Fork 0
forked from mirrors/nixpkgs

Try to cut recursion depth in uniqList and closePropagation.

This commit is contained in:
Andres Loeh 2012-07-18 11:18:15 +02:00
parent 83505f15b2
commit 3fbd694d7d

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@ -158,14 +158,15 @@ rec {
(tail x))))) condList)) ;
# !!! This function has O(n^2) performance, so you probably don't want to use it!
uniqList = {inputList, outputList ? []}:
if (inputList == []) then outputList else
let x=head inputList;
newOutputList = outputList ++
(if elem x outputList then [] else [x]);
in uniqList {outputList=newOutputList;
inputList = (tail inputList);};
# This function has O(n^2) performance.
uniqList = {inputList, acc ? []} :
let go = xs : acc :
if xs == []
then []
else let x = head xs;
y = if elem x acc then [] else [x];
in go (y ++ tail xs) (y ++ acc);
in go inputList acc;
uniqListExt = {inputList, outputList ? [],
getter ? (x : x), compare ? (x: y: x==y)}:
@ -214,16 +215,22 @@ rec {
modifySumArgs = f: x: innerModifySumArgs f x {};
innerClosePropagation = ready: list: if list == [] then ready else
if ! isAttrs (head list) then
/* builtins.trace ("not an attrSet: ${lib.showVal (head list)}") */
innerClosePropagation ready (tail list)
(ready ++ [(head list)])
((tail list)
++ (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildInputs" [] (head list))
++ (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildNativeInputs" [] (head list)));
innerClosePropagation = acc : xs :
if xs == []
then acc
else let y = head xs;
ys = tail xs;
in if ! isAttrs y
then innerClosePropagation acc ys
else let acc' = [y] ++ acc;
in innerClosePropagation
(uniqList { inputList = (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildInputs" [] y)
++ (maybeAttrNullable "propagatedBuildNativeInputs" [] y)
++ ys;
acc = acc';
closePropagation = list: (uniqList {inputList = (innerClosePropagation [] list);});