h32y1mgxrlrj6a4sf8kfwc7vvvrr6bjfwr3m54vl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base MissingH process time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast parallel ssh tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "minioperational" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clean-unions, containers, elevator + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minioperational"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02nkgbpf1dky7h3n99j9m3101wyfahcdx5wk5vidvf9snl5vy1w9"; + buildDepends = [ + base clean-unions containers elevator template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "fast and simple operational monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "miniplex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colock, directory, mtl, network, stm, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "miniplex"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "15rsg617wmh8cb0f2pkd5hyzrj96qjvar4p6nx21vlxr3b2plcg4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base colock directory mtl network stm unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "simple 1-to-N interprocess communication"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "minirotate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-accessor, data-accessor-template + , directory, filepath, mtl, old-locale, old-time, process, safe + , split, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minirotate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15hgag1r0w6smilab7059z7bsn9i1czhdknma53rmj1ma2pd148y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base data-accessor data-accessor-template directory filepath mtl + old-locale old-time process safe split template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimalistic file rotation utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "minisat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "minisat"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "039xksi6klcmkciyb8zq60g96i5nzjq7y47bgh3fvpxb02wha64a"; + buildDepends = [ async base ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + description = "A Haskell bundle of the Minisat SAT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "ministg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, monads-tf + , parsec, pretty, transformers, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ministg"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "05ddhr50pbqy0yjgcw0wgfjxlkgapg0zppqqyxfy5apr68zd02mm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath monads-tf parsec pretty + transformers xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "an interpreter for an operational semantics for the STG machine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "miniutter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, ghc-prim, HUnit + , minimorph, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "miniutter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1raq5dq6mx56ddyq5hnh9r2yflry6prcjf17p15ds1w5r8cp8yx1"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers ghc-prim minimorph text ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple English clause creation from arbitrary words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mirror-tweet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring, conduit + , lens, monad-logger, text, transformers, twitter-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mirror-tweet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07dz0c65xkb7kgr2rby7m3g5893rqsbyl2nmjhf4q2wqsypmiipa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate-oauth base bytestring conduit lens monad-logger text + transformers twitter-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tweet mirror"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "misfortune" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, directory, filepath + , knob, monad-loops, random-fu, regex-base, regex-pcre, semigroups + , text, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "misfortune"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0knb31jxxn7zds13a90d4lir39386nwzd181mlzkrw5niw1zwmhb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal directory filepath knob monad-loops + random-fu regex-base regex-pcre semigroups text utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "fortune-mod clone"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "missing-foreign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "missing-foreign"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "11f8pknbarlj956nmalqhd2v704z7d7xbi61hs1q8vb2p36kc6wy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Convenience functions for FFI work"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "missing-py2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, anydbm, base, Cabal, directory, HUnit, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "missing-py2"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0daa310acml90r4f4qdjf3qns70gvx08mpjzw2h3v46vrwlacrmj"; + buildDepends = [ anydbm base MissingH ]; + testDepends = [ anydbm base Cabal directory HUnit MissingH ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell interface to Python"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "mix-arrows" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mix-arrows"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0m70l09bmr8b95d87rpz4vdircdar2rsvnamr2g07542wx024931"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Mixing effects of one arrow into another one"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mixed-strategies" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, simple-tabular }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mixed-strategies"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vsldq2j2avj98fcz2lbydf4y23iwydr4jsvpbcvwlvqavgz1rkc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers simple-tabular ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Find optimal mixed strategies for two-player games"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mkbndl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mkbndl"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1qzfmf92sx5vq5jxrqhln1a6y8kayrip36izf5m8hryymxd4dard"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath haskell98 ]; + description = "Makes an OS X .app bundle from a binary."; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "mkcabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, extensible-exceptions, mtl + , old-locale, old-time, pcre-light, pretty, readline + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mkcabal"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1cmawm49i01xxvzgf67cin6s9hihfc3ihr6s5hn2makasfxbnryc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory extensible-exceptions mtl old-locale old-time + pcre-light pretty readline + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate cabal files for a Haskell project"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "ml-w" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ml-w"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04d0drqyaz075y6fs3rj6c2sp8ns1x4rfxqf1dbm2b31q09ycnl1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty ]; + description = "Minimal ML language to to demonstrate the W type infererence algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "mlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mlist"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "06mwmahyp781wigjva12kz7w75vjkkprl8k1yiqd1yd0162vp31k"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic List alternative to lazy I/O"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mmap"; + version = "0.5.9"; + sha256 = "1y5mk3yf4b8r6rzmlx1xqn4skaigrqnv08sqq0v7r3nbw42bpz2q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mmaptest" ]; + description = "Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mmorph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mmorph"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0k5zlzmnixfwcjrqvhgi3i6xg532b0gsjvc39v5jigw69idndqr2"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Monad morphisms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mmtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mmtl"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bb19l52s56y2dwyskvjwdal7387ii2dg9cc1l6f341y3695nj7l"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Modular Monad transformer library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mmtl-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mmtl-base"; + version = "15321.1"; + sha256 = "13hdaxpb9zds3yc2l3pl60h26541yvswprdc43swn05hzf6p01nq"; + buildDepends = [ base mmtl ]; + description = "MonadBase type-class for mmtl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "moan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, dawg + , regex-tdfa, regex-tdfa-text, tagset-positional, text, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "moan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fb0z3v4a8kblwx4xjs7xdkczpvcyz9la7071kz7q6cjl6w49i30"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers dawg regex-tdfa regex-tdfa-text + tagset-positional text zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Language-agnostic analyzer for positional morphosyntactic tags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modbus-tcp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, cereal + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modbus-tcp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1j0gkc6vrvydz0vcdm8bpiarl75zqh4k5z18s4903b6mqwpscslr"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bytestring cereal network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Communicate with Modbus devices over TCP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modelicaparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, containers, filepath, parsec + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modelicaparser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ifsgdqi3376z7xspjlx62hh3dah3dskqrar3s63pmw1cf9b6qfl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base containers filepath parsec QuickCheck + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuildtests" ]; + description = "A parser for the modelica language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modsplit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, haskell98, mtl + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modsplit"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0xm9vj78clawys9ascgm2fl8kqg5zmdfbkkb42d1d1h5z72cc55p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath haskell98 mtl utf8-string + ]; + description = "Haskell source splitter driven by special comments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modular-arithmetic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modular-arithmetic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qlvi0xjdvr4730xj303i6gp610mz4xrlrk191yy8hr7afjysm0k"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A type for integers modulo some constant"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modular-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, bytestring, containers + , data-default, hashable, system-filepath, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modular-prelude"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hlmxm9xfnf55qz1nrljm0s4bhpa6x973h3qi2b7bl8pil423rkf"; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude bytestring containers data-default hashable + system-filepath text transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A new Prelude featuring first class modules"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "modular-prelude-classy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, modular-prelude }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modular-prelude-classy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1izinrgd9a6sm57isg8jgs4wjidczwqcxl6vg5h4gy5zz9dg8xnx"; + buildDepends = [ base classy-prelude modular-prelude ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reifying ClassyPrelude a la ModularPrelude"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "module-management" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, bytestring, Cabal + , cmdargs, containers, data-default, directory, filepath, haskeline + , haskell-src-exts, HUnit, lens, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl + , pretty, process, pureMD5, set-extra, syb, system-fileio + , temporary, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "module-management"; + version = "0.20.3"; + sha256 = "1lj2jhlpn1ywq60q4ph9fbmjn6rjd8wqkj2lrdgscagcvryh9ad2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base bytestring Cabal cmdargs containers + data-default directory filepath haskeline haskell-src-exts HUnit + lens lifted-base monad-control mtl pretty process pureMD5 set-extra + syb system-fileio temporary transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers filepath haskell-src-exts HUnit process + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuild-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Clean up module imports, split and merge modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modulespection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths + , template-haskell, temporary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modulespection"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0law870m61kvlmq31wpi0g9c7h5vzlcbcv7cnwsj8ivfs7yarqzw"; + buildDepends = [ + base exceptions filepath ghc ghc-paths template-haskell temporary + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell for introspecting a module's declarations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "modulo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atto-lisp, base, data-default, directory + , haskell-src, language-c, mtl, nats, pandoc-types, parsec + , prettify, process, semigroups, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "modulo"; + version = "1.9.1"; + sha256 = "1dxvfd8f7zx43zm9h5dd71ci768khhmh8660h3abazqhm7ws367c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + atto-lisp base data-default directory haskell-src language-c mtl + nats pandoc-types parsec prettify process semigroups text + ]; + description = "Modular C code generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "moe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, base, bytestring, data-default, dlist, mtl + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "moe"; + version = "2014.11.17"; + sha256 = "1rh9g4f488l0fjjvwfaxaf1lbxz1pvq24nxjy2c4yyrg7m7b61z5"; + buildDepends = [ air base bytestring data-default dlist mtl text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "html with style"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mohws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , directory, explicit-exception, filepath, html, HTTP, network + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, transformers, unix + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mohws"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1na585nc16s3giq88kr5i8wlqc03i29blqsgqp40da6dyqiihqwf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor directory + explicit-exception filepath html HTTP network old-locale old-time + parsec process transformers unix utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dynamic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modular Haskell Web Server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-abort-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, monad-control, mtl + , transformers, transformers-abort, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-abort-fd"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "01ny9pq66cma3wai48mhzijk465h7ssrj253npyy2myxnj0y93zr"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default monad-control mtl transformers transformers-abort + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A better error monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-atom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-atom"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "16dnp6wz0s56gm58k6m5cv5c47hb2vz1m4a3pqvrg3j97y344c3q"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-prim mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadically convert object to unique integers and back"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-atom-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-atom-simple"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1k4rcrdjjs52p9mnsbwp0gmb2inivhcqw044l56dbc080yxrk32j"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-prim mtl ]; + description = "Monadically map objects to unique ints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-bool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-bool"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1f3n2wbd3lbsp2snsf9x4h09apw62hayhzjibakp6mqw6174444h"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "This package has been removed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-codec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, data-lens, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-codec"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0jim6hk891jby2gch6f1k4262jm8fl9jgl808dj204ylz8w1475l"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers data-lens mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic conversion between complex data structures and unique integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, transformers-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-control"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vjff64iwnd9vplqfjyylbd900qmsr92h62hnh715wk06yacji7g"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers transformers-base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-finstancest" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-control_1_0_0_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers, transformers-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-control"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1332wravhjhcbj0jh3z1hg2dyfxlkqyb3rv6zdkgz49h2pfjlfbn"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers transformers-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-coroutine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-parallel, transformers + , transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-coroutine"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1fz3wp7v3jg79nlz1q5fldnyq6jgfsaz9q3ndd565wmxha3mjd4i"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-parallel transformers transformers-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "monad-exception" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, mtl-evil-instances + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-exception"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1mh19mxi6mlkvd083vjjdmdimdnk6n5yaj7v7xxgqycl5sazqkh8"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-control mtl-evil-instances transformers + transformers-base + ]; + description = "Exstensible monadic exceptions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monad-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmorph, monad-control, stm, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-extras"; + version = "0.5.9"; + sha256 = "1y24yz635brllfygia1mbln4d8xiwb0pq0izh5pil7511gijhs0s"; + buildDepends = [ + base mmorph monad-control stm transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra utility functions for working with monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-fork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-fork"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "15xwavq4yc3xfif4isjh9m0q9h1bh7pmv2i3rh99sndmd34cdpwc"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-control ]; + description = "Type class for monads which support a fork operation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monad-gen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-gen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rc4r6sg29sjgh9xsk7q80h0lixhyxs60bszj5dnn8yf7w18b15y"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + description = "A simple monad for generating fresh integers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monad-interleave" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-interleave"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "09hpl7ah5ivsrx4xlk96d129n1j4wpx7kj6l95zwadyaz7rj9fp7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads with an unsaveInterleaveIO-like operation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-journal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, monad-control, mtl, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-journal"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "1bfm5p027vf8dz92m6s47z06h05j2jv4pbwkl31svrz5pi5a9lz2"; + buildDepends = [ + base either monad-control mtl transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure logger typeclass and monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-logger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, exceptions, fast-logger, lifted-base + , monad-control, monad-loops, mtl, resourcet, stm, stm-chans + , template-haskell, text, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-logger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vh847ivymhb20sly9aplcm35zcmn7xmibv8lkv1ws9y7s1951p7"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring conduit conduit-extra exceptions + fast-logger lifted-base monad-control monad-loops mtl resourcet stm + stm-chans template-haskell text transformers transformers-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftemplate_haskell" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class of monads which can log messages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monad-logger-syslog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fast-logger, hsyslog + , monad-logger, shelly, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-logger-syslog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q0m611nr20nxm4wj9ywgq3qakl3qvd820vld4nqxdp1lqsilcwz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring fast-logger hsyslog monad-logger text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base monad-logger shelly ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "rsyslog output for monad-logger"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monad-loops" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-loops"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dprwndc0bxzpmrkj1xb9kzjrg3i06zsg43yaabn5x5gcaj8is56"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic loops"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monad-loops-stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-loops-stm"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0y7j2xpr1s7ggwm3vvpb5mlagsnxhq9qpncapibhk2pbf2d5r7as"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic loops for STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monad-lrs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-lrs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01i8hz50r3lf8r3rasl96blr6br3p1x6hvckhbi8aw61x507jmcg"; + editedCabalFile = "dd714797826911e564a0e418307530fa99a8ba9ea91400517be2bb78b4e695c1"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a monad to calculate linear recursive sequence"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-memo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, primitive + , QuickCheck, random, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-memo"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "07gid18rsja7gvk2ccsbwvpz223x59mdk9x9w36bz18cy2pw802c"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers mtl primitive transformers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers mtl primitive QuickCheck random + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memoization monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-mersenne-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mersenne-random-pure64 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-mersenne-random"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03kbqbgv4npzfzn90jk4p17y8kb62sslby6q36819qkif1j76lq6"; + buildDepends = [ base mersenne-random-pure64 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An efficient random generator monad, based on the Mersenne Twister"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-ox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-ox"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1x65jvh816a296y2ds8vysfzl83am4pwwrnap4zdg0prpcxfpwl8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad for observation extraction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-par" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-deque, abstract-par, array, base + , containers, deepseq, HUnit, monad-par-extras, mtl, mwc-random + , parallel, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-par"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12n27hs274nrfkpa6hx0gdkrc76wxzliqf53x6689idl363sdf13"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-par array base containers deepseq + monad-par-extras mtl mwc-random parallel + ]; + testDepends = [ + abstract-deque abstract-par array base containers deepseq HUnit + monad-par-extras mtl mwc-random QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-newgeneric" "-f-chaselev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for parallel programming based on a monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-par-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-par, base, cereal, deepseq, mtl, random + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-par-extras"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0bl4bd6jzdc5zm20q1g67ppkfh6j6yn8fwj6msjayj621cck67p2"; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-par base cereal deepseq mtl random transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators and extra features for Par monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-parallel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parallel, transformers, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-parallel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "150ich9fzpmwdvvhsd7ri97nm8zsqn86gr3bh0aqb0wgrg4hbmkx"; + buildDepends = [ base parallel transformers transformers-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel execution of monadic computations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-param" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-param"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "08rm902kclapqh1iafjrsqspf0szhbx5jaqv6hh9p5zbg8ipdkhc"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parameterized monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-peel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-peel"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0n3cxa94wd3hjvy9jgf3d8p7qfb9jaaf29simjya7rlcb673pg3l"; + buildDepends = [ base extensible-exceptions transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lift control operations like exception catching through monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-primitive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-primitive"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vi6g65hdyq5vq78mfag0qljxgzb6vq83m82x3cpgjl7dr9k5h1x"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type class for monad transformers stack with pirimitive base monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-products" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroupoids }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-products"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "017cxiavxfw0f08sr0d6m3avla1lplmdj51rxpf1103ripq20r53"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroupoids ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad products"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-ran" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-ran"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "04y9s2b4hz2f8khr0q62xy0f6l2v896s7x03i3s18i14bwscqlax"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim mtl ]; + description = "Fast monads and monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-resumption" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmorph, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-resumption"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zrzxkzg6fzxiqr9k4kw6r1ivw22qwz2dhl1nd5xqr7lfsqc00zs"; + buildDepends = [ base mmorph mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Resumption and reactive resumption monads for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-st" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-st"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1j67s07p5lsr81cjl0ch5d1q7zarmpak5kmnwckhavihg3l5m3bi"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides a MonadST class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AbortT-transformers, base, fclabels, monads-tf + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dh1dw7n39rb85wk4zq0hw2g9x81zyha033awv81l6xl8pjdxqxv"; + buildDepends = [ + AbortT-transformers base fclabels monads-tf transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-statevar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-statevar"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08sr29qr02kfqja51ciqcpsf95wp3bypx64f4cwgpwh23xapr1fx"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concise, overloaded accessors for IORef, STRef, TVar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-stlike-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, monads-tf + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-stlike-io"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1lizwf31d8ha0xq644cfcn91l8sz8i4ldy12ig4ajfghxj2x4ad5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers deepseq monads-tf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-stlike-stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-stlike-io, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-stlike-stm"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "007rsq9x0dq8xmiimgqb0v8k15xizx63qmc76b1b8a66nfsd9w56"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-stlike-io stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-stm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09bbhbj9zg928j3dnvvxsrv8hw1c7s0vj0wffrhs810aqlf1m9xp"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + description = "MonadSTM class analogous to MonadIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-supply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-supply"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1gg4r7fwaq2fa0lz8pz301mk3q16xpbs7qv54hhggxrv3i1h33ir"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Stateful supply monad"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "monad-task" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-task"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "01w3wqmsfl9w96kfpdiwfyghm2zjn70x78l436bzxfrcm1d3ayi8"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad transformer that turns event processing into co-routine programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-tx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-tx"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0jv3pcmbm3bph42hhr4i0l3dchapixf5j5gd7ybs9j3bbk3yydk9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A transactional state monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monad-unify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-unify"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1icl4jaa4vc4lb75m6wv4vjvf8b2xx7aziqhsg2pshizdkfxmgwp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl unordered-containers ]; + description = "Generic first-order unification"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monad-wrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monad-wrap"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hmigg0cbrsdvf6s0z2wn3s81q12qg3c30jjlsrw4jdfwv1qn13f"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Wrap functions such as catch around different monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadIO" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadIO"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08158j978h69knbnzxkzv856sjhhw24h5lh7d8hx2lyhzbpnfarl"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl stm ]; + description = "Overloading of concurrency variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadLib"; + version = "3.7.3"; + sha256 = "17m9rj6spr5n9jlhwwvk8p40yrpwgz3j9kj3pjq7mpyrc1ssfd0q"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadLib-compose" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monadLib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadLib-compose"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "14byhdcby094qpgmkblysnplz5r88xnfk7rnfddihzz4jgjzlvy1"; + buildDepends = [ base monadLib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrow-like monad composition for monadLib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadacme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadacme"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1qam6k3gax2kf9zbf0q2mbsknkmx8y73i9qshbylj8wrpf896y97"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The Acme and AcmeT monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadbi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadbi"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0r5hja34nalhvlc4x2rmhk9j1rsd363ilfjkd7y7cv4l8yzvifq7"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extract underlying monads from monad transformers"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "monadcryptorandom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-api, mtl, tagged + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadcryptorandom"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0j99j0f2qwhslimfgslsdlv0xihsddas3i69pfnjwnsd9zg5pgj2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-api mtl tagged transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad for using CryptoRandomGen"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadfibre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monadbi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadfibre"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vj84g5y0k903pz4lk12sa6l6c0f26dc42x62f1mqny8457r3ds6"; + buildDepends = [ base monadbi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic functions which provide Choice and Parallelism"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "monadic-arrays" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadic-arrays"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qqf640zzv4dn0b1mpz54pdirdz3scc8z72vz884x88gzvdpr025"; + buildDepends = [ array base stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Boxed and unboxed arrays for monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadiccp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, pretty, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadiccp"; + version = "0.7.6"; + sha256 = "083ppr53ac85r5ybndngsfwxgalj63giz32aa7wpcm629b9g4lxc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec pretty random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadiccp-gecode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gecodeint, gecodekernel + , gecodesearch, gecodeset, gecodesupport, monadiccp, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadiccp-gecode"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1ylyzklcb37khrq8a11fzlyd0sa1nrhpd7cv470m23v7l1hc1wg0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers monadiccp mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ + gecodeint gecodekernel gecodesearch gecodeset gecodesupport + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { gecodeint = null; gecodekernel = null; gecodesearch = null; + gecodeset = null; gecodesupport = null; }; + + "monadio-unwrappable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadio-unwrappable"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "18hbi4vxj9lfcla11b17sb88ysskxavq00zmrjx62cpyzkp85yxh"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf transformers ]; + description = "Reversibly allow monad transformer stacks to run in IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadlist"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1zpxqp5zhcpk4358xqrapvkcfyazpdsdlrw3g14518y2kwnfifq6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Monadic versions of list functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadloc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadloc"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "1a773nysrsj61ka7bdacb0i7dxlgb1fjz3x5w9c1w1dv7rmhynmj"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class for monads which can keep a monadic call trace"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monadloc-pp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, haskell-src-exts, monadloc, pretty + , syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadloc-pp"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0ch25kcz63xhinwd6mjqbhm282hfh280s3z910wnvdp3krgx0mpc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath haskell-src-exts monadloc pretty syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A preprocessor for generating monadic call traces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monadplus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadplus"; + version = "1.4.2"; + sha256 = "15b5320wdpmdp5slpphnc1x4rhjch3igw245dp2jxbqyvchdavin"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monads-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monads-fd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iqr5p3va5sxmpvydwqz2src54j5njcyrzn9p5apc60nv7yv6x4c"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + description = "Monad classes, using functional dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monads-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monads-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z07z2lfm3l93fx0qhfd98j76d1rksi5llq67l5v09pm8da4jvyb"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Monad classes, using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monadtransform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monadtransform"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0i586zh6247jfmkw2x27j0aq47yz1c71irj9iwrlx1zrmvzak1yv"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type-class for transforming monads (homomorphism) in a transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monarch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, doctest + , hspec, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network, pool-conduit + , stm, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monarch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a47hhlmllrm3k4ssr8rr3bgq1w7i6jpx07nyf0k8k9x5sgi1siv"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers lifted-base monad-control mtl + network pool-conduit stm transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring doctest hspec transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-develop" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic interface for TokyoTyrant"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bson, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, hashtables, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, network + , parsec, random, random-shuffle, text, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mongoDB"; + version = "2.0.3"; + sha256 = "1blqd30mw9fl861f07zn7az4psl9byjjbd986884p6rx07m28abk"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bson bytestring containers cryptohash hashtables + lifted-base monad-control mtl network parsec random random-shuffle + text transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document DBMS"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "mongodb-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, hspec, lifted-base + , monad-control, mongoDB, network, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mongodb-queue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y3c5ydf7595ai3h6iapc0dmls348vv1jmy4g8n5wfmwzy4li22s"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default lifted-base monad-control mongoDB network text + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default hspec lifted-base monad-control mongoDB network + text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "message queue using MongoDB"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mongrel2-handler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual + , bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, http-types, text + , zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mongrel2-handler"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1bv9i2b0pb50r7l7l43h26ng5rcs1iyymwndcwxji8dnmbnr4jdf"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring + case-insensitive containers http-types text zeromq-haskell + ]; + description = "Mongrel2 Handler Library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monitor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, hinotify, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monitor"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06p9xj5y3xl4hcl57afqz4m4yc2vaah8i6f4smmhwmkzslg7svbs"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath hinotify process ]; + description = "Do things when files change"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mono-foldable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mono-foldable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qnbw9pd06czwyj2xcsjdigg7bj8d23p3ljnnkgd3d0r67qxxlxm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Folds for monomorphic containers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mono-traversable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, comonad, containers, dlist + , dlist-instances, foldl, hashable, hspec, QuickCheck + , semigroupoids, semigroups, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector, vector-algorithms, vector-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mono-traversable"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "0154spqy8k060hqq2qdj5hyj5fyf6r0dcm7nmz3w4wlg2labc0i4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring comonad containers dlist dlist-instances hashable + semigroupoids semigroups text transformers unordered-containers + vector vector-algorithms vector-instances + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers foldl hspec QuickCheck semigroups text + transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "monoid-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, groups, semigroupoids, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07xll4pz0ijjxj75z0s0bz1lia2f65hsm61snlx0jv3aybrnw280"; + buildDepends = [ base groups semigroupoids semigroups ]; + description = "Various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoid-owns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-owns"; + version = "2010.5.29"; + sha256 = "1n05f95yhn6jp7rdnlx686k1lsls4iilxdxnp41ds4afsypaclfk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a practical monoid implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoid-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-record"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14xs1nvf0ngx4jvinkhzq3ainhs159zx0396z88y21vvc8kw42i5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Support for modifying record fields of monoidal type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoid-statistics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-statistics"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0gfdjmx457r580lc40vpg8fkzd8n971b5vam96v6kzssg2cznqy3"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monoids for calculation of statistics of sample"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoid-subclasses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, primes, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-subclasses"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1v3jw9220cp4a4jg1px5p7dbrncjfllg3yamig4jqxpiv0pgyy2r"; + editedCabalFile = "540ff0f4254a57cb8e1a5a64212f0cdb734cb9d6f4dfb5455c3bd82ffee996cb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers primes text vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers primes QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + tasty tasty-quickcheck text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Subclasses of Monoid"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoid-transformer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoid-transformer"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1f06ppvv50w5pacm4bs89zwkydih626cgbd2z6xqbp8cmhg6dj4l"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monoidplus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, semigroups, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoidplus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1klgwv3sd9zmqpj157rypln51kcwml9b1fyaxnip0a1525h6c2s9"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant semigroups transformers ]; + description = "Extra classes/functions about monoids"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "monoids" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, fingertree + , parallel, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monoids"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0yn15q0569mdm20wdbwydbb1vdzfdh1ismhwplwbvi2989h78kca"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers fingertree parallel text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-optimize" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deprecated: Use 'reducers'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "monomorphic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monomorphic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13zw506wifz2lf7n4a48rkn7ym44jpiqag21zc1py6xxdlkbrhh2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to convert polymorphic datatypes to/from its monomorphic represetation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "montage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, ListLike + , old-locale, pool-conduit, protocol-buffers + , protocol-buffers-descriptor, riak-bump, safe, stats-web, stm + , system-uuid, text, time, unordered-containers, zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "montage"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1yx2aagfxjgs9jwipbwa05aiqkm1xgxd0gwnc4qj6mwz9913zsl7"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers ListLike old-locale pool-conduit + protocol-buffers protocol-buffers-descriptor riak-bump safe + stats-web stm system-uuid text time unordered-containers + zeromq-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Riak Resolution Proxy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { riak-bump = null; stats-web = null; }; + + "montage-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, ListLike, mtl + , old-locale, pool-conduit, protocol-buffers + , protocol-buffers-descriptor, riak-bump, safe, stats-web, stm + , system-uuid, text, text-format, time, unordered-containers + , zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "montage-client"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "18bgaw0i7zllabq8ys6p6qd8qga3xgxsfmgn88g4dijh6v6zf7pf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers ListLike mtl old-locale + pool-conduit protocol-buffers protocol-buffers-descriptor riak-bump + safe stats-web stm system-uuid text text-format time + unordered-containers zeromq-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Riak Resolution Proxy Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { riak-bump = null; stats-web = null; }; + + "monte-carlo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gsl-random, ieee754, primitive, QuickCheck + , random, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "monte-carlo"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1zk8wyf9bzarnvsxh9a6diyssb78sfq1pl729gq113j0vibs8f0x"; + buildDepends = [ base gsl-random primitive transformers vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base gsl-random ieee754 primitive QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monad and transformer for Monte Carlo calculations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "moo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, gray-code, HUnit + , mersenne-random-pure64, monad-mersenne-random, mtl, random + , random-shuffle, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "moo"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "02ah9v6h4ansd8kz76jnrx0yra9nz6ql92p5rm01pxri1gc7kn6w"; + buildDepends = [ + array base gray-code mersenne-random-pure64 monad-mersenne-random + mtl random random-shuffle time + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers gray-code HUnit mersenne-random-pure64 + monad-mersenne-random mtl random random-shuffle time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Genetic algorithm library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "morfette" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck, text, utf8-string + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "morfette"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1r27n2zyf5n4nz42is966iwalrj13w5z3qv1iympg8gvpsm5v06i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath mtl + pretty QuickCheck text utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for supervised learning of morphology"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "morfeusz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, morfeusz + , mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "morfeusz"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "1lzl5ks7px1xibfa6y0wnfv2mk2w39hscrrynqn7a3gjnca00sx0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers directory mtl text ]; + extraLibraries = [ morfeusz ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the morphological analyser Morfeusz"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) morfeusz; }; + + "morte" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, containers, happy + , lens-family-core, optparse-applicative, pipes, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "morte"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0gn4fdvc61f59k06s7gbds351vljd3lbwvl7mka59kk39i7flfyq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers lens-family-core optparse-applicative + pipes text transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + description = "Bare-bones calculus of constructions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mount" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mount"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0rdlnz0xk6mil79a8ygfrwgdychsn6h1gbv6qn2nybzaw1zjf4z3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Mounts and umounts filesystems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "mp3decoder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary-strict, bytestring, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mp3decoder"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0kwjnbrmlp9a5wz3mgf76nd2ar32d3n1f4jmbfpsggcm7jdp1rmv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary-strict bytestring haskell98 mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MP3 decoder for teaching"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "mpdmate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, network, powermate, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mpdmate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02p6g8wgmmzxl3dnrvbj1msg972c40s300rfykqsg1g5wiqbllf2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory network powermate unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MPD/PowerMate executable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mpppc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, split, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mpppc"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1zcilskpslpqyrbwpabwbry4p3kpcfca94wchh9dkq9g8pg8laxi"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base bytestring split text ]; + description = "Multi-dimensional parametric pretty-printer with color"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "mpretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, containers, data-lens-fd + , data-lens-template, mtl, orders, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mpretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q4fi7jmdf3bvcqk6fc7194h59sjwf76ld8niwqczc30v8lyjq2n"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base containers data-lens-fd data-lens-template mtl + orders text transformers + ]; + description = "a monadic, extensible pretty printing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mprover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, mtl, parsec, pretty + , transformers, unbound + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mprover"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b5vzhbn5jnpxc0bzbhdak51qhzv5hif0300jsrbi5ffyvcjqkss"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell98 mtl parsec pretty transformers unbound + ]; + description = "Simple equational reasoning for a Haskell-ish language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, monoid-owns, old-locale, old-time, parallel, parsec + , regexpr, template-haskell, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mps"; + version = "2010.11.28"; + sha256 = "1xhflvgwrjzj7qb69dn149lh32c7q9161zrzfs07ncs233y0w4lg"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath monoid-owns + old-locale old-time parallel parsec regexpr template-haskell time + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simply oo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mpvguihs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, gtk, mtl, process + , template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mpvguihs"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1nmc03s8h3khmvajyhwaniczq0r4wrinq2sjjp1c6gyc2nggxzyx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath gtk mtl process template-haskell unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimalist mpv GUI written in I/O heavy Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mqtt-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, monad-loops, mtl + , network, singletons, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mqtt-hs"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0jvzr6qbmdxl11j8fwnbasgqgdfm395lm2gh2va9zfpk5xpx0mjg"; + editedCabalFile = "aa0a2e9ea99cfbed4646ac02625b66361f8175ae2d70efc041dc517119706439"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring monad-loops mtl network singletons text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A MQTT client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "msgpack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, deepseq, ghc-prim, hashable, mtl, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "msgpack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iwibyv5aqp5h98x4s5pp3hj218l2k3vff87p727mh74f5j6l3s8"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers deepseq + ghc-prim hashable mtl template-haskell text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of MessagePack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "msgpack-idl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, directory, filepath, hspec, msgpack, peggy + , shakespeare-text, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "msgpack-idl"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0z28qikcfvfkj9xr87g13jlm2blqfxj3rfrg7hm2hfgv3qz4gkfz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring cmdargs containers directory filepath + msgpack peggy shakespeare-text template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An IDL Compiler for MessagePack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "msgpack-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec-conduit, base, bytestring + , conduit, hspec, monad-control, msgpack, mtl, network + , network-conduit, random, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "msgpack-rpc"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "0gljj04f7zfaj7y3rknygyz0k5c0vx4zhphcp934q36xa943jmwr"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec-conduit base bytestring conduit monad-control msgpack + mtl network network-conduit random text + ]; + testDepends = [ async base hspec mtl network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A MessagePack-RPC Implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mstate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-peel, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mstate"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "05rcpfang0biy16aglf6da44zp9zqy2x0zdsfl75mv1drkky6225"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-peel mtl stm ]; + description = "MState: A consistent State monad for concurrent applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "msu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, process + , xdg-basedir + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "msu"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0bqzzk7y3dj60r02xn3cjlq955jzsrvcbq63pvav0w952bvxvx5c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl parsec process xdg-basedir + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monitor Setup Utility"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mtgoxapi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, curl, either, errors, hashable + , HTTP, HUnit, ixset, network, QuickCheck, SHA, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector, watchdog + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtgoxapi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iyn2mq0fql952phmbs8578awrv5l6q9iqkmsaby2jp48mnwizji"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bytestring curl either errors hashable HTTP ixset network SHA text + time transformers unordered-containers vector watchdog + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bytestring curl errors hashable HTTP HUnit ixset network QuickCheck + SHA test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + text time transformers unordered-containers vector watchdog + ]; + description = "Library to communicate with Mt.Gox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xpn2wjmqbh2cg1yssc6749xpgcqlrrg4iilwqgkcjgvaxlpdbvp"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad classes, using functional dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mtl_2_2_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtl"; + version = "2.2.1"; + sha256 = "1icdbj2rshzn0m1zz5wa7v3xvkf6qw811p4s7jgqwvx1ydwrvrfa"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monad classes, using functional dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mtl-evil-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, mtl, transformers + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtl-evil-instances"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1z10p0dmvjyadjc46nkzyqicfk0097ff2ni3fiypw9z5knsxhym4"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-control mtl transformers transformers-base + ]; + description = "Instances for the mtl classes for all monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "mtl-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtl-prelude"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "0z56ycpfgbrxhk8k74rk254yyhqix8ryz6ni8i7aki294wh2cvwn"; + buildDepends = [ mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reexports of most definitions from \"mtl\" and \"transformers\""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mtl-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtl-tf"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0qfmswdkj95bh6wkic8hh002wsxqlrylw45k6w9iyzv4saqnl22f"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Monad transformer library using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mtlparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtlparse"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0hnixpchgzrlx83cqykmqnahk8llf18gz8jkq2ql5y7gwj2xk1fd"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "parse library using mtl package"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "mtlx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtlx"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0s0cniqn1fb7rq14w3wjh7mkzkxpndj1h1wrgssxds6cs3vkk4dn"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck ]; + description = "Monad transformer library with type indexes, providing 'free' copies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mtp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, mtp, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "164q7p81c5an4w3pqpfk94rgn0banfs2yp7fhbbckdyb2qymsbww"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ mtp ]; + description = "Bindings to libmtp"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) mtp; }; + + "mtree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mtree"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1l4kjrmr5v8pkhf48w0ym6dlrsvaf21p3x5sykq1rxwp821cqglv"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors ]; + description = "Tree with Meta and Content parameters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "mucipher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mucipher"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0bmdri4bni9whjgz4mxvkk9jbxkscci38l06gk2n5xiwyg1hwg0y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library to produce simple ciphers for use with lambdabot"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "mudbath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cryptohash, directory + , github-types, http-conduit, http-types, process, random + , snap-core, snap-server, stm, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mudbath"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1bfsgsl09aajxa8ajps63zj348ccr8pswppj0dar5k8mr6nr6n3q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cryptohash directory github-types + http-conduit http-types process random snap-core snap-server stm + text transformers + ]; + description = "Continuous deployment server for use with GitHub"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "mueval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, hint, mtl, process, show + , simple-reflect, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mueval"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p9qf8lb3c1y87qpl9b4n6v6bjrb9fw3yfg4p7niqdz31454d2pz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath hint + mtl process show simple-reflect unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Safely evaluate pure Haskell expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multext-east-msd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multext-east-msd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1if1ip22y7w59lkyshn4ic4p46zrfs4kcdzzjai9l8xbscavgdl6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic descriptors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multiarg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, barecheck, base, QuickCheck, quickpull + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiarg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iymwa87gh1cinj6gzbgh1z0mcgqf9sqrrnzm60vff7ak7yjq85g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string ]; + testDepends = [ barecheck base QuickCheck quickpull ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-programs" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command lines for options that take multiple arguments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multifocal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, HaXml + , hxt, hxt-xpath, mtl, parsec, pointless-haskell, pointless-lenses + , pointless-rewrite, pretty, process, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multifocal"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0w47ffx8f8hw2a35kxjwi16l9bfgc0k2ac7r844123anmgv2wcfm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-exts HaXml hxt hxt-xpath mtl + parsec pointless-haskell pointless-lenses pointless-rewrite pretty + process syb + ]; + description = "Bidirectional Two-level Transformation of XML Schemas"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multimap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multimap"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0d3l5q4yvmywl6i9ip96zz0fvhjdh00mfbbniphbjxsi8wlwack3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A multimap"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "multipart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multipart"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0g04jhyw1ib1s7c9bcldyyn4n90qd9x7dmvic4vgq57bgcqgnhz5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP multipart split out of the cgi package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multipass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, ghc-prim, hashable, keys + , math-functions, newtype, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multipass"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zs5sw9m5r8g9p29knrihqsvihwihr1ca28vb0283k5jik18aifm"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers ghc-prim hashable keys math-functions + newtype unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Folding data with multiple named passes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multiplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiplate"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "02pqfkdcv4fn0pmxphg19b3fiazn4hpphfj8xgp77vpy2lczndsw"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightweight generic library for mutually recursive data types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "multiplate-simplified" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, multiplate, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiplate-simplified"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xzjl3nsm6wgbqd6rjn0bf9jhiw6l6ql5gj5m8xqccv8363i5v2r"; + buildDepends = [ base multiplate transformers ]; + description = "Shorter, more generic functions for Multiplate"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "multiplicity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fez-conf, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiplicity"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1y0v06qnpna8sa0aw24i4s29yc49m3a7d8yrl6xiv1jrgycjcafc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers fez-conf mtl process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper program for duplicity, adding config files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multirec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multirec"; + version = "0.7.4"; + sha256 = "01mligrin7fp3fnnwgv8nrww5938ryghgyw9xyw153a615ryj8i9"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic programming for families of recursive datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multirec-alt-deriver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, multirec, syb + , template-haskell, th-expand-syns + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multirec-alt-deriver"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0hrzrzmgj1y784dvwiz20y842m4kk9rd9vhbwz8cazafs8gindfc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl multirec syb template-haskell th-expand-syns + ]; + description = "Alternative multirec instances deriver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multirec-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, multirec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multirec-binary"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1cj1rfjqxwc06vr5w12fqbcpjb0fjsphf8vp40sp2naizpvvnmzs"; + buildDepends = [ base binary multirec ]; + description = "Generic Data.Binary instances using MultiRec."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multiset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiset"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1g14c1zm4rdc8nxvb69k98h542wi24q2lpba1gpqjqspk4d0sjmn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "The Data.MultiSet container type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multiset-comb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multiset-comb"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0qkl6csnl1g6wbsyxirdq8hdbbbkp3dfsjix76yx242wdyh1j6pq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Combinatorial algorithms over multisets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multisetrewrite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multisetrewrite"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1chgdikgp70rkzw2k3wy7i276j5vb435vq26yl37lkh0im1bg5ay"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multi-set rewrite rules with guards and a parallel execution scheme"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "multistate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, tfp, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "multistate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00504bn8kiv93c7xziqibngyfy105lsh4pkyn1bav7mjzzam0nhb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl tfp transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-example" "-f-build-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "like mtl's ReaderT/StateT, but more than one contained value/type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "muon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, ConfigFile, directory, Glob + , happstack-server, HStringTemplate, markdown, MissingH, process + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "muon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s11xvhawwrcr31f0khp0q6fimwjps12n992z35ldnh0kk3dmk9z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html ConfigFile directory Glob happstack-server + HStringTemplate markdown MissingH process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Static blog generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "murder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AspectAG, base, containers, HList, ListLike + , template-haskell, TTTAS, uu-parsinglib, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "murder"; + version = "1.3.4"; + sha256 = "0pr77j3br8knk26iknsa6hy076bx2bb6jgii3v6aqhv40ykcrv15"; + buildDepends = [ + AspectAG base containers HList ListLike template-haskell TTTAS + uu-parsinglib uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MUtually Recursive Definitions Explicitly Represented"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "murmur-hash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "murmur-hash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01isk1gy1x75zksdmddcpp7mnx69wb96g1xv8gl3anvx9bfg9fbc"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "murmurhash3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "murmurhash3"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1hz6rf1qrzgixx19bn9hnp07jfb61wnrjq5bgqnd3px569afwdb2"; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "32-bit non-cryptographic hashing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "music-articulation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, average, base, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-articulation"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1wmj1265bk4fb1qw3vmm6r7a576i8fc2dshrfh3i7w39vy9ywprr"; + buildDepends = [ average base semigroups ]; + description = "Abstract representation of musical articulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-diatonic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-diatonic"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "19sflj0b5qslclqjwyacgc2pdplwr3mimmhf8ka7bbs70r557wbs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Implementation of basic western musical theory objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-dynamics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, average, base, music-dynamics-literal, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-dynamics"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1rdv9kn3i5m6l9xpfmccdwjkdw0smr9qiaw4p0y79fr9gdqrd6a1"; + buildDepends = [ average base music-dynamics-literal semigroups ]; + description = "Abstract representation of musical dynamics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-dynamics-literal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-dynamics-literal"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1p5r9fj71rvg2hma1r4s4vlxxqzam7iq99hfmn8k92sv7yzjm5na"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroups ]; + description = "Overloaded dynamics literals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-graphics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-svg, bytestring, lens + , music-pitch, music-preludes, music-score, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-graphics"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1764qmb8pafddsclr5gl5ibqpi9wvwa96idn6iqx8d3jbpqc4fam"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-svg bytestring lens music-pitch music-preludes + music-score process + ]; + description = "Diagrams-based visualization of musical data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-parts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, aeson, base, containers, data-default + , lens, music-dynamics, music-pitch, roman-numerals, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-parts"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1m0grrqmlj21ld5g381zz1y7s25ngkjq0d5sr3wd7z7ssp44xxs2"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions aeson base containers data-default lens music-dynamics + music-pitch roman-numerals semigroups + ]; + description = "Musical instruments, parts and playing techniques"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-pitch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-interval, lens + , music-pitch-literal, nats, positive, semigroups, type-unary + , vector-space, vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-pitch"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "01wrhzyn7mpa4xk1iyg17clfwyy6ggfg1bz45dvr62pz3gl0sd03"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-interval lens music-pitch-literal nats + positive semigroups type-unary vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + description = "Musical pitch representation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-pitch-literal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-pitch-literal"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "11qjsxn10lrl3z7yi8h2likasy1g68ybbfzpnx03d01irl5kyzyf"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroups ]; + description = "Overloaded pitch literals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-preludes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, average, base, containers, filepath, lens + , lilypond, monadplus, music-articulation, music-dynamics + , music-dynamics-literal, music-parts, music-pitch + , music-pitch-literal, music-score, musicxml2, optparse-applicative + , process, semigroups, split, tasty, tasty-golden, temporary, unix + , vector-space, vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-preludes"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "0apqhv3658i7nrh40ksfxzbi21xvfaix1mm2m3bxid2plbm88qav"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async average base containers filepath lens lilypond monadplus + music-articulation music-dynamics music-dynamics-literal + music-parts music-pitch music-pitch-literal music-score musicxml2 + optparse-applicative process semigroups split temporary unix + vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + testDepends = [ base process tasty tasty-golden ]; + description = "Some useful preludes for the Music Suite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-score" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, aeson, average, base, bifunctors + , colour, comonad, containers, contravariant, distributive, HCodecs + , lens, lilypond, monadplus, mtl, music-dynamics-literal + , music-pitch-literal, musicxml2, nats, NumInstances, parsec + , prettify, process, semigroups, transformers, transformers-compat + , vector-space, vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-score"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1bz93g4v69wkwsamjmgbdxwnv77nwrnvrahj180vjkfwj77f88hq"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions aeson average base bifunctors colour comonad containers + contravariant distributive HCodecs lens lilypond monadplus mtl + music-dynamics-literal music-pitch-literal musicxml2 nats + NumInstances parsec prettify process semigroups transformers + transformers-compat vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + description = "Musical score and part representation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-sibelius" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, lens, monadplus + , music-pitch-literal, music-preludes, music-score, semigroups + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-sibelius"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "0g36m4fym11kw2qwciv93zxbxklikmkxbvxlmgi6l9nkjd0n5q9v"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring lens monadplus music-pitch-literal + music-preludes music-score semigroups unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Interaction with Sibelius"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-suite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abcnotation, lilypond, music-articulation + , music-dynamics, music-dynamics-literal, music-parts, music-pitch + , music-pitch-literal, music-preludes, music-score, musicxml2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-suite"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "14hhzmsq5m2h0qq3220xv1gg90sn69whmiysj3y0mw6rcm0zia0f"; + buildDepends = [ + abcnotation lilypond music-articulation music-dynamics + music-dynamics-literal music-parts music-pitch music-pitch-literal + music-preludes music-score musicxml2 + ]; + description = "A set of libraries for composition, analysis and manipulation of music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "music-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, fgl, process + , shelly, split, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "music-util"; + version = "0.17"; + sha256 = "0pv6mwdrk2kz3lr8r3jkc368zch46w4rn5dmqbjqm0ykfw1n3bqf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory fgl process shelly split text unix + ]; + description = "Utility for developing the Music Suite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "musicbrainz-email" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, amqp, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , configurator, errors, ghc-prim, heist, HTTP, HUnit, mime-mail + , mtl, network, network-metrics, optparse-applicative + , postgresql-simple, smallcheck, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-smallcheck, text, time + , transformers, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "musicbrainz-email"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10salrdl4vfdy3x26564i8kdv6lx8py697v5n8q9ywqsd05dcrv2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson amqp base blaze-builder errors ghc-prim heist HTTP mime-mail + mtl network network-metrics optparse-applicative postgresql-simple + text time transformers xmlhtml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson amqp base blaze-builder bytestring configurator errors + ghc-prim heist HTTP HUnit mime-mail mtl postgresql-simple + smallcheck stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-smallcheck text time transformers xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send an email to all MusicBrainz editors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "musicxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, HaXml, old-time + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "musicxml"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0sn8gzymf6xpdksd7v2xyb4y2iks2l09hyw0rch109lgrnsy5gp8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory HaXml old-time pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MusicXML format encoded as Haskell type and functions of reading and writting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "musicxml2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, music-dynamics-literal + , music-pitch-literal, nats, reverse-apply, semigroups, type-unary + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "musicxml2"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "096vm73a4ngl1yc27x7z226difh97zjm5386cy5vw58ndmf1fws7"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default music-dynamics-literal music-pitch-literal nats + reverse-apply semigroups type-unary xml + ]; + description = "A representation of the MusicXML format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mustache-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, directory + , optparse-applicative, parsec, pretty-show, scientific, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mustache-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mkj5ngcblm949wkxiq2qck3zak93r5zipppwgis59yg01cp79v2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory optparse-applicative parsec + pretty-show scientific text transformers unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Straight implementation of mustache templates"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mustache2hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, filepath + , haskell-src, parsec, text, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mustache2hs"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1m15q6dy3hbbf5q302gw3y2znxf2mfz9pwbdyawg8bqiw81zahis"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring filepath haskell-src parsec text + transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility to generate Haskell code from Mustache templates"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "mutable-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, hspec + , mono-traversable, primitive, QuickCheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mutable-containers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ba2sa5i6p1pb6vb6ksfzl1qa749h06fdar8p02w4848n3jfa2n"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim mono-traversable primitive vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hspec primitive QuickCheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mutable-iter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, iteratee, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mutable-iter"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "08fqfkzb6b0pzzffkfcwigcm0s4hgadh7jl4pg6smjcyfjz9572f"; + buildDepends = [ + base iteratee MonadCatchIO-transformers transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "iteratees based upon mutable buffers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mute-unmute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hslogger + , hslogger-template, mtl, network-dbus, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mute-unmute"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nd1c4l2z7bflnghz7bbbahpfl2jj9mygpygxc7028axrrxj09af"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hslogger hslogger-template mtl network-dbus + process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Watches your screensaver and (un)mutes music when you (un)lock the screen"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "mvc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, contravariant, managed, mmorph, pipes + , pipes-concurrency, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mvc"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1b1342qxyn2jxb3a5c9bp6ai7iwhbjxgfpbh2kjm7v75444lx78g"; + buildDepends = [ + async base contravariant managed mmorph pipes pipes-concurrency + transformers + ]; + description = "Model-view-controller"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mvc-updates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, foldl, mvc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mvc-updates"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "125bwc79qcmwb8dn8yqkrxlbqf3vwdzhjx66c69j2jbrp70061n6"; + buildDepends = [ async base foldl mvc ]; + description = "Concurrent and combinable updates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mvclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, binary, bytestring + , containers, control-event, Crypto, data-binary-ieee754, hexpat + , http-enumerator, maccatcher, mtl, network, parsec, time, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mvclient"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "12ckzfb6wwa3865isxnzw7xmwh9f43ali0ab5mal6brs33zz0z53"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols binary bytestring containers + control-event Crypto data-binary-ieee754 hexpat http-enumerator + maccatcher mtl network parsec time uuid + ]; + description = "Client library for metaverse systems like Second Life"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mwc-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, primitive, QuickCheck, statistics + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mwc-random"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0navzgw1y1zm3n4zs7x0lk2nmnjysk5cpw0clpl0w7iwb75yrnjd"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive time vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck statistics test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mwc-random-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-primitive, mwc-random, primitive + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mwc-random-monad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nx6zrpwsf7606sx9qa843djxr655kv7l9y8sb7b2l62jxk4nrqi"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-primitive mwc-random primitive transformers vector + ]; + description = "Monadic interface for mwc-random"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mybitcoin-sci" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, curl, directory, mtl, process, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mybitcoin-sci"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1iy84z13i98wbkman7yp2y2821yzf3xxpcy10rh9bdskjijvgjnq"; + buildDepends = [ base cgi curl directory mtl process split ]; + description = "Binding to's Shopping Cart Interface."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "mysnapsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, clientsession + , containers, mtl, random, regex-posix, snap, snap-core, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysnapsession"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0871nq9nhpslni5kfldwiswhvpk1aajj7ikyiy9ikmcq16fb1z9m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal clientsession containers mtl random + regex-posix snap snap-core time + ]; + description = "Sessions and continuations for Snap web apps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mysnapsession-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clientsession, heist, mtl + , mysnapsession, snap, snap-core, snap-server, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysnapsession-example"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0lxzn8fn97f1j3fx97f46m16y25w7m1w84l59r75xisr662gc9lz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clientsession heist mtl mysnapsession snap + snap-core snap-server text time + ]; + description = "Example projects using mysnapsession"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mysqlConfig, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hl8z8ynadvvhn4garjrax2b59iqddj884mv3s6804lcjjyc49d0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + buildTools = [ mysqlConfig ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A low-level MySQL client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; + mysqlConfig = null; }; + + "mysql-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-effects, mysql + , mysql-simple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysql-effect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11fpsh4w2zlqdqhk5snb276pcbx4p9g1igs94fympa9asfr2rxm3"; + editedCabalFile = "d4474591079b806b8e26d102824d46c7e4c239afb3479ea8d1e8cbd39f015718"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring extensible-effects mysql mysql-simple + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An extensible mysql effect using extensible-effects and mysql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "mysql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, blaze-builder + , blaze-textual, bytestring, mysql, old-locale, pcre-light, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysql-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "044grjly1gyrgba2bfrii2pa14ff7v14ncyk3kj01g1zdxnwqjh6"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base16-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-textual + bytestring mysql old-locale pcre-light text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A mid-level MySQL client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mysql-simple-quasi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, mysql-simple + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysql-simple-quasi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ggqqjn83rx23qk7lzrcgj1arjhmhi85xfl7d2pz27rrjx2ywpn8"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta mysql-simple template-haskell + ]; + description = "Quasi-quoter for use with mysql-simple"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mysql-simple-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, mysql, mysql-simple + , template-haskell, typedquery, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mysql-simple-typed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1glqiimxv0b4s0isd5c9n365j7nmy7k9bqkm2ccsi6rxhzlm9aqw"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta mysql mysql-simple template-haskell + typedquery utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typed extension to mysql simple"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "mzv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "mzv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "044x87jzyqsg5npp3s0mncgcl0gv26h6hzhc7bbgjja95x16ma2l"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the \"Monads, Zippers and Views\" (Schrijvers and Oliveira, ICFP'11)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "n-m" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HSH, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "n-m"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "189ybl8fb70cf24zhnjcmgrgkshrf2ziacklg9ixgvnbdp3abb7m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HSH mtl process ]; + description = "Utility to call iwconfig"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "nagios-check" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, exceptions, hspec, mtl + , nagios-perfdata, QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nagios-check"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0phm3i0k99j26h793xcfszb7l8acf3q3my5z3msj3q5cvkxnixfd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors exceptions mtl nagios-perfdata text + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Package for writing monitoring plugins"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "nagios-perfdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bifunctors, bytestring + , containers, hspec, HUnit, MissingH, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nagios-perfdata"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "08s19c6mx5df9a7588pbjsvzgwnc43zbir2fwwqzarmrr7dh2jp3"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bifunctors bytestring containers mtl + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit MissingH transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Nagios performance data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "named-formlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers, mtl + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "named-formlet"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0wpjxn03cnxnn5x1706byl9d1129g9p1vkl1a1v9qw0afgzlj8y7"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring containers mtl text transformers + ]; + description = "A simple formlet library with named formlets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "named-lock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "named-lock"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1db12f2q395yk6pwz5gnb2q0kf4s868z8d1vvwa7vngnfc1h924i"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A named lock that is created on demand"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "named-records" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, names, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "named-records"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0ykcmmnns63zjfd00kd9941c33l19n9c5b5xkin4n7r9v0qvirwr"; + buildDepends = [ base binary names template-haskell ]; + description = "Flexible records with named fields"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "names" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "names"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0sjjp90zfrkjavj8fqyscnvc9d72mkvv8f7ajd47jba92mhwzr5g"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Type level names"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "names-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "names-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05ghdjif8r0x8k2qqixh2wzzq356f80py1nfps6wim8g9sv1h5rc"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulate name strings for TH"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nano-cryptr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nano-cryptr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pqwzl8l48c4q83jhjj11jd3kwwa0ail2c6kv3k38kig9yvj7ff8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A threadsafe binding to glibc's crypt_r function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nano-hmac" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, openssl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nano-hmac"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0rrwa1c3mval1jm4siqyx1vk14ibifya62hni13cimcdafj35fnq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to OpenSSL HMAC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nano-md5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, openssl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nano-md5"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "18db3y76w0kv2m7h3lrqxcag4lc7519b2j80113g6hhm1wxkpabk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient, ByteString bindings to OpenSSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nanoAgda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, BNFC-meta, cmdargs, containers, mtl, parsec + , pretty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanoAgda"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "034mwssj296xn7j123sqvfl9rv1bwnj1v5sw5l34481dk5zsi9sm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base BNFC-meta cmdargs containers mtl parsec pretty transformers + ]; + description = "A toy dependently-typed language"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "nanocurses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curses, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanocurses"; + version = "1.5.2"; + sha256 = "04kgf3vvjdx6d1fmfzp0xy5x42zlg0ij59ayi1zhz8hkwsfn5g1m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ curses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Curses binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { curses = null; }; + + "nanomsg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, nanomsg }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanomsg"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "06jb8s3jxjiz7r6dn8xx33xqd76f2r5q1mshsz41z4q0khf4wdp3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ nanomsg ]; + description = "nanomsg - scalability protocols library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { inherit (pkgs) nanomsg; }; + + "nanomsg-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, nanomsg, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanomsg-haskell"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1p4d0qdyqfg4qidcdcddjnyw4x2q8551ka6bsryz9b6dpj6kywch"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + extraLibraries = [ nanomsg ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the nanomsg library"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) nanomsg; }; + + "nanoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ListLike }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanoparsec"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "00ghdzkzshk24g7v42hq7zq0dxsq8vjpkslj41dxdnx0zizwbn3m"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ListLike ]; + description = "An implementation of attoparsec-like parser around list-like"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nanospec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, silently }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nanospec"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0g10l86cv33r58zxn2bprqlm80i7g86bwzhn9jqg9s81xc0aw2qv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec silently ]; + description = "A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "narc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "narc"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1ng1rzj1lf6h9g3pk8gsz05bnck72rp5j62iwn82vlcw8pyk0fsc"; + buildDepends = [ base HDBC HUnit mtl QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Query SQL databases using Nested Relational Calculus embedded in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nat"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1v43c1dr72qn8mymnwcq6an8sqxjaxhac037k4gbv8z8bg18zmf5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Lazy binary natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nats"; + version = "1"; + sha256 = "0r6s8l4s0yq3x2crrkv0b8zac13magfasr9v8hnq6rn1icsfhic0"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fhashable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nats-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, containers + , dequeue, hspec, network, network-uri, random, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nats-queue"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gqgqf87dzja0yhfpazqbdpvia1jisarhnph9bxvb3mfl4is9sgf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring containers dequeue network network-uri + random text + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers dequeue hspec network network-uri + random text + ]; + description = "Haskell API for NATS messaging system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "natural-number" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-equality, type-level-natural-number + , type-level-natural-number-induction + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "natural-number"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1n8qgjbi4c50pwynlya4bjxd6lpwj00257drqk04mlrr3nw3gp5x"; + buildDepends = [ + base type-equality type-level-natural-number + type-level-natural-number-induction + ]; + description = "Natural numbers tagged with a type-level representation of the number"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "natural-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "natural-numbers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cj9lnnlvry425bkixqv9fh5b9xhy7dmwcqsxprj6lamccvxspwn"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "natural-sort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, parsec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "natural-sort"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0l3bkbqzrlpdhzazqqlx71ah0m13ypa0981qvw3sn9q8d0sbfwkv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring parsec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "User-friendly text collation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "naturalcomp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "naturalcomp"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1l594lkd3yb52lhh0raygvk3jlzwkcc2pmcqjmg02dmd6j6mw42x"; + buildDepends = [ base text utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-unicode-collation" "-f-filepath" ]; + homepage = "not yet available"; + description = "Natural-order string comparison"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "naturals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "naturals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ay291833dcah411zc3r4qjilaw8x13ljlnb5z40d1s7784djm16"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constructors and related functions for natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nbt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nbt"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "08184rn4mwxd2m2fnqvja23jpkzlkvb8d2vn8i4rqcil136wb6q0"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring cereal text ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser/serializer for Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT) data format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nc-indicators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , gtk, hflags, lens, pipes, stm, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nc-indicators"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0w5nddirsib9vz96dpan9bgdg1mag9gaz7w7ix51l44ls9r8yn3m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring containers gtk hflags lens pipes + stm unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CPU load and memory usage indicators for i3bar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "ncurses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, ncurses, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ncurses"; + version = "0.2.11"; + sha256 = "08jr224i37jxrprka9c276sid6mw001m8r2krd6g8jscshwd5nzk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text transformers ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ ncurses ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-force-c2hs-newtype-pointer-hooks" "-f-force-narrow-library" + "-f-use-pkgconfig" + ]; + patchPhase = "find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's|ncursesw/||' {} \\;"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modernised bindings to GNU ncurses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ncurses; }; + + "neat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "neat"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0lh5clnlfkzd5d9zmm9r92wpzrp8g7x6ndml7wajr882s53dv6jk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Fast Retargetable Template Engine"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "neat-interpolation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-prelude, HTF, parsec, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "neat-interpolation"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0hjv33gpikfiwfhzna35bxiqh62d54776d3ahfb98dxfrjijl20c"; + buildDepends = [ base base-prelude parsec template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base-prelude HTF ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A quasiquoter for neat and simple multiline text interpolation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "needle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-meta, mtl, parsec + , parsec-extra, template-haskell, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "needle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p7hmja7mvdbd10jv7bzr5b9i18l9nghdcvvxpn9xvfm8ycz7yg2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-meta mtl parsec parsec-extra + template-haskell text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ASCII-fied arrow notation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "nehe-tuts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, directory, GLFW-b + , GLURaw, OpenGLRaw, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nehe-tuts"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "00zll88gk44l22lqxv47v4j5ipfapy5599ld8fcsvhk57nfcm2r0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal directory GLFW-b GLURaw OpenGLRaw + random + ]; + description = "Port of the NeHe OpenGL tutorials to Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "neil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, extra + , filepath, GoogleChart, json, old-time, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "neil"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "12p10s5im87am7y5dx5wr0dzbv8g80lnlazg59zx83vai42hl043"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory extra filepath GoogleChart json + old-time process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-small" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "General tools for Neil"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "neither" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "neither"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "192l840yb1pprfjjq7ax5xaraagl1pbmsidkg1yibp6r4azd61yf"; + buildDepends = [ base failure transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide versions of Either with good monad and applicative instances. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nemesis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-th, base, containers, directory, dlist + , Glob, mtl, process, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nemesis"; + version = "2014.5.19"; + sha256 = "1kj7w9rp8kimrbwwb1f1336ijdb99r2b6jwpmgxjp0q3sq07wmvc"; + buildDepends = [ + air air-th base containers directory dlist Glob mtl process time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a task management tool for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nemesis-titan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-th, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , hspec, HStringTemplate, nemesis, random, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nemesis-titan"; + version = "2014.5.19"; + sha256 = "183m6wz52lrf5kfwxz11ad7v5zazv4gcf1c2rcylh2ys6zda4xmd"; + buildDepends = [ + air air-th base bytestring directory filepath hspec HStringTemplate + nemesis random uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of Nemesis tasks to bootstrap a Haskell project with a focus on continuous integration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nerf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , crf-chain1, data-named, dawg, directory, filepath, IntervalMap + , monad-ox, mtl, network, polimorf, polysoup, sgd, tagsoup + , temporary, text, text-binary, tokenize, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nerf"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "18rkjgk2r6784mjbdd2lydv9yac252xvj18m78bbaplnac1504ak"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cmdargs containers crf-chain1 data-named + dawg directory filepath IntervalMap monad-ox mtl network polimorf + polysoup sgd tagsoup temporary text text-binary tokenize vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nerf, the named entity recognition tool based on linear-chain CRFs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nested-sets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nested-sets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a3ppsl6x9yh2pvx7fyir1khdg99wlx9d9zjflamv3gcck3d8p4i"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec ]; + description = "Nested set model implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "net-concurrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-binary, hslogger + , monad-loops, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "net-concurrent"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0ar5y38nqgh10y23yxjcz0vlvdj2hcp2b2kq0srmbh17iw8d8906"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers ghc-binary hslogger monad-loops network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Concurrent over the network execution library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ghc-binary = null; }; + + "netclock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hosc, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netclock"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0vskyczfhv9bszl2hnr6j9cvhkfampja5s41kh6i9wk8j9kpf9p8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hosc network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Netclock protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "netcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, bimap, binary, binary-strict + , bytestring, containers, fgl, HList, hslogger, HUnit, mtl + , multiset, network, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netcore"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0biqhmfvszwmmnpgja6qk3k2s5ynx4l659zq9awrxr0637dc19a5"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bimap binary binary-strict bytestring + containers fgl HList hslogger mtl multiset network parsec process + random syb + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base bimap binary binary-strict bytestring + containers fgl HList hslogger HUnit mtl multiset network parsec + process QuickCheck random syb test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The NetCore compiler and runtime system for OpenFlow networks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netlines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, contstuff, enumerator, HTF + , random, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netlines"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "006ca49rhh09lz8did0sil2f0xp1ggk69d4dqb2kx12drijp1jgj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring contstuff enumerator HTF random text time + ]; + description = "Enumerator tools for text-based network protocols"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netlink" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, cereal, containers + , monad-loops, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netlink"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0w2iyxmmk53k8gg0i8g3339dkdlpjgj39ar0kmsrzhxa6nakclwn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers monad-loops unix + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Netlink communication for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netlist"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0f3fwgpg0p3ajgxfzbqr4z04ly5cdbhjxms5xbd0k2ixdwgyxm67"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Netlist AST"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netlist-to-vhdl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, netlist, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netlist-to-vhdl"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "15daik7l0pjqilya01l5rl84g2fyjwkap1md0nx82gxcp8m1v76k"; + buildDepends = [ base netlist pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Convert a Netlist AST to VHDL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netpbm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-binary, base, bytestring + , hspec, HUnit, storable-record, unordered-containers, vector + , vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netpbm"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "02gj7m7gmislrkpk0mn5qb66z77zqy2k3py5c965bcjm086pk3fc"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-binary base bytestring storable-record + unordered-containers vector vector-th-unbox + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec HUnit vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Loading PBM, PGM, PPM image files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "netspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, mtl, network + , template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netspec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qmca5pf6r0zam86a8wghs3ylsmvd4cxk9g3nlv2gc3vl3fb8caq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring mtl network template-haskell text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simplify static Networking tasks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netstring-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netstring-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1n1g8d8507i0k4i93wb4i6yh7j7l3r0d9dfgxwl02hsk1svk5hkm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring enumerator transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator-based netstring parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "nettle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, byteable, bytestring + , crypto-cipher-tests, crypto-cipher-types, HUnit, nettle + , QuickCheck, securemem, tagged, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nettle"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1ms96laa9d2ns39ymw6mlwm0mj03vss7855cs9npymhb4fmqkcas"; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring crypto-cipher-types securemem tagged + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring crypto-cipher-tests crypto-cipher-types HUnit + QuickCheck tagged test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ nettle ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusepkgconfig" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "safe nettle binding"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) nettle; }; + + "nettle-frp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl + , nettle-openflow, network, network-data, random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nettle-frp"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0jkb9a3vci91gx1rj81jbanhf0xw7n4xk69a5nhy7b55vclv8lcr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap binary bytestring containers mtl nettle-openflow network + network-data random time + ]; + description = "FRP for controlling networks of OpenFlow switches"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nettle-netkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , nettle-openflow, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nettle-netkit"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "152i4mdmqfrbvzq4nfzl8vy2n3jczbn18wd2mjxng1130l86cylp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl nettle-openflow unix + ]; + description = "DSL for describing OpenFlow networks, and a compiler generating NetKit labs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nettle-openflow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bimap, binary, binary-strict + , bytestring, containers, HList, mtl, network, parsec, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nettle-openflow"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1jc9dpsz8s6ivmkmddxy7i8kyiqf93x8rhnxly357nxlgmsn5dgk"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bimap binary binary-strict bytestring containers HList + mtl network parsec syb + ]; + description = "OpenFlow protocol messages, binary formats, and servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netwire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parallel, profunctors + , random, semigroups, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netwire"; + version = "5.0.1"; + sha256 = "1izl4iarcc6z2j0d6gkcygpp63asajikn1p44p8ixwzx96xx578r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq parallel profunctors random semigroups time + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testprogram" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional reactive programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "netwire-input" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, netwire }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netwire-input"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0c6wi1gfr0pxm8hav6ziic444a83cns3yf07kdylxbymgzgq7n7z"; + buildDepends = [ base netwire ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Input handling abstractions for netwire"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "netwire-input-glfw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLFW-b, mtl, netwire-input, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "netwire-input-glfw"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "17rm2z931bvylcw3p9x2dkppyrqi6qgfyb03cdwr5iyasq5cjjvx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers GLFW-b mtl netwire-input stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GLFW instance of netwire-input"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12b7saam5ga6l4cplgkad49xa4vkynz2ri9jxidx1cxiqjcl0vc4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level networking interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-address" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, criterion, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-address"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0pz6x11naxzby14jxrm31j2jdd6gwqspbrx1hv5204rbf7lifib1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal criterion ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-benchmark" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IP data structures and textual representation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network-api-support" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , case-insensitive, http-client, http-client-tls, http-types, text + , time, tls + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-api-support"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "11x9f1cbakwaqxs995vk9ardbf1h7zdg39n7nykhrr387biyq653"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive http-client + http-client-tls http-types text time tls + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolkit for building http client libraries over Network.Http.Conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-bitcoin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cookie, HTTP + , http-client, http-types, network, QuickCheck, text, time + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-bitcoin"; + version = "1.7.0"; + sha256 = "0hr9kg4hiif918bciz6zg9wf4amjjgkbkz437m8yf3vsmdfwpb66"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cookie HTTP http-client http-types + network QuickCheck text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interface to bitcoind"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19m10mj9nqsa7s0syv9dyhqkhvmf2h7yna8n7bq0xkdp8m9l0g96"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, memory-efficient, low-level networking"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-carbon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, text, time, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-carbon"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0r9riydwvmn8v9iih475agl4idb3z6v3djmn3pjlda28g3p0zw9h"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network text time vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the Carbon protocol (part of the Graphite monitoring tools)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-conduit"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "06amxl8rg4zfnmgc1iyq5mxy9qihcqddqgqkbfvaf25mwr43992p"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stream socket data using conduits. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-conduit-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , connection, cprng-aes, data-default, HUnit, monad-control, mtl + , network, streaming-commons, system-fileio, system-filepath, tls + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-conduit-tls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jgv2g3fsfp0rym4g0d9w5hm5ws0sfisj07hcfk2711rm107zaax"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra connection cprng-aes + data-default monad-control network streaming-commons system-fileio + system-filepath tls transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra connection HUnit mtl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create TLS-aware network code with conduits"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network-connection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, network + , network-bytestring, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-connection"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0v3dwq5vxmgknsiq2nddfj3gvvvaxdlfsnk0bxrqw9zzzdkpi0q1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers network network-bytestring stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around a generic stream-like connection"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, pretty, prettyclass }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-data"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0vbmg1m4qylzbmj3z5746srfkiwvh32qi9zyc39gc87bfw2gzn8s"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal pretty prettyclass ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Library for network data structures and their serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-dbus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + , parsec, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-dbus"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "024h0gfgn7hmfh90y74nf03kpvj5mg74a54lgb6clvxxfp8j64w9"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers mtl network parsec unix + utf8-string + ]; + description = "D-Bus"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "network-dns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , data-textual, hashable, network-ip, parsers, tagged, text-latin1 + , text-printer + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-dns"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gg1g1gnbi6dzw5anz3dam2gh09q948d3k7q84agkswa64c0azn8"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers data-textual hashable + network-ip parsers tagged text-latin1 text-printer + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Domain Name System data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, network + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-enumerator"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "11hwgdw03a39k3akjy5qlg9zsb7z8qiikvdmcqr2dhj6ykmfwsvk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring enumerator network transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-includes-bytestring" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerators for network sockets"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network-fancy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-fancy"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "12q2ifjwg4ss5l2pv42nfhsawncbwm6y4dwrspadkjv9b8idl91j"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Networking support with a cleaner API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-house" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-house"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s9ysp28nd29q2g62w7ch5h7l2kxdjfqqbz4h70vg8py3zs5gfqn"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "data and parsers for Ethernet, TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, DHCP, TFTP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "network-info" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-info"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ggxnkjkbspynma0wjrc1wwwb9ygx2dhl0n9lfaq7l8r69z7pqwf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Access the local computer's basic network configuration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-interfacerequest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ioctl, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-interfacerequest"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0qa5rbbcw9axg7mj4kjj027hfsclnw85cj8nmi6jvrzq2yhhk56c"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ioctl network ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for the ifreq structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-ip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cereal, data-default-class + , data-dword, data-endian, data-textual, hashable, parsers, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, text-printer, type-hint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-ip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0abc07pi39drsldhk4znlq1j6cv0vxm7y8yyg2z4qanb3sy990iy"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cereal data-default-class data-dword data-endian + data-textual hashable parsers text-printer type-hint + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-dword data-textual parsers tasty tasty-quickcheck + text-printer + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Internet Protocol data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-metrics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-default, network + , random, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-metrics"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0dvrjf84pdm42pxwc7fm4gvswc5nzmdsq7cr7ab8jyzvjqb8684c"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-default network random time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send metrics to Ganglia, Graphite, and statsd"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "network-minihttp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring + , containers, filepath, HsOpenSSL, mtl, network, network-bytestring + , network-connection, network-dns, old-locale, stm, tagsoup, time + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-minihttp"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "104jfksb0xagd8am3h390avqqr3k7qgxcd0znppz4hr0p9d681f5"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary binary-strict bytestring containers filepath HsOpenSSL + mtl network network-bytestring network-connection network-dns + old-locale stm tagsoup time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A ByteString based library for writing HTTP(S) servers and clients"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-msg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-msg"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "13dn06rgw8ygw1iikadf0m7bh7kvdx0s90iachip7kg50nq90waw"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring network unix ]; + description = "Recvmsg and sendmsg bindings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "network-multicast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-multicast"; + version = "0.0.11"; + sha256 = "0fgscv9crk2lx99rh234ipgl5psbrjili95inxj23drvwmsj3135"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + description = "Simple multicast library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "network-netpacket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, foreign-storable-asymmetric + , ioctl, network, network-interfacerequest + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-netpacket"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "12q3bqy57lj46m3l44zdk3sqkhbnqfd5cjp3qy1m5m5wxfdnmx56"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring foreign-storable-asymmetric ioctl network + network-interfacerequest + ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for low-level packet sockets (AF_PACKET)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-pgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , bytestring, enumerator, tnet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-pgi"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0s0rk3q1nlic2ibcpr0px0kb8gwp2hbnra5109l71q3dr713n2yw"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring enumerator tnet + ]; + description = "Library for writing PGI applications"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "network-protocol-xmpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gnuidn, gnutls, gsasl + , libxml-sax, monads-tf, network, text, transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-protocol-xmpp"; + version = "0.4.6"; + sha256 = "0xmafjz11v2dlbyg2ny90ycz315s23yprdpxz3l06igjxw6h3v6n"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring gnuidn gnutls gsasl libxml-sax monads-tf network + text transformers xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for the XMPP protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "network-rpca" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring + , codec-libevent, containers, control-timeout, network + , network-bytestring, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-rpca"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1dhy4n0502rx66pansmgmjv8avwwbhvf23afhb98zqksqlkavdir"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary binary-strict bytestring codec-libevent + containers control-timeout network network-bytestring stm + ]; + description = "A cross-platform RPC library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-server"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0iijgw07b5g3rcd4va98pb4hdkk912c67y2d1lkz03bfyq75b6xk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network unix ]; + description = "A light abstraction over sockets & co. for servers"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "network-service" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, network + , network-simple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-service"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1js0p0i27fj8rjnq54pcq97bgvhdx7jpwj1ghqmdwpvhn8ds07p4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring network network-simple + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-documentation" "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a service at the data type level"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, exceptions, network + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k155m1s7k157rpsz8ww9cs7jyw3faybwfmw97agvskhb4axw6hf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring exceptions network transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple network sockets usage patterns"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-simple-sockaddr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, exceptions, network + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-simple-sockaddr"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0k54scgxwgj57vqpfshr0cr6a70nsfhrfvfjh77x17imk1795npw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory exceptions network transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "network-simple for resolved addresses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-simple-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, certificate, cprng-aes + , exceptions, network, network-simple, tls, tls-extra, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-simple-tls"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0hbpxbs357bxifksbqrlrdkwkkfaydxcf9wdla6kafaymhrxhc0k"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring certificate cprng-aes exceptions network + network-simple tls tls-extra transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple interface to TLS secured network sockets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-socket-options" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-socket-options"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00qf22nwzsv8229gb7yqaaafiz573xl4v78mn1zf9ajvwzvwb63r"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe, portable alternative to getSocketOption/setSocketOption"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, enumerator + , network, stm, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-stream"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1y7c2m8yrkb67iqqv6sjbxxmhlnv0s6k82lv9f6wk4mhckcsc5n1"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal enumerator network stm text + transformers + ]; + description = "ByteString and Text streams for networking"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "network-topic-models" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bayes-stack, bimap, bytestring, cereal + , containers, deepseq, directory, filepath, logfloat, mwc-random + , optparse-applicative, random-fu, statistics, stm, text + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-topic-models"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l5m9f08aizrxxkv2dspv8swf558cch6vx4gyzs6qs6826v9q32b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bayes-stack bimap bytestring cereal containers deepseq + directory filepath logfloat mwc-random optparse-applicative + random-fu statistics stm text transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A few network topic model implementations for bayes-stack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-transport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, hashable, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-transport"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xn879ngrbnm71i1wsbxxiih22sdb6csy6aip6fgqyafqlpc1c93"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring hashable transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Network abstraction layer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-transport-tcp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , network, network-transport, network-transport-tests + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-transport-tcp"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "11fj0f2yrvdqn3sivfb4p0chs74bx26a0yc49fh160kkcmk42yaf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor network network-transport + ]; + testDepends = [ + base network network-transport network-transport-tests + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use-mock-network" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TCP instantiation of Network.Transport"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-transport-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, containers, mtl + , network-transport, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-transport-tests"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0914sj3884sp5sxbm460x5frvl0ipn8v1jpkskhc9ajjx4v0s106"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers mtl network-transport + random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unit tests for Network.Transport implementations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-transport-zeromq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , exceptions, network-transport, network-transport-tests, random + , semigroups, stm, stm-chans, tasty, tasty-hunit, transformers + , void, zeromq4-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-transport-zeromq"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "11ynb69y1zr4fhpja2wdf0h4yibhkjyfm499mlwjcrcn06wsz1wq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base binary bytestring containers exceptions + network-transport random semigroups stm stm-chans transformers void + zeromq4-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base network-transport network-transport-tests tasty tasty-hunit + zeromq4-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-unsafe" "-f-distributed-process-tests" "-f-install-benchmarks" + ]; + description = "ZeroMQ backend for network-transport"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-uri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, network, parsec, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-uri"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ymamb128jgqghpda4nixncr73all8qc6q53976aricm6a27p37"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit network test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "URI manipulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "network-wai-router" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-wai-router"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fnqc1vbahy6zy632s9kam8bv7108bhmynyh2iwkqb7ybkkj37i9"; + buildDepends = [ base wai ]; + description = "A routing library for wai"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "network-websocket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, network, webserver }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "network-websocket"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "053qrlm2bd14mlcvlh64awsqsgn355nkr13k9h4dnfabafymkkbm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 network webserver ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WebSocket library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "networked-game" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, network + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "networked-game"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18wr12sd2lj6wp04l47x7b5sb85q2j3h5f6j6c082nlb6snxvqhh"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers network time transformers + ]; + description = "Networked-game support library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newports" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newports"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1paxqr8rm8lbp0896qsd7v76c0kahkk6fngpcdzswbrqpyqhwjwc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory old-time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List ports newer than N days on a FreeBSD system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newsynth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fixedprec, random, superdoc + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newsynth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xijyxfy62pv7ydfckhai7sdd7rdxlh0vw5wr7ic3z68vc0h6cai"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers fixedprec random superdoc time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "newt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , directory, filemanip, filepath, HUnit, mtl, process, QuickCheck + , safe, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, Unixutils, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0amhpvqqy8pan3vihjvpkd25jz3m4syavw4l15cvqny8mhrxbvpj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cmdargs containers directory filemanip + filepath HUnit mtl process QuickCheck safe test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text Unixutils uuid + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + description = "A trivially simple app to create things from simple templates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newtype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newtype"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ng4i5r73256gzwl6bw57h0abqixj783c3ggph1hk2wsplx0655p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newtype-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newtype-generics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xghpqmpwnjyk944m9nsfzk2jlyqwdvcr5zrmr66d4n650cf1m2b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit ]; + description = "A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes, with generics support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newtype-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, newtype, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newtype-th"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1slgphymjxzbxxgsilfijkhiwapfy2gkhkby2dxqj107v4s0788k"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta newtype syb template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A template haskell deriver to create Control.Newtype instances."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "newtyper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Kleislify, newtype }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "newtyper"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1s1mzy1m3wpawv1ci85dl02105v550l1fdi5rxi5gqnxb0jrg4fs"; + buildDepends = [ base Kleislify newtype ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra functions for the Control.Newtype typeclass"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nextstep-plist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, pretty, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nextstep-plist"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0wld4nc6hcv642km60vvjyclsfwnpfavq59mqm8fm3a73al4csyw"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec pretty QuickCheck ]; + description = "NextStep style plist parser and printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ngrams-loader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, machines, mtl, parseargs + , resourcet, sqlite-simple, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ngrams-loader"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z26mpk1q7hnx4vkcyfwy6pbm7nm76ydm04z3vk598q2ifq5vmpd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base machines mtl parseargs resourcet sqlite-simple text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ngrams loader based on format"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "nibblestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, base16-bytestring + , bytestring, containers, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nibblestring"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0ijcv7ph09mmllly09jgigwiq64m05c7qkq2riki3mbza2skxbrr"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base base16-bytestring bytestring + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring containers HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "Packed, strict nibble arrays with a list interface (ByteString for nibbles)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nicify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nicify"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0m6cbzd1hjgsb5vhhlcx9kvyn7v8bv3h0zll7wlcyp8yaccvik3k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec transformers ]; + description = "Pretty print the standard output of show for algebraic datatypes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "nikepub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, GoogleChart, haskell98 + , haxr, hs-twitter, HStringTemplate, HTTP, hxt, json, network + , old-locale, old-time, regex-compat, regex-posix, syb, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nikepub"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "1w7cvkh36p7i9n62rvfh6nlr8z16hds06fbr1lpvbc84ymci75v0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath GoogleChart haskell98 haxr hs-twitter + HStringTemplate HTTP hxt json network old-locale old-time + regex-compat regex-posix syb time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line utility publishes Nike+ runs on blogs and Twitter"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "nimber" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nimber"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0350fmddnfp09051i89fl5ibrxqy36cx5560l00cjssx2gs2dh8w"; + buildDepends = [ arithmoi base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finite nimber arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nitro" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nitro"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17aqzk1kq670fwawia0qjmd8ld1b0h8zh0w8j8x4y48hlzyb75xb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for Nitro"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nixos-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nixos-types"; + version = "1.5"; + sha256 = "1q38cs0747fyf94y35cq734yzmsdcyfmmk5w6qv563jns55qj36c"; + homepage = ""; + description = "this package is obsolete; see cabal2nix instead"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nkjp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-named, filepath + , polysoup, tar, text, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nkjp"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1i9q0xyfqi3cv29k8yflrg34hgblxfyj2dqr1zjg20jpymsfi06l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-named filepath polysoup tar text + zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manipulating the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nlp-scores" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, strict }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nlp-scores"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "0zknj60jh2pg5lih1hbmhbig7mhqz22pybxr6hvm562j17jysg4k"; + buildDepends = [ base containers strict ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scoring functions commonly used for evaluation in NLP and IR"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nlp-scores-scripts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, nlp-scores, split, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nlp-scores-scripts"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02jisx8slzzljv77d931b169hxq6i6ajg5ly9a37g13q9h75gd2c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers nlp-scores split text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "NLP scoring command-line programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, g, glib, libnm-glib, nm-glib, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nm"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "028p25pb2cqlvrydy87y26rinvypbq0lnphd59k3zaxvxxikqwf1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ g nm-glib ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ glib libnm-glib ]; + description = "Network Manager, binding to libnm-glib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib; + g = null; libnm-glib = null; nm-glib = null; }; + + "nme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nme"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "14qzc4af1pm1myjdfs7z4b1jxxj0gz9c4cl9qgpm06hjzvjjf8wm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the Nyctergatis Markup Engine"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "nntp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, monad-loops, mtl, network + , old-locale, parsec, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nntp"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1yg91zai4krxx7yqzskss19jjgh4nvc2vqzddvpwsdm07lri8g35"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring monad-loops mtl network old-locale parsec time + ]; + description = "Library to connect to an NNTP Server"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "no-role-annots" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "no-role-annots"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1kk9ii5w40di3azlqzbz4vkvwdz8apca0lh4jn94nvr3hns6l5s7"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Role annotations without -XRoleAnnotations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "noise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, blaze-svg, bytestring + , containers, cryptohash, HTF, HUnit, network, parsec, QuickCheck + , string-qq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "noise"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0h9aq4f8n1acmzhdq185y0adl35cf7avms6zvgsyf9lkx2msja0q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-markup blaze-svg bytestring containers cryptohash + network parsec + ]; + testDepends = [ base HTF HUnit parsec QuickCheck string-qq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A friendly language for graphic design"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "non-empty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "non-empty"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1wapx5q8spvlq8g7nagj2lwhrqzg90dw4n0qvd1ap47n0rh3iymm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers QuickCheck utility-ht ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "List-like structures with static restrictions on the number of elements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "non-negative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "non-negative"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "163g3j3xrx1jkrbg2wnha3yyxyg1mn7kabmbpg82y3rbl3ihy1p7"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck utility-ht ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Non-negative numbers"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "nonce" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cprng-aes + , crypto-random, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nonce"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "10vlm550m0hjl004rwcz70j1d89sd9g0fnxxxksvk8nxqf9fnfpr"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cprng-aes crypto-random text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate cryptographic nonces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nondeterminism" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nondeterminism"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0hxfqrm51svmr9lk1i8l5ib5bi5zlc92q6k3qwnvkqz8qgb4w8i0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "A monad and monad transformer for nondeterministic computations"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "nonfree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nonfree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cwxnkral8d33xgpjlqrv0d5q5c046siw9z56bhp53qpk40ihn81"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Free structures sans laws"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "nonlinear-optimization" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nonlinear-optimization"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "147dbq19n18ixfz6bhx9yi9ppr9j3wnc5dfz8kx5gwihy64b8l1b"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Various iterative algorithms for optimization of nonlinear functions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "nonlinear-optimization-ad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, nonlinear-optimization, primitive + , reflection, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nonlinear-optimization-ad"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1aglqfmvjb7wmxlnlkakkp27lbyq62pjy48k18sqppj6q0qp062m"; + buildDepends = [ + ad base nonlinear-optimization primitive reflection vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper of nonlinear-optimization package for using with AD package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "noodle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "noodle"; + version = "0.0.19"; + sha256 = "08v5rz5skmaqxqj85l76kjxqmlhnf3vapgfdqd042cmh41zwznx0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "the noodle programming language"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "normaldistribution" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "normaldistribution"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q7p0bx435amqb7r9qksix0mrbpnqsyfb44chjyz6xkgjj0s6yvd"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimum fuss normally distributed random values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "not-gloss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGLRaw, spatial-math, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "not-gloss"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mc0sddkcqbhvawq1zfvypa8n7fhvg8z385w7m9f4awyyaza6jd0"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGLRaw spatial-math time ]; + description = "Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "not-gloss-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLUT, linear, not-gloss + , spatial-math, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "not-gloss-examples"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0dszimvwb78ac1zfp25iy8lhnsq0grjs6zrsiyr1d80fj9kmg49y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLUT linear not-gloss spatial-math X11 + ]; + description = "examples for not-gloss"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "not-in-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "not-in-base"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1mm1j0l3h8qxpk0bis4g1f6zp5407rkq2z5ldyr036frbvfwqaj5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful utility functions that only depend on base"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "notcpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "notcpp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qdqwwy16n43djgrynzn8xv64vv450my6z2xddypafxwhvp7jaqy"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Avoiding the C preprocessor via cunning use of Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "notmuch-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, glib, gmime, haskell98 + , notmuch, nsl, old-locale, parseargs, talloc, time, xapian, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "notmuch-haskell"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1i86cwwvisgyc89nmd7drwszmq4cqrwgci9zqwh50zg9cgq5qhz5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath haskell98 old-locale parseargs time + ]; + extraLibraries = [ glib gmime notmuch nsl talloc xapian zlib ]; + description = "Binding for notmuch MUA library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) glib zlib; + nsl = null; }; + + "notmuch-web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, containers, data-default, directory + , email-validate, filepath, hamlet, hashable, hjsmin, hspec + , http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, markdown, mime-mail + , network, old-locale, process, process-conduit, pwstore-fast + , random, tagsoup, template-haskell, text, text-icu, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra, warp + , xss-sanitize, yaml, yesod, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-static + , yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "notmuch-web"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1jjk3fhzhpf9wrgk980rgp55kji5zjzdl0xyi4wgz3xvn1k8hrhs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder blaze-html + blaze-markup bytestring case-insensitive conduit containers + data-default directory email-validate filepath hamlet hashable + hjsmin http-conduit http-types lifted-base markdown mime-mail + network old-locale process process-conduit pwstore-fast random + tagsoup template-haskell text text-icu time transformers + unordered-containers vector wai wai-extra warp xss-sanitize yaml + yesod yesod-auth yesod-static + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec HUnit mime-mail text yesod yesod-core yesod-test + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-icu" "-f-library-only" "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A web interface to the notmuch email indexer"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "np-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, numeric-prelude, primes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "np-extras"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "14lphbssmcvabg1rqzhy4bwvssfyzb69b2g9n45vd22xnvf9q0il"; + buildDepends = [ base containers numeric-prelude primes ]; + description = "NumericPrelude extras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "np-linear" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, numeric-prelude + , reflection, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "np-linear"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00rmm36is8i6k1a0xyri61v09asc54fanlp5nai7k7vhp0wyfzz1"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers numeric-prelude reflection tagged + ]; + description = "Linear algebra for the numeric-prelude framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nptools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, array, base, bytestring, colour + , containers, HSH, old-locale, process, split, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nptools"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "1zipawfk8l98bszi1yviv7ph96x1z715d3nlzs3w2mzahir57h3d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal array base bytestring colour containers HSH + old-locale process split time unix + ]; + description = "A collection of random tools"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nsis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, transformers, uniplate }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nsis"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "17jl5s48msa6c5rb9lvlcsjmv6kzml3yrfmz7h1ipxsdl0yf7nd3"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers uniplate ]; + testDepends = [ base process transformers uniplate ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DSL for producing Windows Installer using NSIS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nthable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-level }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nthable"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1qi1wq7wbnp3sv3c2v4185mnq80646vcsnqq16mqlshiy164wsly"; + buildDepends = [ base type-level ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ntp-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, cereal + , network, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ntp-control"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "14ns5lbvbdn0yrmfjp9rb4id19fxfd6dp68pgzm4lkh0xk0qnc4y"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing cereal network old-locale time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing cereal network old-locale time + ]; + description = "Client library for NTP control messaging"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "null-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, filepath, scotty, split + , stm, text, transformers, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "null-canvas"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1i6krgxlbdmv5md1p3n5mcw3sk24f5sk6y7yiznx8glxncxmfdll"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers filepath scotty split stm text transformers + wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library - forked Blank Canvas"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numbering" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numbering"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0hh4km2zbvs7rsb142f1rifqvwzajh0grgky2vyyyf48dk5plrlv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for creating bijections from some type to the natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numbers"; + version = "3000.2.0.1"; + sha256 = "10z1bi5qbc81z5xx2v1ylwcpmcfl1ci7lxrswkgi0dd1wi8havbk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various number types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numerals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers + , containers-unicode-symbols, fingertree, HUnit, integer-gmp + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numerals"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1fkxlwf68bn353hs3622yqvlbndjnf263jbnh4q2rkj4xiirn4qm"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers containers-unicode-symbols + fingertree integer-gmp text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols HUnit integer-gmp QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert numbers to number words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numerals-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, containers + , containers-unicode-symbols, fingertree, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numerals-base"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0qp9xhsqvs22siyfwjzffqc1kbpsanbxks3pbjfdcmbcwlq7hpg8"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers containers-unicode-symbols + fingertree + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols containers containers-unicode-symbols + fingertree HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert numbers to number words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numeric-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-extras"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "18jyjrk6iizz3sgkwgbh1rxf6zdf166bkgs7wia8b4z7f6261nzg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful tools from the C standard library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numeric-limits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-limits"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lsi0my45lpd30vjbwdbzhisz8r3lryvg1c80qcmwipnxklnr5cb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Various floating point limit related constants"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numeric-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, non-negative + , parsec, QuickCheck, random, storable-record, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-prelude"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1y1dg4bk811xmz3p23g8kjl6vxns3gs8qj671971c06nccfl1h5r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq non-negative parsec QuickCheck random + storable-record utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numeric-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, loch-th + , placeholders, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-qq"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0zxiaiqzcg4z354wyvxl672ffswvhbqk6h6nvpgmydw84akpimcm"; + buildDepends = [ base loch-th placeholders template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasi-quoters for numbers of different bases"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "numeric-quest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-quest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "110v2frn085pggjzl3l8wqgr4vcdd5h29x2wak2a59x16ngjg7ga"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Math and quantum mechanics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "numeric-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, ieee754, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numeric-tools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0frdsj90gqpa55ybjfkzfcda43bbwkqd2v26l6w35kyq1snqyhd3"; + buildDepends = [ base ieee754 primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collection of numerical tools for integration, differentiation etc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numericpeano" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numericpeano"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f9ar8kdwzi8xarzb7mrq204v1n3n8kh0fbqv06l9677vv1pc19v"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Peano numbers with attendant bells and whistles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "nums" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nums"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0bbl7f3qd26sa92k73qni3r1jwxxrfq5k19hcvh5rgdh5ig9d6v8"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numtype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numtype"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1az10xcfl6qpyy9qnh8g2iqx53rxnjxzc1h8kl1gira6yv7g6857"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level (low cardinality) integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "numtype-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "numtype-tf"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "00bnz9k4nq21z4vax37qjv6ra2jvlshk0jlici1w8y9rx39zrjyx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level (low cardinality) integers, implemented using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nyan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, ncurses, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nyan"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "02bcyb6ibb6m84d2r6pp05vbv9jv09v1lp35n18mn2vkrgwls649"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ncurses text ]; + description = "Bored? Nyan cat!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "nymphaea" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, glade, glib, gtk, mtl + , parsec, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "nymphaea"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1nlnz7mvdkhcqp4v1fyfb6r6v18xpxi0ddqqp84dsqg6ahdypc13"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers glade glib gtk mtl parsec random + ]; + description = "An interactive GUI for manipulating L-systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "oauthenticated" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , bytestring, case-insensitive, crypto-random, cryptohash, either + , exceptions, http-client, http-types, mtl, network, network-uri + , text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oauthenticated"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l6qir6qnipq8295cljl66mhlws2rrqjvz9nsl7rq2ldqv711bbm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive crypto-random cryptohash either exceptions + http-client http-types mtl network network-uri text time + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "Simple OAuth for http-client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "obdd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "obdd"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1blj9k4wd14shif4dngip5kl9zmavrhp0bnr2xciz8r8is1x0q4j"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl random ]; + description = "Ordered Reduced Binary Decision Diagrams"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "oberon0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, AspectAG, base, containers, ghc-prim, HList + , language-c, mtl, murder, template-haskell, transformers + , uu-parsinglib, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oberon0"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0w8ygppqr1mjklc0545z2n503ap5xzxmjw2xsmb0i85nmh6f95hv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array AspectAG base containers ghc-prim HList language-c mtl murder + template-haskell transformers uu-parsinglib uulib + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-t5" "-f-t3" "-f-t2" "-f-t1" "-f-l4" "-f-l3" "-f-l2" "-f-l1" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Oberon0 Compiler"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "obj" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, checkers + , Codec-Image-DevIL, containers, directory, filepath + , graphicsFormats, haskell98, InfixApplicative, OpenGL, OpenGLCheck + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "obj"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0w9yyyd2i88lkhqlghnf7zkrx0sql5w8vwx67j9j1jr7d5zrad4z"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring checkers Codec-Image-DevIL containers + directory filepath graphicsFormats haskell98 InfixApplicative + OpenGL OpenGLCheck QuickCheck + ]; + description = "Reads and writes obj models"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "objectid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bytestring-arbitrary, cereal, cryptohash, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "objectid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cr9hzrkj8a6ggym8d6gyy0rmric93x8xwdjqfal10bg5s6d6vgs"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-builder bytestring cereal cryptohash ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-arbitrary cereal QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rather unique identifier for things that need to be stored"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "objective" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, clean-unions, comonad + , containers, either, elevator, free, hashable, kan-extensions + , minioperational, profunctors, transformers, unordered-containers + , void, witherable + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "objective"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02219hrd2kbj5ynsp8hg1m3xi9ba0y0vkhmcm37h4wb2mhzqiamx"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base clean-unions comonad containers either elevator + free hashable kan-extensions minioperational profunctors + transformers unordered-containers void witherable + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "octopus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, hexpr, mtl + , parsec, symbol, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "octopus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p1sf694a5zryvb2i38ygd7fby54pqi0v5r3b24wcpwj43dy57ca"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers hexpr mtl parsec symbol text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lisp with more dynamism, more power, more simplicity"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "oculus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, either, libX11, mesa, monads-tf, ovr + , transformers, udev, vect-floating, Xinerama + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oculus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04015wbh5j36gd66k7fn12nl92lq68d0c9dia8fz0pr8y3b7ims4"; + buildDepends = [ + base either monads-tf transformers vect-floating + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa ovr udev Xinerama ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Oculus Rift ffi providing head tracking data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) udev; + Xinerama = null; ovr = null; }; + + "oeis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, HUnit, network, network-uri + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oeis"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1q7ywczm2d5inrjqgz3j8vfk5sj2yixvwdkzlfs2whd0gadbcfa0"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network network-uri ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "Interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "off-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec3, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "off-simple"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03sb2bmjw8v01908zkzmw8njsmqy5k2hcnv6ajbia7n8qawyhivj"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec3 vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for simplified-syntax OFF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ofx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, pretty, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ofx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vhr2pydnfc0ma7w1qdn5p5yylzlj3n47fnm16mlbhlb5ydnjshg"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec pretty time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for OFX data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ohloh-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, data-lens, hxt, hxt-curl + , pretty-show, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text-format-simple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ohloh-hs"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0nbk24ymkkjrapxa83qzhzl1m7zi3bxdc9jsjkbqvb7r9nz3jhyj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs data-lens hxt hxt-curl pretty-show text-format-simple + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-lens hxt QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text-format-simple + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to the Ohloh API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "oi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, directory, filepath, parallel + , SafeSemaphore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oi"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "14q8map7r2cc8jcfhczyb16br553h2m9xf40qm34l6pb9l1bzn2p"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad directory filepath parallel SafeSemaphore + ]; + description = "Library for purely functional lazy interactions with the outer world"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ois-input-manager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hogre, OIS }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ois-input-manager"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p34xybkf5079pq5hkildaz6skx06f6s3qg0k2i73jhh93q3ckiq"; + buildDepends = [ base hogre ]; + extraLibraries = [ OIS ]; + description = "wrapper for OIS input manager for use with hogre"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { OIS = null; }; + + "old-locale_1_0_0_7" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "old-locale"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l3viphiszvz5wqzg7a45zp40grwlab941q5ay29iyw8p3v8pbyv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "locale library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "old-time_1_1_0_3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "old-time"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h9b26s3kfh2k0ih4383w90ibji6n0iwamxp6rfp2lbq1y5ibjqw"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale ]; + description = "Time library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "omaketex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, optparse-applicative, shakespeare-text + , shelly, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "omaketex"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kq2j8pndzn3fjdklyh22vcg8am48i29gx4jq2i74p4gmdryavn9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base optparse-applicative shakespeare-text shelly text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple tool to generate OMakefile for latex files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "omega" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , pretty, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "omega"; + version = "1.5.2"; + sha256 = "0v11j2gz98g5ng9dsfbr7k3a2xhw2xqa1qi1q8ad53sx2yhjv0ly"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath pretty time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A purely functional programming language and a proof system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "omnicodec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, conduit, sandi + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "omnicodec"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "18xkwsinfjvd20249bm3z0qvsi51j776ifqa6vkrrl186pwa8im7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs conduit sandi transformers + ]; + description = "data encoding and decoding command line utilities"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "on-a-horse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, cookie, http-types, mtl, random, safe, split, text + , time, transformers, utf8-string, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "on-a-horse"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "18nbvdbdg05fmymbvvhig6invr6ald0gdadl666m4axc8m9n6pvg"; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base bytestring case-insensitive containers cookie + http-types mtl random safe split text time transformers utf8-string + wai wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Haskell on a Horse\" - A combinatorial web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "on-demand-ssh-tunnel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, process, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "on-demand-ssh-tunnel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "021j91hxmlpl9kajnyv9y211kzjvc8i5kfl6gn5xyl0ybyw9p0z6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network process random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Program that sends traffic through SSH tunnels on-demand"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "one-liner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, ghc-prim, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "one-liner"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0addkdy8nh3z4h77hskg6930jn00z3sd5fzyajpyi9mfkch0mz91"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant ghc-prim transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraint-based generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "oneOfN" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oneOfN"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05gycp2zvq08bjl9dx1lm3cjr12i50k3cwq4al34y1rlp2r531lk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Anonymous coproduct type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "oneormore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oneormore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lz429abk7qqwfya3wa1m5pcyyldagcmmc0ghjfbl8byhkaax63p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A never-empty list type"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "only" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "only"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17c9yy0fshxhpdfqb6hi23kvnvvckcdmlr2dffpgx4cg9znh62s1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec regex-compat ]; + description = "A grep-like tool for filtering on words or lines"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "onu-course" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, smallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "onu-course"; + version = "1"; + sha256 = "1d0yn5bj04ircxbi12rx80kds54zssmq4j9kqyk05nmv506x76k0"; + buildDepends = [ base smallcheck ]; + description = "Code for the Haskell course taught at the Odessa National University in 2012"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "oo-prototypes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "oo-prototypes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xpm2adf47clhzpwd833w706mc5xfxwr2wp4aywigy11687f9bly"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for OO-like prototypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "opaleye" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, old-locale, postgresql-simple + , pretty, product-profunctors, profunctors, semigroups, text, time + , transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opaleye"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1jq2q0dswgj5jksdd5xn2ny66d1nfqmwf7cv835gg59g4rd2yyrx"; + editedCabalFile = "fba09de3e538f5f3271e5b736a08541a8738fc291ab0d1a7dc537fb30dd60a85"; + buildDepends = [ + base contravariant old-locale postgresql-simple pretty + product-profunctors profunctors semigroups text time transformers + uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + base postgresql-simple product-profunctors profunctors time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "open-pandoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , extensible-exceptions, filepath, HTTP, mtl, network, old-time + , parsec, pretty, process, syb, texmath, utf8-string, xhtml, xml + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "open-pandoc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k9d1r1z7q6lm8fha630rg2qfmwwnr9dv2ajvqwvrki2m6i9sczn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath + HTTP mtl network old-time parsec pretty process syb texmath + utf8-string xhtml xml zip-archive + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-citeproc" "-flibrary" "-fwrappers" "-fexecutable" + "-f-highlighting" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion between markup formats"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "open-typerep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, syntactic, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "open-typerep"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0z1bp7hansv2zzvwq3n8yqln9pi9vlby5s9mlb7v8wrj99w563lp"; + buildDepends = [ base constraints syntactic tagged ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Open type representations and dynamic types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "open-union" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "open-union"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dkz7a5k86r74lnf891grn48q8agkmd81czfp1g4l4dnxslldsqw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible, type-safe unions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "open-witness" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, witness }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "open-witness"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1i38lhy1wla0xqgcbyf06179r1hs6194wqd8gg26q491ddc0vp3l"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl witness ]; + description = "open witnesses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "opencv-raw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, Cabal, opencv, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opencv-raw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "040hjkqd2zqkd8zbnfv8wmyzkfgckiv4njryilx1gpyp7c6qxpwn"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-DSL Cabal vector ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ opencv ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Raw Haskell bindings to OpenCV >= 2.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "opendatatable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, template-haskell, th-lift }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opendatatable"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1bv729ljw07arz9fzg0nqj6fkpwkxkjds073cz3zr9in0a5b1531"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt template-haskell th-lift ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for working with Open Data Tables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "openexchangerates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, currency, errors, HTTP + , network, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openexchangerates"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ci1hfdcf0msn3j5l42z4pnn9sw77r0a4anlqsrnl2vrcpfs3j8l"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers currency errors HTTP network text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fetch exchange rates from"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "opengles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, distributive, EGL + , future-resource, ghc-prim, GLESv2, lens, linear, packer, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opengles"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "0vzd1dfg772947h4wny1fsskgdfxk31q86n0p507vmd7pxz6m5dj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring distributive future-resource ghc-prim lens linear + packer vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ EGL GLESv2 ]; + description = "OpenGL ES 2.0 and 3.0 with EGL 1.4"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { EGL = null; GLESv2 = null; }; + + "openid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HsOpenSSL, HTTP + , monadLib, network, time, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rhd2hz3ls9ifcrifxhd4qvd7axydnlk5gckxay55dp2lcfc4css"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HsOpenSSL HTTP monadLib network time xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the OpenID-2.0 spec."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "openpgp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bzlib, HUnit, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, utf8-string, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openpgp"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "03sdl0nzxnqbg8cnkglxkbz5xh5s57n6qgdjdnd82sdz139ia69s"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring bzlib utf8-string zlib ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bzlib HUnit QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + utf8-string zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the OpenPGP message format"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "openpgp-Crypto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, Crypto, HUnit, openpgp + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openpgp-Crypto"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0gsdzfg378j7s2kpryg43ajxcdk8s5szk0yq48qfvnlsbgrxz07r"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring Crypto openpgp utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring Crypto HUnit openpgp QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of cryptography for use with OpenPGP using the Crypto library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "openpgp-asciiarmor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , cereal, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openpgp-asciiarmor"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1xrv0n7n1n8izvxvqm8wmj6mkn5l6wcq18bxs9zd1q5riynmmm2w"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal HUnit + test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII Armor codec"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "openpgp-crypto-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api + , cryptocipher, cryptohash, HUnit, openpgp, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, tagged, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openpgp-crypto-api"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "18grb5jzf7n4670xww3ca2l05ck3lj2msynl57y5fjia8gfr8ijm"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal crypto-api cryptocipher cryptohash + openpgp tagged transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal crypto-api cryptocipher cryptohash + HUnit openpgp QuickCheck quickcheck-instances tagged test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implement cryptography for OpenPGP using crypto-api compatible libraries"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "opensoundcontrol-ht" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, hosc, process, random + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opensoundcontrol-ht"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "154bviaqkh9a02li6f2351764wgy0b0lh4a4s0wg8ql7ml0fykza"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring hosc process random transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell OpenSoundControl utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "openssl-createkey" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, HsOpenSSL, time, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openssl-createkey"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1p59wlkirz4dwyhsnzzzbvy2cwfizn2zky5sxrsmnrzfkbpx1ig5"; + buildDepends = [ base directory HsOpenSSL time unix ]; + description = "Create OpenSSL keypairs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "openssl-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HsOpenSSL, HUnit, io-streams + , network, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "openssl-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01hdrsdrp2x7i5zydn2b0blzir7vqvn63n9sf9pwcgnkk6s5j1wc"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring HsOpenSSL io-streams network ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HsOpenSSL HUnit io-streams network test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "OpenSSL network support for io-streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "opentheory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, opentheory-primitive, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opentheory"; + version = "1.76"; + sha256 = "011xz72b0sn50pa62h3x9spr1y1prxyyyn3sc8nm1jg0r0rda99c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base opentheory-primitive QuickCheck random ]; + description = "The Haskell base"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "opentheory-char" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, opentheory, opentheory-parser + , opentheory-primitive, QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opentheory-char"; + version = "1.41"; + sha256 = "0z0dg3bgck8yjn45a7i5ymx2gm9i5m9skmg0n1cg7p6hgdka9j9i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base opentheory opentheory-parser opentheory-primitive QuickCheck + random + ]; + description = "Unicode characters"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "opentheory-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, opentheory, opentheory-primitive, QuickCheck + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opentheory-parser"; + version = "1.117"; + sha256 = "0wrqah4vq0shh9541lqjdciz6v79qrr5s7711zmpcap51gs9d9bl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base opentheory opentheory-primitive QuickCheck random + ]; + description = "Stream parsers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "opentheory-prime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, opentheory, opentheory-primitive, QuickCheck + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opentheory-prime"; + version = "1.23"; + sha256 = "1mg0bhjcml8camgy7hqci4lpd5raw5yii1rsln160hwsalkaxj1c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base opentheory opentheory-primitive QuickCheck random + ]; + description = "Prime numbers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "opentheory-primitive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opentheory-primitive"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "028z444528v1a35g5iac4fzqgwlxr23ii71sjb264h3v4i4i81d8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck random ]; + description = "Haskell primitives used by OpenTheory packages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "operational" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "operational"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aj3jhiyz4190b0qmyp684b8lbzrp8jn56s898892rvbp0hxa0pd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of difficult monads made easy with operational semantics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "opml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opml"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1bnr6lkcf2qs7pvrmd8a5xmklcg67l64b776hzclfvxqy1qil29x"; + buildDepends = [ base directory xml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Representing and handling OPML subscription information"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "opn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, ini, network-uri + , optparse-applicative, process, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "opn"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0x53kvcpbd9fh00zs8wdkb3xsl8hf1bsqgl83ci17di1jyg3m4ch"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath ini network-uri optparse-applicative + process text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Open files or URLs using associated programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "optimal-blocks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-arbitrary, cryptohash + , deepseq, hex, QuickCheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "optimal-blocks"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0hn60fapmldk1dhg56n0j1vch07pqii49hk2k3d23v7sliv8bhwy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cryptohash deepseq hex vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-arbitrary deepseq QuickCheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Optimal Block boundary determination for rsync-like behaviours"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "optimization" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ad, base, directory, distributive, doctest + , filepath, linear, semigroupoids, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "optimization"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0k9g3gs3ysrj7mm8prnahpdmw9wa7zxxnx5hfmr805a0ydg3qjb6"; + buildDepends = [ + ad base distributive linear semigroupoids vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Numerical optimization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "optimusprime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, fgl, flite, graphviz + , haskell98, mtl, parsec, uniplate, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "optimusprime"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0642f9vv08qyqk3pjgin5k2sfv2ffhah9h9rc2xw6ahnygqbpbmf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers fgl flite graphviz haskell98 mtl parsec + uniplate wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A supercompiler for f-lite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "optional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "optional"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1i1nl81gg5fndf3vafirpmklikn4xpy791is6ff8j7pzys0qfj8g"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Using type-classes for optional function arguments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "options" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chell, chell-quickcheck, containers + , monads-tf, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "options"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1y9jpichzlslny4x6yxfsxs8kww1ynwpv7svxzd39xb9sg1lpy3m"; + editedCabalFile = "e3a956d7492d4c4c114e63d69c10641f68190041cee3301fffacf422d35ca495"; + buildDepends = [ base containers monads-tf transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base chell chell-quickcheck containers monads-tf transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A powerful and easy-to-use command-line option parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "options-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chell, old-locale, options, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "options-time"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0rsmwalmnry71w23k6sg0a307xgb2s71j9s12zqqq380fw6c1bhm"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale options time ]; + testDepends = [ base chell options time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fold-locale" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line option types for dates and times"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "optparse-applicative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, process, transformers + , transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "optparse-applicative"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jdzajj9w0dghv751m59l3imzm2x9lx9cqb6094mncnx8k6cf6f9"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base process transformers transformers-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "orc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, monadIO, mtl, process, random, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zl456v2mwa68k2lq7fx3ds6xr9vbrijq8q8ma5mm1kk9p9znr0x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq monadIO mtl process random stm ]; + description = "Orchestration-style co-ordination EDSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "orchestrate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , data-default, either, errors, hspec, http-client, http-types + , lens, mtl, QuickCheck, smallcheck, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orchestrate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d9p6b4ficxbsxmig7zjm130v2k60q8jskcm2gvjlg7z8xsqmhzl"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring case-insensitive data-default either errors + http-client http-types lens mtl text transformers + unordered-containers wreq + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring errors hspec lens QuickCheck smallcheck text + wreq + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-network-specs" ]; + description = "An API client for"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "orchid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, encoding + , extensible-exceptions, fclabels, filestore, hscolour, mtl + , nano-md5, parsec, process, QuickCheck, salvia, salvia-extras, stm + , time, unix, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orchid"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "1d3cfhhsv1qpiiin4cs9wxx2a6vwcj0iad746z7l1qzyxrhg4dkm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers encoding extensible-exceptions fclabels + filestore hscolour mtl nano-md5 parsec process QuickCheck salvia + salvia-extras stm time unix xml + ]; + description = "Haskell Wiki Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "orchid-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, mtl, network, orchid + , Pipe, salvia, salvia-extras, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orchid-demo"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "1gfjmakfx8244q1yqbgp2ji9bh45ll8ixvxbdd961my30j7gh29z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions mtl network orchid Pipe salvia + salvia-extras stm + ]; + description = "Haskell Wiki Demo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ord-adhoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, void }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ord-adhoc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "062wkfpww1ic3xiy26k22369azk5wjlpn5wm5xh1w75kc9crv263"; + buildDepends = [ base void ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Creating Ord instances instantly"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "order-statistics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, math-functions, statistics + , vector, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "order-statistics"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1df9b0q4rmgnd74q7pckcppyiygzba6f39vajkwb2pmxlfafcy7a"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers math-functions statistics vector vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "L-Estimators for robust statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ordered" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ordered"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0s0g5kgzdw7qjsdcddszjclamx9bi0369pkwhh0wncjg68a7mq69"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A definition of Posets"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "orders" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orders"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ry6flg5sh3hl1xpkqk67ayd4y0xx3j2pwcz26q1pgqn6m84plzr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "basic orders"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ordrea" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, process, split + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ordrea"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "067nf69diqi00vswd7xarl55ps9v5cwqmph1w6nzjylnl0pjh811"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers vector ]; + testDepends = [ base directory process split ]; + description = "Push-pull implementation of discrete-time FRP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "organize-imports" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "organize-imports"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04d56k6x6psynk8lddbawc3kfa4yc66w4qgjag20grm4zd7y45ax"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + description = "Organize scala imports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "orgmode-parse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, free, HUnit, old-locale, tasty + , tasty-hunit, text, thyme, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "orgmode-parse"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jlajb6gvlh5w0b011129vqq46mb6kl5lh1bnih3k19hm0kd50fz"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base free old-locale text thyme unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base HUnit old-locale tasty tasty-hunit text thyme + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "A parser and writer for org-mode flavored documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "os-release" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hlint, hspec, process, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "os-release"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1qg0j0d86k3vddlndlwy6n4mb7hlb0x3r7swcjqwyw5r9kc5dvmb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hlint hspec process regex-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "/etc/os-release helpers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "osdkeys" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, libnotify, process, resourcet, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "osdkeys"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "18pc2r5acb3b6dr7niib4fn8x2la6y3f5zlj3ibrxhl5c1q35j6y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers libnotify process + resourcet time transformers + ]; + description = "Show keys pressed with an on-screen display (Linux only)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "osm-download" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , data-default, directory, gps, http-conduit, http-types + , monad-control, monadIO, mtl, persistent, persistent-sqlite + , persistent-template, pool-conduit, stm, stm-chans, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "osm-download"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "056ggv31nycgz59gkmibzmx0k5x8klb5bwlnbhdih8d71larbsb3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers data-default directory gps + http-conduit http-types monad-control monadIO mtl persistent + persistent-sqlite persistent-template pool-conduit stm stm-chans + text time transformers transformers-base + ]; + description = "Download Open Street Map tiles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "osx-ar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "osx-ar"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1d2lna7gvygiq062p2y1zy182wv3vkr0lda49y502ad6jf483xdn"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers ]; + description = "Parser for OS X static archive format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, binary, either, ghc + , HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vf4lqc0mffnhz4a03jvs35rl1ygp2ipdmn3dyb5darsg941gsd3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary either ghc mtl QuickCheck text + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base binary HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Real-time collaborative editing with Operational Transformation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ottparse-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, split, uniplate }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ottparse-pretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zwqwx19k4zq87fnpj9akdqnqpmbfmyw0m24ghxn0nvs51vbp3lh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec split uniplate ]; + description = "Pretty-printer for Ott parse trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "package-o-tron" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, filemanip, filepath, groom, packdeps + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "package-o-tron"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r4zksyszbhywyyayjs1cn8d69cnm0p4y9xqir9nw1g4gkl23df8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal filemanip filepath groom packdeps process + ]; + description = "Utilities for working with cabal packages and your package database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "package-vt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, Diff, filepath, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "package-vt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rsv60n6fd9kkjihdjzi7hadxj8yd6bd640w92y2wx1y9qxl8lhm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal Diff filepath haskell-src-exts ]; + description = "Haskell Package Versioning Tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "packdeps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, split, tar, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "packdeps"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08an9nwg448d3w4yds67l02mgikmjmn52pvva3i386fv4hfkabhp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath split tar text + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Check your cabal packages for lagging dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "packed-dawg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, deepseq, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, unordered-containers + , vector, vector-binary-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "packed-dawg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lvn1kj5mqy22lkm3h5yhsqw83kv6nwdwm6yvgia3xr0c8nnvx4c"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary deepseq mtl unordered-containers vector + vector-binary-instances + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary deepseq HUnit mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck unordered-containers vector + vector-binary-instances + ]; + description = "Generation and traversal of highly compressed directed acyclic word graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "packedstring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "packedstring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x78pzzdlnpcmh9p37rlf8m5cxf3yqm2alf3whl4zpr9w25r0qj8"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "(Deprecated) Packed Strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "packer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "packer"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1bqxpa13ccvkkzy45374rl5w0qswsh3lsgv6mrxs9hp6b4w3f46j"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast byte serializer and unserializer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "packunused" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts + , optparse-applicative, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "packunused"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f8lc9lzqwyzdz1j8czdan04d4bj393xk1rxfhr39j4a56qskp1c"; + editedCabalFile = "13b205abc2620715a9e4aecb110c7c8e4048430c66baf35d78915e99c92e1527"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory filepath haskell-src-exts optparse-applicative + split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool for detecting redundant Cabal package dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pacman-memcache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, directory-tree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pacman-memcache"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04jlfinds38kjy0qrk00a7ik5x7mkdwkb0cwmlzlif45x4zrhwfv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq directory-tree ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read whole Pacman database which pushes it into the memory cache"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "padKONTROL" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hmidi, minioperational + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "padKONTROL"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sv7124ms2msqb2wb361xshykmh8cr4i85qayjak8y8q7bpzkdfd"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hmidi minioperational transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Controlling padKONTROL native mode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pagerduty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bifunctors, bytestring + , bytestring-conversion, conduit, data-default-class, exceptions + , generics-sop, http-client, http-types, lens, lens-aeson, mmorph + , monad-control, mtl, old-locale, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pagerduty"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0g14xnk0a210fzfxyxviqnrfgl6bxvvf5ikgqsjmifjv1h9pj6b8"; + editedCabalFile = "5dfdd3a9c0061cce3b681ba03b0a0637e60f6bfebd9239516f37be4cbd467e7d"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bifunctors bytestring bytestring-conversion conduit + data-default-class exceptions generics-sop http-client http-types + lens lens-aeson mmorph monad-control mtl old-locale + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client library for PagerDuty Integration and REST APIs"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "palette" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, colour, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "palette"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0065b83qrmlqrm96399p3hqqd5psmvxawhwqnwkjm7gid4qgiaha"; + buildDepends = [ array base colour containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for choosing and creating color schemes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "palindromes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "palindromes"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1k0kvd8p1ivwmpmf8khwmb4vyk8z0di74xn5840zy9jhf1cwx4kn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finding palindromes in strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pam" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, pam }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pam"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1lmkq12p18qavx2c7xrnha56017y0f21ri4l3cqal4fb8zy0g5nj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ pam ]; + description = "Haskell binding for C PAM API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) pam; }; + + "panda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, data-default, directory + , filepath, gravatar, haskell98, hcheat, kibro, MissingH, mps + , network, old-locale, old-time, pandoc, parsec, parsedate, process + , rss, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "panda"; + version = "2009.4.1"; + sha256 = "0yn6ia1pql5fvj784a57ym74n5sd08n1g9djgapllw9lkf6r7hv7"; + buildDepends = [ + base cgi containers data-default directory filepath gravatar + haskell98 hcheat kibro MissingH mps network old-locale old-time + pandoc parsec parsedate process rss utf8-string xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple static blog engine"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pandoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, alex, ansi-terminal, array, base + , base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, data-default, deepseq-generics, Diff, directory + , executable-path, extensible-exceptions, filepath, haddock-library + , happy, highlighting-kate, hslua, HTTP, http-client + , http-client-tls, http-types, HUnit, JuicyPixels, mtl, network + , network-uri, old-locale, old-time, pandoc-types, parsec, process + , QuickCheck, random, scientific, SHA, syb, tagsoup, temporary + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , texmath, text, time, unordered-containers, vector, xml, yaml + , zip-archive, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pandoc"; + version = "1.13.2"; + sha256 = "12kd71g70d1wzz19p5yq7f00hw8d4ra8ghn83g7yzsal8igl8p76"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson alex array base base64-bytestring binary blaze-html + blaze-markup bytestring containers data-default deepseq-generics + directory extensible-exceptions filepath haddock-library happy + highlighting-kate hslua HTTP http-client http-client-tls http-types + JuicyPixels mtl network network-uri old-locale old-time + pandoc-types parsec process random scientific SHA syb tagsoup + temporary texmath text time unordered-containers vector xml yaml + zip-archive zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers Diff directory + executable-path filepath highlighting-kate HUnit pandoc-types + process QuickCheck syb test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text zip-archive + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fhttps" "-fmake-pandoc-man-pages" "-fold-locale" "-fnetwork-uri" + "-fmake-pandoc-man-pages" "-fhttps" "-f-trypandoc" + "-f-embed_data_files" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion between markup formats"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pandoc-citeproc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , containers, data-default, directory, filepath, hs-bibutils, mtl + , old-locale, pandoc, pandoc-types, parsec, process, rfc5051, split + , syb, tagsoup, temporary, text, time, vector, xml-conduit, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pandoc-citeproc"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1whi8mrbhfi8wr3qbj1lkgc1pngn8151jjri409hshl1mng4aq5b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty attoparsec base bytestring containers + data-default directory filepath hs-bibutils mtl old-locale pandoc + pandoc-types parsec process rfc5051 split syb tagsoup temporary + text time vector xml-conduit yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory filepath pandoc pandoc-types + process temporary text yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test_citeproc" "-f-unicode_collation" "-f-embed_data_files" + "-fbibutils" "-fsmall_base" + ]; + description = "Supports using pandoc with citeproc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pandoc-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lens, pandoc-types }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pandoc-lens"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1871s6ckv34p2k3y1w61rrr3f4yn1zpyhzd1r0k30cr70g8qrg7h"; + buildDepends = [ base containers lens pandoc-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses for Pandoc documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pandoc-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , deepseq-generics, ghc-prim, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pandoc-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wbgm0s45smi8gix0byapkiarbb416fv765fc329qsvl295xlyqq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers deepseq-generics ghc-prim syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Types for representing a structured document"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pandoc-unlit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pandoc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pandoc-unlit"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0jdlfqhp7h6jsp9qq2ndnm8fs96m19cmmd5rnjpqb76ilg6kn7l9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base pandoc ]; + description = "Literate Haskell support for GitHub's Markdown flavor"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pango" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, containers, directory, glib + , gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl, pango, pretty, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pango"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "031yrfz6i4sc8jp2r1ar3mhz4cg8ih3kics2g7qvrxi1s3ai3d3x"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo containers directory glib mtl pretty process text + ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ cairo pango ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnew-exception" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Pango text rendering engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cairo pango; }; + + "papillon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, monads-tf + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "papillon"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02j3bydxzs39ljfnx1sgsn9ppw1cah81dfbws57yp9vdrcyq2ipf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath monads-tf template-haskell + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "packrat parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pappy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pappy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14f4mv9xgqwmmyy3fg1miqdmi7a6bs3hixqk4z46r0pz44w6nlxd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Packrat parsing; linear-time parsers for grammars in TDPL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "para" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "para"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0l5abmqi548s10f87m124ld4hhphhl1szljyc04a13fah4dsqjbh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Text paragraph formatting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "paragon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, containers, cpphs + , directory, filepath, haskell-src-meta, parsec, pretty, syb + , template-haskell, th-lift, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "paragon"; + version = "0.1.28"; + sha256 = "1iz7fg7ziq3ffq1wac0z2m151rn4xmvd5kig04fdw1cy0x487c9c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers cpphs directory filepath + haskell-src-meta parsec pretty syb template-haskell th-lift + uniplate + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Paragon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parallel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parallel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hp6vf4zxsw6vz6lj505xihmnfhgjp39c9q7nyzlgcmps3xx6a5r"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers deepseq ]; + description = "Parallel programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parallel-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extensible-exceptions, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parallel-io"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0i86x3bf8pjlg6mdg1zg5lcrjpg75pbqs2mrgrbp4z4bkcmw051s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers extensible-exceptions random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" "-f-fuzz" "-f-benchmark" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parallel-tasks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, deepseq, here + , old-locale, stm, time, transformers, vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parallel-tasks"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cng14pivk0cw3xax0z4j59s0vpbkm7hjycsb3cif6pfjbypsm3x"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal deepseq here old-locale stm time + transformers vector vector-algorithms + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parallel-tree-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parallel, tree-monad }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parallel-tree-search"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1x2k649q6gqz9z16vwg1j59ajf2wp59lfwb65g8819fz4rwimncr"; + buildDepends = [ base parallel tree-monad ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel Tree Search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "parameterized-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, type-level }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parameterized-data"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1zcfpapbgmzfrrwn8bq829scb89b52p1567xaw45d77z3hw24cq1"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell type-level ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parco" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parco"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0598hz6zqcn4lh5y3vr54z4jh4ampxnh8rq29k6p5vnmrpvn4lq4"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Generalised parser combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parco-attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, mtl, parco }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parco-attoparsec"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bc2gyvc1i3l3p702zs6hfkab7fmc7li5kh4mdzy3a91gzgsl3jh"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base mtl parco ]; + description = "Generalised parser combinators - Attoparsec interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parco-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parco, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parco-parsec"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0m3dsjay3av4y0v4j76wxybmk4mkjdhqq81w1wsfr173d4blgxf3"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parco parsec ]; + description = "Generalised parser combinators - Parsec interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parcom-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, text + , transformers, utf8-string, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parcom-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14afqaq4r556rf1wmjd14682dph8ji2b9r4dx1mjlxyr096l84h6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl text transformers utf8-string word8 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple parser-combinator library, a bit like Parsec but without the frills"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parconc-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, abstract-par, accelerate, accelerate-io, array + , async, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq, directory + , distributed-process, distributed-process-simplelocalnet + , distributed-static, fclabels, filepath, HTTP, monad-par, network + , normaldistribution, parallel, random, repa, stm, template-haskell + , time, transformers, utf8-string, vector, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parconc-examples"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1i8kkjak3byzypaiqi7iavhswmvs98cvcrakdxpd8cm52gj6xk2d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + abstract-par accelerate accelerate-io array async base binary + bytestring containers deepseq directory distributed-process + distributed-process-simplelocalnet distributed-static fclabels + filepath HTTP monad-par network normaldistribution parallel random + repa stm template-haskell time transformers utf8-string vector xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fdistributed" "-faccelerate" "-f-cuda" "-f-devil" "-f-llvm" + ]; + description = "Examples to accompany the book \"Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parport"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1d4fq67179n6flmi4ll0341cnnx6p7v44sj5xkk5vknm7qv1p5nx"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Simply interfacing the parallel port on linux"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "parse-dimacs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parse-dimacs"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0amh3h49xi65kx8l34cy5jkai1f0d9l1qxp4937f3cjf7afif0pj"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring parsec ]; + description = "DIMACS CNF parser library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parse-help" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cmdargs, containers + , data-default, file-location, template-haskell, text, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parse-help"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1vy7v49nh60gkb7vsig87hv11cxn19xs2jjvd0xnnhdz0zm4z7yf"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers data-default file-location + template-haskell text th-lift + ]; + testDepends = [ cmdargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate command line arguments from a --help output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parseargs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parseargs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pzw7w1kr2rv6ffqgn93rypn37wy2r5k01p3y5256laaplm575am"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line argument parsing library for Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec"; + version = "3.1.7"; + sha256 = "12h7n367gaw9ifd19yd3ppi4j6kghf7rryacl0ips0fwlxw1x8wa"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl text ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic parser combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x5lpkly8z26ygp0k8ddkybgmfi5n2vnf6sv3sjn3xm531xf6qy4"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf parsec transformers ]; + description = "Some miscellaneous basic string parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-numbers"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1gzy4v3r02kvdxvgg1nj83mmb6aph2v4ilf9c7y6nbvi2x49l0bp"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-parsec1" ]; + description = "Utilities for parsing numbers from strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec-parsers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, parsec + , parsers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-parsers"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1knmcciyq07vp06s3xh4hwz654n017863dh9hdp1mwm57vc43s3j"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec parsers ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing instances for Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec-permutation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-permutation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yfdgvw093kk5id9h6b566zniss26kw6rxnvsni6dgr4knzyx1xi"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base parsec QuickCheck ]; + description = "Applicative permutation parser for Parsec intended as a replacement for Text.Parsec.Perm."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec-tagsoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-tagsoup"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1pzspf5fimjlki5fn3lxz1kdpd9pf2ww8z9sf08zaiyfp4ms15n1"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec tagsoup ]; + description = "Parsec parsers for Tagsoup tag streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "parsec-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pfdl9zsdzxcbjh37234djcbg6sdhqzx3fnin0b55hxn78k26ivi"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Utility functions and combinators for Text.Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec1"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nrmq1ihyir49sppqxffccqcc2lc4sik8ffxdwa1agcia5izjs4d"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable monadic parser combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec2"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0iq5b5d0pdm49qnigss29vnxj3yjqa5rllp29dxl8df6393k6sk9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic parser combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k1gg1dqaiqrhfxkyfihd8zn6n069a3px8qfdhdv2aym27gcdnnh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic parser combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsec3-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsec3-numbers"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0i7fvbhvvmf5nld51kv9v0vpb42dlnpivxcl7ll0zwa3gzks2cm5"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-parsec3" ]; + description = "Utilities for parsing numbers from Char sequences"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsedate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, old-time, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsedate"; + version = "3000.0.0"; + sha256 = "0gsylvm8srddmh3g3ysjgqqmgp0ddg6pdi2sz15v6nrvsqfabiip"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale old-time parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data and time parsing for CalendarTime"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsek" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsek"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ybh76cx5y73ywhlv4g2z74x1mvg5n2rxl045mscs6dwcyw9vhbd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Parallel Parsing Processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "parsely" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsely"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "16sg32qs1kq184wk6d83z20b9firh1kjmysqwd2aqaiyq37zjyyb"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parser-helper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, haskell-src-exts, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parser-helper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cvdvphxlbyv5l9q5yc4b4kb59ghar2pmqx8pk387ffgz71r7ppb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring haskell-src-exts text ]; + description = "Prints Haskell parse trees in JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "parsergen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HUnit + , parsec, QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsergen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01yx4pa5x87nqz8k999jr7bnyfkjlgk660c53xkj5ipcvl4b9mfi"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath parsec template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HUnit parsec QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "TH parser generator for splitting bytestring into fixed-width fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, charset, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, parsec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yx75xbmg3lms0hj79r5w9fl81g5cbsm842lijhd9jnnbli2mzfw"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base charset containers parsec text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory doctest filepath + parsec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-lib-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsestar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, bytestring-mmap + , bytestring-nums, bytestring-show, containers, deepseq, derive + , happy, mtl, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsestar"; + version = "1.5"; + sha256 = "0prbn7vi2bp66x4fs5cm8lz9qv4d1kpcd20mf24zwpa9siwyf4aq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring bytestring-mmap bytestring-nums + bytestring-show containers deepseq derive mtl zlib + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + description = "NMR-STAR file format parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "parsimony" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "parsimony"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0vbayvk989m85qfxxls74rn0v8ylb5l7lywp30sw2wybvi4r08lg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + description = "Monadic parser combinators derived from Parsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "partial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partial"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ybh0yz68gawbfswk1s498asc1z7qw6b8qys7rasw5i5iw6vjvr8"; + editedCabalFile = "f49cbb0cfb2f101a006bb54ada3982ae85b6413d019fd92927ce259b3666e172"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A nullary type class for partial functions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "partial-handler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partial-handler"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "07dhsm2r89iviz481r9wxw0scq40dgfzw0mi6klky78xn8r9x4ds"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A composable exception handler"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "partial-isomorphisms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partial-isomorphisms"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0wmlx1dp7i9rp3s5028gvqa7z0g1dkzlyd134kh04s1lx2hb94px"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial isomorphisms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "partial-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad-transformers, data-lens + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partial-lens"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0s7p69fl1a3q4x2n9hf4540dcxjxjsj4knf2nal3wl1djh067ja8"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad-transformers data-lens transformers + ]; + description = "Haskell 98 Partial Lenses"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "partial-uri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network-uri }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partial-uri"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0n3rmajbmnydqk6jk36n83a6ra5p1dkdbd592ywjfq4jhmh98333"; + buildDepends = [ base network-uri ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Datatype for passing around unresolved URIs"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "partly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, base64-bytestring + , binary, bytestring, optparse-applicative, QuickCheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "partly"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s5cr0ysxv74dlziyf2ga29wawwlikqgb2njv8g1f1rb8i5n97gv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base base64-bytestring binary bytestring + optparse-applicative vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring binary bytestring QuickCheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Inspect, create, and alter MBRs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "passage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , GraphSCC, monadLib, mwc-random, pretty, primitive, process + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "passage"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11qrm27a1fn8p8z0q1400nd30sblm8pcn6znz4syg9jkmqhpn8ig"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath GraphSCC monadLib + mwc-random pretty primitive process random + ]; + description = "Parallel code generation for hierarchical Bayesian modeling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "passwords" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, MonadRandom, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "passwords"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m0ks6wpj800fxqry7gz69ki9bfpnix4zfqrc3sca2k88yl53miv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers MonadRandom random ]; + description = "Password generation/validation library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pastis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pastis"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1425gzss5maqzrphrvvsw60lkapwg3wfjx10c59qkylx63k5ixjl"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network ]; + description = "Interface to the URL shortening service"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pasty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pasty"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "12pmqcpqa6gjph40w4ga53ij8b989igaf3r6jwxng67kmddkq22z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple command line pasting utility"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "patch-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "patch-combinators"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "007bxr6xfqjmbx4b9k3n3qw7jmrn298v8cqxvycfhy5924l9jyi6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library for patching functions and data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "patch-image" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, accelerate-arithmetic, accelerate-cuda + , accelerate-fft, accelerate-io, accelerate-utility, base, Cabal + , filepath, gnuplot, hmatrix, JuicyPixels, utility-ht, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "patch-image"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ls3dlwgki483l1raaqb247by0kpzvqc54g1gmvr71zfgbfxrjl2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + accelerate accelerate-arithmetic accelerate-cuda accelerate-fft + accelerate-io accelerate-utility base Cabal filepath gnuplot + hmatrix JuicyPixels utility-ht vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-builddraft" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compose a big image from overlapping parts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "path-pieces" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "path-pieces"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "05rya4gvpmm3pa4qp6cvvh4552qsrsgi61i1cx0aj8slakqrk8xw"; + buildDepends = [ base text time ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit QuickCheck text ]; + description = "Components of paths"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pathfindingcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HUnit, split, tasty, tasty-hunit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pathfindingcore"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "0x2bw79ym5rndhy5qd50gqv6fkqvp2zby4af2d5gdvsbm9fhv6c8"; + buildDepends = [ array base split ]; + testDepends = [ array base HUnit tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A toy pathfinding library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pathtype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, QuickCheck, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pathtype"; + version = "0.5.4"; + sha256 = "1ns5q3nrkl99xp4mrmk8wpvb9qzyvnw5cyjwh5rh76ykm2d5dbg7"; + buildDepends = [ base directory QuickCheck time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-time" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe replacement for System.FilePath etc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "patience" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "patience"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0qyv20gqy9pb1acy700ahv70lc6vprcwb26cc7fcpcs4scsc7irm"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "patronscraper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HandsomeSoup, hxt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "patronscraper"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c45cgp3af04b0r72lbka8rzfar09d811i2im13wd5b9jfw5rzvp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HandsomeSoup hxt ]; + description = "A webpage scraper for Patreon which dumps a list of patrons to a text file"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pattern-arrows" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pattern-arrows"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "13q7bj19hd60rnjfc05wxlyck8llxy11z3mns8kxg197wxrdkhkg"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrows for Pretty Printing"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "patterns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, mtl, time + , utf8-string, zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "patterns"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "176si32zbrklf7wsspg0qdswd85ah0gl9k25ylx9qi2rr1vp18pv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers mtl time utf8-string + zeromq-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common patterns in message-oriented applications"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "paymill" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "paymill"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1gw3mxh766wf5anyn84qcf8nn96fzd1ibcjg55bk9b1yw6dc1va0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "This is an unofficial client for the Paymill API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "paypal-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, failure + , http-conduit, http-types, mtl, old-locale, text, time, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "paypal-api"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0im96yxvbb78sb0b83yypcwsa27gnjbjxbfki5rdnpgbf2yr8k9h"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers failure http-conduit http-types + mtl old-locale text time wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PayPal API, currently supporting \"ButtonManager\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTTP, network, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pb"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "03cb5diy7wvcd0gm09r4172mck0n4v5hxyc622r8k3phzvzq9zdf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers HTTP network process ]; + description = "pastebin command line application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pbc4hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hslua, string-qq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pbc4hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16dki82d9x6rpkbax090ax8ynwjxv31cvpzpy51ynq83kjg3v2z9"; + buildDepends = [ base hslua string-qq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "pbc for HsLua"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pbkdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, byteable, bytedump, bytestring + , cryptohash, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pbkdf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nbn8kan43i00g23g8aljxjpaxm9q1qhzxxdgks0mc4mr1f7bifx"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary byteable bytedump bytestring cryptohash utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary byteable bytedump bytestring cryptohash utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell implementation of the PBKDF functions from RFC-2898"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libpcap, network, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pydw62qqw61sxfd8x9vvwgpgl3zp6mqv8rm4c825ymzyipjxsg7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network time ]; + extraLibraries = [ libpcap ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcap-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, pcap, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcap-conduit"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "07a6cwaq668a948njjybj9clbswmhz88xrwjkb42jg9gm1nh46kz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit pcap transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit <-> libpcap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcap-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, pcap, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcap-enumerator"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0v7ar3jbs54ibhrbbzmvajc7pc8h8dv56wr77w4vsbyz6xq4sqdb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring enumerator pcap transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert a pcap into an enumerator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcd-loader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, deepseq + , directory, HUnit, lens, linear, mtl, string-qq, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcd-loader"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nwyv5c0x262b4j73560bnxhab07ky0cba8nrzdbmmwl2g72c8m7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring deepseq lens linear mtl text + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory HUnit lens string-qq test-framework + test-framework-hunit text vector + ]; + description = "PCD file loader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcg-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, primitive, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcg-random"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04l33f4z9hys2aydai1qml2y7izv1d5ig60mgmwifr8mk68gc1lg"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive random time ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the PCG random number generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcre-less" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, regex-pcre }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcre-less"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1widnpz4r2az96lwxrq21vm21j9j7b4sn86kqn2iih3xs2dpwqf9"; + buildDepends = [ array base regex-pcre ]; + description = "Nicer interface to regex-pcre"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcre-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pcre }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcre-light"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l1df2sk5qwf424bvb8mbdkr2xjg43fi92n5r22yd7vm1zz0jqvf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ pcre ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small, efficient and portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcre-light-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pcre-light }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcre-light-extra"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1kjh36gglszd16rsh0rm2q5fxjlfipzld4hw0l2r23y0flbqkbvx"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring pcre-light ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "pcre-light extra functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pcre-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl + , regex-pcre-builtin, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pcre-utils"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1kvasljlrfmlskqzzglm6swkfmfrqycv0j0hswck0lcfzd8nxkna"; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring mtl regex-pcre-builtin vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit regex-pcre-builtin ]; + description = "Perl-like substitute and split for PCRE regexps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdf-toolbox-content" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring + , containers, io-streams, pdf-toolbox-core, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdf-toolbox-content"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08icj65l6hjl2r07ipr6c65n7ny771zq714bswhv2q0iwdigz1iz"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base16-bytestring bytestring containers io-streams + pdf-toolbox-core text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools for processing PDF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdf-toolbox-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, errors + , io-streams, scientific, transformers, zlib-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdf-toolbox-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d9c275gdr2byri6nbabh2ap6lnq0wnfqfqq76fnb0fj92ydmxc6"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers errors io-streams scientific + transformers zlib-bindings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools for processing PDF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdf-toolbox-document" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cipher-rc4, containers + , cryptohash, io-streams, pdf-toolbox-content, pdf-toolbox-core + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdf-toolbox-document"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fjchlknkxxgy6rm2q4f9fhy53ip06kzvcv5876gxswdchi6kxwa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cipher-rc4 containers cryptohash io-streams + pdf-toolbox-content pdf-toolbox-core text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of tools for processing PDF files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdf-toolbox-viewer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, directory + , filepath, gtk, io-streams, pdf-toolbox-content + , pdf-toolbox-document, process, random, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdf-toolbox-viewer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "173hc11aiy6zzsz624samxif953nl5gyjlxk8zy0c7a0yaxha1pp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo containers directory filepath gtk io-streams + pdf-toolbox-content pdf-toolbox-document process random text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple pdf viewer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdf2line" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, filepath + , FindBin, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdf2line"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "07a9ddr4j5f4vhv1md32f0d3mwhx5p9lw0bwjikfhhqq49jvrpa5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers filepath FindBin process + ]; + description = "Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pdfinfo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, old-locale, process-extras, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdfinfo"; + version = "1.5.1"; + sha256 = "1xhznh9pqx4yvzfnypjkmgrsv5z1949vnrix101y6iy0y1zk4r5x"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-locale process-extras text time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper around the pdfinfo command"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdfsplit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, pdfinfo, process, temporary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdfsplit"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "00bnbfy3awl9vd9vvmh6ylfn2d882r3r1am6b6788b78lvznypxa"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory pdfinfo process temporary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "split two-column PDFs, so there is one column per page"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pdynload" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths + , old-time, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pdynload"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0949nzk85fp9vs6v90cd6kxgg52pcaz2mfahv7416qpgp65hpw93"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath ghc ghc-paths old-time process + ]; + description = "pdynload is polymorphic dynamic linking library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "peakachu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, derive, GLUT, List, template-haskell, time + , TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peakachu"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0awj571rgcn69vl907b26j68azy7kyd3kki014lsfsngql9cp1pq"; + buildDepends = [ + base derive GLUT List template-haskell time TypeCompose + ]; + description = "Experiemental library for composable interactive programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "peano-inf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lazysmallcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peano-inf"; + version = "0.6.5"; + sha256 = "1w8rvlckqcy41ciq2csb2nf83l969nwvvrrlm0x1yzf5i6ibg33b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers lazysmallcheck ]; + description = "Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, cmdargs, containers, deepseq + , derive, directory, filepath, grm, mtl, old-time, process, shake + , syb, uniplate, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pec"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "110i4y93gm6b76and12vra8nr5q2dz20dvgpbpdgic3sv2ds16k0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal cmdargs containers deepseq derive directory + filepath grm mtl old-time process shake syb uniplate wl-pprint + ]; + description = "pec embedded compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pecoff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pecoff"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "0vb22jfl309k4a6b80015cyrs5cxls7vyf8faz7lrm7i0vj0vz1q"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers ]; + description = "Parser for PE/COFF format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "peg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, haskeline, logict, mtl + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peg"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0mh56nkn31dwpyrl238b06gyfwy3p7y90b9y6k639vpqkn9nnzcd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath haskeline logict mtl parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a lazy non-deterministic concatenative programming language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "peggy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashtables, haskell-src-meta, ListLike + , monad-control, mtl, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peggy"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1km847arc193wq6cdr38xvz1znbdmrgdyji2p9rs4j2p35rr6s6y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hashtables haskell-src-meta ListLike monad-control mtl + template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Parser Generator for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pem"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "162sk5sg22w21wqz5qv8kx6ibxp99v5p20g3nknhm1kddk3hha1p"; + buildDepends = [ base base64-bytestring bytestring mtl ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "penn-treebank" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "penn-treebank"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12c5bzn3ac8783lny56n7rd8a1ik4ayfm1pr5v7gm7z53f7iz0qy"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + description = "Tools for manipulating the Penn TreeBank"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "penny" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, action-permutations, anonymous-sums, base + , bytestring, cereal, containers, contravariant, either, matchers + , multiarg, ofx, old-locale, parsec, prednote, QuickCheck, rainbow + , rainbox, random-shuffle, semigroups, split, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "penny"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bzxihhi7cs8cqbnz7mf6sj12dyr267265asc010pgyffpjc22qi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + action-permutations anonymous-sums base bytestring cereal + containers contravariant either matchers multiarg ofx old-locale + parsec prednote rainbow rainbox semigroups split text time + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + anonymous-sums base parsec QuickCheck random-shuffle semigroups + tasty tasty-quickcheck text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fincabal" "-f-test" "-f-debug" "-fbuild-reconcile" + "-fbuild-reprint" "-fbuild-diff" "-fbuild-selloff" "-fbuild-penny" + "-f-build-gibberish" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible double-entry accounting system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "penny-bin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, explicit-exception, multiarg + , parsec, penny-lib, pretty-show, semigroups, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "penny-bin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mdl8wpcy2yzscpww6vv5vhgiwy5xi0js1yxd7y4h5dmvhxsrr9l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers explicit-exception multiarg parsec penny-lib + pretty-show semigroups text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fbuild-reconcile" "-fbuild-reprint" "-fbuild-diff" + "-fbuild-selloff" "-fbuild-penny" "-f-debug" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deprecated - use penny package instead"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "penny-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, action-permutations, base, binary, bytestring + , cereal, containers, explicit-exception, matchers, multiarg, ofx + , old-locale, parsec, prednote, pretty-show, rainbow, semigroups + , split, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "penny-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fy671xvia7kjlcrwpsv93gsnyz5wvcajlva98ykbh7cdkf56b17"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + action-permutations base binary bytestring cereal containers + explicit-exception matchers multiarg ofx old-locale parsec prednote + pretty-show rainbow semigroups split text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbuildlib" "-fincabal" "-f-test" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deprecated - use penny package instead"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "peparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peparser"; + version = "0.21"; + sha256 = "1qy8hghpvp9idiq4ksn55n1dpx7823s7mjfvqfgrmhj0xl1b1y54"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for PE object files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "perceptron" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "perceptron"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w1vrsv43z92y6vsv9nzs2pjlqkhrxvzh53r2722530lzff34m78"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The perceptron learning algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "perdure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cognimeta-utils + , collections-api, comonad-transformers, containers, cryptohash + , data-binary-ieee754, data-lens, data-lens-fd, data-lens-template + , filepath, ghc-prim, MonadRandom, mtl, primitive, QuickCheck, stm + , strict, tagged, template-haskell, time, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "perdure"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "04vj8kva5qmrf8r93xyf0qw8nx64j241pdc19s2ddvd21lq5wqkz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cognimeta-utils collections-api + comonad-transformers containers cryptohash data-binary-ieee754 + data-lens data-lens-fd data-lens-template filepath ghc-prim + MonadRandom mtl primitive QuickCheck stm strict tagged + template-haskell time transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Robust persistence for acyclic immutable data"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "perm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, catch-fd, HUnit, mtl, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "perm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lf6smw3m32vwrga5y671z355w0vphp3n63cfnsirk1kiz5ik5rx"; + buildDepends = [ base catch-fd mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "permutation Applicative and Monad with many mtl instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "permutation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "permutation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kl5yw1as2y8yf2ac2f6v7g8k7mzjqw5fdh18a6m3jfhjw9rcqf7"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for permutations and combinations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "permute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "permute"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "03g1d9h26f1id0pnaigy9xy1cv5pvzqcjrwgzn75xnnbm5c3y9ch"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Generalised permutation parser combinator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistable-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, dlist, names-th + , template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistable-record"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z03rixy03zp4l4ygb9jlj4p4x5vp20r5qq39hi8vn1x37j39x26"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers dlist names-th template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding between SQL database values and haskell records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, conduit, containers + , exceptions, fast-logger, hspec, lifted-base, monad-control + , monad-logger, mtl, old-locale, path-pieces, resource-pool + , resourcet, scientific, silently, sqlite, tagged, template-haskell + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17pp9akqws3454nbpd1yq5r8narjkhbwcaps7d1ydv3x4qk0vgmg"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-html blaze-markup + bytestring conduit containers exceptions fast-logger lifted-base + monad-control monad-logger mtl old-locale path-pieces resource-pool + resourcet scientific silently tagged template-haskell text time + transformers transformers-base unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-html bytestring + conduit containers hspec monad-control monad-logger old-locale + path-pieces resourcet scientific text time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ sqlite ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-nooverlap" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "persistent-cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, persistent, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-cereal"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "09akf8vpkn2jskf1vf9mq96sakqzr7mfs8hhri8qlbkwx3i5nr6f"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal persistent text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helper functions for writing Persistent instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "persistent-equivalence" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, diffarray }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-equivalence"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "14nn01bbwskllbccgcnwnjwzyws6vppqv4l51n6pcvhwbphn18qz"; + buildDepends = [ array base diffarray ]; + description = "Persistent equivalence relations (aka union-find)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-hssqlppp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hssqlppp, monad-control, mtl + , persistent, persistent-template, template-haskell, text, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-hssqlppp"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1p4fpa5qlkn2jmggszzmzg0bva8r8j0x7b2bidqyzlw2i9332ba2"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hssqlppp monad-control mtl persistent + persistent-template template-haskell text th-lift + ]; + description = "Declare Persistent entities using SQL SELECT query syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, directory, EdisonAPI + , EdisonCore, filepath, LRU, mtl, stm-io-hooks + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-map"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "0an0j6xkxygxlvjj50fq356sc4njbniz9jzv6v2h9pihsmcckhvq"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers directory EdisonAPI EdisonCore filepath LRU + mtl stm-io-hooks + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A thread-safe (STM) persistency interface for finite map types"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "persistent-mongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bson, bytestring, cereal + , conduit, containers, monad-control, mongoDB, network, path-pieces + , persistent, resource-pool, resourcet, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-mongoDB"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "130jd85h1fl5klfr369kg11w29aavl81d22w1is5dg38s0pzn76a"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bson bytestring cereal conduit containers + monad-control mongoDB network path-pieces persistent resource-pool + resourcet text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-high_precision_date" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , containers, monad-control, monad-logger, mysql, mysql-simple + , persistent, resourcet, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-mysql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "079imqgx7ad6gl8x8drcdqfhw137k4n6rdb3j69sppq9aka9b72b"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring conduit containers + monad-control monad-logger mysql mysql-simple persistent resourcet + text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-odbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , convertible, HDBC, HDBC-odbc, monad-control, monad-logger + , persistent, persistent-template, resourcet, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-odbc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rvcjl9p7pj0hrf0ghhj96ib2knhxnfi9nhc7cppn7gnja1x8ldp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit containers convertible HDBC HDBC-odbc + monad-control monad-logger persistent persistent-template resourcet + text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tester" "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for the persistent library using ODBC"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , containers, monad-control, monad-logger, persistent + , postgresql-libpq, postgresql-simple, resourcet, text, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-postgresql"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q78w9bv71crw5fp8wv5n08jm15i5w9kwayvdxzcryxqnfhzklsa"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring conduit containers + monad-control monad-logger persistent postgresql-libpq + postgresql-simple resourcet text time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for the persistent library using postgresql"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-protobuf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, persistent, protocol-buffers + , protocol-buffers-descriptor, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-protobuf"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "046dpasgv6bwcm17w0z9dz4bvaa622cdb8paj7j6accmsc4rvs9z"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring persistent protocol-buffers + protocol-buffers-descriptor template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template-Haskell helpers for integrating protobufs with persistent"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, hedis + , monad-control, mtl, path-pieces, persistent, persistent-template + , scientific, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-redis"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1djwaahabjpj01hvg9hp6ldqxjn45hp1dl84bbgvini1f6ihh2bq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary bytestring hedis monad-control mtl + path-pieces persistent scientific text time transformers + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary bytestring hedis monad-control mtl + path-pieces persistent persistent-template scientific + template-haskell text time transformers utf8-string + ]; + description = "Backend for persistent library using Redis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-refs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, ref-fd, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-refs"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0575lg2fd5qnfb0p7y1gg2aqdg39435nkab8291x642cdz1jbg6s"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ref-fd transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell references backed by an IntMap for persistence and reversibility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , hspec, monad-control, monad-logger, old-locale, persistent + , persistent-template, resourcet, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-sqlite"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0knp5gr7js4i7a7gps10fdn33019h1k1wz6h3bf08ld1sl88sjha"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit containers monad-control monad-logger + old-locale persistent resourcet text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec persistent persistent-template time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-sanity-exe" "-f-systemlib" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim + , hspec, monad-control, monad-logger, path-pieces, persistent + , QuickCheck, tagged, template-haskell, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14jalq90x6czhasc9d8s7j1nylgjhw96ialdqsxvg7iswdp753qx"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers ghc-prim monad-control + monad-logger path-pieces persistent tagged template-haskell text + transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring hspec persistent QuickCheck text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "persistent-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a2ck5q9cz8q1hplqrqcanrvlgl001vfb8cyl7rcag2bgxlj29r4"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A persistent sequence based on array mapped tries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persistent-zookeeper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary + , bytestring, conduit, containers, hspec, hzk, monad-control, mtl + , path-pieces, persistent, persistent-template, resource-pool + , resourcet, scientific, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , transformers-base, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persistent-zookeeper"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "11s99wrxhyzyfg657dqma1v1vvdadskvrjybrya2zm8lp675ri9z"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary bytestring conduit + containers hzk monad-control mtl path-pieces persistent + persistent-template resource-pool resourcet scientific + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-base + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary bytestring conduit + containers hspec hzk monad-control mtl path-pieces persistent + persistent-template resource-pool resourcet scientific + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-base + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Backend for persistent library using Zookeeper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "persona" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, data-default-class, jose, lens + , network-uri, text, time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "persona"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w1m1m3kybk8cg8qn44l04i19i0zqgaz1i1k6666gvvrzk2rh7nh"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base data-default-class jose lens network-uri text time + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persona (BrowserID) library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "pesca" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pesca"; + version = "4.0.1"; + sha256 = "12cwmjszbbqrd1f21jvwvp026ja3377c3p0wfrbrl34g23gnysgp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Proof Editor for Sequent Calculus"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "peyotls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytable + , bytestring, cipher-aes, crypto-numbers, crypto-pubkey + , crypto-pubkey-types, crypto-random, cryptohash, handle-like + , monad-control, monads-tf, network, pem, random, stm + , transformers-base, word24, x509, x509-store, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "peyotls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dy641izw76cn1rslf7mbmbwhl5ajxjll95w4rg7pyvq2lq2qk9f"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytable bytestring cipher-aes + crypto-numbers crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types crypto-random + cryptohash handle-like monad-control monads-tf pem stm + transformers-base word24 x509 x509-store x509-validation + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-random handle-like network random stm x509 + x509-store + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pretty Easy YOshikuni-made TLS library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pez" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure, fclabels, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, thrist + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pez"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0w2m8i1h87v9l5lhz8mdllnrx62fk3isqhw3cvnv9rf6rk3zhv74"; + buildDepends = [ base failure fclabels thrist ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Pretty Extraordinary Zipper library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pg-harness" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, ini, postgresql-simple, random + , scotty, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pg-harness"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0ds161h0pcazq1lnbf5m89vm36mwjnhxakglyb2ixg39sd5a03g1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base ini postgresql-simple random scotty text transformers + ]; + description = "REST service for creating temporary PostgreSQL databases"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "pgm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pgm"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1s3kch1qsxrfzk9sa4b0jn9vzjhw7dvh1sajgnnz97gl5y0gydmv"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure Haskell implementation of PGM image format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pgsql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, binary + , blaze-builder, blaze-textual, bytestring, containers + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, old-locale, pcre-light + , text, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pgsql-simple"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1z39g6bp748ya54in48vcg8z20c3skza82cv203rqy192nj01km5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base16-bytestring binary blaze-builder + blaze-textual bytestring containers MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + network old-locale pcre-light text time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A mid-level PostgreSQL client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phantom-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phantom-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04fg0j79nkajsiw8n2yy62mwiw1r4fjy2jln5ng07h64pwyncdnm"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Phantom State Transformer. Like State Monad, but without values."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phasechange" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim, monad-st, primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phasechange"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0i54myn9abrpzrs58llqgii9fhd9ns9hipnaj00dnqx2mfbg7pan"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim monad-st primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Freezing, thawing, and copy elision"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, HUnit, pHash, smallcheck, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-smallcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phash"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0w3c7i4n4f12nkg0bqvm568s2y1fdgaicxqr3ky80lygbz1h20hw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest HUnit pHash smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-smallcheck + ]; + extraLibraries = [ pHash ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to pHash, the open source perceptual hash library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { pHash = null; }; + + "phone-push" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , conduit, convertible, HsOpenSSL, http-conduit, network, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phone-push"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0ndaddj3ssrdclzigdj0q04pwpdkbmhfc3rz8j7q9f4l7iv6yshi"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring binary bytestring conduit convertible + HsOpenSSL http-conduit network time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Push notifications for Android and iOS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phonetic-code" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phonetic-code"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pjvjqxp37n901s16ys5qq5rzblamz8izvsd1992w06bcyrs36cw"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers regex-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Phonetic codes: Soundex and Phonix"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phooey" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, reactive, TypeCompose, wx + , wxcore + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phooey"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0aa0s7qmy78s4q1mjcnw0qiqlbmdmkmk2nbn6hkmw5fn29iq0iwj"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl reactive TypeCompose wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional user interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "photoname" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exif, filepath, HUnit, mtl + , old-locale, parsec, process, regex-posix, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "photoname"; + version = "3.0.1"; + sha256 = "171vxmjzzwjzb4ixqnkwkg5d1zhswv5377hx79zj8sw68gm1h6b9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exif filepath mtl old-locale parsec time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory exif filepath HUnit mtl old-locale parsec process + regex-posix time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rename JPEG photo files based on shoot date"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "phraskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, SDL, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phraskell"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1bczvnmbgc7qcpmlhrnmql4yn2grry2ys7hcg06sqzwr5qhl1k9k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl SDL transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fractal viewer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "phybin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , fgl, filepath, graphviz, hierarchical-clustering, HUnit, parsec + , prettyclass, process, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-th, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "phybin"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1v6zcyfjnkgwc9kffi7lf15qb3j4wq2kclx26i1k9ssf6h7cs5g9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory fgl filepath graphviz + hierarchical-clustering HUnit parsec prettyclass process split text + time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory fgl filepath graphviz + hierarchical-clustering HUnit parsec prettyclass process split + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-th text time + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sequential" "-f-bitvec" "-fhashrf" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility for clustering phylogenetic trees in Newick format based on Robinson-Foulds distance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pi-calculus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AES, base, binary, byteable, bytestring + , containers, cryptohash, HTTP, io-streams, mtl, network, parsec + , RSA, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pi-calculus"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1w5krkss2qzzcqqmgqs369p5xnqyrm76vvsxd7mlhcdqaaj06n2q"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + AES base binary byteable bytestring containers cryptohash HTTP + io-streams mtl network parsec RSA transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Applied pi-calculus interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "pianola" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-iteratee, base, bytestring + , comonad, comonad-transformers, containers, either, errors + , filepath, free, iteratee, logict, msgpack, mtl, network, pipes + , streams, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pianola"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "02y630yskx139l5yii45rf47w2a2v3x0pad59ac9qzjalv7s68aq"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-iteratee base bytestring comonad + comonad-transformers containers either errors filepath free + iteratee logict msgpack mtl network pipes streams text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers errors filepath network streams text transformers + ]; + description = "Remotely controlling Java Swing applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "picologic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, picosat, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "picologic"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "14wil9fqx7n7zk7ldhk336g9mbybcf0gljvwjrnra3r01yiz7f20"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec picosat pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-shell" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for symbolic predicate logic expressions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "picosat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "picosat"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0x43fbhlinqflrvv548bxjrslnnsprklqig6iv9l8q9xv83scrvg"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the PicoSAT solver"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "piet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, Imlib, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "piet"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ab0msb12cj38qimxllwk0p0g9aggfxhgvdp2b5znxpixlr39cz9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers Imlib mtl ]; + description = "A Piet interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "piki" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "piki"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "0rsc2anh20hlr2dfyh07dyrrfns0l1pibz6w129fp5l8m6h3xjin"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet another text-to-html converter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmorph, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes"; + version = "4.1.4"; + sha256 = "0bv7i18lf15mvfscnif4hkwgm4anw8b7bbqhzdw4wbjqcvrrsppb"; + buildDepends = [ base mmorph mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + transformers + ]; + description = "Compositional pipelines"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, pipes + , pipes-attoparsec, pipes-bytestring, pipes-parse, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wacib0wf40bkm6rp2qcsrahc43g89l3icclbrshk8r54dhbazl7"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring pipes pipes-attoparsec + pipes-bytestring pipes-parse transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encode and decode JSON streams using Aeson and Pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HUnit, mmorph, pipes + , pipes-parse, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-attoparsec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ns8s3p6jh4iya71z3j81cqnrfnr4n92kblwgkjlapb23dykl2qz"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring pipes pipes-parse text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base HUnit mmorph pipes pipes-parse tasty tasty-hunit + text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Attoparsec and Pipes integration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-attoparsec-streaming" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, pipes-core + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-attoparsec-streaming"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0alr94jjh583cdi19zrlacrc71dspy12lhq8h24hqiar6l2lr1d7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring pipes-core transformers + ]; + description = "Streaming parsing in the pipes-core framework with Attoparsec"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, ghc-prim + , lens-family-core, pipes, pipes-bytestring, pipes-parse + , smallcheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-smallcheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-binary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r56h5f9i6hy4zb2bhfi26y7y3z0j4nacdb2dgkxmh5mqjd33f0q"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring ghc-prim pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-parse + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring ghc-prim lens-family-core pipes pipes-parse + smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-smallcheck transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encode and decode binary streams using the pipes and binary libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pipes, pipes-group, pipes-parse + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-bytestring"; + version = "2.1.1"; + sha256 = "1zn8vbsq214x1dswaz1sb7vjjvwxjy5sg8cv67cdmac0l1rw5dmz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring pipes pipes-group pipes-parse transformers + ]; + description = "ByteString support for pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-cereal-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal-plus, errors, mtl, pipes + , pipes-bytestring, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-cereal-plus"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1x1qfl8s0lhvcz2hqh5dl5ilyixar995bqqzas721ni2skflbhqr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal-plus errors mtl pipes pipes-bytestring text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A streaming serialization library on top of \"pipes\" and \"cereal-plus\""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pipes-concurrency" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, pipes, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-concurrency"; + version = "2.0.2"; + sha256 = "0g4fbh8dk8ph2ga0vyanqj52rxk9c1zi6g4yk3a1g6bnf4bklhm8"; + buildDepends = [ base pipes stm ]; + testDepends = [ async base pipes stm ]; + description = "Concurrency for the pipes ecosystem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, mtl, pipes-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-conduit"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1nzylhmi3f2m0xnqgx0m9g0p5pwl6xnidsz8ykzmv8wafrh60dh8"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit mtl pipes-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit adapters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, categories, lifted-base, monad-control + , transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-core"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1abzy45bjiy8lijg4a5xkwdh1k37c6m921y2s31x0yqgq79qlgyp"; + buildDepends = [ + base categories lifted-base monad-control transformers void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compositional pipelines"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-courier" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, courier, pipes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-courier"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v2bm2cmzb6a7bmpv8byrb5x4k5pivp3s8ma6r6dwhldic294jgf"; + buildDepends = [ base courier pipes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pipes utilities for interfacing with the courier message-passing framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-csv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, cassava, HUnit + , pipes, pipes-bytestring, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-csv"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "1q1gnfnkvlkk8lwllhyar7323k3jynh9rl6x9yks7lc3nqr1n16j"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring cassava pipes unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cassava HUnit pipes pipes-bytestring test-framework + test-framework-hunit vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest-hunit" ]; + description = "Fast, streaming csv parser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pipes-errors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, errors, pipes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-errors"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1lnb8pgp4a8rcsnz2kc34zzpbf781vw7cvphs7birsnb2r2w6waw"; + buildDepends = [ base errors pipes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Integration between pipes and errors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, mtl, pipes-core + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-th-prime + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-extra"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0yrbjs9y9s9a1q59138f7m0fsp8vsg0a31sfzgwfrg9pm2sfivfr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring pipes-core transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit mtl pipes-core test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-th-prime + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various basic utilities for Pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, foldl, HUnit, pipes, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-extras"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1dwqvbmngiprdffi9l0vhrlchfrr8cl0dvzlb34pmczkm9rvq8xk"; + buildDepends = [ base foldl pipes transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit pipes test-framework test-framework-hunit transformers + ]; + description = "Extra utilities for pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-group" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, pipes, pipes-parse, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-group"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "01k1j0b7rg39lfh2zhxxnj1bclmaas69b9wiai89h5i1m6aanmp0"; + buildDepends = [ base free pipes pipes-parse transformers ]; + description = "Group streams into substreams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-client, http-client-tls + , pipes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-http"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0hqab1pzcj11qwvc4dznis0qsyn1zc1d0riqxy6b5k04p9i2jbzk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-client http-client-tls pipes + ]; + description = "HTTP client with pipes interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-interleave" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pipes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-interleave"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1hj6b19x5kslb2n8kkcv9ihxgrs3yicdxv995lih2n9lmcjwz7gs"; + buildDepends = [ base containers pipes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interleave and merge streams of elements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-network" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, network-simple, pipes + , pipes-safe, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-network"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "1wabyv5j4q0wxiz8ry7dq3amlvfh4r0721pd2lksx7hj3a5qzm2p"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring network network-simple pipes pipes-safe + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use network sockets together with the pipes library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-network-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, network-simple + , network-simple-tls, pipes, pipes-network, pipes-safe, tls + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-network-tls"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0k3w13s3vasd85mapa594xhi31mhdwqycxqnadidqy24q5s6zdhc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring network network-simple network-simple-tls pipes + pipes-network pipes-safe tls transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS-secured network connections support for pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-p2p" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, binary, bytestring, errors + , exceptions, mtl, network, network-simple-sockaddr, pipes + , pipes-concurrency, pipes-network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-p2p"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0iig35b2m30dqc0f9p9n3cfz2f21ac2rkqw6cvaydfvh31vbh4iw"; + buildDepends = [ + async base binary bytestring errors exceptions mtl network + network-simple-sockaddr pipes pipes-concurrency pipes-network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "P2P network nodes with pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-p2p-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, errors, mtl + , network, network-simple-sockaddr, pipes, pipes-network, pipes-p2p + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-p2p-examples"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "08fdk005yrmr8mz3qlsfjys3pz9iidk53maylbgdk3nixk8plwwm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers errors mtl network + network-simple-sockaddr pipes pipes-network pipes-p2p + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples using pipes-p2p"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-parse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pipes, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-parse"; + version = "3.0.2"; + sha256 = "1d5lhh8knk0hmvd9wv2ihs5z9ybyvhd1n7qaazqkazqkyl14pd08"; + buildDepends = [ base pipes transformers ]; + description = "Parsing infrastructure for the pipes ecosystem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-postgresql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, exceptions, mtl, pipes + , pipes-concurrency, pipes-safe, postgresql-simple, stm, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-postgresql-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12ij2msdwjzzc93mlvvizh6amam5ld9j1a0b9xsa2awdjd21mwc1"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring exceptions mtl pipes pipes-concurrency + pipes-safe postgresql-simple stm text transformers + ]; + description = "Convert various postgresql-simple calls to work with pipes"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pipes-rt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mwc-random, pipes, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-rt"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "1zi4chmzv15j7yzqj483wiavfxvjinijga5c7qr1sj4874147dcv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mwc-random pipes time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A few pipes to control the timing of yields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-safe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, pipes, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-safe"; + version = "2.2.0"; + sha256 = "1m44a2pbws73jbr2ca48i94mrfwzlsibyc22i2w3fqq159qfg6ca"; + buildDepends = [ base containers exceptions pipes transformers ]; + description = "Safety for the pipes ecosystem"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-shell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, directory, hspec, pipes + , pipes-bytestring, pipes-safe, process, stm, stm-chans, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-shell"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0w49il312ns8pyl05144gznxfdchd0rnq8hprmjrgy8yp3v8j4v1"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-safe process stm + stm-chans text + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring directory hspec pipes pipes-bytestring + pipes-safe process stm stm-chans text + ]; + description = "Create proper Pipes from System.Process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pipes, pipes-bytestring + , pipes-group, pipes-parse, pipes-safe, streaming-commons, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10906gdb9gjhxxmxvmib6kw7py6fl2r4df5bryqvbjvr1afcc3x9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-group pipes-parse + pipes-safe streaming-commons text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-noio" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-primitive, pipes, primitive + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-vector"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1ny8dd4sd55df412v9dy5z0vf3nbi4h46pjazyiaj056p2w723aa"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-primitive pipes primitive transformers vector + ]; + description = "Various proxies for streaming data into vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, http-types, pipes + , transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-wai"; + version = "3.0.2"; + sha256 = "0wfab4nln9v91qprwm2ik9cz27m2qdhcw7qnndg4dhq47m7kvaw8"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring http-types pipes transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of wai-conduit for the pipes ecosystem"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pipes-websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-websockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "176gp747anh6a4wghkcj3jblb7ywhrp8c5wc7wrain77vn1sihk6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for using websockets ontop of pipes-network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pipes-zlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pipes, transformers, zlib + , zlib-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pipes-zlib"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "04iiw0r1mnxl4myyp87wqhff6jm0g2246gwismi7jnwy7xmllsmc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring pipes transformers zlib zlib-bindings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Zlib and GZip compression and decompression for Pipes streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pisigma" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, haskeline + , haskeline-class, mpppc, mtl, parsec, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pisigma"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1mz4cfhg8y7cv38ir2lzl7b2p1nfm8c4syvgzz4b9j98dxg694xz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers haskeline haskeline-class mpppc + mtl parsec text utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "A dependently typed core language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , optparse-applicative, process, temporary, text + , unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pit"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "10qrhpxk8v5qrs4pq4ghj0dj3brsbiv61pb5vakpq031h7grfg8p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath optparse-applicative process + temporary text unordered-containers yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Account management tool"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pkcs1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pkcs1"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1598gj6r6mv3z68qir1rgjk4p73w0k2fwkkban04s97xf86a0669"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RSA encryption with PKCS1 padding"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pkggraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pkggraph"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "019mli0g65g7k4rsp2myxc7g6p6wykj85amvb2g2ipw117zpzkfz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal split ]; + description = "Package dependency graph for installed packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pktree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pktree"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "172dsg1krxqamq8ids9xwyfqidr9z0qq4nmbq4rk2x62g4q0960c"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of the PKTree spatial index data structure"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "placeholders" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "placeholders"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ih35n2pw5gr9ggj2xz5zfcs4bdk200fdw6q9hdy3xna7maphak5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Placeholders for use while developing Haskell code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plailude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, stringable, text, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plailude"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1a21a3x6c81ajr5rads2gw1kjlyflxpcr8niksb9yv9k3kmzq6xy"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring mtl stringable text time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "plaimi's prelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "planar-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , containers, data-clist, deepseq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "planar-graph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c7a168wkym50nh6a0vqfnqgj4hsk91d4x3w84ip0phcnig65iip"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring containers data-clist + deepseq + ]; + description = "A representation of planar graphs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06syff2yzrs7qvj8m1f7bgzd6qc834zl9qphv67q3ps5r2hy09qd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl utf8-string ]; + description = "Simple templating library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "playlists" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, doctest, filepath + , hlint, hspec, optparse-applicative, text, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "playlists"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1brri1rl3zx2mqls3cw4bcdykq100dgxh0cslryhxfb95b4m8583"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring filepath optparse-applicative text word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring doctest hlint hspec ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-ftest-doctest" "-ftest-hlint" "-f-maintainer" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and executable for working with playlist files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dataenc, hxt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plist"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1c77p62sgc8zs9856h1glsfi384fjnxd9rblw2xhbszr9j6h6rxh"; + buildDepends = [ base dataenc hxt ]; + description = "Generate and parse Mac OS X property list format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plivo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, errors + , http-streams, http-types, io-streams, network-uri, old-locale + , time, unexceptionalio + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plivo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16q6jwnbzxhapmkzi2sn1k02z8gq11s9wp555fv7msv2if5axrp0"; + editedCabalFile = "7ef78cd34067e8d72872b32bcad9d01537710c11efce159c990aeb4670e4efb3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring errors http-streams http-types + io-streams network-uri old-locale time unexceptionalio + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Plivo API wrapper for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cairo, colour, hmatrix, MaybeT, mtl + , pango + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i75p82r0ps4xlcz6zc4ja9wd06xscsv4lr7q75ycrd659dn1j02"; + buildDepends = [ + array base cairo colour hmatrix MaybeT mtl pango + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A plotting library, exportable as eps/pdf/svg/png or renderable with gtk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plot-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, hmatrix, mtl, plot, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plot-gtk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18p3jjrs1asd35q3fykfsrwx22d7rqczymbyxsaqwya5y0nv3ymn"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk hmatrix mtl plot process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GTK plots and interaction with GHCi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plot-gtk3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk3, hmatrix, mtl, plot, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plot-gtk3"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0dw6ypnwr3xnjl1cvr55x3j182vchjhinc9fxsnd5z7ciraqvnv0"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 hmatrix mtl plot process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GTK3 plots and interaction with GHCi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plot-lab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, gtk, hmatrix, plot, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plot-lab"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qa5mxq9j5m5zbvzsmrzg8jb9w9v8ik50c8w5ffddcrrqb9b8mcq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base colour gtk hmatrix plot text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A plotting tool with Mathematica like Manipulation abilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "plotserver-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plotserver-api"; + version = "0.22"; + sha256 = "17vr3c9dnd1jabx66qih7z19mk0irrxzab51gl5gifcgdxlf4s3x"; + buildDepends = [ base curl split ]; + description = "Plotserver API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "plugins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-prim, haskell-src, process, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plugins"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "126lp2bbz9aa3pfi5dmbbzgsancdj1m26k7man96avixb21mzbi8"; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths + ghc-prim haskell-src process random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dynamic linking for Haskell and C objects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plugins-auto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hinotify + , mtl, plugins, process, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plugins-auto"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1gia9d45d7rb658wm6ihkfz36l4ph7w0hr0vnfw42s035aj5shy4"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath hinotify mtl plugins template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory process ]; + description = "Automatic recompilation and reloading of haskell modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plugins-multistage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, th-expand-syns }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plugins-multistage"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0hhi0r3hsgnajq4l0jg1v4j2ilk2r1hm9b7ldv6aykcg3wzbnvhd"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell th-expand-syns ]; + description = "Dynamic linking for embedded DSLs with staged compilation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "plumbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "plumbers"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1grw827jhxwka1zl0n5ycgrpc4ljw8bxg3psms8lsxfiiz6mwmq9"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Pointless plumbing combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ply-loader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal, directory + , filepath, lens, linear, parallel-io, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ply-loader"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0hi32n4gjvydahlclzc47qsnwqhzxxa7irc4qv6qbgpra4j6zqg1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cereal directory filepath lens linear + parallel-io transformers vector + ]; + description = "PLY file loader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "png-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary-file, bytestring, monads-tf + , template-haskell, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "png-file"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18m5pqf2dx26spwjav9b67plha9f3bgn4wl6g6pckl0mmym3zm10"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary-file bytestring monads-tf template-haskell zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "read/write png file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pngload" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, haskell98, mtl, parsec + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pngload"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1j8zagi5xcb4spvq1r0wcnn211y2pryzf0r8z7h70ypqak7sy6ps"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring haskell98 mtl parsec zlib ]; + description = "Pure Haskell loader for PNG images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pngload-fixed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, mtl, parsec, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pngload-fixed"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "02ikfn7kl8jx5iffa2pv0n1z1c75qcg9aq94nrccfdp532wxr7bx"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring mtl parsec zlib ]; + description = "Pure Haskell loader for PNG images"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pnm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pnm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h6wsqv6c36cmk30gs3rjdjbxxq9zih49pmzhj2dh9nyxsqbj2yw"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "PNM image format header parsing and pretty printing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, data-default-class + , kan-extensions, semigroupoids, semigroups, stm, tagged + , transformers, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointed"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "1rwavs2vycb02d04ba8ziywsxbl6k4yqk6pnmzcx5zhnkcfqvmbm"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers data-default-class kan-extensions + semigroupoids semigroups stm tagged transformers + transformers-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pointed and copointed data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointedlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointedlist"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "16xsrzqql7i4z6a3xy07sqnbyqdmcar1jiacla58y4mvkkwb0g3l"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ]; + description = "A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointfree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, HUnit + , QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointfree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nb3mqp6zwnnq6fs27xhcqv4w8h6sr5k01hldkqnkgwz0yyy7ljy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-exts transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers haskell-src-exts HUnit QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + description = "Tool for refactoring expressions into pointfree form"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "pointful" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src, mtl, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointful"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "00xlxgdajkbi5d6gv88wdpwm16xdryshszz5qklryi0p65mmp99p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src mtl syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fseparatesyb" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pointful refactoring tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointless-fun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointless-fun"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17gzh3w5j05l6ig1sdjqrl7br17zzpy9yh5k2lck0gjl5prcjclw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some common point-free combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointless-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GHood, process, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointless-haskell"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "0f0bnd6dyi1ancdxd2hkszshws9d8jz8iamz5pir0i4nsj69mqyx"; + buildDepends = [ base GHood process syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pointless Haskell library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointless-lenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, derive, pointless-haskell + , process, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointless-lenses"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "1z09wbx9nrlpg0msq69zyaypp28rfm653l22g7q5xcn0wn4hfs0b"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers derive pointless-haskell process QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pointless Lenses library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pointless-rewrite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pointless-haskell + , pointless-lenses, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pointless-rewrite"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0dc37gw8p5zyi23g94llbq7vb5n09rgznjf24nhg28jw2vmf3f0n"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl pointless-haskell pointless-lenses process + ]; + description = "Pointless Rewrite library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "poker-eval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, poker-eval, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "poker-eval"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0v1is9jnpw1ij3b7h9figkjqk58dzc44v6vpdmxfmb80w0myihrv"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl random vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ poker-eval ]; + description = "Binding to libpoker-eval"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) { inherit (pkgs) poker-eval; }; + + "polar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polar"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1f0anpxc57vxa5z0x4wrfay0g1sw2qwnz5nkz74y9vmh8vd99kkh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Complex numbers in polar form"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polh-lexicon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, dawg, directory + , filepath, mtl, polysoup, text, text-binary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polh-lexicon"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0mnccx3xj568s3q82achf1pj57zqdpj9iskgh62w39xbqm7spivl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers dawg directory filepath mtl polysoup text + text-binary transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for manipulating the historical dictionary of Polish (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polimorf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, text, text-binary }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polimorf"; + version = "0.7.3"; + sha256 = "0vv7j1l0wnjwpd3hpxswq0k33izl0ck2njspcga885bkrd45lzdr"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers text text-binary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Working with the PoliMorf dictionary"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "poll" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, enumset, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "poll"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0v4cyrr506zqvxqbxkncss2pl2j38skl02p1vj6cjxcvlzb2y43p"; + buildDepends = [ base enumset utility-ht ]; + description = "Bindings to poll.h"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polyToMonoid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polyToMonoid"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "068acarrpd66682yjscm6l5k9kj9p8zxbf3hi76kz7gvkhkbsjj8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Polyvariadic functions mapping to a given monoid"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polynomial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, pretty, prettyclass, vector + , vector-space, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polynomial"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "0jnqx4w9f99ynmrc5r05f5sfl2wrxnns3l67c2bnqh1sxw5hnbdp"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq pretty prettyclass vector vector-space vector-th-unbox + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Polynomials"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "polynomials-bernstein" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polynomials-bernstein"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0pjdwi84gz5j1rij4m89nyljjafzjnakmf4yd6vj4xz54nmmygg6"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + description = "A solver for systems of polynomial equations in bernstein form"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "polyparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polyparse"; + version = "1.11"; + sha256 = "1z417f80b0jm4dgv25fk408p3d9mmcd1dlbya3ry0zdx4md09vrh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "polyseq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cgi, containers + , free-theorems, haskell-src, mtl, network, old-locale, old-time + , parsec, pretty, syb, utf8-string, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polyseq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l31ynlkjkk2zzpsv194gv3pbl55liizvq4x16m5z52vzgszb570"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cgi containers free-theorems haskell-src mtl + network old-locale old-time parsec pretty syb utf8-string xhtml + ]; + description = "Taming Selective Strictness"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "polysoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, polyparse, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polysoup"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "13923ff6lzvl6j059gyhcb3cx27plkxgbyjr7skg9g5hxia5j73b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers polyparse tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Online XML parsing with polyparse and tagsoup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polytypeable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polytypeable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vb2adm97ypi553lsjz7333q3dg9fmi0incrxlikqixk0f3ajaq8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Typeable for polymorphic types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "polytypeable-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, polytypeable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "polytypeable-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hbpamgqsmsjkzjjva15f566yra77hwasp88b6y68nx9qa36a821"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 polytypeable ]; + description = "Utilities for polytypeable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ponder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ponder"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1nq4z063g429hxwf4vbyyr2b2s7sn325m0h6ggf793inlj48ci0h"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PEG parser combinator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pontarius-mediaserver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, hlogger, pontarius-xmpp + , pontarius-xpmn, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pontarius-mediaserver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00qyrbibav26x5ycipnyypybgjms2kxn38s3iy9gqzv0kmgsdxna"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 hlogger pontarius-xmpp pontarius-xpmn + xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) media server"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "pontarius-xmpp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary + , bytestring, Cabal, conduit, containers, crypto-api, crypto-random + , cryptohash, cryptohash-cryptoapi, data-default, derive, directory + , dns, doctest, filepath, hslogger, hspec, hspec-expectations + , iproute, lens, lifted-base, mtl, network, pureMD5, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, random, ranges, resourcet, smallcheck + , split, stm, stringprep, tasty, tasty-hspec, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, template-haskell, text, tls + , transformers, unbounded-delays, void, xml-conduit, xml-picklers + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pontarius-xmpp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s633z93qw1k0rs5bx85slmk40rlzlacr2fyxfp5qs3b74k93m7d"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary bytestring conduit + containers crypto-api crypto-random cryptohash cryptohash-cryptoapi + data-default dns hslogger iproute lifted-base mtl network pureMD5 + random resourcet split stm stringprep template-haskell text tls + transformers unbounded-delays void xml-conduit xml-picklers + xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base Cabal conduit containers data-default derive directory + doctest filepath hslogger hspec hspec-expectations lens network + QuickCheck quickcheck-instances ranges smallcheck stm stringprep + tasty tasty-hspec tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-th text + transformers xml-picklers xml-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fwith-th" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An XMPP client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pontarius-xpmn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pontarius-xmpp, random, text + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pontarius-xpmn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nd228fgsxlqxql38wkvhq8k5d04bgknpx7i83qxrzj8kb6890dy"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers pontarius-xmpp random text xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "pony" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pony"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0a8bya0kwk9d965awpg881bgzy9z1szcwsqqr0lfkd6bw3cb9fyy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Can I have a pony?"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pool"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fwwnwxk3kprr2z9y7bwa1qwxfkzwcb2n5l6vkq1c5s8gjls581c"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-control transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Thread-safe resource pools. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pool-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-control, resource-pool, resourcet + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pool-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1myjbmbh0jm89ycx9d961mpgw8hp7al8wgnsls4p19gvr73gcbfv"; + buildDepends = [ + base monad-control resource-pool resourcet transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Resource pool allocations via ResourceT. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pooled-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, transformers, unsafe, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pooled-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1phk5mqyyjvlrf3fknhzrwzjmx3inwrs8hs328p8jpwwig8zfpv7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq transformers unsafe utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run jobs on a limited number of threads and support data dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pop3-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pop3-client"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0kfcfxfwg5rjm7qx9r0ssdvkrvca95hflahrip1hi5wbplf224xv"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "POP3 Client Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "popenhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell98, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "popenhs"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "01pb8g5zl99zccnjnkwklfgaz1pqjp1xrgz5b3qy45nclyln0bm4"; + buildDepends = [ base directory haskell98 unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "popenhs is a popen-like library for Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "poppler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cairo, containers + , gdk_pixbuf, glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl, pango, popplerGlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "poppler"; + version = "0.13"; + sha256 = "1fv0h2ixanzv5vy4l2ln23f9n8ghmgdxzlyx54hh69bwhrcg049s"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cairo containers glib gtk mtl + ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ cairo gdk_pixbuf glib gtk pango popplerGlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-gtk3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Poppler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) { inherit (pkgs) cairo glib gtk pango; + popplerGlib = null; }; + + "populate-setup-exe-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "populate-setup-exe-cache"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "06z723fgqwvcxgxy63pqwmjb6xkcl69xmdry117f0i5rhy0aix3y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Empty Cabal package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "portable-lines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "portable-lines"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1l94p3s56a3kfqc8fzqc52z12rhg3c8xsmgcw1i20dnl8aygalsh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Alternative 'lines' implementation that understands CR-LF and CR"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "portaudio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, portaudio }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "portaudio"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0vxlfn2462fmknj94sd5ajbm3lydy3z8mrqb3vgh47wwn0sq8sk3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + extraLibraries = [ portaudio ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for the PortAudio library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) portaudio; }; + + "porte" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers + , extensible-exceptions, stringsearch + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "porte"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1cc7kbbz0vqh60acaxyn8b8pdmwx2w022sgvk1mw7p60s8jhng2d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers extensible-exceptions stringsearch + ]; + description = "FreeBSD ports index search and analysis tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "porter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell2010 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "porter"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0aw1gq7z3h5ag5vzl6crw7vijg9w25s0jvxr4rkniv4jk0wlfmnk"; + buildDepends = [ haskell2010 ]; + description = "Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ports" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ports"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ixyrg4k1f91v2r485r2fs8bgq373bhvg02mza5jdcb1amyfi7rm"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell Ports Library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "positive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, nats, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "positive"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0vj0gd7xln1xihf8dyrr2sm7zh5wg6qvfzy30nslwgvzyn4f14gv"; + buildDepends = [ base nats semigroups ]; + description = "Positive integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-acl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acl, base, bytestring, containers, lifted-base + , monad-control, transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-acl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qiq5bqq6bwdxrxc3i27jiq1ic5pn0309453a0y6vjwamrc8h7rv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers lifted-base monad-control transformers + transformers-base unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ acl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for Posix ACL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-escape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-escape"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0yrx8cr6qximfy0vh7qqljlkj27q9gksrnqmqbnj2hk5bsa5l48w"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Quote arguments to be passed through the Unix shell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-filelock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-filelock"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "106rrbw4d0f13wcj19m6h0vy3v53j11bawqd3q4r0pcsypk53qmk"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nice wrapper around POSIX fcntl advisory locks"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "posix-paths" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, doctest, HUnit, QuickCheck, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-paths"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cym8c5hjjs7i2gx4n9m7a9zg7dls4wqnnr5bravj7gv2gh9s67q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring doctest HUnit QuickCheck unix ]; + description = "POSIX filepath/directory functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-pty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-pty"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ndr47bfm07b00kfy2p48jm7fjrd76bxbw3l7wm5yc0d0jyi65cd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-realtime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-realtime"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i3ag71ymmbcg1v0s6fqkpli8d1wplhj2jkalrv7alz8z666ms3h"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "POSIX Realtime functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-timer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers-base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-timer"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0z4j98pb46gzhi5i5pvxxm7an7am5i757p43cp2jv8pirx33k8zd"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers-base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to POSIX clock and timer functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "posix-waitpid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "posix-waitpid"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1v3y3pg3gv0s26hdqc5fsar2j3vk4kpldkr23zxm14ncpz2w2dhk"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "Low-level wrapping of POSIX waitpid(2)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "possible" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "possible"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12fdxb1s3iaspllz0pp1wfv6grg5lkr06hd2qi7is1hrfrij4hsd"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Three valued Data.Maybe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "post-mess-age" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "post-mess-age"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rl7i37szwnqs6slhha3wv45mw9w9x6yxcrkbdcfvdc63x8nh74w"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Send messages to a Handle concurrently without getting them mixed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postcodes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HTTP }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postcodes"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1z0d5pl11jymd0jj1k50si35lq2af3y0apiyz6mbi25zl5x49bi8"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring HTTP ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library that gets postcode information from the"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base-prelude, bytestring, HTF + , loch-th, placeholders, postgresql-libpq, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, scientific, text, time, transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-binary"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0n067ns0k86ibjy2sqzjjds761l608167lwjzgpp5jhicv1by6hs"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base-prelude bytestring loch-th placeholders + scientific text time transformers uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-prelude bytestring HTF postgresql-libpq QuickCheck + quickcheck-instances scientific text time uuid + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encoders and decoders for the PostgreSQL's binary format"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-copy-escape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-copy-escape"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "063phxj8r3vy25awwwn47k9ac0s8z59igpgqrhb9gbfdq4ldrlpm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Format data to feed to a PostgreSQL COPY FROM statement"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-libpq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, postgresql }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-libpq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fdz9pkmrajqm026s6d5ib9kqg5ph93fw7l2xrgf22zagl53rzx3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ postgresql ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "low-level binding to libpq"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-orm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, directory + , filepath, ghc-prim, mtl, old-locale, postgresql-simple, process + , text, time, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-orm"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1npynkpilp7p6y2biqr9m5a9r179ga67p8lx39pildn94iz1yg76"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring directory filepath ghc-prim mtl + old-locale postgresql-simple process text time transformers unix + unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , blaze-builder, blaze-textual, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, cryptohash, hashable, HUnit, postgresql-libpq + , scientific, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, uuid + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mb3ymw57w7zk2fz8g8m0fz1nhx52c21lxwk3nnkp9qqk26jslws"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring + case-insensitive containers hashable postgresql-libpq scientific + template-haskell text time transformers uuid vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base base16-bytestring bytestring containers cryptohash HUnit + text time vector + ]; + description = "Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-simple-migration" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cryptohash + , directory, hspec, postgresql-simple, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-simple-migration"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qz75dgp346q6sbxwlfrqd9hpkh14krij2r8440nhb9qs4ccl2jz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cryptohash directory + postgresql-simple time + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec postgresql-simple ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PostgreSQL Schema Migrations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-simple-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, generics-sop, postgresql-simple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-simple-sop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ixxfd7zagqm27hcf6rhki1x626647mjgzmbl16c2ywwz2vbh6z2"; + buildDepends = [ base generics-sop postgresql-simple ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic functions for postgresql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-simple-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, postgresql-libpq + , postgresql-simple, template-haskell, typedquery, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-simple-typed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n9fkg1qcrycb7gvx4pln4xq3hpbczic4p2zv0f9hq7ljb5h3f1a"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta postgresql-libpq postgresql-simple + template-haskell typedquery utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typed extension for PostgreSQL simple"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postgresql-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, haskell-src-meta, network, old-locale, parsec + , postgresql-binary, scientific, template-haskell, text, time + , utf8-string, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postgresql-typed"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "081f1ga1pn6p32hr58m7ji3v589fpqdgj6c2zxnbs5q9yqv5fmnl"; + editedCabalFile = "35940b0e46fe7407cd7f915d94dfd4f7fe8e3741d11817595f8c05a69195e224"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers cryptohash haskell-src-meta + network old-locale parsec postgresql-binary scientific + template-haskell text time utf8-string uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ base network time ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fscientific" "-fuuid" "-ftext" "-fbinary" "-fmd5" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A PostgreSQL access library with compile-time SQL type inference"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cprng-aes + , data-default-class, mtl, network, pipes, pipes-bytestring + , pipes-parse, stringsearch, tls, transformers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iqg7wirdcysjq4i7ah3lkzc2rzlbgvc7asq953zdir21g9jpqwk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cprng-aes data-default-class mtl network + pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-parse stringsearch tls transformers + uuid + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + description = "SMTP server library to receive emails from within Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , http-client-tls, http-types, network-api-support, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postmark"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jh1byixnc8mh3g4xb1w0nx9ghh5dchhqf1nxji869kbim2lqgaw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers http-client-tls + http-types network-api-support text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demo" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for HTTP Api"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "postmaster" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adns, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , hopenssl, hsdns, hsemail, hsyslog, mtl, network, old-time + , openssl, parsec, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "postmaster"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1yzhblrqnd94gvcl4dzxx6glx1qyyvjy7gqa6ymqahcy8kh1v7ki"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory hopenssl hsdns hsemail hsyslog + mtl network old-time parsec unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ adns openssl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Postmaster ESMTP Server"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "powermate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "powermate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "19qsi4g4v2dwagps3gq9grbin44rzk9ydpkpbwysc4gbizh1lrs0"; + buildDepends = [ base directory network unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PowerMate bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "powerpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "powerpc"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0z3nqv8l9h0kwdaqb2vnk7vx5d0hmx02giv2k01llk7vznlkqqny"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for PowerPC programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ppm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ppm"; + version = "2009.5.13"; + sha256 = "0nzvxi1ybfxb1zqkbfqfic8j3mf3r6i2zdyjf7x41rz6m6lhqfcy"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a tiny PPM image generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pqc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ChasingBottoms, QuickCheck, random, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pqc"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "1n71qhlxn9js5cizyqdq9f7m08m5j0354871r8b47bnzdi2kqkc4"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck random stm ]; + testDepends = [ base ChasingBottoms ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel batch driver for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pqueue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pqueue"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "1fily60f4njby7zknmik7a2wxsm3y77ckr69w9bb3fgq22gbzky6"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + description = "Reliable, persistent, fast priority queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pqueue-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, MaybeT, mtl + , stateful-mtl, uvector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pqueue-mtl"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "0ikg11klbq25fjcbpyb7i7z9wyx9mf4hv262m14j741x4dk9ib6g"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim MaybeT mtl stateful-mtl uvector + ]; + description = "Fully encapsulated monad transformers with queuelike functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "practice-room" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, directory, json + , mps + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "practice-room"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "071arrk0wir2lwziw6p3cbq6ybjdf3gfc4d25sh21gpnk10ighp2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring data-default directory json mps ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Practice Room"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "precis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, cpphs, directory + , filepath, haskell-src-exts, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "precis"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0d0cl60p58i8w2ll8z826r94zx0svm7v578fy70r7i19pn64l6bd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers cpphs directory filepath haskell-src-exts + xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Diff Cabal packages"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "predicates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "predicates"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ly64xml5gbazyq07s409swgysvlwjc19w4x46yp1684ifv0gghf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A couple of convenience functions for forming predicates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prednote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant, rainbow, split + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prednote"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lm16jiapdk1yrznp96ra7mpkmrvd4xsl77lsizzqsr07gsncl0f"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers contravariant rainbow split text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluate and display trees of predicates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prednote-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, barecheck, base, containers, prednote, QuickCheck + , quickpull, rainbow, rainbow-tests, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prednote-test"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0amx13lnbx6x37adpjrxjac23qbx1xvsk82pn572kyp7pshn7ijj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + barecheck base containers prednote QuickCheck quickpull rainbow + rainbow-tests text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany prednote"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prefix-units" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prefix-units"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07b5s2bsqlaad06dgr5psidfgi1nmgc5c16j6kzayw9f4najjrav"; + editedCabalFile = "492d6b953a52678e44a880c5272c30175eed27c3f2bd4de82fc29eee4b4db00a"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A basic library for SI/binary prefix units"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prefork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, cab + , cmdargs, containers, data-default, directory, filepath, hspec + , http-types, network, process, stm, system-argv0, system-filepath + , unix, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prefork"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "0zraxygc8ybf93sw7lq60nynd5k1q65dns5kl4mdyflv3in8cfw8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base blaze-builder bytestring cmdargs containers data-default + http-types network process stm system-argv0 system-filepath unix + wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cab containers directory filepath hspec process stm unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sample" ]; + description = "A library for building a prefork-style server quickly"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pregame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , data-default, lens, mtl, parallel, safe, stm, text, transformers + , tuple, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pregame"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ls2fmg1xm10njwzz7nifndggq4bpi7ylx3n9aah8bn1hqwf8sy4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers data-default lens mtl parallel + safe stm text transformers tuple vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Prelude counterpart"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "prelude-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prelude-extras"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0mzsc9pzcamaa7i3g9hkajy35sbpqdjrflv6r98r8hhlr0yrdjan"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell 98 - higher order versions of Prelude classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prelude-generalize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, logict, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prelude-generalize"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0h452pn7zs97z5gv2p3x9pg61phphwcw5y5g1w38k3gihdvym8jl"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad logict transformers ]; + description = "Another kind of alternate Prelude file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "prelude-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prelude-plus"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "139b0580f1gx4hj211c7lwcq5y6a0qpdzsaidvqbfq36h04w8kjv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Prelude for rest of us"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prelude-prime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prelude-prime"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1avj11a5bqn8sxizzh1fxhw3dvd55xsimbbhdwymxfn45vvfswr7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A slightly better (but conservative) Prelude"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "prelude-safeenum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prelude-safeenum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cff77nbhy3dsamrwm2wxhbi1mf2bzkdd1pdzqv3klpbzjwkdszv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A redefinition of the Prelude's Enum class in order to render it safe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "preprocessor-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "preprocessor-tools"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ngfmvw6hvbr52i01n180ls4c8rx2wk2rka6g6igpvy9x2gwjin9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for extending Haskell's syntax via quick-and-dirty preprocessors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "presburger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pretty, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "presburger"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0chwx0906gsmbnjkf14d864qzfvxb5gzaih7nq7ckfc6icbc4x25"; + buildDepends = [ base containers pretty ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A decision procedure for quantifier-free linear arithmetic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "present" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, atto-lisp, base, bytestring, data-default + , mtl, semigroups, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "present"; + version = "2.2"; + sha256 = "1z9zvmszda7h1h4inq4b6ig9bd205mskqq85ns3rzsffxaj471p4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson atto-lisp base bytestring data-default mtl semigroups text + ]; + description = "Make presentations for data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "press" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, json, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "press"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0aa3079az8bazyzqxxhx575vxr4a0p3wvlgh765w3k01vh6dkzgf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers json mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text template library targeted at the web / HTML generation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "prettify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prettify"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "18bwgz2cgkd6n9gwpwipv2bc6d5501mflmr0r2akwy98q2gb9qg8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers semigroups ]; + description = "Haskell2010 structured text formatting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty_1_1_2_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "043kcl2wjip51al5kx3r9qgazq5w002q520wdgdlv2c9xr74fabw"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pretty-printing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-class"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qdfp2kpahzflq9a3idwmb0pqs4l7almxn5rbw5gp2pmdx81p3am"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pretty printing class similar to Show"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-compact" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-compact"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0k6yvdwcfhjp0dbfmc55xfncfry7b69hrp5rsaqm2iia3ahx0nan"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Pretty-printing library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pretty-hex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-hex"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0ylwkvvjvmpprha9nx83xb8gkhyanhk5fffc0r7lb96n4ch5z6pz"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "A library for hex dumps of ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-ncols" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-ncols"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bvd8wgjrj9g86b1z8m9mjzswibrmhasgajnkgr2dlizl5lg7faq"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + description = "A implementation of multi-column layout w/ Text.PrettyPrint"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-show" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, filepath, ghc-prim, happy + , haskell-lexer, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-show"; + version = "1.6.8"; + sha256 = "0vfb712dvbb91659sch62d06vm0451b9l4l0hdwnlbhzjymmh2rs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base filepath ghc-prim haskell-lexer pretty + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for working with derived `Show` instances and generic inspection of values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-sop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, generics-sop, pretty-show }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-sop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sv6lwzgj9jv7lx3lb868md5w93p77mzspgxgqcss1kr9q5xyfvm"; + buildDepends = [ base generics-sop pretty-show ]; + description = "A generic pretty-printer using generics-sop"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pretty-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boxes, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pretty-tree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cf856qjacc0lmiina44s00i17ga2qrfr7wdlxhwiqdmpsh5g3fw"; + buildDepends = [ base boxes containers ]; + description = "Pretty-print trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prettyclass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prettyclass"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11l9ajci7nh1r547hx8hgxrhq8mh5gdq30pdf845wvilg9p48dz5"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + description = "Pretty printing class similar to Show"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prim-uniq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dependent-sum, primitive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prim-uniq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zssi4zaihjaf3an10ar39d4qb155wcl1j66aymfrr9z2f2rf1gv"; + buildDepends = [ base dependent-sum primitive ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Opaque unique identifiers in primitive state monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "primes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "primes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ny6fzr967d1fifk050k95j9snnbjjif2bxf3v9s93k3zdc6bmkl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "primitive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "primitive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05gdgj383xdrdkhxh26imlvs8ji0z28ny38ms9snpvv5i8l2lg10"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Primitive memory-related operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "primula-board" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, containers, directory, happstack + , happstack-helpers, happstack-server, happstack-state, hsp + , MissingH, mtl, old-locale, old-time, random, regex-posix, split + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "primula-board"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0hh13i0idpwv509zavg92wwvp3s20vc1ivz7vfwa4kxp0h21phs9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile containers directory happstack happstack-helpers + happstack-server happstack-state hsp MissingH mtl old-locale + old-time random regex-posix split time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ImageBoard on Happstack and HSP"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "primula-bot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ConfigFile, directory, HTTP, mtl, network + , parsec, utf8-string, XMPP + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "primula-bot"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0j3xjlwvix81zxd38540jwb3vp438d72gmfxdhbypyi5f1qgx01x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ConfigFile directory HTTP mtl network parsec utf8-string XMPP + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Jabber-bot for primula-board ImageBoard"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "printf-mauke" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , template-haskell, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "printf-mauke"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "1fyxm4bdhv27g83q21d0j59p7da8kgi8sfnsp39xb8gl4k0gd80z"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default template-haskell + utf8-string + ]; + description = "A Perl printf like formatter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "printxosd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xosd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "printxosd"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1myn6bp28d8nf92v9xf3iw5jvzwmrxbzf8px254hmzv8zvd5ki1i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base xosd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tool to display some text on an on-screen display"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "priority-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, queue, reord, stateref }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "priority-queue"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0nsiil0yl32m80a1kpg3z0wd5fxwkpz2lzf66pa06iy24q0rz5lf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers queue reord stateref ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple implementation of a priority queue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "priority-sync" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parallel, PSQueue, random, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "priority-sync"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ffg3ba6wfd72r2d86hq28y83qx80pdza939knay9hsnyw84vd6g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parallel PSQueue random stm ]; + description = "Cooperative task prioritization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "privileged-concurrency" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "privileged-concurrency"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0r345189lympvin6xw6r8s04dldj94kv2703ilcazm0a6mgf0q67"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "Provides privilege separated versions of the concurrency primitives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prizm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prizm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n0pihi8f8y349lmy6hcv2z728isvwjlcggv9pnhm8d0k97la2b9"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compute with colors and differenct color spaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "probability" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "probability"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nh73l03d7niz3a3h2y4i80mlp64ilfkx7krn57skzfi8drwnjvc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random transformers utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Probabilistic Functional Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "probable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, mwc-random, primitive, statistics + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "probable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1269cajfjnfrqacs874v6zczrb497474hqhid5wmm8f9fmhiy0wz"; + buildDepends = [ + base mtl mwc-random primitive statistics transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy and reasonably efficient probabilistic programming and random generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "proc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, process + , regex-tdfa, split, strict, xformat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "proc"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "0p3cr4q34h81g77psypja4m0mgs9mwl51mfb5kdxj5xrsf2nd3la"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath process regex-tdfa split strict + xformat + ]; + description = "Parse process information for Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "process_1_2_1_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, directory, filepath, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r11j0vys8gmzsdkfq491g43l21f9301dzma0s3gwblfsvdv2hwc"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq directory filepath unix ]; + description = "Process libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , control-monad-loop, hspec, mtl, process, resourcet, shakespeare + , shakespeare-text, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hnbywmjvk3y26sc9a0jfqzm04pg08zd2bflld1mvni02s89lvc8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit control-monad-loop mtl process resourcet + shakespeare shakespeare-text template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra hspec resourcet + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduits for processes (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, process, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-extras"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0mr4f2v19qz6d6jhffz9gky0ykdqwl8c11adbdm04wm2a3xsvf7g"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq process text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process extras"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "process-iterio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cpphs, iterIO, process + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-iterio"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "18kdj70fv4y5fnw7d8pd0mbvlwca1pm1f88z4ibpji0n4dja332z"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cpphs iterIO process transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cpphs iterIO process transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IterIO Process Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-leksah" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-leksah"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1899ybhnsj22sir2l933lhkk9fpcgjbb4qd6gscnby28qcs5bwbv"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Process libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-listlike" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, ListLike, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-listlike"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0yaz90pfpx9kahwbvbvl2ir62imxxsq7v72i67ac2zv3585c427r"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq ListLike process text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process extras"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "process-progress" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, HUnit, ListLike, mtl + , process, process-listlike, text, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-progress"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "0kdzb8m6fx0ah9i15fpcz6phzqd88g4djf0a5h0vi4d4qkib6kin"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring deepseq HUnit ListLike mtl process process-listlike + text time unix utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run a process and do reportsing on its progress"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, mtl, process + , shakespeare-text, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-qq"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1495dc39kjf9mjvn7ag8hb95bsmhb18sd0ykg4mz7rrl0q03ig2a"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator mtl process shakespeare-text + template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasi-Quoters for exec process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "process-streaming" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bifunctors, bytestring, conceit + , containers, contravariant, directory, doctest, exceptions + , filepath, foldl, free, lens, pipes, pipes-attoparsec + , pipes-bytestring, pipes-concurrency, pipes-group, pipes-parse + , pipes-safe, pipes-text, process, semigroups, tasty, tasty-hunit + , text, transformers, transformers-compat, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "process-streaming"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "126qgpnrk05gz196gf3j2h440kmzzkcz2r5nv437ndmjnsw8rq94"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors conceit containers contravariant exceptions foldl + free pipes pipes-bytestring pipes-concurrency pipes-parse + pipes-safe pipes-text process semigroups text transformers + transformers-compat void + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bifunctors bytestring containers directory doctest + exceptions filepath free lens pipes pipes-attoparsec + pipes-bytestring pipes-concurrency pipes-group pipes-parse + pipes-safe pipes-text process semigroups tasty tasty-hunit text + transformers transformers-compat void + ]; + description = "Streaming interface to system processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "processing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, directory, filepath + , mainland-pretty, multiset, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "processing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1axryd8453b2l4hbhqy5vkj29hqppsvk1sqxbawdhk3d3hs705pa"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers directory filepath mainland-pretty + multiset QuickCheck quickcheck-instances template-haskell text + transformers + ]; + description = "Web graphic applications with processing.js."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "procrastinating-structure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, procrastinating-variable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "procrastinating-structure"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "126mp2mfmy9xg1kichl19ga6j3w1s0qpk3hqh47x5x5120qh63l3"; + buildDepends = [ base procrastinating-variable ]; + description = "Pure structures that can be incrementally created in impure code"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "procrastinating-variable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "procrastinating-variable"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "12px0nk7j74hyfzcvxacd9020gk3cd3ijqb7fjmmg8y33354jkc4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell values that cannot be evaluated immediately"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "procstat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "procstat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1md75jc32nfnvs7ygf1mna00gl0wmimp2lkdcs9r9v0iy4b1hr5m"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "get information on processes in Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "proctest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, HUnit, process + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "proctest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02iz323arx9zwclvspgaaqz81bp6jdnj89pjm08n2gamg39zsbdn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit process QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An IO library for testing interactive command line programs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "product-profunctors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, profunctors, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "product-profunctors"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1qhl2v0shzip5yh7x7b6k7xsnd4d5spf1f69h0qr0l57lm6jywl4"; + editedCabalFile = "49b845d840379a6920f4dde4d88ce96a4b7b98760410db0874ed9a322b113d32"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant profunctors template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base profunctors ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "product-profunctors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prof2dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, haskell98, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prof2dot"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1cf1ysnfpng7ijgsbnly5878wg7cp907cqpvf4yq9sd6nym8hcng"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers filepath haskell98 parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convert GHC profiles into GraphViz's dot format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prof2pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, haskell-src-exts + , semigroups, uniplate, zenc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prof2pretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "104frg0czfk4rgjxyf0xz7100j3y9ndvf01jgv3yibaq98v2h64r"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath haskell-src-exts semigroups uniplate zenc + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate pretty source from time/allocation profiles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "profiteur" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, filepath + , text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "profiteur"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1108hhh2ivhs85jkga4wps2yscgjnp211sw5w45j4wp9dgpz2hak"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring filepath text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Treemap visualiser for GHC prof files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "profunctor-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, profunctors }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "profunctor-extras"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "10j458liqlyz5s9gkg95c6aq7ap5fa7d8pc7hygy71nn87pm2g4a"; + buildDepends = [ base profunctors ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been absorbed into profunctors 4.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "profunctors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, distributive, semigroupoids, tagged + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "profunctors"; + version = "4.3.2"; + sha256 = "06dv9bjz2hsm32kzfqqm6z54197dfjm3wycnbbgl9pib711w484v"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad distributive semigroupoids tagged transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Profunctors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "progress" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "progress"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0cac4v6k2nrpglnf3680y334kw4k0s6xfm86wrfyszl5sq2a7w94"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "Simple progress tracking & projection library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "progressbar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, io-reactive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "progressbar"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "09yfspxcdp4y5chim2qmylfmjp0kdg4qg2w54kg3hir8f7kih3ns"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base io-reactive ]; + description = "Progressbar API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "progression" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, criterion, directory, filepath + , haskeline, process, txt-sushi + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "progression"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01s01v59hjy5i8dd9a1gxjpyw2qq3r81np7acn94wjh64c8rrmpa"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers criterion directory filepath haskeline process + txt-sushi + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automates the recording and graphing of criterion benchmarks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "progressive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc-prim, process, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "progressive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1psbgl19x2wwh4rcd4nsayrc1bq2g27qywr1m9jgmshcz1cinpbh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath ghc-prim + process text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multilabel classification model which learns sequentially (online)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "proj4-hs-bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, proj }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "proj4-hs-bindings"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0cwkjg1bm1swl103nsziyc71yqgvdq82ywgi2jnn7cj9lk4ihrah"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + extraLibraries = [ proj ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for the Proj4 C dynamic library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "project-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, conduit + , conduit-extra, containers, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck, resourcet + , system-fileio, system-filepath, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "project-template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10n23s6g7fv0l42hsb804z0qqcyxqw32kwzg1f0w3c6gka844akr"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers + mtl resourcet system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit containers hspec + QuickCheck resourcet system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Specify Haskell project templates and generate files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "projection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "projection"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0g9zrdp92w8ygrsmbw4600xaf8d17sm4pq68qd6z7hnf8zps22c1"; + editedCabalFile = "805db4a9404200c6d8c00b7e96f95c9c71e3595b6601f75efed7237ad5bed30b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Projection function for arbitrarily nested binary product types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prolog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec, syb + , template-haskell, th-lift, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prolog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "073sd3rhcfqw9csm0qsbc57ix57dv3k5yjr9hcc33b9zq5y10sp0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl parsec syb template-haskell th-lift + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Prolog interpreter written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "prolog-graph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, fgl, graphviz, mtl, prolog + , prolog-graph-lib, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prolog-graph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w3wz0sn1qhw286g3arin30jvlldadw976xr7hp0afdvqicl3892"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs fgl graphviz mtl prolog prolog-graph-lib text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command line tool to visualize query resolution in Prolog"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "prolog-graph-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fgl, graphviz, mtl, prolog, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prolog-graph-lib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02xa4hqmhmsv7vkdy3m3dr1w3z88kc8ly0jjn7q6pba5yarci7nr"; + buildDepends = [ base fgl graphviz mtl prolog text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generating images of resolution trees for Prolog queries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "promise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "promise"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hzsprmw15apc654n77ima1pgs9nj6287d412jb5z37154bd0nfg"; + buildDepends = [ async base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A monadic interface for async"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "propane" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, colour, containers, directory, filepath + , repa, repa-devil, spawn + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "propane"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kzlwsxka72h3a612xi2s741hdx88qsib07kcralv2k76krqxlj4"; + buildDepends = [ + base colour containers directory filepath repa repa-devil spawn + ]; + description = "Functional synthesis of images and animations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "propellor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, hslogger, IfElse, MissingH + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, process, QuickCheck + , time, unix, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "propellor"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0kpvlm4qj7i2zx427rymk20lfxy3ljhc6y9qwhqxsbxg0aka25nj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base bytestring containers directory filepath + hslogger IfElse MissingH MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network + process QuickCheck time unix unix-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "property-based host configuration management in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "properties" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "properties"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "04a35zxgps9rn6y86x3jf6gma6kjl8izmnyl45hz64cl9yb5dwwi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "check quickCheck properties in real time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "property-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cereal + , containers, free, old-locale, oneOfN, recursion-schemes, syb + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, vector, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "property-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19i0pzdys7k0gavax6ygk0x58cf636phzp2r99glyn8qcb51yj0z"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cereal containers free old-locale + oneOfN recursion-schemes syb template-haskell text time + transformers vector xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Apple property list parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "proplang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glade, glib, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "proplang"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1vm01qvd0jgcdpqx3p2h6gafhxi5x7bs8r5a6xsk4zz6cc1cbw4m"; + buildDepends = [ base glade glib gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for functional GUI development"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "props" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "props"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "10bkbqhl15xgc9iglx0f9h218a2hcfg0wali2c6a17wvlpfcwjbx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reusable quickcheck properties"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "protobuf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers + , data-binary-ieee754, deepseq, hex, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, tagged + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protobuf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gg678cb1psgdsjzv9x7mhcjmywj8bgzmp9pd850d3p9zyiw9l2j"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal data-binary-ieee754 deepseq mtl text + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers hex HUnit mtl QuickCheck tagged + tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "protobuf-native" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cplusplus-th, criterion + , hprotoc-fork, protobuf, protocol-buffers-fork, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protobuf-native"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k3cljm4r3jxlklkmfhv0362hg8095f1cq73mgdqkbqa5gwrk86r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cplusplus-th template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cplusplus-th criterion hprotoc-fork protobuf + protocol-buffers-fork QuickCheck text utf8-string + ]; + extraLibraries = [ protobuf ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Protocol Buffers via C++"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) protobuf; }; + + "protocol-buffers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, syb, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protocol-buffers"; + version = "2.0.17"; + sha256 = "12aky44ssgdj6vsjg0yvr8350cym7n6kn7gdaax0nxzpfxrjfy1v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath mtl + parsec syb utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "protocol-buffers-descriptor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, protocol-buffers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protocol-buffers-descriptor"; + version = "2.0.17"; + sha256 = "0jl041645d83iqqiw891d2k760jql6djvi2mmjh9lnmp48lwjy3p"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers protocol-buffers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers + , protocol-buffers-fork + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork"; + version = "2.0.16"; + sha256 = "1wn6yqs70n26j6z44yfmz4j4rwj2h1zfpysn56wzaq7bwsdb0bqb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers protocol-buffers-fork + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "protocol-buffers-fork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, mtl, syb, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "protocol-buffers-fork"; + version = "2.0.16"; + sha256 = "061kc43dg3xdv81wmj4yjm1s6amrd8ql59nj7vff4vdb87v9nriz"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory filepath mtl syb + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prototype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prototype"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1kzinhdy622gzg3mzfln15vgi890i2l3lkrgrw0n0yb08r2n53i7"; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf ]; + description = "prototype-based programming on Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "prove-everywhere-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , http-types, optparse-applicative, parsec, parsers, process, safe + , text, time, unordered-containers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "prove-everywhere-server"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "127ky7rj9d2bqaddcg99azm18m65ksxr26amq0r5prhym8kmc3jx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring case-insensitive http-types + optparse-applicative parsec parsers process safe text time + unordered-containers wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The server for ProveEverywhere"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "proxy-kindness" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "proxy-kindness"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0wpzj6hnlxvgd7lfd2921mrk97aw7ljf77jry3my97zdapkxz8i7"; + buildDepends = [ base tagged ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for kind-polymorphic manipulation and inspection of Proxy values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pseudomacros" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, template-haskell, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pseudomacros"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "168vqim5m72yl51w6pi9vxzp324i1gnawrl2zlsayw81s7lf1jp4"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale template-haskell time ]; + description = "cpp-style built-in macros using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "psqueues" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit + , QuickCheck, tagged, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "psqueues"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1w6i6cl9wfblbg8d06lffh4l5y42li9a27myyvwnzfv86z49s9cb"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + array base deepseq ghc-prim hashable HUnit QuickCheck tagged + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Pure priority search queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, ConfigFile, containers + , groom, hedis, hslogger, mtl, network, pipes, pipes-bytestring + , safe, system-filepath, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pub"; + version = "2.0.2"; + sha256 = "0ps4i5q4kzkla6gzr8amf2bql2y5g0gb4dbjf9w0q58yzzvpp2c8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs ConfigFile containers groom hedis hslogger + mtl network pipes pipes-bytestring safe system-filepath text time + transformers + ]; + description = "Pipe stdin to a redis pub/sub channel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "publicsuffixlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default + , HUnit, idna, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "publicsuffixlist"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0mbrmhgyjp8jms3fd3nq4knc4j97sw8ijrmnlfjs7qj8jw4vwzxk"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers data-default text utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers data-default HUnit idna text + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-runtimelist" "-f-create" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Is a given string a domain suffix?"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "publicsuffixlistcreate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, conduit, containers + , data-default, HUnit, idna, publicsuffixlist, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "publicsuffixlistcreate"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0v4arfixnfzpsi3hvik2s2lqqp61324bd98wc8ympqxlmldpbri3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers data-default idna + publicsuffixlist text + ]; + testDepends = [ base cereal HUnit publicsuffixlist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create the publicsuffixlist package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pubnub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , Cabal, cipher-aes, conduit, conduit-extra, crypto-api + , crypto-cipher-types, data-default, http-client, http-conduit + , http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, mtl, QuickCheck, SHA, smallcheck + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck, text + , time, transformers, uuid, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pubnub"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "0clcf5gsw34gpqycw652wq8ndmlzz48mf2gla0g7j815j21hrhv8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base base64-bytestring bytestring Cabal cipher-aes + conduit conduit-extra crypto-api crypto-cipher-types data-default + http-client http-conduit http-types HUnit lifted-base mtl + QuickCheck SHA smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + tasty-smallcheck text time transformers uuid vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal HUnit QuickCheck smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PubNub Haskell SDK"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pubsub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fastcgi, feed, HTTP, json, mime, network + , random, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pubsub"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "09xaycbzq50q1299r4s84nb8wjhqalimvipv8z135fifvgdsjpm8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base fastcgi feed HTTP json mime network random utf8-string xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for Google/SixApart pubsub hub interaction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "puffytools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring + , console-program, containers, directory, MissingH, old-locale + , QuickCheck, random-fu, safe, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "puffytools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pqqcs3plrhq6474j29lnwvc6fhr1wskb0ph8x64gzv9ly52dc9i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring console-program containers + directory MissingH old-locale random-fu safe text time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A CLI assistant"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pugixml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default-class, tasty + , tasty-hunit, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pugixml"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0xma82nwl35scc43r8yhd0irhf1d60ssxs3gh6y717cpl29zv5wa"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default-class template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "pugixml binding"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pugs-DrIFT" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HsSyck, mtl + , old-time, pretty, random, stm, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pugs-DrIFT"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c5h829zh8clggf53byng4gh5g0zxk3763w1nk0ihf2laak238c6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HsSyck mtl old-time pretty random stm + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DrIFT with pugs-specific rules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pugs-HsSyck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pugs-HsSyck"; + version = "0.41"; + sha256 = "108dfhd83yzmlhbgff6j0a40r6vx9aq9dcdd8swk4yib9gbvsrp1"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "pugs-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , mtl, network, process, random, regex-base, regex-pcre-builtin + , stm, stringtable-atom, syb, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pugs-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15pgg4z6clqgazi70jac280ib0d4rhz1hdqbg5i4kffziv2q6jsm"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory mtl network process + random regex-base regex-pcre-builtin stm stringtable-atom syb time + unix utf8-string + ]; + description = "Portable Haskell/POSIX layer for Pugs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "pugs-hsregex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pugs-hsregex"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1px8qvz7afws2w8scplxs4zm628anvh5ssbf0ba9hajh686h133i"; + buildDepends = [ array base haskell98 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell PCRE binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pulse-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pulse-simple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pulse-simple"; + version = "0.1.14"; + sha256 = "1as1cnx50mqmib5llzy2w218rg7dxmhz6nfa9kryfjzk0n5rshl4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ pulse-simple ]; + description = "binding to Simple API of pulseaudio"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) pulse-simple; }; + + "punkt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, regex-tdfa, regex-tdfa-text + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "punkt"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0hhrpkbgm56zs1ynd0ba37fv1vg2bxr79kfb2myjfxsnc6gr4h9b"; + buildDepends = [ + array base mtl regex-tdfa regex-tdfa-text text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl regex-tdfa tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multilingual unsupervised sentence tokenization with Punkt"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "punycode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, encoding, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "punycode"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "192jgfixnpxdj6jiiz92kx5bi6ij3c389b76q9f4vyfmvcajj1sr"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal mtl text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal encoding HUnit mtl QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "puppetresources" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, Diff, hsfacter + , hslogger, language-puppet, mtl, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "puppetresources"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "064swfpxk7jhb81bi0v9l0r1hn0z2cafnzx7ijdr33xhikyc92rb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Diff hsfacter hslogger language-puppet + mtl text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A program that displays the puppet resources associated to a node given .pp files."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "pure-cdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , mtl, test-simple, Unixutils, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-cdb"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1yjh7h02hkhx2vgvn7qfmfd3bp12ibpkf4znybsd2bfh0i1pzn0n"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory mtl vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl test-simple Unixutils vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Another pure-haskell CDB (Constant Database) implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pure-fft" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-fft"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1zzravfgxbx07c38pf0p73a9nzjk2pbq3hzfw8v9zkqj95b3l94i"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Fast Fourier Transform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pure-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, safe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-io"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0pzvkd8jxw859s187n972yaq5wmwi00cxwhivgffr7z29hr0zvx9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl safe ]; + description = "Pure IO monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pure-priority-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-priority-queue"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "125vnkjx6n7pgflk9iqg7b6daw55a1rdfi9pfgp39ikfcx9vhb3p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "A pure priority queue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pure-priority-queue-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pure-priority-queue, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-priority-queue-tests"; + version = "0.12"; + sha256 = "17x2drpmdppzxp3nnxq0vajxrzdnhpapk9rz9qcqaxbg934c7h3d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers pure-priority-queue QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Tests for the pure-priority-queue package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pure-zlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, fingertree, HUnit + , monadLib, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pure-zlib"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1in93rx2y3zaahzpblwybskjrbwc0zrzh792ibi64jxvkrxjkyxn"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers fingertree monadLib ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell-only implementation of zlib / DEFLATE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pureMD5" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api + , tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pureMD5"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zsn949qk95bwx1fbyv84q0lhb4k18bgixl7nivfzsnmhr31fs37"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring cereal crypto-api tagged ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "purescript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, file-embed, filepath + , haskeline, monad-unify, mtl, nodejs, optparse-applicative, parsec + , pattern-arrows, process, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "purescript"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "1zf2yyk3rdwk5992fhvqyd7b5w7mkzjcc0iyp75bscnjsggs31k0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory file-embed filepath haskeline monad-unify + mtl optparse-applicative parsec pattern-arrows process time + transformers unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath mtl nodejs parsec process + transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "PureScript Programming Language Compiler"; + license =; + }) { nodejs = null; }; + + "push-notify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec-conduit, base + , base16-bytestring, bytestring, cereal, certificate, conduit + , connection, containers, convertible, cprng-aes, data-default + , http-client, http-conduit, http-types, monad-control, mtl + , network, resourcet, retry, stm, text, time, tls, tls-extra + , transformers, unordered-containers, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "push-notify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ca9cs55yj1960cx7vha2w33nvqj89rhkdji555aaac3z302jgjs"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec-conduit base base16-bytestring bytestring + cereal certificate conduit connection containers convertible + cprng-aes data-default http-client http-conduit http-types + monad-control mtl network resourcet retry stm text time tls + tls-extra transformers unordered-containers xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A server-side library for sending push notifications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "push-notify-ccs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , cprng-aes, crypto-random, data-default, hslogger, mtl, network + , pontarius-xmpp, push-notify, retry, stm, text, tls, tls-extra + , unordered-containers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "push-notify-ccs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fgpzcbkcsb03lysml28a8w3c9l3nx4mirrn287g7y1kb4kx3bw0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async attoparsec base bytestring cprng-aes crypto-random + data-default hslogger mtl network pontarius-xmpp push-notify retry + stm text tls tls-extra unordered-containers xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A server-side library for sending/receiving push notifications through CCS (Google Cloud Messaging)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "push-notify-general" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , hashable, http-client, http-conduit, http-types, push-notify + , push-notify-ccs, text, unordered-containers, xml-conduit, yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "push-notify-general"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vyw3733xm2s3nxybav8an68mlagk8v3bb43qlz71hkjgjddvpdh"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers data-default hashable http-client + http-conduit http-types push-notify push-notify-ccs text + unordered-containers xml-conduit yesod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A general library for sending/receiving push notif. through dif. services."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pushme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , hslogger, io-storage, lens, old-locale, optparse-applicative + , parallel-io, pointless-fun, regex-posix, shelly, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, text-format, time, unix + , unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pushme"; + version = "1.5.0"; + sha256 = "0cn350p0v6wb6c1n589c2l460c8pac41c645fja5xqxyyiiyni4d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers deepseq hslogger io-storage lens + old-locale optparse-applicative parallel-io pointless-fun + regex-posix shelly system-fileio system-filepath text text-format + time unix unordered-containers yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tool to synchronize multiple directories with rsync, zfs or git-annex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "putlenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, lens, mtl, QuickCheck + , random, safe, split, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "putlenses"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "153hxffd1rg3m73kss0j3s7102lj6p84c95gvzyl0gmjpljfxffp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim lens mtl QuickCheck random safe split + template-haskell transformers + ]; + description = "Put-based lens library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "puzzle-draw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-svg, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, filepath, hashable, mtl + , optparse-applicative, parsec, SVGFonts, tasty, tasty-hunit, text + , unordered-containers, vector-space, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "puzzle-draw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jbc24a959klaf3niri5ilq0jdqpxdg4fg79bjfdpg51na4xr3hi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers diagrams-lib diagrams-svg filepath hashable + mtl optparse-applicative parsec SVGFonts text unordered-containers + vector-space yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-svg bytestring containers deepseq diagrams-lib + diagrams-svg tasty tasty-hunit text yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cairo" ]; + description = "Creating graphics for pencil puzzles"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "puzzle-draw-cmdline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, filepath + , optparse-applicative, puzzle-draw, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "puzzle-draw-cmdline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jv0gai689ba5f4c6kdfdlfx5dz000zzk0gdwlz5d9n9pxxfgzxf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base diagrams-lib diagrams-svg filepath optparse-applicative + puzzle-draw yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cairo" ]; + description = "Creating graphics for pencil puzzles, command line tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pvd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Codec-Image-DevIL, containers + , haskell98, libdevil, mtl, network, stm, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pvd"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "18hlsh3ndlybkiblcfqzjm1pa4myc01yzr9hx7p48yp86q519hvr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Codec-Image-DevIL containers haskell98 mtl network stm + X11 + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libdevil ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A photo viewer daemon application with remote controlling abilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pwstore-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, HUnit, process + , pwstore-fast, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pwstore-cli"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1cwb214bifiql2d4jacjl93swhy8yigzj72wbhv213c593bxg8jr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cmdargs pwstore-fast text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit process pwstore-fast test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ffast" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command line interface for the pwstore library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "pwstore-fast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, binary, byteable + , bytestring, cryptohash, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pwstore-fast"; + version = "2.4.4"; + sha256 = "1cpvlwzg3qznhygrr78f75p65mnljd9v5cvnagfxjqppnrkay6bj"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring binary byteable bytestring cryptohash random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Secure password storage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pwstore-purehaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, byteable, bytestring + , random, SHA + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pwstore-purehaskell"; + version = "2.1.4"; + sha256 = "1g7lmlgw8iscbbs96r3a534cf46fyks49b1f9y7hv25ny4wp1p9c"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring random SHA + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Secure password storage, in pure Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "pxsl-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pxsl-tools"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1q45l1grcja0mf1g90yxsdlr49gqrx27ycr6vln4hsqb5c0iqcfw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsimonious XML Shorthand Language--to-XML compiler"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "pyffi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, pureMD5 + , python, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pyffi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cpzl0d0hsdlm1786s75xsq3c93mm1sp7alr6xhihmnrsj71d58h"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers pureMD5 template-haskell + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ python ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Call python inline from haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "pyfi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, pureMD5 + , python, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "pyfi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xq5nhc11dkf2yvzcd129n0r7vpias091lzkll4f4cjsmljbxigw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers pureMD5 template-haskell + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ python ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Call python inline from haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "python-pickle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdargs + , containers, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "python-pickle"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0p7pmwqs9jfv6464106j0k22x6lij5rc5v74aqbfclx7iwp6lh75"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cereal cmdargs containers mtl + ]; + description = "Serialization/deserialization using Python Pickle format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "qc-oi-testgenerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fclabels, QuickCheck, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qc-oi-testgenerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13rga5haz26qvx3hznbl6ik55s8g7qi3nj7a6vhyx46vjhzwnsvg"; + buildDepends = [ base fclabels QuickCheck template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compile time generation of operation invariance tests for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "qd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, floatshow, qd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dhvdrpcbc6qiqna2kiaa0zbz7cgq7ziy2my6k85cbgv6k77p918"; + buildDepends = [ base floatshow ]; + extraLibraries = [ qd ]; + description = "double-double and quad-double number type via libqd"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) qd; }; + + "qd-vec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, qd, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qd-vec"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0lj5kg0sjkck89phvi239xb2k7hxmxg9dh7yg2df2iaj4c2m2ync"; + buildDepends = [ base qd Vec ]; + description = "'Vec' instances for 'qd' types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "qhull-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, qhull, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qhull-simple"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0g0abqc5z9nysm21c77kylkka1bvyn16ycinws1lcrjy53cb82sw"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ qhull ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple bindings to Qhull, a library for computing convex hulls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "qrcode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qrcode"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1wfnxlz6rqjcgnkaqq0wdn75jsh3b9hagb84c1ljnwqaw98n3a9d"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-prof" ]; + description = "QR Code library in pure Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quadratic-irrational" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arithmoi, base, containers, directory, doctest + , filepath, mtl, numbers, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quadratic-irrational"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1z9a1q8px4sx7fq9i1lwfx98kz0nv8zhkz5vsfn31krvd4xvkndz"; + buildDepends = [ arithmoi base containers mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath mtl numbers QuickCheck tasty + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of quadratic irrationals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "quandl-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , http-conduit, http-types, old-locale, syb, text, time + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quandl-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h6gh9wssb8dw9r5f7caanxq542d0jw9shvp7wx0i1k47f54kb3k"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring http-conduit http-types + old-locale syb text time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = " API library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quantities" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, doctest, Glob, hlint, hspec, mtl + , parsec, process, regex-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quantities"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1c9ll27qwmzz8rfy7jlknzg56r0z2hij9aha3vwylv6iaynl4fr9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers doctest Glob hlint hspec mtl parsec process + regex-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unit conversion and manipulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quantum-arrow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom, mtl, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quantum-arrow"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "19z5b0jwnz20g0203xd78cv8rgm92diyxard4mbj6dyrj2kkfgww"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom mtl QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An embedding of quantum computation as a Haskell arrow"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "qudb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, bytestring, directory, happy + , mtl, snappy + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "qudb"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0cpvik35qv587k2qsd2rh7awlwll1gciv0nr7wjr79bn0q9df0cq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring directory mtl snappy ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quite Useless DB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "querystring-pickle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "querystring-pickle"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "18by7671q3sp38cii7j8b0jvdbbix4wyaa3wan77s0mfkdxzicrf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from query strings"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "questioner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, readline, terminal-size }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "questioner"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05q64mslkbg017fpjx7ma2al6iz5zjrkyzipm8p86n8zcx3l1aw3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base readline terminal-size ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A package for prompting values from the command-line"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "queue"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0fx2svkj2sy2wd056lha9h20hy2z6gjspzl11jmv7i3rdwwfr6f7"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusestm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstraction typeclasses for queue-like things"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "queuelike" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, stateful-mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "queuelike"; + version = "1.0.9"; + sha256 = "0nvs9ln55wrczpn948i4z110rbfp0rv2wv8iz94lbyxhilhyjf1z"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl stateful-mtl ]; + description = "A library of queuelike data structures, both functional and stateful"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quick-generator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quick-generator"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1bccyvm300bkm3n98ayjc3syfcakjnf26bs2mdqdjimdfw2f0g6n"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Generator random test data for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-assertions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, ieee754, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-assertions"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0hrnr17wafng7nc6d8w6pp1lygplri8xkb5380aq64zg9iik2s21"; + buildDepends = [ base ieee754 QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ieee754 QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit like assertions for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, hashable + , old-time, QuickCheck, text, time, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-instances"; + version = "0.3.10"; + sha256 = "02qkpgsr1w0fs2c4q9hrhx6m65lqss4f4qnfhb51ljpcaj8p1v6y"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers hashable old-time QuickCheck text + time unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common quickcheck instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-io"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16q3sqvxnaqmbb1zbda8f61mdlmmzxhrznqxab113lmg380nwfm2"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck ]; + description = "Use HUnit assertions as QuickCheck properties"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-poly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, hint, MonadCatchIO-mtl + , QuickCheck, regex-compat, regex-tdfa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-poly"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0imigjsb6jy1k9xipi5b4b300cpv2l7hhd2iiqpn80dp10v7y5na"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 hint MonadCatchIO-mtl QuickCheck regex-compat + regex-tdfa + ]; + description = "Automating QuickCheck for polymorphic and overlaoded properties"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-properties" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-properties"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hr61w1wpah1p4h87iz17aby53ysa8waqsl0als8b69in0zyv29w"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "QuickCheck properties for standard type classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-property-comb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-property-comb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wqz2amhwf1djbwwdin142mzp94mxbzb12khznijissjdz38knp5"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for Quickcheck Property construction and diagnostics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-property-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, either, filepath + , QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-property-monad"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "12vg14xwhhsqwygrs5lylsg514am5sslqc15nbl8mwzzxix1w8xb"; + buildDepends = [ base either QuickCheck transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "quickcheck-property-monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-regex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, regex-genex + , regex-tdfa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-regex"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "00h08l3qabj140zzcpj87hy9zb6cw1xj5w6xv6sq2m8yc3pdwi8n"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck regex-genex regex-tdfa + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate regex-constrained strings for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-relaxng" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, hxt-relaxng, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-regex + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-relaxng"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1wrndgvza9610ai02gkwab30hp8ngdknw8n2lx0mg6qajsiiy949"; + buildDepends = [ + base hxt hxt-relaxng QuickCheck quickcheck-regex + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate RelaxNG-constrained XML documents for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-rematch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, rematch }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-rematch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pmw9441l36sprw9ngq6gn2yi4v427zd5n22s9zicfyiwi4qf5ba"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck rematch ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit QuickCheck rematch ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck support for rematch"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-script" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-script"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "157v4qcyk5c6hnmhmy5rsrfsj46m343nn2bvrqyb6r92wh70is5g"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory process QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automated test tool for QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-unicode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-unicode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yp7d2hwvipw2sdjf4sm45v3iiijc1yi4qk21kq12fi6x6xxwcxq"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generator and shrink functions for testing Unicode-related software"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickcheck-webdriver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, transformers, webdriver }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickcheck-webdriver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12jkj8jy4f0mix658pd8jfgwx268fs3bbqz90mac1vvag4c72i0h"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck transformers webdriver ]; + description = "Utilities for using WebDriver with QuickCheck"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "quicklz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quicklz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17v9bfdp4ib9258r7001naqwss7l6v83by40va3gm3l418vj62qd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-memory-safe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickLZ compression for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "quickpull" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, barecheck, base, directory, filepath, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickpull"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qfzl7v7724fwfsxd5iwj3xbfz3isl8hphv6fd5a0c5zw01r54zn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ barecheck base directory filepath QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-quick-check" "-f-build-test-gen" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate Main module with QuickCheck tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector, vector-algorithms }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickset"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0xiw57wi9z567nmp4h0vfcw3sr9dciy29jadn47bvi3q278v7zdy"; + buildDepends = [ base vector vector-algorithms ]; + description = "Very fast and memory-compact query-only set and map structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-prim, QuickCheck + , random, spoon, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickspec"; + version = "0.9.6"; + sha256 = "0prwzxsrvfqryl75rmma229d4y7ra61vc3d72kyqi4l44ga2ay21"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ghc-prim QuickCheck random spoon transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Equational laws for free!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quicktest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, haskell98, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quicktest"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0nvh6jd155xrjzkkbsz5q8d08z50881vkdhmprm7fdxax1gvjc95"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory haskell98 mtl process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A reflective batch tester for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "quickwebapp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, scotty, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quickwebapp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zwqfwwna1d588yk2i20nzryl56k2bh4nyg03ljszyhna16iclij"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring http-types scotty text ]; + description = "A quick webapp generator for any file processing tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "quoridor-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, dlist, exceptions, filepath, hex, HUnit, mtl, network + , network-simple, parsec, process, snap-core, snap-server + , websockets, websockets-snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "quoridor-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l08hz6835az1wcl1xyf7vgmgigpjlg7fi9v2a5f9wa3wkl3nvqa"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers directory dlist exceptions + filepath hex mtl network network-simple parsec process snap-core + snap-server websockets websockets-snap + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Quoridor implementation in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rabocsv2qif" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, split, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rabocsv2qif"; + version = "1.1.5"; + sha256 = "1vb9r2nmkhybx1ra2jpzfz5i6klgz2jz09zhg5wi95dnml82p33g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale split time ]; + description = "A library and program to create QIF files from Rabobank CSV exports"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "rad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, data-reify }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19g2lc3vmnapccdxf390cmkfl9bd3agcn01kk8ccd4lmaqn2c12d"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers data-reify ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reverse Automatic Differentiation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "radian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, lens + , QuickCheck, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "radian"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1f53h9gcbmfga5khc67z81aysibcj5pqgi3iwa2shy5mfd10a86a"; + buildDepends = [ base lens ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A floating-point wrapper for measurements that use radians"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "radium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, hspec, parsec, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "radium"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "01bmh77cjcz7phl4fzn97hzjnjx3wicr12m7nrdyflw2zckxycwl"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers hspec parsec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chemistry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "radium-formula-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, hspec, parsec, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "radium-formula-parser"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1b2gmc27dj9fanbjh7h0902jjh3jz1ydc6qvp9p3rfskaf6854bf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal containers hspec parsec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chemistry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rados-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, hspec, HUnit + , mtl, rados, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rados-haskell"; + version = "3.1.0"; + sha256 = "0xffgf95dss442sf6adh7yys39i0z64w155akjyzr9dp2jzr6f2k"; + buildDepends = [ async base bytestring containers mtl uuid ]; + testDepends = [ async base bytestring hspec HUnit mtl rados uuid ]; + extraLibraries = [ rados ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-atomic_writes" ]; + homepage = "github"; + description = "librados haskell bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { rados = null; }; + + "rail-compiler-editor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, gtk, HUnit, llvm-general + , llvm-general-pure, mtl, process, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rail-compiler-editor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jjsa21a7f4hysbk9qvcxyyc2ncrmmjh02n7yyhjnfjgdp4sclwb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers gtk llvm-general llvm-general-pure mtl + process transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HUnit process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler and editor for the esolang rail"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rainbow" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, terminfo, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rainbow"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0myipv34pfyi71h1ni9hdi1662whjnl83g9jpag77a00sk0p3rkm"; + buildDepends = [ base terminfo text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Print text to terminal with colors and effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rainbow-tests" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, barecheck, base, QuickCheck, rainbow, terminfo + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rainbow-tests"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cjq2m2zpk4j2f7gw65yqqvyc4kng1rsnq48fs4xcs6bdzw0zhlg"; + buildDepends = [ barecheck base QuickCheck rainbow terminfo text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany rainbow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rainbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, QuickCheck, rainbow, rainbow-tests + , random, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rainbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w90fdhb686whd64xyaxpk83cx8gms0y37amfwlvbwh821zfnjii"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base rainbow text transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + array base QuickCheck rainbow rainbow-tests random tasty + tasty-quickcheck text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mosaic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Two-dimensional box pretty printing, with colors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rakhana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, lens + , mtl, pipes, scientific, transformers, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rakhana"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10gk2wk8495y1zk148sqsm993dzi4z6a49nn717qccpc2qi4lw6k"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers lens mtl pipes scientific + transformers vector zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stream based PDF library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ralist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ralist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v2cg1d2wzjcygk78qcz1yfy9rcqw8yrplnnk6cax41qifhr5z5i"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Random access list with a list compatible interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rallod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rallod"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "14fnk2q702qm0mh30r9kznbh4ikpv4fsd5mrnwphm5d06vmq6hq9"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "'$' in reverse"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rand-vars" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, IntervalMap, mtl, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rand-vars"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "165jvx59vzmpxp7gw60ivfka77kgc1irwijikkwja7jb4dm4ay3x"; + buildDepends = [ array base IntervalMap mtl random ]; + description = "Random variable library, with Functor, Applicative and Monad instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "randfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, crypto-api, directory, filepath + , monadcryptorandom, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "randfile"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11f72kfya4l41dihjvaz15hzipry281r8i6k6dzp5q3gq4valgyz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base crypto-api directory filepath monadcryptorandom transformers + unix + ]; + description = "Program for picking a random file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0nis3lbkp8vfx8pkr6v7b7kr5m334bzb0fk9vxqklnp2aw8a865p"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + description = "random number library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-access-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-access-list"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1ymbs3f38l6ch0nphsy9pi32yb1a4hazn3grm9fl0dvgqw28xl8r"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + description = "Random-access lists in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-eff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-effects, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-eff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m28np0zfabp1n1d08przh35bxfr1l7d39kj4a5z61jkchmsaxyf"; + buildDepends = [ base extensible-effects random ]; + description = "A simple random generator library for extensible-effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-effin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, effin, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-effin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p1n5dfdsp00q9mlhd7xcl93k5d0wji91p59858gmfx9xf8j0p0h"; + buildDepends = [ base effin random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-monadrandom" ]; + description = "A simple random generator library for effin"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random-fu, random-source + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-extras"; + version = "0.19"; + sha256 = "1b45s314rqkk0np460p3p0wrqvkv9dczifny8pp76ikksalfvgn0"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random-fu random-source ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Additional functions for random values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-fu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, erf, logfloat, math-functions, monad-loops + , mtl, random-shuffle, random-source, rvar, syb, template-haskell + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-fu"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04fi92szpjyg0ffgxfayz00vpiqi67hzyahhin12wvw3pxbyyp9g"; + buildDepends = [ + base erf logfloat math-functions monad-loops mtl random-shuffle + random-source rvar syb template-haskell transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmtl2" "-fbase4_2" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Random number generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "random-shuffle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-shuffle"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0586bnlh0g2isc44jbjvafkcl4yw6lp1db8x6vr0pza0y08l8w2j"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadRandom random ]; + description = "Random shuffle implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "random-source" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, flexible-defaults, mersenne-random-pure64 + , mtl, mwc-random, random, stateref, syb, template-haskell + , th-extras + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-source"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wsv41kpswqml04ym5bq2nan4i637f7h3fmvda2zy506xwxfrpzk"; + buildDepends = [ + base flexible-defaults mersenne-random-pure64 mtl mwc-random random + stateref syb template-haskell th-extras + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmtl2" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic basis for random number generators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "random-stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "random-stream"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0q191kz3hmjzrgs143nja5gcis07igb38f51mwqw64zx7vjqvx66"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring random ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-have_win32_crypt" "-f-have_ssl" "-f-have_urandom" + ]; + description = "An infinite stream of random data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "randomgen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mersenne-random-pure64 + , openssl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "randomgen"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0y7yvsach0c27ahscxr36avjrq281pmg7w6cv2yj5kmbk7ddwlyi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mersenne-random-pure64 ]; + extraLibraries = [ openssl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast, SMP parallel random data generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "randproc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "randproc"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0fb0239fwvn1n3rbdr03k4kx1igzbb638a1iq0ln1k1i1fpaayd7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data structures and support functions for working with random processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "randsolid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "randsolid"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0v7j6qqs16j281hn0330vcpkriqgyvl7087ll665c7dcqqh2bswk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base random X11 ]; + description = "Set the background of your root window to a random colour"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "range" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, parsec, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "range"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qb5kll43dm6l8w4caa1ik5j0pm8cpm3jzr6cfldx2s4yfwrdngg"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "This has a bunch of code for specifying and managing ranges in your code"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "range-set-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, tasty, tasty-quickcheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "range-set-list"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1qgw95gvbxar13ia6562ddz9zqd14ffyxwp9qi41w859prfc1728"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base containers tasty tasty-quickcheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimized" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory efficient sets with continuous ranges of elements"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "range-space" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, semigroups, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, time, vector-space + , vector-space-points + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "range-space"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06cl5kgyl1lccr78galqxp21nli2vkvlywy6394cnp14wqfz8r94"; + buildDepends = [ + base semigroups vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck semigroups test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 time vector-space vector-space-points + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Range type with vector-space instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rangemin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rangemin"; + version = "2.2.2"; + sha256 = "01n1m3ibi44pjg04mg16j751fjzkspmnq8bzxz55qbyi22wshnwc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers primitive vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fwall" "-f-llvm" ]; + description = "Linear range-min algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ranges" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ranges"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1ymvmvfvzkdxblg691g9n5y94gpiz782jgyvaisg5mydzj1s1fyv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Ranges and various functions on them"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rank1dynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, constraints, ghc-prim, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rank1dynamic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1np3ghp7wdn0clsyslk5j6fhs4c5cd6y0xlvdg2jj6ydaglzcchl"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base constraints HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Like Data.Dynamic/Data.Typeable but with support for rank-1 polymorphic types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rascal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, base, containers, curl + , curl-aeson, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl, process, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rascal"; + version = "1.1.6"; + sha256 = "0q7afppkm5jd1p13fszzsfjpdz6g6bw1vd6wigcy3janxn5686rs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal base containers curl curl-aeson directory + filepath mtl process vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal base containers curl curl-aeson directory + filepath HUnit mtl process QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line client for Reddit"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rate-limit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time-units }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rate-limit"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1d1dfj05vi8jr2cfy42a58wnm84zm6cmx7fabp2rb83qqm4l2riz"; + buildDepends = [ base time-units ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A basic library for rate-limiting IO actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ratio-int" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ratio-int"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "06kqr4iyi184sa8y2vdkw5h0pvh5f8lwcqb8mbcn34lpqm961s7g"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast specialisation of Data.Ratio for Int."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "raven-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hspec, http-conduit + , network, old-locale, random, text, time, unordered-containers + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "raven-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06pa03g9pxxv1qk34ckcgwp5wirj5ag1akml48k18la6p0a2r3mx"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-conduit network old-locale random text + time unordered-containers uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base bytestring hspec unordered-containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell client for Sentry logging service"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "raven-haskell-scotty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, mtl + , raven-haskell, scotty, text, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "raven-haskell-scotty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vllfasn4rky8r8fg3mpln8pdkxbcvrvx8wamn0xswfwf1rvcf6k"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive mtl raven-haskell scotty text wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sentry http interface for Scotty web server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "raw-strings-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "raw-strings-qq"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "0wnifa97am2s9bqixlidw3nf8w14h2qkg3sn1rxzgvc3fws57jg9"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Raw string literals for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rawstring-qm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell-src-meta + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rawstring-qm"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "13s71lglnddhl0i7cw3yv9a8j803l7kdlhkx83syj918sq9pwsax"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskell-src-meta template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple raw string quotation and dictionary interpolation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rbr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rbr"; + version = "0.8.6"; + sha256 = "0q7b990k3ijjjwhnm1283k9vzmvypyg7mhvbzagvi74q0sgwyac7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mask nucleotide (EST) sequences in Fasta format"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "rclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754 + , network, QuickCheck, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rclient"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hdcbnkb184a1zfxsh4fxgff9znc5sw6503qbix67c45qiw25zhn"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 network QuickCheck split + ]; + description = "Haskell client for Rserve"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rdf4h" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, hashable + , HTTP, HUnit, hxt, knob, network, network-uri, parsec, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rdf4h"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0d6jqhfiy1zlvbf04n7q8qmq2ql0vrd0lpfaxsmqwwnz5ip297jp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory hashable HTTP hxt network + network-uri parsec text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hashable HTTP HUnit hxt knob network + network-uri parsec QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnetwork-uri" "-fhpc" "-f-tests" "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for RDF processing in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rdioh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, hoauth, hspec + , json, MissingH, mtl, transformers, urlencoded + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rdioh"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1k0djlhabycj4q7x85bj7n3k0rcyxn9b3k3ijb4za2vxj081qdj0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers hoauth hspec json MissingH mtl + transformers urlencoded + ]; + description = "A Haskell wrapper for Rdio's API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rdtsc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rdtsc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j421cfyz35mkh78idw89b0gl7c810n04pfh0lvdprghlfk90adk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding for the rdtsc machine instruction"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rdtsc-enolan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rdtsc-enolan"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0v3x7ga4gx5q4gwh8xdhb2arlmjyilr9igz28wysy9qqlcdw775q"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to sources of high-efficiency, high-precision, monotonically increasing relative time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "re2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, chell, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "re2"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08mmbxj9dpnb56b6vh0lz7nimp3w3v9g2c6ypxgz8ahvlia0a4f5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring vector ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring chell vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the re2 regular expression library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "react-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, haste-compiler, lens-family + , monads-tf, transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "react-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1jq96fiq133ng6ayknzxwcz59f2gxa5f5hhj9n46pixwdp6bf2aa"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq haste-compiler lens-family monads-tf transformers void + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-haste-inst" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell React bindings"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reaction-logic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reaction-logic"; + version = "2010.11.17"; + sha256 = "0g1lbr0lsx71ddmd64q9lxx3gj63ncc7nqd12l4739wq495q57r0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "pluggable pure logic serializable reactor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, category-extras, checkers, old-time + , QuickCheck, random, Stream, TypeCompose, unamb, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive"; + version = "0.11.5"; + sha256 = "1axhgggl1g8yjdvp817bnkj4xc23scc3i2k224k43942255sf71j"; + buildDepends = [ + base category-extras checkers old-time QuickCheck random Stream + TypeCompose unamb vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Push-pull functional reactive programming"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "reactive-bacon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, old-time, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-bacon"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0cic01yikwgalbprz8y0fs7i7c0pynxl7aivsfjgsl75wdpjsj3m"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time stm ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HUnit old-time stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FRP (functional reactive programming) framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-balsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, containers + , data-accessor, data-accessor-transformers, event-list + , extensible-exceptions, midi, midi-alsa, non-negative, random + , reactive-banana, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-balsa"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "14k65rjvyxwb4psa53qcz89jllabqv76vh4xwx2k6k5ssl6qfr3n"; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-seq base containers data-accessor + data-accessor-transformers event-list extensible-exceptions midi + midi-alsa non-negative random reactive-banana transformers + utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Programmatically edit MIDI events via ALSA and reactive-banana"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-banana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, HUnit, pqueue + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + , unordered-containers, vault + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-banana"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rvdf8gg7yiq9ajy7k5a95vdggwvig6snrnav2vfvdzvcp6ha8i9"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable pqueue transformers unordered-containers + vault + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hashable HUnit pqueue test-framework + test-framework-hunit transformers unordered-containers vault + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuseextensions" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for functional reactive programming (FRP)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-banana-sdl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens, data-lens-template + , reactive-banana, SDL, SDL-image, SDL-ttf + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-banana-sdl"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "067g8v7xhll416f47prifv0l2i8vr6aywbahhci8kwci75a1al6m"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-lens data-lens-template reactive-banana SDL SDL-image + SDL-ttf + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reactive Banana bindings for SDL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-banana-threepenny" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, reactive-banana, threepenny-gui }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-banana-threepenny"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fb0bq7rcxsnga2hxh94h2rpp4kjh383z06qgk36m49pyvnbnl9a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base reactive-banana threepenny-gui ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for the reactive-banana library, using threepenny-gui"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-banana-wx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cabal-macosx, reactive-banana, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-banana-wx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r000r9svkf1sqxhg5mpawg9a7dkfndsyz242sbmfaxf94nrrscg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cabal-macosx reactive-banana wx wxcore ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildExamples" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples for the reactive-banana library, using wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-fieldtrip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, FieldTrip, InfixApplicative, reactive + , reactive-glut, unamb, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-fieldtrip"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "092bxjnhbcyqlij8jc014c56k67ncp5wjm8kmwvn8argfplyscxg"; + buildDepends = [ + base FieldTrip InfixApplicative reactive reactive-glut unamb + vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connect Reactive and FieldTrip"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-glut" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, old-time, OpenGL, reactive + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-glut"; + version = "0.1.10"; + sha256 = "164ivzgrnvqvx7r1jagsng9m47ql0jkayzahhcvs8wd78ksbbsfh"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT old-time OpenGL reactive vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connects Reactive and GLUT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-haskell"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "115zjaymcx1dm7lwdqjq810j664a2kj8phrvjkhfkdsl95srqc85"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "minimal fork of io-reactive"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactive-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-io"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0s7a29cfzb2j5xvqykx1n5naci2np36zjs3qyq0i4yzjf3qprr63"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "IO-oriented FRP library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reactive-thread" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-parallel, SDL, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactive-thread"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mydwb3p2c4xm7zfv7cwcyscq1wdcvs2az743s3j8gl8ggc1zs50"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base monad-parallel SDL stm transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-profile" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reactive programming via imperative threads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reactor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bits-atomic, comonad, contravariant + , mtl, semigroupoids, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reactor"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0g57vkq8cgigy6383p5jk6bbp3l1vcihryz8sjwvr8hs4y96642f"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bits-atomic comonad contravariant mtl semigroupoids + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reactor - task parallel reactive programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "read-bounded" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "read-bounded"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nvfkxjxn38rpplvg48sgx671fmfxj80dy2a77pjvm3c31q0hhqm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Class for reading bounded values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "readable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "readable"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0m14xbwmlsjkwlyrgvi15pss3rd7dyaq4y8r58fz5yxmyayf35d2"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reading from Text and ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "readline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "readline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sszlx34qa88fad3wlhd4rkb1my1nrpzvyd8vq7dn806j5sf3ff0"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "An interface to the GNU readline library"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "readline-statevar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, readline, StateVar }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "readline-statevar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gfxs3wfdkkarxil2an5l58syrm2vajj0qpshzabzchni32yxic8"; + buildDepends = [ base readline StateVar ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Readline with variables (setX/getY) wrapped in state vars"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "readpyc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bliplib, parseargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "readpyc"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1icb7w3hgfczrr48x48lwvln05yaw3c9bxwrrfxc92h3q73v1rpp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bliplib parseargs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and pretty print Python bytecode (.pyc) files."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "really-simple-xml-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "really-simple-xml-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qmrfisnvm9a25a9ssg4r466yna69vzbwn7s7f4zql28cndg3syy"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A really simple XML parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "reasonable-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, split, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reasonable-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qlcvhxgzi1pf4k2apa0fh5927bd132rbnnhyf9yf6qa9hz3d28f"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl split template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lens implementation. It is more small but adequately."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "recaptcha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network, network-uri, xhtml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "recaptcha"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18rqsqzni11nr2cvs7ah9k87w493d92c0gmc0n6fhfq6gay9ia19"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network network-uri xhtml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "records" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, kinds, type-functions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "records"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nzqqbqwgsr066ykmanyzmlv5nzdzpkkcla0lg8klyw6ck9ddk69"; + buildDepends = [ base kinds type-functions ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A flexible record system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "records-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, data-default, kinds, records + , template-haskell, text, type-functions, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "records-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m6v52kmh1clcgah07jjjxvsfpbp6z8lkdd78wap0v3mqiv8mdcg"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base data-default kinds records template-haskell text + type-functions unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell declarations for the records package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "recursion-schemes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, free, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "recursion-schemes"; + version = "4.1"; + sha256 = "03rf65ak6bxsr204j6d8g5zyxva9vbmncycav3smqwfg5n3b3pwf"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad free transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generalized bananas, lenses and barbed wire"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "recursive-line-count" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, filepath, gtk, mtl + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "recursive-line-count"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0iyacn4gb7v6ly0bdci34mrjkjc29mbplqc6bhfv8ksz74aaafyn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers filepath gtk mtl process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Count lines in files and display them hierarchically"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "redHandlers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cgi, containers + , haskell98, MaybeT, mtl, network, old-time, parsec, stm, unix + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redHandlers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1llb81aqr0jlsajsmy20br5vqd6ap54bk17ipg8z3gmzd0wcf9c9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cgi containers haskell98 MaybeT mtl network + old-time parsec stm unix xhtml + ]; + description = "Monadic HTTP request handlers combinators to build a standalone web apps"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, concurrent-extra, containers + , MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, network, old-time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0djwih122pp7y0c1lx7ab7n80ra1488hrwgf0iq20gywk8an9wfq"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring concurrent-extra containers MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl + network old-time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A driver for Redis key-value database"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "redis-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redis-hs"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1irayxwkdksc9v70g7il7zl7pmkrim2admcgjwcm9inyca7618wg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple Redis library for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "redis-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, auto-update, base, bytestring + , bytestring-conversion, containers, exceptions, mtl, network + , operational, redis-resp, resource-pool, tasty, tasty-hunit, time + , tinylog, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redis-io"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "13ggija8f8mxdcslm94731cb2bq9jzjr979xybzy4c8csla49yhx"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec auto-update base bytestring containers exceptions mtl + network operational redis-resp resource-pool time tinylog + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring bytestring-conversion containers redis-resp + tasty tasty-hunit tinylog transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet another redis client"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "redis-resp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , bytestring-conversion, containers, dlist, double-conversion + , operational, semigroups, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redis-resp"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "07lvgq2l2fahhc9z3hjjjpx3n4rzdxl2l2ww9brxnv23432xpz97"; + editedCabalFile = "74f97af6250dcf3b26d424e5a53a4a9bdcda5de4f7f4d5fc4d6b686f60f6d931"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-conversion containers dlist + double-conversion operational semigroups split transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) implementation"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "redis-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, redis }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redis-simple"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0kzs5lc2y40dzx57k0klz0k9zijhi7mh0awi6rzhzd3h5z1gdr43"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring redis ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple redis bindings for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "redo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , process, pureMD5 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "redo"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "18951sri8wix8aazd8hy8g2gzcpxw2x1ihzmn2prlf10zy1jcy4d"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath process pureMD5 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "software build system, make replacement, implementation of djb's redo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "reducers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, comonad, containers + , fingertree, hashable, keys, pointed, semigroupoids, semigroups + , text, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reducers"; + version = "3.10.3"; + sha256 = "0hi77mgc2f38y0xfykn7x6gdl6xg710skpx4z76s8c0wwnd28pr6"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring comonad containers fingertree hashable keys + pointed semigroupoids semigroups text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reenact" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hamid, HCodecs, stm, time, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reenact"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "19xw0w15ja8h5wxpz4x65vzvc7qxpn3k33p82pa2g3w9l9hlj2xw"; + buildDepends = [ base hamid HCodecs stm time vector-space ]; + description = "A reimplementation of the Reactive library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ref"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "109illgbz4g4a6qavgc4wvyxfjvjhyrxa2gpps67avmr1v90gihr"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ref-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ref-fd"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1r8cj6v798chr3bp7x6qvsiz04xsj2iicpa6824b4fzzy5ixkj96"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class for monads with references using functional dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ref-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ref-mtl"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0wijkaf3qyp6qjz0cwyhb89z5jrcz792hx8m9a43xrp7v2f84080"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class for monads with references compatible with the mtl2 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ref-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ref-tf"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "049xpdn14py3r7hs4ikqdz7jgfsxi6vdsxgq0jfz69gzg4binc25"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class for monads with references using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "refcount" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, hashable, HUnit, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "refcount"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1h1gprc4c784pf3wi2ri2hxk7pbh9y8bqc0xcryjcyjk3519ig16"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable QuickCheck unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal hashable HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Container with element counts"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reference" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reference"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1gqbbiwhx5wq1g73m3apwyrrpapqzimincmw2b64fpkkykq66dq1"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "A class for references in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "references" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, either + , filepath, instance-control, mtl, template-haskell, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "references"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rw3r9sz39f3pw2zxq7n9ca9jccfrj6lnjs3frimh0xrmdi9bmjk"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory either filepath instance-control + mtl template-haskell text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generalization of lenses, folds and traversals to handle monads and addition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { instance-control = null; }; + + "refh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clippard, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , haskheap, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "refh"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1fhvn4cjfq92hi422mcdq4xwb405cc4pvlax0bqvyw3bg9ngqz9m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base clippard cmdargs directory filepath haskheap network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command-line tool for pasting to"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reflection" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reflection"; + version = "1.5.1"; + sha256 = "18ail6j7rs5jff9zxphxd7vjkwanpv12dhi98s86r65425fdhjlx"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fth" "-f-slow" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reflection-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, constraints, lens, reflection, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reflection-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cnqd8hrcvjvcdrida0q3dxkkmp36qsfqhv0a5zr94b1y5zfrj4k"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base constraints lens reflection tagged ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for the reflection package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reflection-without-remorse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-aligned }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reflection-without-remorse"; + version = "0.9.5"; + sha256 = "1iz4k42hc8f11a6kg2db847zmq5qpfiwns1448s62jswc2xm0x0r"; + buildDepends = [ base type-aligned ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient free and operational monads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reform"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "02izf5hhhwc27lza0w93n3n5sdg1f0h6njgz3vw4bv71114wfcj7"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "reform is an HTML form generation and validation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reform-blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, reform, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reform-blaze"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1bbmmvrprbig4ic1vq8jjhb4nxxkn0a4dxxaa62i02ms3wb1vsf5"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html blaze-markup reform text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add support for using blaze-html with Reform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reform-hamlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, reform, shakespeare, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reform-hamlet"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1f8rh9wiax6g7kh1j0j2zmqr7n1ll9ijn2xqp1shhsq8vp30f8fg"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-markup reform shakespeare text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add support for using Hamlet with Reform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reform-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, mtl, random + , reform, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reform-happstack"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0igyvf8a0dd8376khzsssr6bjp3m224rrynm1ws4slxq9h3dklqn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring happstack-server mtl random reform text utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Happstack support for reform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reform-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsp, reform, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reform-hsp"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0fq4g2v22nsqby72sasr15hs02rl97n8j85v9lgirw1jk2mbsqar"; + buildDepends = [ base hsp reform text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add support for using HSP with Reform"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-applicative" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, smallcheck, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-smallcheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-applicative"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1klmi101zfpngf8c7fp2ch48kadbw6xs5lg0h00x7wi0zfrdbf0y"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-smallcheck + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Regex-based parsing with applicative interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "regex-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-base"; + version = "0.93.2"; + sha256 = "0y1j4h2pg12c853nzmczs263di7xkkmlnsq5dlp5wgbgl49mgp10"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, regex-base, regex-posix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-compat"; + version = "0.95.1"; + sha256 = "0fwmima3f04p9y4h3c23493n1xj629ia2dxaisqm6rynljjv2z6m"; + buildDepends = [ array base regex-base regex-posix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-compat-tdfa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, regex-base, regex-tdfa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-compat-tdfa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p90fn90yhp7fvljjdqjp41cszidcfz4pw7fwvzyx4739b98x8sg"; + buildDepends = [ array base regex-base regex-tdfa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode Support version of Text.Regex, using regex-tdfa"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-deriv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitset, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , dequeue, ghc-prim, hashable, hashtables, mtl, parallel, parsec + , regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-deriv"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0anj0az7q3fzdxknc83vci3nm5w0wj54w77xz2jphcbmn9ix9s4c"; + buildDepends = [ + base bitset bytestring containers deepseq dequeue ghc-prim hashable + hashtables mtl parallel parsec regex-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Brzozowski's Deriviatives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-dfa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, regex-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-dfa"; + version = "0.91"; + sha256 = "1f846d86wg7yha29qinchpi3r5gv9795f384pqahbyc13wfky7dp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec regex-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-easy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, regex-pcre + , string-conversions + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-easy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1062h3zd0bxak7rins7kk8n95ic04z5l9zqhg22h0iq5csapllf9"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring regex-pcre string-conversions + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "sugar for regex-pcre"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-genex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, regex-tdfa, sbv + , stream-monad, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-genex"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "14rr6ssc0kgcakmcqqdymgc1rlksr8k2wfvwhrc064rkp9lb9dn2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl regex-tdfa sbv stream-monad text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "From a regex, generate all possible strings it can match"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "regex-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, regex-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-parsec"; + version = "0.90"; + sha256 = "0zf5cr10mxlxxd8fp4q4ix6ibxc5xx3ml3k043kx28f9vfdh2xnx"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec regex-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-pcre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, pcre + , regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-pcre"; + version = "0.94.4"; + sha256 = "1h16w994g9s62iwkdqa7bar2n9cfixmkzz2rm8svm960qr57valf"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers regex-base ]; + extraLibraries = [ pcre ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-pcre-builtin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, regex-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-pcre-builtin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y7as9wqlkykpipka2cfdhmcnin345q01pp0wsva8fwmvsavdl8b"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers regex-base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-pderiv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitset, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , ghc-prim, mtl, parallel, parsec, regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-pderiv"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1jh7ksv3cgsjd0f51yyrs2kvji1wyi9qk2ysavh3w34nkgyxmg55"; + buildDepends = [ + base bitset bytestring containers deepseq ghc-prim mtl parallel + parsec regex-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Antimirov's partial derivatives."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-posix" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, regex-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-posix"; + version = "0.95.2"; + sha256 = "0gkhzhj8nvfn1ija31c7xnl6p0gadwii9ihyp219ck2arlhrj0an"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers regex-base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fnewbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-posix-unittest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl + , regex-base, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-posix-unittest"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0kcxsdn5lgmpfrkpkygr54jrnjqd93b12shb00n6j00rg7p755vx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers mtl regex-base regex-posix + ]; + description = "Unit tests for the plaform's Posix regex library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tdfa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim, mtl + , parsec, regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tdfa"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "00gl9sx3hzd83lp38jlcj7wvzrda8kww7njwlm1way73m8aar0pw"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers ghc-prim mtl parsec regex-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tdfa-rc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim, mtl + , parsec, regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tdfa-rc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vi11i23gkkjg6193ak90g55akj69bhahy542frkwb68haky4pp3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers ghc-prim mtl parsec regex-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tdfa-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, regex-base, regex-tdfa, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tdfa-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1p17xv3j2xd74iilyqwlqhkmyp26asq4k1pb0h2f0wdqqfr87bfd"; + buildDepends = [ array base regex-base regex-tdfa text ]; + description = "Text interface for regex-tdfa"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tdfa-unittest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, mtl + , regex-base, regex-tdfa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tdfa-unittest"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1b9cca3l46qxvc5ck3z27dg6w1888pabkk0q752bzjqr3fc4nidc"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers mtl regex-base regex-tdfa + ]; + description = "Unit tests for the regex-tdfa"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tdfa-utf8" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, regex-base, regex-tdfa + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tdfa-utf8"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0i5di03v9dsvvhz8mdfx5qba8zcpim0fpx1cjg9gvz4gh0yhqf4k"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring regex-base regex-tdfa utf8-string + ]; + description = "This combines regex-tdfa with utf8-string to allow searching over UTF8 encoded lazy bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-tre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-base, tre }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-tre"; + version = "0.91"; + sha256 = "1b7x0y8q1fvipnzh06by48f8l9l5ypm6yblpl35fzf641z3m9b7j"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-base ]; + extraLibraries = [ tre ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regex-xmlschema" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regex-xmlschema"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1dmhvnz6sj80kdnm2v7n0lvx8g9arhf9pqqzkn0rwzfhr2by0ss4"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regexchar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, parallel, parsec + , QuickCheck, regex-base, regex-posix, regexdot, toolshed + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexchar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nj43gvhm233609rc0pj183bciiz4nafi6ypq06rs3sb8sin3frj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers parallel parsec QuickCheck regex-base + regex-posix regexdot toolshed + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" "-fthreaded" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A POSIX, extended regex-engine"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "regexdot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, parallel, parsec, toolshed }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexdot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hxqhfamy98ygnbh0ajhdab1zqnx4qnkwclnn5x5f9ra5iqj0rrq"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq parallel parsec toolshed ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" "-f-llvm" "-fhavedeepseq" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A polymorphic, POSIX, extended regex-engine"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "regexp-tries" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, derive-trie, template-haskell + , weighted-regexp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexp-tries"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16spdq22dsblksvpd85cm6bmjd9053znphw6na1iy9pkmc491v1l"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers derive-trie template-haskell weighted-regexp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Regular Expressions on Tries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regexpr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, mtl, mtlparse }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexpr"; + version = "0.5.4"; + sha256 = "0136wp6hrnmj6pbdhp3a131dzz8bp1pbd92bpagpv1r6gwj16y5z"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit mtl mtlparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "regular expression like Perl/Ruby in Haskell"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "regexpr-symbolic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexpr-symbolic"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1cpwvb5mmcaqwy617m6cr25pcb4v4yxwzxng82bcrwkhjfdklsdr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Regular expressions via symbolic manipulation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regexqq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pcre-light, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regexqq"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "10vh4i7q9vf6b716hf2i9pv1dy6vlyrh8bybqh91i704a55m40f3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring pcre-light template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A quasiquoter for PCRE regexes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regional-pointers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, regions, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regional-pointers"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "1v71k64is86yc19n96062wl8f382xna1vnm0spcmr9jx6x3wyqv2"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols regions transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Regional memory pointers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, monad-control + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regions"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1l4wi4vziw0d0vaagbknf8bsvh4irqxls6qbhcg8ngpn62a0fa7p"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols monad-control transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides the region monad for safely opening and working with scarce resources"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regions-monadsfd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base-unicode-symbols, monads-fd, regions + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regions-monadsfd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13xyigw1f92bzppqrl96wbz36j9cwrsaxdb2vkg8sjjvnirly3h9"; + buildDepends = [ + base-unicode-symbols monads-fd regions transformers + ]; + description = "Monads-fd instances for the RegionT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regions-monadstf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base-unicode-symbols, monads-tf, regions + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regions-monadstf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r4fr3p2k4k8r1lw6la7h4al068xf5kzb8cgq5864rlkrgf53fxb"; + buildDepends = [ + base-unicode-symbols monads-tf regions transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads-tf instances for the RegionT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regions-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base-unicode-symbols, mtl, regions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regions-mtl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s0sr42k1kmwgmrnj5zcan0j9br8xrrm1vdnj6yhliqdfz41ifc0"; + buildDepends = [ base-unicode-symbols mtl regions ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mtl instances for the RegionT monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regular"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "112n3j27ac9lzs0lc3q12r6wmpkmfgdalv18h1qklhd5nh4j9wl5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Generic programming library for regular datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regular-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, deepseq, QuickCheck, regular }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regular-extras"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0x1sbps0ccwpvf6fx1jnbjxylqsvvfzkkynliip9jyh6gkhm44vx"; + buildDepends = [ base binary deepseq QuickCheck regular ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fquickcheck2" ]; + description = "Additional functions for regular: arbitrary, coarbitrary, and binary get/put"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regular-web" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-extras, base, fclabels, formlets, json + , mtl, regular, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regular-web"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0f4lsly4497p7szibasin27hf2xy5cs8gp87vsbg6mlkk07bvysz"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-extras base fclabels formlets json mtl regular xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic programming for the web"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "regular-xmlpickler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hxt, regular, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "regular-xmlpickler"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1qjx4xsidnpr2as3m2ir97ap5vc9cw6a0z332g53ifx9gskjli9f"; + buildDepends = [ base hxt regular text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using Regular"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reheat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, QuickCheck, text, vty, vty-ui }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reheat"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0m6s6r2d39g3qkjylsrhixk9l9sb2jv0ihxwjn7b0wz7585g2bdv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory text vty vty-ui ]; + testDepends = [ base directory QuickCheck text vty vty-ui ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "to make notes and reduce impact on idle time on writing other programms"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "rehoo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, parallel-io, shelly, split + , system-filepath, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rehoo"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0pwmz1q2866yj8hxbvha4v1smhppkd3jsrrhbhmbxw137l54ijgf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs parallel-io shelly split system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rebuild default.hoo from many .hoo files in the current directory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reified-records" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reified-records"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0vg05idyiy3havw8rlsky7x4y34mpk6by9500r7rb921xgpdq70a"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reify records to Maps and back again"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reify"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1bl4yv77i8c4w1y5lqr6b8xi1m4ym2phvdjwc9l95rx1vrxkqpk1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize data"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "reinterpret-cast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, data-binary-ieee754, hspec, loop }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reinterpret-cast"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1r2k2fyfm5lknfdfs282l274bgaxf4j4dikk4hpwchjbj0n64m2n"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + testDepends = [ base data-binary-ieee754 hspec loop ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory reinterpretation casts for Float/Double and Word32/Word64"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "relacion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relacion"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jq3ii9j8s7q8fr7ac2pdr2l33jvzsyyq70cjd9q1spqa1v6k976"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + homepage = "not available"; + description = "A relation data structure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, groom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relation"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "03h6l8v3ppxbwg9ddgg121yx3i2v4vbcpwrv1vg3mgbw5pwq7x4c"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers groom ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data structure representing Relations on Sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relational-query" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, cabal-test-compat + , containers, dlist, names-th, persistable-record, sql-words + , template-haskell, text, time, time-locale-compat, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relational-query"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l4ja62sys2bxkpkvaz1fns5hdfp5m1idhgwhgvvcxlh431s2acd"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers dlist names-th persistable-record + sql-words template-haskell text time time-locale-compat + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal cabal-test-compat containers transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typeful, Modular, Relational, algebraic query engine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relational-query-HDBC" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, convertible, HDBC, HDBC-session + , names-th, persistable-record, relational-query + , relational-schemas, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relational-query-HDBC"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r5lj96w8cqcmma2kh46g8xyw0zz161nv1h9bwqia21vvis396vj"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers convertible HDBC HDBC-session names-th + persistable-record relational-query relational-schemas + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HDBC instance of relational join and typed query for HDBC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relational-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, relational-query, relational-query-HDBC }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relational-record"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n42fnmw99nl16zr6h4kyhm6vrs0c45nl3cp4nvp8i08pr5chf4l"; + buildDepends = [ base relational-query relational-query-HDBC ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Meta package of Relational Record"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relational-record-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HDBC, HDBC-session, HDBC-sqlite3, names-th + , persistable-record, relational-query, relational-query-HDBC + , template-haskell, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relational-record-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kwpa8vyici2l96n6vpw397m5k5ccd12a5rlr5cwbq921s124ss9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base HDBC HDBC-session HDBC-sqlite3 names-th persistable-record + relational-query relational-query-HDBC template-haskell time + ]; + description = "Examples of Haskell Relationa Record"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relational-schemas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, persistable-record + , relational-query, template-haskell, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relational-schemas"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lsw7f4737bj981bvl0hi5b4bhb9b911rajgx0m705kczyl67662"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers persistable-record relational-query + template-haskell time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RDBMSs' schema templates for relational-query"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relative-date" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, concatenative, datetime, mtl, parsec, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relative-date"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "052rk17flm5zp70wcl7ki3ys47hnaa2d5c1vjsap7bfkcg4lff66"; + buildDepends = [ base concatenative datetime mtl parsec time ]; + description = "Durations and generalized time parsing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "relit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "relit"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "03cnra0yfpijp65p1x0wv4fvc1p1l27lcb00k22ijrcy2mxqr9cg"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-base template-haskell ]; + description = "Literal for regular expression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rematch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rematch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0law4al9hzn9qljfm8rwgmb15pzpcs8i44v1l6279977q0lxx5pr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit ]; + description = "A simple api for matchers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rematch-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, HUnit, rematch, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rematch-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q8jf7128360waq6k369ykp0hfjwydkm7f8ykwzd8xflmgfiywfd"; + buildDepends = [ base rematch text ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit rematch text ]; + description = "`rematch` matchers for Data.Text"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "remote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, mtl, network, pureMD5, stm, syb, template-haskell, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "remote"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "14awzhpc21pp4iq53vz4ib81ygxsnlnfppv723zy77z6jja08gf0"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory filepath mtl network + pureMD5 stm syb template-haskell time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Cloud Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "remote-debugger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc, ghc-paths, json, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "remote-debugger"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ffwqd0sh09qayv8c97rk7ihv33rcpw938a6f3hlxlbpfhlhli46"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc ghc-paths json network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interface to ghci debugger"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "remotion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, concurrent-extra + , containers, directory, errors, filelock, hashable, hashtables + , HTF, HUnit, lifted-async, loch-th, monad-control, mtl, network + , network-simple, old-locale, pipes, pipes-bytestring + , pipes-cereal-plus, pipes-network, pipes-parse, placeholders + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, stm, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, time, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "remotion"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0m7x5i00i6ai39yii6h5vzlsp1rnmprmddqllqja57kdy3q7v7na"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring concurrent-extra containers directory errors + filelock hashable hashtables lifted-async loch-th monad-control mtl + network network-simple old-locale pipes pipes-bytestring + pipes-cereal-plus pipes-network pipes-parse placeholders stm + system-fileio system-filepath text time transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring concurrent-extra containers directory errors + filelock hashable hashtables HTF HUnit lifted-async loch-th + monad-control mtl network network-simple old-locale pipes + pipes-bytestring pipes-cereal-plus pipes-network pipes-parse + placeholders QuickCheck quickcheck-instances stm system-fileio + system-filepath text time transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for client-server applications based on custom protocols"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reord"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07lxnfj0q565ydjzgcnb9dhjlrs7s1h6ybam7aic68lfd4p0hr7y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Ad-hoc Ord instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "reorderable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reorderable"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1i81yran553jdsyx0bx5g72dg6v24yk3g6l40m1cd430f8yy8a6f"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta template-haskell + ]; + description = "Define compound types that do not depend on member order"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "repa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rsahd6c1mxd8hq9zfx4jqgmcfs4di4askky87y71xy5v4k1x4ai"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring ghc-prim QuickCheck template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-algorithms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, llvm, repa, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-algorithms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12fizvma877ws3xiz3k34jg5xh5yhnl0n5aq2za005l9i5angkk9"; + buildDepends = [ base repa vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ llvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Algorithms using the Repa array library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) llvm; }; + + "repa-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, repa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q7kvm39iqabanrgyi438n8mfn1ikvpygralyakfc02rm2gpl0gb"; + buildDepends = [ base repa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "(deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-devil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libdevil, repa, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-devil"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p46ni9z8wymyk4qmcy04kwycxb31yyprd8ddxsxpjilhbw848lh"; + buildDepends = [ base repa transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ libdevil ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for image reading and writing of Repa arrays using in-place FFI calls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, llvm, QuickCheck, random, repa + , repa-algorithms, repa-io, template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gdkwmdnmvq82zglryxx2ic1nm4g2r4a0bwndiwbj670w03p712p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base QuickCheck random repa repa-algorithms repa-io + template-haskell vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ llvm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples using the Repa array library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) llvm; }; + + "repa-fftw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, carray, fft, repa, storable-complex, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-fftw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y05hjysf484nfdr2qs1mbs7znxi58q9f0kxfnkcbskijwxnj320"; + buildDepends = [ base carray fft repa storable-complex ]; + testDepends = [ base repa tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck ]; + description = "Perform fft with repa via FFTW"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bmp, bytestring, old-time, repa + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i58ysk44y7s6z1jmns2fi83flqma4k5nsjh1pblqb2rgl7x0z5p"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bmp bytestring old-time repa vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write Repa arrays in various formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ddc-base, ddc-core + , ddc-core-flow, ddc-core-simpl, ghc, mtl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-plugin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s644rlk6sqz8sb2rwak42153xxsp5vjpqhlxnmbic0b7r67s8y9"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ddc-base ddc-core ddc-core-flow ddc-core-simpl ghc + mtl + ]; + description = "Data Flow Fusion GHC Plugin"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-series" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-prim, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-series"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kldz4d4cv0vliqw78ywbcfgh0mw4i5cd93j0jdagvhsbhlxlp5k"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ghc-prim vector ]; + description = "Series Expressionss API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-sndfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hsndfile + , hsndfile-vector, repa, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-sndfile"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pgrdhi7s1capainmd6hq1h8wjzppyr8fn93fzygwjpvnnhfggk8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base hsndfile hsndfile-vector repa vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath hsndfile hsndfile-vector repa vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + description = "Reading and writing sound files with repa arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repa-v4l2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bmp, bytestring, containers, deepseq, gloss + , mtl, repa, transformers, v4l2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repa-v4l2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d8spppfjbcb9smk735zxgpz1v1f5p1sm50nfzry68bdb1p29xnz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bmp bytestring containers deepseq gloss mtl repa transformers + v4l2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides high-level access to webcams"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "repl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, ghc-paths, haskell-src-exts, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repl"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0q9gk76r9n8gyn8fwqfmywbrjhyqy0gz8blmmvrvwghyfscabnh9"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ghc-paths haskell-src-exts parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IRC friendly REPL library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "repl-toolkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, functor-monadic, ListLike, listsafe + , monad-loops, mtl, numericpeano, parsec, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repl-toolkit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qhsanbr7rvs2c35mw5lzfkvlj0mbdwz31q0ax5bfxsn01iks896"; + buildDepends = [ + base functor-monadic ListLike listsafe monad-loops mtl numericpeano + parsec text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Toolkit for quickly whipping up command-line interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "repline" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskeline, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repline"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d092sj75izr8kc1777sq53ldd4dy8nlx1d6b6c0sl8jgvyzb6lr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskeline mtl ]; + description = "Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "repo-based-blog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, data-default + , directory, dyre, filepath, filestore, hspec, hspec-discover + , ixset, lens, mtl, old-locale, pandoc, parsec, QuickCheck, stm + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repo-based-blog"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ada0xqpkp6ch71sizf8fscvz6rjq95asmfgdvg8jj8gwpzvlncs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers data-default directory dyre filepath + filestore ixset lens mtl old-locale pandoc parsec stm text time + transformers transformers-base transformers-compat + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-html containers directory filepath filestore hspec + hspec-discover ixset lens mtl old-locale parsec QuickCheck stm text + time transformers transformers-base transformers-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Blogging module using blaze html for markup"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, dstring, random + , string-combinators + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y1zl81yjc9jrci83bm6bn8hrfqf6x25vxzkhrkydhhwcwqfqaj5"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols dstring random string-combinators + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Render overloaded expressions to their textual representation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "repr-tree-syb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "repr-tree-syb"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1kpxfvbmfv3zhn0fx7fznnppqxjz2f70g5n89hzkiqjz2am0ls5s"; + buildDepends = [ base containers syb text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "representable-functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, comonad, comonad-transformers + , comonads-fd, containers, contravariant, distributive, free, keys + , mtl, semigroupoids, semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "representable-functors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "156rhm9hqxkwpv4ppg6647gz2q95mp61rx6ii0nk6i0ygmjvw1l2"; + buildDepends = [ + array base comonad comonad-transformers comonads-fd containers + contravariant distributive free keys mtl semigroupoids semigroups + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Representable functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "representable-profunctors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "representable-profunctors"; + version = "3.2"; + sha256 = "0bly94xix00krgl7iaxwb0l0bvykrm0zqz57m78p8j7pdmkr89wc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been absorbed into profunctor-extras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "representable-tries" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, bifunctors, comonad + , comonad-transformers, containers, distributive, keys, mtl + , representable-functors, semigroupoids, semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "representable-tries"; + version = "3.0.2"; + sha256 = "07qjm04xf9qndyybph4mhjp65yjvz54pia4y8kj7wps75gjail2m"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base bifunctors comonad comonad-transformers containers + distributive keys mtl representable-functors semigroupoids + semigroups transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tries from representations of polynomial functors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "request-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "request-monad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aqcsm9a3zd11k7d4nbvxsy7l35fr77z7gyhrl7rvflnixid29ws"; + buildDepends = [ base free mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A transformer for generic requests"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reroute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, graph-core, hashable, hspec, mtl + , path-pieces, regex-compat, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reroute"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hrzbjvsdkz3c27lksxzxlhhdrwqbvq90xyawwsc8zh3fp1nzqpn"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq graph-core hashable mtl path-pieces regex-compat text + transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec mtl text unordered-containers vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "abstract implementation of typed and untyped web routing"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "reserve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-compat, bytestring, directory, hspec + , http-conduit, http-kit, http-types, network, process, QuickCheck + , unix, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reserve"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "09b570l6hyn0wfd4nb9xpqrpdb97gbaxnbjlz25y6s0pfg5s1yzp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-compat bytestring directory http-kit http-types network + process unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-compat bytestring directory hspec http-conduit http-kit + http-types network process QuickCheck unix warp + ]; + description = "Reserve reloads web applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "resolve-trivial-conflicts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, Diff, directory, filepath + , mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resolve-trivial-conflicts"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1ax6rg3av2mkqlijd1m44zk5fl0ll5b8w43lpikwidpci4vchv7v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base Diff directory filepath mtl process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Remove trivial conflict markers in a git repository"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "resource-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, extensible-effects, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resource-effect"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "085ila27irk7pflx4kgn1p364wx2hj9wlm2lvdq0ix25hv8afxnb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers extensible-effects ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers extensible-effects HUnit mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of the package 'resourcet' for extensible effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "resource-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, monad-control, stm, time + , transformers, transformers-base, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resource-pool"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04mw8b9djb14zp4rdi6h7mc3zizh597ffiinfbr4m0m8psifw9w6"; + buildDepends = [ + base hashable monad-control stm time transformers transformers-base + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "resource-pool-catchio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, MonadCatchIO-transformers, stm + , time, transformers, transformers-base, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resource-pool-catchio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g9r6hnn01n3p2ikcfkfc4afh83pzam29zal3k2ivajpl3kramsw"; + buildDepends = [ + base hashable MonadCatchIO-transformers stm time transformers + transformers-base vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fork of resource-pool, with a MonadCatchIO constraint"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "resource-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, monad-control, monad-fork + , mtl-evil-instances, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resource-simple"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0m6jdhnq0f9anjm9bqmz3v8d0k12nkp4nks7mvhw7hjbjnkgscni"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers monad-control monad-fork mtl-evil-instances + transformers transformers-base + ]; + description = "Allocate resources which are guaranteed to be released"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "resourcet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, hspec, lifted-base + , mmorph, monad-control, mtl, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resourcet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ih5p1k0n3ylcv0yk5x7hjzbzhs67vxmng708g9vz7a24xs2m7w2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers exceptions lifted-base mmorph monad-control mtl + transformers transformers-base + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec lifted-base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "respond" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bifunctors, bytestring, containers + , data-default-class, exceptions, fast-logger, formatting, HList + , http-media, http-types, lens, monad-control, monad-logger, mtl + , path-pieces, safe, scientific, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers, vector + , wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "respond"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0j2xafk6rrspffmd0fxsmmz8gnmxxn3dxngh684nwj4030cg9m3r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bifunctors bytestring containers data-default-class + exceptions fast-logger formatting HList http-media http-types lens + monad-control monad-logger mtl path-pieces safe scientific + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers vector wai wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "process and route HTTP requests and generate responses on top of WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson-utils, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , data-default, exception-transformers, http-conduit, http-types + , hxt, hxt-pickle-utils, monad-control, mtl, primitive, resourcet + , rest-types, tostring, transformers-base, uri-encode, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01rdv19zkc6c3q69vh56wip4drgv1i9ibc2mfjcqlsfbil46a6v3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson-utils base bytestring case-insensitive data-default + exception-transformers http-conduit http-types hxt hxt-pickle-utils + monad-control mtl primitive resourcet rest-types tostring + transformers-base uri-encode utf8-string + ]; + description = "Utility library for use in generated API client libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-utils, base, bytestring, either + , errors, fclabels, HUnit, hxt, hxt-pickle-utils, json-schema, mtl + , multipart, random, rest-stringmap, rest-types, safe, split + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, uri-encode, utf8-string, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-core"; + version = "0.34"; + sha256 = "1w283iihlc7rb30ziqg9ygy6yf8arkxg2x9a9rm09l2liq7r4j8g"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-utils base bytestring either errors fclabels hxt + hxt-pickle-utils json-schema mtl multipart random rest-stringmap + rest-types safe split text transformers unordered-containers + uri-encode utf8-string uuid + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit mtl test-framework test-framework-hunit + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Rest API library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, filepath, generic-aeson + , hxt, json-schema, mtl, regular, regular-xmlpickler, rest-core + , rest-gen, safe, stm, text, time, transformers, transformers-base + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-example"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xhdk792zncqljlhvr4f04sy2mwf6j9aq2cg74ci35sjfg3bp42x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers filepath generic-aeson hxt json-schema mtl + regular regular-xmlpickler rest-core rest-gen safe stm text time + transformers transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgen" "-f-snap" "-f-wai" "-f-happstack" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example project for rest"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-gen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, Cabal, code-builder + , directory, fclabels, filepath, hashable, haskell-src-exts + , hslogger, HStringTemplate, HUnit, hxt, json-schema, pretty + , process, rest-core, safe, scientific, semigroups, split, tagged + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, uniplate + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-gen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iy849j26cq7lr4x8s1nhcn9srk6cl8mfg30z7nifps6jsj84pbw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html Cabal code-builder directory fclabels + filepath hashable haskell-src-exts hslogger HStringTemplate hxt + json-schema pretty process rest-core safe scientific semigroups + split tagged text uniplate unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base fclabels haskell-src-exts HUnit rest-core test-framework + test-framework-hunit + ]; + description = "Documentation and client generation from rest definition"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, happstack-server, mtl, rest-core + , rest-gen, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-happstack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "124zg4nrsxgdd1fs860g2mvvvkyc3ybwpvv79a0mv2ij4l6m4jp0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers happstack-server mtl rest-core rest-gen utf8-string + ]; + description = "Rest driver for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, rest-core + , safe, snap-core, unordered-containers, uri-encode, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "064sz7rflyj7sc4nm3qjdla6hf0kjw584rbb6iv7ihl1ay2cspl4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive rest-core safe snap-core + unordered-containers uri-encode utf8-string + ]; + description = "Rest driver for Snap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-stringmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, hashable, hxt + , json-schema, tagged, text, tostring, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-stringmap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nzkc09679c2mz3amh1avk2kfjpqbhbxsr0r9zvgcs71gqkal2mz"; + editedCabalFile = "6bd88422dfcf66c00cb2aa8079ffae04b6540f9054963b26a82dd86b1ce93b13"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers hashable hxt json-schema tagged text tostring + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Maps with stringy keys that can be transcoded to JSON and XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, generic-aeson, hxt, json-schema, mtl + , regular, regular-xmlpickler, rest-stringmap, text, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-types"; + version = "1.12"; + sha256 = "0is0kzpr7w1bfw32ybkqwj8g4fyx5ii983hbrqas9gbrkgc0hxv6"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base generic-aeson hxt json-schema mtl regular + regular-xmlpickler rest-stringmap text uuid + ]; + description = "Silk Rest Framework Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rest-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers + , http-types, mime-types, mtl, rest-core, text + , unordered-containers, utf8-string, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rest-wai"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i0pgazgsh4wdlag9a0c4qzspkij8icliv5njsv1fxn7b3lay0cm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive containers http-types mime-types + mtl rest-core text unordered-containers utf8-string wai + ]; + description = "Rest driver for WAI applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "restful-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , data-default, digestive-functors, errors, heist, lens, mtl + , old-locale, readable, snap, snap-core, snap-extras + , template-haskell, text, time, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "restful-snap"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16gqbk9wl2a1ivhq30yh584h7p2vd7qvwx1rprin47amqzn5b6gc"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers data-default + digestive-functors errors heist lens mtl old-locale readable snap + snap-core snap-extras template-haskell text time xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "restricted-workers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, cereal, data-default + , directory, either, filepath, monad-control, mtl, network, selinux + , stm, text, transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "restricted-workers"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0lxipqp8nsgw07hmb4b8rfxlfmfhj0l7sg8k0042qscys92rzg9l"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring cereal data-default directory either filepath + monad-control mtl network selinux stm text transformers + transformers-base unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Running worker processes under system resource restrictions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "restyle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "restyle"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0hzkdg4f5h96zqznnrbjbxrzv17gz1zvd5g4a51rrpsgpngkax7x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath utf8-string ]; + description = "Convert between camel case and separated words style"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "resumable-exceptions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "resumable-exceptions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06lzjf8dcbxks57x434n27146whryzzpwcn8bq2mclwfcrv9g3gs"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "A monad transformer for resumable exceptions"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "rethinkdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-default, doctest, mtl, network, scientific, text + , time, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rethinkdb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "017fq9mhqdw78hrnjm9n0nipi182361bxh1qzjpb8djc8azx49b5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring binary bytestring containers + data-default mtl network scientific text time unordered-containers + utf8-string vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A driver for RethinkDB 1.15"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "rethinkdb-client-driver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, hashable, hspec + , hspec-smallcheck, mtl, network, old-locale, scientific + , smallcheck, template-haskell, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rethinkdb-client-driver"; + version = "0.0.11"; + sha256 = "0dhz28f6cl9jslps02amax871f4dynb8h4f35gw9n66fz6zmwdwx"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring hashable mtl network old-locale + scientific template-haskell text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec hspec-smallcheck smallcheck text time + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client driver for RethinkDB"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rethinkdb-wereHamster" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default, ghc-prim, mtl, network, protocol-buffers + , protocol-buffers-descriptor, text, time, unordered-containers + , utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rethinkdb-wereHamster"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wkxf1iixy9rnl2rawima61qpjz77g4w08dd13q004g6c1n0h6kq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default ghc-prim + mtl network protocol-buffers protocol-buffers-descriptor text time + unordered-containers utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RethinkDB driver for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "retry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, exceptions, hspec, HUnit + , QuickCheck, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "retry"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1k5qv7c960dayhddvra1gpy1zv90rdjcrzpg8nzar9bpcxapczvj"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default-class exceptions transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default-class exceptions hspec HUnit QuickCheck time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "retryer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, optparse-applicative, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "retryer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rvblmzlsyfvvvjz71ngb8l412rrr943s7pp75gqjcxnklnlc97j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base optparse-applicative process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Retry failed commands"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.mpl20; + }) {}; + + "rev-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rev-state"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1lsq7b225v86rwm2rnrnhn28asjh6r3zwbvdm5vl4sp46cr5i4cf"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reverse State monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "revdectime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "revdectime"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0lbf7dclcdvy56b7wjyq3iam757wf4vic4b5qyxd4bffk66q3asm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-time ]; + description = "A French revolutionary decimal time (metric) clock"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "reverse-apply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reverse-apply"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "0iw1j2xr5dy29a1bwcg7fqk3lv72izr0nhj31rn45w53py1367nb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Standard version of the reverse apply operator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "reversi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "reversi"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1dddlldp55c6l7g5n2gi8r1r0f8r6r3ipq9mlx11d54j8wmvvlnz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base process ]; + description = "Text-only reversi (aka othelo) game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "rewrite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, multiarg, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rewrite"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "10cbsjilc4nv4hi4ipb078hiy7afnjl20f9kcda15pmpmqxxywjg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory multiarg process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "open file and rewrite it with new contents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rewriting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, regular }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rewriting"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0gnd8awqjnm905m29yldy3z7w7jvilj5svijz63lzmwbjknfh6bs"; + buildDepends = [ base containers regular ]; + description = "Generic rewriting library for regular datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, pcre-light, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rex"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "18g09pg7hhj052v72vncjvy900h3xhza8hl2g3akad8asn9k6jl6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta + pcre-light template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A quasi-quoter for typeful results of regex captures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rezoom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, datetime, HTTP, json + , mtl, nano-md5, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rezoom"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "122hca6whzxqk3x7207k4clrrl2awy96pafq0gjwddqicny41jza"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers datetime HTTP json mtl nano-md5 xhtml + ]; + description = "Github resume generator"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "rfc3339" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rfc3339"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "0vrcfmkfikszcalcpa59rzwrjk2dlbwrqgpy2jx0z4kbiaalbg6j"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + description = "Parse and display time according to RFC3339"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rfc5051" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rfc5051"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0av4c3qvwbkbzrjrrg601ay9pds7wscqqp2lc2z78mv2lllap3g3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-mkunicodedata" ]; + description = "Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rhythm-game-tutorial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, call, containers, lens, mtl, objective + , split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rhythm-game-tutorial"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ib6a0skxmhngvii11ikyibg862j5l4dcjyd2l141v8nsb0incpn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base call containers lens mtl objective split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell rhythm game tutorial"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "riak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, containers, monad-control, network + , protocol-buffers-fork, pureMD5, QuickCheck, random, resource-pool + , riak-protobuf, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "riak"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i7lq6difvl6pskk6j4ajm3q3nliv802h4c74hkmkpqwf5n3pwa7"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base binary blaze-builder bytestring containers + monad-control network protocol-buffers-fork pureMD5 random + resource-pool riak-protobuf text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" "-fdebug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell client for the Riak decentralized data store"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "riak-protobuf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, parsec + , protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork, protocol-buffers-fork + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "riak-protobuf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vs8l2czbqhfgx4iyhqldrrnvdjbbq94pab33sw3nqbwij3012hw"; + buildDepends = [ + array base parsec protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork + protocol-buffers-fork + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell types for the Riak protocol buffer API"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "richreports" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ascetic, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "richreports"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mik0m6nziwm6z517wkxdmjp92nh3qz1m8yk3x5897zafgs1y5kk"; + buildDepends = [ ascetic base MissingH ]; + description = "Integrated pretty-printing and error/static analysis reporting"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "riff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, either, filepath + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "riff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gmvmid0cja2ip4f6y0ciynbxw5li5v25xcbnnsbkvj3yk79cdpa"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring either filepath transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RIFF parser for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "riot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, haskell98, mtl + , ncurses, old-locale, packedstring, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "riot"; + version = "1.20080618"; + sha256 = "1dgdwr9d0jl3r78f4shx0ff22vqlq72n5w5whw3ppirm8ccxf0ms"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory haskell98 mtl old-locale packedstring + process unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ ncurses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Riot is an Information Organisation Tool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ncurses; }; + + "ripple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base58address, binary + , bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, crypto-pubkey-types + , cryptohash-cryptoapi, ecdsa, errors, largeword, text, time + , transformers, utility-ht, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ripple"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1y19kp63chg4ljcccq6cp9n3g26x6jyyhch3jqj04ya9c16cbypw"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base58address binary bytestring cereal + crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash-cryptoapi ecdsa errors + largeword text time transformers utility-ht websockets + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ripple payment system library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ripple-federation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base58address + , blaze-builder, bytestring, errors, http-streams, http-types + , io-streams, network-uri, text, unexceptionalio + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ripple-federation"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0m7mlv8qmw257hnk9lngxvq3nskninl88f5hl77r7w8r5hbymf0s"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base58address blaze-builder bytestring errors + http-streams http-types io-streams network-uri text unexceptionalio + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities and types to work with the Ripple federation protocol"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "risc386" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy, mtl, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "risc386"; + version = "0.0.20130719"; + sha256 = "0i0fkg4vys3n31jwazrajirywxmk7idjv2kz3nlb8kwriqc6d723"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl pretty ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reduced instruction set i386 simulator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rivers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lazysmallcheck, oeis, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rivers"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0x7r04mwxwnqckfk865dckml4am11zx80a9k5kc91kz5ikq1ns64"; + buildDepends = [ base lazysmallcheck oeis QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rivers are like Streams, but different"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rmonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, suitable, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rmonad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pamp8n88f1y4q0q83vmvbqbfva03prcfdqfj3x888mjwxgh6h8l"; + buildDepends = [ base containers suitable transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-warn-as-error" ]; + description = "Restricted monad library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rncryptor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cipher-aes, io-streams, mtl + , pbkdf, QuickCheck, random, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rncryptor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "086cq7b7x0l98q5di2bpbv9vjrhl7b62nlzwchdl8pqb5w83345m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cipher-aes io-streams mtl pbkdf QuickCheck random + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + description = "Haskell implementation of the RNCryptor file format"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rng-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mwc-random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rng-utils"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17cd2yizppvsq4lg6mfjqzaa7c9ncn5lah3y02yx38kls3s15yc6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mwc-random ]; + description = "RNG within an MVar for convenient concurrent use"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "robot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, transformers, xhb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "robot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s6zihvgd0k9fyp15fvyd1fcm7bgsnp5k9w64w6srh5kwdmx8cvp"; + buildDepends = [ base containers exceptions transformers xhb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simulate keyboard and mouse events"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "robots-txt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory, heredoc + , hspec, old-locale, QuickCheck, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "robots-txt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16r6j96iay1r6435ym34dp9iggwlfigmzmqq5k5f5ss5bljfc72f"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring old-locale time ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring directory heredoc hspec QuickCheck + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for robots.txt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rocksdb-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, filepath + , resourcet, rocksdb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rocksdb-haskell"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1wi8mc0xzdd47r2vxa1x4gmbm4yikp4pyfj00ycnydvs4b2n3iad"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default filepath resourcet transformers + ]; + extraLibraries = [ rocksdb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to RocksDB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { rocksdb = null; }; + + "roguestar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, old-time + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roguestar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xnpji131pva54drxjqra5nkciqljf4x6zylm3snzs8s4c7klak6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath old-time process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sci-fi roguelike game. Client application."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "roguestar-engine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers + , data-memocombinators, hslogger, MaybeT, MonadRandom, mtl + , old-time, parallel, priority-sync, PSQueue, random, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roguestar-engine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "056080bzdmrn6k0c9lx2d69l2ygal275xlkd6y31sj2ax9yizqkv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-memocombinators hslogger + MaybeT MonadRandom mtl old-time parallel priority-sync PSQueue + random stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sci-fi roguelike game. Backend."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "roguestar-gl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, bytestring, containers, filepath + , GLUT, MonadRandom, mtl, OpenGL, priority-sync, random, rsagl + , rsagl-frp, rsagl-math, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roguestar-gl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lajrc6ay1vk9rbi3x8mx56rrsxkihmapzfm7l8aav2jx0wwryzs"; + buildDepends = [ + arrows base bytestring containers filepath GLUT MonadRandom mtl + OpenGL priority-sync random rsagl rsagl-frp rsagl-math stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sci-fi roguelike game. Client library."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "roguestar-glut" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, roguestar-gl, rsagl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roguestar-glut"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13kg8mabh0y1a48zjx9f9k207i5qn0hkabjyg10ha5d0kf36xbyh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT roguestar-gl rsagl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sci-fi roguelike game. GLUT front-end."; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "rollbar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, basic-prelude, http-conduit + , monad-control, network, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rollbar"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0x7g5h0daxdgjzm95mqp7vpgjc2zs312qrmyqczsws7mlpmcy41k"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base basic-prelude http-conduit monad-control network text + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "error tracking through"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "roller" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, optparse-applicative, random + , regex-applicative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roller"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "07bicx83h66xmy3i2jszl5awkxw6fvy9y5r3v4hq2rz86z09zw0s"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base optparse-applicative random regex-applicative + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Playing with applicatives and dice!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "rolling-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rolling-queue"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1l39dlq8pn38b48iwqgrnh83h74qkmm34l5m9a0rbg76s2z04c43"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bounded channel for STM that discards old entries when full"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roman-numerals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roman-numerals"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10da5vls9l5i255bapms4b2r7dnwmxgsaa1cdll2lrmid5dikixr"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and pretty printing of Roman numerals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "romkan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "romkan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "094z59jbkpy6gv51kf990q4fgmjyylifc63ij4kcdm0hlhmrmdc8"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base containers text ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Japanese Romaji <-> Japanese Kana conversion library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roots" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roots"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xzsz4w153mbkkkv07558xkv83fph4g98hvjf6iljwvbbp47l0j9"; + buildDepends = [ base tagged ]; + homepage = "/dev/null"; + description = "Root-finding algorithms (1-dimensional)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "rope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fingertree, mtl, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rope"; + version = "0.6.4"; + sha256 = "1g77bv2mmfhy2mkb08k92m3f2jab6p2la2s7rfib2r1jy6lq5vhb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring fingertree mtl utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for manipulating fingertrees of bytestrings with optional annotations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rosa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, argparser, base, bytestring, lens, process + , text, unordered-containers, vector, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rosa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1g0vm13hc8cdb9g8m19zbbyqzqysjpymlxhw4pkq0s42ylgayczv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson argparser base bytestring lens process text + unordered-containers vector wreq + ]; + description = "Query the namecoin blockchain"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rosezipper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rosezipper"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1g6ppa8cappdbq9923lsac504dfjh0ks64gbm6qbihrc34f4zavc"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roshask" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, BoundedChan, bytestring + , Cabal, containers, data-default-generics, deepseq, directory + , filemanip, filepath, haxr, mtl, network, parsec, process, pureMD5 + , SafeSemaphore, snap-core, snap-server, stm, storable-tuple, tasty + , tasty-hunit, template-haskell, testpack, time, transformers, unix + , uri, utf8-string, vector, vector-space, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roshask"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1zgvvf7dvfazb4if9wmapgnklh561mjikn21w0ch43zxaqpx6b6k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary BoundedChan bytestring Cabal containers + data-default-generics deepseq directory filemanip filepath haxr mtl + network parsec process pureMD5 SafeSemaphore snap-core snap-server + stm storable-tuple template-haskell time transformers unix uri + utf8-string vector vector-space xml + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers data-default-generics + filepath mtl pureMD5 tasty tasty-hunit testpack transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-flogging" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell support for the ROS robotics framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rosso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rosso"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0cz5kqpvq9qjkdy2x3y6aqia3armawjjsnv2pxifl0l6f9hhrvis"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + description = "General purpose utility library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rot13" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rot13"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d9c0zfc92xfp5v5dp83w2897pg2gyz9n14xpggakwk6ynfmf6hd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast ROT13 cipher for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rotating-log" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, old-locale + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rotating-log"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1gqdfzdz3nwp6mjy61a49kwhcrykjl00aq9gq1v68li6z75zf85k"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath old-locale time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath old-locale time + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rounding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, numeric-extras }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rounding"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1d2vaijcna8gwcrhsjpclqw4gjdvdpmnrlyszqzcxnqf0l206a6y"; + buildDepends = [ array base numeric-extras ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Explicit floating point rounding mode wrappers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roundtrip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pretty, safe, template-haskell + , text, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roundtrip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q7n8fnlf9kg4647pm2a3s347dzj7qp29f6hkr0rqfmzp774zwhi"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers pretty safe template-haskell text xml-types + ]; + description = "Bidirectional (de-)serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roundtrip-string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parsec, roundtrip }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roundtrip-string"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lad64y877rf36dgldkc7qcg5xagjc00z4cf2r1ahamv379df8d7"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec roundtrip ]; + description = "Bidirectional (de-)serialization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "roundtrip-xml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator + , bytestring, containers, enumerator, mtl, pretty, reference + , roundtrip, roundtrip-string, safe, text, xml-enumerator + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "roundtrip-xml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gl649saiaj1biqda64wmpbnv5f3njm3rmfgvf1iavyliqgrwn9m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring containers + enumerator mtl pretty reference roundtrip roundtrip-string safe + text xml-enumerator xml-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + description = "Bidirectional (de-)serialization for XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "route-generator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, network, text, yesod-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "route-generator"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "0bfrb3mz9nxrl4l5pikrp3x4igq4w9jlmvwikyc71ph8ks6rghc6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base network text yesod-routes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility to generate routes for use with yesod-routes"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "route-planning" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, coordinate, directory, doctest + , filepath, lens, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups, text, xsd + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "route-planning"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0l3z9hjd8xqnahffg930qi13pf8cpiq44diqmpmh1narcllcbgj7"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers coordinate lens semigroupoids semigroups text xsd + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library and utilities for creating a route"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rowrecord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rowrecord"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0gcrdy75f0rqfayn37frwcixb086x4s7dygphxhxbpvyl8sjnl0l"; + buildDepends = [ base containers template-haskell ]; + description = "Build records from lists of strings, as from CSV files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, derive + , network-fancy, template-haskell, th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rpc"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0bw92pmnkfq1azw08ygpmp1z856l3ybhmxkfhy4sfds769k2s4j9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers derive network-fancy + template-haskell th-lift + ]; + description = "type safe rpcs provided as basic IO actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rpc-framework" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, network, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rpc-framework"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0avjbw9zsa6nsjlwmb1lll0n80j9ggniwpy9sllaam83r6jpxhqq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl network template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a remote procedure call framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rpf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, appar, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, c10k + , containers, dns, domain-auth, hslogger, iproute, parsec, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rpf"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0x40j5rk8v61wzhcj730g75a97ikki7j22dfrh4z873b6mxwfh4k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + appar base blaze-builder bytestring c10k containers dns domain-auth + hslogger iproute parsec unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Receiver Policy Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rpm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, HaXml, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rpm"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1wvaf1llcw4xcp8hmd80scqlk490qfiv5sqncpjmafw7zanrab4z"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath HaXml process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fhpc" "-f-tests" ]; + description = "Cozy little project to question unruly rpm packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rsagl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, arrows, base, containers + , data-memocombinators, deepseq, mtl, old-time, OpenGL, OpenGLRaw + , parallel, parsec, random, rsagl-frp, rsagl-math, stm, Vec + , Vec-OpenGLRaw + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rsagl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f1f6kksrz1ghn6jhbdqsh4rhpkp65ccc4ci2fn5kmmw7qxzal59"; + buildDepends = [ + array arrows base containers data-memocombinators deepseq mtl + old-time OpenGL OpenGLRaw parallel parsec random rsagl-frp + rsagl-math stm Vec Vec-OpenGLRaw + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rsagl-frp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, arrows, base, containers, mtl, old-time + , random, rsagl-math, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rsagl-frp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lim4slnhy1sq449kmvs489xy4axryn6qkk32hkzmlwvw8hqpl01"; + buildDepends = [ + array arrows base containers mtl old-time random rsagl-math stm + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library: Functional Reactive Programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rsagl-math" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, OpenGL + , OpenGLRaw, parallel, parsec, random, Vec, Vec-OpenGLRaw + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rsagl-math"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04i1l6zb1jm784gdr86jrfm5m999px7ymzwwr5nyh69dk1730znn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq OpenGL OpenGLRaw parallel parsec + random Vec Vec-OpenGLRaw + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library: Mathematics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml, network, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rss"; + version = "3000.2.0.3"; + sha256 = "0q1z3rxjl4f72w7vxcpl4rbxkdwhlqk1a3fvaqn6ggvcm3l9rvm6"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml network old-locale time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "rss2irc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cabal-file-th, cmdargs + , containers, deepseq, feed, http-client, http-conduit, http-types + , io-storage, irc, network, old-locale, parsec, regexpr, resourcet + , safe, split, text, time, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rss2irc"; + version = "1.0.6"; + sha256 = "0gflfr97y2ypm9h5alm5c851pc0171p8wckdqdhr4wb6r844g8dw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cabal-file-th cmdargs containers deepseq feed + http-client http-conduit http-types io-storage irc network + old-locale parsec regexpr resourcet safe split text time + transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "watches an RSS/Atom feed and writes it to an IRC channel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rtld" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rtld"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "18y55lv3vyl4kpwzphw5gb1jsvp1f6i4dqh9rs6i9fyvabndvfik"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dynamic linker tools for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "rtlsdr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, rtlsdr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rtlsdr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r48h54ynlfw40rh1akc0l9k6k5lw50qgfgrf1cccfhzdczhfxjc"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ rtlsdr ]; + description = "Bindings to librtlsdr"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) rtlsdr; }; + + "rtorrent-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-textual + , bytestring, deepseq, haxr, mtl, network, split, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rtorrent-rpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0l2hpdf6vn3532zk5snhwsby5rp28mzys7zbg9qc62dpfscja3v7"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring deepseq haxr + mtl network split utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for communicating with RTorrent over its XML-RPC interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "rtorrent-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bencoding, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, hspec, lens, QuickCheck, temporary, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rtorrent-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lh7plp9qwlya0dnfvz2sg8nhg42vnrypi2p8rh6i278glniwn90"; + buildDepends = [ + base bencoding bytestring containers directory filepath lens + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bencoding bytestring containers directory filepath hspec + QuickCheck temporary utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and manipulation of rtorrent state file contents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "rubberband" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, rubberband, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rubberband"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03dhmk4sad20xjic8li1bmwfxril9j6fffcwkf575pd51ds7kghf"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ rubberband ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ rubberband ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the C++ audio stretching library Rubber Band"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) rubberband; }; + + "ruby-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, pcre-light, process, template-haskell, trifecta + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ruby-qq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d2a31kiiv0p8d2yygpg8mgrz0xy6zh5qnf49hz70yk2vavkcac1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta pcre-light + process template-haskell trifecta + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "rubyish quasiquoters"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ruff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, parsec, Vec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ruff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0090l9l54j11l1h7754ivfxyz3gs436f0vl896r3ad0183pag2yw"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl parsec Vec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "relatively useful fractal functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ruler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, shuffle, uhc-util, uuagc + , uuagc-cabal, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ruler"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1caca7353zhpfwrssp2pzmw8jk5sqjxh1nr2h6lpsy964kfa3m69"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl shuffle uhc-util uuagc uuagc-cabal uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ruler tool for UHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ruler-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, fgl, filepath + , haskell98, mtl, uuagc, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ruler-core"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "06c55pdfkh9vcmmzlf485d0qxczgd2xj1ajkz277df72p29xvrgd"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory fgl filepath haskell98 mtl uuagc + uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "rungekutta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rungekutta"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "07drd0xvkg06p2fsbncafnr7wzkrs4m6sfs1szbbscggw3pxh4fp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A collection of explicit Runge-Kutta methods of various orders"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "runghc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, filepath, old-time + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "runghc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vn08xdisdf5l3ps6bcpg3rvl89209f3ig504w7ysqbjgdib96n0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory filepath old-time process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "runghc replacement for fast repeated runs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "runmemo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-memocombinators, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "runmemo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12fn0lsil0rj0pj0ixzppsdw2fmj0cnzci4fh11z9rcggwbz6pms"; + testDepends = [ base data-memocombinators time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple memoization helper library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "rvar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadPrompt, mtl, random-source + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rvar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n24fl27mrm7cndp8b646b9c5hjm3hf5m12y9ni0f850dd739jm4"; + buildDepends = [ base MonadPrompt mtl random-source transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fmtl2" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Random Variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "rwlock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monad-loops-stm, stm, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rwlock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0isx32ayaqh7vhcyl11ykdy8f1chs1fdw73h3c2r53k989yfkmba"; + buildDepends = [ base monad-loops-stm stm syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Multiple-read / single-write locks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "rws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, parsec, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "rws"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ildbmnpdh8x25m6kjdc6506cjgngjmjhvrdfkrcwg5cdqcqs266"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring parsec QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Packet Generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "s3-signer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, cryptohash, http-types + , time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "s3-signer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08n2ip8ba3apgc5x8pq1b0rs9j0ng1d7hkw2jrd307q4q85gngy0"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring cryptohash http-types time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pre-signed Amazon S3 URLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe"; + version = "0.3.8"; + sha256 = "0k5lk85z2y8kgk7dx7km32g8vi55vnwln8ys2gs174ljd136cjdf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library of safe (exception free) functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-access" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-access"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k3ynhx6ydwz1b25z9yvpxkqy2ynz2d7db52pzbb70p6vmm1cq2i"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple environment to control access to data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-failure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, failure }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-failure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "102fjardfdf9zy0vyalgq6m1l64356b0a0xaam49j31lqgfldaw7"; + buildDepends = [ base failure ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for safe functions (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-failure-cme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, control-monad-exception, safe-failure }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-failure-cme"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0np0gq6f9xvywdf2fz5cb43ji0r4c9aqk6gb5w80hwklxdy553gk"; + buildDepends = [ base control-monad-exception safe-failure ]; + description = "control-monad-exception Instances for safe-failure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "safe-freeze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, indexed, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-freeze"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "12mqgak0rla20n9b4m6ynx64bwr06njcr849csc0z0r573xw2v33"; + buildDepends = [ base indexed mtl vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for safely freezing multiple arrays in the ST monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-globals" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-globals"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0an3hy28fpdw3v5gjx13fbszzp4r2p65l8mgks0pdflscf2cwwv5"; + buildDepends = [ base stm template-haskell ]; + description = "Safe top-level mutable variables which scope like ordinary values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-lazy-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, parallel, strict-io + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-lazy-io"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hqw4i814sz94iqyj79jai8aa2mwmv0mrnfk8ggb0sdx4xqn784c"; + buildDepends = [ base extensible-exceptions parallel strict-io ]; + description = "A library providing safe lazy IO features"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safe-plugins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts + , plugins, Unixutils + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safe-plugins"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nxy70iig54098pzbi8mwc8412fj759y6ihmsdjsk6xlpy6bwx65"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath haskell-src-exts plugins Unixutils + ]; + description = "A small wrapper over hs-plugins to allow loading safe plugins"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safecopy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, lens + , old-time, quickcheck-instances, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , template-haskell, text, time, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safecopy"; + version = "0.8.3"; + sha256 = "10xd42a1i84fwiy3db0ji4bd8ssk9jqysqwc00wdcdjyp50c333n"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal containers old-time template-haskell + text time vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base cereal containers lens quickcheck-instances tasty + tasty-quickcheck template-haskell time vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary serialization with version control"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "safeint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safeint"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1xrdqylf4f6nk2rnpp0zyaj562cdn2wmf9skir21fbzkw1lzvq7j"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + description = "overflow-checked Int type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safer-file-handles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, explicit-iomodes + , pathtype, regional-pointers, regions, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safer-file-handles"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1jqw13drzj36gjvlaf9fqd4cj1dpy8psmgsdykag6krxvhq6p639"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols explicit-iomodes pathtype + regional-pointers regions transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe file handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safer-file-handles-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, explicit-iomodes-bytestring + , regions, safer-file-handles, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safer-file-handles-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fbhk5hmq9bpw556vz6w3vq5j380n5pzfgby6w4vrmwnn93y12b9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring explicit-iomodes-bytestring regions + safer-file-handles transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extends safer-file-handles with ByteString operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "safer-file-handles-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, explicit-iomodes-text, regions, safer-file-handles + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "safer-file-handles-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14x0kig9dnjrksh7b4gmwdwqr045cqcqjgicvjckhf85jc8bcanm"; + buildDepends = [ + explicit-iomodes-text regions safer-file-handles text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extends safer-file-handles with Text operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "saferoute" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "saferoute"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00ykmy44paghgc3m731p1hh00zv11416pl2xil4cav7vrr43nb6h"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html containers text ]; + description = "A simple type-safe routing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sai-shape-syb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc, ghc-syb-utils, HUnit, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sai-shape-syb"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "07g7qpf7avv5hnxykrh4x7qr8sx9mwwv4hbavnsqi1n7zy2z91a3"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc ghc-syb-utils syb ]; + testDepends = [ base containers ghc ghc-syb-utils HUnit syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuse_data_tree" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Obtain homogeneous values from arbitrary values, transforming or culling data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "saltine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libsodium, profunctors + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "saltine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xjpjblxlpziyyz74ldaqh04shvy2qi34sc6b3232wpc0kyl5s8y"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring profunctors ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libsodium ]; + description = "Cryptography that's easy to digest (NaCl/libsodium bindings)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "salvia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, fclabels + , MaybeT-transformers, monads-fd, network, old-locale, process + , pureMD5, random, safe, salvia-protocol, split, stm, text + , threadmanager, time, transformers, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1qcnhj3ifjqrkaw1ixqkwmv2br9w5dlk1mrrwgl73c3wxgin7gni"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory fclabels MaybeT-transformers + monads-fd network old-locale process pureMD5 random safe + salvia-protocol split stm text threadmanager time transformers unix + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Modular web application framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "salvia-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c10k, fclabels, filestore, monads-fd + , network, salvia, salvia-extras, salvia-protocol, salvia-sessions + , salvia-websocket, stm, threadmanager, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia-demo"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0sfvx7hj0z2g57gs6l1s078z3a34hfgm4pfcb1qr1pvbc8lj3f1h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base c10k fclabels filestore monads-fd network salvia salvia-extras + salvia-protocol salvia-sessions salvia-websocket stm threadmanager + transformers + ]; + description = "Demo Salvia servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "salvia-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c10k, clevercss, fclabels + , filestore, hscolour, HStringTemplate, monads-fd, network + , old-locale, pureMD5, salvia, salvia-protocol, sendfile, split + , stm, text, threadmanager, time, transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia-extras"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1nfiak4nabxm27ddksaif1jdpwn7drbz25jrqk0bmyr5q6q70a51"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring c10k clevercss fclabels filestore hscolour + HStringTemplate monads-fd network old-locale pureMD5 salvia + salvia-protocol sendfile split stm text threadmanager time + transformers utf8-string + ]; + description = "Collection of non-fundamental handlers for the Salvia web server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "salvia-protocol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bimap, bytestring, containers, fclabels + , parsec, safe, split, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia-protocol"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0a49wjjhdhhlnrwfi6l2zn6jl7vynwyil6s6qzp1za7s5vji48vb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bimap bytestring containers fclabels parsec safe split + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Salvia webserver protocol suite supporting URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "salvia-sessions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fclabels, MaybeT-transformers + , monads-fd, pureMD5, random, safe, salvia, salvia-protocol, stm + , time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia-sessions"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0cfl9xhawg16gkl18wfxpjysn312yb3q9bagmclrhqk3qzwxgb0h"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fclabels MaybeT-transformers monads-fd pureMD5 + random safe salvia salvia-protocol stm time utf8-string + ]; + description = "Session support for the Salvia webserver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "salvia-websocket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fclabels, monads-fd, salvia + , salvia-protocol, stm, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "salvia-websocket"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "14sr5z5z9xjkf18z1srz6cgciyrhhs4zyl7a8pffxmb893a2gngl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring fclabels monads-fd salvia salvia-protocol stm + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Websocket implementation for the Salvia Webserver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sample-frame" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, storable-record }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sample-frame"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0ivj0bcnqqc805np62bdpvh8v4ykmw86ph5rp7k54bbv9wd31bsv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck storable-record ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-f-buildbenchmarks" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Handling of samples in an (audio) signal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sample-frame-np" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numeric-prelude, sample-frame }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sample-frame-np"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1l7447xjxj98jx99b75hdfdjps6mcm293yhx0fjrqwxkz6anxv6d"; + buildDepends = [ base numeric-prelude sample-frame ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Orphan instances for types from sample-frame and numericprelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "samtools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, filepath, process, seqloc + , vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "samtools"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00hm12wz6sqv0jn9v7vqxzvq1m7k8d4fdaw25x928ck7g95gk9id"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring filepath process seqloc vector ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the C samtools library"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "samtools-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, filepath, resourcet + , samtools, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "samtools-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s59ds9s8ghj8wq2cfnh2s865v8bmga53aqvcqf781iv9zvxbqmw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit filepath resourcet samtools transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit interface to SAM/BAM format files through samtools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "samtools-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, samtools + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "samtools-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wk2m2av9fd5zvx29my4llbc8zqk1hrczfvnhrvd90qmw8p33r5m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator samtools transformers + ]; + description = "Enumerator interface to SamTools library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "samtools-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, iteratee, monads-tf, samtools + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "samtools-iteratee"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "139cp03lm05s536gsf03in7lrsmiprs2x6vpr9vci4k0pq2pd06l"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring iteratee monads-tf samtools transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-utilities" ]; + description = "Iteratee interface to SamTools library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sandi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, exceptions, HUnit + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sandi"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1gvlaryc6q49r3n7fkhqvd7qlp52m5h4qnnihx08ndhppmqfwhj4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring conduit exceptions ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-th + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fwith-conduit" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data encoding library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sandlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sandlib"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "07wh6va4rpf6vvxnjqbmwfna3rg20ysjh2pnzylz6xzlayzq0pkx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SAND data serialization and manipulation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sarasvati" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, portaudio }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sarasvati"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x8d5n2mydhwl9h7vzk7nr58b2aym9xb21p4m21rfa6vy6r2n438"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq portaudio ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "audio library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sasl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cryptohash + , monads-tf, papillon, simple-pipe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sasl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02cv19vi8wfwzxhi33f32zihjqypxjz1x6j7ff70my2wffw95w26"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cryptohash monads-tf papillon + simple-pipe + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SASL implementation using simple-pipe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sat"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ia2asqnxzpyr9s4n488yy00388x0bfy8kwqjx17fap33jkjfi6p"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CNF SATisfier"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sat-micro-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, mtl, parse-dimacs + , pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sat-micro-hs"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1w09ccky9rhp1l5g3rxjp9ydfyn0cc7kxmhz922ngls4ywd1hbc4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell98 mtl parse-dimacs pretty + ]; + description = "A minimal SAT solver"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "satchmo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , minisat, mtl, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "satchmo"; + version = "2.8.1"; + sha256 = "1n7my96x9djy0fkk8rx3pg0z0jyy66va8jk2bqn8ddnxvmazd05v"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory minisat mtl process + ]; + homepage = "<>"; + description = "SAT encoding monad"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "satchmo-backends" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, process + , satchmo, timeit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "satchmo-backends"; + version = "1.9.1"; + sha256 = "1hyzwmhy0f4k60hqjbh9jl3qr4xw3rjgl8nz2gfcdvm5ad91bfdf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers process satchmo timeit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "driver for external satchmo backends"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "satchmo-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, process, satchmo + , satchmo-backends + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "satchmo-examples"; + version = "1.8.1"; + sha256 = "1xvgamq53yfzcl1p9wbfyy7dlhxsnbj6pjpxgjkyycndgszc84w3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers process satchmo satchmo-backends + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "examples that show how to use satchmo"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "satchmo-funsat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, funsat, parse-dimacs + , satchmo + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "satchmo-funsat"; + version = "1.4"; + sha256 = "0nx0xlbwwcdhdd608akmiwzx8abrd5v4b411221rdl8fshqrbv34"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers funsat parse-dimacs satchmo + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "funsat driver as backend for satchmo"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "satchmo-minisat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, process, satchmo }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "satchmo-minisat"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "1dwgj16l2zjqfmf92kpr695ycliwki6a38sxc06scvs6sv6wkc56"; + buildDepends = [ base containers process satchmo ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "minisat driver as backend for satchmo"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sbv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, base, containers, deepseq, directory + , filepath, HUnit, mtl, old-time, pretty, process, QuickCheck + , random, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sbv"; + version = "3.4"; + sha256 = "1c4sh9l4kggw2mvv47raz36j2s9nn81l68y6w6dbq3m990j1zazm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array async base containers deepseq directory filepath HUnit mtl + old-time pretty process QuickCheck random syb + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory filepath HUnit syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SMT Based Verification: Symbolic Haskell theorem prover using SMT solving"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sc3-rdu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsc3, hsc3-db }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sc3-rdu"; + version = "0.15"; + sha256 = "0zrd9w3s535b2dpnmmrfg4i6jd9f4nh338x1cbggcw3pjyv8gk30"; + buildDepends = [ base hsc3 hsc3-db ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to sc3-rdu (sc3 rd ugens)"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "scalable-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , blaze-builder, BoundedChan, bytestring, enumerator, mtl, network + , network-enumerator + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scalable-server"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "066ncvz6zid1j6d6j89m4k2hywq58p73z30dkqn2l1svlic7dmx6"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base blaze-builder BoundedChan + bytestring enumerator mtl network network-enumerator + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for writing fast/scalable TCP-based services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scaleimage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, gd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scaleimage"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0alhi0zr2n97942wpnyzq8q62nd4nzjl0rdxaarr7psx6dd3h3nn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath gd ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scale an image to a new geometry"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0imc8zmg0d42pzbrxiyi8lqx5q24i73ajj3pmb3kqinfhm465jgv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-parsec1" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "lexical style suggestions for source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scan-vector-machine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, array, base, dph-base, HUnit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scan-vector-machine"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "112ibzc205pjcmjiwbknw7pdh0c5fyq6i4sqk97jfdr0ynb72vvc"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate array base dph-base HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ array base HUnit ]; + description = "An implementation of the Scan Vector Machine instruction set in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, mtl + , optparse-applicative, scrypt, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18sn7dg2pc5wx73gxs6036fxp8yal95pfh336llvmn3azmkd6n95"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring mtl optparse-applicative scrypt + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring mtl optparse-applicative scrypt + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generates unique passwords for various websites from a single password"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskeline + , incremental-parser, monad-coroutine, monad-parallel + , monoid-subclasses, parsec, process, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scc"; + version = "0.8.2"; + sha256 = "1chqrv4h6n0sjs747z530ff6wdrciaxpq344zlffbi6qvb61xxzp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskeline incremental-parser + monad-coroutine monad-parallel monoid-subclasses parsec process + text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers incremental-parser monad-coroutine + monad-parallel monoid-subclasses QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming component combinators"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "scenegraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, fgl, GLUT, haskell98 + , hmatrix, mtl, old-time, OpenGL, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scenegraph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l946h6sggg2n8ldx34v2sx4dyjqxd7i34wrsllz88iiy4qd90yw"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers fgl GLUT haskell98 hmatrix mtl old-time + OpenGL process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scene Graph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cgi, extensible-exceptions + , network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scgi"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "0zmn5w5vwxv8slnydbrj1jfhmbvsyars2wf9bbrbgvwsfd40zd2m"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cgi extensible-exceptions network + ]; + description = "A Haskell library for writing SCGI programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "schedevr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, old-locale, time + , xturtle + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "schedevr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ggywgyfpdza1fk66ixj8z3a1nv1r64dmw7l4d1m3h65yzxx9jcb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath old-locale time xturtle ]; + description = "Marge schedules and show EVR"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "schedyield" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "schedyield"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0lzhxlfxa660vx4y49gbg2q76v8dda00h3rznj5fhdjj29pkypgp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Exposes standard POSIX function sched_yield"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scholdoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, containers, data-default, Diff + , directory, executable-path, extensible-exceptions, filepath + , highlighting-kate, hslua, HTTP, http-client, http-client-tls + , http-types, HUnit, JuicyPixels, mtl, network, network-uri + , old-locale, old-time, parsec, process, QuickCheck, random + , scholdoc-texmath, scholdoc-types, scientific, SHA, syb, tagsoup + , temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time, unordered-containers + , vector, xml, yaml, zip-archive, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scholdoc"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0dsbr4nk56cmbgdnk91s39lc4qp2wb39hkyisaf4f1n6nmx8zmn4"; + editedCabalFile = "bbe7070ca2ca48d86095c9a45120d2bfbf6a480b3894117d70e0f8e3ccabb435"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring binary blaze-html blaze-markup + bytestring containers data-default directory extensible-exceptions + filepath highlighting-kate hslua HTTP http-client http-client-tls + http-types JuicyPixels mtl network network-uri old-locale old-time + parsec process random scholdoc-texmath scholdoc-types scientific + SHA syb tagsoup temporary text time unordered-containers vector xml + yaml zip-archive zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers Diff directory executable-path filepath + HUnit process QuickCheck scholdoc-types syb test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-make-pandoc-man-pages" "-fhttps" + "-f-tryscholdoc" "-f-embed_data_files" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Converts ScholarlyMarkdown documents to HTML5/LaTeX/Docx format"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "scholdoc-citeproc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , containers, data-default, directory, filepath, hs-bibutils, mtl + , old-locale, parsec, process, rfc5051, scholdoc, scholdoc-types + , split, syb, tagsoup, temporary, text, time, vector, xml-conduit + , yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scholdoc-citeproc"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0wy8cwr933zcqb85qscj9l9qcl2xv8mkbd2g9b4gs7c1k5b6khll"; + editedCabalFile = "33a066de8000d8bdb0a8f04f71baca64e27f4a2bb2d2a330f6d5a7f81090b118"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty attoparsec base bytestring containers + data-default directory filepath hs-bibutils mtl old-locale parsec + process rfc5051 scholdoc scholdoc-types split syb tagsoup temporary + text time vector xml-conduit yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory filepath process scholdoc + scholdoc-types temporary text yaml + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test_citeproc" "-f-unicode_collation" "-f-embed_data_files" + "-fbibutils" "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scholdoc fork of pandoc-citeproc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scholdoc-texmath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , mtl, network-uri, parsec, process, scholdoc-types, split, syb + , temporary, text, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scholdoc-texmath"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ddzdypdijpkil7v7g6jf74dmlw72j0hjmnxys21fdvgafiq9bk3"; + editedCabalFile = "6edad8e079e78cf90ec39cb90a0c071570d6702fd4c16bc906e63fb72ad61f9f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl network-uri parsec scholdoc-types syb xml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath process split temporary text + utf8-string xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scholdoc fork of texmath"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "scholdoc-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers + , deepseq-generics, ghc-prim, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scholdoc-types"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0als5517hplkccrkv9c31dm0ivlk60ais0wyvc9a31jdjwjcyppk"; + editedCabalFile = "18fb578a18988a8361d57025dac5b25c083b4cf044e75ff0a982bd3399bd368d"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers deepseq-generics ghc-prim syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scholdoc fork of pandoc-types"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "schonfinkeling" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "schonfinkeling"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wwbalfkfg66azr9zizscvdc2csi9q73d6wq5bwbiq33z522nwxy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Transformation of n-ary functions to unary functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sci-ratio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sci-ratio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qddamwk2fzakixx9f0y0r3z9z6kmyyxgpb3dhiiiza6krnf8r9k"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rational numbers in scientific notation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "science-constants" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "science-constants"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qp3d9la929kks2b2pyylgznl86gy91lp3zgpb9bn7gas3wll9vy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Mathematical/physical/chemical constants"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "science-constants-dimensional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dimensional, numtype, science-constants }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "science-constants-dimensional"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n39pfs7kfhy62vl9q2ka5f9bfckncpssjsdx71d1hrld0jcq2g8"; + buildDepends = [ base dimensional numtype science-constants ]; + description = "Mathematical/physical/chemical constants"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scientific" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, deepseq, ghc-prim + , hashable, integer-gmp, QuickCheck, smallcheck, tasty + , tasty-ant-xml, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scientific"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k7jlabnb28sif33iyj6khal4j4dhhfbcqzlh9cjh83cg2d6h1rx"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring deepseq ghc-prim hashable integer-gmp text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck smallcheck tasty tasty-ant-xml + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-integer-simple" "-fbytestring-builder" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Numbers represented using scientific notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-syb, hslogger, json, multiset + , network, network-bytestring, time, uniplate, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ihq538ym6hh099p0h9p1ngjsq3a9h9k5ssnwyr4bqhlmv8xam0i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths + ghc-syb hslogger json multiset network network-bytestring time + uniplate utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fserver" "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell IDE library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scion-browser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, Cabal + , conduit, containers, deepseq, derive, directory, filepath, ghc + , ghc-paths, ghc-pkg-lib, haskeline, haskell-src-exts, HTTP + , http-conduit, monad-logger, mtl, parallel-io, parsec, persistent + , persistent-sqlite, persistent-template, process, resourcet, tar + , text, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, utf8-string + , vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scion-browser"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "00h90qijqjrgizv6hq377yy6n6naf0d4z1xd9nyx6b5c6avyw3rb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring Cabal conduit containers deepseq + derive directory filepath ghc ghc-paths ghc-pkg-lib haskeline + haskell-src-exts HTTP http-conduit monad-logger mtl parallel-io + parsec persistent persistent-sqlite persistent-template process + resourcet tar text transformers unix unordered-containers + utf8-string vector zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line interface for browsing and searching packages documentation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scons2dot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scons2dot"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "1c9akvpvwakdnqciz57bwjhqkdfkky43wmj7rx9fsk552pamzijk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers process ]; + description = "Generates graphviz file of scons dependency information"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "scope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, iteratee + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, mwc-random, time, unix + , zoom-cache + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scope"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ks66paa30xwqgrllkyz0phh73pc0d2f6aq474cpz7gdb7zyrkzi"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers iteratee MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + mwc-random time unix zoom-cache + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "An interactive renderer for plotting time-series data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scope-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl + , old-locale, scope, time, zoom-cache + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scope-cairo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dhpyf0kh6qrrcyr3iwp3i3rkj5vcl7k7aa9qmxq2qq1f6dhw4p6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo gtk MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl old-locale scope time + zoom-cache + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "An interactive renderer for plotting time-series data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scottish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, enclosed-exceptions + , http-types, lens, mtl, persistent, resource-pool, scotty, stm + , text, transformers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scottish"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01874r5r6lzwa7w0pa5i0ymnxb5vpkpxyfnf3knlyblv9b5j82nx"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default enclosed-exceptions http-types lens mtl + persistent resource-pool scotty stm text transformers wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "scotty with batteries included"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, data-default, hspec, hspec-wai, http-types + , lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, regex-compat, text, transformers + , transformers-base, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "0w07ghnd7l8ibfbl8p74lwn8gxy3z28mp0rlv5crma3yh42irsqm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive data-default + http-types monad-control mtl regex-compat text transformers + transformers-base wai wai-extra warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec hspec-wai http-types lifted-base text wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty-binding-play" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, http-client, HUnit, mtl + , scotty, template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-binding-play"; + version = "1.3"; + sha256 = "0k9ylywhvb4nfnm304zlan0bzdx8rxcwnvip8assz80kz47zvjp9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring mtl scotty template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec http-client HUnit scotty text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Play Framework style data binding in Scotty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty-blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, mtl, scotty, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-blaze"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0bl37bplal6y6ma0ba8llypsrx11959vcq04s8x6642hzk0cgid7"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-builder blaze-html mtl scotty wai ]; + description = "blaze-html integration for Scotty"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "scotty-cookie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , cookie, scotty, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-cookie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wyvx30889lbbgq7dmjfldlbnyg1b8b3zh1py5lis59mwz6r3w9l"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers cookie scotty text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cookie management helper functions for Scotty framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty-fay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, directory, fay + , fay-jquery, filepath, http-types, HUnit, scotty, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, transformers, wai, wai-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-fay"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "13ksxw2v6gac3r368ifnbrrgmmafr2fyki63ws4qxw415fwnqa82"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default directory fay fay-jquery filepath + http-types scotty text transformers wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default directory fay fay-jquery filepath + http-types HUnit scotty test-framework test-framework-hunit text + transformers wai wai-test + ]; + description = "Fay integration for Scotty"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "scotty-hastache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, hastache, http-types + , mtl, scotty, text, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-hastache"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1yyip8iq1n71iidmpbfs7rifxvpphyrcaf4z394rx36hq72ka8dn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath hastache http-types mtl scotty text wai + warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy Mustache templating support for Scotty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, bytestring + , crypto-api, http-types, old-locale, scotty, stm, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-session"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0dacj58d78alfpqfn8ibnwxqk1yddf5y14sh1csqqnhra8k2pn4j"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring crypto-api + http-types old-locale scotty stm text time transformers + unordered-containers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Adding session functionality to scotty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scotty-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, scotty, transformers, wai, warp, warp-tls }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scotty-tls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11zpbqrfmjyl8kck1za0pvf1b1gn0ih3an8vq85si22414bs5j23"; + buildDepends = [ base scotty transformers wai warp warp-tls ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS for Scotty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scp-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdargs, io-streams + , process, SHA, sha-streams, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scp-streams"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1wi860cl9dsq6hfhyas3dk0gcjyd8hx62k3fjwgr5x56ps5fp6ry"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cmdargs io-streams process SHA + sha-streams unix + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring io-streams ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An SCP protocol implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scrabble-bot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, containers, deepseq + , directory, mtl, packed-dawg, parallel, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scrabble-bot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "035jpwp58l70jd0dklx5rg0sm8b2bd5r1m726dbhhlv60w6bdfn3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers deepseq directory mtl packed-dawg + parallel split + ]; + description = "Scrabble play generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scrobble" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curl, MissingH, network + , network-uri, old-locale, pureMD5, time, url + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scrobble"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "161l75bni4fxmh35dfz8r2vgllmmf0s55j9y2xpyskqfj3xc85a7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curl MissingH network network-uri old-locale + pureMD5 time url + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + description = "Scrobbling server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scrypt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, entropy + , HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scrypt"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1cnrjdq1ncv224dlk236a7w29na8r019d2acrsxlsaiy74iadh1y"; + buildDepends = [ base base64-bytestring bytestring entropy ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stronger password hashing via sequential memory-hard functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "scrz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring + , conduit, containers, cryptohash, directory, filepath + , friendly-time, hashable, http-conduit, http-types, MonadRandom + , mtl, network, old-locale, process, random, stm, template-haskell + , text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scrz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j5mvvrk1647qfqdl4q6ywnx7l9bgnqp6rsjr1l8bynikfm0ghcg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base16-bytestring bytestring conduit containers + cryptohash directory filepath friendly-time hashable http-conduit + http-types MonadRandom mtl network old-locale process random stm + template-haskell text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process management and supervision daemon"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "scyther-proof" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filepath, json, mtl, parsec, pretty, process, safe, tagsoup, time + , uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "scyther-proof"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1amfa1z6lzgcq7c2qijvrb7i6cyjx5cqvz4yqfxi680m674zn0gz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base cmdargs containers directory filepath json mtl parsec + pretty process safe tagsoup time uniplate + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" ]; + description = "Automatic generation of Isabelle/HOL correctness proofs for security protocols"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sde-solver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, cereal-vector, ghc-prim, haskell-mpi + , mersenne-random-pure64, mtl, mwc-random, normaldistribution + , parallel, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sde-solver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sp12fcf1h4qs0l5iblf3kl6nv1sb4ff49p2ybmrx7jifiwqxma6"; + buildDepends = [ + base cereal cereal-vector ghc-prim haskell-mpi + mersenne-random-pure64 mtl mwc-random normaldistribution parallel + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed SDE solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sdl2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, SDL2, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sdl2"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0fi9kjf12qlp64r2pxwc1k9241s23j6xm0dmwdsc18y8f6acvqxa"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL2 ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ SDL2 ]; + description = "Low-level bindings to SDL2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sdl2-image" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, sdl2, SDL2, SDL2_image }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sdl2-image"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rxkb4fl3350vxzwvsj25a1m8s7s179anaal33kq3q3kn0jfa72i"; + buildDepends = [ base sdl2 ]; + extraLibraries = [ SDL2 ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ SDL2 SDL2_image ]; + description = "Haskell binding to sdl2-image"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "seacat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring + , ConfigFile, data-default, directory, filepath, http-types + , mime-types, MissingH, monad-control, mtl, network, persistent + , persistent-postgresql, persistent-sqlite, persistent-template + , text, time, transformers, wai, wai-extra, wai-middleware-static + , warp, web-routes, web-routes-wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seacat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iyl7mp0vpxy4kqr7qqqz642zxpla3ydlbdzmw4ipjmg5gwjr7pm"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring ConfigFile data-default + directory filepath http-types mime-types MissingH monad-control mtl + network persistent persistent-postgresql persistent-sqlite + persistent-template text time transformers wai wai-extra + wai-middleware-static warp web-routes web-routes-wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Small web framework using Warp and WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "seal-module" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seal-module"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0x2m280qbfaswr2gk26d26dwg2s3v1nk4n93zh2fh1ikpkw13dfq"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Template Haskell support for global configuration data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, ghc-prim + , profunctors, semigroupoids, tagged, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "search"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1d996dkirvv22kkli5vpaxy2ismyiwd4jyzfvbxyqc79lqanf2gh"; + buildDepends = [ + base ghc-prim profunctors semigroupoids tagged transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Infinite search in finite time with Hilbert's epsilon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sec"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1ryl0nm1a37r606xhxy6ykf3c8c1gml6gdqna428w8y3a2vg5q2v"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semantic Editor Combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "secdh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "secdh"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0qrb2g7dfhh2m3hwp39xlimbc3kinww279a58pah738gqnhmayrs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SECDH Machine Simulator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "seclib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seclib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jbgdd3mh126c3n0sblvd7rbcnnzrfyfajrj9xcsj7zi7jqvs8nw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A simple library for static information-flow security in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "secret-santa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib + , haskell-qrencode, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "secret-santa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qrc1jk2hhhhq0cq9h9g8pc2frjsb1m96h6sdj79m7km5dc2slm8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib haskell-qrencode random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Secret Santa game assigner using QR-Codes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "secret-sharing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, dice-entropy-conduit + , finite-field, polynomial, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "secret-sharing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q315gmfnhpzgi4r0p3li8vvrdl2a0xgh0gxdin6s3nkh6hjpbv2"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring dice-entropy-conduit finite-field polynomial + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Information-theoretic secure secret sharing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "secrm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "secrm"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0hcf8mxl1br27764ha0gdf7jdl7zlxknbspqijw0jr6ws7hshxg9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + description = "Example of writing \"secure\" file removal in Haskell rather than C"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "secure-sockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, HsOpenSSL, network + , process, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "secure-sockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ijizi76fzqamynwhyd3ppzy90bfvypmzbjr0v63ng2w0mwnrjlz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory HsOpenSSL network process transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Secure point-to-point connectivity library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "securemem" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "securemem"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1wdbcnyaarrixfvz79mcyqmfnn9h5zsmrrsa64xj8650ppyaxi48"; + buildDepends = [ base byteable bytestring ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sednaDBXML" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bytestring, containers + , iteratee, mtl, sedna, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sednaDBXML"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "068yl4z0wb5kr7a7c7haah3z391mjqdzgxh5rg68rrjgvf7dczky"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL bytestring containers iteratee mtl text + ]; + extraLibraries = [ sedna ]; + description = "Sedna C API XML Binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { sedna = null; }; + + "select" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, rt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "select"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "180cj5m0bap1lb19s68icpn1dvk2s395cmlcc6dnwz3mpbj5alj0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ rt ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrap the select(2) POSIX function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { rt = null; }; + + "selectors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, containers, happy + , template-haskell, text, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "selectors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1chs2d1j58y4r01231hh50gr4h0wnwsg9mardzq8ybqc6z6l32pr"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers template-haskell text xml-conduit + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CSS Selectors for DOM traversal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "selenium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, HUnit, mtl, network, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "selenium"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "0vr3d891pj947lv2grgbc83nm828gz9bbz6dp8mnf9bsji3ih7l7"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP HUnit mtl network pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Test web applications through a browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "selenium-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, directory, filepath, hspec + , http-conduit, http-conduit-downloader, network, process, random + , regex-tdfa, text, utf8-string, webdriver + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "selenium-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13bqzhia3z35174hzf2ipl4ga62mcvh7whvhwj5b8rsazgi259qf"; + buildDepends = [ + base conduit directory filepath http-conduit + http-conduit-downloader network process random regex-tdfa + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec text webdriver ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run the selenium standalone server for usage with webdriver"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "selfrestart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, executable-path, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "selfrestart"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "100a427r8xjfv7fsh7khj3db9klqwnalfy33w23khxqp7k1bkq3n"; + buildDepends = [ base directory executable-path unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Restarts the current executable (on binary change)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "selinux" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, selinux, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "selinux"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1r0lwah32y3cza5jnihzwkl4wdk23qh7sgw6yzcajq7rjnzrf8qw"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ selinux ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SELinux bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) selinux; }; + + "semaphore-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semaphore-plus"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1349pzjs91xayx4dib520037mmgh4lvyc0wjx8h8yf492dvfbdkr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Various concurrency abstractions built on top of semaphores"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semi-iso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, profunctors, semigroupoids + , transformers, tuple-morph + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semi-iso"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09hcg6hkyd4bnk0586gk4dzc76g64sx37jg0pz3jq87lrq8dzm5g"; + buildDepends = [ + base lens profunctors semigroupoids transformers tuple-morph + ]; + description = "Weakened partial isomorphisms, reversible computations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "semigroupoid-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semigroupoids }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semigroupoid-extras"; + version = "4.0"; + sha256 = "07aa7z4nywcrp9msq83b1pcmryl25yxha89sn5vwlgq40cibcm3g"; + buildDepends = [ base semigroupoids ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semigroupoids" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, contravariant + , distributive, semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semigroupoids"; + version = "4.2"; + sha256 = "18zip518f2l2ccmg3hjzy5mq2b8r98crzm10kr77yc4m64w5vac8"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers contravariant distributive semigroups + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fcomonad" "-fdistributive" "-fcontravariant" "-fcontainers" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semigroupoids: Category sans id"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semigroupoids-syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, containers, contravariant + , directory, distributive, doctest, filepath, QuickCheck + , semigroupoids, semigroups, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semigroupoids-syntax"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1r3byywgbcn82dq9xw4k9m5lgmhsgj02rxwmkrp4jwrjaax8v4zh"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad containers contravariant distributive semigroupoids + semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fcomonad" "-fdistributive" "-fcontravariant" "-fcontainers" + "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semigroups" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq, hashable + , nats, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semigroups"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j0k65mlsgx0v9gayy221iz3l5990qry5nzhx3w395pn3djrxvs6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq hashable nats text + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-funordered-containers" "-ftext" "-fdeepseq" "-fcontainers" + "-fbytestring" "-fhashable" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Anything that associates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semigroups-actions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semigroups-actions"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0vns2vdchszw34i12s9rfl4cm76ympfrivpb397j2vzg2i7bghqb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers semigroups ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base2" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semigroups actions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semiring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, containers, HUnit, monoids + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semiring"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1b56y5a45fha07rbqqjl6f5i2bw9pji97pagyjcn9bprzqfbiymy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean containers HUnit monoids QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Semirings, ring-like structures used for dynamic programming applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semiring-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semiring-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "074wp8bn6jhx8jjp78dzjpy9bdwc2i1a1sp6qkqj689zvrhwfman"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A module for dealing with semirings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "semver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, deepseq, tasty, tasty-hunit + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "semver"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0vakqqdhjn7a049k1sx86ah5x85c005hrxri2xl9qcd690bvrs6f"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base deepseq text ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-hunit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Representation, manipulation, and de/serialisation of Semantic Versions"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "sendfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sendfile"; + version = "0.7.9"; + sha256 = "0hnw1ym81cff49dwww19kgbs4s0kpandbvn6h5cml3y0p1nxybqh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-portable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A portable sendfile library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sensenet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, process, stm + , zeromq3-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sensenet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1yzh1ngfddybxwqybvdg7l5lgg85kmhqhdl3mzsnndvz2labphp1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers process stm zeromq3-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Distributed sensor network for the raspberry pi"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sentry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdargs + , directory, filepath, old-locale, old-time, process, safecopy + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sentry"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1kv4ldms739x4b2fbs6hjwy8bssrwv0kavn4jqdc2svzlfqxqsqx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cereal cmdargs directory filepath + old-locale old-time process safecopy time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process monitoring tool written and configured in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "senza" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "senza"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0pl7dcs9w4dzzajlfnkrjl5kgsx8zdzzl5hvikh9v9djsmw2290h"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "separated" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, directory, doctest, filepath + , lens, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "separated"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "18kb9c6l0ikhzy3kiw4pg5b7vcm42hhbkp693qyygpr74hzpi2h2"; + buildDepends = [ base bifunctors lens semigroupoids semigroups ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data type with elements separated by values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "seqaid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, deepseq-bounded + , directory, ghc, modulespection, mtl, process, regex-base + , regex-pcre, syb, template-haskell, temporary, th-expand-syns + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seqaid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ny511pyirmxy9j78dkwmyvgqaisa7rja53zf9p1g3grhbhydfi1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers deepseq-bounded directory ghc + modulespection mtl process regex-base regex-pcre syb + template-haskell temporary th-expand-syns + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fshow_type" "-f-nfdatan_only" "-f-no_top_level_seqinj_dummies" + "-fdbg_seqaid" "-fdemo_mode" "-f-infer_top_level_types" + "-fseqaidpp_types" "-f-th_type_in_types_ann" "-f-seqable_only" + "-f-try_inject_noinline_on_requested_binds" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dynamic strictness control, including space leak repair"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "seqloc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, biocore, bytestring, hashable + , QuickCheck, random, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seqloc"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "11b2c2xl6n993wqci52li0wfr0wkjsw916cni1v59z2fq4kp6027"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base biocore bytestring hashable unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base biocore bytestring hashable QuickCheck random + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Handle sequence locations for bioinformatics"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "seqloc-datafiles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, biocore, bytestring, cmdtheline + , conduit, conduit-extra, filepath, hashable, iteratee, lifted-base + , monads-tf, pretty, QuickCheck, random, resourcet, seqloc + , transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "seqloc-datafiles"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0bmgg41123c1rhq6d1vq8x6ci435smaancm8gcg9iirhxi5wwvp5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base biocore bytestring cmdtheline conduit conduit-extra + filepath hashable iteratee lifted-base monads-tf pretty QuickCheck + random resourcet seqloc transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write BED and GTF format genome annotations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sequence" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sequence"; + version = "0.9.4"; + sha256 = "1axfj69cmdqkxy3dfl03hbd4spwl7z0m3r0gkcyc3pvah0xpnkpx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class for sequences and various sequence data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sequent-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sequent-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mikfqsji08i3lmi30v3iljisvi6cp5n5xhq9cppa1ji4q8sx5la"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alternative Core language for GHC plugins"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sequential-index" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sequential-index"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vd7nrkx59vsxrhpb46kgzbvz7v830wh5zx3vg9494wvski983y6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sequential numbers that allow arbitrarily inserting numbers - for containers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sequor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl + , nlp-scores, pretty, split, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sequor"; + version = "0.7.2"; + sha256 = "1m41yk7bgazl9g30im8qvnvzjh4f4kvrd6jhk1wz2r31xxlxp7ms"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers mtl nlp-scores pretty split + text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A sequence labeler based on Collins's sequence perceptron"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "serf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, conduit, mtl + , operational, process, resourcet, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "serf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18ddr4pkr1zld49x6k3lcbrv9916s9r1mxfsi9nfrv7lbvrjmj3v"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base conduit mtl operational process + resourcet text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interact with Serf via Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "serial" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "serial"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "17z0pkc0nz3hf9s68spbb6ijcx6b2dw4y50cavf5110aav59kik1"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "POSIX serial port wrapper"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "serial-test-generators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, here + , hspec, QuickCheck, system-fileio, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "serial-test-generators"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0crivy8j3jnlm2vpbvfqgvmr6afwyg3lkzaj7jl0j6vgvq16xyas"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base binary bytestring cereal here ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring cereal here hspec QuickCheck + system-fileio transformers + ]; + description = "Test your 'Aeson' 'Serialize' and 'Binary' instances for stability over time"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "serialport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "serialport"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "1z2drw7ighyws72wqms015n5hy0zxbrphdca7ldn34pz28122z07"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring HUnit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross platform serial port library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, parsec, QuickCheck + , string-conversions, template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1i7yvxvil65lp1gizh99dn4gj1r7vcqslq1w7sqykj88y9h22p3x"; + buildDepends = [ + base parsec string-conversions template-haskell text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec parsec QuickCheck string-conversions text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, deepseq + , either, exceptions, hspec, http-client, http-types, network + , network-uri, QuickCheck, safe, servant, servant-server + , string-conversions, text, transformers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-client"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1mwmca96sld3s6n4hxq3zl9pjw24halwa061awjb23kc49cmp4pn"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring either exceptions http-client + http-types network-uri safe servant string-conversions text + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring deepseq either hspec http-types network + QuickCheck servant servant-server wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "automatical derivation of querying functions for servant webservices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-docs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring, hashable + , lens, servant, string-conversions, system-filepath, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-docs"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0frwzd90yjvrwkgbwhr4vf1cr0ndzsp56hi2lp3np8axmha4q1fr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring hashable lens servant + string-conversions system-filepath text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate API docs for your servant webservice"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-jquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, filepath, hspec, language-ecmascript + , lens, servant, servant-server, stm, transformers, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-jquery"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1bn8zml7p17prb3bgdhvkn5yyiw907wir2w6kfngxa78shk0vsbz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base filepath lens servant servant-server stm transformers + warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec language-ecmascript servant ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatically derive (jquery) javascript functions to query servant webservices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-pandoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pandoc-types, servant-docs, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-pandoc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k7fb1ijnvicsrdddibcw1kzjfaq5s776znf6mrpwjgazidq6wfl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring pandoc-types servant-docs text unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Use Pandoc to render servant API documentation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "servant-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, resource-pool, servant, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-pool"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0if4lxb0fpdd4lnkz9j7z6vhjbrcc80pvz9jb6sdb9p6sbbgqf69"; + buildDepends = [ base resource-pool servant time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for creating servant 'Context's with \"context/connection pooling\" support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, postgresql-simple, servant + , servant-pool, servant-response + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-postgresql"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1svy1v6sl5pq0zs8ms4qf7wn6zar63bqmfiyfqgz84ryli0wxrhj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring postgresql-simple servant servant-pool + servant-response + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful functions and instances for using servant with a PostgreSQL context"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-response" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, http-types, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-response"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0vgzi6nm3f1vjbnvhzcr6v2fh75fsl18wsps54ya0mbmfn2v6chy"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base http-types text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Machinery to express how servant should turn results of database operations into proper JSON-encodable response types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-scotty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, http-types, scotty, servant + , servant-response, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-scotty"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0d3yc7aa2p1izizqnj81iscj9hbgbkpyav1ncmxzkr48svr6h783"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base http-types scotty servant servant-response text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servant-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory + , either, exceptions, hspec, hspec-wai, http-types, network + , network-uri, parsec, QuickCheck, safe, servant, split + , string-conversions, system-filepath, temporary, text + , transformers, wai, wai-app-static, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servant-server"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "0n4r145jd1g07g0a1mhbc7s61h6cbbvjvhzwngff756iky7fkcb9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring either http-types network-uri safe + servant split string-conversions system-filepath text transformers + wai wai-app-static warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring directory either exceptions hspec hspec-wai + http-types network parsec QuickCheck servant string-conversions + temporary text transformers wai wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "servius" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring + , cmdargs, containers, directory, hamlet, http-types, mime-types + , shakespeare-css, text, transformers, wai, wai-app-static + , wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "servius"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02c570ghvrp0qw2s6k30548k619424p77bpi1mfh02yrv1a45jdk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring cmdargs containers + directory hamlet http-types mime-types shakespeare-css text + transformers wai wai-app-static wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serve Shakespearean templates via Warp (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "ses-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-html, byteable + , bytestring, cryptohash, HsOpenSSL, http-streams, old-locale + , tagsoup, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ses-html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dfrhsn6scwid7ycnq4j21nkq64s59hkc05ygcg4qsf7vcizgs0d"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-html byteable bytestring cryptohash + HsOpenSSL http-streams old-locale tagsoup time + ]; + description = "Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ses-html-snaplet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, configurator + , ses-html, snap, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ses-html-snaplet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lrr321gk7djyzv9yb7x967d53azxflh4jkf9zlkpxh3p7rz6793"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring configurator ses-html snap text + transformers + ]; + description = "Snaplet for the ses-html package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sessions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sessions"; + version = "2008.7.18"; + sha256 = "0zijfbakj3fh052b8nvaddg1xy87ysfbm3qnibisam93lx0agp2s"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers mtl network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Session Types for Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "set-cover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "set-cover"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0323l2jnk5caa3wsxqxgsdkvnfs9llb4yh13c0rx55q0is8a203j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Solve exact set cover problems like Sudoku, 8 Queens, Soma Cube, Tetris Cube"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "set-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "set-extra"; + version = "1.3.2"; + sha256 = "0lyxz1mnslsq8crc0vnvygz8r5r3iqyl457sjvg2j6lnz132917p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions that could be added to Data.Set."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "set-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "set-monad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nxgn8d0qff4s66gcvfrnxjh0aq5q5jk0s453km28457qh946azb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + description = "Set monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "setenv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "setenv"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0azkvsvk9i1979rn45zryqyirvjhj9b32nnz1m30aasbs2q8f393"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + testDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "A cross-platform library for setting environment variables"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "setlocale" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "setlocale"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15dzf4hgkn5saz6qyn1xqvinvy0y571crfxfwycmcmm4az6rsqk0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell bindings to setlocale"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "setops" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "setops"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1mja48p8g9prfk53218qbv83ks6rs63s0n6jad0jgrj1221afpvg"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Uniform names (and Unicode operators) for set operations on data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "setters" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "setters"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0rw9m9f7cqi0kvjcq81b7qrn3v672d4w0ch1k377m1151vg20a2z"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + description = "Small (TH) library to declare setters for typical `record' data type fields"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sexp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , dlist, ghc-prim, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sexp"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "19blk6nzbsm9syx45zzlmqxq1mi2prv0jq12cf83b4kf4pvwk32n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cmdargs containers dlist ghc-prim mtl + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "S-Expression parsing/printing made fun and easy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "sexp-show" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty-show }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sexp-show"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ip1y1y2z2d6ib3ihq18j93081cp2lkwjm27bc0d0ihixd154gy5"; + editedCabalFile = "314f05a4542c657517d485faa31ec23324458782cf0112acda948fb7092a154c"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base pretty-show ]; + description = "Produce a s-expression representation of Show values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sexpr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-string, binary, bytestring, pretty + , QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sexpr"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1ffs5r065zkipsa3y4v14if45fqjbzgksj3r40qci453kc3xq93p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-string binary bytestring pretty QuickCheck random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + description = "S-expression printer and parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sext" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sext"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vq7fbm8gm7fym9qjaxsy2mk89rn2pjfkbhv3ym94xslcybwrwpy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring template-haskell ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbytestring" "-f-text" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lists, Texts and ByteStrings with type-encoded length"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sfml-audio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libsndfile, openal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sfml-audio"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "057z0z2xbls1p43k0kixbw26v0pv6lsvfh5ycjx37r8xw8ks31ba"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ libsndfile openal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "minimal bindings to the audio module of sfml"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "sfmt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, entropy, primitive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sfmt"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1amfcnh3jrb54zpl6vrdmngqvmjiczzinhq3r9gx9hb1r635v04x"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring entropy primitive ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) binding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sgd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , filepath, lazy-io, logfloat, monad-par, mtl, primitive, random + , temporary, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sgd"; + version = "0.3.7"; + sha256 = "1z4w81mbk2syrxacfrjb690ik6lcsh1fb7m3d65zlz37y3pk5q04"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq filepath lazy-io logfloat + monad-par mtl primitive random temporary vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stochastic gradient descent"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sgf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, encoding, extensible-exceptions + , mtl, parsec, split, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sgf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bwfphbbkkwi2q8l0916yvpl58j7fb0nr144w582vpsq3wfvgiwc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers encoding extensible-exceptions mtl parsec split + time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SGF (Smart Game Format) parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sgrep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, regex-compat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sgrep"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0ai9j735wj5lclixwlki5g2s50g2mscglfrir2q7bj0lwg76dygi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio regex-compat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sgrep - grep Fasta files for sequences matching a regular expression"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sha-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, io-streams, SHA }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sha-streams"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qasdpm244dr7zh3hnr51jbp1b8qnrwbxvm3nnrbaf7bah1y4d2i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring io-streams SHA ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SHA hashes for io-streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shadower" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, filemanip, fsnotify, MissingH, mtl + , process, safe, system-filepath, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shadower"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m0zxnmxn536jnaj5l4qpj5k7xshffsbca0cl53y3dnb6ssq9fni"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base doctest filemanip fsnotify MissingH mtl process safe + system-filepath text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest filemanip fsnotify MissingH mtl process safe + system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An automated way to run doctests in files that are changing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "shadowsocks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , cryptohash, HsOpenSSL, HUnit, network, optparse-applicative + , process, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shadowsocks"; + version = "1.20141007"; + sha256 = "1630lfspy8fnsi9j2np9sygdng59bxx1q54kcr7cx7rgq434s5ys"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring containers cryptohash HsOpenSSL + network optparse-applicative unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers cryptohash HUnit process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast tunnel proxy that help you get through firewalls"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shady-gen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-numbers, base, Boolean, containers + , data-treify, MemoTrie, mtl, ty, TypeCompose, vector-space + , wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shady-gen"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1vsk0ah6ngcgn5i6xda9j400xan1y843v25hc4lqcql37mg3ifn8"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-numbers base Boolean containers data-treify MemoTrie + mtl ty TypeCompose vector-space wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional GPU programming - DSEL & compiler"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "shady-graphics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-numbers, base, Boolean, containers + , data-treify, MemoTrie, mtl, shady-gen, ty, TypeCompose + , vector-space, wl-pprint + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shady-graphics"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1wzlygmpjfys4ijyqh8ymv2f75swy9zd0g05gxpqhxkvlrw3jdk4"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-numbers base Boolean containers data-treify MemoTrie + mtl shady-gen ty TypeCompose vector-space wl-pprint + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional GPU programming - DSEL & compiler"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "shake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, deepseq, directory + , extra, filepath, hashable, js-flot, js-jquery, old-time, process + , QuickCheck, random, time, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shake"; + version = "0.14.2"; + sha256 = "0wb4rvnkw6gag1jffv9z2by7y8gifp58pnw3n7dyc01yglbys72m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring deepseq directory extra filepath hashable + js-flot js-jquery old-time process random time transformers unix + unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary bytestring deepseq directory extra filepath hashable + js-flot js-jquery old-time process QuickCheck random time + transformers unix unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-portable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shake-cabal-build" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shake-cabal-build"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1ql2w164f2sfmbcqk2da00nihwfr6a85f99apx5dwpbkfbc53n8l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal directory filepath process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility for building Shake build systems using Cabal sandboxes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "shake-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , shake + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shake-extras"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0qqzdhd6q8hhix7lx4j1v4j37b8jnv710clilk2wxbyvz03rbblz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory filepath shake + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extra utilities for shake build systems"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shake-language-c" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, directory, doctest + , fclabels, hspec, process, shake, split, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shake-language-c"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "17s4k0ydwkjshvccbldfqxgqzwmzbkmhwwr33q71fawschz52hsm"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class fclabels process shake split + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest hspec shake ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for cross-compiling with Shake"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "shaker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, haskeline, haskell-src, HUnit, mtl + , old-time, parsec3, QuickCheck, regex-posix, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shaker"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1m4b7pvpr5mg6g5sc9xhnn7i9lx65vb3ass38zkyrfgksg65lwhf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath ghc ghc-paths + haskeline haskell-src HUnit mtl old-time parsec3 QuickCheck + regex-posix template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple and interactive command-line build tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shakespeare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, directory, exceptions, ghc-prim, hspec, HUnit, parsec + , process, system-fileio, system-filepath, template-haskell, text + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shakespeare"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s73nlkccfg3wl0qfx6f7q3afiakdhzh5xksnfhsg5hjhx80qhza"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers directory + exceptions ghc-prim parsec process system-fileio system-filepath + template-haskell text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers directory + exceptions ghc-prim hspec HUnit parsec process system-fileio + system-filepath template-haskell text time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-test_roy" "-f-test_coffee" "-f-test_export" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shakespeare-css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shakespeare-css"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "18d0kxfrs0aj9pfd9p1j7w5amch1hvsww3xycgn5qk6i0z7l4ywz"; + buildDepends = [ base shakespeare ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stick your haskell variables into css at compile time. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shakespeare-i18n" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shakespeare-i18n"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0ahhg9r7d8kdxn0x33bp5p8wmwkh1yvdqhw05yjwif0ky5y9h625"; + buildDepends = [ base shakespeare ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type-based approach to internationalization. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shakespeare-js" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shakespeare-js"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0hihcrgvzf4nsrgw6vqpkzbgskq01yc1mnvp7g2wy7vq0dv4pjp4"; + buildDepends = [ base shakespeare ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stick your haskell variables into javascript/coffeescript at compile time. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shakespeare-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shakespeare-text"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "18ixixb9aqn630s9wblxcki1gggm4i0fj9752c55p3b42q8h86rc"; + buildDepends = [ base shakespeare ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "shana" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, regex-posix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shana"; + version = "2009.12.1"; + sha256 = "0fg16nbi0r0pdd3sfabzdz1f4595x3hz3b4pxfwy8l78p8lppv0y"; + buildDepends = [ base directory regex-posix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "treat haskell functions as unix pipes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shapefile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754, dbf + , filepath, rwlock + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shapefile"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j6c01igj767ab3pd5yzkjkd8374rmjr57f2gw5c69qnh288c6w6"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 dbf filepath rwlock + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser and related tools for ESRI shapefile format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "shapely-data" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, proxy-kindness, QuickCheck + , tagged, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shapely-data"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1yn1rim4y6j834ngpz47wsi5pyhbi2gaznj0pyrqrmallzv0zin8"; + buildDepends = [ base proxy-kindness tagged template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers proxy-kindness QuickCheck tagged template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generics using @(,)@ and @Either@, with algebraic operations and typed conversions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shared-buffer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hsc2hs, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shared-buffer"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1540l8kkh5mwl8dsh1syna68j87iyw6w87dsx6zppk57g6d66464"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hsc2hs QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 unix + ]; + description = "A circular buffer built on shared memory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shared-memory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shared-memory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15h4j81q2v97dx61pnpaqs99z4vvlw7xl1dxbh878imxj8zn4z84"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "POSIX shared memory"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sharedio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sharedio"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "08hmmb2nn2lpirdnpp928m6xadzkv8k90x1nycw2b58vp1rpk7zv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bundles shared calls to IO functions to perform them only once"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "she" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "she"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0x3jc2c4j0b8xavap7hj4673zb89zgww1pv13sddkn6p49pk1zvc"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell preprocessor adding miscellaneous features"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "shell-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , control-monad-loop, directory, filepath, monad-control, monads-tf + , process, resourcet, semigroups, split, template-haskell, text + , transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shell-conduit"; + version = "4.5"; + sha256 = "1vgqfba6k0nv8nwa48fv2hkr9xlrrfrdh2awgpllrimnh0yww41g"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring conduit conduit-extra control-monad-loop + directory filepath monad-control monads-tf process resourcet + semigroups split template-haskell text transformers + transformers-base unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write shell scripts with Conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shell-escape" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shell-escape"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1wdkc2l7g33czh6ws735szl3nm5lq8aqjjjcr6xm4l5km67alnxh"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shell escaping library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shell-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, text, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shell-monad"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "07iv4cf3r353nigb59sf3czl8ivz4afsbvirdql106p08qij3225"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text unix ]; + description = "shell monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shell-pipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shell-pipe"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0xyarxm2hs8yypmz8w4zbnjvv5xl9dd657j7j3a82gbghsb93vyy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pipe streams through external shell commands"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "shellish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, mtl + , process, strict, time, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shellish"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1ldwid270mwyky6zmggbvn72hvs4s39hhf2zj8r0jahxnwlpbfan"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath mtl process strict time + unix-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "shell-/perl- like (systems) programming in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shellmate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, temporary + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shellmate"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "17fpl0h58cw5hp6jzrajkl629mw2c6x15cmlcbdxqk9xlxqrg4hr"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath process temporary time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple interface for shell scripting in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shelltestrunner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, Diff, directory, filemanip + , filepath, HUnit, parsec, process, regex-tdfa, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shelltestrunner"; + version = "1.3.4"; + sha256 = "1gfx2l99v95i6amrlcs1qbk9p37qyz21px3a224h5hrr9svhrsqy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs Diff directory filemanip filepath HUnit parsec process + regex-tdfa test-framework test-framework-hunit utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for testing command-line programs"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "shelly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , enclosed-exceptions, exceptions, lifted-async, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, process, system-fileio, system-filepath, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shelly"; + version = "1.6.0"; + sha256 = "0yrx7sv1s8pddpap143d3yi3ypvf84jjh16i8b3dm4kb3m4x3mdv"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers directory enclosed-exceptions + exceptions lifted-async lifted-base monad-control mtl process + system-fileio system-filepath text time transformers + transformers-base unix-compat + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shelly-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, HUnit, mtl, SafeSemaphore, shelly + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shelly-extra"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0rin1rqpzrjh4gs9235wy9w8rj4ac9yh83ap78a6nj0zi9w9vlwd"; + buildDepends = [ async base mtl SafeSemaphore shelly ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit SafeSemaphore shelly text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "shelly features that require extra dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shivers-cfg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, HPDF, language-dot + , mtl, pretty, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shivers-cfg"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jrf9l25lcmqh55zy3g2nbi60ph9m0ycvjz1q0qvpb403kqhd0wa"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory HPDF language-dot mtl pretty process + ]; + description = "Implementation of Shivers' Control-Flow Analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shoap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shoap"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ywb8bfkdpqqv2spb92j9rzx4fv5k1c7b65wj0zwnn9rp7ckq59v"; + buildDepends = [ base curl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A very basic SOAP package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shortcircuit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shortcircuit"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "02gcr6glp1kjs4l7ds8487dbblr1pw8nyq34i3rg1hskz0b83l6z"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Short-circuit values and expressions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shorten-strings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shorten-strings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1srqbc2kx1zn0xlzv94y7kqdrflmdck3jy6d2fl75zhf11wilxw3"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shorten a variety of string-like types adding ellipsis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "show" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "show"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "15bvfffnr034z8wbmhxa8h5qskbxwbflk434dx023l1qlm3sjmsg"; + buildDepends = [ base syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "'Show' instances for Lambdabot"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "showdown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glade, gtk, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "showdown"; + version = "0.5.3"; + sha256 = "1gpjb8lw5zmnsd8ic739j91iqsv9a707nd9j5mbnhq6gilk61nrh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glade gtk random ]; + description = "A simple gtk based Russian Roulette game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shpider" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl, mtl + , regex-posix, tagsoup, tagsoup-parsec, time, url, web-encodings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shpider"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19741zlma2fp3jbfsmqgl0004bvfpizbjljg2k5xam1k4v144kwd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers curl mtl regex-posix tagsoup + tagsoup-parsec time url web-encodings + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web automation library in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shplit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shplit"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0wml7x8843ib8jmwq6xz9q011hz4vpd7zmnvbc8h2zdql6p6lqxr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell pattern splitter with emacs attachments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "shqq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, posix-escape, process + , template-haskell, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shqq"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08mdnlnq001slxml0y1rg7nry2fz8qcf1cw0q22j84gx3csrfhcm"; + buildDepends = [ + base parsec posix-escape process template-haskell unix + ]; + description = "Embed shell commands with interpolated Haskell variables, and capture output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "shuffle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, network, network-uri, process, uhc-util, uuagc + , uuagc-cabal, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "shuffle"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "120rc9gzdhad4nqich1mwixzax9bhsm3vv87qkvyarcz0qf80qcx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath network network-uri + process uhc-util uuagc uuagc-cabal uulib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Shuffle tool for UHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sieve" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sieve"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19zjwzh3i8ql5xz9rvmbz7n2l3z7dcq683ikrpvqx3wxnc06058m"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sieve is an implementation of the Sieve abstract data type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "sifflet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, fgl, filepath + , glib, gtk, hxt, mtl, parsec, process, sifflet-lib, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sifflet"; + version = "2.2.1"; + sha256 = "0xahs91s1kvb2vrdr6xwg4nrm3d4pfz807rnb7dj9rfj1knlaw4j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory fgl filepath glib gtk hxt mtl + parsec process sifflet-lib unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-link" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple, visual, functional programming language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sifflet-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, fgl, filepath + , gdk_x11, glib, gtk, gtk_x11, hxt, mtl, parsec, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sifflet-lib"; + version = "2.2.1"; + sha256 = "1snaq0vlsk4r2lbg2sk389ppwnz22mqwhf1lgwjh3cg91ab905n4"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory fgl filepath glib gtk hxt mtl + parsec process unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ gdk_x11 gtk_x11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library of modules shared by sifflet and its tests and its exporters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { gdk_x11 = null; gtk_x11 = null; }; + + "sign" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, hashable, HUnit + , lattices, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sign"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1d7hxvvmbbv8izr74l4ah1q50fwmmgman90rhjixkvppkq8fwjhz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq hashable lattices ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + description = "Arithmetic over signs and sets of signs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "signed-multiset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "signed-multiset"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0pxi6g095axf9x6hsiqf0ilsjlws4zvl0pjfjamjyyl1wj82h747"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Multisets with negative membership"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "silently" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, directory, nanospec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "silently"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "035dw3zg680ykyz5rqkkrjn51wkznbc4jb45a8l2gh3vgqzgbf52"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq directory ]; + testDepends = [ base deepseq directory nanospec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rmp715k7k41h7nnfg3ik28pf602jvh5wb23yzbpz0j8vkfysn8m"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple interface to GHC's SIMD instructions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98 + , mersenne-random-pure64, mtl, parsec, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simgi"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1yqd9799ys8y4n325mayq8qps99ajv1r4j8h6r16l5n94wvyw1ba"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell98 mersenne-random-pure64 mtl parsec random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "stochastic simulation engine"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, filepath, hspec + , http-types, HUnit, mime-types, monad-control, mtl, process + , setenv, simple-templates, text, transformers, transformers-base + , unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dnz1n0ys5lj47giacd412hai5d31kmb3vrfg7rbjjim784scy9j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + cmdargs directory filepath http-types mime-types monad-control mtl + process setenv simple-templates text transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers vector wai wai-extra + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec HUnit monad-control mtl transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A minimalist web framework for the WAI server interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "simple-actors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, chan-split, contravariant, mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-actors"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "13xjyr6gf55yxinaah4c8fx56a9fyr191v4lwycnlkdz8vvizw25"; + buildDepends = [ base chan-split contravariant mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for more structured concurrent programming, based on the Actor Model"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-atom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-atom"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1kqkaay3r03plxvvyan3hdgj2rfynygnisi6hrsjwqgj4nw6va17"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Atom (or symbol) datatype for fast comparision and sorting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-bluetooth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bluetooth, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-bluetooth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qrlvqy2vcl36db3403nb1c0sx233d3vwxrbqb7jip13hy0h6jf4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network ]; + extraLibraries = [ bluetooth ]; + description = "Simple Bluetooth API for Windows and Linux (bluez)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { bluetooth = null; }; + + "simple-c-value" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, DebugTraceHelpers, derive, dlist + , ghc-prim, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , tuple, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-c-value"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ky0yilcc54hx8sl11z4dl14n6k9wfz0w9bwv3pbgyi44ravr8gs"; + buildDepends = [ base DebugTraceHelpers dlist ghc-prim tuple ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers DebugTraceHelpers derive dlist ghc-prim HUnit mtl + QuickCheck template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 tuple uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple C value type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, chunked-data + , containers, either, exceptions, filepath, free, lifted-async + , lifted-base, mmorph, monad-control, mono-traversable, mtl + , mwc-random, primitive, semigroups, stm, streaming-commons, text + , transformers, transformers-base, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-conduit"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1jy70cdw2h6fd2618dczajml5k82kkjmd2n0mgbby2mr6r3sk5zr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring chunked-data containers either + exceptions filepath free lifted-async lifted-base mmorph + monad-control mono-traversable mtl mwc-random primitive semigroups + stm streaming-commons text transformers transformers-base vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple streaming I/O library based on monadic folds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, hspec, network-uri + , parsec, template-haskell, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-config"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ndczlpqycrmyjm8v3gpsw1f946lfvc70kzmipli4ir9cbqh5d5k"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default network-uri parsec template-haskell + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple config file parser generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, hashable, language-css + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-css"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "19a2yfp9gji7w5ps5lh8jwvnhma21d83v4fm2hrc92490fpq9aid"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html hashable language-css unordered-containers + ]; + description = "simple binding of css and html"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-eval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, text, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-eval"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "185dgpfc7b1ayw0ajfdnf28fy1a87b3kqn4fh9y5l9krzlqs2lfl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec text transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Evaluate a Text to an Integer: \"1 + 1\" -> 2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "simple-firewire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-dc1394, CV }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-firewire"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14fh3z3vqkmfgvgxja431ivm3lk1ksgrxaqjzz25wdc493j640ka"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-dc1394 CV ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simplified interface for firewire cameras"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-form" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, digestive-functors + , email-validate, network-uri, old-locale, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-form"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "01pqp7593vxf32fw18g7351qblj4lxvbgvs0psgb9aghsw3dss53"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html digestive-functors email-validate network-uri + old-locale text time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Forms that configure themselves based on type"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "simple-genetic-algorithm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, parallel, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-genetic-algorithm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14gy8bmkvv81zd1hmdzmmdzf4pspn4nymfpjx07jxcgm5isn49qi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq parallel random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple parallel genetic algorithm implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-index" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, safecopy + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-index"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w5nqhabv1rdbgnjw5vgx6p19dhqiq6xn5ljld3s7ndfk8nfddgy"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable safecopy unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Allows simple indexation on any data type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-log" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, directory, filepath + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, old-locale, SafeSemaphore, text + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-log"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0blr8j52q8q1mdmb66byll3pnhzqmrlwc8jjz40km86bj73n1c7h"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq directory filepath + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl old-locale SafeSemaphore text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple log for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-log-syslog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsyslog, simple-log, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-log-syslog"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1619jsxgz5afmwhjcixg54i7dhh8jl29cmziifjrg60mm4rf2c34"; + buildDepends = [ base hsyslog simple-log text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Syslog backend for simple-log"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-neural-networks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, parallel, random, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-neural-networks"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07brvfs19qprbpiys38gw3ypkwyx8y31fdil3kkzc9gszvcfi7vy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq parallel random split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple parallel neural networks implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-observer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-observer"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1njzw6zjarlpjrmbkxwivr9azj8v1298bsd1ai3ddlmylwyhn24r"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Observer pattern"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-pascal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, filepath, mtl, parsec + , simple-stacked-vm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-pascal"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1nrm52agsgr2gxljv14l7f713jvbfa99qnzkcni2s7777xc33dkk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath mtl parsec simple-stacked-vm + ]; + description = "Simplified Pascal language to SSVM compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-pipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lifted-base, monad-control + , monads-tf, stm, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-pipe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11bvk1dwi6anmnsvv3hi7ii60yy3d64g38vfmxhabh93sjr4b4nm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring lifted-base monad-control monads-tf stm + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple pipeline library like conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-postgresql-orm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath + , postgresql-orm, postgresql-simple, resource-pool, simple + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-postgresql-orm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j1v64ywfchxjdidy5pb1dzab0qhn516vcy580incw1bminyh3rz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath postgresql-orm postgresql-simple + resource-pool simple transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connector package for integrating postgresql-orm with the Simple web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "simple-reflect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-reflect"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1dpcf6w3cf1sfl9bnlsx04x7aghw029glj5d05qzrsnms2rlw8iq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple reflection of expressions containing variables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-rope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-rope"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "187ghgn8nivvn5m8nsn0vrjh8mr6h7n6r1p1119gr4h3m2hpmrpl"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory-efficient strings with concatenation and splitting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-sendfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , directory, hspec, HUnit, network, process, resourcet, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-sendfile"; + version = "0.2.18"; + sha256 = "1dc7c4bkcwzfhbm982svi9j6dzxxf0z6pjkdrs23m9bc9g8aly49"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra directory hspec HUnit network + process resourcet unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fallow-bsd" ]; + description = "Cross platform library for the sendfile system call"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, concurrent-extra, containers + , hashtables, network, time, unbounded-delays + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-server"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0qmqkcyikyjcfsq82w0i54ydizfnp72h0qfsbjw5qjizf4l3awcr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring concurrent-extra containers hashtables network time + unbounded-delays + ]; + description = "Simple Server interface"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "simple-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, byteable + , bytestring, containers, cookie, cryptohash, http-types, simple + , transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-session"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vqpikn6ml4fmz9pg29blw1c5ck8d4xx1qrb388jw57x24gknp0k"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder byteable bytestring containers + cookie cryptohash http-types simple transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cookie-based session management for the Simple web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "simple-sessions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, indexed, synchronous-channels }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-sessions"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "08abag1im9gp2jpndd12sv911ca2qwh6frrz6qr87mj11xfhbky5"; + buildDepends = [ base indexed synchronous-channels ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple implementation of session types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-smt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-smt"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "02mhwiijf7rh4h8ljqb9vnbafqlmkksxbizdhgpqzs4imbzl9qp3"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + description = "A simple way to interact with an SMT solver process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-sql-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, mtl, parsec, pretty, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-sql-parser"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0mkc2x6x061qdcnaifig26jmq86rvdvp1xjmzn8g2qf0v3dw18hl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit mtl parsec pretty test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sqlindent" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for SQL queries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-stacked-vm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary-state, containers, filepath + , mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-stacked-vm"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1grhdaf6z6illki5km1glliaaqlyvskwjvvcqz2vh8467arsy2pd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary-state containers filepath mtl parsec + ]; + description = "Simple stacked virtual machine: assembler, disassembler, bytecode interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simple-tabular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-tabular"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p7rd8y6rhwg0ap6cib7l32bglvfkvbzg938pdwpb2ss6cv8b9zs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tabular-text formatter"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "simple-templates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, hspec, HUnit, scientific + , text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-templates"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lmls90fbd18bklhhblfm0983w9bk66jj8iad3jzi5gd2injwj78"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base scientific text unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base hspec HUnit scientific vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A basic template language for the Simple web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "simple-vec3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simple-vec3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vzx88drwg40a9b7dzz4nbd5faawrc15wgyd1b12zmrsysn0h6s4"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Three-dimensional vectors of doubles with basic operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simpleargs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simpleargs"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1grjjpb3397wnr6sd0bn679k9pfg1zlm61350zd2gj5yq6pshl6p"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides a more flexible getArgs function with better error reporting"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "simpleirc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hspec, HUnit, knob + , network, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simpleirc"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "045rbiz06zpqvkfh4hxsxz7fr338zmr3mgk2xpaqhh8pp2v14h59"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers network old-locale time + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec HUnit knob ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple IRC Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simpleirc-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, simpleirc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simpleirc-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lr4zrp8h7xgg8zsznawqkkzh3pvlzfw5hl6n0hss5ramb71ccy5"; + editedCabalFile = "618750d5b230316747d59d784bd40481a4404443316fc9c3a73e1349e3d10975"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring simpleirc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses for simpleirc types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "simplenote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, curl, dataenc, download-curl + , HTTP, json, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simplenote"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0kggnvbhvzrsqj387vqq2xpspk4xn3830k65g4cc642gmw4l803v"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring curl dataenc download-curl HTTP json time + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Haskell interface for the simplenote API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simpleprelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-paths, haskell-src-exts, process + , uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simpleprelude"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qlhh9m455fh8w9hdzykgxbw699mkd926ar031j99dhimca2d4hj"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base ghc-paths haskell-src-exts process uniplate + ]; + description = "A simplified Haskell prelude for teaching"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simplesmtpclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, network, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simplesmtpclient"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0z8g82222nvh3yhn8qisr8qqnsv02zxjyzs32qrcg2pshbd5mdj8"; + editedCabalFile = "e6021c7bbf5e50c15433dca491f4618483229203c810a7b71e7c42094e13ad25"; + buildDepends = [ array base directory network old-time ]; + description = "Very simple SMTP Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "simplessh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, ssh2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simplessh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f0rck8shcm69bg2n2ijjad6dzrybfyrjqpsx5qh333mmz0q7bbq"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ ssh2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple wrapper around libssh2"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ssh2 = null; }; + + "simplex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, process, random + , regex-compat, split, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simplex"; + version = "0.3.8"; + sha256 = "0z8ysg43dydij5l271ary8g5l26k0fvsymi99ycyjnl2ij1sg482"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl process random regex-compat split time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple markup language that translates to LaTeX"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "simseq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simseq"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0i60ksi5xc0d0rg5xzhbdjv2f3b5jr6rl9khn9i2b1n9sh1lv36m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio bytestring random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simulate sequencing with different models for priming and errors"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "simtreelo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "simtreelo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r985v4159hnz371g1fxvn6x3x91c0xyymjnfnj2iaya5nmds6qp"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Loader for data organized in a tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "sindre" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , libXft, mtl, parsec, permute, process, regex-pcre, setlocale + , text, unix, utf8-string, X11, X11-rm, x11-xim, X11-xshape + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sindre"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0p76rsk02p6rw51ppbr3j7ydk57k34684qf50nrz5qd0jrnapjm2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec base bytestring containers mtl parsec permute + process regex-pcre setlocale text unix utf8-string X11 X11-rm + x11-xim X11-xshape + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libXft ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A programming language for simple GUIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "singletons" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, constraints, containers, filepath + , mtl, process, tasty, tasty-golden, template-haskell, th-desugar + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "singletons"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1rd1728wghhqlg2djd7az8i01rf4i3wwwcnz2v43a39jjvhlklkg"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell th-desugar ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal constraints filepath process tasty tasty-golden + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for generating singleton types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sink" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sink"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04ny9450h2mlw1j0gn6a1vvgwsk3gbhhzshqv2sbcg5pwkzkdrzp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate execution with evaluation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "siphash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cpu, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "siphash"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1wq5dan30ggjgmravy92ylqjvjv1q7mxrmddr7zc8h6aqr0wx0fg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cpu ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "siphash: a fast short input PRF"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sirkel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, hashtables + , haskell98, random, remote, SHA, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sirkel"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0hhphhdvzcq9az5zriip7sgypfwbf5plx65s96nvrm2lznw4pzan"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers hashtables haskell98 random + remote SHA transformers + ]; + description = "Sirkel, a Chord DHT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sized" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, containers, ListLike + , monomorphic, type-natural, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sized"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00n9fb7kk3c6dy4j19d9ikmynllpxc7yd51sign0rhvnasmyrghl"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints containers ListLike monomorphic type-natural + vector + ]; + description = "Sized sequence data-types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sized-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, singletons }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sized-types"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1cvgw2plzgpddg2p74hylx499dv4hn2nc8s085mnayp5n9jkn8md"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers singletons ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-all" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sized types in Haskell using the GHC Nat kind"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sized-vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, deepseq, equational-reasoning + , hashable, monomorphic, singletons, type-natural + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sized-vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pl672lhw2dgk83kakjxap24sc4760l9blh9ggy9ldxhps7l8ydq"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints deepseq equational-reasoning hashable monomorphic + singletons type-natural + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Size-parameterized vector types and functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sizes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, deepseq, dlist, lens + , parallel-io, regex-posix, system-fileio, system-filepath, text + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sizes"; + version = "2.3.2"; + sha256 = "0xns0xl3khks1jvsmxh0nqf1saxs7qscvkbcg4270pp7n6lziqdg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs deepseq dlist lens parallel-io regex-posix + system-fileio system-filepath text unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Recursively show space (size and i-nodes) used in subdirectories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "skein" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, filepath + , hspec, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "skein"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j8bhqm25r9vd4qb4v12g32r0dv6xyhk48cq287wfbzjraayi1gw"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal crypto-api tagged ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal crypto-api filepath hspec tagged + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-big-endian" "-f-force-endianness" "-f-reference" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes Skein-MAC as well."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "skell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers + , http-types, text, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "skell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lnlqcw5slv5gshdq35il16pm57fh07hkd7zx95gfxx1aipyr4lp"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring containers http-types text wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An overly complex Haskell web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "skype4hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, stm, text, time, transformers-base, word8 + , X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "skype4hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mrd63yfmxxmv3l5v5i01rh4lyl831pfb06k9bxvc6m5q88fxglp"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring lifted-base monad-control mtl stm text + time transformers-base word8 X11 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-carbon" "-f-x11" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Skype Desktop API binding for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "skypelogexport" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, ghc-binary, haskell98, IfElse, old-locale + , regex-pcre, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "skypelogexport"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0rk9m9fw6as7zzjkm4jhwgw7nbs05ky1s556xmjbnkh6l9xp2chw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory filepath ghc-binary + haskell98 IfElse old-locale regex-pcre time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Export Skype chat logs to text files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { ghc-binary = null; }; + + "slack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, either, http-conduit, mtl + , old-locale, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "slack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sqi4g8wavxdd98cnv869qx2p9g77f6dznxlfmgv1jlvd4a1ya67"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers either http-conduit mtl old-locale text time + transformers + ]; + description = "Haskell API for interacting with Slack"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "slave-thread" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-prelude, HTF, list-t, mmorph + , partial-handler, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, SafeSemaphore + , stm-containers, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "slave-thread"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0qw4c6406hbdnv6i55sh8ps8739szm7rnqjzk6ynm7dfbf3vxhw4"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-prelude list-t mmorph partial-handler stm-containers + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-prelude HTF QuickCheck quickcheck-instances SafeSemaphore + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A principal solution to ghost threads and silent exceptions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "slice-cpp-gen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , filepath, language-slice, MissingH + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "slice-cpp-gen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mvjj8hs8837dby54ii71wd1sg2z3r14sr7w2hnj2nhnjy7c23yy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers directory filepath + language-slice MissingH + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate C++ skeletons from slice files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "slidemews" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , mtl, pandoc, snap-core, snap-server, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "slidemews"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0x6blvdqwf9sqspwj48drasizx1pb1i92a0lp06szwa2nszdvzf0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl pandoc + snap-core snap-server utf8-string + ]; + description = "ws convert markdown to reveal-js"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sloane" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cereal + , containers, directory, download-curl, filepath, HTTP, network + , optparse-applicative, terminal-size, text, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sloane"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "0g6njb4aijkhdc7dhbqq17010gf650wms1gwalcg272641fk3b49"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cereal containers directory + download-curl filepath HTTP network optparse-applicative + terminal-size text zlib + ]; + postInstall = '' + mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1 + cp sloane.1 $out/share/man/man1/ + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "A command line interface to Sloane's On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "slot-lambda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, syb, template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "slot-lambda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1npin7yaharbi5nzwksj1j7rf2k1nvmr1jgcf2xpnvvbcga7l69i"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta syb + template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write lambdas without naming the parameters"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sloth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sloth"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0x3iw1mqbl3q723kkxr6b0i1hxcfb4sink4kmg6xnpzd3hwaspq9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process ]; + description = "Testing for minimal strictness"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smallarray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, hashable }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smallarray"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16fgxsg8grxhqx6d4s3mm89qbkw2k72qvr4r701ih1i8gmf1ms1z"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq hashable ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "low-level unboxed arrays, with minimal features"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smallcaps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, parsec, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smallcaps"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vjzvsvci8zn4y2lh7s2kh6v1c6447nfksqxcv468zz8d1mflsfi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers data-default directory filepath parsec + text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers data-default parsec text + ]; + description = "Flatten camel case text in LaTeX files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, logict, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smallcheck"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ygrabxh40bym3grnzqyfqn96lirnxspb8cmwkkr213239y605sd"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim logict mtl pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A property-based testing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smallpt-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smallpt-hs"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1g4g2sgj39pkm3ll4yv0q9dcmq2lyd26qkr1gir1svmxs6hdwp59"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell port of the smallpt path tracer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smallstring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, hashable, smallarray + , text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smallstring"; + version = "0.3.3"; + sha256 = "1wkgbnknx9k56ikl6hpv91r9sav8v5qvl2w7z2jadgrlj29fy755"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring deepseq hashable smallarray text utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Unicode text type, optimized for low memory overhead"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smartGroup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smartGroup"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "10wb5v87xl54bsl2xxsh1fh54bgqbhmmkhyaa3ly23nm2f01cpnp"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "group strings or bytestrings by words in common"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smartcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, generic-deriving, ghc-prim, mtl + , QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smartcheck"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1rkw4fhiidn9rfq4dvik58zr453jsh2l8xpswas2rsv6k5w0909r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers generic-deriving ghc-prim mtl QuickCheck random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-regression-flag" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A smarter QuickCheck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smartword" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, pretty, unix, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smartword"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dxw4jgmwcz92n2rymdrfaz1v8lc2wknql9ca5p98jc14l8c2bl3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 pretty unix utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sme"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1d3kjyskwzc7p5bi6pv9yxfa6l6dqkkqc24dmmxl5wx7vmbfma25"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library for Secure Multi-Execution in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smt-lib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, polyparse }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smt-lib"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1phm50pabahrpxrzp25mfhpafzhp4hz8cxp6fp93rwh4cl7cckky"; + buildDepends = [ array base directory polyparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and printing SMT-LIB"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smtLib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smtLib"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "1jn2790x7g7n6jm5cfgd692n3l6iafyv0zyz40hx8ykcs4jh2rkf"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + description = "A library for working with the SMTLIB format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smtlib2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, atto-lisp, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder + , bytestring, constraints, containers, data-fix, mtl, process + , tagged, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smtlib2"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1r9wdb3hwxy0xyh5jnrbr2y89psmnghvab095jsf30dgzwl21609"; + buildDepends = [ + array atto-lisp attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + constraints containers data-fix mtl process tagged text + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-withdatakinds" "-fwithconstraints" ]; + description = "A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "smtp-mail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, cryptohash, filepath, mime-mail, network, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smtp-mail"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "010fbrcbypajwd9fjjc35br9p5axl1pqd0n1v51585ncrlv2icyw"; + buildDepends = [ + array base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring bytestring + cryptohash filepath mime-mail network text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple email sending via SMTP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "smtp2mta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, network, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smtp2mta"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0z36zvrh6xhg8s7wai65d2y6hz0qz016ick9a4yrjpqxxk78h902"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 network process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Listen for SMTP traffic and send it to an MTA script"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "smtps-gmail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-extra, cprng-aes, data-default, filepath + , mime-mail, network, resourcet, stringsearch, text, tls + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "smtps-gmail"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "0vbykxqrw0gdhxwgchvgvkxwh7pwyrc1wvl26x5wqlkmkalmkvv9"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit conduit-extra + cprng-aes data-default filepath mime-mail network resourcet + stringsearch text tls transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Gmail SMTP Client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snake-game" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, OpenGL, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snake-game"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1iy3m20ldc98agdi7n71ik8k2f62ybfg719z79lcf8pzynbfsrbd"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT OpenGL random ]; + description = "Snake Game Using OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cereal + , clientsession, comonad, configurator, containers, directory + , directory-tree, dlist, errors, filepath, hashable, heist, lens + , logict, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, mwc-random, old-time + , pwstore-fast, regex-posix, snap-core, snap-server, stm, syb + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, vector-algorithms, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k6sd2ww8zqkbfv4v5ryqwgicx6yprfil8cd5rgdvygyjs88fcrp"; + editedCabalFile = "8ec54d7a35cd1c249835815239ac79cb3171ea590a75de1fed30dadac81040e7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cereal clientsession comonad + configurator containers directory directory-tree dlist errors + filepath hashable heist lens logict MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + mwc-random old-time pwstore-fast regex-posix snap-core snap-server + stm syb template-haskell text time transformers + unordered-containers vector vector-algorithms xmlhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-accept" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-media, snap-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-accept"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "19sn7q9avb7y9j46fk7iga237qgcdm69sanb351c5s0lfgcpnf1m"; + buildDepends = [ base http-media snap-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accept header branching for the Snap web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "snap-app" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-app"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1v3izzvxadjplir47ipi087sj6fcmfj5ivlhbkpp9ld7vj8sv2hi"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-auth-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring + , clientsession, cmdargs, snap, text, unordered-containers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-auth-cli"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0spdn7zazd17yrcx004m4yag8vy4bac4997f81nfvy25jvg87hhl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring clientsession cmdargs snap text + unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line tool to manage Snap AuthManager database"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-blaze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, snap-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-blaze"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "136i5q9ipfqrh7fw8rgn1ws6zkjdrfwfq9wpccrm8dg3l61380wh"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html snap-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "blaze-html integration for Snap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-blaze-clay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, clay, snap-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-blaze-clay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05zi9rjd37xznjj8yhm5har12mfrclsrwd9fbcwh5ngccd7h7fiy"; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html clay snap-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "blaze-html-clay integration for Snap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-configuration-utilities" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, text, unordered-containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-configuration-utilities"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07cm60v7bz585fawfc8mml178z54zqfg8kb7ldln5bsa0ggpha2z"; + buildDepends = [ base configurator text unordered-containers ]; + description = "Methods to manipulate Configurator objects for Snap & Snaplets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator, bytestring + , bytestring-mmap, case-insensitive, containers, deepseq, directory + , enumerator, filepath, hashable, HUnit, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , mtl, random, regex-posix, text, time, unix, unix-compat + , unordered-containers, vector, zlib-enum + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0azg5xyiclcir8mlf0aar05jijb0dycp3srzignd192x789y9lvi"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base blaze-builder + blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring bytestring-mmap + case-insensitive containers deepseq directory enumerator filepath + hashable HUnit MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl random regex-posix + text time unix unix-compat unordered-containers vector zlib-enum + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" "-f-portable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-cors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , hashable, network, network-uri, snap, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-cors"; + version = "1.2.6"; + sha256 = "1ihqqpzymgc25shz4dvjfh8lzjczqdqg6ril39d5p7rkn4a8y2d8"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive hashable network + network-uri snap text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add CORS headers to Snap applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-elm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, Elm, filepath + , process, snap-core, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-elm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lp76s5yqgw5zvkv13b4552zq9f2mrngp5l5vd8kwz9rhawgl6kr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory Elm filepath process snap-core text + transformers + ]; + description = "Serve Elm files through the Snap web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-error-collector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, monad-loops + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, snap, stm, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-error-collector"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "06pqlv93qgibl5gbrp7p1vg6x421nrpkvhazbrcipdpbawrsgaj2"; + buildDepends = [ + async base containers monad-loops MonadCatchIO-transformers snap + stm time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collect errors in batches and dispatch them"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring + , configurator, containers, data-default, digestive-functors + , digestive-functors-heist, digestive-functors-snap, directory-tree + , errors, filepath, heist, jmacro, mtl, readable, safe, snap + , snap-core, text, transformers, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-extras"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "143n0y3cavfgn6f40sh7i441q77ys4lkfv0g9cai714n7yr0ya1v"; + editedCabalFile = "3a360180bc4463874da336da5b4f1271a1cce298ca36cf9407a04823d4df58d8"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring configurator + containers data-default digestive-functors digestive-functors-heist + digestive-functors-snap directory-tree errors filepath heist jmacro + mtl readable safe snap snap-core text transformers xmlhtml + ]; + description = "A collection of useful helpers and utilities for Snap web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-loader-dynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, directory-tree, hint, mtl + , snap-core, template-haskell, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-loader-dynamic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fnpzhwnj3dsqwx880391x9x6y0ry8f6dfrzkfs963zib9l3qvh7"; + editedCabalFile = "2f64bcfd0c84d6f6f161c4418778e5c463d127a383c2f3f8216155d161d87d7d"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory directory-tree hint mtl snap-core template-haskell + time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap: A Haskell Web Framework: dynamic loader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-loader-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-loader-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d6s7n6yryfs2jkw0hxvhvc79fhbj256askb1c6ksqhscxxxwz1m"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap: A Haskell Web Framework: static loader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-predicates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, HUnit, monads-tf, QuickCheck, snap-core + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-predicates"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "02rksb2p8wgpla86313z6lwqli5f4ryv4wr95s61kamcpbmf18y5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive containers monads-tf + snap-core text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive containers HUnit + monads-tf QuickCheck snap-core test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + ]; + description = "Declarative routing for Snap"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "snap-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, enumerator, HsOpenSSL + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, network, old-locale, snap-core + , text, time, unix, unix-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-server"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01qfqc63qwq604s5vy0sln7l9zhqndyqbb1y1xf397rrn97xhrpp"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base blaze-builder + blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring case-insensitive containers + enumerator HsOpenSSL MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl network + old-locale snap-core text time unix unix-compat + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fopenssl" "-f-debug" "-fopenssl" "-f-portable" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast, iteratee-based, epoll-enabled web server for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-testing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers + , digestive-functors, HandsomeSoup, hxt, io-streams, lens, mtl + , process, QuickCheck, snap, snap-core, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-testing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kzcdlfahhrpczihbr4f41p4ijps27lhghrh29csl6jl7n71lvqk"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers digestive-functors HandsomeSoup + hxt io-streams mtl process QuickCheck snap snap-core text + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers digestive-functors HandsomeSoup + hxt io-streams lens mtl process QuickCheck snap snap-core text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for BDD-style testing with the Snap Web Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, heist, http-types + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, snap, snap-core, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-utils"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1kr09fj1jfs6sfmca51k0gwn4acya70s9irzay9yf5b9yyvka391"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring heist http-types MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl snap + snap-core text xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap Framework utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snap-web-routes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, heist, mtl, snap, snap-core + , text, web-routes, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snap-web-routes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ml0b759k2n9bd2x4akz4dfyk8ywnpgrdlcymng4vhjxbzngnniv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring heist mtl snap snap-core text web-routes xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type safe URLs for Snap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-acid-state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, base, snap, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-acid-state"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wlawnsxisslqzspa29swsdmncgx04z3rd1bhwx73mx5pksykw60"; + buildDepends = [ acid-state base snap text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "acid-state snaplet for Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-actionlog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , digestive-functors, digestive-functors-heist + , digestive-functors-snap, errors, heist, persistent + , persistent-postgresql, persistent-template, readable + , restful-snap, snap, snap-extras, snaplet-persistent, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-actionlog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "177a1b9fvlqh59hd9b5y92lq8yxv14jh79aadkyhxb4i0l5rl9vv"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring digestive-functors + digestive-functors-heist digestive-functors-snap errors heist + persistent persistent-postgresql persistent-template readable + restful-snap snap snap-extras snaplet-persistent text time + transformers unordered-containers xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic action log snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-amqp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, amqp, base, bytestring, configurator, lens + , monad-control, mtl, network, resource-pool, snap, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-amqp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01qw28paifysk402lpb7y8dyhf401ls1l0dcn6fiigvczwxzmk91"; + buildDepends = [ + amqp base bytestring configurator lens monad-control mtl network + resource-pool snap transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap framework snaplet for the AMQP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-auth-acid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, attoparsec, base, cereal + , clientsession, directory, errors, filepath, hashable, lens + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, safecopy, snap, snap-core, text + , time, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-auth-acid"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1f6p8iqb5cq2yz6c6zdd71p6cfkvnhqkczqiyb7080xira9w5ia3"; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson attoparsec base cereal clientsession directory + errors filepath hashable lens MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + safecopy snap snap-core text time unordered-containers vector + ]; + description = "Provides an Acid-State backend for the Auth Snaplet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-coffee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, directory + , filepath, haskell-coffee, mtl, snap, snap-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-coffee"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kxxnk8m9154sallhy3rf8nmz0qkvchh8m761jgzhfbnnwlznpnf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator directory filepath haskell-coffee mtl + snap snap-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CoffeeScript for Snap, auto-compilation and pre-compilation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-css-min" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, css-text, directory, filepath + , lens, snap, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-css-min"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1bp6y0x03dpflbp4b1kkbxnqwsgnynbbpdgcpswwxz48xkpcp0ij"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring css-text directory filepath lens snap text + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Snaplet for CSS minification"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-environments" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, configurator, mtl, regex-tdfa, snap + , snap-core, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-environments"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1kk2ry19z73cmmwh3hmg87n00hqhzpmdvnb36b7yf9ck4zkhgy3h"; + buildDepends = [ + base bson configurator mtl regex-tdfa snap snap-core text + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "DEPRECATED! You should use standard Snap >= 0.9 \"environments\" functionality. It provided ability to easly read configuration based on given app environment given at command line, envs are defined in app configuration file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-fay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, configurator, directory + , fay, filepath, mtl, snap, snap-core, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-fay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "019zffk11ix0fhngl41y6h40m0cvakn2bss4xnyqv8q8rgqn3v2g"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring configurator directory fay filepath mtl snap + snap-core transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fay integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-haxl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haxl, MonadCatchIO-transformers, snap + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-haxl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xqz62qrhzr0ik60055w7jawxkps6cn5k6v1g7nx2zzhyvg1w4wl"; + buildDepends = [ + base haxl MonadCatchIO-transformers snap transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snaplet for Facebook's Haxl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-hdbc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clientsession, containers + , convertible, data-lens, data-lens-template, HDBC + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, resource-pool-catchio, snap, text + , time, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-hdbc"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "17r7ailc2cnfny1ki7b027b5xipg2nvgr2yxvfh0sfzq8xkqa8ym"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clientsession containers convertible data-lens + data-lens-template HDBC MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + resource-pool-catchio snap text time transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HDBC snaplet for Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-hslogger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, hslogger, mtl, snap + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-hslogger"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15cvpiz3p1qhb80sgz61mabvkb8h6j713jrny6mbg6qj945jbb0x"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator hslogger mtl snap transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap framework snaplet for the Logger API library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-i18n" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, filepath, heist + , lens, snap, snap-loader-static, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-i18n"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0yl28vvk5p1qazcvb3ca3748cqzr45x9274ifcidcn13p327kck2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator filepath heist lens snap + snap-loader-static text xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "snaplet-i18n"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-influxdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, http-client + , influxdb, lens, monad-control, mtl, network, snap, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-influxdb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dv800rclzl0b251bixksfl7jf28z82ql7nikf5dvginfpm71j7j"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator http-client influxdb lens + monad-control mtl network snap text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap framework snaplet for the InfluxDB library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-lss" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, heist, hspec-snap + , hspec2, lens, lss, snap, text, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-lss"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gll9r65xahx5vai4pbi0nrvscg6z964m30s58kkzy3898j000gx"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath heist lss snap text xmlhtml + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec-snap hspec2 lens snap text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lexical Style Sheets - Snap Web Framework adaptor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-mandrill" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, mandrill, mtl, network, snap + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-mandrill"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yyb0qbd14v6xw5vix08pv40w9l8p2vwvmh67sa9b4q9wkvwv962"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator mandrill mtl network snap transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap framework snaplet for the Mandrill API library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-mongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, bytestring, compact-string-fix + , containers, haskell-src-exts, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mongoDB + , mtl, parsec, regular, safe, snap, snap-core, template-haskell + , text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-mongoDB"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0hpm2bhvb8gh4sz4dfx53s24gkkk2c234szhwbrn10bmd7hrapaw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bson bytestring compact-string-fix containers haskell-src-exts + MonadCatchIO-transformers mongoDB mtl parsec regular safe snap + snap-core template-haskell text time + ]; + description = "Snap Framework MongoDB support as Snaplet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, mongoDB, mtl, snap, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d0hnn0qp4zd453wzh1d3adls68gpv28dnkr7dcmjfl4f5igdran"; + buildDepends = [ base lens mongoDB mtl snap text transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimalistic MongoDB Snaplet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-mysql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clientsession, configurator + , containers, errors, lens, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, mysql + , mysql-simple, resource-pool-catchio, snap, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-mysql-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hq58xsk5089kcdv2pby7dd71nb3nqzxrpppzb9qyqfz7pf45nr1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clientsession configurator containers errors lens + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl mysql mysql-simple + resource-pool-catchio snap text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mysql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-oauth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, bytestring-show + , data-lens, data-lens-template, failure, hashable, heist, hoauth2 + , http-conduit, http-types, HUnit, MonadCatchIO-mtl, snap + , snap-core, snap-loader-dynamic, snap-loader-static + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-oauth"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "177yspz91nlzz9pw9x9zh4s4q7z7w9kl8gg5fd285xbadxazp3yl"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring bytestring-show data-lens data-lens-template + failure hashable heist hoauth2 http-conduit http-types + MonadCatchIO-mtl snap snap-core snap-loader-dynamic + snap-loader-static text unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring bytestring-show HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "snaplet-oauth"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-persistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clientsession, configurator + , errors, heist, lens, monad-logger, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl + , persistent, persistent-postgresql, persistent-template, readable + , resource-pool, resourcet, safe, snap, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-persistent"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0z4q4qwn4is96a8ld5dx82nb653ijjl8zsr72di50y9w8wvd0y10"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clientsession configurator errors heist lens + monad-logger MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl persistent + persistent-postgresql persistent-template readable resource-pool + resourcet safe snap text time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "persistent snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-postgresql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, clientsession, configurator + , errors, lens, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, postgresql-simple + , resource-pool-catchio, snap, text, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-postgresql-simple"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "042mpyj84d089pr2qjix9fvzfj4ir74kjkdx3jg84jwn602lhzi6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring clientsession configurator errors lens + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl postgresql-simple + resource-pool-catchio snap text transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "postgresql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-postmark" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, mtl, postmark, snap, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-postmark"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0006i88ssgh6z9g967wlw0km8abxmxdjjs7aalsddzla6xdp8wnx"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator mtl postmark snap text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Postmark snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-recaptcha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , configurator, heist, http-conduit, lens + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, snap, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-recaptcha"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "05d5070z9ljxfp353q7q5nl46c7wx4bnsjm3hiw2258bnz2ih185"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring configurator heist http-conduit + lens MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl snap text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A ReCAPTCHA verification snaplet with Heist integration and connection sharing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, hedis, lens, mtl, network + , snap, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-redis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vrsvmgrds7l4q88q7gmy1bz36z5ba45rib2vm5z6v2cf0x22qz2"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator hedis lens mtl network snap text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Redis support for Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-redson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, configurator, containers + , data-lens, data-lens-template, easy-file, hedis, mtl, snap + , snap-core, snaplet-redis, text, utf8-string, websockets + , websockets-snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-redson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pvan8fnddn27cps5x8gyrwmm88z96jjh124i9g3mi9aqpyx8z5d"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring configurator containers data-lens + data-lens-template easy-file hedis mtl snap snap-core snaplet-redis + text utf8-string websockets websockets-snap + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CRUD for JSON data with Redis storage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-rest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, http-media, lens, mtl, snap, snap-accept + , snap-core, text, utf8-string, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-rest"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1w1cy5zisn0mxj6rrz7wrw31ariia006cjxqwh9ahds6iwqh40y1"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive http-media + lens mtl snap snap-accept snap-core text utf8-string xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "REST resources for the Snap web framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-riak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, data-lens + , data-lens-template, mtl, riak, riak-protobuf, snap, snap-core + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-riak"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q0mnk0cl31xidax6bahvwabm9341p5852939yzgbam72mcv8jh0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers data-lens data-lens-template mtl riak + riak-protobuf snap snap-core time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Snaplet for the Riak database"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-sass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, directory + , filepath, mtl, process, snap, snap-core, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-sass"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wv9a7pa6r7nzgppbywasqy38zk79ann2ivwyyh2b9dny95mx5yd"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator directory filepath mtl process snap + snap-core transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sass integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-sedna" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, monad-control, mtl + , resource-pool, sednaDBXML, snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-sedna"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rd0ymsnanf3nk02cim8lm9gppm739jfi2x6fzmp10xs9wmlhqab"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers monad-control mtl resource-pool + sednaDBXML snap + ]; + description = "Snaplet for Sedna Bindings. Essentailly a rip of snaplet-hdbc."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-ses-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, configurator + , ses-html, snap, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-ses-html"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14q577mnyf9r113v4sbfcpqlfd47wcdnbwvz70w5bqp996627jyl"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring configurator ses-html snap text + transformers + ]; + description = "Snaplet for the ses-html package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-sqlite-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, clientsession + , configurator, containers, direct-sqlite, directory, errors, HUnit + , lens, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, SafeSemaphore, snap + , snap-core, sqlite-simple, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-sqlite-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00a92wymniaw0si4xpkx1442prmcjimwrjjqiqnkj6k8bxs7p2jm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring clientsession configurator direct-sqlite + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl snap sqlite-simple text transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring clientsession configurator containers + directory errors HUnit lens MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl + SafeSemaphore snap snap-core sqlite-simple stm test-framework + test-framework-hunit text time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "sqlite-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-stripe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, heist + , lens-family-core, mtl, snap, stripe, text, text-format + , transformers, xmlhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-stripe"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0j85vzfmw6skag8rfww4gsg1lyfc7qbxiqhmwbsh4vfjiagrc9wp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator heist lens-family-core mtl snap stripe + text text-format transformers xmlhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stripe snaplet for the Snap Framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-tasks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl, data-hash + , haskell98, MissingH, mtl, network, snap, snap-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-tasks"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0wkhjjjmd08jbhp41j6xvcvg3g7c74cz18mm89k8alwfc50krvc0"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers curl data-hash haskell98 MissingH mtl + network snap snap-core + ]; + description = "Snaplet for Snap Framework enabling developers to administrative tasks akin to Rake tasks from Ruby On Rails framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snaplet-typed-sessions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, clientsession + , containers, hashtables, mtl, PSQueue, random, regex-posix, snap + , snap-core, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snaplet-typed-sessions"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0gc6vnxsbwgciv281p6jff8ylcni4qpkmak2zqz710in86grjbgw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal clientsession containers hashtables mtl + PSQueue random regex-posix snap snap-core time + ]; + description = "Typed session snaplets and continuation-based programming for the Snap web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snappy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, snappy + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snappy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14fdx0fikkd9krpzqrvas6mjqmmhmh0qwqzvz1kymil7d8rdyr85"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + extraLibraries = [ snappy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the Google Snappy library for fast compression/decompression"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) snappy; }; + + "snappy-framing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, snappy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snappy-framing"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1m7zk4ns8igh2717d77k4zvf06byp35dly3ykawaz9hxwsxn1jb2"; + buildDepends = [ array base binary bytestring snappy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snappy Framing Format in Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "snappy-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, iteratee, snappy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snappy-iteratee"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "17jwsvw7ik2bjanmzw4h72mdjaz031b5a6hi7cjz4ba1yjkiqnmk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring iteratee snappy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An enumeratee that uses Google's snappy compression library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sndfile-enumerators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, filepath + , iteratee, listlike-instances, MonadCatchIO-transformers + , transformers, vector, word24 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sndfile-enumerators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nnlbhnm88xy462sh3d54b751ndl0r2qggbxn2irrwqdnhc21v4r"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers filepath iteratee + listlike-instances MonadCatchIO-transformers transformers vector + word24 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio file reading/writing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snippet-extractor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snippet-extractor"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0iyya6p5i5jrhvah45bcvqgldfx49qv8393vwi5k413vxjr7c3zm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Extracts labeled snippets of code to files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, HsSyck + , parsec, safe, spoonutil, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snm"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1n2cj35qrp6a766w29qrqcpcrv81xcpk9agkbibxngxh03abyhji"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath HsSyck parsec safe spoonutil + xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Simple Nice-Looking Manual Generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "snmp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-parse, asn1-types, async, base + , binary, bytestring, cipher-aes, cipher-des, containers + , crypto-cipher-types, cryptohash, mtl, network, network-info + , random, securemem, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snmp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w7fzkbbfdn5kkkvr0i06bk34mbwscxph38l2l3xxn2ggn8xwkfs"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types async base binary bytestring + cipher-aes cipher-des containers crypto-cipher-types cryptohash mtl + network network-info random securemem text time + ]; + description = "API for write snmp client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snow-white" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mps }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snow-white"; + version = "2009.12.1"; + sha256 = "007hzr8dpj0mhvmnpdg0gi296q3mlicnx36s6hmgifzmyaa8kssi"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mps ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "encode any binary instance to white space"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snowball" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snowball"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fvxzm14ffjqq6n51bi5cmq5yrlggpkbb9rbbw522l6cjgv0apbx"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text text-icu ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck quickcheck-instances test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the Snowball library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "snowflake" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snowflake"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "139chvzj0caxglid92njs8jaxyxmyqcvqnf6yi4d8vzpbcrly29w"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "A loose port of Twitter Snowflake to Haskell. Generates arbitrary precision, unique, time-sortable identifiers."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "snowglobe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, gl-capture, GLUT + , OpenGL, OpenGLRaw, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "snowglobe"; + version = "3"; + sha256 = "1iaynfi1jsj4vx25n9xqliaq88dbrw5kd1d610wzcfxsvf7ilkly"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers gl-capture GLUT OpenGL OpenGLRaw random + ]; + description = "randomized fractal snowflakes demo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "soap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, configurator + , data-default, exceptions, hspec, http-client, http-types, HUnit + , iconv, mtl, resourcet, text, unordered-containers, xml-conduit + , xml-conduit-writer, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03zqbdmk44jds6sqaq90rr5zprnrw524c084jndl9hgq4gd4d39c"; + editedCabalFile = "2599e7a2bf2c9f599571acb194625003de1237fe2031a39113a7a83805c2884c"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit configurator data-default exceptions + http-client http-types iconv mtl resourcet text + unordered-containers xml-conduit xml-conduit-writer xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit text unordered-containers xml-conduit + xml-conduit-writer + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SOAP client tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "soap-openssl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, data-default, HsOpenSSL + , http-client, http-client-openssl, soap, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soap-openssl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0b0d15nvg9qhf0ccsmw53qpcnxsw2cqslkmfzr1hw90whzaw3l5h"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator data-default HsOpenSSL http-client + http-client-openssl soap text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using openssl bindings)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "soap-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, connection, data-default + , http-client, http-client-tls, soap, text, tls, x509, x509-store + , x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soap-tls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vcmpcq7yw65v90cg1v279mvyvrvibi6zf71vf7d21jzxpldskih"; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator connection data-default http-client + http-client-tls soap text tls x509 x509-store x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using tls package)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sock2stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , haskell98, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sock2stream"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1vnrjza4x4jqlvz7mmihrjbdf4ngw02fkkn1j768w81m814vny7h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory haskell98 network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tunnel a socket over a single datastream (stdin/stdout)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "sockaddr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteorder, bytestring, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sockaddr"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1h74k5pipv9314y1d2wgpwgvyxfp6pcnq5051fdqr1shqlkpwbs2"; + buildDepends = [ base byteorder bytestring network ]; + description = "Printing SockAddr"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "socket-activation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, transformers, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "socket-activation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "109zxc16zlp98ggc99ap7wbzaa40yg34v3abn2nfs0w49dvh1zma"; + buildDepends = [ base network transformers unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "systemd socket activation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "socket-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, engine-io + , mtl, stm, text, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "socket-io"; + version = "1.3.0"; + sha256 = "10zza904qrbj65bgi5n0mcf41s7imwfc0qrq7cykb5la7anb2k4q"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring engine-io mtl stm text + transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "socketio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, ansi-terminal, attoparsec, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, http-types + , HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , scientific, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, transformers-base + , unordered-containers, vector, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "socketio"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "19rwkix7fjj3znd7z5bzknnpcfkmkmpcmrksv3q51b9fwph8gwrq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + conduit conduit-extra http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl + random text transformers-base unordered-containers vector wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson ansi-terminal attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + conduit conduit-extra http-types HUnit lifted-base monad-control + mtl QuickCheck random scientific test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + transformers-base unordered-containers vector wai warp + ]; + description = "Socket.IO server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "socks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "socks"; + version = "0.5.4"; + sha256 = "1nmldlwxqasmg359i2aa3a903gi3lmnlspvf12xk49jrg3mf3dg9"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Socks proxy (version 5) implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sodium" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sodium"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00qs1calial08a185ma5hm17lmmzig0yjf3710d5ikq1bmrgcqga"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Sodium Reactive Programming (FRP) System"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "soegtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, gtk, old-time, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soegtk"; + version = "0.12.1"; + sha256 = "01f49hwxc5h85iwzgnddxlh1lmb3s27zddmghxrlq958gcrr2iar"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo gtk old-time stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUI functions as used in the book \"The Haskell School of Expression\""; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "som" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, grid, MonadRandom, QuickCheck + , random, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "som"; + version = "7.4.1"; + sha256 = "1j75mh09rwd28xvmpxrn64aq3ghflrxba8wdwsxlafxj84cc2idq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers grid MonadRandom ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers grid MonadRandom QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Self-Organising Maps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sonic-visualiser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, bzlib, containers, mtl + , pretty, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sonic-visualiser"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0gihsk7szq27ihhy9idiaslv164by23c9c70fhzwyqx3wk7z1aip"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring bzlib containers mtl pretty utf8-string xml + ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Sonic Visualiser"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sophia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-sophia, bytestring, directory + , tasty, tasty-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sophia"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "18svfy0ald8cz03vfv3m43w777rxksmaz0713a1vzcmyfb6h5iwg"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-sophia bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ + base bindings-sophia bytestring directory tasty tasty-hunit + ]; + description = "Bindings to Sophia library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sort-by-pinyin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, air, air-extra, air-th, base, bytestring + , containers, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sort-by-pinyin"; + version = "2014.5.19"; + sha256 = "1ksfx5zhagg2y8virg8am1w8ljrzc9ddmf7xgvi5gx88zibi32fd"; + buildDepends = [ + air air-extra air-th base bytestring containers text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sort simplified Chinese by PinYin"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sorted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sorted"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0rzcxhzc4s4sbdnysmjh1i8pd39jyx7a4hbhkarsp2qbx29s4h03"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Efficient, type-safe sorted sequences"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sorty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sorty"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04bripdlc90rlkv5q6p44j10n7c1zdwv0ibiq5p365xijgribfaq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + description = "Sort lines per file size"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sound-collage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, carray, directory, fft, filepath + , numeric-prelude, optparse-applicative, sample-frame, soxlib + , storablevector, storablevector-carray, synthesizer-core + , temporary, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sound-collage"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11zwhq5r21phgadfvxxmvz7gcz3vhyrqw2rmwnkxz0n65p5az15m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base carray directory fft filepath numeric-prelude + optparse-applicative sample-frame soxlib storablevector + storablevector-carray synthesizer-core temporary transformers + utility-ht + ]; + description = "Approximate a song from other pieces of sound"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sounddelay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parseargs, WAVE }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sounddelay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mqa70zbhpw860hclns4y8pri6d9swahzbhac7jhzrwq4vyia9xj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parseargs WAVE ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio delay line"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "source-code-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl, data-default + , directory, filepath, hack, hack-contrib, hack-handler-happstack + , haskell98, HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, json, loli, mps, mtl, process + , safe, StateVar, stm, template-haskell, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "source-code-server"; + version = "2010.9.1"; + sha256 = "1934awipc837mdhkfa3ghmljxk0vb16wd4f31qdl4q9nxgwfv6c8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers curl data-default directory filepath + hack hack-contrib hack-handler-happstack haskell98 HDBC + HDBC-sqlite3 json loli mps mtl process safe StateVar stm + template-haskell time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The server backend for the source code iPhone app"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sourcemap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, process, text + , unordered-containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sourcemap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1flfsjs2z2zjzqwvmc2vcibvxh19s89ah4s560xr2s5mhdqwbkk5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring process text unordered-containers + utf8-string + ]; + description = "Implementation of source maps as proposed by Google and Mozilla"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sousit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, mtl, QuickCheck + , resourcet, stm, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sousit"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0vfgl4l3zwfsb2p5fds47bikyvfcsypmbjd1yvkjvi36x2g3pzwr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal mtl resourcet stm transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Source/Sink/Transform: An alternative to lazy IO and iteratees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, explicit-exception + , extensible-exceptions, process, sample-frame, transformers, unix + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19jczxackqhbi85i0i3jl26ng34a9hkfw73jlfscfl8xjqc0j99n"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers explicit-exception extensible-exceptions process + sample-frame transformers unix utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executeshell" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Play, write, read, convert audio signals using Sox"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "soxlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, explicit-exception + , extensible-exceptions, sample-frame, sox, storablevector + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soxlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bc4s74f2sw32j17pihpq0liyaysi4n5i2704ycn5agsgnc0n8xp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers explicit-exception extensible-exceptions + sample-frame storablevector transformers utility-ht + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ sox ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Write, read, convert audio signals using libsox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sox; }; + + "soyuz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, cmdargs, containers + , pretty, QuickCheck, trifecta, uniplate, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "soyuz"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1w8adkrics3jp8lc1gwjiwn4i94yfzxba13wf65qywhmdr9lcy3p"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cmdargs containers pretty QuickCheck + trifecta uniplate vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DCPU-16 architecture utilities for Notch's 0x10c game"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "spacepart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spacepart"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "118wch92ix54jp1hi4qw9mk46571lnak4df8ji83bs2vz3vax6jp"; + buildDepends = [ base vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Space partition data structures. Currently only a QuadTree."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contravariant + , deepseq, directory, doctest, filepath, hlint, hybrid-vectors + , lens, linear, mtl, primitive, QuickCheck, semigroups + , simple-reflect, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, transformers, vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sparse"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "1pa1h21ca710fdjz60b79jg0v2lr0l11avpiynp9n1cw5bz137fk"; + buildDepends = [ + base contravariant deepseq hybrid-vectors lens primitive + transformers vector vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory doctest filepath hlint + hybrid-vectors lens linear mtl QuickCheck semigroups simple-reflect + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + transformers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-llvm" "-foptimize" "-ftest-hlint" "-ftest-doctests" + "-ftest-properties" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A playground of sparse linear algebra primitives using Morton ordering"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sparse-lin-alg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sparse-lin-alg"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1255q13mb6196i3hv1i41agifg1x1840z535mx48jjkln297gmc9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Effective linear algebra on sparse matrices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sparsebit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sparsebit"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1a4gsnmr1y8b05iws2vrmjqbs5y9svfsz0jb3k19dddn1aszzm07"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sparse bitmaps for pattern match coverage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sparsecheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sparsecheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19h9vy7arhi35rqafbq3nf9a50vnlw5mbfwvl6sp1j61w0yxai95"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Logic Programming Library for Test-Data Generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sparser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-default, monadplus, nats + , pointed, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sparser"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1mhnjlsqmvvwnh35dzrms9vsdvr563aq49qhwg35pvscsia2fpr2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-default monadplus nats pointed semigroups + ]; + description = "Lightweight parsing library based on partial functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, dlist, mps, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spata"; + version = "2010.10.10"; + sha256 = "1cr0d82l2b96jvszca4yavdgwq450yzigcyrrlddrf9m9908kkzy"; + buildDepends = [ base dlist mps mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "brainless form validation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spatial-math" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cereal, doctest, ghc-prim, linear }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spatial-math"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s6ica55d3gv3y1iwinbk3pd8i8647p8gizrfh4wnsdy908n0qqv"; + buildDepends = [ base cereal ghc-prim linear ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + description = "3d math including quaternions/euler angles/dcms and utility functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spawn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spawn"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0xkkl0w30rqif2jwdzjv239raly4yaf0116vkqcwh1i41jqn7ij8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Tiny library for concurrent computations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spe"; + version = "0.6.3"; + sha256 = "02cq8f9yz5z3rwkcj4nj8dgzwnn2w3b1jpndmmcqwsjymmivy8fr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinatorial species lite"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "special-functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "special-functors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c68af104qxn9lhzshcy9s466q10n3ic7q4navqi53mmmmznivrd"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Control.Applicative, Data.Foldable, Data.Traversable (compatibility package)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "special-keys" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-markup, bytestring, cereal + , deepseq, hashable, mwc-random, path-pieces, primitive, safecopy + , text, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "special-keys"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r66rzyh9m9wsy8mhyq09ar0zbalfyr627z9xrxny8242nbsygpy"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-markup bytestring cereal deepseq hashable + mwc-random path-pieces primitive safecopy text uuid + ]; + description = "Simple data types that help me here and there"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "specialize-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, composition, DebugTraceHelpers + , derive, HUnit, MissingH, mtl, newtype, newtype-th, QuickCheck + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, th-expand-syns, tuple, type-sub-th + , uniplate, universe-th + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "specialize-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b9bs08zja8id739zf0q47y91aq10gjr1ikbf7rvzav9i3w6djnc"; + buildDepends = [ + base composition derive MissingH mtl newtype newtype-th + template-haskell th-expand-syns tuple type-sub-th uniplate + universe-th + ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers composition DebugTraceHelpers derive HUnit MissingH + mtl newtype newtype-th QuickCheck template-haskell test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 th-expand-syns + type-sub-th uniplate universe-th + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create specialized types from polymorphic ones using TH"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "species" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, multiset-comb, np-extras + , numeric-prelude, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "species"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ip6q92l95jgqa2vbws4440n4qqn2cf785pbwd9g58zpx9wvi9ai"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers multiset-comb np-extras numeric-prelude + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Computational combinatorial species"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "speculation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "speculation"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kjshccmfnigb2dxq0czn3c1ckdflz6bl1q60h38qp3rc7250ml0"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim stm transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimize" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A framework for safe, programmable, speculative parallelism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "speculation-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, speculation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "speculation-transformers"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0050iy5q9m1ylkhbbnpff7yl99917pa46pgvj76isij4lvdl4f5a"; + buildDepends = [ speculation ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Merged into 'speculation'. Use that instead."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spelling-suggest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, edit-distance, parseargs, phonetic-code + , sqlite + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spelling-suggest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n0b2lbvj3pjg841pdw7pb09cpkz2d186dd4pmabjnm6r6wabm2n"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base edit-distance parseargs phonetic-code sqlite + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fdebug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Spelling suggestion tool with library and command-line interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sphero" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, mtl + , simple-bluetooth + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sphero"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b5i6zpp3xz8jcvs44g97iyam5vcig3fpy0hcsldg51cm762sv48"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers mtl simple-bluetooth + ]; + description = "Orbotix Sphero client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sphinx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-binary-ieee754 + , network, text, text-icu, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sphinx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pcm4y9k5lc00805ddv519cx4j3qld2v1dnbckg38n9dyp96wj98"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-binary-ieee754 network text text-icu + xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-version-1-1-beta" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the Sphinx full-text searching daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sphinx-cli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, sphinx }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sphinx-cli"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "08fqfmd6462skjywv2j4ilnmpbzr28d6vwmb187w3sv0byvvjzw3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base sphinx ]; + description = "Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default, elerea + , GLFW, JuicyPixels, JuicyPixels-repa, OpenGL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spice"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xs09ipg9l38nq3kxpdyv6643ywivhw87w6il0q9bzhng4rpfj6g"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default elerea GLFW JuicyPixels + JuicyPixels-repa OpenGL + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An FRP-based game engine written in Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "spike" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, glib + , global-variables, gtk, libsoup, mtl, process, random, rosezipper + , stm, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spike"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "11xr80fmbd6ps79fyzb40ha1gw4crxr8gff2nk39spj0sj64jqdn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath glib global-variables gtk mtl + process random rosezipper stm webkit + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Experimental web browser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spine"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sk2vkslcbmr4z87xc7q38ywbj118bcgqrkz9fqsp7jffxvy4bgv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple implementation of the generic spine view"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "splaytree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "splaytree"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0jilqkgp1mk6sllxhigp1sidnp7amgsfdmxf23r0l69hp0w4dcm7"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides an annotated splay tree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "splice" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "splice"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lsfkm4vfipzbnqpf3yli6fwrv5a5mwbs149dfzhs7spa9kbxyl1"; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" "-fportable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cross-platform Socket to Socket Data Splicing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "splines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, polynomial, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, vector, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "splines"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bq5m8izvkrw21v9anp381rrq41svsmkxa0fk86ncm0lkaj09l5b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers polynomial vector vector-space ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers polynomial QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector vector-space + ]; + description = "B-Splines, other splines, and NURBS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "split" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "split"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0xa3j0gwr6k5vizxybnzk5fgb3pppgspi6mysnp2gwjp2dbrxkzr"; + editedCabalFile = "9098e40414e8491b0a400f5874408e577a444c4eadf1e03fb4ea6dfcc32e30c4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Combinator library for splitting lists"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "split-channel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "split-channel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w2sgj1f5ydfvhm80d3pbka9988jwl80n14bp5nisawpd2glxvak"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Control.Concurrent.Chan split into sending and receiving halves."; + license =; + }) {}; + + "split-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, numeric-prelude, soxlib, storablevector + , synthesizer-core, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "split-record"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d53npfi3mba83vpjkq59ga51nxqvkvv7gr0mj1jb8kj8i4jjw7v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base numeric-prelude soxlib storablevector synthesizer-core + transformers utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Split a big audio file into pieces at positions of silence"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "split-tchan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "split-tchan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qwcbvnm2vlr4bmn8r1q3ycamvgs0nfap4dkyzgp54f9rrl73x2p"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "STM's TChan split into sending and receiving halves"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "splitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, parsec, range }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "splitter"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nibmm0ab7a2j9rdmnphzz2svc3xfq268jbn23a403465s0v6sq6"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath parsec range ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use numerical ranges to split out certain lines from a file"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "splot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, cairo, colour + , containers, HUnit, mtl, strptime, template-haskell, time + , vcs-revision + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "splot"; + version = "0.3.12"; + sha256 = "0xk5p2ikrzrmhvl69cl36sskcqgfnhxbbdlyp7bzl5pny0l0h9in"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing cairo colour containers HUnit mtl + strptime template-haskell time vcs-revision + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-staged processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spool"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1svkz3cxkyi6f3akakjfk1cvij85xy69v52d88gh97xgiawp5346"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring vector ]; + description = "Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spoon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spoon"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1m41k0mfy6fpfrv2ym4m5jsjaj9xdfl2iqpppd3c4d0fffv51cxr"; + editedCabalFile = "e46c5e919cc9d0c7b0f671cddb631ef0979622a1e2250c59c7e491a799944527"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + description = "Catch errors thrown from pure computations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spoonutil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, extensible-exceptions, filepath + , parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spoonutil"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0xkarfm0c0931dz6yjs7pb5s2zizz1psnx9gfri5jq16skxk2nhd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory extensible-exceptions filepath parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Spoon's utilities. Simple testing and nice looking error reporting."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "spoty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, lens, lens-aeson, pipes + , text, unordered-containers, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spoty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p1mn8yixlyj2al98mxzs10m0klqqmmdfjcwc9xax97xp4ixjcm3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring lens lens-aeson pipes text + unordered-containers wreq + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Spotify web API wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spreadsheet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, explicit-exception, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spreadsheet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q6cdgn1bf6dz6brd237ypw3cn0arbf9sm8ghzfngz20k0rbgcj1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base explicit-exception transformers utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "spritz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spritz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1syv2l0z7c2s6bbi5103i4var40j8pavahiic813v8m9s6waa4fk"; + buildDepends = [ base lens mtl vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of the Spritz RC4-like stream cipher in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "spsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hmatrix, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spsa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jj08bkvmg8cj0lp7j8sd2ksanyrr5i2xxcz4kfwkrlyf8zhqxrh"; + buildDepends = [ base hmatrix mtl random ]; + testDepends = [ + base hmatrix HUnit QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Optimization Algorithm"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "spy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, directory, filemanip, filepath + , fsnotify, HUnit, json, process, QuickCheck, system-filepath + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "spy"; + version = "0.10"; + sha256 = "1b3nhx009mzwl7n9d1bka4i9mwdh1gq08bsfmcnw9s7527nhn0ph"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory filemanip filepath fsnotify json process + system-filepath time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base cmdargs directory filemanip filepath fsnotify HUnit json + process QuickCheck system-filepath test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A compact file system watcher for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sql-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, monad-control, text + , transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-simple"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1vhg8ijpa64qalgza5sr3j8y1ihk6ys5lyf34vwcmjv8nlpyhpwh"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers exceptions monad-control text transformers + transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "common middle-level sql client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sql-simple-mysql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, mysql, mysql-simple + , sql-simple, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-simple-mysql"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1i9xgzl3pjxii4mgx8az5gmygxq2vn1km7kmndwy07qkh26ynd7p"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class mysql mysql-simple sql-simple text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "mysql backend for sql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sql-simple-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, monad-control + , resource-pool, sql-simple, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-simple-pool"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "14pradqy01vsd2cngvcbwvrwq5r3c5a00awi6j5vmkb51dycizh9"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class monad-control resource-pool sql-simple text + time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "conection pool for sql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sql-simple-postgresql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, postgresql-simple + , sql-simple, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-simple-postgresql"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0dk2829zkcwxyqw0p2nsrm9gw527cmggdslhflrylg8xr1ag6zs1"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class postgresql-simple sql-simple text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "postgresql backend for sql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sql-simple-sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, sql-simple, sqlite-simple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-simple-sqlite"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "07ji17b4q9b8w9q9r8digb218qkjcrxfc24113p0f3pmgbwci3f1"; + buildDepends = [ base sql-simple sqlite-simple ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "sqlite backend for sql-simple"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "sql-words" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, cabal-test-compat, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sql-words"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03r6lk4rgk55idxqifazrq673hnkzr089b34qjv1x3yk160xnmz8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal cabal-test-compat QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple idea SQL keywords data constructor into OverloadedString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sqlite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, pretty, sqlite, time + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sqlite"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hlyv2w4q2dlcsz18fqbmqf7nwsbzyh184ynzfnz5svvc8j9hbrp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory pretty time utf8-string + ]; + extraLibraries = [ sqlite ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-builtin-sqlite3" ]; + description = "Haskell binding to sqlite3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "sqlite-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring, blaze-builder + , blaze-textual, bytestring, containers, direct-sqlite, HUnit, text + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sqlite-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "098d1s80wlvsp307422f79bm3a9knvgw5ni6jap62fl4rpa7fsmz"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-textual bytestring containers + direct-sqlite text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring direct-sqlite HUnit text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mid-Level SQLite client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sqlite-simple-typed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, sqlite, sqlite-simple + , template-haskell, typedquery, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sqlite-simple-typed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00flij4wv8ga0bpnnai6gwwga1fkra9kr3y9yw30j7czwl5r2h0r"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta sqlite sqlite-simple template-haskell + typedquery utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typed extension to sqlite simple"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sqlvalue-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, HDBC, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sqlvalue-list"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1r9y3p355rl57pnm84flx734zzjxnnc53fkcfdkykxi5wi5j05v0"; + buildDepends = [ base convertible HDBC template-haskell ]; + description = "Class and instances for conversion to list of SqlValue"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "squeeze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, factory, filepath, mtl + , QuickCheck, random, toolshed, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "squeeze"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p39ibms8c2gk1m8v2cysqsd06pvy1mkjvmbvgpfqhkax89lqzak"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory factory filepath mtl QuickCheck random + toolshed unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthreaded" "-f-llvm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A file-packing application"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "srcinst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, hslogger, MissingH, network + , parsec, process, regex-compat, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "srcinst"; + version = "0.8.10"; + sha256 = "05ydsh4ippapxcx7j3fq8s64qiskcrmndgvilxkdp4qhxyi80gj9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory hslogger MissingH network parsec process + regex-compat unix + ]; + description = "Build and install Debian packages completely from source"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "srcloc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "srcloc"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0cd15d9dval7zi4li48yd6a3jk62861d4qxwvhxz4a98m63519cz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data types for managing source code locations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "srec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "srec"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "028sb4znvdqsygipcsf44j0xazk03pdfkirzrczmxcd11srh3h1k"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and processing s-records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sscgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, case-insensitive + , containers, Glob, MonadCatchIO-mtl, mtl, transformers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sscgi"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0pkhk6xhh1404yncyl62mjyp7mc2i06ihy243r0mq7qyy7ak417r"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring case-insensitive containers Glob + MonadCatchIO-mtl mtl transformers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple SCGI Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ssh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-data, base, base64-string, binary, bytestring + , cereal, containers, crypto-api, crypto-pubkey-types + , cryptohash-cryptoapi, HsOpenSSL, network, process, random, RSA + , SHA, SimpleAES, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ssh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05bz4six0bffv6n2il4rzr6rbj4ym5ijqvpkrjdw2xdb7cfqs09i"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-data base base64-string binary bytestring cereal containers + crypto-api crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash-cryptoapi HsOpenSSL + network process random RSA SHA SimpleAES split transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pure-Haskell SSH server library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sshtun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, curl, directory, hdaemonize + , hslogger, mtl, process, regex-compat, stm, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sshtun"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0794vsv043ppydzyjxnh06m4l3gbnga7x8nwsamh8skrzjfwn6jq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers curl directory hdaemonize hslogger mtl process + regex-compat stm unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper daemon to manage an ssh tunnel"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sssp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attempt, attoparsec, aws, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, cereal, conduit + , containers, cryptohash, data-default, http-conduit, http-types + , mtl, network-conduit, text, wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sssp"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1nr30nrldjd3q1iw3l967x3v1rvl9afz1p87hhhkvpy60gri8m7c"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attempt attoparsec aws base base64-bytestring blaze-builder + bytestring case-insensitive cereal conduit containers cryptohash + data-default http-conduit http-types mtl network-conduit text wai + wai-extra warp + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-cli" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP proxy for S3"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sstable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, deepseq, directory, iteratee + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sstable"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1siyjj75k1nsncpqwz53algbnvgbmr4syw45rfj1cpq4qbfwlcgm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cmdargs containers deepseq directory + iteratee + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + description = "SSTables in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ssv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ssv"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1z01611d380rgn64b0sbwxfbz7m8lgwhkc3lljpih6nsdn9hwrq5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Comma-separated-value (CSV) read, show and write routines"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stable-maps" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stable-maps"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1sjidykbj5f692di93nml0frazvyw9kxyhjwbyyvrb9gwgc2ms3w"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Heterogeneous maps keyed by StableNames"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stable-memo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, hashtables, tagged }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stable-memo"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1mm3j63qaq12bdpn134j7jxzrikk9rawfd559xdkxkayq83z52i8"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashtables tagged ]; + description = "Memoization based on argument identity"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stable-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bytestring-arbitrary, cereal, containers, mtl, objectid + , QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stable-tree"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "0svg4mbsvynvmcfm6ihv6s90pfvi1zhawa19yns8n521ff2rxrjv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary blaze-builder bytestring cereal containers mtl objectid + text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-arbitrary cereal containers mtl objectid + QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Trees whose branches are resistant to change"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stack-prism" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, profunctors, tagged, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stack-prism"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1pl5bb1qyd59pgcbbr27vk8mzfdsv3wbyk9z40cm54v8513rq307"; + buildDepends = [ + base profunctors tagged template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stack prisms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stackage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, base, bytestring, Cabal + , classy-prelude-conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default-class, directory, filepath, hspec, http-client + , http-client-tls, mono-traversable, mtl, old-locale + , optparse-applicative, process, QuickCheck, semigroups, stm + , streaming-commons, system-fileio, system-filepath, tar, temporary + , text, time, transformers, unix-compat, utf8-string, xml-conduit + , yaml, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stackage"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "19h45gl8ylm9hz16bn1fcj8c1651zf267saaznvf1sydhpn1rczk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson async base bytestring Cabal classy-prelude-conduit + conduit-extra containers data-default-class directory filepath + http-client http-client-tls mono-traversable mtl old-locale + optparse-applicative process semigroups stm streaming-commons + system-fileio system-filepath tar temporary text time transformers + unix-compat utf8-string xml-conduit yaml zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal classy-prelude-conduit containers hspec http-client + http-client-tls QuickCheck text yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Stable Hackage,\" tools for creating a vetted set of packages from Hackage"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "standalone-haddock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath + , optparse-applicative + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "standalone-haddock"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kzgd4c2zashhcg9pblayvzwnkzhkkmdvbkx5yc9a7rcjaqzh40j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath optparse-applicative + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate standalone haddock documentation for a set of packages"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "star-to-star" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "star-to-star"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1nxkb1rdw6lhka49r6xdjskipyig09jzrvp82hx8a1xnqb9cyrrj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "the * -> * types, operators, and covariant instances"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "star-to-star-contra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, star-to-star }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "star-to-star-contra"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1kmpjm51jzk4pv6qggvwjvfqvqnr5z7znfbhiscvcq89j1842x53"; + buildDepends = [ base star-to-star ]; + description = "contravariant instances for * -> * types and operators"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "starling" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, failure, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "starling"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0i0f19k2b5y6vb0jngqwnf035csgiaqjgiw37wvj8vs2lbh907bp"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring failure transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A memcached client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "starrover2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, EdisonCore, FTGL + , haskell98, mtl, OpenGL, random, SDL + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "starrover2"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0rdkxyhy62h87vdq08znqpjhg4wriwvbmn0pwak9nqsd5xk6slka"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory EdisonCore FTGL haskell98 mtl OpenGL + random SDL + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Space simulation game"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "state" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, arrows, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "state"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0j5hbh0rkcwfigvskmgb0hql95qs0cjbys61c6sni2hc719bshx6"; + buildDepends = [ arrows base mtl ]; + description = "Data.State"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "state-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, mtl, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "state-plus"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "09zc4rymzvpq12mgl59h069m418qr43myhsj8dlf62g477wyx4g1"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + testDepends = [ base checkers mtl QuickCheck ]; + description = "MonadPlus for StateT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "state-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "state-record"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1y9ql1dlv2kf564x153gyw5h967pjn5zilfq88px8rqmkydqix7g"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Better records for State monad states"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "stateWriter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, free, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stateWriter"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0vs9l59ka2knalarkdibhl4bjrwsj70pxl1lkrz4hmz2qzg7bi94"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base free hspec mtl QuickCheck ]; + description = "A faster variant of the RWS monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "statechart" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, polyparse }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statechart"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "122vv9h3rxn126chm5bj4rkxd7mbzndy73ck5nlmnhhxyks25d26"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base polyparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiles Rhapsody statecharts to C"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stateful-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MaybeT, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stateful-mtl"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "19645rqfqbcvngq8hj7bryl35lgx7p5k55vgsxa1a2hm2kq8vm5h"; + buildDepends = [ base MaybeT mtl ]; + description = "Typeclass instances for monad transformer stacks with an ST thread at the bottom"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stateref" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stateref"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0hdpw6g255lj7jjvgqwhjdpzmka546vda5qjvry8gjj6nfm91lvx"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl stm ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusetmvar" "-fusestm" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstraction for things that work like IORef"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "statestack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statestack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w5vw8jmnwbfyma4a3ggdm9jvxf3c18kpwbvcmvr5szifaqv9sgx"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + description = "Simple State-like monad transformer with saveable and restorable state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "statethread" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statethread"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05clniwqk4i3zz22jzbjj2x9cgkxb2ks7mccjyp3gyy4zbm2xlmz"; + buildDepends = [ applicative base transformers ]; + description = "The ST monad and STRefs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { applicative = null; }; + + "statgrab" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, statgrab, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statgrab"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1rckyxg1px6v69rbr1ldy107b1q5rrh89dawlrdjzwbnmxjgbvj5"; + buildDepends = [ async base bytestring time transformers ]; + extraLibraries = [ statgrab ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collect system level metrics and statistics"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) statgrab; }; + + "static-hash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, hashable, primes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "static-hash"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0nkgx4s389027zi23wmbc6wqnmplvjvbrsbyzy7zn41mbwmzqz8l"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers hashable primes ]; + description = "Immutable hash"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "static-resources" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hslogger, HUnit + , MissingH, mtl, old-time, process, syb, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "static-resources"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "0wf9kpn1l2iq00m1ms46vn2lrnyy8ip1z54ya2h4kqarcy5sr8m9"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hslogger MissingH mtl old-time process syb + time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory hslogger HUnit MissingH mtl old-time syb + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + ]; + description = "JavaScript and Css files concat for http optimization. Now with LESS support."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "staticanalysis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "staticanalysis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0b6y8yi0cfisi58pxxx1gnd1vab2i8f5wb3gzv1dfsxx5hl6jlwf"; + buildDepends = [ base MissingH ]; + description = "Reusable static analysis interfaces and modules"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "statistics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, deepseq, erf, HUnit, ieee754 + , math-functions, monad-par, mwc-random, primitive, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector, vector-algorithms, vector-binary-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statistics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0giibqpnjndnhvxqsr8ikcxxfhz3ws0mk3ckykq2sfwz7gkipvva"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary deepseq erf math-functions monad-par mwc-random + primitive vector vector-algorithms vector-binary-instances + ]; + testDepends = [ + base binary erf HUnit ieee754 math-functions mwc-random primitive + QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 vector vector-algorithms + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library of statistical types, data, and functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "statistics-dirichlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, hmatrix-special + , nonlinear-optimization, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statistics-dirichlet"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1kd9s7m2a8awqiqbsj0z3w585bq236fmj5s5sadsdd698irkkib1"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq hmatrix-special nonlinear-optimization vector + ]; + description = "Functions for working with Dirichlet densities and mixtures on vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "statistics-fusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statistics-fusion"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "17w7vz0jarbyf9y72bn9yg134q6ja5ymfyl1v9nx94glbhbybrlf"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of high performance, minimal statistics functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "statistics-linreg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MonadRandom, random, random-shuffle, safe + , statistics, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statistics-linreg"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "02c9xrd3b8iy7bwgsf1r06smi88k3sgpqv2ivr782wl0dcbc4wv2"; + buildDepends = [ + base MonadRandom random random-shuffle safe statistics vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Linear regression between two samples, based on the 'statistics' package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, statistics, text, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stats"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "08ig4nrlqshxmiar739zfbs95hlrp8l212hszh4zs0w2x4i3s17f"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base statistics text vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "command line statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "statsd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, monad-control, mtl, network + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statsd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13bcqms31rvzs3lfbmx43wqkmp21jbzj326yn971334cf722f0a1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring monad-control mtl network random + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "StatsD API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "statvfs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "statvfs"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16z9fddgvf5sl7zy7p74fng9lkdw5m9i5np3q4s2h8jdi43mwmg1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Get unix filesystem statistics with statfs, statvfs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stb-image" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stb-image"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1mx6i5q56wy13fvpnypb2c6fk2z3i5xdfblkpazzc70p2dgxaf52"; + buildDepends = [ base bitmap bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around Sean Barrett's JPEG/PNG decoder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "stb-truetype" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stb-truetype"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1hbbi7hax5fw5zb7ashfs5paixqzqrrr64lwisda80dskdazld4m"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A wrapper around Sean Barrett's TrueType rasterizer library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "stdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stdata"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0ijir2knl4vc1cpzzmf32wcjfdc958li1wd7w5vdmgk4bx45kybf"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec syb template-haskell ]; + description = "Structure Data Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stdf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, binary, bytestring + , containers, data-binary-ieee754, split, text, time, unix-time + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stdf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1blwf18qvsrhkxfakyznr3ljr35dw6d027jybr2hh4a5yfqn6zyd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring binary bytestring containers + data-binary-ieee754 split text time unix-time zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse Structured Test Data Format (STDF)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "steambrowser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, parsec, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "steambrowser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "071ial002ip6lsm422wf9xzq7ka70h4va67382smkbgiinbma5g4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory parsec transformers ]; + description = "List and launch steam games from the cli"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "steeloverseer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fsnotify, process, regex-tdfa + , system-filepath, text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "steeloverseer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12rivdszviksp1czxj71scbzj1b2xan6kq0f5aqlyrjcnbyrxa7s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base fsnotify process regex-tdfa system-filepath text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A file watcher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stemmer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stemmer"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "16y0lapjma4ivnkpgqpw60763lfvnf6rxwc9gs0dyffvq6lfrz8i"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the Snowball stemming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stepwise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stepwise"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "059k8g3wb4hkxk42vm83vv6kh3igrpf7fc97xvn3qai5rx3jmgqf"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "stickyKeysHotKey" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stickyKeysHotKey"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18p0yxfw9wnzk0yxdvlm3g23k8zq5nb707411i92z5m82l6pkpmi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "get and set STICKYKEYS.SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm"; + version = "2.4.4"; + sha256 = "0gc8zvdijp3rwmidkpxv76b4i0dc8dw6nbd92rxl4vxl0655iysx"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Software Transactional Memory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-channelize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-channelize"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1aj4zibq54ssbb7smkxjrjl24d9vccgjpl2b9261yqyg692cz9hm"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "Transactional I/O for duplex streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-chans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-chans"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zsa092yjxsdq8nm2yqagdfpip3i3ff3xdwvys99ns7ridxbyynh"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Additional types of channels for STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-chunked-queues" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, HUnit, stm, tasty, tasty-hunit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-chunked-queues"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0264air2mhwbya2sxskrh4z1bs8il7d9iv4vm6wyz8zxxc95v1nj"; + buildDepends = [ async base stm ]; + testDepends = [ async base HUnit stm tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Chunked Communication Queues"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, cereal, cereal-conduit, conduit + , conduit-extra, directory, HUnit, lifted-async, lifted-base + , monad-control, monad-loops, QuickCheck, resourcet, stm, stm-chans + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-conduit"; + version = "2.5.3"; + sha256 = "1jsij92i3rw2wz1166i58p0lxrbx0jndf1hi3kj92ccvnc3zg1iw"; + buildDepends = [ + async base cereal cereal-conduit conduit conduit-extra directory + lifted-async lifted-base monad-control monad-loops resourcet stm + stm-chans transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit directory HUnit QuickCheck resourcet stm stm-chans + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Introduces conduits to channels, and promotes using conduits concurrently"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-prelude, focus, free, hashable, HTF + , list-t, loch-th, mtl, mtl-prelude, placeholders, primitive + , QuickCheck, transformers, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-containers"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "1qgmrxccnvids2xq2n28cllfqh88f0b2512hm5grrab7qb07phar"; + buildDepends = [ + base-prelude focus hashable list-t loch-th placeholders primitive + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-prelude focus free hashable HTF list-t loch-th mtl + mtl-prelude placeholders primitive QuickCheck transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Containers for STM"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stm-delay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-delay"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cla21v89gcvmr1iwzibq13v1yq02xg4h6k9l6kcprj7mhd5hcmi"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + testDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Updatable one-shot timer polled with STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-firehose" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, conduit, hspec, http-types + , HUnit, network-conduit, stm, stm-chans, stm-conduit, transformers + , wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-firehose"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0y4q3qj3ih2xcn0mhd4jszb1d5l87abkvlmhdvx9d1407bw9j99r"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder conduit http-types network-conduit stm stm-chans + stm-conduit transformers wai warp + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec HUnit stm ]; + description = "Conduits and STM operations for fire hoses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-io-hooks" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-io-hooks"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1wx68z1vq693bdcvv7d52pmk2s3pin0m382bc7j4i0s67m0ldcdn"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl stm ]; + description = "STM with IO hooks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-lifted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-lifted"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x3yxxyik0vyh3p530msxh2a1aylmh8zab05qpq7nfl5m9v6v090"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + description = "Software Transactional Memory lifted to MonadIO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-linkedlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-linkedlist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x65z38dx0qi55fmbarc1827wpl4j08m23nklq8854y7kqznf9kr"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "Mutable, doubly linked lists for STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-orelse-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-orelse-io"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11v0xc5zlw641mf6r5k8lqhzxc4y9bsx3xivwmbkfniph0x7g5m4"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Choose between the return value of an STM operation and an IO action"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-promise" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, process, QuickCheck, stm, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-promise"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07wrbj88gwdbsczjr225g0z1ai1v13mdg71gl9qsmipqs0s0pfwc"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl process stm unix ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple STM Promises for IO computations and external processes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "stm-queue-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, stm-chans }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-queue-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qd6zsr2lkkg5yxp72l38h00b2xj40jn38qx9sfvgpss6rkda40s"; + editedCabalFile = "0c90122c2c5998a0b60d00506effde335dbd71ad60bc1b798759a05d4fb3193b"; + buildDepends = [ base stm stm-chans ]; + description = "Extra queue utilities for STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "stm-sbchan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, stm-tlist }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-sbchan"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0fz4vfbyr848b32vbdm3pjj9gwi7wj39l3vsqmdpjnbfwvkw0y0s"; + buildDepends = [ base stm stm-tlist ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bounded channel for STM where item sizes can vary"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-split" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-split"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "11v2sq911byxvvmjbm7qkpdzma1mzzlch6rr529xsra0dv7myig2"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "TMVars, TVars and TChans with distinguished input and output side"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-stats" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, stm, template-haskell, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-stats"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i8ky2l8lvh7nymxglvbifp0ylbyjw20p75avzb51zpzx6qkjkqa"; + buildDepends = [ base containers stm template-haskell time ]; + description = "retry statistics for STM transactions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stm-tlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stm-tlist"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0ssr8phmm9m93kcp045jr0rcn1dxzz202cgyw1vzjl2ch55bcsy6"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mutable, singly-linked list in STM"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stmcontrol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stmcontrol"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0m42pgnvzqadqycq0qbml5da0zw7myc24y5vka1qydz7rdfyaa24"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 mtl stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Control communication among retrying transactions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stomp-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, mime, mtl, resourcet, stomp-queue + , stompl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stomp-conduit"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0i2fz5hcqjhrnnqkfzpizn1w9iyqy966yny2anl3glwi6nqyam0s"; + buildDepends = [ + base conduit mime mtl resourcet stomp-queue stompl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stompl Conduit Client"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "stomp-patterns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mime, mtl, split + , stomp-queue, stompl, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stomp-patterns"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0wa07y1ks581fvlkfzv23vb0r96iwr5x0r95j9bmcsh0ln405nrn"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mime mtl split stomp-queue stompl time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stompl MOM Stomp Patterns"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "stomp-queue" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, mime, network, split + , stompl, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stomp-queue"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "0qn6mnplwqzz05g1k8ib4q7ga6if2iw3y9a5yba61gn1ghhwhgl9"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring mime network split stompl time + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stompl Client Library"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "stompl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, mime, split, text + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stompl"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1p583n14q2iqwhw2n6942zcav261119i1g8h2rca5ankpp227a2z"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring mime split text utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stomp Parser and Utilities"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "storable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10289mf3fskfpg0jwgzyhvg4arb0hcj3r94jngb3hlbidvf8k1jg"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + homepage = ";a=summary"; + description = "Storable type class for variable-sized data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storable-complex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable-complex"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "01kwwkpbfjrv26vj83cd92px5qbq1bpgxj0r45534aksqhany1xb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-instanceinbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Storable instance for Complex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storable-endian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteorder }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable-endian"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "04j1nk0wga4dqrqvhm8yd9h9194db1n3yrnhg8s3gsc0jk7yw1p2"; + buildDepends = [ base byteorder ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Storable instances with endianness"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storable-record" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable-record"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1mv2s4r7dqkl2fy0wjnywyr2zi2g53nkn0z72mgr8drkzdszzxx1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base transformers utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Elegant definition of Storable instances for records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storable-static-array" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, tagged, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable-static-array"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0akdh6v2cdq38jw8v69bn3m50g6wxanh0plikq4hj5mfrkg6xsxm"; + buildDepends = [ array base tagged vector ]; + description = "Statically-sized array wrappers with Storable instances for FFI marshaling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storable-tuple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, storable-record, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storable-tuple"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "03qls46rwc3za730r6pv63rrnjq4vkh3h2vjhx9082dqa9q7vqqd"; + buildDepends = [ base storable-record utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Storable instance for pairs and triples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storablevector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, non-negative, QuickCheck, random + , syb, transformers, unsafe, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storablevector"; + version = "0.2.10"; + sha256 = "0195j9b0p5217jdai4lwyhfwihnxgsqxcbzpa375wsa66kxjk7bl"; + buildDepends = [ + base non-negative QuickCheck syb transformers unsafe utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring QuickCheck random utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fseparatesyb" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storablevector-carray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, carray, storablevector, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storablevector-carray"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1cqgfddaldxj2yig39fr2smm23nfz52dvh5grf4zr222djm7043i"; + buildDepends = [ base carray storablevector utility-ht ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion between storablevector and carray"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "storablevector-streamfusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, old-time, storablevector + , stream-fusion, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "storablevector-streamfusion"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1qgnakr01f28iarq1qd5x86919fj7zwf19nb80w7757l0dhdjb6m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring old-time storablevector stream-fusion + utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion between storablevector and stream-fusion lists with fusion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "str" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, Crypto + , hashable, MissingH, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "str"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "093bgzjj183g48gapmjvbrbp7ns7wfcf94ishgwy84gajpkyb6sr"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring Crypto hashable MissingH text + utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class to abstract between many different string types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stream-fusion" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stream-fusion"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "006fz03jdwd9d0kwf8ma3077xxmg6zym94pwbb4sx1xcn7zf4yc6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Faster Haskell lists using stream fusion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stream-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, logict }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stream-monad"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0311j6a378pm26g9qqfjpnjq7909qj69fhiw253ln603z5q5gkc6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base logict ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-benchmarks" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple, Fair and Terminating Backtracking Monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "streamed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-seq, base, containers + , data-accessor, data-accessor-transformers, event-list, midi + , midi-alsa, non-negative, random, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "streamed"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0dql0vxw28nr60979zhhc9frwqhg6cmj8g03r4m8zlb6anqwv7xa"; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-seq base containers data-accessor + data-accessor-transformers event-list midi midi-alsa non-negative + random transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Programmatically edit MIDI event streams via ALSA"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "streaming-commons" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , deepseq, directory, hspec, network, process, QuickCheck, random + , stm, text, transformers, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "streaming-commons"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "1rj31nkj7a89pphlrys40d91lzh6yxq1rnhxhxlc392bd6crb5hg"; + buildDepends = [ + array base blaze-builder bytestring directory network process + random stm text transformers unix zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + array async base blaze-builder bytestring deepseq hspec network + QuickCheck text unix zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Common lower-level functions needed by various streaming data libraries"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "streamproc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "streamproc"; + version = "1.6.2"; + sha256 = "1wl44n4nav4h203mzfdf1bd5nh4v23dib54lvxka1rl3zymgyvp7"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stream Processer Arrow"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, comonad, distributive + , semigroupoids, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "streams"; + version = "3.2"; + sha256 = "1pms4wiispnpzysq44fcvspdxmbwk47rfcpcyshnnhpw7c7qngni"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base comonad distributive semigroupoids semigroups + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "08cjajqz9h47fkq98mlf3rc8n5ghbmnmgn8pfsl3bdldjdkmmlrc"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strict data types and String IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict-base-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bifunctors, binary, deepseq, ghc-prim + , lens, QuickCheck, strict + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict-base-types"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "03z38yxig43qq4xw9hinzzfarzy7176s5gfv8rsjnild8sa0bsvb"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bifunctors binary deepseq ghc-prim lens QuickCheck + strict + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strict variants of the types provided in base"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict-concurrency" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict-concurrency"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "128sbh5fnv02v2xdjlk7cb525bfckqyj7fyz5399nfycs0nj2f89"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strict concurrency abstractions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict-ghc-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict-ghc-plugin"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0hx1zp99npwdp5w3q93xfidcw59lxskilmbqc80xi97d4w4h8jrb"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc syb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler plugin for making Haskell strict"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict-identity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict-identity"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fzcim7baycdb60z5icdw5flj1a3dfn6xscpyif6l94c1538g3i1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strict Identity Monad, handy for writing fast code!"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strict-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, extensible-exceptions }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strict-io"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "003pfzjixa04qyx4db0rgk7y72nk2xwlb29aigmdmfn80xbmw9md"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq extensible-exceptions ]; + description = "A library wrapping standard IO modules to provide strict IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strictify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strictify"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0z28ifg21xgzh75ird41mp40a4rrc5p0wrnbhrxv92ih6pf5zmah"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall-base" ]; + description = "Find a local optimum of strictness annotations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strictly" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strictly"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a3azrg9ksb4kmbckjqw3krxj0app6q19ighd6k3z7xpf682qx3c"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Combinators for strictifying functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1l94p8c9j8a2dbpwj5q7d1m61gdhmi6vllz34g8d9qjfwpnx7z6z"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, tagged, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-class"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hh2xcbf7sjsv15jgldpy5njjvkkkxwlg2g9961z9fn94zyi7854"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring tagged text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "String class library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-combinators"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07ky2z5f1l5mb7r3rvyraak0bzciq4krkg5lv8g0a5vxpnzlm4cl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Polymorphic functions to build and combine stringlike values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-conversions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-conversions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n2ifim9n5vm305r989lh5xlbd8qc6byip2nfavf6gd2bcscs84p"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text utf8-string ]; + description = "Simplifies dealing with different types for strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-convert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-convert"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "1wwx7j6qvb93yc0r2hdah1rgbi96r2mjhmibx72d4x7idhn0xsd9"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide universal string conversions between any two string-like types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-qq"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0662m3i5xrdrr95w829bszkhp88mj9iy1zya54vk2sl5hz9wlmwp"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "string-quote" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-quote"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1pfkd3lwdphvl00gly7zbpvsmlw6b2d5568rxyqmq2qw6vzf9134"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "string-similarity" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, QuickCheck, suffixtree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "string-similarity"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k03krg3m03bxk9i5ph5ipks9b0j8yqsal0haf8fyjq83xs1hbmv"; + buildDepends = [ base suffixtree ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "longest common substring"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stringable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, system-filepath, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringable"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "10jsvbiqbmnbipv1566k5mqkpgfyrzbk8m7b18rqjb5m3qg9dbz7"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring system-filepath text ]; + description = "A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stringbuilder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringbuilder"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "1ap95xphqnrhv64c2a137wqslkdmb2jjd9ldb17gs1pw48k8hrl9"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "A writer monad for multi-line string literals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stringlike" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringlike"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0wrhma5g73lnyazbb11z2xhd7fdz93mb1kgbqxjn1prhlc3j7ahy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring QuickCheck quickcheck-instances test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transformations to several string-like types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stringprep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-th, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringprep"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0ha4cvzdppd514xh9315v3nvrn1q4xd74gifdqpszw98hj2mw0b0"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text text-icu ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck tasty-th text + text-icu + ]; + description = "Implements the \"StringPrep\" algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "strings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strings"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1xz9v3w5s13yhk7iy9dw6i8s2jc6c0b1ci96dwmcq9a1n3l3ng4v"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stringsearch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringsearch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mjvb1qr4fkxv5qvq4jfswa3dcj3dwzvwx7dbp2wqw8zand41lsq"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stringtable-atom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stringtable-atom"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1wp6w12bflrqcwi09y7s1crj72n4pbj8bkpwj2ia5gaqn5x56wjs"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-sybinbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stripe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-conduit, http-types + , mtl, text, time, unordered-containers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stripe"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0vmgj9n7q8ik31z7zzfjfv1qj8f8vrqn9cvk8kjp3k4shj25p7sy"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring http-conduit http-types mtl text time + unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the Stripe API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stripe-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, either, HsOpenSSL, hspec + , http-streams, io-streams, mtl, random, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stripe-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ys54lwbqk8dv5pslw2krd1bdh8giwr54nwq1vq35lqijgm6ywvz"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring either HsOpenSSL http-streams io-streams mtl + text time transformers unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring either HsOpenSSL hspec random text time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stripe API for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "strive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, data-default, Glob + , gpolyline, hlint, http-conduit, http-types, markdown-unlit + , regex-compat, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strive"; + version = "0.6.1"; + sha256 = "1cy555hhk5bdpk2hmkxx4pbi6m7vaadv4ksgfhcxbzyxmpi0wdwm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default Glob gpolyline http-conduit + http-types regex-compat template-haskell text time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default hlint markdown-unlit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell client for the Strava V3 API"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "strptime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "strptime"; + version = "1.0.10"; + sha256 = "1f42yf49fqr2fyjfakscmmlnmw3w5rg7wyy6gjyrf0gcgsh0h9fd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Efficient parsing of LocalTime using a binding to C's strptime, with some extra features (i.e. fractional seconds)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "structural-induction" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, genifunctors, geniplate + , language-haskell-extract, mtl, pretty, QuickCheck, safe + , testing-feat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "structural-induction"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "153w6p4xn3fv13kdq3cf4jwiikplnyiaczw30dy9mwyb2i8fp7r5"; + buildDepends = [ base containers genifunctors mtl pretty safe ]; + testDepends = [ + base geniplate language-haskell-extract mtl pretty QuickCheck safe + testing-feat + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-werror" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instantiate structural induction schemas for algebraic data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "structured-haskell-mode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, emacs, haskell-src-exts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "structured-haskell-mode"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "1402wx27py7292ad7whsb13ywv71k36501jpfrn2p0v7knzknj8z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell-src-exts ]; + buildTools = [ emacs ]; + postInstall = '' + emacs -L elisp --batch -f batch-byte-compile "elisp/"*.el + install -d $out/share/emacs/site-lisp + install "elisp/"*.el "elisp/"*.elc $out/share/emacs/site-lisp + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "Structured editing Emacs mode for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "structured-mongoDB" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bson, bytestring, compact-string-fix + , containers, monad-control, mongoDB, mtl, old-time + , template-haskell, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "structured-mongoDB"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0f4s4zi6h53jhcj3f43a2arra02fk1i2almdm6x2mjy1mzhdkjdx"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bson bytestring compact-string-fix containers + monad-control mongoDB mtl old-time template-haskell transformers + transformers-base + ]; + description = "Structured MongoDB interface"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "structures" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, contravariant + , deepseq, directory, doctest, filepath, free, ghc, ghc-prim + , hashable, hlint, hybrid-vectors, lens, monad-st, parallel + , primitive, QuickCheck, semigroups, tasty, tasty-quickcheck + , tasty-th, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + , vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "structures"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "000misbp9fsnmzhqi7na9b56h45c18ac86j7gfaxv7fgqz82zis8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers contravariant deepseq free ghc ghc-prim hashable + hybrid-vectors lens monad-st parallel primitive semigroups + transformers vector vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory doctest filepath hlint + QuickCheck semigroups tasty tasty-quickcheck tasty-th + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-foptimized" "-f-llvm" "-fthreaded" "-ftest-hlint" + "-ftest-doctests" "-f-test-hunit" "-ftest-properties" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Advanced\" Data Structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stunclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api, cryptohash + , cryptohash-cryptoapi, digest, network, QuickCheck, random + , stringprep, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , transformers, unbounded-delays + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stunclient"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i9sbicwx6d3vsp2fxjr31msd1n5nqh1vxb2hn4in5n8y6d32qlx"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal crypto-api cryptohash cryptohash-cryptoapi + digest network random stringprep text transformers unbounded-delays + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal digest network QuickCheck random + test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + unbounded-delays + ]; + description = "RFC 5389: Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "stunts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bullet, bytestring, containers + , directory, elerea, GLFW-b, lambdacube-bullet, lambdacube-engine + , mtl, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stunts"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "075rbdhlrz88qkwx54jrmb4h4jq8q5wk4ncb858llaswcbsfgl8w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bullet bytestring containers directory elerea GLFW-b + lambdacube-bullet lambdacube-engine mtl random vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-portable" "-f-capture" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A revival of the classic game Stunts (LambdaCube tech demo)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stylish-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , directory, filepath, haskell-src-exts, HUnit, mtl, strict, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stylish-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1174gs5a2n6l2flyb2x93yiq7viwb52kbadw6jya6041xrpblckz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cmdargs containers directory filepath + haskell-src-exts mtl strict syb yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cmdargs containers directory filepath + haskell-src-exts HUnit mtl syb test-framework test-framework-hunit + yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell code prettifier"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "stylized" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "stylized"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "09gacqlq3vlnsnbjjr44pjypw9v3amg8sqsxg0xwl8ricxpww774"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ways to output stylized text on ANSI consoles"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "subtitleParser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "subtitleParser"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1kkr6zbnv777gnv2lwq3pyxq3vv5r24f4avwv5g4dds3y8d8mv3q"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base containers text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A parser for .srt and .sub files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "subtitles" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "subtitles"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0pvcwwz6i4mpmir0s2xnjy27j2cnbi4l9lxhlmxcsw4yz4spdgcl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base split ]; + description = "Modify SRT subtitle files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "suffixarray" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "suffixarray"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wa2yfz5y90dq9mf3xyl7126rvjldnaa32gmg253bfv6hjvk4hhp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "n log n implementation of suffix array"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "suffixtree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "suffixtree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ddk2hp27al9jzcgkrhv7v1i7knci4l22flkgb2r94h96z5nhfq6"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient, lazy suffix tree implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sugarhaskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sugarhaskell"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1hlzckm5c1dih79nmwy2gk4fjnn4kxzp3pk0adfyhldapkq6wpmq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library-based syntactic extensibility for Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "suitable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "suitable"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1pvw7zgvfr0z2gjy224gd92ayh20j3v97rdlqmq6k6g4yabdpgci"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Abstract over the constraints on the parameters to type constructors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sundown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sundown"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "09xh3pbyarflfjk17bn2isgpmsq49d6gmq7z918kf4c32fc7x6yb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the sundown markdown library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "sunlight" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, old-locale + , process, random, time, tuple + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sunlight"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q90fxv40jz5ngh6xi1n6xjx6hh1as223wjjhchk6k0y0frdg55x"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory old-locale process random time + tuple + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test Cabalized package against multiple dependency versions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sunroof-compiler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, containers, data-default + , data-reify, mtl, operational, semigroups, tagged + , template-haskell, transformers, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sunroof-compiler"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1r03aw55s4vnpbfk0n39li0aai3wvm209pqdimfkkk3kkan648cz"; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean containers data-default data-reify mtl operational + semigroups tagged template-haskell transformers vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic Javascript Compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sunroof-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, containers, data-default, directory + , filepath, parallel-io, process, QuickCheck, random, semigroups + , shake, stm, sunroof-compiler, sunroof-server + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sunroof-examples"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0bcxai3gq1akbcxqkkj0n52a43zqcnw865bnngy9b4z26b43kj5k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Boolean containers data-default directory filepath parallel-io + process QuickCheck random semigroups shake stm sunroof-compiler + sunroof-server + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tests for Sunroof"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sunroof-server" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, data-default, filepath + , kansas-comet, scientific, scotty, semigroups, stm + , sunroof-compiler, tagged, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector, vector-space, wai-middleware-static + , warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sunroof-server"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "11acyb846wga6g6zcvlaffh299qn0l8jic8syg76cchm3l3348d5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers data-default filepath kansas-comet scientific + scotty semigroups stm sunroof-compiler tagged text time + transformers unordered-containers vector vector-space + wai-middleware-static warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic Javascript Compiler - Server Utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "supercollider-ht" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hosc, hsc3, opensoundcontrol-ht, process + , random, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "supercollider-ht"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1v8nqcfdn2dasiv24lny73bc0xz2d26wvvybhxw6s7dz4bkb9kiw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base hosc hsc3 opensoundcontrol-ht process random transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell SuperCollider utilities"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "supercollider-midi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-seq, array, base, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-transformers, event-list, hosc, hsc3, midi + , midi-alsa, non-negative, opensoundcontrol-ht, random + , supercollider-ht, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "supercollider-midi"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1m3h6d49bjwhldbf4khyp6p8k4vr05m5392nk3d33x3d9pfhl20k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-seq array base containers data-accessor + data-accessor-transformers event-list hosc hsc3 midi midi-alsa + non-negative opensoundcontrol-ht random supercollider-ht + transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Demonstrate how to control SuperCollider via ALSA-MIDI"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "superdoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "superdoc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fjy25fm7hz495dnxl9jw0asfhl23ykyax1w4q4yvkpmx8ars9wd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Additional documentation markup and Unicode support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "supero" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, cpphs, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, mtl, process, time, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "supero"; + version = "3.0"; + sha256 = "0jnip7wahy4z1jiablqzvmbk40as1ala65m7da7gsp0xvf2q7hwf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers cpphs directory filepath haskell-src-exts mtl + process time uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Supercompiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "supervisor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, exceptions, monadloc, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "supervisor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gdgqm89ig236hkrz8sjgy3shqnl961401qgavs4qpqw7r2xk8vx"; + buildDepends = [ base containers exceptions monadloc mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Control an internal monad execution for trace generation, backtrakcking, testing and other purposes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "suspend" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, transformers-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "suspend"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wphk3dabba6rgd9lkxbsmq5vivvyy6b4jfxfndqb53yhdj5nkrg"; + buildDepends = [ base lifted-base transformers-base ]; + description = "Simple package that allows for long thread suspensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svg2q" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, language-c, pretty, svgutils, syb + , xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svg2q"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "0bkhh1klwp3lgsx0s62bpdhsw9sa1cdw8gjijj9npnygznbi7jhj"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell98 language-c pretty svgutils syb xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Code generation tool for Quartz code from a SVG"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svgcairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, librsvg, mtl + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svgcairo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s9hwvxj2nk7w9qkjkqr8ah8lgxl43v04sdvjibh15rj8w4j2hms"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo glib mtl text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ librsvg ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the libsvg-cairo library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svgutils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svgutils"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "131mic1c09adcphry7153bviiib59avxrd7dgwny0vdmw23cgfs1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helper functions for dealing with SVG files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19fr1lzp8j0hmqqy1hyx85gmkgxc2hy8cz5zv6jlvni0qqibiksz"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A support vector machine written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "svm-light-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svm-light-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nphv98ch0s336rr9nm7bw7vagn4qa5fv6xk6fjkbr5fs19ddbs2"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsers and formatters for the SVMlight input file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svm-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bindings-svm, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, directory, monad-par, mwc-random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svm-simple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07s9mly01ar6c3p4fdl7wsi5j4bziagjjlbssr7x6s3ab5r8k9vd"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bindings-svm bytestring containers deepseq directory + monad-par mwc-random vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Medium level, simplified, bindings to libsvm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "svndump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, doctest, filepath, old-locale, text, time, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "svndump"; + version = "0.4.5"; + sha256 = "0m6agn9riamsadf13w1g6i0nx59xl812112xdkqh0zl34rf5hkwp"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers filepath old-locale text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring directory doctest filepath zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for reading Subversion dump files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "swagger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, tasty, tasty-hunit, text + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "swagger"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0b3yj37l80nvk2qnd1hnvqr6xsh11v7sb6s75wnr5gm6v7q5fd47"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring text time transformers ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base bytestring tasty tasty-hunit ]; + description = "Implementation of swagger data model"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "swapper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, deepseq, happstack-data + , happstack-state, parallel, tokyocabinet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "swapper"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0a9g6cv7pvwna11cz1xc274rs0dgyhb84hqqdg5zyga7kkx0i06l"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring deepseq happstack-data happstack-state + parallel + ]; + extraLibraries = [ tokyocabinet ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transparently swapping data from in-memory structures to disk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "swf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "swf"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1jx5941kb97w4zpgz7m1r2x2lxllmi1i9a9nmwflinyj74xxg1rl"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for creating Shockwave Flash (SWF) files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "swift-lda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-prim, mwc-random + , primitive, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "swift-lda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cjvj7v8kjabv6a146hwgyk8k6b4z7gz4yrhz3d0nxa86ilvjl9q"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers ghc-prim mwc-random primitive vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Online sampler for Latent Dirichlet Allocation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "swish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hashable + , HUnit, intern, mtl, network-uri, old-locale, polyparse + , semigroups, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "swish"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00xgrwgss64mf7ycrfnibg55w1w3xsfmi07sg79ykjm03cmb15qd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hashable intern mtl network-uri + old-locale polyparse semigroups text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hashable HUnit network-uri old-locale semigroups + test-framework test-framework-hunit text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-w3ctests" "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A semantic web toolkit"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "sws" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring + , crypto-pubkey, crypto-random, directory, filepath, hourglass + , http-types, network, pem, resourcet, transformers, wai, wai-extra + , wai-middleware-static, warp, warp-tls, x509 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sws"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dhv6g85wyc4g52cc675k40ij0ga26gzbcxvyz8c02z2gbbsasm8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring crypto-pubkey + crypto-random directory filepath hourglass http-types network pem + resourcet transformers wai wai-extra wai-middleware-static warp + warp-tls x509 + ]; + description = "A simple web server for serving directories, similar to weborf"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syb"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "11sc9kmfvcn9bfxf227fgmny502z2h9xs3z0m9ak66lk0dw6f406"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HUnit mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scrap Your Boilerplate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syb-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, eq, prelude-extras }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syb-extras"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1l1637kf1f7n5nvcp2hv516qah7baykh5w2wmil2b909k75iq2x9"; + buildDepends = [ base eq prelude-extras ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Higher order versions of the Scrap Your Boilerplate classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syb-with-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syb-with-class"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gn4p92jabgvbk7bg1nzjimyfzznl800bi9hw4ssvc7jqqnyw5zn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers template-haskell + ]; + description = "Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syb-with-class-instances-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb-with-class, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syb-with-class-instances-text"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0vnpqk89nxs0anx62mzasl9wrcscw18vwc284y067ryb086aj2hf"; + buildDepends = [ base syb-with-class text ]; + description = "Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class Text instance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sylvia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, comonad-transformers, data-default + , data-lens, data-lens-template, gtk, optparse-applicative, parsec + , smallcheck, test-framework, test-framework-smallcheck + , transformers, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sylvia"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1yjvjfkg623kpnzpkknljfgcizyf3jsvkncz49yjsy9j2iklqg2k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo comonad-transformers data-default data-lens + data-lens-template gtk optparse-applicative parsec transformers + void + ]; + testDepends = [ + base parsec smallcheck test-framework test-framework-smallcheck + void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lambda calculus visualization"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sym" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, hashable, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sym"; + version = "0.11.1"; + sha256 = "140wy1l2y71v70fhl1z4sa5dvasz5f98w2knayhd7lvw15cglmbj"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers hashable QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Permutations, patterns, and statistics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sym-plot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, diagrams-cairo, diagrams-lib, sym }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sym-plot"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0186i6c3dyvs5pa4fh0b284wgpm10pgwax9prahirnq8whph94p2"; + buildDepends = [ base diagrams-cairo diagrams-lib sym ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Plot permutations; an addition to the sym package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "symbol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "symbol"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "0cc8kdm68pirb0s7n46v0yvw5b718qf7qip40jkg5q3c3xsafx6h"; + buildDepends = [ base containers deepseq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A 'Symbol' type for fast symbol comparison"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "sync" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sync"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10c2divizmjij5w7x2ky6dzhq6y6wr6qq1pwl7wlhgv663y9yalk"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + description = "A fast implementation of synchronous channels with a CML-like API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "synchronous-channels" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synchronous-channels"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0j9ikxd7mihy2ljb8s14lz50nj8x30siffpdznlzs7ps0s97cszh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Synchronous communication channels"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "synt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, argparser, base, haskell-src-exts, hpc, hspec + , regexpr, split, Synt + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synt"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "12d9ilb81vcm24s8whk2cbq1nxlrzdsr7049962q6b0vkrk64v5v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ argparser base haskell-src-exts regexpr split ]; + testDepends = [ + argparser base haskell-src-exts hpc hspec regexpr split Synt + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Similar code analysis"; + license = "unknown"; + }) { Synt = null; }; + + "syntactic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, containers, data-hash, mtl + , QuickCheck, safe, tagged, tasty, tasty-golden, tasty-quickcheck + , tasty-th, template-haskell, tree-view, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntactic"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "0b90afdfymsbgllk8np3xfkgrn2b5ry3n2wbpkn660rknsayw94x"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints containers data-hash mtl safe tagged + template-haskell tree-view + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers QuickCheck tagged tasty tasty-golden + tasty-quickcheck tasty-th utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic representation and manipulation of abstract syntax"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syntactical" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntactical"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sqnmarmdm4mha28h8gbp3jddlig84v7zqn53a29047w3877g3gw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Distfix expression parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syntax" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, mono-traversable, scientific, semi-iso + , text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dhbzbf1zlpfjhnacqfhzvjznwlzv39c12a3y8ivqhplnkmqsm7x"; + buildDepends = [ + base lens mono-traversable scientific semi-iso text vector + ]; + description = "Reversible parsing and pretty-printing"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-attoparsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, scientific, semi-iso + , syntax, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-attoparsec"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ygikzc7s967bh9yz19r9zd2r1jychlf04cylbigaakrxnnkj4hi"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring scientific semi-iso syntax text vector + ]; + description = "Syntax instances for Attoparsec"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-example" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, lens, scientific, semi-iso + , syntax, syntax-attoparsec, syntax-printer, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-example"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1szfapnlcgr19cipm4q68w7p52sw2hapks63vcnn9qfjnav17ljr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base lens scientific semi-iso syntax syntax-attoparsec + syntax-printer text + ]; + description = "Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-example-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, lens, scientific + , semi-iso, syntax, syntax-attoparsec, syntax-printer, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-example-json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bgv2y97rk5jr2gkl4d1pm19v3pl1gziz4sxnlv9w539dna0dwim"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers lens scientific semi-iso syntax + syntax-attoparsec syntax-printer text + ]; + description = "Example JSON parser/pretty-printer"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-pretty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty, scientific, semi-iso, syntax, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-pretty"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dyv0d998lbjndiw05hz9rmiazzz3rvw8hqdx5npb6yjmq237zmf"; + buildDepends = [ base pretty scientific semi-iso syntax text ]; + description = "Syntax instance for pretty, the pretty printing library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-printer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, scientific, semi-iso + , semigroupoids, syntax, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-printer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "051gkxj9qgrmjp8jl48nb7487y2hd6ymrzjl62k2faa0cfz6sbqz"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring scientific semi-iso semigroupoids syntax + text vector + ]; + description = "Text and ByteString printers for 'syntax'"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "syntax-trees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, hint, mtl + , template-haskell, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-trees"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "19lgaiql3d8v6w8dl0a7adrfw63ch5376dz6y4jzndrwzi43p9sb"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts hint mtl template-haskell uniplate + ]; + description = "Convert between different Haskell syntax trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syntax-trees-fork-bairyn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, hint, mtl + , template-haskell, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syntax-trees-fork-bairyn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n4k8m4zl5phxyrh6s46ijxcba9iljyh7zvhrrzzaw3d00nfvqg6"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts hint mtl template-haskell uniplate + ]; + description = "Convert between different Haskell syntax trees. Bairyn's fork."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, event-list, filepath, gnuplot, non-negative + , numeric-prelude, numeric-quest, old-time, process, QuickCheck + , random, sox, storable-record, storablevector, transformers + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n5r7061x8212a8wfv0j9g28l79lxgbymr1f0m1qgzkhqf80gz3d"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory event-list + filepath gnuplot non-negative numeric-prelude numeric-quest + old-time process QuickCheck random sox storable-record + storablevector transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-buildtests" "-f-buildprofilers" "-f-buildexamples" + "-foptimizeadvanced" "-fcategory" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio signal processing coded in Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer-alsa" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-pcm, alsa-seq, base, event-list + , midi, midi-alsa, non-negative, numeric-prelude, old-time, random + , sox, storablevector, synthesizer-core, synthesizer-dimensional + , synthesizer-midi, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-alsa"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0k4hnhldrqjxz391p45rc125d2v8pbx23qxsvfs4hwra886imny3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-pcm alsa-seq base event-list midi midi-alsa + non-negative numeric-prelude old-time random sox storablevector + synthesizer-core synthesizer-dimensional synthesizer-midi + transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-buildexamples" "-f-optimizeadvanced" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Control synthesizer effects via ALSA/MIDI"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, event-list, explicit-exception, filepath, non-empty + , non-negative, numeric-prelude, numeric-quest, process, QuickCheck + , random, sample-frame-np, sox, storable-record, storable-tuple + , storablevector, stream-fusion, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r2www48svwvca6c0v1pgybhd0dmv2ajmc44iaz47wn5ia1vwcfn"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers deepseq event-list + explicit-exception filepath non-empty non-negative numeric-prelude + numeric-quest process QuickCheck random sample-frame-np sox + storable-record storable-tuple storablevector stream-fusion + transformers utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers event-list non-empty non-negative numeric-prelude + QuickCheck random storable-tuple storablevector utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-foptimizeadvanced" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer-dimensional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, event-list, non-negative + , numeric-prelude, random, sox, storable-record, storablevector + , synthesizer-core, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-dimensional"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y3jnlzpgs0n42vf5ami98c3nc1kz645spxirdaqn60f3ig4bvzb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring event-list non-negative numeric-prelude random sox + storable-record storablevector synthesizer-core transformers + utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" "-foptimizeadvanced" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio signal processing with static physical dimensions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer-inference" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, event-list, non-negative, numeric-prelude + , random, synthesizer-core, transformers, UniqueLogicNP, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-inference"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "07jhdd73vrhlvx6aq6rdd78qk8vfy2jcc9vrdrf8y6ikq6ir99rb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base event-list non-negative numeric-prelude random + synthesizer-core transformers UniqueLogicNP utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-buildexamples" "-f-buildtests" "-f-buildprofilers" + "-foptimizeadvanced" "-fcategory" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio signal processing with dynamic physical dimensions"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { UniqueLogicNP = null; }; + + "synthesizer-llvm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, event-list, filepath, llvm-extra + , llvm-tf, midi, non-empty, non-negative, numeric-prelude, random + , sox, storable-record, storable-tuple, storablevector + , synthesizer-core, synthesizer-midi, tfp, transformers, unsafe + , utility-ht, vault + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-llvm"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "1cbqcabgxc358799l2ch9hzcgd1chwz226wbg79ndl0f17kf9hg8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers event-list filepath llvm-extra llvm-tf midi + non-empty non-negative numeric-prelude random sox storable-record + storable-tuple storablevector synthesizer-core synthesizer-midi tfp + transformers unsafe utility-ht vault + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fjack" "-falsa" "-f-buildtests" "-f-buildexamples" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient signal processing using runtime compilation"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "synthesizer-midi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, data-accessor + , data-accessor-transformers, deepseq, event-list, midi + , non-negative, numeric-prelude, sox, storable-record + , storablevector, synthesizer-core, synthesizer-dimensional + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "synthesizer-midi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xsfjgh82nxpwrhpllhjxxzaj42cxb5cbbpgwd1b1bsv67441h2x"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers data-accessor data-accessor-transformers + deepseq event-list midi non-negative numeric-prelude sox + storable-record storablevector synthesizer-core + synthesizer-dimensional transformers utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-buildtests" "-f-buildexamples" "-fsplitbase" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Render audio signals from MIDI files or realtime messages"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "sys-auth-smbclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, process, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "sys-auth-smbclient"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00j1ss8xsnd8m0v0p9r9mampbczclzanzcli2qrxcl4j9vkp2mb7"; + buildDepends = [ base process text ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Auth with smbclient command"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "system-argv0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, system-filepath, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-argv0"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1ijfry2r3cypp3zmws6dczk21m4n86fkxjld7yl19gjp46fxllbd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring system-filepath text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Get argv[0] as a FilePath"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "system-canonicalpath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, directory, system-filepath + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-canonicalpath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02gvybjd9ka0pks2jlv5m1h46wibkqswf7ifr5bkipv284ma2ycz"; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude directory system-filepath text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract data type for canonical paths with pretty operations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "system-command" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, process + , QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-command"; + version = "0.0.10"; + sha256 = "11lfr6xm5xpvq4244pc7a0psy2m1krz0b1jd9pdw6kzn5ammi1b2"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A replacement for System.Exit and System.Process"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-fileio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, chell, system-filepath + , temporary, text, time, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-fileio"; + version = "0.3.16"; + sha256 = "1x18ffhas6bhjis0glf0xd6ap8vy7cap8lkmnkn4px83d82yzi8k"; + editedCabalFile = "27687f6a2383c74296863a8593ee788f1310d0795a5a110f4bdf80bb74e6d23f"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring system-filepath text time unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring chell system-filepath temporary text time + transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "system-filepath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, chell, chell-quickcheck, deepseq + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-filepath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0b9hzg0s7j3xd6szfac84viqijkakdq0s2hr4d23yh6ai79v04d4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring chell chell-quickcheck QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "system-gpio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-gpio"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1i718k96xvsfl9rh1x4n5ra88838wd6rzmj3p70bfkxxrsvv1zi4"; + buildDepends = [ array base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GPIO wrapper libary for Raspberry Pi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-inotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-inotify"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ndw4vcvvf7p6nb5vn91mhbj4w9lmgm4cl0jzsks4mxs625bv4lg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to Linux's inotify interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-lifted" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, either, haskell-src-meta + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-lifted"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c27y14867dd6706kp9n9y287vi7vqfzd2qr9365mk2854zvqifw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory either haskell-src-meta template-haskell text time + transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lifted versions of System functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-posix-redirect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-posix-redirect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wkfz898d3607xnx779l1k1qc8i2k63ixg47542r45scwq8m0lsk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + description = "A toy module to temporarily redirect a program's stdout"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-random-effect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-api, extensible-effects + , HUnit, mersenne-random-pure64, primitive, QuickCheck, statistics + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-random-effect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gfzyjap173brh0i4plgad0409hpah98wsf9w0n7mcr2ysrvjdmb"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-api extensible-effects + mersenne-random-pure64 primitive statistics vector + vector-algorithms + ]; + testDepends = [ + base extensible-effects HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Random number generation for extensible effects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-time-monotonic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-time-monotonic"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0f5grhh6x2fbawmdk0gq1nsjz47iz8f8r2592d1l69fqddwdhc3v"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple library for using the system's monotonic clock"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "system-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, easy-data, either, filepath + , hspec, quickcheck-instances, semigroups, system-lifted + , template-haskell, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-util"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0sjgsm4n3imnl45zgpvs1vd10wmgci2am03kpjphbqgi5bdywzqk"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory either filepath semigroups system-lifted + template-haskell transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory easy-data either filepath hspec quickcheck-instances + semigroups system-lifted template-haskell transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various system utils lifted to EitherT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { easy-data = null; }; + + "system-uuid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, libossp_uuid + , murmur-hash, parsec, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "system-uuid"; + version = "2.1.1"; + sha256 = "12c05aqgxfqfsc5hbwlfwy6rhcx29ywz6ai86009y45hx9iii4cb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers murmur-hash parsec + template-haskell + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libossp_uuid ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cli" "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to system UUID functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "systemd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, transformers, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "systemd"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "10iyiw0m543bx9j9vdnz2lpnc3944i7ff9vbpdivvgv5z7gd17yn"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network transformers unix ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Systemd facilities (Socket activation, Notify)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "syz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "syz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m5395937yyxsa1bmlfn1dxa1jr15yjhlz9s15bpwapshcd8119y"; + buildDepends = [ base syb ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scrap Your Zippers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, ghc-prim, mtl, Takusen + , template-haskell, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ta"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1i9d34gdxrc0gnny5zgp73m0si9583i8w0gw97mqpyha4pzz6hxx"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers ghc-prim mtl Takusen template-haskell time + ]; + homepage = "not available"; + description = "Transito Abierto: convenience library when using Takusen and Oracle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "table" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csv, optparse-applicative, process, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "table"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1aqi8ivmlzi5j8kxjcwyd2nbz9jpp6q3xya8acsni5fis9l4757w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base csv optparse-applicative process split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tool to generate tables from DSV input"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tableaux" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cgi, containers, html, mtl, parsec + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tableaux"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0dc1qdjlwxqjfb286knmbam6y9w9wlr6ah7l2ndq33yia4n2jp8b"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cgi containers html mtl parsec QuickCheck ]; + description = "An interactive theorem prover based on semantic tableaux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cereal, comonad, containers, deepseq + , directory, doctest, filepath, hashable, lens, profunctors + , safecopy, template-haskell, transformers, transformers-compat + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tables"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "131c97lgni0b9pmkdfd5y0lwrb9yh9qyahknhrim8dzpkkfynk49"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary cereal comonad containers deepseq hashable lens + profunctors safecopy template-haskell transformers + transformers-compat unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory doctest filepath lens transformers + unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-transformers2" "-ftest-properties" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "In-memory storage with multiple keys using lenses and traversals"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tablestorage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, conduit + , crypto-api, cryptohash, HTTP, http-conduit, http-types, mtl + , network, old-locale, resourcet, SHA, time, transformers + , utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tablestorage"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03j8cqq85i9wikw772swazbvyv1dcw0mnhmqq3slydl0axi12yr8"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring conduit crypto-api cryptohash + HTTP http-conduit http-types mtl network old-locale resourcet SHA + time transformers utf8-string xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tabloid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, gtk, hint, parallel + , process, regex-base, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tabloid"; + version = "0.47"; + sha256 = "1qcay15g6g2c9h6vfc7pi7rl4d8fsl09vrq33pdqvgg2fp2xclh3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers gtk hint parallel process regex-base + regex-posix + ]; + description = "View the output of shell commands in a table"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tabular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csv, html, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tabular"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00d1f8yr7kbg30ziv09pb8f4apcvrfb6izb26my1s97kw9ixa740"; + buildDepends = [ base csv html mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "taffybar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, dbus, dyre + , enclosed-exceptions, filepath, gtk, gtk-traymanager + , HStringTemplate, HTTP, mtl, network, network-uri, old-locale + , parsec, process, safe, split, stm, text, time, transformers + , utf8-string, X11, xdg-basedir, xmonad, xmonad-contrib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taffybar"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "046nfp878mqj9acsid94mqp8q1yqnm1hsdkv88m5qpmn182xljwh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers dbus dyre enclosed-exceptions filepath gtk + gtk-traymanager HStringTemplate HTTP mtl network network-uri + old-locale parsec process safe split stm text time transformers + utf8-string X11 xdg-basedir xmonad xmonad-contrib + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "tag-bits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tag-bits"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0crn1g3dh97s3b55z0pkvjm9h89kq99c2agk687vr0vij6r5di65"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides access to the dynamic pointer tagging bits used by GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tag-stream" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , enumerator + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tag-stream"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "160kyp1w3y3zg0hj198v5a3jvhpfdy0y0lfz4r2d8azay4f1pkmn"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring enumerator + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "streamlined html tag parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagchup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , explicit-exception, transformers, utility-ht, xml-basic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagchup"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wjins7kmmmq9s8gawibnk7sr46jblclzxyj9xqxabj3vs8j6l76"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor explicit-exception + transformers utility-ht xml-basic + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "alternative package for processing of tag soups"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tagged" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged"; + version = "0.7.3"; + sha256 = "016bzws7w09xhyyqiz56ahlf7zhagihn370ga0083fgv172lym7b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagged-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, data-default, pureMD5 + , spoon + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged-binary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ci2dgqix1r9x4k77igv367r3z1qphd906cg1mxfw92mq61m7f0w"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring data-default pureMD5 spoon + ]; + description = "Provides tools for serializing data tagged with type information"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tagged-exception-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, mmorph, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged-exception-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02ny4yz9afaazw2pxpkpalffx8i5nhi3x9561blrd0pdrqq8qnib"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions mmorph transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase-ge-4_2" "-f-pedantic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reflect exceptions using phantom types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagged-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, AbortT-transformers, base, binary, natural-number + , type-equality, type-level-natural-number + , type-level-natural-number-induction + , type-level-natural-number-operations + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged-list"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1gdkq9d6hc25z9y8wcsjq10vz25fw40hz2hbp8jfwczhchdxy35s"; + buildDepends = [ + AbortT-transformers base binary natural-number type-equality + type-level-natural-number type-level-natural-number-induction + type-level-natural-number-operations + ]; + description = "Lists tagged with a type-level natural number representing their length"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagged-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tagged, template-haskell, type-spine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged-th"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1qqysn5zrkx2q3rv8ynf6nmy5rwdqk6niw0fphg5kyrg72h31s69"; + buildDepends = [ base tagged template-haskell type-spine ]; + description = "QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell splices for creating proxies at higher-kinds"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagged-transformer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, contravariant, distributive + , exceptions, mtl, reflection, semigroupoids, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagged-transformer"; + version = "0.7.1"; + sha256 = "1qgfx546pj4aqdblb4gddfxp642snn5dx4kxj3sn5q7c9lsgdh8j"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad contravariant distributive exceptions mtl reflection + semigroupoids tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides newtype wrappers for phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagging" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pcre-light }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagging"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "012lcbp2c9a38s4l2i9jaiqcxaidk93v7gxcnf9lplixrnzczy93"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring pcre-light ]; + homepage = "git://"; + description = "Library for tagging data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "taggy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , directory, hspec, hspec-attoparsec, text, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taggy"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "18azsibsfjz4zj69dk4a3jrdw6zvd8n1gsd1ynd2hy7i9z168iw8"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-html blaze-markup text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-html blaze-markup directory hspec + hspec-attoparsec text unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "taggy-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, hspec, lens, taggy, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taggy-lens"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "05m2c9q0rz4y0zz6n3dqf0hhzfvk0mp1692jxykg86c802d7pkib"; + buildDepends = [ base lens taggy text unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest hspec lens taggy text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses for the taggy html/xml parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "taglib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, tag_c, taglib_c, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taglib"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "16qyfy8rxaab0q9j2v00h4j5d3la95acfhmp32x1hdxz1rwr6zfp"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring utf8-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ tag_c ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ taglib_c ]; + description = "Binding to TagLib (ID3 tag library)"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { tag_c = null; taglib_c = null; }; + + "taglib-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, taglib_c, text + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taglib-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ahbwi28yjigbkgfv52iaaqalmmlc4d09fa65l0yczxrs7rzchmj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers mtl text transformers + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ taglib_c ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fusepkgconfig" ]; + description = "An FFI layer over TagLib's C bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { taglib_c = null; }; + + "tagset-positional" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, parsec, text + , text-binary + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagset-positional"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0x1mwwlwhka12bzshy0j0w7iq9ka6kn1jgsifi26jmg7zf79zydf"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers parsec text text-binary ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Positional tags and tagsets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagshare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagshare"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "1q3chp1rmwmxa8rxv7548wsvbqbng6grrnv1587p08385sp4ncfj"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "TagShare - explicit sharing with tags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagsoup" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagsoup"; + version = "0.13.3"; + sha256 = "13b6zy6346r3cxhaivys84fnxarg8wbv7r2znazfjdkqil8n5a1j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-download" "-f-testprog" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagsoup-ht" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-accessor + , explicit-exception, old-time, tagsoup, transformers, utility-ht + , xml-basic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagsoup-ht"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1yxb1lmayqqlnxx4jgcbvya8llfgdbbr8rvcxwicwjrq3xsjl8km"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-accessor explicit-exception + old-time tagsoup transformers utility-ht xml-basic + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "alternative parser for the tagsoup package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tagsoup-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagsoup-parsec"; + version = "0.0.8"; + sha256 = "0h62kqls8nrq5wqxbzvxav4kfn1lxc6qm5vg8dhkvqdp5z6xnkzk"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec tagsoup ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tokenizes Tag, so [ Tag ] can be used as parser input"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tagstream-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra, data-default, hspec + , HUnit, QuickCheck, resourcet, text, transformers, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tagstream-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1arlf7qil9bzcqykda8yyrnncm29jsfjvz5kbcdrbbhqpbqfi5mj"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive conduit + conduit-extra data-default resourcet text transformers xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit hspec HUnit QuickCheck resourcet text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "streamlined html tag parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "takusen-oracle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, clntsh, mtl, old-time, QuickCheck, random + , sqlplus, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "takusen-oracle"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "1d57zcv409d3w6qz8n1c8k93wqrqvgynm327vx3w8p7kqs20yaad"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl old-time QuickCheck random time ]; + buildTools = [ sqlplus ]; + extraLibraries = [ clntsh ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Database library with left-fold interface for Oracle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { clntsh = null; sqlplus = null; }; + + "tamarin-prover" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, array, base, binary, blaze-builder + , blaze-html, bytestring, cmdargs, conduit, containers, deepseq + , derive, directory, dlist, fclabels, filepath, hamlet, http-types + , HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl, old-locale, parallel + , parsec, process, safe, shakespeare, syb, tamarin-prover-term + , tamarin-prover-theory, tamarin-prover-utils, text, threads, time + , transformers, uniplate, wai, warp, yesod-core, yesod-json + , yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tamarin-prover"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g7gwqaykvn2r7zbddcvcr4qjs78n0w0cvzk9sfm51i0xgmx3llg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson array base binary blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring cmdargs + conduit containers deepseq derive directory dlist fclabels filepath + hamlet http-types HUnit lifted-base monad-control mtl old-locale + parallel parsec process safe shakespeare syb tamarin-prover-term + tamarin-prover-theory tamarin-prover-utils text threads time + transformers uniplate wai warp yesod-core yesod-json yesod-static + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-build-tests" "-ftest-coverage" "-fthreaded" "-f-no-gui" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Tamarin prover for security protocol analysis"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tamarin-prover-term" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , deepseq, derive, directory, dlist, HUnit, mtl, parsec, process + , safe, split, syb, tamarin-prover-utils + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tamarin-prover-term"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17wq4hr7wfxw5x52jzk8882197zq1lwdqk5yr9wagsbn7hldmaa5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring containers deepseq derive + directory dlist HUnit mtl parsec process safe split syb + tamarin-prover-utils + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tamarin-prover-theory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, deepseq, derive, directory, dlist, fclabels, filepath + , HUnit, mtl, parallel, parsec, process, safe, syb + , tamarin-prover-term, tamarin-prover-utils, time, transformers + , uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tamarin-prover-theory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xc11mrzfg1v8ilp7yb1zlg2359w14szhbdy86pbfzbjl31852l3"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring cmdargs containers deepseq derive + directory dlist fclabels filepath HUnit mtl parallel parsec process + safe syb tamarin-prover-term tamarin-prover-utils time transformers + uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tamarin-prover-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-builder + , bytestring, containers, deepseq, dlist, fclabels, mtl, parsec + , pretty, SHA, syb, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tamarin-prover-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11phn05fb8s80g6zk6sly8wi1rl8i3rnymkr99la8abr8yw12j3c"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bytestring containers + deepseq dlist fclabels mtl parsec pretty SHA syb time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility library for the tamarin prover"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tamper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, safe, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tamper"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "16ca5c4w0qmar1nv4m91cwrjw38ql76lphxd25d063d5v77lwr8z"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl safe text ]; + description = "An HTML templating system similar to Blaze, implemented as a monad transformer of sorts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, old-time + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vbsv7h3zgp30mlgsw156jkv1rqy5zbm98as9haf7x15hd6jf254"; + editedCabalFile = "1653792be4d9c7ea3181842ece695f0fee9bb52bc99694bca97e0b1f826775e4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath old-time time + ]; + description = "Reading, writing and manipulating \".tar\" archive files."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tardis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tardis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15f88b5qg4v1ah60y0jxkww9n6z7gvnkslx4inckh6m6c7yvj8k6"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-use-undecidable-instances" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bidirectional state monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "target" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, deepseq, directory + , exceptions, filepath, ghc, ghc-paths, ghc-prim, liquid-fixpoint + , liquidhaskell, mtl, pretty, process, syb, tagged, tasty + , tasty-hunit, template-haskell, text, text-format, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "target"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08n2r457yjywfyb4pgjsrp96gb3h79zhmw2h042bvh89k36n44y1"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory exceptions filepath ghc ghc-paths + liquid-fixpoint liquidhaskell mtl pretty process syb tagged + template-haskell text text-format transformers unordered-containers + vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers deepseq ghc ghc-prim liquid-fixpoint + liquidhaskell mtl tagged tasty tasty-hunit template-haskell + unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Generate test-suites from refinement types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "task" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , csv-enumerator, directory, filepath, old-locale, random, text + , time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "task"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0z4f4hs2c7xl6c134bqhk81wzxhb6yf7fsar2fnqvahviaqqgzqn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers csv-enumerator + directory filepath old-locale random text time unix + ]; + description = "A command line tool for keeping track of tasks you worked on"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "taskpool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, fgl, hspec, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "taskpool"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "02r7y882sfj7m3yaj68v40f4065ajiig2b25v55svh13jars7c3n"; + buildDepends = [ async base containers fgl stm transformers ]; + testDepends = [ async base containers fgl hspec stm transformers ]; + description = "Manage pools of possibly interdependent tasks using STM and async"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, containers, deepseq + , mtl, optparse-applicative, regex-tdfa-rc, stm, tagged, time + , unbounded-delays + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "1l8ah7018f3m8css56h59fcly1jhanm5wd0hbgm8mg6pn7rrjml5"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base containers deepseq mtl + optparse-applicative regex-tdfa-rc stm tagged time unbounded-delays + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Modern and extensible testing framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty-ant-xml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, generic-deriving, ghc-prim, mtl + , stm, tagged, tasty, transformers, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-ant-xml"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1wb9lm9rbk46g9cm2lpcrzh59zpcy270p824agg61bj1xb9jymsc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers generic-deriving ghc-prim mtl stm tagged tasty + transformers xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Render tasty output to XML for Jenkins"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-golden" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , directory, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative, process, tagged + , tasty, tasty-hunit, temporary-rc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-golden"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "096c4h306r4z7wq8nm94mwmdndm0mwd6hhiqf77iilpdndasrl1c"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers deepseq directory filepath mtl + optparse-applicative process tagged tasty temporary-rc + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath process tasty tasty-hunit temporary-rc + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Golden tests support for tasty"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty-hspec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-core, QuickCheck, random, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-hspec"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "15ly6jf4kgdc15k6b584d99j18xb41alas62gyakw5sf8y0y02i6"; + buildDepends = [ + base hspec hspec-core QuickCheck random tasty tasty-quickcheck + tasty-smallcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hspec support for the Tasty test framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, containers, filepath + , generic-deriving, mtl, stm, tagged, tasty, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-html"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0a4j8w4gm8wr9pgmkkahadl5k2sd19za9f6x323f01v4ff455hwg"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring containers filepath generic-deriving mtl + stm tagged tasty text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Render tasty output to HTML"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty-hunit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tasty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-hunit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rhdjb4fakcbkz4cvmmf679zad9h5yr31i1g9xm1338p6xd4vwcb"; + buildDepends = [ base tasty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit support for the Tasty test framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty-hunit-adapter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, tasty, tasty-hunit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-hunit-adapter"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0626islqqkncdma8790z2z47r8x90y9v7fj0p5nhkw6mpy6p0ifg"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit tasty tasty-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use existing HUnit tests with tasty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-integrate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers + , deepseq, directory, either, haskell-src-exts + , language-haskell-extract, lens, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-property-comb, regex-posix, split, stm, stringbuilder + , system-filepath, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, transformers + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-integrate"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0zjbs7ax5nrxcg1njnrliavablda5rgjciq2h3nycvic8r1g9p7x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring cmdargs containers directory either + haskell-src-exts language-haskell-extract lens mtl parsec + regex-posix split system-filepath tasty tasty-quickcheck text + transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers deepseq directory haskell-src-exts lens + mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-property-comb regex-posix split stm + stringbuilder system-filepath tasty tasty-quickcheck text + transformers + ]; + description = "automated integration of QuickCheck properties into tasty suites"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-program" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, tasty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-program"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "04q2pp7hwqiiry17dd3ng0i6ikqzpg7hfgf0ckcg33xw450kpx9n"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process tasty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Use tasty framework to test whether a program executes correctly"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pcre-light, QuickCheck, tagged, tasty + , tasty-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-quickcheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q1fghmsjrdl6jkcnajmsvw4d893m6cyhzpai9vvrhxy9vdy0l1v"; + buildDepends = [ base QuickCheck tagged tasty ]; + testDepends = [ base pcre-light tasty tasty-hunit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-quickcheck" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tasty-rerun" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, optparse-applicative + , reducers, split, stm, tagged, tasty, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-rerun"; + version = "1.1.3"; + sha256 = "1pgm3h7kyg7q8ydgqqj9sn65ckl6i7cz6a8g1cfighf4gy5y0cj3"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl optparse-applicative reducers split stm tagged + tasty transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run tests by filtering the test tree depending on the result of previous test runs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-smallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, smallcheck, tagged, tasty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-smallcheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yckfbz8na8ccyw2911i3a4hd3fdncclk3ng5343hs5cylw6y4sm"; + buildDepends = [ async base smallcheck tagged tasty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "SmallCheck support for the Tasty test framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tasty-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, language-haskell-extract, tasty + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tasty-th"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1fl5pagm9bdqvp7v54ilkr91m667rxw1jifwfdhrikr938aqrzx3"; + buildDepends = [ + base language-haskell-extract tasty template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automagically generate the HUnit- and Quickcheck-bulk-code using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tau" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tau"; + version = "6.2831"; + sha256 = "10vw3y3vimqpb22amhk7n0d0jni46j60iva1gqa28ky8lhqq8ssz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Tau, the ratio between any circle's circumference and radius"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, cautious-file, containers + , directory, filepath, IfElse, monad-loops, mtl, random + , safe-failure, stm-io-hooks + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tbox"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0qsc4mdiryrf3pqzzjvx57iz92xagp7692h312q2pm412zg6p1vy"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary cautious-file containers directory filepath + IfElse monad-loops mtl random safe-failure stm-io-hooks + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Transactional variables and data structures with IO hooks"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "tcache-AWS" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws, base, bytestring, conduit, http-conduit + , network, TCache, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tcache-AWS"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "18hi8jvc117pxjhpb891hqlsbi4wvmd6nr3vwnqqr7rcw2dsmnwv"; + buildDepends = [ + aws base bytestring conduit http-conduit network TCache text + ]; + description = "tcache using Amazon Web Services as default persistence mechanism"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tccli" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, tokyocabinet-haskell + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tccli"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ljfn9dvyncl205mrnpic5j0633gnzka03gjc4dmccsqq0c1wjm7"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring tokyocabinet-haskell utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TokyoCabinet CLI interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tconfig" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tconfig"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "05cnlbrdddbrdwlm8s7b76ydwrn49vaifdgaklfhv8rzz9dfpvbr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Simple text configuration file parser library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tcp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, old-time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tcp"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1wqkfnkd2di9a6h0br33fd7jaf1yqpaf7kjnpjwp52l4xv04ajlv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers old-time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A purely functional TCP implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tdd-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HUnit, lens + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, parallel-io, process, QuickCheck + , random, string-class, system-posix-redirect, tagged + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tdd-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1d9avxpj2d90agd2pvc905j7jfa4rssl7bnrp2fmky4hfcbqa8ly"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit lens MonadCatchIO-transformers parallel-io + process QuickCheck random system-posix-redirect tagged + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit lens MonadCatchIO-transformers parallel-io + process QuickCheck random string-class system-posix-redirect tagged + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 time + transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fquickcheck26" ]; + description = "Test framework wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tdoc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, template-haskell, transformers + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tdoc"; + version = "0.4.6"; + sha256 = "0gslj3z3lnh2wl7ljg8rza6kmmgfmgv94hgla75nblirvyka8v48"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring template-haskell transformers xhtml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TDoc is a typed document builder with support for (X)HTML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "teams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fgl, graphviz }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "teams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04jq7qdh0kr55a7a3gkjc8dgn130bp0kqh8qcmf284wz981vj9gd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers fgl graphviz ]; + description = "Graphical modeling tools for sequential teams"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tellbot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, errors, mtl, network + , split, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tellbot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fnc5rbwmyc7ikjvl95cwv1cfgswjr6vw7gdwar6zgfbdl352cgp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers errors mtl network split time + transformers + ]; + description = "IRC tellbot"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "template"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10mcnhi2rdflmv79z0359nn5sylifvk9ih38xnjqqby6n4hs7mcg"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl text ]; + description = "Simple string substitution"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "template-default" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "template-default"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "07b8j11v0247fwaf3mv72m7aaq3crbsyrxmxa352vn9h2g6l1jsd"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "declaring Default instances just got even easier"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "template-haskell_2_9_0_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "template-haskell"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mqphyd77jw87n648zpizh2cggm0958y47jjl84r55s1ndhm7j54"; + buildDepends = [ base containers pretty ]; + description = "Support library for Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "template-hsml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-markup, haskell-src-exts + , haskell-src-meta, parsec, QuickCheck, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "template-hsml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lnw1rhxj66zn34p8ca2dx98326l40w8kj6nrxxhff0v30myxa1g"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-markup haskell-src-exts haskell-src-meta parsec + template-haskell + ]; + testDepends = [ + base parsec QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + description = "Haskell's Simple Markup Language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "templatepg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, haskell-src-meta, mtl + , network, old-locale, parsec, regex-compat, regex-posix + , template-haskell, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "templatepg"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "1i5ais5nlga3qv0w2fg5fdkfxikks9yg6fgwqx7agcrxp4wpqcb7"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring haskell-src-meta mtl network old-locale + parsec regex-compat regex-posix template-haskell time utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A PostgreSQL access library with compile-time SQL type inference"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tempodb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , HsOpenSSL, HTTP, http-streams, io-streams, mtl, old-locale, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tempodb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00z02hl31ad497rvxjxx5khb20ql6irkgpdvsg5m7axq8bi3d5fl"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring containers HsOpenSSL HTTP + http-streams io-streams mtl old-locale text time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small Haskell wrapper around the TempoDB api"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporal-csound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, csound-catalog, csound-expression + , temporal-media, temporal-music-notation + , temporal-music-notation-western + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporal-csound"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "1r7v9g3qdp48j8y8g129jamz86fdksrm1amiy761s2nmmr51j6qb"; + buildDepends = [ + base csound-catalog csound-expression temporal-media + temporal-music-notation temporal-music-notation-western + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "library to make electronic music, brings together temporal-music-notation and csound-expression packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporal-media" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporal-media"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0x421j06xqa3rrx3pavc720j6xhnajgp3x1m8hdafis2g93d4mb0"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "data types for temporal media"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporal-music-notation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, temporal-media, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporal-music-notation"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1flf4dfyj87yiyhqdrm2bph8vcsmhp5rwg3k4npbxxzdgr8z9g92"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default temporal-media vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "music notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporal-music-notation-demo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, data-default, HCodecs + , temporal-music-notation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporal-music-notation-demo"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "1jd9yd9ay9xmlmpm4wnkpd0ic69xlg8igqbagrycc6kv4zf1p20z"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary data-default HCodecs temporal-music-notation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generates midi from score notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporal-music-notation-western" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, temporal-music-notation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporal-music-notation-western"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "012pv4l5r3ijnyid7b8h1lpifjs7cf3k4a13f6773r93qfgvxpkc"; + buildDepends = [ base temporal-music-notation ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "western music notation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exceptions, filepath + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporary"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0is67bmsjmbbw6wymhis8wyq9gax3sszm573p5719fx2c9z9r24a"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exceptions filepath transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and Unix, based on code from Cabal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporary-rc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exceptions, filepath + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporary-rc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nqih0qks439k3pr5kmbbc8rjdw730slrxlflqb27fbxbzb8skqs"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exceptions filepath transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and Unix, based on code from Cabal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "temporary-resourcet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, exceptions, filepath, resourcet + , tasty, tasty-hunit, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "temporary-resourcet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nxl8ivp5sd250w7pwm4f1kas5g1ikij3z39px717ys1xvk1r81h"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory exceptions filepath resourcet transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory resourcet tasty tasty-hunit transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable temporary files and directories with automatic deletion"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tempus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, executable-path, filepath + , happy, haskeline, mtl, uniplate, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tempus"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0hv5b09vly9zakjfgi4bnjx503ny334dhg13g5ma85rp3dbsjvsn"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory executable-path filepath haskeline mtl + uniplate utf8-string + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tensor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, QuickCheck, random, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tensor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03m612xvx3p44za0g291xir89lcgm4pk885lpy3wshp0987ij1nf"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim random vector ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A completely type-safe library for linear algebra"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "term-rewriting" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base, containers, HUnit + , mtl, multiset, parsec, QuickCheck, union-find-array + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "term-rewriting"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06lz89dhaq6pqp1zjx8bmgpx06fq3xgnqy1llipik5c9zyr4zrfv"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint array base containers mtl multiset parsec + union-find-array + ]; + testDepends = [ base containers HUnit QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Term Rewriting Library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "terminal-progress-bar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, HUnit, stm, stm-chans + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "terminal-progress-bar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ldvii23ks446xrd27aklh8s8pn1yi3dzhhzl05gipjqbhq3lsx3"; + buildDepends = [ base base-unicode-symbols stm stm-chans ]; + testDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple progress bar in the terminal"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "terminal-size" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "terminal-size"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0g8v08d20hlfsah9dlgv2v2pzj0m4dva0zp6zi4jrkxjhg6vi7bw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Get terminal window height and width"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "termination-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "termination-combinators"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1k32s5vzkxnsawj8vdscyfc96hk0s97zpj1mgw1hk93hwcrxn9wh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers contravariant ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Termination combinators for forcing non-terminating algorithms to terminate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "terminfo_0_4_0_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ncurses }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "terminfo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10y8mhpazcpwwvg1avc0zxq534rwavg82q69l7wm5np24sb5lrv8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ ncurses ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings to the terminfo library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ncurses; }; + + "terminfo-hs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, errors, filepath, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "terminfo-hs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bbf37c34l8q12hy9yhw1jcjzcb1g87r850pxhwyzsikwhf75g81"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory errors filepath + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory errors filepath QuickCheck ]; + description = "A pure-Haskell (no FFI) module for accessing terminfo databases"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "terrahs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, old-time, terralib4c, translib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "terrahs"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "0gciz8nvn7x1lclzihvwy8v1c53p6frb1q32ckpmsqw7xiasqlhb"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 old-time ]; + extraLibraries = [ terralib4c translib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell GIS Programming Environment"; + license = "GPL"; + }) { terralib4c = null; translib = null; }; + + "tersmu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, process, syb, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tersmu"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "064s43a7iq2rr643x4ahibgjanyq3v5h6qcgvc68j1dycq56snnl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl process syb transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-ircbot" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A semantic parser for lojban"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, base, containers + , hostname, old-locale, random, regex-posix, time, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1js7jbdw0xijpjlca3yh7mw427s3rjkymm1qi565r928pbsbdkhm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint base containers hostname old-locale + random regex-posix time xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Framework for running and organising tests, with HUnit and QuickCheck support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-doctest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-doctest"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01k0kcsbc41zaric5zgnhfnrp9dd19brv4d3p22vly7a7bmn6n0q"; + buildDepends = [ + base doctest test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + testDepends = [ base test-framework ]; + description = "Test.Framework wrapper for DocTest"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-golden" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, mtl, process + , temporary, test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-golden"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vmkc16z3gzbq9aibfk3wv7ms7sq7yivaamld63qrzlqaffz1xrw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring filepath mtl process temporary test-framework + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Golden tests support for test-framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-hunit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, HUnit, test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-hunit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h0h55kf6ff25nbfx1mhliwyknc0glwv3zi78wpzllbjbs7gvyfk"; + buildDepends = [ base extensible-exceptions HUnit test-framework ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit support for the test-framework package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-program" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, test-framework }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-program"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "10p6xxxbfx3yr71wdbvk7qhm3xkxq3a1dv4hgcirzynsdfk36s3z"; + buildDepends = [ base directory process test-framework ]; + description = "Test framework support for running simple test programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, extensible-exceptions, QuickCheck + , random, test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-quickcheck"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0g8sh3x3mhns03svccgbdbw8crzpzmahp1hr1fs6ag66fqr8p9mv"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq extensible-exceptions QuickCheck random test-framework + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck support for the test-framework package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-quickcheck2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, extensible-exceptions, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-quickcheck2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12p1zwrsz35r3j5gzbvixz9z1h5643rhihf5gqznmc991krwd5nc"; + buildDepends = [ + base extensible-exceptions QuickCheck random test-framework + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-base3" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck2 support for the test-framework package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-sandbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, HUnit, lifted-base, mtl + , temporary, test-framework, test-sandbox, test-sandbox-hunit + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-sandbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vviw3byz3g1zjq2fjiyqbddx6s2j7ziwrqp5fshhaf118634056"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base lifted-base mtl temporary test-framework + test-sandbox transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit test-framework test-sandbox test-sandbox-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "test-sandbox support for the test-framework package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-skip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, smallcheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-smallcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-skip"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1avs36j6a846a3qiy0f23qnld1swgpngidb3098dcib2rbw4p3n9"; + buildDepends = [ base test-framework ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck smallcheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + test-framework-smallcheck + ]; + description = "Functions for conveniently marking some of the tests in a suite as being skipped"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-smallcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, smallcheck, test-framework, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-smallcheck"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1xpgpk1gp4w7w46b4rhj80fa0bcyz8asj2dcjb5x1c37b7rw90b0"; + buildDepends = [ base smallcheck test-framework transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for SmallCheck tests in test-framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-testing-feat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, test-framework, testing-feat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-testing-feat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0pf07psqc4ihg0wrqqm127hd9qjbllmqw9lzf1ridg6r3xs63994"; + buildDepends = [ base test-framework testing-feat ]; + testDepends = [ base test-framework testing-feat ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A test framework provider for testing-feat"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-exts, language-haskell-extract + , regex-posix, template-haskell, test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-th"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "12lw7yj02jb9s0i7rb98jjam43j2h0gzmnbj9zi933fx7sg0sy4b"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-exts language-haskell-extract regex-posix + template-haskell test-framework + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automagically generate the HUnit- and Quickcheck-bulk-code using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-framework-th-prime" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cpphs, haskell-src-exts, template-haskell + , test-framework + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-framework-th-prime"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "056d66jk7gn0ghsb75f2kpspws0gs1w9vnw0ywpq6kbskv992v0p"; + buildDepends = [ + base cpphs haskell-src-exts template-haskell test-framework + ]; + description = "Template Haskell for test framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-pkg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-pkg"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fncybd3sxrbnrd4l1hri18rhfg9h0fm3k4305iwh4l65fbwg2n8"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-docheckwarns" ]; + description = "Just tests Hackage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-sandbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, hastache, heredoc, hspec, lifted-base + , monad-control, monad-loops, mtl, network, process, QuickCheck + , random, random-shuffle, regex-posix, template-haskell, temporary + , text, transformers, transformers-base, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-sandbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jhhwb2wi4n48bnrxsd81i1shrd2acnaplqip6453l0j5f5wgcgm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers data-default directory filepath + lifted-base monad-control monad-loops mtl network process random + random-shuffle regex-posix temporary transformers transformers-base + unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory hastache heredoc hspec mtl process + QuickCheck regex-posix template-haskell text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sandbox for system tests"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-sandbox-hunit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, lifted-base, test-sandbox }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-sandbox-hunit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w5k240f249lgggzy2lldaw8661g0q4293hkfcz7d0hhl78zwg48"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit lifted-base test-sandbox ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HUnit convenience functions for use with test-sandbox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-sandbox-quickcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, random, test-sandbox + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-sandbox-quickcheck"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pp1la69ihzc4lcnc9vn7nan7qcq1fc3xvndi2j2118lv005fiha"; + buildDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck random test-sandbox transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "QuickCheck convenience functions for use with test-sandbox"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "test-shouldbe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, hspec-discover, HUnit, silently }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-shouldbe"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0m8kb8ydj3s3agh45mzmn8icbik68fvh0fp2idkd1hs7km1qzaga"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec hspec-discover silently ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Catchy combinators for HUnit"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "test-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, executable-path, mtl, process, QuickCheck + , state-plus, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "test-simple"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "1p9y15vv23j1qn3shxl2wqb8skh0n53vrb39qv1nvff9bclxldka"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck state-plus template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base executable-path mtl process QuickCheck ]; + description = "Simple Perl inspired testing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "testPkg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testPkg"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0lppzyh0qxqry8a2d1yqrin51kizw2hl937pxg2a6pi34grlhdd0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Small test package"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "testing-feat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, tagshare, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testing-feat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15gi6w7p4alnih9grklhhr8338y1aal07admbz4n2f724hnhyb2j"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl QuickCheck tagshare template-haskell ]; + description = "Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "testloop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, filepath, fsnotify, hint + , mtl, system-filepath, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testloop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bygfdcnd0y60jhyp34zkss2cxr3s2jq6ysxm0w9c4vhl361ib7z"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory filepath fsnotify hint mtl system-filepath + time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quick feedback loop for test suites"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "testpack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testpack"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rq5d64d7j3gpgbfxmfr4xmzizjy0ricw5ghrakv8gzvxmi2bn4p"; + buildDepends = [ base containers HUnit mtl QuickCheck random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Test Utililty Pack for HUnit and QuickCheck (unmaintained)"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "testpattern" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, gtk }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testpattern"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0a0kw5546z5jydk6dq2p16p2kpwv7fnmy1m907m3x6n580i1vh3l"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base filepath gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Display a monitor test pattern"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "testrunner" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, random, regex-compat, stm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "testrunner"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "1887g3wn5mnlbxj4vbzv0zm3gwaj9ycr9sk7hy27qbb2x7c30iaw"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck random regex-compat stm ]; + description = "Easy unit test driver framework"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tetris" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tetris"; + version = "0.27178"; + sha256 = "10wlw1frkaa3j8mb8lxgpvxcx87m8wdpca3mli9c5kirdm51vjgw"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A 2-D clone of Tetris"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "texmath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , mtl, network-uri, pandoc-types, parsec, process, split, syb + , temporary, text, utf8-string, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "texmath"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k68spamhqwq4afcd0283w731gq0k6j6jxbp5099y6bndh8ff9cn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl network-uri pandoc-types parsec syb xml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath process split temporary text + utf8-string xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conversion between formats used to represent mathematics"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, deepseq, directory + , ghc-prim, HUnit, integer-gmp, QuickCheck, quickcheck-unicode + , random, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11prz0vli6rclj04vpx5dnzfyznvsrq7i2jmh4sjy37nic5bqf0x"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring deepseq ghc-prim integer-gmp + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring deepseq directory ghc-prim HUnit integer-gmp + QuickCheck quickcheck-unicode random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-integer-simple" "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An efficient packed Unicode text type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-binary"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0wc501j8hqspnhf4d1hyb18f1wgc4kl2qx1b5s4bkxv0dfbwrk6z"; + buildDepends = [ base binary text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary instances for text types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-format" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, double-conversion, ghc-prim + , integer-gmp, old-locale, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-format"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02zfgzfjvkaxbma1h2gr95h10c8q9gyaadag41q579j68iv15qbd"; + buildDepends = [ + array base double-conversion ghc-prim integer-gmp old-locale text + time transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Text formatting"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-format-simple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, MissingH }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-format-simple"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "0iqs3v03kirjczlp7jpqdqzrfvqsbm260g110abkbpbxws3szqhk"; + buildDepends = [ base MissingH ]; + description = "Simple text formatting library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-icu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, deepseq, directory + , ghc-prim, HUnit, icu, QuickCheck, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-icu"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fvq6qi9kvw722v2m9d40vwwa2irswfapqfjcrym9c2swdagxnry"; + editedCabalFile = "19434ecaff8ca937793656a4d0cadbe33c44debe36d05ccc06f5fc692382b81d"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq text ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring deepseq directory ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck + random test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + extraLibraries = [ icu ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to the ICU library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-icu-translit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, icu, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-icu-translit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qfmkydayqj1knlvfs1l6nq42a4y81k5z2g87lvzafrylyjjd002"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 text + text-icu + ]; + extraLibraries = [ icu ]; + description = "ICU transliteration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-json-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell-src-meta, json, json-qq, parsec + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-json-qq"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "137m593yz5gl6jj7mi1f9kjsgi1np4n6707aqp94iw0qzxj8hdhg"; + buildDepends = [ + base haskell-src-meta json json-qq parsec template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Json Quasiquatation for Haskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "text-latin1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, data-checked + , hashable, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-latin1"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1cs09qwkcljbnckakzr1wnpclkzjb0in3nnz6fpjyl4mxp5bqaw9"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive data-checked hashable text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Latin-1 (including ASCII) utility functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-ldap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , Cabal, cabal-test-compat, containers, dlist, QuickCheck, random + , semigroups, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-ldap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "164kyvcmbhpvpqb5yvr55zd90cq2lw6q5qqd6wb4caa668badpzb"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring containers dlist + semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal cabal-test-compat QuickCheck random + semigroups + ]; + description = "Parser and Printer for LDAP text data stream"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-locale-encoding" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-handle, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-locale-encoding"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ls41s45qwrmmac8k1gryvxbhhczqy2wanwanw48m7xnbv52p9fg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring bytestring-handle text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftrustworthy" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encode and decode Text to/from ByteString using TextEncoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-manipulate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, tasty, tasty-hunit, text, text-format }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-manipulate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1cr1f0d7xxj6nr5rlqhnijjrd5k7xpfamqdd8j9pbwx2qi91vimz"; + buildDepends = [ base text text-format ]; + testDepends = [ base tasty tasty-hunit text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Case conversion, word boundary manipulation, and textual subjugation"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "text-normal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, hspec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-normal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10cxvn450q2fdjxly72m20x2yikkvwx3dvyqs7b992c2dr1zc1iv"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq text text-icu ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode-normalized text"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "text-printer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, pretty, QuickCheck, semigroups + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, text-latin1 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-printer"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0jcixgxln4c12nzmj50g3mmslki6f083xjrm9hr6hqvqzffxny5q"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring pretty semigroups text text-latin1 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract interface for text builders/printers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-register-machine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-register-machine"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0g0iihfin5vjfk69r7jjw4vs3l1k3f0kkg3bbc4xqm274vd72bph"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the 1# Text Register Machine"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-show" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, ghc-prim, nats + , quickcheck-instances, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , template-haskell, text, transformers, transformers-compat, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-show"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1j7y8g7ayw9npqics68r8w67733hn216l4j76swxpisiwlg70jrx"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring ghc-prim nats template-haskell text + transformers transformers-compat void + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring nats quickcheck-instances tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck text transformers transformers-compat void + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-transformers-four" "-frecent-text" "-finteger-gmp2" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient conversion of values into Text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-show-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, hpc, old-locale + , old-time, pretty, quickcheck-instances, random, semigroups + , tagged, tasty, tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell, text + , text-show, time, transformers, unix, unordered-containers, vector + , xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-show-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16bj8wl7zph701797j856jpcf0xca55mcd4bjkz278d6cjj23w55"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory hpc old-locale old-time pretty random + semigroups tagged template-haskell text text-show time transformers + unix unordered-containers vector xhtml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers directory hpc old-locale old-time pretty + quickcheck-instances random semigroups tagged tasty + tasty-quickcheck template-haskell text-show time transformers unix + unordered-containers vector xhtml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftransformers-four" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Additional instances for text-show"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-stream-decode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, hspec, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-stream-decode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s2lncs5k8rswg1bpf4vz5p1maj46bsgf7ar4lzcla9bf3f4bppy"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring deepseq hspec text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftext11" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming decoding functions for UTF encodings. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "text-utf7" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, quickcheck-instances, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-utf7"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kcbw9gb8mwvc4p10m0g5gplgi38qlnnc0plaw22l1qdkx0k8ilv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring quickcheck-instances tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "UTF-7 encoding/decoding for Data.Text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "text-xml-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, haskell98, mtl + , not-in-base, split, syb, template-haskell, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-xml-generic"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1w3gqv94yj1j71qhs1s6sxnxax8ahxwsz7brv0w79sg3r9akl31h"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers haskell98 mtl not-in-base split syb + template-haskell xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Serialize Data to XML (strings)"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "text-xml-qq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, template-haskell, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "text-xml-qq"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0311in43n89bk1fg4y9qglvbbl47ygvcvr0f7zpr8bpaqbb1ard5"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec template-haskell xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Quasiquoter for xml. XML DSL in Haskell."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "textPlot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "textPlot"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0sy5lf5aa3yl3wy199ifb14cnkq5xghcv8m9ny9vzhyyk00h0j6y"; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + description = "Plot functions in text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "textmatetags" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskell98, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "textmatetags"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q47s8z6igi21m4gqbyizlgiq1z7frk9pi4jppckxmpcjs5xd0gk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple Haskell program to provide tags for Haskell code completion in TextMate"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "texts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "texts"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "15r3lrd6qrhhsll6qlbvgd5g545mj2s6banahwlibcimqqdw8s9h"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tf-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tf-random"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0445r2nns6009fmq0xbfpyv7jpzwv0snccjdg7hwj4xk4z0cwc1f"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive random time ]; + description = "High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tfp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tfp"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "0rmq41xfrmnmvgqnp97ccbaik73n7b2h91784xin6fir56bf2ggp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level integers, booleans, lists using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tfp-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, tfp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tfp-th"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "139dcwvik8yfpl3i71ddjml1xn126qrx1mbxa4mcwfm6q81fvkzm"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell tfp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template-Haskell code for tfp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tftp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , hslogger, mtl, network, QuickCheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tftp"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0d95nhz5z0zi665h3npcags71zgprgrh7rq86yzn3wamnavlvswn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory hslogger mtl network + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hslogger mtl network QuickCheck transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for building tftp servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tga" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tga"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0lpc5z575y7cq03ww2knr5qdkfb36qnim5y1gkh552r9k3pfdjhf"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Reading and writing of tga image files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-alpha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, derive, mmorph, mtl, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, template-haskell, th-desugar + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-alpha"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v280dhy3yw6aw9vi3rb91vz9brdcg8j6pvqdirra98r0yz321q0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mmorph mtl template-haskell th-desugar transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base derive tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Alpha equivalence for TH Exp"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-build" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-build"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f16cgwkmqhkm5nxyic0f56swzm96yqmagmbh7vjd203mn9zv9z6"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "More convenient construction of TH ASTs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-desugar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, HUnit, mtl, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-desugar"; + version = "1.4.2"; + sha256 = "16l0khjx2wppnm9spp6mg659m95hxjkzfv3pjw5ays3z6clhx8b9"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl syb template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hspec HUnit mtl syb template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions to desugar Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-expand-syns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-expand-syns"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05qgfam7zq02848icvddds67ch5d8py7r30izg4lp0df0kzn08yq"; + editedCabalFile = "a067fbdc4c4a7943e1931e127514ff94cccbcb730e152a73a3e281ba13900b18"; + buildDepends = [ base containers syb template-haskell ]; + description = "Expands type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15sqf2jjnqcssq8hp80fk0ysgwqykjjc31gvvmzg4sypskpjs8cl"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A grab bag of functions for use with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "th-fold" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-fold"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10n1aw74xi5gzs1847dhiv6yjxcz99idw91hvf34zhhs8hp8zf2z"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TH fold generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "th-instance-reification" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HTF, HUnit, list-extras, loch-th + , placeholders, QuickCheck, QuickCheck-GenT, quickcheck-instances + , template-haskell, th-expand-syns + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-instance-reification"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0r16s7m0yy3siy9nbqvpv66gk7c6xzz8ccdf9abpqap15vkkz7sc"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers list-extras loch-th placeholders template-haskell + th-expand-syns + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HTF HUnit list-extras loch-th placeholders + QuickCheck QuickCheck-GenT quickcheck-instances template-haskell + th-expand-syns + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fixed versions of instances reification functions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "th-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, DebugTraceHelpers, derive, HUnit + , mtl, QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, th-kinds + , th-lift + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1izamc2j1zjyrvzns7kj1mcma4bbmyd3sagbzxsyi4ja8kszcy0v"; + buildDepends = [ + base checkers derive mtl QuickCheck template-haskell th-kinds + th-lift + ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers DebugTraceHelpers derive HUnit mtl QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 th-kinds th-lift + ]; + description = "A place to collect orphan instances for Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-kinds" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-kinds"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0d8n0wnygdyi9qhkr7418f0227r3dcjwvmfhpw0kslryz0vqyf5b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl template-haskell ]; + description = "Automated kind inference in Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-lift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-lift"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "1mh5k6ifmc3mjavlrpkcq55ng737yb3nqv1q67fv8irkv5m6qpza"; + editedCabalFile = "8c27e18de29621de1588e4c0e6dd5c72c6e1e088fd998d5475458062f607aed5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-lift-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, doctest + , filepath, QuickCheck, template-haskell, text, th-lift, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-lift-instances"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "02sf7qn1rs33cdf1dl7vpwkhqzhmj8h3naw0ngh2kz05ymk2qng4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers template-haskell text th-lift vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory doctest filepath QuickCheck + template-haskell text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-orphans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, th-lift, th-reify-many }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-orphans"; + version = "0.8.3"; + sha256 = "1ia6qg6fh90glg86kc248mch3qim1x09zbccfh1drcqk4c54lhnx"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell th-lift th-reify-many ]; + description = "Orphan instances for TH datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-printf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, hspec, HUnit + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-printf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10kq1x8klgny6k5aq8h23fnrja3wfmva58j5kpjwzkz0xzr83biq"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring template-haskell text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec HUnit QuickCheck template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compile-time printf"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "th-reify-many" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, safe, template-haskell + , th-expand-syns + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-reify-many"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1r7ran4vi2mrhcr6qil89cni6ci3dgm775lfw5ciml3gz1948vz9"; + editedCabalFile = "fe6403c094644e2e0c987dcf2846fc068ccfe32e5291099fb4abb2073e5baf31"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl safe template-haskell th-expand-syns + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Recurseively reify template haskell datatype info"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "th-sccs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "th-sccs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vrjqwdjv2922kqmh57ypbslbv1m829wag78addqsr4vjd9b3zl6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers template-haskell ]; + description = "Binding group analysis in Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "themoviedb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, HTTP, HUnit, network + , old-locale, text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "themoviedb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n0n57ah9nw9sb7gwyhvmqs7iiwaxrcpvjhgxqmiskhlwmjkpq85"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring HTTP network old-locale text time unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring HTTP HUnit network old-locale text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell API bindings for"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "themplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, configurator, directory, either, errors + , filepath, optparse-applicative, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "themplate"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "1bjiiwhbwq6am7269gzsaqq6hpvy45x4pkq0kq7qm2j4bzrmfr14"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base configurator directory either errors filepath + optparse-applicative text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "themplate"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "theoremquest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, json, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "theoremquest"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "05z0jppjbw70rlyh2qis27xp8vdx9fgn7i22ckxb0m2y75gffq61"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP json utf8-string ]; + description = "A common library for TheoremQuest, a theorem proving game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "theoremquest-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network, theoremquest }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "theoremquest-client"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0kdfbz5sa2gcy9znz4c2hnyni01vpabixrclg2gs7awysw8hiy3a"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network theoremquest ]; + description = "A simple client for the TheoremQuest theorem proving game"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "these" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, mtl, profunctors + , semigroupoids, semigroups, transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "these"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0hs59i07k1lkynvdpymjvl1va2frc3aq6wyrmbi7mz3vmz0bjcp7"; + editedCabalFile = "02eb71fed8c848cc4f94f1181f09a6f9667caac38746f757bd57ca881aa47629"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers mtl profunctors semigroupoids semigroups + transformers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An either-or-both data type, with corresponding hybrid error/writer monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thespian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thespian"; + version = "0.999"; + sha256 = "0z3cqjcf6xr0z7g3s1jszcs39w43sl0793gl0qm3dklbginqbcnn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "theta-functions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "theta-functions"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0m9k1b75ja5a6vq7jdqzsbqjc4fh1kzy29rzss08ph6700bm6z8f"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Theta-functions implemented as trigonometric series"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "thih" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thih"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0ir8z7al3fxjwq5nb05l136k7vp82ag6khcyf9bvjcymlra4cs0m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base pretty ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typing Haskell In Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thimk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, edit-distance, parseargs, phonetic-code + , sqlite + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thimk"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "1pjz6rnbm1llxgp47fasv40w2vg197z582vf9mm7rhm5qjp25zi0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base edit-distance parseargs phonetic-code sqlite + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line spelling word suggestion tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thorn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, contravariant, mtl + , profunctors, random, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thorn"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1krxfsgj4ciifg76khsl4lw1nb40xx4gs07nwd84ail85s394h1h"; + editedCabalFile = "d19e959e95f55075f6f4f0013cbc980e2c351c871e3d9d5bbe2febafb7711b9a"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers contravariant mtl profunctors random + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thread-local-storage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atomic-primops, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thread-local-storage"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ka6xrxzsw2z95qcc4v2hh4ldb22zkd5s62lns3v1853g4dw7k3l"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ atomic-primops base containers ]; + description = "Several options for thread-local-storage (TLS) in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threadPool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threadPool"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "18zr8k9sldbkvs5yw0ann92amri6dv2n8wws87lcqxgs52sw6pwi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runs other programs in the manner of a thread pool"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "threadmanager" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threadmanager"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "17s26hlailbr8c9d3dv1pwiy81m3nzr3sw0v9y716rmhldf7k09f"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "(deprecated in favor of 'threads') Simple thread management"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threads" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, concurrent-extra, HUnit, stm, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threads"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04b4hjwv38iv48hdaxrw8ngrid6pgia32h6vci80szgpjxslrg82"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + testDepends = [ + base concurrent-extra HUnit stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fork threads and wait for their result"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threads-pool" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threads-pool"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1x1yafxaaf8r02cqipqnm9shj74kja1bqdp0d1cq5kdhcnh22xkz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl stm ]; + description = "A library to operate with pool of haskell's IO threads"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threadscope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, cairo, containers, deepseq + , filepath, ghc-events, glib, gtk, mtl, pango, text, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threadscope"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "0pycxvf3gjx86yp948anczxidhi6ra95szkqyvvlfpriay7klfya"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary cairo containers deepseq filepath ghc-events glib + gtk mtl pango text time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threefish" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, cereal, crypto-api + , data-default, entropy, random, tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threefish"; + version = "0.2.6"; + sha256 = "1v4vxm2yb7wmzkh9rsf5b6m04wjmy7yr7jq49b5msddjdzhfmf91"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring cereal crypto-api data-default entropy random + tagged + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "threepenny-gui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec-enumerator, base, bytestring + , containers, data-default, deepseq, filepath, hashable + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, network-uri, safe, snap-core + , snap-server, stm, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, utf8-string, vault, websockets + , websockets-snap + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "threepenny-gui"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rr826k6p2hbp66qr12sci6km40krbi7lbs293r11jxi0ivj5drd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec-enumerator base bytestring containers data-default + deepseq filepath hashable MonadCatchIO-transformers network-uri + safe snap-core snap-server stm template-haskell text time + transformers unordered-containers utf8-string vault websockets + websockets-snap + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-rebug" "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thrift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , ghc-prim, hashable, HTTP, network, network-uri, QuickCheck, split + , text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thrift"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1c8x66agbbrcsk08i9ha3h9kdq97lnz8sby7xsjx84v5f6kmd7a4"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base binary bytestring containers ghc-prim hashable HTTP + network network-uri QuickCheck split text unordered-containers + vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "thrist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thrist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01y4s5mpk7d0y878fr40j9k19dryj37am9g86v2s9lr5d0q2nnqp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-threaded list"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "throttle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "throttle"; + version = "3.0.0"; + sha256 = "1yxmq7244a8bcw1jg00dqcpwzf8h1333c51k9d0v39flpkzp5qlc"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thumbnail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, gd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thumbnail"; + version = "0.8.0"; + sha256 = "1ms7pzw4lrpkpv6sb0l7jvw5a0n5j7fc9wyi28bq7ik22d4sc8kd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring gd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate thumbnail image"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "thumbnail-plus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , data-default, directory, either, gd, hspec, imagesize-conduit + , resourcet, temporary, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thumbnail-plus"; + version = "1.0.4"; + sha256 = "110vfk5ri394awzmmq82r87gc9pmvy3500i836602syvd5zfa92x"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra data-default directory either + gd imagesize-conduit resourcet temporary transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit conduit-extra data-default directory hspec resourcet + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate thumbnails easily and safely"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "thyme" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, Cabal + , containers, cpphs, deepseq, directory, filepath, mtl, old-locale + , profunctors, QuickCheck, random, system-posix-redirect, text + , time, vector, vector-space, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "thyme"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v3rbjl92bqggsdra72zdq6rxzb2qf1268424p94225lnwgp1il4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring containers deepseq mtl old-locale + profunctors QuickCheck random text time vector vector-space + vector-th-unbox + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring Cabal containers directory filepath mtl + old-locale profunctors QuickCheck random system-posix-redirect text + time vector-space + ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-werror" "-f-show-internal" "-f-lens" "-f-hlint" "-fbug-for-bug" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A faster time library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tianbar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, containers + , dbus, directory, gtk, gtk-traymanager, happstack-server, network + , process, random, split, text, transformers, utf8-string, webkit + , xdg-basedir, xmonad, xmonad-contrib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tianbar"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gnx57yk65m5mh8j652y2r3c26zbv157lhmlf11dlxchpgi6qh3y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup containers dbus directory gtk + gtk-traymanager happstack-server network process random split text + transformers utf8-string webkit xdg-basedir xmonad xmonad-contrib + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ gtk ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A desktop bar based on WebKit"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) gtk; }; + + "tic-tac-toe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glade, gtk, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tic-tac-toe"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0bdls2xz281zdxq5z6vbkahmf6bpiqr0ra823j21783jwiyh8j01"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glade gtk haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful if reading \"Why FP matters\" by John Hughes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tickle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, bytestring, directory, doctest + , filepath, lens, mtl, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups + , template-haskell, transformers, validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tickle"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "11zm6fwnykp6hlfp9d4xcvcvmczj5x77sfkkx6v1gwz3qfkf2qcj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors bytestring lens mtl semigroupoids semigroups + transformers validation + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A port of @Data.Binary@"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tidal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, colour, containers + , hashable, hmt, hosc, mersenne-random-pure64, mtl, parsec, process + , text, time, transformers, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tidal"; + version = "0.4.21"; + sha256 = "06789pk07x8rpgdkyvscqw4mr9bwj258jbpwm6wq715kymnln017"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring colour containers hashable hmt hosc + mersenne-random-pure64 mtl parsec process text time transformers + websockets + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pattern language for improvised music"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "tidal-vis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, colour, tidal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tidal-vis"; + version = "0.1.8"; + sha256 = "1j9a4sgvji2wc9kq9xf0ja45b9md4v1xlanh6cfqk8p0b2qgmcrw"; + buildDepends = [ base cairo colour tidal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visual rendering for Tidal patterns"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "tie-knot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, recursion-schemes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tie-knot"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1iksr5h6cyyl88z35fbaskriv4vhc1696d3i1i3c171c0vq0hwg4"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl recursion-schemes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "\"Ties the knot\" on a given set of structures that reference each other by keys"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "tiempo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tiempo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gmaiiwcbn3z3zmhgii7q3922c2rwdgkjsc4104gyzjm2m08998r"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Specify time intervals in different units (secs, mins, hours, etc.)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tiger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, uuagc, uuagc-cabal, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tiger"; + version = "1.1.1"; + sha256 = "1llmizacz4sg77l5yi3f9m9xkckl1mpjh0ly20cbqf5747q354q1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers uuagc uuagc-cabal uulib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tiger Compiler of Universiteit Utrecht"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tightrope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, http-types + , lens, mtl, text, wai, wai-extra, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tightrope"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vvzfsl166qhg0ykq71rzavllid216f6fg5xrk2454z9zskc9n60"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers http-types lens mtl text wai + wai-extra wreq + ]; + description = "Nice API for a Slackbot"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tighttp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, handle-like, monads-tf + , old-locale, papillon, simple-pipe, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tighttp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xbipgy79pivy69a84lrriw7ams60r1a2rrkqy6llhsw4v2qk497"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring handle-like monads-tf old-locale papillon + simple-pipe time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tiny and Incrementally-Growing HTTP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tilings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tilings"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "03a9bc4zbfb3c0dd75rxj7h9pj3sc23l9a9gmabcww5nsx8kpjys"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "substitution tilings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timberc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, bzlib, filepath + , happy, haskell98, mtl, pretty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timberc"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "0x2yc57g9g5ii14l65xkly55rhx44nfjqnbl4bqf286mqsgz191j"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring bzlib filepath haskell98 mtl pretty + ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Timber Compiler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time_1_5_0_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0knixcmdsl2jhjw0x6is02yrw6dhjn4gr3fh06adc003gc3wr894"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A time library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zqgzr8yjn36rn6gflwh5s0c92vl44xzxiw0jz8d5h0h8lhi21sr"; + buildDepends = [ base old-time time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility with old-time for the time package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-extras"; + version = "1.1.4"; + sha256 = "1k9adm922l431gyk8figx5df1n2xk5awir2fpijnvvyphrwk5p3l"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data instances for the time package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-exts" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bindings-DSL, containers + , convertible, data-default, deepseq, fclabels, mtl, old-locale + , QuickCheck, random, text, time, timezone-olson + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-exts"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "0y73axrlm6lh8150i4av0jza18zpd5fiiqv9y5m8a7xx11a386bm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bindings-DSL containers convertible + data-default deepseq fclabels mtl old-locale QuickCheck random text + time timezone-olson + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient Timestamps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-http" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ascii, attempt, attoparsec, base + , base-unicode-symbols, blaze-builder, blaze-textual, bytestring + , convertible-text, data-default, failure, QuickCheck, tagged, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-http"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0jbiawi14p8cgcxvr5b38kyjdmhq1lagr1dqnlpymlv7d7pcxljd"; + buildDepends = [ + ascii attempt attoparsec base base-unicode-symbols blaze-builder + blaze-textual bytestring convertible-text data-default failure + tagged time + ]; + testDepends = [ + ascii attempt attoparsec base base-unicode-symbols blaze-builder + blaze-textual bytestring convertible-text data-default failure + QuickCheck tagged time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse and format HTTP/1.1 Date and Time strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "time-io-access" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-io-access, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-io-access"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n05lw6zpcfr3lwy2qn7v0j3ym1la9x0mak8szaxc2nbkyc8drrb"; + buildDepends = [ base base-io-access time ]; + description = "IO Access for time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "time-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-lens-light, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0916qfan93aq91icf87ifvskrq6s6s75rhkajvl8pxp74j28hlwz"; + buildDepends = [ base data-lens-light time ]; + description = "Lens-based interface to Data.Time data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-locale-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-locale-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q5d134cvcy7hlr473fanqqixqnqpqvz9ka2r45m59l6kzrws95c"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fold-locale" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compatibility of TimeLocale between old-locale and time-1.5"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-patterns" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, intervals, lens, profunctors, thyme + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-patterns"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mjm40gwy3ddk844y7k8rjdb9zpw2rdz39d3n6mm8kbf36bh5fxq"; + buildDepends = [ + base intervals lens profunctors thyme vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Patterns for reccurring events"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-recurrence" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-ordlist, HUnit, mtl, old-locale + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-recurrence"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1arqmkagmswimbh78qfz5bcilk9i14w29j4vf4i89d00vac3vrzm"; + buildDepends = [ base data-ordlist mtl time ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-ordlist HUnit mtl old-locale test-framework + test-framework-hunit time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test-suite" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate recurring dates"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "time-series" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-series"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j6xrf45i4japgr35kzqcawlhdn13k3fbsjfmm2j3j92skwra095"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mtl ]; + description = "Time series analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "time-units" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-units"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "16g0i6r6vj9w4lbn12jqrhgbbjjca8wbzq6546dz08aks1yrk0g1"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A basic library for defining units of time as types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "time-w3c" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, parsec, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "time-w3c"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12hnvhcv18kv1djqn5dqv8i1rrzsxlvnsjyjsy9m1ngmr9nvvfbg"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base convertible parsec time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-build-test-suite" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse, format and convert W3C Date and Time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "timecalc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, haskeline, uu-parsinglib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timecalc"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05nzfydzn9nmjfmdnpf5jl238kdixbwwqkyrax89i4anmpxv1v9s"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base haskeline uu-parsinglib ]; + homepage = ""; + license =; + }) {}; + + "timeit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dkjbp636dp882zlbwvvz76k4g7ga28wksd41w6mh0k8z45xjj5x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Time a computation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timeout" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, exceptions, mtl, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeout"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1jddkkmc3d8ysh8rnlpkzvlg67if8c71wqmjdsysddpwwm3wbgjn"; + buildDepends = [ base exceptions mtl time ]; + testDepends = [ + base exceptions mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generalized sleep and timeout functions"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "timeout-control" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, lifted-base, monad-control, mtl + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeout-control"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1w2y39699zsxv43w53q8qbi1wfvg14kqvxqfp92pisvxnrwpcisp"; + buildDepends = [ + base ghc-prim lifted-base monad-control mtl transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Updatable timeouts as a Monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timeout-with-results" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, mtl, parallel }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeout-with-results"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1y5mc1awahcp9xpmmwqc74cfn7g0zm1cyxi396xirll8nk335nd0"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq mtl parallel ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runs a time-limited computation alowing it to return intermediate results"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "timeparsers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , convertible, mtl, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeparsers"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1dicp58f2amn5rgmnlfjpv4aj7ak6jrdlba2marglddvj4ycq1h7"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers convertible mtl time + ]; + description = "Attoparsec parsers for various Date/Time formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timeplot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, cairo, Chart + , Chart-cairo, colour, containers, data-default, lens, regex-tdfa + , strptime, template-haskell, time, transformers, vcs-revision + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timeplot"; + version = "1.0.27"; + sha256 = "072bxa0pfxyia4xvj0w0h8v3yfk05bbq5j905sj6jf9apjr9h558"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing cairo Chart Chart-cairo colour + containers data-default lens regex-tdfa strptime template-haskell + time transformers vcs-revision + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for visualizing time series from log files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timerep" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timerep"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "14lz8nzfy1j7snvifbwjkk1fjc8wy4jk67xk9n87r25v3cva3x0p"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time ]; + description = "Parse and display time according to some RFCs (RFC3339, RFC2822)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lifted-base, monad-control, suspend + , transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ivlgpc45iss44pjmcxprwg98zh68fkpym0y19vx5ysacy6p04yh"; + buildDepends = [ + base lifted-base monad-control suspend transformers-base + ]; + description = "Simple package that implements timers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timers-updatable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timers-updatable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1naw59xvbfhgz49qhvgzng4xjf4fzi59gl996pcp5l6s2sbpx4mw"; + buildDepends = [ base stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "timers which are updatable in the remaining time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timestamp-subprocess-lines" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, old-locale, process, split, time + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timestamp-subprocess-lines"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vn947bbfh7awmz2rxzn2rya439ljjm83rggp6g9v178hxff5aim"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring old-locale process split time transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run a command and timestamp its stdout/stderr lines"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timezone-olson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, extensible-exceptions + , time, timezone-series + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timezone-olson"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0gg1fq85km5d48966a267q6z0wwl1dz88xq88v0l1jlkwd9jsb0z"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring extensible-exceptions time timezone-series + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timezone-series" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timezone-series"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "06p5v0dimhwmra100gwkhkz3ll492i2bvafw0qx2qzcxx4yxff40"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "timing-convenience" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "timing-convenience"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "078p6gzzb7f9g68lm3q5806azhrs6li35ras9jnb9gs2r6i0w83j"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "Convenient functions for getting times"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tinyMesh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, hex, serialport + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tinyMesh"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19jpwnk7hmi0mg46nqhyiipz085dkakqwgh17lv9ccvvcirpclm3"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring hex serialport unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TinyMesh - communicating with auto-meshing sensor network"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "tinylog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, auto-update, base, bytestring, containers + , double-conversion, fast-logger, text, transformers, unix-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tinylog"; + version = "0.12.0"; + sha256 = "1khwwikdgy202b3gscnlw87da0s9mdxzmmflcqk9c9ybmn1mx2jn"; + buildDepends = [ + auto-update base bytestring containers double-conversion + fast-logger text transformers unix-time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simplistic logging using fast-logger"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "tkhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, mtl, parsec, pretty, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, utf8-string, vty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tkhs"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "1svsdjb1ac5mb9zcx3wqmxdjfmf99ph94v616scya5f7lqkjcfgp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parsec pretty utf8-string vty ]; + testDepends = [ HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Presentation Utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tkyprof" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, cmdargs, conduit, containers + , data-default, directory, filepath, hamlet, http-types, mtl + , resourcet, rosezipper, shakespeare-css, shakespeare-js, stm + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, wai, wai-extra, warp, web-routes, yesod, yesod-core + , yesod-form, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tkyprof"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0c3sdpjs22fqg5nkwig6smggf6snx1y5dg11y3s5cgm1ihy27h75"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder bytestring + cmdargs conduit containers data-default directory filepath hamlet + http-types mtl resourcet rosezipper shakespeare-css shakespeare-js + stm template-haskell text time transformers unordered-containers + vector wai wai-extra warp web-routes yesod yesod-core yesod-form + yesod-static + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-devel" "-fproduction" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A web-based visualizer for GHC Profiling Reports"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, async, base, byteable + , bytestring, cereal, cipher-aes, cipher-des, cipher-rc4, cprng-aes + , crypto-cipher-types, crypto-numbers, crypto-pubkey + , crypto-pubkey-types, crypto-random, cryptohash + , data-default-class, hourglass, mtl, network, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck, transformers, x509, x509-store, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tls"; + version = "1.2.13"; + sha256 = "1djjscmyn3wcnlzz1r0clz2nxa2y23rlyjk30xjsdp0m1sq0vdc3"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types async base byteable bytestring cereal + cipher-aes cipher-des cipher-rc4 crypto-cipher-types crypto-numbers + crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types crypto-random cryptohash + data-default-class mtl network transformers x509 x509-store + x509-validation + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal cprng-aes crypto-pubkey crypto-random + data-default-class hourglass mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + x509 x509-validation + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcompat" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS/SSL protocol native implementation (Server and Client)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tls-debug" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cprng-aes, crypto-pubkey + , data-default-class, network, pem, time, tls, x509, x509-system + , x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tls-debug"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "08bxcl0lf07fx3xfajd99090glvgnpn5s4826g2hirr75b9a5b93"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cprng-aes crypto-pubkey data-default-class network + pem time tls x509 x509-system x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Set of programs for TLS testing and debugging"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tls-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, certificate, cipher-aes + , cipher-rc4, crypto-pubkey, crypto-random, cryptohash, mtl + , network, pem, time, tls, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tls-extra"; + version = "0.6.6"; + sha256 = "0k0sj3nq1lrvbmd582mjj8cxbxigivz1hm8hhij1ncl2pgnq5xyv"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring certificate cipher-aes cipher-rc4 crypto-pubkey + crypto-random cryptohash mtl network pem time tls vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TLS extra default values and helpers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tmpl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, template, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tmpl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "101q4f51am8722b0b2d9hk84iqfg1z1shzrbikya63jpf3s6jrvg"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory template text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "simple executable for templating"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "tn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, base, bytestring + , optparse-applicative, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m402p4ik8z07dj08wm0jy6w82fzgmsrf1v4v2chg9qb505qigm4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty base bytestring optparse-applicative text time + ]; + description = "A journaling program for Linux"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tnet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tnet"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1hxka8jfybq72isicvav81f4l9hjxhmzx4i4znkqbwzkarg2gsw9"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base bytestring utf8-string ]; + description = "Library for encoding/decoding TNET strings for PGI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "to-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell-src-exts, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "to-haskell"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0glf7m0r9gpab2pg1bq9qa37mrzpjwvqr3xsws6w53qqlcaw54qk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell-src-exts transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type class and some utilities for generating Haskell code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "to-string-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "to-string-class"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0l2hj0cbc0dhd7m5bn6xqgzkdf2z4knirmv8c65hsjig9mpsvsxf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Converting string-like types to Strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "to-string-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, to-string-class }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "to-string-instances"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1h5aq3shagzgh1j8sbslvi2rrkqv1djm595d522ci8hpj6h8vxl9"; + buildDepends = [ to-string-class ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-text" "-f-doc" "-f-bytestring" ]; + description = "Instances for the ToString class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "todos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, base-unicode-symbols + , containers, data-hash, dates, directory, dyre, filepath, Glob + , mtl, parsec, process, regex-pcre, syb, time, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "todos"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wgnxg9kndijm8faxsy48qznjzfcwqgjxgyff6x9c9h2fayvl719"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base base-unicode-symbols containers data-hash dates + directory dyre filepath Glob mtl parsec process regex-pcre syb time + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-with_curses" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy-to-use TODOs manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tofromxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, filepath + , hexpat, hexpat-pickle + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tofromxml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wqdxr6fijbdzq0767cvi7yf07q6dcv1anzmsv7ms2apcyag63qh"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers hexpat hexpat-pickle + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers filepath hexpat hexpat-pickle + ]; + description = "Reading and writing Haskell data from and to XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "toilet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, old-locale, strict, time + , transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "toilet"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "09j6h4rwb6i87223zhbzclns12iyrbdmv0kawd27any5r2hkz63x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers old-locale strict time transformers utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Manage the toilet queue at the IMO"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "token-bucket" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "token-bucket"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l3axqdkrjf28pxhrvdvlpf9wi79czsfvhi33w4v2wbj0g00j9ii"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuse-cbits" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rate limiter using lazy bucket algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "tokenize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, split, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tokenize"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0pf4bbvd02jp8blfhyjhygsjgisqp61kw9n42zgnw08bnnqshln3"; + buildDepends = [ base split text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple tokenizer for English text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "toktok" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, criterion, filepath + , gf, haskell98, HUnit, iconv, progression, QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "toktok"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0y4s68gnp4xw0x22w3kdcr5wnkqygv6ajwkhb8apphja268np98v"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers criterion filepath gf haskell98 HUnit + iconv progression QuickCheck + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" "-f-benchmark" ]; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tokyocabinet-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, tokyocabinet }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tokyocabinet-haskell"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1v6s39q8a6cnc0ggpspz9i0xw6aih4ixn9bhn4hwf9kwgcspardg"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ tokyocabinet ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtest" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding of Tokyo Cabinet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tokyotyrant-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, mtl, tokyocabinet, tokyotyrant + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tokyotyrant-haskell"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "1xz8n3hgkhrdabwc8hsqj3yf5x112palzz192f6pkl07vi8yz1ph"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ tokyocabinet tokyotyrant ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to libtokyotyrant"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tomato-rubato-openal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenAL, stm, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tomato-rubato-openal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dk7s5fng3vybdqgqn9vqg7k6sjw4zgqld51i926lgqnixgpmw8z"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenAL stm vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Easy to use library for audio programming"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "toml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "toml"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0wby1jas854niwyac95n39liqc874xcd1ahqpw6ksi2nhv2ld6f2"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers old-locale time + ]; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "toolshed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, Cabal, containers, deepseq, directory + , filepath, QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "toolshed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19cam8s8fcfsip2cr7gcr43plvxy2zhbczlygd6p5rcax4295ikd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers deepseq directory filepath QuickCheck + random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-llvm" "-fhavedeepseq" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities used by other packages"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "topkata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ALUT, array, base, filepath, GLUT, OpenAL, OpenGL + , random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "topkata"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "19lm9i65ywh3a8hsrqnihq8gkfxmz81zznyqlqgcf1914w826i3a"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ALUT array base filepath GLUT OpenAL OpenGL random + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-ftgl" "-f-pdflaby" "-fsound" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL Arcade Game"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "torch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, parallel, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "torch"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1bai1vxd2vfxl9zn37dvrb05yh4knr5gw5syqpi6lxxd3lf0ngzc"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl parallel QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple unit test library (or framework)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "torrent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bencode, binary, bytestring, containers + , filepath, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "torrent"; + version = "10000.0.0"; + sha256 = "030ll4m80ljkvq72n1aa8a2ygqa56ykkndzy5g40vh9j9j5vq52r"; + buildDepends = [ + base bencode binary bytestring containers filepath syb + ]; + description = "BitTorrent file parser and generater"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tostring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, case-insensitive, text, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tostring"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0lvfvjs1q6hndbchij3zn1xi6vb1v53r379jvyc2m92sqqcfnylw"; + buildDepends = [ base case-insensitive text utf8-string ]; + description = "The ToString class"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "total-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "total-map"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "1gjwviqhxm3zavmb9yd14rv66qhw9cf0r6n8mdg1lkmkqi1ycb98"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Finitely represented /total/ maps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "toysolver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers + , data-default-class, data-interval, deepseq, exceptions + , extended-reals, filepath, finite-field, ghc-prim, hashable, heaps + , HUnit, intern, loop, mtl, multiset, old-locale, OptDir + , parse-dimacs, parsec, prettyclass, primes, process, queue + , QuickCheck, random, sign, stm, temporary, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, time, type-level-numbers, unbounded-delays + , unordered-containers, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "toysolver"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1lqm4b63cq6iq7f0s70ch6w0n03d2vdpb79ykdbgypvndwwfqy23"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-default-class data-interval + deepseq exceptions extended-reals filepath finite-field ghc-prim + hashable heaps intern loop mtl multiset old-locale OptDir + parse-dimacs parsec prettyclass primes process queue random sign + stm temporary time type-level-numbers unbounded-delays + unordered-containers vector-space + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base containers data-interval finite-field HUnit mtl OptDir + prettyclass QuickCheck stm test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th vector-space + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-time15" "-frandom1013" "-fexceptions06" "-f-buildmiscprograms" + "-f-buildsampleprograms" "-f-buildtoyfmf" "-f-forcechar8" + ]; + description = "Assorted decision procedures for SAT, Max-SAT, PB, MIP, etc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tpdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, filepath, hashable + , HaXml, hxt, mtl, parsec, pretty, time, wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tpdb"; + version = "0.9.8"; + sha256 = "01fp42ahp85f6xlv69pwbpwlr5qzbbzr8rfmcvsndv2r6knrg6f0"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers filepath hashable HaXml hxt mtl parsec time + wl-pprint-text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hashable HaXml hxt parsec pretty time + wl-pprint-text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Data Type for Rewriting Systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "trace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, either, kan-extensions + , monad-control, mtl, profunctors, transformers, transformers-base + , transformers-compat + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trace"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x3920fvv2vjhbzss87lqi6d9d04lcc7nxifq3yjzhzg45rzy2cn"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers either kan-extensions monad-control mtl profunctors + transformers transformers-base transformers-compat + ]; + description = "A monad transformer for tracing provenience of errors"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "trace-call" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trace-call"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1fiz1v9d4ck8na68cywha53vgbgdk6iqad1zv6pj3lq0pwvkx6aw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "functions for logging the arguments and results of function calls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "trace-function-call" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trace-function-call"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0c5nsq9x59rmdkyvcrr1v94kjya48nhl9pnsad6xdmh77msf33xy"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Easy lightweight tracing of function arguments and results for ad hoc debugging"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "traced" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pretty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "traced"; + version = "2014.11.15"; + sha256 = "17yrlfn54il2xf8xnl1b06cwnmmyzkqxb0k7pqycrjmwsxzqkig2"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl pretty ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + description = "Simple evaluation trace"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tracer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tracer"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1rgnls2zry29zrnvxv700bljdf7iqkkyzayr4lan0qvhv1bcs5jm"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tracing utilities for Functor/Applicative/Monad types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tracker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, glib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tracker"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jkcwkkzg3hkvffg6y2vz2c8y0iypij4ngryc4bca9q3g4zvxzs2"; + buildDepends = [ base containers glib ]; + description = "Client library for Tracker metadata database, indexer and search tool"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "trajectory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdargs + , containers, http-enumerator, http-types, regexpr, text + , unordered-containers, uri + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trajectory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n7vl903p5yg2xcyfxbxj45yd7ayd7p63fr9qfahlb0pgfl32s7h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cmdargs containers http-enumerator + http-types regexpr text unordered-containers uri + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools and a library for working with Trajectory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transactional-events" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ListZipper, MonadPrompt, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transactional-events"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jb3cf4bn007x3by70piwcvcb216kvav4xzrqr1k5v483jaj2zml"; + buildDepends = [ base ListZipper MonadPrompt stm ]; + description = "Transactional events, based on Concurrent ML semantics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, containers, data-default, filepath + , hashable, hint, monadplus, mtl, process, semigroups + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transf"; + version = "0.13.1"; + sha256 = "1p9nrs7a96n53cmmrv107kvwjm27gj45m9b4vj23dsvk5lsx7wil"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base containers data-default filepath hashable hint monadplus + mtl process semigroups + ]; + description = "Text transformer and interpreter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, multirec, parsec, regular + , rewriting, template-haskell, zipper + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformations"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19ba24n9ica53a77x9h32kc8vqm0y41bwh8ncn1n3kd7k0s5q49v"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl multirec parsec regular rewriting + template-haskell zipper + ]; + description = "Generic representation of tree transformations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "transformers_0_4_2_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a364zfcm17mhpy0c4ms2j88sys4yvgd6071qsgk93la2wjm8mkr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Concrete functor and monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-abort" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default-class, monad-control, pointed + , semigroupoids, transformers, transformers-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-abort"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1l1aid4y77rnjgca41iaflimkd7h3028kgg2yw6pszv11g12cavc"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default-class monad-control pointed semigroupoids + transformers transformers-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A better error monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-base"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0bklr7piiipnh99jnqx262pdyb9hzk852d6hzk5sqppvz5ndcf4y"; + buildDepends = [ base stm transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-forphaninstances" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hab41ggyaxr4xn2szv8y9fg9np8zi8ifhimr33fspid1jz14xr5"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fthree" "-fthree" "-f-two" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small compatibility shim exposing the new types from transformers 0.3 and 0.4 to older Haskell platforms."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-compose" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-compose"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0kvhl5s1js6i639hc6c4ib9jmgy4l1503ifs30a9ajrk97nagp6d"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Arrow-like / category-like composition for transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-convert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-easy, directory, either, errors + , haskell-src-exts, hlint, hspec, HUnit, QuickCheck, text + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-convert"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nx99jygbg5jlvb1sbgb9kz84af9861nkjdcshvfhlq8w069z737"; + buildDepends = [ base data-easy either transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-easy directory either errors haskell-src-exts hlint hspec + HUnit QuickCheck text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Sensible conversions between some of the monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-free" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-free"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0fbzkr7ifvqng8wqi3332vwvmx36f8z167angyskfdd0a5rik2z0"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + description = "Free monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-runnable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-runnable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m1vvdfi661mmxm5rghsfnwcjd2r0r7ryc3jk0nwlzs0kaw5xi1s"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A unified interface for the run operation of monad transformers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "transformers-supply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "transformers-supply"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "09f9n3cxi3sjmd8yscvcyahvdsqa5db5bckj9ryaflswsdm0ximq"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + description = "Supply applicative, monad, applicative transformer and monad transformer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "translatable-intset" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fingertree }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "translatable-intset"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0pv81l5q46a4f2dxps7fdzvmnphydgw7xz3xsi5cjad2kw0dsmkm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base fingertree ]; + description = "Integer sets with a constant time translate operation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "translate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, json, network, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "translate"; + version = "2010.1.24"; + sha256 = "0vcqw0x7c9nb8yigvk35x72rds50kvma02rwkb757y1sk80q0mzf"; + buildDepends = [ base curl json network utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell binding to Google's AJAX Language API for Translation and Detection"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "traverse-with-class" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "traverse-with-class"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0snms19w3n9ni1wmf4ikwpp298nc6qk6phrjxi5g023ihqqdvr6g"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell transformers ]; + description = "Generic applicative traversals"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "traypoweroff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "traypoweroff"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0g7x1jj3x58jgbg6zcakyakc5jskcas03jakj7v5pfwdmk8kbc4m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gtk process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tray Icon application to PowerOff / Reboot computer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tree-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tree-monad"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1zs1qgp908d0y7dm9mhzwl529z2aw24zr8balsvn1lzl1aynzslm"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Non-Determinism Monad for Tree Search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tree-view" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tree-view"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "0mzywp6nipc6zs98dy4ny2s3r9d745lqpjazfnj5y4hx8swyckgn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Render trees as foldable HTML and Unicode art"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "treemap-html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, filepath, ghc, html + , parsec, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "treemap-html"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0jqjwg3z528z4wchpmi208lazd1nazqdai327lwxvznzjcq1m385"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers filepath ghc html parsec regex-posix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generates HTML for Data.Tree as TreeMap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "treemap-html-tools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, ghc + , parsec, regex-posix, split, treemap-html, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "treemap-html-tools"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0a7im8v118plxpi9dcgr1jhdlgj4f2a015dngyzfxqi7ij3cy6bf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath ghc parsec regex-posix + split treemap-html xml + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Treemap related commands for producing foldable TreeMap HTML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "treeviz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, QuickCheck, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "treeviz"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0nz93fn5k5fc9748h60a12j9gsl4ldm11a8y431mrm45jf8hnzq2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl QuickCheck random ]; + testDepends = [ base containers mtl QuickCheck random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visualization of computation decomposition trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tremulous-query" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers, deepseq + , mtl, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tremulous-query"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "0vf6fh0p9ng2f0qqac8bqp259hfmv0bg146idm2pv668l1pkr7bx"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers deepseq mtl network + ]; + description = "Library for polling Tremulous servers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "trhsx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trhsx"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "11jx2jf6vi7368ys39mz0ziy6xknbi0z87926n2y16am6k2h25k3"; + description = "Deprecated"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "triangulation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, collada-types, haskell98, tuple + , vector, vector-algorithms + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "triangulation"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0lx9y54n6p3xf3z6dzw0b2p87hwb1rrcgzilnl51fwvcs1m0fgdf"; + buildDepends = [ + array base collada-types haskell98 tuple vector vector-algorithms + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "triangulation of polygons"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "trifecta" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, array, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, charset + , comonad, containers, deepseq, directory, doctest, filepath + , fingertree, ghc-prim, hashable, lens, mtl, parsers, QuickCheck + , reducers, semigroups, transformers, unordered-containers + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trifecta"; + version = "1.5.1"; + sha256 = "1fayr6sd9m84rqpcygacafn9vr9zva7rmkpvyzz0bf1p1z7i6b2n"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint array base blaze-builder blaze-html + blaze-markup bytestring charset comonad containers deepseq + fingertree ghc-prim hashable lens mtl parsers reducers semigroups + transformers unordered-containers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath parsers QuickCheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "trimpolya" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bio, bytestring, simpleargs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trimpolya"; + version = "0"; + sha256 = "1y559q5p0pzlr468224c6m5859z72gg0sk2vrgl82ilwkjn08i9i"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bio bytestring simpleargs ]; + description = "Search for, annotate and trim poly-A tail"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "trivia" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, distributive }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trivia"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "03xmzjqwk6492jmmbq6066ymsxb0wk0pmyf0c5f018nfps0g3i78"; + buildDepends = [ base comonad distributive ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The trivial monad and comonad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "trivial-constraint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "trivial-constraint"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fl72wai6yj5wflhx3cbvi3ixcfrc73217skncyb9b1ai7vg3x3y"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Constraints that any type, resp. no type fulfills"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "tropical" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, semiring-simple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tropical"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1in9jjfzbqws4bk83082yra2gcb5b095948qyji63ckbz3igp0k2"; + buildDepends = [ base semiring-simple ]; + description = "A library for tropical mathematics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "true-name" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "true-name"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c3lfsc9yg88k08pn57nvddi2aqqpsgx5ksa2x4h1brksiybx1ah"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base containers template-haskell time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Template Haskell hack to violate another module's abstractions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "truelevel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parseargs, WAVE }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "truelevel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q5civsnjwwhdkb16h8jak7prkfwvhds1p3xzzhwqk2p8dxf6jij"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers parseargs WAVE ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Audio file compressor-limiter"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, time, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tsession"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1rj11vyd272h66cjx8pq6smcpi65n3vlfv4g7indcnpcz4w5l6rk"; + editedCabalFile = "afd89984a633388a2db5ad107968c92693527eb6f746318c4752993633705e57"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl time transformers ]; + description = "A Transaction Framework for Web Applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tsession-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server, transformers, tsession }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tsession-happstack"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sv62iqrlvzx95g6nd307y8zknp2h3ir06zc6qw4y221wz21rfyz"; + buildDepends = [ base happstack-server transformers tsession ]; + description = "A Transaction Framework for Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tskiplist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, random, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tskiplist"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0bayh8fl3wb98mifdiss8crb17jfqxxj0f1va5c2h4l7qwizh85a"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers random stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Skip List Implementation in Software Transactional Memory (STM)"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "tsp-viz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, stm, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tsp-viz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wrnpmvds2amm85a5j1c1nqffy6vj4y6xq21w5ia1051wrxzrbjk"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base gloss stm vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Real time TSP tour visualization"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tsparse" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Decimal, parsec, pretty, process, random + , split, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tsparse"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0s5vlpvi1w6q2zxv586plvhs9p6rlc7653x7jzygfir70754n6si"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Decimal parsec pretty process random split time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parses U.S. federal Thrift Savings Plan PDF quarterly statements"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tst"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vr1l4pm02pwr8238qd9j0drkildns8m79qyq0lbzll30gc12vhx"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BK-tree implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "tuntap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuntap"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0q6g2wcjddb9r1l9fxpn2qcssw5gyfwsam15rc3q6xjqbwz7fm41"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + description = "Interface to TUN/TAP drivers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tup-functor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cpphs, haskell-src-exts, parsec2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tup-functor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kj68g5g9m46dpncbrisl19gah8pzac33iyr09ym1pqk3x6jh9ix"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cpphs haskell-src-exts parsec2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Homogeneous tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tuple" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OneTuple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "094nx29aahyrvbcn7yca9zs2a5rxz1is7510w1q43rpvza7hdjrg"; + buildDepends = [ base OneTuple ]; + description = "Various functions on tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tuple-gen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, combinat }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple-gen"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "0bgwsxq8wrh76hhbwadv0rag4c7dx3644zrh2aflnsych0rncvd7"; + buildDepends = [ base combinat ]; + description = "Enum instances for tuples where the digits increase with the same speed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tuple-hlist" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HList, OneTuple }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple-hlist"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z1mmm6gnhv3c4hn60v1yasvr9j5rakvyma4c535s51hk5s7g7bl"; + buildDepends = [ base HList OneTuple ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functions to convert between tuples and HLists"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "tuple-lenses" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple-lenses"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qq1sla89410wr9pnkmj100izkraad1gr163815p3dvh7qi04c7w"; + buildDepends = [ base lens template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Stock FieldN combos and generators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tuple-morph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HList, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple-morph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1zi6nh1z7z2jz5h0pvdm2czfy1rx7ixnnvp9akcpas19npgyfk94"; + editedCabalFile = "835c4661ff3b962ec5fa6f1899c6cb0d241362f06636478935fd5475c684eada"; + buildDepends = [ base HList template-haskell ]; + description = "Morph between tuples, or convert them from and to HLists"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "tuple-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuple-th"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1bhdg1yld8rbkc46fg04l32sk0pxwmbpvp9fmdp2b3snrg8hkvkn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers template-haskell ]; + description = "Generate (non-recursive) utility functions for tuples of statically known size"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tupleinstances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tupleinstances"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0kcmcg1fxsslpzpg766r9hr8aysg0s5fyang2xc0aa77zi71qyi3"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functor, Applicative and Monad for n-ary tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tuples-homogenous-h98" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tuples-homogenous-h98"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fhz246wh6x0s0sjkmd3qcylsx2gfrmgmvgb7js2zjg91y7zqnh2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrappers for n-ary tuples with Traversable and Applicative/Monad instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "turing-music" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ALUT, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "turing-music"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "163fggvjixs6m2rwc3gd3s9703r2mnz3bknii1aagwzvw5kczky3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ ALUT base ]; + description = "Plays music generated by Turing machines with 5 states and 2 symbols"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "turni" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, MonadRandom, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "turni"; + version = "2011.1.15"; + sha256 = "0152xhvm0x1ncjdib0bckhywgpzm4f1qj1ghs0jn84cz562ddwnl"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers MonadRandom random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "shifts scheduling tool"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tweak" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lens, stm, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tweak"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1l5y94gac9s55wgn6w610pqb63c8l20vmlpsnmgbzw1f9vbnzgiw"; + buildDepends = [ base containers lens stm transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for incremental computing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gloss, parsec, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "1kmf907i6g6lfhw8g403b6701srrd298n4r53dvcqzy72c5qaixl"; + buildDepends = [ base gloss parsec time ]; + description = "Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-eventloop-graphics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, text, twentefp-number + , twentefp-websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-eventloop-graphics"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "086vx0849c7kmsz5pa4jwzp24cwaf4482bq37dr7jrqx22hvk4lm"; + buildDepends = [ + base network text twentefp-number twentefp-websockets + ]; + description = "Used as Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-graphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, twentefp-eventloop-graphics }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-graphs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ran49yvbylf14hbr3ffmbxpkjwva785hgyvnmwzp2v2hwz1343m"; + buildDepends = [ base twentefp-eventloop-graphics ]; + description = "Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-number" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-number"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kh0a6h4syx98ygwidw6cc24ci91v1blshpfcczx96z850x1h6xf"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + description = "Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-rosetree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, twentefp-eventloop-graphics, twentefp-number + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-rosetree"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dy4hmwciaglz2kfdk9fxf6hik7pgr4a4xj9y9l7s7p4k35r5bd7"; + buildDepends = [ + base twentefp-eventloop-graphics twentefp-number + ]; + description = "RoseTree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-trees" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, twentefp-eventloop-graphics }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-trees"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mmj96xbqjzm4cylk39pib9jfwh6m350q1cwf6ij8pl0swab3b0g"; + buildDepends = [ base twentefp-eventloop-graphics ]; + description = "Tree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente. Contains RoseTree and ParseTree"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twentefp-websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, concurrent-extra + , containers, entropy, io-streams, mtl, network, random, SHA, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twentefp-websockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08227phlyvvg01n7zqyivx2f3dpfbipxaajqz4fc07zhkpmxy8h4"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive concurrent-extra containers entropy io-streams mtl + network random SHA text + ]; + description = "A fork of the popular websockets package. It is used for the practical assignments of the University of Twente. A sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twhs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, authenticate-oauth, base + , bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, containers, data-default + , hspec, http-conduit, lens, monad-control, monad-logger, network + , QuickCheck, resourcet, text, transformers, transformers-base + , twitter-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twhs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d06bv26lvr4va431h2146v88bqcxvfr0wp36f7l4a6xqgghf2l1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal authenticate-oauth base bytestring case-insensitive + conduit containers data-default http-conduit lens monad-control + monad-logger network resourcet text transformers transformers-base + twitter-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CLI twitter client"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "twidge" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, bytestring, ConfigFile, curl + , directory, hoauth, HSH, hslogger, MissingH, mtl, network + , old-locale, parsec, regex-posix, text, time, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twidge"; + version = "1.1.2"; + sha256 = "162n5w4z3a1qyasd39q7751z872v31njzyhrnjfjxhsni3kif8b1"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary bytestring ConfigFile curl directory hoauth HSH + hslogger MissingH mtl network old-locale parsec regex-posix text + time unix utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-withbitly" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unix Command-Line Twitter and Identica Client"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "twilight-stm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twilight-stm"; + version = "1.2"; + sha256 = "1hp9mkfasjyh1ji6gfmdpmx3nm9g22ag3y47nva7i30bjrs65cdr"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "STM library with safe irrevocable I/O and inconsistency repair"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "twill" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, bytestring, cryptohash, data-default, datetime + , errors, old-locale, QuickCheck, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twill"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wkcxjfpd5fz72hwg8spxjqk8b6axm51zppld00q9f3dzagsbwx6"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring + bytestring cryptohash data-default datetime errors old-locale + QuickCheck text time + ]; + description = "Twilio API interaction"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "twiml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, lens, network, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twiml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ipc8i1hbsjdz6rp7ks25w0zbrcv4byp0791aw9rrdpyqzdir0zx"; + buildDepends = [ base network xml ]; + testDepends = [ base Cabal lens ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "TwiML library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, convertible + , filepath, mtl, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twine"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0q4dsh6x1w1indsx070rqayvjlzdk2nznvh0cjxd5f3jn5ggwwb1"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers convertible filepath mtl parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "very simple template language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twisty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, data-memocombinators + , MonadRandom, parallel + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twisty"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "02w8763m6gm9wj035s62ydg63iv7wa2cbjq2g1jd283vf2djsjyj"; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers data-memocombinators MonadRandom parallel + ]; + description = "Simulator of twisty puzzles à la Rubik's Cube"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "twitch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, directory, fsnotify, Glob + , hspec, optparse-applicative, QuickCheck, system-fileio + , system-filepath, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0hvwcnkjma3ib00qa7ymiyrvspa7ixxp0w3wgs9zjrs49j36dmak"; + buildDepends = [ + base data-default directory fsnotify Glob optparse-applicative + system-fileio system-filepath time transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default directory fsnotify Glob hspec + optparse-applicative QuickCheck system-fileio system-filepath time + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A high level file watcher DSL"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "twitter" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, curl, directory, filepath, json, mtl + , old-locale, readline, time, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "12q5w9wfnrzh2gjmq66qhwy6i6wixfb805jg2cbphxrjjnc2v9gx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base curl directory filepath json mtl old-locale readline time xml + ]; + description = "A Haskell-based CLI Twitter client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twitter-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, authenticate-oauth, base + , bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default, directory, doctest, filepath, hlint, hspec + , http-client, http-conduit, http-types, lens, lens-aeson + , monad-control, network-uri, resourcet, template-haskell, text + , time, transformers, transformers-base, twitter-types + , twitter-types-lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter-conduit"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1cymgp3wlswxn5qfdr442cqq2ak48b5w1zcsr67n2g5p1izadwji"; + editedCabalFile = "1f34bb7ee079e8b60ccad90c99631faee461b691a0b2b3f6fdb09fc0366fe81b"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec authenticate-oauth base bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers data-default http-client http-conduit + http-types lens lens-aeson network-uri resourcet template-haskell + text time transformers twitter-types twitter-types-lens + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec authenticate-oauth base bytestring + case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra containers data-default + directory doctest filepath hlint hspec http-client http-conduit + http-types lens lens-aeson monad-control network-uri resourcet + template-haskell text time transformers transformers-base + twitter-types twitter-types-lens + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-run-integrated-test" "-f-build-samples" "-flens-aeson" + "-fnetwork-uri" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twitter-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator + , authenticate, base, bytestring, containers, enumerator + , http-enumerator, http-types, text, tls-extra, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter-enumerator"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1c8y7kq0x7lnq7x7ah8c78q6cy2963nz6y83klzh2jgmr8rma6q4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator authenticate base bytestring + containers enumerator http-enumerator http-types text tls-extra + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Twitter API package with enumerator interface and Streaming API support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twitter-feed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring + , containers, http-conduit, HUnit, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter-feed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c50rirj3wymbh1850c7dm79jyglcn34116vljh5f54f8sv17y96"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson authenticate-oauth base bytestring http-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Client for fetching Twitter timeline via Oauth"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "twitter-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, directory + , filepath, HUnit, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-th-prime, text + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter-types"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0yvs57f3m0nq11qpxziazp9r95g1v231d2djmch9c5d8g22cjvdn"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base text unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring directory filepath HUnit + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-th-prime text unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Twitter JSON parser and types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "twitter-types-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, template-haskell, text, twitter-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "twitter-types-lens"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0n2z7v2mcvj2czkszkp87sf7cv4zj82yccygs9ah5ax28dw823v3"; + buildDepends = [ base lens template-haskell text twitter-types ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Twitter JSON types (lens powered)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "tx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, safecopy, stm + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18fpkpri2g93vxw3qdk94nc4zlh5kqgfbvdmzkwqjadkck39alsy"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal safecopy stm transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Persistent transactions on top of STM"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "txt-sushi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, directory + , parsec, regex-posix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "txt-sushi"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0375q8qcirkalz6n48rkylkx1j8z5gvjhh8n2fdvvjqvn064q1s6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers directory parsec regex-posix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The SQL link in your *NIX chain"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "txt2rtf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "txt2rtf"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0vn01ppcmdfi9n9f8h62ll9f08nda2pcrxvck0lgkwzky54v19s4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Filter to convert plain text files to RTF"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "txtblk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "txtblk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08qpdyb1dbkif4zwrap6478fsf7lha6hk18wm0r4803avrr5w2bb"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Deprecated in favor of eros"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ty"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "0i18c293f6dz7qgr5z4x6rzndhqv5q7myw1wvs8i9ld23d87fjhy"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typed type representations and equality proofs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typalyze" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, ghc + , process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typalyze"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1wc1z7ps1rcbws2snci64hxddjd3bi3kbi4iwvbfaac0dz52085m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring directory filepath ghc process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analyzes Haskell source files for easy reference"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-aligned" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-aligned"; + version = "0.9.6"; + sha256 = "0mfyd9w13kd3ha43220p9qabw828xv19sxywy9imadpwrdqp51qv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Various type-aligned sequence data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-booleans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-booleans"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "11kbnfbvclkdwirnnpdi4f20pibdar4l47anvnkaxxl330zi7yfh"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Type-level booleans via type-families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, data-hash + , template-haskell, type-digits, type-spine + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-cereal"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1w1s1c7f2q5zwc9fghbbd1nhavh0mzzndh0mdxr7sy88a523svcv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal data-hash template-haskell type-digits + type-spine + ]; + description = "Type-level serialization of type constructors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-digits" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, type-spine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-digits"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0rmqy3wcypyq09gnfz0xvkr2ly9gnpsjnil2n981ajfxsk2shi58"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell type-spine ]; + description = "Arbitrary-base type-level digits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-eq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cpphs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-eq"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0nyx3lqgrnlz0l3p615ln2dglqd39jwlk91ybz7blzhq1gpgayar"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + buildTools = [ cpphs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type equality evidence you can carry around"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-equality" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-equality"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "06acqpkvyvalv5knjzzbgm40hzas6cdfsypvjxsbb0mhq4d80xwr"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type equality, coercion/cast and other operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-equality-check" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-level }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-equality-check"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fsj2mbsbhiqlv6dlkkwh3af5kx8qcif9374wiy7zf62pz4bry67"; + buildDepends = [ base type-level ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type equality check"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-functions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, kinds }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-functions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vs6wk1z3zp3s1fxbz6bnfjlkdrcs6v4ihdnr504z9qklwb91vam"; + buildDepends = [ base kinds ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Emulation of type-level functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-hint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-hint"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1fcrma7m6y7i1y42rzhv7qch8xkk93lkh1767saw4hsb9fzwsq8i"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Guide type inference with proxy values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-int" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-int"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lakw4mvkii32a570zain510n9x7b2ka2r3qj5rpil1j4bpc662w"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type Level 2s- and 16s- Complement Integers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-iso" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, nats, numericpeano, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-iso"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03qs8frsj0a2jxpk1rrmhaivf68hg8dhjn4s3q85h4zrsxwfskjx"; + buildDepends = [ base data-default nats numericpeano text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typeclasses for injective relations and isomorphisms between types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "type-level" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level"; + version = "0.2.4"; + sha256 = "1cgph4y6j7wnzglzz89zd60f1mv8v82vp0n1bmkp4yqq0w2wmg9v"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level programming library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-bst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-bst"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0c51p6dy84ddikj6jch5hljn1i37q38wbak3chbc3ds5r674y5hk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "type-level binary search trees in haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-natural-number" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-natural-number"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "17zgm5ys1z61kxxczz3bzi9m3c48py6pvyx3cqk3xlh1w7n58ryk"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Simple type level natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-natural-number-induction" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, type-level-natural-number }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-natural-number-induction"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mwnsz5rbqnwskzf4cyv05zxha86afqh68b5ppwvizrvwf4jav2r"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers type-level-natural-number ]; + description = "High-level combinators for performing inductive operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-natural-number-operations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, type-level-natural-number }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-natural-number-operations"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0vql5q5zhbhmwv0wqqb0xi4ayqdsz149rymhs730c583pq0h9r3w"; + buildDepends = [ base type-level-natural-number ]; + description = "Basic operations on type-level natural numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-numbers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-numbers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12iiyaqi60fpds7fv1qvphy84rwyj71maq54mfwpcr0bdrgyymjv"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + testDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "Type level numbers implemented using type families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-sets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-sets"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1mrrwyvpjywnv2vd1nzzk0vnzsnjvbxiyxp03n9djsgwnfslzxbj"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + description = "Type-level sets (with value-level counterparts and various operations)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-level-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, syb, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-level-tf"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "07q69219yvf7rpfwilp70hvx2fzsxklvld7j3gayj17l9wp23g2m"; + buildDepends = [ base syb template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level programming library (type families)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-list" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, singletons }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-list"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1m7zs629kqx3xzc2shdk92x4yxfj32an6dxnal6gjy8v26h005k5"; + buildDepends = [ base singletons ]; + description = "Operations on type-level lists and tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-natural" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, equational-reasoning + , monomorphic, singletons, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-natural"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qi5b3d0vkm1b2kda3ifw6g7djx91wj7q36la02yadlvmb4jcp1g"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints equational-reasoning monomorphic singletons + template-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level natural and proofs of their properties"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-ord" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, type-digits, type-spine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-ord"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "16nfnxh0klxx1f2mj1hc5blcm259b664w3l4frx4bksdavhnkmg5"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell type-digits type-spine ]; + description = "Type-level comparison operator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-ord-spine-cereal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, type-cereal, type-ord + , type-spine + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-ord-spine-cereal"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1gwchzi4l7a0jm11paxz959mv9a5pbga86fyyjyglypd1988rvrb"; + buildDepends = [ + base template-haskell type-cereal type-ord type-spine + ]; + description = "Generic type-level comparison of types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-prelude"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ygg511j0av1g94mclrsf3p0qb2kc89jcz9nfr5fm073a2jlzlih"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Partial port of prelude to the type level. Requires GHC 7.6.1."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-settheory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, syb, template-haskell + , transformers, type-equality + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-settheory"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1b4p9f03diq2mlp2mb39qrm095731i35q8k783bkq2knzlq01dsi"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers syb template-haskell transformers type-equality + ]; + description = "Sets and functions-as-relations in the type system"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-spine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-spine"; + version = "0.2.20120924"; + sha256 = "0vy9ixmz1xm3dd0376s0h66q7qi64jqc5kqsqjpcg7akxidl03hi"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell ]; + description = "A spine-view on types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-structure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, hashable, HTF + , HUnit, loch-th, mtl, placeholders, QuickCheck, QuickCheck-GenT + , quickcheck-instances, template-haskell, text + , th-instance-reification, time, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-structure"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0y2360llc41772ybjj3dcsk1r81js3yqsxww1w0j62gsdp6g9wfv"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers hashable loch-th mtl placeholders + template-haskell text th-instance-reification time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers hashable HTF HUnit loch-th mtl + placeholders QuickCheck QuickCheck-GenT quickcheck-instances + template-haskell text th-instance-reification time transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type structure analysis"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "type-sub-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, DebugTraceHelpers, HUnit + , QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, th-instances + , tuple, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-sub-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11aycmbvqlrsd4kzm9m5smg7ghqz8kn3i62b19acnlpmrlr5v497"; + buildDepends = [ + base DebugTraceHelpers HUnit QuickCheck template-haskell + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + tuple uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers DebugTraceHelpers HUnit QuickCheck template-haskell + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + th-instances tuple uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Substitute types for other types with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "type-unary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, applicative-numbers, base, newtype, ty + , vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "type-unary"; + version = "0.2.16"; + sha256 = "1pn65smi07gwd4h46irjawh1dnjnizs9ag0cyv55i0mjg8plyzvj"; + buildDepends = [ + applicative-numbers base newtype ty vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-level and typed unary natural numbers, inequality proofs, vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typeable-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typeable-th"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1ps9rkysx7zbcqkz51ahayg2jivlihiqdlb27iq7bf9aa7383k6v"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell transformers ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Automatic deriving of TypeableN instances with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typedquery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, haskell-src-meta, parsec + , template-haskell, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typedquery"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1pjdn03jr9l6jkz6lr67plh22i429r3vs3697xmkd4rxncvyykxk"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring haskell-src-meta parsec template-haskell text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for SQL augmented with types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typehash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, mtl, pureMD5, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typehash"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11s10arrbri1f71jfpynhmwh53cgkrfxsrqch1f02j0aii7n0lpv"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring mtl pureMD5 syb ]; + description = "Create a unique hash value for a type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typelevel-tensor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, HUnit, numeric-prelude, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typelevel-tensor"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "174f6xh3znf45w94xkhqwnxnzw6crpb13zff57svnj2dqvpf00gd"; + buildDepends = [ base numeric-prelude QuickCheck ]; + testDepends = [ + array base HUnit numeric-prelude QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftest" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tensors whose ranks and dimensions type-inferred and type-checked"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typeof" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typeof"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1mnzkj5dp4rc4anaqxc6ia88wgrjhxwacxpqw8vp6pjqxbhhq92n"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + description = "Small script for inferring types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typeparams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, constraints, deepseq, ghc-prim, primitive + , reflection, tagged, template-haskell, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typeparams"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "1yfc9xpi851sd05nhjdsglsjimmjipfdfssc2w9mav6fa878xy2h"; + buildDepends = [ + base constraints deepseq ghc-prim primitive reflection tagged + template-haskell vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lens-like interface for type level parameters; allows unboxed unboxed vectors and supercompilation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typesafe-endian" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typesafe-endian"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kg4pvrnf7vwvrcb998l9w08dpdy9hg7x2d9h5s3lqpnvvxfgcfj"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enforce endianness with types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "typescript-docs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, cmdtheline, containers + , filemanip, filepath, language-typescript, parsec, split, syb + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typescript-docs"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "12axp6y652zlv9c9m0n5m4allpy23x0bk274gy78csrqp26akq3k"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html cmdtheline containers filemanip filepath + language-typescript parsec split syb utf8-string + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A documentation generator for TypeScript Definition files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "typical" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typical"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0dw6mwppbhcblnr03qgavhx27l9dl6gd981afgg4spi8avfzgh4q"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Type level numbers, vectors, list. This lib needs to be extended."; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "typography-geometry" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parallel, polynomials-bernstein + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "typography-geometry"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1vvqch3pdwymjbmir7b208qyzdzljsw1gf8icmzw5pi3vn6wkihf"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers parallel polynomials-bernstein vector + ]; + description = "Drawings for printed text documents"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "tz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bindings-posix, bytestring + , containers, deepseq, HUnit, QuickCheck, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, time, tzdata, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ak54chjaw1vnwb7jd8fki2qvpdry5ycwh5ap9wjv61zbdscw74k"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers deepseq template-haskell time + tzdata vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bindings-posix HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + time tzdata unix vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ftemplate-haskell" ]; + preConfigure = "export TZDIR=${tzdata}/share/zoneinfo"; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient time zone handling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "tzdata" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filemanip + , filepath, HUnit, MissingH, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-th, unix, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "tzdata"; + version = "0.1.20141110.0"; + sha256 = "1i9vngkf1yjda7s89q17r1q37bq8f52069xpc2kzpdql4il8pvdd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filemanip filepath HUnit MissingH + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-th unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Time zone database (as files and as a module)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.asl20; + }) {}; + + "uAgda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, BNFC-meta, cmdargs, containers, mtl + , parsec, pretty, split, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uAgda"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01a1h6pflvid5zcd8wy3px7cz4pxwy5pw354v9rp8k7sx4q82am8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base BNFC-meta cmdargs containers mtl parsec pretty split + transformers + ]; + description = "A simplistic dependently-typed language with parametricity"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "ua-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, criterion, data-default + , deepseq, derive, file-embed, filepath, HUnit, pcre-light, syb + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ua-parser"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0fljfvs9gzqyn01sw57s738jazki839grff43n09bqf7nk1janbf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default file-embed pcre-light syb text + yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring criterion data-default deepseq derive + file-embed filepath HUnit pcre-light syb test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text yaml + ]; + description = "A library for parsing User-Agent strings, official Haskell port of ua-parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uacpid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, hslogger + , mtl, network, old-locale, process, regex-compat, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uacpid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02l88vpjs6qc0rwa4kn438i1gwc376sj8g2h5xqm3pz7adwfv24a"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath hslogger mtl network old-locale + process regex-compat time unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Userspace Advanced Configuration and Power Interface event daemon"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uberlast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, tagged, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uberlast"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "12p948706scjiazlwv0x1afl3v8fhv4a3l8yqn1x4y9xnr4pfmc9"; + buildDepends = [ base lens tagged template-haskell ]; + homepage = "https:/"; + description = "Generate overloaded lenses from plain data declaration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uconv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, icu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uconv"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0v71qw494klyh3ar8qdp7wx7kn7629iy83xham9b7jpmvk2p76bv"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ icu ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestring_in_base" ]; + description = "String encoding conversion with ICU"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "udbus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cereal, containers + , ghc-prim, mtl, network, unix, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "udbus"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0a7kksh99nll91q41z4xgrcwc8pnfm0p71bxw6yymcd7yb0v09fk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cereal containers ghc-prim mtl network unix + utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Small DBus implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "udbus-model" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, udbus, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "udbus-model"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "0xiz3z0x7p9agj14j9lm8njfqiqpyif0m2fn7lppi3w482ssfzji"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring udbus xml ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Model API for udbus introspection and definitions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "udcode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "udcode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1namnm91divk1x8ki7wfbd79f4nrym58r4ki9yamj2giv4nxda36"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "udev" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, libudev, posix-paths, select + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "udev"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a5i57f50scxbv5snn4xd953bx98qq3cgzhxjnqvxyazqz3h1fx2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring posix-paths select unix ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libudev ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "libudev bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { libudev = null; }; + + "uglymemo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uglymemo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ixqg5d0ly1r18jbgaa89i6kjzgi6c5hanw1b1y8c5fbq14yz2gy"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "A simple (but internally ugly) memoization function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "uhc-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, fgl, hashable, mtl, network, old-locale, primitive + , process, syb, uhc-util, uulib, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uhc-light"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0az6s0v5559715c6hnaxymkrl936a0cbnnpljwb91hhlfhpsl0aq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory fgl hashable mtl + network old-locale primitive process syb uhc-util uulib vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Part of UHC packaged as cabal/hackage installable library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uhc-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , directory, fgl, hashable, ListLike, mtl, process, syb, time + , time-compat, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uhc-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02kdr6y81ggflkfz4skmpq1vawc357z5irqk89965ablk4v1msxs"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers directory fgl hashable + ListLike mtl process syb time time-compat uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "UHC utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uhexdump" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uhexdump"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "064cm531yci41jf14k177w7j4zy8dfjwrpjcrwf7kpz2rhx1djyi"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring split ]; + description = "hex dumper for UTF-8 text"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uhttpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , cmdargs, deepseq, network + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uhttpc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "116x62yq51xb5z0ndvf0q42plw442lf275b0z2wyvcyl3m5mpmhd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring bytestring-lexing cmdargs deepseq network + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimal HTTP client library optimized for benchmarking"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "ui-command" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, mtl, old-locale, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ui-command"; + version = "0.5.4"; + sha256 = "1qq902p5q6z1m0556bdc6brads7m2qrhrwnzd8k8c4jynzc829w7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base data-default mtl old-locale time ]; + description = "A framework for friendly commandline programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, cereal, dataenc, text + , uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11v67dbanw9gmy9rbfln3ma87a9hkwvc5bwzdx840ngij5gh559b"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base bytestring cereal dataenc text uuid ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple unique identifier datatype, serializable and encodable as base32"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "una" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory, filepath + , io-storage, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "una"; + version = "2.1.0"; + sha256 = "0gpycwd0dgnw7cdicpn19wv1xb4jq3j9dfzry2ilv85h02zkwfvh"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs directory filepath io-storage process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Universal un-archiver utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unagi-chan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, atomic-primops, base, containers, ghc-prim + , primitive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unagi-chan"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a61f88ml5w10kgjwnl9ja8jypf26hq6jialgcpazajyjxa3p5ah"; + editedCabalFile = "fd0468cfe74ea20d1ff389d97b947cd7c3e65953267faccd050d1b2c5e636393"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ atomic-primops base ghc-prim primitive ]; + testDepends = [ + atomic-primops base containers ghc-prim primitive + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-dev" "-f-compare-benchmarks" ]; + description = "Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unagi-streams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, io-streams, unagi-chan }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unagi-streams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mns1qmxv1xmrrsbhr1ywami37gk416rwxi5p3ry6j88cbf4i4zg"; + buildDepends = [ base io-streams unagi-chan ]; + description = "Unagi Chan IO-Streams"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unamb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unamb"; + version = "0.2.5"; + sha256 = "12cbqlc7qf2sf2m4zmisx06bcc104bwivnzq2df0jqdf09bg0n9k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unambiguous choice"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unamb-custom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unamb-custom"; + version = "0.13"; + sha256 = "0r694wi9xg8brgcwl2kyv5amp6v539l121s9bpmd5lhjdnrvqjwk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Functional concurrency with unamb using a custom scheduler"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unbound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, mtl, RepLib + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unbound"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xkp47y7yg8dl95gf4w3iwddc3yivrhcxj184cfhrx6a9rbsflpz"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers mtl RepLib transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic support for programming with names and binders"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unbound-generics" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, contravariant, mtl, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unbound-generics"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0zgajq411bp16xwv31i2igsz62lad923rylhfprklsism13rk5ai"; + buildDepends = [ base containers contravariant mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reimplementation of Unbound using GHC Generics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unbounded-delays" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unbounded-delays"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f4h87503m3smhip432q027wj3zih18pmz2rnafh60589ifcl420"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unbounded thread delays and timeouts"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unbounded-delays-units" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unbounded-delays, units, units-defs }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unbounded-delays-units"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "02j4i2dms15vb87ar3m99hvpxrjdakljyql708zs716k1jdm7614"; + buildDepends = [ base unbounded-delays units units-defs ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Thread delays and timeouts using proper time units"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unboxed-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unboxed-containers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0yahavqjjnlf4ps8kd41s9s64nbhx2hf7qzk2xxkmq0i3b91d123"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Self-optimizing unboxed sets using view patterns and data families"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unexceptionalio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unexceptionalio"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1p1han6027n6d9cx0cqrfrpwqlhkainj7xi839swqj1k6d4n022n"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "IO without any non-error, synchronous exceptions"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "unfoldable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, QuickCheck, random, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unfoldable"; + version = "0.8.1"; + sha256 = "0y3y8m271spkmzc3182v8j06kspkzv03yxiscaa1vvhm2sbqp2is"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim QuickCheck random transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Class of data structures that can be unfolded"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ungadtagger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ungadtagger"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1hn30p9vpsvkph54grzwdrca5vh9grpa7d0w1zlvim1mnvqxmn4b"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Abstract GADTs from typelevel tags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uni-events" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, uni-util }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-events"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kfvhkbwibbac2r980h982m0rd3xndzrgqngrvfcmy0bykpamkxh"; + buildDepends = [ base containers uni-util ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Event handling for the uniform workbench"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-graphs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, uni-events, uni-htk + , uni-reactor, uni-util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-graphs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vwm0gmgj8c7qdildplr3jng5gj9q6b669vgmnxw4v514y529bz5"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl uni-events uni-htk uni-reactor uni-util + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graphs"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-htk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, uni-events + , uni-posixutil, uni-reactor, uni-util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-htk"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0npdlgq8zxz0b9rvlsml88k7alnm4wj2k4m94b4zp0r3ahhf630q"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory uni-events uni-posixutil uni-reactor + uni-util + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-posixutil" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, uni-events, uni-util + , unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-posixutil"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wh3ni6l1x7rxn5yppva1xs0yb6z5hxfmzxxrnh6hbcq1pa62m5d"; + buildDepends = [ base directory process uni-events uni-util unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Posix utilities for the uniform workbench"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-reactor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, uni-events, uni-util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-reactor"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "147nizw920xbbj5b8kqrgri1r9wpx3qddspnryxhdxq10q1xlyh2"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory uni-events uni-util ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reactors for the uniform workbench"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-uDrawGraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, uni-events, uni-graphs + , uni-posixutil, uni-reactor, uni-util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-uDrawGraph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16gykzzpijf5rynyac6p3nsgwq8w65bpx71jax52x8v33zdkin2d"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers uni-events uni-graphs uni-posixutil uni-reactor + uni-util + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graphs binding"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "uni-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , ghc-prim, mtl, network, old-time, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uni-util"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0simxjsd0qi8yxnpiq88zy3bsrrw5rxfpfknr8yaf4xhc7vv39nh"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory ghc-prim mtl network + old-time parsec + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-parsec1" "-f-debug" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for the uniform workbench"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "unicode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0fy89j864dy5dzfj15aavm8bqpv2f51zf42dyjvs50qah3shh5yl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + testDepends = [ base containers utility-ht ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Construct and transform unicode characters"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicode-names" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, unicode-properties }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode-names"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15088dbmhvw118p3w08wxpsx41gzi0wqinqyg143225pp07aa5gc"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers unicode-properties ]; + description = "Unicode 3.2.0 character names"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicode-normalization" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, compact-string, icu }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode-normalization"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1smfc7a62xi6y4sc0vai2l0nljxl9dr9l5zkqi17n14cq36ppfwb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring compact-string ]; + extraLibraries = [ icu ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unicode normalization using the ICU library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicode-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode-prelude"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05zakihlk06wckzgm43f3g26fjdn4gb3d1ypw4vcwqmipq2dbfsw"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Unicode notation for some definitions in Prelude"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicode-properties" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode-properties"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06zrr2z9irbsxwf7fbnhp2sg36ykb2amfys2y78nzn0mw63xb3q1"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ]; + description = "Unicode 3.2.0 character properties"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicode-symbols" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicode-symbols"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0y1awqrf1x2in158linszma69zyz3zp14h3rmdx3vmbmif9fvbyv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unicoder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, directory, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unicoder"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "17a2rxq5b4a66ia4jm1g0lmkvsanfc477567wygq9kz4w9q4xwc3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base directory text ]; + testDepends = [ attoparsec base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Make writing in unicode easy"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unification-fd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, logict, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unification-fd"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "0fdnpcpcpjlxlwxpqlawwbgqhs1p9lrksy5ln5isyvr06hwqh7ki"; + buildDepends = [ base containers logict mtl ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple generic unification algorithms"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uniform-pair" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ShowF }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uniform-pair"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "0zkkhxmhx7xpi0fjxks435z5p52f2jvw8fvp0z2qi81a18v8fh81"; + buildDepends = [ base ShowF ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Uniform pairs with class instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "union-find" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "union-find"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1v7hj42j9w6jlzi56jg8rh4p58gfs1c5dx30wd1qqvn0p0mnihp6"; + buildDepends = [ base containers transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "union-find-array" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "union-find-array"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p50w0kb1pz80nq0nm9l20wshsqjcaaagrrjfqx955awrvz2wmf7"; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "union find data structure"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "union-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "union-map"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "01h4n9yspjicii7b7mcg0a8yg8bwfy6hwb7dp82y08846kcb9fh5"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Heterogeneous map by open unions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uniplate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, syb + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uniplate"; + version = "1.6.12"; + sha256 = "1dx8f9aw27fz8kw0ad1nm6355w5rdl7bjvb427v2bsgnng30pipw"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable syb unordered-containers + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fseparate_syb" "-ftypeable_fingerprint" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unique-logic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, non-empty, QuickCheck, transformers + , utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unique-logic"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0pjkqvam73d6xy528r9zf75km2yr997in902174raj6kw3kgdl41"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers utility-ht ]; + testDepends = [ + base non-empty QuickCheck transformers utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Solve simple simultaneous equations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unique-logic-tf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, explicit-exception, non-empty + , QuickCheck, transformers, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unique-logic-tf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gc41whidll04fgzjydcxgxvq270ncvqcamsd3b3qd4hfn3v9qv8"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers explicit-exception transformers utility-ht + ]; + testDepends = [ + base non-empty QuickCheck transformers utility-ht + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Solve simple simultaneous equations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uniqueid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uniqueid"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0s1jw29g5s9ll8hbfkyalhdjpsv54w1n63mz4jph36dbq68zb7g6"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Splittable Unique Identifier Supply"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "units" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit-approx, mtl, multimap + , parsec, singletons, syb, tasty, tasty-hunit, template-haskell + , th-desugar, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "units"; + version = "2.2"; + sha256 = "1hd7klv0h2rsq971rbghvgy2921bf0zxikdsl26qw08yb0zirvza"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers mtl multimap parsec singletons syb template-haskell + th-desugar vector-space + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit-approx mtl multimap parsec singletons syb + tasty tasty-hunit template-haskell th-desugar vector-space + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A domain-specific type system for dimensional analysis"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "units-defs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, units }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "units-defs"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "0jpm0rnnw3fl4hsmcwgyr738z9p4hjw6gcgr725zw35gm6lg3c3y"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell units ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Definitions for use with the units package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "units-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, multimap, parsec, syb + , tasty, tasty-hunit, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "units-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ha1saapphk15xk10a36k5qmn01nqpz10f8gi35ra9zqlhv8amfq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl multimap parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers mtl multimap parsec syb tasty tasty-hunit + template-haskell + ]; + description = "A parser for units of measure"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unittyped" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unittyped"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1ab27rwnp8ncfn5sm4llxjxx7fbp495sl1838g8z9hishr5dgddl"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An extendable library for type-safe computations including units"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "universal-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universal-binary"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1gnrq6s7pipjqfyispkxib3xfzii1ss6a9iwv07mvb5a93hc45cw"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring ]; + description = "Parser for OS X Universal Binary format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, universe-instances-base + , universe-instances-extended, universe-instances-trans + , universe-reverse-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "19zr9zcqc5sfp5qfn8slkk2732j1814m3j1jkbim739limwf900z"; + buildDepends = [ + universe-instances-base universe-instances-extended + universe-instances-trans universe-reverse-instances + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Classes for types where we know all the values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-base"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1bhgmikh876bda37a79iapzp58ssgfx6n57gpblyd1fprxnwqxc4"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A class for finite and recursively enumerable types and some helper functions for enumerating them"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-instances-base" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, universe-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-instances-base"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "04njgl32lk5a0masjdjkm4l2wsyrr29g0fsp599864mp7gp504d2"; + buildDepends = [ base containers universe-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Universe instances for types from the base package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-instances-extended" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, adjunctions, base, comonad + , universe-instances-base, void + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-instances-extended"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0cla7n6id0v2pphmzsc8cbghvhyjjx9720gmxdqch8ysrfknkbgi"; + buildDepends = [ + adjunctions base comonad universe-instances-base void + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Universe instances for types from select extra packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-instances-trans" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers, universe-base + , universe-instances-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-instances-trans"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03iix0bdhfi4qlgwr8sl3gsqck6lsbkqgx245w2z5yaaxgqpq10d"; + buildDepends = [ + base mtl transformers universe-base universe-instances-base + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Universe instances for types from the transformers and mtl packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-reverse-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, universe-instances-base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-reverse-instances"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0jcd7qyvzq8xxv9d3hfi0f1h48xdsy9r9xnxgxc7ggga4szirm79"; + buildDepends = [ base containers universe-instances-base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "instances of standard classes that are made possible by enumerations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "universe-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, checkers, composition, DebugTraceHelpers + , HUnit, mtl, QuickCheck, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, th-instances + , tuple, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "universe-th"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "143kcgv4lp9266d8za878l343j6g97mxc3z7gj348jjamvpyg9wx"; + buildDepends = [ + base composition mtl template-haskell tuple uniplate + ]; + testDepends = [ + base checkers composition DebugTraceHelpers HUnit mtl QuickCheck + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 th-instances tuple uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Construct a Dec's ancestor list"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix_2_7_1_0" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0p74ljsl1zgwnyl69pg4l15z5rqidam9fw9il4siam2m700ydm3b"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring time ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "POSIX functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n1i7pcdwhs0wz6spf3pndr8i74qn0cdzr3p46w4r4mvvwr76i2s"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unix/Posix-specific functions for ByteStrings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-compat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-compat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jxk7j5pz2kgfpqr4hznndjg31pqj5xg2qfc5308fcn9xyg1myps"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-old-time" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Portable POSIX-compatibility layer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-handle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-handle"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "07ysmd9ks5lm2lg1dik75m509ryn5azw28j9hcisknf5bmrfy9li"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + description = "POSIX operations on Handles"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-io-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-io-extra"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1qy28y1apm2dxp47v0ngxj4ww3iyq4lj0n0i4z9phyr1122fglig"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Support for writev, pwrite and pread"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-memory" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, QuickCheck, tasty, tasty-hunit + , tasty-quickcheck, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-memory"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1r8s7z39d31h1n7rcincy156lbsvamr6jicx52kv8simb9gvarpp"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unix memory syscalls"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-process-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, directory, filepath + , hspec, process, stm, time, transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-process-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ldgjwdvshggygxn9fpnxvb01dba0q0bn9f7iiw5xgqhli46nvcy"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit directory filepath process stm time + transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring conduit hspec transformers unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Run processes on Unix systems, with a conduit interface (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "unix-pty-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-pty-light"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1n21cd6chih86g6kfl6b0x4k533ykzz93anhf6wga3033rvy09wj"; + buildDepends = [ base unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "POSIX pseudo-terminal support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unix-time" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, doctest, hspec + , old-locale, old-time, QuickCheck, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unix-time"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1bni03bzayg3vwj6mwcl4z41zixv8nida8jc3vkv41fr7mzb24g5"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring old-time ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring doctest hspec old-locale old-time QuickCheck time + ]; + description = "Unix time parser/formatter and utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unlambda" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, mtl, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unlambda"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "0clcpkhg23a7ma72rjjpl2w8jpg2mdn4rgm3vf0vqr7lbyma1h89"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base mtl unix ]; + description = "Unlambda interpreter"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "unlit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unlit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nwd4cm3licmdx06cmq42ig7r0iirw2s3ifnna4yzxpysj2aapnf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory text ]; + description = "Tool to convert literate code between styles or to code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unm-hip" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, process + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unm-hip"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "170ivv689jg2k9p8czp6miq3samjbdwanh3vh9csm8iq88yrzry5"; + buildDepends = [ array base bytestring containers process vector ]; + description = "A Library for the manipulation of images"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "unordered-containers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ChasingBottoms, containers, deepseq + , hashable, HUnit, QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unordered-containers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06l1xv7vhpxly75saxdrbc6p2zlgz1az278arfkz4rgawfnphn3f"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + base ChasingBottoms containers hashable HUnit QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient hashing-based container types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unordered-containers-rematch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hashable, hspec, HUnit, rematch + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unordered-containers-rematch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13ld8whx1m5xglaj2adsn0qb1x00p6ir8l9kz7fv815n6ahgcii8"; + buildDepends = [ base hashable rematch unordered-containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base hashable hspec HUnit rematch unordered-containers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Rematch support for unordered containers"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "unpack-funcs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, primitive, template-haskell + , transformers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unpack-funcs"; + version = "0.3.1"; + sha256 = "0ha8xbg1a560rd5grg6i2acg3nzq6f4d6qa7i6vrbnz7bqbg77q3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring primitive template-haskell transformers vector + ]; + description = "Monad transformers that mirror worker-wrapper transformations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unroll-ghc-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unroll-ghc-plugin"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0n05777fqqpbgnh9jab04ayw1j1as4wkkbrjixi1288fhi44m87p"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compiler plugin for loop unrolling"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unsafe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unsafe"; + version = "0.0"; + sha256 = "0hc6xr1i3hkz25gdgfx1jqgpsc9mwa05bkfynp0mcfdlyz6782nz"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unified interface to unsafe functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unsafe-promises" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, threads }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unsafe-promises"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1018c3q0aq6l0011az661dvlibiv6jvwdv4c40bi8pwapri66k70"; + buildDepends = [ base threads ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create pure futures using lazy IO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unsafely" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unsafely"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10v50bzd7ccjs0d1spvyl6awhwdhxmkcacm2lkillk9f7myild0r"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-examples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Flexible access control for unsafe operations and instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "unscramble" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, optparse-applicative, stream-fusion + , unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unscramble"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1zlf9dw3yid6s9p0q837h3qs2wnd9wr9kh282j4j4m0gpv9dcrrf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base optparse-applicative stream-fusion unordered-containers + ]; + description = "Solve Boggle-like word games"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "unusable-pkg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "unusable-pkg"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "102dzsa64vnbhx2pnnh6q0vn7wag9bd8pmmag3i2yl68iqaqlvpm"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Utility construction of the graph depending unusable packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "up" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, split + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "up"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iawaqbn7lb87zv0bvjvvh8sgjn370insy2brvg2msnj9ba0937m"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath mtl parsec split transformers + ]; + description = "Generates pathnames to up directories"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uploadcare" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cryptohash + , hex, http-conduit, http-types, old-locale, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uploadcare"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1lm7mp8djhxylavihaljqjfsgzpn747plkq6f7yd2dk32xlsb5bz"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring cryptohash hex http-conduit + http-types old-locale time + ]; + description = "Haskell client for Uploadcare"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "upskirt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "upskirt"; + version = "0.0.4"; + sha256 = "0528345xiq2xmi9fwzv0rvbjqfhcvyhkik8c453yr2nr03k0zs4c"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + description = "Binding to upskirt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "ureader" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, async, base, bytestring + , containers, curl, data-default, deepseq, directory, download-curl + , feed, filepath, implicit-params, network, old-locale, opml + , optparse-applicative, parallel-io, split, tagsoup, terminal-size + , text, time, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ureader"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11zgs8mmmkvddyq6s0x98gdqbdaj6n3rxf6ab3xf1ap2cd4siwb8"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint async base bytestring containers curl data-default + deepseq directory download-curl feed filepath implicit-params + network old-locale opml optparse-applicative parallel-io split + tagsoup terminal-size text time xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Minimalistic CLI RSS reader"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urembed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cake3, directory, filepath + , language-javascript, mime-types, mtl, optparse-applicative + , process, syb, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urembed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0fnr3xskzwxxxk7iv5bmqa18zbr612pn27jjiac0l4wzv33lisik"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cake3 directory filepath language-javascript + mime-types mtl optparse-applicative process syb text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ur/Web static content generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, safe, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1dhmrn4mq3ia0iv3y2k5pw71a6677q3vdqqf2w4b3aksi6wna49j"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec safe utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for working with URIs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, deepseq + , failure, monad-control, network, system-fileio, system-filepath + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0bmq241in1x0bjffp6nmbz8lf324q926mcddpvmzn2j1ipy7fvg6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers deepseq failure monad-control + network system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write URIs (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri-encode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network-uri, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-encode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "115wnc7x7gx57qza5az4c1wy0n2f40634529jk0vpxw6bb9b1mzn"; + editedCabalFile = "455f71a45ce8ec3646f1215bf1476828fd01bb5fc1e228a6da6657c57b5f53be"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network-uri text utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-f-tools" ]; + description = "Unicode aware uri-encoding"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "uri-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, enumerator, failure + , network, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "164yzmx18ykkf2vbl9zhqmbvb80dig8bx3pfadw23a6wyvigmhw5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers enumerator failure network text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write URIs (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri-enumerator-file" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, enumerator + , lifted-base, monad-control, network, system-fileio + , system-filepath, text, transformers, uri-enumerator + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-enumerator-file"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15ycv01kmwnwq3qkjjcl8ayal0p4klhflzkykm2rlq1d8mi2vmd6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers enumerator lifted-base monad-control + network system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + uri-enumerator + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "uri-enumerator backend for the file scheme (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri-template" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-template"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1y1jqymjbawwdywk770j4rk8sy7p1plvfliwcmqr0h16y31kzlpl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base containers utf8-string ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnew-base" ]; + description = "URI template library for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uri-templater" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-wl-pprint, base, charset, containers, dlist + , HTTP, HUnit, mtl, parsers, template-haskell, text, trifecta + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uri-templater"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ypyi5vz7fjgvw1xicjksjfbpvm472dif2jw6pn09jfgqkal075s"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-wl-pprint base charset containers dlist HTTP mtl parsers + template-haskell text trifecta unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ ansi-wl-pprint base HUnit mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing & Quasiquoting for RFC 6570 URI Templates"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "url" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "url"; + version = "2.1.3"; + sha256 = "0qag18wbrq9jjk1444mjigz1xl7xl03fz66b1lnya9qaihzpxwjs"; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for working with URLs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "url-generic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, syb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "url-generic"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0yfcy2nhc67kxb7n9mjxi4z5jcq4iz4kq80fb9lbi461vijhmw5m"; + editedCabalFile = "d9926e2ce6433a73b2ba940d476f7046890752c8a1145b42a78561e8d3ff6fb9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl syb ]; + description = "Parse/format generic key/value URLs from record data types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urlcheck" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, network + , old-time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urlcheck"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1mddlppdb0c9pxvjfm40i0bcrg7wbc61hzlrlv6kir0n1j9yb8ri"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mtl network old-time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parallel link checker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urldecode" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urldecode"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13fip41s78qcnrg4zccd5lk3qbsaax7h5sspc0xjzlaca664hq3y"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Decode percent-encoded strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urldisp-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urldisp-happstack"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kg25w5pnmsnjwycnf0q6d65cqfw5d0xn9rwyn4ybhh3a8q2yaa8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring happstack-server mtl ]; + description = "Simple, declarative, expressive URL routing -- on happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urlencoded" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, network, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urlencoded"; + version = "0.4.0"; + sha256 = "0idh70apfxx8bkbsxda4xhb0b5xf4x237dwi4v55ildrhxx4b68k"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base mtl network split ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate or process x-www-urlencoded data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urlpath" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urlpath"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0rbw76m9d1gr0zc7wppzdad5nnwdrg2g5v54lc7hxk5wk53pran1"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-instances text transformers + ]; + description = "Painfully simple URL writing combinators"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "urn" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urn"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wxgq445nzfly9773bjx3mr15l8ga4840d2q1zw50kk07fwxx6h7"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Universal Resource Names"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "urxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, mtl, optparse-applicative, parsec + , process, syb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "urxml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "141b2dhqpbirqlv53rm3xsl14mq0vxw96r3qhygraw5gp5vlvgl9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base filepath mtl optparse-applicative parsec process syb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML parser-printer supporting Ur/Web syntax extensions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "usb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-libusb, bytestring, containers + , ghc-prim, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "usb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h9lzjmppq2cbyma3rrk2xfayf4aq1xjz8zh18v53m1ky34rhjgp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-libusb bytestring containers ghc-prim text vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Communicate with USB devices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "usb-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bindings-libusb + , iteratee, monad-control, transformers, usb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "usb-enumerator"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1gd132pshcqa8539g1dmx1hpzfdd33x7vpi9d3hrc6q6l6312nfs"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bindings-libusb iteratee monad-control + transformers usb + ]; + description = "Iteratee enumerators for the usb package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "usb-id-database" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring, containers + , containers-unicode-symbols, parsimony + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "usb-id-database"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ji6zrglmlkhv743w4d4lrqvhva4yl5kqxb420z44l1wymvgg1s1"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bytestring containers + containers-unicode-symbols parsimony + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A database of USB identifiers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "usb-iteratee" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bindings-libusb + , iteratee, monad-control, usb, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "usb-iteratee"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "04kv2pfw24d46b135p6mwgf40wb9q43lcy66cbczh4lz0630j771"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bindings-libusb iteratee monad-control + usb vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Iteratee enumerators for the usb package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "usb-safe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base-unicode-symbols, bindings-libusb + , bytestring, iteratee, regions, text, transformers, usb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "usb-safe"; + version = "0.14"; + sha256 = "1dhx7y74f2c04dmlsx0i80ar31d6k2qsgh7432c8k0y29iwhdzfm"; + buildDepends = [ + base base-unicode-symbols bindings-libusb bytestring iteratee + regions text transformers usb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Type-safe communication with USB devices"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "utf8-env" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "utf8-env"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0ls2ls2n12igm1day730sp1gfcwxvkkqd2xdp2lmyp2ldp0d72zp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl utf8-string ]; + description = "UTF-8 aware substitutes for functions in System.Environment"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "utf8-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "utf8-light"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0rwyc5z331yfnm4hpx0sph6i1zvkd1z10vvglhnp0vc9wy644k0q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ghc-prim ]; + description = "Unicode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "utf8-prelude" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "utf8-prelude"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "156kjn3da02z060srlsm8kqwbxzcscjzxdkp4lmv8zq5zscha5v6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string ]; + description = "Variants of Prelude and System.IO with UTF8 text I/O operations"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "utf8-string" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "utf8-string"; + version = "0.3.8"; + sha256 = "1h29dn0scsfkhmkg14ywq9178lw40ah1r36w249zfzqr02y7qxc0"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-bytestring-in-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "utility-ht" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "utility-ht"; + version = "0.0.10"; + sha256 = "17ydzb0p8xhddvfvm4wjv5yjmy0v7nj6fsj11srnnpj91wc9k0xd"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base QuickCheck ]; + description = "Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uu-cco" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-cco"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1skg22cnsnjp5zzv1q6fk68xryynncx5l1xlcaf8jf76g183c5vi"; + buildDepends = [ ansi-terminal base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for compiler construction: core functionality"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uu-cco-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, uu-cco, uuagc, uuagc-cabal }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-cco-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i8idcbq602hl1il326lq9b5gcjm9qn00wpragr1kj676g615024"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base uu-cco uuagc uuagc-cabal ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for compiler construction: example programs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uu-cco-hut-parsing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, uu-cco, uulib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-cco-hut-parsing"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06ddh2fcvy0zbzzdgpcx8kvlssrcmxx4swgkl8iy7223llanx0px"; + buildDepends = [ base uu-cco uulib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uulib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uu-cco-uu-parsinglib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ListLike, uu-cco, uu-parsinglib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-cco-uu-parsinglib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sshnlqb0ydxgrhm0i1c3mpnixfsqwrf3gl59yz4rhiw5hy33z71"; + buildDepends = [ base ListLike uu-cco uu-parsinglib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uu-parsinglib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uu-interleaved" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-interleaved"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00zq89fjz3r5pj6qbci017cm9y2rsvl265y9d95q0rv6ljhsayzs"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Providing an interleaving combinator for use with applicative/alternative style implementations"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "uu-options" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lenses, mtl, transformers, uu-interleaved + , uu-parsinglib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-options"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dygg4w3rlnf1pnmwq7i6vzz0v90b4g18ipfc5whn1ss1bixwxk4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base lenses mtl transformers uu-interleaved uu-parsinglib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse command line options using uu-interleave and uu-parsinglib"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "uu-parsinglib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ListLike, time, uu-interleaved }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-parsinglib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mz8sni7mj85b0ih0y1ld7lcj74iq5z2xi1lbwwndpqra9ahc5s6"; + buildDepends = [ base ListLike time uu-interleaved ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, online, error-correcting, monadic, applicative, merging, permuting, idiomatic parser combinators"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "uu-tc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uu-tc"; + version = "2009.2.2"; + sha256 = "0s7b23r7gnavwnvzpi25mc0hyg605ms249k5i4661nqpfiwn7zry"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Haskell 98 parser combintors for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuagc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , ghc-prim, haskell-src-exts, mtl, uuagc-cabal, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuagc"; + version = "0.9.51"; + sha256 = "07nymg525x41y8pl94d0n990h1yz5km8v0fasiggqv94sd04j22w"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath ghc-prim haskell-src-exts + mtl uuagc-cabal uulib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-with-loag" "-f-bootstrap_external" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuagc-bootstrap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath + , ghc-prim, haskell-src-exts, mtl, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuagc-bootstrap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zsb8pz2zx7y8sjp392hpdk30dzzmppjizcnlgd1wvq2csacnfxq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath ghc-prim haskell-src-exts + mtl uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuagc-cabal" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, directory, filepath, mtl + , process, uulib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuagc-cabal"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02xqj4vz7hir0llxl8n517qv22jlmilknhqzx4l55gccffg7zj6w"; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal containers directory filepath mtl process uulib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cabal plugin for the Universiteit Utrecht Attribute Grammar System"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuagc-diagrams" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, diagrams-lib, SVGFonts }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuagc-diagrams"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ai61r0sdi900anwl767v3j1zykgh80m3xqzr05hp6k16d0j38ms"; + buildDepends = [ base diagrams-lib SVGFonts ]; + description = "Utility for drawing attribute grammar pictures with the diagrams package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuagd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuagd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gcznzb8hr2x5mr5pgfqhnvjjrll96g855g4niacw5bd52wdvsla"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base blaze-html process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A debugger for the UUAG system"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "uuid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, cryptohash, deepseq + , hashable, HUnit, network-info, QuickCheck, random, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuid"; + version = "1.3.8"; + sha256 = "077q6772xlyhq721r9pxmb458camh5d56wmxv3ankk1j5mv431b6"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring cryptohash deepseq hashable network-info + random time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "For creating, comparing, parsing and printing Universally Unique Identifiers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuid-aeson" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, text, uuid }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuid-aeson"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nd2xm908zycrbmrayi6d4c9p9rfplsjkwnz43nrq94xjn1dp2yg"; + buildDepends = [ aeson base text uuid ]; + description = "Aeson types for UUID instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uuid-le" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, uuid }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuid-le"; + version = "0.2014.1"; + sha256 = "1gfm7bxmr2b5hn4x3dr231ra0b1nwp36x2808w3l43yglz8zwp74"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring uuid ]; + description = "Universally Unique Identifiers with little-endian-ish encoding tools"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "uuid-quasi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, uuid }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uuid-quasi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09ijnbj2znaqanaxghql3yy1fqb0nsjhrwi6kfzg4h8nrw1ir2pj"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell uuid ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Supplemental package for 'uuid' allowing quasiquotation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uulib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uulib"; + version = "0.9.16"; + sha256 = "06d9i712flxj62j7rdxvy9b0ximhdfvdakwpmr886l6fi3xpajl3"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell Utrecht Tools Library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uvector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uvector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1psbdsq20nr28cr9ni2mwzwkpz3p20n1xqp0m0m9qafz66d2vi08"; + editedCabalFile = "e289ff93c365248deb93e6268b57be8a47d724a39702887979fd842c80577508"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-safe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast unboxed arrays with a flexible interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uvector-algorithms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, uvector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uvector-algorithms"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0jzlirrar7grq3h02k22zxyvy1wmfrjw9lscnhpjqmsxjli1jh81"; + buildDepends = [ base uvector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient algorithms for uvector unboxed arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "uxadt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, json, MissingH, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uxadt"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qmp5k4wg5ja2382cwarf8fwjval2a5wdwvz32f965hvwgc9cd43"; + buildDepends = [ base json MissingH mtl ]; + description = "Cross-language extensible representation for algebraic data type instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "uzbl-with-source" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "uzbl-with-source"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q6n18kqga839gkdgdwsfbnbpfm4hh1qjln17qnmfxm3ylh2l9la"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility function for reading a source of loaded uzbl pages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "v4l2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-DSL, bindings-libv4l2 + , bindings-linux-videodev2, bindings-posix, containers, ioctl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "v4l2"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hhdpljlic1kyz0pgnv9a04z6prv7rl3x5bam5j0yhm5vijrisgp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bindings-DSL bindings-libv4l2 bindings-linux-videodev2 + bindings-posix containers ioctl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "interface to Video For Linux Two (V4L2)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "v4l2-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, v4l2 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "v4l2-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1knn4cbvvk1vsn9if87hqfg761n4410p08g7vlav900svfm8i1l5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT v4l2 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "video for linux two examples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vacuum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, ghc-paths, ghc-prim }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vacuum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "157wjx2shzfh6dfl6h8x017cn9ji3ql1p0gpi79ginz4s81f2ny1"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers ghc-prim ]; + extraLibraries = [ ghc-paths ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graph representation of the GHC heap"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ghc-paths; }; + + "vacuum-cairo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, deepseq, directory, gtk, pretty + , process, strict-concurrency, svgcairo, vacuum + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vacuum-cairo"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0jp3xn1h28igcg3xb97ifawx11i7adnyi0ff264w0fril9b8ylwc"; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo deepseq directory gtk pretty process strict-concurrency + svgcairo vacuum + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and cairo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vacuum-graphviz" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, filepath, graphviz, vacuum }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vacuum-graphviz"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "093ba6n30a6gyifnk3bd50rkx8qldjqq9vsk92pnq152ibs36b2m"; + buildDepends = [ base filepath graphviz vacuum ]; + description = "A library for transforming vacuum graphs into GraphViz output"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "vacuum-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bitmap, bitmap-opengl, directory, filepath + , GLUT, network, OpenGL, pretty, process, stb-image, vacuum + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vacuum-opengl"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1dxw3apbf59b7vi4a1gnp29ia1s2q9vx79ns7257cg9cazb01z7j"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bitmap bitmap-opengl directory filepath GLUT network OpenGL + pretty process stb-image vacuum + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "vacuum-ubigraph" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hubigraph, vacuum }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vacuum-ubigraph"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zpag42dr2763ddrwdy7744lqkd6207ljfw3bqm6db3a1128861z"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hubigraph vacuum ]; + description = "Visualize Haskell data structures using vacuum and Ubigraph"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vado" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, directory, filepath, process + , QuickCheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vado"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1s6fb19p3lc6g13ryh7bmxciv62v8m0ihvzrymsj0nn6jghiys5f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base directory filepath process text ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base directory filepath process QuickCheck text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Runs commands on remote machines using ssh"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "valid-names" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, MonadRandom }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "valid-names"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14gpkb6pbkvmny17g2gpq6i6kq7ahmcnkgrcrwm72vda12wxsl78"; + buildDepends = [ base containers MonadRandom ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Valid operator/module characters"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "validate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "validate"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "19d02sblyxg73prlrmlcs4vclzxzg2pzlrp67f2kx94nsw0v3l4p"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "validation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, directory, doctest, filepath + , lens, QuickCheck, semigroupoids, semigroups, template-haskell + , transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "validation"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0rsa3n3zawywbpi1gvhfrfglxf9mkmkidkc216ld3s02pmsdmclm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors lens semigroupoids semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck template-haskell + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "validations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, digestive-functors, HUnit, mtl + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "validations"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0nviyyp0nlpilp2byckrcmbd2n6wp40pq7m10da9b24hmwajkdwk"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers digestive-functors mtl text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers digestive-functors HUnit mtl QuickCheck + test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text + transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A nice way to define field validations in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "value-supply" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "value-supply"; + version = "0.6"; + sha256 = "0fd6rk46sgdbdmfdr9wy0f3qzwaymgd9hl9v735g2a4bqiqanmb5"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "A library for generating values without having to thread state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vampire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, directory, dlist, fgl, graphviz + , haskell-src-exts, mtl, optparse-applicative, process, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vampire"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "16f1mdsyyfdgjcp3rzf3p1qj3d6la01i9y1yyp97m5nmd2jxsn1q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq directory dlist fgl graphviz haskell-src-exts mtl + optparse-applicative process uniplate + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Analyze and visualize expression trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "var" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "var"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1vc36yy8mvzy14jj8ly8ldc4d9vrcgyjfq3dpnzp6fhycg5kkv2i"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fghc-conc-sync" "-fstrict-modifyref" "-fsafe-st" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Mutable variables and tuples"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "varan" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, cmdargs, mtl + , parallel, random, statistics + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "varan"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "1hvpx4jw0lwcnc4x8vwdqp7rv8779p7xaw57cphkax13f3rwm372"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring cmdargs mtl parallel random + statistics + ]; + description = "Process mpileup output to identify significant differences"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "variable-precision" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, complex-generic, floatshow, integer-gmp + , type-level-natural-number + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "variable-precision"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1qd6mnbg06fn31vp9d4yan8rqxyymjljrlr7m4yvn2ppw560p564"; + buildDepends = [ + base complex-generic floatshow integer-gmp + type-level-natural-number + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-ffast" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "variable-precision floating point"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "variables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec, mtl, QuickCheck, stm }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "variables"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0garxmxm11qhp2wm7xib4nrlkfiqbyzf3glkdbqb582nip0sb1rp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl stm ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec mtl QuickCheck stm ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monads with variables, without deep magic"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vault" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vault"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ah6qrg71krc87f4vjy4b4shdd0mgyil8fikb3j6fl4kfwlg67jn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers hashable unordered-containers ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fuseghc" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a persistent store for values of arbitrary types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vcard" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mime-directory }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vcard"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "1wa1pdfw7ykmq72af63fh999il5nighf7689265hn3i5awm1m16p"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers mime-directory ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for parsing/printing vCards from/to various formats"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "vcd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, polyparse }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vcd"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0x0smhllghzn0xjfk5cwxaf1vnd2yp3saxw92ylyws8a546mzhzm"; + buildDepends = [ base polyparse ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Reading and writing VCD files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vcs-revision" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vcs-revision"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1lp1wf440n7kinmxz7la0gyfqfdlip6f0bn8pmwkxd1dqyrvg5cg"; + buildDepends = [ base process ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "Facilities for accessing the version control revision of the current directory"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vcsgui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, gtk3, mtl, process + , text, vcswrapper + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vcsgui"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1sjkg1ncmpymv9m5ag1f4ia4pdak05bgb03d28jd84p24qvshqyk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath gtk3 mtl process text vcswrapper + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fgtk3" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "GUI library for source code management systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "vcswrapper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, hxt, mtl, parsec + , process, split, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vcswrapper"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "056gdgmyprvbz61gfffkpwfyh4m7f9fnglk69jp4xh4jfx1wr7ni"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath hxt mtl parsec process split text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper for source code management systems"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "vect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vect"; + version = "0.4.7"; + sha256 = "1049jh8rcxfnyckz5m5asdlyafqszlig96k387raldyfzbrf8f4d"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A low-dimensional linear algebra library, tailored to computer graphics"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vect-floating" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vect-floating"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kxsjsiqqpi7k0xz597z7r2fd45s38plgk6jplzxagg0i3bm0q4g"; + buildDepends = [ base random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A low-dimensional linear algebra library, operating on the Floating typeclass"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vect-floating-accelerate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, accelerate, base, vect-floating }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vect-floating-accelerate"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10mn2gvpkp14j7rc7cc66x30k7xh56xpp04ak1aj8p46rsy75s4x"; + editedCabalFile = "af7a5778a0ab8e79fdd4d535aeda7dba18ead15ea3f0b5ae87c3b17c5a076216"; + buildDepends = [ accelerate base vect-floating ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Accelerate instances for vect-floating types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vect-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, OpenGL, vect }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vect-opengl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qp98j6bgldjcs71pd7iqc5sjf1ixb1jj0l267hw532j4yf81dig"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGL vect ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fopengl29" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OpenGL support for the `vect' low-dimensional linear algebra library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, ghc-prim, primitive, QuickCheck + , random, template-haskell, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01hc71k1z9m0g0dv4zsvq5d2dvbgyc5p01hryw5c53792yi2fm25"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq ghc-prim primitive ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck random template-haskell test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-internalchecks" "-f-unsafechecks" "-fboundschecks" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient Arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-algorithms" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, mtl, mwc-random + , primitive, QuickCheck, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-algorithms"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kz4b41y7swad6mbx0g3adc8lqma8pl3rnzah71cfdvb87gssbn4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring mtl mwc-random primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring containers QuickCheck vector ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fproperties" "-f-bench" "-f-internalchecks" "-f-unsafechecks" + "-fboundschecks" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient algorithms for vector arrays"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-binary" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-binary"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1qdjibh3ywfa0lvawdahnr9qhh2qy6899lm5inbzmksjpykgbazz"; + buildDepends = [ base binary vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binary instances for vector types (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-binary-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, cereal, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-binary-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "028rsf2w193rhs1gic5yvvrwidw9sblczcn10aw64npfc6502l4l"; + buildDepends = [ base binary cereal vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances of Data.Binary and Data.Serialize for vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-buffer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-buffer"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "00dr9fm91q091jv19b0fpzjq297fhh7b5xmpyypm26pkzzb7vqz7"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq vector ]; + description = "A buffer compatible with Data.Vector.*"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-bytestring" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, criterion, deepseq, directory + , ghc-prim, primitive, QuickCheck, random, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-bytestring"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0xiksm1136azrcidcsi9g59i1nb9r8lhzsn1fhnp830sr63fy7k4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring criterion deepseq ghc-prim primitive vector + ]; + testDepends = [ base directory QuickCheck random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-benchmark" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "ByteStrings as type synonyms of Storable Vectors of Word8s"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-clock" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, ghc-prim, hashable, HUnit + , QuickCheck, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-clock"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0ndp25w61rcj4sadvhxlirrk1dhk7rmdzv9kha7kyqa41whr9629"; + buildDepends = [ base binary ghc-prim hashable ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary ghc-prim HUnit QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Vector clocks for versioning message flows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "vector-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, HUnit, primitive, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10mqmxfqzqcgxf0isv611ailq03smdfybviamxpskncbf15sc6g1"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit primitive vector ]; + testDepends = [ + base conduit HUnit primitive QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 vector + ]; + description = "Conduit utilities for vectors"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vector-fftw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fftw3, primitive, storable-complex, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-fftw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rfvr86yiwp4wb9qjggbbacmgkfj6xrk6h7xb4xmhmk88slvifm0"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive storable-complex vector ]; + extraLibraries = [ fftw3 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the fftw library for one-dimensional vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { fftw3 = null; }; + + "vector-functorlazy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, primitive, vector, vector-th-unbox + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-functorlazy"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0ysic3f5xw675bk095pby9ihbgcxpkj4pgp61dwr354w28l0yc03"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim primitive vector vector-th-unbox ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "vectors that perform the fmap operation in constant time"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-heterogenous" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-heterogenous"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "14v0qj2r484pwbjhdymvdqjnsbqszl9wr71hv6wsvs2d8ja1bajl"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A type-safe library for vectors whose elements can be of any type, or any type satisfying some constraints"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, comonad, keys, pointed, semigroupoids + , semigroups, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-instances"; + version = "3.3"; + sha256 = "0iiw9p2ivcdfsh81vdy4yn6hbigdwclrkssd68hdsg9n6q3fmq5y"; + buildDepends = [ + base comonad keys pointed semigroupoids semigroups vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-instances-collections" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, collections-api, template-haskell, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-instances-collections"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13xk2iwdwrnmdm33z0fmj4sg3irih4ayl3q5pgz31qs9kcsbhi0s"; + buildDepends = [ base collections-api template-haskell vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Instances of the Data.Collections classes for Data.Vector.*"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-mmap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mmap, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-mmap"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "03hczjc7j1hxnny912cblxdwn908gwm012w03zgj2v9avldp0gmr"; + buildDepends = [ base mmap primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Memory map immutable and mutable vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-random" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mersenne-random-pure64, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-random"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1f74q4bs5mbcw8xg4sxb46ks5x121lbbr6cl09ssr09cpykkbdvb"; + buildDepends = [ base mersenne-random-pure64 vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate vectors filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-read-instances" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-read-instances"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k30n5qh16sdfxy77vp10bx52lb1ffmjn70vg87hx12j8wg9vbv6"; + buildDepends = [ base vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "(deprecated) Read instances for 'Data.Vector'"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-space" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Boolean, MemoTrie, NumInstances }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-space"; + version = "0.9"; + sha256 = "0rq1753rfm35x3jck4xfs8jyf6r712rp2c5lh0kzylxfib4lwkj2"; + buildDepends = [ base Boolean MemoTrie NumInstances ]; + description = "Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-space-map" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-space-map"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1s5hh7dlbw1ai3nqqcavrqgidddfj99mi0gmhf2x2zn6ag86xr8b"; + buildDepends = [ base containers vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "vector-space operations for finite maps using Data.Map"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vector-space-opengl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ieee754, OpenGL, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, vector-space + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-space-opengl"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "17rczadmjiblh96r7bfcxy53m7ig534qqcf35i7w6x90354dyiaw"; + buildDepends = [ base OpenGL vector-space ]; + testDepends = [ + base ieee754 OpenGL QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th vector-space + ]; + description = "Instances of vector-space classes for OpenGL types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-space-points" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-space-points"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "05wczgvcqwqhcr4v0md4x5vybq6ns8rk6459yqyrc96kaig0sf2i"; + buildDepends = [ base vector-space ]; + description = "A type for points, as distinct from vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, primitive, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19spzrk64j2rgyi15dvs8gfbx3nc79ybssaxkv8dn9df4fwksv91"; + buildDepends = [ base primitive vector ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Statically checked sizes on Data.Vector"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-strategies" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, parallel, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-strategies"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "04vaizcc78q94vpaly28iwhlwk6nwrsa6jmcq2afdl6yqp63njc6"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq parallel vector ]; + description = "A parallel evaluation strategy for boxed vectors"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vector-th-unbox" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, template-haskell, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vector-th-unbox"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r8yxj63hvkm923y8mk1b5kv1b15lqadxhlncc02glvmy8zf1prh"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell vector ]; + testDepends = [ base data-default vector ]; + description = "Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "verbalexpressions" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-pcre }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "verbalexpressions"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wai72bqb1vp4p7ml1yj2jdmkjglihai9vhmgj7ri6y2qgzkpwly"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-pcre ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Regular expressions made easy"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "verilog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, happy, monadLib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "verilog"; + version = "0.0.9"; + sha256 = "0i7jc3lriy0ad4ixkf7lj7yis9lzs9j3wh5la7rlawvfq8hj0sag"; + buildDepends = [ array base monadLib ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Verilog parser and DSL"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vhd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, byteable, bytestring, cereal, cipher-aes + , cryptohash, directory, filepath, mmap, QuickCheck, random + , storable-endian, test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + , time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vhd"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0z7a17j0rd06kvn3v4qr0fhxg0xw6n3579477y2lvx4mcc3qyrvw"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring cereal cipher-aes cryptohash directory + filepath mmap random storable-endian text time + ]; + testDepends = [ + base byteable bytestring cereal cryptohash filepath mmap QuickCheck + random test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides functions to inspect and manipulate virtual hard disk (VHD) files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vhdl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, pretty, regex-posix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vhdl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bi8n8m9an1hcj4c6i2ifqyadg32nq4viffi1kiihaw3j7dh552b"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl pretty regex-posix ]; + description = "VHDL AST and pretty printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "views" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "views"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0kzwp58lki3jvx09n6w8rc97idhy947xqik72p2fqjyigkymv04h"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "Views allow you to run a State monad on part of a state"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vigilance" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, acid-state, aeson, async, attoparsec, base + , blaze-builder, bytestring, classy-prelude, configurator + , containers, data-store, derive, directory, either, entropy + , errors, fast-logger, hspec, hspec-expectations, http-streams + , http-types, HUnit, interpolatedstring-perl6, io-streams, lens + , mime-mail, monad-logger, monad-loops, mtl, optparse-applicative + , QuickCheck, quickcheck-properties, safecopy, stm + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra, warp, yesod + , yesod-core, yesod-platform + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vigilance"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qmwqc2cgrmcjcdfwz0hmfn1irzrwbb7mybrl7myf711sri9ng45"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + acid-state aeson async attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + classy-prelude configurator containers data-store directory either + entropy errors fast-logger http-streams http-types + interpolatedstring-perl6 io-streams lens mime-mail monad-logger + monad-loops mtl optparse-applicative safecopy stm template-haskell + text time transformers unix unordered-containers vector wai + wai-extra warp yesod yesod-core yesod-platform + ]; + testDepends = [ + acid-state aeson async attoparsec base blaze-builder bytestring + classy-prelude configurator containers data-store derive directory + entropy errors fast-logger hspec hspec-expectations http-streams + http-types HUnit interpolatedstring-perl6 io-streams lens mime-mail + monad-loops mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-properties safecopy stm text + time transformers unix unordered-containers vector warp yesod + yesod-core yesod-platform + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-no-client" "-f-no-server" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An extensible dead-man's switch system"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vimus" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, containers, data-default + , deepseq, directory, filepath, hspec, hspec-expectations, libmpd + , mtl, ncurses, old-locale, process, QuickCheck, template-haskell + , time, transformers, utf8-string, wcwidth + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vimus"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "0s7hfyil9rnr9rmjb08g1l1sxybx3qdkw2f59p433fkdjp2m140h"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default deepseq directory filepath + libmpd mtl old-locale process template-haskell time utf8-string + wcwidth + ]; + testDepends = [ + base data-default hspec hspec-expectations mtl QuickCheck + transformers wcwidth + ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ ncurses ]; + description = "An MPD client with vim-like key bindings"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) ncurses; }; + + "vintage-basic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl + , parsec, process, random, regex-base, regex-posix, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vintage-basic"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0hmnkmg6sz702nplh7indlzmv7bb36fmaglf9lw0fziabaj9kk25"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base directory filepath HUnit mtl parsec process random + regex-base regex-posix time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vinyl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, doctest, ghc-prim, lens, singletons }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vinyl"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "0jm31cynhl8ggmi6ndj7lhfm85cqml67svxm4v3kc8mnw5gj3c59"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest lens singletons ]; + description = "Extensible Records"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vinyl-gl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLUtil, HUnit, linear, OpenGL + , tagged, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, transformers + , vector, vinyl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vinyl-gl"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1i3hnsvk6zzrmsxmyzm0hyf5053czp85mc4ccy07kmz0wg4sd3w2"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLUtil linear OpenGL tagged transformers vector + vinyl + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit linear OpenGL tagged test-framework test-framework-hunit + vinyl + ]; + description = "Utilities for working with OpenGL's GLSL shading language and vinyl records"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vinyl-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, hlint, template-haskell + , text, vinyl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vinyl-json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "07rjlwalpq67hc4pha6x02qbw5pxaz4yimx8sclps9dl7r76xi5c"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring template-haskell text vinyl + ]; + testDepends = [ base hlint ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-documentation" ]; + description = "Provide json instances automagically to vinyl types"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vinyl-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, contravariant, transformers, vinyl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vinyl-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "18qpv27rg62fj3qg2a0r9k0jj4qsv7cjfd7xhgqzb33vg621c45x"; + buildDepends = [ base contravariant transformers vinyl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for vinyl"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "virthualenv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, Cabal, directory, file-embed + , filepath, mtl, process, safe, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "virthualenv"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "08z6dvhv4k6a71dvqhvcfl8s5aq7qcg8aj5xbym3931yykl0gxc2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring Cabal directory file-embed filepath mtl process + safe split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Virtual Haskell Environment builder"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vision" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, filepath, glib + , gtk, json, MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, parsec, PSQueue, stm + , url, utf8-string, xmms2-client, xmms2-client-glib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vision"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1235zclhg4nkd387df4gg3q88hvsqwsdj1j20lnfnclxfah0qxa2"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory filepath glib gtk json + MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl parsec PSQueue stm url utf8-string + xmms2-client xmms2-client-glib + ]; + description = "An XMMS2 client"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "visual-graphrewrite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, containers, directory, fgl, glade + , graphviz, gtk, haskell-src, ipprint, isevaluated, lazysmallcheck + , parallel, pretty, process, strict-concurrency, svgcairo + , value-supply + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "visual-graphrewrite"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0myppx9bd8bfhii91lqdp00ckp20bq82754mr01s87l1d01gb4wp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cairo containers directory fgl glade graphviz gtk haskell-src + ipprint isevaluated lazysmallcheck parallel pretty process + strict-concurrency svgcairo value-supply + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Visualize the graph-rewrite steps of a Haskell program"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "visual-prof" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, mtl, pretty, process, regexpr, split, uniplate + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "visual-prof"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "00wvxsq6yaidiv2izdxsvvfzj8ksrq8y3fky9y68k82ivh7r2y39"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath haskell-src-exts mtl pretty + process regexpr split uniplate + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create a visual profile of a program's source code"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vk-aws-route53" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aws, base, bytestring, containers, http-conduit + , http-types, old-locale, resourcet, text, time, xml-conduit + , xml-hamlet + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vk-aws-route53"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0sblvj89bb7vxgy09m88gcphqc9w2mpawg8kdz0r77y7db0vzb4x"; + buildDepends = [ + aws base bytestring containers http-conduit http-types old-locale + resourcet text time xml-conduit xml-hamlet + ]; + description = "Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vk-posix-pty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vk-posix-pty"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1kj06niwcsb4lyhppv5bs67cf8frcs4g8fyyzv3cpipn0xdhsr97"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring process unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "void" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc-prim, hashable, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "void"; + version = "0.7"; + sha256 = "0ivgr4minxb5v56v4kbd045iwqk1c2w89c830731l75mkg8qa6wq"; + buildDepends = [ base ghc-prim hashable semigroups ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-safe" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vorbiscomment" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary-strict, bytestring, mtl, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vorbiscomment"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "12kfih0marcrpw9y6wvxgqy6w73f62yhy02c05wcpwxww5cg9iwx"; + buildDepends = [ base binary-strict bytestring mtl utf8-string ]; + description = "Reading of Vorbis comments from Ogg Vorbis files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "vowpal-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vowpal-utils"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "09z6nbsj4rqzhksk75glrsrmcs21p8x0jmcpqs6rc9iizz79db8g"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Vowpal Wabbit utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "voyeur" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, process, utf8-string }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "voyeur"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "117xvh6llh3aw8nxrvvqyjaflq35l69b7s4j1sc79p8r972mdwff"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring process utf8-string ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell bindings for libvoyeur"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vte" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, pango, vte }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vte"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wn9cr6sjc0cjswgdpkg3zcyymgkd4kjzby83dv0mp15jbq09hxb"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk pango ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ vte ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the VTE library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) vte; }; + + "vtegtk3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, gtk3, pango, vte }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vtegtk3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "035vc1vrp4w9a2hrq4jhqjqwmwc734ilndqp5jbm7icdpdwbhd0y"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 pango ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ vte ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the VTE library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) vte; }; + + "vty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , data-default, deepseq, directory, filepath, hashable, HUnit, lens + , mtl, parallel, parsec, QuickCheck, quickcheck-assertions, random + , smallcheck, string-qq, terminfo, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-smallcheck, text + , transformers, unix, utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vty"; + version = "5.2.6"; + sha256 = "05d5vczifyzg36w1d4wwa9h27fpwgxaxws5ilmg47gq4zr1a6yxi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers data-default deepseq + directory filepath hashable lens mtl parallel parsec terminfo text + transformers unix utf8-string vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring Cabal containers data-default deepseq + HUnit lens mtl QuickCheck quickcheck-assertions random smallcheck + string-qq terminfo test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-smallcheck text unix utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple terminal UI library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vty-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, Cabal, containers + , data-default, deepseq, lens, mtl, parallel, parsec, QuickCheck + , random, string-qq, terminfo, text, unix, utf8-string, vector, vty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vty-examples"; + version = "5.2.0"; + sha256 = "1iyygg5sy59f586d31zxdaz1jnpwrir6bfissarb0ag55dhl1j8x"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring Cabal containers data-default deepseq lens + mtl parallel parsec QuickCheck random string-qq terminfo text unix + utf8-string vector vty + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Examples programs using the vty library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vty-menu" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vty }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vty-menu"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1ak6k43w381qg41mc5k5shbkwzg35kvh89yldimwk5a5sc08sqbi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base vty ]; + description = "A lib for displaying a menu and getting a selection using VTY"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "vty-ui" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , directory, filepath, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck, random + , regex-base, stm, text, time, unix, vector, vty + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vty-ui"; + version = "1.8"; + sha256 = "08jrcwml5g74mp4wy7kqp9jd5mfbxl04517v5354jiwn4dc77azm"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers data-default directory filepath + mtl old-locale QuickCheck random regex-base stm text time unix + vector vty + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-demos" "-f-no-tests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An interactive terminal user interface library for Vty"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "vty-ui-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, regex-base, regex-pcre, vty, vty-ui }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "vty-ui-extras"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1c60bvhk1riilj7sl7x7nw4d9yg56f2k0ps1aivmjm0q4brhgnx7"; + buildDepends = [ base regex-base regex-pcre vty vty-ui ]; + description = "Extra vty-ui functionality not included in the core library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, hspec, http-types + , network, text, vault + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0aia14y1vy6yppfhwalmbcpnv1ypk8a08jbj05mk3w96hsaxnc19"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring http-types network text vault + ]; + testDepends = [ base blaze-builder bytestring hspec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web Application Interface"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-app-file-cgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit + , conduit-extra, containers, data-default-class, directory, doctest + , filepath, hspec, HTTP, http-client, http-conduit, http-date + , http-types, io-choice, lifted-base, mime-types, network, process + , sockaddr, static-hash, text, transformers, unix, wai, wai-conduit + , warp, word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-app-file-cgi"; + version = "3.0.3"; + sha256 = "17w5mapvn8vkwv9bcyw253qwz30rj19zw5qfxjy76j9hkffydwkv"; + buildDepends = [ + array attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder blaze-html + bytestring case-insensitive conduit conduit-extra containers + data-default-class directory filepath http-client http-conduit + http-date http-types io-choice lifted-base mime-types network + process sockaddr static-hash text transformers unix wai wai-conduit + word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra directory doctest filepath + hspec HTTP http-types unix wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "File/CGI/Rev Proxy App of WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-app-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, byteable, bytestring, containers, cryptohash + , cryptohash-conduit, directory, file-embed, filepath, hspec + , http-date, http-types, mime-types, network, old-locale + , optparse-applicative, system-fileio, system-filepath + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, unix-compat + , unordered-containers, wai, wai-extra, warp, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-app-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1v3zy79s5y4rdp9m6mg8mynsajjdf9zjlx5q9lnfk0d8pq3k8bwl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup + byteable bytestring containers cryptohash cryptohash-conduit + directory file-embed filepath http-date http-types mime-types + old-locale optparse-applicative system-fileio system-filepath + template-haskell text time transformers unix-compat + unordered-containers wai wai-extra warp zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec http-date http-types mime-types network + old-locale text time transformers unix-compat wai wai-extra zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-print" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI application for static serving"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , http-types, transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wqn8biq0ghz7ikmlq7x7vpdq2yc7mk9rnz9vlng7vcm7wpqilj7"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring conduit http-types transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "conduit wrappers for WAI"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-cors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base-unicode-symbols, bytestring + , case-insensitive, charset, errors, http-types, parsers, resourcet + , transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-cors"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ljggv4ylx9rjr595w8vfk744bv7x0b5argr7nlw61ywm8ck8djs"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base-unicode-symbols bytestring case-insensitive + charset errors http-types parsers resourcet transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CORS for WAI"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-digestive-functors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, digestive-functors, http-types, resourcet + , text, transformers, wai, wai-extra, wai-util + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-digestive-functors"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "04l9m43gm1zcgq32c70870kygy87p44zb4kvqcvi86zcspqdgpld"; + buildDepends = [ + base digestive-functors http-types resourcet text transformers wai + wai-extra wai-util + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helpers to bind digestive-functors onto wai requests"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-dispatch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, wai, yesod-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-dispatch"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1qyarjbpnngb2x272gkmvrhy3f8kqygxj4nvi6giz09rdx9pfrza"; + buildDepends = [ base text wai yesod-routes ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nice wrapper around yesod-routes for use with WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-eventsource" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-eventsource"; + version = "3.0.0"; + sha256 = "1h5zlqky7ldqbmiaixizhk1s8ghf5i3ha1xfz8flxgzr7gr0al3q"; + buildDepends = [ wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI support for server-sent events (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-extra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers + , data-default-class, deepseq, directory, fast-logger, hspec + , http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, network, old-locale, resourcet + , streaming-commons, stringsearch, text, time, transformers, unix + , unix-compat, void, wai, wai-logger, word8, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-extra"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0d5ivwvbrhg5z8c268kpd29mni2k54ximqjxdapmwv7kmj87ggzg"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive containers data-default-class deepseq directory + fast-logger http-types lifted-base network old-locale resourcet + streaming-commons stringsearch text time transformers unix + unix-compat void wai wai-logger word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring fast-logger hspec http-types HUnit resourcet text + transformers wai zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-frontend-monadcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, cgi + , containers, http-types, transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-frontend-monadcgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0g0lkkfcfi9vldl0g4r6qy8an1hsd4xnqw9z8d66mw696ydynvsj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring case-insensitive cgi containers http-types + transformers wai + ]; + description = "Run CGI apps on WAI"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-graceful" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, http-types, mtl, resourcet, unix, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-graceful"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0a06yrakg9gwjjj4f9nr474j8i8xz642aj56m8vaq621i1kn7jaq"; + buildDepends = [ base http-types mtl resourcet unix wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Graceful shutdown for WAI applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-devel" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, cmdargs, directory + , hint, http-types, network, old-time, text, time, transformers + , wai, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-devel"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13f3w31kr3zinll76i6y3walpyqz3i1rlbsh3d7c5p8hp2d88bzy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring cmdargs directory hint http-types + network old-time text time transformers wai wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI server that automatically reloads code after modification. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-fastcgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, fcgi, wai, wai-extra }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-fastcgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14lm9vbh213jxd1nkxcipisja90h3ay6mi6iiim65k7snm3b7w1v"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring wai wai-extra ]; + extraLibraries = [ fcgi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wai handler to fastcgi"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-launch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, http-types + , process, streaming-commons, transformers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-launch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00957a4a3q48yy6pb6k2m7hzdrxc3xkxdhbkmm8c9bwj05iqwhsz"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring http-types process streaming-commons + transformers wai warp + ]; + description = "Launch a web app in the default browser"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-scgi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, wai, wai-extra }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-scgi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0h7d78d641bjsnmxsnz4b7s9pw4x0y0xi8bld51y4nqnbjl8gvac"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring wai wai-extra ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wai handler to SCGI (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, enumerator + , snap-core, snap-server, transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-snap"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0akk9h7m1hhdggbhj0grss94jzm13fmcmgj51nvh7mfj6f5kj31l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers enumerator snap-core snap-server + transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Web Application Interface handler using snap-server. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-handler-webkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QtWebKit, wai, warp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-handler-webkit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1fm985jq1sa8v3vj850cpcjl6kcyq2kgq6xwpb1rmzi8zmb80kpc"; + buildDepends = [ base wai warp ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ QtWebKit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Turn WAI applications into standalone GUIs using QtWebkit"; + license =; + }) { QtWebKit = null; }; + + "wai-hastache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hastache, http-types + , transformers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-hastache"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1kkn8n33cm5r7hw0xxf815nx1ixg09r7ckspq228j1syq5j1lzq8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring hastache http-types transformers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Nice wrapper around hastache for use with WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-hmac-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bifunctors, byteable + , bytestring, containers, cryptohash, hspec, http-types + , monad-loops, mtl, transformers, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-hmac-auth"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "1hjzwh9hzy29y617faa94428s7ja2ri0bggqxwmf27a0r4qpf1r4"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bifunctors byteable bytestring containers + cryptohash http-types monad-loops mtl transformers wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bifunctors byteable bytestring containers + cryptohash hspec http-types monad-loops mtl transformers wai + wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "hmac authentication tools for WAI apps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-lite" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, http-types, text + , transformers, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-lite"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ghxna51m304x5yvgfdgpml0yf6jqhfkixlxxnflg7z34h6wjzz4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit http-types text transformers wai wai-extra + ]; + description = "DEPCRECATED (use package \"simple\" instead) A minimalist web framework for WAI web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "wai-logger" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, auto-update, base, blaze-builder, byteorder + , bytestring, case-insensitive, doctest, easy-file, fast-logger + , http-types, network, unix, unix-time, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-logger"; + version = "2.2.3"; + sha256 = "0ljpzq3yfiz3xfglvj69jdk46lmgsg6nqncv9mhij4ih6qq0cx0w"; + buildDepends = [ + auto-update base blaze-builder byteorder bytestring + case-insensitive easy-file fast-logger http-types network unix + unix-time wai + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + description = "A logging system for WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-logger-prefork" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, date-cache, fast-logger + , http-types, unix, wai, wai-logger + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-logger-prefork"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0cfslqr2zdj0x83dbscafhdljrn2xswym7hpf23zlrsrnpz71qy4"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring date-cache fast-logger http-types unix wai + wai-logger + ]; + description = "A logging system for preforked WAI apps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring + , conduit, crypto-conduit, http-types, HUnit, pureMD5 + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, wai, wai-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-cache"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1kqrqjsmnwwavcyhwx6m2x3qk7qbd0h60817ai61dz3aprwc8hdw"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary blaze-builder-conduit bytestring conduit crypto-conduit + http-types pureMD5 wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit wai wai-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Caching middleware for WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-cache-redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, hedis, hedis-pile, http-types + , transformers, wai, wai-middleware-cache + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-cache-redis"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "1vd81jcisav6jyqzwa0qn35xarm21bjrw0qps9qbbq56svkh1lw9"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary blaze-builder-conduit bytestring case-insensitive + conduit hedis hedis-pile http-types transformers wai + wai-middleware-cache + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Redis backend for wai-middleware-cache"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-catch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, lifted-base, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-catch"; + version = "0.3.6"; + sha256 = "1vh5sad3zhdwxqbmivmy9hkbnq9vrv4k6k17rjk4f79lv2xcq56h"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring http-types lifted-base wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wai error catching middleware"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-etag" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, cryptohash + , filepath, http-date, http-types, unix-compat + , unordered-containers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-etag"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mcqnzvxx671awr2szyfpm6jskily9zxvmg61zz430km4i2q3wj8"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring cryptohash filepath http-date + http-types unix-compat unordered-containers wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI ETag middleware for static files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-headers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-headers"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "10ap355j4dx42y7ycf1plpbg04wazv0q62mi3ibza8sb33hiiprh"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring http-types wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "cors and addHeaders for WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-route" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, HUnit + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text, wai, wai-test + , yesod-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-route"; + version = "0.7.3"; + sha256 = "0zgiaxc5rqjlkfwkb11a5zkmbybrfcqr74mq5vpj03mqz1q0lmx7"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types text wai yesod-routes + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit text wai wai-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wai dispatch middleware"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-middleware-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , http-types, mtl, text, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-middleware-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ylf2nm535d3dw0ksa9dfz1b4b78mqzkdrpdfd5pxswcqbgs266d"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath http-types mtl text + wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI middleware that serves requests to static files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-predicates" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bytestring-conversion, case-insensitive, cookie, http-types + , singletons, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, transformers + , vault, vector, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-predicates"; + version = "0.8.4"; + sha256 = "06ib359k8amh15qmmv6rdmicak1rrx758xfrf75nni03z9k9rby5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-conversion case-insensitive + cookie http-types singletons transformers vault vector wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive http-types tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WAI request predicates"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-responsible" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-responsible"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qf64g11113gl45bfn12j2ikdjwrdxg9r8cicfs4pmh0dq5vj0va"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring http-types wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Response interface for WAI"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wai-route" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, mtl, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, unordered-containers, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-route"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1gmadxdki64x2r7931vsgzzb1hkk03a1virkjmnfm3i7kz5dp4kp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types unordered-containers wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring http-types mtl QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + wai + ]; + description = "Minimalistic, efficient routing for WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-router" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-router"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1827mk64vyivdc12z4h230c4b993i6g8wl4sl0364jda586z58p7"; + buildDepends = [ base text wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides basic routing on URL paths for WAI"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-routes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, http-types + , mtl, template-haskell, text, wai, yesod-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-routes"; + version = "0.5.1"; + sha256 = "0xd4abccgnj793vbrf1a0m1ddcq8i4p8f7sxk6mz4d1lzb4y0sf0"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring http-types mtl template-haskell + text wai yesod-routes + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Typesafe URLs for Wai applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-routing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, bytestring + , bytestring-conversion, case-insensitive, containers, cookie + , http-types, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, transformers + , wai, wai-predicates, wai-route + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-routing"; + version = "0.12.1"; + sha256 = "01bs5mmycn7dkvnp01mh226iy1b419amab83fmgk0asd2f3jsfn5"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring bytestring-conversion case-insensitive + cookie http-types transformers wai wai-predicates wai-route + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring bytestring-conversion + case-insensitive containers http-types tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-quickcheck wai wai-predicates + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Declarative routing for WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-session" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , cookie, http-types, StateVar, time, transformers, vault, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-session"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "07b9d7ggsj662zya16g36bwczw72fw9z15xnkjrpgr6fl9b4kg0y"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers cookie http-types StateVar + time transformers vault wai + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Flexible session middleware for WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-session-clientsession" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, clientsession, errors + , transformers, wai-session + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-session-clientsession"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0kczhsmkv88g0x8mk4cfy5z9wv3fzv8v3r4z0q7jkyda0grx3gwf"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal clientsession errors transformers + wai-session + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Session store based on clientsession"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-session-tokyocabinet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, errors + , tokyocabinet-haskell, transformers, wai-session + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-session-tokyocabinet"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0cd4x3byc8kaarjpfczqaiv5y3ixrdcilnnypkhcavk3vj7w7pmr"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal errors tokyocabinet-haskell transformers + wai-session + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Session store based on Tokyo Cabinet"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-static-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cityhash, conduit + , conduit-combinators, containers, http-types, resourcet + , system-filepath, text, transformers, vector, vector-algorithms + , wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-static-cache"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vlkh9izxx1qsb61fak57kk9k35i3vph8qbyvlmgwcw7nplagq6l"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cityhash conduit conduit-combinators containers + http-types resourcet system-filepath text transformers vector + vector-algorithms wai + ]; + description = "A simple cache for serving static files in a WAI middleware"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.agpl3; + }) {}; + + "wai-static-pages" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , directory, http-types, text, wai, wai-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-static-pages"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "04lba03n66m30nn9y5mh3kkb5j868cincnh5rh5nwv6whsmxvxm5"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring conduit directory http-types text wai + wai-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate static html pages from a WAI application"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, wai }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-test"; + version = "3.0.0"; + sha256 = "0xys01jniib0pnhadcm7s0v5z0wcxfgi0bf5ax808zm9qzvl3xfx"; + buildDepends = [ wai ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Unit test framework (built on HUnit) for WAI applications. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-throttler" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, http-types, time + , wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-throttler"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wfbmjdw8k63fs4425fpnq24xssl9yf16dpy6cwkz68dn0vs0dkd"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers http-types time wai ]; + description = "Wai middleware for request throttling"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wai-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , http-accept, http-types, network-uri, text, transformers, wai + , wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-util"; + version = "0.8"; + sha256 = "10rkrhs7xv6qmx31ll891c2nnaqpblyfxqmn8xwjhafp7ks1wqjm"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring conduit http-accept http-types + network-uri text transformers wai wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collection of utility functions for use with WAI"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wai-websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive + , file-embed, http-types, network, text, transformers, wai + , wai-app-static, warp, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wai-websockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rcgl20nr05z1d7ci5zbvx70n2i33nb3bfvcv9xdyc30mdfg5h39"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive file-embed + http-types network text transformers wai wai-app-static warp + websockets + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fexample" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provide a bridge betweeen WAI and the websockets package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wait-handle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wait-handle"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "09080zx6m4lqli85867ilck82gvgnz4vkq9nxx5f1v5fli1i0n7m"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wait handles are MVars which can only be written to once, and from which values can never be removed"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "waitfree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "waitfree"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "09hlqli7zpcxfa8w7vh937gc3rxp7s8q8v1zs8ciwnmh6ca4i8rq"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + description = "A wrapping library for waitfree computation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "warp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, async, auto-update, base, blaze-builder + , bytestring, case-insensitive, doctest, ghc-prim, hashable, hspec + , HTTP, http-date, http-types, HUnit, iproute, lifted-base, network + , old-locale, QuickCheck, simple-sendfile, streaming-commons, text + , time, transformers, unix, unix-compat, void, wai + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "warp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z6cv0b51jgzf6cp5n22y957i6sms4c3zbdi826jgn7aalb58ch7"; + buildDepends = [ + array auto-update base blaze-builder bytestring case-insensitive + ghc-prim hashable http-date http-types iproute network + simple-sendfile streaming-commons text unix unix-compat void wai + ]; + testDepends = [ + array async auto-update base blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive doctest ghc-prim hashable hspec HTTP http-date + http-types HUnit iproute lifted-base network old-locale QuickCheck + simple-sendfile streaming-commons text time transformers unix + unix-compat void wai + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-warp-debug" "-fallow-sendfilefd" "-f-network-bytestring" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "warp-dynamic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, data-default, dyre, http-types, wai, warp }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "warp-dynamic"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1kmmy2av0ikr6mb8g7ffqmf505ha4201qv7y48fyc9p8j0p6lk6g"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base data-default dyre http-types wai warp ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dynamic configurable warp HTTP server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "warp-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cmdargs, containers, directory + , mime-types, text, wai-app-static, wai-extra, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "warp-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "181z8cr55qngy6jyqzqz5wcgiyip4rn3q1am0hkcxvmdnif2w2km"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cmdargs containers directory mime-types text + wai-app-static wai-extra warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Static file server based on Warp and wai-app-static (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "warp-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cprng-aes, data-default-class + , network, streaming-commons, tls, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "warp-tls"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10bj9f2mydbcif34wcdmqgjfzxz82z74r3f8g9ib2p8cl38325rm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cprng-aes data-default-class network + streaming-commons tls wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "HTTP over SSL/TLS support for Warp via the TLS package"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "warp-tls-uid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, certificate, conduit + , crypto-random, http-types, network, network-conduit, pem, tls + , tls-extra, unix, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "warp-tls-uid"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11av9jkf8z2xcpwg3nyx018qwpdrm0cs79qj14z93ah1yxbavb5y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring certificate conduit crypto-random http-types + network network-conduit pem tls tls-extra unix wai warp + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "set group and user id before running server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "watchdog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "watchdog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06b93cqn6rbl6jbjyawzqmrx80h0dbcks7ia6l3wzdqpic8yjj6v"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl time ]; + description = "Simple control structure to re-try an action with exponential backoff"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "watcher" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, basic-prelude, containers, hinotify + , system-fileio, system-filepath + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "watcher"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1c6025zpghqvw5xlapnfk8nwf32iq6dkpnpzi65pm5l5f5npwwgs"; + buildDepends = [ + base basic-prelude containers hinotify system-fileio + system-filepath + ]; + description = "Opinionated filesystem watcher"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "watchit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, fsnotify, HUnit + , optparse-applicative, process, QuickCheck, resource-pool + , smallcheck, streaming-commons, system-fileio, system-filepath + , tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, tasty-smallcheck, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "watchit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "134b9nrl2lmcr80hxmf72la220plh48vdl0r2la3c3k6qimsd276"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base fsnotify optparse-applicative process resource-pool + streaming-commons system-filepath text + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring HUnit QuickCheck smallcheck system-fileio + system-filepath tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck tasty-smallcheck + ]; + description = "File change watching utility"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wavconvert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wavconvert"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "028qx9b4z2gr4nc6hid0phdrysvhfqswj64s71pw2grqw4f8ddkx"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process ]; + description = "Command-line tool for converting audio files and filling in ID3 tags"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wavesurfer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, bytestring-lexing + , bytestring-show, delimited-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wavesurfer"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "1f9hsmvwdgrib44sj1rnkm4hv92iad27xg75n2y2qdq1a8giazn5"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring bytestring-lexing bytestring-show + delimited-text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse WaveSurfer files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wavy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, filepath + , pretty-show, riff, split, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wavy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0rvzsmd7lzimyphc2yscadwkanqpi8wnmdk5hrzwpcm6dcavyj9q"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers filepath pretty-show riff split + vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Process WAVE files in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wcwidth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , setlocale, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wcwidth"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1n1fq7v64b59ajf5g50iqj9sa34wm7s2j3viay0kxpmvlcv8gipz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers setlocale utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-cli" "-fsplit-base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Native wcwidth"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "weather-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, HTTP, network + , utf8-string, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "weather-api"; + version = "0.4.3"; + sha256 = "0wlh3p5z2vivhn9pgqzjhczrb7jyfzkz889fmwnvm7h87440jnyj"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring HTTP network utf8-string vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Weather api implemented in haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "web-browser-in-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, webkit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-browser-in-haskell"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "1y674dw8slz0m7i23j7p1qykdci2wssmx6x0yf23cf0nywz1py5k"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk webkit ]; + description = "Web Browser In Haskell"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "web-css" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-css"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1havyvd6f0xagynxpar2jsmx5x1izwl7wgxia0wbwbzaj0fzn2k2"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + description = "Simple functions for CSS"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-encodings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, failure, old-locale + , text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-encodings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lg9vbsmg9nfs2440ab2srhhawg1xfi5lnhxzd9rj7kab460w2x3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory failure old-locale text time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Encapsulate multiple web encoding in a single package. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-fpco" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, happstack-server, safe, snap, snap-core + , snap-server + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-fpco"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iizmg1syjywd5hs9swcqxxzmix04hwa86p8c246xybwcklf667n"; + buildDepends = [ + base happstack-server safe snap snap-core snap-server + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrappers for web frameworks to ease usage with the FP Complete environment"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "web-mongrel2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, file-embed + , haskell98, HStringTemplate, json, mtl, old-time, parsec + , system-uuid, template-haskell, text, zeromq-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-mongrel2"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1j2pq3kzmk2gibrr4jcm5gksz9pk9shjqqpwc85ygb2mpf5yc1gw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default file-embed haskell98 HStringTemplate + json mtl old-time parsec system-uuid template-haskell text + zeromq-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the Mongrel2 web server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-page" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring, clay + , containers, jmacro, lens, mtl, Stream, text, vector + , wl-pprint-text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-page"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1hzqwp67pj1xvhmdaxmij08820ffxf559d7jgr8037zzm7j02cql"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring clay containers jmacro + lens mtl Stream text vector wl-pprint-text + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testprogram" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monoidally construct web pages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-plugins" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, stm, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-plugins"; + version = "0.2.7"; + sha256 = "0pvwhr5mr960lramlnz7sffxrr7mxqskqk5pqbspck7cabzwzsxd"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl stm text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "dynamic plugin system for web applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, ghc-prim + , http-types, HUnit, mtl, parsec, QuickCheck, split, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , test-framework-th, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes"; + version = "0.27.8"; + sha256 = "1nz7nny333miap44yrdzn711g4xgr2c9nd0ivm0q02692684craq"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring ghc-prim http-types mtl parsec split + text utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th + ]; + description = "Library for maintaining correctness and composability of URLs within an application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-boomerang" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, boomerang, mtl, parsec, text, web-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-boomerang"; + version = "0.28.3"; + sha256 = "0d3ccp4hbzjhqzqy901da8dpz23sylwg54xs5iyjhmqvw0v7ljpn"; + buildDepends = [ base boomerang mtl parsec text web-routes ]; + description = "Library for maintaining correctness and composability of URLs within an application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-happstack" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, happstack-server, text + , web-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-happstack"; + version = "0.23.9"; + sha256 = "0vsjm979z21858wk9z1b855jqmr4apm35b5ff8x6nynq6kiflrzw"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring happstack-server text web-routes + ]; + description = "Adds support for using web-routes with Happstack"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-hsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hsp, text, web-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-hsp"; + version = "0.24.5"; + sha256 = "1vnsdsipm764maqn43774vw5hn64vvaaih8gg9130fkvp6jj39nk"; + buildDepends = [ base hsp text web-routes ]; + description = "Adds XMLGenerator instance for RouteT monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-mtl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, web-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-mtl"; + version = "0.20.1"; + sha256 = "1k35ch294p2pkf7mbip8wy9rin956y31sq68b4cdrj9sj9891rx5"; + buildDepends = [ base web-routes ]; + description = "Extends web-routes with mtl-based MonadIO / MonadTrans RouteT instances"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-quasi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, path-pieces, template-haskell, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-quasi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rqbymi0n7kdhl272qfjhx9s3gspd5k0bjrhclj9l8mjf033vdmf"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base path-pieces template-haskell text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Define data types and parse/build functions for web-routes via a quasi-quoted DSL (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-regular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, regular, text, web-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-regular"; + version = "0.19.0"; + sha256 = "0qllws4mzmmc6fh4hcvj3zp7kk8pwap59yq6wy0zx7mx0ac7015r"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec regular text web-routes ]; + description = "Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-th" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, parsec, QuickCheck, split + , template-haskell, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , test-framework-quickcheck2, test-framework-th, text, web-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-th"; + version = "0.22.2"; + sha256 = "1dk768m0bb4y3i1q9sxj2fbn6farlyyy52fxmk0ipbnbdq7if71f"; + buildDepends = [ + base parsec split template-haskell text web-routes + ]; + testDepends = [ + base HUnit QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th web-routes + ]; + description = "Support for deriving PathInfo using Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-transformers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, transformers, web-routes }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-transformers"; + version = "0.19.1"; + sha256 = "0pm1v9wqlzi6cg92lajbwbnhsdm509371i8mvyvvj6qa5m58cdib"; + buildDepends = [ base transformers web-routes ]; + description = "Extends web-routes with some transformers instances for RouteT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "web-routes-wai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, http-types, text, wai + , web-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "web-routes-wai"; + version = "0.24.1"; + sha256 = "13mwfyafpk29c8bbx48vhbxsgk28fmh579gjn6gjlhvkisc45q1b"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring http-types text wai web-routes ]; + description = "Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "webdriver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, cond, data-default, directory, directory-tree + , exceptions, filepath, http-client, http-types, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, network, network-uri, parallel, scientific + , temporary, text, time, transformers, transformers-base + , unordered-containers, vector, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webdriver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1miy65dl60gymf0a65kjykdmsl3cwcjrfg1iiyk6vkjz39y6y7qf"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring cond + data-default directory directory-tree exceptions filepath + http-client http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl network + network-uri scientific temporary text time transformers + transformers-base unordered-containers vector zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ base parallel text ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "webdriver-angular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, hspec, hspec-webdriver + , language-javascript, template-haskell, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, wai-app-static, warp, webdriver + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webdriver-angular"; + version = "0.1.6"; + sha256 = "10cvivmdadhvq8bsh1hij8dgw3d3f3a3ng54b00ia4gmna6996yq"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base language-javascript template-haskell text transformers + unordered-containers webdriver + ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec hspec-webdriver transformers wai-app-static warp + webdriver + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Webdriver actions to assist with testing a webpage which uses Angular.Js"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "webdriver-snoy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , bytestring, cond, data-default, directory, directory-tree + , exceptions, filepath, http-client, http-types, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, network, parallel, scientific, temporary + , text, time, transformers, transformers-base, unordered-containers + , vector, zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webdriver-snoy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02c2ihqk5gsgnv61rj14rdd76r2nhmxacml3z9krrgxgn326hrbk"; + editedCabalFile = "7cc952e84c8ff09b8d032df7d8089bd4d5167b32834bda67c79c62a34b12d52a"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base64-bytestring bytestring cond + data-default directory directory-tree exceptions filepath + http-client http-types lifted-base monad-control mtl network + scientific temporary text time transformers transformers-base + unordered-containers vector zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ base parallel text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "webidl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, HSFFIG, LEXER, parsec, pretty + , utf8-env, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webidl"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "05l4y7y171g41dlzfgd25ww59r4ajqbj9jpzrsmq5zpazx6p6gzy"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring HSFFIG LEXER parsec pretty utf8-env utf8-string + ]; + description = "Parser and Pretty Printer for the Web IDL Language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { LEXER = null; }; + + "webify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring + , containers, filepath, hopfli, optparse-applicative, text, vector + , xmlgen, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "003br9hdammvqb2jil5ggnqm81rv3rny7rdhq6h4cb4jrdsdz60z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base binary binary-strict bytestring containers filepath hopfli + optparse-applicative text vector xmlgen zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-debug" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "webfont generator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "webkit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, glib, gtk + , gtk2hs-buildtools, mtl, pango, text, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webkit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0652as9wq0ajaqmcx14y2svishccgrywyagrbzga7m06r3h94dz5"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cairo glib gtk mtl pango text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ webkit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Webkit library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) webkit; }; + + "webkit-javascriptcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk, gtk2hs-buildtools, webkit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webkit-javascriptcore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13zhqpiw5b6gz033cpgmza048hpg8c1x1il0rw1xkr3wxija76lq"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk webkit ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ webkit ]; + description = "JavaScriptCore FFI from webkitgtk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) webkit; }; + + "webkitgtk3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools + , gtk3, mtl, pango, text, webkit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webkitgtk3"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0lm52xsgf3sayj5d32fyf9fy89zinn7c4z6rq4qw2bsnsdw8hcyb"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cairo glib gtk3 mtl pango text ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ webkit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Binding to the Webkit library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) { inherit (pkgs) webkit; }; + + "webkitgtk3-javascriptcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, gtk3, webkit + , webkitgtk3 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webkitgtk3-javascriptcore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0w71phbs11iim2gb89bxix0grx9k7fbvabzjjsw7l24wwgfn8ad6"; + buildDepends = [ base glib gtk3 webkitgtk3 ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ webkit ]; + description = "JavaScriptCore FFI from webkitgtk"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) webkit; }; + + "webpage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, data-default, hastache, lucid + , text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webpage"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1drpclwh42z5xqzjf10765m2gpac5m0bi4z98ykb4d4p6nkk6n9p"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html data-default hastache lucid text + ]; + description = "Organized and simple web page scaffold for blaze and lucid"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "webserver" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c10k, containers, directory + , filepath, network, old-locale, parsec, process, stm, time, unix + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webserver"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mjbw1v0xy3ji6y0wdiv77y7bc4r5z7jk67gzzgny2cx1vx3c973"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring c10k containers directory filepath network + old-locale parsec process stm time unix zlib + ]; + description = "HTTP server library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, binary + , blaze-builder, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, entropy + , HUnit, mtl, network, QuickCheck, random, SHA, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "websockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zpx16rvx8imhad4av8sa7jf39v785xrnfy6l51jnhda5mfxaip4"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive containers entropy mtl network random SHA text + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring binary blaze-builder bytestring + case-insensitive containers entropy HUnit mtl network QuickCheck + random SHA test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "websockets-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, mtl, snap-core + , snap-server, websockets + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "websockets-snap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "051y62xga7drrfllv10giyr49z1z9ql8681dgwynmdad5x6asf85"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator mtl snap-core snap-server websockets + ]; + description = "Snap integration for the websockets library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "webwire" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, cookie, cprng-aes + , hamlet, http-types, netwire, shakespeare-css, shakespeare-js + , text, time, transformers, wai, wai-extra + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "webwire"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0m2wl7cfg67yyj2bbn811g6gsvzj7sw1sb3y2zanc0dxjd4cr4r2"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring + case-insensitive containers cookie cprng-aes hamlet http-types + netwire shakespeare-css shakespeare-js text time transformers wai + wai-extra + ]; + description = "Functional reactive web framework"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wedding-announcement" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wedding-announcement"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "0rwbckf5h68170jrs1m70kgqf9h43vypj65wcw390w0xc7kmyv49"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "a wedding announcement"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.publicDomain; + }) {}; + + "weighted-regexp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, happy }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "weighted-regexp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r765ppzazdsm5i3prgf6a405f88xi8sx79jdz9mck4584w7fqzr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base ]; + buildTools = [ happy ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-criterion" "-f-quickcheck" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Weighted Regular Expression Matcher"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "weighted-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "weighted-search"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1va2b10g3h2wfl9d7f27d55z5c93fvz41sb023l4c2ym1w9kw8zv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A weighted nondeterministic search monad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "welshy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, conduit + , http-types, lifted-base, resourcet, text, transformers + , unordered-containers, wai, warp + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "welshy"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "08pgns5irmvh9c12lxq2x72ql8ggzd3npfqnrphba3l171380gki"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder bytestring conduit http-types lifted-base + resourcet text transformers unordered-containers wai warp + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell web framework (because Scotty had trouble yodeling)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wheb-mongo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bson, mongoDB, mtl, text, Wheb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wheb-mongo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1xxks0jxjwph7372jqnscm6z0b28zz3dvb49b2aw37jmnvwrfdcy"; + buildDepends = [ base bson mongoDB mtl text Wheb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "MongoDB plugin for Wheb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wheb-redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hedis, mtl, text, Wheb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wheb-redis"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "025chjp41qbjr9m6c3pd9v510h4aac1rvbyrki3c7617sca8a45h"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring hedis mtl text Wheb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Redis connection for Wheb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wheb-strapped" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, StrappedTemplates, text, Wheb }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wheb-strapped"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wykpp325336kk7a1vnnjffankcw0kaw3jcfin53cp8hsx4bwfdp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl StrappedTemplates text Wheb ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Strapped templates for Wheb"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "while-lang-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, indents, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "while-lang-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0dlq2rldak4lb0w8hcx7aigdj7b59crp1k130p36cha7zpqdixll"; + buildDepends = [ base indents parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parser for the While language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "whim" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, GLUT, mtl, OpenGL, process + , random, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "whim"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0fgasnviqmz8ifkb8ikvj721f9j1xzvix5va0jxi81gh6f400ij6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers GLUT mtl OpenGL process random X11 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Haskell window manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "whiskers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "whiskers"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kbyv0q6z2d2plblafqcmwcfiyhdbijqnqg2w7qxr7dklka8245v"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec template-haskell ]; + description = "Mustache templates with Template Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "whitespace" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, haskell98, random }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "whitespace"; + version = "0.4"; + sha256 = "1y89bayaccz8qqzsfmpr917dczgbn5srskja6f2dab3ipxhk24z9"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ haskell98 random ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Whitespace, an esoteric programming language"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "whois" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, network-uri, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "whois"; + version = "1.2.2"; + sha256 = "199fd710zicx7ijyvipc7p0d3yg18f6nppcln2wz38hl9kfv0iv0"; + editedCabalFile = "c11f42da958683ffb7a2e958dcefe2ef1a3e732732010f44facfbb0fffd7571e"; + buildDepends = [ base network network-uri split ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WHOIS client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wikipedia4epub" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, epub, filepath + , haskell98, HTTP, network, regex-base, regex-posix, tagsoup, url + , xml, zip-archive, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wikipedia4epub"; + version = "0.0.12"; + sha256 = "089mmwrknghkliakni3wmwrd0hcngg3kqkijfmmky4bxni6w39bd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory epub filepath haskell98 HTTP network + regex-base regex-posix tagsoup url xml zip-archive zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wikipedia EPUB E-Book construction from Firefox history"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "win-hp-path" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, process, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "win-hp-path"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "131hr8c4q7fwqmwzyp1fwnz349h6103v5gjvzjpbhb7ngki38nfq"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base process split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Work with multiple Haskell Platform versions on Windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "windowslive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Crypto, dataenc, mtl, network, parsec + , pretty, split, time, urlencoded + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "windowslive"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "15dk3wdv99ggxwypgnv8hs5ygn5bzqml9jhhz6l9kgnc0rrn3jbz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Crypto dataenc mtl network parsec pretty split time urlencoded + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implements Windows Live Web Authentication and Delegated Authentication"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "winerror" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "winerror"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0xamx4yhyv264mka4ypp0r1xh3xv7ba31sis3lbhjycn4i07wlhd"; + description = "Error handling for foreign calls to the Windows API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "winio" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, extensible-exceptions, kernel32 + , network, winerror, ws2_32 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "winio"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0f13x6fcb7cb4rfza5vp1dfxx3rcggh5rgw05lkqx9jwvnqcnjwm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring extensible-exceptions network winerror + ]; + extraLibraries = [ kernel32 ws2_32 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "I/O library for Windows"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { kernel32 = null; ws2_32 = null; }; + + "witherable" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hashable, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "witherable"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i0jvxc1llcq5aayzgqhkz51mqh96pdadml6gi94h2z3yj20nicg"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers hashable transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generalization of catMaybes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "witness" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "witness"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0ibdwp4v49landvqxfy59qggjk3ww33rw87c3f30blyak79s2g7w"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl ]; + description = "values that witness types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "witty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, network, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "witty"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "0nzxz2716d4xpiz3p21bvg9klfadxnnkxd73311d62cgh3iayqlf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring network unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A network server to show bottlenecks of GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wizards" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, control-monad-free, haskeline + , mtl, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wizards"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "08dn24injfzvhs34yw39y336pyi6p98bdrafx3lhd6lcbp531sca"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers control-monad-free haskeline mtl transformers + ]; + description = "High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wkt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, lens, linear, parsec, parsec-numbers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wkt"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1j41d8zxqyc7s6dq0zc4id0pcp0wlyzbx8f96q4r6fhhbngyj8z4"; + buildDepends = [ base lens linear parsec parsec-numbers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsec parsers and types for geographic data in well-known text (WKT) format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wl-pprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wl-pprint"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "16kp3fkh0x9kgzk6fdqrm8m0v7b5cgbv0m3x63ybbp5vxbhand06"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wl-pprint-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, HUnit, nats, semigroupoids + , semigroups, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, text + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wl-pprint-extras"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "124wb4hqd97f3naha0589v18lvi9xbn39bmn8jwaylvyg6s5fyyp"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers nats semigroupoids semigroups text utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ base HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A free monad based on the Wadler/Leijen pretty printer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wl-pprint-terminfo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, nats, semigroups + , terminfo, text, transformers, wl-pprint-extras + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wl-pprint-terminfo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "19z5cr1wqc3xcy39dswx78b6fpxhb41798zkiwkmb97nnvzwbdmv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers nats semigroups terminfo text + transformers wl-pprint-extras + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fcursed" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A color pretty printer with terminfo support"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wl-pprint-text" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wl-pprint-text"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ghrkqdfsdkn71mpipbxiaar2gd8mdyd3dxbsz68awwnlpapy4f3"; + buildDepends = [ base text ]; + description = "A Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wobsurv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base-prelude, bytestring + , hastache, HTF, http-client, http-types, HUnit, lifted-async + , monad-control, mwc-random, network, network-simple, old-locale + , pipes, pipes-bytestring, pipes-network, pipes-parse, pipes-safe + , pipes-text, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, safe, stm + , stm-containers, system-fileio, system-filepath, text, time + , transformers, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wobsurv"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "1w2j7xr4f0a63bwz96js8wrdpfw73qzdg6d607lx2526yrq8xlh2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base-prelude bytestring hastache http-types + monad-control network network-simple old-locale pipes + pipes-bytestring pipes-network pipes-parse pipes-safe pipes-text + safe stm stm-containers system-fileio system-filepath text time + transformers unordered-containers yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base-prelude bytestring HTF http-client http-types HUnit + lifted-async mwc-random network QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + safe system-fileio system-filepath text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple and highly performant HTTP file server"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "woffex" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, filepath, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "woffex"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0b83s5q4i3f4l45dklp1xgrlcpzrsdbd16fvlpazlcglzxk81xmv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring filepath zlib ]; + description = "Web Open Font Format (WOFF) unpacker"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wol" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, network, split }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wol"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0w0m91srvgbj3qcxw2djpb482qlinsi2dyyb76qksdd2gw0jm57i"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base network split ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Send a Wake on LAN Magic Packet"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "word-trie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, derive, hspec + , QuickCheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "word-trie"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qgljhl2pj54mhsan9w6gchf3l94rs2c5bi9f93q1nz55va1027f"; + buildDepends = [ base binary containers derive ]; + testDepends = [ base binary containers derive hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Implementation of a finite trie over words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "word12" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, QuickCheck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "word12"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "19a22vs314bps0fq7md9jv43xzrya28mmfxi39zd8a1d8h99yd5c"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Word12 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "word24" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, QuickCheck, test-framework + , test-framework-quickcheck2 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "word24"; + version = "1.0.7"; + sha256 = "1rh766jrmfw1hy1p4xllfq2ygxpm3zyglw4vcjainajn2r7whnhi"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ + base QuickCheck test-framework test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "24-bit word and int types for GHC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "word8" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hspec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "word8"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1xpa0haacimrblxg3x3n5vdcnkg3ff5zqamppdarv0zvkcdj139r"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec ]; + description = "Word8 library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wordcloud" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wordcloud"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1jdcv5h41k5xckviyc0p0k0q68s371llcvmkdbg78vh4b3xw7cd5"; + description = "None"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wordexp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, c2hs, semigroups }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wordexp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1hfpvzbyyh47ai166xyrhmhvg2shrqcswsfalwa16wab6hcg32ki"; + buildDepends = [ array base semigroups ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + description = "wordexp(3) wrappers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wordpass" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, deepseq, directory, filepath + , hflags, random-fu, random-source, text, unix-compat, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wordpass"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r1h8x3c7knvqvbv56riaig7hd91x12ymz0hc1wpk9h4zgwjgq15"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers deepseq directory filepath hflags random-fu + random-source text unix-compat vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dictionary-based password generator"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "words" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "words"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "0najaqi9fkqdkfks1c6w3fz4qf7dnr4h4brzgglg1h9ik8x5a910"; + buildDepends = [ base directory text ]; + description = "Cross-platform access to a list of words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wordsearch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, fclabels }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wordsearch"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0jq1aiw35xiklc9asa1pgw2rn6i8q17fq780chqpqz0ryq0iv4x2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base containers fclabels ]; + description = "A word search solver library and executable"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wordsetdiff" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filepath, hashmap, process + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wordsetdiff"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kzbs1ps8fxdsjcpyvccgpw1y6i1q5gw6brgf6j1vv6r24wsh00w"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base bytestring containers directory filepath hashmap + process + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Compare two files as sets of N-tuples of words"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wp-archivebot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, feed, HTTP, network, parallel, tagsoup }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wp-archivebot"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "04aq760z5jn81z03yi9l0d0w034qjiqiwb702lkvk2002b61mk5z"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base feed HTTP network parallel tagsoup ]; + description = "Subscribe to a wiki's RSS feed and archive external links"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wraparound" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wraparound"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "161mz5bfmx13s9azh3dss64fw98vbaab8krysr9pbbp9dh79i1cf"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Convenient handling of points on a seamless 2-dimensional plane"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wraxml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-accessor + , explicit-exception, HaXml, hxt, hxt-filter, polyparse, tagchup + , tagsoup, transformers, utility-ht, xml-basic + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wraxml"; + version = "0.4.4"; + sha256 = "1h8lqav0q6vka8yr64032yh3ncjvz6fxp1j9q5jqhzm0ai34air3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-accessor explicit-exception HaXml hxt + hxt-filter polyparse tagchup tagsoup transformers utility-ht + xml-basic + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildexamples" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lazy wrapper to HaXML, HXT, TagSoup via custom XML tree structure"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "wreq" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-pretty, aeson-qq, attoparsec, base + , base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring, byteable, bytestring + , case-insensitive, containers, cryptohash, directory, doctest + , exceptions, filepath, ghc-prim, hashable, http-client + , http-client-tls, http-types, HUnit, lens, lens-aeson, mime-types + , network-info, old-locale, PSQueue, QuickCheck, snap-core + , snap-server, template-haskell, temporary, test-framework + , test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2, text, time + , transformers, unix-compat, unordered-containers, uuid + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wreq"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13apqr8sfx2vi794ldqprmgqch79sqli9scgyk3k41v7wcwqaal4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base base16-bytestring byteable bytestring + case-insensitive containers cryptohash exceptions ghc-prim hashable + http-client http-client-tls http-types lens lens-aeson mime-types + old-locale PSQueue template-haskell text time unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-pretty aeson-qq base base64-bytestring bytestring + case-insensitive containers directory doctest filepath hashable + http-client http-types HUnit lens lens-aeson network-info + QuickCheck snap-core snap-server temporary test-framework + test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + unix-compat uuid + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" "-f-httpbin" "-fdoctest" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An easy-to-use HTTP client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wright" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, assertions, base, bed-and-breakfast, containers + , filepath, lens + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wright"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "180012vyslprj06npavh44fmii1813w22sws9zwxzlb4r4jdm4zi"; + buildDepends = [ base bed-and-breakfast containers ]; + testDepends = [ + assertions base bed-and-breakfast containers filepath lens + ]; + description = "Colour space transformations and metrics"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "wsedit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bencode, bytestring, containers, directory + , safe, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wsedit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1035v9c22pngk2r3yisr2vvnfdjgynlgq8adj8z50xak998x22ri"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bencode bytestring containers directory safe utf8-string + ]; + description = "A small tool to list, add and remove webseeds from a torrent file"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "wtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-locale, time, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wtk"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "080y0ks5q6bv7dvla08x4cvcmzd13b5v1c5p5336k0vkg2c3fq79"; + buildDepends = [ base old-locale time transformers ]; + description = "Wojcik Tool Kit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wtk-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gtk, lenses, mtl, old-locale + , parsec, time, wtk + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wtk-gtk"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "0n9fvp83z71jvv67zjpz34r427s898shns00v84kfjjklhd61q5y"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers gtk lenses mtl old-locale parsec time wtk + ]; + description = "GTK tools within Wojcik Tool Kit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wumpus-basic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath + , vector-space, wumpus-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wumpus-basic"; + version = "0.24.0"; + sha256 = "1mahlvja39jc6zvm32n23p8ya2pfwwawbyawx8srds0bsfyqqmng"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath vector-space wumpus-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic objects and system code built on Wumpus-Core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wumpus-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, time, vector-space }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wumpus-core"; + version = "0.52.1"; + sha256 = "10q991xb9v2r3z7q53rwrqcqd4m6qazvdibrxsn2620l2zbjxnd8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers time vector-space ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure Haskell PostScript and SVG generation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wumpus-drawing" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector-space, wumpus-basic + , wumpus-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wumpus-drawing"; + version = "0.9.0"; + sha256 = "1y9j2d3k862zi8681q3b2pl4nx4vyazdfwx5ji4mfgy73z62lbxw"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers vector-space wumpus-basic wumpus-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "High-level drawing objects built on Wumpus-Basic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wumpus-microprint" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, vector-space, wumpus-basic, wumpus-core + , wumpus-drawing + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wumpus-microprint"; + version = "0.14.0"; + sha256 = "1rrw8hzns7qa9jyzhbal0x0xbi5wa99afixs0cxqk0kgm6sar9cz"; + buildDepends = [ + base vector-space wumpus-basic wumpus-core wumpus-drawing + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Microprints - \"greek-text\" pictures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wumpus-tree" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, vector-space, wumpus-basic + , wumpus-core, wumpus-drawing + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wumpus-tree"; + version = "0.20.0"; + sha256 = "1xndkri4ayxb12xhik77r59qlg05nhibc8b257csrw9br7xkk8ja"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers vector-space wumpus-basic wumpus-core + wumpus-drawing + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Drawing trees"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, stm, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "133cjc3vfqxyw71a5x99flzg23qa2k28p2zajw6vp0z7qhv8kfjy"; + buildDepends = [ base stm wxcore ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnewbase" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "wxHaskell"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wxAsteroids" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, random, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxAsteroids"; + version = "1.0"; + sha256 = "0mwsh9bhzhnf8la5khy17j2brbphvkicqg0yd0y9ymnn6bgnq4br"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory random wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Try to avoid the asteroids with your space ship"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wxFruit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, wx, wxcore, Yampa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxFruit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09n0b8znrwa65z1cjfizxkxj2rlsp56akagih5cycxpwivj1d7p9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-time wx wxcore Yampa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An implementation of Fruit using wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wxc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libX11, mesa, wxdirect, wxGTK }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxc"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0siab2h28dlyliznydxll22l9hdgwbmgddj01k1xw8hj4g7b53sa"; + buildDepends = [ base wxdirect ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa wxGTK ]; + postInstall = '' + cp -v dist/build/ $out/lib/ + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "wxHaskell C++ wrapper"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wxcore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, libX11, mesa, parsec, stm, time, wxc, wxdirect, wxGTK + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxcore"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "01pvaysihyijklyw129vcafjqyh8bpafjzvscxvzll1g86qbqlkz"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers directory filepath parsec stm time + wxc wxdirect + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libX11 mesa wxGTK ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "wxHaskell core"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "wxdirect" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, parsec + , process, strict, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxdirect"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "17xlviyyagcvmc7m1f4djnsw0wdakirarmv12j4fmwbnfnbryp27"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath parsec process strict time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "helper tool for building wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wxhnotepad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxhnotepad"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "10897yb7mkc9hy2037r9yb4192n65lz997fd5apksra1rifrazyp"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An example of how to implement a basic notepad with wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wxturtle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, Imlib, wx, yjsvg, yjtools }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wxturtle"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0sdbi9dfja2ia0n3kggvqc3n3c5rgw096d767yvyzc52k5caakn7"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base convertible Imlib wx yjsvg yjtools ]; + description = "turtle like LOGO with wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "wybor" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, base, conduit, containers, hspec + , lens, process, resourcet, semigroups, terminal-size, text + , transformers, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wybor"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "0cyfhjpb775891qbfc3y15y16mx2hraavgvsrvqkb701rh5vngf6"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base conduit containers lens resourcet semigroups + terminal-size text transformers unix + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal base conduit containers hspec lens process resourcet + semigroups terminal-size text transformers unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Console line fuzzy search"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "wyvern" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, ConfigFile, containers, dgs + , directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, process, sgf, split + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "wyvern"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "147v55c1ravnb769sjw2c8i4qw0gxh3scvx5cvb1fa6nng4x0hnq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring ConfigFile containers dgs directory filepath mtl + parsec process sgf split + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An autoresponder for Dragon Go Server"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x-dsp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bytestring, containers, monads-tf + , text, transformers, type-level + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x-dsp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "12l3zy9lmg7sf4q8b3yz2cb9pj9n0sgjglnqhcfkzzdg6pb0g4hj"; + buildDepends = [ + array base bytestring containers monads-tf text transformers + type-level + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A embedded DSL for manipulating DSP languages in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "x11-xim" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, utf8-string, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x11-xim"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0sn789j0kz891l9p0srx6537yq44b5jlyph9vc3xdb3ygy20bjrw"; + editedCabalFile = "4404aa037f4df2ef8cd16834c8149d596f09b30379f0b85a3b8db9ddd30fa6b0"; + buildDepends = [ base utf8-string X11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the xim of X11 graphics library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x11-xinput" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, libXi, mtl, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x11-xinput"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15ij6yfjjyqgzka1163a08ngrraxa4jpbwjq2izdl2l44k0mw29v"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl X11 ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ libXi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Haskell FFI bindings for X11 XInput library (-lXi)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x509" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-parse, asn1-types, base + , bytestring, containers, crypto-pubkey-types, cryptohash + , directory, filepath, hourglass, mtl, pem, process, tasty + , tasty-quickcheck + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x509"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03gj4190f0ql1ghn2mri8901xdydhhnwijyfn8lmpjyn7pgpl3ba"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types base bytestring containers + crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash directory filepath hourglass mtl pem + process + ]; + testDepends = [ + asn1-types base bytestring crypto-pubkey-types hourglass mtl tasty + tasty-quickcheck + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "X509 reader and writer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x509-store" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring + , containers, crypto-pubkey-types, directory, filepath, mtl, pem + , process, x509 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x509-store"; + version = "1.5.0"; + sha256 = "1w9sqb007s4avjzvrdwq13a4c528h7h2lg3m8cl31syrgznc9ny5"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring containers + crypto-pubkey-types directory filepath mtl pem process x509 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "X.509 collection accessing and storing methods"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x509-system" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, directory, filepath + , mtl, pem, process, x509, x509-store + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x509-system"; + version = "1.5.0"; + sha256 = "159zwg35nq42j1rl0p4x00hdf3iy48hd7kavz0rnpwd2p7ljamr3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath mtl pem process x509 + x509-store + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x509-util" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, bytestring + , crypto-pubkey, crypto-pubkey-types, cryptohash, directory, pem + , x509, x509-store, x509-system, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x509-util"; + version = "1.5.2"; + sha256 = "12nhxi1lqr5arlj586ai6n86n226iz6k4gbnm0dq07dwgky4j0iy"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base bytestring crypto-pubkey + crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash directory pem x509 x509-store + x509-system x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility for X509 certificate and chain"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "x509-validation" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, asn1-encoding, asn1-types, base, byteable + , bytestring, containers, crypto-pubkey, crypto-pubkey-types + , cryptohash, data-default-class, directory, filepath, hourglass + , mtl, network, pem, process, x509, x509-store + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "x509-validation"; + version = "1.5.1"; + sha256 = "19cp187id9hdlzkr7sbv2sdxqxnpjv0db09hwf3zdqqqxr30mn6x"; + buildDepends = [ + asn1-encoding asn1-types base byteable bytestring containers + crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types cryptohash data-default-class + directory filepath hourglass mtl network pem process x509 + x509-store + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "X.509 Certificate and CRL validation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xattr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attr, base, bytestring, containers, directory + , filepath, HUnit, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xattr"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "02vbxxn0qvkxvfxv1zgr95bvdzx14fp9h7s27wbz6mjfkfgvc39q"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring unix ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers directory filepath HUnit test-framework + test-framework-hunit unix + ]; + extraLibraries = [ attr ]; + description = "Haskell extended file attributes interface"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xbattbar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, old-time, select, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xbattbar"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1hc3k3w5x1c027jj4lgpwl4cxvy01sx78sc560fdfj6bpsqlcln0"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base old-time select X11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple battery indicator"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xcb-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pretty, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xcb-types"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1kzqsd85zp937yna2yfpc3jy0hba92h2fp6j0a6r8r7zz5l8yk3k"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl pretty xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parses XML files used by the XCB project"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xcffib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, bytestring, containers + , directory, filemanip, filepath, HUnit, language-python, mtl + , optparse-applicative, split, test-framework, test-framework-hunit + , xcb-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xcffib"; + version = "0.1.5"; + sha256 = "1awflg2z6ixxngdy393q892anwpdibximkz21y95n022hl0wzlbr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base bytestring containers directory filemanip filepath + language-python mtl optparse-applicative split xcb-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base filepath HUnit language-python test-framework + test-framework-hunit xcb-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A cffi-based python binding for X"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xchat-plugin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xchat-plugin"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "0rjpj6i4fn504m7s3hwqbydn0m0ryih0hw4xnc409338sval6xj6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath process unix ]; + description = "XChat"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "xdg-basedir" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xdg-basedir"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "0azlzaxp2dn4l1nr7shsxah2magk1szf6fx0mv75az00qsjw6qg4"; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A basic implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xdg-userdirs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, xdg-basedir + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xdg-userdirs"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vh4m385a828qb61845bb7zfcqfm000g4fjkmmlvdrfyh35vpal8"; + buildDepends = [ base containers directory filepath xdg-basedir ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic implementation of XDG user directories specification"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xdot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cairo, graphviz, gtk, mtl, polyparse, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xdot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "123vygzkqlycc298zh3321y7w85xnynbavzqms6cb8zgzya42wrs"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cairo graphviz gtk mtl polyparse text ]; + description = "Parse Graphviz xdot files and interactively view them using GTK and Cairo"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xenstore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, mtl, network }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xenstore"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0x788lpkkxg7ds1bgnw0kvkf6pkfbknn7jy0njhz85k7rv4kidf2"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring cereal mtl network ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" ]; + description = "Xenstore client access"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xfconf" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, glib, gtk2hs-buildtools, libxfconf-0 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xfconf"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0q63zavh3fz03dmky42gafypd0gpn8fs0nb9qn2a2zzj961vzswz"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base glib ]; + buildTools = [ gtk2hs-buildtools ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libxfconf-0 ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-buildtests" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "FFI bindings to xfconf"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { libxfconf-0 = null; }; + + "xformat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xformat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1q2wm0wffvppbv5rd16z367yfkx2sq7j0i5dkfwpawf859c9pz7x"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + testDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extensible, type-safe formatting with scanf- and printf-like functions"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xhaskell-library" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, ghc-prim, mtl + , parsec, regex-base + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xhaskell-library"; + version = "0.0.6"; + sha256 = "13nnlaw56izwy0m7k4kh4g75sa5pvxn0pf9h3w8l9hnjcpv4l2ya"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers ghc-prim mtl parsec regex-base + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fbase4" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xhb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, byteorder, bytestring, containers + , network, parsec, stm, Xauth + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xhb"; + version = "0.5.2014.4.10"; + sha256 = "1r5z92p98jn8pdcqmdiv0hriq7y8743q4sxfjfds602rr4qf97gz"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary byteorder bytestring containers network parsec stm + Xauth + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "X Haskell Bindings"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xhtml_3000_2_1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xhtml"; + version = "3000.2.1"; + sha256 = "1n6wgzxbj8xf0wf1il827qidphnffb5vzhwzqlxhh70c2y10f0ik"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An XHTML combinator library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xhtml-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, random, text, transformers, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xhtml-combinators"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "06bmdl34kly965qj7phw1hm7p7siwjprflr72n7ck32lrknmy2hk"; + buildDepends = [ base containers random text transformers xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xilinx-lava" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, directory, mtl, old-time, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xilinx-lava"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "13g44483bcgbfi3366m7l49z40prvr2abml6h6vcjbjnc575cs37"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ array base directory mtl old-time process ]; + description = "The Lava system for Xilinx FPGA design with layout combinators"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xine" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, libxine, xine }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xine"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1mvi486vjf4brg6iks24wvb7gr5n7gdcqzdvv9xnncmxrscr6x36"; + buildDepends = [ base containers ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ xine ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ libxine ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to xine-lib"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) { inherit (pkgs) xine; + libxine = null; }; + + "xing-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring + , containers, HTF, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base + , monad-control, resourcet, text, time, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xing-api"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "1z135lcyyq7as166k3vhkqa75a555wbmfhpsdr4rsvpliq4ipqmk"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson authenticate-oauth base bytestring containers http-conduit + http-types lifted-base monad-control resourcet text time + transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ aeson base bytestring containers HTF text time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-minimal-demo" "-f-demos" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper for the XING API, v1"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xkbcommon" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cpphs, data-flags, filepath + , process, storable-record, template-haskell, text, transformers + , unix, xkbcommon + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xkbcommon"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1chv156z6208jypl2grjjgbyja4ai3acx65rfyfpqb30987yf0r5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cpphs data-flags filepath process storable-record + template-haskell text transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base unix ]; + extraLibraries = [ xkbcommon ]; + description = "Haskell bindings for libxkbcommon"; + license =; + }) { inherit (pkgs) xkbcommon; }; + + "xkcd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, filepath, HTTP + , network, tagsoup + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xkcd"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "15zwx7rkxm52pnxjhx3p979h48cls1ipb7hmryxll5rcxz9aga29"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory filepath HTTP network tagsoup + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Downloads the most recent xkcd comic"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xlsior" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-markup, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-extra, data-default, exceptions, mtl, old-locale + , resourcet, scientific, text, time, vector, xml-conduit, xml-types + , zip-archive + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xlsior"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0gi8dh3iflny70dfylsin88j176i7nplhsrd09c8a6cbz93w1bd6"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-markup bytestring conduit conduit-extra + data-default exceptions mtl old-locale resourcet scientific text + time vector xml-conduit xml-types zip-archive + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-markup bytestring old-locale text time zip-archive + ]; + description = "Streaming Excel file generation and parsing"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xlsx" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , data-default, digest, HUnit, lens, old-locale, old-time + , smallcheck, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-smallcheck, text, time + , transformers, utf8-string, xml-conduit, xml-types, zip-archive + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xlsx"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i1dfb6gv4h3nc9ja7yxjzb8g207vzp58dnk4rgfcfglyvadn8kp"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers data-default digest lens + old-locale old-time text time transformers utf8-string xml-conduit + xml-types zip-archive zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers HUnit old-time smallcheck tasty tasty-hunit + tasty-smallcheck time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xlsx-templater" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers + , data-default, parsec, text, time, transformers, xlsx + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xlsx-templater"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "00m5x9vhl0rf8azwgin6a75xpj74gybn757021z9dkn1qy35zjwr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers data-default parsec text time + transformers xlsx + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple and incomplete Excel file templater"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml"; + version = "1.3.13"; + sha256 = "04xq2ma2if5gqz16bjrxwigh4vzw6m8i2zk11s5qg3d4z370fdn3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple XML library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-basic" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, data-accessor + , explicit-exception, utility-ht + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-basic"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0m3pwg8b9pvqh9559p7nq39vnkklmf9gcay8vpvrkh17p8n14z6c"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers data-accessor explicit-exception utility-ht + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basics for XML/HTML representation and processing"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-catalog" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, containers, text + , transformers, uri-conduit, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-catalog"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0jzi63v8v2ksrqrk13pcl10awx57i2vm0k8xgi01rr1ncmlrnyfc"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit containers text transformers uri-conduit + xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parse XML catalog files (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default, deepseq, hspec, HUnit, monad-control, resourcet + , system-filepath, text, transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "10cqhqpc85zx87jc0hapzkvwm76drpxqsjliipvlah2a0x8l4ai8"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + conduit conduit-extra containers data-default deepseq monad-control + resourcet system-filepath text transformers xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-markup bytestring conduit containers hspec HUnit + resourcet text transformers xml-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-conduit-writer" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, dlist, mtl, text, xml-conduit + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-conduit-writer"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ibiqxjr63gb3v0h9fdfzm205sqjixb5vm5y6413yn4scbf7qm2b"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers dlist mtl text xml-conduit xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ base text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Warm and fuzzy creation of XML documents"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xml-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-enumerator, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-enumerator, bytestring, containers + , data-default, enumerator, failure, hspec, HUnit, text + , transformers, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-enumerator"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vwn6s7x626970b8lgyhmngkqv5n5kvv0qikrvi9sjzq5rjyx1zj"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-enumerator base blaze-builder + blaze-builder-enumerator bytestring containers data-default + enumerator failure text transformers xml-types + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers enumerator hspec HUnit text transformers + xml-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the enumerator package. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-enumerator-combinators" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, enumerator, xml-enumerator + , xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-enumerator-combinators"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1n2lywzbbjkpccpgwlj8ycf4p5wlhjs60hgqzwb33j7qiraf5jb3"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers enumerator xml-enumerator xml-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + description = "Parser combinators for xml-enumerator and compatible XML parsers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-extractors" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, safe, transformers, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-extractors"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mna299sdbxxi2asaa2wk3pwnhr35ah363g2lja7lg82an7np8kp"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl safe transformers xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Wrapper over xml to extract data from parsed xml"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-hamlet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, hspec, HUnit, parsec + , shakespeare, template-haskell, text, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-hamlet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0vm4jhvjf53a33sisnhghg0m9pcv2fx676rl90vbm2xcd9rqlj82"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers parsec shakespeare template-haskell text + xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers hspec HUnit parsec shakespeare template-haskell + text xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-helpers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-helpers"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0rrk0j7m8ws86hbjw0l4ryq4m9i8llhsag2sfisy5r1iv2zwa0lv"; + buildDepends = [ base xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some useful helper functions for the xml library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-html-conduit-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, doctest, hspec + , hspec-expectations-lens, html-conduit, lens, text, xml-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-html-conduit-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0iy58nq5b6ixdky2xr4r8xxk3c8wqp1y3jbpsk3dr1qawzjbzp12"; + editedCabalFile = "b525d68eb964e306dc6fab3f9ba89e2325d91af53469ad32ec1d49e5f9a80647"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers html-conduit lens text xml-conduit + ]; + testDepends = [ + base doctest hspec hspec-expectations-lens lens xml-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Optics for xml-conduit and html-conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, lens, text, xml-conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "14x3xz4rydl8x7ddznz90n3z5csy12c7l0r7bms8s7yqv4qzf6hz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers lens text xml-conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses, traversals, prisms for xml-conduit"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-monad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, transformers, transformers-compose, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-monad"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "17axppy0xzshmvw8y23hxcj2ixm2fqw3hqrjk90qmpkjcv4nk44r"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl transformers transformers-compose xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monadic extensions to the xml package"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-parsec" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml, parsec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-parsec"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "1zcmiqyw6bs50kl2417ygvnpsk9wy025ls5ck8cd863x47bqpdn2"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml parsec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Parsing XML with Parsec"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "xml-picklers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, QuickCheck, tasty + , tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck, text, xml-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-picklers"; + version = "0.3.5"; + sha256 = "1h0m6in8w3m8d987yzs4m8s86dsa6fb0i0l7xddk7csmhsyflk2a"; + buildDepends = [ base containers text xml-types ]; + testDepends = [ + base Cabal QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text + xml-types + ]; + description = "XML picklers based on xml-types, ported from hexpat-pickle"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-pipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, papillon, simple-pipe }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-pipe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j5fjnf6r7cagcl1ni5idwj1k5q6vjp6c59ajwsx39iqx1kdmly4"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring papillon simple-pipe ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML parser which uses simple-pipe"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-prettify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-prettify"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1abjmxihh0ldlh8k4mp922s0h39303farmdbm08qn909pbrzm0f0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base cmdargs unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pretty print XML"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-push" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-random, handle-like + , monad-control, monads-tf, peyotls, random, sasl, simple-pipe, stm + , tighttp, transformers-base, uuid, x509, x509-store + , x509-validation, xml-pipe, xmpipe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-push"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1i8qmz7mr8rfspkn4wwyq7f7fi1grpggmqmfsmx6l7bjsjv15n3y"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring crypto-random handle-like monad-control monads-tf + peyotls random sasl simple-pipe stm tighttp transformers-base uuid + x509 x509-store x509-validation xml-pipe xmpipe + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Push XML from/to client to/from server over XMPP or HTTP"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml-to-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, curl + , directory, hashable, hxt, hxt-curl, hxt-expat, hxt-tagsoup + , process, regex-posix, tagsoup, text, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-to-json"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "098crnwdq96rzb0ixy1s5krbabfgc36dnxr1ygav3fpqr16ndrng"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers curl directory hashable hxt + hxt-curl hxt-expat hxt-tagsoup process regex-posix tagsoup text + unordered-containers vector + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library and command line tool for converting XML files to json"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xml-to-json-fast" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, process, tagsoup, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-to-json-fast"; + version = "1.0.0"; + sha256 = "0kd5civ3rv2b1c1xfb985fri2q5arnj80qydazcp4h3vvf301gmh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory process tagsoup text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fast, light converter of xml to json capable of handling huge xml files"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xml-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, text }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml-types"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "1689ijr4xxh4shxxvd51wdkpc535kzv6liqg4m1prag96aq05r8y"; + buildDepends = [ base deepseq text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Basic types for representing XML"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xml2html" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xml-conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml2html"; + version = "0.2.0"; + sha256 = "1kf4vjg4cfkd4vx8jpikbb0ib4pglmyf5vqrg3j0yllmycj22ska"; + buildDepends = [ base xml-conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "blaze-html instances for xml-conduit types (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml2json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-conduit, bytestring + , case-insensitive, conduit, hspec, resourcet, tagstream-conduit + , text, transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml2json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15x3339qqy75qyj97dc7qbw7fs5dw4xvcslfrjpi36yd2596hamx"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base blaze-builder + blaze-builder-conduit bytestring case-insensitive conduit + tagstream-conduit text transformers unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring hspec resourcet text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "translate xml to json"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xml2x" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, bio, bytestring, containers + , directory, xhtml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xml2x"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "0cp21xzzqczb49mpnsxlgc4fyhmmgyy4mfczqnz85h383js5sbia"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base bio bytestring containers directory xhtml + ]; + description = "Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "xmlgen" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , filepath, HUnit, hxt, mtl, process, QuickCheck, text, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmlgen"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rmsg9wxs0bsj0xpagxrm3fmlqd63b0dfyc21rx9jj76g9za29wh"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers mtl text + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers filepath HUnit hxt process QuickCheck + text unix + ]; + description = "Fast XML generation library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmlhtml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , bytestring, containers, parsec, text, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmlhtml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0cv5jqzbq7mi5lcrnaxr5qaprp8biv1jlyzpjhwnwqzla6fqamfr"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers + parsec text unordered-containers + ]; + description = "XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmltv" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, configurator, filepath + , http-client, network-uri, old-locale, split, terminfo, time, unix + , wl-pprint-extras, wl-pprint-terminfo, xdg-basedir, xml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmltv"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "15i0a28svafjsziz1h3px0qys81xw0bs5bpq66hcwzxdv3s15lv9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring configurator filepath http-client network-uri + old-locale split terminfo time unix wl-pprint-extras + wl-pprint-terminfo xdg-basedir xml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Show tv channels in the terminal"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xmms2-client" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, containers, haskell98, mtl + , utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmms2-client"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ahsxah1irfsbgkkr4vnvasb7shk4b5iyjhgpj2dc9vi26p6y5dz"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 mtl utf8-string ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + description = "An XMMS2 client library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "xmms2-client-glib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, c2hs, haskell98, xmms2-client }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmms2-client-glib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rrc8w9nrmxl8kzjkbmdxh0j1krvai396mx50wsnlqn1cxgb54h3"; + buildDepends = [ base haskell98 xmms2-client ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + description = "An XMMS2 client library — GLib integration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "xmobar" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alsa-core, alsa-mixer, base, bytestring + , containers, dbus, directory, filepath, hinotify, HTTP, libmpd + , libXpm, libXrandr, mtl, old-locale, parsec, process, regex-compat + , stm, time, timezone-olson, timezone-series, transformers, unix + , utf8-string, wirelesstools, X11, X11-xft + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmobar"; + version = "0.22.1"; + sha256 = "0mnwwcfk0xf4fi3cnw19s6lxcg8sbsdlvg7zwvf5xf0y9q365swz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + alsa-core alsa-mixer base bytestring containers dbus directory + filepath hinotify HTTP libmpd mtl old-locale parsec process + regex-compat stm time timezone-olson timezone-series transformers + unix utf8-string X11 X11-xft + ]; + extraLibraries = [ libXpm libXrandr wirelesstools ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fall_extensions" "-f-with_threaded" "-f-with_xpm" "-f-with_dbus" + "-f-with_mpris" "-f-with_datezone" "-f-with_alsa" + "-fall_extensions" "-f-with_mpd" "-f-with_iwlib" "-f-with_inotify" + "-fwith_utf8" "-f-with_xft" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, extensible-exceptions + , filepath, mtl, process, unix, utf8-string, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad"; + version = "0.11"; + sha256 = "1nsv88y2b206n3s5hrsp5ginvz1bj818ns7jmikavb2g33akdgg5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath mtl + process unix utf8-string X11 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" "-fsmall_base" ]; + postInstall = '' + shopt -s globstar + mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1 + mv "$out/"**"/man/"*.1 $out/share/man/man1/ + ''; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tiling window manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-bluetilebranch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, extensible-exceptions + , filepath, mtl, process, unix, X11 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-bluetilebranch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ymn56rc9kkzvdla9bpj3aq2z6rnz669xbj7n87z1b42aj74s8gn"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory extensible-exceptions filepath mtl + process unix X11 + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tiling window manager"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, extensible-exceptions + , mtl, old-locale, old-time, process, random, unix, utf8-string + , X11, X11-xft, xmonad + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-contrib"; + version = "0.11.3"; + sha256 = "14h9vr33yljymswj50wbimav263y9abdcgi07mvfis0zd08rxqxa"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory extensible-exceptions mtl old-locale + old-time process random unix utf8-string X11 X11-xft xmonad + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" "-fuse_xft" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third party extensions for xmonad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, extensible-exceptions + , mtl, old-locale, old-time, process, random, unix, utf8-string + , X11, X11-xft, xmonad-bluetilebranch + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ysf8yp8jwf7a1am83w5q66ys3j6kn7ss0i86n9dmfmkc3rms6l7"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory extensible-exceptions mtl old-locale + old-time process random unix utf8-string X11 X11-xft + xmonad-bluetilebranch + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-testing" "-fuse_xft" "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third party extensions for xmonad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-contrib-gpl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, xmonad, xmonad-contrib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-contrib-gpl"; + version = "0.12.1"; + sha256 = "1xs9qwzq9x552jw9wxdaddk2w1m5kc060mqahhk2f2q3zs9nk2n9"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl xmonad xmonad-contrib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third party extensions for xmonad"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-eval" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, hint, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, process, random, unix, X11, xmonad, xmonad-contrib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-eval"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0k0lb4z50kj4q3dzmii4pd8lbdnlxh5l91fx4f90a35hl3v9zggk"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory hint mtl old-locale old-time process + random unix X11 xmonad xmonad-contrib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Module for evaluation Haskell expressions in the running xmonad instance"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-extras" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, mtl, old-locale + , old-time, parsec, process, random, regex-posix, split, unix, X11 + , xmonad, xmonad-contrib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-extras"; + version = "0.12"; + sha256 = "1gyj9j6x21rvs6kg6g74wr0jdd36c5ml63a670456fhjr96s8y0g"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory mtl old-locale old-time parsec process + random regex-posix split unix X11 xmonad xmonad-contrib + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-with_hlist" "-fwith_split" "-fwith_parsec" "-f-testing" + "-fwith_template_haskell" "-fwith_regex_posix" "-f-with_hlist" + "-f-with_mpd" "-f-with_hint" "-fwith_split" "-fwith_parsec" + "-fsmall_base" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Third party extensions for xmonad with wacky dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-screenshot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, gtk, xmonad }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-screenshot"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1iy6c8dis5jkgamkbbgxvbajz8f03bwhwdwk46l6wvlgmb072wl4"; + buildDepends = [ base gtk xmonad ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Workspaces screenshooting utility for XMonad"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xmonad-utils" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, ghc, random, unix, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmonad-utils"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1y72f8dnjbpf4kmg0fp8rfbvhwshkp10g4cj3yhy9z78w84dp9a5"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base ghc random unix X11 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A small collection of X utilities"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xmpipe" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring, handle-like + , monads-tf, sasl, simple-pipe, uuid, xml-pipe + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xmpipe"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09g11mfq93w3097rzydva8qwq1sjq0hwi11lg1x1yshwcb1if2iw"; + buildDepends = [ + base base64-bytestring bytestring handle-like monads-tf sasl + simple-pipe uuid xml-pipe + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XMPP implementation using simple-PIPE"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xorshift" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, random, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xorshift"; + version = "2.0.1"; + sha256 = "1pgkcnsgir8ci3hm3s5w3lk5dy7219242g9njx9cxb1m1cz5v5rf"; + buildDepends = [ base random time ]; + description = "Haskell implementation of the xorshift random generator"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "xosd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, xosd }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xosd"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1j0j64668vi0jxrzxrwyp8gwcz5zpaiai2r5k5rfsfrglhrhvhrv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + extraLibraries = [ xosd ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A binding to the X on-screen display"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) xosd; }; + + "xournal-builder" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, double-conversion + , strict, xournal-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xournal-builder"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v7lfhyr28gmsbzizhbw4lddhhhv74y3vb8kb9z06b32lg5wm591"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring double-conversion strict + xournal-types + ]; + description = "text builder for xournal file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xournal-convert" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, cmdargs, directory + , filepath, HStringTemplate, mtl, xournal-parser, xournal-render + , xournal-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xournal-convert"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "1vyykx5kbq8jja6cxy38j905b23ndj73xsg0hirz0sq4pw36shmi"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo cmdargs directory filepath HStringTemplate + mtl xournal-parser xournal-render xournal-types + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "convert utility for xoj files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xournal-parser" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, attoparsec-conduit, base, bytestring + , conduit, conduit-extra, containers, exceptions, lens, mtl, strict + , text, transformers, xml-conduit, xml-types, xournal-types + , zlib-conduit + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xournal-parser"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1r99xv7w2gxms1ff5qpj36dcb3gb5lpccr1mjjdnkcij81i748ly"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec attoparsec-conduit base bytestring conduit conduit-extra + containers exceptions lens mtl strict text transformers xml-conduit + xml-types xournal-types zlib-conduit + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Xournal file parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xournal-render" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cairo, containers, fclabels, mtl + , poppler, strict, TypeCompose, xournal-types + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xournal-render"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "0fsijjzxizhb7dx1pc83rsini8xzqj21mmkqj1x0ysyzh78siaf3"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cairo containers fclabels mtl poppler strict + TypeCompose xournal-types + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fpoppler" ]; + description = "Xournal file renderer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xournal-types" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, containers, lens, strict + , TypeCompose + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xournal-types"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z1zxgwnd2bpgmiimil2jnz4xdcvvi59y2qdvqgy42b10db8rvkm"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal containers lens strict TypeCompose + ]; + description = "Data types for programs for xournal file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xsact" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, process + , random, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xsact"; + version = "1.7.3"; + sha256 = "180svhrkj3fp69abg0ichgc9l6iv760j302bb612qzxkpyjsyz0h"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory process random unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Cluster EST sequences"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "xsd" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, directory, doctest, filepath + , lens, QuickCheck, quickcheck-instances, text, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xsd"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a5i2idpkm5i70jpp2kjglpylja4b9cd0nklgvl6lm8cpjn2j0k0"; + buildDepends = [ attoparsec base lens text time ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory doctest filepath QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsmall_base" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XML Schema data structures"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xsha1" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HUnit, QuickCheck, uniplate, vector }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xsha1"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "0xljcmc8rsvkpchrdam3lpp4igq1gmym9v3drp15a9k8rfa8irmi"; + buildDepends = [ base HUnit QuickCheck uniplate vector ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplit-base" ]; + description = "cryptanalysis of Blizzard's broken SHA-1 implementation"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "xslt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libxml, xslt }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xslt"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0i03ihk0rjj6vk2blqdhqqqk6qqrrkxx2ckigwd5mgvp3jp64648"; + buildDepends = [ base libxml ]; + extraLibraries = [ xslt ]; + description = "Binding to libxslt"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) xslt; }; + + "xss-sanitize" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, containers, css-text, hspec + , HUnit, network-uri, tagsoup, text, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xss-sanitize"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1h9dj234sj216g676la0h73nwm0fw4snik31qi0s754vyy6bcygf"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers css-text network-uri tagsoup text + utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + attoparsec base containers css-text hspec HUnit network-uri tagsoup + text utf8-string + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xtc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, wx, wxcore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xtc"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0jfs3qbcx5h26irkq73dyc2m84qyrlj5dvy6d1s6p6520vhnqfal"; + buildDepends = [ base wx wxcore ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "eXtended & Typed Controls for wxHaskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xtest" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libXtst, X11 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xtest"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "118xxx7sydpsvdqz0x107ngb85fggn630ysw6d2ckky75fmhmxk7"; + buildDepends = [ base X11 ]; + extraLibraries = [ libXtst ]; + description = "Thin FFI bindings to X11 XTest library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xturtle" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, convertible, Imlib, setlocale, X11, X11-xft + , x11-xim, yjsvg, yjtools + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xturtle"; + version = "0.1.25"; + sha256 = "161fpfvzbz2kks5pxmq3wrkgfkrfjvqrl4izlq0v7sicqphfkgmd"; + buildDepends = [ + base convertible Imlib setlocale X11 X11-xft x11-xim yjsvg yjtools + ]; + description = "turtle like LOGO"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "xxhash" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, crypto-api, hspec, QuickCheck + , tagged + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "xxhash"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0crmvkvk2604a06jjsn613bxx0n1lv59picl2656rx2pc7wbyidn"; + editedCabalFile = "1d641797e9e431c6152dc41cbe72551bb2f91cec8265d3a5e3b2b9718764d274"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring crypto-api tagged ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck ]; + description = "A Haskell implementation of the xxHash algorithm"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yabi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, word8 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yabi"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "05avn1m1mmgvzx9vkjy0fyyy38vmz39km0b190lz7lhy9qrwa2bb"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base word8 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yackage" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html, bytestring, Cabal + , cmdargs, conduit, containers, directory, http-conduit, http-types + , shakespeare, tar, text, transformers, unordered-containers + , vector, wai, warp, yaml, yesod-core, yesod-form, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yackage"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0c0wln31415xvnjd4bn9bqxl190a9yc3ifypif4fab2m7dkd27ly"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder blaze-html bytestring Cabal cmdargs conduit + containers directory http-conduit http-types shakespeare tar text + transformers unordered-containers vector wai warp yaml yesod-core + yesod-form zlib + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fupload" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Personal Hackage replacement for testing new packages"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yahoo-finance-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, cassava, conduit, lens, mtl + , text, vector, wreq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yahoo-finance-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kvs12l84lgs26knrqv5f354a3bql3fg54wgnmsfcjli1vvnn1di"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base cassava conduit lens mtl text vector wreq + ]; + description = "Streaming aproach to the yahoo finance api"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yahoo-web-search" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HTTP, network, xml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yahoo-web-search"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "064qakx4khzz9ih9isw46c8pm8wpg662fwnis4d64nszy6y9yfck"; + buildDepends = [ base HTTP network xml ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yahoo Web Search Services"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yajl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, c2hs, text, yajl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yajl"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "07186ilac22zym1jlgl915k2a82k418xa5z9h40ss62dgmaz2xkk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring text ]; + buildTools = [ c2hs ]; + extraLibraries = [ yajl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) yajl; }; + + "yajl-enumerator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, json-types, text + , transformers, yajl + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yajl-enumerator"; + version = "0.4.1"; + sha256 = "0dz81l58qpm3gk7zmvb702qwgq79j7d0dnyimqi6k3fp0byb5wdj"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator json-types text transformers yajl + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator-based interface to YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "yall" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, categories, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yall"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "131x7hl309zpwl31k6mwqd4fdrhkcwxvn4dvlky9bh3prc8kdm2s"; + buildDepends = [ base categories transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses with a southern twang"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yamemo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yamemo"; + version = "0.6.0"; + sha256 = "12qh9fi5dj4i5lprm24gc2b66qzc3mf59m22sxf93sx3dsf7rygn"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + description = "Simple memoisation function"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, aeson-qq, attoparsec, base, bytestring + , conduit, containers, directory, enclosed-exceptions, filepath + , hspec, hspec-expectations, HUnit, resourcet, scientific, text + , transformers, unordered-containers, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1a8v8digg6mcc4gx4kgfg8wzgj18wdf40wv1b7n72dg1c8kr2xz9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring conduit containers directory + enclosed-exceptions filepath resourcet scientific text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson aeson-qq base bytestring conduit directory hspec + hspec-expectations HUnit resourcet text transformers + unordered-containers vector + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-f-no-unicode" "-f-system-libyaml" "-f-no-exe" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml-config" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, failure, hashable, QuickCheck + , tasty, tasty-quickcheck, text, unordered-containers, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-config"; + version = "0.2.2"; + sha256 = "1a6n18q6sy5sfw4r8j42d4vhcmvjggi2ax4i89ap2gmnah53jm50"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq failure text unordered-containers yaml + ]; + testDepends = [ + base deepseq failure hashable QuickCheck tasty tasty-quickcheck + text unordered-containers yaml + ]; + description = "Configuration management"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yaml-light" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, HsSyck }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-light"; + version = "0.1.4"; + sha256 = "05pxkqp91l275n48p1aqijzh34vvzi7cx2nls879b95fz2dr8lhk"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers HsSyck ]; + description = "A light-weight wrapper with utility functions around HsSyck"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml-light-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, bytestring-lexing, containers + , doctest, lens, yaml-light + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-light-lens"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0f1wlq0j1xxz183siwhrrm67p35bbbyz4qi7f6qjwpy2qcn9zpyl"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring bytestring-lexing containers lens yaml-light + ]; + testDepends = [ base doctest ]; + description = "Lens interface to yaml-light"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml-rpc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, http-client + , http-types, lens, template-haskell, text, th-lift, transformers + , unordered-containers, vector, wreq, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-rpc"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "01ir8yh7g3xvybg2nyfnzci0xlqpizkdkyhd8jfhyk8yka6jbr9g"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers http-client http-types lens + template-haskell text th-lift transformers unordered-containers + vector wreq yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple library for network (HTTP REST-like) YAML RPC"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml-rpc-scotty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, http-types, mmorph + , scotty, text, transformers, yaml, yaml-rpc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-rpc-scotty"; + version = "1.0.2"; + sha256 = "1kbvziqd78fr47m3w86hc6pxa6jy3ljjwc0s2ga0d8zrh0irf3b3"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers http-types mmorph scotty text transformers + yaml yaml-rpc + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Scotty server backend for yaml-rpc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml-rpc-snap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, http-types + , snap, text, transformers, yaml, yaml-rpc + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml-rpc-snap"; + version = "1.0.3"; + sha256 = "17csdfr4g0vb46yi2jhf6phin17rcn9arc71kmgdgx0xh2hrfin9"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers http-types snap text transformers + yaml yaml-rpc + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snap server backend for yaml-rpc"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yaml2owl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, network + , swish, text, xml, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaml2owl"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1yz7cq6xbxjh3j5hljrzla7dpgsa2ag4ywbvc6ynf7bpikdymq65"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath network swish text xml yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate OWL schema from YAML syntax, and an RDFa template"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "yampa-canvas" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blank-canvas, stm, text, time, Yampa }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yampa-canvas"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "16plby17rnr4c25sdacqx4vlyx338gbmadp1c6mr4c67zx76bi4a"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base blank-canvas stm text time Yampa ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + description = "blank-canvas frontend for yampa"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yampa-glfw" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLFW-b, newtype, OpenGL, vector-space, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yampa-glfw"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "133nz8916c99bby6ikkh4kplx4hbwmqhdg0h2g5vsp25w67ndmjr"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base GLFW-b newtype OpenGL vector-space Yampa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connects GLFW-b (GLFW 3+) with the Yampa FRP library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "yampa-glut" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, GLUT, newtype, OpenGL, vector-space, Yampa + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yampa-glut"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0sp4fwi3ibmd32vs7kdak7vrk3i2bayk2flcc617x2ax9250iyhv"; + buildDepends = [ base GLUT newtype OpenGL vector-space Yampa ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Connects Yampa and GLUT"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "yaop" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, template-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yaop"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0z66ffxb89bksgqfji9x8msch9yk7nmbzm2qrcn5j3w4ylg7dpdr"; + editedCabalFile = "5333f04af0a27a0197004dc2e686dbbf29e5e2dc248277eb2afcb7587092a55c"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl template-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet another option parser"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yap"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "14lq549jhgnf51pgy1jv31ik8qx71yl7d53w8dpq1f9mlsn1g16i"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "yet another prelude - a simplistic refactoring with algebraic classes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yarr" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, deepseq, fixed-vector, ghc-prim + , missing-foreign, primitive, template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yarr"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "09nr1k0yhm1sh4g741876sf4vi0mgrh7gdq9cbw33hxn6168h547"; + buildDepends = [ + base deepseq fixed-vector ghc-prim missing-foreign primitive + template-haskell + ]; + description = "Yet another array library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yarr-image-io" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, libdevil, yarr }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yarr-image-io"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1wmmzw62wb5hz4qavy51wb3wwqn07zd6iiwsrzcck1jdxwy0p81x"; + buildDepends = [ base yarr ]; + extraLibraries = [ libdevil ]; + description = "Image IO for Yarr library"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yavie" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, directory, event-driven, filepath + , monads-tf, process, regexpr + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yavie"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "0h2gd0k8vbz8rl34j42ayvcqp0ksz6642k9pznrd28h145wk8gz5"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal directory event-driven filepath monads-tf process + regexpr + ]; + description = "yet another visual editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ycextra" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, csv, mtl, uniplate, yhccore }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ycextra"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "0aa0g2r7ck052wqkqqxzvkdqv9d7x3v7rqqd8iajwys9cvqny4m5"; + buildDepends = [ base containers csv mtl uniplate yhccore ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Additional utilities to work with Yhc Core"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yeganesh" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, process + , strict, time, unix, xdg-basedir + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yeganesh"; + version = "2.5"; + sha256 = "1bgw5v1g5n06jj0lyxpf48mdpaa2s49g0lbagf3jf9q01rb92bvf"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath process strict time unix + xdg-basedir + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-profiling" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "small dmenu wrapper"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yes-precure5-command" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, containers, hspec, mtl, parsec + , QuickCheck, random + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yes-precure5-command"; + version = "5.5.1"; + sha256 = "0a5qiz0sx8kbi1ijq8lqjfszp5cvqnq1jpxx18wqndfkscjfsjbd"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base Cabal containers mtl parsec random ]; + testDepends = [ base containers hspec QuickCheck ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes! Precure 5"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , conduit-extra, data-default, directory, fast-logger + , monad-control, monad-logger, safe, semigroups, shakespeare + , streaming-commons, template-haskell, text, transformers, unix + , unordered-containers, wai, wai-extra, wai-logger, warp, yaml + , yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z00vmflmyjsb2vx52xg6nhghmydsbf8qvp00qcjydgqqbgamkxj"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring conduit-extra + data-default directory fast-logger monad-control monad-logger safe + semigroups shakespeare streaming-commons template-haskell text + transformers unix unordered-containers wai wai-extra wai-logger + warp yaml yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form yesod-persistent + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-angular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, shakespeare + , template-haskell, text, transformers, yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-angular"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1f2aghs78jc3v2raq2f07mrcpmkc4jjp2vvpal4bh4qq6jnyigzd"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers shakespeare template-haskell text + transformers yesod + ]; + description = "Yesod Angular JS integration"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, authenticate, base, base16-bytestring + , base64-bytestring, binary, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, byteable, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, cryptohash, data-default, email-validate, file-embed + , http-client, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, mime-mail + , network-uri, persistent, persistent-template, random, resourcet + , safe, shakespeare, template-haskell, text, time, transformers + , unordered-containers, wai, yesod-core, yesod-form + , yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1islvp3dxfa6xmgm96hqa06vxrjhg98hd014rvbyqsx1gkn7xkq5"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson authenticate base base16-bytestring base64-bytestring binary + blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup byteable bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers cryptohash data-default email-validate + file-embed http-client http-conduit http-types lifted-base + mime-mail network-uri persistent persistent-template random + resourcet safe shakespeare template-haskell text time transformers + unordered-containers wai yesod-core yesod-form yesod-persistent + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-account" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, hspec, monad-logger + , mtl, nonce, persistent, persistent-sqlite, pwstore-fast + , resourcet, text, xml-conduit, yesod, yesod-auth, yesod-core + , yesod-form, yesod-persistent, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-account"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "15b9pwxgh73wa7bmydkh4wdndfkn85v0f7q4mfi582vk272n3ra0"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring mtl nonce persistent pwstore-fast text + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form yesod-persistent + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hspec monad-logger mtl persistent-sqlite resourcet + text xml-conduit yesod yesod-auth yesod-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An account authentication plugin for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-bcrypt" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bcrypt, bytestring, text, yesod-auth + , yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-bcrypt"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "04v7d88m58rgkgld2rcmi160afmn4zbbplwwfldcck3dy6i9rzhp"; + buildDepends = [ + base bcrypt bytestring text yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + yesod-persistent + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "BCrypt salted and hashed passwords in a database as auth for yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-deskcom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, byteable + , bytestring, cipher-aes, cprng-aes, crypto-api, crypto-random + , cryptohash, data-default, http-conduit, http-types + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, yesod-auth + , yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-deskcom"; + version = "1.4.0"; + sha256 = "17lpkwrfc10rdmvkjg6qmbi7gysjjhqyh7n5d1mxgxhzxzqbi06w"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring cipher-aes + cprng-aes crypto-api crypto-random cryptohash data-default + http-conduit http-types template-haskell text time transformers + yesod-auth yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = " remote authentication support for Yesod apps."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-fb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, fb, http-conduit + , lifted-base, shakespeare, text, time, transformers, wai + , yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-fb + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-fb"; + version = "1.6.6"; + sha256 = "00pk5vridic77laydkfhrixfv50ps7f15dxvcd44cn0z8s2d3y74"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit fb http-conduit lifted-base + shakespeare text time transformers wai yesod-auth yesod-core + yesod-fb + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication backend for Yesod using Facebook"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-hashdb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cryptohash, hspec, persistent + , pwstore-fast, text, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form + , yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-hashdb"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1qrb160jq5nniwvbv92hbsznxiwdcjbcxb6lcqdkj1ggfbhs3zp8"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cryptohash persistent pwstore-fast text yesod-auth + yesod-core yesod-form yesod-persistent + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec text ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication plugin for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-kerberos" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate-kerberos, base, bytestring + , shakespeare, text, transformers, yesod-auth, yesod-core + , yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-kerberos"; + version = "1.4.2"; + sha256 = "1q25p6kzk4xksi64gl2k4vdnfiw2pmqmca1w5zwzvdr4zzgkmx18"; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate-kerberos base bytestring shakespeare text transformers + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Kerberos Authentication for Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-ldap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate-ldap, base, bytestring, hamlet, LDAP + , text, transformers, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-ldap"; + version = "0.0.3"; + sha256 = "1ps2vk2pvni3h4pk4v2siqb3a714r09ahgr5d1l89hspb9fbzfyk"; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate-ldap base bytestring hamlet LDAP text transformers + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc7" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "LDAP Authentication for Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-oauth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, authenticate-oauth, base, bytestring, lifted-base + , text, transformers, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-oauth"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0wy3c271jq7ssvh6fhpi0h92pin5a8f48vmr3qsw8szf4gpw1j69"; + buildDepends = [ + authenticate-oauth base bytestring lifted-base text transformers + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc7" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "OAuth Authentication for Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-oauth2" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, authenticate, base, bytestring, hoauth2 + , http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, network-uri, text + , transformers, uuid, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-oauth2"; + version = "0.0.11"; + sha256 = "0338821bj1sg5mvwcrfaidlj964vxrihnd9jbgnziv5kldb459rc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson authenticate base bytestring hoauth2 http-conduit http-types + lifted-base network-uri text transformers uuid yesod-auth + yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" "-fghc7" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library to authenticate with OAuth 2.0 for Yesod web applications."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-pam" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hamlet, pam, text, yesod-auth, yesod-core + , yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-pam"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02cpg67ldjvv9sb6jr7liq3ac20rqc6lq1wjybii5vsah8hmvkhy"; + buildDepends = [ + base hamlet pam text yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + description = "Provides PAM authentication module"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-smbclient" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hamlet, sys-auth-smbclient, text, yesod-auth + , yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-smbclient"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "108bmfb68rvmx3q21hz55jbic331fnplcx062vlbk6sx3jyjqgaa"; + buildDepends = [ + base hamlet sys-auth-smbclient text yesod-auth yesod-core + yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Authentication plugin for Yesod using smbclient"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-auth-zendesk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, base16-bytestring, bytestring, cryptohash + , data-default, http-conduit, http-types, template-haskell, text + , time, transformers, wai, yesod-auth, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-auth-zendesk"; + version = "1.2.1"; + sha256 = "0jjfydbgjcymd9x47g0acjdml55f3n40193lvl4l9l02q54g9qnb"; + buildDepends = [ + base base16-bytestring bytestring cryptohash data-default + http-conduit http-types template-haskell text time transformers wai + yesod-auth yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Zendesk remote authentication support for Yesod apps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-bin" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring, blaze-builder + , bytestring, Cabal, conduit, conduit-extra, containers + , data-default-class, directory, file-embed, filepath, fsnotify + , ghc, ghc-paths, http-conduit, http-reverse-proxy, http-types + , lifted-base, network, optparse-applicative, parsec, process + , project-template, resourcet, shakespeare, split + , streaming-commons, system-fileio, system-filepath, tar + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers, transformers-compat + , unix-compat, unordered-containers, wai, wai-extra, warp, yaml + , zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-bin"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0mbibcx1adc5k2mzypsn411bvpwggkpi8mnmg9pws4nnx3izskbz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder bytestring Cabal + conduit conduit-extra containers data-default-class directory + file-embed filepath fsnotify ghc ghc-paths http-conduit + http-reverse-proxy http-types lifted-base network + optparse-applicative parsec process project-template resourcet + shakespeare split streaming-commons system-fileio system-filepath + tar template-haskell text time transformers transformers-compat + unix-compat unordered-containers wai wai-extra warp yaml zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The yesod helper executable"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-comments" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, directory, friendly-time + , gravatar, old-locale, persistent, template-haskell, text, time + , wai, yesod, yesod-auth, yesod-form, yesod-markdown + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-comments"; + version = "0.9.2"; + sha256 = "1isw8cwzwwsm7p3hqj0ynwncsdfg7x0ihphyv02awchqbgc2c87i"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring directory friendly-time gravatar old-locale + persistent template-haskell text time wai yesod yesod-auth + yesod-form yesod-markdown + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A generic comments interface for a Yesod application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-continuations" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, datetime, hashable, hashmap, stm + , system-uuid, template-haskell, yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-continuations"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1pzc0v18fapfbwd4pn4nchmsp4nvnrkm33av83zqfb5gyzhlk1in"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base datetime hashable hashmap stm system-uuid template-haskell + yesod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Continuations for Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, async, auto-update, base, blaze-builder + , blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring, case-insensitive, cereal + , clientsession, conduit, conduit-extra, containers, cookie + , data-default, deepseq, directory, exceptions, fast-logger, hspec + , hspec-expectations, http-types, HUnit, lifted-base, monad-control + , monad-logger, mtl, mwc-random, network, old-locale, parsec + , path-pieces, primitive, QuickCheck, random, resourcet, safe + , shakespeare, streaming-commons, template-haskell, text, time + , transformers, transformers-base, unix-compat + , unordered-containers, vector, wai, wai-extra, wai-logger, warp + , word8 + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-core"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1lpkv1snqb86xkiq4fs00v88jn8ia54swvn0q6niqhm1mlhjn4vv"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson auto-update base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup + bytestring case-insensitive cereal clientsession conduit + conduit-extra containers cookie data-default deepseq directory + exceptions fast-logger http-types lifted-base monad-control + monad-logger mtl mwc-random old-locale parsec path-pieces primitive + random resourcet safe shakespeare template-haskell text time + transformers transformers-base unix-compat unordered-containers + vector wai wai-extra wai-logger warp word8 + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base blaze-builder bytestring clientsession conduit + conduit-extra containers cookie hspec hspec-expectations http-types + HUnit lifted-base mwc-random network path-pieces QuickCheck random + resourcet shakespeare streaming-commons template-haskell text + transformers wai wai-extra + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-datatables" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, bytestring, data-default + , HUnit, monad-control, persistent, persistent-sqlite + , persistent-template, QuickCheck, resourcet, template-haskell + , test-framework, test-framework-hunit, test-framework-quickcheck2 + , text, transformers, yesod, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-default + , yesod-form, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-datatables"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0yn6fky83069pp4i13dlx9dlk4ck2k4c6sizgnrwqcjhm39m1bz6"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring data-default persistent text yesod + yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-default yesod-form yesod-static + ]; + testDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base bytestring HUnit monad-control persistent + persistent-sqlite persistent-template QuickCheck resourcet + template-haskell test-framework test-framework-hunit + test-framework-quickcheck2 text transformers + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yesod plugin for DataTables (jQuery grid plugin)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-default" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, yesod-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-default"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "15nsknnxnfbkpg4pswxcpgfb2y0hz0xxj56jknd93hcm7aay36pk"; + buildDepends = [ base yesod-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Default config and main functions for your yesod application (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-dsl" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, Cabal, containers, directory + , filepath, happy, MissingH, mtl, shakespeare-text, strict, syb + , text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-dsl"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1rfynal7l065dsmxx9zfqpjnl92ri4qj1ff62xp1482my72pin57"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base Cabal containers directory filepath MissingH mtl + shakespeare-text strict syb text transformers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex happy ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "DSL for generating Yesod subsite to manage an RDBMS;"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-eventsource" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, conduit, transformers, wai + , wai-eventsource, wai-extra, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-eventsource"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0j2x2zfr1s5a8m22kf27r6bdw041vmgf9b4v2ylc89n4m0f0dv55"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder conduit transformers wai wai-eventsource + wai-extra yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Server-sent events support for Yesod apps"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-examples" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, data-object + , data-object-yaml, hamlet, persistent-sqlite, persistent-template + , sqlite, stm, text, transformers, yesod, yesod-core, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-examples"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ikrx9ys8civmf1m12fbms258xa7aj55rr02x3rjwchykmzianp4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring data-object data-object-yaml hamlet + persistent-sqlite persistent-template stm text transformers yesod + yesod-core yesod-static + ]; + extraLibraries = [ sqlite ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc7" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Example programs using the Yesod Web Framework. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) sqlite; }; + + "yesod-fay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, data-default, directory + , fay, fay-dom, monad-loops, process, pureMD5, shakespeare + , system-fileio, system-filepath, template-haskell, text + , transformers, utf8-string, yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-fay"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "1q02r7gd0fbhasc10h8my6j3vcc50pagpz8gvrbsc7x928gp42p4"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring data-default directory fay fay-dom + monad-loops process pureMD5 shakespeare system-fileio + system-filepath template-haskell text transformers utf8-string + yesod-core yesod-form yesod-static + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utilities for using the Fay Haskell-to-JS compiler with Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-fb" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, crypto-api, fb + , http-conduit, text, wai, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-fb"; + version = "0.3.4"; + sha256 = "09cymp9y21vawbgr6gcj41s5xkq6j22mvk0vgl3pnyq382j33rmp"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit crypto-api fb http-conduit text wai + yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Useful glue functions between the fb library and Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-form" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, byteable, bytestring, containers, data-default + , email-validate, hspec, network-uri, persistent, resourcet + , shakespeare, template-haskell, text, time, transformers, wai + , xss-sanitize, yesod-core, yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-form"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "142d114968mwdgk3sbj66p01jag9k5gn3ny536xpv0qhzg2nxqab"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup + byteable bytestring containers data-default email-validate + network-uri persistent resourcet shakespeare template-haskell text + time transformers wai xss-sanitize yesod-core yesod-persistent + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec text time ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fnetwork-uri" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-form-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, containers, text + , unordered-containers, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-form-json"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1hr53p4sp0zm7l1ap07kv2q6hi1xli74k13h0df4cmf9y2xn7bxz"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring containers text unordered-containers + yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + description = "Extension for Yesod web framework to handle JSON requests as applicative forms"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-gitrepo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, enclosed-exceptions, http-types + , lifted-base, process, system-filepath, temporary, text, wai + , yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-gitrepo"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1bf4rhf6i4cciyllkh6zil29i7yi5ph0nkpcqmhbihk4i7xm05zj"; + buildDepends = [ + base directory enclosed-exceptions http-types lifted-base process + system-filepath temporary text wai yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Host content provided by a Git repo"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-goodies" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, bytestring, directory, HTTP + , old-locale, pandoc, pureMD5, text, time, yesod, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-goodies"; + version = "0.0.5"; + sha256 = "0wxdwyb5dg00ycb09kbl1m12w2bzi6kxbjr4dqgrwfd3dgypcjdz"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html bytestring directory HTTP old-locale pandoc pureMD5 + text time yesod yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A collection of various small helpers useful in any yesod application"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, yesod-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-json"; + version = "1.2.0"; + sha256 = "0d035k1ls5iq1c12yxknyc33qd22ayyhl69y62zmcw7arwx35sgw"; + buildDepends = [ base yesod-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate content for Yesod using the aeson package. (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-links" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, text, yesod-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-links"; + version = "0.3.0"; + sha256 = "0i1b4lgwv98pp7251fm3h4cdb1d868fqwm6175rk7zg699g2v61y"; + buildDepends = [ base text yesod-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A typeclass which simplifies creating link widgets throughout your site"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-mangopay" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, country-codes, data-default, directory, fast-logger + , hamlet, hjsmin, http-conduit, http-types, lifted-base, mangopay + , monad-control, monad-logger, persistent, persistent-postgresql + , persistent-template, resourcet, shakespeare, shakespeare-css + , shakespeare-js, shakespeare-text, template-haskell, text, time + , wai, wai-extra, wai-logger, warp, yaml, yesod, yesod-auth + , yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-persistent, yesod-static + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-mangopay"; + version = "1.10"; + sha256 = "18vph90izbf3fyipn0ja2mig8akdic96sjsmvv7d6pqbmz2m5qhh"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers + country-codes data-default directory fast-logger hamlet hjsmin + http-conduit http-types lifted-base mangopay monad-control + monad-logger persistent persistent-postgresql persistent-template + resourcet shakespeare shakespeare-css shakespeare-js + shakespeare-text template-haskell text time wai wai-extra + wai-logger warp yaml yesod yesod-auth yesod-core yesod-form + yesod-persistent yesod-static + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fconduit11" "-flibrary-only" "-f-dev" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yesod library for MangoPay API access"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-markdown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , directory, pandoc, persistent, shakespeare, texmath, text + , xss-sanitize, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-markdown"; + version = "0.9.3"; + sha256 = "16xvclai6aqgjj11mzc84wb98wsw59w0nhjh1c1xx2hw2m5g37k6"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring directory pandoc persistent + shakespeare texmath text xss-sanitize yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for using markdown in a yesod application"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yesod-newsfeed" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, blaze-markup, bytestring + , containers, shakespeare, text, time, xml-conduit, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-newsfeed"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02ydkri23vrm7mak2b1ybfhkdgc2dmv9vq3ki2d7sd005sp3zdly"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring containers shakespeare text + time xml-conduit yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Helper functions and data types for producing News feeds"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-paginate" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, template-haskell, yesod }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-paginate"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "088m7prg774wdh8fp7zljxj65zj5krl4pggl63anv2wk7nlw27py"; + buildDepends = [ base template-haskell yesod ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fghc7" ]; + description = "Pagination for Yesod sites"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-pagination" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, esqueleto, hspec, monad-logger, persistent + , persistent-sqlite, resource-pool, resourcet, shakespeare + , utf8-string, wai-test, yesod, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-pagination"; + version = "2.0.0"; + sha256 = "0d42b8y7zpl624d7wa2caarni9g10hg14xsbamlkykki3bl197m1"; + buildDepends = [ base esqueleto yesod ]; + testDepends = [ + base hspec monad-logger persistent persistent-sqlite resource-pool + resourcet shakespeare utf8-string wai-test yesod yesod-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Pagination in Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-paginator" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, persistent, resourcet, text, transformers + , yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-paginator"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "0xi19gf6vdna3nwwmciypqgaprzb7gdjpwvfrpj82gr6yar1va5m"; + buildDepends = [ + base persistent resourcet text transformers yesod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A pagination approach for yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-persistent" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, conduit, hspec, persistent + , persistent-sqlite, persistent-template, resource-pool, resourcet + , text, transformers, wai-extra, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-persistent"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "06qzgq0mb7k0h8q6lh47l0mzx91xn4ba07nmn22vsfvjfdji6lib"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder conduit persistent persistent-template + resource-pool resourcet transformers yesod-core + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder conduit hspec persistent persistent-sqlite text + wai-extra yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-platform" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, ansi-wl-pprint, asn1-encoding + , asn1-parse, asn1-types, attoparsec-conduit, authenticate + , auto-update, base, base16-bytestring, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, blaze-builder-conduit, blaze-html, blaze-markup + , byteable, byteorder, cereal, cipher-aes, cipher-des, cipher-rc4 + , clientsession, conduit, conduit-extra, connection, cookie + , cprng-aes, crypto-api, crypto-cipher-types, crypto-numbers + , crypto-pubkey, crypto-pubkey-types, crypto-random, cryptohash + , cryptohash-conduit, css-text, data-default, data-default-class + , data-default-instances-base, data-default-instances-containers + , data-default-instances-dlist, data-default-instances-old-locale + , dlist, email-validate, entropy, esqueleto, exceptions + , fast-logger, file-embed, hamlet, hjsmin, hspec + , hspec-expectations, html-conduit, http-client, http-client-tls + , http-conduit, http-date, http-reverse-proxy, http-types + , language-javascript, lifted-base, mime-mail, mime-types, mmorph + , monad-control, monad-logger, monad-loops, nats, network-conduit + , optparse-applicative, path-pieces, pem, persistent + , persistent-template, publicsuffixlist, pwstore-fast + , quickcheck-io, resource-pool, resourcet, safe, securemem + , semigroups, setenv, SHA, shakespeare, shakespeare-css + , shakespeare-i18n, shakespeare-js, shakespeare-text, silently + , simple-sendfile, skein, socks, stm-chans, streaming-commons + , stringsearch, system-fileio, system-filepath, tagged, tagsoup + , tagstream-conduit, tf-random, tls, transformers-base, utf8-string + , void, wai, wai-app-static, wai-extra, wai-logger, wai-test, warp + , warp-tls, word8, x509, x509-store, x509-system, x509-validation + , xml-conduit, xml-types, xss-sanitize, yaml, yesod, yesod-auth + , yesod-auth-hashdb, yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-persistent + , yesod-routes, yesod-static, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-platform"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1j71m9bqam7dl1ghhwvkw5ispp8z06hbkvdxslx5sca998vx9awv"; + buildDepends = [ + ansi-terminal ansi-wl-pprint asn1-encoding asn1-parse asn1-types + attoparsec-conduit authenticate auto-update base base16-bytestring + base64-bytestring blaze-builder blaze-builder-conduit blaze-html + blaze-markup byteable byteorder cereal cipher-aes cipher-des + cipher-rc4 clientsession conduit conduit-extra connection cookie + cprng-aes crypto-api crypto-cipher-types crypto-numbers + crypto-pubkey crypto-pubkey-types crypto-random cryptohash + cryptohash-conduit css-text data-default data-default-class + data-default-instances-base data-default-instances-containers + data-default-instances-dlist data-default-instances-old-locale + dlist email-validate entropy esqueleto exceptions fast-logger + file-embed hamlet hjsmin hspec hspec-expectations html-conduit + http-client http-client-tls http-conduit http-date + http-reverse-proxy http-types language-javascript lifted-base + mime-mail mime-types mmorph monad-control monad-logger monad-loops + nats network-conduit optparse-applicative path-pieces pem + persistent persistent-template publicsuffixlist pwstore-fast + quickcheck-io resource-pool resourcet safe securemem semigroups + setenv SHA shakespeare shakespeare-css shakespeare-i18n + shakespeare-js shakespeare-text silently simple-sendfile skein + socks stm-chans streaming-commons stringsearch system-fileio + system-filepath tagged tagsoup tagstream-conduit tf-random tls + transformers-base utf8-string void wai wai-app-static wai-extra + wai-logger wai-test warp warp-tls word8 x509 x509-store x509-system + x509-validation xml-conduit xml-types xss-sanitize yaml yesod + yesod-auth yesod-auth-hashdb yesod-core yesod-form yesod-persistent + yesod-routes yesod-static yesod-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Meta package for Yesod (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-pnotify" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, shakespeare, text, transformers, yesod + , yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-pnotify"; + version = "0.5.0"; + sha256 = "05ic4n6g8jp575qj8mq9lbnhvmdm5zwxn3wf8f1blgigqimamsps"; + buildDepends = [ + base shakespeare text transformers yesod yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yet another getMessage/setMessage using pnotify jquery plugins"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-pure" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fast-logger, text, yesod, yesod-core }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-pure"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0v3xvhk5nxc2y3c21y6h7w6lg5vm1s2vzf9f02qw8gj928vsidzg"; + buildDepends = [ base fast-logger text yesod yesod-core ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yesod in pure Haskell: no Template Haskell or QuasiQuotes (deprecated)"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-recaptcha" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, data-default, http-conduit + , http-types, lifted-base, network, network-info, resourcet, text + , wai, yesod-auth, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-recaptcha"; + version = "1.4"; + sha256 = "1dvbpzcfwmjv836i8g0gv80dj1iwb9gnvgwg3m5h2hi95249m471"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring data-default http-conduit http-types lifted-base + network network-info resourcet text wai yesod-auth yesod-core + yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Dead simple support for reCAPTCHA on Yesod applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-routes" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, hspec, HUnit + , path-pieces, template-haskell, text, vector + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-routes"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "00i2nysbhmxnq0dvfdjx6nhxy680ya38nx8gcgm13fv2xwdd2p6j"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers path-pieces template-haskell text vector + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec HUnit path-pieces template-haskell + text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Efficient routing for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-routes-typescript" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, classy-prelude, system-fileio + , text, yesod-core, yesod-routes + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-routes-typescript"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gn0fvspgwhzpg7pfaj029vdhlm8ypx9kyn2wdz2wzm5jkl7bnn9"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base classy-prelude system-fileio text yesod-core + yesod-routes + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "generate TypeScript routes for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-rst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, directory, hamlet, pandoc + , persistent, text, xss-sanitize, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-rst"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "1dv8xq7hndpk3d86dxwjjplv0la8fn32pwzb5l00db9cg420jp71"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html directory hamlet pandoc persistent text + xss-sanitize yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Tools for using reStructuredText (RST) in a yesod application"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yesod-s3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra, gd, hS3 + , mtl, network, resourcet, text, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-s3"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0vl24qa2aidrr7a082yhnscava06x6jf5y5x9fi9jdry3rnkhzbv"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit conduit-extra gd hS3 mtl network resourcet + text yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple Helper Library for using Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) with Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-session-redis" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers, cookie + , hedis, mtl, network, pool-conduit, random, text, time, wai + , yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-session-redis"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "06ilc1xjic66xj46nib8y6cq7n8hyc27kzz9zd001d12qh342brv"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring containers cookie hedis mtl network + pool-conduit random text time wai yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Redis-Powered Sessions for Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-sitemap" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit, containers, data-default, text + , time, xml-conduit, xml-types, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-sitemap"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ri67r3yjngn4m2lj071n2v3r9w7pvsl24rayf41k7w9j3ylk100"; + buildDepends = [ + base conduit containers data-default text time xml-conduit + xml-types yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generate XML sitemaps"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-static" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, attoparsec, base, base64-bytestring + , blaze-builder, byteable, bytestring, conduit, conduit-extra + , containers, cryptohash, cryptohash-conduit, css-text + , data-default, directory, file-embed, filepath, hashable, hjsmin + , hspec, http-types, HUnit, mime-types, old-time, process + , resourcet, system-fileio, system-filepath, template-haskell, text + , transformers, unix-compat, unordered-containers, wai + , wai-app-static, wai-extra, yesod-core, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-static"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z01m3rvar6djxqcc2hyi53yfcpqwpi45wffpjnfp8hsr1x0zaqk"; + buildDepends = [ + async attoparsec base base64-bytestring blaze-builder byteable + bytestring conduit conduit-extra containers cryptohash + cryptohash-conduit css-text data-default directory file-embed + filepath hashable hjsmin http-types mime-types old-time process + resourcet system-fileio system-filepath template-haskell text + transformers unix-compat unordered-containers wai wai-app-static + yesod-core + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base base64-bytestring byteable bytestring conduit + conduit-extra containers cryptohash cryptohash-conduit data-default + directory file-embed filepath hjsmin hspec http-types HUnit + mime-types old-time process resourcet system-fileio system-filepath + template-haskell text transformers unix-compat unordered-containers + wai wai-app-static wai-extra yesod-core yesod-test + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-static-angular" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, blaze-builder, blaze-markup + , bytestring, data-default, directory, filepath, hamlet, hspec + , HUnit, language-javascript, mime-types, shakespeare + , shakespeare-css, shakespeare-js, template-haskell, text, yesod + , yesod-core, yesod-static, yesod-test + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-static-angular"; + version = "0.1.3"; + sha256 = "115lrq6mga31qhdwa3f3hrnxcn8ifgas97hy8mg4wv6ijbzw680y"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base blaze-builder blaze-markup bytestring data-default + directory filepath hamlet language-javascript mime-types + shakespeare shakespeare-css shakespeare-js template-haskell text + yesod yesod-core yesod-static + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring hamlet hspec HUnit shakespeare template-haskell + text yesod-core yesod-static yesod-test + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-example" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yesod generators for embedding AngularJs code into yesod-static at compile time"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-tableview" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, hamlet, persistent, yesod }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-tableview"; + version = "0.2.1"; + sha256 = "1qf7439c31a8xi0qs8fn2xdlrldi42n1k25lj6vn061lm8wg35yy"; + buildDepends = [ base hamlet persistent yesod ]; + description = "Table view for Yesod applications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-test" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, attoparsec, base, blaze-builder, blaze-html + , blaze-markup, bytestring, case-insensitive, containers, cookie + , hspec, hspec-core, html-conduit, http-types, HUnit, monad-control + , network, persistent, text, time, transformers, wai, wai-extra + , xml-conduit, xml-types, yesod-core, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-test"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1ijrk27arvwxm3727lfj1vv5hmlk40nn9qfnf4fwln0r3946a1wv"; + buildDepends = [ + attoparsec base blaze-builder blaze-html blaze-markup bytestring + case-insensitive containers cookie hspec-core html-conduit + http-types HUnit monad-control network persistent text time + transformers wai wai-extra xml-conduit xml-types yesod-core + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers hspec html-conduit HUnit text wai + xml-conduit yesod-core yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "integration testing for WAI/Yesod Applications"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-test-json" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, conduit, hspec + , http-types, HUnit, text, transformers, wai, wai-test + , yesod-default + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-test-json"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1z6cps85fypgymfmq0z67f1z5cr2x9l9hf4wrkncvkivbcb330bh"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring conduit hspec http-types HUnit text + transformers wai wai-test yesod-default + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Utility functions for testing JSON web services written in Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-text-markdown" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, markdown, persistent, shakespeare + , text, yesod-core, yesod-form, yesod-persistent + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-text-markdown"; + version = "0.1.7"; + sha256 = "133zv2f8240qbygpza39m28k4hfy2aiqmr6ds8ihwbb8dz98d5rr"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base markdown persistent shakespeare text yesod-core + yesod-form yesod-persistent + ]; + description = "Yesod support for Text.Markdown."; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-tls" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, fast-logger, monad-logger, template-haskell + , unix, wai, wai-extra, warp, warp-tls, yesod + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-tls"; + version = "1.4.1"; + sha256 = "0zvhchiky51pwhbcj4c86xsa98nwfw86188jxhnk2jwdgpdb9j68"; + buildDepends = [ + base fast-logger monad-logger template-haskell unix wai wai-extra + warp warp-tls yesod + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Provides main functions using warp-tls for yesod projects"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-vend" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-html, hamlet, monad-logger, persistent + , persistent-sqlite, resourcet, text, yesod, yesod-form + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-vend"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "163ah4g6k62hypm2kj1aiwnzfjx1ngss6iqfg467vjhg71s5l1j9"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-html hamlet monad-logger persistent persistent-sqlite + resourcet text yesod yesod-form + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple CRUD classes for easy view creation for Yesod"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yesod-websockets" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, conduit, monad-control, transformers + , wai, wai-websockets, websockets, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-websockets"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0ksmyag5h5i78jb7bdvsvq0wkyb82k8i4y5d2m6czvhf3i1zw6da"; + buildDepends = [ + async base conduit monad-control transformers wai wai-websockets + websockets yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "WebSockets support for Yesod"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yesod-worker" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, fast-logger, monad-control + , monad-logger, persistent, resourcet, stm, template-haskell + , transformers, transformers-base, yesod, yesod-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yesod-worker"; + version = "0.0.1"; + sha256 = "1rwmw1hhx2mm6ikmqcfjg9vgi95mjhv2w5r4dwn8796jkkw8zpkd"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers fast-logger monad-control monad-logger persistent + resourcet stm template-haskell transformers transformers-base yesod + yesod-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Drop-in(ish) background worker system for Yesod apps"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "yhccore" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, mtl, pretty, uniplate }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yhccore"; + version = "0.9.1"; + sha256 = "18gjzlpxn0hp723ybjgq1zdbpl35iqphs7b8r5x9ddbkm435sw93"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl pretty uniplate ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Yhc's Internal Core language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yi" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, Cabal + , cautious-file, containers, data-default, directory, dlist + , dynamic-state, dyre, exceptions, filepath, glib, gtk, hashable + , hint, HUnit, lens, mtl, old-locale, oo-prototypes, pango, parsec + , pointedlist, process, QuickCheck, random, regex-base, regex-tdfa + , safe, semigroups, split, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , template-haskell, text, time, transformers-base, unix + , unix-compat, unordered-containers, utf8-string, vty, word-trie + , xdg-basedir, yi-language, yi-rope + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi"; + version = "0.11.1"; + sha256 = "15m1wwrxmszl930az79lpgyz5rxg72gy8vi17ibpac1cszfdx192"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring Cabal cautious-file containers + data-default directory dlist dynamic-state dyre exceptions filepath + glib gtk hashable hint lens mtl old-locale oo-prototypes pango + parsec pointedlist process QuickCheck random regex-base regex-tdfa + safe semigroups split template-haskell text time transformers-base + unix unix-compat unordered-containers utf8-string vty word-trie + xdg-basedir yi-language yi-rope + ]; + testDepends = [ + base directory filepath HUnit lens QuickCheck semigroups tasty + tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck text yi-language yi-rope + ]; + configureFlags = [ + "-fpango" "-fvty" "-ftesting" "-f-eventlog" "-f-profiling" "-fvty" + "-fpango" + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell-Scriptable Editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-contrib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, directory, filepath, lens, mtl + , old-locale, oo-prototypes, split, text, time, transformers-base + , yi, yi-language, yi-rope + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-contrib"; + version = "0.10.1"; + sha256 = "053hsahkxwg2mnf3h4j95gj18x5791dqqji43l310i4l7mliw91k"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers directory filepath lens mtl old-locale + oo-prototypes split text time transformers-base yi yi-language + yi-rope + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Add-ons to Yi, the Haskell-Scriptable Editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-emacs-colours" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, split, yi-language }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-emacs-colours"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1kbds9s0r67bdvigjk0c58slbifnddp6ppv4jrgv6493pylp78qv"; + buildDepends = [ base containers split yi-language ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple mapping from colour names used in emacs to Color"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-fuzzy-open" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, containers, data-default, directory + , filepath, mtl, text, transformers-base, vector, yi, yi-language + , yi-rope + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-fuzzy-open"; + version = "0.1.0"; + sha256 = "03y7ddas8w380asx4ldafp1r3h4nlyjky7n4n5sdyvwbi0rix1gc"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary containers data-default directory filepath mtl text + transformers-base vector yi yi-language yi-rope + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Fuzzy open plugin for Yi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-gtk" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-gtk"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1lgdzrxq3g24wy658ydknb98isyksdknn2bfdzsfi68rnij6z6nz"; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yi-language" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, alex, array, base, binary, containers + , data-default, derive, filepath, hashable, hspec, lens + , oo-prototypes, pointedlist, QuickCheck, regex-base, regex-tdfa + , template-haskell, transformers-base, unordered-containers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-language"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1gsh0njslncfh0r5wg1rq9w4f03ixkk5grd9zigkspsndhij7379"; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary containers data-default derive hashable lens + oo-prototypes pointedlist regex-base regex-tdfa template-haskell + transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + testDepends = [ + array base binary containers data-default derive filepath hashable + hspec lens pointedlist QuickCheck regex-base regex-tdfa + template-haskell transformers-base unordered-containers + ]; + buildTools = [ alex ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Collection of language-related Yi libraries"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-monokai" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, yi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-monokai"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nghfyiy8jdz144nbw0c2cdy8n6xyjmk31g6z24jk8dij7iwb60l"; + buildDepends = [ base yi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Monokai colour theme for the Yi text editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yi-rope" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, charsetdetect-ae + , data-default, deepseq, fingertree, hspec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances, text, text-icu + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-rope"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "123p0m31h8qa53jl2sd646s1hrs5qnb7y82y7bzgg2zny4qqw9a2"; + buildDepends = [ + base binary bytestring charsetdetect-ae data-default deepseq + fingertree text text-icu + ]; + testDepends = [ base hspec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances text ]; + description = "A rope data structure used by Yi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-snippet" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, yi, yi-rope }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-snippet"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qbn5x7lbvb9h6gdqgvldzyy7z5y5aa9a02ss48zkccss5p6939d"; + buildDepends = [ base containers yi yi-rope ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Snippet support for Yi"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl2; + }) {}; + + "yi-spolsky" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, yi }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-spolsky"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "152ys2x416322c13nxmi25wpilq0ddd6hj36mr25jaacf1qszv6q"; + buildDepends = [ base yi ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Spolsky colour theme for the Yi text editor"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yi-vty" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yi-vty"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "01jp8xcxq9a1s6fp4yivnvr5a48svjir70yl0dhhwil0l3m9v9c9"; + homepage = ""; + description = "The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yices" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, parsec, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yices"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k3q789dapk0c311x72w4r008rnbfz3cvajahxq208gy8iyjx9iz"; + buildDepends = [ base parsec process ]; + description = "Haskell programming interface to Yices SMT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yices-easy" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bindings-yices, containers, transformers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yices-easy"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "13nl3isf8npqmgsa7mc7713g7y0nk33a654rm1qnn1s6zyz41v70"; + buildDepends = [ base bindings-yices containers transformers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Simple interface to the Yices SMT (SAT modulo theories) solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yices-painless" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gmp, pretty, strict-concurrency + , vector, yices + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yices-painless"; + version = "0.1.2"; + sha256 = "1q0hxzvhd9p0qb0fyps6hn06nhqcwldxyfljk8880il17ky92p3h"; + buildDepends = [ + base containers pretty strict-concurrency vector + ]; + extraLibraries = [ gmp yices ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fyices-dynamic" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "An embedded language for programming the Yices SMT solver"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) yices; }; + + "yjftp" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ftphs, haskeline, hsConfigure + , mtl, process, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yjftp"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "11iwz7mrx3f72i3d4l9zvqb8g0722aj00s7h7wa06y4l69rfnj6m"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory ftphs haskeline hsConfigure mtl process unix + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp'"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yjftp-libs" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, ftphs, mtl, process, unix }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yjftp-libs"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "1rlw9i1a034lg7gc60fkxjh6kc5yrbapc745gwl1ddi2wisy3h24"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory ftphs mtl process unix ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp'"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yjsvg" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, HaXml }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yjsvg"; + version = "0.1.18"; + sha256 = "1k9shfj53vqg1wgm06k2729md0q5y252sypjkx245sn3x0a7ffji"; + buildDepends = [ base HaXml ]; + description = "make SVG string from Haskell data"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yjtools" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yjtools"; + version = "0.9.18"; + sha256 = "13zbq37p2prbyxq1wply7qqpc2wwsic78wzcgbc430nfrrpiq4lv"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "some tools for Monad, List, Tuple and so on"; + license = "LGPL"; + }) {}; + + "yocto" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, parsec, QuickCheck + , quickcheck-instances + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yocto"; + version = "1.0.1"; + sha256 = "0i92yraawhn6qkw23wm5vmgwcjgy9pis684jyq8mkawbw0nv3q9a"; + buildDepends = [ base containers parsec ]; + testDepends = [ + base containers parsec QuickCheck quickcheck-instances + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "yoko" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bifunctors, containers, invariant, kinds + , mtl, records, semigroups, template-haskell, th-sccs, type-cereal + , type-digits, type-equality, type-functions, type-ord + , type-ord-spine-cereal, type-spine + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yoko"; + version = "2.0"; + sha256 = "07ivcx6xbmjpyj7053fp151k47y7pllwjddxxrwayrlx2qx456z6"; + buildDepends = [ + base bifunctors containers invariant kinds mtl records semigroups + template-haskell th-sccs type-cereal type-digits type-equality + type-functions type-ord type-ord-spine-cereal type-spine + ]; + description = "Generic Programming with Disbanded Data Types"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "york-lava" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, haskell98 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "york-lava"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1rpkxlfvk84zl965ik5bpplzcskd96wsnicp66ixnfs9bkqfj7qb"; + buildDepends = [ base containers haskell98 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A library for digital circuit description"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "youtube" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, process, utility-ht }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "youtube"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0n33778aflcdzdkc6p0qaxdqvmyzdyg0r6rg4q2wh0g74m6pl2m4"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring process utility-ht ]; + description = "Upload video to YouTube via YouTube API"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "yql" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, base64-bytestring, bytestring + , containers, cryptohash, data-default, ecma262, exceptions + , hslogger, http-conduit, http-types, hxt, lens, opendatatable + , parsec, SHA, text, transformers, unordered-containers + , uri-template, utf8-string, uuid, vector, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yql"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "1qwk78adndk2m48inxklqj1rc58wx4jrdim60gwy7ax2d3w92pg6"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base base64-bytestring bytestring containers cryptohash + data-default ecma262 exceptions hslogger http-conduit http-types + hxt lens opendatatable parsec SHA text transformers + unordered-containers uri-template utf8-string uuid vector zlib + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A YQL engine to execute Open Data Tables"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd2; + }) {}; + + "yst" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, containers, csv, directory, filepath + , HDBC, HDBC-sqlite3, HStringTemplate, old-locale, old-time, pandoc + , parsec, scientific, split, text, time, unordered-containers + , xhtml, yaml + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yst"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0i69pjzrxc330kfy3nvhzf59640h4p9w5lxpjlr31xbl7w1qqx12"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base containers csv directory filepath HDBC HDBC-sqlite3 + HStringTemplate old-locale old-time pandoc parsec scientific split + text time unordered-containers xhtml yaml + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Builds a static website from templates and data in YAML or CSV files"; + license = "GPL"; + }) {}; + + "yuiGrid" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yuiGrid"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "005l0rr9l0l81706drq57nww4h0j4rw8n0ncpnkdb139941gywzq"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "Grids defined by layout hints and implemented on top of Yahoo grids"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "yuuko" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, curl, deepseq + , directory, filepath, haskell98, mtl, network, parsec + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "yuuko"; + version = "2010.11.28"; + sha256 = "01pf0mg6lgm34src1mfz3qj41vyhmvi50yjyv72zwamd0g7sx374"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers curl deepseq directory filepath + haskell98 mtl network parsec + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A transcendental HTML parser gently wrapping the HXT library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "z3" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, containers, gomp, mtl, z3 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "z3"; + version = "0.3.2"; + sha256 = "1qlklpzpjfbqjgzzkyv2j06ps42brria4px2ir2fvwgdjfzxha4n"; + buildDepends = [ base containers mtl ]; + extraLibraries = [ gomp z3 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) z3; + gomp = null; }; + + "zampolit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, cmdargs, containers, directory, filepath + , HSH, MissingH, old-locale, parsec, time + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zampolit"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1bhp98bn41lqxdl48xxcb4b4fknva2aigq5gxffcha535igdmdy3"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base cmdargs containers directory filepath HSH MissingH old-locale + parsec time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A tool for checking how much work is done on group projects"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zasni-gerna" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, papillon }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zasni-gerna"; + version = "0.0.7"; + sha256 = "1zl2kcd0hr021xl6pjvvxwxvmpb02cq04ck39qkwil56vannnksw"; + buildDepends = [ base papillon ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "lojban parser (zasni gerna)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zcache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, mersenne-random-pure64 }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zcache"; + version = "0.0.0"; + sha256 = "10j0fwf58ig0j44f7p57zr8by6i9j1agnjzk6cs65iimm79m9avb"; + buildDepends = [ array base containers mersenne-random-pure64 ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Zobrist keys for game state tracking"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zenc" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zenc"; + version = "0.1.1"; + sha256 = "0p0h7vz14k9v8gsnpkb9ca61i1k67vvsjg0bzy0ag4m20k94zlb2"; + buildDepends = [ base ]; + description = "GHC style name Z-encoding and Z-decoding"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zendesk-api" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, case-insensitive, conduit + , connection, data-default, failure, http-client, http-client-tls + , http-conduit, http-types, monad-logger, mtl, pem + , template-haskell, text, time, tls, transformers + , unordered-containers, x509, x509-store, x509-validation + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zendesk-api"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1x6801i5rw6a0nfdihi04bmka8qww9c77r7ygbhp3zx1hqdpdmmc"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base bytestring case-insensitive conduit connection + data-default failure http-client http-client-tls http-conduit + http-types monad-logger mtl pem template-haskell text time tls + transformers unordered-containers x509 x509-store x509-validation + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Zendesk API for Haskell programming language"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "zeno" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, directory, ghc, ghc-paths + , mtl, parallel, process, random, text, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeno"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "03jwhgi9n9iv7zpn8nwkdyvsybsksnhsji8k2ma9rzayk36aba6v"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers directory ghc ghc-paths mtl parallel process + random text transformers + ]; + description = "An automated proof system for Haskell programs"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "zeromq-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, QuickCheck + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, zeromq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeromq-haskell"; + version = "0.8.4"; + sha256 = "0lvjszi08r5wm5ch03153y7lir6cdgqr2gnhq45j4b0kid6gkpv3"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring containers ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring containers QuickCheck test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 + ]; + extraLibraries = [ zeromq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to ZeroMQ 2.1.x"; + license =; + }) { zeromq = null; }; + + "zeromq3-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, conduit, lifted-base + , monad-control, mtl, resourcet, transformers, zeromq3-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeromq3-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1n6xl5izdkbl2mb4msryrcasg08prjbgzwilz4b7yi1g79y1yf77"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit lifted-base monad-control mtl resourcet + transformers zeromq3-haskell + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Conduit bindings for zeromq3-haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "zeromq3-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, ansi-terminal, async, base, bytestring, checkers + , containers, MonadCatchIO-transformers, QuickCheck, semigroups + , transformers, zeromq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeromq3-haskell"; + version = "0.5.2"; + sha256 = "1ky92qwyk27qsxnvaj0mc9yyhk7g19ry2nq55666ayahc899z213"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers MonadCatchIO-transformers + semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + ansi-terminal async base bytestring checkers containers + MonadCatchIO-transformers QuickCheck transformers + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ zeromq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to ZeroMQ 3.x"; + license =; + }) { zeromq = null; }; + + "zeromq4-haskell" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, async, base, bytestring, containers, exceptions + , QuickCheck, semigroups, tasty, tasty-hunit, tasty-quickcheck + , transformers, zeromq + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeromq4-haskell"; + version = "0.6.2"; + sha256 = "07dbsapzc4hqq9sg63v4wyjad13sqh9zsx3ckwc5hg5z6vknpafb"; + buildDepends = [ + async base bytestring containers exceptions semigroups transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ + async base bytestring QuickCheck tasty tasty-hunit tasty-quickcheck + ]; + pkgconfigDepends = [ zeromq ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Bindings to ZeroMQ 4.x"; + license =; + }) { zeromq = null; }; + + "zeroth" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, Cabal, derive, directory, filepath + , haskell-src-exts, hskeleton, monoid-record, process, syb + , template-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zeroth"; + version = "2009.6.23.3"; + sha256 = "10ilsxlha4l7c4z3jl6lykcjns6igyk2qma2a03yzpvgz7ijy4c0"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base Cabal derive directory filepath haskell-src-exts hskeleton + monoid-record process syb template-haskell + ]; + description = "ZeroTH - remove unnecessary TH dependencies"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zigbee-znet25" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, MissingH, mtl + , QuickCheck, random, transformers + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zigbee-znet25"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0kv52f7zhgd2x44a2dg89jrsxiis73m8884f4zmxdbznhq1prqf5"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal MissingH mtl transformers + ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring mtl QuickCheck random ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-developer" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "XBee ZNet 2.5 (ZigBee) wireless modem communications"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zip-archive" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, binary, bytestring, containers + , digest, directory, filepath, HUnit, mtl, old-time, pretty + , process, text, time, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zip-archive"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0qa3qvaj0xkh4qw7s96rkbdmkyhnql6g92yplm7m6n7z7nxrcs18"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base binary bytestring containers digest directory filepath + mtl old-time pretty text time unix zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring directory HUnit old-time process time + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-executable" "-fsplitbase" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Library for creating and modifying zip archives"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zip-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, cereal, conduit, conduit-extra + , digest, directory, filepath, hpc, HUnit, mtl, old-time, resourcet + , temporary, test-framework, test-framework-hunit, time + , transformers, utf8-string + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zip-conduit"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0spb6b1mwcqwzrr231i5s6hcln9jck0z03jdfh1zlm87mvp8670v"; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring cereal conduit conduit-extra digest directory + filepath mtl old-time resourcet time transformers utf8-string + ]; + testDepends = [ + base bytestring conduit directory filepath hpc HUnit mtl resourcet + temporary test-framework test-framework-hunit time + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Working with zip archives via conduits"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zipedit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, mtl, process }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zipedit"; + version = "0.2.3"; + sha256 = "17msh3gwylmsiabyz5x05ir2xh8h904kbp5isnvbf0z4kzfv33cr"; + buildDepends = [ base directory mtl process ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Create simple list editor interfaces"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zipper" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, multirec }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zipper"; + version = "0.4.2"; + sha256 = "1r8092amq5w9gl5szycl1r7wx87xnmkcapdzcwfa4c3pvxrhjy44"; + buildDepends = [ base multirec ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Generic zipper for families of recursive datatypes"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zippers" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, doctest, filepath, lens + , profunctors, semigroupoids + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zippers"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "1rlf01dc6dcy9sx89npsisdz1yg9v4h2byd6ms602bxnmjllm1ls"; + buildDepends = [ base lens profunctors semigroupoids ]; + testDepends = [ base directory doctest filepath ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Traversal based zippers"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zippo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, mtl, yall }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zippo"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "1ihdird5yryfb2ki9bwwchj8bxjcmmgjkp3hl605zzhi2lz3awx2"; + buildDepends = [ base mtl yall ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A simple lens-based, generic, heterogenous, type-checked zipper library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zlib" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zlib"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "15hhsk7z3gvm7sz2ic2z1ca5c6rpsln2rr391mdbm1bxlzc1gmkm"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring ]; + extraLibraries = [ zlib ]; + description = "Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) { inherit (pkgs) zlib; }; + + "zlib-bindings" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, hspec, QuickCheck, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zlib-bindings"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "02ciywlz4wdlymgc3jsnicz9kzvymjw1www2163gxidnz4wb8fy8"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring zlib ]; + testDepends = [ base bytestring hspec QuickCheck zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Low-level bindings to the zlib package. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zlib-conduit" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, conduit }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zlib-conduit"; + version = "1.1.0"; + sha256 = "1b22mca8bbg7f84h8y0qsb5ckzg2dw1b26y27x7b7xdxqbwpz93a"; + buildDepends = [ base conduit ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (deprecated)"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zlib-enum" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, enumerator, transformers + , zlib-bindings + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zlib-enum"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1nfczminxafzk69ry1sqkj1ha0jlv3l9ak10yk205snfhpmcjgg4"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring enumerator transformers zlib-bindings + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-f-test" ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Enumerator interface for zlib compression"; + license =; + }) {}; + + "zlib-lens" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, lens, zlib }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zlib-lens"; + version = "0.1"; + sha256 = "1sdvdfw2kimi7pxmv4xdha9q19sglfhaxacypfz3za1rajk0bfzx"; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring lens zlib ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Lenses for zlib"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zmcat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, zeromq3-haskell }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zmcat"; + version = "0.3"; + sha256 = "0lg5fn89wj5blbp2gh760ibxb2zz9f11jnwicfsmsayra51micip"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base bytestring zeromq3-haskell ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Command-line tool for ZeroMQ"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zmidi-core" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, binary, bytestring, containers }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zmidi-core"; + version = "0.7.0"; + sha256 = "0v8zcybr46rcdpvsji0dzr78skj79jp8l9sd49z6c7s5sddzjm9l"; + buildDepends = [ base binary bytestring containers ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Read and write MIDI files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zmidi-score" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, aeson, base, binary, containers, data-ordlist + , deepseq, deepseq-generics, directory, filepath, mtl, parallel-io + , text, zmidi-core + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zmidi-score"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zhh6bdpbng69sajxdvj2mnd385gc8yyli3jzyjfxp0wr0hv3biv"; + buildDepends = [ + aeson base binary containers data-ordlist deepseq deepseq-generics + directory filepath mtl parallel-io text zmidi-core + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Representing MIDI a simple score"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3; + }) {}; + + "zmqat" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, classy-prelude, optparse-applicative + , semigroups, zeromq4-haskell + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zmqat"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "1k10wflfsivq792jvl3bhb8nkpx6m3z8qzarz6q8aw5hs2wslvrv"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base classy-prelude optparse-applicative semigroups zeromq4-haskell + ]; + description = "A socat-like tool for zeromq library"; + license = "unknown"; + }) {}; + + "zoneinfo" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, time }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zoneinfo"; + version = "0.5"; + sha256 = "1n27j8ca79a1ijn7k7dp61kjz62i6zfzlns8n0kwgyvpx413ws8y"; + buildDepends = [ base time ]; + description = "ZoneInfo library"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zoom" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, ghc, hamlet, hint, mtl + , template-haskell, text + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zoom"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0zsr3k4c6da1l5cw3laj2snfszm4g0bz76hj2bjj61yrwmc99vnl"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base directory filepath ghc hamlet hint mtl template-haskell text + ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "A rake/thor-like task runner written in Haskell"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zoom-cache" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , data-default, iteratee, iteratee-compress, ListLike + , MonadCatchIO-transformers, mtl, old-locale, QuickCheck, random + , test-framework, test-framework-quickcheck2, time, transformers + , type-level, ui-command, unix, zlib + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zoom-cache"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0761xpfmmm309r6r44ax7x2zs49dskygl2c09x2kpxpfr7rr3k5f"; + isLibrary = true; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers data-default iteratee + iteratee-compress ListLike MonadCatchIO-transformers mtl old-locale + QuickCheck time transformers type-level ui-command unix zlib + ]; + testDepends = [ + base blaze-builder iteratee QuickCheck random test-framework + test-framework-quickcheck2 transformers type-level unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "A streamable, seekable, zoomable cache file format"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zoom-cache-pcm" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, blaze-builder, bytestring, containers + , iteratee, ListLike, mtl, type-level, zoom-cache + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zoom-cache-pcm"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0r676wb4q7wmin3liqh525w43pgdf0gmcfx2ccpbvc4ahain9vyq"; + buildDepends = [ + base blaze-builder bytestring containers iteratee ListLike mtl + type-level zoom-cache + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Library for zoom-cache PCM audio codecs"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zoom-cache-sndfile" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, data-default + , hsndfile, hsndfile-vector, mtl, ui-command, vector, zoom-cache + , zoom-cache-pcm + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zoom-cache-sndfile"; + version = ""; + sha256 = "0722wy6rqbx4gajn3sp946scganr2arhinxrqyq5fvvsbdxacwhz"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + base bytestring containers data-default hsndfile hsndfile-vector + mtl ui-command vector zoom-cache zoom-cache-pcm + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-fsplitbase" ]; + description = "Tools for generating zoom-cache-pcm files"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.lgpl21; + }) {}; + + "zot" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, monads-tf }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zot"; + version = "0.0.2"; + sha256 = "12wgkrlvhby0gy6kngjwyx468yarpgkiwy51v6zb8jhx79mhidq3"; + editedCabalFile = "325ccedb3426935b4a56f838f3d05fc914b72729a2b80d6c804bec5657593a40"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base monads-tf ]; + description = "Zot language"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "zsh-battery" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, mtl }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "zsh-battery"; + version = "0.2"; + sha256 = "04d812dcvkbjg2y0q4q855r6g9nr2k54k2jhnbksbpnxkz0cmaxr"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ base directory filepath mtl ]; + homepage = ""; + description = "Ascii bars representing battery status"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + + "ztail" = callPackage + ({ mkDerivation, array, base, containers, filepath, hinotify + , old-locale, process, regex-compat, time, unix + }: + mkDerivation { + pname = "ztail"; + version = "1.1"; + sha256 = "11x6whwyfgdgda5bhdck0k12inzix8cjfm42hh09p703nalk07nq"; + isLibrary = false; + isExecutable = true; + buildDepends = [ + array base containers filepath hinotify old-locale process + regex-compat time unix + ]; + configureFlags = [ "-finotify" ]; + description = "Multi-file, colored, filtered log tailer"; + license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3; + }) {}; + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1e257e1ad782 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + + overrideCabal = drv: f: drv.override (args: args // { + mkDerivation = drv: args.mkDerivation (drv // f drv); + }); + +} diff --git a/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/with-packages-wrapper.nix b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/with-packages-wrapper.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..071f868875f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/with-packages-wrapper.nix @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +{ stdenv, ghc, packages, buildEnv, makeWrapper, ignoreCollisions ? false }: + +# This wrapper works only with GHC 6.12 or later. +assert stdenv.lib.versionOlder "6.12" ghc.version; + +# It's probably a good idea to include the library "ghc-paths" in the +# compiler environment, because we have a specially patched version of +# that package in Nix that honors these environment variables +# +# NIX_GHC +# NIX_GHCPKG +# NIX_GHC_DOCDIR +# NIX_GHC_LIBDIR +# +# instead of hard-coding the paths. The wrapper sets these variables +# appropriately to configure ghc-paths to point back to the wrapper +# instead of to the pristine GHC package, which doesn't know any of the +# additional libraries. +# +# A good way to import the environment set by the wrapper below into +# your shell is to add the following snippet to your ~/.bashrc: +# +# if [ -e ~/.nix-profile/bin/ghc ]; then +# eval $(grep export ~/.nix-profile/bin/ghc) +# fi + +let + ghc761OrLater = stdenv.lib.versionOlder "7.6.1" ghc.version; + packageDBFlag = if ghc761OrLater then "--global-package-db" else "--global-conf"; + libDir = "$out/lib/ghc-${ghc.version}"; + docDir = "$out/share/doc/ghc/html"; + packageCfgDir = "${libDir}/package.conf.d"; + isHaskellPkg = x: (x ? pname) && (x ? version); +in +if packages == [] then ghc else +buildEnv { + name = "haskell-env-${}"; + paths = stdenv.lib.filter isHaskellPkg (stdenv.lib.closePropagation packages) ++ [ghc]; + inherit ignoreCollisions; + postBuild = '' + . ${makeWrapper}/nix-support/setup-hook + + for prg in ghc ghci ghc-${ghc.version} ghci-${ghc.version}; do + rm -f $out/bin/$prg + makeWrapper ${ghc}/bin/$prg $out/bin/$prg \ + --add-flags '"-B$NIX_GHC_LIBDIR"' \ + --set "NIX_GHC" "$out/bin/ghc" \ + --set "NIX_GHCPKG" "$out/bin/ghc-pkg" \ + --set "NIX_GHC_DOCDIR" "${docDir}" \ + --set "NIX_GHC_LIBDIR" "${libDir}" + done + + for prg in runghc runhaskell; do + rm -f $out/bin/$prg + makeWrapper ${ghc}/bin/$prg $out/bin/$prg \ + --add-flags "-f $out/bin/ghc" \ + --set "NIX_GHC" "$out/bin/ghc" \ + --set "NIX_GHCPKG" "$out/bin/ghc-pkg" \ + --set "NIX_GHC_DOCDIR" "${docDir}" \ + --set "NIX_GHC_LIBDIR" "${libDir}" + done + + for prg in ghc-pkg ghc-pkg-${ghc.version}; do + rm -f $out/bin/$prg + makeWrapper ${ghc}/bin/$prg $out/bin/$prg --add-flags "${packageDBFlag}=${packageCfgDir}" + done + + rm $out/lib/${}/package.conf.d + mkdir $out/lib/${}/package.conf.d + for pkg in $paths; do + for file in "$pkg/nix-support/${}-package.conf.d/"*.conf "$pkg/lib/${}/package.conf.d/"*.conf; do + ln -sf $file $out/lib/${}/package.conf.d/ + done + done + + $out/bin/ghc-pkg recache + $out/bin/ghc-pkg check + ''; +} diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix index e99dbd2f04c9..4f9ce8f3afa8 100644 --- a/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix +++ b/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix @@ -3387,8 +3387,6 @@ let builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength "packages_") name == "packages_" ) haskell)); - haskellPackages = haskellPackages_ghc784; - haskellPackages_ghc6104 = haskell.packages_ghc6104; haskellPackages_ghc6123 = haskell.packages_ghc6123; haskellPackages_ghc704 = haskell.packages_ghc704; @@ -3400,6 +3398,13 @@ let haskellPackages_ghc784 = recurseIntoAttrs haskell.packages_ghc784.highPrio; haskellPackages_ghcHEAD = haskell.packages_ghcHEAD; haskellPackages_ghcjs = haskell.packages_ghcjs; + haskellPackages = haskellPackages_ghc784; + + haskell-ng = callPackage ./haskell-ng.nix { }; + haskellngPackages = haskell-ng.packages.ghc784.override { + overrides = config.haskellPackageOverrides or (self: super: {}); + provideOldAttributeNames = config.provideOldHaskellAttributeNames or false; + }; haxe = callPackage ../development/compilers/haxe { }; diff --git a/pkgs/top-level/haskell-ng.nix b/pkgs/top-level/haskell-ng.nix new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..24e1023da53b --- /dev/null +++ b/pkgs/top-level/haskell-ng.nix @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +{ pkgs, callPackage }: + +rec { + + compiler = { + + ghc6102Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.10.2-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; + ghc704Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.0.4-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; + ghc742Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.4.2-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; + + ghc6104 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.10.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc6102Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc6123 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.12.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc6102Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc704 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.0.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc722 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.2.2.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc742 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.4.2.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc763 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.6.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc783 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.8.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc742Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghc784 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.8.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc742Binary; gmp = pkgs.gmp.override { withStatic = true; }; }; + ghcHEAD = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/head.nix { inherit (packages.ghc784) ghc alex happy; }; + ghc = compiler.ghc784; + + }; + + packages = { + + ghc6104 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc6104; }; + ghc6123 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc6123; }; + ghc704 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc704; }; + ghc722 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc722; }; + ghc742 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc742; }; + ghc763 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { + ghc = compiler.ghc763; + packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix { }; + }; + + ghc784 = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { + ghc = compiler.ghc784; + packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix { }; + }; + + ghcHEAD = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { + ghc = compiler.ghcHEAD; + packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.9.x.nix { }; + }; + + ghcjs = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules { + packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix { }; + }; + + }; +}